Early miscarriage. Additional interrupt methods. Spontaneous abortion or menstruation

Not many girls, having learned about pregnancy, are ready to become parents and be responsible for little man. But for successful motherhood it is necessary that the conception be planned, and the child desirable. If pregnancy was not included in the woman’s plans, and the conception was accidental, then girls, as a rule, make an artificial interruption. Someone applies to the LCD, and someone is trying to terminate a pregnancy on early dates folk remedies. How effective and safe such methods are, whether they should be used, possible complications and other subtleties will be discussed below.

A serious approach to planning will help to avoid unwanted conception

Pregnancy must be desirable for both parents, who prepared in advance and planned such a crucial step. Then bearing will not be a burden, and the ongoing changes in the body will only please.

If a woman finds out about a pregnancy that is not desirable for her, then she begins to look for ways to get rid of such a conception. Not everyone seeks professional medical care, many use folk methods termination of pregnancy. The safest interruption times folk ways the first 5 weeks count. A miscarriage at such times has a minimal likelihood of developing adverse complications. The fertilized cell has not yet properly fixed itself to the endometrium and does not have special protection against the influence of negative factors, which complicates the preservation of gestation and increases the chances of interruption.

Various factors can provoke an interruption, such as overheating and nervous stress, infections, etc. Some medicinal herbs, so they have long been used to perform home abortion. Such techniques make it possible to avoid surgical intervention because the fetus comes out naturally along with bleeding. But it is difficult to control such processes at home, bleeding can become too strong, which is dangerous for blood loss or incomplete delivery of the fetus, which is fraught with purulent and infectious complications. Traditional methods in this regard are still safer.

How effective are these methods?

The decision to have an abortion always remains with the patient, but before resorting to folk remedies for abortion, it is worth considering that there will be no way back after such actions. If the process of interruption is not entirely successful and the fetus continues to develop, then this can lead to the birth of a disabled child. In addition, during a home abortion, complications may develop or interruptions simply will not occur. Therefore, having decided on such a risky act, it is necessary to be prepared for possible problems and not resort to such methods on later dates gestation.

Before using the decoction, consultation with a doctor is required.

To avoid the absence of an abortive effect or the development of any complications, it is necessary to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and determine its duration. In addition, you need to choose wisely home method, study it, read the reviews of those who used a similar method of miscarriage. You also need to take care of your own safety, so it is better that someone from the household is nearby, and there is always a phone at hand to call an ambulance.

After such an interruption, it is necessary to pass gynecological examination and make an ultrasound scan of the uterine cavity in order to know for sure that a miscarriage has occurred and nothing is left inside, otherwise the development of complications cannot be avoided.

Home Interruption with Medicinal Plants

Alternative medicine has many recipes that help to terminate pregnancy with folk remedies without the use of surgical intervention. Widely used for home abortion medicinal plants that have an abortive effect. These herbs work various directions, they can provoke the development of the tone of the uterine body or stop the vital processes of the fetus, which in the future will lead to spontaneous interruption.

In order to induce miscarriage, plants can be used in the form of infusions, enemas or decoctions. As a rule, they contain toxic components, therefore they have a toxic effect. Therefore, when using similar methods interruption, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended dosages.

  • Anise. Abortion remedies often include this plant, because it provokes the development of uterine bleeding. Anise grass has long been used by healers to disrupt gestation and get rid of an unwanted fetus. Two large lodges of crushed dry raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes, and then insist another half an hour. When the infusion has cooled, it is filtered and drunk 50 ml before meals for 20 minutes.
  • Barberry. With an abortive purpose, an alcohol infusion of the foliage of this plant is used. Two large spoons of raw materials insist two weeks in 100 ml of alcohol or high-quality vodka. The container must be removed in a dry and dark place. As the drug is aged, it will begin to turn yellow, and then acquire brown shade. It is necessary to take barberry tincture 25 drops three times a day, you can dilute them with water. Often such a tool is used as emergency contraception.
  • It is widely believed that an abortion with folk remedies can be carried out using the well-known aloe. It would seem that such a harmless plant, which even children are often treated with. However, when it is used, active contractions of the uterine muscles begin, which leads to the expulsion gestational sac. For an abortive effect, the plant must be taken in the form of juice. A single serving is the juice of one leaf of a medium-sized plant. A day you need to take the remedy 4 times. You can also just chew the leaves.
  • Oregano. Another medicinal plant, better known for its healing properties rather than abortive action. To interrupt gestation, it is necessary to prepare an aqueous infusion of 0.5 liters of boiling water and 2 large spoons of a dry plant. As a result of drinking such a drink, bleeding begins and the fetus is expelled.

Other herbs

It is necessary to make sure that there is no allergy to a particular plant.

Marsh wild rosemary. The finished dried plant can be purchased at pharmacies. A teaspoon of dry grass is brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled for a minute, and then insisted for another hour and a half under the lid. It is necessary to take such an infusion three times a day, two large spoons before meals.

Tansy. From this plant you need to prepare a strong decoction. Tansy provokes the occurrence uterine contractions, which lead to the expulsion of the fetus. Two small spoons of flowers of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is taken before meals 3 r / d, 50 g each. When pronounced cramping-like pain appears, the reception is stopped. Some girls did not have pain after taking the remedy, but simply appeared bloody issues similar to menses.

The above methods of abortion can have dangerous consequences, so you should not resort to them once again, because there are more qualified abortive methods.

Termination of pregnancy with pills

There are many drugs that can provoke the development of a miscarriage. Usually, their effectiveness is explained by the ability to block the production of progesterone, which makes the further development of pregnancy impossible. Such pills will help to successfully interrupt conception only when short term gestation (up to 5-6 weeks), that is, they must be taken from the first day of delay.

The most famous of this category of drugs for home abortion is Mifegin. Experts say that the abortive efficacy of the drug is 100%, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is negligible. Also widely used for medical interruption Pencrofton, and its effectiveness is also quite high if taken before the 6-week gestation period.

Usually, already a few hours after taking the drug, the patient develops a pulling soreness in the abdomen and spotting appears, which indicates an abortion that has begun. Approximately 3-4 days after such a procedure, a woman must definitely undergo an ultrasound scan to exclude complications. If during the interruption the woman felt sharp deterioration feeling, you need to call an ambulance.

Additional interrupt methods

If you feel unwell, you should seek medical help

There are other ways home interruption unwanted conception, but they must be used with extreme caution, since such methods can lead to very dangerous consequences up to irreversible infertility or death. Yes, and experts are extremely negative about such dangerous experiments with their own health.

Some girls, having learned about conception, begin to actively carry weights, overloading the body and trying to provoke a miscarriage. Indeed, heavy lifting causes tension and spasms of the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage. Physical overload also includes various jumps, including from a height, but it is not known how much and how to jump. Therefore, in practice, such methods rarely end in a successful interruption.

Among the most famous home methods of abortion are the following:

  1. Mustard bath. This method is considered one of the oldest, and quite dangerous. Take a hot bath and add to it mustard powder and mix well. Take such a bath for about half an hour, if necessary, adding hot water to maintain desired temperature. Under the influence of mustard and hot water, blood circulation increases, the pressure in the uterine body rises and abortive processes are triggered. If you still decide to dangerous way interruptions, someone should always be nearby, because because of the hot water, loss of consciousness is possible or the bleeding that has opened will be too plentiful. IN similar cases definitely need to call a doctor.
  2. Bay leaf. Too enough old method based on the reception of bay decoction. A package of leaves is steamed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. The broth is drunk in one go, and the remaining leaves are wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina overnight.
  3. Iodine solution. To interrupt in this way, you need to heat a glass of milk and add 10 drops of iodine there. The drink must be drunk immediately. The method quite often leads to the freezing of the fetus, and then its rejection. But practice shows that after such an interruption, the fetal egg is not always rejected, so the woman still has to clean the uterine body. In addition, if after using this method a breakdown does not occur, then the child is likely to be born with congenital pathologies.

Home interruption methods are quite risky and can also lead to very dangerous complications.

Possible consequences of self-abortion

Among the most frequent consequences folk abortive methods - no result. A woman drinks some kind of decoction and expects a miscarriage, but it does not happen. Well, if the effect is completely absent, then the development of the fetus will continue without any deviations. It is dangerous if such events lead to the freezing of the fetus or the egg does not come out completely. Then putrefactive processes will begin inside and infection will occur.

Also frequent complication uncontrolled bleeding, poisoning with plant poisons, irreversible infertility and even death. Therefore, it is better to take care of contraception in advance, so that later you do not have to look for artisanal methods of disrupting unwanted gestation.

In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, most women resort to its termination, i.e. abortion. Currently, home abortions are extremely rare, because. all women are well aware of how dangerous this operation is to be performed by an unskilled person, and far from being in a sterile environment. Moreover, in most countries of the world, a woman has the right to interrupt unwanted pregnancy for up to 12 weeks.

However, many young girls, especially adolescence, in the event of pregnancy, they are in no hurry to seek medical help, fearing publicity. It is they who begin to look for ways to provoke a home miscarriage, thinking little about how it can affect their health, their ability to become a mother in the future, and even life.

How to provoke a miscarriage at home?

From the depths of centuries, the most various methods contributing to home miscarriage. All of them contribute to the strengthening of contractions of the muscles of the uterus, due to which the fetal egg is expelled outward. It could be weight lifting physical exercise, hot bath, foot baths with mustard, taking decoctions of bay leaves, tansy and other herbs. Currently, certain medications that cause uterine contractions can also lead to the development of a miscarriage at home.

How effective are all these home abortion techniques? Nobody knows. On the forums and from friends you can hear both positive and negative feedback. But the percentage negative consequences much bigger.

Is it worth experimenting with your health and life? This is up to you to decide! But remember that what seems to you at all safe way causing a miscarriage at home can lead to serious and sometimes tragic consequences.

What is dangerous miscarriage at home?

An unwanted pregnancy is a real shock for any woman. And what can we say about teenage girls with their fragile psyche. Fearing going to the doctor and the upcoming operation, they begin to look for ways to provoke a miscarriage at home. And at the same time, they do not think at all that their ill-considered actions are fraught with a huge threat to health and life. And how many on specialized forums you can read the stories of women who dream of having children, but are unable to do so just because of one stupid and ill-considered act in their youth!

When a pregnancy is terminated, there is often a rather strong uterine bleeding, which is quite difficult to cope with even for an experienced doctor in a hospital, i.e. where everything is available for this the necessary conditions. And if such bleeding occurs during a miscarriage in home environment? But it is potentially dangerous for a woman's life! Delay in the provision of specialized care can lead to the death of the patient!

It is also very dangerous to use tansy decoction on your own, although in many forums this method of home miscarriage is presented as the safest. In fact, tansy contains poisonous substances that kill the embryo, i.e. leading to frozen or non-developing pregnancy. It is good if a short time passes after the death of the fetus, and it is rejected on its own. Otherwise, the tissues of the fetus will begin to decompose and the resulting substances will begin to enter the mother's bloodstream. They render Negative influence on the coagulation system, which leads to the development of disseminated coagulation syndrome (DIC) in a woman, which can lead to the death of a woman. In addition, a frozen pregnancy is always high risk development of infectious complications, including endometritis.

For a miscarriage at home, some women take decoctions of herbs that have an abortive effect. But many of them contain toxic substances, which poses a huge danger to the life and health of women. Before you decide on this way to cause a miscarriage at home, think about whether you need it and how safe it is! Remember that many of these recipes for using folk remedies can have exactly the same toxic effect on your body as many of today's toxic chemicals!

You should not justify your desire to induce a miscarriage at home by not having money for a medical abortion. Health costs a lot more! Moreover, an abortion at the request of a woman can be done before 12 weeks of pregnancy, you have time to earn the necessary amount of money or, in last resort borrow it from relatives or friends. In addition, the treatment of complications resulting from a home miscarriage may require much more financial resources than a medical abortion. And it’s good if this treatment turns out to be successful and allows you to fully restore both the woman’s health and her reproductive function.

Unfortunately, a woman is not always happy when she finds out about her pregnancy. There can be many reasons for this: health, financial dissatisfaction, psychological unpreparedness become a mother too early age and even the opinion of others, including her husband. At such moments, she realizes that she needs pills, causing miscarriage in early pregnancy.

However, abortion, whether mechanical or medical, causes quite serious harm to the female body. A miscarriage that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy can also cause moral trauma to a woman, but in some cases it is indispensable. In this article, you will find pills that cause miscarriage, as well as read about their features. Whatever you choose, don't take such serious drugs without the consent of a specialist.

Pills that cause miscarriage in early pregnancy

This drug is recommended to be taken no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. These early miscarriage pills are powerful. However, there are times when you need to take more than 2 tablets. Try to immediately contact a specialist who will determine the required dose for admission. The action of Escapelle is in many ways similar to that of Postinor. If you make a mistake with the dose and drink "by eye", in addition to a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, thyroid diseases or disturbances in the endocrine system may be indicated.


Such pills that cause miscarriage in early pregnancy are the most effective. They are made in France and can guarantee almost 100% miscarriage in the early stages (up to 6 weeks) of pregnancy. Read the instructions carefully.

This drug, in addition to miscarriage in the early stages, is easily tolerated by women and practically does not cause side effects. It must be taken no later than 42 days after sexual intercourse. If you notice that spotting does not go away, then consult a gynecologist.

The most popular drug that is used for miscarriage in early pregnancy. This drug cannot guarantee a 100% result. Typically, miscarriage occurs early in 85% of cases. It is necessary to take Postinor as follows: 1 tablet - no later than 74 hours after sexual intercourse and the second - 12 hours later. In this case, there is a higher chance that a miscarriage will occur in the early stages of pregnancy.

This medicine not only causes early miscarriage, but also does not cause serious complications such as problems with the cervix and infertility. The downside is that it is not sold in pharmacies. After taking Pencrofton, a miscarriage in early pregnancy should occur in the presence of a doctor who will monitor the patient's condition.

The interruption scheme is as follows: the doctor gives her three pills that cause a miscarriage. An hour or two is observed. If there are no side effects, and the fetus is rejected without consequences, the tablets are taken again after a couple of days. Whatever pills you take, miscarriage in early pregnancy is quite dangerous for a woman's health.

Used with misoprostol for early miscarriage. This drug causes sharp contractions of the uterus, which lead to rejection of the fetus. Used no later than 9 weeks after intercourse. Mifepristone is recommended to be used under the supervision of a gynecologist. Further, after admission, the patient is monitored. If there are no complications, an ultrasound is done after a couple of days to determine how the miscarriage went in the early stages.

In some cases, pills that cause miscarriage should not be taken.

1. Ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it.
2. Kidney problems (stones, kidney failure).
3. Long-term use of drugs that lead to miscarriage in the early stages.
4. Low blood clotting.
5. Myoma or inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

Important! Pills that cause miscarriage can only be taken in the presence of a doctor. Under no circumstances should the dosage be exceeded. Also, be sure to have an ultrasound in a few days.

Consequences and warnings

Miscarriage pills can cause consequences and side effects. These include: nausea, pain in the uterus, prolonged bleeding, headaches, heat. They also often cause a woman to feel guilty and morally traumatized. It is not necessary to carry out a miscarriage before 17 and over 35 years old in early pregnancy, as well as with asthma, diseases digestive system and operations on the uterus in history. In no case do not prescribe drugs yourself without first consulting a specialist!

In this article:

Pregnancy, if desired, is wonderful. But not all pregnancies end as planned. Sometimes the body of the expectant mother independently decides to reject new life, and usually this happens in the first weeks after conception, that is, a miscarriage occurs in the early stages.

According to statistics, this is observed in 20% of women, while many of them did not even know that they were in a position. WITH medical point vision, is a spontaneous abortion before the onset of 22 weeks. After this period, we are no longer talking about a miscarriage, but about, since starting from the 22nd week the child has a high chance of being born viable.

Probability of miscarriage by week

Exist critical periods pregnancy, when its further bearing is jeopardized. And the most vulnerable in this respect is the first trimester.

2-3 weeks

At this time, the implantation of the embryo occurs, and factors such as fibroids, a scar or trauma to the mucous membrane (after an abortion,), anomalies in the structure of the uterus, as well as severe psycho-emotional state women.

A miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs if the fertilized egg fails to attach. It looks like a heavy period. The woman in this case does not even know that there was a pregnancy, taking the bleeding for the next menstruation.

4-6 weeks

At this time, the fetus is most vulnerable, it is now that all malformations are formed (heart disease, cleft lip), which may be incompatible with life.

8-12 weeks

At this stage, active development affects, and it is possible that anomalies in its structure or localization may occur. Also at this time, a miscarriage can occur due to hormonal disorders in the body of a woman, in particular, progesterone deficiency.


Consider the main causes of miscarriage in the early stages.

Genetic disorders in the fetus

According to statistics, 73% of early miscarriages occur for this reason. In most cases, we are talking not about a hereditary problem, but about single gene mutations that arose by chance as a result of the influence of negative factors, such as infections, alcohol.

That is, the pregnancy was initially pathological, and the body itself refused it - there was a so-called natural selection. A miscarriage at such an early date does without cleaning and occurs on the days when menstruation should begin, or with a slight delay.

A woman may note that the discharge this month turned out to be more abundant and painful. Less often, the pregnancy is terminated later, and then the genetic abnormalities of the fetus are diagnosed using histological examination after hysterectomy.

Hormonal disorders

The disturbed balance of hormones in the body increases the likelihood of miscarriage in the early stages. As a rule, pregnancy is terminated due to a lack of progesterone. If you detect a problem in advance, you can save the pregnancy with conservative therapy.

Immunological causes

This is most often seen with . If the mother's blood is negative Rh factor, and the fetus inherits a Rh-positive protein from the father, the maternal organism at the immune level will reject embryonic tissues.

To prevent the immunological causes of miscarriage in Rhesus conflict, specific therapy is used, including progesterone preparations that can protect the fetus.

Sexual infections

These diseases are also an explanation of why a miscarriage occurs in the early stages. Chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, gonorrhea, and other STDs often cause abortion in the first trimester. Pathogenic flora causes damage to the membranes, infects the fetus itself, as a result of which a miscarriage begins.

To exclude this, it is important to identify and treat any infectious pathologies sexual sphere.

Common infections

Any diseases that occur with signs of intoxication of the body, for example, with an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C, can be the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy. The leading positions in the list of these infections are assigned to influenza, rubella, chickenpox and viral hepatitis. Even a common sore throat often causes fetal death before the 10th week of gestation, the situation looks worse with pneumonia, appendicitis and pyelonephritis.

Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to remember about the preliminary medical examination, which will help to detect foci of infection in the body.


A large number of women in various stages their lives resorted to this procedure for one reason or another. For many failed mothers, abortion seems like a simple manipulation, during which the doctor simply removes the contents of the uterus along with the unwanted fetus. But in reality, everything is much more complicated.

Abortion is always a deep stress for a woman's body, which can cause dysfunctional disorders in the future. reproductive system, problems with the adrenal glands and ovaries, inflammation in the pelvic organs, ending with an adhesive process and subsequent infertility.

Due to the negative consequences that abortion causes, a woman may experience habitual miscarriage pregnancy, explaining why miscarriages occur in the early stages.

Medicines and herbal preparations

In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is better not to take any medicines and herbs. Most of them, especially with uncontrolled use, can terminate a pregnancy or provoke the development of defects in an unborn child.

The most dangerous antibiotics hormonal preparations, some analgesics and the vast majority of plants, even harmless chamomile and parsley are not indicated for internal use in the first trimester.

Many medicinal plants are used in folk recipes that tell women who do not want to keep their pregnancy how to have an early miscarriage.

Stress, nervous shock

Deep nervous shock, prolonged stress, sudden mental shock are dangerous during pregnancy. So that the situation does not end in a miscarriage, the expectant mother needs to pull herself together and discuss with the doctor the possibility of using sedative drugs.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Habits such as smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and drugs, uncontrolled addiction to coffee, diet and starvation, as well as simply poor nutrition - can lead to the development of miscarriage symptoms in early pregnancy.

Make adjustments to your familiar image life is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Carrying weights, falls, violent sex life

These factors, although very rare, can cause spontaneous abortion. To prevent this from happening, it is important to take care of yourself from the first days, as it became known about pregnancy.


Most often, a woman is told about a threatened or incipient miscarriage by pain localized in the abdomen, and vaginal bleeding. Pain may radiate to the lower back. Bloody discharge from the genital tract different shades and intensity, but their appearance in any form should be a mandatory reason for an urgent consultation with a doctor.

Minor discharge often means that the pregnancy can still be maintained. Profuse bleeding, especially with clots and pieces of tissue, indicate that the pregnancy has already been terminated. Usually these early miscarriage symptoms are accompanied by increased tone uterus, which causes discomfort and pain in a woman.

Sometimes the above symptoms occur in the first trimester, but the pregnancy is not interrupted, and the woman continues to carry her further under careful observation gynecologist and a note in the outpatient card "threatened miscarriage".

Regardless of the gestational age - both in the fifth and in the twentieth week, the signs of termination of pregnancy are similar. Therefore, you need to know how they manifest themselves in order to take action in time.


Spontaneous abortion occurs in several stages.

Stage one - threatened miscarriage

Early miscarriage symptoms are characterized by aching pains in the lower back and lower abdomen. Sometimes there are minor spotting from the genital tract.

These symptoms require immediate treatment, as the first stage of pregnancy can almost always be maintained.

The second stage - the onset of a miscarriage

Pain becomes more intense, takes on a cramping character, localized in the region of the sacrum and abdomen. Increased bleeding, especially with physical activity women. There is a feeling of weakness, dizziness.

Third stage - miscarriage in progress

Pain in the abdomen and lower back harsh character. The bleeding is significant. The fetus at this stage is already dead, the pregnancy cannot be saved. The fetal egg can partially leave the uterus along with bleeding (in this case, they talk about incomplete miscarriage) or exit completely.

Fourth stage - completed miscarriage

At the fourth stage, the fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. The organ is reduced, its size returns to normal. Bleeding after an early miscarriage stops. It is necessary to find out with the help of ultrasound whether there are any remains of the fetus and membranes in the uterus.

What happens after a miscarriage

If there is a suspicion of spontaneous abortion, a woman should contact a medical institution. Only a specialist can say with certainty whether a miscarriage has occurred or not. Usually, for this purpose, an ultrasound scan and a blood test for hCG, the pregnancy hormone, are performed.

If there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, and hCG results unsatisfactory, then there is no pregnancy. A woman should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will help to find out the cause of the miscarriage and give recommendations on how to proceed.


Most women who have had a miscarriage feel well. But in 10% of cases, there may be complications, such as abdominal pain and bleeding of varying intensity.

Seek immediate medical attention if after miscarriage in early pregnancy experienced the following symptoms:

  • massive bleeding;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • convulsions, high fever;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Curettage of the uterine cavity

Cleaning, or curettage of the uterus, is carried out in order to eliminate the remnants of the membranes and the fetus. This is a surgical procedure performed under general or local anesthesia. During cleaning, the woman is on the gynecological chair. Her external genitalia are treated with a 5% iodine solution. The doctor inserts the vaginal mirrors, exposing and fixing the cervix, after which, by means of a curette, which looks like a spoon, the curettage itself is carried out.

After cleaning is completed, the extracted biological material is sent to the laboratory for further research. Histology of a miscarriage must be carried out in order to find out the cause of the problem and prevent it in the future.

Is it always necessary to clean?

Many women are confident that they know how a miscarriage occurs in the early stages, and are in no hurry to seek medical help or refuse to clean, considering it an unnecessary manipulation. But it's not. fruit and membranes only rarely are they expelled in their entirety. And if they are not removed from the uterus in time, they will decompose and cause inflammation in the female body.

That is why after a miscarriage, regardless of the conditions in which it occurred, you should contact a medical institution, where the doctor will determine for sure whether cleaning is needed or not. If curettage is necessary, you should not refuse it, as complications can be more serious.

Treatment after a miscarriage

To do without consequences, it is important to follow the requirements of the doctor:

  • monitor secretions from the genital tract, if they change, contact your doctor;
  • control body temperature - its rise can mean inflammation in the body;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the genitals, washing them at least twice a day with antiseptic solutions.

For normalization hormonal background the doctor may prescribe COCs (Logest, Lindinet 20). Birth control pills after an early miscarriage are also early prevention repeated pregnancy, which is undesirable in the first 6 months after curettage. Antibiotics (Cifran) are also prescribed to prevent infection of the genital area after the intervention.

How to restore health after a miscarriage

The early re-conception of a child as a way to survive an early miscarriage is seen by many women as the only way out. This normal reaction psyche.

But before planning a new pregnancy, doctors advise paying attention to your own health with the help of the following recommendations:

  • You should not become pregnant for 6 months to give the body time to rehabilitate the reproductive system and prevent another failure. This will require reliable contraception in the form of COCs or condoms.
  • It is important to prepare the body for a second pregnancy. Measures to prevent miscarriage should be discussed with your doctor.

Currently, there are not only women's consultations, but also family reproduction centers, where doctors specializing in conception and pregnancy work. Do not neglect the help of these centers.

Experts will be able to individual plan work, starting from the health and reproductive capabilities of partners, which will help ensure successful conception and future pregnancy.

Psychological rehabilitation

After a miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy, physically female body recovers in 4-6 weeks, and psychological rehabilitation can take years. If the pregnancy was desired and planned, then it is difficult to cope with the burden of loss.

In this case, it is recommended not to withdraw into yourself, not to look for the guilty, and even more so not to blame yourself for the failure. In 73% of cases, spontaneous abortion is due to mutations, chromosomal problems, which means that the fetus was not healthy. You need to tune in to what will come after some time new pregnancy for which you need to prepare better than last time.

After the bleeding has passed after an early miscarriage, you should not sit back, but consult a doctor, undergo an examination, take tests for possible infections to do an ultrasound. All these actions should distract a woman who wants to become pregnant again from the development of depression. While waiting for the doctor's verdict, you can consult a psychologist to smooth out the acute moments of fears and worries.

Even if pregnancy does not occur on the first try, there is no need to panic. Most likely, the “striped” test will not keep you waiting long, and you can start this path all over again - from conception to the logical conclusion of pregnancy, that is, the birth of a child. Everything will work out!

Useful video about early miscarriage

Life circumstances develop in the most unpredictable way. And what is happiness for some, for others can be a real tragedy. Such events include, for example, the onset of pregnancy. How often do women think about abortion after a visit to a gynecologist? In this article we will not touch on ethical, moral and moral aspects artificial termination of pregnancy. Let's just accept it as a fact that such a need appears very often. The other moment is much scarier. Unfortunately, in Lately increasingly appears positive test for pregnancy in the hands of very young and inexperienced young ladies who do not have their own money for a qualified medical care in so delicate issue and they are afraid to tell their parents everything. Then the question spontaneously arises in them: “How to have a miscarriage on your own without going to the doctor so that mom and dad don’t find out?” And the turn comes active searches all kinds of methods, advice from girlfriends, forums. And what is scary - such methods can be found. Let's take a few such examples.

It is worth saying that the question has been relevant for all ages: “A miscarriage ... How to do it at home?” And in all ages, women have found folk methods. Sublimate, quinine, and gunpowder with turpentine were used. But no one counted how many women did not survive such abortions. Therefore, if a girl is interested in how to have an early miscarriage, you need to see a doctor. Only in this case it is possible to avoid sad consequences and in the future, when there is a desire, to give birth to a healthy baby.