What to give a boy for baptism from guests. Unusual purchased gifts. Signs and superstitions associated with baptism

Baptism is the most important church rite in everyone's life. Orthodox person. During baptism, he dies with Christ for a sinful worldly life, in order to be reborn with him from the Holy Spirit for eternal life. And throughout the rest of his life he will be accompanied by godparents. They should instruct him in faith, engage in his spiritual education, take care of him and warn against mistakes. Therefore, an honorable invitation to become godfather of a child imposes on you certain duties, the execution of which should be approached very responsibly. When the parents of the child have placed high trust in you and invited you to be godfather, the first thing to think about is worthy gift for your little godson. Baptism is a church and ancient ritual, therefore, unlike secular holidays, such as, for example, birthday, when you can give any beautiful and useful thing, it is customary to present gifts at christening in accordance with the traditions that have developed among the people.

If you are, so to speak, a “beginning godfather”, a beginner in this business, and you have not baptized anyone before, then our story about what godparents give for christening will come in handy for you. Approach the issue of choosing gifts responsibly, buy them with all your heart and give from pure heart. Let your godson be still quite small now and not be able to appreciate your gifts. He will grow up quickly, and the thing you donated will be kept as a family heirloom, and remind the grown-up godson of the first in his life. church sacrament and about you, his caring godparents.

What does the godfather give at christening

The godfather necessarily gives the most important attribute of the entire baptism ceremony - a pectoral cross. There are no clear rules of what material the cross should be made of. Now in fashion, if I may say so, crosses are gold, openwork, decorated with pebbles and enamel. However, it is not at all necessary to buy such a cross, especially if it is difficult for you for understandable financial reasons.

The main value of the cross is not its monetary value. The cross, first of all, is a symbol of spirituality and faith in God, and not the usual jewelry how many now perceive it. Therefore, from the point of view of the Church, a simple pewter cross made by monks in an Orthodox monastery, or a cross from sandalwood, brought by pilgrims from a trip to the Holy Land, is much more valuable than any gold. The pectoral cross can also be made of bronze, amber or silver - the main thing is that it should comply with the Orthodox canon and be consecrated in the church.

Most often in Rus', it is customary to wear an eight-pointed cross with the inscription "Save and Save" made on it. back side. For small child it would be best to buy a silver cross and hang it on a strong natural twine, and not on a chain that will rub on a delicate children's neck. And if you do not want to be known as a miser and can afford it, in addition to a silver pectoral cross, give your godson some golden decoration which will be useful to him when he grows up.

In addition to these gifts, the godfather, according to tradition, pays for the rite of baptism and sets the festive table.

What does the godmother give for christening

Traditionally godmother be sure to give another item necessary for baptism - kryzhma. Such an unusual word for our ear in the church is called a piece of cloth in which a baptized baby is wrapped after it is taken out of the font. Initially, it was a patch of bleached linen, which by our time has turned into a large snow-white linen towel (in winter it can be terry cotton), decorated with white embroidery, hemstitch, jacquard braid with Christian symbols and lace. The most valuable kryzhma is the one that the godmother will embroider with her own hands and decorate with lace, with her own hand crocheted They used to be called "valances". But if your hands are not “sharpened” for needlework, do not be discouraged and buy ready-made kryzhma in a church shop or in a store. Kryzhma after baptism is in no case washed, carefully stored and wiped off the baby’s face if, God forbid, he gets sick. This, according to popular belief, should bring him speedy healing from any ailment.

The next thing a godmother buys for her christening is a special baptismal attire, consisting of a white christening shirt up to the heels of the baby and a white lace cap, richly decorated with ribbons and pearl beads. The set may also include romper suits and knitted fishnet booties. The baptismal dress is usually sewn from batiste, decorated with embroidery, lace and hemstitch, and then kept as a family heirloom.

On this, our conversation about what godparents buy for christening comes to an end. It remains only to mention such a sweet, little gift, like a silver spoon, popularly called "on the first tooth." It is often given by godparents or grandparents to a baby for baptism. Often the handle of such a children's spoon is decorated with a silver angel or a cute little animal - a bunny or a kitten. It is believed that the baby grows up healthy, his teeth are easily cut, and he always has a good appetite, he must be fed from this gift spoon.

The day a person becomes a Christian is considered an important event that simply cannot be left unattended.

Such a ceremony as the baptism of a child is usually tried to be carried out in the very early age when a person was just born, but someone comes to this a little later.

It is believed that after the rite of baptism, a person becomes pure from sins. And for Orthodox parents it is important to perform the rite of baptism for your child as early as infancy in order to enlist the support of the angels.

The rite of baptism

For such an event as the sacrament of baptism, they always prepare in advance and plan a celebration, invite guests.

The rite of baptism cannot take place without godparents, who later become mentors in matters of faith and in any other life matters.

Since ancient times, it has become customary that the mother and father of the child cannot be godparents. But these should be the closest people who sacredly observe Christian traditions.

They are supposed to give the child a gift in honor of this event. Even if the person is still small, then gifts from godparents will symbolize their reverent attitude towards their godson.

Gifts are also given by other guests - relatives and friends. Therefore, you should find out what they give for christening.

What gifts can godparents give

Many are interested in the question of what godparents give for christening. Of course, you can give godfathers pectoral cross which a person can keep for a lifetime.

Usually a cross gives Godfather. It doesn't have to be made of gold or anything else. noble metal, the main thing is that it be presented with warmth.

Even if it is a wooden cross, it will carry the fertile warmth. If a chain is given to the cross, then it should be stored separately. At first, the child will wear a cross on a string.

christening clothes

Considering that after baptism a person should begin new life, he needs to give new things. It can be clothes, a towel, a shirt. It is even better to make clothes with your own hands, because a piece of the soul is invested in such things, which means they will be the most valuable.


To perform the rite of baptism for a child, you will need a piece of cloth or a towel called kryzhma. After immersing the child in holy water, he is wiped with this cloth. After that, she stays with him for the rest of her life. Kryzhma should be stored in a secret place, it can no longer be used and washed.

In ancient times, such things were made by hand. The person who embroidered a piece of fabric always read a special prayer before that. If you wish, it will not be difficult to embroider on towels and fabric.

But today everything is available. Need to choose soft tissue where there are no protruding seams or decorative elements. After all, the skin of a baby is delicate and easily injured. Church symbols are usually depicted on such towels - crosses, angels and other attributes.

spiritual books

Godparents are charged with the obligation to maintain faith throughout their lives, so they can give their godson a Bible, a Psalter and various spiritual books. By reading these books, he will strengthen the spirit of a Christian in himself more. A small child, of course, is given a children's bible.


A good gift on the day of baptism will be an icon depicting a saint, which will remind you of the perfect rite of baptism. But you need to take into account that each icon has its own purpose, so it is better to consult with the priest which icon is better to purchase.

The measured icon will be a great gift. This icon is made to order, it must match the size of the child. It depicts his patron - a saint born on the same day.


It is believed that baptism is the victory of light over dark, so you can also purchase various sources lights - lights, lamps, fixtures.

Other gifts

A silver spoon will also be a great gift for a baby to start his first complementary foods with. The baby's name can be engraved on the spoon. Over time, such a thing can become a family heirloom and be passed down from generation to generation.

But it is necessary to choose the right item so that the child is comfortable using it. To do this, the spoon must have a round scoop and the absence of any notches on it. Silver should also be highest quality- 925 samples.

Pouch for storing strands of hair

Once upon a time, it was customary to cut off a lock of a child's hair and keep it for life. Parents of the child will also be pleased to observe this tradition.

The items that were donated for baptism remain for life, so it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a gift with responsibility.

DIY gifts

They always hide the warmth of hands, the care of the one who did it and love. Therefore, such gifts are a huge success. But today it’s not a problem to make something. There are so many different schemes and models on the Internet.

You can find everything you need in handicraft stores. It is worth trying to embroider a portrait of a newborn so that it remains forever in memory.

Gifts from guests

Other guests, except godparents, can also present something symbolic or memorable. On sale today you can find a huge number of things, such as a jewelry box, photo frame, photo album, toys, etc.

You can also congratulate the parents of the child by giving him something beautiful, such as bed linen or a bedspread.

But if you want to give something memorable, then it is better to present an icon or a children's Bible with colorful pictures.

In order for your gift to be appropriate and desirable, it is better to ask your parents what they want most. Perhaps the parents of the child need a high chair, a playpen, an inflatable pool, or some other thing.

happy birthday little parents have to buy a variety of household appliances to keep your baby healthy. Guests can help the parent and purchase something useful for them. It can be a humidifier, baby monitor, multicooker, heater and other things.

The most desirable gift for the child himself will, of course, be toys. Therefore, you can safely give a certificate for a certain amount of money to the "Children's World".

Parents can also be shown a sign of attention by presenting them with something tasty - a cake, a basket of sweets or a collection bottle of Cahors.


The mother of the child will be pleased to receive a bouquet beautiful flowers. But in such Holy holiday it is better to choose not too bright and fragrant flowers. The bouquet should look cute and gentle.

Of course, such a holiday should remain in the memory, so it would be better to capture it on a video camera. Therefore, you can order the services of a photographer and videographer. This will be a wonderful gift.

What to give a girl

The closest relatives - grandparents are often interested in what they give a girl for christening. They can purchase something of value in honor of such an event.

The little girl will grow up after a while and she will probably want to decorate herself with earrings. Beautiful, gold earrings will be a great gift for her. If desired, the ears can be pierced even for a very small girl. Today, many beauty parlors offer this service, and it is completely painless.

The little girl will love the beautiful doll she will play with as a child. For christening for a girl, you can present the most beautiful doll made to order from the master. Subsequently, it will be possible to put on baptismal clothes on it and leave it as a good memory.

Other memorable gift there may be a gold or silver coin, which bears the name of the child, the date of his birth and baptism.

Guests can buy a beautiful dress for the girl, like a real little princess. Even a few sets of clothes will be welcome, because it will never be superfluous.

Other attributes - walkers, toys, soft rugs will be useful little child, after all, parents do not always have enough money for all this. But if the child has everything and wants to present something special, then you can buy an author's toy. And then no child will have such a toy, of course, it can become the most beloved.

Gift options for a boy

Some things can be served to both girls and boys. But sometimes the guests doubt and do not know what they give to the boy for christening. If you want to choose the right gift for a boy, you can always choose from a variety of options.

Close relatives who come to the christening for the boy give something of value. It can be a set of silverware, which includes spoons, forks, cups. Silver items will also serve as a wonderful souvenir and forever remind of this significant event.

Bank coin with the image of an angel, a church, a cross - great gift suitable for the theme of the celebration.

Things made of silver will remain for a long time, there is no doubt about it. Wonderful toys are also made from this metal - cars and boats.

A personalized icon or pendant with the image of a guardian angel will remind you of this wonderful event throughout your life.

The car - tolokar will entertain the baby, it will be interesting for him to move around on it, imagining that he is driving a car.

From the electric car, all the boys will be delighted. Even dads will be interested in driving a toy car with a remote control.

The pool with balls will be great fun and will develop motor skills little man and strengthen the nervous system.

Is it possible to donate money

Some guests doubt whether their gift will be really useful. But giving just money seems to them not quite tactful. However, there is nothing shameful in this. After all, with this money, parents can buy what they really need.

No need to worry that the amount is small, she will still find it useful application. After all, it is unlikely that parents will be pleased if the guest gave all his money or even got into debt.

The average amount is 3-5 thousand rubles, but it all depends on the region of residence and financial condition. Some may give more and some less. Money can be put in a beautiful envelope with church symbols and handed over to parents at christening.

Baptism does not always occur in infancy. Someone takes the faith already in adulthood. It is also customary to give gifts to an adult.

christening gift etiquette

Guests should ask their parents what kind of christening gift they would like to receive. What if it happens that several guests will give the same gifts. It is unlikely that parents need several sets for christening or several dimensional icons.

Or maybe they will be pleased with two cakes at the holiday, especially if it gathers a large number of guests. If it is impossible to ask, then it is better to donate money.

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The christening present has a significant impact on future life person. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider the question of what they give for the baptism of a boy. The opportunity to help the boy get good luck and become happy is in your power. The right gift for a baptized child will help you achieve your goals and success in the future.

Silver Items

First of all, a christening gift for a boy should be different from the gifts that are usually given for other holidays. Ideal when a gift reminds of beautiful day. If possible, it is necessary to combine practicality and symbolism.

  • Among the traditional gifts for a child is a silver spoon. In particular, this will be a suitable present when the fry is teething. It is appropriate to choose a gift in the form of a small box for the first tooth.
  • Most often, parents keep a lock of a child's hair that was cut off in infancy for life. For this reason original gift when a boy is baptized, it is a silver box to store a child's curl.
  • Of the options that are given for the baptism of a boy's child, a gift in the form of an icon with the face of a patron saint always remains relevant. It must be placed near the boy's bed so that it protects his sleep, and when he becomes an adult, it protects him from troubles.
  • An excellent gift for a boy is a measured icon. Giving this present is ancient tradition. Such a gift is created by specialists individually and to order - the image of the saint - the patron saint of the child, is written out on a board, the size of which is made based on the growth of the child during christening. This icon should always be next to a person, no matter what.
  • It is worth remembering that in the form of a gift to a boy on this day, you can give toys and items for children.
  • You can buy a set of good bed linen. Or arrange it to order in a single copy, embroidering on it sincere wishes for a child.

The same can be said about toys. The boy receives a lot of toys, and when it is ordered from the workshop, it will become unusual and individual. On it you can make a memorable engraving and in this case the toy will remain in memory for a long time.

When choosing a gift for a cross, do not forget about the parents, who can be given a box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. After all, this is no less important day for them than for a child. As an option, buy souvenirs for memory or a photo album, where photos from this wonderful day will be stored.

Many opt for the Bible. Today these books can be found in various sizes and forms. Thus, they begin to resemble real works of art. Everything depends on the preferences of the donor and financial opportunities.

But there is also universal option a gift when there is no information and thoughts, what to buy is money. Who better than parents knows what to buy for their child. You can donate them to traditional form in an envelope. And you can buy gift Certificate in a children's store or in a store that sells jewelry.

Today, in stores you can find a huge range of presents when planning a christening, which combine symbolism and practical use.

gifts from godparents

Kryzhma as a gift for baptism

When choosing a gift, maximum attention should be shown to those who in the future should become godparents to the boy. Next, we describe the most traditional gifts given by our ancestors.

Since during the ceremony the boy will be most of the time in the arms of the godmother, answering the question of what the godmother gives the boy for baptism, we can say that traditionally her duties include choosing clothes. At the very beginning, the boy will need a baptismal suit, it consists of an elongated shirt and cap. In the past, clothes for such an occasion were sewn on their own. This is not so common these days, as not everyone has the ability to do this. It’s great when you get to create a costume with your own hands, since in this case the present will be unusual and wear individual character, will retain the invested energy and love.

When this opportunity missing, there are many children's costumes that can completely solve the difficulty. And all the kindness that was invested to pick up the child needs clothes, fill the gift with energy equal in strength to that which is invested in a thing made with my own hands. When choosing a costume, pay attention to the quality of the material and the features of the decorative details. The material should be natural and soft, and the embroidery neatly done, suitable for a boy. Shirt and cap must match. It is important to avoid light colors in clothes - it is ideal if the color is white, cream or light blue, since they are the symbol of holiness and purity.

The next no less important attribute that the godmother should choose is kryzhma. This material is designed to wrap the baby after bathing in holy water. After the rite of baptism is completed, the parents must keep her, as she saves him from illness and misfortune throughout his life. It is generally accepted that after baptism it acquires healing qualities, for this reason, if the child is sick, you need to cover him with this cloth. This will help him recover faster. Such a thing must be chosen with great care.

By tradition, kryzhma was chosen exclusively in white. Ancestors used an ordinary piece of white plain fabric, and girls with abilities in this issue sheathed it at the ends with a pattern. Today, the stores offer a huge assortment of kryzhma with incredible beauty embroidery. In addition, it can be made to order - the name of the cross and the time of christening are embroidered on the roof. This gift can be attributed to the number of memorable and symbolic.

When the question of who gives a cross for the baptism of a boy is of interest, then traditionally the godfather acquires it. Depending on the available funds, you can opt for a precious metal cross or budget option. The best is considered a cross made of silver, which is known to everyone as a disinfectant and protective agent. Silver does not cause allergies in a child. The cross, which was presented for christening, will become a talisman for the boy for life.

It is important to remember that in addition to the obligatory presents, godparents can supplement them at their discretion.

Beyond the clothes that play important role in the conduct of the ceremony, godparents often give the child:
  • a suit that is suitable for wearing in everyday life;
  • An excellent gift would be a set of dishes for a child made of silver with an engraved name godson and date of christening.

Toys or clothing items great option christening gift.

Be that as it may, it is important to put all your love and kindness into a gift. Then the present will be energetically strong and will be able to protect the child from all troubles. Godparents need to help and support the godson all their lives.

What is usually given to a boy for christening?

Choosing gifts is always difficult. It is somewhat easier to decide what an adult or a younger child needs. school age. But for a baby, this is not an easy question, because the baby is not yet interested in anything and he, apart from his mother, does not need anything yet.

Godfather case

To begin with, it is worth deciding what godparents usually give for the christening of a child. First, let's deal with godfather. He must give the baby a pectoral cross, which will be consecrated by the priest and serve as a talisman and guard for the baby. The material from which the gift will be made may be different. If the godfather is a rich person, a golden cross would be an excellent gift, but do not be offended if a silver one was presented to the child. After all, silver is a church metal, and it is believed that it protects a person from a bad eye and bad people. As for the size of the cross, it should not be large, because according to the biblical stories, the larger the pectoral cross a person has, the greater the burden he will have to bear in life. On the godfather, in addition to the gift, lies the bulk financial matters holding a holiday, it is he who must pay for this event. Godmother she is obliged to give the baby a kryzhma (a large towel or piece of cloth in which the child is wrapped with water after baptism) and a baptismal set, in which the baby will be in church.

For relatives

It is also worth considering the options of what to give the baby to relatives for christening. IN Lately it became fashionable to give a child silver spoons. Most often, this is done by the baby's grandmothers, so such a gift would be more than appropriate. Grandfathers can also purchase a nominal icon depicting the patron of the baby. This will be a great gift that will stay with a person for life. Relatives can also give the little one his first bible - an important church attribute. You can buy such a gift not just in a bookstore. It is worth trying to order an individual bible and give it to a child.

For guests

There are also options for what to give to ordinary guests for the christening of a baby. You can start the list with jewelry, these are also very popular gifts today. Chains, bracelets, earrings and other little things made of gold or silver are a great gift for a kid on such a big holiday for him. It is important that such gifts will remain with the child for life and will remind him of this important event like baptism. Also, when choosing what to give for christening, clothes, bed linen and other trifles with an individual engraving of the child - a name, initials are relevant. It will be very unusual gift which parents will definitely like, and later the baby himself. Also, at the christening of a baby, you can present everything that a child may need in the future - educational toys, clothes, accessories for a stroller or crib. Here already fantasy can roam to the fullest, to choose today, fortunately, there is plenty to choose from. But no matter what the guests choose, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to skimp when buying gifts for the christening of a child, because such an event happens once in a lifetime and will not happen again.

Why is this needed when the baby, most likely, will not even remember this strange trip to church, but modern parents do not differ in the strength of faith in the Almighty? Isn't it easier to do without unnecessary fuss? What is the point of this strange "church" campaign and babies crying at the altar, taking a special "training course" for godparents and sponsoring the church? As always, there are many more questions than answers to them, and, nevertheless, we will try to answer most of them ...


Baptism is one of the brightest and most joyful events in the life of parents and the baby himself. Of course, the child is still too young to consciously choose his faith and take full part in this process. However, involvement in traditions, the conduct of this ritual will certainly leave its mark.

Among the Persians and Egyptians, among the Phoenicians and Chaldeans, immersion in water also had sacred meaning. The Romans and Greeks also attached great importance to washing, which cleansed them not only physically, but also spiritually. By the way, the tradition of bathing babies came from the Romans, who washed their children after 8 or 9 days after birth. It was at this time that the child was given a name.


The Jews also had the rite of bathing in a mikveh called twila. During this ceremony, believers got rid of and washed from impurities. The ceremony was performed in the Jordan River, and it was conducted by John the Baptist himself, who told about an imminent meeting with the messiah. Baptism for the Jews was a kind of sign of repentance for the earthly sins of those involved in the process. Jesus Christ himself took part in the baptism, despite the fact that he had no sins.

Be that as it may, today it is necessary to approach the ceremony very carefully, observing traditions and following certain requirements.

The meaning of the rite of baptism


As a rule, long before the baby is born, parents are already beginning to think about who to take as godparents. Today, this tradition has somewhat lost its original meaning.

Once upon a time, far away dark times When the death rate was incredibly high, the godparents, taking part in this ceremony, gave their agreement to raise the child (both spiritual and physical), assumed a huge responsibility if the child's parents leave our world. Now, fortunately, this happens extremely rarely, and the function of godparents is reduced to a minimum of annual congratulations to their godchildren on name days and birthdays, and a maximum to spiritual education and caring for your students.

Baptism is a special sacrament during which a person unites with God, opening for himself the path to wonderful life(worldly and spiritual). Baptism is a symbol of faith and hope, as well as a huge invisible connection between all family members, immeasurable in its strength and depth.

Parental consent alone is not always sufficient for baptism. So, before the child is 7 years old, it is allowed to perform the ceremony only with the consent of the child's parents, because as soon as they during this period bear full responsibility for the child before God. In the period from 7 to 14 years, for the ritual, you will have to obtain the consent of not only the parents, but also the child himself, who can already make a decision. For those who have crossed the line of 14 years, parental consent is no longer required - they can independently make such decisions.

When is the baptismal ceremony performed?


However, today it is not uncommon for adults to be baptized. Despite the recommendations to carry out baptism as early as possible, it is adult baptism that is considered the most complete and full of meaning process, as a person approaches this consciously.

There is one more interesting fact when to baptize children. In the past, when baptism was taken more seriously, people chose late time to carry out this ritual. They wanted to enjoy sinful deeds all their lives, and resorted to baptism almost on their deathbed in order to enter heavenly life cleansed of filth and sinfulness. However, the church quickly figured out the evil plan of the cunning and began to fight this trend, demanding that baptism be performed already on the eighth day after the birth of the baby.


It is not recommended that the godparents of the baby be his own parents, and we have already discussed the reasons for this - the child must have a reliable rear in case something happens to his parents.
Once you have chosen godparents for your child, they take on a huge responsibility for the process. And the main manifestation of their responsibility is the choice of a gift for the godson or for the goddaughter. The chosen gift will testify to a reverent and touching attitude towards the child, as well as to the very event that occurs in the life of the baby only once.

What to give a godson for christening?


First and most important gift from godparents - this is a cross. It is not at all necessary that it be made from noble and precious metals. The most important thing is to give a gift from the heart. And the question of the value of a gift should depend purely on financial capabilities and on the views of the godparents.

By the way, even a simple wooden cross sometimes looks much more attractive than platinum and gold "relatives".

Today there is a lot of controversy about who should give this attribute - godmother or godmother. In fact, it doesn't matter at all. If you want to buy a valuable gift, but you are short of money, you can simply agree among yourself and buy the cross you like in a pool.

Another indispensable gift from godparents is new clothes. This is not an indication that the parents take poor care of the child and do not dress him well enough. There is a secret meaning here.

The death of sin is one of the most important symbols of such an event as baptism, during which a person is reborn for a righteous life, for following religious canons and the path to God. New clothes- a symbol of rebirth after the death of sin.


For new things, they usually choose a new shirt or dress, as well as a new towel or a new piece of fabric, which is used to wipe the baby after washing with baptized water.

You can always sew a shirt yourself without spending huge sums on purchased clothes. Considering that the child will most likely put on this clothes only once in his life, and the rest of the time it will lie in the parental bins, here you will not have to have special talents and knowledge in sewing. To give the product a special charm, you can simply do fine embroidery (initials, symbolic drawing) or decorate the edges with exquisite lace. Agree, handmade gifts have always been worth their weight in gold.

In any case, a gift from godparents to their godchildren should be saturated with the special spirit of this holiday. It can be a children's bible in pictures, a nominal icon, etc.


A gift in the form of a small cute night lamp is perfect, since baptism is light that has triumphed over darkness. Often godparents give silver spoons with the names of their godchildren. However, this custom came only recently. It is believed that such a spoon will help the child keep the teeth during the period when the first complementary foods are introduced.

What to give for christening if you are an invited guest?


Here it is customary to give everything that will be useful for the baby in life and at home: bedding sets, towels, blankets and pillows, toys and much more.

Despite the fact that the children young age growing too fast, guests often give them beautiful dresses and suits, blouses and pants.

If you want to highlight a special deep meaning holiday, it will be great if you make a toy yourself by knitting or sewing it with your own hands.

For more industrious and painstaking, religious and attentive to detail guests, we can recommend embroidering on a blanket or towel given to a child, protective prayer which will accompany the child throughout his life.


If we are talking about an invited man with golden hands, then you can also impress everyone with your skills, especially if you have a jigsaw or a lathe. A little imagination, a lot of love - and an excellent developing rattle, toy, high chair, pyramid or cubes can come out from under your hand.

If you are a practical person and do not like such sentiments, you can directly ask the baby's parents what they need for a more harmonious and full development child. A car seat, a playpen, a chair for feeding, a carousel for a crib, as well as the most necessary gift in the form of a package of diapers will always be of help in the hard work of parents.

Congratulations to parents on this bright day will also not be superfluous. Agree which of the invitees can arrange home delivery of flowers, order a beautiful themed cake or give a basket of sweets or fruits. A good photo album will be a great gift for them, in which you can put the most joyful events in the life of the baby and parents.

What if an adult is baptized?


If an adult has made the decision to be baptized, this indicates his serious and conscious approach, as well as a deep understanding and attitude towards the sacrament. Here, godparents and guests need to be more attentive to actions and gifts, since they have the most sacred and deep meaning for the culprit of the holiday.

When deciding what to give an adult godson for christening, you can rely on the experience of infant baptism. It will always be appropriate to give a cross, a holy icon, in whose name an adult is baptized, a baptismal shirt. Such gifts will be especially appreciated by people of conscious age, however, like gifts made with their own hands ...


It is absolutely not necessary to make a perfect gift (sew, make, knit). Even with minor flaws, such things will have special value and attractive force. You can not embroider the entire shirt, for example, but only the cuffs or collar. Choose beautiful threads, gold or silver.

Give preference to practical gifts for an adult godchild, but that they have their own zest. You can give mittens, socks, knitted scarves, sweaters, hats.

To give or not to give gifts to godparents?


The tradition of gifts for godparents is not very common, but it will never be superfluous.

Why should you give gifts to godparents?

1. Often the choice of godparents for many comes down to purely mercantile interests. That is, the relatives and parents of the baby turn unjustifiably great attention how expensive and useful gift godparents will be able to give. So a gift from your parents will indicate that you don’t care about their material abilities at all.

2. A gift for godparents is a symbol of the fact that you appreciate their dedication and dedication, their readiness to be responsible for your child. The gift will show that you perceive your godparents as new family members who will always be welcome in your home.

3. Present godparents- this is a kind of wish for a long and healthy life, happiness and bright future.

What to give a godmother for christening?


When choosing a gift, remember that a symbolic date requires symbolic gifts. A great option would be a thing that will constantly remind her of this joyful event.

Print the most beautiful photo baby or joint photo with a godmother and place in beautiful frame. Today, the service of printing photos on canvas is popular - why not a gift? On reverse side paintings can be dated.

A personalized napkin with embroidery can be a wonderful gift for a godmother. In such a napkin, it will be convenient for the godmother to hold baptismal candles. And despite the fact that it is not entirely practical, but such a gift looks incredibly aesthetically pleasing.


Today on sale there are different thematic sets for godfather and godfather. For example, you can find embroidered towels, personalized aprons, T-shirts and other textiles.

Warm things, especially those made by hand, will also always be in place - a beautiful shawl, scarf, jumper.

Depending on the hobbies of the godparents, you can also give them pendants or coins made of precious metals with their names or with their zodiac signs.

And of course, there will always be a good one practical gift– bed linen set, tablecloth, set bath accessories. Kitchen utensils are also great options: stainless steel pots, cast iron pans, and more.

Festive table


A festive feast is an integral part of the celebration. However, you should always remember that the presence of alcohol on the table is inappropriate, because the holiday itself brings quiet joy, and alcohol is incompatible with a quiet and modest table.


Pay attention to light dishes that will be a great addition to tea drinking. Pancakes, nice homemade cakes (sweet and savory), light portioned salads and much more will become great solution for this humble spiritual celebration.

Christening: foreign traditions


Carrying out baptism in the Catholic and Orthodox Church has a number distinctive features, however, the meaning is the same there and there - the path to the light.

Most Western countries profess the Catholic religion as the main state religion, so there are some differences from our traditions.

At baptism in catholic church godparents give the baby not a cross, but a candle. It is on the feast of baptism that a candle presented for the first time is lit. The process of its burning symbolizes the filling of worldly life with true light, goodness. And godparents can give a cross later. After baptism, the candle will play its role several more times - it must be taken out on the day of the First Communion, and after - during the Wedding.


Remember that such a bright day - real holiday. Filled with meaning and light for both the child and his parents. However, the features of its conduct in the first place will depend on you, and not on the accepted canons and rules.