Baby's feet sweat. Pathological causes of sweat on the legs of a child. Causes of excessive sweating of the feet in children

Adults most often suffer from sweaty feet. Less commonly, this problem occurs in children, but it causes great inconvenience to the baby and greatly disturbs parents. Whether sweating feet in children is a sign of any disease is difficult to say at first glance.

It can be observed in children at almost any age, but most often it worries parents of babies under 1 year old. At this age, sweating of the legs is due to an undeveloped mechanism of heat transfer. Over time, this type of sweating will go away on its own. But this is not the only foot in children. The child's feet sweat heavily and for the following reasons:

How to deal with it?

You need to act on the basis of why the child's feet sweat. Establishing the cause is half the success. Undoubtedly, it is worth starting with the most simple option: baby is hot. It is necessary to ensure that the socks are constantly dry, change them more often, do not dress too warmly and do not use synthetics. Mandatory massages and daily bathing of the baby in water diluted with salt.

You should observe the child: if he eats and sleeps normally, feels good, his sweat does not have a sharp unpleasant odor, and other characteristic symptoms possible diseases is not observed, then the child’s legs may be sweating due to the developmental features of the body, and there is no reason for concern. Upon detection similar symptoms you should immediately show the child to the pediatrician.

Traditional and traditional medicine offer many different methods for treating sweaty feet in children. Among them:

  • Foot baths using infusions of oak bark, sage, string.
  • Hardening (walking barefoot, dousing with cold water).
  • Roast summer sun and salty sea water good helpers in the treatment of sweating.
  • Foot massage.
  • Various ointments and powders.


Hyperhidrosis is a process during which the body produces excessive sweat. This disease can be limited or widespread, and the causes of its occurrence are diverse. Sweating in the feet, armpits and palms is most often provoked by some kind of stress. This disease is very common and most likely to get it for an idiopathic cause. In addition, the appearance of hyperhidrosis is possible with malignant formations, diseases endocrine system as well as due to infection. You can immediately say the diagnosis, since it is obvious, but, nevertheless, to determine possible reasons its occurrence is necessary. In order to treat hyperhidrosis of the armpits, feet and hands, aluminum chloride, water iontophoresis, botulinum toxin are used, and on extreme casesurgical intervention. Distinguish between general and local hyperhidrosis.

Foot sweating is most common in adults and less common in children. To kid this problem brings considerable inconvenience and makes parents anxious. At first glance, it is difficult to determine whether excessive sweating in a child is a sign of some kind of disease.

Decisions need to be made based on the reason why the child has increased sweating in the legs. Once the cause is established, halfway is already passed. After that, it is necessary to ensure that the child's socks are dry all the time, and, therefore, they need to be changed more often. In addition, it is not advisable to dress the baby too warmly and not to use clothes made of synthetic materials. It is advisable to do massages and bathe the child daily in water that is slightly diluted with salt.

Sweating is a completely natural process, thus metabolism in the body is carried out, thermoregulation of the body is maintained and toxic elements are eliminated. However, in some cases, excessive sweating can be the cause of more serious conditions, especially if accompanied by additional symptoms. Therefore, if parents notice that their child's feet often sweat, you should immediately inform the doctor about this in order to prevent dangerous consequences.

Features of thermoregulation in a child

Common mistake young mothers in that they tightly wrap the child

According to experts, the features of the manifestation of sweating directly depend on the age of the child:

  1. Newborns and infants. Underdevelopment sweat glands in infants leads to malfunctions in the sweating system and excessive sweating. The baby's legs instantly react to any temperature changes. Very often, new mothers make the mistake of trying to warm the baby as much as possible - this should not be done, since excessive wrapping can lead to skin irritation and hives.
  2. Age from 1 to 5 years - time active games. Toddlers run, jump, spin - increased sweating at such moments common occurrence However, if a child's feet sweat a lot for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor to rule out serious diseases such as rickets.
  3. Age from 5 years. After the child reaches the age of 5, the risks of rickets are significantly reduced, but there are global changes at the hormonal level. The cause of hyperhidrosis is often stress, emotional upheaval and stress.

Why does a child's feet sweat?

Sweating feet can be caused by serious problems with health

If children have sweaty feet, it may not only be caused by external factors, but also cause internal diseases, which is why it is so important to monitor the appearance additional symptoms and see a doctor on time.

Important! In children under adolescence, 12-13 years old, sweat does not have stickiness and an unpleasant odor, does not leave wet spots on clothes and is easily washed off with ordinary water.

Causes of sweaty feet in children under 1 year old

Newly-made mothers often ask the question: “Why do the baby's feet sweat?” - the fact is that at the birth of a baby, the body has not yet adapted to the surrounding space and is only learning to respond to changing weather conditions, as a result of which it is often exposed to overheating and hypothermia. The main formation of thermoregulation continues from birth to a year, so wet legs in a baby are quite normal.

Also, the cause of sweating of the legs in a child is often hypertonicity of the lower extremities. If the baby often clenches his fists and tries to stand on tiptoe, you should tell the doctor about this. main treatment increased tone is gymnastics and massotherapy.

Important! Hyperhidrosis of the legs affects babies who were born ahead of schedule who are from birth on artificial feeding and those suffering from diseases digestive system or allergies.

Sweating feet as a symptom of the disease

If, along with sweating, the child has irritability and nervousness, then this is a reason to consult a specialist.

The manifestation of sweating feet in children is often caused by violations in the work internal organs. In this case, hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by concomitant phenomena:

  1. Irritability and moodiness.
  2. Lethargy, fatigue.
  3. Increase in body temperature.
  4. Restless sleep, insomnia.
  5. Rash and irritation on skin.
  6. Malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system, stool disorders.
  7. Lack of appetite.

Causes of sweaty feet in children from 1 year to 12 years

If at 4 years old and younger, the child often sweats on his feet, this may indicate the manifestation of rickets. This is the name of the pathology associated with the violation mineral metabolism and bone formation. However, in order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must collect a full history and take into account all characteristic symptoms diseases.

If at the age of 5 years or more, the child's feet sweat a lot, the reason may be a malfunction vascular system or thyroid gland. the best way treatment will be hardening, air baths and sports.

Also, the cause of hyperhidrosis of the legs can be excessive consumption of foods that cause increased activity sweat glands.

When to see a specialist

At heavy sweating visit a neurologist

If excessive sweating is accompanied by concomitant symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a specialist so that he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Usually, problems associated with the development of hyperhidrosis are considered by doctors such as:

  • Neurologist. If a child constantly sweats his feet, this may indicate the presence of vegetovascular dystonia - problems with the regulation of the vascular tone of the autonomic nervous system. The doctor may recommend hardening procedures and physical exercise. In some cases, sedative medications are required and herbal preparations with a calming effect. Mothers of newborns often go to the doctor with the manifestation of hypertonicity in infants.
  • Cardiologist - will check the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Endocrinologist. The doctor will analyze the state of the thyroid gland and metabolic processes in the body. It could be a glitch in hormonal system, pituitary or diabetes.
  • Pediatrician - will help determine the symptoms of rickets, in some cases, the help of a neurologist may be needed. When diagnosing this disease most often, vitamin D is prescribed. Also, increased secretion sebaceous glands can inform about helminthic invasion. Depending on the nature of the pathology, the pediatrician may write out referrals to a nephrologist, urologist, or psychiatrist.

How to treat sweaty feet in a child

Manifestations of sweating in infants are a natural wave, since the body is only getting used to changing conditions, but if perspiration appears on the baby’s forehead quite often, the doctor may prescribe:

  • The use of vitamin D in winter time year, Aquadetrim is most often prescribed.
  • Special massage to improve blood circulation.
  • Constant visits to the pediatrician and neurologist.

For the treatment of older children, it is most often recommended:

  • Massage of the lower extremities.
  • hardening procedures.
  • Baths with the addition of infusion of oak bark, sage or string.
  • Talc, creams, powders that help eliminate sweat.

Sweating feet in young children often signals the presence of more dangerous diseases, so first you need to determine the underlying disease and treat it depending on its nature.

Aquadetrim will compensate for the lack of vitamin D in the body

Pharmacy funds

For the treatment of increased sweating, as well as the prevention of hyperhidrosis, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs to the child:

  1. Aquadetrim, which includes vitamin D - pediatricians prescribe a remedy for infants to prevent rickets, 1-2 drops per day.
  2. Pasta Teymurova - exhibits bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The remedy must be rubbed for 2 minutes before putting the child to bed at night, the next morning the paste must be washed off.
  3. "Burned alum" in powder form. Powdered product should be poured into the baby's socks before bedtime to absorb excess moisture and protect the feet from harmful bacteria.
  4. Chlorophyllipt solution - removes bad smell and inflammatory response. The drug should be used as carefully as possible, as it can provoke allergy symptoms.
  5. Zinc ointment - dries and disinfects the skin of the child, it is necessary to treat the affected area 3 times a day.
  6. Calamine cream warns inflammatory processes and skin irritation, and also prevents the appearance of fungal and viral diseases.
  7. Boric acid - has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk remedies

To get rid of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis of the legs, it is recommended to use methods traditional medicine:

  • Pour 100 gr. oak bark, succession or sage 1 liter of water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes and insist the resulting broth for half an hour, add herbal infusion into a full bath.
  • Sprinkle baby's feet potato starch or talc to remove moisture.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice mix with water in equal proportions and wipe ready tool the child's feet several times a day.
  • Treat feet with an apple bite or take baths with the addition of 150 gr. acetic acid. The course of treatment is 21 days.
  • Pour 200 gr. oat grains with a glass of boiled water, boil for steam bath and heat for an hour, hold for 5 hours, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and soak your feet in the bath for about an hour. The treatment time is 14 days.

Trays from medicinal herbs get rid of hyperhidrosis

Why do children's feet smell and how to deal with the smell

Usually the sweat of a child under 12 years of age does not strong odor, however, the situation can be complicated by the presence of pathogenic bacteria and pathologies:

  1. Worm invasion.
  2. Malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Fungal diseases.
  4. Rickets.
  5. Disruptions in the endocrine system.
  6. Renal or liver failure.
  7. Deterioration immune system organism.
  8. Diseases respiratory tract- pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  9. Violations of the vascular-cardiac system.

The manifestation of additional symptoms may signal the presence of serious diseases, we have already considered this issue in this article in more detail in the section "Sweating of the legs as a symptom of the disease."

What should I do if my child has sweaty and smelly feet? In this situation, the following tools are very helpful:

It is also necessary to remember the rules of hygiene, take a shower more often, observe drinking regimen and change socks regularly.


To prevent excessive sweating of the lower extremities in a child, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Buy shoes made from breathable non-synthetic materials. In some situations, doctors recommend wearing orthopedic shoes. Socks and tights should also be made from natural fabrics.
  2. Make sure that the air humidity is 50-70%, the temperature should not exceed 21°C.
  3. Observe the rules of hygiene.
  4. Take foot baths with the addition of herbal decoctions.
  5. Do not overheat the child by wearing a lot of clothes.
  6. Perform therapeutic massage: massage, pinch and rub the feet.
  7. Ventilate the room often.
  8. Regularly see a doctor to prevent the occurrence of diseases.
  9. Take daily walks.
  10. Carry out hardening procedures: hardening, cold and hot shower, walking barefoot on the grass, massage wet paths.

The manifestation of sweating of the feet in children is a natural process that contributes to the normalization of thermoregulation and protection of the body from overheating. However, if the baby sweats too often, this becomes a cause for concern, as it may signal the presence serious pathologies. In order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease, strengthen the immune system, take care of maintaining optimal temperature indoors and more often take baths with medicinal herbal infusions.

Sweating of the feet is common to all people, and when it occurs in warm time year, there is nothing strange here. What to do when your feet sweat regardless of weather conditions? The reason for this may be health problems. What methods of treatment and prevention exist, why the legs sweat and get cold - this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Why do feet sweat

The body always gives signals that indicate some kind of malfunction in the body. If the feet sweat in the summer, this is a completely natural reaction of the body, but the constant sweating of the feet both in winter and in the heat is a reason to think and consult a specialist. The causes of sweaty feet can be classified into two main types:

It is understandable that feet sweat in shoes, but there are a number of conditions where feet can sweat for other reasons. So often increased sweating occurs during physical activity(especially in men), with fear, anxiety, sports. The lower extremities may become wet at night when the person sleeps under a warm blanket. As you can see, there can be many reasons for this. The disease is clearly manifested during puberty in adolescents, during pregnancy or menopause in women. It is noticed that feet often sweat in winter former drug addicts and alcoholics.

Feet sweat and smell

To understand why the feet sweat and smell is to overcome the problem. The sweat itself does not stink, as it may initially seem (except for some diseases). The cause of the smell is bacteria that multiply rapidly in a humid environment. In the course of their existence, microorganisms emit gases that have such peculiar smell. For this reason, it is worth, firstly, trying to wear leather shoes, put on cotton socks, and, secondly, to observe personal hygiene in order to prevent bacteria from doing their “dirty business”.

in shoes

One of the common causes of bad breath coming from the feet is the wrong material of shoes and socks. Synthetic materials do not allow the feet to breathe. For this reason, socks get wet quickly and can cause feet to smell bad. It is noteworthy that the smell may not come from the feet themselves, but from the material soaked in sweat. If wet feet are constantly in shoes, then a fungus can multiply there, which will be the main cause of an unpleasant odor.

Why are my feet cold and sweaty?

Some people have such a problem when their feet are sweaty and cold at the same time. If a person does not suffer increased sweating or does not play sports, then the reason may lie in some diseases. It is important to come to the doctor in time, who will find out if the person has one of the following diseases:

  • acromegaly;
  • genetic disorders;
  • hypercortisolism;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • fungal infections stop;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • leukemia;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • flat feet;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

It is worth distinguishing between primary hyperhidrosis of the feet, which manifests itself during puberty, and secondary, the root cause of which may be serious illness endocrine system and neuralgia. It is important to pay attention to the sweating of the feet in a child, since hyperhidrosis of the feet in them may indicate the presence of worms in the body, a lack of vitamin D, problems with the central nervous system.

What to do if feet sweat

It is worth understanding that excessive sweating Stop on its own won't go anywhere. To cure it, it is worth making some efforts, and the sooner this is done, the easier it will be to cope with the pathology. To begin with, it is worth finding out if excessive sweating is a consequence of lifestyle or work, because if a person plays sports, constantly runs, then this may be normal reaction organism. What to do if your feet sweat a lot for this reason? It is worth contacting a doctor and passing some tests to identify concomitant diseases.

How to get rid of sweaty feet

ABOUT medical preparations and folk remedies will be discussed further. Except given treatment so that the legs do not sweat, it is advised to conduct a course of iontophoresis. Charged ions enter the body through the skin under the influence of direct current. The feet must be placed in water, which is an excellent electrical conductor, and a current is applied with the help of a special device.

The procedure itself is performed daily, and it is stopped when sweating returns to normal. For greater efficiency, minerals and herbal infusions can be added to the water. Some doctors suggest injecting Botox, which suppresses excessive sweat production. It needs to be injected into the feet. Therapeutic effect lasts for 7-8 months. An effective remedy special insoles are considered to absorb the smell.


Pharmaceutics can help cure the disease. Currently, the cure for the smell and sweating of the feet is easy to find on the shelves of pharmacies. Formaldehyde-based preparations have proven themselves well, which not only destroys harmful microorganisms, but also helps to close the sweat glands. Experts recommend:

  • Formidron;
  • Formagel;
  • Fernomide;
  • Malavit;
  • Borosin;

Cream for sweaty feet

There are many remedies that can combat excessive sweating. Pharmacies may offer a cream or ointment for the smell and sweating of the feet:

  • Salicylic-zinc cream. This tool has been successfully used for more than a dozen years, showing itself perfectly in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. It not only helps to keep feet from sweating, but is also antibacterial agent capable of inhibiting bacterial growth. The only restriction on the drug is that it cannot be smeared with adolescents under 12 years of age.
  • Formagel. Formaldehyde-based antiseptic perfectly copes with the spread of infections and fungal diseases on the skin when regular use.
  • Deodorant-cream Vichy "7 days". Helps stop sweating by penetrating the skin with trace elements that block the leg sweat channels. Apply to clean feet washed with soap.

Folk remedies

When the reason that the feet are sweating does not lie in the diseases of the body, then more than one folk remedy for sweating feet will come to the rescue. Some of the recipes can be seen below:

  • Oak bark. Use is recommended in the form of trays prepared from 100 g oak bark filled with a liter of boiling water.
  • bay leaves. A bath before going to bed is prepared from an infusion of 20 bay leaves and 3 liters of water that has settled for 40 minutes.
  • birch leaves. Fresh leaves are placed between the toes twice a day to keep the feet from sweating.
  • sage. Baths, so that the feet do not sweat, are done twice a day. To prepare the infusion, take 20 g of herbs per glass of water and boil for 10 minutes.

How to deal with sweaty feet at home

In addition to decoctions, talc, baby powder or boric powder can be successfully used to treat hyperhidrosis. Starch has proven itself well, as well as baths from sea ​​salt. Can do soda solution to wash your feet, or use lemon juice, which will give freshness to the feet, relieving sweat for up to 12 hours. You can rub your feet with a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts water to keep your feet from sweating. As you can see, getting rid of sweaty feet at home is elementary.

Find out which is the most effective.


The secretion of sweat is a necessary function that rids the body of harmful substances, toxins, normalizing the temperature and hormonal balance. Excessive sweating can be called a pathology, but not always this process is a deviation from the norm. Parents are often interested in why children's feet sweat and whether it is worth worrying about for this reason. The precipitating factors can be poor quality shoes, clothes that do not match weather conditions, synthetic socks or poor hygiene. If, in addition to sweating, there is an unpleasant smell, then it is better to consult a doctor. However, in combination with other disorders, the problem indicates malfunctions in the work of other internal organs.

The development of sweating by age

In order to notice a deviation in sweating in children in time, it is important to understand the features of the process depending on age:

  1. Why do feet sweat in children under one year old? In infants, the sweating system is not yet developed, which often leads to its redundancy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs. It is known that the limbs respond faster to changes in temperature regime. Sometimes parents play it safe and dress the baby warmly, even if the room is hot. Also, low-quality booties or socks can be the source of the problem.
  2. Why do feet sweat in children from one to three? At this age, the baby is actively mastering walking. Some even start visiting preschool institutions and activity is on the rise. Therefore, experts believe that during outdoor games this state of affairs is natural. But if special reasons for sweating is not observed, then it is worth showing the child to the doctor. After all similar condition at the age of two years may indicate rickets. In some cases, the disease is diagnosed at 4-5 years.
  3. Why do feet sweat in children 4-7 years old? By school, the process is improving more and more, but the peak falls on adolescence. Preschoolers are becoming more susceptible and overreact to external stimuli. Stress, fear, fun can cause increased sweating. Also, the cause may be poor-quality shoes and clothes that are out of season.

If a problem occurs, it is important to pay attention to the fluid released. In children, sweat is odorless, does not leave marks on clothes and does not stick to hands.

When to beware

Mothers are often interested in why the palms and feet of a child sweat. The reason may be quite harmless, but there are symptoms that should not be ignored:

  • rise in temperature to subfebrile indicators;
  • the appearance of rashes, redness on the skin;
  • irritability or lethargy;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • loss of appetite;
  • constant apathy;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • pallor of the skin.

The appearance of such symptoms may indicate a malfunction in the internal organs.

Possible problems

It is necessary to understand why the child's feet and hands sweat. If the baby does not overheat, wears appropriate clothing and shoes, then doctors attribute this circumstance to the following problems:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological disorders;
  • hormonal disbalance, which may be acquired or congenital;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease;
  • excess weight;
  • thyroid disease.

It is important to understand why the child's feet are sweating, as well as to eliminate the cause in a timely manner. Because hyperhidrosis in itself is not a pathology, but only indicates possible problem. At the same time, discomfort can be associated both with diseases of the internal organs, and with purely physical defects.

Provoking factors

Having figured out why the child's legs are sweating, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that provokes the problem. Often the culprit is an unfavorable environment or the parents themselves. Many experts believe that hyperhidrosis in children is associated with the following factors:

  • excessive wrapping of babies;
  • clothes not for the weather;
  • clothes made of synthetic materials;
  • stuffiness in the room and lack of ventilation;
  • drinking too much;
  • stressful and overly emotional situations;
  • heredity.

If these causes are eliminated, the problem often goes away on its own. However, the last point requires a more serious approach and consultation with a doctor.

Which specialists to visit

To find out why a child's feet sweat a lot, you need to consult a doctor. Initially, parents should show the baby to the attending pediatrician. He examines the baby for rickets and, after his exclusion, prescribes additional diagnostics. Referrals to the following specialists may be given:

  1. Endocrinologist. The doctor will find out hormonal background child and in particular the work of the thyroid gland. For this, an ultrasound is done and blood is taken for analysis. The specialist must exclude hormonal failure, problems with the pituitary gland and diabetes.
  2. Neurologist. Especially important is the examination of a doctor for infants. He checks the babies for the presence or absence of muscle tone and also examines children for various neurological problems. The risk of developing vascular dystonia is often the cause of sweating.
  3. Cardiologist. It is important to find out why small child sweaty feet, because the cause may be problems in cardiovascular system. Similar diseases must be under the full control of a specialist.

If the baby has other problems, then referrals to visit a urologist, psychiatrist or nephrologist may be issued. Only a fully collected history will help with the final diagnosis.

How to deal with the problem

If the legs of a child who is not yet a year old sweat, then special methods there is no treatment. A similar problem, if it is not associated with a specific disease, is due to an imperfect mechanism of sweating. Doctors may recommend the following:

  1. In the cold season, take vitamin D drops. "Aquadetrim" has proven itself well, which must be offered to the child two drops a day.
  2. To normalize blood circulation, it is recommended that babies regularly massage both the lower extremities and the whole body.
  3. Regularly undergo scheduled examinations with narrow specialists and your pediatrician.

Babies often walk on their toes when learning to walk. In this case, the cause may be pyramidal insufficiency. In this case, as well as with increased intracranial pressure vitamins and nootropic drugs may be prescribed.

Shoes are very important

FAQ with which parents turn to doctors - why does the child's feet sweat in shoes. The reason is poor-quality material or inconsistency with the weather and size. When choosing shoes for your beloved child, it is better to give preference to high-quality textiles or genuine leather. In this case, the following factors are important:

  • shoes should be elastic;
  • fully adapt to the child's leg;
  • the material must be breathable.

If the baby suffers from sweating, then it is better to avoid boots made of low-quality leatherette. But if this is unavoidable, then it is important that the insole is leather, and inner surface from cotton material.

If shoes are selected for hot and dry weather, then samples with a perforated top should be preferred. They provide excellent ventilation. In summer it is better to wear open sandals. It is recommended to have at least two pairs of shoes for each season. This is necessary for complete drying of each pair and good ventilation.

What else to do

Why does a child's feet sweat and smell? If medical problems are ruled out, then the problem is improper hygiene, unsuitable shoes or equipment that does not correspond to weather conditions. To eliminate sweating, you must follow the following tips:

  • regularly change your child's cotton socks;
  • choose only quality shoes, avoid too tight and narrow;
  • if the problem is too worrying, it is recommended to purchase shoes with a special membrane material that removes excess moisture from the feet and provides excellent breathability;
  • you can buy special insoles that contain Activated carbon(it absorbs excess moisture);
  • regularly wash the legs with cool water, paying attention to the spaces between the fingers.

The room should not be too hot. The diet of the baby should also be reconsidered. The menu should include vegetables, fruits and foods with a high content of vitamin D and calcium.

The use of traditional medicine

Our grandmothers knew many methods that eliminate hyperhidrosis. To find out why the child's feet sweat, the doctor will help, and folk methods alleviate the condition. The following methods have worked well:

  1. Baths with a decoction of oak bark. Also use dry raw materials, which are applied to the feet under the socks. The treatment consists of a course of 14 procedures.
  2. Soda-salt baths. This procedure eliminates unpleasant odors, and also helps to strengthen the immune forces of the child. For greater effect, use drops of different essential oils: eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree, menthol.
  3. If the problem overtook a teenager, then they use boric acid applied between the fingers. Before this, the feet are washed and dried well. Socks should be changed several times a day.
  4. Foot baths from birch leaves and field horsetail. The procedure can be carried out twice a day for two weeks.
  5. If the problem of sweating bothers the child only while wearing shoes, then you can use them evenly poured into socks. The procedure is completely safe, therefore it is recommended even for the smallest.

In general, herbal foot baths are considered an effective but harmless method for excessive sweating. If the child is healthy, but his legs are constantly wet, then decoctions of chamomile, calendula, birch buds or string can be used. After the procedure, it is necessary to wipe the legs and sprinkle the feet with talc.

How to Reduce Your Chances of Developing Hyperhidrosis

The following tips will help not only save your baby from the problem of wet feet, but also strengthen his immunity. If there are no contraindications and the pathology of internal organs is not recognized as the cause of sweating, then the following measures can be taken:

  • hardening;
  • massage;
  • herbal or salt foot baths.

Well helps to reduce hyperhidrosis foot massage. It is carried out by the parents themselves. You can use the technique of stroking, kneading and circular motions.

interesting and effective advice the following can be considered:

  • walking on warm rice;
  • massage with dry, but slightly warmed buckwheat.

Such procedures increase blood flow and contribute to the normalization of natural thermoregulation. Of course, you should not jump on the croup. For the proper effect, you just need to stand, slightly moving your legs. If the baby is too small, then fabric bags filled with dry cereals are used for this. With their help, a gentle massage is carried out.


It is important to understand that excessive sweating of the feet in children can be a symptom of the disease. If reasons such as tight shoes, unsuitable for the weather or excessive activity, you should consult your doctor.