How to decorate a white Christmas tree. The elegant Christmas tree is decorated with garlands in the form of tartan fabric, as well as red and blue balls. Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year: basic rules

Garlands with balls, hung in a chaotic manner, as if to cover the Christmas tree, no longer impress many people. It is much more practical and ultimately more beautiful to choose one direction or theme for decoration and follow it.

Christmas tree style

In order to really dress up the main one beautifully upcoming holiday, you need, first of all, to decide on the style in which you plan to decorate the tree.


The Christmas tree as a symbol of Christmas (which became a New Year's tree in Russia only in the 30s of the 20th century) in original form is still represented in the West in holidays. Regardless of whether the wood is natural or not, it is green and has three color options for decorations:

  • warm, where red and gold colors are used;

The fact is that the first decorations on the Christmas tree in Germany in the 17th century were ordinary red and yellow apples, which looked good against the green background of pine needles. According to legend, the first glass balls To decorate holiday trees, they were forced to do so in a year when apples were not harvested. Of course, they were similar to the usual fruits in shape and color: round and red or yellow (golden).

  • cold, where blue and silver balls are presented;
  • mixed with decorations of all four colors at once.

Decorating a Christmas tree in this style is notable for the fact that it can take months to prepare. You can hang “souvenirs” from all the places you’ve visited over the year on the tree, and before that, carefully select them with your child on vacation at the seaside, personal plot at grandma's or hunting with dad.

It would seem that not much time has passed, and Soviet-era toys have become not only a real rarity, but also a rather expensive pleasure if you buy them again. If you still have a box of old toys from your childhood or your parents’ childhood, you can safely hang them on the Christmas tree and have no doubt about the relevance of this decision.

On the eve of the New Year 1935, it was decided to return the holiday, traditional for pre-revolutionary Russia, to Soviet children, but in a new capacity:

  • now the tree has become a New Year's tree, not a Christmas tree;
  • instead of six-pointed Star of Bethlehem, which shone in honor of the birth of Christ, the tree was crowned with a red five-pointed tree;
  • angels and candles were replaced with colorful figures of animals and people, pine cones and fruits. And this, by the way, became distinctive feature Russian Soviet New Year tree, because in the West, toys, as a rule, are designed in the same color and shape.

Of course, pine cones and astronauts from the 80s should never be mixed with modern matte balls and garlands - it will look awkward and strange.


If we are talking about minimalist decoration of the New Year's tree, then the emphasis here is, first of all, on the beauty of the tree itself. It is enough to hang only a few balls or just a garland with small bulbs to give the mood to the room without going overboard with the decoration for the tree.

This is a good solution if:

  • you are not confident in your abilities as a designer or simply have no taste;
  • you don’t have time to invent and implement any concept;
  • you do not have the desire or ability to spend money on a large number of high-quality jewelry.

In stock beautiful tree and the most a simple garland you no longer have to worry about your elegance and festivity Christmas tree.

Consonant with the Year of the Rooster

The coming year is associated with a symbol in the image fire rooster, which perfectly matches the rustic style.

You can please the Cockerel if you decorate your Christmas tree in a village design. Use toys made with your own hands or from natural materials. Christmas tree decorations made of wood are suitable - large beads, images of wooden cockerels, sleighs, skates, birds, etc.

Instead of Christmas boots, hang decorative felt boots on a beautiful ribbon. Will fit very well into this topic knitted jewelry and toys, as well as textile handicrafts.

An excellent option is the predominance of red in the decor, because the symbol of the cockerel has a fiery hue.

If you want to combine European and eastern calendar at the same time, then decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year with different toys in the form of cockerels.

Be sure that now this proud and cocky Cockerel will not leave you throughout the year, rewarding you with happiness, wealth and love.


If your nature requires more exquisite style, then think about decorating the Christmas tree in Provence style. Distinctive features This design is a mix of luxurious and delicate.

Feel free to use various ornate lace, ruffles, and silk elements for a Provence-style Christmas tree. The gold color fits very well into this trend. Golden balls, beads with “gilding”, shiny toys will be an excellent Christmas tree decoration with a French “flavor”. As an alternative to gold, you can use toys in soft pastel colors.

Openwork elements - knitted, cutwork, wicker - are an integral part of the Provence Christmas tree.

Regular strings are not suitable for hanging toys; it is best to attach them with decorative strings.

If you have artificially aged toys, it will be a real find. You can also look for real vintage New Year's items and decorate your Christmas tree with them. You can find them in grandma's bins or at flea markets.

There should be no modern synthetics on the Christmas tree!

Another option for implementing the Provence style in decorating a Christmas tree is the use of the queen of flowers - the rose. Natural and artificial roses in combination with green pine needles - very stylish and laconic!

How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

If you still decide to decorate your Christmas tree beautifully and in accordance with all the canons and rules, at all costs, a few tips on the position of toys and garlands on the tree will be very helpful.

Combination of colors on the Christmas tree

The first thing you need to do is select decorations for your New Year's tree. Over the years of celebration, a lot of them accumulate, some are made with their own hands or given as gifts, and, as a rule, they are all from different stories and do not sit well next to each other from an aesthetic point of view. In order to correctly combine the colors of toys on a Christmas tree, you need, firstly, to decide on the style in which it will be decorated, because sometimes it already contains a certain set of colors and you don’t need to invent anything (as in the traditional style of decorating Christmas trees, about which discussed above). Secondly, you need to know several principles for using the so-called designer color wheel, which will help you choose the right colors not only for decorating a Christmas tree, but also in any other situation when you need to beautifully arrange several colors together.

The color wheel was first mentioned in early color theories back in the 17th century. Initially it practical use boiled down to visual aid for mixing dyes to obtain desired color, because previously the dyes were only basic blue, red and yellow flowers, and all other colors and shades were achieved by mixing them. The color wheel is still the first and main guide for every artist and designer to achieve harmony in their works and projects.

So, you can decorate the Christmas tree:

  • different shades of the same color (on the color wheel these are the 3 or 4 colors closest to each other);
  • gradient, that is, arranging the toys in the same order as the colors in the circle, starting with any of them and moving to the right or left;
  • choosing colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow and purple, blue and red, green and lilac. Such combinations look unusual, but are always pleasing to the eye.

Placement of decorations

Having decided on the color of toys and tinsel, do not rush to place it all on the Christmas tree. Next you need to decide on the festive geometry of your tree. There may be three options for the placement of decorations:

  • screw (or spiral);
  • along longitudinal lines (or vertical);
  • circular (or horizontal).

Each of the options is beautiful and none is the only correct one, it all depends on your preferences and tastes.

How to hang a garland

The garland is hung on the tree first and sets the tone for further decoration of the tree.

After you have decided on which lines you will hang the decorations, you need to choose the appropriate garland or prepare tinsel required length and sizes and place it on the tree depending on your decision:

  • attach a long garland to the top and wrap it around the tree several times, hanging the lanterns in a spiral;
  • hang several medium-sized garlands or pieces of tinsel vertically, securing each one to the top of the tree;
  • place several short garlands or strings of rain on the branches, thereby marking horizontal lines.

How to decorate the top of a Christmas tree

When the garland has been hung and the color scheme for the New Year tree has been chosen, all that remains is to decide on the decoration of the top of the tree.

The traditional star has long ceased to have its original biblical meaning and has lost the communist connotations from the 20th century, so if you did not choose Soviet vintage as the style of your tree, you can crown it with:

  • a star of absolutely any color and size, for example, to match all the other decorations on:
  • a bow made from ordinary ribbon, which is used to tie girls’ braids;
  • a hat of Santa Claus or one of the family members;
  • a mitten or felt boot;
  • a soft toy planted near the top of the tree will also look great.

There are many options and their choice depends, among other things, on the place where the spruce is decorated. For example, in a company's office it may be crowned with a symbol similar to a production label, or a mascot of its employees.

Options for decorating a New Year tree: unity of style, color or shape (video)

So, in order for the Christmas tree to be on New Year looked beautiful, you need:

  • choose a style or theme for decorating the tree;
  • decide on the color scheme and, based on this, select toys and tinsel;
  • decide on which lines the toys will be placed;
  • hang garlands and tinsel along the selected lines;
  • hang toys without disturbing the overall geometry of the tree.

Can not imagine new year holidays without beautiful Christmas tree, decorated in bright colors.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in 2019, it is advisable to plan in advance: best toys To last days they will already be sold out, and you won’t be able to immediately think through the design itself down to the smallest detail.

To have a Christmas tree decorated in accordance with the best traditions, really created a holiday atmosphere, you shouldn’t limit yourself to purchased accessories alone: ​​add designer elements to the design, use available materials - and you will get a stylish, sophisticated and bright Christmas tree that will be remembered by each of the guests.

Considering that the symbol of next year is the Yellow Earth Pig, it’s not hard to figure out how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year. The pig is an energetic, active creature, and therefore requires careful selection of shades and accessories.

Let's figure out which Christmas tree decorations will be considered the most suitable in the New Year 2019.

Preparing for decoration

Decorating the New Year tree 2019 requires careful preparation. Firstly, think in advance about what kind of Christmas tree it is better to purchase: the larger it is, the more difficult it will be to create a harmonious design, and the naturalness of the winter beauty will also play an important role in the perception of the interior.

Take a look at the boxes with old toys: perhaps some of them have already lost their appearance, are damaged, or simply do not correspond to the theme of next year.

Think about what toys you should buy - and go in search of decorations required forms and sizes (the sooner you start searching, the larger assortment will be at your disposal).

Don't rush to throw away your old glass balls; they can be crushed up and used as glitter for new homemade decorations.

The best options for decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year involve using red, gold, yellow, brown and white shade, but these colors do not have to be present in Christmas balls. Look for bright bows, garlands with light bulbs in matching colors, or rain made in matching colors.

To find out how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2019, decide in advance on the optimal arrangement of toys and other decorations.

There are several such options:

Find out: decor ideas, useful tips and recommendations for decorating rooms on the eve of the Year of the Yellow Pig.

About how to do New Year's candles with your own hands, read in: options for beautiful festive decoration of candles for the New Year, made in different techniques.

Since the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree dates back to ancient times, many people prefer to decorate it in old style. In fact, there are many interesting stylistic solutions for such decoration. For example, a country style Christmas tree can be decorated paper decorations, felt toys, small figures made of straw or wood, antique accessories.

Decorations for a traditional style Christmas tree are the usual spherical decorations, flashing garlands and large rain. Assortment of modern Christmas tree accessories also includes bows, bells, flowers and regular ribbons.

Sprayable also available artificial snow, which can be used to decorate individual branches or toys.

If you want to decorate your Christmas tree in a vintage or retro style, stock up on old toys, vinyl records(even with their help you can create spectacular decorations!), accessories made of glass and shiny elements. Christmas tree in modern style, in addition to standard accessories, can be decorated with fur elements, plastic and metal parts, and even CDs.

The best Christmas tree for the New Year will turn out if you pay attention to every detail. The decoration of the Christmas tree begins with garlands, then you can proceed to toys and decorations. last stage– to rain and tinsel, as well as to installing the top. Let's take a closer look at how to decorate a Christmas tree in 2019.

Decoration with garlands

Garlands for the New Year tree can be different: electric and standard, large and small, single-color and rainbow. Therefore, careful planning should precede the selection of such accessories. appearance your Christmas tree.

If you decide to purchase an electric garland, be sure to consider its safety and place of production. It is advisable to look at the quality certificate for such jewelry: specialized points of sale should not refuse you this. Immediately check its suitability: all the lights of the garland should be lit.

By the way, garlands can be not only the main, but also the only decoration of the Christmas tree: when lit, they will look very bright and festive, even if they have only one shade. Do not forget that even such decorations should not be too much: observe the measure and stick to one direction when decorating a Christmas tree of any size.

When using multi-colored garlands, make sure that the Christmas tree decorations are in harmony with them in shade.

When we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year, we don’t always think about the fact that even the most unusual materials can be used to create accessories. You can even make garlands yourself.

The easiest way is to create a garland from paper: it can have the shape of a chain of rings, be a rope or ribbon with paper pictures and clippings, and even have volume (for example, you can make bright candy figures from paper).

As materials at hand to create your own garland, you can use gingerbread and candies, beads, toys made of felt or other fabric, coins, jewelry, nuts, plastic stoppers bright colors and many other elements. The main thing is that they fit into the design of the Christmas tree in shape and size.

When the garland is ready, you can start choosing Christmas decorations. Let's look at how to decorate the Christmas tree in 2019 with purchased and homemade decorations.

Christmas tree toys

We have already noted that before purchasing Christmas tree decorations it is necessary to decide on their shapes and sizes.

Standard option – bright balls medium in size, but since the Pig is considered the symbol of 2019, you can look for toys in the shape of these animals or tropical fruits. Also suitable for decorating a Christmas tree are toys in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses, snowflakes and other New Year-themed scenes.

It is better to decorate a large Christmas tree big toys or combine them harmoniously with smaller elements. Large accessories are hung on branches first.

It is better to hang Christmas tree decorations 2019 in such a way that the fasteners are not noticeable. Stores sell special green mounts that blend in with coniferous branches. Can also be used as toy holders paper clips, ropes or bright ribbons that will fit into the holiday decor.

Don’t forget about the possibility of creating your own New Year’s decorations. Figures made from puff pastry, wax toys, and decorations made using decoupage and papier-mâché techniques will look unusual and interesting. We will describe a few more ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree with your own hands below.

How to decorate the top?

Your Christmas tree design may not seem complete if you don't take care to create a beautiful tree topper. For these purposes, you can purchase ready-made Christmas trees new Year decoration or build an accessory yourself.

Traditional options for decorating the top of the tree are large stars, figures of Jesus or Santa Claus (depending on the holiday you are going to celebrate), or a pointed decoration. You can choose an angel figurine or tie a beautiful and lush bow bright shade(preferably choose red color).

If the shape of your Christmas tree does not require the use of a toy for the top, you can decorate the end of the tree with a lush rain shower or a garland.

To attract good luck to next year, as top decoration Christmas tree, you can use a figurine of a pig. Such a toy will not look contradictory in the decoration of the New Year tree.

Do not forget that the top of the Christmas tree should be chosen taking into account the color scheme of its design. It is desirable that its shape be in harmony with other toys and decorations on the coniferous tree. Therefore, many people prefer to purchase jewelry in ready-made sets: this will make it easier to maintain a uniform style during the decorating process.

New Year is a time of fairy tales and magic, and this atmosphere will be emphasized homemade decorations on the Christmas tree in the form of snowflakes. You can purchase ready-made snowflakes made of plastic with openwork inserts and sparkles that shimmer under the light.

To save money, make snowflakes yourself: as the main material for such jewelry will do paper, durable cardboard, plastic, foam rubber, rigid fabric or felt. Decorate snowflakes with beads, shiny varnish, beads, bright embroidery or paints.

Another option for DIY Christmas tree decorations, which is quite often used in New Year's decor, are toys made from cones. Collect a sufficient number of cones in advance and prepare paints and glitter for decoration.

The cones can be hung on the Christmas tree in their original form or turned into themed toys(for example, in the form of Santa Claus). You can emphasize the winter freshness of your Christmas tree by decorating the cones with artificial snow.

You can make your own Christmas tree decorations in the shape of snowmen. For such decorations, use cardboard (then the snowman will not be voluminous), plaster or foam rubber, felt, fabric or cotton wool.

The felting technique is very popular: make cute snowmen from felted wool– and use it not only as decorations for the Christmas tree, but also as gifts for guests.

From plastic bottles you can cut out transparent figures of deer, Santa Clauses, stars, which will shimmer from the glare of garlands or candles. More can be applied complex techniques: For example, you can use bottles to create penguin or Santa toys.

Read about what it should be like: what colors predominate, what the setting should be, including dishes, glasses, napkins and tablecloth.

Detailed article about the Kanzashi Christmas tree: step by step photos, video instructions with execution techniques.

You can make new Christmas balls from old ones. For example, wrap plastic balls with shiny or bright thread or stick interesting pictures using decoupage technique. Using glue and broken glass, you can create Christmas balls with a glossy and mirror surface. And the creation of plastic balls decorated with beads, sparkles and paint can be entrusted to the younger generation.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with your children? After all, it is better not to entrust children with working with scissors, sharp objects or wax. Invite them to hang edible decorations on the Christmas tree: gingerbread cookies, cookies, fruits, nuts, candies. All these decorations can be wrapped in gift paper if desired.

You can decorate a New Year tree, even focusing on your hobby. Use dried flowers, shells, coins, cards, or even family photos. This design will definitely surprise your guests and create the atmosphere of a warm family holiday.

To make your Christmas tree look as impressive and harmonious as possible in the New Year, do not put off preparing for the decoration. Go shopping: you may get some ideas yourself or find unusual toys, which are just beginning to gain popularity.

It is advisable to decorate the Christmas tree together with your family: then New Year's interior everyone will like it.

Decorating a Christmas tree is always fun, but sometimes the results are disappointing.

Few people know that decorating a Christmas tree is not only fun, but also not so easy.

Hanging a lot of Christmas tree decorations, garlands and tinsel does not mean making the tree beautiful.

To make the tree look like you saw in movies and on beautiful pictures, need to follow simple rules, which we will consider.

Where to put the Christmas tree

Before decorating your Christmas tree, you must first install it correctly.

You should choose the most spacious room. After all, a lot of gifts and photographs require sufficient space.

If you don't have large rooms and you live in a communal apartment, then install the Christmas tree so that it is not blocked by furniture or other interior elements.

Christmas tree should be visible, striking and be the main thing.

It doesn’t matter if your tree is artificial or natural, you need to install it away from heating appliances, outlets and electricity.

Holiday candles It’s also better to put it away.

According to Eastern tradition and Feng Shui, it is better to place a spruce tree in the far right corner of the room. It is believed that such an installation will attract love, replenishment and financial well-being.

If there are animals or small children in the house, secure the tree firmly.

Decorating the Christmas tree with toys

Before you start decorating your Christmas tree, even if you haven’t bought it yet, take out the toys a couple of days in advance.

Perhaps some part of them was broken or damaged. So that it doesn't happen unpleasant surprise, evaluate their condition, and most importantly, think about whether you have enough flowers.

What toys are best used to decorate the Christmas tree:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • golden or silver, covered with layers of glitter;
  • matte photo toys.

If you plan to decorate the Christmas tree with a garland based on the same tone, that is, all its lamps will glow with golden light, then you can not use toys at all, but include one or even two garlands densely placed on the branches.

If you have only one, it is quite acceptable to buy green or blue, medium-sized, not heavy toys. It's better if they are the same.

Advice: Do not use ones that are too different in size when decorating a Christmas tree. Take a look at the images of beautifully decorated Christmas trees - it’s rare to see a variety of formats within one beautiful Christmas tree.

Decorating the New Year tree should be done using not too much large quantity different elements.

There is no need to hang everything that you have accumulated over the years on your green girlfriend.

Tinsel, multi-colored foil, homemade products - all mixed with colorful toys may disappoint.

How to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree with a garland

The basic rule when decorating a Christmas tree with a garland is to distribute the lights evenly. Otherwise you have three options:

  • place the garland on the edges of the branches after decorating with toys. This is not recommended, but if the garland is long and plays different colors, it’s perfectly acceptable to try. However, the main condition is the use of a small number of solid-colored ball toys. But all sorts of red gifts, figurines New Year's characters and other delights are quite acceptable, but, again, in moderation. dolls that you have in your house will also work;
  • Decorate the Christmas tree with garland before decorating with toys. This is easier to do, and small unevenness in its location will hide the toys. As for toys, there can be quite a lot of them, but it is recommended to use two colors. The main thing is that they should not be transparent; it is better if the surface is matte;
  • wrap a garland around the trunk of a Christmas tree. Of course, this option is not suitable for those whose Christmas tree is not very lush. Otherwise, the branches will be completely scanty. But for dense forest beauties of large size, this is suitable.

It is important to distribute the lamps evenly and wrap the tree turn by turn. At the same time, taking into account safety precautions is the main thing, because you cannot leave the garland on while the residents of the house are away or sleeping.

If done, it is decorated with garlands depending on the size.

Artificial spruce trees do not always look good with glow lamps, as they give away the unnaturalness of the tree.

This also applies to those who bought artificial Christmas tree in the shop.

Decorating the Christmas tree with different toys

If you have a lot of beautiful but different toys, including shiny figures, bright balls, and large matte products, they can be combined.

Moreover, in the case of decorating the Christmas tree with colorful toys different sizes It is not recommended to use a multi-colored garland, and sometimes even a single-color one will not be entirely appropriate.

So, first, let's distribute the toys by size.

Colors don’t matter to us, because they are all too different, and you can’t get much from the shades - they will still look different on the tree.

It is better to decorate the Christmas tree with the largest toys, starting from the bottom, but for the New Year they are distributed evenly.

The medium ones are in the center, and the small ones are at the top. Moreover, most of the toys should be in the lower part, but in the upper part their number should be reduced, and gradually.

Perfect decoration Christmas trees - place a star on the top of the head. It may be white or shiny, as a last resort, have a color that will match most toys.

How to beautifully decorate the top of a Christmas tree

It is worthwhile to dwell in detail on decorating the Christmas tree top.

Long gone are the days when you had to buy a star to put on top.

Today it is not at all necessary to buy a special one; a large bow tied with your own hands or a twisted garland with your own hands will do just fine.

You can buy it for him wide tape white, possibly transparent, and then tie it around the top or in the same way, make a star out of beads.

Interesting solution- first make a bow, then sprinkle it with gelatin, and then iron it thoroughly.

New Year's toys from soft fabrics can be made using the same principle.

If you are not one of those who just on New Year's Eve takes out all the toys from the back drawer and hangs everything on a tree. If you are accustomed to treating design and decor issues responsibly, how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 will bother you at least a month before the celebration.

Color spectrum

That the coming year? 2019 will be held under the Yellow banner Earth Pig who loves these colors:

  • Yellow
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • Gold.

So if you trust astrological forecasts and eastern horoscopes, decorate your home in these colors. In addition, they will look harmonious against the backdrop of lush green needles. This color scheme is often used in holiday decor, and here it would be a sin not to take advantage.

Yellow bells, gray snowflakes, brown gingerbread, golden rain - this is one of a million possible combinations.

At the same time, following the morals of the animal, you should abandon red, blue and green. By the way, in this case you can use white wood (artificial, of course) as a basis. White Christmas trees, if decorated correctly, look amazing!

Creating harmony in the home

Every year it is customary to buy new toys, balls or other decorative elements to bring newness and freshness to the house. How to choose the right colors for jewelry to create the perfect composition?

  • The main advice is to let the shades resonate with those already in your room. If you have active turquoise (for example, curtains and a sofa in this color), let the forest beauty also be dressed in turquoise tones.

  • Subjects festive decoration should be traced throughout the house in the same style. It will be ridiculous to see silver accessories in one room Snow Queen, and in the other - warm wooden country style motifs.

  • Modern decorators offer to bring monochrome compositions to life. There's no need to cover everything in red if that's your favorite color. It's about about the competent use of all shades of this spectrum. Use this gradient option: pink-fuchsia-cherry-ruby-cranberry-burgundy. Similarly, you can stretch any color and choose balls, ribbons, garlands, metafan in your own shade.

Color combination options

Traditionally, the usual shades that we associate with the New Year are red, green, gold and silver. However, any color can become the basis for a beautiful design.

When combining shades, use this tip:

Colors of the same depth and intensity combine well with each other. For example, pastels are easy to make friends with their own kind: pink, peach, light yellow, blue, lilac, beige complement each other perfectly.

So, here are more options for combinations that can be used to decorate both an artificial and live Christmas tree.

  • Green and red
  • Red with white
  • Green and white
  • Completely snow-white decor
  • Blue, white and silver
  • Ivory and matte gold
  • Grey-green, ivory and pewter
  • Bright purple, blue and green
  • Ice blue, lilac and silver
  • Beige, brown, golden yellow and rust
  • Green, burgundy and gold.

New Year is a holiday when magnificent outfits are welcomed and create the right mood. So give free rein to your imagination, be creative and don’t be shy about expressing your own self in decor.

Stylistic design

Now they are in fashion themed holidays, when all the guests carefully select costumes, according to the theme of the evening, think through the menu and competition program. Decor is one of the most important details, which can set the right tone.

We offer you 10 modern and current ideas thematic design. Without pop and vulgarity, only harmony, beauty and style.


Finally, this trend has reached our area. The most important thing this year will be to remove all unnecessary things from the eyes and allow natural beauty to appear. Carefully hang a garland of small light bulbs on the Christmas tree and let the beauty twinkle with a dozen lights.

Mood color – pink

Let brightness and playful mood come into your life. If you managed to find a tree of color pink gold- Bingo! Otherwise, just cover the traditional one with strawberry toys and balls.

For sports fans

Fans of football, basketball, racing and other sports can hang themed paraphernalia on the pine tree. Let it be balls, cars, instead of rain - scarves and pennants with the symbols of your favorite team.

Sea Sea

In the cold winter season, suddenly you want to remember the bright sun and warm sea? Throw a nautical themed party. Your tree will be decorated with starfish, shells and sailor ribbons.

Blooming garden

Who said that flowers don't grow on spruce trees?! This doesn't happen on New Year's Day. Complement traditional accessories with large and expressive flowers made of paper or ribbons, and your home will turn into a beautiful greenhouse.

A Christmas tree decorated with elegant flowers looks at least original.

Retro style

Remember how in the cartoon Prostokvashino they decorated a tree with everything that was found in the attic? We invite you to delve into grandma's chests and get antiques from there. Such jewelry is filled with family history and love that is passed down from generation to generation.

Family dinner

On this family holiday, it will be important to hang family heirlooms and photos on green branches. This could be your child's pacifier, your husband's first sneaker, your crown kindergarten. Imagine how many memories and warm moments you will experience while dressing up your beauty.


Continuing the theme of warmth and unity, we invite you to be transported to a village hut, where crafts from natural materials made with your own hands.
They'll go ahead knitted balls and toys, felt figurines, wooden crafts.

Shabby chic

This trend is characterized by luxurious antiques or specially aged interior items. Pastel shades, beads and bows, lace and ribbons, flowers and hearts - all this creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Boho chic

Incredible fashion trend, which is now popular both in clothing and in decor. This is an explosion of colors and bright elements, a mixture of textures and materials. Ethnic motifs, hand-made items, beads and pom-poms – this is where the real holiday lies.

When the tree is small

IN last years The eco-trend for Christmas trees in pots is gaining popularity. Many people buy such beauties so that after using them as New Year's symbol plant in your garden.

So how to decorate a small Christmas tree? The main thing here is not to overdo it. Just a garland will be enough. If desired, you can hang up to 10 small figures.

We suggest focusing on the base and replacing the portable potty with something beautiful:

  • Wicker basket
  • Bright bucket
  • Wooden box
  • Original flowerpot.

What you can't do without

Looking at New Year's fair, it’s easy to get lost in all the variety of products on offer, and impulsively buy a bunch of unnecessary things.

Remember, you can do some of the decor yourself, so put away those expensive balls and buy a simpler option and paints with a brush.

So what do we need to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree with our own hands?

  • Garland. There are countless options for shapes and colors. If we are leaning towards minimalistic decoration, pay attention to modest small lights of the same color. Light bulbs that change color from red to green, then to blue and yellow are popular. Chains in the shape of stars, droplets, and lanterns look beautiful.

  • Balls. You can, of course, do it without them. But, paying tribute to traditions, you should not forget about them. Choose several colors depending on your style.

  • Toys. Various figures of Santa Clauses, angels, tin soldiers and other characters are a thing of the past. Abstraction is popular now - stars, snowflakes, circles, etc. If your hands have grown out of right place, knit something to your taste.

But no one hangs rain on the Christmas tree anymore. In its place came ribbons, beads, and burlap.

If you are decorating a room with a child, invite him to prepare the decor together. Bake funny gingerbread men, dry oranges, wrap nuts in foil. In the end, you can simply hang candies on strings and allow you to eat one piece straight from the tree on each day of the holidays.

Nowadays it is fashionable to lay out beautifully wrapped gift boxes under a tree. It could just be a dummy, because the gifts definitely won’t last that long.

Let the design of the boxes be a stylistic continuation of the Christmas tree. Use the same colors and elements.

And the holiday is getting closer

Try to approach the design completely differently this year than you are used to. Experiment. Use bold techniques.

When else can you let magic into your home, if not on the eve of the New Year? Choose new colors, shapes, styles. Surprise your family and guests. After all, we often complain that we are tired of everything old, but at the same time we repeat the same thing year after year, even in such things as the decor of the New Year's symbol.

May your home be full of happiness, light and comfort in the New Year! Happy upcoming holiday!

Mid-December is the time to buy a Christmas tree. You are probably faced with the question again: how to arrange it? The decorators of the Bizarre Stories Gallery offer several trendy looks. “Monarchical tree”, champagne-colored tree, “black” tree and 8 more scenarios on how to decorate a purchased fir or pine tree for the New Year.

"Classic social tree"

Decorated New Year's toys and decor in accordance with the chosen theme.

"Monarchical Christmas tree"

Decorated with vintage and heraldic toys.
What to use: Crowns, scepters, coats of arms, framed mirrors various forms, toys in the form of orders, photo frames, small boxes. Toys can be attached to the Christmas tree using velvet ribbons. Materials: metal, wood, mirror, stones.

"Christmas tree"

Decorated with Christmas symbols.
What to use: Scenes with the Magi, images of saints, the sun; toys that play with Christian and Catholic symbols; angels or separately their wings, wreaths.

"Natural materials"

What to use: The focus is on jute, burlap, hemp, wood.

"Candy, marshmallows (marshmallow), lollipops"

Mainly used to create the image of a “children’s” Christmas tree.
What to use: Soft shades of pink, lemon, blue, yellow, turquoise. Toys in the form of clowns, circus animals, candies, donuts, ice cream, colored icicles, powdered sugar, elephants on a ball.

"Fairy tale"

Theme "The Nutcracker and mouse king", "Alice in Wonderland".
What to use: Toys in theatrical costumes, in the form of the moon, the sun, plus a watch on a chain, flowers of “blurred” colors, fairies, carnival masks.

"Green with red"

A classic of the New Year genre in a new interpretation.
What to use: Green colors apple, lime and “new” green - emerald colors, combined with garnet red, maximum rich color pumpkins or carrots. For greater effect, red and green can be complemented with white and black colors, chevron patterns, small checks or stripes.


Champagne, as well as silver, ivory, light shades of yellow, and with shine.
What to use: Toys made of sparkling beads, “precious” stones, mirrors, pearls. Champagne as the dominant color (a calm shade of gold) along with bronze, silver, “antique” gold, dark gray, plus patinated colors and light shades of coffee (cappuccino, latte).

"Sparkling, snowy white"

Toys and decor are “very white” in color, matte and shiny, with “frosty” patterns (white on white).
What to use: Toys in the form of owls, bears, squirrels, deer, hares.


All kinds of shades of snow combined with other shades of blue and green, the color of the sea, turquoise, “peacock” color.
What to use: Toys made from natural materials; balls, fish, exotic birds, flowers.


For the especially brave. Matte and glossy black, combined with dark gold and patina.
What to use: Clear glass. Long feathers of birds in natural shades.