How to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day in an original way. Unusual congratulations on your wedding day - show imagination

A wedding is always an exciting, solemn event, congratulations that come from the lips of the guests should be tactful, a little romantic, kind and sincere.

Congratulations can be said aloud, during a toast, written on a postcard, you can compose yourself, or you can simply borrow.

One of the most popular are congratulations from mom.

She, in her own words, should give parting words, wish happiness, point to the right path.
It is the mother who, as a rule, speaks the most touching words at the wedding.

Congratulations from the mother of the groom


1. The greatest happiness for every mother is the birth of her child. We can experience the second such happiness when our child has a family, because next to my son I see my daughter. I would like to wish the young people that in the future they could also stand at the wedding of their children and welcome new ones into their family with a smile.

2. Love and family mean a lot in a person's life. To be able to carry through the years your warm feelings for each other, you must learn to hear each other without words. I wish you that even miles apart, you hear what your other half is thinking about.

3. Parents are people who always look at their children and see children in them. When the understanding comes that the child finds his own family, I want to believe that it does not become separate, but only expands already existing families and there will be no fewer people at the table for the holidays. I wish you to expand your family when your children and grandchildren appear, but not to separate from them.

4. Indestructible is the family where the husband and wife trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when condemning exclamations sound behind their backs, they only hold each other's hand more strongly. I wish you to always hold each other's hand and feel their warmth.

Not everyone likes to talk for a long time at weddings, so short congratulations were invented for them.

1. I would like to wish not only long family years life, but patience and the ability to build the ship that can withstand during them, any storm.

2. The happiness of the family depends on the ability of a woman to smooth out conflicts and the ability of a man to hug in Hard time. Let your wife be smart in your family, and your husband be sensitive, and then you can happily meet old age together.

3. If you want to be happy, you need to make someone like that. I wish you to rejoice not only with each new day, but also with the coming opportunity to once again say words of love to each other.

4. If every morning, getting out of bed, you rejoice at a new day, despite the fact that it is cloudy there, then you have done right choice with whom to wake up in the morning. I wish you that, regardless of the weather outside, your home will always be light and comfortable.


  • To understand how happy you are, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine that you are alone. Completely alone. And then abruptly open your eyes and understand that you will never be alone, because now your soulmate is next to you and will always be there. I would like to wish you that you never want, not in a year, not in twenty, to close your eyes and enjoy the fact that you can be alone.
  • If we imagine a man and a woman as a hand and eyes, then in a family it should be so that when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hand wipes away the tears;
  • Happy woman sees herself beautiful morning no face makeup. Clever man makes a woman not want to paint in the morning. I wish that both of you were in your family wise friend to friend.
  • Some people get married and think that they are just taking one big, responsible step in life. In fact, the share of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of a man and a woman is commensurate with only 60 kilograms of gold. You look at them and rejoice, but carry along for a long time can not. So that the family does not become a golden burden, it is important that both carry this treasure. I wish you to be able to support each other at the most necessary moment, so that you can appreciate the full value of your family.

Dear our children!
My husband and I are immensely glad that today we are accepting another child into the family, this time the daughter we have been dreaming about for so long. Sons, this is, of course, wonderful, and in the case of our son, it is generally beyond praise, but only loving daughter truly understand, regret, decorate life. So welcome to us, daughter! I know for sure that my son is the best in the world, which means that only a worthy girl could fall in love, and I don’t worry about you.
From the height of our lived family years, I can wish you, dear ones, above all, patience. Do not be surprised. Everything was in our life: love, passion, jealousy, resentment, quarrels, and again love and mutual understanding. All families go through this. It is patience, readiness to give in to each other in everyday trifles, the ability to learn from mistakes that allow my husband and I today to say with confidence that thirty years ago we made the right decision, uniting destinies. And if it were necessary, they would repeat everything from the very beginning, going through life hand in hand, supporting and forgiving each other in some way. We wish you in thirty years to tell your children the same thing at their wedding.
We will help you in everything if you want us to help. Always listen to your hearts, and let your love grow stronger day by day!

From the father of the bride

According to one ancient book, when the first man, as soon as he saw his future wife, he composed beautiful poems about female beauty and how much this means to him charming girl. How long did his admiration last? All life!
All his life, the man was not only a good head of the family, but also still in love with his dear wife. And she, in response to his feelings, gave him respect and her love. What is their secret family happiness? The fact that everyone tried to be for each other the best spouse, friend, reliable support in difficulties. And each of them rejoiced when the other was doing well, because they had common problems and victories.
Since then, it has become a tradition that every bride on her day, on her wedding day, is the most beautiful. Her laughter, smiles and glances sparkle with warmth and touching tenderness. Here you are, my daughter, shining with happiness - and making us all happy!
I wish this feeling never left your heart. And you could enjoy life, peace and love in your home, where mutual respect and eternal feeling love. I want you to be dedicated, if not poetry, then a pure heart and selfless devotion, and that you accept it with gratitude and complete reciprocity.
Only in this way will your family become a place where you feel good and easy in body and soul. Bitterly!

Congratulations from the mother of the bride

As a rule, at a wedding, parents are given the floor on both sides, but mothers of brides approach congratulations with greater sensitivity, as they send their daughters to someone else's house.

My dears, on this unique day I wish your life to become an amazing fairy tale, unforgettable, exciting journey. May fate save you from sharp turns, insurmountable obstacles, disappointments and falls. Will give an endless series of days filled with happiness and love. Forever illumine the hearts of mutual understanding. I wish you warmth and kindness. So that you never notice shortcomings and always appreciate each other's virtues, and with today Together, holding hands tightly, we walked towards happiness.

Dear children, here comes this wonderful holiday. I want to bless your union from the bottom of my heart and wish that your life together be filled only with bright colors and joyful moments. May love be eternal and happiness unlimited. Today you have found a soul mate, united two souls into one. I wish that from this day on, the heart of your family will never know sadness, and the word "bitter" sounded only at this wedding. Live together and be happy!

My dear and dearly beloved newlyweds, I wish you only one thing - immeasurable, endless, eternal happiness. May every year and day, every hour and moment of your life together will be filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. Give each other only joy, bitterly!

Beautiful congratulations:

  • The most difficult thing is to give birth to a child and then realize that the time has come when he has his own family and leaves his father's house. I would like to wish the young that in which of the parental houses they were not, they always feel comfortable.
  • Today I would like to wish the newlyweds that all obstacles in their way be surmountable, where it is difficult for one to cross the river, so that the other can help, and where it is scary for the other, the first one inspires confidence. The happiest families are created only by common efforts.
  • In order for a marriage to be happy, you need to not only say what worries you on time, discuss common problems. You also need to be able to be silent in time, and sometimes it is silence that becomes the key strong family. I wish you to know the golden mean and be able to always find a common language.


  • I wish you to be together, not only when you fall asleep in the same bed, but also when there are thousands of kilometers between you.
  • The most important thing in life is not only well-being, but also the health that brings it. In order to be prosperous, it is important that the forces expended by both are appreciated, and fatigue is an extra reason to spend time together.
  • A wedding for you is another relay race in which it is important not to rush forward, but to look back to see if the other half is keeping up with you. Let's drink to the fact that you can always move on the same level.
  • In order for the family hearth to always burn, it is necessary that the firewood be laid by a woman, and the fire kindled by a man. So the marriage will be strong and understanding in the family will not go away. I wish you that your hearth does not go out even after 20 years, but only flares up with renewed vigor.

Moms love to invest deep meaning in their own words, so they try to speak for a reason, but give parting words, focus on the features of building relationships, explain the rules for building a strong family.


  • You can say that you love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait. You can promise, but forget your promise. I wish you in your family always fulfill the promise, wait for each other and love from pure heart.
  • Love is not easy chemical reaction in the body, this is colossal patience, faith in a common future, the desire to create beauty around you. I wish the young people that, creating beauty around themselves, they always allow their parents to touch it and do not forget their father's house.
  • The greatest happiness happens to us only a few times in a lifetime. first when we fall in love, and then when we have a baby. So I want to wish the young people that they can experience this feeling not once or twice in their lives, but experience it every time they are next to each other.

From the sister of the bride

Dear sister, today I want to congratulate you on wonderful holiday, one of the most important in your life - your wedding day!

We grew up together, grew up together, studied together and trusted each other with our secrets. You told me the very first about deuces and small childhood grievances. Do you remember how you and I dreamed of beautiful princes who will definitely appear in our lives? And now your prince found you and is now standing next to you, as happy as you!

You are so beautiful, you shine with your joy! Your light illuminates everyone around, and today we are all as happy as you are! Our family rejoices at your happiness and is proud of your chosen one. I love you so much and I am sure that I will also love and respect your husband. After all, if you chose him, then he is worthy of the love of our entire family.

I wish you and your husband long and happy joint years! May your thoughts, desires and deeds always be common. Take care and respect each other! Everything happens in life: joys, problems, achievements, and difficulties. The main thing is that you solve all issues together, help and support each other. Wish you happiness!
Keep your love and trust in each other for long years!

From the brother of the bride

Dear sister!

I saw you today wedding dress- so beautiful, happy, grown-up - and remembered how small you were brought from the hospital. I can’t say that I was delighted with the replenishment in the family. I thought my parents would stop loving me. Besides, you had to get along. I confess: I ran away, and threw in the sandbox, and spanked. And then I cried on the sly, because I felt sorry for you.
You imperceptibly grew up and became me best friend. We had common games, common friends, common secrets. You knew more about me than my parents. She never betrayed me, she never betrayed me. I was always proud that you have an older brother, looked at me as a protector. And I tried to comply: how much I dealt with your classmates-boys, how many cuffs I hit!
And now I relieve myself of responsibility, because next to you is a reliable support and protection - your husband. He will take care of your well-being. Son-in-law, I say with every right: you are very lucky with your wife! She is not only beautiful and smart, she will always support, advise, help. Take care of her. And my parents and I will rejoice in your happiness, knowing that your family life is a success. Love one another and know that I am first in line for your golden wedding!


Despite the seriousness of the situation, you can always joke in congratulations. Such toasts are very welcome at the table to defuse the situation.

With humor:

  • If children similar to the father are born in the family, then he must be given a medal for his efforts, if dissimilar children are born, then for not interfering. So let's drink to the fact that with each new child the groom has a medal for his efforts.
  • Dear newlyweds, today you are so happy that you completely ignore all the stories about family life. That's right, even if marriage is called a noose, then let it be around two necks from delicate flowers. The main thing is that none of you have allergic reaction for pollen.

To save love in the house, a woman must remember a few rules:

  • smile and idolize your mother-in-law;
  • do not ask for a paycheck from her husband;
  • wait for a loved one from work and feed him in the first category.

So let's drink to the fact that the bride has the patience for all this!

From the bridesmaid

When the parents have said their word, close friends and girlfriends who want to congratulate the young on this event usually take the microphone.

Beautiful congratulations:

  • I would like to wish the young that all their dreams will someday become a reality, so that impossible tasks seemed like an example with one variable, and the word love became the key to prosperity and understanding in the house.
  • Any woman will be happy with her man if he knows when it's time for a kiss. I would like to wish that every time you start to quarrel with each other, you replace words with strong kisses that would only strengthen the relationship.
  • The most difficult thing in marriage is to keep the thrill of the first meetings and withstand the onslaught of everyday problems. I sincerely wish that this young family, despite its youth, could show how strong, indestructible, independent it is.
  • I am glad to congratulate the newlyweds on this bright event in their lives. I would like with all my heart to help them so that they achieve their goals through joint efforts, can experience the joy of being parents, always come in abundance and enjoy every new day.

Sincere congratulations

Everyone knows that the bride and I - best friends. But do any of you guess that even in childhood we swore not to fall in love and not get married? Then, at the age of 17, having thought well, we decided to change the oath promise. Marriage was recognized as possible, but they made a common decision: to get married on the same day. And what do I see? The oath is shamelessly broken, my beloved friend is getting married, and I am already superfluous. But I'm not offended! Over the years of our friendship, we became sisters, and on native person who will be offended?
I sincerely congratulate you on the best day of your life!
In the face of the whole honest wedding, I solemnly swear to win back the bride's bouquet today, and soon jump out to get married. I swear to regularly visit the newlyweds, listen to the complaints of both, and meet the first-born of the newlyweds from the maternity hospital.
My dears! Seeing your closest friend happy is a real joy. I admit: you can be successful in everything and have a wonderful girlfriend, but all this is far from true happiness if there is no loved one nearby. My girlfriend was lucky to meet her love, and I am sincerely happy for her, although, to be honest, it’s still a little BITTER!

Original, unusual congratulations

I will not congratulate the bride: she is already main man and at the wedding, and for many of those gathered here. And my congratulations, although not directly related to her, but I'm sure she will be very pleased.
I congratulate her mother. The hero of the occasion is smart, kind, beautiful! To become such is work, and a great merit in this is my mother. It was you who made your daughter the way we all know and love her. They were an example, brought up by a real person. You are not only a mother, but also the best, the most close girlfriend for our bride.
Thanks to you, she chose such a wonderful man as her husband. And thanks to all that you have invested in your daughter, this man fell in love with her. Usually daughters leave their parents, but our beloved friend did the opposite: her husband became an important part of your common family. After all good people are attracted to each other. By the way, look how sincerely and closely we are celebrating together: this is the very attraction in the center of which the newlyweds and their mothers.
There must be many people like you! When the young have children, I know exactly who they will look like - the mother of the bride with her wonderful character.
I wish you that your daughter will continue to be like you. Thank you for today's holiday. Thank you for being exactly the way we know you and sincerely love you. Congratulations, GORGEOUS!


  • One poor fellow, when he was returning home from work, stumbled upon a bandit in an alley. He demanded that he give him the wallet or he would say goodbye to his life. After some thought, the man handed over the purse. Let's raise our glasses so that in this family only the bride has the right to take away her wallet, and the groom gives his life to her voluntarily.
  • Dear groom, let's hope that the tales about the stork remain in your memory as an extra reason for your parents not to talk about it. This bird is harmful, to whom it flies, the children look like a neighbor, so don’t make a mistake yourself. Let's drink to the kids!
  • One day, two lions were running across the savannah and stumbled upon a thatched house. There was a skin on the floor in his room. One lion, seeing her, shouted: “Run! It's mother-in-law!" so I want to drink for those mothers-in-law whom sons-in-law are not afraid of.


  • I wish the young that the sun's ray looked into their window, even on those days when it is cloudy outside.
  • I would like to wish the young people that the road was always straight on their way, the sun always shone overhead, and the green light was on at the traffic light.
  • With all my heart I would like to wish that storms do not happen in the family harbor, that it is always quiet and calm there, so that you would like to return to it again and again.
  • “I wish your love to bear fruit, and best of all, if there were both a son and a daughter.”
  • “My congratulations to the newlyweds. From the bottom of my heart I wish them that they enjoy each other's presence and do not look for replacements on the side.
  • “I wish that, regardless of the distance, there will always be an invisible connection between you that would allow you to communicate in your sleep.”

From the groom's friend

At the wedding, everyone who is close to the newlyweds tries to say a few words to them, pay attention and be sure to express their feelings. After the bridesmaids, the groom's friends take the floor.


one elderly couple was asked how they managed to live up to the golden wedding without quarrels and resentments. As it turned out, they had only a single bed all their lives. So let's drink to small beds.


  • Let's drink to marriage, it is a source of great wisdom!
  • You can spend your whole life with one person and miss every day when he leaves for work. I want to wish the young people that they do not stop missing each other, even when the separation lasts no more than two hours.
  • When we go to school, we realize with horror that we will have to gnaw textbooks for 10 years. When we get married, life gnaws at us for the rest of our lives. If you try hard, then at school you will be awarded an A, and in life you will be infinitely happy.
  • The morning after marriage is comparable to skydiving. It becomes very scary, but after a while you get used to it and start to enjoy it. Let's drink to understanding in the family, which would bring this pleasure.


  • I wish you, dear ones, that everything works out for you, you do not know the sorrows of disappointment, smile more often and always stick together.
  • Love! Keep peace at home, do not let quarrels enter into it.
  • It's nice to come back to the house if you know that there are other slippers by the bed besides yours. Love each other and appreciate!
  • To be absolutely happy, you need not only to be loved, but also to be able to love. I wish you to surround each other with care and value your relationship.
  • It is not always important what the weather is outside the window, sometimes it is much more important what is happening at home. I wish you that the sun always shines in your home.
  • “Let the ray of the sun please you with its warmth today, the laughter of loved ones resounds around, and happiness never leaves you.”
  • “I would like to wish you not only to always be together and never part, but also the ability to appreciate the opportunity to be always there.”
  • “I would like to congratulate you on this bright day in your life and wish you mutual patience and understanding, no matter what difficulties you will have to endure in the future.”
  • “I wish you all the best, bright, warm, joyful, and that all this be every day in your home.”
  • “I would like to wish you sincere happiness, love, understanding for each other, patience. May you always be a reliable shoulder and support for each other.

Humor at the wedding

You can not do at a wedding without humor. The most popular recently are considered congratulations on which you can have fun laughing at everyone. wedding table.

With humor:

  • Usually men choose either smart or beautiful, but our groom has an unusual taste, he decided to kill two birds with one stone and chose a beautiful and smart one. Now she will correctly calculate the balance of the wallet and save her husband's nerves in the morning.
  • One thief decided to rob a bank and leave instead of his fingerprints, traces of his mother-in-law. Let's drink to good sons-in-law, because a good son-in-law cannot think badly of his mother-in-law.
  • Today you must drink for a kiss, this is the only one real way close a woman's mouth when she screams.
  • You probably know that only good people become happy. Groom, everyone here knows for sure that our bride is sooo good man, which means that the rest falls solely on your shoulders.

Congratulation is the best way to characterize the relationship of a person to the newlyweds. Through it you can convey your blessing, direct it to right direction, point to traditional family foundations.

Congratulations are always directed to the transfer only positive emotions, feelings, so its content is thought out as carefully as possible.

And, if it’s hard to come up with something on your own, you can always borrow a congratulation.

Preparing for the wedding: where to start, and most importantly, do not forget step-by-step instruction for newlyweds and witnesses, .

So, you are invited to the wedding. A million questions immediately arise: what to give, how to congratulate, what to wear? The head is spinning, thoughts are confused.

It is especially difficult to always come up with congratulations.

After all, it should be something that will be remembered for a long time, bring joy to the newlyweds and introduce you to good light. Naturally, it should be something original and non-standard.

Do I need to prepare an original wedding greeting in advance?

There is only one answer - of course you do! And that's why. Usually for everyone wedding events there comes a moment when the guests need to present gifts to the newlyweds, and the guests line up in order to stammeringly read some poem or squeeze out a banal congratulatory phrase seen somewhere on greeting card, and then, quickly handing over the gift, with a pure soul, give way to others.

At the same time, the rest of the invitees are talking to each other, paying little attention to the confused speeches of the congratulator. In the resulting noise and uproar, the young themselves do not really understand what exactly they are being told.

And only when a prepared and rehearsed congratulation sounds, everyone calms down and watches with curiosity what is happening.

Of course, this is one of the most memorable moments for the newlyweds. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to help you create an unusual, bright congratulations which will be remembered by the newlyweds for many years.

Let's start with the simplest moments that do not require financial investments

  • create a greeting, all the words of which will begin with the same letter. Of course, the longer it is, the more fun it will be for others.

    Invite guests to join you and also come up with a congratulation with the same letter. Thus, you will interest others in your congratulations and revive the usually boring process of presenting gifts;

  • invite guests to compose a rhymed congratulation consisting of four words (for example, “young - two - accept - share”, and as a result, let something like “Congratulations to the young, a lot of happiness for two, accept wishes, divide them for two”) .

    Naturally, the words should be prepared in advance, and also discussed with the guests so that there are no hitches in congratulations. The funnier and funnier the poems are, the more joy they will bring to the newlyweds and others;

  • pretend that you are interviewing young people, prepare in advance funny questions. The need to answer questions will invigorate future spouses and add a touch of interest to the course of the wedding.

    If you will congratulate together with someone, you can make a TV show out of this. Cut out the frame of the TV screen from cardboard and read your congratulations from there. At the same time, behave as if you are an announcer on television;

  • if you are invited with a group of your friends, be creative. Put on a small scene from a cartoon or a fairy tale, depicting in it the love story of the newlyweds or any other interesting, and most importantly, recognizable story from their life. Don't be afraid to be original! Your efforts will certainly be appreciated;

  • if one of the newlyweds is your friend or girlfriend, then you can make a small selection of joint photos, burn them to disk and comment on them while they are being shown on the screen;

  • you can also prepare a speech in verse or prose in advance, depending on what your heart lies more in.

    For example: “Dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you on joining legal marriage! Today, on the day of your marriage, you have become one, your hearts beat for each other. Remember that love is like a fragile candle flame. Protect it, do not let the cold winds of everyday adversity extinguish this flame. Take care of each other" ;

  • or you can invite young people to write on two pieces of paper all the pros and cons of their halves, dividing the sheet into two halves.

    When they have done this, tear off the halves with negative traits and throw them away, and fasten the halves with positive traits together and frame them so that they always remember the good that they see in each other;

  • if you are the sister of someone young, you can do original congratulations, but remember that you are one of the most important guests at the wedding celebration. Your congratulations will always be listened to very carefully, so you need to make sure that it is sincere and warm.

    You can do huge poster, on which each of the guests will write their wishes and congratulations, and then solemnly read it to the bride and groom;

  • Also original idea is to create a collage of photographs of the bride and groom from the very beginning of their lives until the wedding.

    Talk to the parents of your brother's fiancee or your sister's fiancé, take photos in advance, come up with some cute and touching captions for them. So original and sincere congratulations not only will it not be forgotten, but it will also decorate the family nest of the young;

  • You can also give them a wedding website. Agree in advance with the person who will do this, discuss the details, and shock the young at the wedding with your original congratulations;

  • you can also organize an unusual greeting for them on sky lanterns. Arrange in advance with the guests, buy a lot of lanterns (preferably light ones so that congratulations can be seen on them), write your wishes on the lanterns and launch them. This option is also good because you can invite young people to make wishes on lanterns;

  • if you are a creative person, you can come up with something like family coat of arms. Draw it or make a print with it;
    if you have musician friends, then you can write a song for young people, playful, cheerful, solemn - at your discretion. The main thing is that it will be from the heart and very original;

  • you can also take a small aquarium filled with water in advance, put it in front of the young, then present the bride and groom with a cognac glass, each of which will contain a goldfish, and invite the young to release the fish into the aquarium as a symbol of the creation of a new young family;

  • you can also play a trick on the young. Present them with a large box in which, for example, put a saw (“so that the wife saws her husband”), hedgehogs (“so that the husband keeps his wife in them”), a grater (“so that they grind everyday problems”), a rolling pin (“a device for solving family quarrels") etc. This will amuse the bride and groom and stir up those around them;

  • you can give a hat that "reads minds". Just select the music in advance so that when the groom puts on a hat, some kind of melody begins to play glorifying his wife, when the bride - a song praising their passionate love.

    There can be a huge number of options, you can attract guests to this so that you can put a hat on them too. Then it will turn out even more funny and interesting.

Most importantly - do not worry and do not worry, because any ideas and congratulations should come from the heart. After all, it is attention that is most important, and each of the options described above will help you decorate the celebration and prove yourself as a caring, creative personality. Good luck with your creativity and have a good time!

Wedding congratulations is a rather responsible matter. How to put all the kind and warm words in a few minutes? Wish happiness, health, love and stay original? talk about serious important things in a funny comic form? After all, a wedding is a fun and joyful holiday.
For this, there are cool congratulations. They allow you to stand out from dozens of formulaic phrases and give wedding celebration a special flavor, invariably causing smiles and laughter.

Comic congratulations

The peculiarity of comic congratulations is more careful preparation. You need to think not only about the text, but also take care of the costumes and props.
The task is feasible for creative people, but what if creative ideas do not come to mind? In this case, you can please the young and their guests ready-made cool congratulations. To do this, just read the article to the end, choose the idea you like and start implementing it.

"Basket from friends"

Friends can present a basket of vegetables, the collection of which is not difficult at any time of the year.

When sometimes the feasts of the youth provide the floor for congratulations,
everyone will give their vegetable, accompanying the presentation with comic poetic lines:

We brought from friends
You have a basket of vegetables.
It has cabbage and beetroot,
And garlic - not just like that!
All with meaning, all to the point.
Strengthens the spirit and body.

Here, for example, a juicy radish,
So that the family is super strong!

The bride - a head of cabbage,
So that the house is not empty!

Also, this carrot
So that the mother-in-law calls her daughter!

We give the groom red pepper,
If only the eyes were sober and clear!

And we give this hot garlic,
To draw to his wife under the side!

Love will be stronger
If you taste a turnip at night!

So the bottom seemed in the basket,
We know for sure that from now on
Our fun garden

Only happiness
Of good
Will bring!

You can put vegetables in the basket for father-in-law, mother-in-law and other new relatives. These verses rhyme very easily.

For example:
« And the father-in-law - a jar of mushrooms,
To throw some money!”

An original congratulation, which, without a doubt, will revitalize wedding feast, ready! It remains only to drop into the agricultural market ...

Pie "Family Happiness" from parents

This option is perfect for parents of newlyweds. The essence of congratulations lies in the transfer of a symbolic recipe for family happiness to a young couple.

It is better if the cake is homemade, ruddy and fragrant. The parents of the bride and groom will carry it out on an embroidered towel, say the most heartfelt words to the young and reveal the “secret” of making the “Family Happiness” pie.

By the way, it is worth adding to it that young people should not only keep the recipe, but also pass it on to children and grandchildren by inheritance.


To prepare a pie, you need to pour a handful of trust and a pinch of jealousy into a pound of love, 3 tablespoons of patience, repaid by indulgence, one teaspoon of cheerfulness and sensitivity. To spice up the dough, you can add 10 grams of passion. But salting and peppering the dish is not recommended, so as not to spoil its wonderful taste. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a hot oven. Pour the finished cake with fragrant icing out of optimism and joy, sprinkle with tenderness and affection. The pie is especially tasty and healthy when cooked in a warm home environment!

Thus, in a light humorous form, the older generation will give valuable and very serious advice to the young.

Congratulations from the older generation or Back to the USSR

The older generation can present

newlyweds original surprise in the form of a comic digression in the days of his youth.

Decree of the Council of Ministers of ... (wedding date)

  1. Recognize the marital union ... (surnames of the newlyweds) valid.
  2. Hold a Komsomol non-alcoholic wedding in the best Soviet traditions according to the scenario sustained in an ideological key.
  3. At the first family plenary meeting, consider and approve the plan for socio-economic development and the family budget for ... years. According to the main indicators, to catch up and overtake the west. Show by example that the family is a fundamental and viable unit of society.
  4. To hold elections of the head of the family on democratic principles.
  5. To resolve the most important issues of family life, hold home referendums appointed by the head of the family, as well as at the suggestion of the House of Relatives or the Council of Parents.
  6. A married couple... in as soon as possible ensure a population explosion in the country, i.e., increase the birth rate by 5%. Challenge other young families to socialist competition.
  7. Be faithful as a guarantor of unity and cohesion of the family. Avoid splits in your ranks.
  8. Strictly observe not only their marital, but also constitutional duties.
  9. (Day, month) to declare the Red day of the calendar. Celebrate it annually family circle according to a specific plan:
    • Rally
    • Solemn ceremony
    • Festive procession
    • Salute from a bottle of champagne
  10. Accept the most sincere congratulations from the Merry Congress and smile! Hurrah, comrades!

During the speech, the guests will unfold posters with the inscriptions:

  • Glory to the new unit of society!
  • Long live the family (surname of the married couple)!
  • You give five children in four years!
  • All to storm the hospital!

For musical accompaniment any march from the 1960s and 70s would be great.

The congratulation ceremony in the spirit of the Soviet clock will be of interest to all those gathered at the wedding table. Especially young people who read about the construction of communism only in history books.

Cool little things for family life

An interesting solution for wedding congratulations are small gifts with a comic symbolic meaning.

By the way, with the wish of a couple to be “do not spill water”, you can present Moment waterproof glue for gluing marital relations. It is enough to add a couple of lines to the instructions for use and you can safely go to the address indicated in the wedding invitation.

Instructions for use
Extra strong adhesive Moment is designed to securely connect two halves. The tool is great for gluing marital relationships.
Mode of application: clean the bonded relationships with sandpaper and degrease with a solvent. Apply glue thin layer on both surfaces, hold for half an hour and press firmly against each other. Feelings are the deciding factor, not the strength and duration of the pressure. In the case of a frozen relationship, the glue restores stickiness in a warm, trusting environment.

Here are some more options for cool presents for your spouse:

  • Roulette or ruler (to measure career growth);
  • A set of candles and rose petals (for organizing a romantic evening);
  • Brick (for building a house);
  • Keychain (for keys to the future car).

For spouse:

  • Soap (so that there is something to soap your husband's neck);
  • Stocking (for storing family valuables);
  • Electric lighter (to keep the fire in the family hearth).

To the script folk style weddings fantastic attributes will fit in wonderfully:

  • Walking boots (so that the husband always has time for a hot dinner);
  • Rejuvenating apple (so that the wife always remains young and beautiful);
  • Carpet-flying (to quickly get to work).
  • And also a self-assembly tablecloth, an invisibility hat, living water ...

Russians folk tales- a truly inexhaustible source of inspiration.

There are modern ones whose pairs will amuse with such ultra-original gifts as aphrodisiacs or family ties, in the form of toy handcuffs.

However, significant gifts can be presented only in full confidence that their meaning will be correctly interpreted, and humor will be appreciated.

cool calendar

A wonderful creative idea for a wedding greeting is a DIY calendar. He may have the most different design and content. For example, information about wedding anniversaries, as well as events that await the couple in the future:

  • the birth of triplets;
  • winning in sports lotto 1 million rubles;
  • cruise around the world;
  • buying a yacht;
  • 100th anniversary, etc.

There is no doubt that this gift will take pride of place in the home archive.

Song-alteration from the mother-in-law

If future mother-in-law not deprived of a sense of humor and also has good vocal abilities, she can cook an unusual musical gift- Romance of the Turtle Tortilla. The image of the heroine of the "Golden Key" is ideally complemented by a cap and an umbrella.

The number will also require a minus soundtrack of the song to the music of A. Rybnikov for the film "The Adventures of Pinocchio".

Time has flown like a bird
Didn't notice when
My son has become a man
How spring came.

I remember little feet
We took our first step
How long has it been
Twenty years ago.

He grew up handsome and broad-shouldered,
I recognize my father's eyes
I'm so in love with him
Twenty years ago.

He also once brought
To the house of me with your wife,
Came timidly on the threshold
Our life is difficult.

Don't be afraid dear ones
If something is wrong,
We ourselves were wrong
Twenty years ago.

This day is magnificent
Everyone is happy to congratulate you
And I'm happy as before
Twenty years ago...

The word is given...

Toast -
This is an indispensable element of any festive feast. But wedding toast- something more than a short formula: "To the health of the bride and groom!". Exist rules and customs of wedding toasts.

  • For example, a hierarchy that determines the order of pronunciation congratulatory words. As a rule, the father of the bride is the first to raise a glass for the newlyweds. Subsequent persons may be the father of the groom, the groom, the witness, the godfather, etc.
  • All the attention of those sitting at the table should be directed to the toast.
  • Congratulations should not be delayed in time, give it a boring, didactic tone of the sermon. And the words should be pronounced solemnly, loudly and clearly, so that they can be clearly heard at the other end of the table.
  • And, most importantly, during the feast, do not forget about the heroes of the occasion. All words of congratulations and toasts on this day are dedicated only to the young.

In this section you will find interesting information about: in Rus', in Ukraine, among the Kazakhs, etc.

What is the perfect wedding toast?

It's most likely concise. good wishes, loaded with sparkling humor. Perhaps with an admixture of nostalgia, romance, euphoria… anything that will give the toast an original sound.

You can start with an anecdote, a small parable. Or tell some interesting noteworthy fact about the bride and groom, about their hobbies, remember how they met (and thanks to whom), etc. And, in the end, wish the newly-made spouses:

  • Volitional decisions, like the Russian president!
  • Amazing discoveries, like Nobel laureates!
  • Health, like Olympic champions!
  • Fame, like Hollywood "stars"!
  • Money, like the shareholders of Gazprom!
  • AND good mood, like we have!

Thus, we can conclude that you can’t ruin a wedding with a joke. Cool congratulations decorate the celebration, making it even more fun and joyful. But the most important thing is that the optimism with which the young new life remained in their souls for many, many years ...

If you once managed to attend a wedding, you probably noticed that most, and maybe all, were not particularly original, and the words of congratulations were some kind of hackneyed phrases that everyone had already heard more than once. You do not want to be and want to surprise the newlyweds with an unusual congratulation, but do not know how to do it? In fact, there are a lot of options for implementing this idea, you just need to turn on your imagination. If it doesn’t work very well for you or you are too lazy to come up with something, then this article will tell you how to congratulate the newlyweds in an original way so that it is really memorable gift.

Why you need to come up with a congratulation in advance

Some guests begin to think, and what words to say to the newlyweds, just the day before their wedding. This is not entirely correct. After all, in the end it will turn out like this: the guests quickly come up with what to say, perhaps already at the wedding itself or read a solemn poem from a postcard bought at the first available kiosk. For some, this can not be done without hesitation. As a result, few people listen to congratulators, and if they do, it is difficult for others to perceive. Newlyweds, of course, will be pleased to hear nice words to you, and they will be grateful to you if you prepare your speech in advance. After all, it happens that only later you realize that you didn’t say a lot to the newlyweds, and the moment, as they say, has already been lost.

A prepared congratulation is special if it is original and different from all the others. People listen with bated breath, and that's a fact. Therefore, it is worth a little work, spend your precious time to figure out how interesting it is to congratulate the newlyweds.

What should be the wedding congratulations

At solemn congratulations there are some nuances that some guests do not take into account in their speech, as a result, the rest of the guests and newlyweds begin to get bored. To prevent this from happening, you need to know these moments. So, what should be the wedding congratulations?

First, sincere. A congratulation coming from the heart will be more pleasant to hear a thousand times than fake or memorized words. It is better to say what you feel and think than to read something under your breath from a piece of paper. Of course, you can make yourself a cheat sheet, but only under one condition. For example, if the poem was your own composition. If you say this before reading it, then guests and newlyweds will immediately prick their ears.

Secondly, congratulations should not be protracted. It is not enough to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding in an original way; you also need to take into account the time it will take to implement it. It is unlikely that someone will have the patience to listen to the end of a speech that dragged on for 10 minutes. Brevity and brightness are the two main components of a good verbal greeting.

Thirdly, you need to be delicate when choosing words for congratulations. For example, it’s definitely not worth mentioning juicy details from the girl’s life of the bride or the groom’s adventures in different women. Such details will make not only the newlyweds, but also their parents feel embarrassed, and the holiday will be spoiled.

What gifts can be original

What gifts will not be original

  • Useless trinkets. They have already been mentioned above, there is nothing to add here. Figurines and figurines are not a gift for a wedding.
  • Appliances. It will be an unoriginal gift, as in the case of money, if it is simply given to the young. In addition, in household appliances, the bride and groom may not be satisfied with some characteristics or even the thing itself. At a wedding, there are times when several guests give irons or multicookers. Then how to congratulate the newlyweds? It's better to present at a wedding gift Certificate to make the bride and groom happy.

Original cash gifts

Money, in principle, is given for any holidays, but how they will be presented depends on the originality of the present.

You can take an ordinary brick and tie several bills to it with a beautiful ribbon, while saying that the construction of a new family nest has begun.

The money tree will also be a good surprise. A similar option with a money umbrella. Money can be placed in a bag or jar that says "Family Bank".

If you think how cool it is to congratulate the newlyweds, then you can make an ATM. It is taken as a basis big box, of course, it will have to be decorated so that it looks like a real device. The newlyweds will need to hand over a card from an ATM, cut out, for example, from cardboard. To cash it out, the bride and groom will have to pass several tests or answer questions. Money can be given out in parts for each completed stage or at the end of all competitions.

Household appliances as an original gift

As mentioned above, Appliances will become an unusual present if you present it in a special way. Here you can and should turn on your imagination. Ideas how to do this, in fact, you can come up with as many as you like.

For example, along with a coffee maker, you can give slippers in which the bride and groom will have to bring coffee to each other in bed. Or give oranges to young spouses, from which you need to make freshly squeezed juice, and to make it easier for them to do this, give a juicer. Another good idea is how to congratulate the newlyweds at the wedding: give a vacuum cleaner, and in addition to it a broom and say something like: “If the vacuum cleaner breaks, you can always use the old version - a broom, it certainly won’t let you down.”

Original congratulations without financial investments

If for some reason you don’t have the means to congratulate the young, or you want to make an attachment to a material gift, then there are always ways to do this without spending money.

As an option, come up with a scene, for example, showing the acquaintance of the bride and groom or what they will be like in old age. As a basis, you can take songs that will reflect what those present at the wedding supposedly think about. For example, after the words: “What does the groom dream about”, include an excerpt from the song “If I were a Sultan”, the bride - “Over the four seas, over the four suns”, guests - “If there was a sea of ​​​​beer”, “Greetings from a big hangover ". The funnier the song selections, the better. If you are thinking about how beautiful it is to congratulate the newlyweds, then you can dress up in suitable costumes to the songs.

How to congratulate without speaking in public

If you do not want or are afraid to speak in front of a large number of people, then the congratulations can be made in the form of a collage or video that captures some moments from the life of the newlyweds. Photos can be accompanied

You can make a video yourself, where you will congratulate the bride and groom. It will be a huge plus if you do it with humor, in a comic form. For example, this can be done in the style of Serge Gorely. But such a congratulation is more suitable for friends of the spouses.

Congratulations in the form of a draw

If the bride and groom have a sense of humor, then you can play them a little. Buy some cheap tableware, pack it in a box and say that you are giving a very expensive and beautiful service. When you carry it young, as if by accident, drop it. The dishes will break, say that it's for luck and donate money to buy a new set.

How else to congratulate the newlyweds in an original way? Dismantle two forks of cabbage into leaves and reassemble, bandage beautiful ribbons. Hand it to the young and tell them that baby dolls of different sexes are hidden there. If a female doll is found first, then they will have a girl, if a male, then a boy. When there are no baby dolls in heads, tell the bride and groom something like: “Such adults, but you still believe that children are found in cabbage!” Then give the newlyweds a real gift.

As comic gift you can make certificates or certificates. For example, certificates for the acquisition of a wife and husband, a certificate for eating delicious dinner or driving a wheelchair. You can write two comic instructions for caring for your spouse. Their content, for example, will be as follows: love to the grave, carry in your arms, feed a lot, not saw, give fur coats, and so on.

congratulations with meaning

Give the bride and groom two fish and an aquarium. When they launch them there, it will become a symbol of birth. new family. money umbrella can be presented with the words: “Let your house always have good weather". Candy or a large lollipop will symbolize sweet life and soap - pure love. It will be great if you make soap yourself, and hide the money inside it, previously wrapped in a transparent bag.

How to congratulate using your talents

If you are a talented person, you can use this as a gift. Maybe you are good at drawing portraits, good at singing, or good at performing. Eastern dance. A poem of your own composition would also be a wonderful gift.

As you can see, there are many ways to congratulate the newlyweds on the birth of their family in an original way. The main thing is to turn on the imagination, then the holiday will become more vivid and memorable.

If you were invited to a wedding, then you must definitely prepare a beautiful and original congratulation for the young. What it will be, of course, you decide! Moreover, now on the Internet you can find many options for ready-made congratulations both in poetry and in prose. But if you want something unique and really interesting, then you should use all your imagination to figure out how to congratulate the newlyweds in an original way. And in this difficult task, the portal will help you, which will not offer you banal texts with standard wishes and toasts, but will present to your attention interesting ideas original congratulations on the wedding.

Slide show

If you don't like performing in public, then great option for you will be an original slide show made up of photos of the newlyweds, which you can secretly find from their relatives, parents and friends, from social networks. networks, etc. These can be both their joint pictures, and photos from youth ( kindergarten, schools, universities, etc.). So will you do for them creative gift to the wedding in the form of an original congratulation, which will then remain on their long memory. Just do not forget to put beautiful music on a series of photos or a thematic greeting in verse and prose, emphasizing the romance of your slide show.

mini performance

Do you think how to congratulate the newlyweds in an original way? Organize a small theatrical production for them, in which you can involve a couple more guests. Such a congratulation would be appropriate at a banquet, when unsuspecting newlyweds and other guests will be treated to wedding dishes. There will be no limit to their surprise and delight! You can choose a fabulous theme for such a congratulation: dramatize the story of the meeting and love of the newlyweds based on the fairy tale Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, etc.

Video greeting

Ask friends and relatives of the young to record on video small congratulations on the wedding from each of them, which you will then mount and show to the newlyweds at the wedding banquet using a projector. In such a video, you can also add interviews of guests before the wedding, in which they will tell something good about the bride and groom. Such creative congratulations, prepared for the wedding from relatives and friends, will amuse and surprise the newlyweds!


If you know how to dance beautifully, then who is stopping you from congratulating the newlyweds in such a creative way in an original way. The bride and groom will definitely be impressed by such a performance! In addition, they will not have to think about how to entertain guests, because your performance can be the highlight of the wedding show program.


Don't know how to surprise the newlyweds at the wedding? If you sing beautifully, then you can congratulate the bride and groom not with a banal poem or congratulations in prose, but original song. Moreover, the text can be either well-known, simply sung by you, or specially written for the bride and groom. Young people will definitely appreciate such a gift!


Do not know how to congratulate your friends on the wedding in an original way? Look for videos where young people are present, and mount a small film out of them, telling about the life of the bride and groom. You can even voice it yourself with humor, thus amusing not only the bride and groom, but also all the guests. They have never seen such a comedy in their lives!

An alternative option is to order the creation in a professional studio funny video(realistic or cartoon), in which the main roles will be played by the bride and groom.


Nobody bothers you to come up with an original congratulation for the young not on the basis of words, but using paper and a brush for this. Such non-standard congratulations for a wedding will not only surprise the young, but will also become the main detail of the interior of their future family nest. Moreover, you do not need to have excellent artistic skills, you can even draw something funny, for example, newlyweds in the form of a cartoon, and write good and kind words around the main sketch. touching wishes happy wedding.

You can prepare such a congratulation in advance, or you can stage it at a banquet in the form of a small show, involving several more guests in it. Draw a picture for them right in front of the eyes of the young and write on it all the wishes shouted out from the audience. The young ones will have an original memorable gift, which will become the main detail of their interior!

Want something more original? Use the services of a professional or teach yourself the art of creating paintings from sand or in fashion technology"star dust".


For modern newlyweds, you can come up with a group congratulation on their wedding in the form of a flash mob. For example, arrange with other guests so that during a wedding banquet or even better a walk, you all line up together in the form of a heart or other symbolic figure and begin to sing a beautiful song or even just shout: “Congratulations!”. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time by the young!

The portal told you how you can originally congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day so that they remember your congratulations for a long time! Now you just have to choose the option that suits you and complement it with your own unique ideas!