Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games. Teenage pregnancy: social evil or personal grief

Perhaps every girl at least once in her life imagined a fairy tale in which she would play the leading role of a young, light, charming and carefree heroine. Each pictured a future devoid of dark spots and drama, full of events, accomplishments: study, dates, parties, first love, wedding and so on.

What a pity that not all girls these dreams come true. Due to their naivety, gullibility or ignorance, and perhaps life circumstances and family situations, many girls face a completely non-childish problem of teenage pregnancy.

Pregnancy is teenage, and the consequences are adults

Adolescence itself is full of contradictions and uncertainty. On the one hand, the child is already completely independent and can be responsible for his actions, and on the other hand, they are still children who need care and guardianship from adults, their advice and support, and most importantly, understanding.

According to literary sources, teenage pregnancy in the event that expectant mother from 13 to 18 years old. Risk factors in this case are not only physiological features still fragile organism, but also socio-economic and psychological unpreparedness to motherhood.

Otherwise, teenage pregnancy is perceived and valued in developing countries with a low level of education of the population and persistent religious beliefs. Unlike developed countries, there is no problem of early pregnancy here, as adolescent girls become pregnant within the framework of marriage. Accordingly, they are not subjected to criticism or any kind of censure from the public, and they themselves perceive their motherhood differently, more maturely.

As far as developed countries are concerned, the situation is radically opposite. Most often, underage mothers are not married, do not receive education, and cannot provide a decent life for themselves or their baby. In addition, they are attacked and condemned at almost all levels of the social environment, with the exception of special services designed to help adolescents cope with such a difficult burden as early pregnancy and motherhood. It turns out that a teenage girl is left alone with her position against the whole world. In this case, it is not surprising that in cases of teenage pregnancy there are so many abortions or abandonment of newborn babies.

What are the reasons for early pregnancy?

Like any process, teenage pregnancy has its causes and consequences. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that a teenager often does not have reliable information regarding the correct organization of sexual life and contraception, on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is a lack of openness and acceptance in relations with parents.

In the specialized literature on developmental psychology and pedagogy, there is evidence that early pregnancy among girls aged 14 to 17 years is mainly associated with lack of information and carelessness. As for pregnancies in girls under 14, the circumstances are more serious here, because most often it is violence or seduction on the part of adults.

The reasons for early pregnancy are several factors:

Information ignorance

The problem of lack of information as about features teenage body and sexual life, and on measures to protect against unwanted pregnancy and infectious diseases is, perhaps, the main and top priority.

This raises the age-old question of who is responsible for educating teenagers about the sensitive issues of puberty and sexual hygiene. On the one hand, a child is brought up in a family that should be interested in the harmonious development of their child and his health. On the other hand, at the age of 6-7 years, parents share educational function With educational institution and issues of informing and preventing early sexual activity and its consequences become the prerogative of the school.

In fact, things are even worse: parents believe that there is no need to talk with their child on these sensitive and embarrassing topics, that the child himself learns about everything one way or another at school or from girlfriends. And the school, having conducted a couple of classes on sex education, devoid of information content due to the complexity of the material with excessive terms and teaching mentoring, considers its duty to society fulfilled. As a result, while adults decide and argue about who should educate a teenager on all these issues, teenagers themselves declare their adulthood with early and unsafe sex.

Social factors

Another important reason is the unfavorable social and economic situation of a teenager girl. According to statistics provided by various literature sources, a high rate of teenage pregnancy is characteristic of underdeveloped and economically insolvent countries. Often, the birth of a child becomes a source of income for the family through benefits.

Desire to become adults

The next reason is the emancipation of adolescents in sexual terms. Magazines, talk shows, the Internet are literally flooded with images of seductive and self-confident women, who often become objects of imitation and identification for teenage girls. They want to be adults. It seems to them that they are already adults and independent, they can make decisions themselves and hold the answer for them. The latter is the most common problem.

Girlfriends will sympathize, love, with rare exceptions, will disappear somewhere, and the girl will be left alone with reality, with parental anger, with her fears and with responsibility for a new life.

Teenage sex is a rebellion, proof of maturity and / or love, risk and prestige in the eyes of peers, this is the very independent decision. Unfortunately, quite often it leads to serious consequences, such as pregnancy. This is where the problem arises with responsibility for one's actions, the realization of helplessness and insecurity, unpreparedness comes. Girlfriends will sympathize, love, with rare exceptions, will disappear somewhere, and the girl will be left alone with reality, with parental anger, with her fears and with responsibility for a new life.

This is not all, but only the main reasons why very often girls rush into sex, like into a pool, and quite often drown in this pool.

No understanding in the family

There is probably another very important point, which I would like to dwell on in more detail. The fact is that often a teenage girl is driven to intimacy by the lack of emotional closeness in the family, the lack of a sense of acceptance and love from significant adults. Often in such cases, the child at all age stages feels the need for an act for which he will be loved. The logic boils down to the fact that a growing person believes that love must either be earned or proven, otherwise he will be abandoned, rejected, not loved. Therefore, such a pattern of behavior is transferred with age to important people in the environment, on friends or the object of teenage love. The problem does not end there, a person will grow up, and his template, the principle of building relationships with people, will remain the same.

As can be seen, the problems of teenage pregnancy are multidisciplinary, multidisciplinary and concern not only various aspects of human life, but all age stages through which it passes.

Signs of pregnancy in a teenager

Most often, the clarification of the reasons begins after the occurrence of the precedent, and there are cases when its occurrence is detected with the first tremors of the baby. And this is again a factor in the extremely low awareness of the teenager himself and the perception of the parents of their child. Many parents do not even think about the possibility of sexual activity in their daughter. In their minds, she is still an unintelligent child, a smart girl - a daughter immersed in learning and toys with her head. This refusal to perceive the natural development and maturation of your child often turns into loving parents shock.

Therefore, it is better for both the girl and the parents to have information about the main signs of pregnancy in a teenager:

  • Perhaps the most common and well-known sign of pregnancy is a missed period. In the case of a teenage organism, this sign is not as obvious and obvious as it seems at first glance. IN young age menstrual cycle is just beginning to be established and does not yet have such a clear periodization as in an adult mature woman. Of course, if a teenage girl is already more than 15 years old, then her cycle is already quite settled and the delay is a clear signal for pregnancy.
  • The next obvious symptom is causeless nausea and vomiting. However, there are pitfalls here as well. The fact is that toxicosis is not always a companion of the onset of pregnancy. Quite often, it occurs in the second half and becomes not a sign, but a companion of the period of bearing a child.
  • Disgust is another matter. Such a reaction to previously beloved dishes is quite suitable for diagnostic sign pregnancy.
  • Another point is the swelling of the breast and the appearance pain in the area of ​​the nipples.
  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • Change in general well-being. Great drowsiness and lethargy.
  • You should also add such a moment as a change psycho-emotional state. Under the influence of hormonal changes during pregnancy, mood swings, tearfulness, hysteria and increased irritability are often observed.

In order to verify the presence or absence of pregnancy, it makes sense to purchase at a pharmacy and do a pregnancy test. At a positive result test, as well as in case of manifestation of the above signs of pregnancy in a teenager, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist.

Related article:Signs of pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy itself is associated with a large number of risks, both for the girl herself and for the baby she carries, and they are most often associated with the immaturity of the teenage body.

For pregnant adolescent girls, there are two outcomes, either delivery or abortion. In both cases, the consequences can be serious and even fatal.

Often, due to the pressure exerted by parents, teachers and peers, the artificial termination of an unwanted pregnancy becomes the only way out in the eyes of a teenage girl. It is not uncommon for parents to push their daughter to take this risky step. In an effort to protect her from possible problems in the future, they, without suspecting it, contribute to the emergence of these problems. After all, abortion is fraught not only with great stress, but also with very serious physiological disorders:

  • First of all, there is a risk of injury and puncture of the uterine wall, as well as the mouths fallopian tubes. As a result, as a result of such damage, the formation of adhesions, scarring is possible, which can lead to further infertility. In addition, there is a high risk that part of the fetal egg will remain in the uterus during an abortion. All these side effects are associated with the immaturity, immaturity of the teenage reproductive system;
  • The next problem is the violation of the cycle of menstruation on long term. If in an adult sexually mature woman the cycle after childbirth or termination of pregnancy is restored in about 3-4 months, then in the case of adolescents this process can take up to 1.5-2 years;
  • There is also a risk of inflammatory process in the internal genital organs, which in the future can also lead to the inability to have children;
  • It is possible to develop systemic disorders from the side of the central nervous system and endocrine system, resulting in a sharp decrease immune function organism, hormonal metabolism;
  • With this option for solving teenage pregnancy, it is highly likely that in the future the girl will face the problem of miscarriage;
  • In addition, it is necessary to take into account the impact of stress associated with experiencing the fact of pregnancy and the decision to have an abortion on the psyche of a teenager. Such a shock will undoubtedly remain with the girl for life in the form of a psychological trauma, which can result in serious mental disorders of a neurotic and even psychotic nature.

If the girl and her family manage to overcome the first impulse and approach the issue judiciously, most often the decision is made to give birth. This path has priority and medical point vision. However, in this case, the expectant mother faces risks and certain problems of early pregnancy:

  • As a rule, pregnant adolescent girls are quite difficult to endure pregnancy, which is accompanied by obvious toxicosis, acute iron deficiency, increased blood pressure and poor weight gain;
  • At such a young age, not every girl can give birth on her own, so the percentage of delivery with the help of caesarean section;
  • Often teenage pregnancy is fraught with placental pathology (placental adherence, placental insufficiency etc.), miscarriages and premature births;
  • It happens that, due to the unformedness of their body, adolescent mothers give birth to underweight children with a delay in physical and mental development;
  • Another critical moment for pregnant adolescent girls is the process of childbirth itself. Often, delivery is difficult and is accompanied by complications in the form of ruptures of the perineum and cervix, bleeding.

Unfortunately, the problems of a pregnant girl are not limited to the severity of the process of bearing a child and its birth.

After the birth of a baby, a young mother will face difficulties in breastfeeding. They are caused by all the same circumstances: physical and mental. On the one hand, due to their age and characteristics physical development girl in adolescence often does not have milk to feed the newborn baby. On the other hand, she has no motivation for this process. After all, the child who was born is to a greater extent a source of problems for her and negative emotions than a long-awaited gift of fate.

The next problematic aspect is the child himself. After all, he requires attention, care and upbringing from a young mother, which she herself is sorely lacking. Therefore, often this mission is taken on by the girl's parents. Often, but not always. IN last years early pregnancy and its result are increasingly becoming a headache for the teenager himself.

As a consequence, a third problem area arises, social status teen moms. Without the support and assistance from the family, she is simply not able to financially provide for herself and the child, get an education and a qualified, well-paid job in the future.

In order not to face the problem of teenage pregnancy and not to solve the problems arising from it in the future, it makes sense to take preventive measures.

First of all, the prevention of teenage pregnancy consists in raising the level of awareness of adolescents about the safety of sexual life, the physiology of their body and contraceptive measures. The leading role in this process is occupied by the relationship between parents and the child, which should be built on mutual trust and respect. Imposing one's will and stereotypes on the part of parents is often ineffective and leads only to nominal obedience and hidden inner rebellion. Avoidance of any topics in conversations most often pushes a teenager to go after additional information on the Internet and to friends. The information received in this way is not always correctly perceived, most often it only exacerbates the distorted ideas of a teenager girl about the sacraments of an adult intimate life. Parents will greatly facilitate their lives and protect their child if they are open to dialogue on any topic of interest to a teenager. Even if the child himself does not initiate this kind of conversation, parents should raise this topic on their own and explain to their child that they are always open to dialogue.

The next level of teenage pregnancy prevention is undoubtedly the institution of education. The school needs to take a responsible approach to the issue of sexual education of students and reconsider the current state of affairs. Since the classes held in schools today and the presentation of information, to put it mildly, leave much to be desired. It is difficult for teenagers to be interested in abstruse, tedious moralizing or instruction-like activities. If you present information more vividly, providing it with good presentations and illustrating life examples, teenagers will willingly join the learning process and correct their views on many “forbidden issues”.

The most important vector of information, both in the family and in educational institutions, should be the measures and rules of contraception, and not calls for chastity. The lack of knowledge about the means and methods of protection in intimate life leads to sad consequences, expressed not only in teenage pregnancy, but also in various infectious diseases sexually transmitted.

There is, perhaps, another significant point in this matter. Since it is not uncommon for adolescents to become pregnant as a result of violent or seductive actions on the part of adults, including family members, children should be informed about how these actions are identified and where they can turn with this problem. It is very important that the child has an understanding that he has somewhere to turn for help and find protection.

Summing up

The topic of teenage pregnancy will probably never cease to be relevant. Adults can set the vector of development, instill norms of behavior, but they are not in their power to turn the wheel of progress back.

The age at which adolescents enter sexual life young, many factors contribute to this. And, if getting information about sex is now easier than ever, then finding support and understanding is becoming increasingly difficult.

Perhaps the most important thing for the harmonious development of a teenager and the successful formation of an adult and a full-fledged person from him is the climate within the family, the openness of parents, their acceptance and care, support and love.

"Mom, I'm pregnant ..." - rubbing snot and swallowing tears, your schoolgirl says in a trembling voice. Your beloved and affectionate child. She was playing with dolls yesterday, and today adult life has played a cruel joke on her. Even in nightmare mothers would not like to see their daughters in such a situation. But this happens all the time. Why is this happening? How to protect your child from such a problem as early pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, everything is good that happens on time. Early pregnancy (it is also called teenage) is considered to be the state of pregnancy in teenage girls 13-19 years old. It is at this age that the girl undergoes a hormonal restructuring of the body, when she is “no longer a girl, but not yet a woman,” as Britney Spears, the idol of all teenage girls, recently sang.

Of course, in the underdeveloped countries of Africa or Asia, by our standards, early pregnancy can be perceived by society as quite normal, but who in these countries attaches importance to shocking rates of infant mortality, including during childbirth? In the end, in our European latitudes, there is no urgent need to give birth early to many helper children in agricultural work, for example, to cultivate rice plantations, as was the case in ancient China. And the early pregnancy of a teenage girl will not be considered a blessing from heaven, as is the case in some African villages.

In developed countries, the majority of teenage pregnancies are unplanned and, as a result, 70% of cases end in abortions, with later dates, 15% - miscarriages and only 15% account for childbirth. Why now, in our information age, there is a problem of early pregnancy? The main reason is the lack or insufficient sex education teenagers. Few people seriously think about the consequences of pregnancy of an immature organism, but there are many of them.

Health problem in early pregnancy

The main problem is that the body of a young woman is not ready to physically bear a child at such a young age.

The teenager is confused, does not know whether to terminate the pregnancy or continue. If a girl decides to have an abortion, she must understand that later gynecological problems may arise, up to infertility. If she decides to give birth, she will subject herself to a serious test, because in the fragile body of a young woman, numerous complex changes will begin to occur that contribute to intrauterine development fetus, prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding.

The body of a pregnant woman begins to accumulate construction material for a growing body: nitrogen (for protein synthesis), fats (for the formation of fetal tissues), iron (for blood formation), potassium (for the heart muscle), magnesium, cobalt, copper. And all this is an additional burden on the body of the expectant mother. Also, during pregnancy, the work of the cardiovascular system is significantly enhanced, which, in turn, makes the liver and kidneys work in an enhanced mode.

An unprepared body simply may not be able to cope with such a difficult task as gestation and childbirth. healthy child. Underweight infants or infants with birth defects is a common unfortunate outcome of a teenage pregnancy.

Psychological problem of early pregnancy

No less important is psychological problem early pregnancy. Upon learning of their situation, young girls are shocked and in a panic. Psychologists say that the usual reaction is guilt, anger and unwillingness to admit what happened. It leads to dangerous consequences, because the girl may be left without the necessary and timely medical care.

This is not surprising, because there is a sharp transition from childhood to adult life, the girl is faced with the first major decision in her life. Moreover, she needs to make an important decision herself, young fathers, as a rule, immediately cease to be " tough guys and prefer to walk away.

The social problem of early pregnancy

Even in the most progressive society, pregnant teenagers often face stigma at the very least. The girl is often left alone with her problem, she is afraid to admit even to her parents. In addition, more often early pregnancy occurs in children from dysfunctional families, when there is no relationship between parents and children. normal relationship not to mention some sort of upbringing. In addition, becoming pregnant, the girl is forced to leave school or combine motherhood with education, which in most cases is unrealistic. The lack of education puts an end to the girl's further self-realization, she has practically no chance of getting a good job, making a career. If there is no good job, then there is not enough money, which, in turn, pushes the young mother into crime. Helplessness often leads to domestic violence, hopelessness pushes to alcoholism and drug use. Such women often become pregnant again before reaching the age of 20. And their children, in turn, turn out to be useless and replenish the baby's houses.

Prevention of early pregnancy

"Informed means armed" - said the brave scouts. You can’t argue with this: it’s better to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences later.

So what do teens and their parents need to know about early pregnancy?

First of all, you need to be in a trusting relationship, talk with your child, not bypassing the so-called "forbidden" topics. This, of course, concerns not only the parents of girls. Boys also need similar communication, especially from the father. You can give your child the necessary literature to read if you feel that you are not ready for such conversations. Giving teenagers "pills for parental headaches" - condoms - is a good option, but this, of course, is not enough. After all, only by combining the knowledge gained about sex education and methods of protection, teenage girls will be able to protect themselves from unwanted early pregnancy. Of course, here we are not talking about criminal cases, such as rape, from which, unfortunately, no one is insured. However, children should also be made aware of this danger.

Also of great importance is sex education at school, lectures and demonstration of films about human physiology and safe sexual relations.

The goal of sex education should in no case be to conduct boring edifying conversations that adolescents in adolescence perceive "with hostility." Grown up children should be aware that, entering adulthood, they will have to learn to make decisions on a completely different level. By doing something, the child must be responsible for the consequences. Early pregnancy can also be the choice of a teenager, but he must be conscious.

So, a girl who has begun sexual activity should clearly understand that she may have a pregnancy. How ready is she for this? Do you want to bear and give birth to a child? Naturally, all these issues must be resolved before the onset of intimacy. If a girl is not ready for an early pregnancy, she needs to take care of contraception. Here, parents should come to the rescue, providing their child with a diverse and complete information on this serious issue. It is also very important to visit a doctor, the child needs to be vaccinated from childhood careful attitude to your health.

Every girl should know that with the advent of the first menstruation, she can already become pregnant, even with a single sexual contact. Physiologically, early pregnancy is possible even with seemingly harmless petting.

Of course, it cannot be said that early pregnancy has only negative consequences. There are, of course, happy exceptions, such as, for example, young Katya Tikhomirova, purposeful and not broken by life's difficulties, from the beloved by many movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" performed by Vera Alentova. But are there many such Katyas among us?

Still, it's better to be exceptional in something else.

Marina Oma

Article provided by the site "My children"


Why, well, why just contraception?
Why does no one write about abstinence?
Why is it necessary to push a child to the fact that he needs sex in adolescence?
Which films? What talk about safe sex? - children must remain children and their needs must be appropriate until they fully grow up physically and acquire full legal rights and obligations, in order to also be full-fledged parents to their children.
If children are a danger, then they will never be conceived in love and joy, because where there is fear, there is no love!
Parents should protect their children from molestation and intrusive pseudo-pedagogical talks/films, etc. To tell a child about his body and the changes associated with growing up, yes, but just do not form sexual interest - this is by no means!
It is easier for believers - they know that the human body is the Temple of God, and the temple cannot be defiled, period. Secular education can be built with an emphasis on the fact that you rush to become a mother (girls are in greater danger), you will be left out of success and prospects, you can play on the desire to live well and succeed, setting also on abstinence.
The main thing to remember is that safe sex is a myth, because you can get sick with anything (it’s necessary to tell about this and that, having had syphilis, for example, they give birth to freaks later), and you can also get pregnant, and upset hormonal system it is possible, and against this background, infertility from drugs can be obtained. This is all dosed, but a teenager should know what he risks.

05/21/2016 02:16:22, Zetta8

Well compared pregnancy at 13 and 19! Really no difference.
My husband and I had a very coveted planned pregnancy at 18 and my mother knew about our plans because we talked about them with pride.
Somehow, nothing terrible happened to my health and psyche, and it didn’t stop me from getting an education and wanting and planning more children.

Oops... Turns out I had an early pregnancy. At 19 years old. But quite planned, oh horror! I occasionally discuss the result here - in general, a good boy grew up ...
I, according to the author, should have been thinking about an abortion, afraid to tell my parents, what else is there? *-)))

Katya Tikhomirova's "happy example" is unsuccessful. She was far from a teenager.

Heartbreaking start. Went and read. Two questions arose: in what year was the article written and is the body of a 19-year-old girl really not ready to bear a child?

Comment on the article "Early pregnancy, or what happens when children play adult games"

My son's girlfriend is pregnant.. Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, vocational guidance My son's girlfriend is pregnant. The son is 18, the girl is 15. He went to live with her, they are going to get married.


Hammer on all the dirt that is poured here. Rejoice baby. At one time I refused what God gave (later of course it was, but still), and now I am over 30 and my husband and I cannot give birth in any way. How I still bite my elbows and my mother dissuaded me from the child for a long time. It was only over the years that I understood the phrase "God gave a child, He will give a child." Good luck to you, I wish you all the best. P.S. My husband and I decided that if God gives children, and the situation is the same as yours, then we will only be happy to help. It does not matter whether the daughter becomes pregnant or the son brings the daughter-in-law.

17.01.2018 04:49:55, 61 regions

Earns 30 thousand :) Well this is a super income. He himself leaves home, he knows what responsibility is - you should be glad that it will not hang around your neck until retirement. The wisdom of parenthood is not only to educate, but also to let go in time!

01/16/2018 13:41:43, Resedosa

A teenage girl is losing her hair. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age A teenage girl is losing her hair. Good afternoon My daughter turns 16 in 2 weeks.


change doctor
menstruation at 16 is not critical, it happens, but still very late
there are breaks
why some kind of duphaston (is it from what at all? it seems to happen in topics of pregnant women) when there are vitamin complexes to restore the cycle
before taking hormones
hair can be connected, but not the main thing now, you need to understand that with menstruation, for the opportunity to give birth by 30, many are ready to sacrifice a lot more than hair


What did your husband and brother do to you so bad that you treat them like this? For the sake of some hmm ... a minor, are you ready to send them to prison, doom them to shame? She is exactly the same and will always be like this, certain mental disorders are perfectly transmitted, which lead to sexual disinhibition. Something can be done if the child is at home from birth, and then not always. And here everything is hopeless. Neither priests nor psychologists will help.
Subject: I had a childhood friend. She was raised by her father's aunt. Father from a good family, married a girl from a camp, but already settled. And after some time, his wife went on a spree, or what to call it, I don’t know. She constantly left home, wandered for weeks and months, and, moreover, did not drink and did not even walk like that. What the daughter had less than a year(to my friend) didn't stop her. The father took the child and gave it to his childless aunt, who raised her with great love. But ... in adolescence, the same thing began. My friend, at the age of 16, began to wander, without drunkenness, drugs and revelry (raped, there was a case, but she-no-no). She just went wherever everyone's eyes looked ... Her teacher died, she was terribly worried about everything. Moreover, a friend of her mother did not know her at all, she was raised by another woman, she met already an adult.
Now mother and daughter live together, they quit wandering. But they are more or less safe - no alcohol, no drugs, no men especially. So, will-free will in priority. And in the case of your girl, everything is much worse.

08/19/2016 09:39:16, angry

They crushed the girl in DD, no options, I had such a case with a friend - they adopted a girl and also had the same problems, only she almost immediately blabbed that she had a connection with the teacher, and he quit a year as he left, so go find him .. besides, the pedophile is now literate

08/18/2016 08:58:16, Alexander2016

Section: -- gatherings (pregnant 12 summer girl Permian). State of emergency in Perm: 12-year-old foster girl Pregnancy of a minor, violence, incest - it's all normal in ours. Is this about Valya? They have already given birth to a second child. By the way, there and dad looks like a teenager ...


Well, yes, underage girls sometimes get pregnant. Especially if the physiology is not restrained by the social superstructure and upbringing. The girl in the family was two years old. Tens of dd are sometimes quite familiar with the relationship of the sexes. Sometimes not in theory.

Jealousy of a teenager to a baby. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. Jealousy of a teenager to a baby. Tell me, pliz, who has come across or knows in theory - so I can roughly imagine how jealous of the new you - easy pregnancy and obedient children!


we have a difference of 15 years. Jealousy has already manifested itself - at one time he yelled "you only think about your belly" (this is when I was in the hospital on preservation and asked not to bring me to tantrums now nervous breakdown). They seem to have dealt with the money. We agreed that two very large purchases of those that he wanted are being made now. then a break of a year and a half, but if someone really needs something, he will go and earn something for himself. Well, naturally laid out the entire material component. And about the mortgage that you have to pay, and about the tutor for him - on whom all the alimony will go. But we have a slightly different situation - the father of the second child is not native to the first. The eldest and his own father have normal friendly relations and already there stepsister- She's six. So the boy has some experience. Naturally, no one will take away the room from the elder - it is agreed that this is only his room and he does what he wants in it. About restrictions on conversations - already now we ask you to speak more quietly in the evenings, when we go to bed, because he communicates mainly on the Internet and yells in the heat of the moment so that his ears wither. But I'm not a big fan of tiptoeing around a baby at all. Why whisper something? A healthy psyche can withstand any one-time loud sounds.

Your beloved schoolgirl daughter became withdrawn and taciturn, and burst into tears during the conversation and ran out of the room shouting “Mom, I'm pregnant”. Shock, confusion, because just yesterday she sewed clothes for dolls and fooled around with her friends ... How to behave in such a situation. How to explain to a child and save young girl from early pregnancy?

Pregnancy is considered early if it occurs in a young woman before the age of eighteen. This age, from the point of view of doctors, is considered early, since the young body has not yet matured and the woman is not ready to become a mother. Sadly, early teen pregnancy is now very common and no longer uncommon.

How to tell a teenager about the onset of pregnancy

First of all, the primary reason for early pregnancy is the ignorance of adolescents in matters of contraception and the relationship between a man and a woman. How to determine whether conception has occurred or not, UroMedic will tell you:
  • The girl's period is late.
  • If measured basal body temperature, then it will be elevated, about 37 degrees and above.
  • May increase from the vagina colorless discharge without characteristic odour.
  • In the morning, a young schoolgirl may experience an aversion to food, increased sense of smell, nausea, and even vomiting.
  • Frequent urination.

teen pregnancy

  • For a young, not yet strong body, early pregnancy is a lot of stress and a load on all organs. Very often in young girls who become pregnant, the pregnancy is difficult, with complications, and childbirth is difficult. Often at an early age, insufficient saturation of the fetus with oxygen (placental insufficiency) develops, the risk of anemia is very high, and the likelihood of miscarriages is high, both in the early stages and on the eve of childbirth. Young expectant mothers are very often at risk sudden death fetus and maternal mortality during childbirth. In this regard, if a teenage girl has decided to give birth, doctors often prescribe a caesarean section.
  • After birth, the newborn in most cases has little weight, and can also be born with congenital diseases and developmental anomalies. According to statistics, children who are born to teenage mothers are more likely to die in infancy.
  • More than 70 cases out of 100 unplanned pregnancy is interrupted. Huge harm is done to the young body, both in the early stages of interruption and in the later ones. By the way, late interruption pregnancy occurs more often than in the early stages, due to the fact that the teenager does not have the support and advice of an adult and does not know how to behave in such situations. Late abortions can harm the body of a young woman and lead to the development of gynecological diseases and even lead to infertility.

The risk of pregnancy before the age of 18

There is still a lot of controversy about the favorable age for conceiving a child. Some doctors think optimal age for the birth of a healthy child, the age after 20 years is from 22 to 25 years. Others argue that an 18-year-old girl can already bear and give birth to a baby without problems. But psychologists unanimously say that psychological age women ready for pregnancy and childbirth - 30 years!

But there are situations when pregnancy occurs much earlier. An early pregnancy is considered a pregnancy that occurs between the ages of 13 and adulthood. There are cases when a girl at the age of 12 and earlier could become pregnant.

Difficulties of early pregnancy:

Termination of pregnancy in the early and late stages.
The egg may be immature.
Possibly polyhydramnios during pregnancy.
There is a high risk of miscarriage.
Childbirth in the early stages.
Complications during childbirth.
Risk sudden death women in labor.
Weak or complete absence tribal activity.
The birth of a child with low birth weight.
Overweight and even obesity after childbirth.
The risk of uterine cancer and other diseases increases.
Not ready for motherhood.
There is no profession and material wealth.

Despite all the main risks listed above, gynecologists recommend that young girls give birth instead of abortion. But the mere thought that a young woman wants to get rid of her child and have an abortion is fraught with unborn child. Having been born and grown up, such a person falls into the risk group of people prone to frequent depression and suicide.

It's interesting, but the countries of Great Britain and the United States occupy a leading position in terms of early pregnancy. Japan is on the lowest rung.

What to do if pregnancy has already occurred

Russian experts unanimously say that in order for a pregnancy to be happy, only three factors are needed:

Establish positive contact with family.
Do not be nervous.
Follow all doctor's recommendations.

Parents should be a support and support for the future young mother and explain to her that it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is advisable to enroll in courses for pregnant women in order to know how to prepare for childbirth, how to take care of your breasts, how to swaddle and change a baby's diaper, and much more. It is also necessary to consult a psychologist.

The task of parents is to tell their grown-up child that no one will leave a pregnant young woman alone, and parents will help to overcome all fears and doubts together. Ideal for a young pregnant woman would be childbirth with the father of the child, and if this is not possible, partner childbirth can be carried out with a mother or an older friend who has already given birth and can help. But you don’t need to impose this on a young girl, if she doesn’t want to give birth with a partner, you can’t insist.

After giving birth, a young mother will need help. It is desirable for parents to organize the day of a young mother so that she has time to take care of the child, relax, take care of herself and be able to continue her education.

What to do to avoid early pregnancy

Many adults feel that sexuality education for young people is overkill. They are wrong. Adolescents should be aware of these issues and know how to avoid unwanted pregnancies - know the methods of contraception. Also, most adults tend to believe that their children are still children and underestimate their activity and continue to delay the start of conversations for taboo topics.

If a girl grows up in a family that is antisocial, then the risk of early pregnancy is much higher. In such a family, parents should try to create comfortable conditions and relationships between family members.

The risk group includes active, fighting girls prone to conflict and aggression. Identifying and preventing the problem in a timely manner - these ways of adult-teenager relationships will help reduce the risk of pregnancy at an early age.

It is undesirable for parents to do this: put a "tick" in the upbringing of a teenager and "throw" him condoms and special literature. A teenager should know not only everything about sexual life, but also about the possible negative consequences. Girls should know how to protect themselves properly so as not to harm the young body. Sex education should not be forced. The ideal and affordable option for sexual education of a teenager will be lectures held in schools and confidential conversations. During conversations, adults teach teenagers to be independent and responsible for their actions.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event and let it happen on time and only under happy circumstances.

“Whatever the child amuses herself with, if only she doesn’t bring it in the hem!” Surely everyone has heard this joke. However, as they say, in every joke there is a share of a joke. Back in the last century, illegitimate children and early pregnancies caused dramatic negative attitude surrounding. And if the relationship illegitimate children in our time has become more tolerant, then early pregnancy still causes only condemnation from others.

Officially, an early pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in a girl who has not reached the age of 18. By the way, it is for this reason that early pregnancy is often called teenage pregnancy. However, the problem is not at all that the girl at the time of pregnancy has not reached the age of majority, but that most often similar pregnancy is the result of the environment in which the teenage girl is forced to live. And very rarely it contributes to the well-being of the unborn baby.

Why is this happening?

Most often, many people see the main disadvantage of early pregnancy in the fact that relatives and, in general, all the people around them will turn away from the young mother. But this is absolutely not the case - unfortunately, relatives and friends in most cases turned away from the girl long before the onset of pregnancy. And pregnancy in most cases is precisely the consequence of this!

Let's try to figure out why early pregnancies occur. So:

  • girl rape

Alas, but rape in our time is still committed quite often. And in most cases, they are not committed by evil maniacs, but by the males surrounding the girl. By the way, including my mother's friends. Whose oversight is that the girl "rotated" in the wrong social circle?

And in the event that a girl was raped by a stranger on the street, a logical question immediately arises - why is she in late time is it alone on the street? Could not stand the unfavorable home psychological environment? Or do parents simply not care where and with whom their young daughter is? Although, of course, there are really tragic situations when an unfortunate combination of circumstances is to blame.

  • Deviant behavior

Statistics show that much more often than others, girls who have contacted the so-called "bad companies" get pregnant. So it is, but have you ever wondered why the child gets into this very company? Most often this happens if the child is left to himself - as a rule, this happens if the parents devote all their time to work or lead an asocial lifestyle.

And sometimes this can happen in a completely prosperous family, where parents keep their daughter in "hedgehogs". Excessive severity is also not good if parents do not even try to understand their child. And in the end, the girl will go to seek understanding on the street. And get into bad company- a matter of time.

  • Lack of knowledge

No matter how strange it may seem, but very often teenage pregnancies are a direct result of a girl’s lack of basic knowledge. Despite the fact that all information is freely available, many girls are completely illiterate in sexual matters. A recent survey of high school girls showed that about 40% of girls sincerely believe that it is impossible to get pregnant during the first sexual intercourse, 25% of girls are sure that washing away after intercourse excludes the possibility of pregnancy. And about 90% of girls are not able to choose the right contraception.

Moreover, most girls are not able to understand in time that they are pregnant - they simply do not notice the delay in menstruation, and attribute the increase in clothing size to the need to adhere to a strict diet. Unfortunately, this is entirely a parental omission. It was in the family that the girl should have been told simple common truths. Moreover, a girl should know that she can always consult with her mother.

  • Planned pregnancy

Yes, don't be surprised! It also happens - a girl purposefully plans a pregnancy. As a rule, this happens in two cases. Firstly, in this way the girl tries to assert herself - it seems to her that no one loves her and no one needs her. And she decides to give birth to a child, believing that he will always love her.

And secondly, in this way a teenage girl can protest against excessive, in her opinion, guardianship on the part of her parents. Like, “stop educating me, I’m already an adult and I can be a mother myself!”. Of course, pregnancy such a case serves as further proof of the girl's infantilism, but not her sanity.

What to do?

Everything about pregnancy in any case is a strong shock for a woman - even if she is married and is very expecting a child. And even more so for a teenage girl. And as in any emergency, you need to know exactly how to act:

  • Consult a doctor!

If a girl has suspicions that she is pregnant, in no case should you waste time and hope for a miracle - it will not resolve itself. She should see a gynecologist as soon as possible. By the way, pay attention to the choice of a doctor. If, after your first words, the doctor sends you for your parents, you can safely look for another doctor.

Of course, the doctor will not do any serious procedures without the consent of the parents. But to clarify the presence of pregnancy, to help the girl prepare for the upcoming inevitable conversation with her parents good doctor will never refuse.

  • Tell the child's father

Be sure to notify the father of the unborn child. Pregnancy involves two parties. And that means shared responsibility.

  • Conversation with parents

No matter how scary this conversation may seem, it will not be possible to avoid it. Therefore, do not delay too much - tell your parents everything. Of course, you shouldn't expect to get a pat on the head. But, most likely, the storm of emotions will soon subside and your parents will eventually understand, forgive and support you.

  • crisis centers

In the event that a girl hears ridicule in her gynecologist's office or they try to shame her, and it is almost impossible to talk with her parents, the girl can seek help from one of the crisis centers, whose activities are aimed specifically at supporting adolescents. Today, there are similar centers in almost all major cities. Of course, the specialists of this center will not decide for the girl what decision to make in this situation. But they will support her in any case - they will provide necessary information, if necessary, will assist in solving medical and domestic issues.

  • Decision-making

Of course, the girl who got into similar situation, will hear a lot of very different advice - from doctors, girlfriends, parents. But it is very important to carefully weigh everything and make your own decision, independent of anyone. Remember, this is your child and only yours. And it is you who will be responsible for the life and well-being of the little man.

Young grandmother

Almost no mother will take the news of her young daughter's pregnancy with joy. As a rule, in most cases, the first reaction is aggression and numerous accusations against the daughter and the whole world around her. However, mom should think about it - who really needs to be blamed?

Of course, if you want to find the culprit, you can look for him. But it won't help you solve the problem. Moreover, most often the main culprits of this phenomenon, as mentioned above, are the parents. And in particular - the girl's mother. It is her fault that she failed to establish a warm and trusting relationship with her daughter. But for teenagers, this is very, very important!

By the way, very often maternal aggression is also explained by subconscious protests, which she may not be aware of. For example: “I’m still too young and I can’t be a grandmother!”, “How dare you do something without my knowledge and consent!”. And if a pregnant grandfather should first of all seek help from a gynecologist, then her mother should visit a psychologist. Unfortunately, in most cases, all the protests of the mother of a teenage girl are based only on her subconscious complexes.

For example, a woman insists on an abortion even if all objective reasons indicate its inadmissibility. But in fact, she is catastrophically afraid of becoming a grandmother - after all, she is only about 35 years old! Of course, that her whole essence rebels against this flagrant injustice. Or, for example, a woman is pathologically afraid that with the birth of her own child her daughter will become independent and will no longer be wholly and completely owned by her.

And it happens the other way around - despite the fact that the girl resists the birth of a child with all her might, there are serious pathologies or pregnancy, for example, is the result of violence, her mother insists on the birth of this child. And not always a woman acts for the benefit of her daughter. Sometimes this decision is dictated by the desire to bind teenage daughters hand and foot so that they are completely and completely dependent on their parents. And sometimes a young grandmother plans to use the baby as a lever to control her daughter.

Of course, the future grandmother may be indignant after reading these lines. However, you should not immediately deny everything and refuse to visit a specialist. A psychologist will help you understand yourself and find mutual language with daughter. As the saying goes, it's never too late to learn. Learn to be your daughter's friend. After all, it is already very difficult for her now - early pregnancy is a very serious test for teenagers!

Medical aspect

In any case, you will have to make a decision - to give birth to a child or to have an abortion. In both cases, you first need to visit a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination and give his recommendations. As a rule, in most cases, doctors strongly advise against terminating the first pregnancy. And this doesn't just apply to teenagers. However, if a decision is made to terminate the pregnancy, it is not worth delaying this unpleasant procedure.

Of course, for the body of teenage girls, any abortion will be a strong blow. But you need to choose the lesser of two evils - vacuum aspiration will bring much less harm to the body of a young girl. In addition, it will reduce the likelihood of developing all sorts of complications that very often develop even in adult women, not to mention adolescents. Although, of course, the final decision regarding the method of termination of pregnancy will be made by the doctor.

Well, if you decide that the baby has the right to life and decide to give birth, your most faithful ally for the next 9 months should also be a gynecologist. Pregnancy in adolescents has a number of its own characteristics, so it should proceed under the strict supervision of a doctor. And the sooner you turn to him, the better for you and the future crumbs. As a rule, in large cities you can find gynecologists who specialize in managing teenage pregnancies. But if you live in a small town, do not despair - for sure your local gynecologist will successfully cope with this task.

The earliest pregnancy will be a joyful and exciting event in the life of a young mother, if she proceeds in a calm psychological environment, with the support of loved ones. After all, all life's difficulties, as well as a young age, are temporary. And your baby will become the dearest and closest person for life! And believe me - the pleasure of the brilliant sly eye, effervescent laughter and a sonorous voice calling "Mom!" is nothing compared to the pleasure of visiting a nightclub. And education can be obtained even as a mother - there would be a desire. Be happy!

There must be a time for everything, including desired pregnancy. Early pregnancy occurs between the ages of 12 and 18, most often in 15-16 year olds. And this is not only a medical problem, but also a social one, as society continues to condemn the early onset of sexual activity and teenage mothers.

It would seem that the problem of early pregnancy should disappear in modern world, because contraceptives are now available in every pharmacy, and teenagers themselves are well aware of intimate relationships between the sexes. But this phenomenon is still quite common. Doctors are sure that for birth healthy baby the age of the mother is important - the female body is ready for childbearing only by the age of 20.

But pregnancy, as an exception to the rule, can occur even earlier, for example, the earliest pregnancy in the world was recorded in 1939 in Peru with five-year-old Lina Medina, who successfully became the mother of a three-kilogram baby. Fortunately, this phenomenon is recognized as an exception, but pregnancies among teenage girls are not uncommon.

It should be noted right away that the cause of early pregnancy cannot be the only one. Most likely, this is a simultaneous superposition of several unfavorable factors that led to this situation, and the teenage girl should not be blamed for them. Today, children begin earlier puberty, which means that with it comes faster sexual attraction. Therefore, all parents should psychologically prepare their child in a timely manner for the beginning of an intimate life, engage in his sexual education, and this must be done until the moment when sex is firmly established in the life of a teenager.

So, the main reasons for early pregnancy are:

  1. Lack of sex education. As mentioned above, puberty in adolescents today begins earlier, even before the moment when parents are ready for it with psychological point vision. If you do not talk about sex with a 14-year-old daughter, then she will not have enough basic knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and contraception. Such a girl upon entry into intimate relationship completely immune to possible pregnancy. The lack of sex education in the family circle makes teenagers turn to their peers or the Internet for information. The distortion and unreliability of the facts received from the same adolescents is not only useless, but also dangerous for the child in its consequences.
  2. Sexual promiscuity. The desire to be different from others, to appear more experienced in the circle of their peers pushes teenagers to early start sexual life. Often such a step is carried out under the influence alcoholic beverages or drugs. Psychologists say that most often children with a tendency to aggression and hyperactivity face early pregnancy.
  3. Failure to use contraceptives. Adolescents tend to be indifferent to contraceptive methods due to a lack of knowledge about contraceptives, inability to use them, and simply because of the fear of buying them in a pharmacy openly or keeping them at home.
  4. Violence. Violent sexual acts most often occur in dysfunctional families, where the father, brother or stepfather can act as a rapist. Less commonly, rape occurs outside the home. A frightened girl can hide what happened quite from her loved ones. long time, rapes are repeated.
  5. Conscious conception. Emotional teenagers in love believe that pregnancy at the age of 14-16 is quite normal, it will give them independence and help keep their loved one. Some teenage girls deliberately become pregnant in order to leave the parental home or to get rid of increased guardianship from adults.


Due to lack of awareness, adolescent girls may for a long time don't worry about your pregnancy. They keep on leading habitual image life, do not refuse unprotected sexual intercourse and alcohol, do not observe the daily routine, besides, their body is not yet ready to bear a child. For these reasons, the likelihood of miscarriage in a short period of time during adolescence is increased several times.

The signs of pregnancy in a teenage girl are no different from the symptoms in a mature woman:

  • delay of menstruation;
  • signs of toxicosis: nausea, vomiting, weakness, lack of appetite;
  • frequent urination;
  • growth of the chest and abdomen;
  • chills and fever;
  • increase in basal temperature;
  • copious vaginal discharge.

Concerning last sign, then the discharge from the genital tract during a normal pregnancy has a light transparent shade, this indicates changes in the hormonal background. Spotting discharge with an admixture of blood or bleeding indicates a threat of miscarriage. Also proof possible danger there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which may indicate ectopic pregnancy posing a threat to life. When such symptoms appear, early term It is important not to delay in contacting a doctor.

Why is early pregnancy dangerous?

It must be clarified right away that adolescence begins at 10 and ends at 18 years. Pregnancy between the ages of 12 and 16 is called early or teenage pregnancy. Carrying a child at such a young age can threaten not only the development of the unborn child, but also the health of the youngest mother.

Teenage girls quite often experience complications during pregnancy, because their body is not fully formed and this physiological immaturity prevents them from carrying and giving birth to a baby on time.

The main dangers of early pregnancy are:

  • miscarriage;
  • strong ;
  • anomalies in the development of the fetus;
  • placental disorders;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • stillbirth and.

Hormonal background in adolescence is characterized by its instability. Lack of progesterone leads to the development and hypotrophy of the fetus. Therefore, young expectant mothers are usually sent to the hospital several times for additional examination, while the pregnancy is carried out by several specialists at once. At 36 weeks, patients are placed in the hospital, as childbirth at this age is often premature.

Childbirth in adolescents, as a rule, proceeds with complications. This is due to the narrowness of the pelvis. For this reason, many doctors insist on having a baby by caesarean section. Also, experts do not exclude a high probability of postpartum hemorrhage. Besides, World Organization Public Health claims that, according to statistics, stillbirth or death in the first 6 months of life is 50% of teenage pregnancies.

But when asking the question of why early pregnancy is dangerous, you need to think not only about the physical side of the problem, but also about psychological state girls. The news of the pregnancy shocks the teenager. Fear of parents and the public forces the girl to hide her situation, which means that the pregnancy will go on for a long time without supervision by medical personnel. As a result, the expectant mother closes in her experiences, feels guilty, falls into depression. Often this leads to suicide attempts or abandonment of the newborn after childbirth.

What to do if pregnancy has already begun?

The responsibility for early pregnancy cannot be shifted only to the shoulders of a young girl. Parents, future father, school - everyone should be aware and understand what kind of burden a child, faced with teenage pregnancy, takes on.

According to statistics, early pregnancies are interrupted in 70% of cases. This is a radical, but not entirely correct step in this situation, since after surgical curettage of the uterine cavity at such a young age, many girls cannot become pregnant in the future.

It is not difficult to conceive a child, one unprotected intercourse is enough. Carrying a baby in adolescence is a more serious problem. Pregnancy itself requires an increase in the daily diet of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as additional reception minerals and vitamins. All trace elements are consumed quickly and in in large numbers, because they are needed for the normal development of the fetus and for the expectant mother herself, since her body is still in a period of active development and growth. Many complications of pregnancy are associated with disorders of the natural metabolism.

Early pregnancy and childbirth is a serious test for an unformed teenage psyche. The most important thing in such a difficult situation is to act and make decisions together. If it is decided to bear a child, then the expectant mother needs early diagnosis of pregnancy and follow-up with specialists to exclude complications up to the very birth.

Prevention of early pregnancy

Most parents are sure that sexual education of the younger generation is completely unnecessary. And this is wrong. In adolescence, it is important for children to know how to avoid unwanted pregnancy, that is, about contraception. But many adults are arrogant about the age of their children and believe that it is too early to talk to them about taboo topics.

In families with an antisocial lifestyle and in incomplete families increased chance of early pregnancy. Also at risk are lively teenagers prone to conflict situations and intemperance. Timely detection and prevention of any problems in adolescence is the main goal of the relationship between an adult and a teenager, trust and mutual understanding helps to reduce the risk of early pregnancy and its consequences.

Many psychologists agree that the problem of early pregnancy largely depends on the parents. Their incorrect attitude towards the child becomes the reason that he is completely confused and unprepared for sexual activity. If between mother and daughter with early age not established frank relationship, then the risk of early pregnancy in such a family is increased.

A teenager should know everything about sexual relations between a man and a woman and the negative consequences that they can lead to. It is important for girls to know about contraceptive methods and how to use them correctly. You can also tell your teenager about the early diagnosis of pregnancy before the delay.

At the same time, sexual education of a teenager should not look somehow intrusive, all children are different, and not everyone is interested in this or that information at a certain age. Ideally, if sexuality education is also carried out in the form of lectures at school and during confidential conversations with specialists.

The birth of a child is always a joyful event, but it is better if it happens on time. Early pregnancy is a serious test for a young girl and her parents. To minimize complications, you need to seek help from a gynecologist in a timely manner. The doctor will assess the health of the expectant mother, early diagnosis pregnancy using ultrasound, tell about possible consequences and, if the girl decides to carry the pregnancy, she will observe her until the very birth.

Useful video about early pregnancy
