The best masks for blackheads. Sage and calendula leaves. clay recipe

Find out how you can quickly and easily get rid of blackheads at home © Getty Image

Pure and well-groomed face is calling card every girl. And probably every third girl in the world suffers from the appearance of black dots in the T-zone (on the forehead, nose and chin). To look neat and well-groomed, we need to carry out timely skin care every day. But before you start getting rid of black dots, you need to eliminate the cause of their appearance, namely:

  • Don't touch your face often
  • Do not use face powder;
  • Reduce the intake of too fatty foods in your diet;
  • Do not use too aggressive washing;
  • Include dairy products in your diet;
  • Eat fiber in your diet daily.

See the most effective and proven recipes for getting rid of black dots at home:

  1. Baking soda and salt scrub

Soda is always valued for its anti-inflammatory effect and quickly relieves irritation. Salt is the main component of many scrubs due to its ability to remove toxins and blackheads from the top layer of the skin. After applying such a composition to the skin of the face, black dots noticeably brighten, and the face becomes smooth, elastic and matte.

In order to start the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face of excess makeup and steam your skin. Next, in a bowl, combine a pinch of salt and soda and mix thoroughly with a teaspoon of water. After that, treat the areas with the presence of black dots in a circular motion without strong pressure. Wash off the mixture after 15 minutes.

  1. Protein mask

Protein-based masks are able to tighten enlarged pores, gently dry the skin.

To remove blackheads with protein, you need to separate the egg from the protein. wet cotton pad in protein and apply on problematic T-zone. Next, take a dry cloth and glue on a light protein layer. Top with another layer of protein. After a quarter of an hour, a crust forms, which is removed with confident sharp movements. It is not necessary to use napkins, you can simply apply and rinse off the foamed protein.

Find out how you can quickly and easily get rid of blackheads at home © Getty Image

  1. clay mask

Clay has bleaching properties. Its regular use will not only cleanse the skin, but also solve the problem of enlarged pores on the nose, age spots, remove black dots and fill the cells with useful minerals. Clay also perfectly refreshes the face, so it is relevant not only for problematic, but also for aging skin.

In order to remove blackheads on your nose, you will need clay that is most suitable for your skin type. Dilute the clay with water to a creamy consistency, then apply to the face and leave for 10 minutes.

  1. Mask of flakes and kefir.

Oatmeal contains a large number of nutrients necessary for the skin (proteins, vitamins, trace elements). This mask penetrates the pores and removes impurities from them. Kefir is able to soothe irritated epidermis.

To prepare the mask, you will need 1 tablespoon of herculean flakes ground in a blender and 1 teaspoon of fine edible salt. Dilute the resulting composition with kefir to the density of sour cream. Next, spread the consistency on the face and leave it to work for 10-15 minutes.
Gently massage the clogged areas with wet fingers and rinse cold water.

  1. Gelatin mask and activated carbon.

most efficient and instant mask against black dots is precisely the combination of gelatin and activated charcoal. This is due to its absorbent properties. It is able not only to draw out accumulated dirt and fat from enlarged pores, but also to remove harmful substances accumulated during life from the skin surface.

In order to start the procedure, you need to cleanse and steam out the skin of the face. Next, crush 2 tablets of activated charcoal into small crumbs. Mix with 1 teaspoon of gelatin. Add 1 teaspoon of cool water or milk and mix thoroughly. Put the mixture for 20 seconds in the microwave or in a water bath. When you see that the gelatin has dissolved, take it off. Apply the mixture to the T-zone and leave for 30 minutes. Remove the mask with quick and sharp movements.


Recall that we recently wrote the rules and tips for skin care in the fall. Read more about skin care

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Black dots ( open comedones) on the face can spoil the most attractive appearance. They are formed due to clogging of pores with fat, dust and dead cells.

Skin condition

its beauty and freshness not only adorn its owner, but also signal the state of her health. Skin problems speak of internal problems.

The main reasons for the appearance of comedones are the following factors:

egg masks

Homemade egg face masks are very easy to prepare and easy on the wallet. Especially recommended for oily and combination skin. Consider some of the most popular recipes.

Protein mask with sugar

Due to its light consistency, the protein is able to penetrate deep into the epidermis and renew cell function. The result of protein masks is obvious after the first use.

Separate the protein and beat well with 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Apply with a brush. For dry skin, it is recommended to apply only to areas with defects, as the mask has a drying effect. Let the egg layer dry. Apply the next layer and massage until fingers stop sticking. Wash off after 10 min.

This black mask against blackheads at home, although it looks scary, but perfectly fights comedones.

Mix a spoonful of milk, a spoonful of gelatin and 2 crushed tablets of activated charcoal. Heat a little until the gelatin dissolves (for example, in a water bath), let cool. Apply to areas with dark spots, leave for 15 minutes, remove the film, being careful not to tear it. Treat your face with hydrogen peroxide.

clay mask

Clay - universal remedy face care, but different types skin is recommended different types clay. Most suitable for oily skin green clay, for dry - red. White and blue clay suitable for any type.

Mix clay powder with warm boiled water to the consistency of sour cream.

Apply to skin, avoiding eye area. After the clay has dried (about 15 minutes), rinse with warm water.

Honey mask with lemon

This mask will not only remove dark dots, but also slightly whiten the skin.

Grate a large slice of lemon, add 1/2 tsp. honey (preferably liquid). Apply to the problem area of ​​the face for 10 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Corn milk mask

Perfectly cleanses pores, eliminates oily sheen, disinfects.

Combine 2 tablespoons of cornmeal with a little milk until you get the consistency of sour cream. Apply the product in a circular motion from top to bottom. Wash off with cool water after complete drying.

Yeast mask

This mask is not only great for blackheads, but also makes the skin smoother.
Mix a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of baker's (bread) yeast into a homogeneous mass. The mask should be applied to the T-zone and allowed to dry for about 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, treat with an ice cube and apply a moisturizer. Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with bodyaga, but it must be borne in mind that it is contraindicated in inflammation, rashes and microtrauma of the skin.

Perhaps only the lazy today have not heard about what Black Mask or a black mask is. All social media overflowing with photos and comments, today we will figure out the recipe for making a black mask at home.

The skin of any person can be oily, dry, normal or combination. Depending on this, care products are also divided into categories. The problem of blackheads and acne is closest to the owners of oily skin due to increased work sebaceous glands. As a result, the flow of the gland closes the pores with dead cells, which leads to the appearance of acne.

Black dots are also the result of increased secretion, the pores become clogged with hardened fat, which oxidizes and turns black.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of skin problems:

  • insufficient number of hygiene procedures
  • hormonal imbalance
  • hormonal age changes
  • wrong choice of medical cosmetics
  • malnutrition
  • frequent stress and lack of sleep

Not a single miracle remedy can get rid of all skin problems immediately and in one day. only consistent and Full time job over yourself will allow you to deal with the situation. One of the most effective means of struggle are black masks.

Black mask to help get rid of blackheads

The black mask or Black Mask got its name naturally due to its color. The basis of the mask can be activated charcoal, clay or therapeutic mud. First of all, the effect of this mask is noticeable in the area of ​​​​accumulation of black dots. Due to its structure, the mask penetrates into the pores, and after drying, it is removed with a film along with the fat that prevented the pores from breathing.

strong pain at the time of removing the mask will not be if you are constantly taking care of your face.

Black mask against acne

When applying the mask, the fight against inflammation on the skin is carried out mainly due to activated charcoal, which is part of the composition. It normalizes the subcutaneous metabolism, relieving inflammation. Gradually, existing acne will disappear, and new ones will not appear.

Compared to other acne treatments, Black Mask may even be less effective due to the fact that only one component works. All the same, the main action is aimed at combating black dots.

How to apply a black mask?

  • Before applying, clean your face with lotion or milk and steam. The better you steam your face, the more pores you can clean with a mask.
  • Apply a hot towel to your face or bask in a warm bath for 10-15 minutes before using the mask.

Special storage conditions for a purchased mask are not required, but a mask made by oneself must be used immediately.

  • Next, gently spread the mask over your face. thin layer or apply only to certain areas where blackheads are the most (forehead, nose, chin).
  • When the mask has set and a film has formed, gently remove it with dry hands.
  • On reverse side film, you can notice the fatty columns that the mask pulled out of your pores. Now your skin will breathe much easier.

Apply a pore-tightening agent to the points of formation of points and do not forget about a moisturizer.

Black mask reviews

There were an incredible number of buyers of the Black Mask black mask, and we can safely assume that its manufacturers got rich on the hype that they created. If we talk about reviews, they are very different. Usually women write that the mask is excellent, but there is no effect on their face, because the face is so clean, but my husband turned out to have a huge number of clogged pores.

Of course, the effectiveness of the mask also depends on the manufacturer, you can buy Black Mask on the official website from 1,500 rubles or find cheaper options on the Chinese website Aliexpress 10 times cheaper.

The official version is produced in America and has been certified in Russia, confirming that its use is absolutely harmless. Well, what the Chinese sellers poured into black tubes can only be guessed at. The number of one-page sites selling masks is also quite large, hence the risk of buying a fake product even for a lot of money.

Another important factor affecting reviews - the mask acts on each skin differently. Some will help, some won't. If you act strictly according to the instructions, then the probability of getting desired effect rises.

Black mask, buy or make yourself?

The hype that has risen around the Black mask for last years, was created exclusively for commercial purposes, the effectiveness of black masks as such has been known to cosmetologists for a long time.

The composition of the purchased original Black Mask includes bamboo charcoal, young wheat sprouts and oils. The combination of all ingredients ensures the creation of a homogeneous dense film that penetrates into every pore.

It sounds very tempting, but if every customer is told that the same effect can be achieved with a homemade mask, the demand will clearly decrease. After trying several recipes for masks, you can choose the most effective and effective for yourself.

How to make a black mask at home?

The secret of the black mask, which is as similar as possible to the Black Mask, lies in gelatin. Due to it, the consistency turns out to be liquid and, gradually drying out, turns into a film. In the store you will need to purchase the ingredients:

  • cosmetic clay (black)
  • gelatin (in bags)
  • activated charcoal (tablets)

Black Mask Recipes

Here are some examples of masks that you can easily prepare and use at home. Or maybe even want to create your own brand, using a ready-made market for sales. Judging by sales, even on, it turns out that in Russia an incredible number of women are faced with the problem of black dots.

Cosmetic clay mask


  • Clay black - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1.5 tsp
  • Oil - optional

The classic mask is suitable for almost everyone who is faced with the problem of black dots. It is kneaded on the basis of black clay.

  1. In a container, mix clay with water. The mixture should be liquid, like kefir.
  2. If desired, you can pour in a few drops of your favorite oil, for example, almond or rose.
  3. Wash your face and gently spread the mask in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. Wash your face after 17-20 minutes.

Clay effect different colors will also be different, for example, black clay relieves inflammation, and white clay fights high fat content. The same recipe can be used with therapeutic mud.

Mask based on gelatin and activated carbon


  • Assets. coal - 2 tab.
  • Gelatin - 4 g
  • Water - 3 tsp

The closest analogue to the purchased Black Mask can be obtained using gelatin in combination with activated charcoal.

  1. In a separate container, crush the tablets, pour in the gelatin and pour warm water into the container
  2. Heat the container with the mixture, stirring constantly, and, after a couple of minutes, the anti-black dot remedy will be ready.
  3. On the face prepared for the procedure, spread the mixture with your fingertips
  4. At the end of the procedure (after a quarter of an hour), remove the film

Mask with aloe and activated charcoal


  • Assets. coal - 2 tab.
  • Aloe juice - 3 g
  • Water - 2 tsp
  • Sea salt - 2 tsp

Beauticians also suggest using aloe juice when mixing the mask. You can buy juice at a pharmacy or grocery store.

  1. Pour water and juice into crushed tablets, then add sea salt
  2. Spread the mixture on your face and remove after a quarter of an hour.

The resulting mask due to salt has a scrub effect, it will help get rid of dead cells and cleanse the skin.

Mask with gelatin and black clay


  • Assets. coal - 1 table.
  • Gelatin - 4 g
  • Milk - 2 tsp
  • Black clay - 1 tsp
  1. Combine warm milk, clay, gelatin and charcoal in a glass bowl.
  2. To swell the gelatin, heat the mixture for a couple of minutes and spread the mask on your face.
  3. Gently remove the hardened film from the face.

Mask with an egg from black dots


  • Gelatin - 5 g
  • Milk - 3 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  1. Pour the warm milk over the gelatin and heat the mixture, stirring constantly, until the gelatin swells.
  2. After a few minutes, remove the container from the heat and leave to cool until room temperature then add one egg white
  3. Apply the mask all over your face with your fingertips and leave to dry completely.
  4. Remove the film from your face and wash your face warm water

How to diversify the recipe?

During the course, using one recipe can quickly get boring, so try adding new ingredients that will enhance the effect:

  • mint leaves
  • calendula
  • sea ​​buckthorn
  • medicinal chamomile

How to use black mask?

The black mask can be used several times a week depending on the type of skin:

  • oily skin– 1-2 times a week
  • dry skin - once every 2 weeks
  • normal skin - once a week
  • combination skin - 1-2 times a week on problem areas

Usually the course lasts 1-1.5 months.

Do not forget to clean and steam the skin before each use in order to achieve maximum effect. After removing the mask, use products that narrow the pores so that the problem of blackheads does not touch you again. After completing a course of several masks, you can already boast of beautiful and well-groomed skin.

Cleansing face masks for blackheads

In addition to the well-known Black Mask, you may also have come across its closest analogue Fresh Face based on white clay. The effect of the masks is very similar, they both cleanse pores, fight inflammation, restore youthfulness to the skin, but the second mask contains white clay, yeast, vitamin E.

  • To prepare such a mask at home, it is enough to mix one tablespoon of white clay, water, lemon juice, a couple of drops of oil
  • Spread the mixture over the skin of the face and wash off after 17-20 minutes.
  • White clay helps to narrow the pores, which means that the problem of black dots will become irrelevant for you.

Another popular option from the same manufacturer is called Oatmeal Mask or oatmeal based mask. You can definitely make it at home and not spend money, oatmeal in any store costs a penny:

  1. Mix of 2 tablespoons oatmeal, 2 tablespoons ground coffee and 2 teaspoons of water are applied in a circular motion on the face
  2. Wash off with warm water after 9-10 minutes.

The masks you make at home will be 100% safe because you know all the ingredients that have been added to them. Overpaying for a brand when all the components can be purchased in a store and achieving the same effect is simply pointless. Good luck with your experiments!

Video: Black mask at home

For those with oily skin, cleansers should be number one in their skincare arsenal. They contribute to the maximum removal of impurities, excess sebum and toxins, and also make the skin fresh, smooth and radiant.
Cleansing masks and folk remedies are ideal for any skin type. For oily skin, masks should be done 2-3 per week. Cleansing masks for oily skin gently exfoliate the skin and cleanse the pores of “blackheads”.

Such masks open the pores of the skin, so after cleansing it is good to apply nutritious cream(the skin absorbs better useful material). The effect of home cleansing masks appears more slowly than, for example, mechanical cleaning, but they act more delicately and softer, leaving no possible traces on the face. It is good to wipe oily skin during the day with ice cubes or ice cubes herbal infusion(calendula, nettle hawthorn, etc.), which perfectly narrows the pores.

We offer several folk recipes masks to help get rid of blackheads on the face.
Recipe 1 - Cleansing mask against black spots on the face with pomegranate at home (ideal for oily skin) - salt + pomegranate. Pomegranate has a cleansing effect, reduces oiliness and tightens pores.
Mix 1 teaspoon of pomegranate juice, some facial cleanser and 1 teaspoon of iodized salt. Apply the finished scrub to the skin for 2 minutes. Massage with light movements. After that, wash with cool water. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week.
Recipe 2 - Homemade face mask against blackheads on the nose with clay - water + clay
This is a very easy to prepare folk remedy. Dilute the powder of white clay with boiled water until a thick slurry is obtained and apply to problem areas of the skin of the face, hold until completely dry (about 15 minutes). Wash off the mask with warm and then cold water.
Recipe 3 - Homemade face mask for black dots on the face - soda + salt + washing gel.
Regular baking soda makes an excellent base for this effective mask.

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of soda, 1 tablespoon of iodized salt and a little washing gel into a gentle gruel. You can add a drop of nourishing cream to the mask. Apply the mask to the previously cleansed face massage lines for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Recipe 4 - egg mask against black dots on the nose - aloe + lemon juice + egg white.
Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe leaf pulp with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 egg white. Apply the resulting mask to problem areas of the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
Recipe 5 - Kefir mask from black dots for the face - kefir.
Kefir contains acids that perfectly dissolve sebum so this mask is perfect for those with oily skin.
Apply kefir to clean skin face for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Recipe 6 - Egg - Sugar home mask for the face against black dots with sugar - protein + sugar.
A mask with sugar granules will benefit the skin of the face, since sugar contains glycolic acid which perfectly nourishes the skin.
In 1 tablespoon granulated sugar beat in the protein of one egg and grind until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Apply the mask to your face, patting continuously. The adhesive mass draws dirt out of the pores. Leave to dry completely, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.
Recipe 7 - Mask from black dots with oatmeal - soda + oatmeal + water.
Grind 1 cup of oatmeal in a coffee grinder, and mix with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. To prepare one portion of the mask, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture and mix into a pulp with boiled water. Apply the mask on clean skin and massage the problem areas until the gruel slides over the skin. Wash off the mask with warm, then cool water.
Recipe 8 - Blackhead Scrub Mask - Avocado + Coffee + Olive Oil.
Avocado perfectly supports the elasticity and elasticity of the skin due to vitamins A and C, vegetable proteins and fats. This mask is suitable for dry, fading and thin skin. Coffee perfectly cleanses the skin, and avocado nourishes it.
Take 2 tablespoons coffee grounds, add 1 teaspoon of avocado pulp and a drop of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the face and massage the problem areas for 5 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
Recipe 9 - folk mask against black dots with cottage cheese - yolk + honey + cottage cheese.
Ideal for dry skin.
Mix the yolk of 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer.
Recipe 10 - Mask against black spots with lingonberries for oily skin.
The mask will fit for face with acne, because cranberries have antiseptic properties.
Mash lingonberry fruits into gruel and mix with yogurt in equal proportions. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Video - Masks for oily problematic skin faces:

When using masks and creams, be careful: any remedy may have an individual intolerance, check it first on the skin of your hand! You might also be interested in this:

Masks from black dots reviews: 24

  • Lena

    Most the best remedy- masks with soda - recipe 3, really quickly helped get rid of black dots on the face.

  • Olena

    Clay cleans the skin well and removes blackheads, making such a mask is very simple and fast.

  • Galina

    Clay is good for cleansing oily skin, if the skin is dry, it will dry out even more. Here it is better to use a mask with oatmeal.

  • Linda

    How to quickly clear the face of black dots? Give me an effective recipe!

  • Anonymous

    My recipe for blackheads: mix a spoonful of sugar and egg white (raw, of course). Lubricate the problem areas of the skin with black dots, then start patting your fingers. It turns out a sticky mass that will pull out all the dirt from the skin. Very effective remedy!

  • Alla

    A mixture of protein and lemon juice will also help get rid of blackheads. Mix the ingredients and proceed as in the previous review.

  • Yulka

    Use recipe number 3 - soda + salt, I tested it on myself, it perfectly removes black spots on the face.

  • Olga

    Wipe your face with kefir more often, and there will be no black dots, kefir dissolves fat.


    There is also such a recipe for black dots: fill rice with water, leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the water and chop the rice. Apply to face. If desired, rice can be mixed with soda.

  • Jeanne

    Attention: for face cleansing it is better to take white clay.

  • Zoya

    Great for getting rid of blackheads gelatin mask. Dilute a little gelatin with warm water or milk, when the mass swells, apply to the face. Let dry and apply one more layer. Maybe a third one. The mask will dry and become like a film. Then remove it carefully so that the dots and dirt from the skin are removed along with this film. There are also ready-made film masks, they also help to effectively cleanse the skin.

  • Nika

    Tell me, please, do you need to do a mask of protein and sugar every day?

  • Alina

    Zhanna, activated charcoal powder can be added to the gelatin mass, the pores are better cleaned ...

  • Nina

    You should definitely try it, black dots are tortured!

  • Lera

    You need to try it, you are interested in masks with protein and gelatin.

Many girls unsuccessfully struggle with the appearance of comedones on the face. Is it possible to get rid of them forever by using some special means? What kind of masks against black dots at home recommend using?

Where does the problem come from?

Comedones (blackheads) are one of the most common cosmetic problems along with acne. It's hard to deal with them on your own. In fact, these are skin pores clogged with fatty residues, which become black as a result of dust getting on them. They do not cause discomfort, but they spoil the visual perception of the face, so many girls try everything in a row, just to get rid of them.

In fact, the solution to the problem is quite simple - thorough facial hygiene, normal nutrition. Pimple formation will stop on its own. With the modern pace of life, such trifles are often forgotten, and remembered only when the problem becomes apparent.

Subcutaneous fat is constantly formed and human body V normal conditions releases only a small amount of this substance. But when eating heavy food, as well as during hormonal disruptions and some infectious diseases, the amount of secret increases significantly. The cleaning system of the skin can not cope with thick secret, as a result, the pores are clogged, and plugs are formed.

Comedones are harmless only up to a certain point, as soon as your immunity gives up, they can go into a state of inflamed foci. It is not worth waiting for this, so it is worth taking action.

Cleaning masks

The most common options for solving the problem with acne manifestations are creams and masks. Both options have a similar effect, but they differ in composition. Creams are composed of pharmacological substances, while masks are mainly of natural origin.

Masks have become very popular because they are easier to get, they are practically harmless to health, they are cheap and have a minimum of contraindications. Creams, in turn, have a strong effect, but have a number of contraindications that should be considered when using them.

The masks have various effects, but are mainly aimed at expanding pores, cleaning and resuming skin functions, as well as its general improvement. There are a lot of folk recipes, but they should be used with caution, because the skin of many girls is very picky about extraneous influences.

In adolescents, the problem of rashes occurs much more often than in adults due to hormonal changes during puberty. During such dramatic changes, sebum has increased density, it is difficult to remove from the pores, so comedones are formed much more often and there are many more of them.

Masks help in most cases, but you need to choose the appropriate option.

Egg white

The mask is mainly made from food, sometimes with the addition of additional elements- clay or coal.

The simplest and quite popular recipe is a protein mask. chicken egg. It well draws out the purulent contents of acne, cleans the upper layers of the epidermis. It is prepared very simply:

  • egg white (preferably fresh)
  • spoonful of sugar


  1. The ingredients are mixed in a bowl until smooth.
  2. Apply the mask with a soft brush on the face. First apply one layer, when it dries, start applying a second layer on top. At the end of the application of the mask, start lightly tapping with your fingertips on the applied mask, then you can pat with your whole palm
  3. Your hands may get sticky - this is normal. Keep patting until the mixture dries.
  4. Rinse off the mask, preferably with cool running water.

Already after the first time you will notice that many points are missing. The effect is achieved due to patting on the mask. Also this mask effectively helps to remove the stain that may remain from the pimple. After removing the mixture, lubricate the skin of the face with a moisturizer.

The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a week. But there is one caveat. You can apply it all over your face if you have very oily skin. If, on the contrary, it is dry, then lubricate only areas with acne - forehead, nose, chin.

Other recipes

For each individual case, there is effective mask. In many cases, it is protein that helps, but there are other options that you can try:

  • White clay mask with pineapple

You will need powder White clay and natural pineapple juice, 2 tablespoons of each ingredient. Mix until smooth, then refrigerate for 5-7 minutes. Pre-wet the face with cool water, after which we apply the mask in one layer on the problem area. Keep for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.

  • Protein, brown sugar and lemon juice mask

You will need a spoonful of juice and sugar, as well as the protein of one chicken egg. Beat the protein, then add sugar first, then lemon, mix until smooth. Apply the mask in a thin layer on the face, hold for up to fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water. In addition to cleansing the pores, this version of the mask also tightens the skin, which prevents it from getting dirty quickly.

  • Oatmeal mask with honey

Need a spoon oat flour, half a tablespoon of natural honey and, as always, protein. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The mixture will be quite thick. Rub into problem areas of the skin for five minutes, then rinse with water.

Gelatin base

The most effective acne mask is prepared on the basis of gelatin with the addition of a few grams of coal. It will turn out such an elastic film on the face, which is easy to remove in one motion.

Here is the recipe itself:

  • mixing bowl
  • tea spoon cow's milk preferably fresh
  • half a teaspoon of gelatin
  • half activated charcoal tablets
  • mixing brush
  • moisturizing cream


  1. We crumble half of the charcoal tablet into powder, mix with powdered gelatin, then add milk. We stir, nothing should dissolve
  2. We put the mass in the microwave for 15 seconds, heat it, take it out. We wait until the mixture cools down, then apply it with a brush on the skin with acne. After about 15 minutes, the face mask will dry and can be gently peeled off.
  3. We remove the mask with a sharp movement, pulling the edge, it is painless. After I wash my face and apply cream

Before applying the mask, it is better to steam the skin, so it will be easier to pull out comedones. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. The method helps to get rid of most rashes in 5-7 sessions.

Means "Black mask"

Relatively recently, the Black Mask appeared on the market of cosmetic products. It is advertised as an innovative and most effective remedy against comedones. Is it worth buying?

"Black mask" in its composition has natural ingredients, as well as charcoal, which gives the mask that same black color. On the official website, it is described as a universal remedy for dealing with all skin problems, it removes rashes super effectively, and the result is already visible in two applications. But the price is a little worrisome. Is it worth it to spend money on pulling out comedones with a fashionable mask, if the same can be done at home.

An egg pulling mask will cost much less, but the effect of it is no worse. Conclusion - why pay more.

Conclusion on the topic

Quickly get rid of pimples will help masks based on natural products. The two most popular recipes are protein-based and gelatin-based. They were described in the course of consideration of the topic. The "Black Mask" remedy is not as effective as its advertising says, you can do without its healing effect.