Detox in beauty salons. They say: detox face creams prevent premature skin aging. Types of detox cosmetics

What does detox cosmetics do, what does it not work without, and what products will not give the desired effect.


3 minutes

Detox is an almost natural process of removing toxins from the body. Why almost? Because if the skin is very “clogged up”, it is no longer possible to cope with detoxification on your own. Help is needed.

What's Special About Detox

Most people live with the full understanding that the world is a bad environment, we often eat unhealthy food, wear synthetics, drink little water and experience stress literally every day. Toxins accumulate in the body and skin, which directly affects both health and appearance.

Really, harmful substances in the body affect the condition of the skin in the most unpleasant way: the complexion fades, bruises under the eyes appear more strongly, rashes and wrinkles “pop out”. And now the developers of detox cosmetics come to the rescue, claiming that they know how to help with this.

Since the skin is able to both absorb toxins and remove them from the body, the main goal of detox cosmetics is to penetrate deep inside, help the skin get rid of harmful “baggage” and restart the natural mechanism of self-cleansing. And yes, it really does work.

What detox cosmetics can do

Detox products are not only creams. This includes foams for washing, and various serums, masks, scrubs, cosmetics for peelings, body wraps. Here are the miracles they are capable of:

  • stop premature aging;
  • give the skin a healthy look;
  • improve skin color;
  • restore skin firmness and elasticity;
  • remove wrinkles caused by toxins;
  • eliminate puffiness.

What means "deceive" us

Some cosmetic brands tubes and bottles are called detox products, the contents of which are not aimed at removing toxins at all. So, detox cosmetics cannot be products that:

  • cleanse pores;
  • neutralize free radicals;
  • care for hair, as cosmetologists consider hair to be a dead structure.

What Detox Doesn't Work Without

In order for the effect of skin detox to be noticeable and preserved for a long time, cosmetics alone, alas, are not enough. To get rid of toxins, the skin must be steamed - in a bath or sauna. Wrapping procedures also do not interfere. In addition, it is necessary to reconsider eating habits and lifestyle. Detox diet, sports, Fresh air, daily use freshly squeezed juices and more pure water - the necessary conditions for a quality detox.

Different approaches to skin cleansing in salons are always very popular. Patients of cosmetologists strive to maintain the beauty and health of the epidermis, eliminating imperfections, preventing their appearance. IN Lately attention is drawn to the demand for the service "detox skin of the face." This is justified by the deterioration of the environmental situation, which affects the quality of the epidermis and appearance. It is facial skin detox, or tissue detoxification, that allows you to heal the integument, normalizing the aesthetic appeal.

The essence of the procedure

Detox of the skin of the face consists in the impact on tissues, sweat and sebaceous glands, cleansing the surface of dead, keratinized cells. Thanks to a comprehensive sanitizing program that frees the integument from dirt, harmful substances, normalizes the optimal functioning of the system, there is an active healing, tissue renewal.

To achieve the goals use:

  • steaming, superficial peels, light mechanical action for deep cleansing;
  • masks with detox action for the active removal of harmful substances;
  • concentrates to saturate tissues with useful substances;
  • filling with oxygen to improve regeneration, stimulation inner work;
  • massage to activate metabolism.

Attention! To obtain qualitative results, it is recommended to carry out not selective, but complex impact. Skin detoxification will best effect if you carry out a full check, purification, adjustment correct operation body: gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine system, "problem points".

Indications for implementation

An unfavorable environment is a clear signal for the need for regular detoxification.- poor ecology, disturbed nutrition system, frequent stress, illness - reinforced by negative external changes:

  • dull shade of the epidermis;
  • disturbed sebum secretion;
  • tendency to clog pores, rashes;
  • uneven relief, skin color;
  • pore expansion;
  • peeling of the integument;
  • the presence of spots, unusual gray, yellow shade epidermis;
  • the appearance of signs of premature aging (flabbiness of tissues, wrinkles, deformation of the oval).

Facial skin detox is performed according to indications, regardless of gender, age, type of epidermis. Procedures are carried out in any season, but preference is given to the time of reduced solar activity.


When carrying out detoxification of the whole organism, it is possible to achieve a change in weight, stabilization of well-being, normalization of immunity, changes in appearance. If activities are carried out aimed at skin detox, then the achievements are less meager, affecting local zones:

  • improvement of the color of the epidermis;
  • work stabilization sebaceous glands;
  • deep cleansing, surface topography leveling;
  • improvement of elasticity, elasticity of the epidermis;
  • slowing down the aging process.

Cosmetologists recommend to everyone who is at risk (residents of megacities, environmentally disadvantaged areas, with bad habits, in the wrong way life, unfavorable psychological atmosphere) perform a comprehensive detox cleansing twice a year. Most favorable periods for this are: the beginning of autumn, the end of spring. In the remaining period, as a supportive measure, for those who are not affected by adverse factors, it is advisable to carry out separate procedures with a detox effect.

Preparatory stage

To obtain a brighter, faster effect, it is recommended to pre-prepare the skin for a complex detox effect. To do this, they adhere to a healthy lifestyle for at least a week: rejection bad habits, observance of the sleep regimen, proper nutrition. Cosmetics with a low concentration of acids are introduced into everyday care to soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum. It is recommended to refuse drugs, strictly observe drinking regimen.

Attention! Carrying out activities to detoxify the body will be an excellent base for the subsequent implementation of skin cleansing programs.

home cleaning

Procedures can be carried out not only in the salon. There are many options for home use. Among them are recipes for self-cooking, ready-made cosmetical tools.

Cleansing Recipes

Steaming has excellent detoxifying properties. You can periodically visit the sauna or bath. At the same time, it is useful to create aromatic steam, use decoctions medicinal herbs, bathe with fresh brooms. Doing at home steam baths on essential oils (sage, lavender, tea tree, cypress).

The procedure takes 5-10 minutes, brings tangible benefits. After steaming, you can carefully perform mechanical cleaning to achieve more bright effect skin cleansing.

You can get a detox effect by executing honey massage or clay masks. Kaolin powder is poured with water or a decoction of herbs until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained, the mixture can be supplemented with a drop of a suitable essential oil. The mask is applied to the face, kept up to a quarter of an hour.

Good cleaning power enzyme masks with peeling effect. To prepare the composition at home, take pineapple and papaya. The fruits are cut into cubes. The pulp in the amount of 100 g is crushed to a state of puree. 1 tsp is added to the mixture. swollen gelatin. The mass is distributed over the skin, removed by water rinsing after 15-20 minutes.

Important! At home, carry out procedures in 1 day, using all possible recipes, Not recommended. The program is best divided into several approaches. You can devote 1-2 weeks to the impacts, following the steps in sequence.

Ready funds

There are many products on sale with components that have a detox effect of varying degrees. Popular options among consumers are:

  • Faberlic. Mask detox series oxygen radiance. Means for deep cleansing, healing, oxygen "recharging" of tissues based on red clay. A jar of 50 ml is bought for 350 rubles.

  • payot. Clay mask for express care that eliminates signs of fatigue. Piot tube 50 ml is bought for 800–1700 rubles.

  • Loreal. The detox and radiance magic clay mask is based on a mixture of 3 varieties of kaolin with the addition of charcoal. The product deeply cleanses and revitalizes the skin. A jar of Loreal 50 ml is bought for 300 rubles.

  • Vilenta. Exfoliating mask for fruit acids Oh. The manufacturer also offers options on coal, fruit juices. Disposable bags are sold for 80 rubles.

  • Eveline. The manufacturer offers detox options with volcanic clay, charcoal, silver for deep cleansing of oily, combination skin. Disposable bags are sold for 50 rubles.

  • bio world. The film mask contains charcoal powder, lemon extract, ginseng is designed for deep cleansing of oily, problematic skin. Tubes of 75 ml are sold for 120 rubles.

  • Compliment Slim & Detox. Fat burner mask with kaolin, elastin. The tool has a cleansing, healing effect. Tubes of the mask are sold for 200 rubles.

  • Caudalie. The manufacturer offers a detox cream, a night oil with an absorbent effect, a deep cleansing gel mask. The cost of options from Kodali starts from 1.5 thousand rubles.

  • Levrana. The manufacturer offers micellar water, cream, mask and even toothpaste with Japanese oak soot. The cost of funds starts from 350 rubles.

  • Propeller. Mask with cincidon to eliminate acne, pimples. A tube of 100 ml is bought for 120 rubles.

  • skinlite. Charcoal mask with activated charcoal, marshmallow, calendula, lotus. The option cleanses the pores, has a detox effect. The cost of the Skinlight package is from 65 rubles.

  • Nature Siberica. Soap "Northern" based on coal. The gel-like texture is suitable for deep cleansing of all skin types. Banks of 120 ml are sold at a price of 450 rubles.

  • Arabia. Tonic with bioflavonoids for cleansing, healing tissues. A bottle of 250 ml is bought from 600 rubles.

  • Malin Goetz. Oxygen mask with almond extract, soy, vitamins C, E. The creamy texture of the product, when used, releases oxygen, turning into many bubbles. A modest bottle with a dispenser is bought from 3.5 thousand rubles.

  • Shaking rubber. Mask alginate cocktail with glutathione, sea buckthorn, grapefruit, tangerine. You can buy a bottle of extraordinary design for 1 thousand rubles.

You can buy an option that meets different needs. It will be possible to choose a remedy on your own, focusing on the promises of the manufacturer, ask a beautician for help in choosing a product.

Procedure in the salon

Detox programs for cleansing the skin of the face are varied. Cosmetologist uses individual approach or works using a ready-made principle of action, performing a procedure based on a set of products of the selected cosmetic line. The impact scheme usually includes the following steps:

  1. make-up removal mild agent surface cleansing.
  2. Performing deep cleansing masks.
  3. Holding superficial peeling based on fruit acids, enzymes.
  4. Treatment of the epidermis with concentrates, ampoule serums with a high content of nutrients.
  5. Application of cosmetics, light massage.

The program may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. The details of the exposure scheme are determined by the beautician. The duration of the procedure, the cost of the session is also calculated individually. Not only detoxification of the skin of the face, body, but also the head is popular.

Photos before and after

Aftercare Rules

After detoxification effects, negative changes in appearance do not occur. Possible manifestations of allergies, exacerbation of herpes. It is recommended to take care of the exclusion of these factors in advance. Immediately after the session, slight redness may occur on the surface. Phenomena pass in a few hours.

Caring for the epidermis after the procedure is not difficult. Regular surface cleaning is a must. It is recommended to avoid products with an aggressive composition (acids, alcohol, solid inclusions). Exclude intense impact on tissues. The epidermis must be moisturized.

To consolidate achievements, you need to eat right, observe the drinking regime, and lead a mobile lifestyle. Doing sports with a feasible load, periodic visits to the sauna, regular use in the scheme home care deep cleansing products will help to maintain the results of an intensive detox procedure for a long time.

Precautionary measures

You will have to refuse skin detoxification if there are contraindications:

  • any diseases in the active phase;
  • inflammation, irritation, damage to the skin;
  • allergy to the components of the products intended for use;
  • development of malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

The implementation of the detoxification program is postponed, in case of allergies, products with an acceptable composition are selected.

Side effects when correct execution detox cleansing does not occur. Short-term redness, slight discomfort are considered standard phenomena. As complications, there are: allergies, activation of herpes, the appearance of inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages

A clear advantage of detox cleansing is deep sanitation, skin healing. There is an activation of internal work, an improvement in appearance, and a stabilization of well-being. All detox effects are mild: they do not cause inconvenience, do not cause serious complications.

The disadvantage of skin detoxification is called low efficiency in case of ignoring the general healing of the body.

Attention! Problems quickly return, if the action of negative factors is not excluded.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors perform detoxification cleansing programs, use in their work individual funds. Cosmetologists notice positive changes, but often the results are of low efficiency. It is also not always possible to get a bright instant result.

The beautician sees the effectiveness of detox cleansing.

The beautician likes the use of products with a detox effect.

The beautician sees the results of detox cleansing, but the effectiveness is weak.

It should be recognized that even sports, a healthy lifestyle and a proper balanced diet cannot fully protect our body from pollution by toxins and slag formation processes.

The fact is that we have a significant impact external factors environment, and, as you know, the ecology in cities and especially the largest metropolitan areas leaves much to be desired. Here, the concentration of exhaust gases, industrial emissions, etc. is very high in the air. All this penetrates into our body through the respiratory organs, as well as through the skin.

It is the skin that is the first barrier that takes the brunt of the blow. harmful effects and, as a result, we can note a significant accumulation of toxins in it. Against this background, detox programs for cleansing the body in general and facial skin in particular are of particular relevance.

Today, facial detox is a very common and popular service offered by many beauty salons. The skin detoxification procedure is carried out with the help of a special herbal peeling.

This program was developed by leading Australian cosmetologists and is based on the use of 60 herbs grown in specialized organic farms in Australia. The procedure itself is as follows: a special plant extract is applied to the skin of the face in the form of a mask, as a result, through certain time white discharge appears on the surface of the skin, which are neutralized toxins. After that, the mask and secretions are washed off, and a mask is applied to the skin, which has a gentle, soothing effect and nourishing effect.

The plant extract used for skin detox promotes the launch of natural processes in the skin, which trigger the mechanism of self-cleansing of skin cells, the activation of enzymatic mechanisms occurs. The latter help to remove harmful substances from the skin. The result of this exposure is the appearance of white discharge. Restoration of the epidermis layer is carried out by means of an antioxidant action, improvement of the energy state of the skin, increased metabolism and regenerating processes.

Course completion cosmetic procedures detox for the face gives excellent results:

Cleansing the skin of toxins;

Removal of puffiness;

Acne and other treatments inflammatory processes;

Improving complexion and getting rid of the effect of fatigue and haggard face.

One of the main advantages of these procedures over others, for example, before peeling, is that in this case, the deeper layers of the skin are affected, where the main important processes associated with skin regeneration actually take place. At the same time, facial detox is a non-traumatic procedure for the skin with a high degree efficiency.

The detoxification procedure carried out in the salon will allow you to forget about skin problems for a long time and give you a wonderful appearance. In addition, today, on the shelves of cosmetic stores, manufacturers offer a considerable amount of funds for carrying out such procedures at home. This various masks, lotions, etc. Their use can be an excellent support for the condition of the skin in between salon procedures. After all modern woman is often a mother, hostess and business woman at the same time, so take the time to complete the course cosmetic procedures is not always easy.

Also, to reduce your skin exposure to pollutants, remember to apply to your skin when you go outside. protective creams and powders. They are a kind of protective barrier and help reduce the ingress of toxins through the skin. However, it is necessary to use high-quality cosmetics and make sure to clean your face after returning home. For cleansing, you should also choose high-quality cosmetics containing natural plant extracts.

Detox cosmetics are products that promise to almost instantly cleanse the skin (and in the deep layers) and restore a healthy glow to the face. But are these beauty products really as good as everyone says they are? We decided to ask the beauty and health expert, owner and developer of natural cosmeceuticals Irushka Irina Nikolaeva.

For reference

The main goal of detox cosmetics is deep cleansing (not to be confused with makeup remover products). To give the same effect, special components are added to the composition of such funds, namely:

  • coffee bean extract or oil;
  • glucosamine (it provides gentle exfoliation);
  • a derivative of perfluorocarbon and nasturtium extract (the so-called beauty oxygen);
  • stem cells from Swiss apples (they improve cellular metabolism and slow down the aging process of the skin).

They say: detox cosmetics are just scrubs and facial cleansers.

Booster Detox Clarins Detox Concentrate

Not certainly in that way. Detox cosmetics include scrubs, peeling masks, creams, serums, and, most importantly, body wraps! You can use such funds every day or a course with a well-thought-out program, which will include both “clean” nutrition and salon procedures.

Remember: detox is the cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins, and the skin is an excretory organ, and it both absorbs and removes harmful substances from itself with the help of sweat. Therefore, during the detox program, it is important to visit the bath and scrub the body so that the skin can breathe freely. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that peels and scrubs exfoliate dead skin particles well, start regeneration processes and increase blood circulation, but they do not give a complete detox. Wraps (salon and home) are another matter. They stimulate lymphatic drainage, in other words, they remove water from the body, and with it all the toxins.

They say that cosmetics with a detox effect can cleanse our skin and the body as a whole.

D'Tox effect gel and D'Tox mask with grapefruit extract, Payot, price on request; GLAMGLOW POWERMUD™ mask with detox effect, 4800 rubles; eye cream with detox formula, Germaine de Capuccini, price on request; cream DETO2X cream, Valmont, 20,915 rubles; serum for the skin around the eyes VAX "IN Givenchy, price on request

Not true. It is impossible to detox only on cosmetics (it only helps to make the “cleansing” program more effective). If you want your face and body to be healthy and stay beautiful and young for a long time, you need to work from the inside with the help of detox diets. And not only juices, but also balanced diet based on detox products. A healthy and clean intestine is 90% of success.

They say: detox face creams prevent premature skin aging.

NightWear Plus Anti-Oxidant Night Detox Face Cream and 3-Minute Detox Face Mask, Estée Lauder, prices on request; face mask Precious Mask Cellcosmet, 14,450 rubles; oxygen mask Oxygen Jacuzzi, Cefine, 6980 rubles; anti-couperose serum, EGIA Biocare System, 5825 rubles.

Partly it is. In particular, creams with antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, are capable of this (you need to be careful with them, these are strong allergens), green tea, ginkgo biloba, grape seed extract, tamarind and passion fruit. Such funds really protect our cells from harmful radicals. That is why they are so important in the fight for youthful skin.

Detox shampoo MAXI.WASH, KEVIN.MURPHY, 250 ml - 2400 rubles; cedar salt body peeling DETOX Natura Siberica, price on request; green tea scrub, Alina Zanskar, 2600 rubles; shampoo-scrub detox Davies, 1920 rubles; northern detox based soap activated carbon, Natura Siberica, price on request; radiance and detox express mask, Dr. Pierre Ricaud, 1070 rubles; body scrub Detox Stenders, 1590 rubles; detoxifying tonic Detox Sensitive Aravia, price on request

This is true. Detox products for the hair itself cannot exist, since hair is a dead structure. But it can be a kind of detox for the scalp. First and most effective remedy- scrub or peeling. They remove dead particles, helping the skin to breathe and function properly. It is the health of the scalp that determines how your hair will look. Anyone who is concerned about problems with falling out and brittleness should first of all pay attention to these funds. Ampoule serums with peptides to strengthen the bulbs and lotions with plant extracts are also good.

Detox cream is a very broad concept that includes any kind of cosmetic products: cleansing lotions, caring and anti-aging creams, anti-cellulite formulations and therapeutic masks

Improper nutrition, stress, polluted air, water of dubious quality, and so on - all these factors, of course, lead to premature aging. This is due to the fact that the cleansing systems that operate in the body simply cannot cope with the load and cannot quickly remove decay products. Over time, the liver, lungs, sebaceous glands cope with the task, but the process has time to affect the condition of the skin and hair.

skin fatigue - feature this phenomenon. Gray complexion, dehydration, turn into constant companions. However, you can get rid of them.

What is face detox cream

The concept of detox cosmetics or detox procedures arose thanks to the replicated media fashion trend- body detoxification. In fact, this term has a very clear medical meaning. The need for detoxification of the body arises only in those cases when decay products accumulate in the human body due to the failure of the main organs of the purification system - the liver, kidneys, or as a result of the ingestion of a large amount of toxins - drugs, alcohol, poison. Remove toxins with medical preparations and in no other way.

Cosmetic detox procedures have nothing to do with medical indications and are aimed at something else - skin renewal and stimulation of skin cell activity. This also applies to detox cream.

The skin is the same "filter" as the kidneys, lungs, and liver. Through the sweat and sebaceous glands, a variety of decay products, such as urea, are removed to the outside. It is not only impossible to stimulate this process by exposure, but there is no need, since only the complete absence of sweat and sebaceous glands can prevent the skin from performing its function.

Of course, it is possible to facilitate the process of cleaning the upper layer of the skin from the accumulation of decay products. This is the role that detox treatments and detox cosmetics play. No wonder the most famous of them are peels and masks with brown algae, which perfectly dissolve the upper stratum corneum of cells.

Composition and mechanism of action

The skin is the body's protective barrier. However, its function also includes the removal of decay products. It is carried out not through the skin itself, but through the sebaceous and sweat ducts.

  • Most often, the function of the sebaceous glands is violated: with excessive secretion of fat, the ducts become clogged and, in fact, the decay products cannot be excreted. At the same time, lard loses its antiseptic properties, pus forms, and numerous irritations, inflammations, and purulent acne appear on the skin. As a means for detoxification, it is worth using creams and tonics that help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This includes cleansing lotions that dry the skin, and, therefore, reduce the activity of the glands, and moisturizers. The latter restore water balance and suppress irritation.
  • A significant factor in skin fatigue is polluted air. To cope with it, the lungs have to work at full strength. In this case, the skin becomes the “victim”: oxygen and nutrients are primarily supplied by the important internal organs but leather is not one of them. If at the same time the daily regimen and nutrition are unbalanced, the skin “starves”. This kind of ischemia leads to pale, gray face and dehydration.
  • Air pollution is the most powerful factor in a big city. And since our culture does not provide for wearing a veil, it is worth protecting the face from an unspecified number of acid anhydrides, dust and frankly toxic fumes. Suitable for any fat cream, creating a dense impenetrable hydrophobic shell. In this case, it is he who turns into a detox cream.
  • Accumulation of horny cells - provides numerous fine wrinkles, roughness of the skin and dehydration. Normally, the formation and separation of the stratum corneum occurs imperceptibly. If the mechanism is broken - illness, unrest, prolonged exposure to the wind and frost, horn cells form faster than they are removed.

The detox procedure for such cases is peeling, and any appropriate composition is used as a detox agent: from coffee grounds before special creams. Perfectly suited for this and, especially based on clay. In addition to cleansing, they guarantee a lifting effect, as they even out the skin.

What is used for

Creams called detox are used for the same purposes as everyone else. It is important to select the appropriate tool and procedure for each specific task.

  • Skin rashes of an inflammatory nature - you will need a cream with a calming effect. Means containing active ingredients, like, are excluded.
  • , gray shade skin is the result of skin starvation. A comprehensive recovery will be required, since it is impossible to improve the nutrition and supply of the skin from the outside. As a detox cream, serums and cleansing masks are recommended - with algae, blue clay.
  • - Decrease in the rate of skin renewal, fragmentation of collagen and elastin fibers. Again, a comprehensive approach is required. From cosmetics are shown sheet masks, which have an excellent lifting effect and compositions that include amino acids, and even.
  • - this includes all means that help restore water balance: from mineral water to formulations with hyaluronic acid.
  • Stressed skin - the appearance of dark or too light spots. It is best to start detoxification with an even complexion. Then use a cream of the appropriate direction.
  • Excess fat content, blockage of the sebaceous ducts - detoxifying agents are degreasing lotions and tonics. Thus, it is easiest to achieve the normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Who is contraindicated

Contraindications for such a wide range impacts will also be the most common:

  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes on the skin - in such cases, drugs should be used;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the detox cream;
  • - does not exclude facial care, but limits the choice of means. It is better to use the most neutral creams and tonics and not try to solve cosmetic problems;
  • acute respiratory infections accompanied by fever.

Featured Products

Fashion affects not only clothes, but also the nature of the purchased cosmetics. So “fashionable” creams have acquired the prefix detox. This does not mean any special composition, but only indicates the company's desire to keep up with fashion trends.

Vichy normaderm night cream

Vichy Normaderm Nuit Detox is a representative of the line for the care of very oily skin faces. This is an option for those who have oily skin in the morning. The composition is applied in the evening before bedtime and thanks to active components prevents excess sebum secretion.

The alcohols contained in the cream provide the effect. Combining them with glycerin, however, prevents dehydration of the skin, but inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the cream includes salicylic acid, which has a strong antiseptic effect. This prevents inflammation and irritation of oily skin.

According to reviews, especially relevant night cream in the summer, when high temperature both the sebaceous glands and sweat glands work exceptionally intensively. The use of the composition guarantees the absence oily sheen morning and smooth matte colour faces. The cream costs from 3500 r.

BB Cream Clarins

BB Clarins Skin Detox Fluid - Representative decorative cosmetics with detox effect. This light tonal cream, perfectly distributed over the skin and does not give a yellowish tint even on the lightest and most pink skin. Matte effect it does not create, but the complexion noticeably evens out.

The tool is well kept on the skin, even after 7-8 hours, does not roll and does not collect in the pores. It is very easy to remove with any suitable cosmetic product. It earned its title as a detox cream for simultaneously evening out the color and protecting the skin from polluted air.

Consumers note a very light structure, but complain about the lack of matting: this aspect is very important. The cream costs from 2350 to 2800 rubles. for packing.


Farmona is a line of a Polish company that includes a number of detox projects - from a detox mask with volcanic ash to a shower gel.

The greatest interest for face care is the night cream and serum "Amber Shine". The product is used to care for the face, neck and décolleté. The product includes active biological components - lemon extract, licorice root extract, which suppress the production of melatonin and reduce dark spots of a different nature.

According to users, the cream gives a very quick effect. Part of it is provided by the stimulation of collagen synthesis, thanks to the active enzyme included in the composition, part is created by amber microparticles, which give the skin a fresh glow. The cream costs between 760–800 rubles. for 30 ml.

Compliment slim cream mask

Composition for removing cellulite, contains caffeine as an active fat-burning agent. Manufacturers claim that such a mask promotes weight loss, smoothes the skin, removes the effect of " orange peel". The same manufacturer accompanies his product with a clarification: without physical activity and diet, the effect of the remedy is significantly reduced.

Under the detox effect is meant the removal of toxins from fat cells, which helps to relieve swelling. In fact, caffeine has a warming effect on tissues, which increases blood flow. It is poor circulation, lymph stagnation and the inability of fat cells to perform their functions that provide the formation of cellulite. But, as the manufacturers rightly point out, without a diet and physical activity activation of blood circulation is not enough.

A big plus of the mask, according to consumers, is the affordable cost. At the same time, the impact does not differ from the effect of more expensive means. The mask costs only 229 rubles.

Jansen cream

Janssen Cosmetics Skin Detox Cream is produced by the German company Janssen Cosmetics. The main active ingredients are hyaluronic acid and provitamins E. The first ensures the restoration of the water balance of the skin, especially the upper layer, the second, penetrating into the depths of the dermis, stimulates the renewal of skin cells.

In addition, the cream contains avocado oil and peptides - one of the most powerful cosmetic antioxidants. This combination provides maximum protection against free radicals, which is very important for urban polluted air.

Plus detox cream - versatility. It can be applied to any skin type, both as a day and night remedy. Consumers also note an even complexion and a reduction in skin pigmentation.

Janssen Cosmetics Skin Detox Cream costs from 2280 to 2500 rubles. per pack of 50 ml.

Janssen Cosmetics detox cream and serum are reviewed in the video below:

Golden caviar with detox effect

Anti-aging products contain a high concentration of vitamins A, D, E, F, as well as unsaturated fatty acids. The former act as the best stimulants for accelerating tissue renewal and are involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The second perfectly retain moisture, while not creating an unpleasant film on the skin and not clogging the sebaceous and sweat ducts.

It is these substances, as it turned out, that are found in large quantities in black caviar. Of course, not the product itself is added to the cream, but an extract, which allows you to create a high concentration of useful substances. In addition, the composition is enriched with peptide and saccharide complexes that promote oxygen respiration of cells and nourish them.

Detox cream from Korean manufacturers includes another original component - colloidal gold. Manufacturers claim that in this form, the metal improves absorption. nutrients. However, there is no medical evidence to support this hypothesis. On the contrary, experiments on mice have shown that gold slows down the processes taking place in the tissues.

The composition costs from 4860 to 5400 rubles.


There are many other products that can be categorized as detox.

  • Day and night cream from Belita-M. The composition of the product includes the venom of the temple viper, which provides a noticeable lifting effect. A synthetic analogue of the poison in a small dose contributes to the suppression of nerve impulses, due to which small muscle fibers relax. Namely, this ensures the removal of persistent wrinkles formed constant voltage muscles. The night cream also includes hyaluronic acid and cottonseed oil. The first ingredient restores the concentration of moisture in the skin, the second - protects against moisture loss. Products cost from 550 rubles.
  • Detox Aromatique Extra Mattifying Cream- A cleanser that helps eliminate inflammation and acne. The composition includes extracts of grapefruit, lentils and glycerin. The cream suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands and makes the skin dull. It costs from 2570 rubles.
  • Day Shield UV Pollution, Lancaster- sunscreen detox cream, used as a day cream. Absorbs instantly and is specially designed to protect city dwellers from polluted air, dust and dirt. The cost of the cream is from 1598 rubles.
  • Capture Totale ONE Essential- used more like a serum than a cream, and is applied under the main day composition or makeup. Intensively restores the epidermis, moisturizes the skin. The texture of the cream is very gentle and is instantly absorbed. Used for all skin types, but has age limit- Designed for women over 45 years old. The price of the product is from 6069 rubles.

Detox creams are cosmetic products used for a variety of purposes: skin cleansing, protection against sun rays and impurities, stimulate the growth of skin cells and even to remove cellulite. Together they are united only by the fashion for procedures and formulations that contribute to the removal of toxins.