Daily planning in the preparatory group for January according to the federal government. Plan for the week "New Year" in the preparatory group for the federal state

asiyat tazheva
Calendar-thematic plan for the year in the preparatory group for GEF

06.10-10.10 "Trees in Gold" Introducing children to the names of trees (linden, birch, maple, chestnut, oak, hazel, mountain ash) and with their seeds and fruits. Exhibition "All the trees are in gold".

13.10-17.10 "Autumn. autumn mood» Developing the ability to notice "good ones" And "bad" manifestations of autumn in the life of nature (plants, animals, people (change of clothes, transition from summer holiday to work and business.

Perception different moods autumn in poetry, prose, painting. Teamwork "In the Autumn Forest".

20.10-24.10 "Harvest" Establishing links between work processes different people (farmers, machine operators, employees of vegetable stores and shops, etc.). Raising respect for the work of people of different professions. Acquaintance with ways to preserve the harvest, harvesting fruits and vegetables for the winter. Making a recipe book "Dishes of vegetables and fruits".

27.10-31.10 "Country where I live" Acquaintance of children with the symbols of Russia. Comparison of traditions, lifestyle of Russians and residents of some other countries. Raising respect for tradition different peoples. Developing rules for dealing with people from other countries. Holiday "Autumn over the Neva".

03.11-07.11 "My small homeland" Familiarization of children with famous representatives of their small homeland - people whose names are named streets, monuments to whom are erected on the streets and squares. Presentation of a photo exhibition with children's stories about monuments famous people small homeland.

10.11-14.11 "Game World" Familiarization of children with games and toys of their peers from different countries. To cultivate respect for one's own and for the toys of others. Exhibition of toys made by children.

Album presentation "Toys of children of different nations"

17.11-21.11 "Mothers Day" Familiarization of children with the structure of man. Bring up careful attitude to yourself and others. Holiday for moms.

24.11-28.11 "Who am I? What am I? "Mothers Day" dedicated to mother's day. Learning poems and songs about mom. Making gifts for mothers by children with their own hands. Day open doors for parents.

01.12-05.12 How to stay healthy in winter Familiarization with ways to improve health in winter, winter sports and sports exercises, with possible traumatic situations in winter and ways to prevent them. Consolidation of ideas about proper nutrition, its meaning in winter time. Sports and entertainment leisure "Health Day".

08.12-12.12 "How Winter Comes" Acquaintance with the life of wildlife at the beginning of winter. Establishing links between changes in inanimate nature and the life of plants and animals in winter. Exhibition children's creativity "Winter has come to us!"

15.12-19.12 "Winter City" Check out the changes appearance cities in winter. Reflection of impressions with the help of various visual techniques. Collective layout "Winter in the City",

22.12-31.12 "The New Year is Coming" (New Year in different countries) Development of interest in the traditions of celebrating the New Year on different continents and in different countries, the image of Santa Claus, the tradition of decorating spruce. Preparation to the competition New Year's decoration groups. Collective creative project "Decorate kindergarten themselves".

13.01-17.01 « Christmas miracle» Acquaintance of children with works of art about winter and Christmas days. Theatrical performance.

20.01-24.01 "Colorful Moods" Understanding the diversity of the emotional world of people in portraiture, children's literature, music. Developing the ability to respond to the mood of another person. book making "ABC of Mood"

27.01-31.01 "Day of the Leningrad Victory" Acquaintance with the life of children during the Leningrad blockade. Raising respect for the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Leningrad Victory, understanding the significance of this day in the life of Russia. Exhibition "On the memorable places of the blockade (Saint Petersburg)»

03.02-07.02 "World of Professions" Development of children's interest in people of different professions, the ability to interview people, formulate questions about the profession, about the features of professional activity. Establishing links between the work of people of different professions. Raising respect for the working person. Presentation "Fair of professions".

10.02-14.02 "World of Technical Wonders" Mastering the properties, relationships and dependencies associated with the physical and aesthetic properties of light, the role of light in the life of living organisms (rules for safe behavior in the sun - at sea, outdoors in sunny weather, etc.) Book "Unusual experiments and experiments with light".

17.02-21.02 "Defenders of the Fatherland" Familiarization with Russian army, its function of protecting the Fatherland from enemies, moral qualities warriors. Examining Emblems different kinds troops (what emblems tell about warriors, their activities and qualities). Holiday scenario preparation, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland (selection of relay games, sports exercises, tasks). Production of holiday cards-prizes. sports holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

24.02-28.02 "Winter Trouble" Consolidation of ideas about life alive and inanimate nature in winter, establishing the causal investigative links. An experiment to identify the quality and properties of water, ice and snow.

03.03-07.03 "Beauty in Art and Life" To develop children's interest in the events of the life of children of different sexes. Highlight the good deeds of boys and girls, develop rules for relations between boys and girls in group.

Formulating wishes for mom and drawing portraits. Exhibition of portraits of mothers with the wishes of children.

10.03-14.03 "Secrets school life» To cultivate the desire to go to school, to study well, to become a student, to find many new friends, to learn a lot. The development of skills to convey their impressions of school and school life in artistic, creative and playful activities: drawings, stories, poems, collages, game scenes, etc. Design and presentation of the guide What should a first grader know?

17.03-21.03 "History of the Book" Acquaintance with the history of the appearance of writing, signs and symbols, letters, with forms of information storage (birch bark letters, books, computer). Development of interest in the book, in writing. "We make our own books" (form of the book, method of formatting information, genre).

24.03-28.03 « Funny stories around us" Development of interest in literary and visual humorous works.

Preparation of a social action"Give me a smile": Discuss who will be most pleased to receive a smile, how this can be done. Children's theatrical "Storylines Alive".

31.03-04.04 "Spring came" Looking for signs of spring in nature. Establishing links between changes in animate and inanimate nature. Exhibition of children's work topic: "Spring came"

07.04-11.04 "Mysteries of Space" Acquaintance with planet Earth, ways people care about their planet.

Development of interest in people whose professions are connected with space, their qualities, ways of human habitation in outer space. Making a layout "Starry sky".

14.04-18.04 Spring is knocking on the window... To acquaint children with the traditions of meeting spring of different peoples. Holiday "Maslenitsa".

21.04-25.04 "People of the whole Earth are friends" Acquaintance with costumes, traditions, etiquette of different nations. Formation of ideas about the forms of friendship between people of different nations (sports Olympics, festivals, the Internet, communication with people of different nations - gestures, words in different languages). Presentation "People of the whole Earth are friends".

28.04-02.05 "Let's go to the museum" Formation of the image of the museum as a collection of valuable items; clarification and expansion of ideas about the types of museums, the rules of conduct in the museum space; education of initial value manifestations in relation to the museum; enriching the experience of collecting items (by interest). Story game in the space of mine-museum.

05.05-08.05 "Victory Day" Development of interest in the historical past of Russia. Acquaintance with the exploits of people - the defenders of the Fatherland, with the traditions of celebrating Victory Day in Russia. Thematic lesson.

12.05-16.05 "Our Pushkin" Development of interest in the work and life events of A. S. Pushkin. Acquaintance with the events of the lyceum life of A. S. Pushkin, the traditions of friendship of lyceum students. Making a collage (children's work related to A. S. Pushkin).

19.05-23.05 "Children's Rights in Russia" Strengthening the concept of the rights of the child. Generalization of ideas about responsibilities in the family and school. Quiz "My rights".

26.05-30.05 "Goodbye Kindergarten" Self-assessment of readiness for school (what I can do, I know what difficulties can be encountered at school, how to overcome them). Development of interest in school life Graduation ball.

Calendar plan in the preparatory group for GEF 2015

Winner all-Russian competition"Most Requested Article of the Month" October 2016

Educational activities organized in regime moments (group, subgroup)

Interview with a subgroup of children "Speech etiquette" . Purpose: to consolidate the ability to use polite words And

appeals in speech; develop friendships between children.

Did. a game "Save the Bunnies" Purpose: to reinforce ideas about equality and inequality (see page 31 *)

morning exercises (specialist Fizeau), breathing exercises (according to Lazarev), hand massage (app. 3)

Subject "Draw a picture about summer" **. Purpose: to form the ability to build a composition, to convey the movements of people.

Event "Knowledge Day" According to the specialist's plan

FTA Health Game "Robots" (according to A. Galanov) (see appendix 5). Purpose: to relieve the tone of the back muscles.

Subject: "Summer" . Purpose: to consolidate the skill of placing images on a wide strip (above, below the sheet). (see page 31*).

Weather observation. Purpose: to develop the ability in children to independently identify the first signs of autumn in natural phenomena; observation, sustained attention.

Did. a game "Vice versa" . Purpose: to develop in children intelligence, quickness of thinking (p. 11 Kobzeva

Fun game "Unusual bugs" . Purpose: to develop observation (p. 17 Kobzeva T. G.)

Collective work in the garden d / s together with the teacher - harvesting vegetables.

FTAHealth Run (medium pace)+ walking sideways Reading and discussing poems, solving riddles, discussing sayings and proverbs about sweets**. Target:

draw attention to the expressive means of the language. ZSTRinse the mouth with water room. temperature

Before going to bed - walking barefoot along the path of health After sleep - gymnastics in bed "Rastishka" (app. 8),

air baths Conversation about the rules for the safe handling of sharps

items (with a needle). Purpose: to form the foundations in children

life safety.

Working with fabric "Fish" **. Purpose: to form the ability to sew the simplest products with a seam "forward needle" .

FTA Finger gymnastics "Mushrooms" (app. 7) Hearing "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle

"Seasons" . Purpose: to introduce children to musical culture; cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste (see page 31**)..

Examining flowers. Purpose: to teach children to find the first signs of autumn (flowering of plants ends, vegetables ripened, leaf coloring began); develop observation.

Did. a game "What is man-made?" . Purpose: to systematize children's knowledge about what has been created

man, and what nature gives man (p. 10 T. Kobzeva)

mobile game "Hares and the wolf" . Purpose: to learn how to jump on two legs correctly; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.

ZSTHealthy running + walking with high knees

Restoring order in the group area.

Working with parents -com. development Questioning "Meeting the Needs of Parents pedagogical process in DOW " . Purpose: to find out the attitude of parents to the upbringing and education of children in a preschool educational institution.

Partolina Tatiana
Plan for the week "New Year" in the preparatory group for GEF

Mondaycognitive development 1. FEMP

Check. With. 209

2. Construction

Lanterns with. 209

3. Music Morning exercises. Conversation "How did I spend new year holidays» Didactic games: "Fold the tree (Christmas tree) from parts, "Seasons"

Looking at photos New Year's costumes and masks. Snow observations. Experience: Properties snow: "What is snow like?" Gaming exercises: "Who is faster to the snowman", "Who will throw further".

I/situation "If I were Santa Claus..."

Cutting snowflakes. D/game "Part and Whole"- consolidate the ability to divide objects into 2-4 equal parts communication development children, through location in group n/a games: "Fold the tree (Christmas tree) from parts, "Seasons", "Let's dress the doll on winter walk» , "Fold the picture", "Math Lotto", Folder puzzles- shifting: "Christmas Encounters"

Tuesday - social and communicative development 1. Cognition

Australia. S. 211

2. Modeling / application

Application by design. 212

3. Physical education (Street) Morning gymnastics. Conversation: "What would you like to receive as a gift from Santa Claus". gaming situation: "Comb Misha and Vanyusha". Household -domestic work: develop the ability to conscientiously fulfill the duties of duty officers canteen: Fully set tables and wipe them down after meals. Observation of the behavior of birds at the feeder. Productive activity: drawing « winter patterns» . C/r a game: "Shop New Year's toys»

Didactic games : "Say a word", "When does it happen?" P/ And: "Funny snowflakes"

D/game "Snow Words"- enrich children's speech with adjectives and figurative expressions Create conditions and help organize plot role play "Shop of New Year's toys" Thematic selection of material "Reading and learning with children"

Wednesday- physical development 1. FEMP

Check. With. 212

3. Physical education Morning exercises. Movable games: "One, two, three - run to the birch" Didactic games: "Find what I'll describe", "Guess it!" Supervision of the snowplow. Gaming exercises: "Who will throw further?", "Do not hurt".

Riddles: O new year holiday. Reading poems by I. Bunin "First snow", F. Tyutcheva "Winter is getting angry for a reason", I. Nikitina "Meeting Winter", S. Yesenina "Powder" game exercise "Who will throw the snowball further"- to consolidate the ability to throw snowballs at a distance Encourage children to play p / games, by creating conditions for motor activity Consultation: "How to organize a day off with a child"

Thursday - speech development 1. Communication

Winter fun. S. 214

2. Drawing

Drawing from nature p. 211 Morning exercises. Conversation: "As noted New year in other countries? Didactic games: "Choose Synonyms", "What, what, what?" Snow watching. Looking at pictures of New Year's carnival learning: poems by S. Yesenin "White birch"

P / s: "Jack Frost" D/game "Review and Tell"- consolidate ideas about landscape painting, develop the ability to talk about what they saw Atlases and maps, photographs of representatives various countries peace. Booklets: "Teaching children to tell from the picture".

Friday - artistic and aesthetic development 1. Drawing

Decorative plot composition "Horses are grazing" With. 214

2. Communication

Acquaintance with road signs. S. 206

3. Physical education Morning exercises Acquaintance with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in other countries. Conversation: Who and how should be congratulated on New Year Reading: S. Marshak "Twelve months" Watching seasonal changes in nature. Hearing: "Winter song", music M. Kraseva.

P / s: "Who is more likely to the flag?"

Didactic games: "Third wheel", « new year words» . Exercise in drawing trees, develop the ability to combine several visual techniques in one drawing. necessary equipment For storage: painting with paints "Winter Patterns"; art work: "Snowflake" memo: "How prepare child's hand to the letter"

Preparing for an exhibition of drawings.

Final event: drawing together with parents "As we noted New Year» ; organization of the vernissage "Family New Year»

Visual activity:


Modeling by design

(Target: at to independently outline the content of the modeling; carefully finish the shape of the figure, details, achieving expressiveness of the plan, using known ways modeling. To teach to bring what has been started to the end, to correctly evaluate one’s own work and the work of a friend. Cultivate independence, develop creativity.)

Modeling "The girl and the boy are dancing"

(Target: teach children to sculpt a figure in motion (according to

sculpture). To consolidate the ability to convey in modeling the figure of a person, the shape of body parts, proportions. To form the ability to act, agreeing on who will sculpt whom.)

Modeling "Dymkovo young ladies"

(Target: Strengthen the ability to sculpt based on folk toys. To form the ability to sculpt hollow forms (a young lady's skirt), to observe the proportions of the figure. Develop aesthetic perception, sense of form, aesthetic taste, creativity. To improve the ability to correctly evaluate their own work and the work of comrades.)

Modeling "Santa Claus"

(Target: to teach children to convey in modeling the image of Santa Claus. To consolidate the ability to sculpt hollow forms (Santa Claus's fur coat), to convey details using various modeling techniques: pinching, pulling, smoothing the surface.)

Modeling "Christmas toys",

(Target: improve the ability of children to sculpt objects in a plastic way different shapes and magnitude. Learn to act carefully, cook and clean workplace. Teaching children to use Additional materials and details in the creation of the composition.


Decorative drawing based on Gorodets painting.

(Target: to continue acquaintance with Gorodets painting. Continue to form interest in folk arts and crafts, celebrate bright, cheerful patterns. Consolidate knowledge about characteristic features Gorodets painting: coloring, constituent elements, compositions. Develop the ability to create more intricate patterns based on Gorodets painting. Reinforce techniques

gouache painting, mixing colors on a palette.)

Drawing "Magic bird"

(Target: develop the ability to create fabulous images. Strengthen the skills of drawing with colored pencils and painting over images (using a variety of strokes, different pressure on the pencil to convey shades of color).

Develop a sense of composition. When analyzing drawings, learn to choose the most interesting, expressive works and explain your choice.)

Drawing "How we dance at a music lesson"

(Target: To teach children to convey in the drawing the differences in the clothes of girls and boys, the movements of the figures. Continue to form the ability to draw the contours of shapes with a simple pencil and beautifully paint over images.)

Examination of illustrations by N. Zhukov to the book by A. Kononov "Christmas tree in Sokolniki",

(Target: introduce children to the work of an illustrator. Pay attention to the mood of the children during the holiday, on festive decoration hall. Offer to consider decorations on the Christmas tree, name the most beautiful.)

Examination of a reproduction of the painting by L. Mosler "Christmas Morning",

(Target: invite children

think of what the characters in the picture are talking about, looking at the Christmas tree. To maintain children's interest in the work of the artist, to develop aesthetic perception, the ability to contemplate the beauty of art objects. Develop the ability to observe, peer into the work.)

Examination of a reproduction of the painting by D. Alexandrov "Winter's Tale",

(Target: introduce children to the picture.

Pay attention to the fabulous view winter forest, offer to consider a variety of forest beauties-fir trees in the forest. Learn to mark the means of expression that the artist used in the picture. Develop a sense of beauty, learn to admire objects of art.)


"Festive round dance"

(Target: to teach children to compose an image of a person from the details of the application, to find a place for their work among others. To learn, when gluing figures on a common sheet, to select images that are successfully combined in color. Develop a sense of composition, color.)

Application using ready postcards"Letter to Santa Claus",

(Target: teach children to cut out individual details from postcards and create their own composition,

draw the intended image. Contribute to the mastery of compositional skills: learn to place an image on a sheet, taking into account its proportions.)

Volumetric application "Gifts for the New Year",

(Target: teach children to create three-dimensional paintings with crumpled paper.

Offer to crumple the paper, then straighten it a little and cut out the figure desired shape. Continue to learn how to create compositions, finish the missing details. Contribute to the development of children's creativity.)

Reading fiction

Learning the poem by A. Fet “Mom! Look out the window…”

(Goal: acquaintance and analysis of the poem by A.A. Feta “Mom! Look out the window."


to acquaint with the work of A. Fet;expand and expand lexicon children;introduce the new genre of the request poem;seek sincere interested attitude to the text being studied;develop children's emotions and feelings.)

Reading a poem by E. Moshkovskaya "What are the gifts"

(Target: to cultivate a love for poetry, to teach to listen carefully, to distinguish a poetic work from prose. To teach meaningfully and emotionally to talk about the impressions of the work)

Reading a fairy tale by V.I. Dahl "Old man-year-old"

(Target: invite children to determine the genre of the work, highlight the features of the fairy tale, answer questions about its content.)

Reading the fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "Twelve months"
(Target:invite children to determine the genre of the work, characterize the characters, their actions, come up with their own version of the continuation of the tale.)

Learning poems about the New Year holidays.

(Target: invite children to choose a poem, teach them to recite a work they like, choose means of expression in accordance with the content of the poem and the mood conveyed by it.)

Memorizing a poem

I. Nikitina "Meeting of winter",

(Target: to teach children to understand the content of the work, to distinguish

poems from other literary genres, highlight and understand figurative expressions. Learn to speak expressively

a poem to convey its mood.)

Reading a poem

S. Marshak "Children will go to bed early ...",

(Target: continue to introduce children to

literary works about the upcoming holiday. Refine ideas about calendar year, about the beginning of the year and its end, propose to name the winter months.)

Memorizing a poem by O. Vysotskaya "New Year",

(Target: help children memorize the poem, teach expressively

recite lines of poetry. Enrich vocabulary, develop verbal imagination, memory.)

Musical activities:

Game-situation "Evening of tricks"


Develop children's imagination based on

activation of fantasy;

To cultivate independence in thinking and behavior, competitiveness, a sense of humor, confidence in one's strengths and abilities;

develop gamma positive emotions both from the process of activity and from the result obtained;

Create a fun, creative mood during the event.)

Exercise "Dance of snowflakes" (to the musical composition of A. Zhilin "Waltz")

(Target: teach children to dance in accordance with the music of a light, moving nature and convey the content of the song. Teaching kids to finish on time

move and move on to the next move.)

Performance of the round dance song "The New Year is coming to us"

(Target: 1. Introduce preschoolers to the history of celebrating the New Year.
2. Bring up the culture of your people.
3. Remember new year songs and learn the song "New Year is coming to us")

Round dance "Yolka"

muses M. Magidenko,

sl. K. Chukovsky,

(Target: to teach children to pure intonation, to correctly convey the melody, to coordinate the movements of the round dance with the text of the song, to perform movements easily and rhythmically. Expand your understanding of New Year's Eve. Create a joyful atmosphere for the approach of the holiday.)

Round dance "The New Year is coming to us", music. V.Gerchik, lyrics by Z.Petrova,

(Target: teach children to do rhythmic movements according

with the text of the song, move to the pace of the music, improve the performance of the round dance step by the children.

Develop a musical-rhythmic sense, expand musical-auditory representations. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.)

Orchestration of the song "Comes to us New Year”, music by V. Gerchik, lyrics by Z. Petrova,

(Target: to teach children to play the melody of a familiar song on the metallophone, to correctly convey the rhythmic pattern. To develop a musical-rhythmic feeling, emotional responsiveness to music, as the basis of musicality.)

Round dance "Herringbone-green needle", music. Z. Kompaneytsa, sl. I. Vekshegonova,

(Target: promote expressiveness

movements, to form in children the ability to coordinate their

movement with music. Develop dynamic hearing, cause an emotionally positive attitude towards upcoming holiday desire to actively participate in its preparation.)

Multidisco: watching a fragment of the cartoon " Christmas story", listening to the song "Herringbone",

(Target: continue to acquaint children with music for cartoons, enrich their musical experience. Expand ideas about the holiday, enrich the social and gaming experience. Create a joyful mood in anticipation of the holiday.)

Theatrical activities

Game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months",

(Target: invite children to act out a scene of a meeting

heroines of a fairy tale with brothers for months. Maintain interest in a theatrical game, develop the ability to build a line of behavior in a role using a variety of attributes, costume details. Encourage improvisation, develop the ability to feel free in the role.)

Game-staging "Forest animals congratulate the kids on the holiday",

(Target: support children's interest in theatrical play

by actively involving children in play activities. Cause a desire to try yourself in different roles, the desire to participate in congratulations younger preschoolers. Learn to convey characteristic images of animals in the game, come up with congratulations.)