We make beautiful New Year's toys with our own hands. Making New Year's toys with your own hands: photo ideas

The modern market for Christmas tree decorations allows you to make your New Year celebration unforgettable and decorate your room in an unusual way. But often the cost of Christmas tree decorations is quite high, and if you want to save money, a little imagination and effort will help you with this.

Making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands is not at all difficult and does not require special materials or skills. We offer you several options for making New Year's decorations using different techniques and materials.

Simple New Year's paper ball

This is a very easy to make decoration that you can easily make with your child. To do this you will need a tight colored paper different shades, thread, scissors and glue. Old postcards are also suitable as the main material for the toy. A newspaper ball made using this technology will also be original.

  1. Take a glass, shot glass or other round dish, depending on the desired size of the New Year's toy. Trace the wine glass on paper 12 times. It is preferable to use paper of three colors. In this case, you should end up with four circles of each shade. We cut them out with scissors.
  2. Each circle is folded in half and they are all put together into one pile. In our case we use pink, blue and blue paper. To make a beautiful ball, arrange the parts as shown below. Pink circles are numbered 1, blue circles are 2, blue circles are 3. Add this: 122331122331.
  3. Fasten the circles together with a stapler or wire, the parts are connected to each other.
  4. We straighten all the circles and glue the edges together. Each semicircle is connected to one adjacent at the top, and to another at the bottom. At the final stage, we attach a thread to the top of the toy.

New Year's toys made of threads

This is a very effective decorative element that can be used to decorate your home before the New Year, or even as part of the overall design of the room. In order to make such a New Year's toy, you will need PVA glue, Balloons, fat cream and threads of any color and texture.

  1. In a bowl, dilute glue with water in a ratio of 3:1.
  2. Let's inflate air balloons before the right size and tie them with thread.
  3. We take yarn, which will become the basis of the decoration. We unwind a piece, the approximate length of which should be enough to wrap the ball. Place it in a bowl of glue for five minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, coat the ball with cream. When the thread has been in the adhesive solution for a long time, we begin to wrap it around the ball. At first, the distance between the threads will be large, but gradually there will be more and more yarn and the ball will look like a cocoon.
  5. Glue the thread to the bottom of the ball and leave it to dry for at least 24 hours. If desired, in addition to yarn, you can glue small beads, buttons or other decorations onto the ball.
  6. After the toy is completely dry, carefully deflate the ball and remove it from the cocoon. Now all that remains is to attach a thread to the New Year's toy to hang the balls on the Christmas tree.

Other options for creating New Year's toys

With your own hands you can not only create new jewelry, but also revive old ones. For example, a balloon that no longer looks festive due to faded paint or erased designs can be wrapped in a piece beautiful fabric and tie the top with ribbon.

At all simple toys You can also make one for the Christmas tree from old beads or seed beads. Just take a wire, string beads on it and bend it into any shape (for example, a Christmas tree or a snowman).

Give old jewelry new life You can also use old garlands or remnants of braid, simply coating the decoration with glue and tightly wrapping it with available material, laying it tightly horizontally.

Decorations can also be made from ordinary salt dough. Just knead water, salt and flour, cut out any shapes from the dough, and when they are baked, paint them in any color.

As children, we constantly made numerous toys and decorations for the New Year tree. Snowflakes were cut out for windows back in kindergarten. But most of us liked to do New Year's toys with your own hands. Transforming regular cardboard, colored paper, foil, satin ribbons and nuts into something amazingly beautiful. Don't deprive yourself and your children of this fabulous pleasure! Learn New Year's magic our small master classes will help with detailed instructions And step by step photos. We hope you will certainly find something for yourself in our selection.

Simple ideas for interesting options

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Bright decorations for the Christmas tree for the New Year

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Stylish balls made from acorn caps

This decoration is really stylish and very easy to make. On the Christmas tree it looks natural and bright at the same time. If there are children in the house, then they will have the opportunity to help you, and you will admire the result together. Time to make one ball is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

To make it you will need:

  • acorn caps;
  • glue or glue gun;
  • gold or silver acrylic spray paint;
  • foam ball.

The entire step-by-step master class for a New Year's ball made of acorns.

  • Take a ball of your preferred size. It can be purchased at a handmade materials store. It needs to be painted. In our case it is brown.
  • Next, your child can help you. It is necessary to press the cap into the foam, coat the hole with glue and glue the caps to the ball layer by layer. Don't be afraid that it's not smooth! The ball will be even more beautiful.
  • The next step is painting. In our case, we painted the ball with gold acrylic.
  • We attach or glue the ribbon and decoration to the top - your ball is ready!

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Original New Year's balls made from coffee beans

This amazing decoration Easy to make and looks very vintage. You don't need any complicated equipment other than coffee beans, acrylic paint, foam ball and glue. Paint the ball with acrylic. Then, it needs to be covered with coffee beans, sprinkled artificial snow and attach a bow. Your guests will be delighted with the unusual Christmas tree decoration. Ask your child to make his own “coffee ball”, and your little one will be proud of such a delicious-smelling New Year’s toy.

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DIY paper Christmas balls

From old postcards you can make these cute New Year decorations - Christmas tree balls. If suddenly your hand doesn’t rise, cut into small pieces dear to the heart congratulations, postcards can be replaced with the covers of glossy magazines or notebooks, candy boxes or colored cardboard.

We will need:

  • postcards, thick colored paper or cardboard
  • compass or template
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • glue and brush
  • beautiful rope or ribbon

Making a paper ball with your own hands

On back side cards, cardboard or thick colored paper, using a compass, draw 20 identical circles with a radius of 35 mm. Given the size of the cards, the radius of the circles can be adjusted to make optimal use of the paper. The main thing is that it is the same for all circles. Let's cut out our circles. Now in each circle we need to inscribe an equilateral triangle, which can either be drawn manually using a ruler and pencil in each element circle, or, in order not to suffer for a long time, from thick cardboard cut out the triangle template and duplicate it on each circle.

Next, on each circle we carefully bend three identical flaps. To make the fold even, we make it using a ruler along the sides of the previously drawn triangles, i.e. We bend the edges of the circle along the lines of the triangle inscribed in it. If the edges of the circle are bent not upward, as in the figure, but inward, our paper ball will turn out without pronounced edges and will look like a classic one. New Year's ball, but still the faceted ball looks much more interesting.

For the first five fragments, lubricate the side flaps with glue. Glue the circles together by the flaps and we'll have the top. paper ball. We make a hole at the very top with an awl, thread a ribbon and secure it with a knot. Glue together the five remaining fragments in the same way. This will be the bottom of the ball.

From the remaining 10 elements we will make the middle of our unusual ball. We glue the individual fragments into a strip and close it into a ring. All we have to do is assemble the ball by gluing together the top, bottom and middle.

As you can see, the original New Year's ball is incredibly simple to make. But so beautiful and elegant that it just begs to be on the Christmas tree! Even a child can make such a cutie!

Small Christmas balls made from fewer parts will look great on a Christmas tree or in New Year's decor houses are no less impressive than large and complex ones, and their production will take much less time.

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Photo of a master class on making an unusual New Year's ball from paper

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“New Year’s hedgehogs” - original balls for the Christmas tree

Have you ever met New Year's hedgehogs?! Haven't you? Well, let's get acquainted! Luxurious New Year's balls, decorated with cut glass and silk ribbons, look so much like funny hedgehogs dressed up glamorously in honor of the holiday. These cute creatures will help create a truly fabulous atmosphere in your home. festive atmosphere. If you think that making them yourself will be difficult, you are very mistaken. We invite you to make sure once again that everything ingenious is simple.

We will need:

  • beads with a diameter of 5 mm made of cut glass or plastic
  • balls with a diameter of 4.5 cm made of polystyrene foam or cotton pulp
  • long tailor's pins
  • glass beads
  • silk ribbon

How to make a “New Year’s hedgehog” for a Christmas tree

For a long time tailor's pin First we string one small bead, and then one faceted one. IN in this case a small bead will not only play a decorative role, but will also prevent a large bead from slipping off, since its hole may be larger than the head of a pin. After stringing the beads onto a pin, we stick it into a foam ball. Only the beaded part of the pin should remain on the surface of the ball.

We repeat the previous stage: string the beads onto pins and stick them into the ball until we cover its entire surface. We leave only free small area ball for fastening the tape. We tie the ribbon with a neat little bow, trim the ends, “put” the knot of the bow on a pin and attach it to the ball. You can add a hedgehog to the Christmas tree!

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There can never be too many Christmas trees! Or you can’t ruin the Christmas tree with Christmas trees!

To make the main beauty of the Christmas tree not so lonely, make little sisters for her in elegant dresses with ruffles and frills. How to make such Christmas trees? As easy as pie! We cut out templates from cardboard - triangles with a trunk. Ready template we paste over any suitable fabric. If you want to decorate the Christmas tree in lace dress with frills, glue multi-colored braid in rows onto the template. Don't skimp on holiday accessories for your fashionistas! For greater solemnity, decorate their dresses with butterfly figures, bows, flowers, beads, rhinestones, sparkles and sequins. We attach beautiful threads or ribbons to the tops of the trees, with which they can be hung on the tree or hung around the house.

You can make beautiful miniature Christmas trees from fabric in a slightly different way: we cut out two parts in the shape of a Christmas tree from fabric, sew them together and fill them with padding polyester or cotton wool. On top of the “dress” we sew beads, rhinestones, sequins, unusual buttons and all that interesting decorative detail that you have at hand.

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Handmade Christmas toys made from pasta

Just look at what wonderful Christmas tree decorations you can make from the most ordinary pasta! To create this beauty with our own hands, we will need raw pasta, glue and paint to color the products. For creative New Year's pasta, it is better to take shells, spirals, bows, stars, straight tubes with an oblique cut, curls and other fancy pasta.

A hot glue gun is perfect as glue; it is very convenient and quick to work with. For greater solemnity, ready-made Christmas tree decorations made from pasta can be decorated with sparkles, beads, sequins, rhinestones, and glitters. For coloring is suitable spray can or acrylic paint. You can choose any colors, but the New Year’s palette will look more enchanting: golden, silver, snow-white, bluish.

How to make Christmas decorations from pasta

We pour dry raw pasta onto the table and put it together into a composition that we would like to see on our Christmas tree. What could it be?! Yes, anything! Snowflake beauties and New Year's stars the most amazing forms, figures of men and angels, animals and fairy tale characters. Having finally decided on the design, we sequentially connect the pasta to each other using a glue gun. We wait until the glue has completely dried, hardened and set, and then we begin painting the products.

You can safely entrust your child to work with acrylic paints. Hand him brushes and paint and let him paint! If you use spray paint, it is better to take the composition outside or, say, to the balcony. Be sure to lay down newspaper or oilcloth to protect the table and walls from paint. Immediately after applying the paint, the craft can be sprinkled with glitter, or when the paint has dried, the toy can be additionally coated with varnish or transparent glue with glitter. These are so inexpensive and very beautiful jewelry you can make it for the New Year!

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Edible toys for the Christmas tree

There are a lot of master classes on making such Christmas tree decorations. Orange cinnamon jewelry has been very popular for several years now. They are not difficult to make, but they look stylish and fragrant. If you string dates, prunes or other dried fruits onto a wire, as in the picture, you can get an original Christmas decoration.

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DIY New Year's ball “My Dream”

We all dream about something and hope for something... Do you want your dream to come true in the new year?! Then, let's get to work! Make your dream come true New Year's ball, hang it on the Christmas tree, admire it and rejoice every time you look at it, and your dream will certainly come true! How to make your dream come true in a balloon?! Let's say, if you dream of a vacation at sea and golden sand, decorate the ball in nautical style. To do this, cover part of the ball with tape, and empty seats fill with glue, sprinkle with sand and small pebbles. When the glue has set well and dried, we glue it as a final touch. seashells or mother-of-pearl buttons.

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DIY painted Christmas toys

To beautifully paint New Year's balls, you don't have to be an artist. It’s easy to create such a simple, but unusually touching and very pretty winter landscape on a Christmas tree ball, even if this is your first time holding a brush in your hands! To do this, we need white and red acrylic paint and the already mentioned brush, or better yet two – a thick one and a thin one. We will work in stages. First of all, white acrylic paint Let's depict snow cover on the ground. To do this, paint the bottom of the toy in a double layer. Apply a second coat of paint after completely dry first! When the bottom is dry, use a small round brush to carefully paint white trees of different sizes. Let the paint dry again. Then we make a few small strokes on top of the trees with red acrylic paint - these will be our bullfinches. When the bullfinches are dry, we create the effect of falling snow: with the tip of a thin brush we place small white dots all over the ball. Charming!

It is known that products self made are valued much higher than things made in production conditions. If we talk about gifts made with one’s own hand, it is always pleasant to receive them, because the person spent not only money on it, but his own time.

DIY New Year's toys are always beautiful and original products, are able to decorate not only the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree, but also transform it into holidays home interior.

Making New Year's toys from fabric with your own hands at home (with video)

On the eve of the New Year, you decided to get creative, but don’t know how to make New Year’s toys with your own hands to decorate your home and please your loved ones? The following simple, but at the same time quite original ideas for making New Year's toys with your own hands from improvised materials will help you.

Balls are the best DIY Christmas tree decorations that will decorate the green symbolic tree in your home throughout the holidays. Such Christmas tree decorations can be absolutely different sizes, colors and made from a variety of materials. You can extend the life and restore the attractiveness of New Year's toys in the form of balls with your own hands by wrapping them in a beautiful fabric and tying the top with a ribbon or thread.

There is another way to make a ball to decorate a Christmas tree: create New Year's toys with your own hands from fabric, giving them round shape. You can wrap crumpled paper or fabric inside a beautiful fabric and tie threads around the top of the layout so that it holds its shape.

For registration New Year's balls You can use not only fabric, but also newspaper and magazine pages, music notebooks. They look beautiful and unusual; this idea is suitable for those who are already tired of traditional New Year's tree decorations. The top of these balls can be decorated with multi-colored ribbons.

If you want to increase festive mood, to make it more solemn, decorate a New Year’s toy with your own hands at home with beads, rhinestones, sequins, beads, buttons and others decorative elements. A New Year's ball made of buttons looks beautiful, which can be glued to paper or sewn to fabric. Attach a small white bead to the center of each button.

With the help of this video, making a New Year's toy with your own hands will be easy and simple:

DIY New Year's toys made of paper: master class with photos

If you wish, you can make a New Year's toy out of paper with your own hands; for this you can use many ideas. Paper is excellent material for this type of creativity. Such crafts on New Year can be done with children.

Paper multi-colored garland

The easiest way to create paper decorations on the Christmas tree - a multi-colored chain of rings.

To do this you will need bright colored paper, a ruler, scissors and glue.

From paper, cut multi-colored strips 1 cm wide and 6-7 cm long.

Connect one strip into a ring, glue its ends, thread it into the ring paper strip a different color and do this until you get a garland required length.

Best for this homemade decoration Use smooth double-sided colored paper.

Paper squares with photos

Original toys with photographs of all family members, which depict the most pleasant and important events years will become good decoration symbol of the New Year.

To create such a masterpiece, cut out six identical circles from paper, bend them so that you get a square in the center of each element.

Connect all the parts with glue, and stick photographs of all family members on the sides of the square.

Such beautiful DIY New Year's toys made from paper in the photo below:

You can use these ideas on New Year's Eve when preparing your home for the holiday.

DIY New Year's ball toy from scrap material

To make your own Christmas tree ball, you will need the following materials:

  • thick paper with any beautiful pattern;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a compass or any round object that can be traced to make a circle.

The process of creating a paper ball:

On paper, draw 21 circles of the same size and cut out with scissors. Bend each circle in half twice to determine the center of the craft element.

Then straighten the circle and bend one of its sides so that it is strictly in the center.

Bend two more sides of the circle so that you get a triangle with equal sides. Cut out this triangle from paper, it will serve as a template for the rest of the elements.

Apply the resulting triangle to other circles, outline it with a pencil, and bend their edges outward along these lines.

Connect ten circles so that you get a wide strip: 5 at the bottom and 5 at the top, connect them into a ring. This will be the basis for the paper Christmas ball.

Divide the ten remaining parts into 2 parts: glue 5 on one side of the ball, five on the other.

Cut the ribbon to the desired length and glue the loop to the top of the ball.

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands from felt

DIY felt Christmas toys - always current idea, because they look great on the Christmas tree. Felt is very interesting material, it is ideal for self-made Christmas decorations. Felt has different densities and a variety of color scheme, it glues and sews well.

If you don't have time to make New Year's toys with your own hands, complex schemes, the following will help you a lot simple idea. You will need felt in several colors, one of which must be red. The combination of white, blue and red looks beautiful. From red felt, cut out a circle with a diameter of about 8 cm, blue - smaller, and white - the smallest, but not less than 5 cm. Next, cut out a heart from red felt so that it is slightly smaller than the white circle. Now add all the elements: red, blue and white circles, and a heart on top, sew or glue all the layers, attach a braid at the top to hang the craft on the Christmas tree. There are many ideas for creating New Year's toys with your own hands from materials such as felt.

You can make stars and hearts in exactly the same way: you only need two colors of felt, make one element larger, the other smaller, and combine them.

Here in the photo are do-it-yourself New Year's toys made of felt in a wide variety of designs:

DIY Christmas penguin toys made from light bulbs

Even a child can make Christmas toys from light bulbs with his own hands. A good option are penguins made from light bulbs.

To make them, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • old light bulbs;
  • acrylic paint or gouache;
  • tassels;
  • small hats - you can knit them or find unnecessary ones from dolls.

Master class of DIY New Year's toys - penguins made from paws:

Paint one side of the light bulb with white acrylic paint and the other with black.

In front, on a white background, draw the wings of the penguin in black.

Make a beak and eyes from plasticine.

Put a hat and scarf on the penguin; small knitted items look beautiful.

Attach a rope to the top of the hat and hang the craft on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree decorations made of beads

DIY New Year's beaded toys will make your Christmas tree brighter and more elegant. Using small beads, you can make some pretty cute jewelry. If you are looking for the most simple ways How to make a New Year's tree decoration with your own hands using beads, the following idea will be useful to you.

To work you will need red beads, thin wire and ribbon.

String beads onto the wire.

Form it into figures in the shape of a star, heart, or Christmas tree.

Cut the wire, secure it at the top so that the beads do not unravel, and decorate the top with a beautiful ribbon.

For creating New Year's mood In your home, it’s enough to hang such funny crafts in it.

DIY New Year's toys made from salt dough: crafts for children

A DIY Christmas toy made from dough is a favorite Christmas tree decoration for many children. Kids love it when they hang on the Christmas tree not only glass balls, but also edible decorations - sweets and gingerbread.

Dressing up christmas tree, you should remember that such gingerbread cookies can decorate an evergreen tree for no more than two weeks, if you plan to treat your children with sweets later. In cases where dough crafts have one purpose - decorative, it is better to abandon baking, giving preference to the next option for creating decorations.

Even a child can make New Year's toys from salt dough with his own hands. At the same time, such creative process will give the baby a lot of pleasant emotions.

Prepare salty dough using the following components:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • a glass of salt;
  • 250 g of water.

Mix flour and salt, add water and knead the dough. Check the readiness of the dough for creating crafts like this: roll the entire mass into a ball and pierce it with your fingers; if the dough holds its shape, it is suitable for use. While kneading the dough, add a little vegetable oil, so the mass will become plastic and will not crust over and stick to your hands.

To make New Year's toys from dough, use shaped cookie cutters. Even a child can easily cut out various dough figures. After the figures are cut out, you need to make a hole in the upper part; you can use a tube for this.

After this, the figures should be left for a while so that they completely dry and harden. Now you can start decorating them, use paints for this. In order not to paint the figures with paints, at the stage of preparing the salt dough, you can add gouache of any color to it.

There is another original idea for creating Christmas tree decorations from dough. Take a heart-shaped figure, attach it to the dough and cut it out. Then use a tube to make holes all over the surface of the heart, you should get an openwork figure. Having made many of these openwork hearts, thread them on a string and you will get a beautiful New Year's garland.

New Year's angel toys made of cold porcelain

Cold porcelain for DIY Christmas toys is another material that allows you to create beautiful Christmas tree decorations.

To do porcelain angel, prepare the following materials:

  • cold porcelain;
  • gouache;
  • foil;
  • rolling pin;
  • patterned durable napkin;
  • toothpicks.

Decoration creation process:

From foil and cold porcelain beige colour Roll one ball at a time of equal size.

Roll the foil into the porcelain, do not forget to blow out the air. Using porcelain with foil inside, form into a perfectly round ball.

Now use a thin stick to form holes - eyes. Make a spout from a small piece of porcelain. Take more foil and roll it into an oval, which will be the body for the angel. Again, take a piece of unpainted porcelain and roll the foil into it, forming an oval.

Take another piece of unpainted porcelain and roll it out with a rolling pin to create a medium-thick layer. Apply a patterned napkin to the surface and go over the rolling pin again. Wrap the angel's body with this cloth, you should get a patterned dress.

Make a patterned collar in the same way, but use a smaller piece of porcelain. Attach it to the top of the body. Trim the edges of the dress and collar into shapes. Start assembling the angel: insert a toothpick into the top of the body and place the head on it.

Roll up the sleeves of the dress from white porcelain, and two small balls from beige porcelain, and insert them into the sleeves, these will be the angel’s hands. Roll out a layer from the brown mass, cut it into thin strips and roll up a roller with each one, attach such hair to the angel’s head. Attach a wire in the center.

Cut wings out of white porcelain and attach them to the back with glue. Form a bow from the colored porcelain mass and decorate the angel’s hairstyle. Now take paints and lightly paint your face: make your lips more expressive, paint your eyes with black or blue paints.

The angel will dry and become durable, after which it can be hung on the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas toys made from pasta (with photo)

Lovers unusual jewelry will appreciate snowflakes and garlands made from pasta. To connect small elements together, you should use glue.

In the photo, DIY Christmas toys made from pasta look unusual and very beautiful:

In the process of creating Christmas tree decorations, a wide variety of types and shapes of pasta are used; rings, flowers, spirals, shells, bows and tubes are suitable. If desired, such home-made toys can be painted with paints, but you can leave them as is.

Most of all, children like DIY New Year's toys, so on the eve of the New Year, organize a creative process at home and please your children.

The most various options DIY Christmas toys in this video:

One of the main symbols of the New Year is the spruce tree. It is customary to decorate it with interesting and unusual toys.
Today there are a lot shiny balls and angels are sold in decorative stores, but handmade Christmas tree decorations look much more interesting. They make the atmosphere special and are always able to surprise guests. We have collected a lot original ideas that everyone can repeat.
Elements of comfort

Knitted Christmas tree toys
Knitted decor items are ideal for decorating a winter interior, and Christmas tree such toys will look very impressive. Yarn for products should be chosen in traditional shades holiday - white, red, green. You can make small plain stars or circles depicting Christmas balls. If time allows, and imagination suggests interesting stories, then from the usual wool yarn can turn out to be real works of art. As an ornament, you can choose images of deer, stars or snowflakes.

Simple knitted toys on the Christmas tree

Unusual Christmas tree toys

Christmas decorations that anyone can make

Multi-colored Christmas balls made of yarn
Everything you have at hand

Christmas decorations from scrap materials
In fact, to create a New Year's toy with your own hands, you don't have to be a handyman or a jack of all trades. And you don’t need any special materials for this. You can use whatever you have on hand - lids, paper, road map, keys and even wooden blocks. The main thing is that the process itself brings joy, and the result gives a good mood.

Christmas tree decorations made of paper

Christmas trees made of wooden blocks and wire

Original Christmas tree decorations

Creative Christmas balls

Christmas decorations made of multi-colored threads

Unusual Christmas tree toy
Button to button
Buttons of different sizes and colors can be found in every apartment. They often lie idle, and sometimes a lot of them accumulate. They are perfect for the role decorative material for creating New Year's toys. True, for this you will also need blanks in the form of balls (they are sold year-round in craft stores).

Christmas tree decorations made from buttons
Felt crafts
Another material that is easy to make Christmas decorations– felt You can felt it and create all sorts of interesting figures from it. And if you take a blank ball, small felt flowers and stationery pins, then from this set you can get a wonderful toy for the Christmas tree. Even if you draw a winter character (a penguin or a snowman) on felt, and then cut it out and decorate it with embroidery, you will get a very interesting and exclusive Christmas tree toy.

Felt crafts
For Lego fans
Christmas decorations can be made from the most unexpected materials, for example, from Lego. It is interesting to collect such decorations for the whole family, especially with small children. And such unusual decor Christmas tree will surely delight your guests!

Lego deer on the Christmas tree

Snowflake Lego