What is good for the skin. Proper nutrition for female beauty. Useful products for beauty and health of skin and hair

Many people believe that in order for the skin to remain smooth and elastic, it is enough to stock up on good cosmetics. But, alas, with the help of one cream, even the best one, it will not be possible to preserve the youthfulness of the skin.

External agents penetrate only into the uppermost layer of the epidermis, no more than 0.1 mm, giving a temporary effect. Their action is short-lived, over time is reduced to nothing due to the habituation of the skin. However, do not be upset, because there is an easy way to enhance the effect of cosmetics and improve skin condition from the inside. You just need to make the right diet.

Squirrels. It is they who are building material for skin cells. Proteins contribute to the production of collagen - special molecules that make up the skin frame. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that different types of proteins are absorbed differently. Thus, milk proteins and proteins hold the palm in terms of the number of essential amino acids. chicken eggs. They are followed by meat and fish proteins. They are also perfectly digestible, but they do not contain all types of essential amino acids, therefore, in order to fully saturate the body with these substances, it is necessary to alternate different types of meat and fish. The third place belongs to vegetable proteins. They are absorbed only by 60% and do not contain all the essential amino acids. That is why the skin condition of vegetarians often leaves much to be desired.

Omega 3 fatty acids. These "correct fats" are necessary in order to keep the skin in good shape and to maintain the so-called lipid layer, which retains moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found under fish scales. But it should be borne in mind that when heated, useful fatty acids are partially destroyed, so fried and boiled fish cannot claim the title of "youth elixir". It is better to give preference to ordinary herring - it is prepared without heat treatment, and there is a lot of fish oil in herring.

Antioxidant Vitamins. One of the main causes of aging is the effect of so-called free radicals on our body. Free radicals are produced in the body by the action of sunlight, cigarette smoke, polluted air. Antioxidants help fight the damaging effects of free radicals.

The main antioxidants are vitamin E (vegetable oil, nuts and seeds), vitamin C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut) and vitamin A (red and red fruits and vegetables). orange color and beef liver).

Water. All metabolic processes in the body take place in the aquatic environment. Therefore, the lack of moisture will certainly affect the condition of the skin. Calculating the amount of fluid you need to drink during the day is very simple: an average person needs 5 glasses of pure water in addition to the moisture you get from food. At the same time, keep in mind that the skin "loves" only clean water.

Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which causes dehydration and fruit juices and carbonated drinks are quite high in calories. If you don’t like drinking plain water, add a slice of lemon, lime or a few strawberries to it - the taste will noticeably improve. Make sure that your table has enough vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin set. Vitamins A, C, E, selenium (found in onions, garlic, mushrooms), zinc (it is abundant in pumpkin seeds and whole grain products), iron (it is abundant in meat products, especially in beef liver).

For a good complexion, coenzyme Q10 (found in beef and vegetable oil), taurine (found in fish and seafood), carnitine (meat and milk are rich in them).

Vitamins of group B (cereals and legumes), vitamin E, zinc restore elasticity. Protect from harmful effects environment and aging vitamins A, E, C.

sample menu

Breakfast: oatmeal(contains B vitamins and biotin, without which it is impossible good color faces) and green tea(speeds up metabolism and removes toxins).

Lunch: kefir (it has a lot of proteins that prevent wrinkles).

Dinner: start with a salad of fresh herbs with vegetable oil. It contains vitamin E, which fights early wrinkles. Then there is broccoli soup. It contains substances that protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. On the second - boiled fish, which will provide fatty acids and taurine.

Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream - they will help replenish collagen reserves.

Drink 4-5 glasses of pure water throughout the day.

Every year, people around the world spend billions of dollars on facial skin care products. One would think that cosmetic companies produce youth elixirs in their laboratories. In fact, creams are becoming much more expensive, and fewer and fewer are based on results. real science. According to most experts, the science of skin care is much easier to master than many people realize.

It all comes down to lifestyle, not how much money a person can afford to spend on cosmetic products. The steps you can take to improve your skin are remarkably similar to those for a stronger heart, weight control, and mood enhancement:

  1. Regular exercise is needed.
  2. Full sleep is required.
  3. Good nutrition is needed.

Of course, this food will be different from the one that can prevent, for example, heart disease.

So, we'll take a look at which products will improve skin, smoothness, tone, and why they work.

Useful products for the skin: seafood

results: smooth, clear and radiant skin.

We have all heard that fish in general is very healthy, that it is a basic component of the "Mediterranean diet". Many types of fish and shellfish can do wonders for the skin, especially oysters and oily fish like salmon.

Increasing the amount of omega-3 in the diet reduces dryness and inflammation, which can lead to premature aging. Studies have shown that omega-3 deficiency can cause diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. In addition, omega-3 PUFAs reduce the risk of clogged arteries and improve blood circulation. Good blood supply is an important factor for skin health.

Zinc has a beneficial effect in the treatment of acne, as it is involved in the metabolism of testosterone, which affects the synthesis of an oily substance - the main cause of the disease. The trace element also helps in the synthesis of new cells and in the process of exfoliation of dead cells, which gives the skin beautiful colour.

Useful products for the skin: citrus fruits

results: firm and smooth skin.

Vitamin C is the main ingredient in cosmetic creams for skin care. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that forms the structure of the body. The process of collagen breakdown, which accelerates around the age of 35, can lead to sagging skin. Supplementing with vitamin C in foods such as oranges, grapefruits, Barbados cherries, and tomatoes can tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Vitamin C also fights inflammation, its antioxidant properties neutralize free radicals that damage skin cells and prematurely age the face.

If you are tired of fruits, replace them hot pepper, sweet peppers and cabbage, which contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid.

Another powerful antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the skin is. It is a biological compound, a natural component of the skin (12-14%). It fights oxidative stress (excess free radicals) - the cause of aging. Rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with oxygen, moisturizes and softens. It is used in the form of bioadditives and cosmetics.

Skin Healthy Foods: Green and Red Vegetables

Active ingredients: beta-carotene,

results: smooth and fair skin.

The skin is the largest organ. The wonderful thing is that food that is good for the body is also good for the skin. Vegetables are the best food. Pay particular attention to orange-red and green vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Orange-red vegetables contain a large number of beta carotene. Our body converts it into vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant that prevents cell damage and premature aging. In addition, this vitamin helps with acne, it is used in preparations intended to treat this disease.

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables provide tons of vitamin A to promote new cell synthesis and shed old cells, reducing dryness and keeping the face looking fresh and youthful.

Mangoes are also an excellent source of vitamin A. It is best to get the vitamin from food rather than supplements, as excess can cause health problems.

Useful products for facial skin: nuts

results: clean and hydrated skin.

This food is good for the whole body, and, last but not least, for healthy skin.

Buckwheat is an excellent source of antioxidant rutin, which helps fight inflammation that causes skin damage.

Wheat germ contains vitamin B7 or biotin, which is involved in the processing of fats. If there is not enough biotin in the body, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.

Whole grain products are unrefined, they contain ballast substances or dietary fiber. The use of based products leads to the release of insulin, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of acne. Replace pancakes with white wheat flour buckwheat pancakes. Among other things, they reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Recipe for buckwheat pancakes

For 12 pancakes you need the following ingredients:

  • mug of flour mixture for buckwheat pancakes
  • mug of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. melted butter
  • egg, lightly beaten

Pour the buckwheat mixture into a medium bowl and make a well in the center. Milk, butter, eggs are beaten in a small cup and poured all this into a recess. Then knead the dough until a homogeneous mixture.

Grease the pan with oil or use non-stick cookware. Pour the dough onto a hot surface, an amount equal to ¼ cup. Each side of the pancake is cooked for 3-4 minutes until golden brown.

If you do not like buckwheat, replace it with avocado or mushrooms.

Thus, by eating oranges, buckwheat, oysters, spinach, almonds, you will improve the condition of your skin. Just eat healthy food physical activity, keep stress under control and you will notice tangible results on your skin.

Diet Mistakes That Harm Your Skin

Recent studies have revived the theory that skin health is associated with the consumption of certain food products, with the presence of certain eating habits. This relationship affects the appearance of wrinkles, different kind irritations, acne, skin cancer and more.

So, 5 food mistakes that harm your skin.

1. Excessive consumption of foods containing simple carbohydrates

Scientists have found a link between the occurrence of acne and the use of foods with a high glycemic index. In other words, it is a diet rich in refined carbohydrates and sweets such as bread, candy, pasta, sodas, and juices. Such food leads to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, the release of hormones that stimulate the production of oily substances and clog pores.

There is also some evidence that high-sugar diets contribute to wrinkling and premature aging by destroying the collagen and elastin that make skin firm and supple.

So if you're acne prone and worried about wrinkles, consider replacing refined foods rich in simple carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables and whole grains that do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar.

2. Eating too much salt

Do you look tired no matter how much sleep you get? If you have persistent dark circles under the eyes, control salt intake. In many cases, discoloration occurs when puffy eyelids and bags under the eyes cast shadows on the face. Salt is a heavy food that leads to swelling.

3. The state of severe alcohol intoxication

Anyone who has ever suffered from a hangover knows that it adversely affects the entire body. This is especially true for complexion. Excessive consumption alcoholic beverages causes dehydration of the body, which in turn leads to a dull complexion, wrinkles and dry skin. It can also provoke outbreaks of diseases such as acne, blackheads, eczema and psoriasis. For some people, alcohol expands tiny blood vessels, which are located near the surface of the skin, causing redness. Alcohol deprives the body of vitamin A, which contributes to the renewal and restoration of the skin through the synthesis of collagen.

4. Eliminate healthy fats from the diet

If you're trying to lose weight or switch to a healthy diet, be sure to keep the good fats in your diet. The skin needs essential fatty acids to stay hydrated, and the body is unable to produce them on its own. Healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids can be found in soybeans, walnuts, and oily fish (salmon, for example). They will help prevent wrinkles, inflammation, dry skin and acne.

Every woman wants to keep her beauty and youth as long as possible. This applies, but also to our skin. The state of our material shell depends on many factors, both external and internal. Those who are said to have good genetics may not need to pay much attention to this. But, most women still need to make considerable efforts to maintain the skin in good condition. What should you do to keep your skin beautiful?

Facial skin does not like soap, unless it is oily. It is better to wipe the skin with special lotions or tonics. If you like to wash your face with tap water, then after that it is advisable to moisturize the skin with a cream, since the water, as a rule, in our taps is chlorinated, it tightens the skin very much and dries it. Some cosmetic brands have skin cleansers that can be used daily. They cleanse and moisturize the skin at the same time. But note that for different type their skins are also different.

Doctors insist on the dangers of excessive use of cosmetic skin care products. If these products are not of high enough quality, then they will clog pores and cut off oxygen to your cells. Despite the fact that you, let's say, do not have and have not had allergic reactions before, try to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetical tools, since every year the allergy increases its momentum and in advance neither you nor the seller or consultant will be able to 100% predict how your skin will react.

You may have noticed that some people wear in winter Sunglasses. Many are accustomed to wearing them only in the summer, but the sun shines on us throughout the year and when we go outside on a clear sunny day, we begin to squint. And it promotes education crow's feet» in the corners of the eyes. Therefore, we must discard all prejudices and, if necessary, wear sunglasses at any time of the year.

Even if you eat very well, your skin will never interfere with additional nourishment from the outside. Pleasant masks that match your skin type will only add freshness and beauty to it. I know that some housewives who love to cook use a very simple way to care for their skin. While cooking, they simultaneously put on their face almost everything that they have at hand. But for this you need to know which products you can use for your skin type. There are products that moisturize the skin, and there are those that, on the contrary, dry it out. And, perhaps, it will be a nourishing or cleansing mask for your face. So you can combine business with pleasure, but before applying anything to your face, do not forget to cleanse your skin.

The consumption of a daily amount of water in the amount of at least 1.5 liters is now spoken everywhere. It is very beneficial for the condition of the skin. But from my own experience I know that it is very difficult to follow this rule. I can give you personal advice. I never drank a lot of water, and it was not even water, but mostly tea or juices. So I constantly had to adjust myself. But, last summer I needed to do this in order to prepare the body for certain procedure. And imagine me without special efforts drank 1.5 liters of coral water per day in addition to tea. In general, it turned out about 2 liters. And the thing is that I drank water almost in sips every 10-15 minutes. So, quite imperceptibly for me, 1.5 liters were drunk by the evening. And I realized that for me this is the best option. Now I am successfully using it.

And of course, what we eat has a great influence on the condition of the skin.

Here is a list of foods that, according to doctors, quickly and severely spoil the skin.


white refined sugar irritates the walls of the stomach and provokes increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. We don't always clean our face properly (and some don't do it at all), so the pores become clogged, which contributes to clogged pores and acne.

sweet pastries - not the most useful product for our health and beauty of the skin. Especially hot, which is many times more harmful. It is slowly digested, absorbed by the body for a long time, and then all this is reflected in our appearance. And in addition to sugar, it contains white flour of the highest quality.


Our skin can't stand preservatives, dyes and other chemicals “, and there is plenty of this “goodness” in chips. Moreover, chips, like flour products, are rich in carbohydrates. Passion for such food in the best way can affect your skin, besides, it will contribute to the development of cellulite.


Many people think that beer a very useful product, but I'm sure that many people also know about the dangers of beer. It is very appetizing - so after every sip we are drawn to a good bite. And after a “beer evening” you can find circles under your eyes on your face and small pimples and swollen limbs.

At the same time, I will say that brewer's yeast sold in a pharmacy and those contained in modern pasteurized beer have little in common. Brewer's pharmacy yeast is just very useful. Now they are sold with different additives and you can choose the ones that suit you. Brewer's yeast is a natural source of vitamins: groups B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Sun), E, ​​Mg, K, Na, Se, P, S, Zn, amino acids (including essential), pectin and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic). Yeast helps to protect the skin from negative factors, helps to regulate the metabolism in the body and successfully fight against allergic reactions are good for helping with acne. Take them in courses of 2 weeks, then take a break.

Carbonated drinks

Caffeine, colors, flavors, which are part of the soda, adversely affect the functioning of the intestines. As a result, the skin loses elasticity, looks tired and ages faster.

Smoked meats

Many people cannot live without sausage. Smoked products are produced with the addition of various chemicals and flavor enhancers . They contain substances that irritate the walls of the stomach and have a bad effect on the kidneys: fluid is retained in the body, limbs swell and dark circles appear under the eyes.

The most harmful food additives for the skin are E 230 - 232, E 239.


Now many people refuse meat for various reasons. According to Eastern medical schools, primarily Ayurveda, the most harmful product for the skin is meat. And modern meat, in which there is a lot of chemistry - especially. And it is harmful even not so much by cadaveric poison as by the absence of Prana ( life force) and the fact that it carries the energy of death and destruction.

Vegetarians tend to look younger than their age, fresher and more energetic. Meat consumption is a rather controversial topic and there are people who cannot even imagine their life without meat. But I assure you that this is just a matter of habit. Refusing any product, you rebuild your body to a different taste reaction.

Paying attention to your diet, making it lively and balanced, you will help your skin retain freshness and youth for many years to come.

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Beautiful and healthy skin has always been one of the the main criteria attractiveness of a person. Lack of sleep, nervous shocks and improper diet always affect the skin in the first place. Human skin - main source information about lifestyle, age, psychological state and habits, both good and bad.

Beauticians and dermatologists have now developed a wide variety of techniques to make the skin healthier, more beautiful and more elastic. Below at the Knowledge House are the simplest and most effective of them.

Secret #1: Drink water for healthy skin.

The fundamental part of our life is water. It not only promotes the absorption and digestion of food, but also carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the human body. In addition, water removes toxins accumulated in the body. That is why to keep the skin young, healthy and sufficiently hydrated, a person should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily.

Every morning, experts recommend starting with a glass of boiled warm water with a little lime juice. During the day, water should be drunk every 2 hours, and it is desirable that thirst quenching does not coincide with meals. In addition, the body needs fluid after sports. To keep your body in good shape after jogging or exercising with a fitness instructor, drink 1-2 glasses of water.

There is an opinion among many people that tea, soda, coffee, beer and other similar drinks can replace water. This is an absolutely wrong misconception, since all these fluids are processed by the body in different ways. Moreover, some of them remove the moisture necessary for its health from the skin.

Secret #2: For healthy skin, eat the right diet.

A balanced diet, compiled under the strict supervision of a specialist, plays important role for the health and beauty of the skin. For example, foods rich in carbohydrates and fats increase excretion. sebum. They are very beneficial for dry, irritated skin. In turn, pickles, hot spices (pepper, mustard, horseradish) and alcoholic beverages should be avoided when expanding blood vessels.

Skin problems such as flaking and dryness occur due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. You can replenish it by eating eggs, milk, carrots and fish fat. If the skin is oily and its pigmentation is prone, then it is recommended to increase the intake of vitamins B2 (riboflavin), C ( ascorbic acid), as well as products containing them.

Read also: Facial skin rejuvenation.

Secret number 3: For healthy skin, do not neglect exfoliation.

Peeling is a procedure that refreshes and renews the skin, as well as removing fine wrinkles and irregularities. In cosmetology, mechanical, cosmetic and chemical peeling, whose task is to remove the upper "old" and keratinized layer of cells, as well as "restart" the processes of skin renewal.

To remove dead cells, it is necessary to use special scrubs or peeling creams, which include tiny particles that erase horny scales from the skin surface. But before applying them to the face, remember that the exfoliation procedure is not recommended more than 1-2 times a week. This is especially true for owners of dry skin, who should limit themselves to 1 time per week.

Today, almost all well-known cosmetic concerns produce cosmetic exfoliation products. You only need to choose a drug that is suitable in composition and price. In addition, peeling agents can also be prepared from the products at hand.

Secret #4: Take good care of your skin.

Very important procedure for the health and cleanliness of the skin is the removal of makeup, dust and other microscopic debris. During the day, on the face and indoors, a lot of invisible dirt settles on the skin, which causes irritation and inflammation. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, always go to bed only with a face cleansed of cosmetics and dust.

Make-up removal cosmetologists recommend starting with the removal of lipstick. For this milk or other special tool Moisten a cotton pad and, gently pressing, remove lipstick, moving from the corners of the lips to the middle. Then proceed to the eyes - put a disk of lotion on the eyelashes, wait about 30 seconds and remove the mascara, the remnants of the shadows and the pencil. After that, proceed to cleansing the skin of the face. Residues of the cleanser should be washed off with water or wiped with a tonic, otherwise they can be irritating. After this procedure, apply a cream on your face.

There are reasons for anger male skin. The main one is shaving. Irritation can even occur due to the wrong time to shave. So, for example, in some men in the morning the skin swells a lot and it is difficult for the bristles to break through the swelling from the evening procedure. And even if there are no such problems, it is better to postpone shaving for the evening, as the razor, along with the bristles, removes dead skin, which will have time until morning to recover.

Moisturize your skin with warm water(not hot!). If the skin is steamed, the pores will open and dirt can get into them when shaving. The blade should be advanced in the direction of hair growth. As a rule, they grow downwards and, based on this, experts recommend movements from top to bottom. At the same time, it is believed that shaving against hair growth will be more thorough. Yes, it is, so it’s up to you to choose between carefully shaved but irritated skin and healthy skin with light bristles.

Secret number 5: For healthy skin, go in for sports.

Regular sport is not only a slim and fit figure, but also a healthy one. elastic skin. Physicians are absolutely sure that physical activity will significantly affect many problems, ranging from signs of aging to acne, inflammation and even the ability to conceive a child.

Read also: 10 tips for conception.

The advantages that sport has on the condition of human skin include, first of all, improved blood circulation and, as a result, an increase in the removal of dangerous toxins and the supply of nutrients. In addition, physical activity contributes to the production of collagen known to us, which provides a fairly large resistance to wrinkles.

Another great effect of exercise on the skin is to reduce the production of special hormones, such as DPG and DEA, which significantly reduces the appearance of acne.

Secret number 6: For healthy skin, give up bad habits.

To "start" the rapid process of skin dehydration, a person only needs to drink one glass of wine. Alcohol destroys vitamins and nutrients, and also burns the walls of blood vessels. The result of this is sagging and "tarnishing" of the skin. Wrinkles, irritations appear on it, dark spots or even a pattern of blood vessels (rosacea, varicose veins).

Smoking is also accompanied by dark circles under the eyes, premature wrinkles, dry skin, and the complexion becomes dull and earthy. These unpleasant consequences occur due to the fact that nicotine constricts the internal and superficial vessels, preventing the skin from receiving good nutrition and enough oxygen.

Secret number 7: For skin health, avoid long exposure to the sun.

Too much sunlight is very dangerous for any organism. British experts believe that intense ultraviolet radiation is main reason skin fading. You also need to remember about oncological diseases, which are provoked by regular exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The best prevention of all these unpleasant consequences may be to refuse to take sunbathing, especially in daytime- from 11 am to 3 pm. If this is difficult to do, then:

  1. Use sunscreens with a protection factor "SPF30" or more intense;
  2. Wear sunglasses;
  3. Wear a hat;
  4. Cover exposed areas of the body with clothing.

Upon detection of any skin changes(redness, enlargement of old moles and the appearance of new ones, etc.), be sure to consult a doctor.

Secret #8: For skin health, don't be nervous.

Under the influence of hormones, the skin changes significantly. This has been clinically proven. During a stressful period, cortisol levels rise in the body, which contributes to the destruction of collagen and causes various inflammations. As a result, the skin becomes reddened, tired and dehydrated. In addition, many people during stressful situations appears pruritus and then mechanical damage fabrics.

Such a reaction of the skin to negative events has not been a discovery for a long time, therefore, for successful treatment, many dermatologists recommend meditation, relaxation, and also advise patients to practice yoga.

Secret #9: For healthy skin, remember to moisturize.

As a rule, moisturizers are intended for daytime skin care. Hydrating creams help maintain and restore water balance and saturate the stratum corneum. Forming the thinnest film on the cleaned area, these products protect the skin from the harmful effects of the environment and prevent the evaporation of moisture. You can also use herbal decoctions and mineral water as a moisturizing spray.

The aphorism “we are what we eat” has an almost literal meaning. Everything that is under-eaten or over-eaten - here it is, right before our eyes: as acne, and as a smell, and as a color ... early wrinkles, pigmentation, rashes, very dry or oily skin, puffiness and stale complexion - all these are consequences wrong image life and an unsuccessful nutrition system. By following a healthy, well-balanced beauty diet, you will not only notice an improvement in well-being, but also see how your skin changes. And quite quickly.

In this article, collected on the basis of materials from the medical and cosmetic segment of the Runet, I will try to summarize in which nutrients our skin needs most of all, and what products should fill your diet in order to prolong the youth and beauty of the skin.

Diet for beautiful skin: the first rule is water!

Since 70% of human skin is water, you need to drink enough. Recommended - 6-8 glasses of liquid every day. Before going to bed, you should not drink a lot of liquid, as this can cause swelling of the skin of the face.

Note. Not always a liquid in such an amount is permissible, there are diseases in which it is contraindicated. Also, puffiness is not always the result of a large amount of fluid you drink, sometimes it is the result of diseases (heart, kidney).

Water is not included in soups. Tea and coffee cannot replace water either. Even more carbonated drinks. The caffeine they contain is a diuretic and, in excessive amounts, contributes to dehydration.

Beauty Diet: Rule Two - Antioxidants?

Antioxidants call substances that, as it was believed until quite recently, provide super-effective protection of the body against infections, are indispensable assistants in the prevention of cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, are indispensable for beauty and long youth. These substances, claimed by numerous manufacturers of nutritional supplements and cosmetic products destroy free radicals. The latter are responsible for many of the ills of our health, including damage to collagen, a substance on which the elasticity of the skin depends. Antioxidants are vitamins A, E, C and some minerals such as selenium and zinc.

But antioxidants were not a sensation for long: rather quickly, the same scientists who put them on a pedestal overthrew them as useless and even harmful (for example, for cancer patients, for whom they are contraindicated). It turned out that, being synthesized, antioxidants do not penetrate the skin, so they cannot affect the process of our rejuvenation. But this applies to "man-made" antioxidants.

Another thing is natural, natural - although they are not a panacea, they are nonetheless useful or absolutely necessary, and it is necessary to include them in the diet. However, this is not so much a medical issue as it is related to common sense.

Judge for yourself: beans, prunes, tomatoes, blueberries, broccoli, walnuts, citrus fruits, cherries, black grapes, carrots, sweet peppers can boast of a significant amount of antioxidants.

And this is far from complete list. But after all, the given series of products is useful for many components! They should be included in any diet, not just a beauty diet!

The third rule of the diet: plenty of vitamins and minerals


What is needed. Iron will come in handy if you want to have a beautiful healthy glow instead of "pale sickness." Iron is an indispensable participant in the process of hemoglobin formation. Anemia is the result of its deficiency. External signs of iron deficiency - pale skin and dark circles under the eyes.

Where is contained. The largest amount of iron contains animal products: meat, eggs, milk. Rich in iron and green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Vitamin A

What is it needed for. This vitamin is necessary for the formation of new cells, thanks to which our skin becomes softer and more elastic. In addition, the condition of the hair and eyes is also largely dependent on vitamin A. Its deficiency can cause dry skin, flaking, and cause early wrinkles.

Where is contained. The human body produces vitamin A from beta carotene. In already ready-made it can be found in milk, butter, fatty fish, liver, carrots, spinach, broccoli.

Vitamin C

What is it needed for. Favorable for the formation of collagen. When smoking, excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, stress, the human body loses a significant amount of vitamin C, and this threatens to lose elasticity and firmness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles and swelling.

Where is contained. The most significant amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, bell peppers, kiwi, strawberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn and other berries.

Vitamin E

What is it needed for. Vitamin E is another strong vitamin important for the skin. Vitamin E is essential for skin hydration. Vitamin deficiency provokes the appearance of wrinkles, rashes, acne, pallor and dry skin.

Where is contained. Vegetable oils are the richest in vitamin E, as well as nuts, seeds, wheat germ and avocados, which are an indispensable part of the beauty diet.

Vitamin B complex

What is it needed for. Thanks to this group of vitamins, our skin becomes soft and hydrated. The complex promotes the release of energy from food and its direction to improve skin metabolism.

Where is contained. Sources of vitamins of this complex are red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, soy, whole grains, bananas.


What is it needed for. The functioning of the human depends on this mineral. immune system. It also plays an important role in the formation of collagen and promotes the healing of various tissues in our body in general and on the skin in particular. With a lack of zinc, wrinkles, stretch marks, white spots on the nails, dandruff appear, the skin heals slowly.

Where is contained. Zinc is found in sufficient quantities in seafood, red meat, cheeses, mushrooms.

From the information above, it becomes clear which foods should be included in a well-balanced diet focused on healing the skin and prolonging its youth and beauty. Nevertheless, it is more expedient to adhere to a diet aimed not only at improving the condition of the skin, but at improving the whole body. If necessary, the diet of such a diet can be supplemented with products that support the youth and health of the skin itself.

Diet for the beauty of dry, oily, sensitive skin

What nutritionists advise:

If the skin is oily. Refuse fatty, fried, spicy and sweet foods, cook in a double boiler ( perfect option), just boil them. Everything that concerns easily digestible carbohydrates and products resulting from fermentation is not suitable. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be limited.

You are shown fresh leafy salads, greens, cabbage of any kind - these vegetables harmonize the activity of the sebaceous glands. From fruits, apples, plums and pears are especially good. However, the diet as a whole should contain large quantities of vegetables and fruits (with the exception of bananas), wholemeal bread and bran, dairy products. If your skin is very oily, try cutting out meat and replacing it with soy. At least for a while.

Especially useful : whole grains, sprouted wheat.

If the skin is dry. Eat more vegetable oils- sunflower, olive, sesame, soy, corn, linseed: they contain essential fatty acids like linoleic, linolenic and others that are important for your skin. But in any case, do not fry on them! Prepare fresh salads with them. And eat as much fish as possible, which also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. But it is better to refuse fatty meat and poultry.

Foods containing sulfur are useful for you - garlic, onions, eggs. Sulfur smoothes and rejuvenates the skin. As well as alpha hydroxy acids that promote the formation of new cells - they are in apples, citrus fruits, beets, tomatoes, grapes and black currants.

Especially useful : orange and yellow vegetables (beta-carotene). Long live the carrot!

If the skin is sensitive. Take Special attention vitamin C. Include rose hips, citrus fruits, bell peppers in your diet. Do not get carried away with smoked meats, garlic, onions and other irritating seasonings. It is better to drink low-fat milk and dairy products, include fish and seafood and dishes with bran in the diet. With rosacea(pronounced capillary reticulum), nutritionists recommend giving up spicy snacks and caffeinated drinks.

10 products for a diet of beauty and skin health

red berries

Raspberries, red currants, strawberries, cherries, cranberries - at the mere idea of ​​these bright berries, we are filled with energy and activity. This is because they help improve blood circulation, which is very important for the beauty of our skin.

lemon and kiwi

Lemons have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which helps to get rid of human body from toxic substances. Less toxins means more health, including clearer and healthier skin. The effect of kiwi on the body is similar to the effect of lemons. One serving of kiwi contains more vitamin C than the same amount of oranges. Special studies have shown that vitamin C not only has a beneficial effect on the complexion, but also perfectly resists wrinkles, so it takes pride of place in the beauty diet diet.

green vegetables

Broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, sweet green peppers regulate the water-salt metabolism in the skin, and therefore should be included in the diet, preferably daily. They, like red berries, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation, which is beneficial not only for the beauty of the skin, but also for the intellect and memory.


We know ginger as a spice for salads and other dishes. However, it is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Acne, psoriasis and others similar diseases, accompanied inflammatory processes in the body, can cause swelling and redness of the skin. In such cases, it is recommended to consume fresh ginger salads, pickled ginger, ginger powder as a spice in dishes, ginger tea, which will help the body in its fight against inflammation and thereby cleanse your skin of unwanted external signs inflammatory process.


Eat buckwheat! Buckwheat - the basis for cooking delicious dishes such as Japanese buckwheat noodles. Buckwheat is a source of a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids, for which the mega-health is so famous. olive oil. It is thanks to these acids that the skin remains healthy and young. Buckwheat also contains rutin, a flavonoid that helps collagen resist wrinkles.


It's hard to say what fish is healthier for: for your heart or your skin. Please note: the Japanese, who are distinguished by enviable longevity and youthfulness, eat fish every day. having importance for youthful skin.

See also more about omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids


Papaya, like some other exotic fruits, helps to improve the condition of the skin, making it look fresh and rested. Papaya contains a lot of carotene, vitamin C and flavonoids, which provide a beautiful complexion, do not give a chance to wrinkles and other undesirable age-related manifestations.

Dried fruits

Do you like dried fruit compotes and snacks from a handful of dried berries - dried apricots, figs, etc.? They are not only tasty, they have learned to deceive the body that requires sugar and sweets. In addition, dried fruits contain a large amount of B vitamins and are excellent energy for the skin. They make her shine!

wheat germ

Wheat germs are rich in B and E vitamins, they are simply miraculously affect the condition of the skin.

The consumption of germs contributes to the renewal of the cells of the whole organism, including the skin, which, in turn, leads to the preservation of youth and health of the skin.

Vegetable oils

If you want to stay young and beautiful for a long time, get into the habit of high-quality vegetable fats. For the beauty of the skin, they are more useful than animals due to the content of essential polyunsaturated acids in them. This does not mean that animal fats should definitely be abandoned. However, the proportions of consumption should be changed.

Include these ten essential foods in your diet for beautiful skin, add to them daily use kefir for perfect bowel function, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result! But remember: beautiful skin- Effect healthy eating And healthy lifestyle life in general and always. And not just a few miracle products in part and from time to time.