The most effective peeling at home. In what cases do you need cosmetic gloves for facial peeling. Preparation for the procedure

At home? Recipes beauty salons use effective chemical compounds and acids. Procedures are performed by professionals using special equipment, often under local anesthesia. Is it possible to repeat at home what they do in salons? Isn't it dangerous for health?

Let's start with the basics. Peeling according to the depth of impact on the layers of the skin is divided into superficial, medium and deep. And at home, it is quite normal and harmless to the face that only the first type of procedure can be carried out. Such peeling will help eliminate fine wrinkles, get rid of dead skin cells, improve the texture and color of the skin. Also, this manipulation will contribute to the disappearance of acne and blackheads. But acne, medium and deep wrinkles, scars and other cosmetic problems require professional approach. In the salon, cosmetologists, using acids of various concentrations, controllably burn the stratum corneum and penetrate into the lower areas. This procedure is performed under partial anesthesia of the patient. This circumstance makes it impossible to average and at home. You will find recipes for gentle procedures in this article.

What are superficial peels?

It is quite possible to clean the epidermis from dead particles, mud plugs and sebaceous secretion at home. For such a procedure, sparing products with a low concentration of active substances are taken. Therefore, in case of a mistake, you will not cause irreparable damage to your face in the form of burns or scars. This will be minimal damage that will resolve within one hour.

Distinguish mechanical and chemical peeling for the face at home. Recipes for the impact of the first type are based on the use of small abrasive particles. They effectively exfoliate dead cells, cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation. Abrasive particles are part of various scrubs. In order not to disturb the pH level of dry skin, it is better to use gommage. It is applied for a few minutes, and then the product is rolled up with the fingertips. In superficial chemical peeling, substances containing inactive acids are used: salicylic, lactic and others. They penetrate the epidermis, promote cell exfoliation, stimulate and restore turgor.

Substances for home peeling

The procedure is best carried out with pharmaceutical preparations or natural products based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids. These are gentle substances that can only cause irritation in hypersensitive people. Alpha hydroxy acids include citrus juices, fermented milk products, apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar. These substances actively fight against acne, eliminate the effects of photoaging (from exposure to the sun) and small areas pigmentation.

Glycolic acid can be used for both superficial and medium peeling at home for the face. The recipe depends on the concentration of this substance. If the drug contains about 25%, it is suitable for home use. Glycolic acid at a concentration of 40 percent or more is used only in salons. People with oily skin need a different peel. It is based on the application salicylic acid. It dissolves the sebaceous secret well, penetrates into the deep layers, disinfects. Used in home cosmetology and other organic substances based on herbs, willow bark, sugar cane, apricot kernels, coffee grounds.

Preparation for peeling

This procedure - be it of a mechanical or chemical nature - should not be carried out on the eyelids and under the eyes, lips, eyebrows and nostrils. Therefore, before applying the active substance, these areas must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Before performing a chemical facial peel at home, recipes recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub a day before the procedure. Then you should test your body's perception of the chemical. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of it to the skin behind the ear on the hairline or on the forearm. Wait a minute and then wash off warm water. Slight redness is not an alarming symptom. But burning and intense irritation are a sign that this substance is unacceptable for you. In order for the result of the cosmetic procedure to be long-lasting, it must be repeated once a week for one to one and a half months.

Peeling devices

As an alternative to salon facial cleansing, manufacturers household appliances offer a variety of devices that allow you to carry out the procedure yourself. These devices recommend using special recipes suitable for a procedure such as mechanical facial peeling at home. Reviews also sing praises for safe and easy-to-use devices. Such devices are not cheap, but beauty requires sacrifice. And if the health of the skin of the face is also at stake, then no money is a pity.

What appliances can be used at home? These are, first of all, various ultrasonic scrubbers and brushes. Well-proven multifunctional device Gezatone Beauty Irism 708. Thanks to the function of iontophoresis, it can even be used for decontamination (deep cleansing of the face). Users leave positive feedback about the Gezatone Ionic-Ultrasonic m360 ultrasonic massager, vacuum cleaner Gezatone Super Wet Cleaner, Galvanic Beauty SPA m777 and Gezatone KUS 2000 devices. But there are also contraindications for using these, in general, safe devices for peeling. In the event that there are rashes on the face (including those of a viral nature, such as herpes), if the skin is affected by acne and pimples, then it is better to refuse devices.

At what age can you do peeling at home for the face

It's about taking proper care of yourself. Do not neglect cosmetic procedures, but they should not be abused either. Before using this or that facial cleanser, you need to determine the type of skin. Purchased masks and scrubs are easy to use, but the components in them are more aggressive. Do not use them in young age. Young girls with problematic oily skin can stop at scrubs. They are allowed to use at least daily, but inflamed areas should be avoided. If the skin is dry, then it is recommended to replace scrubs with gommages, and allow yourself the procedure once a week. If the skin remains oily even after thirty, reviews still recommend reducing the use of scrub.

Weak glycolic, salicylic and Jessner peels up to 25 years old are used only in cases of serious cosmetic problems. After thirty, as a preventive measure for aging, it is allowed to start using AHA acids. At the same age, it is indicated for problematic and oily skin. After thirty-five, it is advisable to occasionally apply retinoic facial cleansing. porous mature skin A 25% TCA peel will help. Before using pharmacy, purchased and self-prepared preparations, a sensitivity test to the components of the chemical composition should be carried out. Persons with dry skin or adulthood you need to combine peeling with the use of creams with polyunsaturated acids.

Scrubs for oily skin

With this type, deep cleansing of pores clogged with fat and narrowing them is important. Here is the easiest peeling at home for the face. The recipe does not require any special ingredients. Take baby soap and lather it well in your hands. Apply to the face, avoiding the eye area. Pour a teaspoon of sugar into the palm of your hand and massage your face with light circular movements for two minutes. Wash off with cool water. Use baking soda instead of sugar next time. After such a peeling, the skin will lose oily sheen becomes matte and smooth. And the following recipe allows you to achieve a rejuvenating effect. Cut off fresh cucumber peel, grind the pulp of the vegetable in a blender, squeeze the juice. Mix in a bowl a large spoonful of oatmeal with a small spoonful of finely ground iodized salt. Add cucumber juice until you get a paste. Pour two drops of rose oil into it. Massage the face with this scrub for two minutes and leave it on the skin for another ten. Kefir and curdled milk are an excellent gommage. Just apply fermented milk product on the face and wait until it dries. Then, with wet fingers, roll it from your forehead to your chin.

Exfoliating scrubs

If you want to remove the keratinized particles of the epidermis, then you need to carry out a completely different peeling at home for the face. The recipe suggests including harder particles. It can be eggshells, rice, almonds, berry seeds, crushed in a coffee grinder. In order not to inflict mini-scratches on yourself, fatty essential oils or flour are added to such a scrub. Here is the first recipe. Mix a pinch of ground coffee and rice flour. Dilute with two soup spoons of kefir. Massage the face with the mixture, leave for seven minutes, then rinse with cool water. The second recipe: knead a spoonful of cranberries, add a little to the gruel almond oil, two drops of orange juice, two cubes of brown sugar and a pinch of oatmeal. Let's rub it like a peeling and hold it for another five minutes like a mask.

Gommages for dry skin

This requires a special peeling for the face at home. A recipe for dry skin requires the use of nourishing and moisturizing ingredients in gommages. This is fatty cottage cheese, olive oil, sour cream. Abrasive particles should be smaller in diameter than those used for oily skin. Here is the first recipe. Grind the eggshell into flour. Mix one teaspoon of it with the same amount of sour cream and yolk. Apply to wet face light movements, massage and leave as a mask for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water. Recipe two: mash four strawberries, spread the gruel with a spoon olive oil.

Chemical peel with alpha hydroxy acids

As we have already mentioned, these compounds include fruit juices, lactic acid products, and vinegar. Especially good citrus peeling at home for the face. The recipe with lemon not only cleanses the skin, but also brightens and rejuvenates it. This mask acts as a lifting. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and cane sugar. Add neutral yogurt. Apply the mass on the cleansed face in a thick layer. Leave the mask for a quarter of an hour and rinse with cool water. It is useful for older ladies to wipe the skin with a swab dipped in a solution of lemon juice after washing.

Home peeling with beta-hydroxy acids

The best substance in this series is aspirin. According to reviews, it gently dries the skin, disinfects it. Aspirin leads to exfoliation. This remedy lightens freckles. In addition, a cheap drug is sold in every pharmacy without a prescription. How to make such a peeling at home for the face? The recipe with aspirin (also called acetylsalicylic acid) is very simple and is used for all skin types. Three tablets need to be crushed. With dry skin, the powder is diluted in an incomplete spoonful of jojoba oil, and with oily skin - with plain water.

We add honey. It must be liquid. We put the mixture in a water bath and cook, stirring, until it thickens like sour cream. Apply to a thoroughly cleansed and steamed face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. We make an aspirin neutralizer: mix water and soda. Wash your face with this solution.

Skin cleansing for inflammation

Facial peeling at home for problematic skin requires disinfection. Scrubbing acne is not allowed. As an abrasive means suitable cosmetic clay (blue, pink or red), and for disinfection, take aspirin. Grind two tablets. Mix with a spoonful of clay. We dilute with water until a slurry is obtained. Drip bergamot oil there and tea tree. Let's put on a mask. Cover your face with a damp cloth. After a quarter of an hour, wash off with a neutralizer.

Professional glycol peeling for the face at home: a step by step recipe with a photo

We clean the face. Wipe it down with alcohol. Let's prepare the neutralizer. We smear the nostrils, lips and eyebrows with Vaseline. Using a brush, quickly apply Skin Obsession 30% to the face. Hold exactly one minute. Rinse off with a neutralizer. Apply nutritious cream. After a week, repeat the procedure, increasing the exposure time to two to three minutes.

The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis or skin, which includes five layers of epidermal cells, the dermis - connective tissue and subcutaneous fat. At regular intervals, the epidermis is renewed. Dead skin peels off. This is a natural part of healing, more often than not we don't notice this process. There are cases when, due to certain circumstances (exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation, malnutrition, bad habits) dead cells accumulate, clog pores, causing acne, the skin becomes dull, loses its elasticity and attractiveness.

Peeling eliminates:

  • acne;
  • Roughness;
  • Mimic wrinkles;
  • Sun spots;
  • pigmentation;
  • Freckles;
  • Enlarged pores.

Facial peeling benefits

There are several types of skin cleansing, peeling at home and chemical peeling, which is performed by professionals in beauty salons. During the procedure, a safe, non-toxic chemical solution is applied to the skin, which gently polishes and cleanses. skin covering, removing the damaged layer of the epidermis, stimulating the growth of new cells and the production of collagen. As a result:

  • The skin becomes brighter and fresher;
  • Scars and sunburns disappear;
  • Improved texture;
  • The production of collagen is stimulated, fine wrinkles disappear.

Benefit from peeling a wagon and a small cart. But not every woman has the opportunity and time to visit the salon. It doesn’t matter, peeling can be done at home without any problems, the main thing is to know the recipes for face peeling at home.

Features of pinning at home

Despite the apparent simplicity, in order to do peeling at home, you need to follow a number of rules. First, make sure that the skin is not affected by dermatological diseases, there are no open wounds and scratches. Don't overlook this point - it's very important!

The main difference between peeling at home and a salon procedure is that the active substances will only affect the upper layers. Please note that the effect of the home procedure is not long-lasting, and visible results do not appear immediately. However, over time, you will notice significant changes for the better.

Peeling algorithm at home:

  • The first thing to do is decide on the recipe;
  • Then clean the surface of the skin, wash with warm water;
  • Apply a peeling agent to the surface of the skin;
  • Remember most masks cannot be kept longer than 10-15 minutes;
  • Wash thoroughly with warm water, apply a nourishing cream.

Peeling is a serious cosmetic procedure that is significantly different from washing with a scrub. Therefore, we strongly do not recommend doing a chemical peel at home if you are not completely sure of the need for such a procedure or if you have obvious contraindications.

Ingredients for natural peeling

There are a number natural ingredients, which can be used for natural chemical peeling of the face. They contribute to the gentle exfoliation of dead cells. Therefore, apart from existing recipes, by combining these elements you can bring out your own elixir of youth and beauty.

Apples Orange
Bananas Pears
Cherries Papaya
Grapefruit A pineapple
Grape Raspberries
Lemon Strawberry
Lime Tomato

To prepare a peeling mask at home, it is enough to make a fruit puree from any or a combination of any of the listed fruits; mix it with homemade yogurt or milk and use as a mask. There is no need to buy expensive factory-made chemicals, it is enough to study the contents of the refrigerator and not be lazy to apply our recommendations.

How to do a chemical peel yourself?

There are two types of chemical peels based on alpha and beta hydroxy acids that can be isolated from organic sources such as citrus fruits, sugar cane, and willow bark. Both acids work as light chemical exfoliants, so they help exfoliate dead cells.

Although there are some similarities in mechanism of action, alpha hydroxy acids are used as a treatment for dry skin, and fat-soluble beta hydroxy acids are suitable for oily skin types.

Peeling recipe for dry skin

  1. Place equal parts cane sugar and cottage cheese into the mixing bowl of a food processor. These components are natural sources of glycolic acid;
  2. Whisk the two ingredients together to form a grainy paste;
  3. Using your fingertips, apply the mixture on your face, avoiding the eye area;
  4. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes, wash with cool water.

Peeling recipe for oily skin

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. baking soda 1 cup water. Mix the ingredients until the sodium carbonate is completely dissolved. This agent will work as an acid scavenger.
  2. Place about 12 aspirin tablets in a shallow container. Aspirin; source of salicylic acid a kind of BHA and pour it with lemon juice.
  3. Mash aspirin until a finely fractionated slurry is formed, if necessary, add lemon juice.
  4. Gently apply the mixture to your face with your fingers, avoiding the eye area. Keep the mask for no longer than 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  5. At the end, wipe your face with a solution of baking soda to restore the acid-base balance.

Organic Peeling Recipes

We bring to your attention another recipe in which the acid content is minimized, so among all the recipes, this one is best for sensitive skin. With this recipe, you can begin to practice deep cleansing to allow the dermis to adjust to the chemical treatment.

For cooking we need:

  • Chamomile extract;
  • Extract green tea;
  • Aloe vera;
  • Fresh cucumber.

This recipe is based on components such as chamomile and green tea extract, which produce a calming effect, reduce puffiness and tone up. Aloe Vera nourishes and hydrates while cucumber acts as a powerful astringent, bacteria killer and facial tightening agent. With this mask, you can get rid of even deep wrinkles. You can read more skincare tips in this article.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash 1 small cucumber, peel it and remove the seeds. Cut the cucumber into small pieces, put in a blender - chop until gruel is formed. Strain the puree through a sieve, clean cloth or cheesecloth, collect the liquid in a bowl and set aside for later use for now.
  2. Mix 2 tsp. pour green tea and chamomile with boiling water and heat over low heat for several minutes, strain the resulting broth.
  3. Pour the broth into a small container, add 25 gr. natural gelatin. Gently heat over low heat and stir until the gelatin dissolves. When the gelatin dissolves, add 1 tbsp to the cucumber juice. l. aloe vera juice and mix all the ingredients (warmed gelatin and a mixture of aloe and cucumber juices).
  4. Allow the gelatin to cool slightly, but do not bring it to complete solidification so that it can be applied to the skin of the face without any problems.
  5. Gently and evenly apply the resulting mask on the previously cleansed skin of the face and neck, avoiding the area above the upper lip and around the eyes.
  6. Turn on your favorite, preferably relaxing music, lie down and relax until the mask is completely dry.
  7. Peel off the skin, starting from the chin and exfoliate it moving up - a slight sensation of tickling or tickling is acceptable. Wash off the residue with warm water, wipe your face with a soft towel.

Peeling with calcium chloride at home

Before posting this article, some private research and experience with various types of first aid was carried out. medical care skin damaged by excessive sun exposure. To be honest, most people don't like spending money on expensive procedures who are unable to provide immediate results in best case do not help, and sometimes can hurt.

Through trial and error, we came to the conclusion that the best remedy to restore the skin - this is the so-called "Hollywood peeling". The recipe is simple and absolutely safe; the active substance in it is calcium chloride - a salt of calcium and chlorine. For the procedure, you will need (5 or 10%) calcium chloride solution, baby soap, cotton swabs and warm water.

Mode of application:

  1. Using a cotton swab, moisten the face with a solution of calcium chloride in several approaches, with short breaks between applications.
  2. Now dip your fingertips in warm water, take some baby soap and proceed directly to peeling.
  3. We recommend starting the procedure from the forehead, avoiding the area around the eyes. Do not rush, the skin of the face requires delicate handling.
  4. As soon as you touch your face with moistened soapy fingers, the epidermis will begin to flake off and roll into small white balls.
  5. Continue the process, periodically dipping your fingers in the soap again until no more spools of dead skin are formed.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wash your face with a warm stream, and to restore the acid-base balance, rub a moisturizer into the skin of the face or apply a moisturizing mask for 20 minutes.

Peeling with calcium chloride is not recommended to be done more than once a week. Remember, the key to success is following the instructions. We are talking about the use of chemicals and skin health, so in this case there should be no room for experimentation.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is a derivative of sugar cane and a member of the alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) family. It works as a gentle chemical exfoliant that loosens the surface layer of the skin, thereby helping to easily remove dead cells. Sequential topical application glycolic acid helps to remove age spots and freckles, removes mimic wrinkles. Due to this characteristic, glycolic acid is often used in anti-aging skin care products. Also, cosmetics manufacturers widely use this acid in the manufacture of products for the treatment of acne.

Please note that facial peeling with glycolic acid may cause slight irritation and redness of the skin. This normal phenomenon. But, as soon as you notice that the irritation becomes uncontrollable, stop using this type of peel immediately.

  1. Place 1/4 cup white cane sugar in a bowl. Avoid using coarse sugars as they can damage the skin.
  2. Whisking constantly, add the lemon juice to the sugar until the mixture forms a smooth paste. Lemon juice contains AHA type acid. Mixing it with cane sugar increases the effectiveness of the peeling.
  3. Use your fingers to apply the mask along the T-zone and cheekbones. Then spread evenly over the face and neck in circular motions. Starting from the nose and moving to the hairline, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm. So that after the peeling mask the skin does not dry out, use any moisturizer for the face.

Facial peeling at home and the recipes that you just learned about can be done on your own. Over time, we will publish new proven peeling recipes. Stay with us, leave likes and comments if the material turned out to be useful to you and remember, before cutting once, it is better to measure a hundred times. without unnecessary need, you should not experiment with appearance, especially for the face.

Refresh the complexion, cleanse the pores, relieve inflammation, even out the texture of the skin - all this will help to make a home peeling for the face. There are a lot of indications for its use, but there are also contraindications that must be taken into account. Choose the recipes of the best peeling products.

The skin of the face is a part of the body that is always open to all winds and the scorching rays of the sun, frost and harmful elements contained in the air. It looks like a sponge, which with its pores draws in microparticles of dirt, dust, substances invisible to the eye. As a result, pores are clogged, skin cells stop breathing fully, and you notice with horror in the mirror inflammation on the face, dull skin color and its general withering. To prevent this from happening, regularly clean your skin, which is not necessary to do in the salon. Today, home peeling of the face is affordable and highly effective procedure that will give your skin a new breath. Moreover, you can choose a variety of methods and recipes - the choice is quite wide.

How to do facial peeling at home?

Facial peeling at home can be done in different ways: each of the methods will differ in the means that you will need to prepare and the results. There are two main methods home peeling- mechanical and chemical.

  • Mechanical peeling of the face

Home mechanical peeling of the face includes cosmetics, which include abrasive (solid) particles. It can be crushed bones, nut shells, grains and others. natural ingredients. Once on the skin, they collect particles of dirt from the pores, cleansing them. To do a mechanical facial peel at home, you will need to do the following.

  1. Prepare a peeling agent (recipes will be given below): it can be a scrub, or a peeling mask.
  2. Steam your face. This is a prerequisite for effective peeling: none, even the most powerful remedy will not penetrate through closed pores. Herbs will provide an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, but they need to be selected according to your skin type:

FOR DRY use chamomile, mint, yarrow, sage, parsley, lemon balm, lime blossom, rose petals, hops, primrose, dill, comfrey, dandelion;
FOR OILY cook steam bath with oak bark, serpentine rhizome, leaves of St. John's wort, succession, chamomile flowers, wormwood, sage, coltsfoot; FOR PROBLEM fit pharmacy chamomile, calendula, aloe, St. John's wort, sage, horsetail, burdock root, mint, raspberry, plantain, celandine, birch buds.

  1. Scrub (this is quite hard and deep peeling) or gommage (provides a light, superficial peeling) apply to the skin and massage the face in circular motions for about 5 minutes (no longer needed to avoid skin damage). After that, it would be good to apply more nourishing mask, which you can also easily cook yourself.
  2. Apply the mask in circular motions on the face, massage the skin for a minute and leave for 10 minutes. Then massage again in circular motions and rinse off.
  3. After mechanical peeling of the face, be sure to apply your usual nourishing cream to calm her down from such stress.
  4. Mechanical peeling at home is enough to do once a week.

This is the method soft peeling(when compared with chemical), but its effect can be quite aggressive if the composition of the peeling agent includes large abrasive particles. If that's not enough for you, chemical home peels are at your service.

Previously, this procedure was available beauty, but modern cosmetology allows women to do it at home. In pharmacies, you can buy peeling masks based on fruit acids, which penetrate deep into the skin and cleanse the pores of impurities very thoroughly and for a long time.

  1. Buy at the pharmacy glycolic peeling or make your own salicylic.
  2. Apply the mixture on the skin of the wrist and wash off (after about 15 minutes). If within an hour there is no reaction (itching, burning, redness), you can safely apply the mixture directly to the skin of the face.
  3. Do not keep chemical peeling masks on your face for a long time: 7-10 minutes will be enough.
  4. After cleansing, lubricate your face with a nourishing or protective cream.

If you are not sure how your skin will react to a chemical peel that is quite aggressive in its action, then it is better to limit yourself to a simple mechanical cleansing of the face.

Before you immediately start peeling procedures for the face at home, you should familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications for it.

Indications and contraindications

All cosmetic procedures, both salon and home, have their own indications for use. It is impossible for no apparent reason to go and do a deep cleansing of the pores with clean and well-groomed skin or use lifting masks at the age of 20, when there should be no question of any facelift. Home peeling is no exception to this. general rule. It will be most effective if you follow the indications for its implementation:

  • Oily skin with enlarged pores , which need thorough, regular cleaning, as they most often collect a lot of very harmful substances, dead cells, sebaceous deposits and other contaminants that interfere with the full respiration of cells;
  • Withered, flabby, dull skin : women who have stopped waiting for cardinal changes (real miracles) from their reflection in the mirror can finally console themselves that peeling is the very procedure that can tidy up their skin.

Since peeling masks are introduced into the very structure of skin cells, they have a deep and sometimes aggressive impact, be sure to note that home peeling has a number of contraindications:

  • Problem skin : with severe inflammation, when there are too many acne and blackheads, peeling is better not to do, because the focus of inflammation will be affected and disturbed - the formations may intensify; however, when limited quantity rashes, you can occasionally turn to home peeling for help, as it eliminates those impurities that are the cause of the appearance of inflammatory foci on the face;
  • Skin diseases (rosacea, rosacea, acne, papillomas, melanoma, impetigo, keratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, chloasma, etc.);
  • Skin damage : open wounds on the face, recent injuries that have not yet healed, fresh footprints from seams;
  • Thin, delicate, sensitive skin : for such beauties, peeling cleansing is available, but limited in the number of procedures - it is not forbidden to do one (in special occasions two) once every 10 days, but at the same time choose exclusively gommage so as not to injure the skin.

Attention: if you are not sure that you can do home peeling for the face, it is better to refuse the procedure in favor of soft masks and daily washes.

If the degree of contamination of the pores is very high, it's time to go to the salon, where they can offer different kinds salon peels even for sensitive and problematic skin. For those who do not have any contraindications, there are many recipes for home peeling products that are ready to gently and effectively clean the pores and refresh the complexion.

Homemade facial peeling masks

The gentlest and most effective home peels are cleansing masks that you can prepare at home. With their correct and regular use, your skin will shine with youth and beauty. When choosing, be guided by the products indicated in the recipe: they should be familiar to you, do not cause you allergies and, if possible, should always be at hand, since regularity is one of essential conditions successful use of home peeling. The second criterion that you should be guided by when choosing a mask or scrub is your skin type, which may respond very favorably to some products and completely reject others. Therefore, be extremely careful when choosing a peeling agent.

1. FOR PROBLEM SKIN(if the level of rashes and inflammation is not too high)

  • Honey Pomegranate Peeling Mask

Put in a blender 4 tablespoons of ripe and juicy seeds, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, table. a spoonful of liquid honey. Grind.

  • Salt scrub

large sea ​​salt mix with raw egg white.


  • Lemon sugar peeling

Soak a cotton pad in lemon juice diluted halfway with water. sprinkle on top granulated sugar so that the grains stick to the fabric. Massage it into the skin for a few minutes.

  • Soda peeling

Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda in equal amounts with homemade fat-free kefir.


  • Oatmeal Cleansing Mask

2 table. spoons of oatmeal pour warm milk and leave them to swell for half an hour.

  • Creamy gommage mask

Mix a tablespoon of dried cream with 2 tablespoons of barley flour and 1 tablespoon of rice flour. Dilute until thick with olive oil.


  • Pineapple Peeling Mask

Grind 200 g of pineapple pulp in a blender, mix with 2 tablespoons of liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal.

  • Orange Peeling Mask

Put in a blender 3 tablespoons of dry orange peel, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, a tablespoon of almonds. Grind, bring to the density of warm milk.

  • Strawberry Scrub Mask

Mix the pulp of 3-4 medium-sized berries with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

  • Facial peeling with coffee grounds

Apply the remaining thick after drinking coffee on your face. You can dilute it with a few drops of olive oil or cream.

  • Cosmetic clay scrub mask

Grind the eggshell to a state of flour, mix 1 tablespoon with 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay, diluted in water to a thick state.

  • Salicylic chemical peel

Dissolve 1 tablet of regular aspirin in a few drops of water until a slurry is formed, add half a teaspoon of honey or faith.

  • Glycolic home peel

Get a scrub or mask based on glycolic acid at the pharmacy. Apply to skin thin layer no more than 10 minutes. Do not touch such delicate, sensitive areas of the skin as the area around the eyes, lips, wings of the nose. The best option is to do glycol peeling at home exclusively on the basis of proven, certified pharmacy preparations. You do not need to try to prepare a solution yourself from a concentrated acid that is powerful enough in its action, as this Chemical substance very active and can burn the skin if not handled properly.

Home peeling for the face: effective method deep and quality cleansing faces

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Facial peeling is one of the most common cosmetic procedures, allowing the fair sex to preserve their own youth and beauty. Of course, you can get it in any beauty salon, but why pay more? Peeling at home has the same properties, but costs several times cheaper.

The reason for the wild popularity of homemade peeling is its versatility. And, really, no other salon offer is able to cope with such a set of problems. What are the properties of home peeling?

  • Cleanses the skin from sebaceous plugs;
  • Removes the keratinized layer of the epidermis;
  • Improves the outflow of sebum;
  • Eliminates pigmentation;
  • Smoothes wrinkles, scars and scars;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Activates the work of immunocomplete cells.

Features of homemade peels

Experts in the field of cosmetology distinguish three types of peels: superficial, median and deep. Most home remedies are of the first type. They remove the granular and horny layer of the skin, reduce pigmentation and smooth out small scars and wrinkles.

The procedure does not require a long recovery and does not take much time. At the end of the peeling, the skin may swell a little and turn red, and after a few days you may notice slight peeling. Don't worry, all these problems will disappear in as soon as possible leaving behind a soft, silky and visibly rejuvenated face.

As for medium and deep cleansing, these are more serious procedures that can only be carried out by a professional cosmetologist.

Types of home peels

Acid peeling is considered the most popular for the face. It allows you to treat skin at any age and get amazing results. There are many acids used for this peeling. Interested? Well, it remains only to choose the right recipe and take the first step towards perfect beauty.

Fruit peeling

Most fruits known to us contain biologically active components. They remove old ones and promote skin rejuvenation. But before you start cleansing your skin, make sure that a particular fruit is well tolerated.

Papaya + Pineapple: Squeeze the juice from the pulp of papaya (100g) and pineapple (100g). Mix with a spoonful of honey and apply to the skin wiped with tonic. After five minutes, wash your face with cool water and blot your face with a clean napkin.

Strawberries + Apple: Blend 2-3 strawberries and 1 small apple in a blender. Lubricate the face with this mixture, leaving the area around the eyes untouched. Wash after 5 minutes clean water.

Lemon + Water: This peeling has a stronger effect, suitable for wrinkled skin. Mix equal parts of filtered water and lemon juice (necessarily freshly squeezed). Apply the mass on the face and wait for about five minutes. Then wash and lubricate skin light cream without vaseline. Carry out the procedure three times a week. After 14 days, the amount of lemon juice can be doubled.

Results should be expected in three months.

Glycolic peeling

Until recently, this type of peeling was not available to most ordinary women. But with the advent of special products based on glycolic acid in pharmacies, the situation has changed radically. Now every woman who wants to bring herself into a divine form can purchase the treasured tube with a mask or scrub. They are applied to the face wiped with tonic and kept for about five minutes. The area around the eyes and lips is left untouched.

An alternative to ready-made products will be sugar and yogurt, taken in equal quantities. Mix both components to a paste-like consistency and apply not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

Glycolic acid acts very gently, but the result of such cleansing is truly admirable - the skin becomes fresh and even.

Keep in mind, peeling can cause a slight burning sensation, this is an absolutely adequate reaction. Avoid direct sunlight and do not use other cosmetics for about four hours. This will help you avoid irritation. Do not forget about contraindications, which include acne, wounds and inflammation present on the face.

Salicylic peeling

Another sparing procedure that works only with the upper layer of the epidermis and does not provoke its inflammation. With this procedure, you will cleanse the skin of acne and improve its color, remove the stratum corneum and stabilize the sebaceous glands.

Recipe: Dissolve 2 tablets of aspirin (salicylic acid) in 2 teaspoons of plain water. In the resulting paste, you can add a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Be careful, it is contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes, wash your face, wipe the skin with soda tonic (1 tsp per glass of water) and rinse your face again with clean water. At the end of the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Enzyme peeling

The essence of this method is the use of scrubs containing enzymes. These are special enzymes that dissolve and remove the dead layer of cells. Enzyme peeling is suitable not only for the face and neck, but also for the décolleté area. Apply it exactly for a quarter of an hour on cleansed skin.

Contraindications are damage to the face and the presence of acne.

Retinoic peeling

Retinoic acid, which is part of the peeling, removes dark spots, evens out the skin and improves its structure. For best effect the tool is used once a week for about a month and a half. Leave on for half an hour, then wash off with cool water.

Milk peeling

Useful peeling based on lactic acid is available to everyone. It is enough to lubricate the face with kefir or sour cream, leave the product for 15 minutes, and then remove the film with light circular movements.

Almond peeling

This peeling will benefit not only the face, but also the body. It is especially good in summer heat, when enlarged pores literally absorb all the dust and dirt.

To prepare almond peeling you will need:

  • kaolin - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • juice squeezed from the pulp of aloe - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • lavender oil - 10 drops,
  • almonds (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • oatmeal (ground) - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour kaolin, almonds and oatmeal with warm water (about 70 degrees). Then add almond oil and aloe. Stir the resulting mixture and let it thicken. It remains to add lavender oil and apply the mixture for ten minutes.

Repeat the process twice a week for bold type and once every 10 days - when dry. Avoid bright sunlight for the next few days.

Chemical peel

For this peeling you will need a solution of calcium chloride (5-10%). If you are doing the procedure for the first time, give preference to a weaker option. Apply the solution to the skin in a not too thick layer. Wait for it to dry and apply another one. Repeat this four to eight times. As soon as the last layer dries, lather your hands with baby soap and roll the mask in a circular motion.

Together with it, you will remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, as well as all the dirt that has accumulated in your pores. At the end of the procedure, rinse your face with water and apply a soothing or moisturizing mask.

Remember, a chemical peel should not burn or sting your face. Otherwise, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water.

Salt peeling

Simple, affordable, but at the same time very effective way skin cleansing. After salt peeling, the face becomes soft and smooth, and existing pigmentation and freckles become less noticeable.

  • Oily and acne prone skin - 2 tbsp. l. cream or 1 tbsp. l. sour cream (preferably homemade), mix with a teaspoon of salt (fine). Spread the mixture over the entire face, leave for 5 minutes, and then treat every centimeter of skin with gentle movements. Repeat twice a week;
  • Dry skin - fine salt + the same amount of soda. Repeat two to three times a month;
  • Thin and dry skin - oatmeal (1 tbsp.) + vegetable oil(1 tbsp) + fine salt (1 tsp). Repeat once every three weeks;
  • Sensitive skin - oatmeal (1 tablespoon), diluted with warm yogurt, water or low-fat kefir + soda (1/4 teaspoon).
  • Decollete and neck - once every 30 days.

At the end of the peeling, lubricate the skin with a cream (with a nourishing or moisturizing effect). You can also use ready cosmetic mask. Experts recommend having a beauty session before going to bed, this will give you more time to recover.

And the last thing: with the advent of the summer heat, owners of thick and greasy skin should limit the use of salt peeling. But women with dry, thin and sensitive skin you can even refuse it altogether.

clay peeling

Clay - natural material, which has remarkable cleansing and adsorbing properties. You can use it as a single product, or you can mix it with natural abrasives ( coffee grounds or ground eggshells).

Oat peeling

A very soft and pleasant way, which will surely appeal to tired and sensitive skin.

Recipe: mix a handful of hercules or bran with warm water. Apply the resulting porridge on a wet face, walk along the massage lines and rinse with water. Do the course - every evening for 14 days.

Coffee peeling

Love brewed coffee? Great! Collect the thick remaining in the Turk or coffee maker, dry it and pour it into a clean jar. Mix coffee with water as needed, apply to face and rinse in circular motions.

Home peeling - contraindications

Each type of peeling has its own “forbidden” list, but the total number of contraindications includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of damage and inflammation on the intended area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • sunny weather - fraught with hyperpigmentation;
  • individual sensitivity to peeling components;
  • conducting treatment courses (telangiectasia or hirsutism).

Self-peeling of the face - how to fix the effect?

To keep the skin perfect condition it is necessary to provide her with proper and complete care.

First, use lotions or tonics. They will clean and tighten enlarged pores, as well as restore the acid-base balance.

Secondly, moisturize your face with moisturizer.

Third, remember about nutrition and recovery.

As you can see, you don't have to spend a lot of money to take care of yourself. Each of you can create beauty at home, and our homemade recipes are the best confirmation.

Facial peels are now fashionable acid peels, and scrubs that do not lose their positions. Both of them perfectly remove dead epidermis, accelerate the process of skin rejuvenation, open and help cleanse pores, and improve complexion.

For some skin types, scrubs are preferable to acids. Scrubs are great for those who have thick, oily and blemish-prone skin.

In this case, the scrub particles exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cleanse the mouths of the sebaceous glands, and facilitate the penetration of medicinal and caring components deep into the skin.

They are great for those with normal to combination skin. For such skin, it is better to choose smaller abrasive particles of the scrub, and you need to use the scrub no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. For such skin, a scrub will excellent preparation for applying masks or creams, massage and other care procedures.

In addition, scrubs, unlike acids, do not increase skin photosensitivity, do not provoke the appearance of pigmentation, are not a contraindication for visiting the beach or solarium immediately after the procedure, and do not require special preparation. That is, scrubs do not violate the normal life of a person either before or after the procedure.

At home, you can prepare yourself many different scrubs, which will differ in the stiffness of the abrasives used, and, accordingly, will be poured onto the skin in different ways. Therefore, anyone, if desired, will be able to choose the best recipe for themselves.

We'll start with the most soft options scrubs for the very thin and delicate skin of the face and finish with hard scrubs.

Variety of homemade scrubs

Recipe 1. Soft scrub with citrus peels

Peels of an orange or lemon must be dried and ground in a blender or coffee grinder into a medium-sized powder. If the crusts are not crushed, they need to be allowed to lie down a little more or slightly dry in the oven until they break in the hands.

Powder from the peels for the procedure must be mixed with a spoonful of sour cream or cream. The mixture is applied to the face with gentle massaging movements. Washes off with water.

Recipe 2. From ground coffee. Classics of the genre

Many people know that you can scrub your skin with drunk coffee. But few people know that a coffee scrub can be turned into an excellent facial care and aromatherapy treatment with a complex effect, if you use our next recipe to prepare it.

You will need:

  • ground coffee half a teaspoon;
  • colorless henna teaspoon;
  • pinch of cinnamon;
  • basil, oregano, bergamot, a pinch of each.

If you are afraid of a skin reaction in the form of redness, then you can not add basil, oregano and bergamot at all for the first time, and add one at a time in subsequent times. But usually there is no skin reaction.

All ingredients must be mixed, pour hot water and let it brew. The mixture should turn out mushy and slightly slimy due to henna.

A slightly warm slurry is applied to the face with soft massage movements. After the massage, the mixture can be left on the skin for 10-15 minutes.

Colorless henna is an excellent skin care product for any type of skin. It gives the skin softness and velvety. Thanks to the preparatory effect of the coffee scrub, henna acts on the skin more effectively.

Cinnamon and other spices help to relax and meditate due to their scent, which can linger on the skin even for a while after the mask is washed off. If the grinding of spices is coarse, then particles of spices will also have an additional exfoliating effect. The mask is washed off with warm water.

Recipe 3. With chopped rice and cottage cheese

This scrub combines the abrasive particles of ground rice and lactic acid from cottage cheese. Rice groats for the scrub are ground in a coffee grinder. For one procedure, we need half a teaspoon of cereal.

Mix rice powder with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. If the mixture is too dense, then dilute it with an additional small amount of olive oil.

We distribute it over the face with massage movements, we can leave it as a mask for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water.

Recipe 4. From eggshell and lemon juice

Another combined version of abrasive particles and acids. This scrub is perfect for those who want to whiten their skin.

Before grinding eggshell, it must be washed and that colorless film that lines the shell from the inside is removed. Otherwise, the shell will not grind well in a blender or coffee grinder.

For 1 procedure, you need to take a third of a spoonful of shell powder without a slide and mix it with lemon juice. It is not necessary to dilute strongly, so that later the scrub does not spread over the face.

The composition is applied to the face with soft massage movements, washed off with water.

Recipe 5. With brown sugar

For the procedure, you can take the usual molasses cane sugar. It is usually quite moist and soft. But if the sugar is dry and individual grains are not held in soft lumps, then you can add a little water. Again, exfoliation and aromatherapy.

Recipe 6. With salt

Peeling is ideal for oily skin, especially in hot weather. For the face, you need to take medium-sized salt. For one procedure, you need a third of a teaspoon without a slide. You can lightly moisten the salt with whey or water.

Recipe 7. With nut shells

To prepare homemade peeling, you can take the shells of pine nuts or apricot and plum pits. The only difficulty is to grind them.

For peeling, a third of a teaspoon of crushed nutshells can be mixed into any skin cream and applied to the face with massage movements. Then rinse with water.

Can be done at home a large number of superficial enzyme and acid peels for the face, as well as medium peeling trichloroacetic acid.

Video: Median peeling

Chemical cleaning middle impact

It is no secret that a number of facial skin defects can be removed only with the help of median peeling. And it can also be made at home.

Stage 1. Preparation of the skin for the procedure.

Do not immediately take a vial of trichloroacetic acid and apply it to your face. The effect of an unprepared skin for the action of acid can be unpredictable.

To prepare for peeling at home, it is best to follow the salon preparation scheme: cosmetics with acids - superficial peels - medium peels.

If the skin is emaciated, dehydrated and sensitive, then in order to prevent it from becoming even more dry during the median peeling procedure, it is recommended to carry out a course of hyaluronic acid injections intradermally ().

We will need an azelaic acid cream for young skin prone to oiliness and clogged pores, or a retinoic acid cream (Differin, for example) for aging skin who urgently needs rejuvenation. You can use creams from the lines professional cosmetics, which are specially developed as means of pre-peeling preparation. In the composition of creams, the content of acids reaches 6-10%, and sometimes 15%. Such creams can be easily bought in most salons.

Shop creams with AHA acids will not work, since the acid content there rarely exceeds 3%.

The selected cream should be used for at least 2 weeks in order for the skin to prepare for the median peeling. At the same time, you need to start using sun protection with an SPF of at least 50.

Two weeks after the start of using the cream, the first superficial peeling procedure can be carried out. The best preparation for a medium peel is a superficial peel performed by by professional means or lactic acid peel.

For a lactic acid peel, you will need lactic acid itself in solution or powder. It is sold in soap shops. When buying a solution, you need to pay attention to its concentration.

Usually an 80% solution is sold. It will need to be diluted to a 30% solution. Gradually, from procedure to procedure, it is possible to increase the concentration of acid up to 40%.

You should not use a more concentrated acid, as it will need to be washed off using a neutralizer.

lactic acid treatment

Step 1. The face should be washed with mild water. detergent(gel wash or foam), wipe dry and degrease with an alcohol-containing lotion or ordinary medical alcohol.

Step 2 On the skin cotton pad the acid solution is applied with soft circular movements from the forehead to the chin. It is necessary to ensure that the areas of application of the drug do not overlap, but are in close contact. The exposure time of the acid on the skin is 2-3 minutes. Then the remaining solution is washed off with cool water.

Step 3 After washing, you can do a moisturizing facial procedure, for example, apply alginate or cream mask. After the procedure, a cream is applied to the skin.

Video: Facial peeling with lactic acid at home

Usually it takes 2-3 superficial peeling facial skin with an interval of 10 days. This allows the surface of the epidermis to be smoothed and its thickness to be evened out, which allows trichloroacetic acid to penetrate evenly, and the skin to gain a “margin of strength” in order to quickly and effectively respond to injury.

Stage 2. Performing median peeling. For medium peels, it is best to use trichloroacetic acid or TCA.

TCA peeling at home is carried out using the following tools:

  • trichloroacetic acid;
  • soda;
  • cleanser with triclosan or antibiotics in the composition to provide antibacterial skin protection;
  • degreasing lotion or alcohol;
  • cream with triclosan for post-peeling care by Sesderma or a cream with three antibiotics in the composition.

Cosmetic properties milk have been known since ancient times, when the most famous beauties took milk baths. Learn more about how to do it right.

Peeling with fruit acids in the salon is one of the most popular services. fruit acids for the face are very useful, but they must be used carefully. .

How is the TCA facial peel done at home?

Preparation for the procedure

We take trichloroacetic acid and dilute it to a state of 20%. 25% is the maximum concentration. The optimal concentration for the first use can generally be considered a concentration of 15%.

We apply the diluted acid to any covered area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to make sure that it does not cause allergies.

Step 1. Wash your face with water mild agent for washing, wipe dry, degrease.

Step 2. Apply acid. To do this, pour a 20% acid solution into a shallow container and take two cotton buds. It is not recommended to apply acids to the skin with a cotton swab, because in the absence of application experience, you can get on the skin around the eyes, the red border of the lips, apply acid in overlapping layers or skip some areas. We take cotton swabs in right hand so that they are parallel to each other and their heads are in contact.

We dip cotton swabs in the acid solution and apply it on the face, starting from the forehead from middle line to the periphery in parallel "paths". Then, in the same way, we apply acids on the cheeks, chin and nose. We bypass the area around the eyes, the transition of the skin of the nose into the mucous membrane, lips.

We apply one layer. Hold 2-3, maximum 4 minutes. To reduce the burning sensation, you can use a hair dryer, turning on the cold air supply.

Step 3. Wash off the acid. To neutralize the acid, we take a solution of soda. In order not to cause additional damage to the skin by an actively occurring reaction between acid and soda, we apply the soda solution with a slightly wrung out cotton pad in several layers: one layer of the neutralizer was applied - the reaction was over - the next one was applied.

A feature of soda-based neutralizers is that when interacting with an acid, they give a reaction with gas evolution. On the face, it will be felt as a slight hiss. Rinse off acid and soda residues with plenty of water.

Step 4. Apply a moisturizer and antibiotic cream to the face. Stage 3. Post-peel care.

For post-peel care you will need:

  • antibiotic cream;
  • panthenol or bepanthen;
  • a good moisturizing facial gel, serum or ampoule concentrates;
  • mild skin cleanser.
  1. On the first day after peeling, you can’t do anything with your face: you can’t wash your face, you can’t make up, you can’t touch your hands once again.
  2. Definitely needs to be changed bed sheets on clean and ironed with a hot iron, and even better boiled before ironing.
  3. Panthenol for the first time is better to take in the form of foam. Apply panthenol and triple antibiotic cream to the skin every three hours. Serum or ampoule concentrate should be applied to the skin 2 times a day to accelerate regeneration.
  4. In the first week, you will have to refuse to visit the bath and sauna, swimming pool, and sports. It is worth refusing to participate in cleaning, carpet cleaning, sweeping and any other work in which dirt and dust can get on your face.
  5. The resulting crusts cannot be torn off, you need to wait for them to fall off on their own.
  6. When young skin appears from under the crusts, it must be protected from overdrying with a cream.

Video: TCA peeling

What results can be expected from trichloroacetic acid

Active exfoliation

Due to this, the old epidermis leaves, and the new one turns out to be lighter and more uniform in color, age spots disappear. The surface of the skin is smoothed, the face reflects light in a new way, because it seems that the skin glows from the inside. Small wrinkles are smoothed out.


superficial salon cleaning face using glycolic acid is very popular today. Details .

How often can you do

You can repeat the median peeling no more than two times per course. The minimum interval between procedures should be at least 6 weeks.