The best recipes for age-related face masks for skin rejuvenation. How to restore youthful skin: simple home recipes

Women will do anything to save longer youth your face and body. However, time cannot be stopped and it invariably leaves marks on one’s appearance. But fortunately, there are special anti-aging masks that help stop these changes.

There is nothing easier than going to a beauty salon, where highly qualified specialists will help you deal with wrinkles. However, not everyone has enough money to salon treatments. And this is where homemade anti-aging masks come to the rescue.

However, before you start using such masks, you need to set exactly the goal that should be achieved thanks to such a mask. If your skin is aging, then it is most likely recommended to use masks made from dry herbs mixed in different quantities, as well as oil masks with the addition of fruits, yolks and other components.

Anti-aging face masks, which you can prepare yourself, help quickly and effectively restore youth to aging skin. They are a true treasure for those who constantly improve themselves, as they are able to actively and very quickly influence problem area face or body.

Masks need to be applied a couple of times a week, and the course should be approximately 20 sessions.

Popular recipes.

  • Made from oatmeal

It is very popular among women hercules mask, made at home yourself. It is made with the addition of aloe juice. You need to grind a couple of tablespoons of rolled oats flakes and pour boiling water over them. Wait until they swell. Then you need to add a couple of tablespoons of aloe juice and a little bit of unrefined vegetable oil. A similar mask is placed on the face for ten minutes. After this time, the mask should be removed.

  • Tomato

Homemade rejuvenating face masks made from tomatoes are an excellent anti-aging remedy. The fact is that tomatoes have a beneficial effect on the skin, as they have the ability to reduce wrinkles and return a pleasant, even color to the face.

To make it, simply apply ripe tomato pulp on your face, and after 10 minutes wash with cold water. If your skin is prone to dryness, then add a small amount of olive oil to the tomato pulp.

  • Rye

A fairly simple but effective folk remedy for rejuvenating facial skin is a dough made from rye flour. You need to combine a couple of handfuls of flour with water and knead the cake. The resulting cake should be placed on the face for about 20 minutes, and then the dough is washed off with warm water. This mask perfectly enriches the epidermis with B vitamins, rejuvenates and nourishes it.

  • Yagodnaya

Strawberries have an excellent rejuvenating effect. This is truly a unique product. You need to take several ripe strawberries, mash them and pour the pre-beaten white of one egg into this puree.

The resulting substance must be placed on the face for ten minutes. After this time, you need to wash your face with running water. This option is more suitable for oily skin. If there are flaky areas or dryness, then it is better to add a little fresh cream to the composition.

  • Lemon-berry

This is an excellent anti-aging facial mask. To make it, take the juice of one lemon and grated raspberries or cranberries. Required amount combine berry puree with honey and lemon juice, as well as sea ​​buckthorn oil, (taken one teaspoon at a time), beat in the egg yolk.

Everything should be whisked and spread in a thin layer on the skin of the neck and face. After half an hour, remove.

  • Yeast mask of youth.

A tablespoon of pressed or dry baker's yeast is dissolved in heated milk and left in a warm place for about five minutes. At this time, grate horseradish root and a small apple, mix them in a 1 to 1 ratio, add a milk-yeast mixture and a little oil (sea buckthorn or peach).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mask is applied in an even layer. After fifteen minutes, wash it off with warm water. This procedure not only rejuvenates, but also has a brightening effect, tones, and shrinks pores.

It should be remembered that before you start applying the mask to your face, you need to steam it to open the pores. This is done using a water bath, medicinal herbs, such as celandine, chamomile, mint or calendula. After steam bath the skin will better perceive the components of the anti-aging mask.

A special compress perfectly helps get rid of facial wrinkles and perfectly refreshes the face. You need to take a glass of natural wine, pour 10 grams of dry wine into it pharmaceutical chamomile and pour in salicylic alcohol (about a teaspoon).

Let it brew for a week, then strain. Soak a cloth with this lotion and apply it to the face (except for the eyes) for five minutes. A similar procedure must be carried out once every 24 hours throughout the week. And the remaining lotion should be used for daily hygiene care behind the face.

Of course, not only the face requires care, but also the whole body, and especially the hands. They most often show their age, and therefore it is worth taking diligent care of them. can be prepared from the same ingredients as for the face.

At self-production masks at home there is no need to adhere to any strict recipe. Just remember that you need to use the ingredients deep acting. These are egg white and yolk, wax or paraffin, gelatin.

For vegetables and fruits, it is better to use pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, watermelons, melon pulp, and sea buckthorn. After all, fruit acids can make the skin soft, saturate it with moisture, and eliminate facial wrinkles.

Since the skin of the hands often becomes dry and dehydrated, moisturizing and nourishing masks are suitable for it.

  • Chamomile

For skin prone to dryness, the following is ideal: homemade mask to preserve youth. It is also necessary for aging skin. Take a glass of pre-prepared chamomile infusion (pour a couple of tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 30 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour).

After a while, when the solution has cooled, you need to add a spoonful of finely chopped flax seed to it and mix everything thoroughly. Apply this mixture warm for 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin on your hands and face with lotion. After such a procedure, you do not need to leave the house for an hour, and before leaving you should moisturize your hands with cream.

It is necessary to grate a not too large apple, beat the yolk of one egg into the resulting applesauce, pour in a spoonful of liquid honey and just a little sea buckthorn oil. Keep on skin for 15 minutes. After such a procedure, you need to wipe the skin with an ice cube and then it will amaze you with its elasticity, smoothness and tenderness.

  • From avocado

A homemade rejuvenating mask made from this nutritious fruit has a good effect on the skin. It rids the skin of microscopic wrinkles. You need to peel the avocado, mash it and pour in the yolk of one egg.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the mass is applied to the skin of the face (which is thoroughly cleansed before the procedure). Leave for 20 minutes, then remove the mask and treat the skin with tonic.

Masks - five minutes

  • The most popular is a mask made from apples and honey. You need to take one apple, grate it, add a few teaspoons of honey and olive oil. Apply this mask to your face in a thin layer. Just five minutes and the anti-aging composition can be removed from the face.
  • Or take 100 grams of rolled oats, grind them in a coffee grinder, pour hot milk and add a spoonful of vegetable oil (preferably olive). Apply the composition for 20 minutes.
  • You can use applesauce and sour cream mixed in equal proportions as a mask to restore youth. Or mix honey with fresh egg yolk.
  • Well rejuvenates and yogurt mask. A 100 gram jar of yogurt will require a teaspoon. baking soda and some warm water. The components are mixed and applied to the face for 5 minutes.


Young girls often overestimate their skin, believing that they are not in danger of developing wrinkles, which means they don’t need to use skin care products. But this is a big mistake, because even young skin often suffers from various kinds problems. Since the skin between the ages of 18 and 25 is considered young, it is the representatives of this age category acne is common, excessive dryness and sensitivity skin. In most cases, such phenomena are associated with incorrect selection of cosmetics. If even after consulting with a cosmetologist and selecting the optimal cosmetics according to your skin type, imperfections cannot be eliminated, homemade masks will come to the rescue.

Skin problems between the ages of 18 and 25 arise due to improper care

Why does young skin need care?

When we are young, we rarely think about the fact that sooner or later we will see wrinkles and age-related skin changes in the mirror. This is why many young girls either do not use skin care products at all, or limit themselves to one universal cream, which often does not suit your skin type.

This is what it's all about main danger, because prevention is The best way fight wrinkles. Without giving due importance to the condition of the skin in at a young age, we risk seeing the first signs of aging by the age of thirty, which will be much more difficult to combat than to prevent them. Skin at a young age is rarely normal type. As a rule, it is either too dry or oily and prone to inflammation.

Timely determination of skin type is the main task that you should set for yourself. young girl to start taking care of your skin as soon as possible. An important component of literate and effective care for the face is the use of not only creams, but also masks (preferably self-prepared ones, because at a young age they are most effective). The main task of homemade masks is aimed at:

  • deep hydration, elimination of flaking and tightness;
  • cleansing pores, lightening blackheads;
  • normalization of sebum secretion, matting, delicate drying;
  • dissolution of the stratum corneum of the skin and improvement oxygen metabolism in cells.

It is important to recognize your skin type as early as possible and start proper care.

Also, do not forget that even problem-free young skin needs regular care because she is constantly exposed to unfavorable weather conditions(overheating, hypothermia, overdrying) and absorbs dirt from environment. The resource of skin immunity is not eternal, and at one moment normal skin may turn into a problem. Therefore, young skin no less than mature skin needs quality care.

When choosing skincare products, it is important to consider that skin between 18 and 25 years of age is more sensitive than at other ages. This is connected with the development of the body, because the growth of bones and the formation endocrine system stops only at the age of 25. This means that homemade face masks should be as natural as possible, not containing synthetic substances and too aggressive ingredients, including concentrated acids, mustard powder, vinegar, cinnamon and other similar ingredients.

Homemade face masks will help best effect on the skin than store-bought ones!

The universal components of masks are considered different kinds kaolin powder, egg yolks and whites, honey, aloe juice, lactic acid products, natural vegetable oils virgin, vegetables and fruits. One of the most dangerous mistakes is adding alcohol to homemade masks to dry them out. oily skin. There is an opinion that alcohol has a beneficial effect on oily and combination skin, but this is a big misconception.

In fact, alcohol disrupts the secretion of sebum, destroying the protective lipid film of the skin. After such rapid drying of the upper layer of the epidermis, the pores begin to more actively produce oil, trying to restore the disturbed balance. As a result, the skin becomes even more oily, but even this bad influence alcohol doesn't run out.

Under the influence of ethanol, an enhanced process of keratinization occurs on the surface of the skin, that is, the growth of the top layer consisting of dead scales, which clog the pores and provoke the appearance of external and subcutaneous acne. That is why it is strictly forbidden to add alcohol to home remedies for young skin.

How often to use masks?

Young skin does not need to be nourished and restored too often, so the frequency of using homemade masks should vary from once a week to once every two weeks. IN in this case It is not the frequency of care that is important, but its regularity. In addition, before applying the mask, you need to carefully prepare the skin, and the preparation should consist of two stages.

Before applying the mask, cleanse your face of impurities and tone your skin.
  • Cleansing. This process includes removing makeup using wipes, micellar water or milk, and washing with water and a mild cleanser.
  • Toning. Tonic is not just a pamper for the skin, but a competent completion of the cleansing stage and preparation for the application of care products. The toner can be selected according to your skin type, and you should wipe your face with it immediately after washing to restore the acid balance of the skin.

Only after these two stages can a serum, cream or mask be applied to the skin.

Mask recipes for young skin

Caring masks must be selected strictly for your skin type, otherwise their use will not be beneficial, but harmful. For example, a nourishing mask applied to oily skin will only increase sebum secretion and cause a lot of trouble for a young girl.

Masks for oily skin

The most common skin type in girls is oily. Often its owners are bothered by rashes, closed comedones and subcutaneous pimples that do not in the best possible way affect the texture of the skin, making it lumpy. Such skin must be delicately dried and cleansed.

Olive oil perfectly cleanses pores, dissolving sebaceous plugs
  • Option one. Olive oil cleanses pores well of sebaceous plugs. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil, 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 3 drops of essential oil tea tree. Turn the mixture into an emulsion by whisking it thoroughly. Apply the mask to your slightly steamed face after a bath and leave for half an hour.
  • Option two. The mask effectively tightens enlarged pores without disturbing natural sebum secretion. In a small bowl, mix one egg white, 1 tsp. honey and 4 drops of bitter orange essential oil. Apply the mask to a slightly damp face, focusing Special attention The T-zone, which most often suffers from excessive oiliness. Leave the mask on your face for twenty minutes, then rinse your face with cool water.
  • Option three. Yellow clay cleanses, dries and soothes the skin, and also eliminates inflammation. Prepare the following ingredients: 2 tsp. yellow clay, 1 tbsp. fat homemade yogurt without additives, 1/2 tsp. sea ​​salt finely ground and a pinch of baking soda. Mix all ingredients to a homogeneous mushy consistency and apply a thick layer to dry facial skin for twenty minutes.

Masks for combination skin

Generally, combination skin looks like an oily one, and it also needs to be gently dried, but the ingredients for masks of this type should also moisturize and soothe, since often those who wear of this type With an oily T-zone, dry cheeks are observed.

Oatmeal and oils guarantee a soothing and exfoliating effect
  • Option one. A gently cleansing, exfoliating and soothing mask. Mix 2 tbsp. oatmeal with 1 tsp. sour cream, add 3 drops of juniper essential oil and 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Wait for the oatmeal to swell and apply the mask to your face in a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The exposure time of the mask is twenty minutes.
  • Option two. The mask deeply cleanses and soothes the skin, leaving you feeling fresh and comfortable. To prepare the mask you will need 2 tbsp. tomato puree, from which the skin must first be removed, 1 tsp. warm milk, 1 tsp. oils grape seed and 3 drops of petitgrain essential oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to damp skin for half an hour, then remove the residue with a napkin and rinse your face with warm water.
  • Option three. Simple and very effective mask, which fights inflammation without drying out the skin. In a small container, mix 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. dry green clay powder and 1 tsp. sour cream. Apply the mask to the skin and leave for half an hour, then wash with warm water and a mild cleanser.

Masks for normal skin

At a young age, normal skin needs high-quality cleansing and minimal care, so light one-component masks, which should be applied to damp skin after washing and toning, are ideal for it.

Simple one-component masks are suitable for normal skin types.
  • Option one. A moisturizing mask that gives the face healthy color. Grind two cucumbers with the peel using a blender. Apply the resulting paste to the skin for forty minutes, after which remove the remaining residue with a napkin and rinse your face with cool water.
  • Option two. A cleansing and moisturizing mask that evens out the complexion. Whisk four quail eggs and apply the resulting mixture to your skin. If you don't like the smell raw eggs, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mask. The mask should be washed off with lukewarm water.
  • Option three. Kefir mask not only cleanses and nourishes the skin, but also has an antibacterial effect. Apply “live” kefir (no more than two days from the date of production) in a thick layer to cleansed skin of the face and neck. The exposure time of the mask is forty minutes. Remove the remaining kefir with a paper towel. You don’t need to wash your skin after the mask.

Masks for dry and sensitive skin

Moisturizing and soothing the skin - important condition her health. Homemade nourishing masks will help cope with dryness, remove flaking of the skin, and also delay the appearance of wrinkles and creases. Do not forget that the skin of the neck and upper third of the décolleté also needs moisturizing, so if possible, try to apply masks to these areas as well.

Apply the mask not only to the face, but also to the upper décolleté and neck area
  • Option one. An ultra-hydrating mask that... a short time is able to completely restore the protective lipid layer of the skin. To prepare the mask you will need one egg yolk, 1/2 tsp. jojoba oil, 1/2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. fresh juice aloe Mix all ingredients with a blender and apply to dry skin, including the area around the eyes. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse with warm water using a mild cleanser.
  • Option two. A soothing and restorative mask that can quickly get rid of itching and flaking of the skin. Prepare the following ingredients: 2 sprigs of fresh parsley, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 potato and 5 g butter. Peel the potatoes, boil and puree. Parsley with sour cream and softened butter Blend until smooth using an immersion blender. Mix potatoes with the resulting mixture and apply the mask in a thick layer to dry skin of the face and neck. The mask exposure time is 30 minutes. Remove any remaining puree with a paper towel and wash with a mild cleanser.
  • Option three. Simple mask, which can improve complexion, give it radiance and moisturize the skin for a long time. You will need 200 g of ripe melon, the pulp of which must be crushed and added 1 tsp. wheat germ oils. Apply the resulting paste to your face, neck and décolleté for forty minutes, then remove the remaining mask and rinse your face with cool water without cleansers.

By regularly using the suggested recipes for homemade masks, you can prolong the youth and elasticity of your skin for a long time!

Text: Olesya Klimova

They say youth is best cosmetics, and hardly anyone will argue with this. But to keep your skin fresh longer, you need to make masks for young facial skin. When should you start doing them and what are their benefits?

Who needs masks for young facial skin?

Masks for young skin faces are necessary primarily for the prevention of early aging. Unfortunately, youth is not eternal and our skin changes over time and, as a rule, not in better side, – ages, becomes dull, lethargic and dehydrated. So that the problem of wrinkles does not take you by surprise, you need to start taking care of it already in your youth. Young skin is different excessive sensitivity to change external factors, such as weather and ecology, and also reacts sharply to what we eat. Young skin is more likely to develop excess sebum and it is prone to redness and regular irritation.

That is why masks for young facial skin are made based on natural products: various herbal decoctions, essential and vegetable oils, egg yolk and white, cereals, vegetables, fruits and honey.

It is recommended to start making masks for young facial skin after 20 years; these can be moisturizing, nourishing, cleansing and whitening masks. It is enough to do such masks not often, but regularly. At the same time, do not forget about the rest cosmetical tools for the care of young facial skin.

Recipes for masks for young facial skin

Honey mask for young facial skin. To prepare such a mask you will need 2 egg yolks, 4 tbsp. honey, 100g vegetable oil. First, honey and 2 yolks are thoroughly ground, then vegetable oil is added to the mixture. This mask should be applied to the skin in several layers, every 5-6 minutes, until the mixture is finished. To remove the mask you can use cotton pad, soaked in a decoction of linden blossom or chamomile.

Curd and kefir mask for young facial skin helps with problems such as acne and is suitable for oily skin. Take 1 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese and grind it with 3 tbsp. kefir Grate a quarter of a sour apple and add to our mask. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

For problematic young skin faces will suit yogurt mask. Simply apply yogurt on your face and rinse with cool water after 15 minutes. Can be added to 3 tbsp. yogurt 1 tbsp. the same low-fat cottage cheese, or stir in equal parts with sour cream. This mask for young facial skin refreshes and tones the epidermis, and if there is redness on the skin, it will soothe it.

Also very useful for oily skin masks for young facial skin based on egg white . It can also be used without additional ingredients. Just lubricate your face with the white separated from the yolk and after it hardens on your face, wash with cool water. To slightly soften the effect of the protein, you can mix it with the same yogurt, sour cream or cottage cheese, in equal proportions. This mask actively tightens pores and removes excess oil from the skin.

For any type suitable for skin cucumber mask. Grate one cucumber and apply to your face even layer After 20 minutes, you can remove the mask and rinse your face with cool water. This mask gives the skin freshness, as well as nourishes and moisturizes it.

Masks for young facial skin can be made in beauty salons, and in the line of any cosmetic manufacturing company there are similar masks intended only for young skin. The choice is huge, but the desire to take care of your skin from a young age depends on you.

It is almost impossible to stop skin aging. This is a natural process that no person can avoid. But there are ways to prevent early aging and visually improve the condition of the skin. Women who want to get rid of wrinkles and always look attractive and well-groomed should know how to prepare a youthful face mask at home. There are several proven effective recipes that will help you quickly deal with existing cosmetic imperfections and will suit every representative of the fair sex.

Youth mask recipes

  1. You need to take rolled oats flakes (about 20 grams) and grind them to a powder. You should add 20 grams of honey to the oatmeal. The components must be mixed thoroughly. The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face with your hands for 20 minutes, then washed off with plenty of warm running water. Immediately after the procedure, aging skin will become smoother, more even and fresh. Regular use of this mask will smooth out small facial wrinkles.
  2. Half a fresh young cucumber must be grated. The cucumber mass should be mixed with one egg white whipped into a thick strong foam and a teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice. Ready mask youth should be applied to all problem areas of the face and left for 30 minutes (to prevent the product from dripping from the skin, it is recommended to take a horizontal position). The cucumber-egg mask will have a tightening effect, nourish the epidermis with vitamins, and give the face a healthy, fresh color.
  3. Dry yeast (2 tablespoons) must be poured with a small amount of warm boiled water, stir until smooth and add a spoonful of natural olive oil to the resulting solution. Ready product need to be applied to the face in layers: first apply one thin layer and wait for it to dry, then the second and third. After applying the last layer, this youthful face mask should remain on the skin for 15 minutes. Then natural cosmetic product washed off with water. This product will not only eliminate fine wrinkles, but also cope with existing skin rashes.
  4. One tablespoon potato starch it is necessary to combine with an equal amount of warm, but not too hot milk, stir and pour a teaspoon of grape seed oil into the resulting mass. The product is applied to the face for about 20 minutes. Thanks to starch, the skin will tighten and wrinkles will begin to smooth out. The oil will have a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Milk will soften the epidermis.
  5. You need to take a few branches and grind the greens to a paste. Add a couple of tablespoons of heavy sour cream to the resulting paste (if you don’t have sour cream, you can use heavy cream). The finished homogeneous mask should be spread on all areas of the face and left for half an hour. Upon completion useful procedure Remove any remaining product with a napkin. A parsley youth mask has tonic, firming properties and stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells.

These recipes are for our Russian conditions life. Quick and daily skin care is more accessible than we used to think. A youthful face mask is prepared at home from ordinary products that are found in every home and can be easily purchased in the store. No need exotic ways and expensive creams to look attractive.

First, let's look at when you really should start fighting wrinkles. According to cosmetologists, this issue should be addressed not when the first signs of aging have already appeared, but much earlier.

“Start making masks for facial rejuvenation as early as possible,” advises famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva. “Their time comes after 25 years.” Cosmetologist Natalya Nikolaeva agrees with her. She recommends resorting to full-fledged anti-aging care even earlier - from the age of twenty. Why is this necessary?

Why does skin age?

“The aging process of the body can be compared to the destruction of a mountain,” explains Natalya Nikolaeva. - While the mountain is being formed, it is strong, stable, and no destructive processes occur in it. But as soon as the formation stops, the reverse process begins - external erosion and internal destruction. Similar things happen in the human body.”

Our body grows until we are twenty-one to twenty-four years old. Until this age, tissues are actively renewed, and new cells are formed at an amazing speed. After twenty-four years of age, the growth process stops and the body enters a phase of slow regeneration. This affects the condition of the skin.

Types of wrinkles

In cosmetology, there are several types of wrinkles. They arise for various reasons.

  • Superficial. They develop in the upper level of the skin or in the epidermis. They can be observed not only after the age of 30, but also much earlier. They are caused not by internal, but by external processes, in particular, aggressive environmental influences. Dry air, aggressive ultraviolet radiation, hard water in the absence of sufficient hydration of the epidermis cause it to shrink. Visually it looks like a network of small wrinkles. It is especially noticeable in areas thin skin, for example, around the eyes or on the temple area, resembles parchment.
  • Medium deep. These wrinkles are called age wrinkles, as they develop in the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. According to cosmetologists, they are provoked, first of all, by the lack of proper attention to superficial wrinkles, which transform and deepen over time. They are characteristic of the age after 40 years, when significant transformations occur in the skin. The collagen fibers that create its frame change their structure. They become less elastic, but the content of the enzyme collagenase, which destroys fibers, increases. First middle deep wrinkles occur in places of facial folds - near the eyes, on the forehead, in the nasolabial area.
  • Deep. Persistent deformations that affect the subcutaneous fat. They occur after 50 years, when tissue sagging and loss of elasticity occur especially actively. The greatest depth is demonstrated in areas of facial activity. According to a number of cosmetologists, deep wrinkles are a consequence of genetic predisposition.

Anti-aging face masks should be used taking into account age-related changes that your skin is experiencing. Compositions that are highly effective at a young age will not be productive after 60 years. Conversely, it is not allowed to resort to aggressive anti-aging techniques until the moment when the skin is still able to maintain its elasticity.

How a rejuvenating mask will help at 20-25 years old

Cosmetologists classify masks as intensive home care. They should be present in the arsenal of every woman after 25 years, along with everyday care and salon cosmetology procedures.

Depending on your age, the composition and effect of masks should be different.

During this period, we are not yet talking about rejuvenation as such. But right now it is important to create the basis for long-term youth of the skin. It is provided proper care, which focuses on four main factors.

  • Cleansing - to remove surface contaminants. It is important to cleanse the skin with milk, light foam or micellar water twice a day.
  • Toning - for moisturizing and toning. Tonic saturates the epidermis with moisture, improves vascular trophism, and therefore blood supply to tissues.
  • Moisturizing - for preservation natural level moisture. It is moisturizers that provide good protection against the development of superficial wrinkles associated with skin depletion.
  • UV protection. Warning aggressive influence sun, which prolongs the youth of the skin.

Under the age of twenty-five, use vitamin, antioxidant masks for young facial skin. Compositions based on fresh or frozen berries are well suited for this period. They contain fruit acids that have an exfoliating effect. By removing the upper keratinized layers of the skin, the intensity of cell regeneration increases, which becomes an excellent prevention of wrinkles.

From blueberries

Northern berries contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. For the skin, it is valuable for its content of pectins - natural components for nutrition and hydration, preventing the formation of wrinkles. Vitamins A and E maintain the elasticity of the epidermis and reduce the aggressiveness of free radicals.


  1. Take five tablespoons of berries and mash them into a puree.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey.

From strawberries

Wild berries contain ascorbic acid, which acts as an antioxidant. It is rich in pectins, mineral salts, essential oils. It is good for young skin because it tightens pores and increases blood microcirculation in tissues.


  1. Use two tablespoons of berries and mash them into a puree.
  2. Beat the egg white.
  3. Combine with berry mass.
  4. Add lemon juice to the mixture.

The combined composition moisturizes the skin and tones it.

At 25-30 years old

With high quality daily care age-related changes will not be noticeable. But girls who have previously neglected cleansing and moisturizing procedures may notice the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is extremely important to pay due attention to the skin in order to prolong its youth, especially since the production activity natural elements its frame is still large.

Before the age of thirty, cosmetologists recommend choosing one or more masks for a youthful face. They should be used regularly, but not often - once a week is enough. Pay special attention to this component of care if your skin is under stress. He is called nervous tension, lack of proper rest, abrupt change environment or climatic conditions.

Compositions are shown that additionally tonic the skin, encouraging it to naturally renew itself: based on black currants and green tea.

From black currant

The berry is considered one of the healthiest, as it is recognized as a record holder for the content of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant. Additional ingredients stimulate collagen production.


  1. Use five tablespoons of berries, mash them into a puree, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Beat the egg white.
  3. Add honey in the amount of a teaspoon.
  4. Grind cereals, add to the composition to ensure the required consistency.

The complex product contains substances for young skin on the threshold mature age. Along with daily care Such rejuvenating homemade face masks will ensure the preservation of elasticity and freshness of the skin.

From hibiscus

The famous sour drink is brewed from Sudanese rose flowers. The plant is rich in spectrum useful substances. That very sour taste is given to it by lemon and ascorbic acid- a source of vitamin C. Flowers contain rutin, a substance that strengthens capillaries, and a complex of pectins, flavonoids, and anthocyanins increases collagen production.


  1. Pour two tablespoons of hibiscus into a container and pour 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let the drink brew, strain it when it acquires a rich ruby ​​color.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of potato starch into a container.
  4. Pour over chilled hibiscus and stir.

Apply to face for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water. A surprisingly easy-to-prepare mask will help maintain skin tone and promote rejuvenation.

From green tea

Masks for facial rejuvenation at home are attractive in their simplicity. One of the most convenient ones is made from green tea. The antioxidant-rich drink perfectly tones the skin. Additional ingredients nourish it.


  1. Brew strong green tea from two spoons of tea leaves per 100 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave to sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Soak a cloth in the infusion and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. Cover the top with a towel to keep the compress warm.
  4. Remove the compress, lubricate the skin with olive oil.

Compresses with green tea- convenient and effective remedy to combat the first age-related changes in the epidermis. Cosmetologists recommend using them in a course. Apply the product every other day for a month.

At 30-40 years old

This period aggravates problems if they appeared earlier. Existing facial wrinkles become sharper and deeper. A mesh appears crow's feet"in the area of ​​the eyelids. The nasolabial fold, wrinkles on the chin, and around the ears become noticeable.

It is impossible to avoid age-related changes on your face. But prolonging the youth of the skin is a feasible task. During this period, the most effective anti-aging face mask is nourishing and deeply moisturizing. It is recommended to include components with retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol in home care products.

It is convenient to use nourishing masks in the bath. Applying them to steamed skin is much more effective than to unprepared skin. The pores of the epidermis are fully opened during thermal procedures, making it easier for valuable components to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.

From honey

Honey-based cosmetics have a visually noticeable rejuvenating effect. Active components nourish even the driest skin, after which it remains moisturized, soft and elastic for a long time. This mask will tighten existing wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones.


  1. Melt natural honey in a water bath. Don't use a microwave.
  2. Simmer until it reaches a pleasant temperature.
  3. Apply to facial skin with a brush.

Rinse off the composition with warm water, then apply the cream. You can make a variety of things using honey nourishing masks, adding milk, cottage cheese, protein, grated apple to the main ingredient.

From bell pepper

The main ingredient of this composition is well-ripened, fleshy bell pepper. It is used as an antioxidant. The combination of honey and wheat germ oil makes it truly healing for the skin.


  1. Peel and puree one bell pepper.
  2. Melt a teaspoon of honey and add to the main ingredient.
  3. Add a teaspoon of wheat germ oil.
  4. Adjust the thickness of the mass using potato starch.

The nutritional and anti-aging properties of the product are based on a combination of valuable ingredients: vitamins C, E, fatty acids, antioxidants.

At 50-60 years old

Despite the fact that this age seems to be the twilight of youth, cosmetologists do not offer significant differences in facial skin care compared to the last decade. The rules remain the same: it is important to properly moisturize and nourish the skin if you want to maintain freshness and attractiveness.

A mask for a youthful face at home should contain a complex nutrients. Add vitamins A and E to your formulations, which are sold in pharmacies in the form of gelatin capsules. Actively use vegetable oils - sources of fatty acids. And don't forget about the natural supplier of collagen - gelatin.

From apples and sour cream

The action of this composition is based on a combination of actively moisturizing components and fruit acids. Apples contain natural antioxidants, and sour cream contains nutrients.


  1. Grate half the apple on a fine grater.
  2. Mix with a tablespoon of fat sour cream.
  3. Add vitamins A and E.
  4. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

To prepare the composition, use green sour apples. They contain a higher content of fruit acids. This mask will help fight another problem of aging skin - age spots.

From gelatin

Powdery substance with unpleasant smell - natural collagen V pure form. It improves the structure of the skin, so it should be used in skin care mature skin. It can be used either in its pure form or with other ingredients, for example, honey, milk, citrus or apple juice.


  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in 100 ml of water.
  2. Leave the composition to swell.
  3. Place in a water bath, stirring regularly until dissolved.
  4. Cool, apply to skin alone or with additional components.

While the mask is on the skin, it will begin to dry out. Do not allow this to happen; periodically renew it with the remaining product. Rinse off after 30 minutes with warm water.

Secrets of efficiency

No matter how effective the composition of the caring mask is, the result of its use will reduce non-compliance with the rules for applying the product. There are several of them:

  • use only on cleansed skin;
  • steam your face or wash with hot water;
  • When applying, do not stretch the skin;
  • keep the composition for at least twenty minutes;
  • rinse with cool water;
  • use a moisturizer after the procedure;
  • Don't forget about the area around the eyes, neck and décolleté.

By following these rules you will achieve best result from the caring composition.

Folk remedies for facial skin rejuvenation should be used in skin care. They will help maintain her youth, elasticity, maintain and increase her tone. Using formulations based on fruit acids, oils, honey, tea, you can reduce the severity of age-related changes. It is important to remember that anti-aging masks are only part of a rejuvenation program, which includes daily home and periodic salon care.