What to give on a wedding anniversary. years - Ruby wedding. Unusual surprises from friends on the anniversary of marriage

The wedding day of friends, close relatives or good acquaintances is great occasion choose an original gift that will appeal to the heroes of the occasion. To make the present not only exclusive, but also useful, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most non-standard ideas that are guaranteed to please newlyweds and people who have lived with each other for more than one year.

Nice gift options

Depending on financial capabilities, you can buy and present as a gift:

Pleasant gifts that are inexpensive but look luxurious include themed souvenirs, a handicraft in the form of a doll, a set of scented candles or glasses.

Adventure for two - the original version of the presentation

Wedding day is a holiday for two. The couple remember the first meeting, kiss and the moment when they decided to enter into legal marriage. Therefore, you can make this day magical if you give:

If your parent, son-in-law, godfather or daughter is crazy about extreme recreation, then present them with a paragliding flight, skydiving with a professional instructor, diving into the depths of a lake or skiing on their wedding anniversary.

traditional ideas

Our ancestors believed that thematic presents that determine the name of the date should be given to spouses on their wedding day. All wedding anniversaries over the years and the selected gifts must necessarily be of a practical or aesthetic nature in order to satisfy both husband and wife. Let's get to know the most significant days on the calendar life together couples.

Calico or the first year of family life

On this day, young people should be presented with textile gifts in the form of:
  • men's and women's pajamas, which are decorated with cool slogans, bright prints or meaningful inscriptions;
  • tablecloths with napkins or voluminous towels that can be used in a bath, sauna or pool.

If your plans are to make a comic and very cool gift then feel free to donate personalized t-shirts for wife and husband, which will be decorated with their photographs. They will definitely appreciate your humor.

Paper or the second year that the spouses lived together

The very name of the holiday speaks for itself. This anniversary symbolizes the strengthening of love and respect, and also shows the fragility of the new union. If you want to stand out from the background of all the guests, then feel free to present:
  • a paper certificate for visiting the gym, or relaxing in the SPA;
  • concert or movie tickets;
  • bed sheets with a newspaper print - an original idea to beat the paper theme.

Also can be considered as a gift a book - an antique copy of a favorite work spouses or photo album.

Leather year or 3 years of marriage

On this day, you can give free rein to fantasy and choose for the young exclusive gift, which will emphasize the sophistication of the decoration of the room space of their home. Pay attention to:
  • photo frames decorated with reptile skin;
  • leather barrels-piggy banks, in the form of animals, or other souvenirs.

If you want your daughter-in-law to be guaranteed happy, then buy two wallets for spouses.

Fourth year - linen holiday

This date is the personification of the unity of the spouses, their internal interweaving of interests and mutual hobbies. On this day, it is customary to give:
  • curtains and curtains decorated with embroidery in the style of national color;
  • cozy blankets;
  • serving accessories holiday table or other home textiles made from organic linen.

You can pay attention to the creations of folk craftsmen. They do very beautiful dolls, which, according to legend, guard the well-being of the house in which they are located.

Wooden jubilee - 5 years

On this wedding day, it is customary to remember the achievements of the spouses over the past five years, make plans for the future and give themed souvenirs. You can choose one of original ideas and buy:
  • a panel made of veneer or natural wood rods, which is complemented by shelves for storing books;
  • a souvenir ship that will symbolize the unity of the couple;
  • a three-dimensional frame in which the spouses will place their favorite photograph.

For a gift to a young family, wooden dishes, a manual coffee grinder, carved bread box, large totemic animal souvenirs in the form of elephants, giraffes, horses or exclusive, which will become an extraordinary decoration of the bedroom.

Cast iron or the sixth year lived in love

No wonder our ancestors chose this particular metal. It is very heat resistant, but requires constant buffing to shine and sparkle. So it is in relationships - the spouses are still burning with passion for each other, but there is still more to come. big job to improve relationships. Therefore, you should give them:
  • forged box or decorative element in the form of flowers, trees or an unusual figure;
  • a large floor vase in a minimalist style or a pot for indoor plants.

If your friends have a dacha, you can consider as an option fireplace grate or pots in which it is convenient to cook food in the oven or oven.

Copper or seventh year spent together

On this day, it is customary for spouses to bring original things for the home, helping to create a cozy atmosphere. You are taking:
  • decorative stand for wax candles or a Turk for making aromatic coffee;
  • copper goblets for wine in vintage style or molds for cakes.

Various figurines, watches and souvenir boxes are also made of copper, in which it is customary to store jewelry or Jewelry.

Tin or eighth year

Eight years later, warm relationships are established within the family, which have been tested for strength. Guests who come to congratulate the spouses on their holiday can bring with them:
  • Swiss chocolate or sweets packed in a tin;
  • chased picture, baking sheets or trays designed for exquisite serving.

In stores you can find chased caskets, jars for storing tea or coffee beans, as well as containers for salt and pepper.

Faience wedding - 9 years

It is not in vain that this holiday is called faience, because this material personifies the well-being and success of the union between lovers. You can please your husband and wife:
  • an oriental tea set for several people or an original teapot;
  • faience stand for boiled eggs.

You can also pay attention to the dishes that are painted according to the Khokhloma technique or coated with ceramic coating.

Pink or pewter anniversary - 10 years in love

If you were invited to such an event, be sure to buy in addition to the gift bouquet of roses. Suitable as a present:
  • bed linen, curtains or towels with the image of silky buds of blossoming roses;
  • a set of measuring glasses or coasters made of tin alloy.

If you want to give spouses a personal gift, then buy for them terry bathrobes, one of which will be decorated with rose embroidery.

Other anniversaries

There are such anniversaries life together, which are usually celebrated on a grand scale. These days, guests should give valuable gifts in the form of technology, jewelry, silverware, memorable souvenirs or collectibles. It could be an anniversary
  • nickel, agate and glass - 12, 14 and 15 years;
  • porcelain - 20 years;
  • silver - 25 years;
  • pearl - 30 years;
  • ruby - 40 years;
  • gold - 50 years.
Advice: if you want the gift you have chosen to make a proper impression on its recipients, do not forget to think over to the smallest detail and. It is best to complement the present with a meaningful one, in which to write sincere words of admiration for people who managed to keep their feelings long years. Then your choice will be guaranteed to be appreciated!

A wedding anniversary is one of the most precious family holidays. It is especially solemnly customary to celebrate the anniversary birthdays of the family. In the circle of relatives and closest friends, the spouses thank each other with love for the joy of the years they have lived together and make further plans. An invitation to a family celebration is a sign of a special location. It is advisable not only to carefully consider what to give for the wedding anniversary, but also to offer assistance in preparing an interesting holiday.

How to choose a wedding anniversary gift

When choosing a gift for anniversaries, it is useful to consider several recommendations. They will help you decide what is better to give for a family anniversary and get a surprise that is guaranteed to please the heroes of the upcoming celebration.

Make sure that your wedding anniversary gift is necessary and useful. It is easy to learn from the children of future anniversaries about what is better to purchase. Perhaps the spouses themselves will willingly express their wishes. Of course, such a gift will not be a surprise for them, but it will not cause disappointment either.

A wedding anniversary is a holiday for two, so try to prepare a present that both spouses will like and use. If it is not possible to purchase a joint successful gift, present two separate surprises, taking into account the interests and preferences of each of the anniversaries.

It is advisable to avoid buying things that are traditionally not accepted as a gift. This applies to watches, scarves, piercing and cutting objects, mirrors, as well as flowers. yellow color. Many consider such gifts a symbol of separation, family strife and other troubles.

It is important that the surprise for the wedding anniversary, as for any other holiday, is appropriate and appropriate for the occasion. Try to take into account the name when choosing a presentation family anniversary:

  • 5th anniversary of family life - wooden anniversary;
  • 10th anniversary - pink;
  • 15th anniversary - crystal;
  • 20th anniversary - porcelain;
  • 25th anniversary - silver;
  • 30th anniversary - pearl;
  • 35th anniversary - coral;
  • 40th anniversary - ruby;
  • 50th anniversary - gold;
  • 60th anniversary - diamond;
  • 70th birthday - grateful.

This does not mean that only roses should be presented on the 10th anniversary of the family, or that only corals can be presented on the wedding anniversary of 35 years. However, special gift wrapping, a small themed souvenir in addition to the main surprise will come in handy.

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Traditional and original gifts

On wedding anniversaries It is customary to give the same gifts as on the wedding day. Whatever surprise you prepare, it is important to do it with love.

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Gifts for home

If you are choosing what to give for your 10th, 20th or 30th wedding anniversary, then small appliances are a win-win. Most likely, the family has already acquired the basic set of home helpers, so try to present something original. Food processor, slow cooker, bread maker, deep fryer, coffee maker, steam system, climate devices and much more - the range of useful appliances is impressive.

For a silver or golden anniversary, you can please the spouses with a more significant present: a dishwasher or washing machine TV, refrigerator or freezer. Considering that such goods are not cheap, they can be purchased together with other invitees.

Anniversaries will also come in handy with a bedding set with a beautiful print made of natural fabric: cotton, satin jacquard or silk. You can present a blanket or pillows with modern eco-friendly fillers.

A cozy blanket or a luxurious bedspread will update the interior of the bedroom, make it stylish and comfortable. A quality set of towels or a pair of cozy bathrobes will surely please both spouses.

On birthdays, families often give dishes as gifts. Such a present will be very useful for a porcelain anniversary. It is not necessary to purchase a big expensive service. Elegant tea or coffee pairs or a table set for several people are perfect.

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You can present anniversaries and jewelry. On the day of the silver and gold wedding, the spouses traditionally exchange wedding rings from precious metals. Such embellishments can be worthy gift from children and grandchildren.

It is worth considering that the jewelry present should be paired. A good surprise is two chains or a double pendant in the form of hearts or zodiac signs. You can also donate two different decorations, made in the same style: a ring, earrings or bracelet for the wife and cufflinks or a tie clip for the husband.

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Money and gift certificates

Many consider cash gifts not the best gift for a wedding anniversary. However, if you are at a loss with the choice, give preference to this option of congratulations. This is much better than presenting anniversaries useless thing. Don't forget to pick up a holiday postcard-envelope for the money.

Great replacement for the usual banknotes- a certificate for a certain amount to a jewelry or gift shop, a supermarket of household appliances or interior goods. Spouses will be happy to choose a suitable gift on their own.

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You can give a wedding anniversary not only a material present. Online stores and experience agencies offer a huge selection original gifts-emotions. Paragliding, extreme karting, exciting diving or parachuting together is a great surprise for a young couple.

For older spouses, you can also choose suitable entertainment: visiting the SPA-salon, Indian or Thai massage together, swimming with dolphins, sailing on a yacht, various master classes.

Silver and gold anniversaries will be delighted with holiday vouchers or tourist trips. When choosing a gift for spouses of age, do not forget to take into account their preferences and health status.

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Wedding Anniversary Ideas

Each wedding anniversary has its own name. Special interior decoration of the premises for the holiday, small souvenirs in addition to the main gift, sincere words of congratulations will help make the celebration memorable and joyful.

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pink wedding

Decade of marriage pink anniversary- the first round family date. Roses are a symbol of love, tenderness and romance of marital relations, which are important to preserve.

The room for the celebration is traditionally decorated in white, pink and red colors. The festive table can be decorated with petals and glasses for anniversaries can be decorated with ribbons and lace.

It is appropriate to present any gift for a pink wedding, packing it with the name of the holiday in mind. Such a present will look solemn and romantic. Traditionally, it is customary to give roses for a decade of marriage. You can repeat for anniversaries an unforgettable wedding rain of rose petals for happiness and fidelity.

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porcelain wedding

The love and affection that the couple retained two decades after the wedding is as delightful and valuable as the porcelain with which the name of the anniversary is associated. Like fragile china, marital feelings still need to be caring attitude.

The festive table on this day is served with exquisite dishes. The hall for the celebration is decorated in white and cream colors. To give a porcelain service for the wedding anniversary of 20 years or to complement the main present with an elegant romantic figurine - good idea for congratulations. It is customary to give white or pale pink flowers for a porcelain wedding.

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silver wedding

A twenty-five-year family anniversary rightfully bears the name of noble silver. Gray hair is already shining on the temples, children have grown up, grandchildren are appearing, and feelings are still fresh and strong. As a sign of love and devotion, spouses exchange on this day silver rings.

The children of the anniversaries are already sufficiently provided for and can give a carefully organized celebration for the anniversary of the 25th wedding anniversary. The room for the holiday is decorated in silver and white colors.

Jewelry, sets of spoons or glasses made of noble metal, silver commemorative coins - worthy presents for the twenty-fifth anniversary married life.

Favorite songs of the anniversaries, a slide show showing the most memorable moments of life together, a spectacular whirlwind of silver sparkles will help organize an unforgettable holiday.

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pearl wedding

Thirty years is a solid family experience. Bonded by joint difficulties and joys, the marital union, like a pearl necklace, is beautiful and perfect.

Decorating the hall for a celebration, preference is given to draperies and ribbons. mother-of-pearl shades. In the design of the festive table, the strands of artificial pearls will look good.

A smartly designed album with family photos or an original collage will be a good addition to traditional gifts. At a pearl wedding, it is customary to give jewelry and items for the home interior.

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golden wedding

Love and mutual understanding reigning in the family, and half a century later, are as valuable and revered as one of the most noble metals- gold. Arrange for golden anniversaries bright spiritual holiday- the duty of their adult children and grandchildren.

Traditionally, on this day, the spouses exchange new wedding rings. Wedding rings they solemnly pass on to their elder grandchildren with wishes to create the same friendly and reliable family.

IN festive decoration the hall should be dominated by golden and cream shades. On the day of the golden wedding, the anniversaries are presented with especially valuable and meaningful gifts. Spectacular completion of the holiday can be a delightful fireworks or laser show.

Well-organized celebration, carefully prepared surprises, warm sincere wishes will certainly please the anniversaries and help create a bright festive atmosphere.

The most important milestones of family life, or anniversaries, received wise and poetic names among the people. These milestones are usually solemnly celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends. What to give for a wedding anniversary so that the present is appropriate and desirable?

"Fragile" anniversaries

The first decade after the wedding is celebrated every year that the couple spent together, because the feelings are still fresh and fragile.

  1. The cotton wedding is celebrated first. The feelings of the newlyweds are fragile, like a light fabric. young couple? Textiles - bed linen, a set of towels, curtains, T-shirts, dresses, children's things.
  2. After two years of marriage is celebrated (or glass). Present a nesting doll, a photo album, money in an envelope, glassware, figurines. A wife and husband can exchange a book, notebook, postcards.

  3. leather wedding celebrate living in a family for 3 years. Wallets, belts, jewelry, photo frames, cases, safe books, leather paintings are traditional gifts. A worthy surprise is a leather chair, sofa or suitcase.
  4. 4 years of marriage is a reason to celebrate a linen wedding. Gift for 4 years wedding– a linen product: a tablecloth with napkins, bedding, lampshades, furniture covers, ethnic clothes and bags, a painting on linen canvas.

  5. wooden wedding comes after 5 years of marriage, this is the first "obligatory" anniversary of the family. When thinking about what to give a couple for their wedding anniversary, stop at wood products - kitchen furniture, shelves, clocks in a wooden case, dishes, figurines, panels, a breakfast table in bed, cutting boards. The wife gives a beer mug or a smoking pipe, the husband gives jewelry, a tree in a pot.
  6. The celebrations of the first years of family life allow you to renew your love vows and relive the joy of being together.

    "Metal" anniversaries

    Over the years, feelings grow stronger, and after the first anniversary, the anniversaries of a fairly strong and stable family begin.

    1. Cast iron (rowan) wedding - 6 years of marriage, the family found a common language, but crises in relations are still possible. A woman who thinks what to give husband for wedding anniversary recommended dumbbells, tools for home and garden, paperweight, ashtray, varietal rowan seedlings or rowan tincture. A man gives his “half” a cast-iron frying pan, baking dishes, a goose dish or a candelabra.
    2. The 7-year-old union of hearts won the right to be called copper (or woolen) - the feelings of such “restraint” are strong and valuable. ideas, what to give for a copper wedding: "lucky horseshoe", coffee pot, tray, hookah, belt with copper buckle, forged souvenir. The needlewoman will like skeins of wool. With your own hands, knit socks, a scarf, a sweater.

    3. The eighth anniversary of the family is called tin or poppy wedding, implies the strength of the family and the presence of children. It is worth bringing a bouquet of poppies, pillows and shirts embroidered with poppies, chasing on tin, kitchen utensils. If you want to make a couple happy with a useful and pleasant gift - buy pots, household appliances, sweets in tin boxes.
    4. Marriage is getting stronger, but serious trials begin, so the next cycle of festivities is “fragile” again.

      "Table" anniversaries

      By the first ten years of life together, the family enters the "dishes" stage, when it is important to protect each other's feelings.

      The critical threshold has been crossed, the family has survived, the period of prosperity is coming, the spouses are enjoying the benefits mutual love and rich experience.

      "Precious" anniversaries

      The family is the highest treasure for a person. The new period gives the couple happiness and confidence in each other.

      1. Silver wedding - 25 years of marriage. Growing up kids think. Silver watches, rings, earrings, chains, cufflinks, silver cutlery, stacks, trays, coasters, coins, candlesticks - that's what dad and mom are guaranteed to be happy about. Guests can choose from practical surprises, from money in an envelope to a TV.
      2. 30th Anniversary of Marriage - pearl wedding. Jewelry with pearls, mother-of-pearl boxes, lamps, tables, bowls, paintings are presented at the celebration. Inexpensive gifts - bouquets of white flowers, candy with a picture of a pearl on the box, textiles. The highlight of the holiday program will be a cake in the form of a shell.

      3. Linen or coral wedding - the period of the appearance of grandchildren and the growth of the family. What to give for the 35th wedding anniversary, easy to understand: coral jewelry and jewelry boxes, writing or cutlery with corals, tablecloths, curtains, towels, blankets. An interesting present is an aquarium with a coral fish.
      4. In four decades comes ruby wedding, symbolizing passionate eternal love. It is customary to present jewelry with rubies or garnets, red flowers, any red things - from slippers to furniture to anniversaries.
      5. Sapphire wedding - 45 years of marriage; Sapphire is believed to protect love from evil and decay. Looking for what to give your wife for her wedding anniversary, the husband usually buys a sapphire ring, a bouquet blue flowers. Presents related to water are good: an exotic shell, a ticket to a resort, spinning, a boat¸ fins, an underwater camera.
      6. 50th anniversary of marriage golden wedding, the result of labor, patience and love. What to give parents for their wedding anniversary?Gold jewelry, watches, coins, gold-woven fabric, sets and icons with gilding, devices for home physiotherapy, water filters, heating pads, orthopedic mattresses are suitable. Traditions say that children are obliged to buy new wedding rings for their father and mother.
      7. diamond wedding— a strong 60-year marriage is admirable. Give jewelry with diamonds and cubic zirkonia, rare flowers like orchids, photos of spouses in crystal, congratulatory letters, calendars and posters. The husband gives a ring, the wife a tie clip.
      8. Not required to bring expensive gifts- the attention and care of relatives is more important.

        "Unbreakable" anniversaries

        Couples who have stepped over the "fertile" boundary of family life are rare. Therefore, such examples of love and fidelity are especially valuable not only for close relatives, but also for humanity.

        1. A blessed wedding is the best proof of the existence of true love. Children and grandchildren in 70th wedding anniversary gift can please lovers with a surprise for the benefit of the soul and body - sanatorium treatment, a tour of holy places, household comfort devices and home treatment. But most of all, the anniversaries will rejoice at the congratulations made especially for them by the hands of their children and grandchildren - a collage, a film about the family, postcards, paintings, pastries.
        2. The oak wedding is the 80th anniversary of the existence of the family. For the holiday, they give furniture made of natural wood, oak rosaries, a genealogical tree, and a family book. In the yard, garden, a special park, an oak or a whole alley of oaks is planted in honor of the heroes of the occasion.
        3. A granite wedding is the destiny of people of good health and unbreakable fidelity. What to give for a 90th wedding anniversary? Arrange a rich holiday for the couple, gather all relatives and friends, bring granite figurines, a clock, an ashtray, a lamp, a chess table, home and yard decorations, vintage wine.
        4. 100 years from the date of the wedding is an incredible "red" anniversary, but such anniversaries exist. It's hard to think what to give for a platinum wedding? You can give everything that anniversaries love, the main thing is to wrap the gift in red paper. You can donate precious metal bullion, red wine, sweets with soft filling, homemade sheepskin items, a sink or an air ionizer, a robot vacuum cleaner.

        People who have carried bright feelings for each other through decades are worthy of admiration, respect and love. Nice words and attention as well as possible will show the significance of such an example for relatives and friends.

The wedding day ran like one moment, bright, exciting and unique. And ahead of you is a long and happy family life, filled with both joy and small troubles that you can easily overcome together. And so that your feelings do not fade away, but light up with new facets, it is worth remembering this beautiful event every year and celebrating wedding anniversaries together, and then in a circle big family in which children's laughter will be heard! That is why the Svadbagolik.ru portal has prepared for you a brief overview of all anniversaries from the wedding day to 100 years.

Names of wedding anniversaries by year

Every year after the celebration, the spouses celebrate some beautiful anniversary weddings, each of which has its own name, judging by the years of a happy life together:

  • "Metal" anniversaries: copper, tin, tin, etc. After 25 years of marriage, “metal” anniversaries also become precious: silver, gold, platinum.
  • "Stone": beryl, ruby, opal, etc.
  • "Textile": chintz, linen, lace, muslin, etc.
  • "Flower": chamomile, lily of the valley, pink, etc.

In addition, there are other names of anniversaries that do not fit into this classification, for example, those named after the most important materials in nature and everyday life: wood, glass, earthenware, as well as red, fertile, swarthy. In any case, all wedding anniversaries are great occasion to please your spouse or relatives beautiful congratulations and gifts, so be sure to know all wedding anniversaries and their names.

Wedding anniversaries: what symbolism and what to give?

So that you know which wedding, according to the years of marriage, should be celebrated in one or another segment of the marriage, we have prepared them for you brief description with a description of the symbols and examples of gifts:

  • 0 years- green wedding. On the day of the wedding, the couple celebrates their first anniversary, which is called “green” due to the fact that the spouses are still young and immature, ahead of them is a thorny path that they must go hand in hand so that they become more experienced, and their feelings - even stronger.
  • 1 year- print wedding. The first real anniversary, the leitmotif of which is chintz, it should be present both in the decor of the festive room and the clothes of the spouses, as well as in gifts. As the latter, you can use a tablecloth + napkins, bed linen, decorative pillows and so on.

  • 2 years- paper wedding. Two years after the wedding, the marriage of the spouses is still like paper: it can “break” at any moment. Judging by the symbolism of the holiday, a variety of things can be used as gifts: books and notebooks, a photo collage on the wall, paintings.
  • 3 years- leather wedding The relationship of the spouses from "paper" turns into more durable "leather". On this beautiful date, it is customary to give everything related to the symbol of the anniversary: ​​leather wallets and bags, diaries, photos in a leather frame, leather-lined belts and boxes, etc.

  • 4 years- linen wedding. The leitmotif of this anniversary is a durable fabric, products from which it is customary to present as a gift to spouses: clothes, table setting, pillows, handkerchiefs, etc., because what wedding and its anniversaries do without presentations.
  • 5 years- wooden wedding. The first round wedding anniversary, on which it is customary to give wooden items interior: furniture, photo frames, figurines, caskets.

  • 6 years- cast-iron wedding. The relationship of the spouses, although they become stronger, can still “break”, like cast iron from a strong blow. On this date, it is customary to buy kitchen utensils and household items: dishes, figurines, candlesticks.
  • 7 years- copper wedding. As in the case with cast iron wedding, on this holiday they give things made of copper: figurines, candlesticks, frames, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 8 years- tin wedding. After such a period of time, the relationship of the spouses passes to new level, they not only become stronger, but also brighter, like shiny tin. What to gift? Tin household items: dishes, caskets, tea in a tin, etc.
  • 9 years- faience wedding. This name means that nine years after the wedding, the relationship of the spouses is in crisis, they are fragile, like faience. As every year after the wedding, it is customary to give symbolic gifts on such an anniversary: tea-set, faience figurines.

  • 10 years- pink or pewter wedding. The relationship of the spouses becomes beautiful, like roses, in addition, the husband and wife become more "flexible" to each other, like tin. It is customary to give interior items made of tin for such a holiday: frames, candlesticks, figurines, etc .; and, of course, a luxurious bouquet of roses will be a great gift for the main hero of the occasion.
  • 11 years- steel wedding. One of the "metal" wedding anniversaries, which, judging by the years lived together, was called "steel". It is customary for spouses to give objects made of steel, symbolizing the strength of family relationships.
  • 12 years- nickel or silk wedding. By this period of family life, the relationship of the spouses becomes strong, like nickel, and beautiful, like silk. What's a wedding anniversary without gifts?! Spouses can be pleased both with interior items made of nickel (figurines, caskets) and with silk presents (clothes, bed linen, tablecloth, etc.).

  • 13 years- lace or lily of the valley wedding. The feelings of the spouses 13 years after the wedding remain tender, like fragrant lilies of the valley, and beautiful, like ornate lace. The perfect gift for such a holiday there will be a lace set for table setting, decorative pillows. If the wedding took place in the spring, then do not forget to please the spouses with a fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley.

  • 14 years- agate wedding. The symbol of this date is agate - a precious stone, products from which will be the best gifts for this beautiful date: jewelry and bijouterie, figurines, caskets, an ashtray, etc.
  • 15 years- glass or crystal wedding. The symbols of this anniversary - glass and crystal - represent the purity of family relationships. It is customary to present glass / crystal glasses, decorative bowls and vases, salad bowls and dishes as a gift to spouses.

  • 16 years- topaz wedding. Because the symbol of this wedding is topaz, then it should be present in the presents prepared for the spouses: jewelry, figurine, candlestick, jewelry box, cufflinks.
  • 17 years- pink or pewter wedding. It's time to bring back the old romance. For this anniversary, gifts made of tin and gifts related to pink. If nothing comes to your mind, then you can get by with pink packaging.
  • 18 years - turquoise wedding. After 18 years of family life, the relationship of the spouses should sparkle with new colors, like a turquoise stone. It is customary to give spouses stone products for this anniversary: ​​both jewelry and interior items.

  • 19 years- krypton or pomegranate wedding. The relationship of spouses over 19 years of marriage can lose passion and ardor, the garnet gemstone, a symbol of this anniversary, will help to kindle them. The second name is krypton, after the name of the noble gas, which is used in incandescent lamps. Therefore, it is customary to give gifts of red (garnet) color for this anniversary, as well as various kinds of lighting fixtures.

  • 20 years- porcelain wedding. beautiful anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale, giving spouses gifts: dishes, expensive and symbolic souvenirs, etc. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that after 20 years the marriage union is harmonious and beautiful, like real Chinese porcelain.
  • 21 years old- opal wedding. Its symbol is a beautiful stone, products from which it is customary to give spouses: both jewelry and figurines, caskets, souvenirs.

  • 22 - bronze wedding. An anniversary named symbolically in honor of the durable and flexible alloy. What to choose as a present? Bronze items: various kinds of figurines, candlesticks, ashtrays, jewelry holders.
  • 23 years old- beryl wedding. The symbol of the anniversary is a beautiful stone - beryl - the keeper of the hearth, love and prosperity. As gifts for spouses, you can choose both jewelry from it and various kinds of souvenirs.

  • 24 years- satin wedding. After 24 years, the relationship of the spouses is beautiful and smooth, like satin. It is customary to give bed linen, a bedspread, a set for table setting on such an anniversary.
  • 25 years- silver wedding . Here it is - the first grand anniversary named after precious metal, therefore, as for many wedding anniversaries and anniversaries, it is customary to give worthwhile things: jewelry, silver-plated dishes and interior items.

  • 26 years- jade wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like jade, which is difficult to destroy mechanically and chemically. As gifts for such a holiday, you can use jade massagers, figurines, caskets and, of course, jewelry.
  • 27 years- mahogany wedding. The symbolism of the mahogany - nobility, wisdom, endurance - perfectly emphasizes the strength and strength of marital relations. What to gift? An excellent option would be mahogany things: frames, caskets, etc.

  • 28 years- nickel wedding. Another “metal” anniversary, on which it is customary to give nickel items: dishes, figurines, caskets, a set of cutlery, a tray + glasses with a nickel stem.
  • 29 years- velvet wedding. Velvet is a beautiful and warm material, as are the feelings of the spouses after 29 years of marriage. Gifts based on this noble fabric will help to emphasize the beauty of their feelings: decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.

  • 30 years- pearl wedding. The symbol of this anniversary - pearls - personifies the purity and beauty of marital relations after 30 years of marriage. You can please your husband and wife on this day with jewelry (necklaces and cufflinks), a jewelry box or a frame with pearls.

  • 31 year- swarthy or sunny wedding. Such a positive name for the anniversary hints at the fact that if the couple were young before, now they are “tanned”, becoming more experienced. You can emphasize the theme of this beautiful date with all sorts of things that bring warmth to the house: a lamp, a blanket, an electric fireplace, etc. Do finances allow? Give your spouses a tour to a warm country.
  • 32 years- copper wedding. For this anniversary, you can please each other with copper jewelry. Gifts from household items will also be appropriate, for example, a set of copper dishes, a tray, etc.
  • 33 years- stone or strawberry wedding. Such seemingly different names of the anniversary harmoniously emphasize the “stone” strength of the relationship of the spouses and their closeness: as if the strawberry bushes were intertwined into the same fate of the spouses. What to give them? Stone figurines, caskets and other interior items, as well as a basket with fresh strawberries or a cake with this fragrant berry.

  • 34 years - amber wedding. As amber takes a long time to form from a viscous resin into a beautiful stone, so the relationship of the spouses has passed its long haul becoming strong and beautiful. Amber jewelry, caskets, glasses, decorative bowls with amber and other interior items with inserts from this stone will be suitable presents for such an anniversary.

  • 35 years- linen or coral wedding. The feelings of the spouses are strong, like a sheet, and their family is large and numerous, like corals that have grown over seabed. As a present, you can buy bed linen, a bedspread, a tablecloth, as well as coral products, for example, a beautiful figurine in a marine style.
  • 36 years- Anniversary without a name. In Russia, this anniversary is not usually celebrated, which is why it does not have a name. In America, 36 years from the date of the wedding is called the day of bone china. Products made from it are strong enough, like family relationships after 36 years, but unfortunately, cracks can appear with a strong blow.
  • 37 years- muslin wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is an expensive fabric, the production of which used to take a lot of effort and time; so the relationship of the spouses was honed every year, becoming better. It is customary to give various things made of muslin for such a holiday: a bedspread, pillows, a set of handkerchiefs, etc.

  • 38 years- mercury wedding. As you know, mercury is a metal that easily changes its shape, and the relationship of the spouses after 38 years is strong, like any metal, but flexible, like mercury itself, because the spouses have learned to adapt to each other and make compromises. It is customary to give silver-colored items (like mercury) on this date: dishes, figurines, a set of cutlery.
  • 39 years- crepe wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like a crepe fabric, which is very difficult to break - this is the symbolism of this anniversary. It is customary to give crepe things to her: bedspreads, decorative pillows and other textiles.
  • 40 years- ruby ​​wedding. The ruby ​​gem is able to return passion to the relationship of the spouses 40 years after the wedding, so you should definitely give the “newlyweds” jewelry or expensive souvenirs from this stone, for example, a box; red textiles and objects made of deep red glass are also suitable: glasses, vases, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 41 years old- earthen wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is the earth. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, the earth gives life to all living things. By this anniversary, the spouses have already given life to their children, waited for the appearance of grandchildren. On this date, the heroes of the occasion can be presented with indoor plants.
  • 42 years- mother-of-pearl wedding. Mother of pearl has magical properties: it strengthens relations between spouses and brings happiness to the house, therefore the best gift for this anniversary will be Pearl necklace for the wife and mother-of-pearl cufflinks for the husband, as well as interior items with mother-of-pearl: a jewelry box, a photo frame, etc.
  • 43 years old- flannel wedding. The relationship of the spouses is soft and warm, as flannel fabric. You can emphasize the symbolism of this anniversary with the help of the right gifts: homemade suits / pajamas, bed linen.
  • 44 years old- topaz wedding. The symbol is a precious stone, pure and durable, like the relationship of the spouses by this date (no offense or omissions). It is customary to give for this holiday both jewelry and bijouterie, as well as caskets, figurines, souvenir trees and other interior items with topaz.
  • 45 years- sapphire or scarlet wedding. Another anniversary, the symbol of which is a precious stone, therefore, gifts should be with sapphire - a stone of love that protects from evil. In addition, this anniversary is also called scarlet, so you can easily prepare any presents for spouses in bright red: bed linen, bedspreads, interior items, etc.
  • 46 years old- lavender wedding. After so many years, the couple retained their warm and tender feelings to each other, like lavender retains its unique aroma for a long time. What to give for such a holiday? Everything related to this plant and its palette: from a bouquet of dried flowers and scented candles to textiles with the image of lavender or in its "signature" color, as well as various means body care: scrub, handmade soap.

  • 47 years old- cashmere wedding Anniversary symbol - cashmere - soft and pleasant to the touch fabric, like the relationship of spouses. On this date, it is customary to give cashmere clothes (scarf, sweater), blanket, etc.
  • 48 years old- amethyst wedding. This beautiful stone brings good luck and family well-being, so it is perfect as a symbol for the 48th wedding anniversary. It is customary to give it both jewelry and various kinds of interior items with purple stones: caskets, figurines, family trees.

  • 49 years old- cedar wedding. This anniversary was named in honor of a noble and hardy tree, so the spouses a year before the golden jubilee will not be afraid of any problems and hardships. As a present for such a holiday, you can use various products from cedar: from caskets and figurines to a cedar barrel - a kind of mini-bath.
  • 50 years- golden wedding. An anniversary celebrated by all spouses, because love carried through half a century becomes truly “golden”. They give him jewelry, gilded interior items and symbolic souvenirs.

  • 55 years- emerald wedding. Anniversary named after precious stone, symbolizing fidelity and devotion, because the spouses remained faithful to each other after 55 years. As a gift, you can present them with both jewelry and gifts. emerald color: from textiles to paintings.
  • 60 years- diamond or platinum wedding. Judging by the years lived together, the love of the spouses is like a diamond - not only beautiful, but also indestructible. What to give for this wedding anniversary? Of course, products with diamonds or other gifts with sparkling stones. Because this anniversary is also called “platinum”, then it is better to choose this particular metal as a material for jewelry.

  • 70 years old- blessed wedding. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that the couple lived in fidelity and love for 70 years - isn't this the greatest blessing and happiness in the world. Anything can be presented as a gift for this anniversary, the main thing is that the gifts are not so much original as useful: textiles, a set of dishes, etc.
  • 75 years old- crown or alabaster wedding. As a crown adorns the heads of kings, so love adorns this marriage from the date of the wedding until now, because judging by the years lived, it is not only royally beautiful, but also indestructible. The list of gifts for this holiday is quite wide, because at this age it is better for spouses to present the necessary and useful gifts, not much focusing on the name of this anniversary: ​​bed linen, dishes, appliances, etc.
  • 80 years old- oak wedding. Like an age-old oak, the relationship of the spouses to this anniversary is strong and powerful, because they "survived" for 80 years. Can be given as a gift useful gifts for everyday life, as well as symbolic gifts made of oak: figurines, rosaries, dishes.

  • 90 years old- granite wedding Those couples who have lived together for 90 years can boast of "granite" feelings. It is customary to give various kinds of figurines, caskets and other symbolic objects made of granite on this date.
  • 100 years- red wedding. Not every couple can boast of celebrating their 100th anniversary, called red after the color of love and passion. What to give? Everything that has a red palette: from clothes and home textiles to interior items.

The www.site portal told you what anniversaries are, their names by year and symbols. When choosing gifts for a particular wedding anniversary, be sure to consider its symbolic name, which is given for a reason, but for the years lived together in marriage. Then you can not only please the spouses useful gift but also to emphasize the beauty and strength of their relationship!

The first anniversary of living together is called a chintz wedding, and if you are invited to it, then you need to take care of the appropriate gift. And a gift in honor of this date should be special - after all, a young family has passed the first test in its life, and it must be encouraged.

13 original first wedding anniversary gift ideas

1. Handkerchiefs to wipe away tears

According to Russian traditions, a married couple on print wedding it is necessary to give chintz. Behind him was a difficult, eventful year. Ordinary life and everyday life have already pushed back romance, the young people got to know each other from other sides.

On the day of the wedding anniversary, young people need to give handkerchiefs, because the first year is the most difficult for their family. And with donated handkerchiefs, the spouses wipe away the “tears” that were shed during the specified period.

2. Traditional chintz in an unconventional design

Friends always want to present something unusual, you see, traditions are good, but banality kills.

In order to make your gift the most memorable and original, we suggest you give the newlyweds a chintz tablecloth.

But, not simple, but with a print applied to it wedding photo couples.

You can't even imagine how happy they will be. nice gift! Perhaps this tablecloth will set the table according to the most important events in their family life.

3. The secret of touch as a gift

When choosing a gift, you always need to be creative - after all, it is not given just like that, because it is supposed to, but so that the couple can enjoy the gift, use it.

We suggest moving away from traditions a little, giving chintz - leave it to your parents. The best gift for newlyweds will be an aroma massage for two. Spouses during the session can restore the forces spent on “grinding” to each other.

Let them relax a little, relax. Indeed, over the year they have lived together, the newlyweds have already managed to pretty much pat their nerves, and now they need urgent help friends.

4. Family history in one book

Each family “writes” its own story using different life situations rubbing against each other. And this story does not always remain in the memory - after all, people tend to forget a lot.

Good, devoted friends will make sure that the story of a married couple does not remain only fragmentary memories - they will give a book for the first wedding anniversary. But this will not be an ordinary book, but a publication that will capture all the important moments in the life of the newlyweds.

Imagine this picture: the spouses receive a book as a gift, in which there is a photo confirmation with small stories about every significant event in their lives. Here they met, and here they went on their first date. And on this page photos of their wedding ...

Believe me, such a gift will be pleasant for a married couple.

5. Cutting through the water surface

Young family for the first year cohabitation does not always have time to go on vacation. It is the prerogative of rich and wealthy people to go on a honeymoon trip. In an ordinary family, most often spouses plunge headlong into everyday problems and worries: no apartment, you need to buy furniture, etc.

As you understand, they don’t have thoughts about rest in all this mess. Therefore, give them a wonderful vacation on their first wedding anniversary - a trip on a yacht. Charter her for the whole day, make sure their cabin has everything you need for a romantic dinner: candles, champagne, fruit. You can not even doubt that the newlyweds will like it - moreover, they will be wildly delighted with such a gift.

6. Original photo mosaic

There are quite a few options to surprise your friends.

One of them is a gift made in the form of a photo mosaic. You just need to take photos of the newlyweds and come with her to a special workshop. Literally in a week you will be holding a real work of art in your hands.

Believe me, the spouses will be delighted with such an unusual and creative gift.

7. Gift for two - pottery

Give your newlywed friends an amazing, exciting master class in pottery. They will be able to make any souvenir for themselves with their own hands: a saucer, a vase, a cup, a plate, etc.

There are pottery workshops in many cities that offer such services. In addition to the fact that the spouses themselves blind any item of kitchen utensils, they will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things about one of the oldest folk crafts.

And after the product made by common efforts dries, the couple can apply a pattern to it or ask the artist to do it. Perhaps he will draw them on a clay pot or vase, write their wedding date. Agree, hardly anyone will refuse such an original gift!

8. Family photo session

Another unusual gift for a married couple on the first anniversary of their life together. This service is provided by many professional photographers using high quality photographic equipment. Photos will turn out beautiful, high-quality and bright.

The beauty of this gift is that the couple will be able to choose their own images or help them with this. professional makeup artist. The right to choose a place for a photo session also remains with the spouses - they can be photographed at home, on the street, in the studio.

In addition to photographs on paper, the couple will definitely receive frames on digital media. Even those that are not included in the photo shoot - they can always print them separately.

9. Unforgettable rooftop dinner

Give your newlywed friends an amazing, romantic dinner on the roof of the restaurant. Today, many establishments provide such a service, and you just need to contact the administrator and order it.

But if there is no institution in your city that could organize such a dinner on the roof, do not be discouraged. After all, it can be "figured out" everywhere - on the roof of any high-rise building.

Arrange in advance with the representative of the ZhEK, clean the whole company on the roof, and proceed further according to the "romantic plan": a table with beautiful tablecloth, candles, starry night... What could be more romantic and beautiful than such a gift? The main thing is that the weather does not disappoint.

10. Cotton wedding in old Russian style

Organize an anniversary celebration for a couple and their loved ones not in a restaurant or cafe, but outside the city. But this will not be a banal trip to the country or to the forest. Invite them to celebrate their first joint holiday in an old Russian village-type settlement.

Just imagine - there are wooden houses with thatched roofs around, all rooms are decorated with handicrafts, embroidery, beautiful ornaments. Of course, there must be a feast - what kind of holiday without it? But it will not be in the traditional modern form.

Immerse yourself in the old days, when any significant event in the family it was celebrated on a truly Russian scale: tables in the yard with all kinds of food cooked in a real oven, benches covered with bedspreads. And of course - live music, with harmonica and balalaika.

11. Both useful and beautiful

Commemorative coins made of precious metal would be a great idea for a chintz wedding gift. For example, you can present your spouses with silver or gold coins with their zodiac signs.

To do this, you only need to know their dates of birth. By the way, you can write an original parting word on a beautiful parchment or a sheet of paper - to buy such coins for each unborn child.

Well, if your financial opportunities allow, you can order coins with an unusual design for the heroes of the occasion. For example, with a color coating, a hologram, inserts of crystals or precious stones.

12. Doll gift

Another interesting option for a gift for the first wedding anniversary - author's dolls. You can order miniature copies of husband and wife, and in quite interesting interpretations. Suppose she is Solokha, and he is her unlucky, cheerful Cossack husband.