How to celebrate your wedding anniversary at home. How to celebrate a wedding anniversary with your family. Invite him to a surprise dinner

Wedding anniversary: ​​10 years together

Rules for celebrating a tin wedding

A tin wedding is usually celebrated on a grand scale. Be sure to include in the list of invitees the same people who were present at your wedding ten years ago - as well as the witnesses to the wedding. Usually ten year anniversary celebrated in restaurants, cafes and banquet halls, freeing a woman from worries about preparing the holiday and cleaning up after it.

On the tenth wedding day, you need to follow the pink theme in everything: dress for the celebration, flowers in your hair, new tablecloth, pink sauces, pink fish, rose wine and so on

There are many ways to celebrate a tin wedding with a little creativity. According to ancient traditions, on this day spouses should exchange gifts that are expensive and important to both of them. Also, the husband must give his beloved 11 roses - ten red and one white. Red flowers will symbolize years spent in love, and White Rose will become the personification of hope for a long and happy life together. At the end of the celebration, tradition instructs the spouses to spend the night on a bed that is strewn with rose petals given to them that day.

Ways to Celebrate a Tin Wedding Anniversary

If celebrating your first wedding still makes your teeth ache, don't have a big ceremony. You don’t necessarily have to gather all your relatives at the table and remember everyone who had the honor of being present at your wedding ten years ago. Come up with your own rituals and traditions, spend this day together, dedicating it to joyful, romantic and pleasant events. This way you will lay a solid foundation in the perception of your children, who in the future will perceive such dates not as an obligation, but as something very personal and in some way sacred.

Original ways to celebrate

You can surprise your partner by booking a room in an expensive restaurant without his knowledge and inviting your closest relatives/friends there. Most likely, your other half will be pleasantly surprised, but still try to gently ask her what plans she has for that day. It will be awkward if your partner is preparing a similar surprise for you.

Ideally, you should agree among yourself in advance about the location of the anniversary and discuss the list of invited guests so that no one is left disappointed

What to give to friends for a tin wedding?

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No matter where you decide to spend the day tin wedding, remember: it must be festive. It is not necessary to set off fireworks and break glasses for good luck. Visit the theater, a concert of your favorite performer, wander the streets at night, remembering all the bright moments that life has given you. It is important that you devote this day to those things that bring pleasure to both of you.

An original way to spend a tin wedding day would be a short honeymoon. Take a vacation and spend Honeymoon in some quiet tourist paradise, away from work, city bustle and crying children. Rent a room in a cozy hotel, order dinner and good alcohol - this is an excellent alternative to monotonous toasts from drunk guests, gifts that have nowhere to put, as well as large expenses for food and drink.

Tin wedding

Gifts for a tin wedding

The choice of gifts for the tenth wedding anniversary is limited by nothing but your imagination. The only one obligatory gift is a bouquet of roses that will most likely be given to every guest of your celebration. Traditional gifts for a tin wedding are also considered decorative vases, figurines, tapestries, paintings, bed sheets, home appliances.

On this day, spouses can give each other beautiful tin rings - this custom was relevant in the old days and will probably remain so for a very long time. Great solution will become rings with a memorable engraving on them inside: Write there the date of the tin wedding, a declaration of love or the name of your loved one.

In the future, you can develop this tradition by giving rings made of different metals for each anniversary, which will be suitable for steel, crystal, nickel, agate, sapphire, silver and gold weddings

If you are going to the tin anniversary of your friends or relatives, gift them a small sculpture made of pink marble or a decorative figurine made of pink gemstone or wood. No less impressive and original gifts will be elegant candlesticks, a miniature fountain, an expensive mantel clock or artificial trees with leaves made of various gems.

What to give for a tin wedding

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When a married couple reaches their first anniversary – 1 year life together, the question immediately arises, where and how to celebrate your wedding anniversary? There are actually a lot of ideas and everything will depend on preferences, interests, character, customs. You can create your own tradition, which will be celebrated for 2, 3, 4, 5 years and so on, and then passed on to children, you can bring the most fantastic ideas to life, or you can decide on an exotic trip or an extreme parachute jump. The most important thing is to spend this holiday together and get the most wonderful emotions from it.

Holiday for two

Of course, this is a celebration of a young family that has gone through a rather difficult stage in life, learned more about its other half and now deserves a celebration. It doesn't have to be a party to which family and friends are invited. For many, this is exactly the event that allows them to once again relive those wonderful emotions that overwhelmed the newlyweds at the wedding. There are several most popular options for how to spend your anniversary.

Home comfort and romance

  • Don’t think that home is boring and uninteresting, because the couple creates the atmosphere and mood on their own.
  • It can be cooked romantic dinner, room decorated with candles, photos from the wedding. This environment can bring new emotions into the life of a married couple, they belong to each other and these are exactly the moments that you should strive for.
  • If you want to diversify the evening and change the atmosphere, and you don’t really want to cook dinner, you can dine at a restaurant. Then go for a walk around the city at night. Then return with your husband to a quiet, comfortable apartment, dream, make plans for the future and return to your wedding night.


  • This is a great reason to go on a romantic trip. This will not only bring a lot of unforgettable moments, but will also be remembered by the young couple for many years.
  • Such trips can become a real family tradition. When children arrive, such trips will bring pleasure to the whole family.
  • In addition, such a tradition will help the family get even closer, because every year they will have a pleasant and romantic vacation in a variety of places, and this obliges them to general plans and discussions.

Theme party

  • For people who like to experiment, change images and try themselves in a new role, the best option is a themed party.
  • A young couple can become heroes of a famous film, be transported back to childhood and plunge into a fairy tale.
  • You can go out into nature and have a photo shoot with friends in different images.
  • Perhaps your husband loves football? Why not create a party with your own football team?
  • When choosing a topic, the most important thing is to listen to each other; it should be interesting to both, including the guests.


  • Do you want to jump with a parachute, but haven’t had the right opportunity? So anniversary - perfect time to make dreams come true.
  • This could be ski resorts, surfing, diving, mountain hiking. The main thing on this day is for the two of you to do what brings happiness and joy.

With family and friends

  • A thematic idea can also be used here. It’s great to have a photo shoot on this day that everyone will remember for a long time.
  • You can use the idea of ​​memories. When the room is decorated with photographs of the newlyweds. The period of meetings, preparations for the wedding, the wedding itself, the first photographs of family life. Such ideas bring the couple very close and fill the couple with the most tender emotions.
  • It will be very interesting and beautiful if a couple creates something with their own hands as a couple. This could be painting porcelain, drawing a picture, planting a flower or even a tree.
  • If a family is expecting the birth of a child, this must be captured. And when the family is just planning this wonderful moment, you can create a photo with the child; over time, such photos will bring reverent and tender memories.


  • We must not forget that the young couple should congratulate each other on this wonderful holiday.
  • These may not be expensive gifts, but they must definitely carry meaning. A wife can embroider a scarf for her husband with his initials, knit a scarf or a warm jacket. Such things will speak of care and love.
  • The husband is unlikely to be able to knit or embroider, but it is absolutely possible to order an item according to individual parameters.
  • It will be wonderful to write letters to each other. Remember what was, how wonderful it is now and about your dreams. Here you can say the most tender and reverent words, thank each other. These letters must be kept.

It would seem that quite a lot of time has passed since the wedding: young families have last year Numerous joyful changes have taken place. They not only learned to understand each other better, created comfort in their home, some even managed to become happy parents. But they are still called newlyweds. Why?

Their status will not change until friends and family gather to congratulate them on their chintz wedding. How nice it is to replace everyday everyday worries with a holiday. Celebrate 1 year of wedding - our good old tradition, when not a single wedding anniversary is forgotten over the years.

Everyone is preparing for this day; congratulations on the chintz wedding day will be heard from everyone who was at the wedding. Is it necessary to conduct special occasions? Who should you invite? Each married couple decides for themselves how they will spend this day.

Traditions and customs: chintz wedding, how many years?

Everyone is interested in: what is the name of a wedding after 1 year of married life, why does the first anniversary of married life have such a name? The people's favorite fabric is chintz: simple, inexpensive, thin, translucent, it can be torn if you only put some effort in the right place.

So the young family lived for 1 year: a chintz wedding is on the doorstep, this is so little time together, she has developed a good, simple relationship, but which is so easy to destroy. The name of the fabric is translated as motley - and in a young family, the first year of marriage is the most eventful with a variety of bright events.

Newlyweds first began receiving wishes for a chintz wedding a long time ago. In the Middle Ages, a tradition arose of inviting those people who were present at the wedding itself, and only a few years later new acquaintances were invited to other celebrations.

This tradition has been preserved to this day. Witnesses of a happy moment are the most welcome guests. The closest relatives and best friends remember this event and prepare a gift for a chintz wedding in advance.

Chintz has always been the main attribute of this holiday. Tablecloths and napkins, holiday outfits heroes of the occasion, gifts - this fabric is felt everywhere. The chintz wedding is coming soon, what to give the husband is not a problem for the wife.

On this day, husband and wife should give each other handkerchiefs, of course cotton, with knots tied - symbols of a strong desire to preserve happy marriage for life. Our grandmothers still remember this ritual and the words that must be spoken at this time. They sound like an oath and a prayer at the same time. They say that if such a ceremony was performed beautifully and cordially, then such a family is “doomed” to long-term happiness.

How to celebrate a calico wedding to remember

How to spend this day: organize a luxurious banquet, gather with friends for a picnic or go on a new honeymoon? Let the scenario of a chintz wedding depend on yours financial opportunities, personal wishes, but it must certainly take place, even if the only invitees are the newlyweds themselves. How pleasant it will be to remember even the simplest and most modest dinner together after many years lived in harmony and understanding.

A chintz wedding is another milestone in your life. In the future, not only silver and golden anniversaries will be celebrated, but also simple wooden wedding, ten-year mark, porcelain wedding. Each of these holidays must be remembered in every detail, so you should definitely have a video camera or a photo camera.

It’s a pity that it’s not always possible to congratulate a calico woman on her wedding day, since at this time a young family simply cannot have the time and energy: all their worries are switched to the first-born, who usually appears by this time. Evening in close quarters family circle When watching videos and photos from the wedding, interesting moments are remembered - the most wonderful celebration.

Wedding anniversary calico in last years Our compatriots are increasingly celebrating it abroad. If the newlyweds do not yet have an heir, this is the most perfect option for the celebration. New traditions are literally being born before our eyes.

How wonderful it is to repeat your honeymoon or go to new places for unforgettable impressions. Travel agencies they even began to offer a new service: to symbolically seal the knot of marriage again somewhere on the ocean shore in an exotic country or within the walls of a medieval castle.

If you like to observe all the old traditions, and you want to receive congratulations on your chintz wedding among the festively laid table, then you need to take care of such points as invitation cards, table decoration with obligatory cake.

The symbolism of the celebration should be felt in everything. Ask your friends to dress in appropriate clothing, if possible, and decorate everything around with bright ribbons. The husband and wife should prepare congratulatory words that they will say to each other at the banquet.

What do you give for a chintz wedding?

You have been invited to celebrate your wedding anniversary, and you don’t know what gift to choose.
If this has been happening for many years, then perhaps your imagination has run out. But what to give for a chintz wedding should not be a problem.

A young family needs many things. Any textiles, bed linen, warm blankets– products made from any fabric that in one way or another resemble a symbol of celebration are suitable for gifts. The friends who invited you have a child - this also makes your task easier. Any baby clothes, toys, educational games are suitable as a gift.

It's always better to give useful thing, young families with children are in need in many ways. There is nothing wrong if you try to find out from the heroes of the occasion what they want to receive as a gift.

Flowers are always suitable as a gift, but not cut flowers in a bouquet, but in a pot. Select blooming houseplants, those that will look motley, bright, colorful. They will remind the spouses of the celebration of their first wedding anniversary for many years.

It doesn’t matter at all what you give, the main thing is that the heroes of the day feel that they are loved and wish them happiness from the bottom of their hearts. Don't forget about greeting card, choose one that definitely has chintz on it in the design or as decoration. A welcoming, friendly atmosphere at the holiday will energize the spouses for a long, happy life.

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So the cheerful, unforgettable, wonderful wedding ended. On the one hand, my soul is joyful and light that all the troubles are already behind me, but on the other hand, it’s still a little sad, because we will never be the bride and groom again. But, in fact, it’s too early to be upset :)), because a wedding anniversary, like a birthday, is celebrated every year... And each anniversary has its own name and its own meaning.

Wedding anniversaries began to be celebrated several centuries ago. In those days, only very rich people could afford to celebrate anniversaries. Over time, the tradition of celebrating wedding anniversaries penetrated into other sectors of society. Part of traditions and names wedding anniversaries arose in pre-revolutionary Russia, others appeared later - in the 19th century. A wedding anniversary is a symbol of family happiness and A good reason remember yourself as the bride and groom. If you are planning to celebrate wedding anniversary, then you should know that every wedding anniversary has its own name, gifts and congratulations corresponding to the name of the anniversary.

1 year - COTTON wedding.

During this period, the couple has already learned the difficulties and delights of married life, but they are still considered newlyweds. There is an opinion that before celebrating 1 year of marriage after the wedding, spouses go through probation. Young people get to know each other better, now they have to take into account the interests of their partner, spouses understand that in controversial situations it is sometimes better to give in, but there are also times when it is necessary to support each other. 1 year after the wedding, married life is very similar to chintz. Love is still as hot as on the wedding day, but the relationship is very fragile, it can collapse at any moment. In a day Calico anniversary spouses give each other cotton handkerchiefs, on which they tie a knot - this is a symbol of the desire to preserve mutual love for many years. A husband or wife, tying a knot in a scarf, swore to each other that their love would not cool down throughout next year. It is customary to invite guests to the Calico wedding anniversary. For the holiday, the hostess had to embroider festive outfits for her husband and herself, in which the newlyweds had to spend the entire holiday day, regardless of whether guests came. The dress could not be removed until sunset. In addition, the hostess was obliged to embroider the tablecloth with which the festive table. Guests invited to celebrate a wedding anniversary usually give gifts, according to tradition. On this day, the “bride” was given a calico dress, and the “groom” a calico shirt or calico trousers. The most important gift was considered to be a dress given to the young wife by her mother-in-law. Gifts made from this material symbolize wishes for easy and simple relationships in married life.

2 years - PAPER wedding.

It also means the fragility of bonds, which are like paper without careful attitude may tear. Two years after the wedding, the couple manages to distribute household responsibilities and identify unpleasant habits that arise in family life. After all the shortcomings and advantages of the spouses have been identified, the grinding of characters begins. It is believed that it was during this period that the husband and wife, as a rule, begin to save money to buy things necessary for a normal life. The second wedding anniversary is celebrated almost all over the world, but each country has its own customs. For example, in Byzantium, spouses made paper dolls and hid notes in them with wishes and a list of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. These notes had to be read in front of guests, which could be given to the spouses wise advice. In Greece, during the celebration of a paper wedding, spouses dance a dance of money, during which guests attach banknotes to the clothes of the heroes of the day, and in Bulgaria, husband and wife dress up in paper clothes and guests are welcomed there. Usually, gifts made from paper are given at a paper wedding. You can present the spouses with a painting, a calendar, an original postcard, or a cookbook. One of the best wedding anniversary gifts is a family photo album that you will add to each year as you celebrate and photograph each wedding anniversary, including the upcoming ones.

3 years - LEATHER wedding.

It symbolizes that the “paper” difficulties have been overcome and the spouses have learned to get along with each other. The properties of the skin resemble the relationship of spouses. The skin can be stretched different sides, but it can be cleaned to a shine. If the leather is not worn carefully, it will tear. In marriage, everything happens the same way - if the relationship is shaken, it is necessary to find out the cause of the discord, otherwise marital happiness will “break.” On the eve of your three-year wedding anniversary, you need to pay off all your debts. And on the anniversary itself, smash all cracked or chipped dishes into pieces. The meaning of this custom is: loud noise drives away evil spirits from the home of spouses. According to legend, the more fragments there are, the richer and happier the family will be. Spouses must wear leather clothes, in which you need to spend the whole day. Nowadays, spouses simply use fashion accessories: leather belt, leather handbag, leather wallet. There should be a loaf on the table rye bread, the spouses must break off a small piece from it and eat it in front of others. Usually they give gifts made of leather (gloves, wallets, leather clothes, furniture.

4 years - LINEN wedding.

Linen, especially self made- a symbol of prosperity and security. There are several traditions that have survived to this day. For example, showering spouses with flaxseeds. This symbolizes long and strong relationships in family. You need to set the table with a linen tablecloth, placing each cutlery a napkin made of the same material. The festive table used to be decorated with figurines that the husband made from flax stalks. They had to be kept until the fifth anniversary, and then ceremonially burned. Nowadays, the table can be decorated with figurines knitted with linen thread, which will symbolize strong and strong family ties. These figurines can usually be found in gift shops. On this day, spouses are given linen towels, bedspreads, tablecloths, etc.

5 years - WOODEN wedding.

First round anniversary. A wooden house seems to be strong and reliable, but it is not resistant to fires (quarrels between spouses). According to statistics, the largest number of divorces occurs between three and five years of a family’s existence. If the spouses pass this critical milestone, then most likely they will celebrate subsequent anniversaries together. If 5 years have passed since the wedding, the couple should have their first child. Young parents must grow to each other like trees, since nothing can strengthen family life stronger than the birth of a child. It would be good if on this day the spouses plant a tree, which should protect the family from adversity. Gifts for spouses are usually made of wood - dishes, boxes, jewelry, amulets, small indoor trees.

6 years - CAST IRON wedding.

The relationship between spouses is as strong as metal, but fragile as cast iron, which can easily break from a strong blow. Special attention You need to pay attention to cast iron cookware, i.e., clean it thoroughly. It is customary to give decorative interior items, i.e. small sculptures, candlesticks, vases, as well as busts, writing instruments, boxes or, for example, a cast iron frying pan.

6.5 years - ZINC wedding.

Little holiday family life, which has lasted for 6 years and 6 months. Products made of zinc need to be polished from time to time. In addition, zinc is a fairly strong metal, which is quite difficult to destroy. Planning a Celebration zinc wedding, you need to be careful when compiling your guest list. These should be the closest and dearest people who can properly appreciate all the achievements of the spouses over 6.5 years of marriage. On this day, galvanized utensils are given as gifts. There is even a tradition according to which it is customary to throw pieces of zinc out the window on this day in order to preserve love and passion in family relationships.

7 years - COPPER wedding (or wool wedding).

Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. In previous years, as a sign of the 7th wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins. Now you can give each other as a gift copper wedding handicrafts - candlesticks, decorative cups, embossing, a box made of any material, but with one condition: the key to it must be copper. The box can be designed to store documents, jewelry and various small items, and the key itself will become a family talisman. It is best to give those things that have lasting value, since they should serve the anniversary for many years, in addition, it is desirable that they are made of high-quality materials.

8 years - TIN wedding.

After 8 years from the wedding, family life becomes ordinary - the relationship between the spouses fades and becomes like a nondescript tin. However, now there are no everyday problems that were so disturbing in the first years of marriage. Judging by the name of the wedding, everyday life tested the spouses' strength and brought them closer together, thanks to concerns about family and home. On the night before the anniversary of the Tin Wedding, the husband and wife took the tin plate to the stable and left it on the floor. If a horse stepped on tin, imprinting a horseshoe on it, the subsequent life of the spouses was supposed to be happy. The plate itself with the imprint of the horseshoe was kept in the house until one of the spouses died. On their wedding anniversary, the celebrants put a bucket of “fiery liquid” outside the gate, and next to it they placed a tin mug and a small ladle. Passers-by were supposed to drink from the ladle and wish the spouses health, and throw coins into the tin mug so that the heroes of the day would live in abundance. Accordingly, both tin products (kitchen utensils, household items) and just everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes. A good gift could be a week's supply of stew or beer :)).

9 years - FAIENCE wedding (or chamomile wedding).

It is believed that on the nine-year anniversary of marriage there are certain critical moments that must be experienced, so a marriage can easily crack, like earthenware. Spouses during the celebration faience wedding, breaking old earthenware. By breaking each piece of dishes, the husband and wife break up the troubles, discords and quarrels that have occurred over the past year. It is believed that with the help of this ritual one can not only renew a marriage, but also make it stronger. Usually the process of smashing dishes is a lot of fun, so you can involve your guests in it. Can be given as a gift tea-set(and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can give earthenware or a decorative earthenware plate.

10 years - PINK wedding (or tin wedding).

Everyone who was present at the marriage 10 years ago is invited to the celebration of the anniversary of this round date. Gifts for pink wedding very romantic and symbolic. The husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red - as a symbol of love and 1 white - as a symbol of hope for the next decade. The festive table should be covered with a pink tablecloth, pink candles and napkins should be selected. In addition, drinks and snacks should also be romantic: red or rose wine, red fish, a large cake with roses and tea with rose petals. An excellent gift for a rose wedding would be a flower vase, box, sculpture or piece of wood made from rosewood; in addition, as a gift for 10 wedding years, you can give a painting or some accessory depicting roses, various decorations from pink stones, for example, carnelian. As wedding gift each other, the spouses can repeat their honeymoon and spend some time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, bustle and children's crying.

11 years - STEEL wedding.

The beginning of a new decade of marriage. This date speaks for itself: 1+1 is two people walking through life hand in hand. Now the marriage is strong and resilient, like steel. 11 years is the best age for marriage, since the husband and wife have already become one team and have not stopped appreciating each other’s feelings. Children must be present at the event in honor of the special occasion. spouses must give each other flowers, each bouquet consists of 11 flowers, they must decorate your home for 11 days, for example, chrysanthemums or carnations. There is a belief that if the bouquets stand for 11 days, the couple will be together until their death. If one bouquet withers a little earlier than the other, it is not thrown away. Withered flowers are left as a sign that if one of the spouses grows old earlier, becomes sick, infirm, the other will still love him. Gifts must be steel-silver in color or contain steel details. This could be a set of pots, a tray, a champagne bucket, a floor stand for flowers, a set of skewers, several photo frames, a chandelier, sconce, floor lamp or night lamp.

12.5 years - NICKEL wedding.

According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years. The sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the shine of a relationship. Celebrating the 12th anniversary of marriage should include ceremony and traditions. According to a long-standing custom, the newlyweds had to come to the wedding after everyone else, i.e. The guests were supposed to arrive first. It doesn’t matter what kind of wedding is being celebrated, 12 years or any other, this tradition should also be observed on subsequent anniversaries. On a holiday, spouses can visit their favorite places and then join the guests. Accordingly, the theme of the gift for the 12th wedding anniversary is obvious - shiny nickel-plated items should be given - for example, dishes, for example, cutlery made from an alloy of nickel and silver, a set of cupronickel spoons. As a rule, it is celebrated in a close family circle.

13 years - LACE wedding(or lily of the valley garden).

For a long time, the number 13 has evoked associations with something otherworldly, fragile, and mysterious. Therefore, they also said about this anniversary that demons creep into family life and begin to quarrel between spouses and confuse their thoughts, thus testing the strength of family ties. That is why the 13th anniversary of marriage was called lace, i.e. woven or tightly tied. With the help of this symbolic name, people in ancient times tried to protect their family from evil spirits. You had to plant a birch tree near your house and tie it with a lace belt. According to legend, this tree created a protective aura around the couple’s house. According to another custom, the heroes of the occasion had to wear something lace so as not to anger the evil spirits. On the 13th wedding anniversary, guests give gifts made of lace, for example, beautiful bed linen trimmed with lace, items knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary. On this day, the wife must bake thin lace pancakes. The wedding is celebrated in the family circle, with children, parents of spouses and other close relatives.

14 years - AGATE wedding.

The first gem assigned to a family. Agate is amazing stone. In its depths there are many unusual patterns that form various pictures. It seems that the spouses have lived together long enough and have learned everything they can about each other. But in fact, it is in the 14th year of marriage that husband and wife discover new, often unexpected things in each other. Agate is credited with the ability to protect the family from danger, separation and betrayal. For the “bride,” an agate ring or agate earrings would be a good gift; for a man, either cufflinks or a tie pin would be suitable. Guests can please the celebrants with a bowl or vase decorated with agates. According to ancient belief, if spouses take turns drinking from such a cup, all quarrels between them will settle down, and wine poured into such a vessel makes people speak sincerely. After all, nothing can support a marriage like frankness and mutual trust.

15 years - GLASS wedding(or crystal wedding).

It is not for nothing that crystal and glass were chosen as symbols of the fifteenth anniversary. Of course, they are beautiful, but also very fragile, like the love of spouses and their mutual understanding. Family happiness is as easy to break as a glass goblet. On crystal wedding It is customary to invite many guests: wedding witnesses, friends and relatives. Children must also be present at the celebration. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary there is crystal and glassware, gifts made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls, etc. The husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. In honor of the 15th wedding anniversary, a husband can give his wife not a traditional bouquet of flowers, but a bottle of perfume that the wife likes most. A crystal box would also be a good gift. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone deliberately breaks a glass, glass or plate.

Non-round dates 16 and 17 years.

Spouses usually celebrate alone or with close relatives. As a romantic activity, you can take a one-day trip on this day, for example, go on an excursion to a neighboring town. You can also visit a theater or cinema and then have a romantic candlelit dinner.

18 years - TURQUOISE wedding.

Often the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the coming of age of the first-born. Turquoise has long been considered a stone of happiness; our ancestors believed that turquoise makes marriage happy and reconciles spouses. On the day of the 18th wedding anniversary, it is customary for the spouses to exchange rings made of turquoise, thus, the husband and wife swore eternal love to each other. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of complex and crisis situations related to the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should sparkle with a new light. Turquoise has left a big mark in history; this is confirmed by jewelry used as talismans that protect against illness, as well as bringing happiness, success and wealth to the home. According to tradition, what a wedding is for 18 years of married life, so is a wedding gift, so it is customary to give celebrants items made of turquoise: cups, jewelry, various interior items in which this semi-precious stone is present.

It's better to celebrate 19 years together.

20th wedding anniversary - PORCELAIN wedding.

Porcelain is an expensive and beautiful material, but if handled carelessly, it can break. Likewise, spouses who have lived together for twenty years should rejoice at such a long, wonderful union, while not forgetting that happiness is a fragile thing, but it is in their hands. Festive table served with porcelain set. Since porcelain products originally appeared in the east, one of the dishes on the festive table should be oriental. You can also present the spouses with a tea or coffee set or two porcelain cups; it can also be a variety of figurines, vases or some beautiful souvenirs. The hostess will appreciate it if she is given a porcelain doll.

21 years - OPAL wedding.

Opal is primarily a symbol of fidelity and guarantee. Opal gives its owner love, happiness and trust, but in return it requires that it be looked after - constantly wiped vegetable oil. If the spouses are celebrating opal wedding, 21 years of marriage, this means that the husband and wife have already managed to “get used to” each other, there is no longer any former passion, there is peace in their home. Is not round date, so the spouses can celebrate in private, for example, by going to a restaurant. You can also have a romantic dinner at home, but in this case, do not forget to buy aroma candles and turn on romantic music. On this day it is customary to give jewelry and souvenirs with opal.

22 years - BRONZE wedding.

Bronze is a malleable alloy, just like marriage, which constantly requires patience and concessions. For 22 years, the husband and wife, having studied each other’s morals well, know perfectly well when to remain silent and when to insist on their own. This anniversary is celebrated in a narrow family circle, in a warm home environment. As a gift for the 22nd anniversary, it is customary to give bronze items, figurines and souvenirs. If you want your gift to stand out from the rest, give the spouses a bronze medal for their 22nd wedding anniversary. IN " olympic game"marriage" husband and wife received their first medal. In this case, the presentation of a gift should be accompanied by a wish to achieve higher rewards over time.

23 years - BERYL wedding.

If, after twenty-three years, the spouses look at each other with tenderness, it means shine family relations saved. Spouses can give each other beryl jewelry on this day, be it a bracelet or a ring. By the way, there are such varieties of beryl: augustite (a dark-colored mineral of blue color), aquamarine (bluish-blue to bluish-green), bazzite (light blue), noble beryl (apple green), bixbite, which is also called red emerald, sparrow (pink-violet), heliodor (yellow, orange ), goshenite (no color), roasterite (pale pink or colorless) and emerald (than richer color this stone, the more expensive it is valued). Guests MUST give “paired” gifts: a pair of mittens different sizes, figurines with loving couples or something single, but in duplicate, for example, two tea mugs.

24 years - SATIN wedding.

Satin wedding It is celebrated by people who have gone through the difficult path of living together and have achieved complete understanding and mutual respect. Satin is a soft, flexible and smooth material. It emphasizes the ease of relationships between spouses who have overcome many difficulties on their way to this anniversary, and now their hearts are filled with love not only for each other, but also for their children and grandchildren. When you invite your family and friends to your anniversary celebration, try to show them all the warmth and smoothness of your relationship 24 years after the wedding. The symbol of this day, of course, is the atlas. That is why you need to find a beautiful satin tablecloth, napkins and other accessories made from this material for the festive table. The tradition also affected marital outfits. A symbolic addition to your husband’s outfit may be satin tie. The wife, accordingly, can buy herself a unique satin dress, able to amaze guests with its beauty. Any product made from satin can act as a gift. Be it a tablecloth, bedspread or bed linen.

25 years - SILVER WEDDING.

This is the first "famous" wedding anniversary. Silver is a noble metal, therefore it is considered a symbol of a strong family union. If spouses celebrate a silver wedding, it means that their marriage has already acquired metallic strength. Two and a half dozen years lived together indicate that the “young” were able to preserve their love, avoiding many “underwater reefs” that came across along the path of life. On this day, husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to their wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. The silver wedding can also be celebrated “officially” - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place. Previously, three bottles of wine were laid in the wedding year, which were opened on the day of the silver wedding. The first was used to test the husband, the second was on the table - the first toast was celebrated with it, and the third was intended only for the spouses; it had to be drunk during the evening. When setting the wedding table on the day of this wedding anniversary, you should use silverware, for decoration - silver ribbons, garlands, silver-varnished flowers. Please note that according to tradition, you need to invite at least 25 people, preferably those people who were at your wedding. As a gift for your 25th wedding anniversary, you first need to give 25 roses. Guests also give silver items for the 25th wedding anniversary: ​​it can be jewelry, cutlery, vases or figurines, interior items, jewelry. From non-standard silver gifts We can recommend buying this year's silver commemorative coin or two silver spoons. Or give the spouses a memorable gift, for example, make a collage of photographs of them in their youth on whatman paper.

26 years - JADE wedding.

By this time, the marriage becomes almost ideal, but not yet entirely predictable. An unusually strong and durable stone, jade is practically resistant to either mechanical or chemical influences. This stone symbolizes the reliability and durability of the relationship between spouses who have lived, as they say, “soul to soul” for 26 years. Having gone through such a sometimes difficult path of life together, in most cases, the husband and wife have long since raised their children, and they, as a rule, managed to acquire their own own family and separate from your parents. Now the spouses can again live for each other, as in the first time after the wedding. On the 26th anniversary, the spouses, holding hands, must certainly repeat vows of love to each other, as if renewing the promises made on the wedding day. On this day, husband and wife exchange jade medallions as a sign mutual love. Since this is not such a big date, it is not customary to celebrate it noisily. Only close and dear people gather at the dinner table, remembering past years and making new plans for the future. As a gift, the heroes of the occasion are usually given jewelry or souvenirs made of jade, because, among other things, this mineral is also considered a virtue stone, it has healing properties and brings good luck.

27 years - MAHOGANY TREE wedding.

After all, mahogany represents strength and nobility. Likewise, a marriage that lasted 27 years will most likely celebrate pearl, ruby, and golden wedding. It’s unlikely that anything can destroy such a family. If controversial situations arise between spouses, they will no longer be able to cause a major quarrel. The husband and wife have already managed to study each other so well that they know in which situations they need to insist on their own, and in which it is better to give in. Guests give items of furniture, souvenirs and mahogany products.

28 years.

So, the next wedding anniversary has arrived, 28 years of marriage. The couple have lived together for quite a long time, they managed to get used to each other, until the smallest details learn good and bad habits. But we also learned to give in in sometimes controversial situations - all for the sake of maintaining peace in the family. By this time, the children have grown up, and family life is calm and measured. As a rule, if a couple celebrates their wedding day for 28 years, their marriage has become quite strong. Passions are no longer in full swing, as in their youth, but, in return, the couple created home comfort, which they now would not want to exchange for anything. Spouses usually celebrate non-round dates alone or with close relatives.

29 years - VELVET wedding.

Family union is already so strong that practically nothing can separate the spouses. Velvet is a beautiful and noble material. He is a symbol of softness and tenderness. After all, without these wonderful feelings family happiness is impossible. Spouses are given velvet clothes. Give the “bride” a velvet dress and the “groom” a velvet shirt. If you want to make an original gift, give the celebrants Amur velvet. This decorative tree, which grows in the Far East. The plant is easy to cultivate and loves light and warmth. It grows quite quickly and can live up to 300 years. If you couldn’t find a living tree, souvenirs made from the wood of this tree are also suitable. When preparing a gift for your 29th wedding anniversary, add Black Velvet Gin to it. This drink has a delicate aroma and a slightly pungent taste. Gin is commonly used to make a variety of cocktails.

30 years - PEARL wedding.

Clean natural pearls is a symbol of the purity and impeccability of the relationship between a husband and wife who have lived together for 30 years. On this day, it is customary to come to a river or any body of water and throw pearls into the water; it is believed that the number of years the pearls lie at the bottom determines how many years you will live together. As a gift for a pearl wedding, the husband presents his wife with a necklace, which, naturally, should contain 30 grains of pearls - according to the number of years that have passed since the wedding day. This is a round date, so this day is worth celebrating in a special way. During the feast, you must put a pearl in each other's glasses of champagne. The wife throws a black pearl into her husband's glass, the husband throws a white one. Then, the spouses drink champagne for brotherhood, take out the pearls, break the glasses and kiss until the guests count to 30. A gift for the 30th wedding anniversary can be anything made from pearls - for example, jewelry. Guests can afford a simpler gift for a pearl wedding - interior items decorated with pearls, but not natural, but artificial pearls.

31 years old - DARK wedding.

Name " dark wedding“symbolizes something sunny, similar to the relationship between spouses who have lived together for more than three decades. Therefore, on the 31st anniversary of marriage, it is customary to give everything related to the sun, warmth, etc. For example, this could be a subscription to a solarium, a trip to the sea. If there are no special expenses for a gift, you can present an ordinary bouquet of sunflowers or sunglasses.

32 and 33 years old.

Spouses usually celebrate non-round dates alone or with close relatives. As a romantic activity, you can take a one-day trip on this day, for example, go on an excursion to a neighboring town. You can also visit a theater or cinema and then have a romantic candlelit dinner.

34 years - AMBER wedding.

The anniversary is usually celebrated modestly, with family. Jewelry and various accessories made of amber are ideal as a gift. This stone symbolizes the strengthening love between spouses over the years. After all, real amber from an aesthetic point of view can only be appreciated after several centuries, during which it is constantly changing and its beauty becomes more and more bewitching. Also, the relationship between husband and wife grows stronger every year.

35 years - CORAL wedding (linen wedding).

A linen tablecloth personifies peace, well-being and comfort. Corals - health and long life together. As you know, coral is formed from small calcareous skeletons of polyps, forming large coral reefs. So a 35-year marriage, made up of tens of thousands of days, formed a large island called “family.” Most likely, this will seem strange to many, but after so many years the spouses still feel for each other tender feelings, now they understand how deep their love is. Children and grandchildren must be present at the celebration. By old custom On their wedding anniversary, the couple wrote down the secrets of a long and happy family life on pieces of paper and hid them in a box. On the day when grandchildren get married, the box is given to the newlyweds so that they can read the advice of their happy relatives. Gifts for 35 wedding years - red coral jewelry, linen tablecloths, bedspreads, napkins, towels, clothing items, etc. A wife can give her husband a linen shirt.

36 years is not a round date.

Although, some couples like to arrange big holidays with a considerable number of guests. If you are invited to your 36th wedding anniversary, of course you cannot show up without a gift. It has long been customary to give spouses something useful to use in the household. Traditional gifts are a tea, coffee or table set, a TV table, a blanket for the sofa, a coffee maker, a kettle, and a mixer. But keep in mind that the gift should not be very expensive; usually valuable things are given by relatives.

37 years - MUSLIN wedding.

Muslin is thin, but quite durable and beautiful fabric. In the old days, weddings were practically not celebrated for 37 years, so there are no customs associated with such a date. Muslin weddings began to be celebrated relatively recently. Since the date is not round, the event is usually celebrated with family. On this day, the closest relatives: children and grandchildren gather in the house of the heroes of the day. If you wish, you can invite your closest friends to the feast.

37.5 years - ALUMINUM anniversary.

This not-so-round, but still important date is celebrated with family and friends. Aluminum is the symbol of this anniversary. Quite durable and at the same time flexible and soft material hints at the peculiarities of the relationship between husband and wife 37.5 years after the wedding. An ideal gift would be a variety of accessories, jewelry and other household necessities made from aluminum or any other metals.

38 years - MERCURY wedding.

As is known, mercury is the only liquid metal. So it is with this anniversary - the spouses have an excellent opportunity to transform their family life, give it new uniform. 38 wedding years is the most favorable time to accomplish long-planned actions, under no circumstances should you miss this chance; it is unknown whether it will present itself again! It goes without saying that it’s root :)) it’s not worth giving as a gift :)). A gift can be any thing that has a moving part. For example, a lamp in the form of a flask filled with wax, a picture of pouring sand, or a pendulum. Dark red gifts are also suitable. For example, mahogany figurines, a red tea set or a red velvet bedspread.

40th anniversary - RUBY wedding.

Ruby is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between spouses is “blood”. To commemorate their ruby ​​wedding anniversary, a husband and wife may choose to have a ruby ​​encrusted in their wedding rings. The hardness of a ruby ​​is similar to that of a diamond, and it is believed that no trials can split a family. In the room where the celebration of the 40th wedding anniversary will take place, the color red should predominate. For example, scarlet curtains on the windows, a red tablecloth, vases with bouquets of red flowers. Be sure to decorate the room balloons in the shape of a heart, hang red garlands. Typically, garlands are made from strips of corrugated paper. The length must be calculated in advance - it should be one and a half times the distance between the nails to which this garland will be attached. On the 40th wedding anniversary, guests give expensive gifts to the celebrants. Such as interior items, furniture, dishes, vases, paintings, audio and video equipment, household appliances. In addition, you can give red things: any clothes, bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains, carpets or home decorations.

41-43 anniversaries are not celebrated.

44 years - TOPAZ wedding.

Time spent together brings people closer. Especially if over the years of marriage we had to go through many obstacles and experience the happiness of having children, and later grandchildren. All the common joys and troubles made the spouses, so to speak, a single whole. Now there is time to live for each other. Children and grandchildren have grown up long ago, perhaps some even have great-grandchildren. The family line continued for several generations, and the once passionate and ardent love grew into mutual understanding and mutual respect. The symbol of the anniversary is the unusually strong and durable stone topaz. It, like the feelings of the spouses, is durable and beautiful. A variety of topaz jewelry and other accessories will be original gifts for this significant date.

45th anniversary - SAPPHIRE (Scarlet) wedding.

The years tell us to think about health, and sapphire, according to popular belief, is a healing stone that relieves heavy thoughts, refreshes feelings, and gives strength to fight fatigue and illness. According to tradition, on the 45th wedding anniversary, it is customary to encrust wedding rings with sapphires. By the 45th wedding anniversary, the spouses already have children, grandchildren, and sometimes even great-grandchildren. In addition, real friends also come to the holiday, who will be pleased to share this with their spouses. significant event. If possible, witnesses to the wedding are also invited to the celebration. According to tradition, they are honored in the same way as the “young ones”. The reason for this is that the witnesses turned out to be eyewitnesses to such an event as a marriage that lasted as much as 45 years! It is customary to give gifts related to water. For example, a set of blue towels, a blue bedspread, bathroom decorations and a variety of toiletries. In any case, when choosing a gift, you need to take into account the preferences of the “young people” and their hobbies. Try to remember, maybe the celebrants of the day wanted something for a long time, but for certain reasons they could not buy it. Of course, the ideal gift is a sapphire product, but the spouses will be happy with any gift, because the most important thing is attention.

46 years - LAVENDER wedding.

This day symbolizes tenderness and kindness and longevity marital relations. A bouquet of lavender would be a good gift. She, like the feelings of the “newlyweds,” does not lose her truly wonderful aroma over the years.

47 years - CASHMERE wedding.

Cashmere's ability to create warmth symbolizes what has been connecting two hearts together for many years. You can give the “young ones” various products made of wool and cashmere.

48th anniversary - AMETHYST wedding.

Amethyst is a stone of extraordinary beauty. It symbolizes the purity and transparency of the relationship between people who were married 48 years ago. At the end of the fifth decade of married life, all misunderstandings practically disappeared, husband and wife adapted to each other’s characters. The husband can give his wife a variety of amethyst jewelry. This will not only be very pleasant, but to some extent a symbolic gift. Guests who come to celebrate the 48th wedding anniversary usually present any home accessories the couple needs as a gift.

49 years - CEDAR wedding.

50 years - GOLDEN WEDDING.

Only love, devotion, and respect from the spouses helped achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - the husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and pass the old ones on to their unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. Children should prepare in advance for their parents' golden wedding. Collect gold-colored coins, buy gold glitter or confetti. All this is needed to perform the ceremony of showering with gold. In addition, on the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, the celebrants are showered with rice and grain, wishing them happiness, prosperity, love, prosperity and mutual understanding. All relatives and guests should shower the spouses. After this, everyone is invited to the festive table. According to tradition, the “young woman” must bake a kalach or pie. During the golden wedding celebration, it is cut into pieces and served to the married guests. It is believed that through this ritual the wisdom of a happy family life is transmitted. After the holiday, it is customary to have a tea ceremony. The spouses should be left alone, sit at an uncleaned table and drink a cup of tea, and only after that the children and grandchildren help clear the table. This tradition must be observed for 50 years, the golden wedding. Thus, the unity of the spouses is shown. Guests come and go, but the house of the heroes of the day rests on the two of them. Gifts for a golden wedding, of course, are gold items. Guests can also give gold-plated jewelry and interior items. One of the ancient customs is the gift of a scarf. On the day of the golden wedding, 50 years of marriage between the parents, the daughter should give her mother a scarf embroidered with gold threads.

51-54 wedding years - not celebrated

55 years - EMERALD wedding.

The name of the wedding is associated with emerald - a stone Green colour, symbolizing the eternity of life. The appropriate wish for the wedding anniversary is to live, love and never grow old. When planning a holiday, you need to take into account the capabilities of the heroes of the day. People at this age cannot always endure crowded and noisy celebrations. It is better to make sure that the holiday is as eventful as possible according to the program, but takes place in a close family circle. A good gift would be the restoration of family heirlooms. You can restore old family photographs so that they can delight the “young people” for a long time. And if you have a photo of the whole family, order a portrait. Often life scatters people over long distances, which are quite difficult to overcome, especially in old age. Those celebrating the anniversary probably have relatives or friends with whom fate separated them for some reason. Find these people and invite them to emerald wedding. This will be the most expensive gift for the heroes of the occasion, and upon receiving it they will be very happy.

56-59 wedding anniversaries are not celebrated.

60th anniversary - DIAMOND (platinum) wedding.

The name of the wedding is as clear as a diamond. The husband and wife lived together for 60 years, withstanding the storms of fate as the most hard stone- diamond. A cut diamond is called a diamond. This means that no one and nothing can dissolve such a long marriage. The husband gives his wife diamond jewelry. Remember that in addition to the main gift, you must give the “bride” a large bouquet of flowers. You can also give flowers in pots so that they delight the celebrants with their beauty for many years. As a rule, most of the guests at this holiday are relatives. The couple are no longer young, so running a household is becoming more and more difficult for them. So, as a gift, you can present some household appliances that could make the life of the celebrants easier.

61-64 wedding anniversaries are not celebrated.

65th anniversary - IRON wedding.

Name of the wedding Once again symbolizes the strength of marriage. Relatives and friends, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gather to congratulate the spouses. It is not necessary to give iron products, as on all previous anniversaries. As a gift, you can choose anything that is practical and useful for the spouses.

66-69 wedding years are not celebrated.

70th anniversary - GRATEFUL (grateful) wedding.

That wedding anniversary when they look into the past and understand that love sent from heaven is grace and true happiness. And they thank God for this. On this day, children and grandchildren give the heroes of the day whatever they wish. On the day of such an honorable anniversary, it is necessary to set the table for the spouses. If previously the organization of various celebrations fell only on their shoulders, today the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the “newlyweds” can set the festive table.

75 years - CROWN wedding.

The name means that the wedding anniversary crowns family life. This is a time of one hundred percent mutual understanding, when people who have been married for so many years are no longer two halves, but one indivisible whole. Children, relatives and friends can give what they consider necessary and useful for an honorable marital union.

80 years - OAK wedding.

Oak is a symbol of longevity, the name of the wedding is obvious. People who have been married for 80 years are very rare. Such couples are admired. Their relationship serves as an example for young people who still have to go through sometimes very difficult and thorny path life together. On the day of the 80th wedding anniversary, the house of the happy couple will be filled with many people. These are not just friends who came to congratulate you on the holidays. These are all family people. After all, over 80 years of married life, not only children and grandchildren have grown up, but great-grandchildren can already be quite independent. Oak products, symbolizing the power and strength of the relationship, will an original gift on this wonderful day and wish the “young” to live together until the RED WEDDING.


It's hard to believe that two people can live together for a century! To put it mildly, it seems that celebrating such an anniversary is something fantastic, but there are couples who celebrated 100 wedding years. Red means the same as beautiful. And the name “Red Wedding” was invented by a married couple from Azerbaijan. Then, many people from different parts of the world congratulated the couple on their 100th anniversary. On the day of the red wedding, it is customary to congratulate the spouses with beautiful words, give red flowers and gifts of any shade of red. For a woman on this day the most the best gift will become a piece of jewelry with a red stone. The celebrants, in turn, also give a great gift to their guests - the spouses set an example of happy, one might even say, ideal family relationships.

I wish you happy and memorable wedding anniversaries, and of course, live together until the RED WEDDING!!!

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How to celebrate a wedding anniversary in Moscow in 2017 so that the holiday is not only memorable, but also brings a lot of positive, bright and unforgettable emotions? Here is one of interesting questions, the answer to which contains a lot of informative and useful information, which many families should know about. Agree, today there are families who try not to advertise this date and simply do not celebrate the anniversary. But this is wrong, because every year, the date of the creation of your family will become less and less significant day for you, but this is a holiday of your family, which you must remember. How can you spend this day? What holiday ideas in 2017 are considered the most original and relevant?

Where and how to celebrate your wedding anniversary?

Among all the ideas and options, perhaps the following can be called really very interesting, which every family should definitely take note of.

  • First of all, the holiday is just for two. This day is better and more correct, of course, you should devote yourself to your loved ones, arrange real romance for two. Many experts believe that you should not limit your imagination to just a romantic dinner; you should try hard and come up with something truly unforgettable. For example, in Moscow this year the cinema service for two is in great demand, which is quite easy and simple to order. Also very unusual will be the idea of ​​a photo shoot called “ Love Story"or "The fairy tale is not over." Moreover, you need to remember that the wedding photographs will already be in the middle, then you will get an interesting and fascinating story your family.
  • Second, throw a dinner party. This idea is suitable if you want to share your happiness and joy with friends and people close to you, so the idea of ​​a small party will be the right solution, although it will require a certain approach to its preparation. One of original ideas will be organizing a themed party. To realize this idea, you should decorate your apartment with wedding paraphernalia, which you most likely still have, tinsel, candles, balloons, as well as wedding photographs. It’s also worth choosing music to make the fun real and exciting. You can make an album of your photos for your friends and leave blank pages so that they can leave you their wishes.
  • Third, arrange a first date. Good idea remember your first date and try to repeat it again. Perhaps it will be a walk in the park, a trip to the cinema or a cafe, but after such memories your feelings will flare up with new, even greater strength and passion.
  • Fourthly, organize a picnic in nature. If you have absolutely no time to organize a celebration dedicated to your wedding anniversary, then organizing a small family and quiet holiday in nature would be a pretty good idea. The main advantage of this idea is that the organization will require absolutely a minimum of time, but despite this you can really have a good rest and enjoy the local beauty and scenery.
  • Fifth, arrange a mysterious and unexpected date. In this case, the initiative for such a celebration and gift for the holiday should come directly from one of the spouses, and, as a rule, such an initiator is most often a woman. What does that require? First of all, choose a suitable place, organize romantic date and come up with a couple of riddles. What are riddles for? It’s simple, because the answer to them will become a kind of key to finding a place. But it is worth remembering that it is best to make riddles not on one day, but over several days, so that interest and intrigue arise.

And this is just a small part of the ideas that can be offered for organizing a wedding anniversary. Remember, the most important thing here is not to be afraid to fantasize and show your creative ingenuity, because this is your holiday and you need to spend it, first of all, the way you want.

But, in addition to the idea of ​​organizing a holiday, many people are concerned about the question of which anniversaries are not recommended to be celebrated, since this is a bad omen.

What wedding anniversaries are usually celebrated?

Today there are 56 completely different wedding anniversaries, each with its own characteristics.

For example, according to Russian customs and traditions, it is always worth celebrating only three wedding anniversaries. These are silver - 5 years, gold - 50 years and diamond - 60 years.

But what other anniversaries can and are allowed to be celebrated?

    1. Calico wedding.
    2. Wooden wedding.
    3. Tin wedding.
    4. Copper wedding.
    5. Nickel wedding.
    6. Zinc wedding.
    7. Red wedding.

As for other anniversaries, it is best to skip them or not arrange any magnificent celebration, but spend this day only together or with children. After all, you must agree that if we start organizing banquets and celebrations every year, the holiday will lose its meaning and zest.