Get rid of burrs on your hands. Home manicure only for experienced ladies! Aloe mask

Smooth, velvety skin, neat manicure - these are the main components of attractiveness female hands. But all this beauty fades as soon as the so-called burrs appear on the fingers - characteristic damage to the upper layer of the skin on the nail ridges. This one is extremely annoying cosmetic defect not only makes the hands look unkempt, but also hurts, especially when the torn skin clings to clothing or comes into contact with hot water. In addition, burrs often cause inflammation of the periungual ridges and the development infectious diseases nails. That is why this phenomenon should by no means be ignored, even if it does not cause much concern. So, let's try to figure out how to get rid of burrs as quickly and painlessly as possible and what nuances must be taken into account.

Cause of burrs

Before choosing a method for eliminating burrs, you need to find out for what reasons this unpleasant phenomenon may occur. As a rule, the appearance of this problem is most susceptible to people who have excessively dry and sensitive skin, which, unlike normal, lacks sufficient elasticity and resilience and is easily injured at the slightest impact. The main reasons for this condition are:

  • genetic predisposition - dry skin around the nail plates may be due to hereditary factors;
  • lack of proper hand care - non-compliance with hygiene rules, the use of low-quality cosmetics, detergents, nail polishes and liquids for removing decorative coatings;
  • improper manicure or pedicure - if the technique of such procedures is violated, mechanical injury to the skin is possible;
  • neglect of the protection of hands from the effects of various negative factors (ultraviolet, high or low temperatures, means household chemicals etc.);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, the habit of biting nails and biting the skin around them);
  • the presence of various diseases internal organs and systems (anemia, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and thyroid gland);
  • beriberi - a lack of certain vitamins in the body leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, the occurrence various problems with skin;
  • insufficient fluid intake - even slight dehydration of the body can adversely affect the condition skin, including on the hands;
  • frequent walking barefoot, wearing open shoes(in these cases, burrs may appear on the legs).

Also, the causes of the formation of burrs can be all kinds of dermatological ailments, allergies, taking certain medicines, diet abuse. Main danger this phenomenon lies in the fact that it is often accompanied by serious consequences and complications, among which diseases such as paronychia (inflammation of the periungual roller) and panaritium (acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers) should be especially distinguished. On initial stages such diseases can be eliminated conservative methods, suggesting the use medications And special procedures and in advanced cases, surgery may be required.

How to remove burrs yourself

When burrs appear, people often experience severe discomfort: the torn skin constantly clings to something, there are pain, irritation. The natural reaction is to eliminate the irritant as quickly as possible by tearing off damaged skin or biting it off with your teeth. In no case should this be done, since such actions can lead to even greater tissue injury and the development of inflammatory processes. To avoid undesirable consequences, you need to remove the burrs correctly:

  • Prepare a bath of moderately hot water with the addition of a small amount of salt and soda, taken in equal proportions. Soak your hands or feet in it for about 15 minutes, then dry them with a towel.
  • Disinfect nail scissors or tweezers with alcohol and carefully cut off the exfoliated skin fragments, being careful not to affect healthy tissue. If the burrs are very small, they can simply be processed with a grinding buff.
  • Treat the cut sites with any antiseptic (such as chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide) and apply a moisturizer. In order not to accidentally injure the skin when doing housework, stick a plaster with gauze pad on your finger. In the future, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the nails daily with wound healing ointment or cosmetic oil.
  • If you are afraid to cut off the burrs, you can do this: an hour and a half before bedtime, carefully lubricate the skin at the break points with calendula ointment or sea ​​buckthorn oil, cover with a piece of polyethylene and loosely seal with adhesive tape. Leave the compress on all night, remove it in the morning and wash your hands. If the burrs do not fall off after the first procedure, repeat it.

If, after improper removal of the burr, the skin around the finger becomes inflamed, you should try to prevent suppuration with the help of external agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine. In the event that it was not possible to avoid it, you will have to use antibacterial or antiseptic drugs. To alleviate the condition, you can steam the sore finger in a hot salt bath and apply a gauze bandage with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol ointment to the abscess. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.

Preventive measures

As you know, any problem is always easier to prevent than to look for ways to solve it later. The same goes for burrs: if you do not want to constantly deal with them, take preventive measures:

  • Do all homework(washing floors and dishes, laundry, etc.) in latex gloves. It is better if inside them there is not talcum powder, which dries the skin a lot, but a cotton layer. IN cold weather Don't forget to wear mittens to protect your hands from cold temperatures.
  • Use hand cream daily. They should be applied after each contact with water, before going outside, shortly before a night's sleep. IN summer time it is necessary to use light creams with a moisturizing effect, in winter - more fatty, with a nourishing effect. To prevent the appearance of burrs, choose products containing beeswax, glycerin, vegetable and essential oils, lanolin.
  • Get regular manicures at the salon or at home. If you prefer the second option, take a responsible approach to the choice of tools: scissors and tweezers should be of high quality and sharp enough not to injure the skin around the nails when removing the cuticle. Do not do it edged manicure dry, be sure to pre-steam your hands in the bath and apply special means to soften cuticles. Remember to disinfect all fixtures after each use.
  • Observe drinking regimen. For the normal functioning of the body and maintaining skin health, you need to consume at least one and a half to two liters of liquid daily (this can be pure non-carbonated water, green tea, natural juices). IN hot weather the amount of water can be increased.
  • Watch your nutrition. Be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, cold-pressed vegetable oils and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your daily menu. During the off-season, you can additionally take vitamin complexes designed to keep the skin healthy.
  • To avoid drying and thinning of the delicate skin around the nails, you can rub liquid vitamins A and E into it 2-3 times a week, cosmetic oils and moisturizers. It is also useful to periodically make baths and hand masks based on medicinal herbs, dairy products, honey and aloe juice.

As an addition to the basic hand care, you can do a paraffin wrap and finger massage. Such procedures are usually carried out in beauty parlors, but if you wish, it is easy to learn how to perform them yourself. You just need to purchase a special cosmetic paraffin and several types of essential oils that have a moisturizing effect. By setting up a beauty salon at home, you will not only get rid of burrs, but also prevent early aging hand skin.

Folk recipes

Unfortunately, there are no special cosmetic or medication preparations that allow you to get rid of already formed burrs. In any case, the raised skin fragments will have to be cut off, since they will not grow back. It is better to use cosmetics or medicines as a preventive measure in order to prevent the skin from drying out and the appearance of new burrs. However, it is not necessary to purchase ready-made funds in a pharmacy, instead of them you can use alternatives from the arsenal traditional medicine, the recipes of which will be presented below.

oil bath

Action: softens and moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity, prevents the appearance of burrs.


  • 100 ml of olive (almond, corn) oil;
  • 3-5 drops essential oil tea tree.
  • How to do:

    • Heat vegetable oil in a water bath, add ether.
    • Dip your fingertips into the warm composition, hold for 15 minutes, then blot your hands with a dry cloth.

    Aloe mask

    Action: moisturizes the skin, provides anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing process of damaged tissues.


    • 1 large leaf of aloe;
    • 1 ampoule of vitamin A.

    How to do:

    • Wash the aloe leaf, cut into cubes and grind in a blender.
    • Add vitamin to the gruel, mix and apply to the skin around the nails.
    • Put on textile gloves or just wrap your hands with cling film, wait about 60 minutes, then wash off the mask.

    Moisturizing balm

    Action: softens the skin, gives it elasticity and firmness, helps prevent burrs.


    • 20 ml of linseed oil;
    • 10 ml lemon juice;
    • 1 egg yolk;
    • 20 g honey.

    How to do:

    • Melt honey in a water bath, add oil and lemon juice, beat in the yolk.
    • dip in ready composition fingers, put cotton gloves on your hands, wait 15 minutes, then wash off the rest of the mask with warm water.

    Burrs are an unpleasant, but, fortunately, quite easily eliminated phenomenon, the main thing is not to start the problem and take precautions. However, if, despite all the efforts and preventive actions, burrs continue to appear, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the increased dryness of the skin is not due to external causes, and any malfunctions in the body.

    Why do burrs appear on fingers? Every woman wants to look perfect and bewitching. For many modern lady the beauty of the hands is almost in the first place in the creation perfect image. Beautiful manicure And well-groomed skin not only cheer up, but also are calling card women. Men who take good care of their appearance also visit nail salons. They are no stranger to hand care at home. However, troubles such as cuts, scratches and burrs cannot be avoided. And if mechanical injuries heal very quickly, especially when using hand cream, then tearing the skin of the nail fold is a problem that you should pay attention to.

    Burrs on fingers. Causes

    In addition to injuries during the manicure procedure, there are other causes of burrs on the fingers.

    Let's look at them:

    1. Avitaminosis, lack of vitamins tocopherol, retinol, as well as any macro- and microelements. This is the most common cause of skin malnutrition and detachment of the nail fold.
    2. Dry hand skin and malnutrition are also risk factors. The skin at the nail plate becomes thinner and cracks.
    3. Non-observance of personal hygiene.
    4. The habit of biting nails is one of the first reasons why burrs appear on the fingers of a child.
    5. Aggressive effects of household chemicals.
    6. Temperature fluctuations. By the way, being outside without gloves in the cold season dries out and freezes the skin, slowing down the regeneration processes, which negatively affects the treatment of burrs.
    7. Manicure done unprofessionally (with cuts and microtraumas).
    8. Decreased immunity.
    9. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus.

    Why do burrs appear on the fingers, what vitamins are missing in this case? Most likely, the body is deficient in B vitamins.

    Tip: when self-deletion burr, follow the rules of hygiene - at least wash your hands and wipe your palms and tools with alcohol. Otherwise, there is big risk the development of concomitant troubles, such as suppuration.

    Treatment Methods

    How to get rid of burrs on fingers? Many eliminate them and forget about the problem immediately after the wound heals. But what if the burrs appear constantly and do not go away for a long time? This serious question just because an open wound is a direct route for infection and opened door for the development of inflammatory processes with various consequences. The success of therapy depends on the correctly chosen method and drug.

    What should a girl do if a burr appears on her finger? Treatment should begin when the cause of your illness and related factors is determined. Because in case of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of hangnails will disappear after you establish a diet and balance the diet.

    Burr removal is carried out with nail scissors, which should be carefully cut off the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (do not tear it off!). As a disinfectant, you can use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, essential oils - tea tree or cedar. If desired, apply a patch and do not expose the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin to household chemicals. For washing dishes and cleaning, it is best to use gloves or a fingertip.

    Antiseptic ointments or aerosols are always useful for further care behind the wound - they will prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

    If suppuration still occurs, and local preparations do not help, you should make an appointment with a surgeon at any clinic to make a prophylactic incision.

    All of this can be avoided by providing proper care. In order to prevent the appearance of burrs, manicure baths are used with a solution of soda or a decoction of herbs.

    oil bath

    What if there are burrs on the fingers? How to treat them? If the problem is dry skin, you can use alternative methods its elimination.

    How to get rid of burrs on fingers? The use of an oil hand bath will have a softening effect, which will prepare the skin for further procedures. The recipe is simple: you need to slightly heat the oil. Any will do - from apricot pit, tea tree and others. Dip your fingers in it for 15-20 minutes. The skin will soften and the procedure will pass correctly and painlessly. With manicure scissors, cut off the keratinized tissue without touching the healthy one. The procedure should be done for 7 days.

    Bath with baking soda and salt

    How to get rid of burrs on fingers? A soda bath will not only soften the cuticle, but also cope with inflammatory processes. 1 teaspoon of soda put on 1 liter warm water. Better procedure spend in the evening for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, cut off the burrs and lubricate the wounds with sea buckthorn oil.

    Unflavored sea salt is used in different occasions, deburring and disinfecting the skin is no exception. To do this, dilute 200 grams of salt in 1 liter of water, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and cool. Keep your hands in a warm bath with sea salt for 10 minutes. Dry and disinfect the finger, remove the dead skin area and spread with peach oil (you can use any oil).

    Aloe remedy

    lovers indoor plants often grown medicinal plants. If you have aloe or kalanchoe, feel free to use them healing properties. How to get rid of burrs on the fingers with this plant?

    Grind its leaves, attach to the wound and fix. Leave your finger like this for a few hours. This method can be used even in case of an abscess. For treatment, repeat the procedure daily, for prevention - 1 time in 10 days.

    Bath with chamomile decoction

    If the wounds after the burrs began to inflame, good option will use a bath of chamomile decoction. Although its preparation takes a lot of time, but the result exceeds expectations.

    Pour 3 tablespoons into 2 liters of water chamomile, boil, let it brew and strain. Keep your hands in the resulting broth for about 15 minutes until it cools completely.

    What needs to be done so that burrs do not appear?

    We have already figured out what to do if burrs appear on the fingers, how to treat. But what about when the problem has already been solved and you want it not to arise again in the future? If you are convinced that you do not have a lack of vitamins, are you sure that the diet is correct and the diet is not broken? Then follow simple rules, which will serve as a good prevention of the appearance of minor troubles - burrs:


    Now you know why burrs appear on the fingers. We examined the causes of their occurrence and methods for solving such a problem.

    When the skin of the hands looks flawless, the mood rises and self-confidence appears, as a result of which the productivity of life increases. Allow yourself not to think about unpleasant trifles - love yourself and be happy!

    Update: October 2018

    A hangnail is a tear in the skin of the nail fold. Most often occurs on the lateral roller of the fingers, i.e. on the side of the nail, since this area is most susceptible to mechanical stress. Somewhat less often, burrs are found on the rear roller. Burrs on the toes also occur less frequently.

    Outwardly, the hangnail looks like a piece of skin or an area of ​​skin exfoliation. Such a picture does not decorate the nails at all, but also causes pain, bleeding, and can lead to paronychia (periungual panaritium).

    Causes of burrs

    Dry skin is most susceptible to burr formation. hypersensitivity. Constant dryness skin under the influence of provoking factors leads to its thinning and loss of elasticity in the area around the nail. Why do burrs often appear? The fact is that even the slightest impact on such skin leads to cracking.

    Provoking factors

    • Prolonged, constant contact of the skin of the hands with water, with household detergents (burrs often occur in women who do not use gloves when cleaning, washing dishes, etc.)
    • Working with various chemicals without protection of hands with gloves (see
    • Chapping, frostbite and overdrying of the skin, especially in winter
    • Lack of proper hygiene care behind the hands
    • Bad habit of biting nails, biting the skin around the nails, sucking fingers
    • Mechanical trauma to the skin when performing edged pedicure and manicure
    • Injury to the skin with sand, pebbles often causes burrs on the fingers of a child
    • Use of low-quality nail polishes, coating removers (see also).
    • Poor quality materials containing methyl methacrylate used in nail extensions
    • Excess cuticle growing on the nail plate
    • Frequent walking barefoot, accompanied by trauma to the skin with sand and pebbles.

    Internal causes


    Like any skin injury, burrs can become a gateway for bacterial infectious agents (streptococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, ) and fungal (dermatophytes, candida) infections.

    • Constant tearing or gnawing of the burr leads to the exposure of tissues and the formation of a bleeding weeping surface, touching which brings severe pain.
    • Paronychia (felon)- inflammation of the periungual fold occurs when the infection spreads along soft tissues. If the finger is swollen, redness and throbbing pain appear - a periungual panaritium has developed. The formation in the future of a site of tissue softening with a parallel change in skin color to yellowish indicates the accumulation of purulent exudate in the sub- or periungual space.
    • Nail deformation- sometimes paronychia acquires a chronic course with periodic exacerbations: the nail thickens, changes color and deforms.

    Burr characteristic

    Burrs are small or large, multiple and single. The constant companions of burrs are soreness, especially when accidental touch, and bleeding.

    • In addition to being an aesthetic and medical problem, burrs complicate everyday life: cling to clothes, hair, causing pain.
    • Multiple barbs give the hands an untidy and repulsive look, a person with such a problem experiences psychological discomfort and constantly hides his hands.


    Vivid symptomatology does not cause doubts in the diagnosis. special attention there are cases when barbs, with proper care and the absence of provoking factors, form again and again. IN this case more research is needed:

    • blood chemistry
    • spectral analysis of hair for trace elements
    • possibly a blood test for vitamins
    • examination of feces for dysbacteriosis

    With a deficiency of vitamins, the appearance is also possible. In the event of complications, when the finger abscesses, a bacteriological culture of purulent contents is carried out with the determination of the etiological pathogen and sensitivity to drugs.

    How to remove burrs at home

    • Steam the skin into hot tub within 10 min. IN hot water add sea salt or soda (1 tablespoon per 500 ml).
    • Dry your hands with a towel carefully and thoroughly.
    • With sharp nail scissors or tweezers treated with medical alcohol, carefully cut the cuticle. When cutting the skin, the scissors are held parallel, and the forceps are held in a perpendicular position, for a tighter fit to the skin. Do not pull or tear the burr - this will lead to a break healthy skin, i.e. form the basis for a new burr.
    • Treat the skin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol tincture of calendula), and then apply Dexpanthenol cream (analogues of Bepanten, Panthenol, D-panthenol, Pantoderm ointment) or moisturizing, nutritious cream for hands.
    • Stick a patch with a fabric center on your finger to prevent accidental injury to the treated skin on clothing.

    For those who are afraid to cut off the hangnail, this method is recommended: at night, the skin at the place of the hangnail is carefully smeared with calendula ointment and loosely sealed with the above plaster. By morning, the burr will soften and itself will be removed when washing hands. However, complete removal may not occur, and the small remaining piece of skin, clinging to clothing, may become another burr.

    Velvet handles - healing with Green pharmacy, healing hand cream with sea buckthorn oil Grandmother Agafya's recipes - healing Ointment and creams with Dexpanthenol

    How to get rid of burrs on fingers in salons

    IN specialized salons the same actions are carried out as at home, but more professionally and with a lower risk of relapse. However, both the salon and the master must be trustworthy, since deburring with an unfinished tool can lead to infection. Also in the salons you can spend the following types professional care that warn burrs:

    • Spa Manicure and Spa Pedicure
    • Trim manicure and pedicure
    • Peeling of hands and feet
    • Paraffin therapy

    Alternative treatment

    • Oil baths. Preheat not a large number of vegetable oil and hold hands in it for 10-20 minutes. The oil can not be washed off, but gently rubbed into the skin, wearing cotton gloves over it. Repeat every day at night.
    • Porridge from . A few fresh leaves are crushed and gruel is applied to the fingertips, wrapped with cling film on top. Ideally, stand for several hours, but not less than 30 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a week.
    • Sea buckthorn oil or- can be applied to the place of the burr, they have an excellent wound healing, cytoprotective effect.

    Treatment of complications

    It often happens that a burr is torn off, and the finger breaks after a while. With the development of the inflammatory process, you should contact the surgeon without delay.

    The acute stage is treated with conservative methods: warm compresses are effective, the finger is kept in an elevated position outside the procedures. If necessary, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics to prevent an abscess.

    If a periungual abscess occurs in a treatment room, it is drained and opened. With a subungual abscess, it is subject to removal nail plate, partially or completely.


    • Professional care for hands and feet. High-quality edged manicure and pedicure almost completely eliminates the formation of burrs.
    • Skin disinfection after home manicure and pedicure (hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil).
    • Eradication of the habits of biting nails, sucking fingers, often observed in children. In addition to bleeding and painful hangnails, such a habit can lead to OKI () and.
    • Protection of the skin from exposure to aggressive environments and natural factors ( protective creams, gloves).
    • Hand washing with baby soap.
    • Use of nourishing and softening hand creams after each wash and manicure. The cream should be applied around each nail and massaged gently until absorbed.
    • Application softening baths with sea salt, glycerin or soda 1-2 times a week.
    • Taking vitamins and minerals. What vitamins are missing can be determined by a blood test.
    • Compliance with the drinking regime.
    • Complete nutrition.

    Burrs can cause a lot of trouble. In addition to the fact that they look unaesthetic, giving the hands an untidy look, superficial skin tears hurt, bleed and can easily turn into an abscess.

    Any open wound is a path for the penetration of fungi and bacteria, and, therefore, for the development of infection.

    Why do burrs appear?

    To provoke tears of the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nails can be various factors, including:

    Aggressive detergents. Upon contact with them, the skin of the fingers becomes dry, rough and rough, subsequently cracks and burrs appear on it. To avoid this trouble, try to do household chores with rubber gloves.

    Incorrectly done manicure or pedicure. slightest mechanical damage skin during this procedure can also provoke burrs. This usually happens due to insufficient care for the nails on the hands and feet.

    Burrs often appear in those who often bite their nails. Wean yourself from this unpleasant habit, and then you will solve the problem once and for all.

    Sometimes burrs are the result of a skin disease around the nail fold. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease. Damaged skin in the nail area may indicate a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs, a lack of vitamins and dysbacteriosis.

    How to get rid of burrs?

    To avoid further unpleasant consequences associated with burrs, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    To do this, protruding skin is carefully removed using special scissors or cuticle nippers (they are in every manicure set). The wire cutters should be well sharpened, in order to check them for sharpness, try biting a piece of napkin with the wire cutters, if the napkin was cut immediately - the wire cutters are sharp, if the wire cutters pull the napkin, then they are not sharpened enough. It is also necessary to treat the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with an antiseptic, as well as disinfect the instrument itself.

    Important: in no case should you nervously bite off or tear off a protruding burr, since an infection can easily penetrate into the resulting wound.

    After you remove the annoying hangnail, be sure to apply a nourishing cream on your hands, and even better, treat the cuticle medicinal oil. This will soften the skin around the nail fold.

    If, after the procedure, the wound becomes inflamed, it is recommended to apply tetracycline ointment or levomekol on it, and bandage the finger. This should be done twice a day.

    Folk recipes for burrs

    To relieve the inflammation that began after the removal of the burr, it is useful to do chamomile baths every day. It is no secret that the flowers of this plant are a natural antiseptic.

    First of all, prepare an infusion (a teaspoon of flowers per liter of water), and when it cools slightly, pour it into a convenient bowl or bath, and dip your fingers there for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, without rinsing your hands with water, immediately apply a nourishing cream on them.

    In addition to chamomile, it is very useful for the skin of hands and nails. warm baths from olive oil and drinking soda.

    The oil bath perfectly softens the skin and is an excellent preventive measure, especially since you can pamper your hands with her at least every day. Well, a soda bath is a more extreme measure that will help with burrs that have appeared.

    You can alternate all these baths with each other, but they should be done regularly.

    The well-known bactericidal and wound-healing properties indoor flower kalanchoe. It can be prepared from healing mask. To do this, several pre-dried leaves of the plant are crushed into gruel and applied to the skin around the nail, wrapping the finger with cling film.

    The Kalanchoe mask can be left on all night, or held for several hours during the day. The wounds will begin to heal and the skin will become more elastic after the first few treatments.

    Effective against burrs is the modern cosmetic procedure- paraffin therapy. It heals the skin, activating its regenerative and protective properties.

    Prevention of burrs - proper nutrition

    On the one hand, our diet is often the cause of many health problems, and on the other hand, it helps us get rid of them. So here, proper nutrition will help you prevent the appearance of hangnails, and in addition - will ensure good health.

    Retinol is not in vain called the "skin vitamin" - it eliminates the dryness of the dermis and stimulates the regeneration of its cells.

    In addition to carrots, it is good to eat other vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins D and E.

    Cultivate a regular habit of hand care and a balanced diet, and then get rid of the problems associated with hangnails forever.

    The burrs are a little painful skin formations that occur on the fingers around the nail and cuticle.

    They bring their owners a lot discomfort: cling to clothes, hurt when touched, make hands look untidy and can be removed on their own. The latter can cause infection in the body and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

    All these inconveniences make us wonder "How to get rid of burrs on the fingers?". For this, there are many natural remedies which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

    There are many reasons that contribute to the appearance of hangnails. The most common of them:

    1. Lack of protection. Gloves must be worn when doing any household chores that involve the use of water and detergents. They protect the skin from aggressive impact chemicals and can prevent drying of the integument, which can also lead to the appearance of burrs.
    2. Biting or biting nails. This bad habit can lead to many problems, both aesthetically and physically. Burrs are also no exception.
    3. Lack of vitamins. If there are no other reasons, then you need to think about the number essential vitamins that you are consuming. In winter and autumn periods it is not so easy to get all the necessary substances from food, so it is recommended to take various vitamin complexes.
    4. Health problems. Many diseases cause skin problems. It could be a pathology gastrointestinal tract, liver disease, dysbacteriosis.
    5. Injuries. Various burns and damage to the skin can lead to the appearance of hangnails.

    In addition, burrs may appear due to poor-quality manicure. This is due to the fact that when exposed to thin skin fingers with manicure tools, it is damaged and begins to flake off.

    However complete absence manicure or refusal to use cosmetic care products for the skin of the hands and nails can also lead to the appearance of these formations.

    Any problem is always best prevented, so when frequent appearance burrs, it is recommended to follow a number of preventive measures:

    1. Always wear gloves when using household chemicals.
    2. Use protective compounds for hands, especially in winter period time, and also beware of hypothermia and strong wind. You can use glycerin or products enriched with oils.
    3. Do a manicure only from proven masters. Don't trim too much skin if you're doing it at home.
    4. Refrain from biting your nails.
    5. Never remove burrs with unfinished scissors or wire cutters. Don't bite off pieces of skin. This may provoke inflammatory process and infection.

    Burrs that have already appeared can be removed by machining. First you need to steam the skin of the fingers in soapy water for 7-10 minutes. Then dry your hands with a towel and cut off a section of skin with sharp scissors or nail clippers.

    It is not recommended to pull the skin, as this can provoke the appearance of new burrs. If blood appears after removing the skin, the wound must be treated with peroxide or another antiseptic solution.

    Subject to all these conditions, you can use other methods to bring your pens in order, for example, with a special tool.

    natural oils

    Oils for hangnails of vegetable origin will favorably affect the health of the skin of the hands. It is recommended to use olive or vegetable oil, however, other types of them are also suitable for this procedure.

    The oil must be heated to comfortable temperature and immerse your fingers for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect after the procedure, you can use cotton gloves.

    salt bath

    Sea salt is known for its healing and antiseptic properties. It is widely used in nail and cuticle treatments.

    A few grains sea ​​salt must be dissolved in a deep saucer with warm water. You can also add a few drops of almond essential oil. The procedure must be carried out within 15 minutes.

    This tool will help rapid healing damaged areas of the skin, and will prevent the entry of bacteria.

    soda bath

    This excellent tool from burrs on the fingers, if the skin around is already inflamed. Baths with this remedy eliminate the inflammatory process and help the wounds heal faster. The solution for the bath is prepared from a liter of water and two tablespoons of baking soda.

    This procedure must be carried out every day for 15 minutes to achieve best effect. After the bath, it is recommended to use the most suitable hand cream for you.

    Iodine lotions

    In the presence of inflammation effective tool there will also be iodine from burrs. It can be applied pointwise to the damaged area, or you can make baths with the addition of a few drops of the product.

    At mechanical removal burrs at home, you can also treat the wound with iodine.

    Pharmacy ointment

    There are several effective ointments that will help you get rid of this problem.

    • Balm with sea buckthorn oil and beeswax"Rescuer" - this well-known remedy is used for any type of minor damage to the skin. The ointment will also help with the healing of hangnails. It must be applied to damaged areas several times a day until complete healing.
    • Vaseline-based ointment "Calendula" - has a restorative and wound-healing effect, relieves mild inflammation.
    • Ointment and gel "Solcoseryl" - used to heal scratches, minor wounds and abrasions. The drug accelerates the process of cell renewal, so that the skin becomes much faster healthy look and is restored.

    To get rid of burrs, Panthenol aerosol is also suitable.

    Tea tree oil

    This oil is universal remedy for any skin problems. Its spot use will also help eliminate burrs. It is necessary to apply oil 2-3 times a day until the wounds are completely healed.

    Aloe mask

    An effective remedy for burrs is home mask from aloe leaves. If for any reason you cannot use this plant, Kalanchoe can replace it.

    For crushing leaves, it is not recommended to use metal utensils, as its oxidation is possible. Initially, the leaves of the plant must be thoroughly washed. Then finely chop or grind to a mushy state and add a few drops of oil apricot kernel.

    Before going to bed, the mask must be applied to the location of the burrs. In order for the product to remain in place, it is better to wrap your fingers in cling film and put on gloves. The pulp and juice of this plant have disinfecting and healing properties, so the burrs will pass in enough short term at regular use similar mask.

    Vitamin A mask

    This vitamin has the ability to regenerate the skin, so it is prescribed in cases with various diseases epidermis. Vitamin is bought in a pharmacy in the form of capsules or in liquid form.