Pattern of a soft teddy bear toy for beginners. Pattern of a fabric bear. How to sew a soft bear toy with your own hands

The clumsy bear becomes the most faithful and reliable friend from the very beginning. small age. Without teddy friend not a single game is spared. And in adolescence bear is trusted friend a girl who knows all her grievances and secrets. You can sew such a faithful and plush friend with your own hands.

Sew plush toy Doing it yourself is not a difficult task. You can sew either by hand or on a sewing machine. In addition to a sewing machine and sewing skills, you need the following materials:

  • soft pile fabric;
  • a piece of thick fabric;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • 2 beads;
  • stuffing

The material from which the toy is made must be soft. The fabric can be either plush or real or faux fur. For a beginner in needlework, it is better to sew a toy from plush, since plush has the ability to hide the slightest irregularities in the seam. In the use of artificial or natural fur Uneven seams cannot be corrected. And also the fur falls off and if not processed correctly, it loses its appearance.

You don't need too much thick fabric. 30-50 centimeters of dense fabric is enough. Thick fabric used for the ears and paws of the bear cub.

When choosing threads, you should give preference to floss threads. Floss threads are stronger and do not break when sewing plush toys. If there is no floss, other stronger silk threads are used. The beads can be replaced with medium black buttons.

If the teddy bear is soft and small, then it is better to choose padding polyester filler. If a needlewoman decides to sew a big bear, then both cotton wool and padding polyester are suitable for stuffing. You can use finely chopped rags as filler.

The paper for the pattern should not be hard or very soft. The paper is taken the size that the teddy bear will be in the future. The pattern of the part should be placed on one sheet. You cannot use small paper for the pattern.

Teddy bear pattern

First teddy bear It is easier to sew large or medium sizes. Small details in sewing are more difficult for a beginner. If the needlewoman has no experience with small parts, then it is better to start with large parts, since it is easier and more convenient to work with large parts. A large or medium bear can be sculpted manually.

The teddy bear pattern consists of:

  • Head 2 parts;
  • middle of the head 1 part;
  • front leg 2 parts;
  • front outer leg 2 parts;
  • front outer leg 2 parts;
  • back 2 parts;
  • belly 2 parts;
  • hind legs 4 parts;
  • eyelet 4 parts;
  • foot 2 parts.

If desired, you can make a pattern for the front legs. The pattern will be one third smaller than the pattern for the hind legs.

The bear's head is made from an oval and a circle. An oval is drawn at the bottom and a circle at the top. The bear's face is carefully outlined and drawn out. According to this scheme, two parts are made.

The middle of the head looks like a pear. This part secures the two head pieces. One side of the nose is narrowed, the other part is widened. A rectangle and an oval are drawn on paper. Next, it is carefully drawn along the form and brought out into the middle of the head.

Forepaws, external and internal must be the same size. The details are based on an oval shape. Six parts of the same size are made.

The hind legs need to be made in the shape of an "L". This part is made from an oval and a small circle. The oval and circle are arranged in the shape of the letter “L” and carefully outline the shape of the leg. There are four of these legs.

The ears are made in the shape of a triangle. Done the right size triangle. It shouldn't be too big. Afterwards it is smoothly outlined. There are four of these triangles made.

The bear's foot is made in the shape of circles. First, a large circle is drawn, and five small semicircles are drawn to it.

It is worth remembering that when cutting out parts from fabric, you should retreat one centimeter on each side of the part. This is needed for seams. And the details of the feet and ears are cut out of thick fabric.

How to sew a bear with your own hands

The finished parts cut from fabric are sewn into one piece. First the head is sewn together. This is the heaviest part of the parts. Two parts are sewn to the middle of the head on the wrong side. Next, the product is turned inside out front side and compacted tightly with filler.

Beads are sewn at equal distances. These are the eyes of a teddy bear. The nose is made of black thread on the sharp tip of the head. Using a needle and thread, a small triangle is shaded.

The body is sewn in a circle. First, two parts of the tummy are sewn together. Then two parts of the back. Next, two parts of the back and tummy are sewn in a circle. When sewing the body, you need to leave four holes for the legs. The bear's belly should not be compacted too much; it should be soft.

The legs are sewn into two parts. There are two of these legs. The legs are compacted well and sewn to the body.

The paws are made according to the same principle as all the parts. Each paw is first assembled from three parts. The outer, front and outer legs are sewn in a circle. Compacted with filler and sewn to the body.

Using this simple pattern, you can sew a bear with your own hands. Such a friend will always make the baby happy. Using this pattern you can sew almost any toy.

A teddy bear can be more than just a teddy bear. Very often the bear is used as a decorative item. Such bears are made from, among other things, knitted fabric.

It is considered fashionable to have “antique” toys today. Following modern fashion trends, needlewomen learned how to make cute toys with patches. They make wonderful bears, patterns for which we will present below in the article.

DIY Teddy bear: master class

For the toy you will need:

  • gray plush fabric;
  • light brown fleece;
  • black beads 2 pieces;
  • beige suede;
  • brown floss;
  • padding polyester for stuffing;
  • wooden thread spools;
  • thread and needle.

Transfer the pattern onto paper. The number of parts is indicated in the picture.

Trace the details onto the fabric and mark seam allowances. Cut out.

Trim the pile at the seam allowances and begin sewing the pads of the upper paws.

Sew the parts of the upper paws, attach the “palms” and be sure to leave a window for stuffing. Turn out.

Connect the parts of the legs, leaving the sole surface open, as well as the places on the toes, a small hole to turn out and stuff. Sew the foot pieces to the bottom of the feet.

We make the belly and tail according to the same pattern, not forgetting to leave small holes. By the way, when sewing the body, leave a hole where the neck should be.

Let's move on to the head. Sew the details at the bend of the chin, then sew in the ears. Next, we continue to connect the parts of the head. Teddy bears' ears are not stuffed.

Turn your head right side out.

Now fill all parts of the bear’s body with padding polyester. There are some important points, which must be taken into account. Do not stuff the head too much, otherwise it will overweight and the toy will turn out to be unstable. The nose should be denser than the rest of the head. At the same time, fill the legs more so that the bear can stand.

Mark the fingers and toes with floss threads.

Let's move on to the muzzle. Embroider the mouth and nose with thread, and sew beads in the place intended for the eyes.

To give the eyes reality, we will make eyelids for them. Cut out two semicircles from suede and coat the round edge with glue. Now carefully fill the eyelids with a toothpick. The result is a vintage bear with the effect of living eyes.

Let's make the neck. To do this, take a spool and glue a piece of plush onto it, securing it with a few stitches for strength.

Then you need to insert the wide end of the spool into the hole left in the head and secure it with threads in a circle. Place the other end into the hole in the body and secure.

The result is a movable head.

A rope fastening is used to connect the legs to the body. It is performed as follows. Thread a strong thread (or thin rope) into a needle with a large eye. If you use thread, it is better to stretch it in several folds. Make a puncture and puncture on the surface of the leg, which should be adjacent to the body. Then pull the rope through the body, grab the other leg in the same way and return back. Secure the rope with a knot.

The growth of such a bear cub is life size may vary depending on the preferences of the needlewoman. The average size is 25-30 cm. The pattern can be made on virtually any scale.

Using the same connection we attach the upper legs.

Lastly, sew on the tail. Decorate the bear with a bow.

You don’t have to stop there: the clothes for Teddy will be just right.

The sewing instructions above can be used for other patterns.

Video on the topic of the article

Several ideas for DIY Teddy bears

Today, Teddy bear patterns are available for free at large quantities. Here are some of them:

1. Shaggy brown baby.

2. Mini Teddy. The size of the toy, if you follow the drawing, is 10 cm.

3. White with an expressive look.

4. Another pattern in antique style. The latter implies: the obligatory presence of a central wedge for the head, special proportions of the body - all these features are taken into account when constructing the drawing.

Sew soft toy DIY is always more enjoyable. You know for sure that it is made from safe materials and your child will be healthy and happy.

Today, teddy bears are very popular toys. Children especially love them.

These toys may not talk or hear, but kids still trust them with their secrets. Besides, boys love to play with them, and no one laughs at them - these are not dolls. Therefore, even doctors try to have such bears in their offices that can calm crying baby.

From this article you will learn how to make soft toys with your own hands. How to sew a bear, what tools and materials to use, and even learn how to make a talking bear with your own hands.

Now this is a very popular activity all over the world. Everyone who sews soft toys with their own hands finds their own style and manner. There are many exhibitions, competitions, and auctions taking place everywhere.

Bear creators communicate, share experiences and compete with each other, and bear collectors really have a lot to choose from.

Here you will learn not only how to sew a soft toy, but also, thanks to the recommendations given, you will learn how to make various other animals - you just need to find patterns or develop them yourself. And we, in turn, will advise how to understand them and how to sew on them.

Before starting work, familiarize yourself with the basic materials, fixtures and all stages creative process.

Materials for sewing a soft toy "Bears" with your own hands

Fabric for soft toy "Bears"

Bear creators choose 100 percent mohair fur. Its manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, direction and shape of the pile.

Makes the work much easier dense base such fur (the base of synthetic furs most often stretches, it needs to be strengthened), and even more so the delicacy and quality of the pile!

The soles, palms, and inner sides of the ears are sewn from suede, velor, cotton, and felt. They often use the same fur, only they cut it off and pluck out the lint.

Clothes for the soft toy "Bears"

It is preferable to make clothes for bears from 100 percent cotton. You can use the old one as a material - after all, it has its own history and gives rise to memories.

How to stuff a soft toy "Bear"

Most often, soft toys are stuffed with padding polyester with your own hands. Before stuffing, tear it into small pieces.

For these purposes, you can also choose natural undyed combed wool. There is no need to grind it.

To make the bear cub heavier and creaky, a few small or larger stones are often thrown inside.

In addition, the bear can be stuffed with sawdust, dried plants with different smells, coffee beans, cherry pits, etc.

How to make a soft toy talk

If you want to make a talking bear, insert a cardboard or plastic box with a voice inside it.

Cover it with stuffing on all sides. When you turn the bear, you will hear him growl.

Bear eyes

Collectors and other creators of bears insert glass eyes into them. It is not recommended to give birth to bear cubs with such eyes, but we still admit that glass eyes look livelier and more natural.

They have a thin metal leg through which the thread is pulled. There are eyes different colors and sizes. Often transparent eyes are scraped out with reverse side and painted in the desired color.

Bear eyelashes

Can also be used special eyelashes, intended for making toys (sold in the form of short strips), and false eyelashes from cosmetics stores. They are glued to the eyelid with glue or any other transparent glue.

Threads for sewing soft toys "Bears"

When creating soft toys with your own hands, choose durable threads. Most often they are sewn with one thread.

Especially strong threads will be needed to form the eyes and eye orbits. Special threads are offered for these purposes.

Used for embroidering fingers and nose floss threads or "Iris".


Glue will be needed to glue the eyelashes and connect the threads of the head. Anyone will do craft glue.

The most important thing is that, after drying, it remains transparent and does not turn yellow.

A special composition, sold in specialized stores, is also useful, which prevents the edges and fabric from fraying.

Use it to lubricate the edges of the parts, especially the slots through which you will stuff them. Use small amounts as this product is very thin.

Colors that highlight the bear's personality

A sewn bear is often tinted, i.e. paints slightly emphasize certain places. For this, it is best to use oil or textile paints - once dry, they do not make the fabric hard.

Patterns for soft toy "Bears"

Perhaps many of us, admiring the store shelves, wanted to learn how to make the same ones, but as soon as we wanted to take on this work, a mass immediately appeared various issues.

Is not it? But they all fade into the background if you don’t know where to get patterns for soft toys and how to read them.

In this article, perhaps, you will find answers to these questions. You will also learn about common markings on seams used for toys.

You can’t sew a teddy bear without patterns. They can be found on the Internet (some masters publish their patterns for public access and offer to use them for free), in special magazines and books. Everywhere certain symbols are indicated.

This article offers a pattern for a soft toy “Bear”. How to read a pattern correctly:

  • First of all, on each soft toy pattern you will find an arrow. It indicates the direction of the pile.
  • Big point indicates the location of the connection. Here you will need to pierce a hole and insert a metal jumper. Remember that the jumpers will only be in the internal parts of the front and hind legs. The body should have four joints (two each for the front and hind legs). Often, but not always, the junction of the head and body is marked. On paper pattern make a hole so that the joint can be marked on the material.
  • Most often, patterns for soft toys mark areas that do not need to be sewn up. When you sew the parts together, leave these places open, only here secure the thread very firmly and be sure to lubricate the edges with a liquid that prevents the fabric from fraying. At this point, you will turn the toy right side out and stuff it, and then sew the hole shut.
  • On some patterns, the bodies of toys (and sometimes heads) are marked with triangles. These are darts. In such places you will need to sew inserts, thanks to which the body (sometimes the head) looks more swollen and round. Often there are inserts at the bottom and top of the body, sometimes there can be only one. When cutting out all the parts, do not rush to cut these triangles.
  • Also, the pattern of the soft toy Teddy Bear or any other indicates how many parts you will need. If two parts are needed, 2 (1 piece) may be written. This means that you will need two parts in total, one of which should be a mirror image. The same thing can be written like this: 1 = 1 pc. Make as many pieces as indicated on the pattern.

Preparing a pattern for a soft toy

Prepare all the details of the pattern from cardboard (which are given in the previous article) or any thick paper, cut out as many parts as indicated on each part (for example, head - 2 pieces, ear - 4 pieces).

Mark all the necessary markings on them, be sure to transfer them to the fur. Selecting the fur in advance, washing and drying it.

Save fur, fold all the parts as closely as possible. Next to the pattern it will be indicated whether it has already been made with a 5mm seam allowance at the edges.

This is a pattern with no seam allowance! Therefore, leave 1 cm gaps between the parts.

Use a pen to clearly outline all the details. Use a cross or a dot to mark all joints, as well as places that do not need to be sewn. Remove the pieces and mark a seam allowance of approximately 5mm around them.

What seams to use for soft toys

Most often, the pattern of a soft toy bear or other animals is sewn by hand after cutting out - only sewn big toys. In this tutorial we will learn how to make the following seams.

All parts are sewn together with this seam. Pull the thread out at point 1. Then stick the needle into point 2, from there into point 3. From point 3 stick the needle into point 1, from there into point 4, etc.

This seam will need to be used to cover the ears and tail. Stick a needle from the inside at point 1, prick from the top into point 2. Then pin from below at point 3, etc.

With this seam it is necessary to sew up those places on the paws and body through which the bear cub was stuffed. Stick a needle from the inside at point T, from the top to point 2. Then from below, stick the needle at point 3, etc. After making a few stitches, tighten the thread, and then sew further.

How to connect the parts of a soft toy

The arms, legs and head of real stuffed bear toys must move. Therefore, body parts are connected with special devices.

To connect body parts, wooden disks or disks made of thick compressed cardboard, as well as metal disks, are used. They are different sizes. Choose them according to your pattern sizes.

The disk should be attached at a distance of 5-10 mm from the edges of the pattern.

Wooden disks and disks made of thick compressed cardboard are the main ones - they are like the joints of a bear.

Metal discs are placed on wooden or cardboard ones. They are needed so that the metal jumpers do not break the disk.

For small bears they make special plastic discs. They are small (can be as little as 6mm in diameter) but very durable.

Metal jumpers

Metal jumpers come in two types of shapes and with a round head. All metal jumpers come in several sizes.

Using T-shaped jumpers, the arms, legs, and sometimes the head of the bear are connected. They are used for one-way connection.

Metal jumpers with a round head are used for two-way connection. The head is most often attached to the body in this way.

Types of connections between paws and head:

One way connection

  • This connection requires T-shaped metal jumpers, a wooden or pressed cardboard disk and a metal disk.
  • First, place a metal disk on the T-shaped jumper, and then a wooden or cardboard one.
  • With the help of such fastenings, arms and legs, and often the head, are attached to the body. Thus, the soft bear toy will move its legs and arms.

  • This mount will require two metal jumpers with round heads, two metal and one wooden (or cardboard) disk.
  • Disconnect the legs of the metal jumper.
  • Interconnect two jumpers and squeeze the legs together.
  • String disks first with metal, then with wood, or with cardboard and again with metal.
  • Using a special device, bend the legs of the metal jumper; one leg is slightly longer than the other, so bend it first, and then the second. Press the legs firmly against the metal disk so that the jumper does not move.
  • This is how the head is attached to the body.

Tools for connecting parts of a soft toy:

  • Scissors. They must be pointed, sharp and always straight. Scissors with curved blades will not work; they are difficult to work with.
  • Tweezers. It will be very useful when you stuff the bear. Using tweezers, you can easily insert a piece of padding polyester into even the smallest part of the bear.
  • Wire cutters. Have several types of wire cutters with you. Some will be needed to twist the fasteners, others will push or pull out the needle, etc.
  • Special cutters will especially help when you make small bear cubs. They have teeth. Take the fabric with a pair of wire cutters, bring the handles together and turn them inside out. This way you can turn even the smallest part right side out without the slightest difficulty.
  • Awl. It is necessary to pierce holes for connections.
  • Stick for stuffing. With its help, it is much easier to stuff the details of the bears, reaching all the bends. Comfortable handle will protect your hands from calluses and abrasions.
  • Needles and pins. you can use regular needles, but for shaping fingers, eyes and eye orbits, be sure to purchase needles different lengths(approximately 8-18 cm). You won’t be able to do without buttons; you need to use them to sweep away the parts in order to sew them together more evenly.
  • Binding Tool. This is a metal tool with a slot, the end of the fastener is inserted into it and bent. The slots come in different sizes depending on which fastener needs to be bent.
  • Brush. During sewing, the bears' fur gets tangled and dust and debris stick to it. Therefore, after finishing your work, comb the bear. Animal brushes are suitable for this.

How to sew a soft toy "Bear"?

Preparations for sewing

Cut out all the parts along the lines already with seam allowances. Do not cut the dart into the body. Also, so that the soft toy with your own hands and its seams turn out beautiful, and the wool next to them does not get tangled, cut off the pile from all parts about 5 mm from the edge.

At the joints (they are marked on the wrong side with crosses or dots), thread a thread of a different color from the fur. The knot should be on the front side. There will be eight such places in total, two on the inner sides of the front paws, two on the inner sides of the hind legs, four on the body.

Coat the edges of the fur special means for fur. If you are sewing the soles, palms and inner sides of the ears from the same fur, trim the pile on it. To make the material even, shave or pluck the remaining fibers with tweezers.

How to sew on Mishka's hind legs

You can start sewing a Teddy Bear toy with your own hands from any part. This time we'll start with sewing hind legs.

Using pins, pin together the paw parts. Sew them machine seam. Leave open spaces for stuffing and for soles. Then baste the soles front side inside.

To ensure that the paws are the same and the soles are not skewed, first secure them in the middle. Then baste the soles and sides. Turn the paws right side out.

Stuffing paws "Bears"

Start stuffing. First, push small pieces of padding polyester or wool to the soles.

If you embroider your fingers, stuff it tighter. When it comes to stuffing the upper part of the paw, do not forget about the one-way connection.

First, in the place marked by the knots of the thread, make a hole with an awl.

Insert a metal jumper, metal and cardboard disks inside. The discs should remain inside the paw, and metal jumpers should fit through the hole.

The trick to ensure that the disk is pressed tightly against the material and no wool or pebbles gets under it is to put a hard eraser on the jumper.

Make a few stitches again and tighten the thread again. If you want your soft toy to be neatly made with your own hands, and the seams are not visible at all, sew with threads of the same color as the fur.

Often the seams or their sections are specially made with threads of a different color - this makes the bear look more ancient.

Now let's learn how to form fingers with threads. The classic bear has four fingers. Mark the toes with pins at the top and middle of the foot. Do this on both paws at once so that the toes are equal and identical.

Prepare a long needle and cotton. Embroider them with double thread. Insert the needle into the fur on the side of the sole and embroider as shown in the photo. To make your fingers stand out more, shorten the pile in the rows with them or cut them off completely.

TO internal parties paws machine stitch sew on the palms. To sew smoothly, pin them first.

Sweep both parts of the paw - outer and inner. Also sew the parts with a machine seam. Be sure to leave an open space for stuffing.

How to sew the head of a soft toy "Bear"

The head consists of three parts, two side parts in a mirror image and an insert. First of all, pin the side parts together and fold them right side inward.

Machine stitch using small, even stitches. Pin the insert with its side parts and sew with a machine stitch.

The head needs to be filled very hard and firmly. Therefore, lubricate all seams thin layer glue for needlework.

When the glue dries, turn the head out and stuff it - first it’s easier to push the pieces of wool in with tweezers, then use a special stick for stuffing.

While stuffing, constantly monitor the shape of the head so that the wool is distributed evenly. The head should turn out to be very hard, especially the muzzle, because you will need to embroider a nose on it.

Insert the bent legs of the metal jumper inside the head. The other legs, not bent, should remain protruding from the head. Pull the thread firmly until all the material is pulled together around the leg of the jumper.

If you cannot pull the fabric together completely, sew it with the same thread using an invisible seam and secure it firmly.

How to make a "Bear" face

Next, the most interesting and creative part of the work will begin - we will create the little bear’s face, give it expression and emotions. You can start either from the nose or from the eyes - as you wish. This time let's take the nose.

As you already understand, do-it-yourself soft toys are made by hand, so even the nose will be made not from a button, but in a more artistic way. The nose of a traditional bear is embroidered, so we will demonstrate this method to you.

First of all, trim the lint on the muzzle a little, this will make it easier to see what shape to make the nose. Just take your time and don't cut off too much at once; it's better to cut a little at a time until you have enough. Then, on paper, draw a nose of the desired shape and size.

To make it easier to draw the required form, cut it out and soft material. Place the piece cut out of fabric onto the muzzle. Secure the shape with pins. Make sure it is centered. Then sew the nose with thread.

First, play with your eyes, put them in different places and see which location turns out to be the most successful. Next, trim the fur around the eyes.

To make your eyes look more alive, you can make eye sockets by threading a thread through and pulling tightly to form a hole. Then glue on the eyes.

First, fold the ear pieces right side out and pin them together. Machine stitch. Turn it inside out.

Use pins to pin the ears to the head, but first place them in different places until you decide that this is how the bear looks the cutest. Sew on the details.

The mouth of these do-it-yourself soft toys Mishek is embroidered with the same threads as the nose. Also use pins to make a mouth for the bear.

How to sew the body of a soft toy "Bear"

The parts of the body, like all the others, are folded with the front side inward, fastened with pins, and swept away. Then sew with a machine stitch. Leave an unsewn gap at the top, in the place where the dart seam will be, this is where we will attach the head.

Also, do not sew up the padding areas. Turn it inside out. All parts (front and hind legs and head) are attached to the body, so don’t rush to stuff it.

Use an awl to pierce the connection points in the body (two for the front and hind legs). Insert the leg of the metal bridge of the front or rear paw into the hole. Place wooden and metal disks on the leg of the bridge from the inside of the abdomen.

Using a screwdriver, bend the legs of the jumper. Press them firmly onto the metal disc. In this way, attach the front and hind legs and head to the body. This is what all the connections look like inside.

When you connect all the parts, fill the tummy with small pieces of wool. It is very important to compact the padding well around the legs of the jumpers so that by pressing on the bear they cannot be felt. Add a few spoons of small stones.

If you want, now is the time to insert a box with a bear's voice. Surround it with fur so that it cannot be felt. Sew up the back in the same way as you sewed up the paws.

Pin the tail parts together, baste them and machine stitch them. Turn it inside out. Since the tail is very small, it will be much easier to turn it out with special pliers - pinch the tip of the tail with the teeth and pull. Fold the edges of the ponytail inward and sew around it, just like the ears.

Use a pin to mark the location for the tail and sew it on.

While sewing, the teddy bear's fur gets tangled and debris and dust stick to it. Therefore, after finishing your work, comb the bear.

DIY decoration of a soft toy "Bears"

Very often, bears and other animals are tinted, i.e. certain places are made brighter with the help of oil or textile paints. When painting with both colors, use soft brushes several millimeters thick.

Dip the brush into the paint, remove the excess, and carefully tint the soft bear. Most often, the muzzle around the nose, mouth, around the eyes, and ears are tinted. The toes of the front and hind paws, soles, palms, and the fur around them are distinguished.

This is what our bear looked like before tinting and this is what it looks like after it.

Thus, we made a plush toy with our own hands, and the master class with photos, we hope, helped you in creating it. There's still quite a bit left.

The nose can either be waxed or varnished. It is often covered acrylic varnish, several layers. The nose of a traditional bear is turned up.

Natural beeswax or batik wax is suitable for these purposes. Melt some wax and apply it to your nose with a brush.

Immediately, using a hair dryer, blow a stream of hot air onto the wax - it will melt and be absorbed into the threads. Treat one side of the nose first, then the other, making sure that the melted wax does not drip onto the muzzle.

When the first layer melts and cools, repeat the same procedure at least one more time.

When the wax is well absorbed into the nose and cools down, bring it to a shine using a woolen cloth.

Even the most mischievous child will be pleased with such a hand-sewn soft toy “Bear”!

DIY soft toys: ideas + patterns

Let's delve a little deeper into this fascinating process and learn the technology of sewing soft toys. They are the easiest to make and the most sought after. To make a toy with your own hands, you should pay attention to the color of the fabrics. They should be bright and cheerful and pleasing to the eye; you can combine several shades. If there is no home the right colors, you can dye the fabric yourself; for this you need to purchase special dyes.

Their choice should be taken seriously, because they will be in the hands of children and the dyes must be natural and not fade. You need to cut the fabric very carefully and carefully ensure that the paired parts are the same size and that the sides completely match.

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Before processing a pattern on a sewing machine, it must first be processed buttonhole stitch. If the fabric is loose, it is necessary to leave seam allowances. When the pattern is ready, you can fill it with various materials.

The most affordable and popular is padding polyester. These toys can be machine washed, they dry very quickly and do not lose their shape. Toys can also be stuffed with synthetic fluff (these are soft small balls). It does not pill and also holds up well in washing.

If you don't want to spend additional funds There are several options for purchasing fillers:

1. Remove such fillings from old blankets or pillows that you will no longer use.

2. Stuff the toy with small pieces of soft fabrics available at home. Before you start sewing a toy, you need to know what will be needed to create it: - fabric of different strengths and colors;

Sintepon, cotton wool, foam rubber, and other substitutes;

Buttons and beads for eyes and nose;

Sewing tools;

Ruler, pencil and paper for patterns.

For the right choice the fabric from which the toy will be sewn, you need to know their properties. For example, knitwear has excellent stretch, and you can sew any toy from it. Cotton fabrics are also suitable for different types, but they make harder toys. Terry is perfect for toys that require imitation wool. A bear cub, bunny or fox can be made from velor velvet or wool; such fabric will do its job perfectly. Felted fabric makes creative and original toys. But still, it is more suitable for making additional parts, such as paws, ears, nose, and so on.

Patterns of soft toys:







































Charming Teddy bears They are no longer just a children's toy. More and more often they are sewn for interior decoration or just for fun. Cute bears from faux fur, velvet, suede or fabric take us back to childhood and give us unique emotions. It’s especially nice that you can sew such a bear yourself, even if you’ve never held a needle and thread in your hands. And having sewn a pair simple toys, be sure to try a more complex pattern and you will probably end up with a unique bear.

Selection of materials

Sewing a bear from fabric is much easier than from faux fur, since fur or other similar pile fabric (suede, velor) has a pile direction that must be taken into account when cutting.

Plus, these loose fabrics are simply more difficult to work with. Therefore, we recommend that beginners try sewing a bear from regular thick cotton. Another excellent material- felt It is also ideal for beginners, as sewing a bear from felt is the easiest. In other cases, take fabric that imitates fur, which does not fray too much when cut and does not stretch, so that the toy does not deform when assembling the parts. Also think about recycling unnecessary items and scraps, for example, how to sew a bear out of jeans or an old sweater. Take the amount of fabric based on the size of the future product. For beginners we recommend the average size toys 20-25 centimeters - this will make it easier to work with parts and the amount of work will not be too large. Miniature toys are the most difficult to sew, so we advise you not to start with them.

Next, prepare the stuffing material. You can use padding polyester or holofiber or even scraps of fabric for this, or you can stuff the bear with granules, sawdust or even cotton wool. Such materials are often found in specialized craft stores.

In addition to fabric and padding, you will need thread, needles (even if you plan to use sewing machine, all parts are sewn to each other by hand).

Details of the future bear

Next, think about how you will make the bear’s face. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made plastic nose and eyes and glue them on or draw on the eyes, nose and mouth with fabric markers. You can embroider a nose with thread, but for the most beautiful interior bears, you should look for glass eyes that are sewn on by hand in craft stores. Also, such bears, as well as real Teddy bears, will require special articulated mounts that allow the head and paws to move.

And the last thing - decorative elements. You can do without them, but the bear will be much cuter if you add some simple clothes or a ribbon around your neck.

The simplest fabric bear

Even a child can handle this kind of work, so you can safely sew a toy together with your children. The fabric bear pattern can be drawn by you by hand, and you can draw it as you like - a bear cub with long legs or a round, plump bear with big head or ears.

Fold the fabric in half with the pattern facing inward, place the pattern on top and trace with chalk or Cut out two pieces at once and sew them on a machine or by hand, leaving a small hole for turning and stuffing. Turn the fabric inside out, stuff it well, not forgetting the ears and paws, and sew up the hole with your hands. The bear is almost ready, all that remains is to draw its face and decorate it as your imagination dictates.

Teddy bear made from a sock

A pair of wool or knitted socks, new ones of course, will make a very cute bear. A pattern is not needed, and the entire master class fits in one picture - cut out a head with ears from one edge of the sock, cut out a torso with lower legs from the other, cut out from scraps upper legs, and from the other sock - an oval for the muzzle. Next, you should sew a cut on the head between the ears, sew in the paws and stuff the torso and head, connect them together and shape the muzzle. The funny bear is ready.

Bear in Tilda style

Another option popular toy- this is a bear in a minimalist style textile toys, whose body proportions are elongated and long. It is best to sew such a bear from bright cotton with a small original print.

So, from the fabric it should be transferred to the fabric folded in half. Next, cut out the pieces with seam allowance. Sew each part of the toy, leaving a hole, and turn it right side out. To turn out the narrow parts of the paws, use a pencil or a wooden stick. Stuff all the pieces and sew the holes closed with a blind stitch.

You can use buttons to connect the paws and the body, then the paws can be moved. Carefully sew the ears to the head and the head to the body. It’s better to embroider the muzzle with threads - Tilda’s eyes are traditionally made using the technique french knot, and the nose and mouth can be embroidered with small stitches according to a pre-made pattern.

Teddy bear

The pattern of this bear is perhaps the most difficult, since it requires fabric that imitates fur and special fastenings for the paws. So, in in this case The pattern is not transferred to the material folded in half, but two drawings of the parts of the body, head, ears and paws are made. Moreover, one part of the pattern is located next to the other, but in a mirror manner. This is necessary so that the fabric pile of the finished toy is directed in one direction. Cut parts only with very sharp scissors so as not to damage the pile. In the parts of the paws and body, where they will be fastened to each other, make punctures for future hinges.

Also often Teddy's feet, palms and the inside of the ear are made of another material, such as leather, so they are cut out separately.

Next, we do everything as usual - the fabric bear pattern must be cut out, stitched, turned inside out and stuffed. Now is the time to insert the fasteners. These are cardboard disks with a hole into which a bolt, nut and 2 washers are inserted. A disc with a bolt is inserted into the paw through the unsewn hole, and the fabric is sutured around the bolt coming out. A disk is also placed in the body at the place where this paw is attached, and its hole must be aligned with the hole previously made in the fabric. Next, apply the paw to the body so that the bolt from the paw fits into the hole in the body and secure the structure from the inside with a nut. Do the same with all the paws and head, and you can sew up all the remaining holes and form the muzzle.

To do this, using a needle and thread and a knot tied at its end, pull the muzzle from the inside in the area of ​​the eyes (to give volume to the eye sockets) and mouth (to form a smile for the bear). You can remove the thread behind the ears. The drawstring makes it possible to create exactly the facial expression that you want to give to your toy.

Teddy bear Me to you

This charming bear is familiar to everyone for its cute and touching cards. These bears are distinguished by their gray-blue color, so choose fabric that is similar in color. They also have in a special way the muzzle is made - it consists of two parts contrasting color and from the blue nose. These details and the special pattern of the fabric bear make the Me to you toy recognizable.

Please note that this bear must have feet made of suede or fine-pile fabric. They are sewn in a circle after basting the details of the lower paw and only then stuffed.

Also characteristic feature- big decorative patch from the same companion material. You can buy a blue nose ready-made from plastic and glue it to the muzzle. Otherwise, this toy is sewn in the same way, as they may have the same one, but it can be assembled without hinge fasteners, but simply by sewing the parts to each other.

polar bear

The pattern of this bear differs from the previous ones in that the polar bear will not sit, but stand on four legs.

In principle, the entire sewing process repeats those described earlier, the only nuance is to stuff the paws well and tightly so that your polar bear does not fall over on its side, but stands well and firmly.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about how to sew a bear from fabric, the main thing is patience and accuracy, and you will succeed.