Step by step makeup for Asian eyes. Makeup for narrow Asian eyes. Features of Asian appearance

What makeup suits Asian eyes, how to choose perfect tone for “yellow” skin and what beauty trends should moon-faced girls adopt? Elena Shotkinova, a professional make-up artist, stylist, personal shopper ASIA studio style, knows the answers to all these questions.

P.A.: Elena, first of all, tell us about your experience in the field of beauty, please. How did your passion for the art of makeup start?

E.Sh .: Since childhood, I love to draw, dress up, design. I always drew inspiration from literature, painting, fashion magazines, cinema, travel and communication with people. All this still forms my taste.

At first, I applied my knowledge in the field of fashion and beauty when creating own image, and at a certain moment, relatives and friends began to listen to me, seek advice, be interested in my opinion regarding their appearance. It was they, my close people, satisfied with their own reflection in the mirror, who convinced me of the need to develop in this direction. And, in gratitude for the services rendered and the time devoted to them, they began to pay for my work. So the hobby logically grew into a professional activity.

I graduated as a make-up artist and opened ASIA studio style. We provide a range of professional make-up services, style consultations, shopping support in the city of Irkutsk, the Irkutsk region, we often work with clients from Ulan-Ude, Buryatia.

But even now my training never stops for a moment. Every day you learn something new, learn from someone else's experience, experiment. After all, a professional is an expert, he is always aware of all trends and new products, he is the first to learn and begin to apply new techniques. Of course, I follow the work of my colleagues, star stylists and world-famous makeup artists, bloggers and main trendsetters. We live in the information age, when acquiring knowledge is not a problem, all you need is desire and inspiration.

And I am inspired by the surrounding beauty - the beauty of nature, objects, faces. Well-groomed, stylish, tastefully dressed people always attract my attention and often delight me.

P.A.: Many Moscow make-up artists admit that they do not know how to make up Asian eyes. What do you think is the hardest thing about makeup for Asian girls?

E.A .: Indeed, many makeup artists fall into a stupor and do not understand how to paint a “flat” eye, devoid of an obvious crease of the upper eyelid, how to correct wide face, protruding cheekbones or our chubby cheeks. Often they use inappropriate textures of cosmetics and choose the wrong intensity of pigments. In a word, they do not take into account the features of an Asian person, whose types are also several. But for many Asians, everything is generally “on the same face”.

In this regard, everything is clear to me and my colleague (note - ASIA studio style makeup artist Irina Shotkinova), we ourselves are the owners of a bright Asian appearance and know firsthand all the nuances that may excite our girls. In addition, I myself have never been satisfied with the work of a “European” makeup artist, so I decided to become a professional myself.

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E.Sh.: To begin with, if you have any problems with your skin, it is better to contact cosmetologists without delay. No extra money? There are also free public clinics. The main thing is not to engage in amateur performances! As for make-up techniques, they are more international:

1) Moisturize the skin, paying special attention to lip skin;

2) when applying foundation, never don't dot it all over the face for subsequent shading - in these places it manages to gain a foothold and you will eventually get spots;

3) advise intensively draw the interciliary space black or dark brown pencil. So the eyelashes will appear thicker, and the look is deeper;

4) always curl your eyelashes for a more wide-open look, intensively staining them from the roots in two layers with lengthening mascara;

5) must have in a cosmetic bag foundation two shades: light and darker, to mix, choosing the color most suitable for the skin depending on the time of year. Also, tonal means of dark and light shades will allow correct the shape of the face, make it sculptural.

6) I recommend you to master oily and dry face correction techniques by signing up with professionals for makeup with a lesson! The make-up artist will introduce you to your own face, its proportions. Teach you how to pick cosmetical tools and master the basic makeup techniques that are right for you. (Such a service with the option of disassembling a cosmetic bag is presented in our ASIA studio style, its duration is 1.5 hours, the cost is 2000 rubles.)

“Any image will not be complete and harmonious without makeup. The “correct” make-up will always emphasize your natural beauty and correct small imperfections. It is believed that girls and women who “do not wear makeup” think too highly of themselves!”

P.A.: What do you think are the most common makeup mistakes Asians make? How NOT to paint? Do you have a beauty taboo?

E.Sh.: For several seasons in a row, the emphasis on eyebrows has been in fashion. I am glad that so much attention has been paid to this element of the face - eyebrows, along with tone, are indeed the most important point in makeup. But at the same time, they often become the subject of ridicule. Unfortunately, very often our Asian beauties literally disfigure themselves with black, clear, intensely dyed at the bridge of the nose, too short or too long, old-fashioned round or triangular graphic art. Dear girls, please give up once and for all eyebrow tattoo and use fat pencil even if its eyebrows are missing as a genre. Eyebrow tattoo is taboo! Grow your own as far as possible and refer to professional makeup artist to create a trendy, beautiful, natural-looking brow line.

Work Asia Studio Style

It is often possible to observe incorrect application of blush. Girls either take the shadow low, then Bottom part face "floats" down. Or they clearly carry out blush along the zygomatic cavity, then the cheekbones become even more pronounced. Remember, blush is applied to the apples of the cheeks towards the temples!

And further - there is no brown blush!

You should also be careful with pearly textures. When thinking about adding shine, beware of another effect - swelling.

I also want to note that our Asian women often sin by wearing evening makeup from the very early morning. Dark to say the least smoky eyes and (or) red lipstick is not quite appropriate at 8 in the morning.

P.A.: How to choose the right foundation/BB cream for Asian skin? Is it true that we all have a yellow undertone and therefore we need to look for foundations with yellow pigments (and in no case with red ones)?

E.Sh.: Asians are a yellow race. Indeed, most of the people inhabiting Asia have a swarthy yellowish skin tone, especially those living in southern latitudes and areas with intense solar activity. But let's not forget that the northern peoples, such as the Yakuts, Evenks, Western Buryats, etc. often have very fair skin with pink undertones or even uniformly snow-white skin of a cold shade.

A perfectly matched tone should merge with the skin tone and match the skin color on the neck. Moreover, the color of the foundation always depends solely on the natural shade of your skin at a given time of the year (darker in summer, lighter in winter).

Again, there is a neutral palette of colors: from the lightest to dark with beige pigment. Such products are suitable for everyone, including helping to neutralize both excessive yellowness and a pink, reddish tone.

Each trademark tonal products are presented in a cold, warm and neutral palette. The designation of tones with the letters W, C, N means: warm - warm, cold - cold, neutral - neutral.

P.A.: What are the current makeup trends that suit Asian women the best?

E.Sh.: Our type of appearance is now in great demand in the world fashion industry. Asian models participate in the best shows of the season and set trends, inspiring us all!

In the spring-summer’15 season, perfect radiant skin without flaws is unrivaled, wide eyebrows, Nude makeup.

If you are the owner of sunny freckles, this season they do not need to be covered with dense corrective agents, but even need to be emphasized.

For Asian eye makeup: boldly draw graphic, jet-black arrows. The thickness can be varied from thin to office version to thick and curved, a kind of theatrical version.

The alternative is bright eyes, with unusual colored arrows along the upper or lower eyelid, or double arrows when black is duplicated over color:

And maybe someone will like it monochromatic eyeshadow application on almost the entire eyelid, for example, yellow or bright blue.

The national Asian beauty is perfect, it is different from the rest, it catches the eye, and it is especially pleasant to look at those cases when competent make-up for the Buryat eyes is done. Buryat girls are not always suitable fashion trends and advice from legislators of the makeup industry, even the most eminent ones. Modern representatives of this nation strive to look like models from glossy magazines, recolor their hair and use blue shadows, which destroys their uniqueness and originality.

Such a girl by nature should not strive for brightness, they are already beautiful, and you need to think about this first of all, choosing cosmetics for the image, and not vice versa. Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

When deciding on makeup for the Buryat eyes, you should pay attention to Special attention on skin tone and give this aspect time. Girls with Asian features, nature, as a rule, is given yellowish skin, with which pink shades of correctors do not go well, foundation creams and make-up bases. It is better in this case to use beige, tan and gold tone. You need to follow the rule - the foundation should be a little lighter than your own skin tone in order to avoid a stale look of makeup and a tired look. To give the face freshness, the Buryat women need to use blush in their makeup, which are ideal option are neutral or natural shades, for example, peach.

Now let's turn to . If you really want to make the Asian cutout of the eyes bigger, then you should make out the eyelids in light colors, namely - gold, pale pink. For example, we can give such a make-up option to create a sophisticated and gentle image Buryats: neat eyeliner, some shadows pink shade and lots of mascara. It’s not bad to try another option - beige matte shadows and mascara, which together form the image of a natural Asian beauty, as if she was not made up at all. But champagne shades or other neutral shades light colors will help emphasize the beauty of the eyes and raise the line of the eyebrows, from which the eyes will also look larger. If there is no desire to hide your national zest, but, on the contrary, you even want to emphasize it, then the eyelids should be decorated in darker colors - black, dark blue and purple, brown and gray, bronze.

The look of Kazakh eyes: beautiful nature

Other representatives Asian type appearance - Kazakhs, each of which should master the skill of how to create makeup for Kazakh eyes, so as not to lose nature this feature. Eastern charm and the uniqueness of the Asian look have long been actively used by the world's leading make-up artists, cosmetologists know many tricks and ways of decorating slanted eyes, a feature of which can be stingy eyelashes and an eye-catching shade of the skin of the face, as well as overhanging eyelids. But all this cannot be considered a disadvantage, it is salient feature, and what is particularly attractive in this type appearance, you need to emphasize, and what is not very - correct with the help of cosmetics.

Makeup for Kazakh eyes requires more careful selection of funds decorative cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes than in the classical European case. As always, before the direct design of the eyes, the skin needs to be prepared for this - cleanse, moisturize, correct, matte. Kazakh women are even somewhat easier to deal with the issue color choice because they have dark hair and brown eyes, which are suitable for almost the entire palette of shadows, both cold and warm colors. The task is different - they need to be properly distributed before our eyes, highlighting especially attractive features and hiding what is not particularly beautiful. Most successful combinations become beige and green, dark gray and cream, pearl shades.

But what makeup for Kazakh eyes does not tolerate is the red gamut, since the use of its shades will give Asian eyes even more swelling, make the look tired and tearful. It is important to correctly emphasize your ethnic features, and not hide them, trying to look like an ordinary European or even erroneously highlight what should not be. Each race is undeniably beautiful in its own way, and there are no ugly girls, there is wrong makeup!

The content of the article

Girls with oriental appearance belong to the winter color type. They have a special cut of the eyes, clear features of the lips, black hair and yellowish skin, short eyelashes and a more massive upper eyelid. Such an exotic appearance great material for a true makeup artist talent.

Proper makeup for an Asian type of face requires a special technique that can highlight all the advantages of appearance, hide flaws, and make the face more attractive.

Daily makeup for Asian eyes

To fulfill day makeup for Asian gas, first you need to apply Foundation. The foundation will not only hide skin imperfections, cosmetics will lie on it more evenly. It is not recommended to use a pink shade foundation. Choose from golden, beige or caramel colors.

Day makeup for this type of appearance should be restrained in an oriental way. It is advisable not to use mother-of-pearl and shiny shadows, but to apply more matte shadows. pastel colors. To make the eyes more expressive, stand in minimum quantities use shadows of dark shades that are applied to the outer corners of the eyes, shading.

It is better to draw a line of eyelashes with an eyeliner or a pencil, while the lines on the outer corners of the eyes should be thicker than not on the inner ones. It is recommended to paint eyelashes with mascara with the effect of lengthening. Women with Asian eyes often want to give their appearance European features Therefore, special glue is applied to the eyelid or adhesive strips are applied. In this case, the view seems to be wider.

Evening makeup for Asian eyes

For evening makeup with an Asian type of eyes, a wide variety of shades of shadows are used. To begin with, you need to apply a foundation of caramel, beige and golden shades on the skin of the face.

The color of the foundation should be chosen on a tone lighter natural color skin. To get the effect wide eyes, it is worth using a special glue that fixes the upper eyelid.

For girls with an Asian appearance, hair of dark shades is characteristic, so it is recommended to choose shades of plum, dark blue and dark brown shades, while avoiding - red shadows, which will give the look of soreness and fatigue.

To do it right for Asian eyes, you need to follow a few rules. First, you need to apply shadows on the eyelid first. base color like lavender. Second, for more expressive look dark shadows are applied to the inner and outer corners of the eyes.

Thirdly, a thin line is drawn along the lash line with a pencil or eyeliner, mostly black. Fourth, if desired, you can use false eyelashes, or apply several layers of mascara to the eyelashes. Remember that the popular "" are ideal for girls of Asian appearance.

Wedding makeup for Asian eyes

like anyone wedding make-up, makeup for Asian eyes is performed with the same requirements - withstand everything wedding ceremonies and stay fresh until the end of the day.

The first thing to do is to apply beige or beige foundation on the skin of the face. golden hue. Of the shadows, it is best to use green, brown, beige, dark gray and pearl shades, but light or dark colors should be chosen only matte.

Eyeliner or eyeliner in use different colors- black, blue, brown or purple. It is recommended to use black lengthening mascara.

To visually make the gas wider and remove swelling, makeup artists recommend using a few secrets.
First. On upper eyelid an imaginary fold is drawn, thanks to which the eyes become more expressive.
Second. Light shadows should be applied to the hidden moving eyelid, and dark shadows to the upper fixed eyelid.

Makeup for Asian eyes. Step-by-step instruction

If stick certain rules, creating makeup for Asian eyes is not difficult. At the same time, the images will be bright and at the same time simple. So, "Fashion" will tell you how to do makeup for Asian eyes step by step.

The first and most important thing is to even out the skin tone of the face with the tonal foundation of caramel, beige, golden or brown-yellow shades. Remember that the base must be on tone lighter colors own skin. Next, on the upper eyelid above the crease, you need to apply a base shadow (for example, peach color), and on the area under the eyebrows with a large brush using circular motions shades of peach color with a copper overflow. Plum-colored shadows are applied to the upper corners of the eyes, which are shaded to the crease line.

The lower eyelid should be drawn with an eggplant-colored pencil a little behind the eyelashes, and a silver or light beige shade should be applied to the moving eyelid with a very thin brush. Usually, Asian women have short eyelashes, to lengthen them, use false brushes.

Does makeup have a nationality? Undoubtedly yes. Makeup, like fashion, is shaped by history, culture, climatic conditions, features of facial features and many other factors. That's why asian makeup fundamentally different from European and American.

Interest in oriental makeup has risen due to the popularity of Korean color cosmetics, skin care and hair care products, which have fallen in love with the whole world. Seoul's beauty secret revealed! What is the difference between mysterious korean makeup from the usual European? How to make it?

Korean makeup: features

The main reason why this type of makeup differs from the European one is the ethnic difference in facial features. Korean girls have high, slightly square cheekbones, small, but plump lips, upturned nose with a thin back, and most importantly - a narrow section of the eyes and the absence of folds of the upper eyelid. It follows that the basic make-up techniques aimed at correcting certain features are strikingly different from Western ones. For example, Korean women practically do not need nose sculpting, but eye makeup is actively aimed at increasing the incision.

Another factor of difference can be considered the historically established idea of ​​beauty. It's about about skin color. If Europeans and Americans are all their own free time spend on buying or artificial creation bronze tan, then Asian women, on the contrary, whiten their skin with all their might. You are unlikely to meet foundation Korean brand with warm bronze undertones. porcelain skin with a doll blush - this is the standard of beauty for all Asian fashionistas.

The difference between Korean and Western makeup

We have already talked about skin tone, but what else will the daily makeup of an oriental woman differ in?

  • Eyebrows do not have a sharp break, more often straight and natural, lighter than the color of the hair.
  • Eyes. The arrow, which is well known to Europeans, is usually almost straight for Asian beauties. None cat's eye in the style of Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.
  • Cheeks. Blush is usually used clean, enough bright color: pink or peach.
  • Lips. While the Americans carefully draw the contour of the lips, the Koreans do the opposite: they darken the center and stretch the color to translucent to the contour.

Basic cosmetics

Korean women are proud and very fond of cosmetics that are produced in their territory. home country. Therefore, in every lady's cosmetic bag there are primordially Korean products, not only produced there, but also invented.

  • BB cream. Yes, they invented it in Germany, but it was in Korea that this tool for correcting the tone and relief of the face was brought to perfection. The advantage of Korean bb creams is that they always contain a high SPF factor, not less than 30.
  • Cushion is the pride of Korean manufacturers. A product that combines a light, but at the same time well-covering texture with an abundance of moisturizing and caring ingredients.
  • Tint for lips, cheeks and even eyebrows. It is a highly pigmented, long-wearing product with a fluid texture and a generally matte finish. It can be used as both lipstick and blush at the same time. Eyebrow tint is a strange thing, but Asian beautyholics use it with pleasure.
  • Makeup base is also not invented in Korea, but its inhabitants need this tool. Koreans are mostly oily skin with enlarged pores. And the base, in turn, smoothes the relief and allows the tonal base to lie flat and last as long as possible. The Korean make-up base can perform the function of a “pore filler”, a highlighter, it illuminates the skin as if from the inside or covers redness and rashes on the face.
  • Eyeliner. Can't even do without it everyday makeup eye.

Where to start makeup?

Useful for creating an Asian make-up Korean cosmetics. Makeup can be done European funds but it won't be easy to find a foundation suitable shade. How to apply correctly this species make-up?

If you disassemble Korean makeup thoroughly, then it would be more correct to start it with a care procedure - the same ten-step skin care system. You will need:

  • Cleansing oil.
  • Cleansing foam for washing.
  • Peeling (once or twice a week).
  • Tonic.
  • Serum or essence.
  • ampoule concentrate.
  • Fabric mask.
  • Eye cream.
  • Face cream.
  • Sunscreen.

And only now, when the skin is maximally cleansed, moisturized and protected, you can apply a make-up base, foundation or bb cream, blush, highlighter, powder.

Eye makeup

Let's take a closer look at how to perform Korean makeup for European eyes.

  • First, apply a primer to the eyelids so that the shadows do not roll into the crease of the moving eyelid.
  • Then you will need shades of light (you can white color). It is necessary to apply them all over the eyelid, paying particular attention to the inner corner.
  • Next, using a fluffy blending brush, spread light peach or ash pink shadows in the middle of the eyelid, stretching them to the outer corner of the eye.
  • In the outer corner, apply a brown or plum shade (depending on the shade located in the center) and carefully blend so that there are no clear boundaries.
  • With the same brush with the rest of the product, run along the lower eyelid, creating light effect eyelid swelling.
  • Line your lash line with eyeliner, starting at inner corner. The arrow should not be very thick and straight, without bending.
  • Thickly paint over the eyelashes. Apply overlays if necessary.
  • With a cool shade highlighter, place accents in the inner corner of the eye and a little on the lower eyelid.

Lip makeup

Korean lip makeup does not involve heavy matte textures And dark colors. Asian women prefer light glitters, persistent but translucent tints and the effect of kissed lips. Let's consider the latter in more detail.

How to do Korean lip makeup?

  • Apply primer to thoroughly exfoliated and moisturized lips.
  • Apply foundation or concealer with patting movements.
  • Then apply bright lipstick but only in the middle of the lips.
  • With a brush, stretch the color to the contour of the upper and lower lips.
  • Lightly "imprint" the color with the pad of your finger and apply a transparent gloss on top.

Korean makeup gives the image of freshness and youth. After all, Asian girls know a lot about this!

Models of Asian appearance are in great demand today. And all because of their slanting eyes. They are seductive and mysterious. In order to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, women with Asian appearance use a special make-up technique that “reveals” narrow eyes, making them more expressive and bewitching.

Make-up step-by-step instructions for Asian eyes

Since women with Asian appearance mostly have brown eyes, let's talk about the technique of applying make-up for narrow eyes. brown eyes.

Step 1: Even out skin tone

Like any make up, makeup for narrow eyes you need to start doing with the alignment of the skin tone of the face. To do this, the skin of the face should be moisturized using the usual daily cream. Then all imperfections, such as acne and redness, are masked with a corrector that matches the tone of the face. Since Asian women have a yellowish skin tone, asian makeup excludes tonal means of pink shades.

Step 2. Correction of the cheekbones

Asian women are also popular because of their pronounced cheekbones. Therefore, when creating makeup for an Asian type of face, the contours of the face should be emphasized. This can be done with the help of a highlighter that visually changes the shape of the face, thanks to the light-reflecting particles included in its composition. When choosing blush, Asian makeup prefers the use of bronze, peach and plum shades.

Step 3: Choosing Shadows

After we have evened out the tone of the face, we move on to the eyes. Since Asian women have narrow eyes and have an overhanging eyelid, this technique make-up is aimed at their "disclosure". To do this, use the shades of green, beige, pearl, cream and dark gray shades. For a daytime Asian make-up, you should not paint your eyes. mother-of-pearl shadows, matte ones are better suited for this. But evening Asian makeup allows the use of pearlescent light shadows, emphasizing the inner corners of the eyes with them. This technique will open the eyes and give it lightness.

Evening make-up technique allows you to use more saturated colors shadows like dark blue, dark brown And dark purple. Also, evening makeup for narrow brown eyes can be done in the style of Smoky Eyes.

Step 4. Choosing an eyeliner

The Asian eye section implies the creation of a make-up, in which clear line eyelashes. This line can be achieved by using liquid eyeliner for eyes. The color of this eyeliner can be any - black, blue, brown, it all depends on the selected colors, which will allow you to perform makeup for Asian eyes. Use eyeliner very carefully in order to avoid a crooked line. The eyeliner is applied in a thin line from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye, gradually expanding. You can finish the line with a small arrow directed to the temple.

Step 5: Paint the Eyelashes

Now we paint eyelashes. Since Asian women have short eyelashes, it is worth using lengthening mascara, applying it in several layers. It's also a good idea if you're using tufted false lashes. This will give the look expressiveness and significantly increase them.

Step 6. Make up lips

And on last step step by step Asian make-up paint lips. Asian women can wear lipstick different shades, from natural to bright and saturated.

Makeup Techniques for Asian Eyes

The Asian section of the eyes can be distinguished by two different techniques make-up:

  1. makeup for narrow eyes, the shape of which does not change;
  2. make-up for Asian women, with a change in the shape of the eyes.

In the first case, only light shades shadows that are painted on the moving eyelid. And by applying dark shadows on the outer corners of the eye, depth is given to the look.

In the second case, makeup for Asians includes a special technology. On the upper eyelid, we draw an imaginary fold, thanks to which the height of the eyelid visually increases.

Daily makeup for Asians

Girls with narrow eyes often ask themselves the question: “How to do daytime makeup for narrow eyes?”. One of the ways that will help you create daytime makeup for Asian eyes can be the following step-by-step guide.

  • Step 1. Align the tone of the face.
  • Step 2. We emphasize the shape of the eyebrows using a special pencil.
  • Step 3. We paint the eyelids. To do this, you need shadows only in natural tones. For example: golden, bronze or yellow shadows. We apply light shadows on the eyelid, the moving eyelid is highlighted with shades of a bronze hue.
  • Step 4. With a dark brown pencil, a line is drawn clearly along the growth upper eyelashes, then slightly shaded. A line is also drawn along the lower eyelid, which must be shaded with dark shadows.
  • Step 5. We paint eyelashes. We use only lengthening mascara or false eyelashes.
  • Step 6. Paint the lips. For daytime makeup suitable lipstick natural shades.

Evening make-up option

Every woman with an Asian appearance using this technique can make a stunning evening make-up for an Asian eye shape. evening make-up for Asian eyes involves the use of several shades of shadows. IN this case there will be three.

  1. Light shadows are applied to the upper eyelid, then we apply shadows of a medium shade, but not very saturated, to the moving eyelid. And in order to emphasize the depth of the look, the outer corner of the eye is emphasized with the help of dark, saturated shadows.
  2. From the inner corner of the eye, an eyeliner line is drawn to the outer corner, expanding. The line should be extended to the temple. Shade eyeliner should be saturated dark shadows. This will give a soft look. Eyelashes are curled with tongs and painted with mascara.