Summary of an environmental event with middle group children. Sports leisure "Kolobok" for children of the middle group of kindergarten

Summary of a pedagogical event with children of the middle group “How we rescued Ivanushka”

Compiled by: Rogozhina V.A. Zhevlakova O.S. — teachers of the 1st category, municipal budget preschool educational institution“General developmental kindergarten No. 76” in the city of Bratsk.

Target:Create conditions for consolidating and generalizing children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature, in a body of water, on the street and in everyday life.



— Expand children’s understanding of correct behavior in nature, in a pond, on the street and at home.

— To develop the skills of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safety rules.

- Encourage children to give a full answer.


- Develop speech activity children.

- Develop cognitive processes(attention, memory, thinking).

— Develop a sense of teamwork and responsibility for the work performed.

Develop children's interest in their own safety.


- Cultivate feeling careful attitude to nature and to your health.

— Develop the ability to listen to each other and agree on joint activities.

— To instill in children the need to communicate with nature.

Educational field: Social communication development, speech development, cognitive development.

Types of children's activities: educational, gaming, communicative, construction.

Equipment: Paper geese-swans, cards on safety rules in nature, a TV, a CD with a recording of the cartoon “Safety at Home”, a wonderful bag, bars and tools for building a bridge, cards with riddles.

Preliminary work: Meeting with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, conversations about the rules of behavior in nature, at home, didactic games“You can - you can’t”, “How to avoid trouble”, looking at illustrations about the rules of behavior for children in the wild, streets, in everyday life, outdoor games, plot - role-playing games“Cat House”, “Call 01,02,03”, “Journey to the Forest”, reading fiction Nosov N. “On the Hill”, Ushinsky M. “Know How to Wait”, etc.

Progress of the lesson

The music starts playing and the children are distracted from the game, looking for the source of the sound. They approach the teacher.

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children's answers) (Draws attention to the flying swans) What fairy tale do you think they came from? (children's answers). What happened in this fairy tale? (children's answers). Why did they come to us? (children's answers).

IN: Guys, geese-swans flew to us for a reason. They also want to help us help out Ivanushka and on their wings they brought us a hint in the form of pictures (Apple tree - stove - river - the house of Baba - Yaga and Leshy).

IN: So, guys, we're going to the apple tree. We walked, walked, walked, and then we came to the apple tree.

(The Storyteller meets us at the apple tree)

Storyteller: Hello guys, I've been waiting for you here for a long time and I know where you're going and who you're looking for. But you need to pass the test and I have prepared a task for you. But before you begin the task, you need to divide into companies. Pick an apple from an apple tree

And find yourself a friend.

(Yellow, red and green apples hang on the apple tree. Children pick apples according to color principle and are divided into 3 companies of 4 people).

1 company – “Yellow Apple”

2company – “Red Apple”

3company – “Green Apple”

I suggest choosing a captain in each company.

WITH: And now, guys, the captain from each company will come up and take an envelope with the task. Captains, listen carefully to the task to tell the guys from your company. We offer children cards on safety rules through the game “Good - Bad”. 1 company - cards about water safety rules;

2company - outdoor safety cards;

3company - cards about safety rules in winter.

WITH: You need to look at the pictures and explain what is good and what is bad. (Children complete the task by conferring. One child answers from each company).

IN: Storyteller, have we completed your task? If yes, then show us the path further.

WITH: Well done guys, you completed this task. I give you this ball, follow it, and I will wait for you there.


The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch...

First look left, then look right.

Turn to the left and smile at the friend next to you.

Stomp your right foot: one, two, three,

Shake your head: one, two, three,

Raise your hands up and clap: one, two, three.

IN: Where have we come? (children's answers). Let's look at the diagram card. That's right, we came to the stove. Look, the Storyteller is already waiting for us here.

(The storyteller bakes pies and says, “I bake pies that are sweet and rosy, hot and very hot.” ​​Draws attention to the children.)

WITH: Oh guys, here you are. And I’ve been waiting for you and turned on my magic mirror, I look into it and I can’t understand anything. What does this mirror show me? (A broken bridge appears on the TV screen.)

WITH: The path to the hut lies across the river, but Baba Yaga broke the bridge, and Leshy scattered all the boards throughout the forest. If you manage to assemble the bridge, you will be able to get to the hut.

IN: Guys, in order to assemble the bridge, we need to split into 2 companies. Here is a wonderful bag containing pictures of bars and tools. (Children take from the picture and unite in the companies “Whitestones” and “Tools”).

IN: The guys from the Brusochki company are looking for information about the forest construction material and transferred to the Instruments company. And the children from the Instruments company begin to build a bridge. (Children begin to work).

IN: So we built a bridge to overcome the obstacle,

To be in time to go around the river,

Step over it.

(Children with a teacher and the Storyteller go across the bridge to the hut of Baba Yaga and Leshy.)

Baba Yaga and Leshy are sitting near the hut (EMERCOM employees).

IN: Hello, Baba Yaga and Leshy! We came for Ivanushka. Please return it to us.

Baba Yaga: Yeah, we’ll just gnaw off the bones and return it.

IN: If you don’t return Ivanushka to us, we’ll call the trusty service, they’ll fly in on a magic carpet and fill you with white foam and you’ll become wet and cold.

Leshy and Baba Yaga were frightened and said:

“There’s no need to shower us with wet foam, we’ll give you Ivanushka, but with one condition: guess our riddles according to the rules.” traffic.

Goblin: I will only ask riddles to those who have shorts.

B.Ya. And I will make wishes only for those who have rubber bands.

(The children are divided according to the principle of boys and girls and solve riddles, and after that Ivanushka was returned to us).

IN: Guys, we have solved all the riddles, we have rescued Ivanushka and it is time to say goodbye to Baba Yaga and Leshiy and set off on the way back. And to return to our group, you need to say the magic words:

And for us to return from a fairy tale:

You need to turn around yourself,

Clap, stomp, smile.

IN: Guys, you are so great! They coped with the task perfectly and helped Ivanushka out. What task was difficult to complete? What do you remember? What task did you like to do?

WITH: I also want to thank you for being so kind, sympathetic and for not abandoning Ivanushka in trouble and to give me these medals.

Zarina Shovalieva
Long-term entertainment plan in middle group

Long-term entertainment plan for the middle group

№ I week II week III week IV week


1 "Day of Knowledge".

Development children have cognitive motivation, interest in school, books. Formation of friendly, friendly relationships between children. Continued acquaintance with kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment (paying attention to what happened changes: the fence was painted, new tables appeared, ideas about the professions of employees were expanded kindergarten(teacher, assistant teacher, music director, doctor, janitor).

Sports entertainment: "Evening of outdoor games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Play well-known outdoor games and introduce new games. Increase children's emotional tone, satisfy children's need for movement. theater: "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Target character. Exhibition children's creativity "Colorful autumn"

Expanding children's ideas about autumn. Development the ability to establish the simplest connections between living and living phenomena inanimate nature(it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., conduct seasonal observations. Expanding ideas about agricultural professions, about the profession of a forester. Expanding knowledge about vegetables and fruits (local, exotic). Expanding ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas.

2 Entertainment"Visiting Aibolit"

Continue to introduce children to the parts of the human body and senses. Fostering the need to adhere to a diet, eat vegetables and fruits, and other healthy products. Expanding understanding of the importance of sleep for health, hygiene procedures, hardening.

Entertainment By fire safety "Cat house"

Target character. Develop creativity and active participation in tasks. Evening of poems and riddles "Golden Autumn"

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of autumn. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description natural phenomena analyze and compare with reality. Sports entertainment: “Autumn has come to visit us”

Target: Develop

3 Thematic conversation "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Understand the content of the fairy tale. Lead to understanding of everyone's actions character, develop emotional response to fabulous characters. Develop speech activity, the ability to correctly construct a sentence, convey the true meaning of a fairy tale. Thematic entertainment"Who to be?"

Expanding preschoolers’ ideas about the work of adults and different professions. Continued acquaintance with professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor). Forming interest in the professions of parents, emphasizing the importance of their work. Theme evening “On the work of A. S. Pushkin” Reading competition

Target: Introduce children to the works of A. S. Pushkin. Instill a love of poetry. Creation festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: "The Big Guys"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about healthy way life; about the meaning physical exercise for the human body. Fostering the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports and physical exercise.

4 Evening of winter mysteries.

Target: Create a joyful mood. Introduce the signs of winter. Continue to develop an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Dramatization of a Russian folk tale "Mitten"

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere. Understand the content of the fairy tale. Lead to understanding of everyone's actions character. Continuation of work on developing interest in books. Reading fiction and educational books. Forming an understanding that you can learn a lot of interesting things from books. Looking at illustrations. Development interest in theatrical play. Nurturing artistic qualities, revealing creative potential, involving children in various theatrical performances.

Holiday "With friends on New Year's Eve"

To form ideas about the New Year as a cheerful and good holiday, as the beginning calendar year. Develop the ability to bring joy to loved ones and give thanks for New Year's surprises. Sports entertainment: "Sports Winter".

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to shape children’s ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercise for the human body, interest and love for sports and physical exercise.

5 Entertainment: "Christmas time"

Target: Develop interest in Russian folk art, to the Russians national holidays, their traditions and rituals. Create a joyful mood. Leisure "The Secret of Magic Words"

Target: To develop cultural behavior skills in children, to teach them to use polite words in speech( "Thank you","Please", "Hello", "Sorry", "Goodbye". Develop the ability to see shortcomings in one’s behavior and correct them, educate respectful attitude to the people around you.

“Evening of riddles and poems about winter”

Target: Create a joyful mood. Continue to introduce the signs of winter. Instill a love of poetry. To form an understanding of figurative poetic expressions in the description of natural phenomena, analyze and compare with reality. Creating a festive atmosphere. Sports entertainment: “We are not afraid of Frost”

Target: Develop motor activity. Continue to strengthen children's knowledge about winter fun, games. Continue to develop an understanding of health and a healthy lifestyle.

6 Theme evening: "Good and evil in Russian folk tales"

Target: Form ideas about good and evil, forms of manifestation. Determine the importance of kindness in people's lives. Cultivate kindness in children. re-enactment fairy tales: "Zayushkina's hut"

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere. Understand the content of the fairy tale. Lead to understanding of everyone's actions character.

Competition program "My dad is the strongest"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. Formation of primary ideas about Russian Army, about men as protectors "small" and the Big Motherland, everyone weak people. Introducing children to "military" professions (soldier, tanker, pilot, sailor, border guard); With military equipment (tank, plane, military cruiser); with the flag of Russia, instilling respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

Sports entertainment: "physical training"

Target: Develop motor activity. Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercise for the human body. Fostering the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports and physical exercise.

7 Concert "To my beloved grandmothers and mothers"

Target: Participate in joint games, relay races with parents. Cultivate a feeling of love and respect for women, a desire to help them, take care of them. Organization of all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of family, love for mother, grandmother. Fostering respect for teachers and other kindergarten employees. Thematic evening: "We are little wizards"

Target:Creating conditions for expanding children’s understanding of the world around them. Continued acquaintance with the characteristics of objects, improving the ability to determine their color, shape, weight, size. Develop skills to compare and group objects according to these characteristics. Tell children about the materials from which objects are made, their properties and qualities. An explanation of the feasibility of making an item from a certain material. Helping children establish connections between purpose and structure, purpose and material of objects.

Entertainment"Leisure according to traffic rules"

Target: Develop basic knowledge about traffic rules, safe behavior on the street and roads, the need to comply with road rules, etc. Sports entertainment: "Russian folk games"

Target: Develop motor activity. Introduce children to games different nations. Arouse interest in folk games. Fostering tolerance and respect for representatives of different cultures and peoples.

8 Entertainment"April Fool's Day"

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere. Develop a sense of humor, ingenuity. Involve parents in joint activities and active participation V entertainment program . Entertainment"Space trip"

Target: Continue to introduce children to outer space (stars, planets, meteorites, etc., with famous people- pioneers who conquered space. Creating a festive atmosphere. "Oh, blessed spring"- spring fair

Target: Expanding children's ideas about spring. Development the ability to establish simple connections between the phenomena of living and inanimate nature, to conduct seasonal observations. Expanding ideas about the rules of safe behavior in nature. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature. Formation of elementary ecological ideas. Formation of ideas about the work carried out in the spring in the garden. Sports entertainment: "Fun Starts"

Target: Develop motor activity Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle; about the importance of physical exercise for the human body. Fostering the need to be healthy. Formation of interest and love for sports and physical exercise.

9 Fun with paints: "Beauty - Spring"

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere. Contribute development of children's creativity. re-enactment fairy tales: "Two Greedy Bears". Target: Draw children’s attention to the elements of acting (attention, communication, observation). Improve speech technique, correct articulation of vowels and consonants. Promote the unification of children in joint activities. Learn by means of facial expressions, gestures convey the most character traits fairy tale character.

Entertainment"Holiday soap bubbles»

Target: Creating a festive atmosphere. Introduce the properties of soap bubbles. Entertainment"Friendly family"-

Target: Develop a sensitive, affectionate attitude towards the closest people - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather. To form children’s interest in their family and teach them to share their impressions with them.

Exercise them in the ability to determine an action by the name of the profession;

- cultivate respect for people’s work, their activities and their results.

Equipment: Game “Bus” - three cards: yellow, green, red, rope; game “Hairdressers” - blanks (drawings) combs 2 pcs., blanks (paper wigs) scissors, paints; game “Doctor Aibolit” - 4 painted or toy thermometers, 4 bottles with vitamins, 4 pills, music center.

Progress of entertainment for the middle group

Educator: Guys, who brought you to kindergarten today? (Children's answers) Where did moms and dads go then? (children's answers) Dasha, what does your mother do? Lisa, what does your dad do? Sasha, what does your mother do?
Dunno comes in to cheerful music.

Dunno: Hello, guys. I was just walking through the kindergarten and met people of different professions along the way. First, a janitor, what does a person in this profession do? Then the security guard, what is he doing? Then the head of the kindergarten, what do you think she does in the kindergarten? Then I walked past the kitchen and saw the cook, what do you think he was doing? And in the group with you there is always a teacher and an assistant teacher, what do they do. That's how many people I met from different professions.

Educator: Yes, Dunno, every adult has a profession. A profession is something that is done every day and that is useful for other people.

Dunno: What will happen if some profession disappears?

Educator: let's play the game “What will happen if...” and find out.

Game "What will happen if..."

The teacher asks the children a question based on what will happen if, including various professions.

For example: What happens if chefs stop preparing food?

Dunno: I also want to work and benefit other people. WITH tomorrow I will work as a policeman, a cook and a fireman.

Educator: Dunno, but it’s not so easy to work, and first you should learn to go.

Dunno: What is there to study there, I already know how to do everything!

Educator: Well, since you don’t believe me, let’s try to play.

Game "Policeman, Cook or Fireman".

I invite everyone to the circle! While the music is playing, everyone moves in a circle to the right. As soon as the music stops, if I call the profession “Policeman,” you put your hand to the visor, if “Cook,” then you pretend to stir the soup, and if “Firefighter,” we pretend to put out a fire. Let's start!

Dunno: (sad) You’re right, it’s too difficult to be a policeman, a cook or a fireman, and even more so all of them at once... (pause), (thought, joyfully)... But I think that I’ll make an excellent hairdresser!!!

Educator: Dunno, do you think that the profession of a hairdresser does not require knowledge and skills? Let's try playing "Barbers" then.

Game "Hairdresser"

Children are divided into two teams, run in turn to the other end of the hall, the first player draws “comb teeth” - vertical lines of the same length on a drawn blank. The second runs up, takes paints and paints the wig blank, the third player runs up, takes scissors and cuts the bangs of the wig blank. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins.

Dunno: (indignantly) You need to learn, learn, learn everything from you! But I didn’t make it as a hairdresser because I’m afraid of scissors. I'd rather be a bus driver! I can definitely cope with this profession, you turn the wheel, turn it and go and go.

Educator: Let's play a game called “Bus”.

Outdoor game "Bus".

Dunno driver, 3 pairs of children stand in a column, holding hands. With their free hands they hold onto the cord. This is a bus. The driver stands in one of the corners of the room, holding three cards in his hands: yellow, green and red. When the signal is green the bus moves, when it is yellow it slows down, when it is red it stops. At the designated stop, passengers can get off or on the bus.

Dunno: That's how many traffic rules a driver needs to know! And what is a pedestrian crossing, do you guys know? At what traffic light can you cross the road? Which one is not possible? Absolutely not easy work manage transport. Well, it was not, then I will treat the children!!!

Educator: Oh, guys, quickly hide all the medicines from Dunno, otherwise he’ll heal us so healthy now.

Game "Doctor Aibolit".

Two columns of children stand behind each other outside the line. “Stumps” are laid out on the floor in front of them. The aibolit (player) must move from “stump” to “stump” and thus reach the line. As soon as he is over the line and puts a toy thermometer in the basket, the second player begins to move along the stumps with toy tablets in his hands, etc.

Dunno: (sad) Okay, okay! Don't be afraid of me, I won't treat anyone. I got it. To become someone, you need to study well and for a long time, first in kindergarten, then at school, and college. And I’ll probably go to school right now, listen carefully to the teacher, and won’t skip classes. Until next time.

Educator: Guys, today we talked about various professions. Who would you like to become? What does it take to become a professional in your field? You are absolutely right, you need to study a lot and study well, starting from kindergarten, and also not forget to appreciate the work of the people who surround you. After all, every profession is difficult in its own way and every person makes great efforts.

A mathematical journey through the fairy tale “The Three Bears”


1. Develop spatial thinking;

2. To develop the ability to compare groups of objects;

3. Continue to teach how to act according to verbal instructions;

4. Develop social behavior skills necessary for joint activities with peers.


"Magic Ball";

A house drawn on a sheet of whatman paper;

Planar geometric figures;

Envelopes with tasks;

Two baskets;


Mashenka, Kolobok, bear, hedgehog.

Children with a teacher are sitting on the carpet.

Educator: Today we will go on a journey through the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Oh, do you remember what this fairy tale is about?

The children, together with the teacher, retell the fairy tale down to the words: “And Mashenka did not return home from the forest. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying..."

Educator: Guys, let's help Mashenka return home! Which way should we go?

They look, there is a hedgehog sitting to the side, there is an envelope next to him. The teacher opens the envelope, there is a card with tasks in it. (The card shows trees made of geometric shapes - three fir trees and one birch)

Children answer the questions: What kind of trees are these? What geometric shapes do they resemble? Which tree is the odd one out here?

Children answer the questions: Do you remember which fairy tale Kolobok is from? What shape is Kolobok? What is it made of?

Educator: Kolobok, can you tell us where to find the house of the three bears? Kolobok agrees, but first the children must complete a task - choose three yellow triangles from a variety of geometric shapes. As a farewell, Kolobok gives the children a “magic ball”, where it rolls, that’s where they need to go. The ball rolled, rolled and rolled to a stump, and mushrooms grow on it.

Educator: Let's look at mushrooms. What color are they, what size are they, let’s count how many mushrooms.


Children are divided into two teams and, on command, begin to collect mushrooms. The number of mushrooms in each team's basket is counted. The team with the most mushrooms collected wins.

Educator: How can we cross the river? Look, there are geometric figures here. Maybe they will help us get to the other side?

Children lay out a bridge, and to make it beautiful, they make it from figures of the same color. They cross the river, there is a house on the other bank.

Educator: This is a house where bears live, but it has no doors. What to do? Guys, let's finish drawing the door (specify the size and shape).

Everyone enters the house, Mishutka appears.

Mishutka: Oh, who are you?

Children: We came to look for Mashenka, do you know where she is?

Mishutka: Your Mashenka is here, but I won’t let her go so easily! First, guess my riddles!

Educator: We love riddles and will be happy to solve yours.

Mishutka: Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

And here's another one:

A hedgehog walked through the forest

I found mushrooms for lunch.

Two - under the birch tree,

One is near the aspen.

How many will there be in a wicker basket? (Three)

Children solve riddles.

Mishutka: Well done guys. Take Mashenka and take her to her grandparents.

Teacher and children: Goodbye Mishutka, we are very glad that we met you. At parting, we want to treat you to mushrooms that we collected in the forest.

The children give Mishutka baskets with mushrooms, take Mashenka and return back.

Resting on the carpet, everyone shares their impressions of the journey through the fairy tale.

Scenario for entertainment with children 4–5 years old “Playing with Princess Nesmeyana”


Educational: Create conditions for the activation of children by referring to previously accumulated experience in moral education. To consolidate children's understanding of the concept of friend and friendship.

Developmental: Activate children’s speech, enrich and activate the child’s vocabulary in games, and develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Educational: Contribute general development children, consolidate children’s knowledge about good deeds;

Wellness: removal of muscle and nervous tension(change of activities) ;


Educator, Princess Nesmeyana, Royal Jester.

Integration of educational areas:

Socialization; Physical education.


Artistic creativity;



Game, verbal, practical.


Conversation, artistic expression (telling a fairy tale, explanation, encouragement, play, independent activity of children.

Individual work:

Help from the teacher to children who have difficulty doing their work. During the lesson, children are activated.

Material: hoops, rope, air balloons, colour pencils.

Organization of children:

Entering a joint activity: children are located at tables.

Cooperative activity : children sit on the carpet around the teacher.

Exit to independent activity : children are located around Nessmeyana.

Progress of entertainment:

Login to joint activities:

Pedagogical goal: Involve children in joint activities, create a positive atmosphere in the group, evoke an emotional response in children.

The goal that children must achieve is to enter a play situation.

Methods and techniques. Conversation.

The royal jester joyfully greets the children in the room.

Royal Jester: Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all today. And I really want to play with you. Tell me, do you want to play?

Sobs and sobs can be heard from behind the door.

Royal Jester: Unfortunately, today we are not greeted by funny music, but sad sobs. And you know, it won’t be very good if we have fun when someone is very bad. Guys, do you want to help me cope with this problem? How many helpers! I'm so glad! Then I will tell you what happened. In one Russian folk tale, one king had a daughter, which means a princess. Since childhood, the girl was spoiled and capricious. And then the king had a fight with Baba Yaga, because Baba Yaga was evil, she was not friends with anyone, she offended everyone around her. So the king decided to drive her out of his kingdom. And Baba Yaga bewitched the little princess and said: “The princess will cry until someone cheers her up.” No one could cheer up the princess, and for this they called her the Unlaughable. And now all hope is on you, and on me. They say the guys here are the funniest. It's right? Then we will succeed.

Cooperative activity:

Goal: to create conditions of support for each child, to create a situation of success for each child.

The goal that the children must achieve is to amuse Princess Nessmeyana, relying on their life experience and thinking.

Methods and techniques: explanation, game.

The crying becomes louder and Princess Nesmeyana enters the room, sobbing.

Royal Jester: Here she comes. Good afternoon, Your Tearfulness! What is our

mood? Will we have fun?

C-na: Bad! (sobs)

Educator: Would you like to watch the guys play?

C-na: No way. There are so many of them and I don’t know anyone (sobs)

Educator: Even though she’s a crybaby, she’s a princess, and you’ll have to indulge her whims. Guys, let's get to know our Nesmeyanaya!

The game “Tender Name” is being played

Royal Jester: Guys, please form a semicircle. Think about how you would like to be called affectionately? Now say this name one by one. Well done!

Now let's come up with " pet names"Our Nesmeyane.

Ts-na: But I didn’t have time to remember all the names (crying, not an interesting game.

Educator: This is because you, Your Tearfulness, are not attentive. Guys, can you listen carefully? (children's answer). Then let's show the Princess how attentive we are. And I’ll tell you what I saw in the zoo, and if you believe it, then you answer loudly: “we saw it, we saw it, we saw it in the zoo”; and if you don’t believe it, then say: “this is just nonsense.” Ready?

Behind bars at the gate

A huge hippopotamus is sleeping

How ferocious and fierce

Predatory beast - a large camel

(It's just nonsense)

Monkeys hanging on their tails

The kids are so happy.

(Saw, saw, saw at the zoo)

Beyond the seas, beyond the valleys

A chicken with horns walks

(It's just nonsense)

Above the spruce and aspen

Penguins suddenly flew away

(It's just nonsense)

And yesterday - that's the thing

Piggy flew across the sky

(It's just nonsense)

Educator: Well done! Attentive guys!

Ts-na: I’m bored, only little ones play such games, and I’m already big (blows his nose into a handkerchief) Yes, you all have fun playing together, and I’m alone.

Educator: Don’t cry, but join us. And now we will

play the game "Friendship Islands".

Imagine that you are little people and you live on small islands. Every morning in the sunshine you leave your islands and swim in the open sea. And in the evening, at sunset, you rush to your island. But the sea will cover the island with water every time, and you will have to

welcome your neighbors to you. It's clear? So when I say

“DAY”, then you go out to swim, and when I say “NIGHT”,

hurry to your home.

Ts-na: (Laughs) Yes, I liked this game, and I see that you

friendly guys, (crying again).

Educator: Why are you crying?

Ts-na: I’m sad because I’m leaving soon, and I can’t play at home with

Educator: Don’t be upset, the guys and I will draw gifts for you.

Let us draw you ours cheerful mood. And when will you

looking at the guys’ drawings will make you a little happier.

Children draw their mood.

Entering into independent activity:

The goal for the teacher: to create an emotionally positive attitude towards the results of his creativity.

Goal for children: Get a joyful mood from creative work.

Methods and techniques: Examination, conversation.

Royal Jester: Look, guys, what a wonderful mood we are all in, let's give it to Princess Nessmeyana so that she will never, ever cry again. Thank you guys for helping me cheer up the princess; I couldn’t do it, although I tried very hard.

(children give gifts to Princess Nessmeyane)

Ts-na: Thank you guys, you disenchanted me by giving me

your good mood. Now no Baba Yaga is scary to me and I will never be sad again. Because now I have so many friends who taught me fun games! I am very grateful to you.

Speech festival “Magic dishes”

Goals: Updating the dictionary on the topic “Utensils”, consolidating grammatical categories (agreement in gender, number, case, inflection, development of the prosodic side of speech, creating a positive emotional background, development of observation, attention, thinking, fostering a sense of collectivism, the desire to participate in a common cause.

The hall is festively decorated, on the table there is a tablecloth with Khokhloma painting, a samovar, bagels, bagels, dryers, etc.

Acting characters (in appropriate costumes)

Music sounds, children come out to the music, each character greets guests and sits down.

A sorcerer once visited our kitchen

And he brought the dishes to life with his magic.

And the dishes decided that today she

I have to tell all the kids about myself.


I am a saucepan! In your kitchen

I’m cooking borscht and porridge for you,

And potatoes, and broths,

And soups and pasta!

D/n: “Which one? Which? Which? »

Presenter: Guys, if there is pea soup in the pan, what is it? ….

If the soup is made from potatoes, what is it? ….

If the soup is made from fish, then what is it? Ear.

If the porridge is made from semolina, what is it? ….

If the porridge is made from buckwheat, what is it? ….


1. We cooked soup, soup

From pearl barley, cereals

It turned out to be a mess

This is our grief.

2. Knead the dough

But it doesn’t move

Kneaded with yeast

You can't hold on to the reins


Well, answer clearly:

What do you need a frying pan for?

Without me, the frying pan, you won’t be able to fry food!

D/i: “Say a word”

Can you fry what in a frying pan? (children's answers)

Song "Pancakes"

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time

We wanted pancakes

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

You are my pancakes, etc.

I am a ringing teapot with a whistle,

I have known everyone since childhood.

And if the kettle whistles,

That means the tea has already boiled!

Dynamic pause (coordination of speech with movement)

I'm a big pot-bellied teapot,

Very important as a boss

Here are the porcelain saucers

Just touch them and they will break

Here are the porcelain cups

Very fragile poor things

Here silver spoons

Head on thin legs

Here is the tray, he brought us the dishes.

Did you recognize me? The cup is me!

And I was created for drinking.

Everyone takes my hand

And they drink tea and coffee from me.

D/i: “Assemble a tea pair” (Children collect a tea pair by color and pattern)

I'm a pot-bellied samovar

There's heat coming from me

I puff like a locomotive,

I boil water for people!

Scene "Samovar"

On the table is a samovar, samovar

He grumbles, he seethes, he seethes

Ivan Lyuli, the samovar, it’s boiling

Light Alena speaks, speaks

Ivan poured tea, poured

Light was given to Alena, given

Ivan Lyuli, the samovar, it’s boiling

Light Alena speaks, speaks.

Drink a cup for me, for me

And the other for yourself, for yourself

Ivan Lyuli, the samovar, it’s boiling

Light Alena speaks, speaks

I am a soup bowl

Made of porcelain, painted.

Created for first courses

And everyone takes care of me!

Guys, tell me which fairy tale hero found it inconvenient to eat from a plate (the fox, from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”)

Tell me, in which fairy tale did the dishes escape from their owner? (Fedoreno grief)

Finger gymnastics“How we helped mom”

1, 2, 3, 4 we washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle

1, 2, 3, 4 we washed the dishes

We just broke the cup

The ladle also broke

The teapot's nose is broken

1, 2, 3, 4 we washed the dishes


A bread bin is a home for bread.

It is preserved in it.

Presenter: Guys, name the proverbs about bread?

Tell me, what tableware can be used as musical instrument? (children's answers)

Everyone respects a spoon

I use borscht and cabbage soup to slurp.

If they drink tea and cake,

They also take a spoon.

Presenter: And now the artists (spoon players) will perform before you

Ready to help everywhere

We have different dishes.

They put food on it, they eat and drink from it;

Products are stored in it:

Cheese and butter, bread and fruit;

Hundreds of dishes are prepared there,

Boil, fry and bake.

We are grateful to the dishes, and we will thank them for it

Clean up after yourself

Wash and wipe clean!

Addressing the audience.

And to the artists you could,

Say together: “Thank you! »

Entertainment for children of the middle group “Day of Good”

Target: to form in children an idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, to clarify ideas about the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “benevolence”, to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Create a festive mood.

Progress of the event .

Leading. Are you awake? Smile! Let's raise our hands and reach for the sun. Hello Sunshine! (children repeat). -Hello everyone! Hello, dear guests! We are very glad to see you at our holiday of Goodness. Today we will share kindness with you. Let's hold hands and pass on our goodness and warmth to each other in a circle, lightly squeezing our palms. This Sun of Kindness warmed your palms.

Psycho-gymnastics “Don’t be angry, smile! " (Children sit on chairs)

A poem is played in the background of music and slides on the topic “Good deeds in kindergarten” are shown.

Is it easier to be good or evil?

It's probably easier for the evil ones.

Being kind means giving

Your warmth to others.

To be kind means to understand

Both loved ones and strangers.

And sometimes there is no joy in caring for others.

Of course, it is more difficult for good

And yet - look:

How many friends he has!

And there is always only one evil person... (L. Polyakova)

Leading. – Guys, what do you think “goodness” and “kindness” mean? (Children answer)

You know, good comes in different forms. One good thing is treasures: books, paintings, toys, jewelry. Such goodness can be seen and even touched with your hands. Another good thing you can hear is music, soulful poetry, tender words. But there is such good that every person should have: you, and I, and your parents. What kind of good do you think this is?

(Children answer)

Leading. Every person should have kind heart, kind soul, be able to speak kind words, help everyone, feel sorry for and save those who are in trouble. And, of course, the most important thing is to love.

The song “Kindness” is performed by children.

Leading. And now we will go to the land of Good. Want to? (Children answer)

What should a resident of this country be like?

Children: Kind, caring, friendly, helping everyone.

Leading. Well done, guys! You said everything correctly.

Eat good game,

It's called "Friends".

Look at me

Repeat the movements after me.

(The logorhythmic game “Friends” is played 2 times.

I’m not afraid of anything with a friend (spread your arms from your chest to the sides)

Neither the darkness, (cover your eyes with your palms)

Not a wolf, (show the wolf's mouth with your hands)

Not a blizzard, (simultaneous circular movements hands)

Not a spider, (use your fingers to depict running spiders)

And not a dog, (show the dog with your palms)

Not a bully boy, (put fingers to nose - “Pinocchio”)

Together with a friend I am stronger, (hands up to shoulders)

Together with my friend, I am bolder, (hands forward to shoulders)

We will protect each other, (hug yourself with your arms)

And we will conquer all fears! (throw your arms down to your sides)

Leading. Get ready, friends! It's time to travel! Let's start our journey with a smile. Let's all smile and good mood let's hit the road. And we will go by train, and the sun will shine for us all the way. (The children get on the makeshift train and ride off.)


There is a letter on the floor.

Leading. Guys, look, there is a piece of paper. There's something written here. Now I’ll read to you: “Hello, guys! We learned that you are going to the Land of Good, which means that you are all kind. We're in trouble. swooped in strong wind and tore off all the petals from the flowers. Please help me collect them. »

Leading. Well, guys, can we help? (Children answer) - Petals, guys, are not simple, but magical. You need to say first kind word, and then put the petal. (Children take turns saying the words: thank you, please, goodbye, hello, Good morning etc).

Leading. Well done boys! Residents of the Tsvetochnaya station are very glad that you helped them and say “Thank you.” It's time for us to hit the road! In places! Go!


(There is a letter on the floor)

Q. Guys, look, there’s a letter again! Let's see what's there? (Reads and says that the inhabitants of this station were bewitched evil witch. They went for a walk and got lost. So that they can find their way home, you and I must perform a dance.

The dance “Dolls” is performed

In places! Go!


Q. Look who's meeting us? This is the Fairy of Good.

Fairy. Hello guys! I like you all so much. My assistants have already told me about your good deeds. But I myself want to make sure that you are dexterous and skillful.

Here's your first task: find your mitten. (Children are given one paper mitten on which geometric shapes are depicted. The remaining mittens are laid out on the floor. Children must find a pair for their mitten.)

Fairy. Well done guys, you did a great job.

Second task: “Hearts”. They are magical. You need to answer the question and paste small heart for a big one. (Children answer the questions:

What words are spoken when meeting? (Whoever answered correctly sticks it)

What do you say if you accidentally push someone?

Who should give up their seat in transport?

How do you ask a friend for a toy?

The girl is crying. How will you calm her down?

What would you say if someone helped you?

You have one apple, and your friend asks you to treat him. What will you do?

Fairy. Well done, guys! All questions were answered correctly. It turned out to be a big, kind heart.

And the third task will show me whether you are attentive or not.

The game "Magic Scarf" is played.

Fun, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, performing various dance movements. Suddenly the music stops playing. Children squat and cover their eyes with their palms. Fairy straightening large scarf, goes around the children and covers one of them with a scarf.

Fairy. Once! Two! Three!

Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn! Don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

(Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If they guess correctly, then they raise the scarf.) The game is repeated three times.

Fairy. You guys are great, you tried your best. We completed all my tasks, and now I see that you are really kind, brave, skillful, attentive, and caring.

Music plays, slide show “Good Deeds”, presenter reads a poem

How to learn kindness?

The answer is simple - it is everywhere:

In a kind smile and at dawn,

In a dream and in affectionate greetings.

There are particles of goodness all over the earth.

You need to notice them and learn

And collect in your heart.

Then there will be no malice in him. (M. Skrebtsova)

Q. Guys, you made little suns. You can give them to anyone you want as a sign of kindness and care. (Children give gifts to each other and guests).

V. And we will ask the Fairy of Good to come with us to kindergarten. Let's always be kind, polite, caring.

(Children get on the train and leave).V. So we returned to our kindergarten. Did you enjoy the trip? (Children's answers)

  • X. Requirements for preschool educational organizations and groups for children with disabilities
  • XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational organizations, daily routine and organization of the educational process
  • XV. Requirements for creating menus for catering for children of different ages

  • Entertainment “Kindergarten is our second home” 1.

    (middle group)

    Target : to introduce children to a new social formation - kindergarten, to introduce children to being in kindergarten, to create a good, joyful impression of kindergarten.

    A song about a kindergarten plays, the children enter the hall and take their seats.

    The song “If you are kind” plays. Leopold the Cat (adult) enters the hall on a scooter.

    Leopold the Cat . I am Leopold the Cat, the friendliest cat in the world. Are you happy to see me? ( Children's answers .) But I’m so glad because I met so many friends. Guys let's be friends!

    Who will answer why everything around is so beautiful?

    And wherever we look, there is a friend on the left and a friend on the right.

    Hundreds of cheerful children's eyes, they look at me

    Who gathered all wonderful friends under the roof...

    Children . Kindergarten!

    Leopold the Cat . Today we gathered to visit the very best friend all children.

    He always receives us, greets us amicably, cheerfully,

    He teaches good deeds. Do you like kindergarten?

    Children . Yes!

    Leopold the Cat . Guys, do you want to have fun in kindergarten? ( Children's answers .) Then let's say hello to our kindergarten. Let the girls say hello (girls say hello). Let the boys say hello (boys say hello). In honor of our good friend let good poems sound today.

    1 child . Our kindergarten “Sun” is a sweet corner of childhood.

    IN kindergarten We live as a friendly family.

    2 child . We all come to kindergarten, like to our own home, in a crowd. 2.

    Here adults always answer us with a unanimous “yes.”

    3 child . Here we sometimes quarrel, and feel sad, and cry.

    But we are passionate about the kindergarten, because it’s impossible to do otherwise.

    4 child . That's what good house! We grow in it every day,

    And when we grow up, we will go to school together.

    5 child . In this house everything is a fairy tale, a song and a story for us,

    Noisy dancing and quiet time - this house has everything for us!

    6 child . Kindergarten is a favorite home, nannies, teachers.

    How much effort they spent on care and warmth.

    7 child . We promise not to be lazy, to grow up every year

    We will be proud of the kindergarten, we will respect the kindergarten.

    8 child . There are many gardens in the world, but there is only one like ours.

    He is like the sun for us, we want to make friends with him.


    Leopold the Cat . Guys, do you know that in kindergarten you must follow different rules behavior? ( Children's answers .) These rules are simple, you must remember them:

    When you wake up, get up, don’t give in to laziness!

    The dew has washed the petal, but the soap will wash you.

    Don’t wait for prodding, go to kindergarten as soon as possible!

    Don't waste your food, if you make a mess, clean it up.

    Be careful in your clothes, avoid holes and stains.

    At home, don’t be rude to your loved ones, take pity on your kids, love them!

    Help the adults at home, clean up the toys yourself.

    In order for people to be proud of you, you must always work!

    Rhythmic music sounds, Kaprizka (an adult) rides into the hall on a scooter. 3.

    Leopold the Cat . Look who came to us?

    Capricious. I'm a capricious girl! Ha ha ha, what didn't you expect? And I always appear where I want and when I want. I want - I roar, I want - I am capricious. Do you want me to download such a whimsy for you?

    Leopold the Cat . Oh, just please, no whims. We have a decent establishment, there are no whims. Really, guys? ( Children's answers.)

    Capricious . So, no one here is being capricious? And no one is playing around? And no one is being mischievous? Boring!

    Leopold the Cat . In this house no one is capricious, all the children are well-mannered and cultured.

    Capricious . What kind of house is this interesting, where you can’t be capricious and play around?

    Cat Loepold . Do you even know where you came? To a kindergarten where many different children live. If only I had gone to kindergarten, I would have learned everything right away. In kindergarten they are engaged in education. It wouldn't hurt you to study a little.

    Capricious. What's good about your kindergarten?

    1 child . Here we do exercises, eat properly with a spoon,

    Let's get used to order! Kindergarten is necessary!

    2nd child. We teach poems and songs to preschoolers in our group!

    There is no place more wonderful for us than our favorite kindergarten!

    3 child . There are books, and toys, there are beloved friends,

    My faithful girlfriends, we can’t live without them!


    Leopold the Cat . Well, Kaprizka, do you agree to go to kindergarten? Guys, can we accept Kaprizka into our kindergarten?

    Capricious . What kind of person do you have to be to go to kindergarten? ( Children's answers .) What do you like to do in kindergarten?

    Leopold the Cat . Children in kindergarten have their favorite toys. I suggest playing with them. 4.

    Game "Find your toy"

    Game - relay race “Carry the toys”

    Leopold the Cat . The most important thing is to always be friendly.

    Capricious . I think I'm starting to like your kindergarten. You can run, jump, ride a scooter. Beauty!

    Game – relay race “Scooters”

    Capricious . Thank you for teaching me intelligence, now I am kind and good, and I can start dancing with you right now.


    After the dance, Kaprizka brings out a large fake candy.

    Leopold the Cat . Are you being mischievous again? You brought one candy and want to treat all the children? Is that possible?

    Capricious . I promised to be well-mannered and kind, and my candy is not simple. She has a secret. You just need to clap your hands loudly and stomp your feet together.

    Children complete the task. Capriciousness treats everyone with sweets from a large candy cane.

    Leopold the Cat . We hope that kindergarten will always be a good friend to you.

    Let's be cheerful, healthy, let's give good light.

    Come to the kindergarten again, it is always open to everyone!

    Music sounds, Leopold the Cat and Kaprizka say goodbye and ride out of the hall on scooters. Children go to the group.