New Year's scenario for friends at home. Family games for the New Year: Competition "Chain". "Message to the Future"

New Year- a special holiday, loved by both children and adults. They say how you meet him, so you will spend the whole coming year. So, a merry New Year is a prerequisite for this holiday! But how can you ensure a 100% New Year's mood if you stay at home for the New Year?

One of the main components of an exciting and happy holiday are active new year games and original, cool contests for the New Year, which will not allow anyone present to stand aside and unite all guests and family members. And for this you need to make New Year's scenarios.


Competitions for the New Year at home can be completely different - gaming, for quick wits, for ingenuity, for sleight of hand using easy fraud, and for a special, relaxed company, there are erotic contests. Make your own New Year's scenarios, hold interesting contests for the New Year, and for many more years your family and guests will remember the enthusiasm of this evening and the smiles of friends captured in the photographs. Funny games for the New Year will provide a great New Year's mood, and this year's meeting will be remembered for a long time.

As for the choice, it depends solely on the capabilities and desires of the participants of the holiday and its organizers, on their ability to experiment, improvise and not be afraid to come up with something new and unusual. The main thing is not to forget that not all cool contests for the New Year are suitable for everyone. If you, for example, decide to celebrate the New Year in the family circle, then you need. In general, evaluate correctly the “public” that will gather for your merry New Year, take into account the level of their looseness and contact (literally and figuratively), and act!

I want to meet every New Year holiday brightly, interestingly, so that a lot of joyful memories and funny photos remain. But, unfortunately, creative thoughts are not so often able to visit our bright heads and bring new ideas. Therefore, we will try to simplify your life and offer several options in honor of the upcoming holiday, how to celebrate the New Year in a fun way. Let's present some ideas that might suit your scenario for celebrating the New Year, and will be able to provide a great New Year's mood to everyone present.


New Year's scenarios, fun games and cool contests for the New Year need to be thought through very thoroughly! And for those who like to arrange all sorts of themed parties, a party in gangster style or in the style of the 90s. Firstly, hairstyles, costumes and accessories, shining outfits, lots of glitter and jewelry, bright makeup- always cheer up and create a special festive spirit. Secondly, today retro is at the height of fashion. Therefore, your New Year at home will not only be fun and original, but will be “in the theme” of the latest newfangled trends. And how to prepare for such events, we will tell you.

Scenario New Year for adults: "Back to childhood" or "Dashing 90s"

This theme of the New Year's party is perfect for a small friendly company. The party will not require much effort, it will not make you puzzle over the outfit, even if no one finds “varenki” or sweaters with the inscription “Adidas” - it’s not scary, you can dress as you like, at the discretion of everyone. If you have chosen the dashing 90s as a topic, start by filling out the player list with the appropriate songs: the groups “Tender May”, “Hands Up”, “Combination”, “Mirage”, etc. For the table, make a typical menu for that time. You can exchange gifts like "Tetris", "yo-yo", prefix "Dandy", a children's walkie-talkie.

The main thing is that this New Year will be a great occasion to remember childhood, to plunge headlong into nostalgia. On the New Year's scenario, in this case, you can improvise to your heart's content! In fact, sometimes it's a lot of fun to play the extraordinary games you played as a child. Impressions will remain the sea! If you want to make a surprise, then in advance, as if by the way, ask your friends what they played, and organize such fun games for the New Year. We assure you, "aunty aged" in Christmas sequins jumping into the "rubber band" or "hopscotch" - it's very funny! And do not forget about karaoke, for sure everyone will want to personally reproduce the hits of the 90s, remembering the bright events of their lives associated with them.

New Year's scenario in the style of gangster Chicago

Chicago gangster party can make your New Year truly unforgettable. Chic and brilliance is what will perfectly decorate the mood of any friendly company. Beautiful outfits, a special atmosphere and an exquisite interior, cigars, cards, exciting jazz, weapons - everyone will find their own charm of this idea.

Well, if you and your friends are big fans of poker and others gambling, then there is nothing to think about the theme of the New Year's party! New Year's Eve outfits in Chicago style - black shiny silk dresses, gloves, fishnet stockings, precious iridescent stones, bright makeup - the ladies will simply be delighted.

Only veiled vessels for alcohol, which are worth it - the 30s were famous for their "dry law". Therefore, feel free to adapt a teapot, a decanter with the inscription "cough medicine" or some kind of souvenir gift set. When else will you "drink vodka" with friends from the coffee service?

Arrange a dress code, entry strictly with special passwords and invitations. Organize a photo shoot, an impromptu casino, dances, interesting competitions with water pistols... In general, you will definitely find a lot of exciting activities and be able to come up with original New Year scenarios on the topic, most importantly, prepare the necessary details and think over a general plan of action for the whole holiday.

For example, a great New Year's mood can be brought in by the adult game "Unlucky Sniper" - just in the spirit of Chicago or Russian mafia showdowns of the 90s.

New Year's Games: "Unlucky Sniper"

The following props will be required:

  • 1. a mannequin, or a drawn silhouette of a person;
  • 2. a toy gun with suction cups or bullets;
  • 3. "medical resuscitation kits" - bandages, blood pressure monitor, thermometer, etc. and so on. - anything that can come off or imitate items for medical care (bandages, for example, can be replaced with toilet paper).

Guests need to be divided into pairs, of course, couples are welcome: a man, a woman. Each of them is a representative of a criminal syndicate, an excellent sniper who receives an order for his competitor - another member of the pair. But, the second sniper needs to be "shot" so that he suffers well before "death". Of course, it is not necessary to shoot at each other, even with children's pistols with suction cups. To do this, a mannequin is placed or simply on a piece of wallpaper or other paper, a silhouette of the enemy is drawn. The sniper shows all his ingenuity and accuracy, trying to hit not in the heart or head, but in some other place - often everyone aims at the “causal” places (chest in women or below the waist in men).

When everyone has had enough fun and is already arguing which of them is the best sniper, the host announces that while they were on a mission, and of course turned off their phones, they received a message from the "management" with the cancellation of the task, since the enemy, it turns out, has some very valuable information. That is, the life of the enemy must be saved at any cost, providing him with the necessary medical care, the life of the sniper himself now depends on it. Participants are given "medical details", reminded that they first need to stop the bleeding, apply a tourniquet, do not forget to do artificial respiration, etc. This is where the real fun begins, when the place in which they so diligently aimed and made fun needs to be “treated”. The winner is the one who is the best, “selfless”, and, of course, who completes the task funnier and “saves the wounded” competitor.

A cool script for a mini action movie: “Somehow on New Year’s holiday ...”

It is better to shoot such interesting contests for the New Year on video - it will be interesting to watch your merry New Year later. To begin with, the Snow Maiden is selected from the women present by a general vote. The rest of the guests of the holiday are given roles and cards on which these roles are indicated:

- Bodyguard for the Snow Maiden ( male role),
- Helicopter (male role).
- Crow ( female role),
- Horse (female role),
- Tiger (male role),
- The forest and bushes are the rest (at least two of them are men).

Actually, you can invent a lot of roles, for example, according to the zodiacal names of the years (the Pig that lay under the oak, the Rat that strove to bite the Snow Maiden on the ass, etc.), if only there were enough performers.

The presenter begins to read the text of the mini action movie, preferably super dramatic, and the "actors" perform their roles, according to the script, in the style of a movie.

– Shumel winter forest.
The trees swayed from side to side, creaking ominously.
It was dark and scary in the Forest. Crushing the grass and bending the branches of the bushes, a huge Tiger slowly emerged from the thicket.
- The tiger was hungry, and from that he growled angrily, looking around and sniffing in search of prey.
- Frightened from branch to branch, the Crow flew and croaked indignantly. The tiger looked at her menacingly, wagged its tail angrily, and hid under a tree. Suddenly silence new year's eve broke the rumble of a flying Helicopter. It was the Snow Maiden and the Bodyguard who flew to the New Year's holiday. The Bodyguard has long liked the Snow Maiden, and he would like to be alone with her.
The Helicopter's engine roared louder and louder, the propeller blades spinning furiously. The helicopter made a couple of circles over the Forest, looking for a place to land, and began to descend. The helicopter landed on a forest clearing, and the winter forest was noisily around. The bodyguard and the Snow Maiden descended from the Helicopter to the ground.
- The bodyguard wiped his forehead and with an exhalation said: “That's it, they arrived, finally!”. "Hooray!" - exclaimed the Snow Maiden, and happily clapped her hands. From the Forest, a Horse galloped up to meet them to deliver the Snow Maiden to the New Year's "party", and neighed in greeting, wagging her tail. The Snow Maiden patted her by the mane and took her by the bridle.
- Suddenly, the Snow Maiden screamed in fright: “Oh! Save! She saw a huge Tiger under the tree, preparing to jump. He looked with hungry eyes first at the arrivals, then at the Horse, licked his lips and roared ominously.
- The frightened Snow Maiden quickly and deftly climbed the tree. And again the Crow croaked indignantly and frightenedly flew to another branch. The horse neighed loudly and began to back away, trying to hide on the back of the Bodyguard.
The tiger slowly approached them. The bodyguard was young and inexperienced, but very brave. He instantly remembered all the movies with the participation of Bruce Lee. The bodyguard stood up, and loudly shouting "Kiya!", Lunge in the direction of the Tiger. The Tiger growled at him intimidatingly, then gave him a contemptuous look, and continued to head towards the Horse.
- The horse neighed in fear and began to run away from the Tiger, dodging between the trees. The tiger inexorably overtook the Horse, and she kicked him with a hoof and, out of fright, even bit him on the ear. The Tiger howled in pain and grabbed the Horse's thigh with his teeth, knocking him to the ground.
- The Snow Maiden squealed in fear and grabbed the tree even tighter, trying to climb higher. The crow croaked in surprise and flew to another branch in order to better examine the flared up battle.
- The bodyguard winked at the frightened Snow Maiden, changed his stance, again shouted: “Kiya!” and rushed at the Tiger. With a series of well-aimed blows, he laid the Tiger on the shoulder blades and saved the Horse! The Snow Maiden shouted: “Hurrah! Hooray!". The crow croaked in surprise and fell off the tree. The tiger growled again, but now plaintively. "Hooray!" - the Snow Maiden chanted, climbing down from the tree.

- The bodyguard tied a collar to the Tiger, deciding to give it to some zoo. Tiger glanced gratefully at the Bodyguard and obediently sat down beside him. The Snow Maiden ran up to the Bodyguard and kissed him on the cheek. Joyfully rustling around them galloped a lame Horse. The satisfied Bodyguard handed over the leash with the Tiger to the Snow Maiden, took the restless Horse by the bridle, and with his other hand hugged the Snow Maiden, just below the waist. She looked at him slyly and pretended not to notice. So they all went together to celebrate the New Year. And after them the Crow croaked in surprise, and the winter Forest roared joyfully.

Now the Snow Maiden has only to choose the best actor of a fabulous mini-action movie and divide the participants into teams in order to continue cool contests and fun games for the New Year, in between the feast. Funny New Year's scenarios for such contests can be made up of a whole series of entertainment games by choosing them according to your taste and mood.


New Year's song contests

Many people love to sing, and therefore cool song contests for the New Year will surely provide a wonderful New Year's mood. Teams are required to participate. The first team starts, performing at its discretion, some fragment of the song. The second one needs to “pick up the queue” and perform his own passage from another song, but it must contain at least one word that was in the song of the first team. For example, if the 1st team sings: “I can’t live without you, I can’t, without you!”, Then the 2nd team, for example, sings: “WITHOUT YOU, without you, everything became unnecessary immediately without you ... ". Then the 1st team should continue, choosing, for example, the word “BECOMING”, they will perform a fragment of the song: “Suddenly a crazy accordion started playing, and it became, and it became good. I'm so tired, I've been erased into powder ... ", again the 2nd -" TIRED of waiting to rush to be afraid, to fall again, to rise ... ". And so on in a circle, until someone gives up and can not remember the songs.

Tricky contest "Paris".

Cool contests for the New Year may consist of tricky riddles that are difficult to solve, or bets that are initially impossible to win. Eg:

“I bet you can’t move me an inch by standing on the same newspaper with me?”
(SOLUTION: a newspaper is placed on the threshold of the door, and you stand on it on the other side closed door into which it does not open).

“I bet you can’t step over a pencil that’s on the floor?”
(SOLUTION: put the pencil close to the wall).

- I bet I'll drink 3 glasses of beer, faster than you 3 glasses of vodka (alcohol can be replaced with water)?
(SOLUTION: there is a trick in three stages. First, you need to agree with the enemy that you can’t touch someone else’s containers - glasses, glasses - so as not to interfere with each other, and the argument was honest. Then you need to persuade the enemy to give you a head start on one glass - it is obvious that 3 glasses are easier to drink than two glasses - a win-win! As soon as you slowly finish your first glass and the speed competition begins, you quickly cover one full glass of your opponent with your empty upside down glass. That's all! You can’t touch someone else’s container with your hands, which means that he won’t be able to finish all three glasses, faster or slower - it doesn’t matter!).

Funny games for the New Year: "The first wedding night"

“Victims” are selected for a prank, the essence of which is not revealed to anyone. Participants are asked, without bending their knees, to touch their own heel, while commenting on their sensations ....

The leader writes down the comments of the participant. If the player does not find words, then the host helps him with leading questions: “How do you feel?”, “Are you comfortable?”, “Are you pleased?”, and so on.

When everyone has gone through this procedure, the host finally announces to those present the name and meaning of the game: “So, let's see what you felt at first. wedding night!”, and read out what he wrote down about the feelings of each player “during their wedding night.”

Cool New Year's games: "Psychiatrist"

Such New Year's games are suitable exclusively for the already well-heated audience of participants. One person is assigned as a psychiatrist, the rest of the fun company is a bunch of psychos. Further, "patients" must imitate some kind of diagnosis (epilepsy, a flea dog, a monkey in mating season, etc.).

The task of the psychiatrist is to determine what "diagnosis", what the patient has in mind. The one whom the psychiatrist exposes becomes the new doctor. Considering that there are several "nuts" and the whole company is "under a degree", such games are very fun.

New Year's Contests: "Ice Cream Connoisseurs"

Snow Maiden's favorite delicacy is ice cream. Therefore, the competition for the names of ice cream will be most welcome. Everyone in turn needs to name different types of ice cream, the participant who thought longer than 5 seconds lost. You can think of a funny punishment for him.

Similarly, you can hold a competition new year wishes, for example, to the neighbor on the right. Here you can identify not only the loser, but also the winner - who came up with the most interesting wish.

Cool contests for the New Year: "Spy Passions"

Quite famous, but very fun fun for the company. A “victim” is selected, who is escorted out of the room for a few minutes. During this time, someone close, the best friend of the “victim” or partner, as if tells everyone present “very funny story from the life of the victim. The task of the “victim”, by asking leading questions, meaning only YES or NO answers, is to figure out what case from his life was discussed by the participants while he was not in the room. In fact, no one tells or discusses anything about the life of the “victim”, but during his absence, everyone agrees to answer YES if the leading question ends in a vowel, and NO - if it ends in a consonant, but if it ends in the letter “Y ” or a soft sign, then answer - “nothing to myself, but it doesn’t matter” or “I don’t know.” Further, in the process of "exposure" that the "victim" is trying to make, she herself becomes "exposed". The participant independently tells very interesting things about himself, with his own leading questions. For example: “Was this incident at work?” - "Yes". "It's about some corporate party? - "Yes". “The one that was on New Year’s?” - "No". “The one that was on March 8?” - "Yes". “Is this about how we danced on the table with the accountant?” - "Nothing to myself ... but it doesn't matter." "So, about how I danced with my wife best friend? - "Yes", well, etc. and so on. ….


If theme parties are not your forte cheerful company then they will help new year entertainment, games and contests. Christmas mood best of all will provide a variety of fun games and interesting contests for the New Year at home in your holiday scenario. It is clear that it is better to “warm up” properly before the show jumping program, then the process will go with great enthusiasm. But anyway, the main thing is to start.

Competition number 1: "I love - I do not love."

Good warm-up fun. The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name any two parts of the body of the neighbor on the left: the first - what they like from the neighbor on the left, the second - what they do not like. For example: "I like the nose of the neighbor on the left, and I don't like the ear." When all the participants have called it, the host asks them to kiss the part of the body that they love, and to bite the one that they do not like. A minute of stormy laughter of your company is guaranteed!

Competition No. 2: "Snake ball".

Similar New Year's games are suitable for big company, and their success does not depend on the amount of alcohol consumed. Names written on paper various parts bodies (there should be a lot of them, you can repeat them), and throw them into a box or hat.

First, two people pull out one piece of paper, their task is to snuggle up to each other in the places that they pulled out. Then the second draws another one to figure out where to touch the third. Then the third one pulls two pieces of paper, the first of which says where to snuggle up to the second player, and the second - to the fourth. And so on, until all are involved. The first one pulls the paper last to close the ball. In general, it turns out funny, and perfectly cheers up everyone present.

Contest No. 3: "How it was tonight ...".

The competition is spicy, but fun .... To begin with, participants need to be assigned numbers that determine their order of participation in the game. To do this, a lot is held - pieces of paper with numbers are drawn depending on the number of people.

And now - the most interesting. In turn (according to the number), each participant must loudly and believably utter a groan, a cry, in general, a sound that demonstrates complete satisfaction. Moreover, the numbers of participants determine not only the order of entry, but also the number of groans uttered. That is, the first player groans only once, the second needs to groan twice, the third - three times, etc. The most important rule of the game is that you cannot laugh and you cannot make mistakes in the number of groans, otherwise the player will be punished. As a rule, no one manages to restrain himself from laughter, and punishments can be invented as you like - it depends on the imagination and emancipation of the campaign.

Competition No. 4: "Boxing match."

For the game you will need props: boxing gloves, and two sweets (preferably caramel).

Before starting the competition, the presenter invites two real men who are ready for anything for the sake of the lady of the heart. The ladies of the heart are immediately present, providing beneficial effects on their knights. psychological impact. Cavaliers put on boxing gloves, the rest stand around, forming a symbolic boxing ring.

The main task of the leader is to escalate the situation. He tells boxers how best to warm up, what muscles to play in front of the public, ask them to have a short fight with an imaginary opponent to demonstrate their power, encourages fans to chant the names of boxers, in general, as in a real ring. When moral and physical training completed, the heat of passion flared up, the knights are invited to the center of the ring to greet each other. The referee, who is also the host, recalls the rules of the fight, such as: do not leave bruises, do not hit below the waist, fight to first blood, etc. Then the gong “sounds” and the presenter gives the boxers a piece of candy and asks them to unwrap this candy as soon as possible for their lady of the heart, without taking off their boxing gloves. Who will cope with the task before the opponent, he won.

Competition number 5: "Feed your loved one."

Guests need to be divided into pairs - a man and a woman. The essence of the competition is that without the help of hands, by joint efforts, the couple must unfold and eat the candy. The first couple to do this wins.

Competition No. 6: "Feed your loved one - 2."

The competition will require props: ice cream laid out in a bowl, spoons, scarves over the eyes and aprons so as not to smear the New Year's outfit.

Couples are accepted to participate - a man and a woman. Aprons or robes are put on them, both are blindfolded, the woman is given ice cream and a spoon. The task of a woman is to feed her man blindfolded. To do this is not so easy. The host counts the number of spoons eaten.

Competition number 7: "Pins".

A very famous contest, so play it better themes who does not know the rules of the game. And, besides, it is better not to participate if you are lonely and too shy for a long time!

You will need several pairs to play. The participants are blindfolded, and pins are attached to their clothes, in the most unexpected places - 5 pins each. The task of the partners with their eyes closed is to find each other's pins faster than the rest and unhook them. Such interesting contests for the New Year at home are usually held under a slow romantic music The search process has...

But in fact, only 4 pins are pinned to men. And while the players understand this, women will have to feel the men for a long time in search of the last, fifth pin, and the audience will have time to enjoy the funny spectacle.

Competition number 8: "Lucky".

It will take two or three glasses (depending on the interpretation of the competition that you have chosen), one of which is filled with vodka, and the other with water. The participant is blindfolded, and the glasses are mixed in places. Then the participant needs to drink the contents of one glass and drink the contents of the second - you can’t smell it, choose only at random! Watching these attempts at determination is very funny, especially knowing that the second glass was changed, that is, on the table, either both glasses with water, or both with vodka, depending on the mood and condition of the participant in the draw. Other than that, you can't change...

Competition No. 9: "Pose".

All guests retire to another room, and the host invites two players of different sexes and invites them to portray some kind of erotic pose. A third player is invited, for example, a guy who is offered to come up with a new pose for the couple. When he fantasizes enough, he will have to take the place of a partner. Then they invite the fourth player - a girl, whose task is again to create a new erotic sculpture, she also happens to take the place of a partner. Players who have been eliminated remain in the room, watching the participants and actively giving tricky advice to newly arrived players. Laughter coming from the room will add to the intrigue for those who are outside the room and are unaware of what is happening.

Contest #10: Fast Banana.

Participants are divided into two teams. One player from each move away from the team and hold peeled bananas between their knees. Team members run up in turn and bite off a piece of banana. And so on until it ends. The winner is the team that collects the most pieces of banana on a plate, which the presenter prudently offers.

Competition No. 11: "Blanket".

To begin with, the host announces the rules of the game to everyone: “We will choose a person who will be the player, the rest will be spectators. When the participant leaves the room, I will tell the audience something that he is wearing. When the participant returns, he will have to guess the hidden thing, and if he makes a mistake, then the thing that he named will have to be removed and given to the host. No set-up, all viewers will hear and know what kind of thing is hidden, they will make sure that I do not cheat (a). As a rule, the participant is himself and quickly, to the delight of the audience, the guest is in the most “cheerful” mood, who is ready to film everything, including underwear- by the way, usually, underwear is called in the very first place, hoping to figure out the idea of ​​​​a cunning pervert-leader.

When the "victim" leaves, the host thinks of a thing - a "blanket". And the “victim” who has already returned to the room, the host, as it were, by the way, offers to put on a blanket for a start, so as not to be embarrassed to take off his things and not to embarrass those present with this spectacle. Well, then the fun begins! As a rule, the “blanket” is the last thing that the participant guesses to offer as a conceived version of the thing, and by this moment he manages to take off himself, if not all, then almost everything. The emotional intensity and duration of the game depend on the ingenuity and courage of the participant. As a rule, the drawing is very fun and has an extremely positive effect on all those present!

Competition No. 12: "The path to the watering place."

The game is specific - for undressing, so the participants must be liberated and reckless. Two same-sex teams are formed: in one team only men, in the other - only women. At the signal of the leader, the players need to lay out the longest path to the watering place from their own things, taking off their clothes and laying them in a line. Which team has the longest clothing path - that one wins.

Competition No. 13: "Brook".

This is a competition for women. The future participants of the game stay in the next room so as not to see how the competition is being held. A path of wallpaper is laid on the floor, and women are offered to walk along the “brook” without getting their feet wet, that is, to do this with their legs wide apart, stepping on one side and the other of the wallpaper strip. After the first attempt, they offer to repeat the “walk”, but only with a blindfold. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and removing the blindfold from her eyes at the end of the path, the woman sees that a man is lying face up on the stream, and is embarrassed. In fact, the man is put in there after the task is completed, but the bandage has not yet been removed from his eyes. Then the second participant is invited, everything is repeated again, and then the first contestant laughs heartily. Then the third, fourth ... Fun everyone!

Competition No. 14: "Star Zoo".

A game for a large number of participants, in general, the more the better. Participants stand in a circle, hugging the shoulders of those standing in the neighborhood. The facilitator whispers to everyone his role: "Horse", "Dragon" or "Snake". Then the leader loudly pronounces “Dragon” or “Snake” or “Horse”, and everyone who got this role should tighten both legs, hanging on their neighbors. Particular fun begins when it turns out that the majority of the participants got the role of "Horse", and the rest are a minority and they are clearly unable to withstand the participants who raised their legs. Under cheerful laughter and squealing, everyone falls to the floor.

Contest #15: Napkin Pull.

You will need a napkin and a few cocktail tubes.

The napkin is torn into several pieces, and small letters write a joke punishment for the loser on every bite. Pieces are laid out on the table with the inscription down, in the middle between the opponents. At the command "Start!" participants with the help of a straw from a cocktail should drag a napkin towards them over the symbolic line of the “Finish”. Whoever loses, performs a comic task, to the delight of all those present.

A little more about how fun it is to celebrate the New Year at home:

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays in our country. However, few people start preparing for it in advance. As a rule, a menu, gifts, a Christmas tree ... All this is planned, bought and made in the most last days. And with all this, I want the holiday to be really fun and interesting! Moreover, the owner of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig, a very energetic animal. In order to please him and all the guests, you can organize a theme party. This, contrary to popular belief, does not take too much time and money!

Night in the spirit of dudes

Despite the fact that this option is considered rather hackneyed, it definitely cannot be called boring! elegant outfits, bright makeup, intricate hairstyles and, of course, incendiary music! The atmosphere of the fifties is the best way to forget about all the problems at least for one night and have fun to the fullest.

Where to celebrate? It can be an apartment, a cafe, a hall… anything. The main thing is that the room in which it is planned to hold a party in the style of the fifties should be spacious enough. After all, this time is simply impossible to imagine without dancing. It is also worth taking care of the presence of a high-quality acoustic system. But extra furniture will definitely interfere!

How to set the table? In terms of the menu, such a party can be very simple. You can consider the option of a buffet - with sandwiches, portioned pastries, meat, vegetable and fruit cuts. All this will appeal not only to your guests, but also to the Pig.

What to wear? The fifties are a time of bright and even rebellious colors. Men, creating an image of a fashionista, can pay attention to wide flared trousers or vice versa - narrow ones. At the same time, it will not be complete without a tie, certainly catchy, and a hat! Women are advised to pick up flared skirts from the waist, lacquer pumps and, of course, can not do without a contrasting neckerchief.

What to have fun? First of all, dancing. It would be nice to dilute them with dynamic games. And, of course, you can’t do without the “Bottle”, which comes from the fifties.

Carnival Night

Carnival is a classic, never outdated New Year's Eve idea. Mysterious masks, languid looks and, of course, a little mystery - what else is needed to make the holiday a success?

Where to celebrate? The perfect place to celebrate such a New Year, of course, there will be a large ballroom. However, renting it is not so easy. Therefore, you can stop at a spacious cafe. It is important that on a festive night there are no guests except you, and instead of bright light, candles burn on the tables. Carnival is always a mystery!

How to set the table? Carnival night is a real firework of feelings, emotions and impressions. To be distracted by food at such a moment is a crime. Therefore, instead of dinner, you can get by with a glass of champagne with fruit.

What to wear? But the costumes when organizing such a night, perhaps the most important thing. Women will need evening dresses, men - classic suits or even tuxedos. And, of course, you can not do without masks!

What to have fun? Carnival is a time for classical dances and small talk. Waltz, square dance and much more - you can arrange a master class or prepare in advance.

Foreign voyage

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles. So why not feel like a resident of a completely different, distant and exotic country. For example, Japan or China. Or a much closer European - a German, a Frenchman, an Englishman.

Where to celebrate? Place in this case not as important as the atmosphere. The atmosphere in the style of a particular country can be created in an office, cafe or even at home. There would be a desire. The presence of comfortable upholstered furniture and light music as a background is welcome.

How to set the table? If all guests decide to be from the same country, then on the table there should be national dishes familiar to its cuisine. And if everyone chooses for himself where he came from, then grab something colorful with him. For example, rolls from Japan, croissants from France, sausages from Germany.

What to wear? In order to come up with a national costume, you need to study the traditions or customs of a particular country in advance. It will not be superfluous to learn a few phrases in your "native" language - so the image will become much more reliable. The main thing is that the guests do not simplify their task, but think over the outfit carefully. Arab sheiks, oriental beauties, liberated Germans... On this night, all of them will surely find a common language.

What to have fun? For example, a disco in the style of a particular country, national board games. Or maybe each guest will hold some funny quiz about his "new homeland".

fairy world

Which of us in childhood did not dream of becoming a prince or a fairy? You can fulfill your desires, because that's what the New Year is for! Moreover, the Pig herself is the hero of many fairy tales and is among fictional characters she will like.

Where to celebrate? The ideal option will be an apartment with a luxurious interior. The main condition is that it should not resemble an ordinary two-room new building, but a real castle: with a fireplace, candles and, of course, wooden furniture with gilding. If none of your friends live in such apartments, you can rent a decorated room.

How to set the table? Certainly, fairy-tale heroes don't eat! But, nevertheless, hunger will surely take its toll on this night. The ideal solution there will be a beautifully decorated buffet. With elegant canapés, small sandwiches and other "fabulous" snacks.

What to wear? Fairy costume You can make your own or rent from a rental shop. The first option is quite difficult to implement, it will take a lot of time and effort. Moreover, you need to calculate them realistically and choose an image simpler. For example, fairies or a pirate.

What to have fun? Arrange a fabulous fashion show, theatrical performance or just some funny contests. For example, a sword fight or a magic contest.


If a fairy tale is more for girls, then young people will like it new Year party in the style of Marvel's "Superheroes". And indeed, New Year's Eve is the time of the most unexpected meetings, so getting to know a superwoman or Batman will be most welcome.

Where to celebrate? Undoubtedly country cottage. Superheroes should feel at ease in their tight pantyhose and fancy masks. What decorations to choose? Garlands, garlands and more garlands! No additional movements are needed. Superheroes are simple guys, so no pathos and additional expenses.

How to set the table? Well, firstly, you shouldn’t worry about food either: everything should be insanely simple. By the way, the head of superheroes will ache in the morning, so for more thematic use disposable tableware(good for a superhero-themed party this is great option!). There should be more booze on the table, fewer gourmet dishes. Only cold appetizers hastily or food from the nearest Chinese restaurant.

What to wear? Only the costume of your favorite superhero. Thanks to Hollywood movies, we have learned more about superheroes in the last couple of years than in all long years their existence. The costume can be bought or rented.

What to have fun? Games, a wide variety of games from board to mobile.

In order to appease the patron of the year, you need to celebrate New Year's Eve in a large company or with your family. You need to spend time actively, so it’s better to think in advance how you will celebrate the New Year at home with your family, and try to make sure that everyone has fun and interesting.

  • "Unification of cultures"
  • "Dandies"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 at home

Traditionally, the New Year is considered family holiday, in which all family members take part, therefore, when developing a program for a celebration, you need to consider that it is suitable for everyone. IN entertainment competitions and games should be interesting, both the younger generation and beloved grandparents should participate.

Organize joint entertainment You can already in the process of preparing for the holiday. co-production original desserts, unusual decorations for the home or Christmas tree will rally the whole family around exciting activity and create a festive atmosphere.

The feast will be held solemnly and joyfully, if you can create the appropriate mood. Even if the event takes place at home, you need to pick up beautiful outfits for all family members. Special costumes or suitable elements of the outfit will help turn the participants of the festival into fairy-tale characters.

In the absence of the necessary attributes, a theme party can easily be replaced by elegant evening dresses. Important role also plays musical accompaniment, rhythmic, cheerful songs will create a mood and give a positive charge.

A special role in the holiday scenario should be given to competitions and games, especially if you are spending a holiday with children in the country or at home. Among the large number of fun, choose those that will allow the assembled guests to show ingenuity, sense of humor and artistry.

Let's look at some examples of entertainment:

1. "Music competition". In order for the competition to be fun, you need to choose the appropriate props. Any object with which you can make sounds will do, for example: a piece of paper, a baby rattle, a saucepan and a spoon. Participants are divided into teams, each of which must perform new year song using the suggested tools. The most artistic and creative performers will be the winners.
2. "christmas tree". This unusual game will captivate children and adults, and give a whole storm of positive emotions. The essence of entertainment is simple: you need to draw Christmas tree and decorate it beautifully, but you need to do this with your eyes closed. At the beginning of the game, the participants are divided into teams. Representatives of each team go to a large sheet of paper, they are blindfolded and given the appropriate props. The task of the “artists” is to listen to the prompts of their team: how to draw a line, place an ornament and complete the drawing. The most beautiful Christmas tree wins.
3. "Gift bag". Begin fun entertainment you can still sit festive table, for this there is a simple and interesting game. The first participant says any item that may be in Santa Claus's bag, the second participant repeats the named item and adds his own. The game continues in a circle and the one who forgot at least one item is out. The most attentive player wins.

For any fun and competitions, it is necessary to prepare prizes and consolation gifts in advance. You can also celebrate the New Year in an unusual and interesting way as part of a themed evening dedicated to your favorite fairy tales, foreign countries or folk traditions.

How to celebrate the New Year in an original way with friends

For a large company, a themed evening is best suited, within which the event is prepared in the same style and each participant of the evening is sure to be involved. The appropriate menu, games and musical accompaniment are selected for the chosen theme, and we will consider the most inventive ideas for holding the evening further.

"Unification of cultures"

Traditions, customs and customs of other countries are always interesting, and if they are told in a festive atmosphere by the banquet participants, it will be doubly interesting. Each participant of the event chooses the country he likes and tries to transform into its resident. He must choose the appropriate outfit, master the habits and characteristics of the representatives of the chosen nationality and learn a few foreign phrases.

During the feast, each guest is given the opportunity to tell or demonstrate interesting customs and customs of the chosen state. The rest of the participants can ask questions and discuss what they heard. Joint games should also reflect the theme of the event, so the most relevant will be fun that is popular in different countries. Each "foreigner" also chooses a song that corresponds to the culture of the country of which he is a representative, and performs a national dance.

Advice! Let each guest prepare the national dish of the chosen country and bring it with them. The festive table will be decorated with masterpieces of foreign cuisine, and everyone will have the opportunity to try unusual delicacies.


A riot of colors and endless dancing will be the hallmarks of the event in this format. Fun and unusual to celebrate the New Year at home with friends will help bright, creative costumes, which can be assembled from several elements, sewn on your own or purchased in a store, as well as matching hairstyles and makeup. Snacks are best organized as a buffet or buffet. Colorful canapés, light sandwiches and pies with various fillings are perfect for a dance evening.

Incendiary hits, corresponding to the idea of ​​the event, will finally take you to a bygone era and allow you to feel the spirit of youth, mischief and style. Dancing will require a large space, so be sure to make room and get ready to meet the most fun and unforgettable New Year's Eve.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Another idea how fun and interesting to celebrate the New Year at home will take you to Magic world favorite fairy tales. On New Year's feast favorite heroes will come to life: sorcerers, princesses, brave queens, invincible warriors and forest evil spirits.

It is best to choose one narrative and invite guests to parse the appropriate roles. The entire scenario of the event should be drawn up with the participation of fairy-tale characters, and the games can be closely intertwined with the storyline of the fairy tale.

To create a unique fabulous atmosphere you need to work on the interior in advance. Candles in candlesticks, mirrors, antique furniture, beautiful tablecloths will certainly please the princes and princesses who came to the celebration. Beautiful music and exquisite dishes will come in handy, and the main masquerade competition will determine the owner of the most unusual costume.

Ideas on how to celebrate the New Year 2019 with children and family

It is quite easy to please little fidgets during the holiday, but the task of adults is to make the holiday memorable. In order to organize a fun family holiday at home with children, follow some rules:

Be sure to include in the entertainment program creative contests, it might be a choice the best drawing, vocal or dance numbers;
prepare as many sweets and gifts as possible, participation in competitions and victories must be encouraged;
select some interesting outdoor games, children will not be able to sit at the festive table for a long time;
involve everyone present in the fun and entertainment, the kids should not feel cut off from the common holiday.

You can draw up a program of events with the participation of fairy-tale characters or heroes of your favorite cartoons. In order to celebrate the New Year with children in a fun and interesting way, combine various games, competitions and tests in one scenario of the New Year's quest.

Draw a map showing the location New Year's gifts, and together with the young heroes go through all the stations on the way to the treasured treasure. At each station, contests and tasks will await the participants: tell a poem, sing a New Year's song, guess a riddle. The tests may also include drawing, dancing, and acting classes.

Note! When organizing events for children, stock up in advance necessary quantity props. Lack of art materials, toys or sweet prizes can lead to unpleasant conflicts.

We meet together: a romantic New Year

The New Year's feast is more often associated with noisy companies, but you can spend this magical night at home with your loved one in an exciting and unforgettable way. The secret to creating a romantic atmosphere is simple: you need attention to detail. The soft light of the garlands in the room, delicious dishes on the table, candles, joint photographs, reminiscent of the best moments of the outgoing year, will immediately set you in the right mood. It is better to choose your favorite films and music in advance, and also think over holiday outfits.

A homely cozy atmosphere, a festive table and a favorite movie are indispensable attributes traditional holiday lovers. However, you can show your imagination and move your other half to a world far from the daily routine. Here are some ideas:

1. "Eastern fairy tale". Try on New Year's Eve to be transported to the unique world of the East. From improvised materials, build a tent filled with pillows and aromas of incense. Prepare a fruit hookah and oriental sweets, select the appropriate music. The culmination of a themed evening should be East Dance performed according to all the rules.
2. "Country house". Imagine yourself as the happy owners of a cottage located in a picturesque corner. Spread an artificial skin on the floor, light candles and take out long cozy sweaters. Quiet conversation, mulled wine and pleasant music will help you relax and remember the best moments of the outgoing year.
3. "Spa". The bathroom is perfect for creating a romantic getaway in this style. You will need bright candles, rose petals and fragrant foam. Stock up on massage oils and bathrobes, prepare light seafood snacks and alcoholic cocktails.

When planning a romantic holiday, it is better to consult with your soul mate in advance and choose an option that suits both of you. To make the evening more interesting, small surprises prepared in advance by lovers will help. It can be unexpected gifts, exciting stories, creative performances or a spontaneous photo session. Give each other emotions that will be remembered for the whole year.

Holidays allow us to escape from the usual everyday life and daily worries, relax and have fun. Children are looking forward to the beginning of the holiday, and even adults every year, with bated breath, believe in New Year's fairy tale. Please your family and friends, and think in advance how fun and unusual to celebrate the New Year 2019.

Modern industry entertainment provides a lot of opportunities for an unusual celebration. In special stores you can buy home decorations, New Year's costumes, ready-made games for a fun company, and even holiday scenarios.

The main thing is to choose the main idea and theme of the holiday, and make all the preparations in advance. Guests will be happy to support the unusual format of New Year's Eve, because deep down every adult remains a child.

How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family in an interesting and fun way

New Year has long been considered a family holiday. This holiday was not customary to meet separately. On the contrary, the whole family tried to gather at the same table on New Year's Eve.

Nowadays, many are bored and not interested in celebrating this holiday at home, they celebrate either in restaurants or at some resorts, or at a party. But those who still appreciate traditions and celebrate the New Year at home know that this holiday brings relatives closer.

Since 2019 is considered to be Eastern calendar Year of the Yellow Earth Pig(Boar). And the pig loves his family and friends very much, often sacrificing his own interests for their sake. Then, all the more so, you need to reunite all relatives and have fun, for the joy of the boar.

In order for the meeting of this holiday to be equally fun for all generations, you should prepare in advance for this holiday. After all, the meeting of the new year is not limited to one magnificent feast, but also includes various games, dances, as well as congratulations with gifts.

Consider a scenario for celebrating the new year, which is equally suitable for both young people and the older generation.

Home scenario:

1. Feast - 18-00.

You need to start celebrating the new year, of course, with a festive feast. But so that a plentiful feast does not develop into overweight at the waist, you should prepare light, but at the same time tasty, hearty and elegant dishes. A buffet table is perfect for such an evening. After a small buffet with salads and snacks, you can proceed to the next step.

2. Watching your favorite New Year's movies 19-00.

Over the years, films such as The Irony of Fate. Or with light steam”, “Operation Y”, as well as “Prisoner of the Caucasus” do not go out of fashion. They are so loved by everyone that their viewing is often associated with the new year, and their comedy genre will cheer everyone up. So why not refresh your memory and watch your favorite movies in Once again. Children can be offered to watch children's New Year's comedies "Home Alone", "Christmas Santa" and others.

3. Dinner at 21-00.

After watching the movie, everyone is probably already hungry. You can start gala dinner, with a more plentiful feast.

4. Games 22-00.

After a late and very hearty dinner, many are already out of order. So that the holiday is a success and the family does not get bored, it's time to start playing.

And there are a lot of games for the new year:

  • "New Year's Toast"
  • "fantas"
  • "guess"
  • "puzzles",
  • "surprise", etc.

New Year's toasts. Each of those present should come up with one funny New Year's toast one letter of the alphabet from letter A to Z. Come up with a “punishment” for the loser in advance.
Fanta. Write fun tasks on forfeits and put them in a bag or box and let everyone pull out a fanta and do what is written on the fanta.

Guess. Each of those present should write something about themselves on a piece of paper. Then all the leaves should be mixed and put in a bag or box. Then, in turn, the participants take the sheets, read them and guess who they are talking about.
Puzzles. Write riddles and put them into Balloons. Balloons should be inflated. Let each of the participants take the balloon they like, burst it with a needle, and guess the riddle.
Surprise. Write wishes on pieces of paper and bake in cookies and distribute to everyone present. Let everyone do what is written on his piece of paper.

You can also have a contest New Year's ditties and comic songs, and reward participants with symbolic prizes in the form of sweets, magnets or postcards.

I can also suggest watching a video clip in which 5 more interesting and interesting ideas are proposed. funny contests for the New Year for adults and children:

5. Exchange of gifts and congratulations 23-00.

Having played enough and under the charter, you can start congratulating and exchanging gifts. Perhaps this is the most favorite activity for adults and children. In advance, put all the gifts in a large bag or box, sign what is intended and for whom. Let everyone recite a poem and receive a gift in return.

6. Champagne 23-59.

What a new year without champagne, this one without exception. Open champagne to the chimes and crackers, congratulate each other on the new year.

7. Dessert and watching New Year's TV shows 00-30.

Surely many are already a little hungry, you can start dessert. It’s good to watch New Year’s programs for sweets - delicious and fun.

8. Walking on the square 01-00.

You can go with the whole family to the square for a walk, launch fireworks there, take pictures. This will sober up those who have gone over and invigorate those who fell asleep.

9. Dancing until the morning 02-00.

You can and should dance until the morning, or whoever can stand it, this will allow you to have fun and burn extra calories.

Such a not tricky scenario will allow you to celebrate the new year in a fun and unforgettable way, you can also supplement it with some of your own ideas, add zest to such an important family holiday.

That's all for me! I hope that my script for the new year came to your liking.

Take care of yourself and loved ones! Happy New Year!

New Year is everyone's favorite and most long-awaited holiday. There is nothing better than meeting such a holiday with your family or close friends. Create an atmosphere for your loved ones unforgettable holiday. Prepare well and think well New Year's Eve script Don't overlook even the smallest details. Give free rein to your imagination. And everything will definitely work out.

Introduction. The host starts the party. You can start with a congratulation, a joke, or reading a poem.

Seeing off the old year

There should be toasts here. It is appropriate to remember all the good things that happened this year.

You can name memorable moments in turn (for example, by seniority or in a circle). Anyone who cannot remember is out of the game. The one who remembers the most good things that happened last year gets prize.

Warm up

You can start with riddles. The host guesses, and the guests guess. Whoever answers correctly gets a prize. Prizes must be inexpensive. It can be key chains, magnets, postcards or homemade crafts. For example, such riddles in verses from:

Look, guys
But don't be surprised,
Decorate our tree!

This miracle I meet
New Year's Eve for many years
And I know his name
Do you know or not?

Lights run along the Christmas tree, -
Well, try it - catch up!

In the calendar - the height of winter,
New Year will be soon
We will decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And everyone will find for her

Lots of beads and garlands
And now I will surprise everyone -
And boldly on its branches
I'll grab this thing

that hangs in the spring
On the roof, melting and ringing,
Glittering in the rays. You my friend
I already know what am I talking about?

There is earthly and airy,
He is very friendly with a round shape,
Well, when the time comes,
Decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
(Christmas ball)

Calendar whole year
Decorates the sky
And on New Year's Eve only
Falls down on the tree

To please everyone with light.
Guess what is it?

Look - what a wonder!
White snow lies beautifully
On the branches of an elegant Christmas tree,
Softly twisted needles
But in the heat it does not melt at all.
What is snow? - Who can guess?

An amazing thing -
Spread out on the branches of a spruce
Caterpillars are fine
bright, elegant,
In colorful and different coats
Decorate the holiday.
Tell me kids
Who are these caterpillars?

She is not afraid of warmth,
She descended from heaven to our Christmas tree,
And decorated our holiday
Shining fabulously in needles.

I have a question for you
The most difficult, the most
What kind of jewelry are they wearing?
Christmas trees and mothers?

New Year's Eve

Champagne, toasts and congratulations for. Under the chiming clock, it is customary to make a wish.

Presentation of gifts

It is not necessary to give gifts just like that, you can make this procedure more intriguing. The gifts were stolen by an evil wizard, but left a note, a clue. All family members are included in an interesting game and start active new keys and gifts.


Home New Year contests can be very different. You can choose them in the "" section or come up with your own. Here are more options:

1. Competition "Decorate the Christmas tree"

I decorated the tree,
I like it -
And, not at all melting,
She hung candy.

I didn't have time to look back...
And my sister ate candy!
Now again
We need to decorate the tree!

Guests are given sweets, threads, scissors. Whoever hangs the most candies on the Christmas tree in a set period of time wins.

2. Competition "Draw a dream"

Participants are given sheets of paper, brushes, paints and ... blindfolded. After one participant draws his dream blindfolded, the rest must guess what it is :). The one who guesses correctly receives a prize, and the artist - the confidence that his dream will certainly come true this year.

3. Competition "The best toast"

Since “you need to drink less”, one toast can be made the most complete and comprehensive when everyone names their wishes. Or alternately, each calls one word at a time, and the next one continues. For example, “I wish” - “so that” - “everyone” - “got” - “a lot” ... Or write down the beginning of the sentence on a piece of paper, wrap it up, pass it on to a neighbor, and so on. Sometimes there are funny combinations.

4. Competition "Santa Claus on the doorstep"

The competition for speed is well suited for apartments and houses with long corridors, however, winding ones will also be fun. It is necessary to run from the New Year's table to front door, holding a New Year's candle in each hand so that the flame of none of them goes out. Or holding a “bag of gifts” between your legs - a balloon.

5. Competition "Catch a snowflake"

In this competition, you can, standing on a chair, scatter pre-cut paper snowflakes, or you can shoot crackers so that participants catch confetti flying out of them.

6. Competition "Treat the owner of the year"

This year we will treat the pig. Crumple white or green sheets of paper into lumps - these will be heads of cabbage. They need to be thrown from a distance into the "feeders" -. In the year of the monkey, colored lumps will depict apples and other fruits, in the year of the dog - bones, and so on.

In the year of the rooster, you can transfer from bucket to bucket any grains that are in the house (barley, peas, beans) in a teaspoon, trying not to scatter along the way. The winner is the one who first fills the bucket with treats for the host of the coming year.

7. Competition ""

You need to prepare two sets of notes in advance. On one we write the beginning of the phrase, on the other - the end. We put them in two bags, and the guests each take out one piece of paper for themselves, adding up the prediction on next year. If the beginning and end coincide, the prediction will definitely come true. In other cases, the guests will just have fun.

For example:


"To carry me in the new year will be ..."

"My new home will be..."

“In the new year I will get…”

"Santa Claus will give me..."

“In the new year I will earn on ...”

“My pride will be….”

“I will feed all year ...”

"Let's call the toastmaster for ..."

"I'm going to pack my suitcase for..."


"… Sport Car"

"… big flat"

"...excellent marks"

"... new portfolio"

"...tight wallet"

"... a fun wedding"

"…Barbie doll"

"...winning the lottery"

«… Friendly family»

«… little puppy»

"... a trip to distant lands"

8. Draw and guess the song

If playing small company or family, tasks are performed in a circle. Each is given a piece of paper and pencils. The theme is chosen: "New Year", "Dogs", etc. Everyone thinks of a song on the chosen topic and whispers the name to the neighbor on the right. He must draw this song, and everyone else must guess what song it is from the drawing.


The most active guests and hosts are usually not limited to sitting at the festive table. You can go outside, breathe in the fresh frosty air of the new year, admire the stars, start fireworks, blind snowman, explode firecrackers and burn sparklers.

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