Cool scenario for a ruby ​​wedding. Ruby wedding (40 years)

40 years life together received beautiful name ruby wedding This name is due to the fact that it takes a lot of time and effort to transform corundum into a sparkling faceted ruby. So to create a strong, friendly family You need to make every effort to maintain love, respect, and warm relationships between spouses for 40 years. In addition, ruby ​​can be various shades, from pink to scarlet, which symbolizes passionate, tender, sincere love.

Ancient traditions and customs for 40th wedding anniversary

The ruby ​​anniversary is a wedding anniversary that is definitely worth celebrating. You need to do this the way you want, but you should not forget about the old traditions of this holiday. What are some traditions that should be followed on a 40th wedding anniversary?

According to ancient tradition, on the day of the fortieth anniversary of the joint family life spouses change their wedding rings on others, with inlaid ruby. They put the old rings in a box to pass them on to their grandchildren, and along with the rings they have accumulated over the years. long years love, experience, mutual understanding.

Eat old custom, according to which the spouses pick cherries with attached tails from a ruby-colored tree and eat the berries without tearing the tails, and bury the seeds. According to legend, if the couple lived their family life in love, peace and harmony, then after a while two cherry trees with intertwined roots will grow. This beautiful ceremony does not have to be performed directly on the day of the anniversary itself; you can do it throughout the entire year following the date of celebration.

Another one good tradition came to us from the Caucasus: spouses must eat one pomegranate between them. Half goes to the husband: eating one ruby ​​grain at a time, he must pay compliments and praise his wife. The wife should also list the virtues of her lover with each pomegranate seed. If the spouses were able to eat a pomegranate, praising each other and not repeating themselves, then they lived their lives happily, in love.

Ruby wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

As a rule, spouses celebrating 40 years of married life are approximately 60-70 years old. For them, this is a great opportunity to gather all their relatives, close friends and good comrades. How to celebrate 40 wedding years, what is best to cook and how to decorate the room, following the ruby ​​theme, are questions that a married couple thinks about before their wedding anniversary.

To properly celebrate the anniversary, you need to know the history of its origin and why this date is called the ruby ​​wedding.

Ruby is a precious stone, second in value after diamond. As a result of nature’s long efforts, the stone acquires its shape, and after cutting it becomes a real jewel. As a rule, rubies are dark red; lighter shades of pink and scarlet are rare. Real natural beauty hides behind itself for many years. spent on its creation, and this is exactly what happens in family life. Beautiful relationship In public, behind the screen of family life, they hide the troubles, disputes and disagreements that the spouses inevitably encountered along the way.

Choosing a venue for the celebration

Wedding anniversary big family celebration. It is better to celebrate it in a cafe or restaurant, so that the spouses can relax and have fun with their families. For the celebration, it is better to choose a small, cozy hall where the whole company, led by the heroes of the occasion, will feel comfortable. It is important that there is a place for those who want to dance, as well as for those who would prefer to have a spiritual conversation with friends.

It is best to decorate the hall in ruby ​​tones, because this color is a symbol of the 40th wedding anniversary. For decoration, you can choose red fresh flowers, for example, roses, as well as other seasonal tulips, peonies, and carnations. Great option Balloons red shades. The tablecloth and napkins should also match the celebration.

If it is not possible to go to a restaurant, but the celebration is planned at home, then the rooms, kitchen, and hallway also need to be decorated. Here it is good to use the same flowers, multi-colored balloons, a garland of red corrugated paper, symbolic cut out hearts. It would be great if the children and grandchildren of the spouses put their efforts into the design of an apartment or house.

What to wear for spouses

40 years of marriage is an anniversary, so the spouses should look great. What the heroes of the occasion should wear is up to them to decide, because hardly anyone will follow the latest fashion trends at 60 years old. Clothes should be festive, elegant, but at the same time comfortable. The outfit must have elements of ruby ​​color or other shades of it. Such elements for a woman include red beads, earrings, a bracelet, and for a husband a scarlet or pink tie or a red shirt.

Who to invite

The issue with those invited to the 40th wedding anniversary is resolved on its own. First of all, children, grandchildren and closest friends and relatives are invited. If the spouses decide to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale, then neighbors and good friends are invited. It is better to invite those people who helped and supported you along the path of life, helping you realize the value of your family. With such people you will have something to remember, something to talk about, and you can have a wonderful time.

Often children, on their own initiative, organize a holiday for their parents, giving them a surprise. Parents will like such a celebration; they will be glad not only to meet loved ones, but also to be shown care and attention.

What should be on the table

Ruby wedding a celebration, the symbolic color of which is considered to be red, therefore the table should be set in the same tone. It’s good when the table is decorated with a red tablecloth and napkins of the appropriate color. If possible, it is better to choose dishes with red flowers or abstraction.

There must be a bottle of good red wine on the table, which will help cheer up the guests. The wine you should choose is natural, not fortified, but tasty. Don't forget about red and pink varieties of champagne, sparkling wines, and red berry liqueurs. By the way, a wonderful gesture would be to treat all guests to a ruby-colored liqueur made by the celebrants of the day, which is made according to the signature family recipe.

For dessert, pamper your guests with fresh red berries such as strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, or you can order delicious, original cake, if the anniversary is celebrated in winter. See the photos for examples of such cakes.

Celebration scenario

To hold the celebration, you can invite a professional toastmaster or entrust the organization of the entertainment part to one of your relatives or friends. So that you don’t have to get bored on your wedding anniversary, you can organize fun competitions, a quiz with standard questions: for example, how old is the ruby ​​wedding?, how did the heroes of the occasion meet?, 40 years of marriage, what kind of wedding?, when was the first child born?, dancing.

Ruby wedding, the script of which is prepared in advance , It will go great. When planning a celebration, it is imperative to coordinate all aspects with the heroes of the occasion, so as not to put them or the invited guests in an awkward position.

What to give for a ruby ​​wedding

The 40th wedding anniversary is a festive date for those celebrating the anniversary, and it is customary to give gifts on the occasion. What to choose as a gift for your spouse's 40th wedding anniversary? What to give to parents for a ruby ​​wedding? The best gift options are jewelry, interesting figurines, and crafts with rubies. Important to remember , that a ruby ​​is not only a jewel, but also an amulet that can protect the love of the heroes of the day.

As for jewelry, it’s a good idea to buy earrings, a heart-shaped pendant, a necklace, a brooch, beads, a keychain, and a watch with an inlaid ruby. Also you can choose beautiful vase red, a box with a ruby, or give any gift wrapped in red wrapping paper. The gift does not have to cost a fabulous amount of money, because the main thing in this matter is attention.

Congratulations on your ruby ​​wedding

A beautiful congratulation is an integral part of the anniversary, so it is worth preparing a speech or toast in advance with which you will appear before the celebrants. As a congratulation you can choose original poem, beautiful soulful words in prose.

If you don’t have the opportunity to attend the anniversary, you can send an SMS message or a playcast Internet postcard with a beautiful song, picture, or congratulations. Particularly popular are non-standard ideas Congratulations on your ruby ​​wedding.

You can also do beautiful video congratulations. See an example of such a gift in the video:

An anniversary wedding is a great celebration for the heroes of the day, where they celebrate the birthday of their family. Having lived to ruby wedding anniversary, the spouses can be proud warm relations, strong marriage, sincere mutual love, which they built and stored for forty years. Having passed this date, those celebrating the anniversary should strive to live in peace and harmony until the golden wedding.

Did you recently attend a ruby ​​celebration or did you help organize such a celebration? Share your impressions and advice. Leave comments!

Ruby wedding - 40 years of marriage

Since no one responded to our request according to the scenario of the Ruby Wedding - 40 years. I made the potpouri myself. I'm posting it, it can be improved. Maybe someone will find it useful

Yu: Who's knocking on my door?
On a silver horse?
What kind of sir
More than one came to us?
Maybe I'm just lost
Or have you lost your way?
Or my sir has arrived
For a young bride?
The husband answers why he came.
For the bride? What a miracle!
It's rude to do this:
You are a married person,
You have a ring on your hand!
The husband explains that he is married to this particular bride.
Oh, what a discrepancy!
Did you decide to deceive cleverly?
No check, sir,
We won't give it up!
How old has she been
Your beloved wife?
The husband answers: 40 years.
Toastmaster (guests):
I'm looking at sir
I can't imagine:
For what - not everyone will understand -
Marry the same person twice?!
What the strange reason,
Answer like a man!
The husband says he loves this woman.
This occasion is good for everyone!
But you won't find a bride:
Well hidden
Hidden from human eyes!
If the sir is brave and honest,
The bride will like him
Will take her home
And he will throw a feast!
. Forty years is, of course, a very long time. But love alone is not enough here! Years have passed, and the spouse may have already forgotten what it means to be ideal husband.
Therefore, he is sent for urgent recertification and must pass the exams! Only then will the spouse be allowed to continue family life.
Toastmaster: So, the first exam is mathematics. You have to solve very simple problems, they require attention and memory. Don't use cheat sheets, don't listen to hints!
The wedding sang and danced,
I lit up and walked,
She made all the guests happy.
How many were there on it?
(The husband should remember the number of guests at his wedding.)
It was a simple question
It will be more difficult further!
How old is your young one?
Answer quickly!
Yu: You solved two problems,
The third is triply complex:
How many fur coats did you give?
To your dear wife?
Show off in front of your chosen one
With his erudition:
Call me without hesitation
Children's birthdays!
And the last problem
You will never decide!
How many times have you kissed
Behind joint years?
(Here the answer can be anything - a million, a billion, etc.)
The toastmaster asks the guests what rating the groom deserves, after which he moves one step forward.
Toastmaster: It was a very easy exam, and you, of course, handled it with amusement! But don’t relax, difficulties lie ahead. The next exam is geography!
What countries were you in together?
Toastmaster: Geography has been passed, then we have a foreign language on our schedule! You told us that you love your wife. Now say the same thing in other languages!
The husband declares his love in the languages ​​he knows.
Toastmaster: Po foreign language You prepared well too. Next item- botany!
1. What are your wife’s favorite flowers?
2. What colors was it composed of? bridal bouquet?
3. What does your wife grow on the windowsill?
4. Her favorite fruit?
He takes his wife.
At the entrance to the hall:
Dear guests, on this significant day we have gathered to congratulate the heroes of the occasion - (names of the bride and groom) on their Ruby wedding day. So let's greet our young anniversaries with loud applause!
There is applause and music. Young people come in.
Presenter: Dear _________________________________. Today your family turns 40! And on this day we invite you again, like a quarter of a century ago, to plunge into the atmosphere of a wedding celebration and spend a little time in the role of the bride and groom! But before you cross the threshold of the Silver Age, I ask you to answer the question:
— Do you agree to live the next 25 years in love and fidelity?
- to take care of each other’s arcs, to understand, to be together in joy and sorrow, in heat and cold, in satiety and on an empty stomach?
— raise grandchildren and great-grandchildren together?
(Please answer, groom.
I ask you to answer, bride:.)
Presenter: And now we ask you to go into a new era to the applause of the guests married life!
Mendelssohn's march sounds - they come in

Toastmaster: Once again Good evening, Friends! Take your seats at this abundant table! To whom are all eyes in this room today? Who is in the spotlight, who are the heroes of the occasion? These are our beautiful ruby ​​newlyweds! Our good fellow and the red maiden, the swan and the swan, the valiant knight and his lady of the heart!

The ruby ​​wedding has come to you.
You have been walking towards her for forty long years.
And your whole life has passed next to you,
The fortieth anniversary has arrived.

It’s not for nothing that they call it ruby:
Transparent, red, like blood in youth,
Ruby will drive away sadness and melancholy,
To good people gives peace and love.

The stone will not prevent danger -
There is no such strength to fight fate,
But he will always warn you about trouble,
He is dear to us with this ability.

How wise it is to get married after forty years
Name it according to the ruby ​​stone of fidelity!
There is no stronger connection than your blood!
We are happy to congratulate you!

Happy 40th anniversary of your union.
You have maintained the strength of the marriage bond.
So may God grant you to continue to live together,
Keep care and love in your hearts.

The chant is BITTER!

Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!
We ask you to rise from your seats so that you can admire the beauty of our bride.
We ask everyone whom the groom has brought to rise from their seats.
Groom, so that you can admire the best.
And now we only ask you to shout: Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Everyone who is ready to congratulate
We ask you to rise from your seats,
So that you can admire the young couple.
And now we only ask you to shout: Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!
Anyone who wishes the couple happiness, we ask you to rise from your seats,
So that you can admire the bride and groom.
And now we only ask you to shout: Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Toastmaster: Our beautiful bride has been ransomed. What do they do after the bride is ransomed? That's right, they take her to the registry office and sign her!
Presenter (to the spouse): Do you agree, (name of the spouse), to extend your marriage with a citizen (name of the spouse)?
The wife replies that she agrees.
Toastmaster (spouse): Do you agree, (spouse’s name), to extend your marriage with citizen (spouse’s name)?
The husband replies that he agrees.
To strengthen marriage bonds
Today, on a blessed day,
Seal with a sacred kiss
Your own ruby ​​union!
LOAF is broken off
Your couple is 40 years old!
How wonderful this date is!
You know, love is to blame here,
That she was able to give an answer!
Grew together tightly
Over the years, soul with soul,
Happiness is lasting, great
They put it together - don't break it!
A marriage filled with warmth
They deserved it and gave it away,
The doors to love have opened
To your cozy, generous home!

Sometime later - most dangerous disease, which sooner or later will bury your dreams along with you.

Getting married is a grandiose event, but a ruby ​​wedding (how many years we have been together!) is especially special! On this anniversary, celebrating 40 years of marriage, a special ceremony is celebrated and performed. On the fortieth wedding anniversary, the couple exchange rings again. Couples want to celebrate this day beautifully so that it will be remembered for a long time. children?

What to give at a ruby ​​wedding?

A ruby ​​wedding is an exciting event not only for couples, but also for their relatives and close friends. Beyond the long road that has been traveled (40 years common life), during which two hearts overcame all problems and difficulties, there are many memories. Such family union deserves the highest praise from others, so it is very important to organize this day with dignity so that it remains in the memory forever.

Ruby wedding, how many years have passed!

Congratulations to the spouses on their fortieth wedding anniversary an expensive gift. Often on round date When the couple turns 40, they decide to give them jewelry. As a gift, the wife or husband receives jewelry. On back side The present may be dated with the name of the spouse. For decorations choose:

  • ruby ring;
  • cufflinks with a large red stone;
  • earrings and rings;
  • pendant;
  • brooch;
  • necklace.

What do children give their parents for a ruby ​​wedding?

Traditionally, all gifts for a ruby ​​wedding are associated with the color red - a symbol of love and life. As a present jewelry and interior items with rubies are beautiful, but not everyone can afford such expenses. Good decision will bed sheets red or burgundy color or with a pattern of scarlet flowers, bedspreads, a set of towels, tablecloths and napkins in a similar color scheme. You can give cards “Happy Ruby Wedding”.

Preparing for the anniversary

The ruby ​​wedding is fully worthy of its name in honor gemstone, because she evokes the same feelings of admiration that he does. In addition, ruby ​​is rare in nature and requires careful cutting. This is why the analogy for such a long union was created based on the ruby, as it is truly an amazing luxury to live with each other for such a long time.

Preparing an anniversary means creating a festive atmosphere. So as not to miss important details, you need to make a list of all the necessary things for the anniversary.

You need to do the following:

  1. Create and distribute invitations.
  2. Choose a venue for the celebration (home, restaurant, nature).
  3. Decorate the banquet hall.
  4. Create a menu. It is advisable that the dishes contain red foods. Red wine, a symbol of jubilee and long life, must be on the table.
  5. Create a script. Everyone present should remember this event for a long time. It is important to have games, competitions, prizes and skits at the holiday. You can come up with a scenario for a ruby ​​wedding yourself.

The hall should be decorated in best traditions celebration of this date. The walls should be decorated with red balls. The color of the fabric in the room should match the symbol of the celebration. Dining tables covered with red tablecloths. In honor of the 40th anniversary of family life, we serve holiday dishes. Traditionally, they prepare a cake with raspberries, cherries, and strawberries.

Correct anniversary script

Living together for 40 years is a great achievement. All spouses who managed to carry their love for so long, of course, deserve great respect. And the celebration of such an event should be magnificent. When planning how to hold a ruby ​​wedding, it is very important to think through every detail in the script.

Like many holidays, this anniversary has its own interesting customs. When performing rituals, people become closer, and their union becomes even stronger. According to old tradition, on the day of the 40th wedding anniversary, the spouses must change their engagement ring to another one, with ruby ​​inserts. As a sign that they have lived to these days, maintaining love and harmony in the house. An old ring is usually given to children and grandchildren so that they can preserve and propagate the traditions of family happiness.

For 40 years, red candles are lit on the festive table, and their fire becomes a symbol of the fact that it supports the family hearth and feelings. There is another tradition: when a ruby ​​wedding is celebrated, the song is chosen according to the preferences of the spouses and remade: with a new text, the spouses are congratulated with it in a comic manner.

How to beautifully celebrate 40 years of marriage?

People often want to celebrate 40 years of marriage without leaving home or by making a reservation small restaurant when booking a table in a cafe. Over the 40 years of life, the number of relatives of the spouses has increased, and congratulations on the anniversary are inconvenient for many guests in the apartment. Therefore, it is better to book a place to meet guests and a hall for the celebration. According to reviews of the celebrants, they like to celebrate their ruby ​​wedding in a restaurant: polite waiters and excellent cuisine are attributes have a wonderful holiday. The restaurant serves tasty food, excellent service, interesting selection of dishes and thoughtfully decorated interior.

Anniversary script options

How to hold a ruby ​​wedding? There are many options. For example, you can invite a toastmaster who will provide the “newlyweds” with several celebration options to choose from. You can involve the younger generation in drawing up the program.

If a ruby ​​wedding is being celebrated, the scenario is very important and depends on the preferences of the couple, the number of guests, the venue, economic capabilities and imagination.

You can have fun. Everything should be as on the day of the first wedding: the abduction of the bride, vows and a new “wedding” ring, witnesses, presentation and signing of the “document,” limousines and other wedding details. Completely reproduce the wedding ceremony. To do this, any close relative must act as a representative of the registration office. You can go to the church where the wedding took place and visit other memorable places. Great gift will be a video collage of photographs of the couple telling about the most important events their life together.

Immediately after all the ceremonies and celebrations, the spouses can go on a trip. A good gift will be a trip to the resort.

Celebrating in a restaurant or cafe with the invitation of numerous relatives and close friends is great option. If there is a ruby ​​wedding, the script is very important. It all depends on the personal wishes of the couple and financial opportunities.

  1. Pay attention to the design of the room. The best way to decorate a banquet hall is matching accessories ruby color. Red is a symbol true love, it is recommended to decorate the room with helium balloons in the shape of hearts, paper or flower garlands, hang ruby-colored curtains on the windows or decorate them with beautiful satin ribbons.
  2. Cover the tables for the holiday with dark red or burgundy tablecloths. White porcelain or ceramic dishes create a stylish colour contrast and complement perfectly holiday decor table.
  3. Beautiful decoration any holiday - these are fresh flowers in white vases. Magnificent red or purple roses, elegant gladioli, pink peonies combined with green branches of ornamental plants make up a beautiful flower arrangement, giving festive table attractive appearance.
  4. If the anniversary is planned to be held in a restaurant or cafe, it is better to give preference to a small cozy hall with enough space for dance participants and sincere conversation guests.
  5. To celebrate in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere, it is recommended to invite a specialist who will prepare a script for the ruby ​​wedding and conduct an interesting program with competitions and other entertainment.
  6. For the dance part of the holiday, it is better to make a playlist of your favorite tunes in advance, remember what song you danced to for the first dance, which will remind you of the times of your first meeting.

Masquerade at the ruby ​​wedding

One more good option There will be a themed anniversary masquerade. The topic can be anything. The main thing is that everyone present wears suits and masks. When themed masquerade you need to take care of food. You can create your own unique dishes and come up with themed names.

Congratulations at the ruby ​​wedding

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding to parents from children are an integral part of the holiday, so you need to prepare a toast in advance with which you will celebrate the anniversary. As a greeting, you can choose an original verse, beautiful sincere words in prose.

If you can’t come to the celebration, you can send an SMS or playlist with a beautiful song, picture, or congratulations. Non-standard congratulation ideas are especially popular.

Congratulations to a married couple at a ruby ​​wedding usually contain a symbol of their forty years of joint anniversary - a precious stone. Beautiful texts Congratulations can be in prose and poetic form. If a ruby ​​wedding is being celebrated, poems for this occasion are perfect!

Beautiful greeting

40 years - ruby ​​wedding - wonderful holiday which is celebrated by the whole family. Having lived to ruby anniversary, the newlyweds can be proud good relations, strong marriage, pure love, which they built and preserved for forty years. After this date, celebrants should strive to live in peace and harmony until the golden wedding. The heroes of the occasion can make a wonderful video greeting to each other or make new vows in honor of the ruby ​​wedding. A song performed together or a dance of the newlyweds will cement the union of two hearts.

How to congratulate your friends and relatives at the ruby ​​celebration?

When choosing gifts for anniversaries, it is important to consider anniversary themes and focus on the ruby ​​wedding color scheme.

If you can't find a gift desired color, you can pack any gift in red paper. You don't have to give a special, super expensive gift. You can make a wonderful present with my own hands, upon seeing which the couple will definitely have warm and vivid memories associated with great times youth. This could be a photo collage or a photo album containing photographs showing different periods and the stages of life together for the “ruby newlyweds.”

How to end the celebration?

The end of the ruby ​​wedding celebration should be impressive and memorable, because the memories of the anniversary are for a long time will remain in the memory and heart of all participants in the celebration. The final chord will be the lighting of the fireworks, which, like huge magical flowers, bloom on the dark blue velvet of the night sky. Another option is to release forty balloons of a deep red hue into the sky with long ruby-colored satin ribbons attached.

Ceremonial events high level require serious preparation in order for them to take place smoothly, beautifully, without confusion and unnecessary worry for organizers and participants. Usually people gather for such celebrations a large number of guests of different ages, status and degree of familiarity. This makes the work of the organizers even more difficult.

Quality preparatory actions are also necessary in order not to make a mistake with time: too long, as well as too short festive event disappoints guests and celebrants.

Ruby wedding - 40 years of marriage

When creating “40 years of marriage”, it is necessary to have information about where the anniversary celebrations are supposed to be held, how many guests will attend the event, the age of the guests, the tastes and preferences of the celebrants, the amount of funds allocated for the event. Also important: the time of year in which the anniversary is held, the presence of small children at the celebration and other circumstances.

The most common celebration conditions:

  • Venue for anniversary celebrations: banquet hall.
  • The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.
  • Additional conditions: lobby in front banquet hall, area for fireworks, dance floor in the hall.
  • Invited specialists: leading actor, chamber music ensemble.

Preliminary preparation for both creating a scenario for a wedding anniversary (40 years) and for the holiday itself may include:

Preparation of a film or slide film from significant, memorable or beautiful moments in the life of the heroes of the day.

Preparation of artistic congratulations for anniversaries from family and friends.

This should be done if the result is positive. There is no point in tormenting guests with bad taste.

Survey-research: memorable moments from the life of a married couple. Interesting episodes, adventures, funny incidents.

Preparation of musical repertoire. If you know the preferences of the main characters of the evening, take them into account.

Ruby wedding is a very important date in the life of the spouses

Printing of printing materials: cards for the table, posters or posters, if necessary.

If choral recitation or singing is expected, print out the texts of poems or songs.

If competitions or theatrical performances are expected, preparation of props and costumes.

It is desirable that the presenters be of the opposite sex.

Age doesn't matter. This could be a charming older gentleman or a capable girl.

The presenters help each other, the text in the form of dialogue is perceived more vividly.

For those over 40 may assume classic gala event or an entertaining fantasy performance taking into account the preferences of the heroes of the occasion. If the area of ​​interest, hobby or profession of the celebrants is suitable, you can make a themed anniversary: ​​“chess game”, “sea cruise”, “literary”.

When choosing entertainment for the holiday, you need to take into account that people of different ages, perhaps strangers, will participate in games and competitions. That's why entertainment activities should not put players in a difficult position. Correct and kind competitions enliven the action and help guests get to know each other and communicate.

Celebrating the 40th wedding anniversary is quite solemn, but still a family and emotional celebration. Surprises for anniversaries (dedication songs, a mini-concert performed by grandchildren, a poster or wall newspaper) will add warmth to the event and will be remembered for a long time.

To add more liveliness to the festive action, it is advisable to select a co-host from among friends or relatives of the anniversaries, who will help the main host (guest actor).

Another wedding anniversary scenario

Scenario for a pearl wedding at home as the key to a successful celebration

Basic wedding anniversary scenario (40 years)

The decoration of the hall is in white and ruby ​​tones. If possible, you can soften excessive contrast and formality with flowers and white balloons.

Scenario plan:

  1. Since the guests do not gather for the holiday at the same time, the music plays even before the celebration begins. Guests gather in the hall and banquet hall, get acquainted and communicate, take places at the tables. If there are a lot of guests, it is advisable to place cards with names on the tables.
  2. The lights in the hall go out and a video or slide film from the life of the heroes of the day appears on the screen. Necessarily musical accompaniment. Option: opening speech by the presenter with musical accompaniment.
  3. Solemn (or lyrical) musical introduction - the heroes of the day enter the hall. The guests stand and applaud. The couple takes a place at the head of the table.
  4. Presenter's text.
  5. Congratulations from the youngest participants of the holiday. Text or concert number.
  6. Presenter's text.
  7. If possible - creative gift. Song, dance, performance of a piece of music.
  8. Congratulations from your closest relatives. Text or original creative gift.
  9. Presenter's text. Memories, funny stories about the past of the heroes of the day. 5 minutes.
  10. Congratulations from friends, which continues the theme of memories started by the presenters.
  11. Competition "Anniversary Relay Race".
  12. Toast: “The most unforgettable event in life".
  13. Competition "Famous Couples".
  14. Congratulations from colleagues and friends.
  15. Competition "Doves bring happiness."
  16. The presenters announce the solemn moment: the dance of the heroes of the day.
  17. Start dance program. It is advisable to alternate dancing with competitions and games.
  18. Gratitude from the celebrants to family and friends.
  19. The celebrants and presenters hand out invitations to the upcoming golden wedding.
  20. Fireworks on the platform in front of the hall.

Suddenly reflected in a fiery splash

The memory of years in a drop of pure tears,

Like ruby ​​shine in the sun

Sweet grapevine juice.

Spouses who have lived for many years in love and harmony evoke a feeling of special admiration. The family comes to such anniversaries “branched”, multiplied by young families-companions of children, and even grandchildren. How can one not celebrate such a triumph of Love and Patience!

Mischief, or ruby ​​wine,

Or is happiness in your blood?

The fire of love shines within you.

And, of course, all this together

Protects your hearth from harm

And keeps the treasure of honor.

God bless you with many more years!

Time adds wrinkles to us, throws up gray hairs, but over the years we see each other rather through the eyes of the soul, and the souls of those who love do not age, because everything present does not die, it is eternal.

Forty is the period of triumphal arches,

Everything that happened was not in vain.

Everything that will happen is a gift from fate.

A “Ruby” wedding is a wonderful bright date, full of fire and enthusiasm. It is celebrated most often in family circle, inviting your closest friends to “sit, be silent, remember the past days.” But this does not mean that nothing can be done at the “ruby” table. Here, too, there can be song competitions, including thematic ones, say, songs with the words “love”, “beloved”, “sweetheart”, “dear”; or songs of the past anniversary dates etc. You can start the feast by determining the future professions of your grandchildren. For example, children are offered a choice of several sandwiches, pies, etc., in one of which a symbolic object is hidden. Whoever gets the coin will become the financier and treasurer future family; whoever wants a button will be a fashion designer, a corner of a school eraser will teach it to children, etc. Both dances and funny pranks, and flying competitions. In a word, the holiday scenario depends on the imagination and capabilities of the family. You just need to remember that there should be more red on the table - from the tablecloth to the filling of the cake and the filling of the pie. After all, the wedding is ruby!

Gifts for this anniversary are ruby ​​jewelry and ruby ​​glass. Red wines are preferred among drinks, and flowers, of course, are red, and preferably roses.

Love itself reigns in the hall today

Burgundy rose! Like wine in a glass

Sparkles! And sparkles like eyes.

Oh, take care of the ruby ​​of love and happiness,

So that everyday thunderstorms could not break it

And cool down the lazy everyday life of sleepyheads.

Keep his life-giving fire

IN happy years, and in a storm, and in bad weather,

So that the joy of life overflows

And overflowed with a sea of ​​happiness!

The lucky stone for the 40th birthday is ruby. Purple, fiery ruby, symbolizing brightness and heat summer sun as if born by the Sun itself. It brings happiness in love. Astrologers advise: “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give the one (or the one) to whom your heart is inclined a ruby ​​the color of a flame and you will kindle love in her.” Ruby gives rise to an attraction to the great. He leads a noble, moral person to victories, to feats, ordinary people protects from evil spells, gives happiness, love and warns of danger by changing color.

On the day of your “ruby” wedding - the wedding of fire and love - pour wine into two identical crystal glasses. Take them, they are twin brothers, they have one character, one soul. And a magical ruby ​​drink is poured into them. Drink it. It will warm you, give you the joy of bright love and mutual understanding for many years. And in another 10 years - on the day of your “golden” wedding - you will remember this anniversary and again pour into them the magic drink of love, warmed by the sun and the warmth of your souls. And the wine will sparkle, sparkle with a bright flame of unquenchable feeling. And this wonderful drink, the eternal drink of youth, will convey to you my congratulations and wishes.

And today mine will do it