Stages of toxicosis of pregnant women. Video about early toxicosis. Symptoms and causes of early toxicosis

Nausea is an extremely unpleasant sensation in the pharynx or epigastrium (upper abdomen), which often precedes vomiting and may be accompanied by poor health, blanching of the skin, low blood pressure, increased salivation, increased heart rate and deepening of breathing.

Nausea is a kind of warning about the possibility of vomiting. The vomiting act is a complex sequence of different reflexes and consists of three successive phases: nausea, the urge to vomit, and vomiting itself. But nausea doesn't always end in vomiting. With nausea, the normal pattern of contractions changes gastrointestinal tract: the tone and peristalsis (contractions) of the esophagus and stomach decrease and the tone of the intestine increases, as a result of which the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus, and then into oral cavity. Two structures in the medulla oblongata are responsible for the onset of vomiting: the vomiting center and the chemoreceptor trigger (“triggering”) zone. The main role is played by the vomiting center: it is he who sends signals and coordinates the activity of the muscles involved in vomiting. There are two ways of causing nausea and vomiting. The first is associated with the flow of emetic stimuli from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, pharynx, vestibular apparatus, brain, blood vessels, and heart. The second - with stimulation of the vomiting center with drugs, lack of oxygen (hypoxia), excess uric acid in kidney pathology, ketone bodies (carbohydrate metabolism products in diabetes mellitus), bacterial toxins.

Based on the mechanisms of nausea and vomiting, it becomes clear why there are many causes of these symptoms and why nausea is a non-specific symptom characteristic of many diseases.

The manifestation of toxicosis

Before getting out of bed, you need to eat pre-cooked crackers, nuts or dried fruits.

During pregnancy, nausea is one of the symptoms of toxicosis of pregnant women - pregnancy complications that usually appear in the first half of pregnancy and are characterized by dyspeptic disorders (digestion disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, which include nausea, vomiting, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the upper parts of the abdomen, flatulence) and disorders of all types of metabolism (proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals). Nausea and vomiting at the beginning of pregnancy are quite common - in 60-80% of women. Most often, these symptoms are mild, do not change the general condition of the woman and do not require any treatment. The exact cause of nausea during pregnancy has not yet been established, although there are many theories explaining its origin. The causes of nausea and vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy are, firstly, a pronounced change in the hormonal background (the amount of estrogens - female sex hormones increases, the “pregnancy hormone” appears - human chorionic gonadotropin) and, secondly, a violation of the interaction between the central nervous system (central nervous system - the brain) and the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the vomiting center is activated, as well as the centers of salivation and smell, as well as vascular tone. These centers are located in the medulla oblongata next to each other, which is why vomiting in "early toxicosis" is preceded by nausea, increased salivation, increased heart rate, blanching of the skin, deepening of breathing.

The likelihood of nausea during pregnancy increases if the expectant mother:

  • age less than 18 and over 35;
  • multiple pregnancy (the birth of two or more babies is expected);
  • c genetic predisposition (close relatives had early toxicosis of pregnancy);
  • the previous pregnancy proceeded with early toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • migraine;
  • in diseases endocrine systems s (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis - increased secretion of thyroid hormones);
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, chronic gastritis or cholecystitis);
  • “weak” vestibular apparatus and she is motion sick in transport;
  • disease associated with wrong development one of the shells gestational sac- cystic skid;
  • busy work schedule, frequent stress, short sleep;
  • the habit of smoking persisted.

Nausea in early pregnancy occurs most often in the morning and resolves on its own (without taking any medicines) in the afternoon, although it can continue throughout the day. As a rule, nausea occurs in the period of 4-6 weeks of pregnancy and passes by the beginning of the second trimester. Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting. Nausea and vomiting up to 2-3 times a day do not require medical treatment. Vomiting that occurs more than 2-3 times a day, regardless of food intake and is combined with a decrease in appetite, a change in taste and smell sensations, weight loss, a feeling of constant weakness, is considered a manifestation of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy and requires immediate medical attention and treatment. .

Severity of the situation

There are nausea and vomiting of pregnant women of mild, moderate severity and excessive.

Mild toxicosis is characterized by a constant feeling of nausea, vomiting 3-5 times a day, a slight decrease in body weight up to 1-3 kg, a decrease in working capacity, and mild apathy may occur - indifference to the environment. At the same time, the general condition remains satisfactory, the pulse and blood pressure do not change. During the examination, all tests (general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests) were within normal limits. Treatment of mild toxicosis is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. However, despite the ongoing treatment, in 10-15% of cases, deterioration and the development of moderate toxicosis are possible.

Toxicosis of moderate severity is characterized by constant nausea, vomiting up to 10 or more times a day, accompanied by severe salivation. In this case, the general condition of the pregnant woman is disturbed, the decrease in body weight to 3-5 kg ​​progresses rapidly until exhaustion, significant weakness and apathy occur, the skin becomes dry and pale, sometimes with a slight icteric tinge, the pulse quickens to 100 beats per minute, arterial blood pressure decreases. pressure (BP), a slight increase in temperature up to 37.5ºС is possible, the amount of urine excreted decreases to 900 ml per day, there may be constipation. Examination reveals the following changes: general analysis blood - a slight decrease in hemoglobin (a substance that carries oxygen), in general - the relative density increases, the urine becomes more concentrated due to dehydration, and ketone bodies appear (substances that are formed as a result of a violation of carbohydrate metabolism); c an increase in total bilirubin (a pigment produced in the liver) is detected, which indicates a violation of the liver. Treatment of moderate toxicosis is carried out only in a hospital. With timely treatment, the prognosis is usually favorable.

Generally well tolerated toothpaste with a slight mint flavor.

Severe toxemia (excessive vomiting) is rare. This condition is characterized by constant nausea, vomiting up to 20 times a day with increased salivation. The general condition of the woman is severe, the function of all important organs and systems. Weight loss of more than 5 kg, headaches and dizziness appear, the skin becomes dry and flabby, the tongue and lips are dry, the temperature rises to 38ºС, the pulse is more than 100 beats per minute, systolic blood pressure is below 100 mm Hg. Art., less than 700 ml of urine is excreted per day. In the general blood test, the number of leukocytes and hematocrit (the volume of blood elements in relation to plasma) increases due to dehydration and thickening of the blood; biochemical analysis blood, there is a decrease in protein, cholesterol, potassium, chlorides and an increase in total bilirubin, urea, residual nitrogen (which indicates a violation of the kidneys and liver). In this case, treatment is carried out only in a hospital.

Since nausea is not a specific symptom that is unique to pregnancy, it is often necessary to consult a doctor to rule out another pathology.

Treatment of nausea and vomiting

Treatment of mild nausea and vomiting of pregnant women should begin with a change in the nature of nutrition and compliance with the regime of work and rest.

  • Every day should start slowly: do not jump out of bed at the wake of the alarm clock and try not to make sudden movements in the morning. Refuse morning exercises (since bending, squats and other movements can cause the activation of the vomiting center). In order to have the opportunity to lie in bed in the morning, you need to set an alarm clock 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Waking up, you should lie down in bed for 5-10 minutes and slowly stretch. Without getting out of bed, in the supine position, you need to eat crackers, biscuits, nuts or dried fruits prepared in advance and lying near the bed.
  • It is necessary to eat with early toxicosis often (at least 5-6 times a day), but in small portions. You should not overeat and starve, in no case should you refuse food, even if you don’t feel like eating at all. You should always have something to snack on with you, such as a bag of crackers or a bottle of drinking yogurt. In this case, you should completely abandon fatty, spicy and fried foods. You should also avoid hot and very cold foods, as they irritate the stomach and can increase nausea. You should give preference to dishes rich in proteins and carbohydrates (cereals, boiled meat, cottage cheese, potatoes), and be sure to include vegetables and fruits in your diet. You can not drink a lot (more than 200 ml) of liquid at a time. It is best to use alkaline non-carbonated mineral water, jelly.
  • Smoking should be avoided as it not only can bad influence on the development of pregnancy, but also provokes nausea and vomiting.
  • It is necessary to avoid sharp and strong odors, you can even temporarily refuse perfumes, deodorants, scented cosmetics and household chemicals with pungent odor. If you are intolerant to the smells of powders and cleaning products, it is best to ask your relatives to help you with the housework. And also you need to replace the toothpaste if it causes discomfort. As a rule, toothpaste with a slight mint flavor is well tolerated. If possible, avoid cramped, stuffy, smoky rooms and do not use public transport during peak hours. Feel free to ask for a seat.
  • Be sure to observe the regime of work and rest, do not overwork. Sleep should be at least 8-10 hours a day. Rest during the day if needed. Weakness and fatigue contribute to the development of nausea.
  • Try to avoid stress and conflict situations at work and at home, distract from disturbing, unpleasant thoughts - take a walk, go to the cinema or visit, call your best friend.
  • If nausea occurs, take a slow deep breath in and out. Deep breathing helps reduce or eliminate nausea. Use aromatherapy: Apply a few drops of ginger, basil or lemon oil to your clothes or add to your shower gel. Substances contained in these oils help to reduce nausea.
  • Brew ginger tea. To prepare ginger tea, pour 1 teaspoon of chopped ginger into 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 20-30 minutes. Drinking such tea should be no more than once every four hours, since a large dose of ginger can increase.

Of the drugs, the doctor may prescribe vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine) and drugs containing magnesium (Magne-B 6, Magnerot), the antiemetic Metoclopramide (Cerukal). So, if toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy of moderate and severe severity develops, in which the general condition of the pregnant woman is disturbed, hospitalization and parenteral therapy (intravenous and intramuscular administration of drugs) are required to suppress nausea and vomiting, normalize the general condition and restore water mineral composition and all types of metabolism. For this purpose, drugs are used that normalize the function of the central nervous system and block the gag reflex (Cerukal), infusion therapy (intravenous slow administration of 1-3 liters of glucose solutions, amino acids, saline solutions, such as Trisol. Chlosol, etc.), and drugs , normalizing metabolism (vitamins. Actovegin, Hofitol). The criteria for the effectiveness of treatment are the improvement in the condition of the pregnant woman, the normalization of the results of urine and blood tests.

Nausea is an unpleasant sensation while waiting for a baby, which causes a lot of anxiety, but, nevertheless, if it is caused by pregnancy, then in most cases it does not have any negative impact on either the health of the mother or the development of the child and most often goes away on its own by the beginning of the second trimester.

Marina Ershova, obstetrician-gynecologist

Comment on the article "Sickening again ... Toxicosis during pregnancy"

Pregnancy is not a disease and nausea - it is not at all an obligatory companion in her first pregnancy, she literally felt sick several times, slightly. Never in this one.


So it is - sometimes it makes me sicker, sometimes it’s very good, sometimes all day, sometimes only sometimes.

Yes, everything is fine with you, the most real toxicosis :)))) It is different for everyone, here I was constantly feeling nauseous in the first b-st. Most of all it was in the morning, then it got a little easier.

Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, C-section, giving.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. But in any case, every evening I feel sick and like a nasty state. Is this toxicosis or not yet?


wow :) I wanted to open the same topic in terms of 9-10 weeks with me. And from the first it was in the morning ...

Thank you girls for the answers, so it happens in the evening, otherwise I thought that the morning was a common thing.
I didn't know about the evening.
I wish all of us that this turbidity ends as soon as possible:)))

Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Lord, anything can happen. My mother was sick during the whole pregnancy, and after giving birth, she couldn’t see pregnant women for two months.


Lord, anything can happen. My mother was sick during the whole pregnancy, and even after giving birth she couldn’t see pregnant women for two months. But you are fine, usually it lasts up to 16 weeks.

it is quite possible that another change of place was superimposed! It will pass! Hold on! I was sick until the 13th, well, until the 14th bit.

sick at the 35th week.. Ailments, illnesses, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving.


I also felt very sick during my second pregnancy somewhere around 32-36 weeks. We found out that the child periodically puts pressure on the pancreas - that's what nausea is from. I remember that it helped not to eat fatty, spicy, etc., which affects the pancreas. IN ordinary life there were no problems with the pancreas - i.e. It's purely pregnancy...

Did you have a natural birth or a caesarean for the first time?
The fact is that the doctor warned me that if there is pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by vomiting or nausea, then these are signs of a possible divergence of the seam (I had a cesarean first).

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". I’m already 18, and not just sick, but also vomits from smells all the time, I can’t even endure a pot for a child.


I still didn’t stop feeling sick, and to this was added constant heartburn and stomach pain (I suspect that the uterus has already reached the stomach and pancreas, so soon the exacerbation of gastritis shines again, whimper-sob ..)

I’m already 18, and not just sick, but also vomits from smells all the time, I can’t even endure a pot for a child. The doctor offers nothing cardinal.

30 weeks. Why am I sick now? "An excellent remedy for nausea, including morning sickness in pregnancy, is ginger (Zingiber offmnaUs).


"An excellent remedy for nausea, including morning sickness of pregnancy, is ginger (Zingiber offmnaUs). You can use it in different ways: try chewing a piece of candied ginger or just a piece of peeled fresh ginger, or you can make ginger tea and sip a little from time to time. Very homemade biscuits made with fresh ginger work well; eat it as soon as the need arises - this temporarily increases the level of sugar in the body, along with the beneficial effects of ginger itself.
All my acquaintances "jammed" the nausea with sweetened ginger (ginger). Helps 100%. Sold in stores natural products. Or, perhaps, you can make your own preparation: buy ginger, dip it in some syrup or honey and .... forward - useful and effective.
My lower abdomen is also pulling on my chest, nausea is swollen, vomiting is tormenting, and only 8 days have passed after the alleged fertilization before the delay of another 10 days and I am completely at a loss whether I am pregnant or not, since this was not the case during the first pregnancy and indeed there was no taxicosis

11/30/2018 19:58:37, Nadena

Can you control vomiting? Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. For some reason, I fell in love with scrambled eggs (I didn’t eat before). Why the appetite remained unchanged is for RICE.


Allah! I will also be moving here from the planning conference. I haven’t written anywhere for a long time because of toxicosis, so I missed the moment when you announced your pregnancy. You know, when I found out about your pregnancy, I was very happy. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Now about nausea. I started to feel sick about your time. I listened to the body for a long time, what exactly caused the urge to vomit. it can vomit with foam about hunger, so bring crackers, cookies like "Jubilee", and mineral water with gas. Listen to yourself. I think you will find something that will help you. 12. That's already 12. Don't feel sick!
And about the choice: if the cheekbones reduce and saliva flows, then it is better to vomit it, it will be easier in any way.

You know, I have the same period and over the past 2 weeks there have been 3 precedents with nausea, from which I vomited once (((So I also worried about the question, what if my preeclampsia starts? Although my pressure is like always, low, until now no protein was found in the urine, but there is a little swelling on the feet, I notice by the shoes, and I mentally gain weight, they ordered fasting days to be arranged. yesterday I sat on kefir all day, so I hardly survived the evening, this is the hardest thing, especially when I cooked dinner for my husband))) Well, on Friday I’ll go to the LCD, they’ll say something, I’ll find out the result of a urine test. It seems that if there is no protein, then there is no particular reason for concern.

Early toxicosis of pregnant women is a common pathological condition, which is associated with pregnancy, develops in the first trimester and is characterized by various multiple disorders. The most permanent of them are disorders of the functions of the central nervous system, impaired functioning vascular system And metabolic processes. How to alleviate the course of toxicosis and is it possible to cope with it?

Causes of toxicosis

There is no consensus on the causes and pathogenesis of pathology among scientists. No one doubts only one etiological factor - the presence and development of the fetal egg and its individual components. This is also confirmed by the fact that in cases of their removal for any reason, there is a sharp cessation of toxicosis on early dates.

As regards the development mechanisms early toxicosis various theories have been proposed - neurogenic, neuroendocrine, reflex, allergic, immune, corticovisceral. The most popular is the idea of ​​toxicosis as a syndrome of maladjustment of the body, which arose as a result of rapidly changing conditions for its functioning. Multiple mechanisms are involved in the development of the syndrome, which, if possible, are taken into account when deciding what to do with the development of pathology.

At least a general correct understanding of the mechanisms of the development of the disease allows us to understand how to deal with it. In the development of early toxicosis, an important role is played by the functional state of the central nervous system and disturbances in its relationship with the functioning internal organs, especially digestive tract. These disorders are expressed in the predominance of excitatory processes in the subcortical structures of the central nervous system over the processes of inhibition.

Most authors associate the predominance of excitation processes with a violation of the functioning of the receptor apparatus of the internal genital organs of a woman, due to various surgical interventions, previous intoxications and inflammatory diseases, previous abortions, miscarriages, etc.

It is also possible that in the early stages of gestation there is a violation of the physiological connection between the woman's body and the trophoblast, the functions of which are the implantation of the ovum, the provision of embryonic nutrition, the binding of maternal antibodies and the prevention of their entry into the fetal circulation.

In the subcortical structures of the brain, in the reticular formation, the medulla oblongata, there are closely interconnected centers of smell, salivation, vomiting, respiratory and vasomotor centers.

Due to changes in the receptor apparatus of the uterus or in the conduction nerve pathways, the impulses coming from the peripheral parts of the nervous system to the brain (against the background of the predominance of excitation processes) can be perverse, which causes an inadequate response from other centers of the brain.

In this regard, the vomiting act is usually preceded by such signs as a feeling of nausea, increased salivation, as well as autonomic disorders in the form of spasm of peripheral vessels, manifested by pallor of the skin, an increase in heart rate and deepening of breathing.

Defining links in the pathogenesis of the disease are violations of neuroendocrine regulation of all types of metabolism, as well as partial or complete starvation and dehydration.

In the case of progression of vomiting or salivation, a disorder of the water-salt balance occurs with a predominant deficiency of potassium ions, dehydration gradually increases. Against this background, protein, carbohydrate and fat types of metabolism are also violated, glycogen stores in the liver and muscles are consumed, catabolism (decay) processes are activated, and body weight decreases.

Under these conditions, the physiological oxidation of fatty acids is impossible, resulting in the accumulation of incompletely oxidized products of fat metabolism, which leads to an increase in ketone bodies in the blood, the acid-base composition of the blood is disturbed with a shift to the acid side, and blood oxygen saturation decreases.

These general changes are initially functional. But as they increase, the functions of the liver, kidneys, lungs, heart and central nervous system are disrupted.

Vegetative disorders in early pregnancy may be due to hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman, in particular, due to an increase in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This fact is supported by more frequent and also more severe toxicosis in early pregnancy with and cystic drift, in which the levels of hCG in the blood are especially high.

Provoke the development of early toxicosis mainly:

  • previous inflammatory diseases of the endometrium and uterine appendages;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas;
  • other chronic diseases (kidney, liver, endocrinopathy, etc.);
  • helminthic invasions;
  • lack of psychological preparation for pregnancy, neuropsychic instability, hyperexcitability, stressful situations and depressive states (even slightly expressed), past brain injuries (concussion, bruise);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • overweight.

How toxicosis manifests itself in the early stages

Early toxicosis during pregnancy can manifest itself various forms. The most common of them are vomiting of pregnant women and ptyalism (excessive salivation), less common dermatoses, mainly in the form of itching of pregnant women. Other forms of early gestosis, such as dermatoses in the form of eczema, impetigo herpetiformis, etc., osteomalacia (softening of bones), bronchial asthma in pregnant women, polyneuritis, convulsive syndrome, acute fatty degeneration of the liver are extremely rare.

When does toxicosis begin in early pregnancy?

Its most frequent manifestations in the form of vomiting and ptyalism accompany pregnancy from the 5th to 6th week. They occur in 50-60% of pregnant women, but in most cases they are easily tolerated and do not pose any threat to the body. Of them in medical care with toxicosis in early pregnancy, only 8-10% of women need it.

How long does early toxicosis of pregnant women last?

It depends on the accompanying adverse factors and the individual characteristics of the woman's body. The earlier this pathological condition develops, the more severe it is and the longer it lasts. As a rule, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation stop on their own by the 12th - 13th week of pregnancy, when the placenta formation processes end. In rare cases, the period of adaptation of the body to pregnancy lasts a little longer - up to 14-15 weeks.

Vomiting pregnant

At normal flow pregnancy, nausea and vomiting may occur 2-3 times during the day, but usually in the morning. Such phenomena do not lead to a violation of the general condition. Some women note the so-called "evening toxicosis", which is no different from nausea, vomiting, or excessive salivation in the morning.

This term is not a characteristic of a separate form of pathology and has only everyday meaning. Symptoms in the evening occur as a result of psychological overwork by the end of the working day, eating disorders, excessive food intake in the evening, lack of walks on fresh air.

Many doctors consider these symptoms as physiological and do not require special medical attention. Some authors directly consider preeclampsia a condition in which nausea and vomiting are not associated with food intake, appear several times a day and are often accompanied by hypersalivation, a change in general well-being, a decrease in appetite and body weight, a perversion of taste and smell.

The severity of the pathological condition makes it possible to distinguish various degrees of severity, depending on which the main remedy for toxicosis is chosen in the early stages. There are 3 degrees of severity of vomiting of pregnant women:

  • I degree - easy;
  • II degree - moderate;
  • III degree - severe (excessive vomiting).

Light degree

Violations are predominantly functional in nature. The frequency of vomiting during the day does not exceed 5 times, but there is almost always a feeling of nausea. Nausea and vomiting are usually associated with bad smell or eating, less often they occur on an empty stomach. This condition leads to a decrease in appetite and depressed mood, apathy, decreased ability to work.

Weight loss averages less than 3 kg over 1 week (up to 5% of baseline body weight). Sometimes very slight dryness of the skin and mucous membranes is possible. At the same time, the general condition of the pregnant woman is not disturbed, the data of an objective examination and clinical studies of blood and urine remain mostly within the acceptable range.

Vomiting of the I degree of severity often resolves on its own or is easily treatable, but in 10-15% of women this pathology becomes more severe.

Average degree

At this stage, dysfunction of the central nervous system intensifies, vegetative and metabolic disorders are more pronounced, expressed in a shift in the acid-base state of the blood towards acidosis.

Vomiting is no longer associated with food intake and is repeated up to 6-10 times or more in 1 day. Body weight for 10-14 days on average decreases by 2-3 kg (from 6 to 10% of the initial body weight). The general condition suffers - apathy and weakness appear, sometimes (in rare cases) the body temperature rises to 37.5 °. Moderate dryness of the skin and visible mucous membranes develops. In 5-7% of cases, there is a slight yellowness of the sclera and skin, the tongue is covered with a white coating, constipation occurs, the volume of urine excreted decreases to 700-800 ml.

In addition, instability of the heart rate appears, the pulse rate increases to 90-100 beats per 1 minute, systolic blood pressure moderately decreases (up to 110-100 mm Hg). In clinical analyzes, a slight decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, a decrease in the content of chlorides, moderate ketonuria (acetone in the urine) are possible. Adequate therapy in a hospital setting is almost always effective.

If toxicosis is not reduced at this stage in early pregnancy, dysfunction of the central nervous and endocrine systems (function corpus luteum, adrenal glands, pituitary gland), disturbances in the water and electrolyte composition of the blood and all metabolic processes, etc. further exacerbate metabolic disorders and lead to a more severe course of the disease.

excessive vomiting

Severe early toxicosis is rare. It is characterized by symptoms of severe intoxication and disorders of all types of metabolism, dysfunction of all systems and organs, up to dystrophic changes in the latter.

Vomiting occurs with any movement of the body, food or liquid intake, is repeated up to 20 or more times a day, accompanied by constant nausea and profuse salivation. Body weight is rapidly decreasing (by 8 kg on average in 1.5 weeks). The condition is very serious - there is an aversion to food, pronounced weakness, dizziness and headaches, weakness, sometimes unmotivated euphoria appear.

Severe dryness and low turgor of the skin are noted, almost 30% have their icterus. Dryness and yellowness of the mucous membranes are also noted, which indicates intoxication of the liver, a sharp decrease and even disappearance of the subcutaneous fat layer, a thick coating on the tongue, and an acetone smell is felt when examining the oral cavity.

The pulse rate is more than 100 beats per 1 minute, blood pressure (systolic) - decreases to 100 and below, the daily volume of urine excreted is less than 700 ml, prolonged constipation is noted. Body temperature remains at subfebrile levels (in 40-80%), but sometimes rises to 38 °. In a clinical blood test - elevated hemoglobin(due to blood clotting), bilirubin and creatinine, a decrease in total protein and a violation of the ratio of their fractions. In urine tests, an increased number of leukocytes, cylinders and acetone are determined.

In severe cases, without adequate medical care, acute hepatic-renal failure, confusion, coma, followed by death, develop.


The occurrence of profuse salivation is explained by the same mechanisms and irritation of the center of salivation. In addition, local disturbances in the salivary glands and their ducts associated with the processes of hormonal changes in the body also play a certain role. In particular, estrogens have a stimulating effect on the epithelium of the salivary glands.

salivating like independent form early preeclampsia is relatively rare. More often it accompanies vomiting, leads to maceration of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips, has a negative effect on the mental state, disrupts sleep. The loss of saliva can reach 1 liter or more during the day, resulting in moderate dehydration of the body, a decrease in total protein and body weight. This manifestation of early toxicosis is relatively easy to treat.

What helps with toxicosis in the early stages?

Principles of treatment

Treatment of toxicosis in early pregnancy (with a mild degree) is carried out on an outpatient basis. It is accompanied by mandatory constant monitoring by a gynecologist of the general condition of the patient, control of body weight, as well as laboratory clinical and biochemical studies of blood and urine. Women are recommended frequent shifts her environment (walks in the fresh air, communication with friends, etc.).

Of great importance in toxicosis in early pregnancy is proper nutrition. It consists in frequent and fractional (small portions) meals, which should be only at will. Food should be at room temperature, well processed and chopped.

It is desirable to take it in a horizontal position with a raised head end, especially in the morning, and with “evening” toxicosis, respectively, in the evening. Even if the smell of cooked dishes causes nausea, salivation and vomiting, it is advisable to observe hunger for about 3 days, but with the intake of alkaline non-carbonated mineral liquids("Essentuki", "Borjomi").

The diet for toxicosis in early pregnancy should consist of a variety of easily digestible foods rich in proteins and trace elements and with the exception of spices. Liquids in the form of mineral water without gas must also be consumed in limited volumes 6 times a day. Reducing the feeling of nausea is facilitated by foods rich in vitamin B 6 - avocados, chicken breasts, beans, fish, nuts.

Of the medications, vitamin-mineral complexes are used, light sedatives of plant origin - tincture of hawthorn, motherwort, as well as antihistamines such as Diphenhydramine and Tavegil. In addition, pills for nausea and vomiting are recommended - Torekan, Cerucal, Thiethylperazine, Metoclopramide, Ondansetron, and in the hospital - the same drugs intramuscularly or intravenously (stream or drip), as well as the antipsychotics Droperidol or Haloperidol. With abundant salivation, a solution of atropine in drops is recommended.

Tablets for nausea and vomiting with toxicosis

Sessions of psychotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy courses in the form of iontophoresis with calcium ions, central electroanalgesia, iontophoresis with novocaine or bromine ions can also be prescribed. collar zone and etc.

For home treatment, folk remedies are also used for toxicosis in the early stages, which include a chilled decoction of ginger root, chewing pieces of ginger or fennel seeds, which are quite effective antiemetics, or infusions of lemon balm leaves, mint, dill seed, chamomile flowers.

Also recommended herbal preparations, consisting, for example, of lemon leaves with herbs of lemon balm, thyme, oregano leaves and lavender flowers. To reduce the severity of nausea and salivation contribute to rinsing the mouth with infusions of sage, chamomile, decoction of oak bark, menthol solution.

Cases of moderate and severe severity, persistent subfebrile body temperature, the presence of acetone in the urine are an indication for hospital treatment. In the first days of inpatient treatment, rest, a starvation diet, only intravenous and intramuscular administration of vitamins and antiemetics and other drugs are prescribed, due to the impossibility of their use inside with frequent vomiting. The treatment program also includes glucocorticoid steroids (with severe early toxicosis) intravenously or intramuscularly.

The most important link in inpatient treatment in eliminating intoxication is the restoration of fluid volume and the correction of the acid-base state of the blood through intravenous drip (if necessary, jet-drip) infusion therapy using crystalloid (saline and glucose-containing) solutions and protein substitutes.

A severe degree of the pathological condition is an indication for treatment in intensive care units, and the lack of effect or insufficient effectiveness of the therapy for three days is a direct indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

If you feel sick right up to vomiting, you feel bad from smells or the mere mention of some products, and the pregnancy test shows two stripes - you have begun.

The main signs of toxicosis of pregnant women are as follows:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • salivation;
  • depressed state;
  • bad feeling;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • weight loss.

meet and rare forms early toxicosis: dermatoses of pregnant women, tetany, osteomalacia, acute yellow liver atrophy, bronchial asthma of pregnant women.

At what stage of pregnancy does toxicosis begin?

Basically, women suffer from toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often, the symptoms of early toxicosis appear at 5-6 weeks, sometimes already on the days of delayed menstruation, and in some cases even earlier - starting from the first week of conception.

Some women claim to feel nauseous and even experience vomiting the very next day after unprotected intercourse. But experts are skeptical about such claims. "Toxicosis" in such cases, most likely, has other causes that are completely unrelated to pregnancy: for example, poisoning or malaise due to changes in blood pressure. A psychological factor is also not excluded: the girl begins to worry, worry, and experiences “signs” of pregnancy on emotions.

Toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy is observed most often. But there are also much more dangerous late toxicoses. Toxicosis is also called gestosis, but the term "preeclampsia of pregnancy" is more often used to refer to just late toxicosis.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is physiological phenomenon and does not require treatment (unlike preeclampsia). But if you feel very bad, vomiting is repeated often and weight loss is observed, then you need to seek help from a gynecologist.

The absolute norm is also the absence of any toxicosis and even the slightest hint of it. The opinion that a pregnant woman must certainly feel sick is erroneous.

How long does toxemia last during pregnancy?

Everything is very individual: starting from the manifestations of toxicosis, ending with its duration. Some women feel only mild nausea, others are forced to go to the hospital for treatment. It is the same with the duration: toxicosis during pregnancy in different women is observed during different period, but most often gradually disappears by the beginning of the second trimester.

Toxicosis during pregnancy lasts until the period when the placenta is fully formed, that is, weeks up to the 12th-14th. Then comes the second trimester, which is calm in terms of well-being. By the third trimester of pregnancy, toxicosis can resume, and then it is already called preeclampsia. It also happens that toxicosis during pregnancy first manifests itself at the end of the term. Preeclampsia is much more dangerous than early toxicosis, so it is imperative to warn the doctor about its appearance.

Signs of gestosis are also somewhat different. In particular, there is an increased formation of edema and an increase in blood pressure.

Sometimes late toxicosis can begin as early as the second trimester, which is not safe for the fetus and expectant mother. But, fortunately, everything will pass after childbirth - that's for sure!

Causes of toxicosis during pregnancy

It is believed that toxicosis is a consequence of ongoing hormonal changes in the mother's body, necessary for normal development and bearing a child. Why toxicosis annoys pregnant women, it is still not possible to answer exactly. But it has been established that pregnant women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland, as well as smokers, those who work hard and experience nervous tension women.

Among others probable causes development of toxicosis during pregnancy, different researchers call the following:

  • chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy at a very young age;
  • psychological unpreparedness for motherhood;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Some scientists believe that toxicosis is a natural defense of the fetus from the likely effects of negative factors (for example, bad habits and unhealthy diets).

Many people think that nausea and vomiting is quite normal for a pregnant woman. But in fact, such a condition can be dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. It’s good if you just constantly want to sleep and you become extremely irritable for a minute. But debilitating vomiting, systematic starvation and rapid weight loss are not at all a condition that can be called normal. Even and especially for a pregnant woman.

In principle, it is considered normal if for some time a pregnant woman feels bouts of nausea and vomiting no more than twice a day - in the morning, mostly on an empty stomach. But only on condition that the general condition of the woman does not worsen. If you get worse, you can't eat, and you have frequent seizures, plus you're losing weight, it's very dangerous. Therefore, it is better not to allow such a state to occur, but to start treating toxicosis on time.

Remedies for toxicosis during pregnancy

There are many various methods treatment of toxicosis. But not all of them are harmless, safe and effective. So let's repeat it again: better disease do not run.

Medical treatment. Among all the drugs used to treat toxicosis (and there are about 20 of them), only vitamins and trace elements are harmless to a certain extent during pregnancy. The rest are very dangerous and toxic. But under certain conditions, one has to resort to their help - when the benefit of such treatment for the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Drug treatment of toxicosis must necessarily be comprehensive and include a number of different drugs. Such treatment is always carried out in a hospital, but, unfortunately, not always successfully.

Usually, if the treatment was started on time, the toxicosis successfully passes and the woman is discharged. But in rare cases, there is no improvement:

  • vomiting does not stop;
  • increasing dehydration;
  • progressive weight loss;
  • acetonuria progresses within 3-4 days;
  • pronounced tachycardia is observed;
  • the functions of the nervous system are impaired (adynamia, apathy, delirium, euphoria);
  • icteric staining of the sclera and skin is characteristic.

This condition of a pregnant woman is an indication for termination of pregnancy. But, fortunately, today this happens extremely rarely.

Immunocytotherapy refers to modern invasive methods of treatment. It consists in the fact that a pregnant woman is injected into the skin of her forearm with her husband's lymphocytes. Improving the well-being of a pregnant woman occurs, as a rule, after 24 hours. Immunocytotherapy also requires hospitalization and even a thorough examination of the child's father for infections (hepatitis B and C, HIV, Wasserman reaction). But still, this method is dangerous: there is a threat of infection with hepatitis, for example.

Homeopathy is absolutely safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus and very effective, and therefore the preferred method of treating toxicosis. It allows you to select drugs individually and at the same time treats the whole body as a whole, not only for women, but, if necessary, for children. The likelihood of side effects and toxic overdose is excluded, and the homeopathic preparations themselves are not addictive.

Aromatherapy. Peppermint can help prevent morning sickness: put one drop of this essential oil on a pillow or on a handkerchief that you put near the head of the bed. This extract has a beneficial sedative effect not only on the entire body as a whole, but also specifically on your stomach, preventing its morning “riots”. Do this procedure for several nights in a row, and you will notice a clear relief.

Carry ginger essential oil with you: when you suddenly become ill and start to feel sick, put a drop of ginger oil on your palms, rub it, bring it to your nose and inhale calmly several times. This oil also helps with vomiting: drop a drop into 0.5 liters of boiled water and perform steam inhalation.

To prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting during the day, it is recommended to rub in the morning oil mixture in the suprapubic region: add one drop of ginger oil to a dessert spoon (10 ml) of any vegetable oil.

When using aroma oils, pay attention to their quality: you can buy only those essential oils for which there is a hygiene certificate and a certificate of conformity. It is better to do it in a pharmacy.

In addition to the described types of treatment during toxicosis, physio- and herbal medicine are used. They also often resort to more exotic methods of treatment: hypnosis, electrosleep, acupuncture.

However, with mild manifestations of toxicosis, pregnant women can successfully curb it at home.

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy at home?

  1. Don't get out of bed abruptly in the morning. First, eat a handful of nuts or cookies prepared by the bedside in the evening.
  2. Eat during the day fractionally, little by little, preferably every 2-3 hours.
  3. Frequent chewing helps a lot with nausea. Snack on lemon, nuts, dried fruits, mints, tangerines. It is useful for nausea to chew cumin seeds or regular chewing gum.
  4. Try to eliminate fried foods, pickles, chocolate, and indigestible foods from your diet.
  5. It has been proven that vitamin B6 reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, so foods rich in it should be included in the diet: fish, eggs, skinless chicken, nuts and legumes (beans, peas, lentils). A large number of vitamin B6 contains avocado.
  6. Ginger has an antiemetic effect: it can be added to tea or simply chewed. Any foods that contain ginger (such as gingerbread cookies) will help overcome the urge to vomit.
  7. Food should be light, but nutritious and contain all the useful substances: fruits, unleavened cereals on the water, bread.
  8. But if you really want to - eat what you want.
  9. You need to eat lightly lying down. Or immediately after the meal, lie down for a while to rest.
  10. With toxicosis, it is necessary to eat warm or chilled food.
  11. Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach - this will reduce the feeling of nausea and help to cope with malaise.
  12. Drink alkaline mineral water without gas, preheating it.
  13. In general, drink plenty of fluids, but in small portions. Chamomile tea is especially useful, cranberry juice, freshly squeezed apple juice, green tea with lemon, rosehip infusion, water with lemon juice and honey.
  14. When drooling, it is good to rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile, sage, mint.
  15. Also take infusions of calendula, valerian, yarrow and mint: these plants stop spasms, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and perfectly calm the nerves.
  16. A proven remedy for combating toxicosis is mint. Based on it, you can prepare a tincture for toxicosis. Take two teaspoons of dry mint, a teaspoon of valerian root, two teaspoons of marigold flowers and the same amount of yarrow herb. The mixture should be poured with 400 ml of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes and strained. Take two to three tablespoons six times a day in three courses of 25 days with 15-day breaks.
  17. Get outdoors more.
  18. Keep your kitchen well ventilated and use a range hood to keep odors at bay.

Do not despair and believe in the best: very soon it will end. Early toxicosis, as a rule, stops by the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. However, late toxicosis also occurs -

One of the unpleasant, but expected companions of pregnancy in many women is early toxicosis. On the one hand, morning sickness and even vomiting, weakness, increased salivation, rejection of certain tastes and smells indicate that serious work is taking place in the body related to the restructuring of all its systems. This allows you to feel "really" pregnant when the tummy has not yet appeared. But the other side of the coin is constant discomfort and thoughts about when the painful feeling of nausea will disappear and you can safely enjoy the expectation of your baby.

In this article, we will talk about the main causes of toxicosis and how to deal with it.

Toxicosis in early pregnancy: when does it start, how long does it last and when does it end?

Sometimes it is due to the appearance of morning sickness that a woman begins to guess about the onset of pregnancy. Toxicosis before the delay is rare, although it is theoretically possible, starting from 7-10 days after conception. But still, at such an early stage, pregnancy often manifests itself as an increase in appetite and addiction to certain foods, rather than nausea.

Usually, toxicosis is “waited” after they see two stripes on a home test. Each pregnancy is unique, and it is impossible to say how long toxicosis will begin, and whether you will have it at all.

Most often, toxicosis begins at 5-6 obstetric week pregnancy.

Exhausted by the frequent, if not constant, feeling of “sickness”, pregnant women in the early stages ask themselves the question: “When toxicosis will pass? Toxicosis lasts only a couple of weeks in some women, and it manifests itself weakly, while in others it does not pump even with the beginning of the second trimester, but, according to doctors, most often lasts up to 13-14 (in some cases up to 16) weeks of pregnancy. It is by this time that the formation of the placenta is completed, which leads to the rapid extinction of the symptoms of toxicosis. As a consolation to women suffering from nausea, it is worth saying: many experts consider this unpleasant condition a good indicator of the normal course of pregnancy.

Toxicosis: symptoms and signs

Toxicosis of pregnant women is called a complex pathological changes body conditions caused by poisoning with harmful substances of internal origin.

Symptoms of toxicosis in the early stages are weakness, drowsiness, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, excessive salivation, decrease or complete loss of appetite, changes in the perception of smells and tastes, cravings for unusual foods, nausea and vomiting. Very rarely, the cause of intoxication remains incomprehensible to a woman, although there are cases when it is the changes eating behavior suggesting pregnancy.

Minor ailments, which are considered nausea and vomiting no more than 1-2 times a day up to 13 weeks of pregnancy, occur in about 90% of women and are not considered by doctors as a pathology. Doctors directly call toxicosis a condition in which a woman vomits at least 3 times a day.

Toxicosis, accompanied by frequent vomiting, can lead to metabolic disorders, which leads to weight loss up to exhaustion and dehydration. The most severe cases of toxicosis cause dystrophic changes in the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and central nervous system.

The gag reflex is the most well-known sign of toxicosis. It is by the strength of its severity that toxicosis is attributed to one or another degree of severity.

In rare cases, toxicosis can be manifested by the occurrence of dermatous rashes, asthma in pregnancy, osteomalacia (softening of the bone substance), tetany (skeletal muscle spasms).

Degrees of toxicosis

WITH medical point vision, toxicosis has three degrees of severity:

First (light) degree - vomiting occurs up to 4-5 times a day, most often in the morning and after meals. This reduces the appetite and worsens the mood of the woman, but in general does not affect the general state of health. Light degree toxicosis causes a slight loss of body weight (up to 3 kg). Treatment is carried out outside the hospital. The standard recommendations of doctors are taking drugs that help eliminate toxins from the body, as well as medications that reduce the excitability of the nervous system and speed up metabolism.

Second (middle) degree tolerated by a woman is much harder than light. Vomiting becomes more frequent up to 10 times a day, the temperature may rise, the heartbeat accelerates (up to 100 beats per minute). A pregnant woman loses weight (up to 3-4 kg in two weeks), which sometimes leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Moderate toxicosis can also be expressed by rare vomiting (once every few days), but at the same time by severe nausea that prevents food intake. If the tests reveal the appearance of acetone in the urine, the woman needs hospitalization or treatment in a day hospital. Standard therapy is carried out in the form of intravenous administration of a medicinal solution using a dropper. It helps to fill the lack of fluid and nutrients in the body of a pregnant woman. If the symptoms of toxicosis progress, the doctor may prescribe treatment with drugs that suppress the excitability of the vomiting center. For their appointment, good reason, therefore, it is impossible to take such medicines at your own discretion.

Third (severe) degree requires immediate hospitalization. The condition of a pregnant woman is characterized by dangerous symptoms: vomiting becomes prolonged and frequent, up to 25 times a day, a woman loses more than 10 kg in weight, because she cannot even drink water, her pulse quickens to 120 beats per minute, the temperature rises to 37.5 ° C. With a severe degree of toxicosis, metabolism is disturbed, the body quickly comes to dehydration. Acetone (ketone bodies) and creatine appear in the urine, changes are also found in the biochemical blood test. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, it is similar to treatment with an average degree of toxicosis. In extremely severe cases, when therapy has no effect and toxicosis becomes life-threatening for a woman, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy for medical reasons.

Causes of toxicosis

Even enough high level development modern medicine does not help doctors give an unambiguous answer to the question of what causes toxicosis. Indeed, it is not clear why pregnancy does not bring any benefits to some women. discomfort, and others suffer from nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of early toxicosis so badly that they have to resort to medical help. All doctors agree in only one opinion: toxicosis is a pathological condition, and the degree of its manifestation largely depends on the state of health of the woman.

From a medical point of view, the main causes of toxicosis are:

1. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman . Fertilization of the egg in the uterine cavity causes enormous hormonal changes, which cannot but affect the general condition of the body. The conception and development of a child in a woman's body is a natural process, and yet the embryo is initially a kind of foreign object, to which the body still needs to adapt. Hormone surges directly affect the state of the nervous system, which, in turn, affects the gastrointestinal tract: they change taste sensations appetite disappears or increases, vomiting or nausea occurs.

From the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins to be produced - a hormone responsible for normal course pregnancy. Since rapid growth HCG, the level of which in the "non-pregnant" time is close to zero, and in expectant mothers it is calculated in thousands of units, the appearance of extremely unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis is often associated. This is probably the reason for the increased nausea and vomiting during multiple pregnancy- after all, in this case, the level of hCG will be higher.

2. Reaction to metabolic products of the fetus . A child developing in the womb receives the necessary nutrients from the mother and releases unnecessary and toxic metabolic products back into the mother's body. Accordingly, the body of a pregnant woman is subjected to increased loads - now he has to utilize the products of not only his own metabolism, but also the metabolism of the baby. And only by 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta is formed, which takes over the function of utilizing the waste of the baby. Intoxication of the woman's body decreases, therefore, toxicosis also gradually disappears.

3. The presence of gastrointestinal diseases in a woman . Acute or chronic form diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas or gallbladder, often leads to increased symptoms of toxicosis.

4. Protective reaction of the body against potentially dangerous substances . Pregnant women experiencing toxicosis notice that not all foods and smells evoke the same reaction in them. Women experience the strongest rejection in relation to cigarette smoke, coffee and hard-to-digest foods: meat, fish, eggs, fried and smoked. Thus, the body tries to protect the child from toxins, and the mother herself from overloading the gastrointestinal tract.

This reason is partly related to the reason from point 2: until the placenta is formed, the mother's body is under serious stress. The body begins to actively resist additional intake of potentially hazardous products food, which can cause even more severe intoxication. In addition, the first trimester is the most important in terms of the formation of the baby's vital systems, so the mother's body, with the help of toxicosis, protects him from possible dangers caused by food.

5. emotional stress . Pregnancy is a very stressful time for many women. It seems that everyone knows that pregnant women do not need extra nerves, but in fact, hormone surges and excitement for the baby lead to the fact that the expectant mother is often worried, sleep deprived, and irritated. Unplanned pregnancy brings with it fears about the future. Since the nervous system strongly influences the state of the gastrointestinal tract, it is not surprising that experiences become another factor contributing to the onset of toxicosis. In addition, there is also a factor of a woman's own mood: self-hypnosis is a very strong thing. Some moms-to-be are so excited about morning sickness that they actually get it.

6. genetic predisposition . If your mother and grandmother suffered from toxicosis, it is likely that you will experience its symptoms. In addition, women who suffered from toxicosis during previous pregnancy have a high chance of reoccurrence.

7. late pregnancy, the presence of chronic diseases . With age, most women accumulate health problems, which cannot but affect the course of pregnancy. If a woman is expecting a baby for the first time over the age of 30-35, and especially after several abortions, this is a risk factor for a number of complications, including toxicosis. However, proper pregnancy planning and attention to one's own health can minimize the danger of this item.

How to deal with toxicosis during pregnancy? Folk remedies

Despite the great joy experienced by most pregnant women who have recently learned about their condition, few of them will rejoice at the appearance of nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is not surprising that the question “how to get rid of early toxicosis” is extremely relevant for those women who have recently begun to feel its first symptoms. Folk remedies for combating toxicosis relate primarily to nutrition, are safe and have been tested by generations of women.

To alleviate toxicosis, adhere to the following principles:

  1. Spend as much time outdoors as possible. The required minimum is 1 hour per day. A half-hour walk before bed will help you fall asleep faster and sounder.
  2. To prevent morning sickness, put a handful of nuts, dried fruits, crackers or cookies on your bedside table in advance and eat them immediately after waking up. Also in the morning you can drink warm mint tea with lemon, ginger and honey - it will ease your condition.
  3. Acidic fruits (green apples, lemon, orange) can reduce nausea.
  4. A good way to relieve toxicosis are fruits with a high liquid content - watermelon, melon, grapes.
  5. Eat often so that the stomach does not remain empty for a long time. Portions should be small so as not to overload the digestive system.
  6. Try to eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible, and use cooking methods such as steaming or baking for cooking.
  7. Useful for toxicosis classes physical therapy And breathing exercises. They activate blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, improve well-being and create positive attitude so important during pregnancy.
  8. Massage of the head and collar zone will help to calm down and reduce the excitability of the vomiting center of the brain.

Nutrition for toxicosis: what to eat and drink to make it easier?

Nausea and vomiting, a heightened sense of smell and jumps in appetite with toxicosis create a lot of problems with eating. You can’t limit yourself in food, because right now your body especially needs the intake of vitamins and trace elements. If there is only what you want, again, you can cause a deficiency of important substances (this is especially true for those who are drawn only to buns and tea). What to do - force yourself to eat as usual? Those who know what severe toxicosis is will only laugh at such a recommendation.

The basic principles of nutrition for toxicosis are as follows:

  • No need to force yourself to eat, because it is necessary if there is no appetite at all.
  • To reduce nausea, try to eat small meals spaced about 2 hours apart.
  • Refuse fried, smoked, pickled, very salty, fatty, spicy foods, canned food, chocolate.
  • Avoid eating too cold and too hot food.
  • Even if you've never been into healthy eating, it's time to start. Help your body deal with toxicity with light, fresh foods. Focus on vegetables, fruits, greens, nuts, cereals. From dairy products, it is better to choose sour-milk products, for example, natural low-fat yogurts without additives, cottage cheese, kefir. The meat and fish you eat should be lean.
  • It is advisable to drink a glass of water at room temperature in the morning and before each meal. You need to drink in small sips.
  • Useful for toxicosis and various freshly squeezed juices (carrot, apple, beetroot, celery juice). Sweet and sour fruit drinks (for example, cranberry), green tea with lemon, tea or infusion of mint, lemon balm, chamomile or yarrow, non-carbonated mineral water can alleviate your condition.

Treatment of toxicosis

Women's desire to find universal remedy from toxicosis is quite understandable, but, unfortunately, hardly feasible. There are both medical and folk methods, homeopathy and others are used in the fight against nausea. alternative ways treatment. Their effectiveness in each case will be different, in addition, one should take into account how harmless this or that remedy is and what contraindications it has.

The main methods of treating toxicosis at home:

  1. medical. Any medicines used by a pregnant woman should be, first of all, safe. Therefore, in no case do self-appointments, but be sure to consult about the treatment of toxicosis with a doctor observing your pregnancy. Most drugs have a number side effects, which must be correlated with the benefits of their use. There are no specific "pills for toxicosis". And in cases where toxicosis threatens the preservation of pregnancy, doctors prescribe a complex treatment for a woman with the help of drugs such as enterosgel, cerucal, Essentiale, etc.
  2. Immunocytotherapy. This method of treatment consists in the fact that the lymphocytes of the father of her child are injected under the skin of the forearm. A day after this, the symptoms of toxicosis are relieved. Flaw this method- the risk of infection from a man with dangerous infections, therefore, before the procedure, a complete examination is necessary.
  3. Homeopathic. Treatment with individual homeopathic remedies is considered a safe and fairly effective way to combat toxicosis.
  4. Aromatherapy. People have known about the positive effect of essential oils on the body for a long time. Inhaling the scent of essential oils can help reduce nausea. peppermint or ginger. Apply 2-3 drops of oil to a handkerchief or palms and bring it to the nose at the moments when nausea begins to overcome.

Some women are helped with toxicosis alternative methods: herbal medicine, acupuncture and even hypnosis.

And finally, I would like to say to expectant mothers: even if toxicosis torments you, do not forget that this is a temporary phenomenon. The body is not an enemy to itself, it only adapts to a new state, rejecting products in which it does not experience this moment needs. Tune in to the fact that your pregnancy is going well, and very soon you will feel the joy of meeting your baby, forgetting about some of the unpleasant moments of waiting for him!

Toxicosis - this is a pathological condition of the body that occurs as a result of exposure to exogenous toxins or harmful substances endogenous origin.

The state of toxicosis is characterized by the manifestation of neurological disorders, peripheral blood flow disorders, , lowering blood pressure. Due to the presence of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, toxicosis manifests itself nausea , diarrhea , vomiting , anorexia . With toxicosis, permanent damage to the kidneys and liver occurs. Water-electrolyte metabolism is disturbed, a number of deviations in the acid-base state are observed.

Types of toxicosis

It is customary to distinguish between several different types of toxicosis. Yes, for toxicosis with acute adrenal insufficiency , which is most often seen in meningococcemia , characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature - it can be up to 39-40 degrees. A person's skin turns pale, signs of anxiety appear. Reddish spots of different shades may appear on the skin. Later on skin a polymorphic rash appears. After some time, a person is overcome by general lethargy, respiratory disorders, then stupor may develop, later turning into . With this type of toxicosis in humans, early decompensation of blood circulation is manifested.

At toxicosis with liver failure , which develops as a result of exposure to viruses, the initial degree of the disease passes as either a gastrointestinal infection. This disease is most often seen in children before three years of age. As symptoms often occur bouts of indomitable vomiting, increased muscle tone, convulsions. Somewhat later, neurological symptoms also appear: lethargy, confusion, convulsions, too frequent and deep breathing. A coma may develop after a few hours. Gradually increases, body temperature may rise.

At toxicosis with acute renal failure a characteristic triad of symptoms is observed: acute renal failure, acute acquired hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia appear. This form of toxicosis can manifest itself as a result of respiratory viral and gastro-viral infections, vaccination. Among other symptoms of this condition, it should be noted the presence of swelling on the face, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, oliguria. Functions are noticeably impaired later of cardio-vascular system gradually increases the initially low blood pressure. Also available signs of dehydration and symptoms . The disease is easily identified by the results of a blood test.

For effective treatment toxicosis requires an integrated approach. It is important to remove from the body, find out the causes of poisoning and introduce specific ones.

Toxicosis of pregnant women

Toxicosis of pregnant women - this is a whole complex of pathological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. As a rule, such changes take place in the first half . Most often, the main manifestation of early toxicosis is vomiting. Similar state occurs in completely healthy women, however, in those who previously suffered from diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas, the manifestation of toxicosis is more pronounced than in a healthy person. In the process of development and progression of toxicosis of pregnant women in female body violations occur in carbohydrate , fatty , protein , water-salt exchange . Later, exhaustion may appear, weight may decrease. In this case, the patient continues to lose fluid. Sometimes it is also possible to manifest noticeable dystrophic changes in a number of internal organs, as well as in the central nervous system.

Manifestations of toxicosis of pregnant women to one degree or another are characteristic of approximately 90% of women. Toxicosis can be manifested by small, short-term vomiting and morning or evening nausea. This condition continues until about the thirteenth week of pregnancy. In this case, we are not talking about pathology.

To determine the severity of the condition of a pregnant woman, a classification of the stages of vomiting is applied. So, in the first stage, a woman generally feels satisfactory, and bouts of vomiting occur no more than five times a day. As a rule, vomiting is a reaction to food or smell. In the second stage of toxicosis of pregnant women, vomiting occurs more often - up to ten times a day. A woman quickly loses weight, she has periodic tachycardia, sometimes acetone appears in her urine. In the third stage of toxicosis of pregnant women, vomiting can occur up to 25 times a day, the woman feels extremely bad. In this case, vomiting may be manifested by the smallest movements. The pulse quickens to 120 beats per minute, and body temperature may also rise. Acetone is found in the urine, and there is also a high content of creatine.

The doctors

Treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women

Treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women in most cases is performed on an outpatient basis, while it is very important to constantly monitor the dynamics of a woman's body weight. However, with the manifestation of vomiting of the second and third stages, it should be treated already in a hospital. Diagnosis of the severity of toxicosis is made according to the results of a blood and urine test, by conducting an electrocardiogram, as well as using a detailed survey of the patient.

It is important to take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of early toxicosis. Sometimes a doctor prescribes a woman taking drugs that affect the central nervous system, vitamins, antihistamines. In addition, a woman must comply with the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes a serious condition is an indication for termination of pregnancy: this is possible when a woman is in a very serious condition and feels unwell, with the ineffectiveness of the methods proposed by the doctor over the next 6-12 hours, as well as with the development of acute liver dystrophy. As a rule, all manifestations of toxicosis of pregnant women stop immediately after childbirth or .


Causes of toxicosis of pregnant women

The main reason for the manifestation of symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy is a violation of the body's adaptation to this condition, as well as the manifestation of a pathological reaction of the body to a new position. As the main reasons that lead to the manifestation of toxicosis, experts designate a number of disorders in the body of a woman. This inflammatory processes in the genitals, uterus; pathology in the development of the uterus, in the state of the endometrium; endocrine disorders. Also, toxicosis can manifest itself as a result of changes in the central nervous system that do not allow the correct processing of impulses emanating from the fetal egg. Such changes lead to a violation physiological changes endocrine glands, metabolic processes, the work of a number of body systems. Due to metabolic disturbances, intermediate products enter the blood from the tissues, causing toxicosis of the body in general.

More often, toxicosis of pregnant women manifests itself in women who have previously suffered serious illnesses, malnourished, overtired, do not fully comply with the rest and sleep regimen.

Classification of toxicosis of pregnant women

The most correct and expedient today is the division of toxicosis into two groups. So, in the first half of pregnancy, it manifests itself early toxicosis , in the second half - late toxicosis . As a rule, late toxicosis occurs in the last few months of bearing a child. In turn, early toxicosis is divided into vomiting pregnant , excessive vomiting , ptyalism . Late toxicosis can manifest itself as dropsy pregnant , neuropathy , state of preeclampsia And eclampsia .

Sometimes more rare forms of toxicosis also appear, which include , dermatoses , tetany , jaundice . Similar phenomena occur during any period of pregnancy.

With early toxicosis, which usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, there are various manifestations. Symptoms of this condition are weakness, excessive salivation, unwillingness to eat, changes in taste. Vomiting provokes dehydration, the woman loses weight, her skin sags. The pulse becomes more frequent decreases.

A woman should definitely tell her attending gynecologist about all the symptoms. It is important to weigh yourself regularly in order to control whether there are any jumps in weight in one direction or another.

With late toxicosis, more serious symptoms appear. As a rule, this condition occurs around the twentieth week after conception and continues until the day of birth. In this case, nausea is practically not manifested, however, the woman develops swelling of the limbs, and later - of the face. Sometimes swelling occurs throughout the body. The level of blood pressure rises, and it is not possible to reduce it even with the help of drugs. If you do not seek medical help in time, late toxicosis of pregnant women can cause serious damage to internal organs. In this case, the woman will experience a number of symptoms that negatively affect her general vitality: possible and, problems with hearing and vision. The state of eclampsia is the most severe degree late toxicosis. In this case, the woman loses consciousness, she begins to have convulsions. Such a condition can even cause death as a result of cerebral hemorrhage, acute respiratory, renal, heart failure. There is also a high chance of placental abruption.

Late toxicosis should be treated exclusively in a hospital, observing strict bed rest and following all the doctor's recommendations. It is important to eliminate stress, eat a minimum of salty foods, take drugs that reduce blood pressure. Sometimes, with late toxicosis, pregnant women are prescribed the introduction of protein preparations.

But in especially severe cases, with treatment failure, eclampsia can only be prevented by terminating the pregnancy.

Prevention of toxicosis of pregnant women

The prevention of toxicosis must be remembered even before conception. To do this, you should competently approach the planning of pregnancy: get rid of , stick to with little content to lead an active lifestyle physical form was as perfect as possible. It has been proven that the physical form directly affects the manifestation of toxicosis: the more comfortable a woman feels and the better a woman looks, the lower the risk of toxicosis of pregnant women.

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, you should undergo an examination and get all the necessary advice from a doctor. Should be taken vitamin complexes containing and , minimize the salt content in the daily diet, consume at least 75 grams squirrel every day. Women who feel the beginning of the development of toxicosis should introduce even more protein into the diet.

A pregnant woman should eat often, but the portions should be relatively small. Food should not be very hot. It is equally important to drink plenty of fluids every day: mint or green tea with lemon, rosehip decoction helps prevent nausea and vomiting.

If nausea still overcomes, you should always carry sweets, crackers, fruits with you, a small portion of which will help stop nausea. So that toxicosis does not progress, good sleep and daytime rest are very important. At the same time, it is desirable to rest in a ventilated, cool room.

Physical exercise also helps to cope with bouts of nausea. However, you can only do light exercises or do yoga. But even light physical activity must be approved by the attending physician.

Expectant mothers should avoid passive smoking, which can also provoke the development of toxicosis.

To prevent late toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, fluid intake should be slightly reduced to avoid its retention in the tissues and, as a result, the occurrence of edema. The diet should be dominated by low-fat protein foods, vegetables, cereals. Sleep should be at least nine hours a day. A pregnant woman in the later stages should carefully monitor her weight. Too strong and sharp increase can be a signal of the onset of toxicosis.

Diet, nutrition for toxicosis

List of sources

  • Savelyeva G. M. Obstetrics. M.: Medicine. - 2000.
  • E.K. Ailamazyan "Obstetrics". - St. Petersburg, Spetslit publishing house. 1999
  • Obstetrics: national guide / ed. E.K.Ailamazyan, V.I.Kulakov, V.E.Radzinsky, G.M.Saveleva.- M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007
  • Kharkevich O. N., Kanus I. I., Buyanova A. N., Malevich Yu. K., Mukhachev B. V. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of preeclampsia. Minsk, 2001.