The system of educational work in kindergarten. Dow educational system

Educational work in kindergarten.

Organization and content of educational educational work in DOW.

In the educational process of a preschool educational institution, the following main forms of organizing children are used: specially organized educational activities (classes), games, independent activities of children (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.), Individual work, observation , excursions, hiking, holidays and entertainment, clubs and the like. Depending on the age of the children pedagogical goal, material and technical support of the group, the professional skills of the teacher, they can be organized frontally, in subgroups or individually

The main form of organized educational activity of children preschool age isdirect organized activityin various sections of the program. Types of GCD: (thematic, complex, combined, integrated, dominant, etc.). The duration of the GCD for children of primary preschool age is from 15 to 20 minutes, for senior preschool children - from 20 to 25 minutes.

When compiling the GCD grid, it is necessary to take into account their dominant load on the child (mental, physical, emotional), provide for a rational alternation of activities (mental, motor, practical-applied) in each of them.

Organized educational activities of children are planned mainly in the first half of the day. In some cases, it is allowed to conduct GCD in the afternoon. This may apply to physical education, visual activity in groups of older preschool children. Elements of learning activities are included in other forms of work with children (games, independent activities, individual work, observation, duty, etc.).

When organizing educational activities, it is important to systematically use tasks for experimental research activities, problem-search situations and other methods and techniques.

A combination of verbal, visual and practical methods, to give due place to productive activities in which a preschooler is capable of self-expression and self-realization (drawing, modeling, designing, artistic work), as well as speech, motor, musical activities.

It must be remembered that the leading activity in preschool age is game activity, the game is widely used in the educational process of preschool children. educational institution How independent form working with children and how effective remedy and the method of development, education and training in other organizational forms. Priority is given creative games(plot-role-playing, building-constructive, dramatization and staging games, games with elements of labor and artistic activity) and games with rules (didactic, intellectual, mobile, round dance, etc.).

Reorientation of educational educational process In a modern preschool educational institution, the development of a child's personality is of particular importance to such forms of organizing the life of a preschooler as his independent activity and individual work with him.

Independent activity of childrenorganized in all age groups ah daily in the morning and afternoon. During the day, its types, different in content, are combined (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.) and all children of this group are gradually involved in them. The content and level of independent activity of children depend on their experience, stock of knowledge, skills, level of development creative imagination, independence, initiative, organizational skills, as well as from the available material base and the quality of pedagogical leadership. The organized conduct of this form of work is ensured by both direct and indirect guidance from the educator.

Individual work with childrenas an independent organizational form conducted with children of all ages during free hours (during the morning reception, walks, etc.) indoors and on fresh air. It is organized with the aim of activating passive children, additional classes with individual children (new children, those who are often missed due to illness, other reasons, and they learn the program material worse during frontal work).

The educational process in a preschool institutionorganized in a developing environment, which is formed by a combination of natural, subject, social conditions and the space of the child's own "I". The practical efforts of teachers to create and use it are subject to the interests of the child and the lines of its development in various fields vital activity. The environment is enriched not only through quantitative accumulation, but also through the improvement of qualitative parameters: aesthetics, hygiene, comfort, functional reliability and safety, openness to change and dynamism, compliance with the age and gender characteristics of children, problem saturation, etc. Educators make sure that children are free to navigate in the created environment, have free access to all its components, are able to act independently in it, adhering to the norms and rules of staying in various cells and using materials and equipment.

Physical education remains a priority issue in the upbringing of children of all age groups and the activities of a preschool institution. Its success depends on the correct organization of the daily routine, motor, sanitary and hygienic regimes, all forms of work with children and other factors. The rejection of strict regulation in the construction of the daily routine does not give the right to abuse the time allotted for walking, sleeping, eating in favor of classes and other educational or circle activities. The motor mode during the day, week is determined in a complex, in accordance with the age of the children. The approximate duration of the daily physical activity of babies is set within the following limits: younger preschool age - up to 3 - 4 hours, senior preschool age - up to 4 - 5 hours. Optimization motor mode is provided by conducting various outdoor, sports games, exercises, physical education, organizing children's tourism, independent motor activity, etc.

Particular importance is also attached to the mastery of the system of accessible knowledge by children about the observance of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of life safety. All work on physical education should be carried out taking into account the state of health, well-being, the level of physical development and preparedness of children, the actual working conditions of a preschool educational institution and its individual groups, family education under constant medical and pedagogical control.

An integral component of the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is mental education. For its implementation, both the daily life of the child and specially organized educational activities in the form of GCD for the development of speech, familiarization with the outside world and nature, teaching the elements of literacy and mathematics are used, on which it is worth combining cognitive and developmental work in various sections of the program. It is important to activate the thinking of children, make their perception and assimilation of the material conscious, encourage children to raise questions, put forward hypotheses, search for independent solutions, check their correctness, and so on. Arsenal didactic methods and techniques should be expanded through developing games and exercises, problematic issues, logical tasks, search situations, elementary experiments, systematic observations, solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, etc.

It should be warned against excessive intensification of mental education, to which Lately individual teachers and parents are inclined, motivating this by the need for high-quality preparation of the child for school. It is important to strengthen the developmental and educational aspects of mental education, pay attention to the formation of motives cognitive activity, the development of intellectual feelings.

One of important tasks mental education of preschoolers is the formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills, mastering the native language and speech as the main means of cognition and a specifically human way of communication remains one of the priorities in working with children during preschool childhood. Language learning and speech development is directed to the formation of lexical, phonetic, grammatical, diamonological and communicative competence in children.

Speech classes should be carried out in an integrated manner, comprehensively solving the tasks. To carry out a gradual transition from purely reproductive actions of children (repetitions, imitations of a model, translations, etc.) to productive, creative, ensuring the timely mastery of language phenomena by children, contributing to the development of verbal and logical thinking on the threshold of schooling.

The organization of communicative activity requires special attention (one-on-one communication with peers and adults, in subgroups, a team), children face new communication tasks in various life situations, both natural and artificially created, improvised.

Teaching preschoolers the elements of written speech (writing and reading) also takes place in the educational process, but you should not force the formation of writing and reading skills in children, because this is the main task of elementary school. More adequate to the opportunities and needs of preschool age is the development fine motor skills hands, coordination of eye and hand movements, phonemic hearing, familiarization with the word and sentence, composition and sound, letters, teaching sound analysis and primary syllable-by-syllable continuous reading.

Aesthetic educationas such, contributing to the development of natural inclinations, creativity, talents, creative imagination, fantasy is also considered in the context of the formation of a child's personality on the eve of school life. The implementation of its tasks takes place on the basis of broad integration and permeates the entire pedagogical process in a preschool institution, including various forms of work with children (GCD, independent artistic activity, holidays, entertainment, circles). In these forms, works of musical, theatrical, literary, visual arts are used in a complex way in the context of universal and national culture.

Priorities moral development preschoolers is the awakening of the humane feelings of the individual, the formation of moral and volitional qualities, familiarization with the content and meaning of moral requirements, norms and rules of behavior, moral and ethical values. Particular importance is attached civic education from preschool years: instilling feelings of love and respect for relatives and friends, other people, parental home, kindergarten, one's village, city, interest and respect for state symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, pride for his achievements and desire to join in socially useful affairs and significant social events.

Main tasklabor education preschool children, as an integral part of moral formation, is the formation of emotional readiness for work, elementary skills in various types labor, interest in the world of work of adults. An important aspect is individual and differentiated approaches to the child's personality (taking into account the interests, preferences, abilities, acquired skills, personal sympathies when setting work tasks, combining children into work subgroups, etc.) and the moral motivation of child labor.

One of important issues education remains ecological culture in children. Its solution is carried out in the following directions: the formation of realistic ideas about natural phenomena, elements of an ecological worldview, the development of a positive emotional and value, careful attitude to the natural environment, the inculcation of practical skills for the rational use of nature.

The needs of today dictate the need to more closely integrate family and public preschool education, maintain the priority of family education, and more actively involve families in the educational process of a preschool institution, psychological, pedagogical and medical self-education. For this purpose, parent-teacher meetings, consultations, conversations and discussions are held, “ round tables”, trainings, quizzes, open days, viewing by parents of certain forms of work with children, circles, visual propaganda tools are used (newsletters, parent corners, thematic stands, photo exhibitions, etc.), parents are involved in holding holidays, entertainment, hiking, excursions, etc. When choosing the forms of work of a preschool educational institution with the families of pupils, life competence, social and educational level of parents are taken into account, parenting experience, material wealth of families, the number of children in families and their gender, the age composition and completeness of families, the dominant role of the parent and other factors. Parents act not as experts or observers of the work of teachers, but as their equal partners and allies. Relations with them are built on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and humanity.

Responsibility for organizing and ensuring the proper content of the educational process rests with the head and each member of the workforce of the preschool educational institution within the limits of their official duties.

Organization and content of educational work in the preschool educational institution.

In the educational process of a preschool educational institution, the following main forms of organizing children are used: specially organized educational activities (classes), games, independent activities of children (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.), Individual work, observation , excursions, hiking, holidays and entertainment, clubs and the like. Depending on the age of the children, the pedagogical goal, the material and technical support of the group, the professional skills of the teacher, they can be organized frontally, in subgroups or individually.

The main form of organized educational activity of preschool children is Direct organized activity in various sections of the program. Types of GCD: (thematic, complex, combined, integrated, dominant, etc.). The duration of the GCD for children of primary preschool age is from 15 to 20 minutes, for senior preschool children - from 20 to 25 minutes.

When compiling the GCD grid, it is necessary to take into account their dominant load on the child (mental, physical, emotional), provide for a rational alternation of activities (mental, motor, practical-applied) in each of them.

Organized educational activities of children are planned mainly in the first half of the day. In some cases, it is allowed to conduct GCD in the afternoon. This may relate to physical culture, visual activity in groups of children of older preschool age. Elements of educational activity are included in other forms of work with children (games, independent activities, individual work, observation, duty, etc.).

When organizing educational activities, it is important to systematically use tasks for experimental research activities, problem-search situations and other methods and techniques.

It is necessary to combine verbal, visual and practical methods, give due place to productive activities in which a preschooler is capable of self-expression and self-realization (drawing, modeling, designing, artistic work), as well as speech, motor, musical activities.

It must be remembered that the leading activity in preschool age is game activity, the game is widely used in the educational process of a preschool educational institution as an independent form of work with children and as an effective means and method of development, education and training in other organizational forms. Priority is given to creative games (plot-role-playing, construction-constructive, dramatization and staging games, games with elements of labor and artistic activity) and games with rules (didactic, intellectual, mobile, round dance, etc.).

The reorientation of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution towards the development of a child's personality is of particular importance to such forms of organizing the life of a preschooler as his independent activity and individual work with him.

Independent activity of children organized in all age groups daily in the morning and afternoon. During the day, its types, different in content, are combined (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.) and all children of this group are gradually involved in them. The content and level of independent activity of children depend on their experience, stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, the level of development of creative imagination, independence, initiative, organizational skills, as well as on the available material base and the quality of pedagogical leadership. The organized conduct of this form of work is ensured by both direct and indirect guidance from the educator.

Individual work with children as an independent organizational form, it is carried out with children of all ages during free hours (during the morning reception, walks, etc.) indoors and outdoors. It is organized with the aim of activating passive children, additional classes with individual children (new children, those who are often missed due to illness, other reasons, and they learn the program material worse during frontal work).

The educational process in a preschool institution is organized in a developing environment, which is formed by a combination of natural, objective, social conditions and the space of the child's own "I". The practical efforts of teachers to create and use it are subject to the interests of the child and the lines of its development in various spheres of life. The environment is enriched not only through quantitative accumulation, but also through the improvement of qualitative parameters: aesthetics, hygiene, comfort, functional reliability and safety, openness to change and dynamism, compliance with the age and gender characteristics of children, problem saturation, etc. Educators take care of so that children can freely navigate in the created environment, have free access to all its components, be able to act independently in it, adhering to the norms and rules of staying in various cells and using materials and equipment.

Physical education remains a priority issue in the upbringing of children of all age groups and the activities of a preschool institution. Its success depends on the correct organization of the daily routine, motor, sanitary and hygienic regimes, all forms of work with children and other factors. The rejection of strict regulation in the construction of the daily routine does not give the right to abuse the time allotted for walking, sleeping, eating in favor of classes and other educational or circle activities. The motor mode during the day, week is determined in a complex, in accordance with the age of the children. The approximate duration of the daily physical activity of babies is set within the following limits: younger preschool age - up to 3 - 4 hours, senior preschool age - up to 4 - 5 hours. Optimization of the motor regime is ensured by conducting various outdoor, sports games, exercises, physical education, organizing children's tourism, independent motor activity, etc.

Particular importance is also attached to the mastery of the system of accessible knowledge by children about the observance of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of life safety. All work on physical education should be carried out taking into account the state of health, well-being, the level of physical development and readiness of children, the real working conditions of a preschool educational institution and its individual groups, family education under constant medical and pedagogical control.

Prototype development in Uncategorized and published on 9th May, 2015
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Thematic planning

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ModuleI. Theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy

    Organization of the life of young children in kindergarten

    Organization and methodology for conducting regime processes in a preschool educational institution


Theory and methodology of education

    Education of young children in various activities (visual, musical)

2. Ecological education of young children


Theory of learning and education (didactics)

    Interaction between family and preschool institution


Organization of educational work in the preschool educational institution

    Organization of developmental activities of young children (speech, sensory, motor, game, subject)


The pedagogical process in a preschool institution

    Organization of material and technical equipment for early age groups.

    Medical and social conditions for the stay of young children in a preschool institution

The content of sections and topics of educational practice

ModuleI. Theoretical and methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy

Organization of the life of young children in a preschool educational institution. Features of the development and education of young children. The regime is the basis of the life of a young child. Organization and holding regime processes in a preschool. Specificity of Regime Processes in Early Age Groups.

Methodology for conducting regime processes and their importance in the upbringing and development of young children. Organization of classes with young children in the structure of the regime of a preschool educational institution.

ModuleII. Theory and methodology of education

Education of young children in various activities. Visual activity. The peculiarity of the visual activity of young children. Opportunities for the development and upbringing of a young child in fine arts.

Musical activities. The role of music in early childhood development. Features of musical activity in early age groups. Conditions, content, forms and methods of introducing young children to musical activity. Organization of holidays for young children.

environmental education. The originality of the tasks, the specifics of the conditions, content, forms and methods of environmental education of young children.

ModuleIII. Theory of learning and education (didactics)

The interaction of the family and the preschool institution during the period when a young child enters kindergarten. Adaptation of the child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. Interaction of teachers and parents in the period of adaptation of young children.

ModuleIV. Organization of educational work in the preschool educational institution

Speech activity. Speech as a means of communication between the child and adults. Understanding of speech by a child and the formation of active speech. The possibilities of different types of activities in the development of children's speech. Tasks, content, methodology for conducting games and activities with young children.

motor activity. The value of motor activity for the development of a young child. Factors affecting motor activity. Enrichment of the child's motor experience, tasks, conditions, methods of education.

subject activity. Features of communication and objective activity of a child of early age. Tasks, content and methods of educating young children in various activities.

Game activity. The originality of the game, its role in the development and education of young children. Game management features.

ModuleVI. The pedagogical process in a preschool institution

Organization of material and technical equipment for early age groups. Providing kindergarten with equipment, toys.

Medico-social conditions for the stay of young children in a preschool institution.

Organization and content of educational work in the preschool educational institution.

The content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution determined Basic component preschool education in accordance with the main general educational program of preschool education of a preschool institution.

In the educational process of a preschool educational institution, the following main forms of organizing children are used: specially organized educational activities (classes), games, independent activities of children (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.), Individual work, observation , excursions, hiking, holidays and entertainment, clubs and the like. Depending on the age of the children, the pedagogical goal, the material and technical support of the group, the professional skills of the teacher, they can be organized frontally, in subgroups or individually.

The main form of organized educational activity of preschool children isdirect organized activityin various sections of the program. Types of GCD: (thematic, complex, combined, integrated, dominant, etc.). The duration of the GCD for children of primary preschool age is from 15 to 20 minutes, for senior preschool children - from 20 to 25 minutes.

When compiling the GCD grid, it is necessary to take into account their dominant load on the child (mental, physical, emotional), provide for a rational alternation of activities (mental, motor, practical-applied) in each of them.

Organized educational activities of children are planned mainly in the first half of the day. In some cases, it is allowed to conduct GCD in the afternoon. This may relate to physical culture, visual activity in groups of children of older preschool age. Elements of educational activity are included in other forms of work with children (games, independent activities, individual work, observation, duty, etc.).

When organizing educational activities, it is important to systematically use tasks for experimental research activities, problem-search situations and other methods and techniques.

It is necessary to combine verbal, visual and practical methods, give due place to productive activities in which a preschooler is capable of self-expression and self-realization (drawing, modeling, designing, artistic work), as well as speech, motor, musical activities.

It must be remembered that the leading activity in preschool age is game activity, the game is widely used in the educational process of a preschool educational institution as an independent form of work with children and as an effective means and method of development, education and training in other organizational forms. Priority is given to creative games (plot-role-playing, building-constructive, dramatization and staging games, games with elements of labor and artistic activity) and games with rules (didactic, intellectual, mobile, round dance, etc.).

The reorientation of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution towards the development of a child's personality is of particular importance to such forms of organizing the life of a preschooler as his independent activity and individual work with him.

Independent activity of children organized in all age groups daily in the morning and afternoon. During the day, its types, different in content, are combined (artistic, motor, speech, play, labor, research, etc.) and all children of this group are gradually involved in them. The content and level of independent activity of children depend on their experience, stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, the level of development of creative imagination, independence, initiative, organizational skills, as well as on the available material base and the quality of pedagogical leadership. The organized conduct of this form of work is ensured by both direct and indirect guidance from the educator.

Individual work with children as an independent organizational form, it is carried out with children of all ages during free hours (during the morning reception, walks, etc.) indoors and outdoors. It is organized with the aim of activating passive children, additional classes with individual children (new children, those who are often missed due to illness, other reasons, and they learn the program material worse during frontal work).

The educational process in a preschool institution is organized in a developing environment, which is formed by a combination of natural, objective, social conditions and the space of the child's own "I". The practical efforts of teachers to create and use it are subject to the interests of the child and the lines of its development in various spheres of life. The environment is enriched not only through quantitative accumulation, but also through the improvement of qualitative parameters: aesthetics, hygiene, comfort, functional reliability and safety, openness to change and dynamism, compliance with the age and gender characteristics of children, problem saturation, etc. Educators make sure that children are free to navigate in the created environment, have free access to all its components, are able to act independently in it, adhering to the norms and rules of staying in various cells and using materials and equipment.

Physical education remains a priority issue in the upbringing of children of all age groups and the activities of a preschool institution. Its success depends on the correct organization of the daily routine, motor, sanitary and hygienic regimes, all forms of work with children and other factors. The rejection of strict regulation in the construction of the daily routine does not give the right to abuse the time allotted for walking, sleeping, eating in favor of classes and other educational or circle activities. The motor mode during the day, week is determined in a complex, in accordance with the age of the children. The approximate duration of the daily physical activity of babies is set within the following limits: younger preschool age - up to 3 - 4 hours, senior preschool age - up to 4 - 5 hours. Optimization of the motor mode is provided by conducting various outdoor, sports games, exercises, physical education, organizing children's tourism, independent motor activity, etc.

Particular importance is also attached to the mastery of the system of accessible knowledge by children about the observance of a healthy lifestyle, the basics of life safety. All work on physical education should be carried out taking into account the state of health, well-being, the level of physical development and readiness of children, the real working conditions of a preschool educational institution and its individual groups, family education under constant medical and pedagogical control.

An integral component of the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is mental education. For its implementation, both the daily life of the child and specially organized educational activities in the form of GCD for the development of speech, familiarization with the outside world and nature, teaching the elements of literacy and mathematics are used, on which it is worth combining cognitive and developmental work in various sections of the program. It is important to activate the thinking of children, make their perception and assimilation of the material conscious, encourage children to raise questions, put forward hypotheses, search for independent solutions, check their correctness, and so on. The arsenal of didactic methods and techniques should be expanded by developing games and exercises, problem questions, logical tasks, search situations, elementary experiments, systematic observations, solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, etc.

It should be warned against excessive intensification of mental education, to which individual teachers and parents have recently been inclined, motivating this by the need for high-quality preparation of the child for school. It is important to strengthen the developmental and educational aspects of mental education, to pay attention to the formation of motives for cognitive activity, the development of intellectual feelings.

One of the important tasks of the mental education of preschoolers is the formation of initial mathematical knowledge and skills, mastering the native language and speech as the main means of cognition and a specifically human way of communication remains one of the priorities in working with children during preschool childhood. Language learning and speech development is directed to the formation of lexical, phonetic, grammatical, diamonological and communicative competence in children.

Speech classes should be carried out in an integrated manner, comprehensively solving the tasks. To carry out a gradual transition from purely reproductive actions of children (repetitions, imitations of a model, translations, etc.) to productive, creative, ensuring the timely mastery of language phenomena by children, contributing to the development of verbal and logical thinking on the threshold of schooling.

The organization of communicative activity requires special attention (one-on-one communication with peers and adults, in subgroups, a team), children face new communication tasks in various life situations, both natural and artificially created, improvised.

Teaching preschoolers the elements of written speech (writing and reading) also takes place in the educational process, but you should not force the formation of writing and reading skills in children, because this is the main task of elementary school. More adequate to the possibilities and needs of preschool age is the development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of eye and hand movements, phonemic hearing, familiarization with the word and sentence, composition and sound, letters, teaching sound analysis and primary syllable continuous reading.

Aesthetic education as such, contributing to the development of natural inclinations, creative abilities, talents, creative imagination, fantasy is also considered in the context of the formation of a child's personality on the eve of school life. The implementation of its tasks takes place on the basis of broad integration and permeates the entire pedagogical process in a preschool institution, including various forms of work with children (GCD, independent artistic activity, holidays, entertainment, circles). In these forms, works of musical, theatrical, literary, visual arts are used in a complex way in the context of universal and national culture.

The primary tasks of the moral development of preschoolers are the awakening of the humane feelings of the individual, the formation of moral and volitional qualities, familiarization with the content and meaning of moral requirements, norms and rules of behavior, moral and ethical values. Particular importance is attached to civic education from preschool years: instilling feelings of love and respect for relatives and friends, other people, parental home, kindergarten, one's village, city, interest and respect for state symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), historical and cultural heritage of the Ukrainian people, pride in its achievements and the desire to join in socially useful deeds and significant public events.

Main task labor education of preschool children, as an integral part of moral formation, is the formation of emotional readiness for work, elementary skills in various types of work, interest in the world of work of adults. An important aspect is individual and differentiated approaches to the child's personality (taking into account the interests, preferences, abilities, acquired skills, personal sympathies when setting work tasks, combining children into work subgroups, etc.) and the moral motivation of child labor.

One of the important issues is the education of environmental culture in children. Its solution is carried out in the following directions: the formation of realistic ideas about natural phenomena, elements of an ecological worldview, the development of a positive emotional and value, careful attitude to the natural environment, the inculcation of practical skills for the rational use of nature.

The needs of today dictate the need to more closely integrate family and public preschool education, maintain the priority of family education, and more actively involve families in the educational process of a preschool institution, psychological, pedagogical and medical self-education. For this purpose, parental meetings, consultations, conversations and discussions, round tables, trainings, quizzes, open days, parental views of certain forms of work with children, circles are held, visual propaganda tools are used (newsletters, parental corners, thematic stands, photo exhibitions, etc.), parents are involved in holding holidays, entertainment, hiking, excursions, etc. When choosing the forms of work of a preschool educational institution with families of pupils, life competence, social and educational level of parents, parental experience, material wealth of families, number of children in families and their gender, age composition and completeness of families, the dominant role of the parent and other factors. Parents act not as experts or observers of the work of teachers, but as their equal partners and allies. Relations with them are built on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and humanity.

Responsibility for organizing and ensuring the proper content of the educational process rests with the head and each member of the workforce of the preschool educational institution within the limits of their official duties.

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Exercise 1.

The group consists of a reception room, a group room, a bedroom, a toilet room. All rooms comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

The reception room is comfortable, cozy and informative for children and parents. Lockers for clothes are decorated with pictures (individual for each child).

A special place is reserved for the demonstration of children's work (drawings, modeling, etc.). In a special pocket, fixed on the wall, didactic materials for parents are stored and periodically updated (lists of recommended literature on raising children, magazines, photocopies of articles, etc.). In addition to a personal locker and an information area, they also have sports corners.

IN sports corners for self physical activity available: balls, skittles, massage balls, jump ropes.

The equipment of the toilet room is adapted to the needs of young children and is convenient for the caregiver. Each child has their own potty and towel. Low mirrors are securely fixed above the wash basins so that children can see their reflection in them.

In the room for eating, games and activities there is children's furniture: tables, chairs, sofas, benches, slides, where you can relax and climb.

Furnishing the interior with furniture for babies 2-3 years of age is carried out with the help of domestic products provided by modern companies. Tables, chairs, beds for different height groups are made of environmentally friendly materials.

Upholstered furniture - armchairs, sofas for relaxation, upholstered soft tissues different shades - creates a flavor of homeliness, comfort and is combined with all other pieces of furniture in the interior of the group. Floor cabinets designed for growth small child. Coziness and warmth are created by rugs on which kids can play on their own or together with the teacher. All this contributes to the maintenance trusting relationship between adults and children.

Children's play furniture according to the height of children is intended for groups of early age, because children 2-3 years old play some episodes of their own lives. These are plot actions. Play equipment helps the child to master functional, purely social action, reflecting the life of a person, which allows the baby to "fit" into the surrounding reality. This is how the socialization of the child takes place already in the early period of his life.

It is also important that the range of gaming furniture (buffet, sideboard, sofa, armchairs, trellis, bed, as well as a set of "kitchen", etc.) is made as a set. The rounded shape of the presented products not only removes the risk of injury from sharp corners, but is also pleasing to the eye, as it demonstrates the softness and smoothness of the lines.

Furniture and equipment are arranged so that there is sufficient space for the free movement of children. Toddlers have the opportunity to freely walk, crawl, run, ride small bicycles, carry cars by the rope, push carts in front of them.

Space for physical activity of children

Designing a group room awakens in children cognitive interests and positive emotions.

wall color, color selection curtains and curtains on the windows, as well as flooring - linoleum, carpet or carpet, carpet paths - are chosen harmoniously, as their color scheme prevails in the surrounding space.

Equipment and furniture for children of the first years of life are made of environmentally friendly materials that do not undergo deformation during hygienic treatment. The external design of these products is modern, but ergonometrically consistent with state standards adopted by hygienists for young children.

On the walls of the group room there are decorative shelves with colorful toys. Considering that toys are constantly changing through certain time, it is safe to say that children in such a group will not experience "sensory hunger" due to the lack of visual (visual) impressions. Neatly designed paintings and reproductions are placed on the walls, shelves are fixed on which the works of adults and children are exhibited, a stand, or special frames into which children's drawings and photographs are inserted. All expositions are located at such a height that children can see and examine them.

A mirror is fixed at a small distance from the floor so that the kids can see themselves in it in full height. This is important for the formation in young children of the image of their own "I".

Rational placement of furniture, aesthetic design of the premises contributes to the creation of a homely atmosphere, emotional comfort, reflects the care of teachers to maintain a positive sense of self in each child.

Living space in the group gives children the opportunity to simultaneously freely engage in different types activities without interfering with each other.

For example, zone story games separated from the area for outdoor games so that the children are not distracted and do not interfere with each other. Moreover, each area is well lit. Zoning the room helps the child choose an attractive activity for himself and maintain a steady interest in it thanks to the appropriate toys, without being distracted by other activities.

In the group room, zones are organized for the following forms of activity:

meals and activities (tables with chairs);

movement development;

story games;

games with building materials;

games with cars;

visual activity;

music lessons;

reading and viewing illustrations;

games with sand and water;

rest (a corner of solitude);

Zones can be changed, combined, supplemented. The dynamism of the environment should encourage kids to transform, to explore new things. Educators can change the elements of the interior, drawing the attention of the kids to the fact that new beautiful things have appeared in the room.

Toys in the group:

large, in the growth of a child;

different in size, shape, color;

fun toys.

"Kitchen": on the stove there is a kettle, a saucepan;

a corner of “dressing” (handkerchiefs, aprons, ribbons) with a full-length mirror; musical toys are located nearby: a metallophone, a small tambourine, a drum, bells, a balalaika; corner of nature: large-leaved plants


designed for a subgroup of children

Development of actions with objects

Pyramids, nesting dolls, barrels

Liner cubes (kegs, bowls)

Plastic, various shapes, images, colors

designed for a subgroup of children

Development of the child's sensory experience

Cubes with pictures, constructor, puzzles

Mosaic medium size

lacing games,

Sets for games with water, sand

designed for a subgroup of children

cognitive development

Toys in the form of animals (sets of fish, birds; domestic, wild)

Children's lotto, dominoes (animals, plants, objects)

Social development of the child

Doll, a set of furniture, dishes and other household items

4-5 toys

Development of movements

transport toys,

Comparable sets of figurines of people, animals,

Balls, skittles, wheelchairs, rocking chairs, bicycles

Large-sized, shaped, with play properties

Big and small

for a subgroup of children

Development of auditory perceptions

toys with musical effects and in the form of musical instruments

3-4 pieces

Development of positive emotions

Fun toys (pecking chickens, lumberjack bears, etc.)

Folk wooden toys

Materials for the research activities of children can be divided into two groups: for objective activity and for children's experimentation.

For objective activities the following toys:

Composite toys, consisting of several parts of the same type, differing in one way (pyramids, liners, boxes of shapes, etc.).

Wheelchair toys, playing with which the baby masters the connection between his own movement and the movement of an object.

Simulator toys in which some kind of skill is worked out (lacing, fastening, hammering, winding, etc.). These are all kinds of lacing, developing mats with fasteners, zippers, locks and toy tools (hammers with pegs, nuts, etc.).

Experimental toys include the following groups:

dynamic toys.

1. Rolling toys. This group, in turn, is divided into two subgroups: the so-called front and rear wheelchairs. The names speak for themselves: the front ones - the children push in front of them, and the back ones - pull behind them on a string. The front ones include, for example, a butterfly. The rear wheels are a centipede that crawls, wriggling slightly and turning over with all its legs; a duck that walks waddling, and ducklings hurry after it.

2. Spinning toys. They rotate around their axis, and the contemplation of this process truly fascinates the baby.

Hand grinders.

Mechanical top.

3. Swinging tumbler toys, rocking horse.

Bird in flight.

4. Rolling toys. Rolling any round or at least rounded objects, be it balls, balls, bulbs or cans - favorite hobby children for many years.

5. Sounding toys - for the study of sound properties - whistles, drums, triangles, xylophones, rattles, etc.

6. Sets for sand and water - cups, scoops, a mill, or special centers for playing with sand and water.

7. Toys with a surprise, in which any specific movement (pressing a button, turning a lever, etc.) causes a vivid perceived effect (a sound is heard, a bunny jumps out, a wheel spins). This group includes various game centers.

Sand and water equipment must be stored separately and kept clean.

Cognitive actions are also possible with visual-figurative material. TO this species material includes the so-called visual aids, reflecting subject, natural or social objects and events. These are different sets of cards and pictures with various images: separate subject and plot pictures, series and sets of pictures, etc. These manuals are specially designed for children and are aimed at expanding the child's ideas about reality, developing figurative thinking and the formation of intellectual operations (classification, seriation, comparison, establishment of temporal sequences, spatial relationships, etc.).

Director's play toys

For the director's game, two sets of small dolls (8-15 cm high) are used, including male, female and children's images. They are quite stable, proportional and not too detailed.

These are buildings intended for habitation (doll houses).

For playing out puppet life there is furniture: cribs according to the number of dolls (including a cradle for a baby), a table, chairs, a sofa, a wardrobe, a bath, etc. All this is suitable for the size of the selected dolls.

There are also dishes: plates, cups, spoons, pots and pans. All of them correspond in size to the available dolls.

Task 2.


1. Plot-reflective activity:

story-shaped toys

puppet corner

play equipment for role-playing games

Doll corner: living room (for playing activities, playing with dolls): table, chairs, sideboard, upholstered furniture, medium-sized modules for children.

Attributes for creating an interior: a full set of tableware and tea utensils, proportional to the size of the dolls, plastic vases, a telephone, a clock, paintings with characters from fairy tales (1-2) at the level of children's height, a floor lamp, photo albums, etc.

Dolls: imitating a child 2-3 years old (40-50 cm), with moving parts of the body, depicting boys and girls, recognizable by clothes and hairstyles; imitating a baby-baby (naked); didactic doll with a full set of outerwear and underwear. Animals and their cubs, made in a realistic way from different material, soft stuffed baby animals can be imitated as a child (dressed in a dress, hat, etc.). Carriages for dolls.

The living room is located next to the “Ryazhenya” corner (for putting on oneself) - a stand is used, clothes on a coat hanger, a chest painted in folk style, a mirror (half the height of the child). Accessories fairy tale characters, hats, elements of professional clothing, drawings and game stencils on ribbons, emblem drawings on headbands, patterned colored collars, various skirts, dresses, aprons, blouses, beads made of various materials(but not dangerous to the life and health of the child), ribbons, scarves, etc.

Bedroom (for playing activities, playing with dolls): beds of different sizes (3-4) with bedding according to the size of the bed (mattress, sheet, blanket, duvet cover, pillow, pillowcase, bedspread - 3-4 sets), rocking chair with bedding for her. Baby dolls in envelopes. Wardrobe with sets bed linen, diapers for baby dolls, clothes for dolls of boys, girls, sets of winter and summer clothes.

Kitchen (for playing activities, playing with dolls): kitchen table, chairs, faucet, stove, shelf or cupboard for dishes, refrigerator, set of kitchen utensils, household utensils elements: a real small saucepan, ladle, etc., a set of vegetables and fruits.

regime process

The activities of the educator

Children activities

Reception of children

The teacher goes to the reception and meets the children. Asks about their well-being, communicates with parents and children.

The children are undressing. Some do not want to come in and cry.

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

They go and wash their hands, wipe their hands, sit down at the table.

Independent activity

The teacher fills in the admission logs, observes the children, and prepares for classes.

Removes from the table. Is washing dishes. Removes the receptionist.

They play on their own.

Classes by subgroups

Found with another subgroup

Preparing for a walk


Conducts games, observations

Ventilate the room, clean the room.

Play, listen to the teacher.

Return from a walk

Helps to undress the children, gets food, sets the table.

They come in, undress, put things away, wash their hands, carry aprons.

Gives a second, clears the table, washes the children.

They take a spoon and try to eat. Carry aprons to the sink. Wipe the mouth.

Preparation for sleep

Undresses the children, puts them to bed.

Helps to undress the children to take to the toilet

undress go to the toilet go to bed

Is with children in the bedroom. Submits a shift. Writes plans.

Cleans in the reception, toilet, group room. ventilates

Gradual rise. hardening

Performs hardening procedures

Helps dress children, takes them to the toilet

Perform the actions of the educator, dress

afternoon tea. Independent activity

The teacher with the children go to wash their hands, put on aprons

The assistant receives food and sets the table. Helps to seat the children at the table.

Eat, go play

Classes by subgroups

Conducts a lesson with one subgroup

Found with another subgroup

Children are engaged, but some are distracted. New children walk or sit to the side.

Preparing for a walk

Leads the children to the toilet, gives them instructions. Clothes the children. Takes out toys

Helps with the children in the toilet. Helps to dress and takes the children dressed out into the street.

Children take out their things and try to put them on. Those who are dressed stand near their lockers.


Conducts games, observations

Ventilate the room, clean the room

Play, listen to the teacher

Return from a walk

Gives instructions. Collects children. Undress, wash hands, put on aprons

They come in, undress, put things away, wash their hands, carry aprons

Helps children who do not know how to take a spoon, feeds

Everything is done by the teacher

leaving home

Communicates with parents, answers their questions.

Saying goodbye to the teacher

Task 3.

Surname, name, age of the child

Activity forms

The activities of the educator

Activities of an assistant educator

Lunch 11.45-.12.20

Babicheva Liza

She runs to wash her hands. Puts up a chair. He takes an apron and goes to the teacher. She takes a spoon and eats everything. He gets up and goes to wipe his mouth. Takes a chair and goes to undress.

The assistant sets the table.

Sinko Irina

He sits on the rug and does not pay attention to the teacher.

He goes to the table.

Poor eating, often distracted. The second was supplemented by the teacher. The latter got up from the table.

Let's get ready for dinner, let's go wash our hands. The teacher left with the children to wash their hands. Who hasn't washed their hands yet?

The assistant sets the table.

Polina, go wash your hands and put on an apron.

Zharova Dasha

She runs to wash her hands. Puts up a chair. He takes an apron and goes to the teacher. She takes a spoon and eats everything.

The very first one ate everything. He gets up and goes to wipe his mouth. Takes a chair and goes to undress.

Let's get ready for dinner, let's go wash our hands.

Praise the girl.

The assistant sets the table.

Serdyukov Dima

I went to wash my hands. I didn't take the apron myself. The teacher dressed him. He sat down at the table, did not take a spoon. Then he took a spoon and began to slowly eat. He was being fed.

Let's get ready for dinner, let's go wash our hands.

The assistant sets the table.

Then Vlad fed.

Proper organization of the children's lifestyle - necessary condition For normal development nervous system. Taking into account the age characteristics of the child, the regimen should provide for the presence of all elements of the child's life (sleep, walk, exercise, etc.) that discipline and contribute to normal physical development.

Indicators of a properly composed regime are:

1. Lack of negative emotions in the child (crying, whims, negative reactions, etc.).

2. The level of activity of the baby corresponds to the age.

3. The child calmly moves from one state to another (from wakefulness to sleep and vice versa), from one type of activity to another.

4. The child has a good appetite, deep sleep.

5. The kid accepts Active participation in all regime processes and treats them positively.

Leading teachers (N.M. Aksarina, G.M. Lyamina, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya and others) formulated the main methodical rules carrying out routine processes.

1. All routine processes should be aimed at the timely and complete satisfaction of the organic needs of the child's body. The attention of adults is focused on cultivating a positive attitude of the child to all routine processes (to eating, hygiene procedures, activities, movements, going to bed, etc.). To do this, the requirements of an adult must always coincide with the needs of the child. An adult offers the child to eat when the baby is hungry, offers to sleep when he is tired, etc.

2. The child's interest in the regime process increases if he takes an active part in it. For example, at 10-11 months old he holds a spoon and tries to scoop up food while eating, at 2 years old he eats on his own; at 1-6 months pulls off socks, hat, etc. At 2-3 years old, he tries to undress, dress, etc. on his own.

Actively participating in routine processes, the baby may make mistakes, do things differently than the adult requires. Most often this comes from a lack of experience, knowledge of the baby. It is very important that an adult does not draw the attention of children to wrong actions, but teaches them how to do it right. For example, during feeding, the teacher noticed that the child takes food from the plate not with a spoon, but with his hand. He approaches the child and quietly says: “Misha, take a spoon and eat. That's how good you are, holding the spoon correctly.

3. All routine processes should be used by adults to raise a child. The life of a child passes in a constant alternation of sleep, wakefulness, feeding. It is important to use all this for the development of the baby. To this end, it is necessary to discuss all the actions of an adult and a child, to name the properties of objects, phenomena. Build the right habits and behaviors. For example, during feeding, an adult not only forms the rules of behavior in a child, but also enriches the dictionary with the names of dishes, their qualities (sweet kissel, warm milk - hot, etc.).

4. The organization of the regime in a children's institution involves the gradual involvement of children in one or another regime process (the principle of gradualness). For example, when organizing feeding, the teacher offers 2-3 children to remove toys and wash their hands, after which the children sit down at the table and they are immediately served food, and at this time the other 2-3 children wash their hands and sit down at the table, etc.

5. Before each regime process, the educator gives an installation. For example: “We will have lunch soon. Seryozha, Masha, put the toys away and let's go wash our hands." The setting should be given a few minutes before the start of the routine process so that children can switch to the new kind activities.

By creating conditions for this activity and communicating with the child, the teacher solves a number of tasks:

Education of independence as relative independence from an adult (its prerequisite is the formation of elementary instrumental actions on an emotional and visual basis);

The accumulation of experience of independent actions in everyday processes contributes to the development of self-esteem, self-esteem. Through actions with household items (towels, soap, dishes, clothing and footwear, etc.), the foundations of the future culture of work and thrift are laid;

Education of neatness skills, food culture, which is commonly called cultural and hygienic skills. They protect the health of the child, are associated with the upbringing of his general culture;

Cultivating a friendly attitude towards each other, since in a kindergarten, when performing self-service processes, many situations arise that require personal and “business” contacts from the kids.

It is important for the teacher to create certain conditions for the successful solution of the above tasks. The entire environment for performing household processes should be adapted to the growth of the child. All items, equipment for elementary labor actions(oilcloth, aprons, mittens, rags, etc.) must have a specific storage location that children know. All this will contribute to the independence of children.

The participation of the child in all processes must be accompanied by positive emotions, otherwise the child becomes immune to pedagogical influences. Therefore, it is important that the water for washing is warm, and the faucet is at such a level that water does not flow into the sleeve; soap - of such a size that the child could hold it in his still very inept hands; dishes for food attracted their appearance and so on.

All regime moments should be thought out in terms of the gradual inclusion of children in the process (individually or by 2-3 people) in order to ensure maximum individual approach to children. It is important to take into account that there are children who are slow or, on the contrary, mobile, and the teacher must provide each child with the time necessary for independent actions.

Of great importance in solving the problems of education are playing tricks encouragement of correct actions, exercises in actions on special material (for example, frames with fasteners, buttons, buttons, laces, etc.).

The teacher performs the day regimen of the group, taking into account the condition of individual children, promptly informs the senior teacher, medical worker of the kindergarten about the need to change the regimen of individual children and the group as a whole.

Implements hygiene care, recreational activities (washing, hardening procedures).

Conducts feeding, walking, putting to bed, monitors sleep and awakening, ensures the full satisfaction of the needs of the child, his good health and the timely formation of skills and abilities. Organizes independent activities of children, conducts classes, both individual and subgroup; provides active behavior, timely development and education of positive forms of behavior of children.

The assistant teacher works in a group under the direct supervision of the teacher, helps in all work with children when feeding, putting to sleep, getting up from sleep, toileting, walking and returning from it, as well as during games and activities; responsible for the cleanliness of the premises, cleaning the group, airing, etc.; performs all the technical work necessary for the organization of all regime processes.

So, in organizing regime processes, the leading role belongs to an adult. He creates conditions, acts together with the child, prompts, shows how to do it right, encourages, encourages him. It depends on adults (caregivers, parents) how the child will develop, what behavior he will have, whether he will be organized, independent, active, or vice versa.

garden children's toys exercises

Mode moments. middle group. Senior group Preparatory group

Reception, inspection, games, daily morning exercises 7.00-8.30 7.00-8.30 7.00-8.30

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.25-8.55 8.30-8.55 8.30-8.50

Games, preparation for classes 8.55-9.10 8.50-9.00 8.55-9.00

Classes 9.10-9.30; 9.40-10.00 9.00-9.25; 9.35-10.00; 10.10-10.35 9.00-9.30; 9.40-10.10; 10.20-10.50

Games, preparation for a walk, walk 10.00-12.10 10.35-12.25 10.50-12.35

Return from a walk, games 12.10-12.30 12.25-12.40 12.35-12.45

Preparation for dinner, lunch 12.30-13.00 12.40-13.10 12.45-13.15

Getting ready for bed, daytime sleep 13.00-15.00 13.10-15.00 13.15-15.00

Gradual rise, air, water procedures 15.00-15.25 15.00-15.25 15.00-15.25

Preparation for afternoon tea, afternoon snack 15.25-15.50 15.25-15.40 15.25-15.40

Games, independent activities of children 15.50-16.30 15.40-16.30 15.40-16.30

Preparation for the walk, walk 16.30-17.50 16.30-18.00 16.30-18.00

Return from a walk, games 17.50-18.15 18.00-18.20 18.00-18.20

Games, going home 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00

Regime period

Surname, name, age of the child

Forms of independence of children

Motor actions

speech treatment

Maintaining a stable positive emotional attitude

Monitoring the independent actions of children


The actual duration of the regime period

Preparation for sleep

Serdyukov Dima

He himself takes a chair, undresses, hangs up clothes. Goes to the toilet and sleep.

Everything is done quickly

Smart does everything


High chair. bed.

Shumaev Danil

I ran to the toilet. Undressed at the direction of the teacher. Things were not folded neatly. He jumped on the bed, and then fell asleep for a long time.

All actions are mixed, often distracted. Pushes children.

The teacher discussed each necessary action.

Somewhere he joked, somewhere he scolded.

Completely controlled his actions.

The necessary equipment was available.

Sergeev Artem

Undressed. I put it, I hung it. He did everything on his own.

Actions are slow, but independent. He approached the teacher to take off his jacket.

You can eat and get ready for bed.

The teacher praises the child

Control in moderation, somewhere helped.

All you need

Forms of activity of children in different age groups

Age group

personal care

Self service

food cultures

Labor activity

First junior group

When reminded with the help of adults, he washes his hands before eating and after contamination, wipes them dry. Washes face, uses individual towel, handkerchief. Wipes feet at the entrance

Taking off and putting on clothes certain order, unbuttons and fastens buttons in front, unlaces shoes, folds clothes. He notices untidiness in clothes, with the help of adults he puts himself in order

Eats independently and neatly, holds a spoon in right hand chews food thoroughly, uses adult reminder napkin, thanks after eating

Performs the simplest instructions of adults, helps to bring toys to the playground, bring and remove material for classes, collect paper from the floor, leaves on the site. Helps the nanny to put chairs to the tables, bring plates of bread. Lays out pencils, boards, puts away toys. Collects sticks, pebbles on the site

Second junior group

When washing hands and washing, rolls up sleeves, does not splash water, does not wet clothes, uses soap. He knows how to dry himself with a towel, hangs it in a certain place. Brushes teeth, uses a handkerchief in a timely manner

Independently dresses and undresses in a certain sequence with a little help, neatly folds and hangs clothes, turns inside out front side. He tries to fix problems in clothes himself, if necessary, turns to adults

Chews food well closed mouth, uses a fork, without a reminder wipes his lips, fingers with a napkin. Leaving the table, thanks, quietly pushes the chair

Maintains order in the group room and on the site, removes toys, books, construction material. Handles objects with care. She sets the table together with adults, lays out spoons, napkins, arranges bread bins, cleans tea utensils on the household table after eating. Water plants, feed fish and birds. Collects leaves, garbage on the site, provides assistance to adults

middle group

Washes himself thoroughly, properly washes his hands before meals as they get dirty, after going to the toilet, knows how to use a comb, handkerchief, brushes his teeth at night, covers his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing, turns away

Greater independence in self-care (undressing, dressing, fastening buttons, lacing shoes). Protects clothes and shoes. Noticing problems in clothes, independently eliminates them, with the help of an adult puts clothes in order (cleans, dries)

Independence increases, knows how to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, takes food little by little, eats silently, rinses his mouth with water after eating

Watering flowers, feeding animals, changing their water. Maintains order in the group and at the site, takes part in their cleaning, wipes chairs and building materials with a damp cloth. Washes toys, washes doll clothes, helps the teacher with repairing books. On duty in the dining room. Helps the nanny lay out napkins, hang up towels, and make the bed. On duty for classes

Senior group

Monitors the cleanliness of the body, knows how to wash his feet, thoroughly cleans his teeth, rinses his mouth without a reminder after eating. He asks to change his handkerchief in a timely manner, puts his hair in order. Independently conducts wet rubdowns to the waist

Improves skills acquired earlier, cleans coats, learns to wash socks, handkerchief. He quickly dresses and undresses, correctly and neatly puts clothes in the closet, puts shoes on, takes care of shoes (washes, cleans), sports equipment. Tactfully tells a friend about a problem in his suit, shoes, helps to eliminate them

Sits down at the table tidy With with clean hands, combed. Eats neatly, skillfully using cutlery. Keeps the correct posture at the table, does not interfere with comrades, provides assistance if necessary

Maintains cleanliness and order in the group. Independently and conscientiously performs the duties of a duty officer, fully sets the table. On the site sweeps and clears the paths from debris, in winter from snow. Regularly performs some duties at home: cleans the bed, toys, books, waters the plants, helps set the table. He does everything he can without requiring the help of elders.

preschool group

Developed the habit of independently, quickly and carefully performing the skills acquired earlier

He quickly dresses, undresses, keeps clothes and shoes clean, sews on a button, washes socks, an apron, a scarf. Must always be neat, tidy, have an attractive appearance

Consolidation and improvement of skills acquired earlier. He sits right at the table, does not put his elbows on the table, takes bread from a common dish with his hands and eats, breaking off pieces.

Consolidation and improvement of skills acquired earlier. On the site: digs up beds and flower beds, plants seedlings, seeds, waters, weeds, spuds. Take care of order in the group and at home

Task 4.


child's actions

The place of the child,

state of affairs

Actions of an adult to help a child

Take off the dress and

hang up

Pull the dress by the collar with both hands forward and upward, releasing the head.

Then pull the sleeve by the cuff, by the end of the sleeve (not by the shoulder!) Down first with one hand, then with the other. The sleeves and the entire dress must not be turned inside out.

Standing behind

chair, hang on

chair back hem

down, clasp up (if it is on the back)

Unfasten the buttons, if the child's independent attempts were unsuccessful, direct the movements of the child's hand forward and down when pulling the dress together; down - when tightening the sleeve. Show how to take (by the shoulder seams) the thing with the clasp towards you or away from you, hang the thing with a joint action with the child, smooth it, saying: “The dress will not hesitate while Olya is sleeping”

Take off the shirt (for the boy) and hang it up

Just like a dress

The same help as a girl

coat take off

Unbutton the buttons, starting from the bottom (!); lower the coat from the shoulders; pull one hand out of the sleeve, then pull the cuff of the other sleeve with your free hand

Standing at the hanger, hang the coat on a separate hook

Open one or two top buttons. Lower your coat from your shoulders yourself; hold the coat by the lowered sleeve; help me find a loop to hang my coat on

Take off and put on shoes

Put your feet in shoes together; bending down, untie the laces (unfasten the clasp, etc.); remove the legs one by one from the shoe and place next to the shoe so that the shoe is between the soles of the feet

Bending over and not getting up from the chair, push a pair of shoes under the chair with your hand

Help to unfasten the shoes, if the child’s independent attempts do not lead to a result, show the movement how the shoes slide under the chair

Dress (shirt) put on

“Get in” in a dress (shirt): the child, without removing things from the back of the chair (!), bends over and sticks his head into the collar of the dress; then straightens up and alternately puts his hands in the sleeves

Standing behind a chair

Hold the hem, help the child make the right movement with his hands to get into the sleeves

Pull the shoes out from under the chair at the same time (!); put between the feet; insert feet into shoes; zip up

Sitting on a chair

Show how to push the shoes and put them on; how to fasten

The game, as the main activity of a preschooler in kindergarten, is given a lot of time: before breakfast and after it, in between classes, after daytime sleep, on a daytime and evening walk. But as the child grows older, the game becomes more complicated, it becomes more and more creative. Children actively participate in a variety of didactic, leisure and folk games organized by the teacher. Games, preparation for classes, personal hygiene, etc. constitute an independent activity of preschoolers, which takes 3-4 hours daily in the mode. The daily regimen should correspond to the age characteristics of children and contribute to their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is 5.5-6 hours, up to 3 years - in accordance with medical advice. The daily duration of a walk for children is at least 4-4.5 hours. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below minus 15?C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at an air temperature below minus 15? C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old at an air temperature below minus 20? C and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s (change duration of sleep, wakefulness and number of feedings per day in children from 1 month to 6 years)

Mode No.


Wakefulness (maximum duration), h

Number of hours of sleep per day

Interval, h

Number of periods

Duration of each period, h

9 months - 1 year

1 year - 1 year 6 months

1 year 6 months - 2 years

Cyclogram of motor activity of young children


Reception on the street.

The main types of movements.

Total: 20 minutes

Reception in a group

Total: 20 minutes

Let's jump like "sparrows" (with advancement forward at a distance of 2-3 m)

We fly like birds

(alternating running in all directions with running to the agreed place on a signal)

"Fast Legs"

(running with a change in pace, slow up to 1 minute, fast 10 meters)

"1,2,3 - run to the tree" run at the signal of the teacher to the indicated place)

“Who is the fastest and most agile” (to run away from catching up)

" Who is first"

(race run)

"The birds are pecking at the grains"

"Hen and chickens" (walking in pairs, wide and small steps with a change of direction on a signal and a wave of hands)

"I'm going to visit"

(walking in a line from one side of the site to the other)

"Soldiers" (walking in a column one at a time with a high knee lift)

Carousel (walking in a column in a circle holding hands with a change of direction on a signal and with an acceleration and deceleration of the pace)

(stand on one leg for 4-8 seconds)

“We are walking along a narrow path” (shifting the heel of one foot to the toe of the other)

Let's spin like "leaves, snowflakes"

"From bump to bump"

(walking in a column one at a time, with an added step forward, backward)

"The most accurate"

(rolling the ball under an arc in order to knock down the pin)

"Toss and Catch"

(throwing the ball up and catching with both hands)

"Who is the smartest"

(catching the ball thrown by the teacher, distance 70-100 cm)

"My fun ball"

(throwing the ball with both hands on the ground and catching it while standing)

(throwing at

range right and left hand)

Wellness walk around the kindergarten (7 minutes)

"Nimble guys" (rolling the ball to each other with increasing distance)

"Catch the ball"

(crawling on all fours behind a rolling ball)

"Colorful balls

(rolling the ball between objects)

Let's jump like "balls"

(with advancement forward by 2 meters)

"Merry Parsley"

(jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop)

"Nimble mice"

(jumping with a change of position of the legs)

Let's jump like "bunnies" (on two legs around objects)

"Smart Kittens"

(jumping on two legs up from a place, taking out a suspended object)

"Forest bugs" (walking on toes with stepping over objects)

"Large and small feet"

(walking in pairs with wide and small steps, see the direction signal)

"Hush the mouse" (walking in a column one by one with a "snake", bending around objects)


(walking in a circle with a change of direction)

"Soldiers" (walking in a column on the 1st with a high knee lift)

" Who is bigger"

(throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands)

"Hurry catch" (catching the ball thrown by the teacher 70-100 cm)

"The most accurate" (rolling the ball under the chair)

"Get in the basket"

"Gymnasts" (walking on the bench)

"Nimble bugs" (crawling on all fours between objects

"Attentive guys" (combat exercises turns)

Climbing into the hoop

"Musical pause"

Morning exercises (massaging track 2 and 4 weeks)

round dance game


Text motion games



9:00-9:45 Crossings (through the 1st floor)

FIZO (3 minutes)

MUZOT (3 minutes)

FIZO (3 minutes)

MUZOM (2 minutes)

Walk. Greeting children of others different ways running (6 minutes)

Approach the object of observation in different ways of walking

Outdoor games

10-12 minutes

Independent motor activity

Individual work on the main types of movements

Total: 32 minutes

Quest Run

Running "snake"

Run with change tempo: in slow 50-60 sec, in fast at distance. 10m

Regular running with alternating on toes

Running in a column one at a time: in a straight line, along a winding

"Be careful

(with the performance of tasks: with a stop, squat, turn.)

"Nimble Kittens" (snake walking)

"Friendly Guys"

(in pairs, in a column one at a time)

Ball games, orientation in space, drill exercises

Running games, story

Throwing games, sledding, sliding

Games with jumps, objects

Games for the development of balance, a walk on the site.

"Get to the toy"

"Do not hurt"

(crawling under the arc without touching the ground)

"Take it and don't drop it"


"Be careful"

(stepping over cords)

"Get in the gate"

(rolling the ball to knock down the pin)

"Hit the Basketball Basket"


(run with change of pace)

"Roll the ball down the track"

(rolling the ball on the plank)

"Get to the toys"

Walking, balance

Rolling, throwing and catching

Health walking around the kindergarten 400 meters with increasing load. 10 minutes

Walking along the massage paths with exercise. hygiene procedures.

Independent activity of children.

“Get into basketball. basket"

"Nimble Kittens" (climbing and descending stairs)

"Get to the toy"

"Take it and don't drop it"


"Be careful"

(stepping over)

Motor hour


Outdoor games (10-12 minutes)

Independent physical activity.

Individual work on the main types of movements. Total: 27 minutes

Let's jump like "sparrows" (with advancement forward at a distance of 2-3 m)

Let's jump like "frogs" (taking the object up from the place)

Let's jump like "bunnies" (on two legs in place).

Let's jump like "grasshoppers" (in length from a place)

Let's jump like "balls" (up from a place)

" Who is first"

(running race)

"Merry Carousel"

(running in a circle holding hands with an accelerated slow pace

"Train" (running in a column one after another with a stop on a signal)

"Fast Legs"

(running with a change in pace, in slow up to 1 min, in fast 10m

"Be careful" (running with tasks)

"Fox and cubs" (walking on toes)

"Like toy soldiers" (high knee raise)

"Make no mistake"

(walking with tasks)

“Chicken and chickens” (x.pairs, wide and small steps with a change of direction on a signal and a wave)

"The birds are pecking at the grains

(alternating walking in all directions with walking in a flock)

Games with jumps, objects

ball games

Games for the development of balance

Running games

Throwing games, sledding


(run with change of pace)

"Herons" (stand on one leg for 4-8 seconds)

"Take it and don't drop it"


“Roll the ball along the track rolling the ball on the plank)

"Jumpers" (jumping over objects, 5-10 cm high)

Throwing, crawling, crawling

Walking, balance

Rolling, throwing and catching

Running, drill exercises (turns)

Health walking around the kindergarten 1 lap (5 minutes)

Independent motor activity.

"Catch the ball"

(crawling on four

skating for a rolling ball)

“Multi-colored balls” (rolling the ball between objects)

« Accurate shooter"(throwing the ball with two hands from below into the distance)

"Nimble guys" (rolling the ball to each other with increasing distance

“Who is the most dexterous” (jumping over 3 ropes)

"Gymnasts" (bench)

"Do not touch" (pass by a moving object)

"The ball runs along the track" (rolling the ball on the bench)

Task 5

Baby monitoring


Babicheva Liza 02/10/2012 year of birth.

Brief anamnestic data:

Weight and height at birth - 3550 kg., 56 cm.

Past illnesses - no past illnesses

How the child developed before entering the children's institution and in the period preceding the observation of him by students - the development of the child corresponds to the age.

2. Features of the development and behavior of the child during the observation period:

Appearance - the girl is clean, tidy, her hair is always neatly combed.

Physical development - corresponds to age: weight 13.5 kg., height 97 cm.

Neuropsychic development - the girl's speech is moderately passive, movements are active, objective activities, skills are developed (she knows how to eat, wash her hands, use the potty, undress).

Features of behavior and mood (the girl is always cheerful, active, sociable both with adults and with peers)

Relationships with adults and children (both proactive and reciprocal).

Pay more attention to the sensory-motor development of the child. Use various techniques, games, both desktop-printed and story-based. Continue teaching your child to be independent.

Task 7

Kind of activity

Relationships between children

Communication with an adult

The impact of the educator

Preparing for the lesson.

Explanations of the lesson by the educator.

Completion of the task.

Checking the results.

Working hours cleaning.

Selects objects, pushes children.

Distracted, spinning around.

Watch what other children are doing and copy after them.

Looks at the teacher.

Runs out of the table, does not help other children.

Does not listen to what an adult says, does not ask and does not repeat actions after him.

He draws attention to him and says that this cannot be done.

Makes a remark.

Covenant back, in order to help clean up.

Protocol No. 1 of the per-minute timing of the lesson (20 min.)

Shelestovsky kindergarten

Group 1 junior group

Type of occupation design

Surname, name of the child: Shumaev Danil

Shelestovsky kindergarten

Group 1 junior group

Type of occupation drawing

Surname, name of the child: Dima Serdyukov

P - preparation of the workplace;

O - explanation and demonstration of the educator;

Z - task completion;

P - discussion of the obtained results;

U - cleaning the workplace;

K - distraction from work.

Protocol No. 2 timing of reactions of children (20 min.)

K - distraction from classes;

B - excitation reactions;

T - inhibition reactions

Task 8

Surname, name of the child

Health group

Physical development

The nature of labor

The pace of games and exercise

Activity in the classroom

Sinko Irina

All types of labor

Some exercises are shorter

Zharova Dasha

All types of labor

The pace of the game is normal.

Babicheva Liza

Labor is lighter

Physical exercise is lighter, shorter duration

Less Active

ZR - a healthy child who has never been sick during


ChB - often ill (more than 4 times a year);

EB - episodically ill (1-3 times a year);

Harm. - harmonic ratio of height, weight, ok-

chest circumference (OH), correct posture, foot;

Off - deviations in physical development(overestimated-

ny, underestimated height, weight, chest circumference, impaired

in posture, foot).

When conducting physical education classes, clothing, footwear, equipment meets the necessary standards. All security measures are observed. Physical activity is distributed depending on the health of the child and his strength. Children are positively emotionally disposed, they are happy to study. The teacher explains everything in an accessible and detailed way, approaches each child individually, observing the time of the lesson, as well as the purpose and specialization of the lesson.

Task 9.

Surname, name, age of the child

Date, time, min

Toys, objects


The relationship of the child to other children

Actions of the teacher and his assistant



display games

Show the mode of action


Making toys

Tarabanovskiy Vlad

The car is big

Puts cubes in the body

Won't let you near your toy

During the show how to play, Sasha took it and began to play in his own way.

Ride Together

Materials for the story game

Toys-operating objects for children from 2 to 3 years old (only mastering a conditional substitution action imitating simple everyday actions of adults in the game) are prototypical imitations of household "tools" - toy dishes, an iron, a hammer, etc. Attractive to children are also prototypical transport simulators - trucks (wooden and plastic, in which the child can load the cubes, sit down himself), strollers for dolls, a horse on wheels, carts, etc.

All these toys for children under 3 years of age should be fairly large (proportionate to the child or doll) and ready to use.

Conditional space marker toys for children of this age should also be prototypical, large and ready to use. Basically, these are items that imitate everyday environment: large toy furniture, proportionate to the child himself and big dolls(crib, table, chairs), kitchen cabinet, stove, etc. It can also be imitators of a dwelling (a screen-house, a teremok), large objects simulating the space of a vehicle (the "skeleton" of a car, a bus with a steering wheel and a recognizable "facade"), into which children can enter and be accommodated inside.

Character toys in the game of children 2-3 years old take a very important place especially dolls. Like the types of toys discussed above, a toy character for a child of 2-3 years old should be a toy that is prototypical in appearance, large and medium in size (further, speaking about the size of toy characters, we will mean approximately the following gradations: large - 35 -50 cm, medium - from 10-15 cm to 20-30 cm, small - from 5-7 cm to 10 cm). The prototype of the doll lies in the fact that the main features of a human being are given in the most general view. A doll for a child up to three years old is, in a certain sense, a likeness of himself: a naked man with generalized "childish" features, dressed in simple children's clothes (as girls and boys up to three years old are dressed). At this age, the doll serves as an object of influence for the child (and does not replace an active partner in the game). He performs conditional play actions in relation to her, which in reality an adult performs in relation to himself (feeds the doll, waters, bathes, puts him to bed, etc.). That is why an essential requirement for the doll is the ability to give it the appropriate functional postures: the doll must be able to change position - stand, sit, lie down, you can take it by the handle and lead it next to you.

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