Christmas tree snowman. We make a snowman from threads, a balloon and glue. Snowman made of cotton wool

Time is running very quickly and, despite the fact that there is no smell of snow now, the winter months won’t keep you waiting long! It's coming soon New Year 2019, symbolized by Yellow Earth Pig. Pragmatic people prepare for everything in advance, maybe we should learn this too, so that the holiday does not take us by surprise. It's time to think about where and with whom to celebrate the New Year, as well as how to decorate the venue. Of course, here the traditional tinsel on the Christmas tree, garlands, all kinds of snowflakes and other attributes of the main thing will come to the rescue. winter holiday. In order to plunge into childhood, you can build a real snowman at home, dressing it up with a hat in the shape of a bucket and equipping it with a carrot nose and a broom for complete harmony. Why not do it at home? In this article we will tell you several great ideas, how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from scrap materials, which is perfect as a!

Snowman made of corrugated paper

A wonderful snowman can be made from an ordinary corrugated paper. Even a child can handle this job.

You will need:

  • Corrugated paper (black, red and white);
  • Plasticine (it is better to take plasticine of a light shade);
  • Toothpicks.


  1. We take plasticine and roll “snow balls” out of it for our snowman according to the principle from large to small.
  2. Now you need to make squares from white corrugated paper. Cut out squares measuring 20 by 20 mm from paper.
  3. Then, one by one, put a toothpick into each paper square and roll it into a tube. Thus, we make a tube on a stick. This must be done with all squares.
  4. Starting from the bottom, string the resulting tubes on a stick onto a plasticine snowman. Please note that we stick in a circle not very tightly to each other. This way we cover the snowman completely. The end result is a cute paper snowman.
  5. Then we make his hands from black corrugated paper.
  6. Using red paper we make a bucket for the head and spout.
  7. Our snowman is ready!

Simple and interesting option from improvised material that everyone has: burnt out lamps. Be careful! Don't break it!

To do this you will need the following items:

  1. The actual lamp;
  2. Paper napkins or toilet paper;
  3. Paper glue;
  4. Paste;
  5. Acrylic paints;
  6. Paint brush.

Manufacturing progress:

  1. Using paste, you need to cover the light bulb with toilet paper or napkins according to the papier-mâché principle.
  2. We are waiting completely dry.
  3. Now we cover the entire surface of the lamp with white acrylic paint, imitating snow. It's better to do this in several layers.
  4. After the paint has dried, you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth, decorate the snowman with rhinestones and stickers of your choice.
  5. Using a string, we make a loop and hang our finished snowman.

Snowman made from plain colored paper

Beautiful snowman from plain paper, which can easily be done in a very short time. By the way, if you make a lot of these crafts and fasten them with ribbon, you will get an original garland.

For production you will need:

  • White A4 paper, it is better to choose thicker paper - 2 sheets;
  • Multi-colored paper, which will be needed to make an outfit, a nose and a scarf;
  • Black marker;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Sequins, rhinestones, buttons;
  • Paper cake pan;
  • Coin.


  1. We cut one sheet of white paper into strips lengthwise, the second - across.
  2. We collect the resulting strips into a ball, fixing them with glue.
  3. Now you can draw or glue on the snowman’s eyes, nose, and buttons.
  4. Cut out a long strip of colored paper - this will be a scarf. Let's glue it.
  5. We use a paper cupcake tin as a hat.
  6. To stabilize the snowman, glue a coin to its bottom.
  7. The springy funny snowman is ready!

Snowman made from paper towel or toilet paper rolls

This a simple snowman can be made from ordinary bushings from toilet paper or paper towels! Try making this craft with your children.

You will need:

  • A paper towel or toilet paper roll;
  • White paper;
  • Colored markers;
  • Colored paper;
  • Old colored socks;
  • Felt for decoration (optional)


  1. Take the sleeve and carefully cover it with white paper.
  2. Using colored markers we draw the snowman's eyes and buttons on his stomach.
  3. Cut out and glue a nose and scarf from colored paper.
  4. We cut out a hat from an old sock and put it on the snowman. You can also make a scarf.
  5. The miracle snowman is ready!

Snowman made of cardboard and cotton wool

With very young children you can make a snowman out of cotton wool and cardboard. Parents will need to help the kids quite a bit.

To make it you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Cotton wool (can be in balls);
  • White paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Multi-colored markers;
  • Small twigs (wash and dry in advance);
  • Disposable plate.


  1. On cardboard we draw a silhouette of a snowman from three balls.
  2. Cut out the resulting shape.
  3. Pour PVA glue into a saucer.
  4. We lay out the cotton wool into pieces or scatter ready-made cotton balls. Dip cotton wool in glue and glue it onto a cardboard figure of a snowman. Thus, you need to cover the entire surface on one side.
  5. We glue our prepared branches-handles onto the reverse side.
  6. All that remains is to draw or cut out eyes, a carrot nose, a mouth, and buttons from colored paper.
  7. The snowman is ready! You can glue a loop to it so that the craft can be hung on the Christmas tree, you can use disposable plate make a basis for sustainability.

Snowman made from yogurt cups

Want to cool idea regarding the creation creative snowman, then here you go. Surely, you have a small number of plastic bottles of drinking yogurt or kefir lying around at home?! Call your kids to admire your masterpiece and help you create such beautiful crafts!

To work you will need:

  • a bottle of drinking fermented milk product;
  • a plastic cup of yogurt;
  • colored paper in red, orange and black;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • small foam ball;
  • White paper;
  • stationery knife;
  • black nail polish.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To create an unusual little snowman you will need to take one medium-sized plastic bottle and foam ball, corresponding to the size of this capacity.
  2. Using a stationery knife, carefully cut a hole in our ball so that you can place it on the neck of the bottle. This will be the head of our product.
  3. After the body has been drawn, we will need to place a headdress on the glue - it will be a cup of yogurt.
  4. We cut out our hands from colored paper fairy tale character, a broom, a scarf, a nose in a triangle and a mouth - a smile. We attach all elements with PVA glue.
  5. We make eyes and buttons on the body from regular varnish for nails. That's the whole trick of our craft! Create a lot of such tricks with your child, place them throughout the house: on window sills, on dressers, in the kitchen and festive table! Surround them with tangerines and sweets, rain and tinsel to feel the mood of celebration!

Cool snowman made of metal caps

With a snowman made of plastic bottles, we seem to have told you everything, and now your husband’s task is to collect a small amount of metal caps from beer or lemonade. Yes - yes, exactly, lids, since we will have to make a cool snowman out of them like in the photo. If you want to know more about this, then let’s immediately begin our step by step wizard class.

To work you will need:

  • metal beer caps;
  • hot glue;
  • glitter nail polish;
  • orange and black nail polish;
  • red yarn for a scarf;
  • satin ribbon for attaching to the Christmas tree.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take three metal lids and fasten them together with hot glue.
  2. Then we transform the inside white part of the lid with glitter nail polish so that it sparkles under the mechanical lights.
  3. We design the Snowman's face. For this purpose we need to use black and orange nail polish. We draw eyes, a mouth and a nose - a carrot. It would also not hurt to depict buttons on the body of our craft, created with our own hands from scrap materials.
  4. Now our fairy-tale character has come to life, smiling cheerfully and cheerfully at us, but to complete the picture, a red scarf made of soft yarn for knitting is not enough. We cut off a small part of the threads and tie it around the neck of the snow hero to your taste.
  5. All that remains is to attach it at the base of the head satin ribbon so that you can easily hang our snowman on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

Master class on a snowman made from cotton wool

Thanks to this master class, you will be able to make a snowman with your own hands in literally 30 minutes, which will perfectly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019. It is quite easy to do, you can even make it with children.

You will need:

  • glitter;
  • soap;
  • cotton wool;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • bright orange paint;
  • beads;
  • small twigs.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. So, the cotton wool, if it is rolled into a tight ball, needs to be fluffed up.
  2. We wet our hands in water and soap them, after which we roll two balls out of cotton wool, one larger, the other smaller.
  3. Rolling the balls will be very easy. We dilute the glue slightly with water, after which we lubricate the cotton balls with the resulting mixture.
  4. We connect the balls using a toothpick and place cotton balls on it.
  5. We cover our Snowman with a layer of glitter, which will create the illusion of a snowball.
  6. How to make a carrot nose? Wrap a little cotton wool around the tip of a toothpick, then paint it with bright orange paint.
  7. Break off a toothpick with cotton wool and insert it into the ball - the head.
  8. We make the eyes and mouth of the fairy-tale character from black beads, and the arms from twigs.
  9. Let the craft dry for about three to four hours.

Making a snowman from threads

You already know how to make crafts from cotton wool, and now let’s try to make a snowman from threads and glue for the New Year 2019. Look at the photo and instructions below and try it.

You will need:

  • white threads,
  • glue,
  • three balloons.

Preparation method:

  1. We inflate balloons of three different sizes - a “head” and two balloons for the body.
  2. We take the first ball, coat it with glue and, holding it by the tip, wrap it with threads over the entire area.
  3. Having wound the first layer, we smear the threads with glue, after which we make another layer.
  4. Set the ball aside, giving it time to dry. In the same way we make two more balls, larger in size.
  5. How to remove a ball from a ball of thread? Very simple! Once the glue dries, you just need to pierce the ball and pull it through the threads.
  6. Now the balls need to be connected to each other, slightly pressing at the points of fastening.
  7. Let's decorate the head of our product - the eyes can be made from beads, the mouth from black thread or also from beads, and the nose - a carrot - can be made from cotton wool and a toothpick. Like this in a simple way It’s quite possible to make a snowman with your own hands from scrap materials for the New Year 2019 quickly and beautifully!

Master class with visual video instructions

Paper snowman

Well, again we have a snowman made from usually A4 paper, which can be made quickly and easily.

Here is a list of materials that may be useful to us:

  • white paper for quilling (long strips of equal length),
  • blue paper for the hat and scarf,
  • black beads for eyes,
  • red - for the nose.

And today I want to show you many ideas for homemade snowmen. All of them can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. You might even be surprised what opportunities are hidden in ordinary socks and plastic cups.

The main thing is to do all the crafts with the children, this way you will create a community in the family and unforgettable memories. Of course, not all crafts will be easy; there are some that will require accuracy and perseverance. But what will be the result!

ABOUT! Now let's do something very interesting! Specifically, let's make a cute snowman out of a sock. This is very simple craft, even a preschooler can handle it. Such a handsome man looks very neat and dignified. Basically, let's find a pair of white, blue or light blue socks with the toes and heels intact. And let's reserve 15 minutes of time.

Before I give you a detailed tutorial, I ask you to find beads or pins for the eyes and nose, buttons, ribbons or other decor. I want the craft to turn out elegant.

And we will make such a handsome man.

Let's take:

  • 1 sock,
  • thermal gun or glue,
  • scissors,
  • pins,
  • buttons,
  • thread.

First of all, cut the sock in half.

We take the part that has two open ends. And we tie the thread on one side. This must be done with wrong side.

Now we hide the knot inside, turning the sock outward, and pour rice inside.

You can use any large grain - peas, buckwheat, lentils, etc.

Now we need to make sure that the cereal does not spill out of the workpiece. Therefore, we tie the top of the sock tightly.

All that remains is to mark the place where the head will be. To do this, we tighten it with threads.

The preparation already resembles a craft. All we have to do is decorate it and put on a hat.

The cap can be fixed using hot glue. To do this, the second part of the sock needs to be folded up and put on the craft.

There is another very functional idea for a snowman made from a sock. Here it performs both a decorative and useful function.

Let's take:

  • sock,
  • hot glue,
  • bottle,
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer,
  • threads, felt for a hat.

It is better to take a glass bottle rather than a plastic one. This way it will be more stable and will not fall under the weight of pencils or flowers.

So, the first thing you need to do is measure the height of the bottle and put it on your toe. All excess must be cut off from it.

Then apply a drop of hot glue from a hot glue gun to the bottom of the bottle and put the sock on the bottle. This is how we fixed the fabric and glass.

Now you need to make the craft soft and voluminous. To do this, place cotton wool or padding polyester in the space between the sock and the walls of the bottle.

We form the head with threads.

Tighten the edge of the sock at the neck. We also do this with threads. Then we designate the nose, eyes and mouth. The child can take markers for this purpose.

From felt we cut out a ring and a strip that is equal to the diameter of the inner part of the ring.

Glue the hat in place.

This craft can act as a pencil holder or a vase. Everything is to your taste.

Another similar master class on creating the popular snowman Olaf. The first scheme I described was taken as a basis.

From such crafts you can create entire compositions.

Beads, ribbons, braid, sequins and even pine cones are used for decoration.

And if you wish, you can sharpen up and move away from the templates.

This beauty will definitely deserve its place of honor under the tree.

How to make a craft from plastic cups, step-by-step instructions

Another popular idea for creating a snowman is from plastic cups. The craft is voluminous and resistant to rain, snow and winds. Therefore, it is often made to decorate the yard, street, or as a decoration for school.

Again, everything is quite simple and clear. However, it takes a lot of time, because you need to process a lot of cups.

Let's take:

  • cups,
  • stapler,
  • cardboard,
  • scotch.

So, you will need more than 200 cups. Stock up in advance. The circumference is up to you. The more you lay out the first circle, the wider the ball will be.

So, we lay out a circle from the cups. Then we use a stapler to fasten each piece to its neighbors.

We make subsequent rows in the same way, but reducing the number of glasses. Don’t forget to connect the rows with a stapler.

You need to make 2 balls. One is more, the other is less.

We connect them together so that the smaller piece is higher - this is the head.

Now we make the nose out of cardboard. To do this, roll it into a cone shape and cover it with tape. If this is an outdoor craft, then you need to completely cover all the cardboard.

We insert the nose into the glass and decorate the snowman with scarves, vests or hats.

But you can make even less out of cups voluminous toys. All you have to do is turn them upside down and decorate them beautifully.

What do you think of the idea? I think that all this is very simple, however, it greatly inspires the creation of such crafts.

DIY snowman for the New Year made of thread and glue

Children will also love the idea of ​​threads and PVA glue. Let's take ordinary balloons as a basis. The technique is quite simple; we have already made crafts based on it before.

Let's take:

  • threads,
  • PVA glue,
  • ball,
  • paper.

We need to inflate the balloon to the size we need. Then we take out threads and PVA glue. It is better to take it in large jars. Now there are two options: You can wrap the threads around the ball, simultaneously coating each row with glue. Or you can use knitting needles to poke a hole in a tube of glue and thread a thread through it. This way it will immediately be saturated with the composition and easily stick to the ball.

Then we leave the ball to dry completely. After 6-12 hours, burst the rubber shell and carefully tear it off the threads. The result is a ball shape! We need at least two of these balls.

Now let's make carrots. To do this, roll the cardboard into a cone and wrap it cling film. And according to the described scheme we wrap it with orange threads and glue. Dry it, take out the cone and peel off the polyethylene from the threads. All that remains is the decor.

You can combine entire compositions from such crafts.

Original volumetric paper snowman and other ideas

Now let's take paper and think about what can be made from it. And there are a great many ideas at once!

We will do several options. And first of all I want to show you this volumetric craft. The entire process of its creation is shown in detail in the photo.

Master class No. 1

You will need two A4 sheets to draw a snowman and a picture of trees. This is applied to different leaves to achieve a volume effect.

Then take two blue sheets of cardboard. One will act as the background, and the other as the front frame.

We also fold six sheets of A4 wide (short side) like an accordion. They will be the frame to which all the sheets are glued.

And now from complex to simple. A couple more master classes in the photo that kids can easily repeat.

Master class No. 2

Master class No. 3

Now the idea is more complex, but no less attractive.

Master class No. 4

You can make such a voluminous snowman using this pattern. By dotted lines bending is performed. And the part is cut out along straight lines. The edges with “indents” are intended for gluing.

And here is the assembly diagram itself.

I think that all the kids will be delighted by the snowman on the window! There are many stencils and protrusions for cutting.

You can create entire compositions.

Like here, I will attach a template below. Glue these paper figures most convenient at toothpaste or paste. They are then easily washed off with water.

You can make many different pendants and garlands from paper, cardboard and felt.

It is convenient to connect them together with threads, wire or double-sided tape.

That's not all! Now we will find a use for paper towel and toilet paper rolls.

We draw eyes, carrots and mouths on them. Glue on the hats and scarves and enjoy such a quick and cute craft.

If desired, the bushings can be covered with corrugated paper, colored sheets or fabric.

You can also make applications. To do this, take the drawings that I have given below and color them. Or we fill the voids with plasticine and colored sugar. For small children, you can take different cereals.

These are such cute ideas!

Master classes on cotton wool crafts

Our house is full of cotton wool. It somehow ceased to be used for its intended purpose with the advent of cotton pads. But it’s great for New Year’s crafts!

So, let's make a snowman from cotton wool, and below are ideas for creating one from cotton pads.

Let's take:

  • cotton wool,
  • kebab skewer,
  • PVA glue,
  • decor.

First of all, we form two balls of different sizes from cotton wool. We simply roll the fiber in our hands.

Now we need to prevent these balls from falling apart. To do this, coat them with PVA glue. And to keep them together, you can use skewers, wire, and a pencil. We stick it between the balls, stringing it. The excess part of the stick needs to be cut off.

What can you make from cotton pads?

Well, of course, a snowman! This is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, the shape of the discs allows you not to bother with cutting out even circles!

Make these hangings for your Christmas tree. They are a great replacement for Christmas tree decorations.

In combination with paper, you can create an entire application.

Did you like cotton wool as a material? Then let's implement such an idea!

Felt, paper and any decor stick perfectly to the discs. To prevent the edges from becoming fluffy, they can be sewn up with a decorative seam.

I think the kids will find something to do!

Crafts made from fabric and felt with patterns

And now, a whole section for needlewomen! We will look at what can be made from felt and fabric. Of course, this will require more time and perseverance than in the previous sections. However, the level of difficulty will be higher.

Master class No. 1. We are sewing a snow tower. I'll give you the pattern.

Master class No. 2. Let's sew Stuffed Toys. To do this, choose a fleecy soft cloth. Great white will do, gray or blue velvet.

Let's take:

  • velvet,
  • threads,
  • needles,
  • pin.

We take this pattern and transfer it first to a sheet of paper and then to the wrong side of the fabric.

To prevent the pieces from slipping off the fabric, pin them to both sides of the velvet. Trace the patterns and cut out several parts at once.

Now we sew all the blanks from the wrong side, leaving one edge unconnected.

Through it we turn each piece inside out and stuff it with cotton wool or other filler. Sew the edges and attach all the details.

Now let's turn our attention to the felt. We will need different shades of it. Of course, we will choose white as the main color.

Pattern No. 1. These beauties are quick to make. Use the pattern provided. Stuff a little filler inside to give the craft some volume.

You can make both voluminous and flat crafts from fabric and felt.

These flat hangers are very easy to make. The main thing is to sew the edges with a decorative seam.

Another cute idea that is easy to implement. Take two as a basis floral ornament different sizes. And for the stick you can use a toothpick.

Master class No. 3. Felt snowmen.

More simple ideas for hanging Christmas trees. You can also make New Year's garlands from them.

Composition from different shades felt can also be flat. When parts are glued to each other using hot glue.

More pendant ideas.

Pattern No. 2. Bell.

Pattern No. 3. Snowmen with wings.

Using this pattern as a basis, you can make other crafts, such as this one.

Master class No. 4. Walking snowball.

Master class No. 5. Flat craft.

Master class No. 6. Christmas tree pendants.

Using this master class as a basis, you can make other forms of a snowman.

Pattern No. 4. Photo frame.

Pattern No. 5. Snowman in a hat.

Master class No. 6. Snowman in a scarf.

Pattern No. 7. Cheerful snowman.

Pattern No. 8. Snowman in mittens.

Let's rest a little and see what beautiful jewelry on the Christmas tree can be done in just 15-20 minutes.

Pattern No. 9. Snowman smile.

Pattern No. 10. Snowman Snowball.

Pattern No. 11. Snowman in mittens.

Pattern No. 11. Simple idea for kids.

Pattern No. 12. Crafts in a sleeveless vest and tie.

Now let's make the well-known snowman Olaf.

Master class No. 7

And for this we need fabric, filler, scissors and a needle.

We take felt or thick white and soft fabric.

  1. We transfer all the patterns onto the fabric, folding it with the right sides inward.
  2. We cut out the parts and sew them together, leaving one edge free. Turn them right side out.
  3. We fill the blanks with filler.
  4. We sew the edges and connect all the parts.
  5. We mark the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.

A detailed diagram is shown in this manual.

This is the first pattern sheet for Olaf and his bride.

Second pattern sheet.

Master class No. 8. Gift bag.

Let's take:

  • fabric or felt in three colors,
  • buttons,
  • scissors.

We will use this pattern.

We transfer it to the fabric. And cut out two parts. Trying on the buttons and details of the nose and mittens.

Sew or glue small pieces to one side of the white fabric.

We connect both sides by folding them right sides inward and sewing them together. Turn the bag inside out. If desired, insert an elastic band or lace at the top.

Our craftswomen have sewn so many beauties. Let's look at another small selection.

And they even depicted the hero of today’s article on the aprons!

For those who like to knit more, I have prepared a separate section.

Crocheted snowman (amigurumi) with pattern

The amigurimi technique is very popular among needlewomen. The simplest elements of crochet are taken there: double crochet and single crochet. This is done to create integrity.

Do you like this toy? Below is a knitting pattern!

For those who do cross stitch, you can use this pattern as a basis.

These snowmen are also made using a simple knitting technique.

Let's give you another one detailed diagram for these snowmen.

Flat crafts are made using single crochets. Each row increased by 1-2-3 loops from the center.

Knit with pleasure!

Ideas for crafts from pompoms for kindergarten

You can also make such a craft from pompoms for kindergarten. The child will understand the whole point very quickly. You need to take terry threads or yarn.

And here I am step-by-step master class. We will need two pompoms of different sizes. We connect them. To do this, you can use two options: 1. Tie them together at the ends, 2. shown below, when pom-poms are placed on a twig, wire or skewer.

We make pom-poms according to this drawing. Let's take two cardboard rings. We wrap them tightly with yarn. Then we open the edges. We insert the thread between the rings and tighten the ends.

The idea of ​​connecting pompoms onto a skewer.

Try to repeat the entire master class and make such a beauty.

Well, if you don’t have time at all, then at least such a cutie!

I think that crafts made from socks and pompoms are the simplest and easiest to make. And they can be taken as a basis when creating compositions for kindergarten and school.

DIY snowmen from scrap materials

We often have a lot of creative materials at hand. For example, you can use napkins for crafts.

Or regular plastic bottles and cans.

Even a simple plaque can be turned into a themed piece.

Of course, make a snowman out of plasticine.

But the pasta will make a whole composition. It is better to fasten the parts with hot glue.

Wooden pendant!

Idea with CDs. We have a lot lying around on the balcony, we need to put it to use.

Toy made of cardboard and threads. For more stylish design take the twine.

You can use snowman elements made from buttons to decorate cards.

Made from polystyrene foam and Christmas balls make a similar craft.

Someone even painted the stones. For this craft, only flat sea pebbles ground with water are suitable.

That's it, my dears! Today there are a lot of ideas, I think you will find something suitable for yourself. Good luck in your creativity!

There is very little time left until the New Year. Strongest of all New Year's holidays It’s the children who are waiting. Kids in kindergarten make original crafts that will become wonderful gifts for relatives and decorations for the Christmas tree. The most popular symbol of winter is the snowman. For its manufacture, various improvised materials are used and decorative materials. In this article you will find how to make a DIY snowman craft for kindergarten, useful tips and detailed master classes.

Snowman made of cotton wool

Cotton wool is a universal material for children's creativity. In addition, cotton wool is white and fluffy, so it most closely resembles real snow. A snowman made of cotton wool for a kindergarten will become a real decoration for the Christmas tree, as well as a great gift for grandma for the New Year.

Materials and tools:

  • Cotton wool.
  • Soap.
  • PVA glue.
  • Brush.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Various decorative materials for decorating crafts.

First you need to tear the cotton wool into pieces to get a homogeneous mass. Then you should roll them into balls of different sizes - three for the body and two for the arms. To simplify the work, you need to soap your hands. When the balls are dry, you can assemble the snowman. To connect the balls, use PVA glue. To make the craft hold better, you can additionally use toothpicks to strengthen it. All that remains is to decorate the craft. To do this, use beads, beads, sparkles or any decorative materials.

Snowman made of threads

DIY snowman made of balls and threads - great option crafts for kids in kindergarten. The result is an extremely bright and airy craft. At the same time, making such a snowman does not require complex materials and a lot of time.

Materials and tools:

  • Cotton threads.
  • Air balloons.
  • PVA glue.
  • Needle.
  • A scrap of fabric.
  • Beads and beads.
  • Corrugated paper.
  • Plasticine.

To simplify the work, pierce the glue tube with a needle and insert a thread into the hole. This way, the thread will pass through the glue and become saturated with it.

Each ball is wrapped with thread dipped in glue. At the same time, try to ensure that the thread fits as tightly as possible to the ball. Wait for the thread to dry. This will require at least 5-7 hours, but it is better to start further work the next day.

When the threads are dry, you need to burst and remove the balls. Thus, only air and light balls of thread remain, which need to be glued together to make a snowman.

Now let's move on to designing the snowman. A piece of fabric should be attached to the neck, which will be a scarf, the nose should be made of plasticine, and the eyes – from beads. Additionally, you should make a broom from corrugated paper. If desired, you can also make a headdress out of paper.

Snowman made from a sock

Making a snowman from a sock – simple craft for the New Year. At the same time, a snowman made from a sock looks no less impressive and beautiful than a purchased toy. It can be given to parents or used to decorate a Christmas tree.

Materials and tools:

  • White sock.
  • Rice or other filling.
  • Small buttons.
  • Pins.
  • A piece of fabric.
  • Glue.

For crafts should be used long sock. Bottom part the snowman will be used for the cap, and the top one will be used for the body. Cut the sock so that the cut line passes over the heel. Tie the upper part of the craft with thread or sew it up. Then turn this part of the sock inside out.

The resulting bag should be filled with rice or other filler. There should be enough filler to make the snowman round. Tie the top of the sock with thread. Form a head and tie with thread in this place.

The finished snowman needs to be decorated. First you need to make a hat from the second part of the sock. To do this, you need to turn up the edge of the sock and put it on the snowman's head. Then attach a scarf or piece of fabric, a nose and eyes made of beads to it, and also decorate it with buttons.

Snowman made of cotton pads

Making a snowman with your own hands from cotton pads is an excellent option for children's creativity. Its production will not take much time, and due to the absence complex techniques and tools, even kids in kindergarten can handle the craft.

Materials and tools:

  • Cotton pads.
  • Skewer.
  • Cork plug.
  • A piece of fabric.
  • Marker.
  • Wire.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Beads and other decorative elements.

The cork should be cut lengthwise into two halves. Stringed on one half cotton pads using a skewer. At the same time, they should be on both sides of the skewer to make the figure three-dimensional. It turns out there are two disks on each side.

Then you need to attach the snowman’s head on top using glue. The disc at the back must be twisted and connected to make the head voluminous. You can connect it with glue, a stapler or double-sided tape.

A cap should be sewn from red fabric. You can use a ball of cotton wool or padding polyester as a brush. We make the eyes from beads, and the mouth can be drawn with a red marker.

The shoes should be colored using a marker, and for the hands we use a wire, at the end of which beads should be attached. All that remains is to decorate the craft with buttons or beads, and also put a scarf around your neck.

Snowman from a bottle

A bright and unusual snowman can be made from an ordinary plastic yogurt or juice bottle. This craft is easy to make, so it can also be used in kindergarten.

Materials and tools:

  • White plastic bottle.
  • A piece of fabric.
  • Paints.
  • Scissors.
  • Felt.
  • Wire.

Draw eyes on the bottle using a marker. You can also draw the nose, lips and blush. Make a scarf out of fabric and glue it closer to the neck. Insert two pieces of wire into the holes on both sides. They will become the hands of the snowman. Cut out mittens from two pieces of felt and glue them to the ends of the wire. You can also make a cute hat out of a sock.

Making a snowman is one of children's favorite winter activities. However, of this entertainment there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, you won’t be able to bring the end result home. Secondly, it is not always possible to find required quantity snow of the appropriate condition. Thirdly, long-term immersion in such an activity is fraught with hypothermia and illness. As an alternative, ideas on how to make a snowman at home are helpful.

Methods for making a snowman at home

Naturally, when we're talking about about home activities, in most cases this means a standard DIY “snowman” craft. Namely: three circles of paper are carefully glued onto blue cardboard. Depending on the flight of fancy, the circles can be decorated with sparkles or cotton wool.

But, if we talk about a full-fledged copy of the “street” version, then the figure of the winter companion should be voluminous. Although not as big as I would like.

IN in this direction There are several ways to implement it:

  • from papier-mâché;
  • from plastic bottles or cups;
  • from socks;
  • from threads.

In fact, there are a huge number of options for materials for manufacturing. You just need to look online and appreciate photos of homemade snowmen different forms and sizes. If we talk about a small interior decoration that you don’t have to break to hide, the listed methods are best suited.

Papier-mâché work

A papier-mâché snowman can be created entirely from “dough” mixed with a base (paper, cotton wool and even putty) and glue. Or you can first create the silhouette of a winter man from balls, plastic or other auxiliary materials.

Then soak the paper, cotton wool or cardboard and apply it in layers to the mold. Each piece is secured with glue. After the glue dries, the figure is painted and decorated at your own discretion.

Snowman from a plastic bottle

A master class on how to make a snowman from plastic bottles can have several scenarios. The simplest one: find a bottle that fits the shape, paint it White color, glue a cardboard cone as a carrot nose. The remaining elements can be painted or knitted.

The bottoms of plastic bottles are cut off with a margin of about 3 cm on the walls. To make the structure stable and durable, a wire frame is made for it.

Then, using a stapler or tape, the bottoms are connected to each other by their side edges so that the cut edges are directed inside the sphere. The final product can be painted white and decorated as desired. This snowman will be larger.

Product made from cups

More extensive works are snowmen made from the bottoms of plastic cups. To make them you will need a stapler or double-sided tape.

The cups will simply be connected to each other by their sides so that their wide parts form a sphere. In this way you can collect three balls of different sizes. To connect them together, you will need the same stapler.

If you want to improve the resulting design, it can be supplemented with a garland. The device will fit comfortably inside the lower ball. You can also cut the bottoms of the cups and thread light bulbs from the garland into them from the inside of the sphere.

Snowman made from socks

IN in this case You will need an old, but intact and clean, white sock. There is cotton wool stuffed inside. Using threads, the resulting bag is intercepted “at the waist” so that the outline of a snowman of two balls is obtained. You can also make a three-level man, but you will need a large sock or the figure will be too small.

The “head” is also tightened with threads. To prevent the edge of the sock elastic from spoiling the look, you can cut it off or hide it inside a ball of cotton wool.

To complete the look, the snowman is put on a hat made of scraps or a bucket made of cardboard (fixed with thread in a couple of stitches) and a scarf. Buttons are used as eyes, nose and clothing elements.

Make a snowman from threads with your own hands

  • cook 3-5 balloon, thick thread (string or yarn), PVA glue, brush and scissors;
  • inflate 3 balloons so that they have the shape of a sphere and, if possible, differ in size from each other;
  • wrap each ball with thread so that the surface is covered with a net;
  • carefully cover the yarn with glue;
  • leave the balls until completely dry;
  • when the glue dries and fixes the thread in its position, the balls must be carefully blown off by cutting with scissors;
  • the remnants of the balls are carefully removed from the gaps between the frozen threads;
  • thread balls are connected to each other with glue;
  • The finished snowman is decorated according to the wishes of the master.

For more atmosphere, the lower ball of such a snowman can be supplemented with an electric garland. Carefully place all the bulbs inside and ensure that the garland has access to the network. A one-color device without the effect of color music will look great here. However, the final decision is made based on your own tastes.

DIY photo of snowmen

Almost all children look forward to winter only because it brings a lot of snow - the most fertile material for unusual outdoor crafts. Well, what if someone lives where there is no snow at all or there is so little snow that it is impossible to make even one snowball? In this case, children can make a snowman with their own hands from scrap materials. They can be cotton wool, socks, plastic bottles, disposable cups, cotton pads, paper, balls, threads, foam, fabric and much more. Such a cute craft, created at home, will be a wonderful souvenir for the New Year 2018 or a gift to a friend. We are sure: master classes with photos, videos and step-by-step explanations of the process will help you choose the material from which you will make your “snow” man just flawlessly.

Unusual DIY snowman from scrap materials for New Year 2018

What do real craftsmen use to create their crafts? Probably there are no such things from which good master I couldn't make anything special. For example, a very unusual do-it-yourself snowman from scrap materials for the New Year 2018 can be made from old mittens and socks, bottle caps and tennis balls, balloons and wooden sticks, cans, bottles and even pebbles.

New Year's "melting" snowman made of pebbles - Master class with photos

Not only builders use stones in their work. For example, children can be very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​​​creating an unusual “melting” snowman with their own hands from scrap materials (pebbles) and making it for the New Year 2018. Read this simple master class carefully and make a cute New Year’s souvenir. But first, still find a couple on the street flat stones or pebbles of different sizes. So, after that, get some superglue, nail polish (white, black, orange and red) or acrylic paints the same colors.

You can coat the craft with glitter varnish, attach a scarf to the snow man instead of drawing his eyes and nose, and make the details of the craft from beads or buttons.

Do-it-yourself openwork snowman made of threads - Video master class and step-by-step instructions

You have probably already seen unusual “airy” crafts more than once, hollow on the inside, but on the outside looking like a bizarre cobweb that has taken on a wide variety of forms? You most likely admired the skill of the craftsmen who created such beauty? Then you will like the idea of ​​​​making an openwork snowman from threads with your own hands, and our video master class and step-by-step instructions will help you understand the technique of creating such an original product.

How to make a snowman from threads - Master class with video and explanations

In order for you to make an openwork snowman made of threads with your own hands - a video master class and step-by-step instructions are included on the page - prepare the following:

  • PVA glue;
  • White threads;
  • Felt in red and orange colors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Beads or buttons;
  • Twigs;
  • Air balloons.
  1. After inflating 3 balloons of different sizes, wrap them with threads like a cobweb and coat them with PVA glue. After waiting for the glue to dry completely, remove the balls by first piercing them with a pin.
  2. Glue the balls together with a glue gun.
  3. Once all the balls are glued together, attach felt button eyes or beads, a nose and a mouth to the snowman's head.
  4. Make handles from branches by drawing balls of thread from inside and securing them on the outside with a glue gun. Give the snowman a “broom” made of twigs tied to a long stick.
  5. Put a scarf and a red felt hat on the snowman. All is ready!

The simplest DIY paper snowman - Templates for free download

Easiest and fastest to do paper crafts. In addition, their cost is tens of times lower than the price of products made from other materials. For example, the simplest DIY paper snowman, templates for free download which you will find on our website will cost you literally pennies. However, it will bring a lot of joy to the person who receives cute craft for New Year 2018.

New Year's paper snowman templates for free download

In order to please your friends with a pleasant New Year's gift, you don't need to save money for this present all year. Give your friend the simplest snowman made with your own hands from paper - templates for free download of the craft are included.

After downloading the templates, glue all the parts of the craft with PVA glue. You can make a whole family of snowmen, giving each of them to your household and friends. WITH reverse side products write New Year's wishes.

How to make a snowman from plastic cups and garlands for the New Year

Sometimes popular manufacturers have no idea how craftsmen use their products. For example, it would never have occurred to them how they came up with the idea of ​​making a snowman out of plastic cups and garlands and decorating their house with such a work of art for the New Year. Meanwhile, more and more people are trying to create such home decor for the winter holidays.

New Year's snowman made from plastic cups - Master class on video

Try to create a figure of this New Year's character Houses. Well, you will learn how to make a snowman from plastic cups and garlands for the New Year from detailed master class on video.

Interesting: when the snowman is ready, you can hide little surprises for each family member and sweets for children in the empty spaces of his cups.

How to make a snowman from disposable cups - Step-by-step master class instructions

Main New Year's decoration, of course, a Christmas tree is considered. On December 31, under the fluffy beauty, all family members find gifts left there in advance by their loved ones. Well, what if there are so many presents that they simply don’t fit in one room? To avoid purchasing a second Christmas tree, read how to make a snowman from disposable cups— the step-by-step instructions of the master class will help you with this. A New Year's figurine will decorate the nursery - at its foot you can leave gifts for the little ones.

Large snowman made from disposable cups—Master class with photos

If you want to learn how to make a big snowman from ordinary disposable cups, read this master class to the end, study its photos and step-by-step instructions.

How to make a snowman from plastic bottles - Step-by-step instructions with photos

You already know what ideas a person’s rich imagination can suggest. No one remembers who was the first to think of how to make merry snowman, but whoever it is, we share his knowledge in our step-by-step instructions with photos. By the way, please note: using several dozen milk bottles, you can make a large snowman - a yard decoration.

Little snowman from a plastic milk bottle - Master class with photos

Before you make a snowman out of plastic bottles (step-by-step instructions with photos are located just below), you and your children will have to drink milk, kefir or yogurt. Moreover, than more crafts you want to make it, the more dairy products you will have to consume. It’s tasty, and most importantly, it’s good for the kids’ creativity. So, get your bottles ready and get started.

How to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018

Before the end of 2017, start collecting in your collection useful tips and master classes, recommendations for creating New Year's souvenirs. For example, save there step-by-step instructions telling you how to sew a snowman with your own hands from socks for the New Year 2018. Having completed them, you can give many of your acquaintances and friends cute homemade gifts.

Homemade New Year's snowman 2018 from socks - Step by step instructions

You have time, imagination, a desire to please your loved ones New Year's gifts? Then you will be curious to know how to sew a cute little snowman with your own hands from plain socks for New Year 2018. Follow the step-by-step instructions and you'll make some cute souvenirs over the course of the evening.

Before starting work, prepare:

  • White long socks or knee socks;
  • Threads;
  • A needle;
  • Multi-colored buttons;
  • PVA glue;
  • Textile;
  • Beads;
  • Elastic bands;
  • Rice or pearl barley.

The photo shows the sequence of your actions.

  1. First cut off at the toe top part. After attaching the elastic band to the end of the sock, turn it inside out and fill it with pearl barley or rice. There should still be a little empty space left at the top of the sock.
  2. Tie the top end of the sock with an elastic band. Pull a thin string or rubber band over the middle of the already stuffed future craft - you will get two balls.
  3. Glue beads or buttons for the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth to the small ball. Instead of a nose, you can use a bright elongated button.
  4. Glue buttons onto the snowman’s white “caftan,” and put a hat made from the remnants of a used sock on his head. Decorate the hat with bright fabric. Tie a scarf to a fairy-tale character.

Do-it-yourself fluffy New Year's snowman from cotton pads - Step-by-step master class

This photo master class with your own hands will help you make a fluffy New Year's snowman from cotton pads step by step explanations sequence of the wizard's work. Creating one such craft will take no more than 10-15 minutes, so in an hour you can make at least 4-6 small snowmen and decorate the Christmas tree with them for the New Year 2018.

Making a “Snowman” applique from cotton pads - Master class with photos

Fluffy New Year's snowman making your own from cotton pads (you can find a step-by-step master class on our website) will be an excellent gift for your mother or grandmother on December 31st. Help your child make a neat applique on colored cardboard and sign the craft with words of wishes on the back.

Place on the table:

  • Blue cardboard;
  • Three cotton pads;
  • Figured hole punch;
  • Snowflakes, snowdrifts, snowman's cap and carrots, prepared in advance;
  • Black felt-tip pen;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Oilcloth.

How to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands - Master class with explanations and photos

If you have an idea to please your family original crafts and gifts, we will teach you how to make a snowman out of cotton wool with your own hands, and a master class with explanations and photos of each step will help you make a very unusual gift. However, experienced craftsmen It will be enough to watch this video.

Homemade New Year's snowman made of cotton wool - Master class with photos

In order to learn how to quickly and accurately make a snowman with your own hands from cotton wool and the base of a toilet paper roll, study this master class with explanations and photos.

  1. Prepare the cotton cardboard roll from toilet paper, scissors, glue and multi-colored woolen threads.

  2. Apply glue to the roll and start wrapping cotton wool around it. Each layer of cotton wool must be glued.

  3. Cut out a rectangle measuring 6.4cm x 5.1cm from black construction paper.

  4. Start making a hat for the snowman (see photo).

  5. Cut out a long rectangle from orange paper and decorate your hat with this “ribbon”.

  6. Glue the snowman's nose and eyes from beads.

  7. Use seven tiny paper circles to create a mouth for the snowman.

  8. You can attach handles like these to the snowman.

  9. The craft is almost ready and is very nice to iron.

  10. Now all that remains is to attach a rope to the snowman or wool thread, and the craft can be hung above the table or on the Christmas tree.

How to make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - Video and photos with explanations

After reading how you can easily and quickly make a magical snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home, watching the videos and photos presented here with explanations, you will learn how to make beautiful, unusual New Year's souvenirs.

Snowman made of threads and balls for the New Year 2018 - Master class with photographs

Before you make a snowman with your own hands from threads and balls at home - videos and photos with explanations will help you figure it out - prepare all the materials and tools:

  • Balloons;
  • White threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Wire;
  • Scissors;
  • Red yarn;
  • Black buttons.

Now, having carefully studied all the master classes with step by step instructions, photos and videos telling how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year 2018 from any available materials at home, you can please your family unusual crafts for the holiday. Create best works from balls and threads, paper and cotton pads, socks, disposable cups, plastic bottles and cotton wool and share your skills with friends!