What is an overdose of pregnancy? What to do with a pathological variant

The vast majority of women carry their children to 39-40 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time, according to the Ministry of Health of Russia, about 93% of children are born. The remaining 7% falls on babies who rushed and were born ahead of schedule. obstetric period(about 5%), or are in no hurry to be born, and "sit" in their mother's tummy until 41, 42 and even up to 43 weeks. About why labor does not begin at 42 weeks, is it normal and what to do, we will tell in this article.

How many months is this?

42 weeks of pregnancy is an obstetric calculation of the gestational age. It is customary for doctors to consider the gestation period from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, about 40 weeks have passed since conception. That's a full nine months and two more weeks.(in 1 month on average - 4.285 weeks).

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Norm or pathology?

This main question, which at the 42nd week of pregnancy torments both the women themselves and her relatives. In the exchange card, the estimated date of delivery is the date that was about two weeks ago, but the birth does not begin. Because of this, and also because of the strong physical and emotional fatigue a woman is in constant stress, many are already waiting for childbirth as a salvation, since it has become difficult to carry a pregnancy.

Experts reassure - there is no talk of overwearing. At 42 weeks, childbirth, although this happens quite rarely, is still a variant of a completely normal, full-term, simply prolonged pregnancy. Preterm pregnancy is considered to be from 43 weeks.

Mother nature herself may well extend gestation to 42 weeks, if, for example, the calculations of obstetricians turned out to be inaccurate. When registering, a woman could make a mistake with the date of the last menstruation, ovulation could be late, as a result of which implantation was also delayed. This is the most common reason why a woman at 42 weeks is still at home, her bag, collected at the maternity hospital more than a month ago, is almost at the doorstep, and every day for the expectant mother begins with the fact that she listens to her body in an attempt to detect at least some signs of an upcoming birth.

Prolonged pregnancy may have other causes - for example, excess weight mothers, her sedentary lifestyle, hormonal disorders in her body. It is hormones that “rule” the entire preparation for childbirth, and if there is an imbalance in their concentration and ratio, childbirth can be delayed.

Even 20 years ago, women at 42 weeks were rigorously hospitalized and stimulated labor or did C-section. Now obstetricians look a little differently at this period - if the baby is not going out yet, then nature needs it. Therefore, 42 weeks should not cause any panic and unrest for either the doctor or the woman.

What was the baby like?

The weight and height of the child at this time largely depends on heredity - in big parents usually rather big babies are born, miniature mom and dad “receive” a small bundle in the maternity hospital.

On average, the weight of babies at 42 weeks exceeds 3 kilograms 600 grams, height - more than 52 centimeters. And the child continues to grow, although it seems that he has nowhere to grow further - it has become very crowded in the uterus.

The fact of the incessant growth of the crumbs, which until recently the expectant mother and all her relatives were so happy about, now does not cause enthusiasm - after all, the larger the peanut, the more difficult the birth usually is and the risk of birth injuries to the baby increases.

A baby at 42 weeks is a fully formed person, ready for life in this world. All organs and systems work for him, the heart beats rhythmically, the liver and spleen produce hormones and enzymes, the stomach digests swallowed amniotic fluid, in the intestines, a supply of the first crumb feces in life is deposited - dark green meconium, which will come out of the rectum on the first day after birth.

The child hears perfectly, sees the light, touches. His nervous system continues to improve, but this process will continue after birth. Neonatologists say that a child at 42 weeks of gestation worries and worries with her mother, because he is also completely ready for birth, which for some reason does not start.

The placenta ages, becomes thinner. On the one hand, this is not very good, since the child receives less oxygen and nutrients, but, on the other hand, his immunity “trains”. The aging placenta, which cannot be a full-fledged barrier, begins to allow maternal antibodies to various diseases, viruses, infections that the mother once had or were vaccinated against to the baby.

Children born earlier also have such innate immunity, but to a lesser extent. This immunity is not considered lifelong, it will protect the baby to some extent only during the first months of his life, when children's body the most vulnerable and defenseless.

The lungs of a child at 42 weeks are completely ready for disclosure, the amount of accumulated specific surfactant substance is sufficient so as not to worry if the baby can breathe on its own in the hospital.

The baby this week continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat, its forms are rounded, on a three-dimensional ultrasound, if done at this time, you can see plump cheeks and cute dimples. In general, he looks exactly the same as he will look at the time of birth. His bones are this period become stronger, they gradually harden, which can create additional difficulties during childbirth.

How does mom feel?

The belly has become so huge that it is now very difficult for a woman to wear it, so at 42 weeks, the vast majority of expectant mothers have emotional instability, nervous breakdowns, insomnia. They are caused not only by fatigue and excitement, but also by hormonal changes: a woman’s body is under the action of the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for softening pelvic bones necessary to overcome the crumbs of the birth canal with the least discomfort.

Due to the divergence of the pelvic bones, a woman has pain in the region of the womb, the pains are aggravated while walking, when trying to get out of bed. If they are not of a constant painful nature and do not limit movements, there is nothing to worry about. You can take "No-Shpu", which has a pronounced antispasmodic effect.

42 weeks of pregnancy in many women is associated with the appearance of edema. Even those who previously did not have puffiness, at this time, swelling may appear on the hands, face, and ankles. Due to the strong pressure of the grown uterus and fetus on the lower veins, women often develop hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

Problems with the intestines literally haunt most of the expectant mothers at this time. The growing uterus compresses the intestinal loops, displaces them and gallbladder up, as a result of which a woman may complain of flatulence, that she is sick even after a small amount of light food. Often make themselves known liquid stool and constipation.

A woman may change the nature of the discharge. Against the background of occasionally appearing pulling pains in the lower back, mucous membranes, light or brown discharge with streaks of blood or gelatinous clots. This may indicate that the woman is leaving the so-called cork - mucus that closed the cervical canal and protected the uterine cavity from the penetration of everything foreign throughout the pregnancy. The cork sometimes comes out entirely, and sometimes leaves gradually, over several days.

Clear, colorless, watery discharge may indicate that water is leaking. Abundant watery discharge talk about a one-time discharge of water. In this case, you should go to a maternity hospital.

What to do if there are no signs of childbirth?

If the period for which the birth was scheduled has long passed, and the woman does not feel any symptoms and signs of an impending birth, do not worry and panic. Not all harbingers of childbirth appear in advance, in some cases, childbirth begins at total absence harbingers.

In any case, at week 42, a woman should definitely visit her attending physician, who will help distinguish a prolonged pregnancy from a post-term one. Overwearing has quite definite Clinical signs, it poses a danger to the baby and mother.

You can talk about reloading if:

  • amniotic fluid level is very low, index amniotic fluid is at a critically low level;
  • in the amniotic fluid on ultrasound, flakes, suspensions are determined, they are cloudy;
  • the placenta is aging, it has significantly decreased in thickness, ultrasound shows insufficient blood flow through the placenta-fetus system.

A woman at 42 weeks will have a CTG to make sure that the baby is feeling well, they will measure the level of amniotic fluid, and manually examine the condition of the cervix on a gynecological chair.

If the neck is long and immature, then upon detection anxiety symptoms gestation will be offered a caesarean section.

If the cervix is ​​mature, smoothed, there is a slight opening of 1-2 fingers, but there are no contractions and labor does not begin, the doctor may recommend hospitalization and stimulation of natural childbirth. It is carried out medically. The drug is often used "Mifepristone"hormonal agent blocking the production of progesterone.

Without this hormone, pregnancy cannot continue. The muscles of the uterus begin to contract, labor starts and proceeds quite naturally. Induction of labor with hormonal medications has many contraindications, including preeclampsia, kidney failure, disorders of hemostasis, late toxicosis, abnormal location of the fetus, heart and liver disease in women, etc.

After medication, labor usually begins within 48-72 hours. In addition, doctors can make a puncture amniotic sac to stimulate the birth process.

If the doctor does not see signs of overdose at the reception, then he will let the expectant mother go home to wait for a spontaneous onset labor activity.

Representatives of the older generation remember themselves and advise their daughters and granddaughters to “drink castor oil”. Castor oil- a strong laxative, and bowel cleansing contributes to the production of prostaglandins and the onset of labor. From this method modern medicine warns - castor oil acts too strongly, it can provoke unwanted childbirth, and diarrhea and vomiting, which is completely unnecessary now for a woman and a child, which will only complicate the life of a future mother at 42 weeks of pregnancy.


A woman can “help” nature if she is more active, mobile, if she has sex (provided that the mucous plug has not left the cervical canal), and also massage her nipples (while producing oxytocin, which has the property to reduce the muscles of the uterus).

Walking and activity are not contraindicated for a woman, but experts do not advise to go far from home - childbirth can begin at any time. If it becomes necessary to leave, be sure to take your passport, medical insurance policy, exchange card. bag with necessary things and accessories for the maternity hospital must be assembled and stand in full combat readiness in a conspicuous place.

Particular attention should be paid to your diet at this time, because gastrointestinal tract subject to enormous stress. A woman should reduce portions, add vegetables and fruits to her diet, reduce the amount of meat and fish, and exclude bread.

Also, do not take dairy products, because at 42 obstetric weeks and at a faster pace, the bones of the baby's skull are hardening, excess calcium can now do a disservice.

If there are atypical discharges, water from the genitals, blood, green liquid, you should call an ambulance and go to the hospital. All these conditions require medical presence and control.

A woman at 42 weeks should protect herself from viral and other diseases. Any infection, even if it is manifested by a common cold, upon admission to maternity hospital will be the basis for placing a woman in labor in the observation department.

You should be very careful to own feelings- if it pulls the lower back, this is not considered the beginning of labor, but the pulling pain in the lower back, combined with atypical discharge and pain in the lower abdomen, is already a reason to arm yourself for hours and check if contractions have begun.

For information on what the signs of a baby's postmaturity may be, see the following video.

  • What's happening
  • Harbingers

The 42nd week of pregnancy began, but there was still no birth. Experiences due to the lack of contractions and the health of the baby are enhanced. But all worries are in vain if the ultrasound shows that everything is in order with the baby.

42 obstetric week pregnancy is already 10 months of pregnancy, III trimester.

What you need to know about 42 weeks pregnant?

Firstly, pregnancy at 42 weeks is not considered post-term. The normal duration of pregnancy is 38-40 weeks. An increase in this period by 10-14 days is also within the normal range, but such a pregnancy requires more careful monitoring.

Secondly, only 10% of women nurse up to 42 weeks, and in most cases the reason for this is an incorrectly calculated date of the expected birth.

Thirdly, pregnancy at a period of 41-42 weeks is delayed and prolonged. These are two completely different concepts.

Overloading is a pathology. Signs of such a pregnancy are:

  • old placenta, unable to provide the fetus with everything necessary;
  • a fetus suffering from hypoxia;
  • hardening of the skull and bones of the fetus;
  • the presence of meconium (original feces) in the amniotic fluid.

The consequences include: birth trauma, difficult labor, weak labor activity, the inability of the child to take the first breath on his own (meconium enters the baby's lungs along with amniotic fluid, lung ventilation is necessary so that the baby can breathe on its own).

Prolonged pregnancy is an individual feature. The baby continues to develop normally even after 42 weeks, and the placenta provides him with everything he needs. Simply, the baby needs a little more time to complete normal intrauterine development.

Fourth, giving birth at 42 weeks of gestation is absolutely normal. Those who gave birth at 41-42 weeks talk about completely normal delivery, without complications, as a result of which healthy beautiful kids. It is only worth noting that childbirth after 40 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, is protracted, and rapid births occur only in 5% of cases.

How does mom feel?

All that worries the expectant mother at this time: when will the contractions begin? Many women become nervous, whiny and irritable. This is partly due to the restructuring of hormones, because before childbirth, the amount of progesterone decreases, and the amount of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. Change hormonal background leads to mood swings. Added to this is concern for the child. During this period, a woman is very vulnerable and she needs the support of loved ones.

The woman is tired of being pregnant. She was expecting a meeting with the baby for another 40 weeks, but the 42nd week of pregnancy has already gone, and the baby has not been born. At this time, expectant mothers may feel: heaviness in the legs, pulling pain in the abdomen and lower back, frequent and painful false contractions, heartburn.

How does the baby feel?

If the placenta is not yet old and is able to deliver nutrients to the baby in full, the baby feels great. Over the past week, he has grown by another 1 cm. His weight could remain the same, or he could increase by 200-500 grams.

The child grows hair and nails. His eyes are open, he quite often moves his legs and arms, plays with the umbilical cord. All movements of the fetus are well felt by the mother.

The bones of the baby are getting stronger, the skull is becoming more and more solid. This can lead to prolonged labor and labor. In addition, from the 40th week, the baby became a little larger, and large fruit difficult to move through the birth canal.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: What are the signs of childbirth? Already 42 weeks, no contractions

A: Before childbirth, the stomach should sink and the mucous plug should go away - these are the most noticeable changes in the body of a pregnant woman and are observed 1-2 before the upcoming birth. The mucous plug can move away at a time, which will be immediately noticeable, or it can move away several times, while the woman will notice abundant mucous discharge. Immediately before childbirth, the water breaks and contractions begin.

Q: Tired of being pregnant. Went 42 weeks and no signs of childbirth. How can you induce contractions?

A: At 42 weeks, your doctor should suggest hospitalization and medical induction of labor. The term is already long enough, and it is recommended to resort to medical care if labor has not started yet naturally. With such stimulation, the process of having a baby goes naturally. The only negative are not very pleasant procedures for the preparation of the cervix and stimulation.

Q: Why is a post-term pregnancy at 42 weeks dangerous for a baby?

A: Not every pregnancy at 42 weeks is postterm. Only a doctor can make such a diagnosis, after a thorough examination and examination of the fetus, placenta, amniotic fluid. Pregnancy, which is overdue, leads to oxygen starvation of the baby, dryness and flaking of his skin, and can also cause various birth trauma mother and child and birth hemorrhage.

What should mom do at 42 weeks?

It is important for expectant mothers for a period of 41-42 weeks to undergo regular ultrasound and CTG in order to monitor the condition of the fetus. Lack of oxygen and nutrients can be very bad for his health.

If you no longer have the strength to wait for natural childbirth, you can ask the doctors to stimulate contractions. At the same time, a woman is hospitalized and a full examination is carried out: they check the readiness of the cervix for labor, do an ultrasound scan and evaluate the size and position of the child, the condition of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid. All this matters which stimulation method to prescribe. In the event that the cervix is ​​not yet ready, procedures are carried out to help soften and shorten it before starting stimulation.

Also, expectant mothers at 42 weeks of gestation can resort to grandmother's methods self-stimulation:

  • Having sex helps soften the cervix and improve blood flow in the pelvis, which can bring the onset of contractions. This method to speed up childbirth is one of the most effective.
  • Physical activity also brings all the muscles, including the uterus, into tone, contributing to its contraction and the onset of contractions.
  • a tablespoon of castor or olive oil help to cleanse and relax the intestines. You can also use an enema. Bowel emptying often leads to the onset of labor.
  • Nipple stimulation is also a way to speed up labor, although not as effective as sex.

Walk more, enjoy life and the last days of your pregnant position. Very soon, maybe even today or tomorrow, you will meet the dearest little man who will change your whole habitual life. Good luck and easy delivery!

The obstetric month is 4 weeks, which means you are now 11 months pregnant. Until this week, only 10% of women remain pregnant.

During this time, the doctor may suspect that you have been carrying a baby. In this case, he prescribes the stimulation of labor. It is important to clearly understand whether you are pregnant.

What happens at 42 weeks

What is the risk of post-term pregnancy:

  1. The placenta continues to age, which in turn can provoke hypoxia and the fact that the child will not receive enough nutrients. Because of this, the fetus may experience spasms, and, consequently, reflex excretion of the original feces - meconium. The baby is constantly breathing and swallowing amniotic fluid, which means that meconium can get into the baby's lungs. This in turn may cause severe complication, which manifest itself immediately after birth - meconium aspiration syndrome. To deal with this problem, the doctor will use mechanical ventilation and antibiotic therapy.
  2. A baby who was not born on time begins to “overripe”, that is, weight increases, bones become dense.
  3. The volume of amniotic fluid decreases, in some cases up to 50%. In addition, they become cloudy.
  4. A woman may feel some complications during childbirth, for example, bleeding, weakness of labor. In addition, the risk of developing diseases in a child increases.

Reasons that may contribute to post-term pregnancy:

  • altered nature of menstrual function;
  • insufficient amount of hormones;
  • chronic and other diseases;
  • transferred psycho-emotional stress;
  • heredity;
  • prescribed bed rest during pregnancy;
  • psychological attitude to late childbirth;
  • big weight fetus.

When the baby is completely ready for birth, his body begins to produce a hormone, which is the so-called signal for the onset of labor. In this case, the child and mother will work together on the birth process and everything will go as well as possible.

Well-being of a woman at 42 weeks

Every woman looks forward to the end of pregnancy, and literally counts the hours until the upcoming event. Tension increases daily, which is associated not only with the physical, but also with the psychological state.

Possible physical sensations

Significant changes and shifts in the body of a woman do not occur. In rare cases, minor shifts may occur:

  1. Stomach. Big belly very strongly stretches the skin, which causes itching and peeling. Because of this, stretch marks and even irritation can occur. Therefore, it is recommended to use folk remedies to get rid of this problem.
  2. Cervix. The degree of maturity of the uterus reflects the readiness of the mother's body for childbirth. There is a certain classification that distinguishes immature, insufficiently mature and mature cervix. For labor to occur, the cervix must be fully mature. This fact is evidenced by its softening, contraction and opening.
  3. Allocations. Keep monitoring your secretions. Normal discharge- moderate, uniform consistency, light, odorless or with a slight sour smell:
  • if you notice foamy and curdled discharge, which emit an unpleasant odor and a strange color, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, this means that there is an infection in the body. It is necessary to get rid of it, or the doctor will prescribe a caesarean section so that the baby does not get infected during the passage through the birth canal;
  • the presence of blood in the discharge is a reason to immediately call ambulance, as this may indicate a presentation or abruption of the placenta. Only urgent help help save the life of a child and a woman;
  • if the discharge has become watery, then this means that your water is breaking, and that you will soon give birth.
  1. Edema. At 42 weeks, about 70% of women suffer from edema. They appear at the end of the day and indicate long walks or that you have drunk a lot of water. If the swelling does not go away, be sure to consult a doctor. Read more about swelling during pregnancy
  2. Possible problems. Many women may complain of hemorrhoids, but don't worry, they will go away after childbirth. About 90% of women suffer from bowel problems. This can be manifested by constipation, diarrhea. The reason for this hormonal measurements and decreased intestinal motility. Read more about the treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and after childbirth, read
  3. Pain sensations. A woman can feel pain in almost all parts of her body. For example, pain in the joints indicates their preparation for childbirth. Pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of approaching childbirth. In addition, there may be pain in the back, legs, chest, as well as headache.

How is childbirth

When you arrive at the hospital and are placed in the ward before labor begins, the doctor will regularly measure the diameter of the cervix. When it reaches a value of 10 cm, the doctor will say that it is time to give birth.

The last part of the birth canal has a spiral structure, which means that the baby will, as it were, screw into soft tissues uterus and move forward.

From this moment, there is about half an hour left before meeting with your child. During childbirth, a lot depends on the mother, namely on the correctness of her breathing and attempts.

A woman needs to take a breath full chest so that the lungs and diaphragm press on the uterus, and then you need to exhale with an attempt so that the baby gets an incentive to move forward. After that, you definitely need to take a break to restore breathing and the amount of oxygen in the body. Read more about breathing techniques in childbirth.

At this time, the doctor clearly monitors the condition of the baby according to the following signs:

  1. If the skin is pink, then everything is going well and the baby is getting enough oxygen.
  2. The lilac color of the head indicates a reduced, but still normal amount of oxygen.
  3. The blue color makes you wary, as the blood circulates poorly in the child's body.
  4. White is a cause for serious concern and urgent action.

When the head is completely out, the doctor helps the baby to release the shoulders, and the rest of the body is already out without special efforts and problems. Now it remains to hear the first cry of the baby and calm down, we have become a mother.

Possible emotional experiences

Now in the mother’s head there are only questions that are related to the child and childbirth: “How is my baby?”, “How will the birth go?”, “How will life change after birth?”.

Try to calm down and enjoy the last days of pregnancy. Very soon, you will not feel the movement of the baby in the tummy, and the pregnancy will remain only a memory.

A good distraction is to write your child a letter. Describe your feelings, sensations, thoughts, remember everything that happened during these 9 months. In the future, you will be able to remember this time, as well as give an older child to read and find out how you felt when he was in the tummy.

try don't focus on your feelings, learn to switch and be distracted. Spend this time usefully, for example, read useful literature on child care, because after giving birth you will not be able to do this, there will be no time.

Ways to calm down at 42 weeks pregnant:

  1. No need to sit and wait for the time "X" to come. Plan your activities for the whole day.
  2. Go shopping, buy food for the near future, study the recipes for dishes that a woman is allowed to eat after giving birth.
  3. Talk to family and friends and ask them to stop bothering you every day with questions about childbirth.
  4. Spend a lot of time with your husband, because after the baby is born, it will not be easy to allocate time for this.
  5. Try to rest a lot, as you will need a lot of strength.

Reviews of women about 42 weeks

How do women feel who have not had time to give birth before this week:

Anastasia: “I already have a neurosis, which only intensifies every day. The worst thing is that I don’t have any training contractions or any other signs of an approaching birth. The doctor said that he would not cause contractions yet, since there was no opening of the uterus, and the head did not go down enough. the doctor said a couple more days and you need to go to the hospital.”

Svetlana: “I decided to agree to the stimulation of labor myself, as I am afraid that something might happen to the baby. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the pathology, where they will spend everything on me necessary procedures and research and the doctor will make the final decision.”

Marina: “I am very worried, today they did an ultrasound and said that the amniotic fluid is cloudy, which means that there is meconium. The doctor said that tomorrow he would do a cesarean, I agree to everything just to save the life of my beloved son.

Daria: “How difficult it is for me, my strength is running out, my emotions are at the limit. If it wasn't for my husband's support, I would have gone crazy. He is always there, goes with me to appointments with the doctor, in general, he is my gold. Tomorrow he is going to the doctor and will decide what to do, I am already ready to agree to a caesarean section, if only to give birth and see my daughter.”

Valentine: “It seems that the birth is approaching. Yesterday the cork went away, the training contractions intensified, it pulls in the lower abdomen, I hope that today tomorrow I will finally give birth.

Faith: “The feeling of fatigue is already so strong that there is no strength to get out of bed. The good news is that there are signs of an approaching pregnancy, so there will be no need to agree to stimulate pregnancy. I pray to God to hug my baby as soon as possible.

Olga: “How scary, already 42 weeks pregnant, and the baby still does not want to be born. I am exhausted and, it seems, will not be able to give birth on my own. Tomorrow I will go to the doctor and I will consult with him what to do and how exactly to stimulate labor.

Catherine: “Today I was at the doctor, and he made me happy, said that the uterus became soft, the mucous plug came off, that everything is fine and for a few more days, and we will meet him in the delivery room. I, like a mountain off my shoulders, now all my worries are gone, and I am already looking forward to the start of childbirth with great impatience.

Victoria: “Every day I talk with my daughter and persuade her to be born as soon as possible and it seems that he heard me. Today, the contractions intensified, the mucous plug began to move away and it calmed down, maybe even tomorrow or today I will be able to see my beauty.

Zoya: “God, it’s already 42 weeks, and I thought I’ll give birth at 37 more. Mom reassures me, says that she gave birth to me at the end of 42 weeks and that this is heredity. She is probably right, as studies show that the baby is doing well and that we are not yet overweight. The contractions have intensified, maybe in a couple of days I will be able to please everyone and say that we were born.

Fetal development at 42 weeks gestation

About 95% of babies who are born this week do not have any problems that may be related to pregnancy.

The weight of the baby can reach up to 4 kg, and the height is about 53 cm.

The body and body of the child is already ready for independent work and independent living.

Now the baby is waiting for the moment of birth to start its mechanism.

Skeleton and skull, including, continue to strengthen. This, in turn, can complicate childbirth, as the bones of the skull lose their ability to reconfigure during passage through the birth canal. As a result, a woman and a child can be seriously injured.

The following signs may indicate that the baby is overdue:

  • the skin is dry, wrinkled, flaky in places;
  • generic lubrication is completely absent;
  • nails and hair are very long;
  • eyes are open;
  • significant activity.

On recent weeks Pregnancy child prepare for a crucial period in his life. The adrenal glands have increased several times, and they already look more kidneys. They produce a hormone that helps the baby cope with severe stress in his life.

Photo of a newborn baby

To speed up childbirth at home ideal solution there will be sex, since semen contains prostaglandin, which softens the cervix. In an excited state, blood circulation increases, which provokes the tone of the uterus, and, consequently, the onset of contractions.

In addition, you can stimulate the nipples, as this produces the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the onset of labor.

Also help to bring the birth closer can: walking up the stairs, mopping, light physical activity. Some women use drugs that cause a violent bowel movement, which in turn can trigger uterine contractions. To do this, they drink castor oil, make enemas, but it is best to resort to such means only with the permission of a doctor. Folk remedies include tea with raspberry leaves or eating pineapple.

Test to see if you're ready for childbirth

Accept comfortable posture for example, sit in a chair or lie down on a bed. You will need a watch to control the time. You need to irritate the nipples and area for a minute, and then take a 3-minute break during which you need to put your hands on your stomach and track the contractions. The procedure must be repeated about 5 times.

What are the results:

  1. If in the first minutes of the test you feel a contraction of the uterus, and then another 10 minutes of the test, about 3 more contractions, then everything is fine and the pregnancy is prolonged. In this case, you need to wait a couple of days and the baby will certainly be born.
  2. If there were no contractions, then most likely the pregnancy is delayed, and you need to go to the doctor to arrange a caesarean section.
  1. Do not walk for long distances and always take documents and a mobile phone with you.
  2. Spend time usefully, read literature about pregnancy.
  3. Continue to monitor nutrition, it should be balanced and moderate. To gain strength before childbirth, eat simple carbohydrates. You can relax a bit and allow yourself something tasty and harmful before a long diet after childbirth. Even some alcohol is allowed.

Examinations at 42 weeks of gestation

This week you will most likely have the following procedures:

  1. ultrasound. Allows you to determine the amount of amniotic fluid, the condition of the placenta and the size of the baby.
  2. This study will help evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and vessels of the child. Thanks to this study, the doctor will be able to find out whether there is enough oxygen and useful substances goes to the child.
  3. . This procedure allows you to make a synchronous recording of the fetal heartbeat and uterine contractions. Thanks to this, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the child and exclude possible hypoxia.
  4. Amthioskopiya. This procedure is aimed at determining the purity and amount of amniotic fluid, as well as the presence of cheesy lubrication, and amniotic sac detachment. It is carried out with a special device called an amnioscope, which looks like a flashlight. It is inserted into the woman's vagina and advanced along the cervix.
  5. In addition, you will need to pass, which will tell you about the quality of the kidneys.

This week, the doctor may suggest or insist on:

  1. If, according to all indicators, you have determined a post-term pregnancy, then, most likely, you will be prescribed labor induction. For this, the doctor will use the drug oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. In addition, another hormone will be used - prostaglandin, which softens the cervix. If after this the cervix does not open, then the doctor will pierce the fetal bladder, as this will irritate the birth canal.
  2. A caesarean section is prescribed when there is a threat to the life of the mother and child, and also when it was determined during an ultrasound scan that the diameter of the baby's head is greater than the distance between the sacrum and the highest point of the mother's pubic symphysis. Simply put, the baby will not be able to pass through the mother's birth canal. It will also be prescribed if a woman has a premature exfoliation of the placenta, found or determined fetal hypoxia.

Video - newborn care

Pregnancy has been going on for 42 weeks, and the baby has not yet been born. The expectant mother is anxious and this is quite understandable to us - the late deadline which carries serious risks. It is, first of all, about the child and his health. What to do?

Let's make a reservation right away - in each individual case, it is necessary to take into account its individual conditions and features. And they do not always say that there is a specific threat to a woman in labor or her child.

Recall that we are already dealing with the obstetric 42nd week of pregnancy, that is, with the fortieth week from conception. Went eleventh moon month pregnancy.

By this time, the child is completely ready for birth, all his systems and organs are already functioning or will be included in a full-fledged working mode immediately after birth.

The weight of the baby reached three and a half and more kilograms, height - about half a meter and even more.

The appearance of the fetus is the same as that of a newborn. He has hair on his head and nails on his fingers. Our baby is looking forward to his time, as he is one hundred percent prepared for life outside the mother's womb. So why hasn't the birth yet taken place?

What is an extended pregnancy?

We are talking about this type of post-term pregnancy, when the term of bearing a child is two weeks longer than the term of a normal pregnancy. That is, a woman plans childbirth on one date, and they occur only after ten to fourteen days. We want to reassure you that about ten percent of women give birth at the 42nd week. But here it is important to distinguish between post-term and prolonged type of pregnancy.

Errors in calculations

The most common and commonplace reason for delayed labor is the incorrect definition of conception. This is not surprising. For most women, setting this date is a problem.

Should I be worried?

But what if the date is determined with absolute accuracy? And the birth, based on it, should have already taken place at least a week ago?

Even in this case, it is not worth worrying about this yet. The fact is that there is a significant percentage of women with an extended menstrual cycle of twenty-nine days or more. In such women, the fetus usually ripens a little later than in women with menstrual cycle at 28 days.

Postterm pregnancy

There are a number of signs indicating that the fetus is already overdue by this time:

  • Dryness and wrinkling skin, its peeling.
  • Complete disappearance of original lubrication.
  • Excessive density of the bones of the skull.
  • Floating feces in the amniotic fluid.
  • Overweight.
  • Excessive elongation of nails.
  • Scratches on the face.
  • Small amount of amniotic fluid.
  • bluish- green color skin cover.
  • The "old" placenta, which can no longer ensure the vital activity of the fetus.

Modern medicine operates with quite effective mechanisms for determining the duration of pregnancy.

Let's list them:

  • Technique ultrasound(ultrasound), which makes it possible to determine the condition of the placenta, to clarify the size and nature of the location of the fetus.
  • Cardiotocography method - analysis of the fetal heart rate and accounting for uterine contractions.
  • Dopplerography. Allows you to assess the condition of the placenta and uterine arteries.
  • Aminoscopy. A method for calculating the volume of amniotic fluid, the presence of feces and lubrication in them. The working tool of this technique is the aminoscope.

Note. Prematurity of the fetus for a period of two weeks is quite rare, so in most of these cases, most often we are talking about the wrong date of conception.

Postponed pregnancy. Why did this happen?

Why did this happen to me and what does it mean for me? Every woman asks herself this question at the 42nd week of pregnancy. Excitement and anxiety during this period of pregnancy - common occurrence characteristic of all expectant mothers.

And here panic fear before childbirth in some cases can be the main reason for delayed labor. Psychologists talk about it.

In addition, there are a number of other factors that, to one degree or another, can contribute to the prolongation of pregnancy:

  • hormones responsible for labor activity are not produced in the required amount;
  • problems with fat metabolism in a pregnant woman;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • genetic factor;
  • severe stress, a number of psychological problems.

About fears

Among the reasons of a psychological nature, we will also attribute the fear of a pregnant woman before childbirth, as an event that brings with it pain and suffering. Painful childbirth, from the point of view of such a woman, are delayed by her purely on a psychological level.

In this case, it is necessary to involve a professional psychologist with the proper qualifications to solve the problem.

In fear, the most unpleasant phenomenon is fear itself. A woman artificially increases her ideas about the severity of childbirth to universal proportions. As a result, she is dealing with her own physical and psychological clamp. The expectant mother needs to calm down, trust the doctors, herself, the baby and fate. It's the best thing she can do.

The expectant mother should remember that even if her baby is already overdue, both the baby and the woman herself will be provided with qualified assistance. At this time the most important factors- calmness of the pregnant woman herself and medical control of the situation.

What are the dangers of post-term childbirth?

If we are talking about the danger of delayed childbirth, then we must keep in mind all the risks for the mother and her child.

An excessively long stay in the mother's womb for the fetus means, first of all, hardening of the bones of the skull, which further complicates the passage of the head through the birth canal.

This fact itself often automatically leads to a protracted birth process associated with additional pain, both for the woman in labor and for the child, and the risk of trauma to the baby's skull.

Meanwhile, the baby's appetite is growing, he needs more and more nutrients that the old placenta is no longer able to give him. Not enough baby and oxygen. That is why so much mecconia is found in the amniotic fluid during examination, because the baby is emptied reflexively due to a lack of oxygen.

There is also the danger that the baby will take its first reflex breath in the womb rather than at birth.

What does it mean?

The baby will swallow the amniotic fluid that contains his feces, and this is already a bacterial threat. In this case, the baby will have to be connected to a special apparatus for ventilation and antibiotic therapy.

Postponed pregnancy is a blow to the health of the mother

Some studies point to the fact that not only the child adapts to the mother's body, but the reverse process also occurs. This is really interesting, because the baby carries the genes of his father, that is, genetic material that is dangerous for his mother.

How do they get along? Mother and her fetus? Some doctors argue that the child interferes with the management of the mother's body and even forces her to build material according to his invisible instructions. Fantastic? Is very similar.

But how else to explain the process of rejection of the fetus in some mothers, bouts of intoxication and the problem of compatibility of two systems with a different genetic set in one body in general? It is even theoretically difficult to imagine that in such a complex phenomenon, the mother herself is controlled, without the help of a foreign body that is actually foreign to her.

Prolongation of pregnancy worsens future labor activity. This is an increase in the risk of various complications and bleeding, and in the case of too much fetal body weight, it is also a forced choice of caesarean section, because natural childbirth in this case, they almost always carry with them numerous ruptures of the perineum and cervix.

The pregnancy dragged on. What to do?

Has your doctor already determined that you have a post-term pregnancy?

Then he will prescribe you a caesarean section or induction of labor. There are several types and types of such methods. Your choice, or choice of doctor, depends on many individual and other factors.

Indication for caesarean section

The main ways to stimulate labor

Medical methods:

  • Dropper with the hormone oxytocin. This hormone causes uterine contractions. When the intensity of contractions reaches the required level, the dropper is canceled. This technique is considered successful, despite the inconvenience of regular administration of oxytocin.
  • The use of the hormone prostaglandin, which is an element of male sperm. It has a beneficial effect on the cervix, helping to soften it, and provokes uterine contractions, but more intense and painful than during natural childbirth.
  • Amniotomy. This method of opening the fetal bladder is used when the birth canal is open and there are no labor pains. Bladder puncture guarantees the start birth process over the next twenty-four hours. Amnioty, unfortunately, cannot guarantee the protection of the fetus from infection.

Stimulation at home:

  • Active sexual contact. Male sperm helps soften the cervix, stimulates the onset of contractions, and female orgasm affects the tone of the uterus. This technique it is strictly forbidden to use in case of withdrawal of the mucous plug due to the lack of protection of the body of a pregnant woman from infectious penetrations.
  • Regular massage of the nipples. This procedure promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin and provokes uterine contractions. The technique is used when opening the birth canal.
  • Laxative, enema. Such simple procedures can become a mechanism for starting a generic process.

Natural stimulation:

  • Smooth, but active movements limbs and torso while sitting, lying and standing.
  • Walking, walking on fresh air.
  • Climbing stairs.

Remember that any safe movement with positive attitude- This natural stimulation childbirth. Do not induce labor on your own by any other method! Any intervention in the natural process of pregnancy should be carried out only with the permission of the doctor and under his strict supervision. It's about your health and the safety of your child!

Note. Decision on surgical intervention the doctor takes in the presence of fetal hypoxia, when amniotic fluid turned green if the baby's head is too large and for other special reasons.

However, the 42nd week of pregnancy is not a definitive choice for a caesarean section in any case. Perhaps your placenta still copes with the function of delivering all necessary elements nutrition, the baby feels good in the womb, and therefore there is no reason to panic. The doctor can decide on the natural course of childbirth. You just have to wait in suitable conditions, in a comfortable ward of the maternity hospital.

How does the expectant mother feel?

The emotional state of a woman at this time can range from euphoria, joyful anticipation of meeting her baby to bouts of fear, anxiety and panic before a future birth and pain associated with this event.

Now, more than ever, the expectant mother needs moral support from doctors and relatives. It is not easy to tune in positively to childbirth, but it is necessary.

Voltage on nervous system before such an event is huge, so prepare for the psychological and physical activity should have been ahead of time.

A woman in the forty-second week feels tension and pulling pain in the lower abdomen. The same unpleasant symptoms remind of upcoming birth in the lumbar region and perineum.

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are not uncommon at this time, the stomach itches a lot, especially in places of stretch marks, the upper and lower limbs go numb, and edema appears. The body acquired sluggishness and heaviness, the gait became even more "duck".

Learning to recognize contractions

In the forty-second week, you need to be ready for strong fights, while training, which then turn into real ones. Their absence should be a reason to seek medical help.

In the event of the onset of labor pains, the intervals between painful contractions are getting smaller and the pain is getting stronger. We will also refer to important harbingers of future childbirth:

  • frequent release of colostrum;
  • frequent urination;
  • sudden discharge of the mucous plug;
  • weight loss.

Are you ready to go to the maternity ward? Right? Then once again make sure that your package contains all the necessary things for you and the unborn child, documents, payment cards. It should now be with you at any time and in any place.

Be sure to visit a doctor. You good health? Wonderful. But you still have to visit the antenatal clinic. We are talking about the forty-second week of pregnancy. You must be insured against any surprises and troubles.

Are you getting enough rest? Set aside all your affairs, now it’s not up to them, ask your husband to take you to the park, to fresh air. You need to move, because this is a natural stimulation of childbirth.

Pay attention to the quality and quantity of food you eat. For your body, the role of vitamins and some vital important trace elements during this time increased significantly. Perhaps you even need a course of multivitamins of a separate focus.

Consult your doctor about this. Limit your diet to fatty, fried and sugary foods. Replace such products with nuts, green vegetables, fish, easily digestible meat, dried fruits. Go to fractional nutrition, in six to seven doses.

How much liquid do you consume per day? Is it enough for you and your baby's needs? you must drink daily allowance in two liters of water.

But with an increase in contractions, which indicates the onset of labor, fluid and food intake should be limited. At this time, the body gets rid of all that is superfluous.

Have you already learned the correct breathing technique during childbirth? If not, then hurry up to do it now. It will help you greatly alleviate your lot and speed up the birth process itself.

Talk to your husband and other relatives before giving birth. Make sure that they are mentally and physically ready for the new living conditions after the birth of the baby.

Remind them that a significant part of the psychological and labor burdens will fall on them.

Learn to think positively now. This is the most you can do so far. Don't overload your nervous system unnecessary experiences, fear and negativity. Remember that your thoughts build your future.

Do you want it to be cloudless for you and your family? Think only about the positive, cultivate a zone of love and kindness within yourself, it will definitely expand so much that it will cover all your relatives and friends with its rays.

Until the 42nd week of pregnancy, only a few women “hold out”. If you are one of them, be optimistic and take full advantage of this opportunity.

For example, you have more time to prepare for childbirth, you can settle all the remaining unresolved cases, relax as much as possible and gain strength for the most important event in your life.

Be always happy, patient and good-natured. Remember, no matter what happens, it's always for the best.

Good luck and happy birth!

We try to provide the most up-to-date and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible Negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the site site

The physiological period of maturation of the embryo from conception to birth is 38 weeks. Obstetricians take the first day of the last menstruation as a starting point, which on average adds another 14–21 days. So, a full-term newborn is considered to be born after 37-40 weeks of pregnancy.

On average, 1 out of 10 pregnancies are delayed, and the term can be up to 42 calendar weeks. Then we are talking about either a post-term or prolonged pregnancy.

It is not easy to figure out which option takes place in a particular pregnant woman. And without the help of doctors - it is impossible.

Long term options

By the 42nd week of pregnancy, future mommy is already completely mentally prepared for the onset of childbirth: things are collected in the hospital, she is waiting every day for the appearance long-awaited baby into the world. The finish line is near, fatigue from pregnancy and expectations have accumulated, fears appear: whether she is overbearing the baby, but there are still no contractions, and childbirth does not begin.

Prolonged pregnancy

You should not worry if the doctor's control over the condition of the pregnant woman and the child is appropriate. A woman who carried a child up to 42 weeks is included in 10% of the champions of the total number of women in labor. This period is not always considered a post-term pregnancy. It is called prolonged in certain categories of women:

  • With a menstrual cycle of about 30 days.
  • Having a hereditary history (family cases).
  • who previously had hormonal disruptions.
  • Those who during the current gestation required treatment for the threat of a breakdown.
  • IN age group older than 30 years and in primiparas.

As you can see, these are not quite physiological variants of the norm. Only after an examination in a consultation, you can be sure that there are no risks and already with an optimistic conclusion, expect the appearance of a baby any day.

Postterm pregnancy

The average frequency of true overwear is 1-3%. This situation is more common among women with health disorders:

  • Late puberty.
  • Persistent menstrual dysfunction.
  • Incomplete sexual development (infantilism).
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Mental trauma.
  • WITH severe course childhood infections.
  • Gestosis (toxicosis).
  • Anomalies in the development of the fetus (pituitary-adrenal system).
  • Having a hereditary history (family cases).

Regular visits to the antenatal clinic allow you to track these risk factors in advance and take appropriate measures.

Most children born between 42 and 44 weeks were born on their own and without negative consequences.

Fetal condition

How does the fetus feel if the 42nd week of pregnancy has gone? The child is in no hurry to be born, he is a little cramped, but comfortable in his mother's tummy. Sufficient weight has been gained, the baby has grown another centimeter and is waiting for the birth to begin, and he will see his mommy.

The child most often in this period is mature, full-term without signs of overmaturity. He confidently approaches the birth canal, grows, develops, childbirth should come any day. Its weight is on average from 3.5 to 4 kg, body length is 50–57 cm.

Medical supervision

After 38 weeks, women are required to undergo weekly monitoring and examination by a doctor in consultation. A qualified physician, if necessary, prescribes instrumental methods, ultrasound scanning with dopplerography. The data obtained from ultrasound and during examination just make it possible to clearly determine what it is: a prolonged or delayed pregnancy.

For this, certain signs are studied:

  1. Thinning and deformation of the placenta.
  2. The amount of amniotic fluid.
  3. The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid.
  4. The degree of readiness of the cervix.
  5. The nature of the cardiac activity of the fetus.
  6. The discharge from the mammary glands (milk or colostrum) is taken for analysis.

Summarizing the information, the gynecologist concludes what kind of prolonged gestation will have to deal with.

The need for obstetric and gynecological intervention

If it is found that the gestation is delayed beyond physiological reasons, then the doctors and the pregnant woman are faced with a choice of what to do: either wait a little longer or give birth immediately.

Dangers of post-term pregnancy:

  • After 42 weeks, the placenta ages and is not able to provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrition, the risks of hypoxia are high.
  • A mature fetus can reflexively inhale amniotic fluid with meconium, which will complicate his spontaneous breathing at birth. Aspiration (inhalation) of meconium makes it difficult for the baby to start life artificial ventilation lungs.
  • An overripe child often has a large weight (about 30% of the norm), his skull bones ossify, which interferes with progress through the birth canal and leads to birth injuries.
  • Some postterm babies, on the contrary, begin to lose weight (with significant placental insufficiency).
  • The amount of amniotic fluid decreases, which threatens to entangle the umbilical cord.
  • The skin of the fetus loses lubrication and becomes prone to injury, especially in conditions of low water.

A truly delayed pregnancy is determined not only by terms in extra weeks, but is accompanied by signs of overmaturity of the child himself.

Such an infant does not gain weight well after childbirth, the skin is dry and wrinkled without lubrication, the eyes are open. These children have long nails and hair, they are active. Skin color may be yellowish or grayish.

What should be done in the normal case?

So, the woman is "on demolition", 42 weeks pregnant. However, there are no signs of childbirth yet. The condition is alarming, the fear of childbirth overpowers the fatigue of waiting.

The first thing to do is not to give in to stress. It further exacerbates all health problems. You should calm down: there is a whole 43rd week ahead, when physiological childbirth can begin.

Children born during this period, in 95% of cases, are born healthy and are no different from their earlier "colleagues".

Behavioral features

If there are no abnormalities on the part of the fetus, and the doctor does not consider the pregnancy to be delayed, he will give you time and will not artificially stimulate labor. A woman can independently accelerate the process of the birth of a child:

  1. Any physical activity that does not cause discomfort. For example - walking in the fresh air, cleaning the apartment.
  2. Making love without protection. Closeness with the father of a child works wonders. The flow of blood to the pelvis and the tone of the muscles of the uterus can awaken the sleeping nature and accelerate the onset of childbirth. Stimulation of the nipples ensures the production of oxytocin by the body, and semen softens the cervix due to the content of the hormone prostaglandin. So future dad, involved in conception, will help speed up childbirth.
  3. Adjusting your menu. A vegetable diet, salads with vegetable oil. The active work of the intestines is a good stimulant to start the expected birth.
  4. Sometimes, to stimulate labor, the doctor may recommend a cleansing enema, use castor oil.

With any pregnancy, especially a protracted one, all these activities should be discussed with the doctor in advance.

Health features

It is important to support loved ones with a positive attitude. No need to finish her off with questions: “How are you? Has not yet given birth?". It is hard for a woman: her stomach is large and the center of gravity has again shifted due to its lowering. The pelvic bones physiologically move apart, the cervix shortens and softens, other processes of preparing the body for childbirth are underway.

You need to be prepared for some features of this period:

  1. Swelling of the legs may increase, in which massage helps well.
  2. Characterized by bowel problems (constipation).
  3. Able to exacerbate varicose veins and hemorrhoids. All this is due to the large size of the fetus and its pressure on the organs and vessels in the pelvis.
  4. The discharge is intensified, has a transparent or whitish mucous appearance. The smell is sour.

With the appearance of pathological purulent discharge with bad smell must be reported to the doctor.

To prevent infection of the child in the birth canal, their sanitation is required (elimination of harmful microbial flora).

Sometimes lumps come out thick mucus- this is a plug coming out of the cervix, which indicates an imminent birth.

Start of labor

If the hospital is located near the house, then you can go there after the start of regular contractions. Do not forget to take the documents and things collected in the hospital. Do not panic: what was expected at 42 weeks is happening - labor begins.

A woman's appetite is usually reduced at this time, but before giving birth, you need to eat to have strength. You can eat yogurt, a piece of chocolate, or whatever you want.

When can't you wait?

In such long term there may be situations when you can not hesitate:

  1. If the amniotic fluid has broken, but there are no contractions.
  2. If there were bloody issues. This may indicate placental abruption.
  3. If there were severe pain in the upper and middle part of the uterus (a sign of overdistension).
  4. If the contractions began to lose their strength, they began to attack less often. The weakening of labor activity is more common in women with poor health with a large post-term fetus.
  5. Anxiety symptom requiring medical assistance during this period, an increase blood pressure, nausea, headache. Signs of eclampsia may appear during childbirth, especially if there was preeclampsia.

Under the supervision of specialists, the woman will be provided with the necessary assistance in the maternity hospital.

Post-term pregnancy is especially dangerous when the child and mother have a risk of Rh conflict. Such women Special attention and hospitalization before childbirth is simply necessary.

When the possibilities of the family allow and there is the consent of the doctors, it is better to spend all the time after the 40th week in the maternity hospital. Then qualified assistance will be provided as quickly and fully as possible.

What should be done with a pathological variant?

In the case of a diagnosis of a true post-term pregnancy, the woman is hospitalized and the issue of further medical tactics is decided: childbirth through the birth canal or operative delivery.

Childbirth in a natural way

Two important indicators testify to the possibility of such a birth:

  1. Fruit size, which may be excessively large.
  2. Sizes of the birth canal of the mother, which should miss the baby.

The situation is complicated by the fact that large sizes fetus, the risks of obstetric care during childbirth increase significantly.

Next, the cervix is ​​​​prepared. A prostaglandin gel is usually used. When reached desired effect and the cervix opens, the amniotic sac is incised (amniotomy). If within 4 hours after this, childbirth does not begin, they are spurred on by intravenous administration of oxytocin or prostaglandins.

In case of ineffectiveness of all these measures, only a caesarean section (CS) remains.

Operational technique

Really efficient and relatively safe way prevention of any birth complications. Usually, a post-term pregnancy is recommended to end that way.

In addition, there are direct indications for the COP:

  1. Symptoms of fetal hypoxia.
  2. Immature cervix.
  3. Age of the pregnant woman (both sides).
  4. Concomitant obstetric pathology.
  5. Serious diseases not related to the gynecological sphere.
  6. The mass of the fetus is more than 4.5 kg.
  7. Inconsistency in the size of the birth canal of the mother for any size of the fetus.
  8. If there have already been complications in childbirth through natural routes.

In such situations, thanks to the operation, it is possible to avoid the great dangers that childbirth bears against the background of a pregnancy that has been postponed up to 42 weeks.

Often, induction (boosting) labor or caesarean section are recommended and carried out immediately after 40 weeks. Hospitalization at 41 weeks is indicated even with an uncomplicated pregnancy. Therefore, is it worth waiting until 42 - check with the doctor: to the opinion qualified specialist better listen.