Whitening face masks at home: quick effect. Miracle remedy with oatmeal. The benefits of sour cream and yeast for skin whitening

A whitening face mask is an excellent product for caring for pigmented skin. According to cosmetologists, special masks and creams with a whitening effect cope with their task by 79.3%. Regular use guarantees such funds positive result. Freckles and age spots are lightened, the skin looks healthier, fresher and younger. The whitening effect is noticeable after just a few uses.

Indications for use

Whatever whitening face mask a woman suffering from pigmentation chooses, she will be the most short time will help get rid of unwanted stains of various origins. If you use it correctly, you can achieve amazing results. The masks lighten the darkest freckles by several tones, remove age spots, even out the complexion, get rid of various redness and pigmentation, and smooth out the marks left behind by pimples and blackheads.

Possessing all these properties, a whitening facial mask will allow you to look irresistible at any age and at any time of the year.

Completely safe for the skin, but such effective whitening masks are especially good to do in spring and summer, when the sun causes freckles to appear. Indications for their use include: freckles, pigmentation during pregnancy, age spots, redness after eliminating pimples and blackheads.

Whitening agents have a very powerful effect - they not only enhance the production of collagen and elastin in tissues or remove impurities from clogged pores, but also change the structure of cells, affect pigmented areas, thereby dissolving the pigment and decomposing it into its components. As a result, not a trace remains of the stains on the face. Indications for use:

  • Dark spots various sizes and origin.
  • Heavy tan.
  • Unhealthy complexion – grayish or sallow.
  • Scars or scars left by acne and pimples.
  • Complications after unsuccessful salon procedures– purple scars, spots, nodules and other skin defects.
  • Cuperosis – spider veins on the face.

These are the cases when whitening masks will cope with the task. They lighten the tan by several shades, remove pigmentation, even out the complexion and make it healthy, and remove scars.


It is not recommended to make whitening masks for those who have white, marbled or painful pale skin. Contraindications may also include individual intolerance to the components, so take a closer look at their composition. Do not use bleaching products if you have skin diseases, including serious ones (melanoma, papillomas, keratosis, dermatitis, vitiligo and other conditions). Absolute contraindications include:

  • Severe acne.
  • Sensitive, thin skin or skin prone to dryness.
  • Recent cosmetic surgeries on the face.
  • Fresh wounds and stitches, facial skin injuries.

If at least one of the above points is present, whitening face masks may turn out to be not only useless, but also harmful. Engage in elimination age spots At home on your own, without consulting a cosmetologist or dermatologist, it can be fraught with complications.

However, if there are no contraindications, an effective whitening mask at home will definitely help in the fight for a beautiful and fresh face.

Cooking rules

A whitening face mask is an excellent way to get rid of pigment formations and bruises under the eyes at home, as well as effective remedy to improve skin color.

As you know, achieving perfect and smooth skin is very difficult. In addition, in the summer, any aesthetic defects always become more noticeable; they cannot be hidden under clothes. You can make whitening face masks at home from affordable ingredients that every housewife has in her refrigerator.

If you decide to make a mask at home, it is important to select only fresh ingredients High Quality and apply them immediately after preparation, because not a single mask made from natural products is intended for long-term use. It is also necessary to select the appropriate container in which you will mix all the ingredients, a small whisk and a special mortar for grinding fruit. You may also need a juicer and a coffee grinder; berry seeds are crushed in it to prepare various scrubs, or oatmeal is ground.

The most basic rule in home care for facial skin is that you need to apply the mask exclusively to clean skin.

It is advisable not to simply remove decorative cosmetics from the face ( Foundation, powder, blush and others), but also spend more deep cleaning by using cosmetic milk, foam, lotion or scrub. Those with dry skin types should be more careful with aggressive procedures such as peels and scrubs. It will be enough for them to wash themselves warm water using regular cosmetic milk.

When using a lightening agent to eliminate age spots, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • You need to apply folk remedies to lighten areas of pigmentation only for the time specified in the recipe in a thin, even layer to avoid the development of unwanted allergic reaction or side effect.
  • It is better to apply such masks at night.
  • It is best to do whitening procedures in autumn or winter period, since the sun's rays can have Negative influence on skin that has been bleached. For the same reason, it is advisable to use a lightening cream or other product in the evening before bed.
  • For the entire period of use of whitening cosmetics skin should be treated sunscreen from ultraviolet rays.

It is recommended to test each product in advance for the occurrence of an allergic reaction, for which you need to apply it to the skin in the elbow area and wait for half an hour. If redness or itching does not occur, you can safely use this mask or cream. Whitening masks should only be applied to facial skin that has been cleansed of cosmetics and impurities using a scrub or cleansing toner. Masks and creams with a lightening effect can be used not only for the face, but also for the décolleté area.

The products are excellent for oily and combination skin.

The best recipes at home

In order to choose correctly folk recipe whitening face mask, focus on your skin type and the availability of the ingredients included in the mask. Leave these products on your face for about twenty minutes and wash off with cool water. Before using the mask, do not forget to apply the prepared mixture to your wrist: this will help you find out how the skin will perceive the prepared composition.

Among the foods that have excellent skin whitening properties, lemon, sour cream, cucumber, cottage cheese, milk, oatmeal and parsley.

  • With lemon. The lemon pulp must be turned into a paste and applied to the face, then rinsed with water. The mask is not recommended if you have acne on your skin.

  • Lemon with sour cream. Mix pulp or freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon) with sour cream (2 tablespoons) and apply to the face. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Cucumber. Grind the peeled cucumber until mushy, mix one tablespoon with the same amount of sour cream and a teaspoon of pulp or lemon juice.

Another wonderful mask: grate a cucumber (along with the peel) and mix in equal proportions with whitening cream: the effect will exceed all expectations.

  • Curd and honey. Mix one tablespoon of cottage cheese with the same amount of honey. The peculiarity of the mask is that the resulting mixture needs to be kneaded for a long time until it becomes cream-like in consistency.

  • Curd-yolk. Mix cottage cheese (100 g) with egg yolk and hydrogen peroxide (5 g). You can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture: then the mask will also become nutritious.

  • Oatmeal. Grind oatmeal into flour using a coffee grinder, mix one tablespoon with the egg white, previously whipped into foam.

  • From parsley. Chop parsley leaves, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of sour cream, apply to face for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

To prepare a mask of sour cream and parsley, you need to take the following ingredients: a few tablespoons of fat sour cream or cream, a couple of drops lemon juice and finely chopped parsley. In order to get a quick whitening effect, just apply the mask to the face (excluding the eyelid area) and keep it on the skin for 15 minutes.

  • Sour cream and onion. Mix one tablespoon of onion juice with sour cream (2 tablespoons), add honey (1 teaspoon), apply to age spots or the entire surface of the skin.

  • Dairy. Mix oatmeal (1 tbsp) with warm sour milk until a thick mass is obtained and apply to the skin.
  • Yeast. The mask is very useful, since yeast contains many B vitamins. To prepare it you will need: yeast (one sachet), milk (if you have dry skin, then you need to take it with a high percentage of fat content).

All components are mixed until a thick consistency is formed. After which the mixture is applied to the face for half an hour, then washed off with running water.

  • Strawberry. The brightening mask helps to quickly cope with freckles or pigmentation after acne. To prepare this product, you need to take fresh strawberries and grind them into puree. The mixture should be applied to the face with a sponge and kept on the skin for ten to fifteen minutes.

  • From starch. A starch whitening face mask also helps improve the condition of the dermis and helps cope with the problem of darkened areas on the skin. To prepare the product, you need to take equal amounts of lemon juice and starch, mix and apply for 20 minutes. Then rinse off under running water.

  • With herbs. A mask will do Suitable for all skin types, but may cause severe dryness. It contains following components: agave, hop cones, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves and egg yolk. You need to make a decoction from the herbs, and then add lemon juice and yolk to it, then apply the mask to the skin and hold for fifteen minutes.

Folk recipes based on herbal decoctions help to cope with the problem of blackheads on the face and restore the function of the sebaceous ducts and glands, as well as whiten.

  • With turmeric. Take equal quantity of turmeric powder and rice flour, add a little milk and tomato juice to form a paste. Apply the paste to your face, neck and décolleté and leave for half an hour. Rinse off the mixture with warm water.

This home remedy is considered very effective. The mask brightens the skin and, with regular use, makes it glowing and healthy.

  • Another recipe: Take turmeric powder and lemon juice (or cucumber juice) and mix to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the skin for half an hour and rinse clean water. Regular use reduces pigmentation and relieves sunburn.

  • With aspirin. Ingredients for the mask: aspirin (3 tablets) and liquid honey (5 ml). Grind the aspirin into powder in a saucer. Add 3-4 drops of boiled warm water and honey to it. Stir thoroughly and apply to problem areas with massage movements. Wait twenty minutes.

  • Another effective composition, the ingredients of which are as follows: salicylic acid (3 tablets), liquid honey (12 g), aloe juice (5 ml). Grind the aspirin, add the remaining ingredients to it and stir well. The aspirin composition is applied in a thin layer and kept on the skin for twenty minutes.

  • Made from blue clay. Ingredients for a mask based on blue clay: aspirin (6 tablets), lemon juice (5 ml), melted honey (12 g), blue clay(12 gr.), salt (10 gr.). Dissolve salt in lemon juice, strain the solution so that there is no sediment. Then add the remaining ingredients. Keep the mask on for twenty minutes, then rinse with water.

  • From soda. For the mask you will need: baking soda – 1 tbsp; vitamin A in oil form – 2 drops; vitamin E – 4 drops; hydrogen peroxide 3% - 2 tbsp; oatmeal – 1 tbsp; natural badyaga – 0.5 tsp. First, mix the dry ingredients - baking soda, badyagi and oatmeal. Add vitamins to the mixture. Dilute the mixture with hydrogen peroxide. The mask should be applied only to areas of freckles and age spots. Keep the composition on the skin for no more than 15 minutes.

Remember that its composition is aggressive, try not to apply it to places that do not need to be subjected to deep bleaching. After 15 minutes, rinse with plenty of water and apply natural olive oil to your skin.

If any unpleasant sensations (burning, tingling) occur during the procedure, immediately wash off the composition.

  • Potato. A potato mask has an excellent whitening effect, so it is considered the most effective. Ingredients: one potato, milk (150 ml), cucumber juice (30 ml). Boil potatoes in milk, mash them and add cucumber juice. This mixture effectively whitens the skin, eliminating age spots.

For even more recipes for whitening facial skin, watch the next video.

Popular manufacturers

Cosmetics designed to care for pigmented skin improve complexion, cleanse, and lighten even dark spots. Pharmacy products, masks containing active components have a restorative, regenerating effect.

  • "White flax". The Floresan brand whitening mask provides active skin whitening, evens out its color, lightens age spots and freckles. Complex fruit acids removes the upper dead layer of the epidermis, brightens the skin and evens out the complexion, and also promotes the penetration of active whitening components into the deeper layers of the skin.

Vitamin C, bearberry and orange extracts have an active whitening effect, reducing the production of melanin in the deep layers of the skin. Flax seed and green tea extracts nourish, soften and make facial skin more elastic and soft.

  • Miracle Glow. A miracle face mask with which you can remove freckles, rejuvenate your skin and cope with problems such as age spots.

  • Premium. Thanks to the combination of active ingredients with different mechanisms of action, it provides the skin effective whitening, intensive nutrition, deep hydration, reliable antioxidant protection.

Effective for eliminating such manifestations of skin hyperpigmentation as chloasma, pigment spots after intense sun exposure, post-traumatic pigment spots, freckles.

  • Dr. Sea. The "Dr. Sea" plasticizer mask gently removes dead cells, stimulates skin renewal, reduces and prevents dehydration, evens out the texture: unevenness and wrinkles. Refreshes the complexion, has a brightening, tightening effect.

Contains Dead Sea minerals, pearl powder and vitamin C. Suitable for all skin types.

  • "Achromin". Active cleansing and whitening fabric mask with active ingredients. Designed to combat the signs of skin aging, reduce the intensity of age spots and even out uneven complexion.

Has noticeable effects of brightening and moisturizing, as well as cleansing the skin.

  • Natura Siberica. Whitening night mask for the face “Black Currant”. Arctic black currant has natural whitening properties, lightens freckles and dark spots, and accelerates metabolism in skin cells. The Siberian bentgrass component activates collagen synthesis, strengthens and moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation, giving softness. Nanai lemongrass has a tonic effect.

It enhances protective functions, stimulates metabolism, renewing and rejuvenating it.

Natural active extract from turmeric root, has lightening properties. It visually lightens hyperpigmentation, eliminates freckles, acne and other skin imperfections, significantly improves skin tone, improves elasticity, deeply nourishes, gives it radiance and an even tone.

A radiant, even complexion is one of the main indicators of beauty. However, not all women can boast of such a treasure. The condition of the skin is affected by age, past illnesses, smoking, poor environment and other factors. Application decorative cosmetics masks shortcomings, but does not solve problems. There are more effective way give your skin a noble shade, namely, a whitening face mask.

Whitening masks are used to solve certain cosmetic problems. Using them unnecessarily is impractical and, in some cases, harmful. Every procedure has indications and contraindications. Lighten the skin in the presence of the following factors:

  • increased pigmentation (chloasma after pregnancy, age spots, seasonal freckles);
  • aggressive tanning and photoaging as a result of the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • congenital dark complexion;
  • unhealthy shade (yellow, gray, purple);
  • various irregularities and defects after incorrectly carried out cosmetic procedures(scars, red spots).

The degree of pigmentation varies. The skin cannot always be corrected on its own; you may need the help of a professional cosmetologist. You will be able to understand this after using whitening masks at home. As a rule, they give noticeable results.

The components in lightening products are quite aggressive. When using them, follow some rules: Whitening makes the skin sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, so do the mask before bed.

After the mask you need to soothe your skin. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your face. Also, facial skin care after whitening procedures includes the use of sunscreen. Choose a product for yourself with high level SPF and use every time before going outside. A hat and sunglasses will also help in bright sunshine.

Frequency of application

As for the frequency of use: each mask has its own individual indications. There are products that give quick effect, but they dry the skin very much (lemon, hydrogen peroxide, berry juices).

Acidic and alkaline products can cause severe damage to the skin. Masks, where the main component is an aggressive product, are recommended to be done once a week. Monitor your skin's reaction and do not overuse the number of treatments. As soon as the pigment spots lighten, manipulations should be stopped. The standard course consists of 15 procedures. Then they take a break for 2-3 weeks and repeat the steps if necessary.

Masks with aggressive ingredients are more suitable for people with oily skin. Those with dry dermis are not recommended to undergo such procedures. They can choose gentle ingredients (honey, cucumber, parsley, fermented milk products). These components act weaker, ensuring gradual progress towards results. You can use them more often - every other day. There are no strict numbers: everything is very individual. Usually, the optimal mask option, frequency, duration and number of manipulations are determined by trial.

Popular folk recipes

The advantage of homemade face masks is that they are prepared quickly, easily, from available ingredients. One of the most effective products Lemon is used for skin whitening.

Lemon masks

  1. Mix the liquid ingredients together: 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l kefir, 4-5 drops of tea tree oil. To stabilize, add 0.5 tsp to the composition. oatmeal, ground into flour. Apply the mixture to the skin in a thick layer and leave to act for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Combine 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 1 tsp. honey Rub until smooth and creamy and leave on face for 15 minutes.
  3. Prepare 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast, 2 tbsp. l. warm milk and 1 egg white. First, dissolve the yeast in the milk, then beat the egg white and combine these ingredients together. Finally, add lemon juice and stir the mixture vigorously again. Apply the product to the skin, wash after 10 minutes.

Don't forget: lemon is a powerful remedy. Masks with this ingredient are best suited for oily skin. If you have dry skin, choose gentle ingredients.

Cucumber masks

  1. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater, wrap the pulp in gauze, take a horizontal position and place the cloth on your face. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. You can add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to the cucumber pulp.
  2. For dry skin a mixture will do from grated cucumber and a tablespoon of fat sour cream. Apply the product in a thick layer to the skin. After 20 minutes, remove the mask.
  3. Combine cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal proportions. Moisten gauze folded several times with this mixture. Place the gauze on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. It is advisable to cut holes in the fabric for the lips and eyes so that they do not come into contact with the composition of the mask.

The last mask contains lemon juice, but the cucumber softens its effect. People with dry skin can try this product on themselves, but you need to carefully monitor your skin's reaction. Unpleasant sensations(burning sensation, strong feeling of tightness) is a reason to cancel the mask and, after a while, look for another one.

Whitening masks with parsley

  1. For oily skin Apply a mixture of parsley juice and low-fat kefir in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate your face: action time - 30 minutes.
  2. For dry skin, use thick, fatty sour cream instead of kefir. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  3. For ladies with sensitive skin, a composition that includes parsley puree and crushed tea rose leaves is suitable. The mask is effective for 30 minutes. They delete it cotton pad, soaked in light tonic.

Again, we note that there are products that can be used for both oily and dry skin types. Much depends on additional components. We replaced the fatty sour cream with 0.5-1% kefir and got a mask for oily skin. We used lemon juice as an additional ingredient, in the amount of a few drops, and obtained a composition that can be tested by those with dry skin.

Whitening masks with dairy products

  1. Mix equal amounts of pureed cottage cheese and honey. You will receive a gentle mixture that can be applied to your face 2 times a week. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.
  2. For oily skin, use 2-3 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 egg white. Apply a thick layer to your face and leave for 20 minutes. For dry skin types, you can replace the white with the yolk and add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. sour cream.
  3. Try a product consisting of full-fat kefir with the addition of a few drops castor oil. It perfectly removes age-related pigmentation.

Many women prefer fermented milk products. A face skin whitening mask with kefir, cottage cheese or sour cream works wonders. These ingredients make the skin soft and give it an aristocratic appearance. White color. The list of effective skin whitening products can be continued endlessly, because there are a lot of variations on this theme.

Other brightening masks

  1. For oily skin: separate the egg white from the yolk and combine it with 1-2 tbsp. l. oatmeal Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then remove it.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is very productive (not higher than 3%). Mix it with lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio. The duration of the mask is 6-8 minutes.
  3. Gentle mask: pour boiling water over linden leaves and flowers (25 g per 200 ml) and let steep for 10 minutes. Soak gauze in the strained infusion and cover your face. Relax and rest for 10 minutes, then the fabric can be removed.
  4. Suitable for dry skin types: dilute in 1 tbsp. l. warm milk 1 tbsp. l. grated potatoes, add egg yolk and 1 tsp to this mixture. citrus juice. The mask lasts 20 minutes.
  5. The following ingredients have a mild effect: 3 tbsp. l. papaya, 1 tbsp. l. grated carrots and 1 egg yolk. Mix them together and apply to your face. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.

Before using the mask, especially if it contains unfamiliar products, apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist. This way, in order to avoid allergies, you can monitor your skin’s reaction.

Cosmetical tools

In stores you can purchase finished products: masks, creams, serums with a whitening effect. The action is achieved by the presence in the composition of such active ingredients, such as chitosan, phenols, bearberry extract, lemon, cucumber and other substances, as well as various acids.

In addition to the composition, manufacturers indicate the skin type and instructions for use. Professional cosmetics have proven themselves well brands Danne, Lacrima, Academie. Among Russian manufacturers Popular products for combating hyperpigmentation are from companies such as Floresan, Techcon, Teana.


Bleaching products can harm your skin. To prevent this from happening, review the list of contraindications. Masks cannot be used:

  • in the presence of skin diseases- impetigo, rosacea, rosacea, melanoma, vitiligo, etc.;
  • after cosmetic procedures recently performed in a salon;
  • for various injuries - fresh wounds, cuts.

It is very easy to prepare whitening face masks at home. Buy suitable products, look in the refrigerator or in the garden - there will probably be many ingredients for miraculous remedies.

The compositions lighten freckles and age spots, even out the tone, refresh, give youth and radiance to your skin. Which recipe should you choose? Study the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Cooking rules


  • Apply whitening compounds in the evenings: after such procedures, sun rays are contraindicated;
  • during the course of lightening pigmented areas, replenish vitamin C reserves;
  • use only fresh products;
  • do not prepare homemade cosmetics for future use;
  • Before the procedure, clean your face with foam;
  • after applying the composition to your face, lie down with your head slightly raised;
  • the muscles will relax, the active substances will better penetrate the pores;
  • wash your face, be sure to cover your skin with a thin layer of moisturizer.

Important! Many recipes contain lemon juice and other acids that dry out the epidermis. A light moisturizer is designed to restore the acid-base balance. Do not neglect the rule under any circumstances: “After the procedure, a gentle cream is required.”

The best whitening mask recipes

When choosing home remedy pay attention to your skin type. There are universal formulations that can be used by everyone without exception. Other recipes are suitable for owners or skin.

Universal formulations

Do you want to even out your tone or lighten your freckles slightly? These simple recipes are for you.

Cabbage and kefir mask

Take a cabbage leaf and chop finely. Quantity – two tablespoons. Add the same amount of low-fat kefir and mix. Time – quarter of an hour, frequency – every three days.

Honey-curd whitening mixture

Grind low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream (a couple of tablespoons each), pour in 3 drops of grapefruit juice, 15 g of liquid honey. Wait 15 minutes, remove the mixture with cool milk.

Apply the honey-curd mixture once every 3 days until you see results. It will take about a month.

Parsley whitening mask

Chop the young greens, take a couple of tablespoons, and pour boiling water over them. After half an hour, moisten the gauze with the strained infusion and apply it to your face. After drying, apply a fresh portion of parsley infusion.

Duration - quarter of an hour. Lighten your skin in this way three times a week. There will definitely be an effect.

Mask with cucumber and cream

Grate a medium cucumber, take 50 g of raw material, add the same amount universal cream for the face, for example, Nivea. Cover the cleansed epidermis with a thick layer of the mixture, lie down for about 15 minutes. Wash, gently pat your face dry.

Frequency – once every 3 days. You will see noticeable results very soon.

Soft scrub with whitening effect

Directions for use: grind 25 g oatmeal, add 50 ml whey, pour in 10-12 drops of lime juice. Rub the mixture over your face with gentle movements.

Massage the skin for 3 minutes. Cleanse the epidermis with this method once a week.

Whitening masks for oily skin

With increased greasiness, clogged pores, excessive quantity sebum formulations with a drying effect are needed. Many mixtures eliminate increased sebum secretion, whiten, and moisturize the skin well.

Brightening mask with lemon

Combine 2 tbsp. l.corn or potato starch and lemon juice. Time - quarter of an hour.

The composition dries out the epidermis. Do not use the product more than once a week.

An effective remedy with honey and sour cream

Combine 1 tbsp in a container. cottage cheese, a teaspoon of sour cream, light honey, lime juice. Rinse off the mixture with warm (not hot) water. Duration – a quarter of an hour, frequency – twice a week.

Oatmeal mask with whitening effect

Beat the egg whites, add a tablespoon of oatmeal. Lie down with the mass for 15 minutes. During water procedures do not rub your face, wash your face carefully. Don't forget about moisturizer.

Use this effective remedy twice a week. After five to six times you will see how the condition of the epidermis has improved.

Cucumber face whitening mask

Take a small cucumber, chop it, pour in 20 g of high-quality vodka. Let it sit for 2 hours. Add a little non-greasy face cream and apply the mixture for a quarter of an hour.

Repeat the procedures every 3 days. A noticeable effect is achieved after 10 sessions.

Hydrogen peroxide bleach

Fast, simple, effective - this is how you can characterize the action of this composition. Pour fresh yeast (25 g) with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Stir thoroughly and lubricate your face. Pre-under the eyes, above upper lip apply fat cream– the composition not only whitens, but also greatly tightens the skin.

Has it been a quarter of an hour? Rinse off the mixture and rub in a gentle cream. Lighten the epidermis in this way no more than once a week. Number of procedures – 10.

Fragrant fairy tale

You will need 100 g of ripe melon. Grind a piece in a blender, place it on your face, cover with gauze. Rest with the crushed melon on your skin for 25 minutes. Be sure to use a light cream after washing.

Pamper your face with this fragrant product three times a week. The skin will become velvety, moisturized, spots will lighten in a couple of weeks

Effective honey-lemon mask

Ingredients: 2 dessert spoons of honey, a tablespoon of lime juice. Mix, treat your face with the mixture, not skipping areas with freckles and dark spots. After 10 minutes, wash your face. Treat your face in the morning every other day for at least a month.

Onion and honey brightening mask

Grate a medium onion and squeeze out the juice. Melt honey in a water bath, pour in an equal amount onion juice. Has it been a quarter of an hour? It's time to cleanse your face of the onion-honey mixture using a napkin. Wash yourself well.

Treat your skin with this mixture every 3 days. Quantity – 15 procedures.

Whitening masks for dry skin

Most formulations contain emollient components. The effect on the epidermis is much gentler.

Boiled potato mask with egg

Perfectly whitens and softens. Nourishes the skin well.

Boil the potatoes, peel them, take 50 g and mash them. Add 1 mashed raw yolk and a tablespoon of warm milk. Mix thoroughly.

Clean your face, add the potato-egg mixture, and cover with a thick napkin. Wash after a quarter of an hour.

It is enough to pamper your skin with this mixture twice a week. After several procedures you will see the result.

Whitening carrot-oat mask

Grate 50 g of carrots, add the yolk, a teaspoon of fine oatmeal, 3 drops of lemon juice. Stir and cover your face with the thick mixture. Duration - no more than twenty minutes. Repeat every three days until the spots lighten.

Curd and honey brightening mask

Grind 2 tbsp well. l. non-dry cottage cheese, a tablespoon of sour cream, light honey, half a teaspoon olive oil. Keep the mixture for up to 20 minutes. Be sure to moisturize the epidermis.

Frequency: twice a week. 10 sessions are enough.

For freckles and age spots

Home remedies are as effective as ready-made compositions. The components of the mixtures lighten pigmented areas well.

You will probably find it useful useful tips:

  • the most effective home remedies contain components that dry out the epidermis. Advice: do not exceed the procedure time;
  • immediately rinse off the bleaching composition, wash well with warm or cold water;
  • Afterwards, a cream with a delicate texture is required;
  • procedures to get rid of age spots and freckles are carried out in the evenings;
  • cream with UV filters is recommended;
  • Treat hyperpigmentation in fall and winter. At this time, melanin production decreases and spots become lighter.

The best masks for hypermigmentation

Try several recipes until you find two or three “yours.” Follow the rules for using lightening mixtures.

Whitening mask-scrub with lemon

Combine olive oil (1 tsp), 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Add 2 tsp. sugar (preferably brown) and thin honey. Mix well, massage the face and neck area for three minutes, wash your face.

Use the method twice a week. A light cream is required. After four or five procedures you will see the result. For problematic skin.

An effective remedy for age spots with tomato and lemon

The recipe is only suitable for young people, healthy skin. The high acid content in both components will be unnecessary for aging, sagging skin.

Mix tomato pulp and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Duration – no more than 10 minutes. You will soon see: after the first procedures, your freckles will become lighter.

Carry out the procedure every week. For the effect, it is enough to treat your face with a tomato-lemon mixture 7-10 times.

Mask with parsley and cucumber for freckles

Grind a medium cucumber in a blender, pour in lemon juice, add pea flour. Duration – 5 minutes. Wash well and moisturize your face.

The recommended number of procedures is 7, frequency is every week. The composition restores the natural tone of the skin and brightens pigmented areas. For oily skin. (Read the page for details about age spots on the body).

Miracle remedy with oatmeal

Grind 2 tbsp. l. cereal, mix in a teaspoon of plain yogurt and olive oil. You will need a little grapefruit juice - only 3 drops. Grind the ingredients until smooth, cover your face and neck with the mixture. Wash after a quarter of an hour.

The composition is quite gentle, suitable for those with dry, aging skin. Carry out the procedure twice a week. You will notice a lasting effect after 5-7 times.

Mask for acne marks

Beat 1 egg white, mix thoroughly with a teaspoon of lime juice, add 2 drops each aromatic oils rosewood and grapefruit. Apply the lush mass onto the rash marks. Time – up to 20 minutes.

Treat the desired areas twice a week. Repeat the method until the stains disappear.

Brightening mask made from sour cream and horseradish

One of the best recipes to quickly get rid of hyperpigmentation. Use the product carefully; horseradish juice irritates the epidermis. Do not violate the dosage, do not overexpose the composition.

The recipe is simple: grind a couple of tablespoons of good sour cream and freshly squeezed horseradish juice into a container. Hold for no more than 7 minutes. Suitable for aging skin.

Treat your face with the mixture every 3 days. The course is up to three weeks.

Are you embarrassed by acne marks? Do you think it's time to get rid of excess pigmentation? Consult a dermatologist and select suitable whitening masks. There are a lot of recipes! You can easily find the most effective remedy. Be persistent and your skin will regain its even, natural tone.

Below is a video from which you can learn useful tips from a cosmetologist on applying whitening masks:

The skin of the face is prone to various rashes and redness, freckles, as well as the appearance of pigment spots, which at one moment can ruin the whole appearance. This happens due to age-related changes, due to the harmful effects of external factors, as well as due to hormonal changes in the body itself. And, of course, not a single woman is ready to put up with such changes in her face, wanting to remain attractive for as long as possible. But not everyone can visit expensive salons to whiten and transform their skin. And why pay a lot of money for something you can do yourself? We are talking about whitening masks prepared at home, the great advantage of which is that they are made from natural products and auxiliary substances, and the result is economical and effective.

Benefits of whitening face masks

Whitening your face means not just lightening your skin, but actually transforming and improving its color and tone, as well as getting rid of existing problems.

Whitening masks have their own indications:

  • Pigment spots of different sizes, as well as lentigo and freckles;
  • Pronounced rosacea (visible network of blood vessels);
  • Residual scars and cicatrices caused by a squeezed pimple or acne;
  • Unhealthy and uneven color the skin itself (yellowish or gray tint);
  • Consequences of excessive tanning in the form of severe redness, reminiscent of a burn;
  • A rather dark surface of the face that you want to lighten a little;
  • Existing areas after beauty salon procedures are purple or red.

In addition to its direct purpose, home whitening face brings tangible benefits. Age-related pigmentation disappears, freckles fade, and the surface acquires an even and beautiful color. Subcutaneous cells are perfectly moisturized and nourished with essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins. The face becomes fresh and youthful, the skin looks radiant and rested, and all congestion begins to gradually disappear. Such masks will help smooth out even small wrinkles and crow's feet around the eyes. Not to mention the fact that skin whitening masks additionally tone the surface, give it firmness and elasticity, and also slightly tighten flabby soft tissues.

Rules for using whitening facial masks

Carrying out such a procedure at home also requires compliance with certain rules and recommendations. The fact is that effective whitening masks for facial skin, due to their components, are capable of changing the structure of the cell through their effect on the pigment substances contained in them, which subsequently dissolve and decompose into microparticles.

Therefore, it will be useful to follow some rules for using such masks:

  1. Do not use more than once every seven days, especially for women over 40 years of age.
  2. The procedure itself should be carried out in the evening, since subsequent exposure of the skin to sunlight can provoke an undesirable reaction.
  3. Before using any mask, it is recommended to do a gentle peeling.
  4. Each one is like this home procedure should end with applying moisturizer to the face.
  5. To enhance the results and provide additional skin protection, you can drink vitamin C during this period.

All these tips will help you whiten your face safely and without consequences at home. Despite the effectiveness and benefits of such a procedure done at home, it also has its limitations.

Contraindications that should not be ignored:

  1. Thin and sensitive skin prone to severe dryness.
  2. Face completely covered acne and irritation.
  3. The presence of skin diseases such as melanoma and vitiligo, keratosis and dermatitis, impetigo.
  4. Open wounds and deep cuts on the surface.
  5. Recent cosmetic surgery on the face (if less than 30 days have passed).

All these points should be a reason to refuse to remove age spots yourself. Otherwise, such a procedure will not only be useless, but may become dangerous. So if you have any doubts, you can first consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. In other cases, a woman with full confidence resorts to the use of whitening masks, thereby changing and transforming her skin for the better.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting official internet store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Video: How to whiten your face at home?

7 best recipes for whitening face masks at home

Folk face masks with a whitening effect have existed for a long time and there are a huge number of them. But among them there are those whose recipes are not very complicated, but at the same time they cope well with the specific tasks assigned.

Fast whitening mask

It will help instantly cope with tanning defects and brighten your facial skin. Its main ingredient is parsley. This greenery was successfully used in ancient times, when women used it to try to restore beauty and purity to their faces, which suffered from frequent and harmful exposure to the sun.

Parsley can be taken fresh or frozen. Even dried herbs can be used to make a fast-acting whitening mask. This recipe will also refresh aging skin and get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

To prepare you will need:

  • a tablespoon of chopped parsley (can be whipped in a blender);
  • 25 g finely chopped spinach leaves;
  • two tablespoons of oatmeal, pre-brewed in milk;
  • 30 g potato starch;
  • two tablespoons of fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk).

First, mix parsley, spinach and oatmeal. In a separate container, starch is diluted in liquid fermented milk product. Then the two compositions are combined with each other, and the resulting mask is applied in a thin layer to the entire surface of the face. It lasts for half an hour, after which it is washed off.

Whitening mask for age spots

A product like cottage cheese works great for strong skin pigmentation. It is this that underlies many whitening masks, reviews of the use of which are only positive.


For oily skin that is prone to pigmentation, you can try preparing a mask from 40 g of cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content), half egg yolk, five drops of hydrogen peroxide. Mix all ingredients well, spread evenly over the surface and leave for 25 minutes. A similar mask can be prepared for dry skin. Only add a spoonful of sour cream (35% fat) and the same amount of linden honey, as well as three drops of peroxide to the full-fat cottage cheese.

Whitening face mask with lemon

This recipe will help you whiten your face and get rid of stagnation and ideal for problem skin.

To do this you need to take:

  • a tablespoon of concentrated lemon juice;
  • 60 ml milk;
  • 25 g sugar (preferably finely ground);
  • 20 ml vodka.

First, the sugar is ground with citrus juice, then the remaining ingredients are added to it, and the resulting composition is applied for 20 minutes. Lemon mask can be used to lighten freckles by several tones, as it contains acids that actively destroy natural pigment.

Whitening mask with hydrogen peroxide

This face mask is one of the most effective recipes. But you should be careful with it and if there is any microdamage on the skin, you should refuse to use such a composition. To prepare, you need two tablespoons of ground oatmeal poured with 60 ml of warm milk. Then add six drops of hydrogen peroxide there and mix well. Keep on the skin for no more than 15 minutes.

Here you should also pay attention to the fact that all applications of whitening masks containing a component such as hydrogen peroxide must be carried out with extreme caution so as not to affect the eye area.

Whitening mask for dry skin

The mask will help whiten the face and additionally has a moisturizing effect and copes well with severe peeling. It can be made from two tablespoons of chopped cucumber, previously peeled. Add 25 ml of sour cream and a pinch of chopped parsley to it. The mask is kept on for half an hour and then removed with warm water.

Whitening mask with turmeric

This spice evens out the complexion and helps fade age and sun spots. It is prepared from two teaspoons of turmeric and two tablespoons of natural unsweetened yogurt. Leave the mask on the face for half an hour, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Whitening fruit and vegetable mask

Another effective recipe that contains natural acids, able to cope with pigmentation and color unevenness of the skin.

For this mask you will need:

  • three tablespoons of grated red currants;
  • 30 g of chopped tomato (pre-scald and peel);
  • two teaspoons of flower honey;
  • 20 g strawberries.

First, the honey must be melted in a water bath. While it cools, mix the berries and add tomato pulp. Then carefully add honey to the resulting mixture and apply the mixture to the face.

Such recipes for natural face whitening masks can be an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures. At the same time, you can always choose the composition in accordance with your own skin type and the existing problem. The preparation itself does not take much time and does not require any special equipment.

And yours effective action on the skin, whitening face masks are carried out using natural and natural ingredients, which additionally have regenerating and restorative properties. As a result, you can effectively whiten and improve your complexion at home.

Video recipe: Homemade mask for freckles and age spots

Good day, dear blog readers! As the warm season approaches, many women begin to worry about freckles and age spots. One of my friends does not like the sunny season for this very reason. I was very surprised when I found out that girls do not know how to deal with this problem. A whitening face mask at home is what you need to eliminate unpleasant skin conditions.

The active sun brings girls not only beautiful tan. It can cause spots to appear on the face and other parts of the body. Of course, they can be disguised using decorative cosmetics. However, in summer time, it's not very good for the skin.

Heavy foundations, powders and correctors are also best left until winter. Special masks help get rid of age spots and even out your complexion. It won't be difficult for you to prepare them at home.

Such funds have enough wide range actions. Thanks to their composition they are able to:

  • eliminate signs of pimples and acne;
  • make dark freckles less noticeable;
  • remove age spots, including age spots;
  • soothe redness and inflammation;
  • even out tone and improve skin color.

You need to choose a mask depending on the problem you want to solve. It is also necessary to take into account the condition of the dermis, its type and sensitivity to individual ingredients.

Skin lightening ingredients

Products with a whitening effect have earned wide popularity. The simplicity and accessibility of the components allows them to be actively used at home. The easiest way to get high-quality and fresh ingredients is in warm time of the year. Many natural products have effective lightening properties.

Vegetables. The most commonly used ingredient is cucumber. There are many recipes for masks with the addition of this unique vegetable. Cucumber juice or the pulp can be mixed with various components to create products for any type of dermis. And masks made from grated potatoes will help effectively fight post-acne and significantly brighten your face.

Fruits and berries. Lemon, strawberries, black and red currants, viburnum are indispensable helpers in matters of beauty. The acids contained in fruits and berries have whitening properties, promote cell renewal, help with acne, and regulate skin oiliness.

Greenery. Parsley, fresh or dried, is especially popular. With its help, you can quickly prepare a universal skin lightening product. Parsley decoction can be used in combination with other herbs in frozen form. This composition is used to even out the complexion and rejuvenate the dermis.

Essential oils . A few drops can be added to various whitening masks. Birch, mint, turmeric, rosemary and sandalwood oils are especially effective.

Dairy products. Cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, sour cream and yogurt are ideal products for good color faces. They nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the dermis well. Their gentle action is perfect for sensitive and dry types.

Rules of application

Cosmetics at home should be used wisely. This is especially true for brightening natural masks. These procedures should be started at least a month and a half before the start of the summer period. If you want to get tangible results, follow these rules on how to do it effectively:

  1. Be sure to cleanse your skin well before applying the mixture to your face. Products containing AHA acids are perfect for this. This will help remove dead particles and destroy intercellular connections. The active components penetrate deep into the epidermis and act on melanocytes that produce melanin. At home, I recommend using low concentration acids.
  2. The mask is applied to clean face By massage lines. This can be done with your fingers or use a special soft brush.
  3. The average action time of the brightening composition is 15-20 minutes. Wash it off better water room temperature.
  4. The procedure should be carried out before bedtime or in the evening. Active sun rays can have a negative effect after the mask.
  5. Most ingredients have a drying effect. Therefore, such funds are not for daily use. Twice a week will be enough. For dry skin, whitening masks should be used no more than once. The same rule applies to mature dermis after 40 years.
  6. Experts advise taking additional vitamin C when using these cosmetics for a long time.

Errors during use

Women often make mistakes when carrying out home cosmetic procedures. Some believe that masks are a real panacea and make them almost every day. This can only harm the skin, since these products are not intended for frequent use.

Another common mistake is to apply the mask to an uncleaned face. The positive effect of the procedure is significantly reduced. Many girls neglect to properly apply and remove the mixture from their face.

Walking around the house or doing any work with a mask is also not recommended. This substance is quite heavy for the skin and will pull it down. If you want to get the maximum effect from the procedure, take time for this and relax. Give yourself 15 minutes of pleasure. By the way, I noticed that when you lie down with a mask, the facial muscles relax. You feel much better than running around the house with a mask.

Recipes for home use

Judging by the reviews, quite a lot of women prepare similar remedies at home. Such masks are quite effective and, with the right approach, the result will not take long to arrive.

With lemon and honey

This is one of the most popular skin lightening recipes. It will also help even out your complexion and tighten your pores. You only need 1 tbsp. honey + 6 drops of lemon juice. If you wish, you can add a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt. Use this mixture better evening, after cleansing your face. After rinsing, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Cucumber with castor oil

This recipe will help whiten your face and make freckles less noticeable. Take a small one fresh cucumber and puree it. Mix it with a teaspoon of castor oil and kefir (about 1 tbsp). Distribute the mixture over clean facial skin and leave for 10-15 minutes.

From white clay

This product is rich in beneficial microelements. It smooths out wrinkles, increases skin elasticity and firmness, and evens out tone. Mix white clay and oatmeal in a 1:1 ratio. Add a couple of drops of lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of warm water until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Spread the mixture over your face, excluding the area around the eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After completing the procedure, I recommend applying a good moisturizer.

Honey + sour cream

In addition to whitening, this product perfectly evens out the complexion, making it look porcelain. You will need 4 ingredients: potato starch, honey, sea salt, sour cream or milk. Take one teaspoon of each component. Mix all ingredients, adding sour cream at the end.

Apply in layers. That is, they applied it once, let it dry, then again. You will get 3 or 4 layers of mask. When the composition dries on your face, wash it off. Make the mask in a course.

Watch the video instructions on how and how many times to do it this mask:

Yeast with bodyaga

This recipe will help get rid of freckles and age spots. Bodyaga is a freshwater plant that has unique properties, very beneficial for the skin. For this recipe, take 5-6 grams of powder, mix with the same amount of dry yeast. Add low-fat cream, about 1 tbsp. This mask is applied and washed off as usual. Just don't rub your face. The mixture just needs to be distributed and left for a while.

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

For those with problematic dermis with increased secretion sebaceous glands can be difficult to choose proper care. I chose the most effective means that will help you cope with greasy shine, pigmentation and other imperfections.

Aspirin + honey

Also in Soviet time our mothers made this mask on the advice of cosmetologists. Both professionals and amateurs write about the use of apirin. This product will help lighten age spots, eliminate inflammation, swelling and smooth out fine wrinkles. The active substance is acetylsalicylic acid.

Buy a regular pack of aspirin at the pharmacy. It is enough to grind 1 tablet into powder, adding ½ teaspoon of water and liquid honey. This composition is applied to the face and washed off after 10-15 minutes.

Watch a video review of the use of this mask:

Cottage cheese + hydrogen peroxide

The combination of these two components gives an amazing effect. For this product, take the following ingredients:

  • ¼ pack of cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 4-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 tbsp. fresh honey.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. Leave for no more than 15 minutes and rinse with water. This mask has a whitening and drying effect.

Parsley mask

With the help of this unique plant, products are prepared for all skin types. However, this recipe is intended specifically for oily and combination skin types. The composition is very simple: you need to mix equal amounts of low-fat kefir with parsley juice. You can also use fresh herbs, ground into puree. The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.

Baking soda and honey for problem skin

This product has excellent whitening and antibacterial properties. First, baking soda is diluted with a small amount of water, approximately 1:1. Then the resulting pulp is combined with honey. 1 tsp will be enough. liquid natural product. The mask is distributed over the entire surface of the face. After 10 minutes, the product must be removed using a damp cotton pad.

The best cosmetic masks with whitening effect

No matter how cheap and quick independent remedies are, cosmetic masks still more effective. They have already been tested and proven to be effective. There are many cosmetic products that can be easily used at home. These include various concentrates in ampoules, serums, masks, cleansers and creams. You can read about the action of the latter in the article "Whitening face creams."

When choosing care products, you need to carefully study their composition. The manufacturer does not always indicate on the packaging that the product has a whitening effect. If you are familiar with the action of the active ingredients, you can easily choose what you need. For example, phenols or chitosan, bearberry extract are used to even out the complexion. If you want to get rid of age spots and freckles, pay attention to the following substances:

  • licorice, cucumber and lemon extracts;
  • essential oils of turmeric, cloves, fennel, marjoram and vanilla;
  • kojic acid;
  • retinoids;
  • sea ​​brown algae. I have already written about their use in cosmetology in the article “what is an alginate mask”.

This is far from full list components used in cosmetics. Whitening masks have proven themselves in action. I can recommend you the products of the following well-known brands.

Whitening mask Eldan- a complex product that reduces pigmentation and the appearance of new imperfections. Contains bearberry, lemon and cucumber extracts, arginine and glycerin. Thanks to this composition, the mask brightens, softens and moisturizes the dermis.

Holy Land- a very popular product among cosmetologists. It contains kojic acid, kaolin, geranium oil and various plant extracts. In addition to the whitening effect, after the mask the complexion is evened out and toned. The manufacturer recommends using it after lightening cream with arbutin and kojic acid.

Korean fabric mask from Holika Holika- have proven themselves in use. Thanks to natural composition successfully cope with pigment spots, acne marks and acne.

Well Japanese masks against age spots Japan Gals- will help protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, soothe and relieve inflammation. Makes the dermis firmer and more elastic.