Anorexia nervosa in adolescents. Anorexia - what weight does it start with, causes, signs, consequences

Is it so dangerous to overindulge in teenage girls by all means? lose a lot of weight, to be like photos of models from glossy magazine covers, how insidious anorexia(photo anorexia patients below) and what treatment can stop the development of dangerous diseases caused by anorexia in children?

Anorexia called a disease in which a person's appetite worsens or disappears altogether, or a person deliberately chooses the most severe diet, leading to severe depletion of the body.
At the present time, parents of teenagers quite often turn to pediatricians with such a problem. main reason anorexia - the child's desire to lose weight in any way. Anorexic exhausts the body with the help of physical overload, diets , enemas and often causes vomiting after eating.

If you observe that a child has a sharp decrease in weight, a anorexia symptoms which progress weekly, you should definitely seek help from a specialist. In the event that parents think that a teenager no appetite for a long time , a specialist looks at the trophism of a growing organism. When the weight is within the normal range, taking into account gender, age and height, then the problem is exaggerated: good appetite , the child is simply biased towards certain products.

with anorexia nervosa often faced by children and adolescents who deliberately refuse to eat, in order to get rid of extra (as it seems to them) kilograms. Initial symptoms: food aversion, mood swings and depression, regular weight loss . Anorexia nervous typical for girls aged 11-16 and is associated with growing dissatisfaction with their own appearance, which adolescents are too picky at this age. Watch a video about how insidious anorexia is in adolescence ( video below) and how to deal with this problem.

The disease changes not only eating habits, it negatively affects the patient's psyche. An anorexic patient categorically does not like his own figure and the only way out visible to the patient is to refuse food. Appears panic fear To gain weight .

The patient has noticeable the following signs anorexia: sudden excessive weight loss, constipation and slow metabolism; lack of menstruation, despite the fact that the menarche has already been; low temperature body; slow heartbeat; the electrocardiogram shows other results; hair fall out brittle nails, pale skin; body growth is inadequate. At the same time, the child does not get tired of long physical activity, and teachers note the excellent academic performance of the student.

In the treatment of anorexia nervosa the most difficult thing is to prove to the patient and his relatives that the problem exists and needs to be dealt with. The patient cannot adequately assess his condition and sees no reason for concern. Often needed treatment in a hospital setting, where it is easier to recover normal weight.

Only in the early stages is outpatient treatment allowed. It includes psychological help designed to eliminate thoughts of problems with overweight, instill sympathy for your own figure. Family therapy helps in adolescence.

If choose the right tactics treatment, the child with anorexia will begin to gain the missing weight. However, often after a couple of months the child is overtaken by a relapse of anorexia and has to go to the hospital again.

How dangerous is anorexia for teenagers Video with recommendations from experts.

Strong exhaustion does not paint, but only disfigures the appearance. Anorexia photo Before and After the most severe diet.

unhealthy the desire to significantly reduce weight and to lose a lot of weight is typical for adolescents and is associated with puberty, a picky attitude to one's own appearance. Many girls, having seen enough of the slender and skinny "beauties" models in magazines and at modern fashion shows, strive to become the same at all costs, ignoring the peculiarities of their physique. At this stage of the transformation of a child into an adult huge role plays constant communication in a warm, relaxed atmosphere of parents with a child. If you find a child typical signs anorexia (see anorexia photo), the symptoms of which we will describe in more detail below, try to communicate with him longer and more often, pay attention to his diet. If the child began to lose weight dramatically (see anorexia above photo before and after), began to eat very badly, be sure to make an appointment with specialists to identify the cause of the development of anorexia. Next, we will tell you about what anorexia nervosa is, what treatment of the disease is the most effective and what folk remedies will help the child restore his appetite and normal body weight.

Some glossy magazines publish stories of top models and catwalk stars with recommendations of one or another of the most severe diets, which in fact are a dangerous guide on how to get anorexic, putting your health to a dangerous test. We want to warn growing children and adolescents (especially girls) that such diets are especially dangerous during the maturation period, when the body requires a sufficient amount of nutrients. patients with anorexia, not only ruin their health, but also look repulsive in the eyes of their peers. In an effort to look like a "cover model", the girl turns not into a beauty, but into a monster with protruding ribs and cheekbones.... Anorexia nervosa in adolescents- a fairly serious disease that requires complex treatment under the supervision of specialists (nutritionist, psychotherapist, psychologist ). Don't delay treatment similar nervous disorder in a child, if found symptoms of anorexia which we have described above.

Next article.

Anorexia in a teenager refers to a psychological illness that causes physical and psychological changes. Gradually, the sick person refuses food and begins to experience fear of it. Particularly severe cases are difficult to treat. Anorexia does not pass without a trace, metabolism worsens, and gastrointestinal tract stops working properly. If the child is not helped in time, this can lead to death. The insidiousness of the disease is that its onset is easy to miss, but it will take time to heal, good specialists and parental love.

Anorexia in a teenager: how to recognize an eating problem

The modern cult of thinness most endangers teenage girls and young girls. To meet the standard model appearance they begin to lose weight and cannot stop, fanatically play sports and critically examine themselves in the mirror.

Most cases of anorexia fall on the age of 12-20 years. Adolescents have hormonal changes in the body, they are especially sensitive to criticism and subject to mood swings.

But not only the fashion for harmony causes food addiction. Anorexia in adolescents combines several causes that are closely related. The most important thing to know about anorexia is that it refers to emotional type addictions, when a person lacks any emotion and tries to fill it with something.

Therefore, it is impossible to simply feed a patient with anorexia and everything will work out. To treat this eating disorder, you will need a set of measures that will be aimed at restoring normal physical form and psychological state.

What can cause anorexia in teenagers and young adults

    Low self-esteem. By “improving” his appearance, the child expects to love himself and achieve recognition from others.

    Family problems. bad relationship with parents or with one of the parents, family conflicts, physical and psychological abuse over the child leads to the fact that he feels helpless and powerless. Refusal to eat is a kind of zone of control, as well as a desire to become so invisible that you are not touched. On the other hand, the coldness of parents, their lack of emotion in relation to the child, can push to anorexia. Then an eating disorder will be a way to attract attention.

    Parental overprotection. When parents decide everything for the child, they do not teach him to resist life situations, he becomes helpless in the face of difficulties. This is usually combined with low self-esteem and feelings of self-doubt.

    Wrong eating behavior Mom. If mom is on a diet all the time, dissatisfied with her body, criticizes fat people, then by doing so she pushes her daughter to the wrong perception of her body. The mother herself may not suffer from anorexia, but usually the daughters are ahead of them in this matter.

    Force feeding in childhood. In this case, the child does not learn to understand when he is full and his needs. At first this may lead to overeating, and then to strong desire get rid of what you eat.

    The environment of the child. If a child with low self-esteem gets into a company where thinness is idealized, then he will strive to imitate his friends. Adolescence is the age of displacement of authority. For teenagers, what their peers think is much more important than the opinion of their parents.

    Some sports. For example, gymnastics, figure skating, dancing, where coaches give great importance weight. When a child gains weight, he may experience undue pressure from teachers.

For ordinary person food is a pleasant and necessary need. For people with eating disorders - a source of evil and trouble. In pursuit of the ideal body, teenage girls first restrict themselves in food, constantly monitor their weight, throw away food so that their parents do not know anything. Gradually, they bring themselves to the state of skin-covered bones. Many in a half-starved state torture themselves with increased training and taking laxatives in order to lose even more weight.

As a result, the girls feel more and more weak. Their pressure drops, arrhythmia appears, the menstrual cycle, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the water-salt balance are disturbed, hair falls out, teeth and nails deteriorate.

Patients with anorexia often have suicidal thoughts, depression develops or worsens, and memory suffers. The child becomes angry, aggressive, nervous and withdrawn.

It is worth remembering that teenagers are very vulnerable. They cannot control their disturbed behavior and even admit to themselves that there is a problem. Especially to solve it yourself. Therefore, it is important for parents to sound the alarm in time.

But few mothers and fathers pay attention to the very first signs of the onset of the disease. It may seem that the child is simply passionate about sports and proper nutrition. In turn, the girls diligently hide from their parents that they are on a strict diet.

A clear sign of anorexia in adolescents is weight loss, dystrophy. But this means that the disease is gaining momentum and urgent intervention of specialists is needed. Before an exacerbation of the disease, a number of signs can indicate its onset.

It's time to worry: the first signs that the child may suffer from anorexia

    Refusal of family meals. Any excuses are used: from eating at a girlfriend to a sick stomach. During meals with your parents, it's harder to hide the fact that you don't eat anything. In addition, girls can cause bulimia to themselves, which they also prefer to hide from others.

    The child is showing increased anxiety , constantly unsure of himself and worried about his weight.

    Girls can fanatically get carried away with proper nutrition, fitness and counting every calorie. This can develop into an obsessive form when they refuse not only flour, sweet and fatty, but also dairy, cereals, fruits, vegetables.

    The child constantly talks about appearance, criticizes completeness. With a normal body weight, he wants to lose weight.

    The child has lost a lot of weight and wants to lose more weight. He may not speak directly about this, for fear of criticism.

    There may be general weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. Or the child is in high spirits and unusually active.

    Taking laxatives, diuretics and inducing vomiting after eating (bulimia).

    unstable emotional background: mood swings, outbursts of aggression and anger, alienation.

    The desire to be alone, unwillingness to communicate with friends.

Anorexia in a teenager: how to treat and prevent this disorder

The sooner you seek help, the more successful the treatment of anorexia will be. During illness, the child's body is threatened with complete exhaustion. This can lead to serious health complications.

in the treatment of anorexia individual approach, which will depend on the degree of the disease. In rare cases, the family can manage on their own. Usually, the help of a psychotherapist, treatment in a clinic, support from relatives and the desire of the patient to recover are required. Treatment will focus on returning weight to normal and addressing psychological problems which led to anorexia.

Anorexia nervosa is a disease caused by a person's deliberate weight loss. This condition is especially common in teenagers. This is due to the fact that in Lately television and show business dictates perfect images fashion models and stars, imitating which girls find flaws in their appearance.

Adolescence is distinguished by the peculiarities of the course of physiological processes, which react sharply to any changes and easily adapt to new conditions. This condition is the desire of a teenager to reduce their own weight. The body gets used to the lack of nutrients so quickly that it begins to use all its own, its own reserves, actually eating itself from the inside.

Causes and factors of teenagers

In adolescent children, the appearance of anorexia can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Disharmonious teenage crisis, expressed in an inadequate response to the stress and problems of a teenager. As a result, a teenager reacts sharply to ridicule or small comments from peers or adults about excess weight.
  2. Phobic reactions to food intake - fear of food as a source of excess weight. Usually this phobia appears in girls who associate the physiological rounding of forms with eating food.

Care should be taken to pay attention to adolescents, in the development of which some risk factors for anorexia may be observed:

  • genetic factors that determine the presence of an anorexia gene, which can be activated under certain conditions;
  • biological factors, including the early onset of menstruation, overweight, dysfunction of neurotransmitters;
  • family factors that determine the presence in the family of people with eating disorders;
  • personal factors that determine one's own inferiority, self-doubt, striving for excessive perfection (perfectionism), pedantry, an excellent student complex;
  • cultural factors that determine the emphasis on thinness as a symbol of beauty;
  • anthropological factors that characterize the challenge to society and those who are trying to force people to eat food.

Symptoms of anorexia in teenagers:

  • weight loss;
  • eating disorder: in this case, patients can actively eat at night, and then, in fear, induce themselves to vomit, refuse food in general, or eat only certain foods.

Physiological changes accompanying the development of anorexia:

  • from the side of the cardiovascular system: bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias;
  • neurological disorders: fainting, feeling cold, loss of consciousness;
  • on the part of the skin: pallor, hair loss, dry skin, violation of the nail structure, fluffy growths on the face and back;
  • from the side endocrine system: slow metabolism;
  • from the reproductive system: sterility and amenorrhea (lack of menstruation);
  • from the side skeletal system: leaching of calcium from bones, leading to fractures;
  • on the part of the psyche: depression and suicidal tendencies.

Changes in appearance that characterize anorexia: sunken eyes, puffy face, dry, flaky skin, protruding collarbones and ribs, brittle exfoliating nails, swollen joints, brittle dull hair, vellus hair all over the body.

A complete picture of the disease is usually given by a patient interview and an assessment of the appearance. The key signs of anorexia are:

The doctor prescribes treatment based on the identified symptoms.

Treatment of anorexia

When prescribing a course of treatment, the doctor faces the main tasks:

  1. Prevent dehydration - loss of water from the body.
  2. To prevent the phenomenon of dystrophy - irreversible weight loss.
  3. Restore the body's electrolyte balance.

Stages of treatment:

Stage 1 "Non-specific"- 2-3 weeks. Recommended bed rest. Meals start with 500 calories divided into 6 meals so as not to overload the human gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to prevent the occurrence of vomiting. In order for the patient not to refuse food, insulin is often used alone or in combination with glucose. Gradually increase the calorie content of food. They proceed to the next stage only when an increase in weight by 2-3 kg is noted.

Stage 2 "Specific"- 7-10 weeks. Bed rest is changed to semi-bed, and then normal. Food should be high in calories. added to the treatment. At this stage, it is necessary to conduct psychotherapy.

Stage 3 "Control" 8-10 weeks. The patient switches to a normal mode of life, but under the supervision of a doctor. Psychotherapy continues. Tranquilizers are replaced by mild sedatives. Weight control is underway (monitor for the absence of weight loss).

The article discusses anorexia. You will learn what this disease is, what symptoms and stages it has. We will tell you what causes the development of this pathology and consider medical, psychological and psychiatric methods of treating the disease. Following our advice, you will learn how to prevent and follow a special diet. Let us highlight the topic of the features of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anorexia.

Anorexia dangerous disease which often has psychological causes

Anorexia is the degree of exhaustion of the body, while the patient himself does not recognize the presence of the disease and considers himself excessively fat. Signs of anorexia include an obsession with losing weight and a fear of gaining weight. More often this disease girls and women aged 14 to 25 are affected.

In our time, this pathology is quite common. Most often this is due to a distorted perception of the beauty of the body. In an attempt to become like emaciated fashion models, girls torment themselves with diets.

The danger of pathology lies in the rapid decrease in body weight. At the same time, the body is deprived of the substances necessary for normal functioning, and this, in turn, leads to disruption of the work of all organs and systems.

Among the consequences of anorexia are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, arrhythmia, digestive disorders, general weakness of the body, fainting, osteoporosis, weakening and hair loss. In extreme cases, death can occur.

You learned what anorexia is and why the disease is dangerous. Now let's take a closer look at the causes of this pathology.

Causes of anorexia

Depending on the causes that caused the pathology, there are several varieties of the disease. One of the most common is anorexia nervosa, it is provoked by psychological or mental disorders.

The second no less common form of the disease is medicinal. This pathology develops as a result of taking special medications that reduce body weight. They work by eliminating the feeling of hunger. At the same time, some of them are addictive, so it can be extremely difficult to refuse to take them on your own, which leads to excessive depletion of the body.

Among the reasons for the formation of anorexia is a panic fear of gaining excess weight. This fear is based on disturbances in the perception of one's own body, most often manifested in adolescence when hormonal changes begin in girls and more rounded shapes hips and chest.

Anorexia often develops in children and adolescents when parents force them to eat.

In adolescence, the cause of the formation of anorexia is often pathological self-doubt and low self-esteem. Against the background of hyper-custody on the part of parents, this turns into the impossibility of a calm reaction to any slightest criticism regarding the appearance of the child.

Often you can meet the development of this pathology in the period of expectation of the baby. This is due to the fear of gaining excess weight and not returning to its previous shape after childbirth.

Anorexia and pregnancy are incompatible concepts. During the period of bearing a child, the body needs a larger amount of nutrients, which, due to pathology, generally cease to flow, and the fetus has nowhere to take building material for growth and development.

Anorexia during pregnancy can lead to various pathologies fetal development. Among them gestational diabetes and miscarriage.

You learned what anorexia is and how it appears. Now consider the main symptoms and stages of the development of the disease.

Symptoms and stages of anorexia

The first signs of how anorexia begins are difficult to determine. This is due to the fact that on initial stage disease, there is no pronounced thinness, and individual signs can be observed in healthy people. Nevertheless, with a detailed examination and attentive attitude towards a loved one, changes in behavior can be noticed.

There are behavioral and physiological symptoms anorexia. And if physiological ones appear in the later stages of the disease, then changes in behavior can be noticed immediately.

A person suffering from anorexia of the 1st degree, first of all, begins to express dissatisfaction with his own appearance, in particular, his figure and weight. Such people begin to get involved in all kinds of diets, regardless of the state of health, they can severely limit themselves in food, induce vomiting after eating.

The physical signs of anorexia in women include malfunctions menstrual cycle up to complete cessation monthly. Disorders of the digestive system appear: bloating, pain syndrome, bowel obstruction.

At stage 1 of anorexia, weight loss begins. Along with this, dizziness, a sharp deterioration in well-being and a breakdown appear. Loss of 20% of the total mass - alarm signal and an indication for immediate medical attention.

It is possible to say at what weight anorexia begins only by calculating the body mass index. This indicator is different for everyone. To determine it, it is necessary to divide the patient's weight by the squared height in meters. The resulting numerical indicator should not go beyond 18.5 to 25 units. modern medicine set a critical BMI of 17.5 - this is the threshold for the development of anorexia. Look at the ratio of weight and height in the table for anorexia.

Healthy conditionheight (m) / weight (kg) Anorexiaheight (m) / weight (kg)
1,55/53 150/34
1,58/54 153/35
160/56 154/36
163/58 155/37
165/60 158/38
168/62 160/40
170/64 163/41
173/65 165/42
175/67 168/43
178/69 170/44

There are 4 stages of anorexia. They develop gradually, following one after another. Let's consider them in more detail.

As a rule, the first stage of anorexia lasts from 2 to 4 years. This preparatory period is characterized by the formation of a critical opinion about one's appearance. At the same time, the positive opinion of others is not taken into account, but an inadvertently expressed remark or criticism is perceived quite painfully and can serve as an impetus for the transition to the second stage of the disease.

If at the initial stage of anorexia the patient only has thoughts about how to correct his appearance, in particular his figure, then starting from the second stage, he begins to take action. There is a passion for diets and a strict restriction of oneself in food.

With grade 2 anorexia, there is a visible and fairly significant weight loss - from 20% of the total body weight. This entails hormonal disruptions and disruption of most organs and systems.

The cachectic stage or grade 3 anorexia is characterized by an aggravation of the patient's condition. At this time, somatohormonal disorders predominate: menstrual flow stops, the subcutaneous fat layer disappears, dystrophic conditions of the skin and muscles are formed.

With 3 degrees of anorexia, the heartbeat slows down, the pulse becomes weak, blood circulation is disturbed and decreases arterial pressure. The patient is constantly cold, and skin acquire a bluish tint.

In parallel with this, the condition of hair, nails and teeth is significantly deteriorating. They become more brittle and lifeless, bleeding and sore gums appear.

At this stage of the disease, medical intervention is necessary. Without psychological help And medical preparations It is impossible to cope with anorexia on your own.

Last stage disease is characterized by the return of obsessive thoughts about their appearance. Since after treatment the weight begins to return to normal, there are panic states about excess weight body. The last stage of anorexia can last up to 2 years. All this time the patient must be under close supervision, otherwise he will break into another hunger strike.

Depending on the stage of the disease, there is a constant loss of body weight. Look at the ratio of weight loss and stages of anorexia in the table.

Stages of anorexia Weight loss from body weight BMI health risk
1 from 5% less than 18.5 absent
2 from 10% less than 17.5 high
3 from 20% less than 16 very tall
4 from 50% less than 14 critical

You learned the stages, symptoms and causes of anorexia. Now let's talk about the methods of medical, psychological and psychiatric treatment of the disease.

Anorexia Treatment Methods

The success of anorexia treatment lies in integrated approach and the desire of the patient himself to recover. To return a person to habitual way life, it is necessary not only to restore the work of all organs and systems of the body, but also to normalize and adapt its mental state.

Therefore, the question - which doctor treats anorexia, can definitely be answered that consultation of many highly specialized specialists, including psychologists and psychiatrists, will be required. Consider individual methods of treating pathology.

Medical therapy

Before treating anorexia with drug therapy need to consult a therapist. As a rule, doctors are faced with the task of restoring the functioning of the digestive system, normalizing metabolic processes in the body and the work of the heart, smoothly increase body weight, preventing the development of dystrophy.

At the initial stage, the patient must comply with bed rest. Most often, treatment is carried out in a hospital, but sometimes, when the risk to life is not confirmed, the patient can be transferred to home maintenance. How to treat anorexia at home, the doctor will also tell.

At first, the patient requires constant supervision. To restore appetite and help in the digestion of food, the patient is given insulin-containing drugs. Also, the doctor may prescribe a glucose solution to restore strength.

Frenolon is prescribed to normalize eating behavior. Berpamin and Polyamine will help restore the water-salt balance and metabolic processes. For complex treatment and alleviate the condition, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants: Zoloft, Eglonin, Coaxin.

You have learned how to treat anorexia with medication. Consider the importance of psychological intervention in the recovery process.

Psychological treatment

Psychological treatment of anorexia consists in adjusting the perception of one's own body, in accepting oneself as a person and social adaptation after the therapy. Important is the moment of acceptance of the problem and the desire to get rid of it.

The psychologist preliminarily conducts a test for anorexia, thereby determining the main cause of the formation of the disease. Important role recovery is played by loved ones who can both help and hinder therapy.

Thanks to the competent work of psychologists, there is an adjustment of behavioral habits, the formation of a normal reaction to one's own body and weight in particular. Classes with a specialist are conducted both individually and in a group of patients with similar problems.

Psychiatric treatment

In the case of the formation of anorexia against the background of severe mental illness, the intervention of a psychiatrist will be required. For example, it is indispensable for schizophrenia, depressive and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

For the treatment of anorexia, methods of group, family and individual psychotherapy are used. If necessary, the doctor strengthens drug treatment, adding tranquilizers and antipsychotics to the list. Sometimes hypnosis is used.

Diet for anorexia

Nutrition is an important part of rehabilitation for anorexia

For faster recovery from anorexia, it is necessary to maintain special diet. It must be carefully calculated and balanced in order to maximize fast deadlines help the body recuperate without putting excessive strain on weakened organs.

To determine the appropriate menu, it is necessary to conduct bioimpedansometry. This study will assess the deviation from the norm of body weight, muscle tissue and the degree of dehydration of the body. Based on the data obtained, the nutritionist draws up a suitable menu.

Food is introduced into the patient's diet in fractionally small portions. As a rule, during the day the patient should eat at least 5 times. It is equally important to drink enough pure water- at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

Features of the treatment of childhood and adolescent anorexia

Most often, adolescents with a fragile psyche fall into the risk zone for developing anorexia. The inability of a child to calmly respond to stress, problems and criticism leads to a rejection of himself and, as a result, to an attempt to change his appearance, in particular weight.

An important role in the formation of anorexia and the cure for the disease is played by parents and close relatives. If a child grows up in an atmosphere of constant criticism and misunderstanding, then in the form of a subconscious protest, he may begin to try to change his attitude towards him by changing his appearance.

Attention to changes in the behavior of the child by adults can eliminate the very cause of the formation of pathology. In this vein, it is especially important for teenagers to support trusting relationship with parents.

A child in adolescence needs support and understanding, even if he denies it. Therefore, parents should be extremely careful about children who somehow try to artificially influence their own appearance. The sooner you pay attention, the less chance that the disease will develop serious pathology which will require specialized treatment.

Is it possible to fully recover from anorexia?

Opinions of doctors regarding the possibility full recovery separated after anorexia. Some believe that with effective psychotherapeutic treatment, a complete recovery from the disease is possible.

Others argue that this pathology is a cyclically arranged disease, in which the stages of remission are replaced by relapses. In this case, a person can lead a normal life for several years, but in the end he will return to a sick state.

Prevention methods

In order to prevent anorexia, one should early age pay attention to the nutrition of the child. Do not force feed or overfeed your children. This can lead to weight gain and, as a result, dissatisfaction. own body and a whole bunch of psychological disorders. The diet should be balanced and contain fruits and vegetables.

The formation of anorexia is greatly influenced by the atmosphere in the family in which the child grows up. If at home he finds constant support, care and words of love, then he will feel much more confident.

If your child is gaining excess weight, try to be as gentle and tactful as possible in talking to him about it and offer your help. Do not leave children alone with this problem, otherwise it will develop into anorexia.

For the purpose of prevention, medical examinations should be carried out annually by a general practitioner (pediatrician), endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. Most educational institutions psychologists work. It would be useful to contact them for advice on assessing the behavior of your child and timely prevention of any deviations.

In case of detection of the first symptoms of the disease, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. The sooner you see a doctor, the more likely you are to get by with psychological support without medication.

For more information about anorexia, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Most often, teenagers with a fragile psyche and women under the age of 25 who are unhappy with their appearance fall into the risk zone for developing anorexia.
  2. Symptoms of anorexia in women are most clearly manifested in the failure of the menstrual cycle up to the complete cessation of menstruation. Disorders of the digestive system appear: bloating, pain, intestinal obstruction, weight loss and weakening of the body.
  3. The success of the treatment of anorexia lies in an integrated approach and the desire of the patient to recover. For therapy, drug treatment, psychological and psychiatric treatment are used.

Anorexia in men has its own characteristics:

  • Anorexia in men is often associated with various mental disorders - schizophrenia, neuroses.
  • Men do not talk about their desire to lose weight. They are more secretive, unlike women who are constantly discussing ways to lose weight.
  • Men are more purposeful, they firmly adhere to the word given to themselves to refuse certain products. They are less likely to have food breakdowns.
  • A large percentage of sick men refuse food for ideological reasons. They are supporters of cleansing the body, raw food, veganism, sun-eating or other nutrition systems.
  • Anorexia affects not only young men who strive to meet the standards of beauty, but also men over 40, who are fond of cleansing the body and various spiritual practices. You can often hear phrases from them that “food is a hindrance to spiritual development”, “refusal of food prolongs life and purifies the spirit”.
  • Asthenic and schizoid features predominate in the character of patients, in contrast to women, who are characterized by hysterical features.
  • Crazy ideas about imaginary fullness sometimes serve as a distraction for a man. At the same time, he tends to ignore the real physical handicaps, sometimes disfiguring his appearance.

Factors that provoke anorexia in men

  • Growing up in an incomplete family in an atmosphere of excessive guardianship from the mother's side. The boy is afraid that with weight gain he will grow up and lose the love of his relatives. Staying thin, he tries to avoid responsibility and hardships. adulthood. Such men continue to live with their parents and in adulthood.
  • Critical statements from others regarding excess weight. This can cause psychological trauma.
  • Participation in certain sports requiring tight control over body weight - sports dancing, ballet, running, jumping, figure skating.
  • Professions related to show business- Singers, actors, fashion models. People in these professions sometimes pay excessive attention their appearance, which causes thoughts about their own imperfection and excess weight.
  • Self-punishment. Boys and men bring themselves to exhaustion, reducing the feeling of guilt for unrevealed aggression towards the father or forbidden sexual attraction.
  • Schizophrenia in one of the parents, the tendency to which is inherited. high risk anorexia nervosa in young men whose parents suffered from anorexia, phobia, anxiety depression, psychosis.
  • Homosexuality. In specialized publications, a cult of lean is created male bodies which encourages young men to refuse food.
Manifestations of anorexia in men and women are very similar. In 70% of patients, the onset of the disease occurs at the age of 10-14 years. If parents failed to notice and stop them, then the symptoms slowly increase.
  • Painful attention to one's appearance.
  • Tendency to eat normally once and then starve for weeks.
  • Tendency to hide food. To reassure relatives that the patient is "eating normally", he may hide or throw away his portion of food.
  • Decreased sexual interest and potency, which is analogous to female amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
  • Traditional ways to lose weight - refusal to eat, excessive physical exercise and vomiting, enemas, colon therapy. However painful affection vomiting is less common than in women.
  • Unmotivated aggression. Rude attitude towards close people, especially to parents.
  • Refusal to be photographed. Patients argue it by the fact that in the photographs their "completeness" is more noticeable.
  • Hypochondria. A man is overly worried about his health, he suspects that he has serious illnesses. Natural sensations (especially the feeling of filling the stomach) seem painful to him.
  • Changes in appearance appear after a few months - weight loss (up to 50% of body weight), dry skin, hair loss.
  • The tendency to alcoholism is an attempt to cope with emotions and drown out thoughts about food and weight loss.
At first, losing weight causes euphoria. There is lightness and a feeling of victory when it was possible to curb appetite, which causes deep satisfaction in the patient. Over time, the appetite disappears, and the body's resources are depleted. Vigor is replaced by irritability and chronic fatigue. The way of thinking changes, crazy ideas are formed that cannot be corrected. The body becomes painfully thin, but the man continues to perceive himself as fat. Malnutrition of the brain affects the ability to think sensibly and process information. Prolonged abstinence from food leads to organic brain damage.

Men with anorexia do not perceive their condition as a problem. They justify fasting in every possible way by cleansing the body and striving for enlightenment. Behind medical care more often their relatives apply. If this does not happen in time, then the man ends up in the hospital with cachexia (extreme exhaustion) or in a psychiatric hospital with an exacerbation of mental illness.

Treatment of anorexia in men includes psychotherapy, drug treatment, and reflexology. Together, these measures lead to recovery of more than 80% of patients.

1. Psychotherapy is an essential part of the treatment. It allows you to correct the thinking of the patient and helps to eliminate the psychological trauma that led to the eating disorder. With anorexia in men have proven their effectiveness:

  • psychoanalysis;
  • behavioral therapy;
  • family psychotherapy with relatives of the patient.
2. Drug treatment. Medicines can only be prescribed by a doctor, and the dosage depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
  • Antipsychotics Clozapine, Olanzapine are used for the first 6 months of treatment. They promote weight gain and reduce delusions about fullness. The dose of the drug is determined individually. After reaching therapeutic effect it is gradually reduced. If an exacerbation occurs, then the dose is increased to the initial one.
  • Atypical antipsychotics Risperidone, Risset eliminate the negative manifestations of the disease, but do not reduce performance, do not interfere with work and study. Take drugs constantly or only when symptoms of the disease occur. Treatment with atypical drugs can last from 6 months to one and a half years.
  • Vitamin preparations. B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system, helping to eradicate the root cause of the disease. Vitamins A and E improve the production of hormones, contribute to the restoration of the skin and its appendages, as well as the mucous membranes of internal organs.
3. Reflexology(acupuncture). During sessions, reflex points are affected, which stimulates appetite and restores impaired metabolism.

4. Trainings on the organization of a healthy diet. Special training programs will help the patient to create a menu in such a way that all the nutrients enter the body and there is no discomfort.

5. Intravenous nutrition or the introduction of food through a tube. These methods are applied at an extreme degree of exhaustion in patients who categorically refuse food.

Anorexia in a child, what to do?

Anorexia in a child is a more common problem than is commonly believed. 30% of girls aged 9-11 limit themselves in food and follow a diet in order to lose weight. Every 10th has a high risk of developing anorexia (in boys, this figure is 4-6 times lower). However, in childhood the psyche is more amenable to influence and early stages Parents can help their child avoid developing the disease while staying lean.

Causes of anorexia in a child

  • Parents feed the child, forcing them to eat too large portions. The result is an aversion to food.
  • Monotonous nutrition, which forms negative attitude to food.
  • Past severe infectious diseases - diphtheria, hepatitis, tuberculosis.
  • Psycho-emotional stress - sudden acclimatization, death loved one, parents divorce.
  • The abundance of harmful and sweet foods in the diet disrupts digestion and metabolism.
  • Excessive guardianship and control by parents. Often found in incomplete families where a child is raised without a father by his mother and grandmother.
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance which is often based on criticism from parents and ridicule from peers.
  • Hereditary predisposition to mental illness.
What are the signs of anorexia in a child?
  • Eating disorders - refusal to eat or a certain set of foods (potatoes, cereals, meat, sweets).
  • physical signs- weight loss, dry skin, sunken eyes, bruising under the eyes.
  • Behavioral changes - sleep disturbances, irritability, frequent tantrums, poor academic performance.
What to do if you notice signs of anorexia in a child?
  • Make a meal pleasant event. Create comfort in the kitchen. While the child is eating, take a few minutes to sit next to him, ask how the day went, what was the most pleasant event today.
  • Start eating healthy as a family. For example, instead of pies, cook baked apples with cottage cheese, instead of frying potatoes or fish, bake them in foil. Focus not on the fact that this is losing weight, but that proper nutrition is the basis of beauty, health and vigor. Slenderness is just a pleasant consequence healthy lifestyle life.
  • Observe family rituals related to food. Bake meat according to your grandmother's recipe, pickle fish, as is customary in your family. Share these secrets with your child. Rituals make the child aware of being part of the group and give a sense of security.
  • Go shopping together. Make a rule: everyone buys a new, preferably "healthy" product. It can be yogurt, exotic fruit, the new kind cheese. Then at home you can try it and decide whose choice is better. Thus, you instill in the child the idea that healthy food brings pleasure.
  • Don't insist on yours. Give your child a choice, strive for a compromise. This applies to all aspects of life. A child who is overly controlled in everything takes control of what is left for him - his food. Avoid categorical requirements. If you think it's cold outside, then don't yell for your daughter to put on a hat, but offer the child an acceptable choice: headband, hat, or hood. The same applies to food. Ask what the child will be, offering a choice of 2-3 acceptable dishes. If the daughter flatly refuses dinner, reschedule lunch for a later time.
  • Involve your child in the cooking process. Watch cooking shows together, choose recipes on the Internet that you would like to try. There are plenty of tasty and healthy low-calorie meals that do not increase the risk of gaining weight.
  • Encourage dancing and sports. Regular physical training increases appetite and contributes to the production of endorphins - “happiness hormones”. It is desirable that the child engages for his own pleasure, as professional pursuits, aimed at winning competitions, can provoke the desire for weight loss and cause anorexia and bulimia.
  • Consult a beautician or fitness trainer if the child is dissatisfied with their appearance and weight. Children often ignore the advice of their parents, but listen to the opinions of unfamiliar experts. Such specialists will help to create a proper nutrition program that improves skin condition and prevents weight gain.
  • Listen carefully to the child. Avoid categorical judgments and do not deny problems: “Don't talk nonsense. You are of normal weight. Argument your arguments. Calculate the formula together ideal weight, find the minimum and maximum values ​​for that age. Promise to help in the fight for the ideals of beauty and stick to your word. It is better to cook a diet soup for your child than a rebellious daughter fundamentally skips a meal consisting of a high-calorie roast.
  • Find areas where your child can fulfill himself. He should feel successful, useful and irreplaceable. To generate interest in various types activities, attend various events with your child: exhibitions, competitions dance groups and sports. Encourage him to try his hand at a wide variety of sections and circles. Genuinely praise every small accomplishment. Then the idea will take root in a teenager that success and positive emotions can be associated not only with physical attractiveness. And new acquaintances and vivid impressions will distract from thoughts about the imperfection of your body.
  • Help your child to get complete and versatile information. If a child wants to stick to a diet, then find detailed instructions on this topic. Be sure to read the contraindications together, read about the dangers and consequences of this diet. For example, it has been proven that supporters of protein diets are at risk of getting cancer. The more your child knows, the better he will be protected. So, from a misunderstanding of the danger of the problem, many girls are persistently looking for advice on the Internet “how to get anorexia?”. In their mind, it's not hard. mental illness rather an easy way to beauty.
Remember that if within 1-2 months you have not been able to correct the child's eating behavior, then seek the advice of a psychologist.

How to avoid relapse of anorexia?

Relapses of anorexia after treatment occur in 32% of patients. The most dangerous are the first six months, when patients are highly tempted to refuse food and return to old habits and the old way of thinking. There is also a risk that in an attempt to stifle their appetite, such people will become addicted to alcohol or drug use. That is why relatives should pay maximum attention, try to fill their life with new impressions.

How to avoid relapse of anorexia?

Scientists agree that anorexia is chronic disease, which is characterized by periods of calm and relapses. This food addiction is compared with diabetes mellitus: a person must constantly monitor his condition, follow preventive measures, and when the first signs of the disease appear, start drug treatment. Only in this way is it possible to stop the return of anorexia in time and prevent a relapse.