Project in kindergarten for children of the preparatory group. Kindness will save the world. Planning for the year under the program of L. Shevchenko "Good World" (spiritual and moral culture)

The educational and methodological kit "Good World (Orthodox Culture for Kids)" is the introductory part of the author's general program "Orthodox Culture" for grades 1-11 (Center for Support of Cultural and historical traditions Patronymic. M. 2004-2011).

It is developed based on teaching materials and experience in teaching the subject "Fundamentals Orthodox culture» according to the author's educational and methodological kits "Orthodox culture" for 1-10 years of study in 55 regions of the Russian Federation, CIS countries, foreign countries in 2003-2010 and recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, the Departments of Education of the Belgorod, Tver, Kaliningrad and other regions of the Russian Federation, the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church (2007).

The kit includes 8 manuals: Reader in 4 books for children with methodological comments for the teacher ( Book 1. Walks through the days of creation. /Organization of the world/; Book 2. Good bad? /Organization of relations in the world/; Book 3. Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends. / How relationships work in our life /; Book 4. Orthodox holidays. What are we happy about? /Values ​​of life of Christians/); Methodical manual with the program; Workbook for creative activities; Musical accompaniment of classes (CD - disks); Visual materials on the topics of anthologies.

A feature of the kit is the integrative nature of the content, which combines all types of activities of preschoolers based on traditional values domestic culture. The selection of content was made taking into account the Standard of Primary Education of the Second Generation and the Exemplary Content of Education in the Academic Subject "Orthodox Culture", presented by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (M., 2002), ensuring the continuity of solving the problems of spiritual and moral education at the level of preschool and school education .

The kit is intended for use in preschool educational institutions of all types (senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten), as well as for educating the spiritual and moral culture of children in the family.


The collection of methodological materials contains: 1. Conceptual substantiation of the Content module “Spiritual and moral culture. Orthodox culture" as part of the main educational program preschool education; 2. Exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education “Good world. Orthodox culture for kids”; 3. Methodological developments classes. Reference material is provided in the Annexes.

The selection of content was made taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education (2013), federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program for preschool education (2009), the federal state educational standard for primary general education of a new generation (2009), "Exemplary content for the subject" Orthodox culture ”(MO RF 2002), the experience of teaching Orthodox culture in author's program“Spiritual and moral culture. Orthodox Culture" for grades 1-11 in 55 regions of the Russian Federation in 2004-2011, which became the basis of the program of the experimental training course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" (module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture") (2009), ensuring the continuity of the solution tasks of spiritual and moral education at the level of preschool and school levels of the education system.

The methodical manual is a part of the educational-methodical set "Kind World" (composed of 8 manuals). The materials are intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions of all types, as well as for the education of the spiritual and moral culture of children in the family.

Section 1. general characteristics programs.

Section 2 Content module "Spiritual and moral culture (Orthodox culture)" of the main general educational program of preschool education

Good World Program. Orthodox culture for kids»
2.1. Explanatory note.
2.2. Age features of the spiritual and moral development of children aged 5-7 years.
2.3. Integrated content of work on spiritual and moral education during the development educational areas the main general educational program of preschool education with the inclusion of the content module "Spiritual and moral culture (Orthodox culture)"
2.3.1. Tasks of psychological and pedagogical work with children 5-6, 6-7 years old.
2.3.2. Principles for selecting the content of the module "Spiritual and moral culture (Orthodox culture)", taking into account the integration of educational areas of the preschool education program.
2.4. Planned results of the development of the general educational program “Good World. Orthodox culture” in the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.
2.5. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “Good world. Orthodox culture for kids.

Section 3 Organization of the activities of adults and children in the implementation and development of the module "Spiritual and moral culture (Orthodox culture)" of the main general educational program of preschool education.

A p p e n d e s
Application 1. The composition of the benefits of the set "Good World".
Appendix 2. Tasks of the educational areas identified in the text of the Federal requirements for the structure of the main educational program of preschool education, within which it is possible to supplement the main educational program with the content of the Good World program.
Appendix 3 Age features of children.
Appendix 4 Spiritual moral education children in the family and in the conditions of confessional education.
Appendix 5 Planned results of mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education by children.
Appendix 6. The structure of the educational and methodological set “Spiritual and moral culture. Orthodox culture” for preschool and school levels.

Literature for children.

Literature for the educator.

Programs and teaching materials for the upbringing of preschool children.

CH R E S T O M A T I A ​​V 4 K N I G A X

BOOK 1 Walking Through the Days of Creation
Our beautiful good world. Walking paths. What do we see while walking?
Walk one: “Light. Day. Night".
Walk two: "Sky".
Walk three: “Earth. Water. Plants".
Walk four: “The sun. Moon. Stars".
Walk five: “Birds. Fish. Insects".
Walk six: “Man. Animals".
Walk six: "Man".
Walk seventh: "Day of rest (peace)".
Who created our beautiful, kind world?

BOOK 2. Good - bad
The first story: "What is good and what is bad?"
Story two: "Be obedient!"
Story three: "Help!"
Fourth story: “Don't argue! Sorry!"
Story 5: Be humble! Do not brag".
Story six: “Do not steal! Don't cheat!"

Story one: My family. Our family."
The second story: "My Motherland".
The third story: "Orthodox church".
Story four: "Our lesser friends."

BOOK 3. Values ​​in the life of Christians
What are we happy about? Orthodox holidays.
Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter.
Day Angel. Heavenly patrons.
Sunday day.
End of the journey. Thanksgiving.


The workbook is part of the educational and methodological kit “Good World. Orthodox culture for kids" and is used in conjunction with other manuals.

IN workbook assignments for creative activities of children are presented in accordance with the topics of reading books. The interrelation of tasks is indicated by symbolic designations corresponding to the headings "Traveling with a book" and "Drawing", indicating the number of pages of reading books.


Visual materials are part of the educational and methodological kit “Good World. Orthodox culture for kids” and are used in conjunction with the materials of methodological, musical, textbook manuals and workbooks.

The manual contains visual materials to illustrate the theme "Orthodox Church" (reader book 3, pages 42-55).

Visual materials include illustrations and photographs of icon paintings, monuments of church architecture, children's drawings International Competition children's creativity"The beauty of God's world."




on spiritual and moral education

preschool children

"Good World"

(implementation period 1 year).

The project was developed by the educator:

Fonina Natalya Vladimirovna

"Nothing is so cheap and valued so dearly as courtesy"

(M. Cervantes.)

Formation spiritually - moral values is the most important indicator a holistic personality, truly independent and responsible, able to create their own idea of ​​their life path. Intuitively, our children distinguish good from evil, understand the value of compassion, mercy, value truth and honesty. Do we sufficiently support the best spiritual manifestations in them? Do we pay enough attention to the consideration of life situations, actions, do we help children understand real life problems that require a decision?

After all, the living conditions in which the child is (the influence of radio and television, literature, music, communication) require constant attention to the younger generation.

In the program of education and training in kindergarten"From birth to school" N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, there is a section on the social and personal direction of working with children, but it is not included in the curriculum. Therefore, educators sometimes miss this section as an educational one. But he is one of the main ones. If the child does not become a great mathematician, it does not matter, but if he does not become kind, sympathetic, attentive, helpful, then in vain we taught him everything else.

The project is based on the program of Shevchenko L.L. “Spiritual and moral culture “Good world”.

aim This project is an addition to the main general educational program of preschool education, the formation of a basic culture based on domestic traditional spiritual and moral values.

Tasks: Spiritual and moral development of children through familiarization with the traditional spiritual values ​​of Russia.

To educate children in moral feelings: mercy, compassion, empathy. Obedience to parents, love for the family, the Motherland, kind, humane attitude to the world around, friendliness, shame in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance, responsibility and care.

To teach children to build relationships in a group based on mutual respect, peacefulness; learn to be peacemakers conflict situations: do not offend, regret, put up, forgive each other, overcome aggression, anger, maintain a peaceful mental disposition.

To form the ability to evaluate one's own (and not other people's) actions in accordance with the moral standards of ethics, without judging others.

Encouraging children to adorn their souls with good qualities.

A feature of the program is the repeated consolidation of values ​​in the framework of various activities of children: listening to texts, games, drawing, singing, theatricalizations, solving problematic situations of moral choice.

The implementation of the moral education project involves an integrated approach - the inclusion of the content of the program in all types of activities: cognitive, productive, playful. At the same time, the use of the principle of integration allows us to fully solve the problems of mental, moral and aesthetic education in a variety of children's activities.

All material is systematized. The system and sequence of work on the spiritual and moral education of children is presented in the following blocks:

Building relationships in the world.

Be obedient! Work hard!

About mercy, love, care.

About forgiveness, stubbornness.

Be humble! Do not brag!

Don't steal! Don't cheat1

Relationships between children and parents.

Orthodox church in human life.

Our smaller friends.

Within the framework of the presented blocks, the topics of the content of the work, reading and discussion of works of art are distributed; work with illustrations; games: didactic and mobile, drawing, listening and singing songs.

The project is designed for children 6-7 years old

Implementation period -1 year.

Expected results: children should be kind, obedient, caring, honest, hardworking.

The form for summing up the results of an additional educational program is a map of the level of assimilation of this program by children (attached).

Educational and thematic plan.

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours



Our beautiful kind world.

Good helper.

Can we be friends?

About the mercy of love, care.

About the hardworking and lazy.

How can we work hard.

When it gets boring.

Generosity and greed.

About my friend.

Our good deeds.

Good and bad creations in the world of people and in the world of animals.

How to treat people.

My friends.

Why something doesn't work.

Who is stronger: meek or angry.

Who is the most important.

Dispute in the animal world.

Humility and pride.

Alien and own.

My mom.

The men of our family.


Day Angel.

Our smaller bird friends.

Human care for animals.

Methodological support and conditions for the implementation of the project.



Work form




I Building relationships in the world.

Our beautiful

Good world.


Find out in children their ideas about actions.

Systematize and generalize the rules of good, polite behavior.

Reading. Discussion. How to distinguish good from evil. Reading. Discussion. "Why evil."

Learning the main rules of life for good children.

Drawing, good rules of life "Rainbow".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad",

What is good and what is evil.


Develop the ability to understand the actions depicted in the picture, and the ability to characterize them.

Show kindness to those around you.

The game "What children should be."

Reading "Virtue", "Nobility".

Examination of the illustration "Good deeds".

Learning the song "If you are good."

Audio recording of the song "If you are good."

Good helper.

To let the children understand that people, for the most part, are not evil or good always and in everything that evil person can become good, can change.

Discussion of the saying "Good will not die, but evil will perish."

Reading the poem "Conscience prompted."

Reading "How Vanya did good things."

Drawing "Tree of kindness".

The game "Pharmacy of good deeds."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Can we be friends?


Reading. Discussion. The poem "Friendship".

Memorizing the tongue twister "Who you lead, from that you will get."

Game activities: "Friendly", "How to make the world kinder."

Listening to the song "Good Road".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Audio recording of the song "Good Road".

IIBe obedient! Work hard!

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

IIBe obedient! Work hard.

About mercy, love.


Continue to form the ability to reflect, express their attitude towards the characters of the works, correctly evaluate their actions, characterize moral qualities: obedience to adults.

Discussion of the fairy tale "Kolobok", the story "Naughty son".

creative work. We draw according to the plots of the works.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Colour pencils,

About disobedience in stories and creations.

Develop the ability to understand the cause investigative links in the read text (the reasons for the hero's action and the consequences that have occurred).

Reading. Discussion short stories"Daring young fly", "Sparrow and fire", "Three gold-maned fish", "Naughty bear".

Work with the illustration "Listen to your mother."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

About the hardworking and lazy.


To educate people in hard work, the desire to help, to be needed by other people.

Reading. Discussion. "Wise King", "Dragonfly and Ant".

Discussion of the proverb "Patience and work will grind everything."

Dramatization of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Dramatization costumes

How can we work hard.

To bring children to an understanding, the respect of others, a person deserves his work.

Notice figurative words and expressions, feel the musicality, rhythm and rhyme of the song.

Discussion of the proverb “Respect the work of another, litter yourself, clean it yourself.”

Reading the poem "Invitation to work."

Singing the song "Antoshka".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Audio recording of the song "Antoshka".

When it gets boring.


To teach children to understand allegory, to encourage them to express assessments of the actions of the heroes of the works.

Discussion of proverbs: “There will be no boredom if the hands are busy”, “A good deed lives for two centuries”.

Reading. Discussion of short stories "Hardworking and lazy brother", "Morning rays", "Little gardener", "Old man", "Two clouds", "Lazy and the sun".

Game activity "Tapes stretch."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Attribute for the game "Ribbons are drawn"


IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

IIIAbout mercy, love, care.

Generosity and greed.

To educate children in kindness, about the attitude towards the orphan.

Discussion "We are all

split in half"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

About my friend.


To educate children in a kind, humane relationship with friends.

Reading. Discussion. "God's Lantern"

The task "Light a flashlight in your soul."

We listen and learn the song "This is what a true true friend means."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Audio recording of the song "That's what a true true friend means."

Our good deeds.

To educate in children a moral sense, friendliness, shame in committing immoral acts, mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion of the poems "On the road", "Let's sit in silence."

Considering the illustration "Is the boy doing well."

Singing the song "As friends should, we divide everything in half"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Audio recording of the song "When my friends are with me."

Good and bad creations in the world of people and in the world of animals

To instill in children a moral sense of responsibility, concern for people.

Reading. Discussion. "The Dog and the Shadow", "Three Babies", "The Tale of the Bee - "Bush".

Discussion of the proverb “If you chase someone else, you will lose your own”.

Singing the song "When my friends are with me."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad". Audio recording of the song "When my friends are with me."

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

III About mercy, love, care.

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

How to treat people.

Continue to educate children about the rules of conduct. Build skills in children good behavior towards adults and peers.

Reading. Discussion. "Resentment", "Forgiveness".

Work with illustrations "Resentment-joy".

Reading. Discussion. "The best way to communicate with friends."

Game activity "How to better communicate with friends."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

My friends.

listening to music

To expand children's ideas about people's relationships, to encourage active manifestation of emotional responsiveness to friends.

Listening and learning the song "Smile".

Learning the rule "As you want people to do with you, so you treat them."

Game activity "Good - bad."

Creative activity: "Draw a smile."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Colored pencils, paper.

Why something doesn't work.

Introduce children to the concept of stubbornness. Learn to feel the figurative language of the fable.

Reading. Discussion. "Sheep".

Illustration work for a story.

Reading. Discussion of the fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike".

Working with an illustration for a fable.

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Who is stronger: meek or angry


To develop the ability to independently establish causal relationships of events, actions of heroes, their emotional states. To form a desire to imitate the moral deeds of the characters.

Reading. Discussion. "Wind and Sun"

Drawing "Good sun, evil wind."

Singing the song "Smile".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad". Audio recording of the song "Smile".


VBe humble! Do not brag!

IVAbout forgiveness, stubbornness.

VBe humble! Do not brag!

Who is the most important.


Reveal the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the characters, highlight the words of the author (proudly boasted, modestly stood, etc.) characterizing the characters themselves, and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. "Who is the most important?"

Working with the illustration "What the hand looks like"

Reading. Discussion. "How the parts argued human body».

Game activity "Look - guess."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Dispute in the animal world.

Feel the figurative language of stories, fairy tales, poems. Understand: envy and boasting are punishable.

Reading. Discussion. "Jackdaw in foreign feathers."

Drawing based on the plot of the story.

Reading. Discussion "The Frog and the Ox".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Humility and pride.

To give concepts about such moral qualities as modesty and pride through works of art.

Reading. Discussion. "Dust and Drop".

Work with the illustration "Tell me what is drawn."

Reading. Discussion. "Sea and forest".

Riddle "How to treat each other"

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

VI Don't steal! Don't cheat!

VIDon't steal! Don't cheat!

VIDon't steal! Don't cheat!

Alien and own.

Conversation - discussion

To instill in children a moral sense of shame in committing immoral acts: do not steal, do not deceive.

Learning the rule "Do not steal, do not lie."

Reading. Discussion. "The thief is evil, and good good"," Bones.

Game activity "Cabbage".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

Where is the lie? How to deal with it.

Reading. reflection

Continue to form in children ideas about such concepts as lies, honesty.

Reading. Discussion. "Lie".

Game activity "Lie-mountain".

Discussion of the saying "You can't hide an awl in a bag."

The task "Guess what the cunning lie is afraid of."

About the evil sisters - Lying and Khitrina.


To reveal the social significance of the described phenomenon, the relationship of the characters, to highlight the words of the author (cunning, evil, conscience, shame, goodness), characterizing the characters themselves, and their actions.

Reading. Discussion. "How Natasha bought a trick from her sister."

Illustration work.

Reading. Discussion. Why did Petya cry?

We compose a fairy tale "How evil and good sisters went to visit."

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad".

A good person is a happy person.

Summarize the rules of good. Polite behaviour. Show kindness to others, the ability to foresee the consequences of actions for others.

Reading. Discussion. Poem "Commandments".

Work with the illustration "Who and how can I please."

Reading. Discussion. "Happy man".

Singing the song "Kindness".

Book 1. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good world", "Good-bad". Audio recording of the song "Kindness".

VII Attitude of children and parents.


VIIRelationships between children and parents

Form an idea of ​​the world of the family. To promote the development of goodwill, tolerance, attention, mutual assistance.

Reading. Discussion. "My kind."

Musical activities"Native home".

Reading. Discussion "Seventh daughter".

Game activity "Check your attitude", "Right-wrong".

My mom.


Cultivate kind, attentive, respectful attitude to my mother, the desire to take care of her and help.

Reading. Discussion. "Mom", "What is your mother", "Three suns".

Memorizing the proverb "It's warm in the sun, good in the mother."

Listening to the song "May there always be a mother."

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Audio recording of the song "May there always be a mother"

The men of our family.

Arouse the desire to imitate in worthy behavior. To acquaint with works about the relationship between the child and the father in the family.

Reading. Discussion. “To work with dad”, “Father and sons”, “Father”.

Game "Friendly family".

Musical activity: inventing additional choruses for the song "Solar Circle".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Audio recording of the song "Solar Circle"

Senior members of the family - grandmother, grandfather.

Expand ideas about the family, learn to navigate in family relationships. To educate children in a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders, the desire to help them.

Reading and discussion:

Sayings “Whoever honors his parents never dies”;

Lyrics "Honor the old, you yourself will be old",

Poems "Grandma", "Mom's mother is my grandmother."

Work with illustrations "Old grandfather", "Grandmother and granddaughter".

Game activity "Baba and the pie."

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Orthodox church in human life.



Orthodox church and Orthodox holidays.


Introduce the children to the temple. (Excursion to the temple). Discuss with the children how a person becomes a Christian? The meaning of the temple for man.

Examination of illustrations, the image of theaters, shops, museums. The story of the Orthodox Church. See illustrations.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Audio recording of "songs about Russia".

Colored pencils, paper.


Acquaintance - discussion

To acquaint children with the concept of an Orthodox holiday. Raise interest in the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

Considering an illustration about Christmas.

Musical activity: listening to a song

"Christmas tree".

Creative activities: Christmas gifts, exhibition of drawings "Angels".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox Church ". Colored pencils, paper.

Form the concept of a holiday. In general terms, tell about the meaning of the holiday.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Colored pencils, paper.

Day Angel

Conversation - discussion

To form a concept: about heavenly patrons. We discuss, we think. Who am I named after? How to please loved ones.

Reading and discussion of name days, we play,


Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture "Good World", "Orthodox Church"

Audio recording: a song about angels.

IX Our smaller friends.

IXOur smaller friends.

IXOur smaller friends.

When man understood animals.

Introduce children to the concept: what is good relations to animals. Bring to the understanding that human culture is manifested in relation to animals.

Reading and discussion: “How a man gave names to animals”, “The language of animals”.

Creative activity: we compose, draw “answers” ​​to a person according to the plots of poems.

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Colored pencils, paper

Our smaller bird friends.

Teach children to be attentive, kind, to treat birds correctly.

Reading and discussion: "Sparrow", "Hungry Bird", "Feed the Birds", "Kind Girl".

Work with the illustration: "Bird Enemies", Forest Doctor.

Musical activity: listening A. Alyabyev "Nightingale".

Game activity: "Bird".

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Audio recording of the music "The Nightingale" by A. Alyabyev.

Human care for animals.

Reading - thinking

Show how people care about nature. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the desire to provide all possible assistance to it.

Reading and discussion: "Nakhodka", "Kitten".

Work with the illustration "Friends", "The cat looks out the window."

Musical activity: singing the song "The dog is gone."

Creative activity "It is strange that in the vast world there is no place for homeless dogs and cats."

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Audio recording of the song "Lost Dog".

Paints, paper.

How a person should treat plants, fish and other creatures.

On concrete examples(heroes fiction) to form an idea of ​​kindness, to teach children to take care of nature.

Reading and discussion: Grow bluebells.

Attitude towards fish in the works of "Trout",

"The Boy and the Fish"

Conversation "What is the "Red Book"

Examination of the illustrations "Love, pity."

Book 2. Shevchenko L.L. spiritual and moral culture “Good world”, “Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends.

Used literature for the educator.

1. Vetokhina A.Ya., Dmitrienko Z.S. Morally- patriotic education preschool children. Planning and summaries of classes. Methodological guide for teachers. - St. Petersburg: "LLC PUBLISHING HOUSE" CHILDHOOD - PRESS ".2011. - 192s.

2.Peterina S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 96s.

3. Shevchenko L.L. "Good World". Orthodox culture for kids. Toolkit. - M.: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012. 208s.

Used literature for children.

1. Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 1. Walks through the days of creation. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational - methodical set for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.176 p.

2. Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 2. Good - bad. Ed. L.N. Antonova. Experimental educational and methodical set for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.96 p.

3. Shevchenko L.L. Good world. Orthodox culture for kids. Book 3. Family. Motherland. Orthodox church. Our smaller friends. Ed. L. N. Antonova. Experimental educational - methodical set for preschool educational institutions. - M .: Center for Support of Cultural and Historical Traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.96 p.

Monitoring child development

Kindergarten group:

Date of monitoring:




The level of development of integrative qualities

The ability to correctly assess the actions of the heroes of works of art, to characterize moral qualities

The ability to evaluate the actions of comrades

The ability to evaluate your actions

The idea of ​​a family

The concept of society

Attitude towards nature

Knowledge of proverbs, sayings on an ethical topic

IN - high

D - sufficient

WITH - average


Lesson on the topic:

“Sixth day of creation. Human. How did humans appear on earth?

for pupils of the senior (preparatory)groups

(according to the educational and methodological package "Good World")"


educator MBDOU No. 16 "Spikelet"

Pushkinsky district

Rozhko Nadezhda Grigorievna

Moscow 2014

Practically significant project. Synopsis of direct educational activities in senior group. Topic: “The sixth day of creation. Human. How people appeared on earth. Under the Good World program. "Orthodox culture for kids"


Today in Russia, in difficult socio-economic, moral conditions, our society is in danger of the final loss of spiritual values, and, consequently, the destruction of the individual.

The state policy in the field of education is aimed at reviving the national traditions of domestic education and upbringing, which can become a saving source of recovery and spiritual development of our society.

True education, according to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', is the formation not only of the mind, but also of the heart. Therefore, an educational institution, “giving knowledge and helping a young person grow up smart, strong and healthy, at the same time should teach him to distinguish good from evil, truth from falsehood, true freedom from enslavement by instincts and passions…”

This orients teachers, including those at the preschool level of education, towards the moral and spiritual development of the child's personality through familiarization with universal values: love, kindness, mercy, sacrifice, conscience, honor, unity and brotherhood...

When developing classes that solve such goals, we use the Shevchenko L.L. program as a wonderful informative material. "Good World"

Spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children are the primary task of the modern educational system and represent an important component of the social order for education. Education is given key role in the spiritual and moral consolidation of Russian society.

The methodological basis for the development and implementation of the federal state educational standard of general education is the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education. The concept defines the goals and objectives of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, the system of basic national values, the principles of spiritual and moral development and education of the individual.

Education should be focused on achieving a certain ideal. The modern national educational ideal is a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation.


Introducing children to the origins of Orthodox culture, the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people. Continue to acquaint with the emergence of the world.


1. To introduce children to the basic concepts of Orthodoxy.

2. To cultivate respect for the moral standards of Christian morality. To teach to distinguish between good and evil, to love good, to be able to do good. To suppress (in various forms) immoral manifestations in the aspirations and actions of the child.

3. Help to gain elementary experience in church life (to teach simple prayers, make the sign of the cross, pious behavior in the Temple, in society).

4. On the examples of the lives of the Saints, reveal moral concepts kindness, gratitude, mercy, honesty, diligence, obedience.

5. To form a feeling of love for the Motherland based on the study of national cultural traditions.

Methods and techniques

A visually effective method:

Showing fairy tales (teachers, children);

Examination of icons, book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic and musical didactic games;



The embodiment of children's impressions in creative manifestations

The verbal-figurative method seems to be the most effective in the process:

Reading and acting out literary works educator;

Reading fairy tales and poems by children, educator, followed by dramatization:

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the educator;

Answers to the questions of the teacher, children;

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, games with musical accompaniment, etc.);

Messages additional material educator;

Guessing and guessing riddles;

Examination of visual material;

Children's stories about their experiences;

Analysis of everyday situations;

practical method used when needed:

Organization of productive activities: sculpting (the theme is "We sculpt a person").

Working with handouts

Forms of work

Game: variable-information (illustration)

Vocabulary: activate the dictionary (Main words. Soul. Body. Kindness. Obedience)

Preliminary: reading fairy tales, parables; talks on the days of creation; listening to songs and poems man, about goodness.

Preparatory: preparation of illustrative material. Selection of material (works of fiction, children's songs (disk), entertaining games).


1. Shevchenko L.L. "Good World". Orthodox culture for kids.

Methodological guide.- M .: Cultural Support Center -

historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2012.

2. Shevchenko L.L. "Good World". Orthodox culture for kids. Book number 1. Walks through the days of creation. / Edited by L.N. Antonova.

Experimental educational and methodological kit for preschool

educational institutions. - M .: Cultural Support Center -

historical traditions of the Fatherland, 2011.

3. CD - disk - musical accompaniment of classes. Educational and methodical set "Good world". Orthodox culture for kids.

Lesson progress


Every new day should start with a good mood. And so that the mood is good and cheerful, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, close our eyes, and pass on to each other that spark of warmth and love that lives in our heart. Feel how kindness passes through our hands, from palm to palm. (We pick up a lit (safe) candle and the children pass the candle to each other). See how the spark lit from our hearts. Let her accompany you throughout the lesson. Let's smile and wish each other good morning and joyful mood.

To the music of “Walks” (No. 1), children approach the table, open a book, look at familiar pictures and reach the topic “Sixth Walk” (p. 95)


What is shown in the illustration?

How did God create man?

What do we see in the picture?


God breathed holy spirit into man.


We are again going on a journey through the pages of our wonderful book "Good World". The first thing I want to read to you is the story “How people appeared on earth” (p. 112)

How did God create man?

What was his name?

Why did God create Eve?

(children's answers)

Day six

Continuing the sacred work

God created Adam and Eve.

The Lord blessed them

He settled the horse of Eden,

And the Creator spoke the words:

Man is the crown of everything!

What were the names of the first people?

Where did God place Adam and Eve?


Wonderful world was created by God,

There are so many wonderful things in it.

But all the more wonderful from century to century

Man was created by God.


We conclude: Man is the best, most beautiful creation of God



Guys, who can tell how a person works?

(children's answers)

Educator: How is a person arranged? A person has a head, body, arms, legs. Together they make up the human body. We see the body. An invisible soul lives in the body, without which the body would be dead: it could neither feel nor move. The soul is inside the person. Thanks to her, a person can think, talk, rejoice, cry, love. God created man beautiful: reasonable, kind, obedient.

Do you think it is possible to see the human soul?


No, she's invisible.


What is the soul for?

Where is the human soul?


Inside a person is where his good heart is, which loves everyone.


How can you find out what the child has kind soul?


He loves mom, dad, takes care of animals and plants, does not offend them.


And what kind of person can be called soulless?




Let's play a game?

Children sit in a semicircle. Their attention is drawn to the teacher.

On the table is a transparent empty vase, a box with multi-colored pebbles.

Exercise "Fill the soul of a child"

Children are shown colored stones in boxes.

Imagine that this vase means a little person who was born.

What would we like to teach a child?

Children put multi-colored pebbles in a vase, saying the words: I will share with him ...




Love for parents

Love for nature

good deeds


Caring for your neighbor




We filled the soul ... .. and we got a bright rich soul.

Let's do something good and beautiful too.

Creative work. We sculpt a person

And now from bright plasticine we will fashion a man who was created by God. And we will designate in red the place where the human soul is located - the heart.

Musical background accompaniment – S.V. Rakhmaninov. 2 concert. Adagio (#28)

Educator: - Man is the crown of everything! The best creation of God.

Evgenia Sokolova
Feedback on the work on the program L. L. Shevchenko "Good World"

Feedback on the work on the program

L. L. Shevchenko

"good world"

Compiled: teacher of the 1st category Sokolova E.V.

MKDOU Evstratovsky kindergarten works under the program L. L. Shevchenko"good world", in the older mixed age group since 2014.

Program« good world» it is not the task of introducing the child into the world of religious experience of spiritual life, this is the task of the family. She only introduces, leads to the temple.

Target programs: to lay the foundation for the moral culture of the child, to educate in him such qualities that will help in life not only to distinguish good from evil but also resist evil.

A child's heart is open to love, to perception of good. Therefore, the author gave the title of her book « good world»

Forms work used various:

Visit to the Evstratovsky temple "Transfiguration of the Lord" familiarization with the history of the temple. And also, a visit to the Rossoshansky Eliinsky temple.

The church is the house of God. Here you can light a candle for your loved ones and pray. For children's understanding Means: wish health, recovery to your family, whom you love very much. By the way, love in the understanding of kids is, first of all, for mom, dad, brothers, sisters. And hence, love for friends, for the world around and for all living beings that meet in life.

Preschool age is a period when actively accumulates moral experience, the appeal to spiritual life is cultivated, the basis of self-determination is established.

Lack of spirituality is a radical change in the value orientations of the life of Russia and the Russian people ... Or rather, not a change, but a substitution of semantic value orientations.

Now it is very important to help a person gain a living faith, which is the only one that gives an unshakable foundation and support for our whole life.

Some educators and parents believe that when a child grows up, he should figure out which religion to choose and whether to choose at all, and until then the school or kindergarten should not tell the child anything about God. Apparently, they do not know that the founder of didactics, the great teacher Jan Amos Kamensky, believed that “care for the education of morality and a sense of piety should begin with early childhood… it is dangerous not to nourish the tender mind of a child with love for God.”

Jesus Christ himself told his disciples “Do not forbid children to come to me, for they are the kingdom of heaven”

With the participation of the author programs, lesson plans developed, conversations, excursions, scripts for holidays, matinees and entertainment Familiarization of children with the main Orthodox holidays and their participation in these holidays.

The first Intercession Fair took place on the Cathedral Square of the Temple Complex. Not only children, but also parents participated in this event with pleasure.

On holiday "terrestrial life Holy Mother of God» dedicated to Mother's Day. We invited the Rector of the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Before the start of the holiday, the priest had a conversation with his parents about parental love to children. First of all, it must be manifested through God's commandments.

And of course, our unchanging tradition is the conversation of the priest with the children about God.

For an Orthodox holiday "Entrance to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos" children visited the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The children learned that a long time ago a godly couple had no children. Their names were Joachim and Anna. They very much asked God for children. And they promised him that they would definitely give the born child to the service of God. And then they had a girl. They named her Mary. And as promised by mom and dad, they took her to serve God in the Temple in Jerusalem, when she was exactly three years old.

But for the most wonderful holiday Christmas, the children and I prepared congratulations for all the parishioners of the Evstratov Church.

At the beginning of the holiday, they watched a cartoon "Nativity".

They danced with children, played outdoor games.

Priest Vasily Gaikov was congratulated on Christmas.

And of course, our children were not left without gifts. Every year our father brings us gifts and gives them to children.

In January, the Diocesan competition of christoslav-carolers was held, which took place as part of the Christmas festival of the Rossosh diocese "The Light of Christ's Nativity".

Our children took part in the competition with pleasure. Parents help a lot in organizing all Orthodox holidays.

For an Orthodox holiday "Meeting of the Lord" my children and I visited the Evstratovsky Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The children learned about the holiday when Saint Simeon the God-bearer met the forty-day-old baby Jesus Christ.

We invited the pastor of the temple "Images of the Lord" Priest Vasily Gaikov to a preschool. The priest talked with parents about the Orthodox upbringing of the child. One of the main forms work with parents there is a parent meeting. During these recent years developed draft meetings in the form of discussions « Contemporary Issues spiritual and moral education of the child in the family ""Spiritual and moral education of a child through family traditions and leisure in the family"; "Spiritual and patriotic education of the child"

slide number 15

Viewing and theatrical production of Russian folk tales with children.

Creation of Orthodox corners for parents and children.

Most important in outreach work with parents is the design of visual materials for parents. Folders are traditionally made out. The information on the website of the kindergarten is constantly updated.

Parents, seeing the great work of the educator, began to listen to their inner spirit. There was a desire to participate with their children in all forms work By Orthodox education, there was an interest to learn more about the Orthodox faith and God. More Began to think about such words:

“Our children are our old age.

Proper upbringing

this is our happy old age,

bad Education -

this is our future grief,

these are our tears.

It's our fault

in front of other people."

Difficulties in conducting classes: there is no specially allotted time in the daily routine of preschoolers, you have to constantly invade other areas of general education kindergarten programs: cognition (FTsKM, communication, artistic creativity); and etc.

Positive sides programs(from experience work) : children like walks and activities where they receive new knowledge about the days of the creation of the world by God; interesting and varied material: poetry and prose of the spiritual, moral, Orthodox and aesthetic direction; detailed information about the surrounding world with love for it; lots of games, music and drawing (in separate workbooks especially) ; parents unanimously approve such training. And all this creates light and good mood! Strong and artistically designed methodical base: Toolkit, reader, workbooks and audio CD.

Explanatory note

The program is designed for older and preparatory group aged 5 to 7 years.

Spiritual and moral education is one of the urgent and complex problems that must be solved today by everyone who is related to children. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours.

Preschool age is a period of active knowledge of the world and human relations, the formation of the foundations of the personality of a future citizen. The younger the child, the more influence can be exerted on his feelings and behavior.

Since ancient times, domestic pedagogy has been closely associated with the development of the spiritual and moral sphere of human consciousness, had the main goal: to educate a person as a thinking, virtuous, merciful, conscientious being, believing in the possibility of improving the world and people, honest and hardworking, modest, respectful.

The foundations of Christian morality in every nation and tradition are manifested in charity, respect for parents, for elders, politeness, benevolence, mercy.

These spiritual and moral features arise and grow under the shadow of the family, society, state. Spiritual and moral education on the basis of Orthodox traditions formed the core of the personality, beneficially influencing all aspects and forms of a person's relationship with the world; on his ethical and aesthetic development, worldview and the formation of a civic position, patriotic and family orientation, intellectual potential, emotional state and general physical and mental development.

Appeal to the experience of Orthodox pedagogy at the present time, when there is a search for the spiritual revival of Russia, is especially important, since society and the state need educational spiritual and moral models that provide spiritual and moral components in the content of education.

The significance of this program is that it contributes to the conservation spiritual health children, introduces them to the basics of Orthodox culture. But the solution of the problems of educating a spiritually developed personality is possible only through the joint efforts of the family.

One of the problems modern education consists in the fact that the historical continuity of generations is not respected in education.

Many parents are unaware of what is preschool age there is an assimilation of social norms, moral requirements and patterns of behavior on the basis of imitation. Therefore, it is necessary to help parents realize that in the family, first of all, the moral and spiritual customs and values ​​created by grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the task of teachers, and also that it is parents who are responsible for raising children, should be preserved and transmitted. The project is aimed at strengthening intra-family ties, as well as ties between the family, the Church and the kindergarten.

Program goals:

Preservation of the spiritual and moral health of children. Introducing them to the moral and spiritual values ​​of the Orthodox culture.

The study of spiritual local lore.

The desire to revive the traditions of family education.


Raising respect for the moral standards of Christian morality. To teach children to distinguish between good and evil, to love good, to be able to do good. To suppress immoral manifestations in the aspirations and actions of the child in various forms.

Creating conditions for perception by children complete picture peace.

Through the study of national, cultural traditions, to educate children in love for the Motherland.

Develop the ability to perceive literary works and analyze what they read, learn to form their thoughts, express feelings, enrich vocabulary.

To develop a general musical culture. Pay more attention to choral singing, teach children to classical, spiritual and folk music.

Carry out targeted work physical education preschoolers. To instill labor skills, teach how to perform simple household tasks, teach the basics manual labor, productive activities.

Orientation of the family to the spiritual and moral education of children by familiarizing parents with the basics of Orthodox pedagogy and psychology, the formation of ideas about the forms of the traditional family way of life.

To achieve the objectives of the program, various techniques and teaching methods are used.

visual method.

Reading stories by teachers with demonstration material.



Showing fairy tales to teachers, children;

Examination of illustrations, objects, reproductions of paintings;

Conducting didactic games;

City tours, targeted walks;

Modeling fairy tales.

The verbal method is used when:

Reading literary works;

Reading poems by children;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, in the generalizing stories of the educator;

Answers to the questions of the teacher, children;

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary), role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, etc.

Reading literary works outside of class;

Communication of additional material by the educator;


Examination of visual material;

Conducting quizzes, contests, theme evenings;

Readings of literary works by parents.

The practical method is used when:

Organization of productive activities of preschoolers;

Conducting games of various types (construction, didactic, mobile, sedentary, staging);

Sewing dolls for fairy tales;

Organization of productions of fairy tales, literary works, competitions, quizzes;

Carrying out excursions of various directions;

Organization of evenings with parents;

Made by children visual aids for classes.

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

This program is designed for age group children from 5 to 7 years old. During the year, children receive initial ideas about the subject being studied, and work is also carried out to consolidate the existing knowledge of preschoolers.

Age features of children.

Child 5 -7 le t seeks to know himself and another person as a representative of society, gradually begins to realize the connections depending on the social behavior and relationships of people.

Between the ages of 5 and 7, changes occur in the child's self-image. These representations begin to include not only the characteristics with which the child endows himself in the present, at a given period of time, but also the qualities that he would like or, conversely, would not like to possess in the future. At this age, the system of primary gender identity is also formed, therefore, after 6 years, educational influences on the formation of its individual aspects are already much less effective. At this age, children have a differentiated idea of ​​their gender according to essential features. At 5-6 years old, children have an idea of ​​​​the external and inner beauty men and women. Establish links between the professions of men and women.

Significant changes occur at this age in children's play, namely, in play interaction, in which the main place begins to be occupied by a joint discussion of the rules of the game. Children often try to control each other's actions - they indicate how this or that character should behave. Outside the game, children's communication becomes less situational. They willingly talk about what happened to them: where they were, what they saw, etc. Children carefully listen to each other, emotionally empathize with the stories of friends. gross motor skills. A child of this age is capable of mastering complex movements.

By the age of 5, children have a fairly large stock of ideas about the environment, which they receive through their activity, the desire to ask questions and experiment.

Children's attention becomes more stable and arbitrary. They may not be very attractive, but the right thing for 20-25 minutes with adults. A child of this age is already able to act according to the rule that is set by adults.

The amount of memory does not change significantly. Improves its stability. At the same time, simple techniques and means can already be used for memorization by children (cards or drawings can act as a “hint”).

In the sixth year of a child's life, important changes in the development of speech occur. For children of this age, the correct pronunciation of sounds becomes the norm. Children begin to use generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, shades of the meaning of words, polysemantic words.

The reading circle of a 5-7 year old child is replenished with works on a variety of topics, including those related to family problems, relationships with adults, peers, and the history of the country. The kid is able to retain a large amount of information in memory, he can read with continuation.

The possibilities of life safety of a child of 5-7 years are increasing. This is due to the growth of awareness and arbitrariness of behavior, overcoming the egocentric position (the child becomes able to take the position of another).

In senior preschool age, planning and self-assessment of labor activity are actively developing. Previously mastered species child labor performed qualitatively, quickly, consciously. It becomes possible for children to master various types of manual labor.

In the process of perceiving works of art, works of musical and visual art, children are able to make a choice of what they like best, substantiating it with the help of elements of aesthetic evaluation.


In order to achieve the desired result, parents and teachers need to:

Realize that only through the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten can a child be helped;

To instill in the child respect for the parents who gave him life and put a lot of sincere and physical strength so that they grow and be happy;

Remember that the child is a unique personality, therefore it is unacceptable to compare him with other children, such as he is no longer in the world and we must value his individuality, support and develop it;

In the teacher, the child should always see people ready to give him personal support and come to the rescue;

Feel the feeling sincere respect to what is created by the child himself (story, song, building, etc.);

To admire his initiative and independence together with his parents, this will contribute to the formation of a child's self-confidence and his abilities;

Regularly communicate individually with parents and discuss all issues related to the upbringing and development of the child.

Knowledge and skills of students by the end of the year.

By the end of the course of spiritual and moral education, children should show the results, which are:

v - the assimilation of virtue by the child, his orientation and openness to goodness, the state of closeness of the soul, inner world preschooler to the Supreme;

v - the child's positive attitude towards the world around him, other people and himself;

v - needs and willingness to show compassion and rejoice;

v - education of patriotism, acquaintance with the historical past of their land, the Russian state, state symbols, the life of Russian heroes, holy ascetics, venerable people of the Russian land, the need to serve for the good of the Fatherland;

v - familiarization with the experience of Orthodox culture, familiarity with the forms of the traditional family way of life, understanding of one's place in the family and all possible participation in household chores;

v - active attitude to work;

v - responsibility for their deeds and actions.

The main result should include the most complete assimilation by the child of eternal values: mercy, love of truth, his striving for good and his rejection of evil.

Educational and thematic plan.

The program for spiritual and moral education used materials from the following sections:

ü - literature;

ü - local history;

ü - history;

ü - knowledge;

ü - communication;

ü - productive activity.

The training course includes classes in the following cycles:

  1. "Our beautiful kind world"; Through acquaintance with the surrounding world of this block, we open the way for preschoolers to the moral and religious side of the knowledge of the surrounding world. We draw the attention of children to its wealth, beauty and diversity, we teach to see the difference between the world created by human hands and the world of nature (not made by hands); understand the need for careful attitude to all living things, to natural resources as the only way to preserve them, we contribute to development creative personality child.
  2. “Organization of relations in the world. What is good and what is bad?"; The lessons of this cycle on the example of literary works (fairy tales, stories, poems) teach children to distinguish between the concepts of good and evil, give an idea of ​​the moral freedom of a person, help to see the beauty of moral deeds. The main objectives of such classes are to teach the child to see these movements towards good and evil in himself and to distinguish them, to instill in children the desire to make a choice in favor of good, to follow the good inclinations of the heart and conscience, to form a Christian attitude towards others.
  3. “How are relationships in our lives?” The meaning of this section is that the children should be shown an example of the relationship of saints to animals in relation to creations as to lesser brothers. In their actions, moral qualities are distinguished that correspond to the worldview of a child of 5-6 years old - kindness, love, care, peace of mind.
  4. Christian Life Values. This section includes classes in accordance with the calendar of Orthodox holidays and the dates of the Children's Angel Day.
  5. "The land where you live." In the lessons of this cycle, we introduce children to the history of the village. Kudinovo, Moscow region, we are forming a photo corner on the theme "Small Motherland". The main objectives of these classes are to educate children on the topic of reverence and love for the place where the ancestors were born, where the family of each of the children originates from, as well as teaching to see the beauty and grandeur of memorable places. native land.
  6. "Orthodox Russia in Persons". In the lessons of these cycles, we introduce preschoolers to our native city: history, architectural monuments, the historical significance of our city in the life of Russia, with shrines and memorable places of our native land. In classes with children, we look through the pages of the history of the Russian state, learn about the historical past and present of the Motherland, state symbols, Russian heroes, great generals, holy ascetics, venerable people of the Russian land. The main tasks of the cycles are a) we bring up in children feelings of love for their city, country, b) respect and appreciation for the famous people of our city, c) pride in the historical past of the Moscow region.
  1. Orthodox culture";

In the lessons of this cycle, we introduce children to the history of Orthodox holidays, the traditions of Russian culture, talk about how Orthodox holidays are celebrated in Russia, help in preparing and conducting with the active participation of children and parents, calendar holidays revealing to them the true meaning of life. The main tasks of the cycles: a) we instill respect, love for Orthodox traditions of our people, b) we cultivate the desire to imitate good images.

  1. hosts and hostesses; In the lessons of this cycle, we introduce children to the spiritual and moral traditions and way of life of the Orthodox family, a meaningful and expedient arrangement subject environment Russian home, features of male and female household chores, traditional preparation and conduct public holidays, we contribute to the formation of children's ideas about the features different materials and terms of use simple tools when making crafts. The main tasks of the cycles are: a) fostering love, respect and a merciful attitude towards others, understanding one's place in the family, actively participating in household chores, b) orienting preschoolers to courageous and feminine patterns of behavior.
  2. Thanksgiving. End of the journey. It is a meaningful generalization of the entire program, it includes the basic concepts of all topics - the creator, creations, goodness, love, and is developed in various types of activities: musical, artistic, etc.

Calendar-thematic plan.

Educational and thematic plan.



I. Cycle "Our beautiful kind world"

number of lessons

number of lessons


"God's World Around Us"

creative workshop

“What did God create in 7 days on earth?”


"Who created a good world?"

Music lesson

"Sounds of the Good World"



II. Cycle "Organization of relations in the world"

number of lessons

number of lessons

Literary Lounge

"What is good and what is bad?"


"The laws by which God preserves the world"

Art Lab

"Picture of Good Deeds"

Historical theatrical production (with the participation of parents).

"Orthodox Feast of the Intercession"



III. The cycle "How are relationships in our lives"?

number of lessons

number of lessons

Conversation. Group testing "Family drawing"

"My family. Relations between parents and children.


"Monuments of the village of Kudinovo".

Reasoning activity

"My motherland. Attitude to the native land "

Sculptor's workshop

"My house"



IV. Cycle "Values ​​of life of Christians".

number of lessons

number of lessons

Conversation. Thematic drawing.

"Day Angel".

Historical digression

"Orthodox Holidays"

Visiting the bell class, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

What are the bells singing about?

Theatrical production




V. The cycle "The land in which you live."

number of lessons

number of lessons

Conversation-performance. Drawing a family tree.

"The story of my family".

Historical reference.

"Village Kudinovo"

Making a photo corner

"Small Motherland"

"Monuments of the village of Kudinovo". Excursion.

"Heroes of the native land"



VI. Cycle "Orthodox Russia in Persons".

number of lessons

number of lessons

Historical exhibition.

"Symbols of Russia".

Musical lounge.

"Sounds of Russian nature"

Conversation. Art workshop.

"Reverend Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker".

Exhibition decoration.

"I love my motherland"



VII. Cycle "Orthodox culture".

number of lessons

number of lessons


"What is culture?"

Watching a video. Discussion

"Holy Feasts" (excerpt).

Conversation. Sculptor's workshop.

"Orthodox church"

Evening of poetry.

"Orthodox culture"



VIII. Cycle "Masters and hostesses".

number of lessons

number of lessons

Literary lounge.

"Mistress in Russian folk tales"

Workshop of manual labor.

"Family traditions".

Visit to the mini-museum. Excursion.

"Russian hut"

Art exhibition.

"Great Easter"


IX. Thanksgiving cycle. End of Journey.

number of lessons

number of lessons

Reasoning conversation

"Can we give thanks?"

Excursion to the Orthodox Church.

"We thank God."

Literary lounge.

"Thank You Poem"

(draw with a word)

Art exhibition.

"Good Peace of God"

Brief content of the lessons.

  1. Cycle "Our beautiful kind world".

1 lesson . The world of God is around us. (Walk).

Target : to give an idea of ​​the world in which a person lives as a gift (gift) of God to a person, to introduce children into Orthodox understanding the world as a good and beautiful creation of God; tell how it came about.

The course of the walk.

  • Getting ready for the journey. Questions to children: what will we see, learn, learn, what will we do? What are travel like? Can our walks be called a journey? What do travelers need?
  • Observation of specific phenomena and objects of the surrounding world (Time of day (day, light), sky, earth, water, plants, sun, birds, insects, animals, people).
  • Game activity. P / and "Kite", "Pathfinders".
  • Final conversation. Let's take a look at how the trip went. We discuss the seven days of God's creation of the world, remember when we say "thank you", pay attention to the word "gift", the relationship with the word "gift" that is clear and joyful to children. Emphasize that the world around is a gift from God to man.
  • Productive activities after a walk. Drawing "What did we see on the walk?"

2 lesson. What did God create in 7 days on earth? (Creative workshop).

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​children about the seven days of God's creation of the world, drawing the attention of children to the diversity of color, its sound in nature, to the variety of forms of the world around us, the expediency and wisdom of its arrangement, to promote the development creativity- the ability to reflect the beauty of the world in their works.

Course progress.

  • A conversation about the days of the week, the previous walk, the creation of the world in 7 days. We name what exactly God created on each day, we consider illustrations, as well as drawings created by children a week ago after a walk.
  • Listening to audio recordings: the sound of the sea, rain; wind sounds; birds singing, calm melodic music.
  • Drawing and plasticineography: we ask you to depict children one of the days during the creation of the world, to reflect the beauty of primeval nature, using visual materials.
  • We ask the children to tell about their work, to explain which of the days is depicted in their drawing.
  • Organize an art exhibition.

3 lesson. Who created the good world? ( occupation-travel).

Target: to consolidate the concept of the Creator with the children, to bring a meaningful generalization of the material on the creation of the world. Repeat with the children the seasons, the names of the months, the main signs. View the cartoon "Creation of the World" - discuss its main points.

Lesson progress:

  • Explain to the children the concept of the Creator, remember what God created in 7 days on earth.
  • Go on an impromptu journey through the 7 days of the creation of the world, using visual material to repeat the seasons, the main signs, the names of the months.
  • Bring the children to the end of the path to the fact that the whole world around us is beautiful and consistent, that everything does not exist in vain, but exists thanks to the Creator - the Lord God, and the world must be protected and protected.
  • View the cartoon "Creation of the World" - discuss its main points.

4 lesson."Sounds of a good world". (Music lesson).

Target: remember, together with the children, songs about kindness, friendship, the sun and good mood. On the example of different musical instruments listen to the sounds of the good world "Journey of a droplet" (bell, tambourine, triangle, metallophone). Teach the game "Animal Shapes" - remember what sounds each animal makes. Listen to an audio recording of birds singing. Draw an animal that makes the kindest sounds.

Lesson progress:

  • Remember, together with the children, songs about kindness, friendship, smiles, good mood. Sing them, dance the “Smile” dance. Ask the children to comment on why these songs can be called good.
  • Conduct musical game“Trip of a droplet” - play the bell, tambourine, triangle, metallophone - ask the children to compose a story about a droplet, explain that the story turns out to be kind because of the sounds that the instruments make.
  • Invite children in the process gaming activity depict animals, insects or birds that, in their view, make good sounds.
  • Listen to an audio recording of birds singing, conclude that the sounds of a good world surround us every day.
  • Invite the children to draw an animal that, in their opinion, makes the kindest sounds.
  1. Cycle "Organization of relations in the world".

1 lesson."What is good and