Traces of protein were found in the child's urine. Proper collection of urine for analysis. What is proteinuria

There are usually no signs that protein has appeared in the urine. Sometimes the presence of protein can be indicated by the property of urine - it begins to foam. Analysis of urine - the only way determine the protein in the urine of a child.

Treatment of protein in the urine of a child

The functional appearance of protein in the urine of a child, as a result of an illness or a nervous breakdown, does not require special treatment, and after a while the level of protein in the urine disappears on its own. In some cases, the doctor may recommend drinking special decoctions that help remove fluid from the body (rose hip, lingonberry leaf etc.), limit or completely eliminate salt intake, as well as prescribe a course of special drugs.

If the protein in the urine of a child exceeds the maximum allowable values, then the doctor may refer for a second examination, since the increase in protein may be temporary, and non-sterile dishes may also cause an unreliable analysis. Together with a urine test, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional studies that will help diagnose the underlying disease, which led to an increase in protein in the urine - general and biochemical analysis blood, urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, ultrasound of the kidneys, etc.

Protein in the urine of a child is not independent disease, this is only a symptom, and first of all, it is necessary to determine the reason why the protein level has increased and only then prescribe treatment. At effective treatment the underlying disease, the level of protein in the urine will begin to gradually decrease and eventually the indicators will return to normal.

Prevention of protein in the urine of a child

Children can have many kidney diseases. The body of babies is quite difficult to cope with impaired kidney function, so it is better not to allow such conditions in children.

Particular attention to the health of children should be paid to those parents who have kidney problems. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child's condition (transparency, color of urine, frequency of urination, etc.), conduct regular medical examinations, and, if necessary, take tests to control the protein in the child's urine.

It is also necessary to strengthen the baby's immunity, monitor nutrition (give more fruits, reduce salt intake). Typically, kidney disease in children develops as a result of Not proper treatment SARS or influenza, so it is important to complete the treatment to prevent severe complications of a cold. After recovery, it is important to observe the rehabilitation period: if necessary, give a course of vitamins, prevent hypothermia, limit the child's stay in public places.

The kidneys of children react acutely to high temperature, therefore, during an illness that is accompanied by an increase in temperature, it is necessary to give the child more fluid for the normal functioning of the kidneys and the removal of toxins from the body. During this period, it is better to give the baby special decoctions (rose hips, parsley root, etc.).

Incorrect or untimely treatment of the inflammatory process in bladder can cause kidney disease. Cystitis is extremely important to cure in time, so as not to provoke complications in others. internal organs. If the child has complaints of pain in the lower abdomen or in the genitals, it is necessary to consult a specialist and pass the necessary tests.

To prevent kidney disease, it is necessary to monitor the child's nutrition: do not oversalt dishes, do not use a lot of spices. Also, do not give your child too much fatty foods. Malfunctions of the kidneys can occur due to regular consumption of products fast food. It is important to give the baby enough liquid (compote, plain water). Carbonated drinks adversely affect the work of not only the kidneys, but also other organs of the digestive system.

Quite often, small children, carried away by the game, do not go to the toilet for a long time. Stagnation of urine is bad for the kidneys, so you need to regularly remind the child to go to the toilet. On a walk, the child's feet should always be dry and warm.

The prognosis of protein in the urine of a child

The body of young children does not have high adaptive capabilities, especially in some age periods(up to three years adolescence), when the risk of developing kidney disease increases, especially if there is a hereditary predisposition.

If the protein in the urine of a child is a functional disorder, then the prognosis is favorable. After the cause is eliminated (infection, physical stress, nervous breakdown), the protein in the urine disappears. With an orthostatic increase in protein (with activity in daytime, V vertical position), which most often affects adolescents and does not require special treatment, the prognosis is also good. In other cases, the prognosis depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the course of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory therapy allows in 95% of cases to completely get rid of the disease within 1 - 1.5 months. Kidney function is fully restored within a year after recovery.

Protein in the urine of a child indicates certain disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, so it is important to establish the cause of the increase in protein in time and begin treatment. In addition, it is necessary to control the nutrition of the baby, exclude salty, fatty foods, as well as fast food from the diet.

What does the protein in the urine of a child mean increased? What are the reasons for this phenomenon and when is it worth contacting specialists? Let's talk about it now...

Protein is known to be present in most tissues and biological fluids. human body. However, under normal circumstances, no protein should be present in the urine of either an adult or a child. The fact is that a normally functioning membrane of the filtering apparatus of the kidneys is not capable of passing large protein molecules.

How does protein get into urine? Under the influence of pathological conditions, the filtering membrane of the kidneys undergoes changes, which creates the prerequisites for the ingress of blood plasma proteins into the urine.

Yes, of course, the presence of protein in the urine is alarm signal, in most cases, forcing to conduct a number of other laboratory and instrumental studies and establish true reason occurrence of this phenomenon.

It should immediately be noted that the protein in the urine does not always signal the presence of malfunctions in the kidneys. There are also relatively safe conditions in which such a phenomenon may occur. First of all, we are talking about significant physical exertion or the consumption of excess amounts of protein foods.

Interpretation of protein content in urine

The results of urine tests for protein content can be interpreted in different ways:

Norm - from 0 to 0.033 grams per liter;
Slight excess - from 0.033 to 0.099;
Excess from 0.1 to 0.2;
Significant excess from 0.25 to 0.3;
Extremely severe proteinuria more than 0.3.

Increased protein in the urine of a child - causes of proteinuria

Significant physical activity;
Influence of stress factors;
allergic reactions;
Poison poisoning;
Long-term medication;
Extensive burn lesions;
Somatic pathology: diabetes, blood diseases, infectious diseases, and so on.
Overeating protein foods.

If we talk about babies, for example, babies, one important circumstance should be noted. A slight appearance of protein in the urine, in some cases, can be considered a kind of norm, since any movement of such babies can be considered increased physical activity.

Protein can appear in the urine of adolescents, which can also be considered normal, subject to increased physical exertion or even hyperactivity of the child. Most often, such results are to be expected in boys.

Moreover, a urinalysis at first glance can shock a specialist, since it will signal the presence of an extremely severe form of proteinuria, more than a gram per liter. Usually, in this case, the doctor prescribes a second analysis, for which you need to pass only the morning portion of urine (at night, as a rule, children do not perform any active actions).

When should you take a urine test?

Experts recommend twice a year to take urine for analysis. This study is a fast, simple, and inexpensive method for diagnosing a variety of latently pierced pathological conditions. In addition, there are diseases after which urine tests are indicated: any diseases of the organs excretory system, infectious pathology, diseases endocrine system.

Manifestations of proteinuria

Of course, the presence of protein in the urine is not an isolated symptom. In most cases, this phenomenon is accompanied by non-specific symptoms, however, with a careful approach, one can indirectly suspect the presence of problems. Moms need to pay attention not to the following changes:

Increased fatigue of the child even with normal physical activity;
Drowsiness, lethargy;
Pain in bones and joints;
Nausea, vomiting;
Decreased appetite;
Increase in body temperature;
Any change in the color of urine.

Urine collection rules

In most cases, the doctor's duty is to explain the methodology for taking urine for analysis. Most often, it is the morning portion of urine that is required, for the reasons indicated above, it is important to take biological material before breakfast.

In addition, the biological fluid should be collected in thoroughly washed or even sterilized dishes. The use of chlorine-containing disinfectants for the treatment of dishes is unacceptable. Some medical institutions, those that are richer, give out special disposable bottles with sealed caps.

Before taking urine, it is necessary to carry out hygienic treatment of the genital organs. In this case, you can only use special baby soap, after which the genitals should be rinsed abundantly with a significant amount of running water.

Urine obtained by the above method should be immediately delivered to the laboratory. The results of the analysis, from the moment of sampling of biological material and biochemical research more than three hours, can be considered unreliable.

Now the pharmaceutical industry produces special reagents or test strips that allow at home to determine the presence of protein in urine, as well as to investigate other biochemical indicators of human biological environments.

Of course, this is very convenient and very simple, but no normal specialist will take into account the results of "home" tests. To verify (confirm) the data obtained, you will need to undergo an examination in a clinic.

We considered what it means "elevated protein in the urine." The reasons for this were also given.

Today we will tell you what is the norm of protein in children in the urine. Methods for determining indications in urine will also be described.

Refers to one of the simplest methods for diagnosing any abnormalities in the human body. It is taken from children early age for the purpose of detecting or refuting diseases.

Indications for this study

There are several points when a doctor prescribes a urine test in children for laboratory research:

  1. Before routine vaccination in order to identify the state of the body. The fact is that the baby must be completely healthy before vaccination.
  2. If the child suffers from any disease. Based on the results, the doctor determines whether the treatment is proceeding correctly or if something needs to be changed.
  3. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take a urine test once a year. So it's possible for early stage identify any disease.

Protein norms for different age categories. Explanation Table of indicators

You should know that the kidneys of a child, on average, process about 50 liters of urine. For comparison: the kidneys of an adult process about 180. And only 2 liters per day are excreted from the body. The volume of urine that leaves the child's body depends on his age, the state of the body. Is there protein in the urine of a child a year or older?

It is known that if the body is normal, then it will not be found in urine. Or it will be in such a small amount that it will not be possible to isolate it in a laboratory study. And what is the norm of protein in children's urine? Now let's figure it out. If the concentration of protein in the urine of a child is less than 0.036 g / l, then everything is in order, this is the norm. Therefore, there is no cause for concern.

Indicators of about 1 g / l indicate a moderate increase. And if a laboratory test shows 3 g / l of protein in the urine, then this indicates a high content. Indicators at which the norm of protein in children in the urine is exceeded are called proteinuria. Next, the pediatrician appoints to take an analysis to determine the amount of it. This is done to detect kidney disease or track the progress of treatment.

Methods of determination

A little higher, we told what is the norm of protein in children in the urine. And here's how to detect this indicator? What are the ways to determine?

  1. Lowry's method.
  2. Geller test.
  3. Sample with sulfosalicylic acid or pyrogallol.
  4. Express diagnostics is carried out using special test strips. This method can be used both in the hospital and at home. The main advantage of conducting analysis in this way is the instantaneous results. To do this, the strips are lowered into the urine. Then, after a couple of seconds, you can determine whether protein is present in the urine or not. If the strip acquires a color, then it is available.

By means of urine indicators, it is possible to determine the presence of any abnormalities in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to take a urine test from children. This is especially true for babies who have diseases of the kidneys and urinary canals.

Features of the child's body. Reasons for increasing protein intake

The features of the newborn organism are such that it adapts to new living conditions. Therefore, almost ninety percent of children have elevated level protein in the urine. After a certain period of time, the process of kidney function normalizes. Then the urine test comes back to normal.

In addition, the protein content may increase for the following reasons:

  1. Hypothermia of the child's body.
  2. Any nervous tension, stress.
  3. Elevated temperature.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Lack of fluid in the body.
  6. Damage to the skin by burns.
  7. Reception medicines for a long time.
  8. The reaction of the body to the sun.
  9. Fright child.

You should know that if the protein in the urine of a child is slightly elevated and there are small deviations from the norm, as a rule, this means that there are no pathologies in children's body. Through certain time this figure returns to normal.

As for newborn babies, the fact that the protein in the urine of a child is increased is considered normal reaction. After three weeks, he should be back to normal. In the body, traces of protein remain in the urine of a child.

Reasons for the development of pathologies

If this indicator remains at the same level, then an additional examination of the baby is required in order to identify the cause. Perhaps the child has a disease associated with the kidneys or ureter.

You should know that such diseases are not uncommon in children. infancy. There are a number of reasons why these ailments may be present:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Violations in the development of the fetus.
  3. Infection that was present in the mother.
  4. Injury caused during childbirth.
  5. Hypoxia.
  6. Infection with any infection in the hospital after childbirth.
  7. Infection in the home environment by some kind of fungus.

As a rule, kidney disease resolves without symptoms in babies at this age. Even if they have pain in the abdomen, parents can write it off as normal colic.

Therefore, it is recommended with special attention refer to checking the child's body for the presence in it of any diseases associated with the kidneys. You should be aware that disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract can be inherited. Therefore, if close relatives have been diagnosed with diseases of this kind, it is necessary to pass a urine test for preventive purposes. It is better to repeat it after some time.

Parents need to pay attention to whether the child has swelling on the legs, whether bags appear under the eyes. Perhaps there are traces of clothing on the skin of the baby. Also for kidney disease skin covering It has pale color and the temperature rises. Another sign of the presence of a pathology associated with urination is discomfort or pain during this process.

What does high protein indicate?

What does the protein in the urine of a child above the norm mean? There are a number of diseases in which a similar picture is observed. These include:

  1. Various kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and others.
  2. Any injury to the kidneys.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Myeloma disease of the body.
  5. Hemoblastosis.
  6. Insufficient amount of fluid in the body.
  7. High pressure.
  8. Epilepsy.
  9. Infection.


If the level of protein in the urine is higher than normal, then this means that its content in the blood is reduced. Outwardly, it becomes noticeable that there is not enough of it in the child's blood. Signs:

  1. Babies quickly get tired of suckling their mother's breasts.
  2. The child constantly sleeps or wants to sleep.
  3. Eating badly.
  4. The temperature rises.
  5. The child is nauseated and vomits.
  6. The color of urine changes, it becomes red or brown.

If the baby has the above symptoms, then you should make an appointment with a pediatrician. He should give direction for urine and blood tests.

Parents whose children are prone to kidney disease are advised to constantly check the level of protein in their urine. The easiest way to identify this indicator at home is to do a test using special strips. But you should know that there are diseases in which this method will be ineffective. In this case, you need to submit daily analysis urine to identify the pathological process in the child's body.

At the first suspicion that the child has some kind of pathology in the body, parents should not delay a visit to the pediatrician, since the timely diagnosis of the disease greatly facilitates the treatment process.

A small conclusion

We wrote what urine analysis is. Also given in detail in children. The table for clarity is presented in the article. We hope that the information was useful to you.

Increased protein in the urine of a child may signal the onset of pathological changes in the body, but not always indicators of protein in the urine indicate diseases. There are some situations where physicians define dual medical tactics.

Increased protein in the urine of a child is a sign of a health disorder, subject to the rules for passing the analysis.

Protein (protein) is an important component human body, which is involved in the regenerative processes of soft tissues, muscle structure. Metabolic processes in the body of any person are impossible without protein compounds, protein reactions with other substances.

Normal protein values ​​in urine tests are determined by laboratory tests and indicate proper development child's body. In case of violation of the electrolyte balance, excess of protein indicators, it is said about the addition pathological process associated with the urinary system.

So what does protein in the urine of a child mean? Is it dangerous to exceed it?

Urinalysis and proteinuria in children

Urinalysis is a simple and reliable method of laboratory research that quickly determines the onset of a pathological process in a child's body.

At the first symptoms of a violation of well-being in children at any age, it is recommended to take an analysis.

Depending on the state of health, objective status, clinical and life history of the patient, several types of urinalysis are distinguished:

To collect daily urine in a pharmacy, you can purchase a special sealed container
  • clinical ( general analysis urine);
  • 24-hour urinalysis for protein (useful for detecting daily urinary excretion of important chemical substances and enzymes, so it is important to know the rules on how to take a daily urine test for protein);
  • according to Nechiporenko (analysis allows you to more fully reveal the picture of an existing ailment associated with pathological changes kidney, urinary tract);
  • test according to Zimnitsky (analysis evaluates the concentration ability of nephrons in the kidneys, allows us to suspect the development kidney failure, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and other kidney diseases).

Each type of analysis, along with other methods of laboratory and instrumental research, allows the doctor to assess the degree of disorders in the organs and systems of the child, make the correct diagnosis and draw up a specific treatment strategy.

Elevated protein in the urine of a child requires re-sampling. If a protein is detected again or if its indicators increase, an additional study is prescribed.

So what to do if you find elevated protein in the baby's urine? What does it mean? Why does the child have increased protein in the urine?

The state of proteinuria is due to the excess of the norm of protein in the analyzes.

Proteinuria is classified into several types

Morning urinalysis will show a reliable picture if it is collected no more than 3 hours ago
  • postrenal ( inflammatory process in the lower urinary tract, pelvic organs, genital organs);
  • renal (renal proteinuria, in which nephrons do not provide complete absorption of protein compounds, releasing them with diuresis: polycystic kidney disease, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, and others);
  • prerenal (adrenal proteinuria, indicating an excess of protein compounds: anomalies in the development of the spleen, violation of the technique of blood transfusion, and others);
  • orthostatic (teenage proteinuria, which is characterized by inadequate functioning of the urinary organs due to hormonal changes in the body, transient infantilism of the urinary tract).

Proteinuria is a temporary phenomenon that is detected during infectious, colds, fungal diseases. various etiologies. After proper treatment, the protein does not exceed the allowable rate.

Causes and symptomatic picture

Increased protein in the urine of a child is evidence of the development of pathological

When detecting a protein, it is important to consider many factors, such as the age of the child.

So, in newborns or infants similar condition often observed (for example, overfeeding a child, fatty mixtures, early feeding And so on). In adolescents, proteinuria is associated with hormonal age-related changes in the body.

Protein in the urine of a child, the causes of which may be reversible, is important to identify in time.

The analysis is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, which is explained by the lack physical activity during sleep.

Specific conditions such as

  • all kinds allergic reactions organism;
  • hypothermia;
  • emotional overstrain and stress;
  • skin burn;
  • transferred infections of any origin;
  • body dehydration.

An increase in protein in the urine of a child is sometimes not considered a symptom of a serious illness.. After the end of treatment for certain diseases, traces of protein in the urine of the child remain for a long time. As a rule, after the relief of certain conditions and the treatment of diseases, the indicators return to normal.

There are other reasons for increased protein in the urine of a child in excess of the norm.

There is a connection between renal pathology and increased protein in the urine
  • chronic renal failure;
  • polycystic kidney disease (adult / child type);
  • traumatization of the renal tissue;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • thrombus formation in the vessels of the kidneys;
  • anomalies in the development of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • hematological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension (including adequate antihypertensive therapy) and so on.

If you suspect a more serious disease in the child's body for reliable definition A single urine test is not enough to make a diagnosis. Elevated protein in the analyzes implies further diagnostics.

The symptomatic picture for an excess protein level is often latent in nature and appears only after changes in the functioning of some organs and systems.

Attentive parents, who do not neglect preventive examinations and urine tests, help doctors identify various pathological conditions at the earliest stages of development.

Common symptoms of persistent proteinuria include

  • soreness of bone tissue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • muscle pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • temperature (with the addition of inflammation, protein and leukocytes in the urine of a child);
  • dyspeptic disorders (, nausea, stool thinning, etc.).

To obtain reliable information, it is important to take into account the quality of the collected sample, not to neglect elementary rules collection of urine. For analysis of any kind, there are certain rules, which will allow you to evaluate deviations from the norm.

Normal performance

With the absolute health of a small patient, protein detection in urine tests is impossible. The rate of protein in the urine in children is calculated in the laboratory.

Middle acceptable norm protein is considered an indicator of up to 0.036 g / l. When the protein concentration approaches the value of 1 g / l, then it is said to be a moderate increase. If the protein indicators exceed the readings of 3 g / l, then this indicates persistent disorders in the body of a child of any age.

Protein in the urine of a child, norm, table of values:

Age group Protein in morning urine Protein in a daily portion of urine
Premature babies (under 1 month old)< 845 мг < 60 мг
Term babies (up to 1 month old)< 455 мг < 68 мг
Children under one year old< 315 мг < 87 мг
Children aged 1-4 years< 217 мг < 121 мг
Children from 4 to 12 years old< 223 мг < 194 мг
Children from 11 to 17 years old< 391 мг < 238 мг

Objectively, for children from birth to 16 years, the protein in the urine of a child is 0.2 g / l. Indicators of protein in the urine of a child of 0.1 g / l are also considered normal under certain circumstances.

How to collect a urine test for protein

When taking tests, for example, a general (clinical) urinalysis, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Sterility of containers. To sterilize a reusable container, it is permissible to wash it without special means enough boiled water. For simplicity and convenience of collection in the pharmacy network, you can purchase a special container for analysis.
  2. Hygiene of the external genital organs. The reliability of laboratory data is affected by impurities, so it is important to wash the child's genitals with ordinary baby soap.
  3. Time of collection and delivery of the analysis. After collecting the material and transferring it to the clinical diagnostic laboratory, no more than 2.5-3 hours should pass. You can not collect urine at night or in the evening before the morning delivery. It is important to collect urine on an empty stomach after waking up.

Monitoring of urine analysis in a child should be regular. At age-related changes, after serious viral diseases, after operations and during a period of emotional stress, mandatory urine tests should be taken.

Read about the hygiene rules for a newborn girl, a newborn boy -.

Methods of treatment and traditional medicine

After passing a urine test, elevated protein does not require special drug therapy, as it is not a disease, but is considered a symptom in the field of nephrological practice.

Depending on the existing disease and the etiological reasons for the increase in protein in urine tests, treatment is prescribed. Diseases require individual approach to treatment, which depends entirely on the causes that caused the increase in protein in the urine.

In the absence of visible health problems, with a satisfactory objective status of the patient and his clinical history, pediatricians recommend taking tests again or drinking decoctions of a number of medicinal plants.

Rosehip decoction, infusions of fir pomace, fruit drinks and compotes based on cranberries or lingonberries, herbal tea with chamomile and propolis, thyme, birch buds or linden can improve the condition of a patient with proteinuria.

The child can be limited in daily salt intake (salt-free diet), but here it is important to monitor the indicators of sodium metabolism.


To prevent excess protein in the urine in children, it is important for parents to monitor their health. For minor discomfort, functional disorders organs and systems, various diseases, during the period of recovery and rehabilitation after operations, it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner and take tests.

Immunity strengthening, compliance right image life within the family, normal emotional condition helps a child to successfully treat any disease, bring chronic ailments into stable remission, and sometimes stop the development of a serious pathological process.

Violation of the filtering function of the kidneys leads to proteinuria - the appearance of protein in the urine (urine). Proteinuria is noted in children and adults, but the causes of its occurrence are different. Protein in the urine of the smallest does not always serve as a symptom of the disease, although it must be a signal to contact a nephrologist.

Protein in urine in children

Increased protein in the urine of a child is not an independent disease. A mild abnormality in children is not due to kidney disease, diabetes, infection, or another cause that causes protein in the urine in adults. Proteinuria in children may be reversible, a feature metabolic processes in the body, but it is important to determine why its content is elevated.

The informativeness of the analysis for protein in the urine allows it to be used to control the condition of the child, especially in the first weeks of life. Urinalysis helps to identify a violation of the kidneys at an early stage, in time to begin treatment of diseases, a symptom of which is proteinuria.


Proteinuria in infants, toddlers, adolescents is not associated with serious illness, if not more than 0.033 g / l - the boundaries of the physiological norm:

  1. Proteinuria can occur in children with fever, colds, flu.
  2. Elevated protein may simply be a feature of an actively growing body, especially if noted during the daytime, and after a night's sleep, tests do not show its presence. This proteinuria is called orthostatic and is considered normal for children.
  3. In a newborn child, movements of the arms and legs may turn out to be increased physical activity, which also leads to proteinuria.

The detection of protein in the urine may be due to dietary habits. Increased concentration protein molecules can be explained by the use of protein foods that have not undergone heat treatment, for example, raw eggs, milk.

In infants, protein compounds in urine can be the result of an excess of complementary foods in the form of purees, juices. In older children - an unbalanced diet, an abundance of protein foods.

Proteinuria in infants is caused by excess protein in the mother's diet. If the baby is on breastfeeding, mom needs to carefully review her diet, make adjustments in the direction of lowering the content of animal protein.

After reviewing the mother's diet, the baby is tested for the presence of protein, and if it repeatedly exceeds the norm, a nephrologist is connected to the examination, who will determine what such an increase means.

In addition to these, the causes of proteinuria in children are:

  • hemolytic disease in newborns;
  • starvation;
  • anemia;
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • allergy;
  • heart disease;
  • leukocytosis.

The cause of the violation, especially in infants and newborns, may be the incorrect collection of a portion of urine for analysis. But upon re-delivery, if hygiene rules are observed, this error is usually excluded.


A slight increase in protein in the urine does not affect the child's condition. external symptoms violations appear with severe proteinuria, which most often means kidney disease.

Signs of an increase in protein compounds in urine are:

  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • complaints of bone pain;
  • the appearance of signs of intoxication - lack of appetite, nausea;
  • darkening of urine;
  • the appearance of swelling of the legs, eyelids after sleep;
  • frequent urge to urinate, intense thirst.

The kidneys are considered to be a "silent" organ, the violation of their function for a long time can proceed painlessly. The baby may not feel any discomfort, but, nevertheless, suffer from kidney disease. The kidneys in children hurt in a special way - the localization of pain is often indicated in the abdomen, and not in the lower back, as in adults.

It is even more difficult to recognize proteinuria in baby, the symptoms of which may be:

  • fever without signs of a cold;
  • swollen eyelids;
  • restless sleep;
  • pallor of the skin.

A sign of kidney dysfunction in infants can be swelling of the tissues. It is visually difficult to identify it, but proteinuria can be assumed from the traces of diaper elastic bands and socks.


To determine the protein in the urine, the following tests are used:

  • colorimetric diagnostic methods;
  • test strip method.

Test strips are easy to use at home, however, this method is not always accurate. correct result. It is safer to use laboratory diagnostics to quantify the degree of proteinuria in children.

  • less than 0.033 (traces of protein) - the value corresponds to the physiological norm;
  • up to 0.099 - the kidneys work with stress, which may be associated with physical overexertion, hypothermia, nutritional features;
  • from 0.099 to 0.2 - a condition characteristic of recovery from a cold;
  • from 0.2 to 0.3 - since there is a lot of protein, this stage indicates a possible kidney damage, the patient is prescribed a second examination for proteinuria;
  • from 0.3 to 1 - significant proteinuria, requiring a consultation with a nephrologist.

An indicator of the presence of protein in the urine are cylinders - this form of protein molecules with salts deposited on them is taken in the renal tubules. According to the types of cylinders that are found in the urine of a child, a conclusion is made about the functionality of the kidneys.

Cylinders are found in urine:

  • hyaline - pure protein, present in urinalysis with physiological proteinuria;
  • granular - protein with epithelium in glomerulonephritis, diabetes;
  • erythrocyte - protein with erythrocytes;
  • leukocyte - protein with leukocytes in pyelonephritis.

In the table, the main causes of increased protein in the urine

The rate of protein in the urine

Normally, there should be no protein in the urine, but there is a so-called physiological proteinuria, at which the presence of protein molecules in a concentration of 0.033 mg / l is allowed in children.

Daily urine protein for newborns and infants up to 1 month of life is 200 mg, for older children - from 30 to 60 mg. In newborns, an excess of protein in the urine at a concentration of up to 0.036 g / l is allowed.


If an increase in protein in the urine is diagnosed, and it is more than 0.5 g / l, the child is prescribed treatment aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the deterioration in the functionality of the excretory system.

At high level protein in the urine is prescribed:

  • hormones corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone;
  • cytostatics - Cytoxan, Klafen, Sendoksan;
  • antiplatelet agents - Dipyridamole, Penselin, Thrombonin;
  • diuretics -;
  • antispasmodics.

The use of Prednisolone is explained by the ability of this hormonal agent reduce the synthesis of globulins, increase the breakdown of proteins in the body. Prednisolone is prescribed for children in a short course, since this remedy has dangerous side effects.

Cytostatics are used to control the body's immune response, suppress the production of antibodies that are of a protein nature. The use of antiplatelet agents is used to improve plasma filtration, to reduce the permeability of the glomerular barrier for protein molecules.

Of the diuretics for proteinuria, Canephron is used. This product contains only natural ingredients, has, in addition to a diuretic, the properties of a uroseptic.

In the case of proteinuria caused by a urinary tract infection, a macrolide antibiotic may be prescribed to the child. Representatives of this group (Oleandomycin) differ a wide range action, effective against most pathogens of the urinary system.

The use of all of these drugs with uncontrolled use can cause severe complications. Successful treatment of a child with the appearance of protein in the urine is possible only with systematic laboratory monitoring, medical control over the recovery process.
In the video, advice to parents if the child has increased protein in the urine: