I need you in my own words man. A beautiful declaration of love to a girl in your own words. Gentle words in prose

An article on the topic: "beautiful tender words to a beloved man in your own words at a distance" from professionals.

You are my happiness, you are my sun, you are my knock-knock that beats in my heart, you are my tenderness, my reward, and without you I don’t need anything! 82

I love looking into your eyes so much. Their gaze is so gentle, so dangerous. He is either joyful, sometimes embarrassed, then suddenly severe, but so beautiful ... 81

There is one world in which my soul feels at home ... This is the world of your thoughtful eyes. 72

There is nothing more wonderful than just being with you together! 71 - romantic words guy

I need your hands, lips, eyes, I need your caress and your tenderness. I want to be with you night and day, I want to find a place in your heart! 116

My sun, you are the dearest person to me. I love you very much and I want to spend my whole life next to you. Kiss on sweet lips! 123

You are the most best guy in the world! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Say that we are a beautiful couple? The best and happiest. 22

Why don't you write baby
You must be sleeping well
If you suddenly wake up
So please forgive!
I just want to say
I want to hug you
And kiss again! 34

I would give you the sun, but it's hot.
I would give you the sky, but it is high.
I would give you a heart - but it's YOURS anyway! 40

I love my life because you are in it, and I love you because you are in my life! 88

I love it when we are together and do not sleep until late at night ... Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much! 27

1 day is 24 hours, 1 hour is 60 minutes, but one day without you is just an eternity! 34

I want you, I want your eyes, and warm lips, and touching hands,
I want it not to come to me in a dream, but it would actually be! 36

Fate can make us part
But it won't make you fall in love
We may not meet for a long time
But don't forget about each other! 29

I know that I will miss you tomorrow more ... than today, because today I miss you more than yesterday! 48

It is well known that a woman loves with her ears - each of us madly loves to hear warm, gentle, sweet words. But for some reason, not all women realize that men, in turn, love such words no less and really need such speeches. How to express to a beloved man pleasant words, we will tell in this article.

It is clear that every woman needs a man, but only very often they forget to talk and remind their loved ones about it. Maybe this is due to the fact that the stereotype is firmly held in the minds of the fair sex that men do not need it, because they are not romantics, and generally do not like all these cute words.

In fact, men can show their indifference to such words, but in their hearts they are very pleased and flattered to hear positive reviews, gentle words addressed to you and praise.

Not all women are eloquent, this is not a vice, but you need to know those standard words and expressions that will once again emphasize that you need this man and that you really need him. We will help to formulate those thoughts that lurk in the soul and dress them in the form of pleasant words.

Affectionate words for a beloved man

How many affectionate words can you remember? Probably a lot, remembering how you love to be addressed and called. You see, there is nothing difficult in remembering those very affectionate words and applying them to your man.

Every woman knows her soul mate very well, and understands perfectly well which genre of pleasant words will suit a particular man. Someone likes to be called a hare, and someone likes to be said - "oh, my tiger."

  • To all men must be found individual approach just like us women. Therefore, before calling your loved one with an affectionate word, make sure that it matches his style and lifestyle, and does not offend him, does not undermine his authority.
  • Favorite words for a beloved man can be very different: beloved, dear, baby, sun, kitten - the main thing is that a man likes it, and does not cut his ear.
  • Tender words beloved man can be in the form of a softened name, for example - Denisochka, Temochka, Igoryusha, Tolyasik, etc.
  • Try to be diverse - the Russian language is rich in word forms and you should not get hung up on any one affectionate address. Add a variety of words to your vocabulary, and your betrothed will help you pick them up. Just pay attention to his habits, features of appearance, hobbies and even favorite dishes.
  • Do not be afraid of any intimate "nicknames" that will be used face to face within your bedroom. At the same time, it is important to consider whether the specifics of your relationship imply such appeals, because if your man is the last snob who communicates with you on “You” and adheres to platonic relationship, then intimate nicknames are best avoided.

You should not be afraid to experiment in the selection of gentle words. If your betrothed does not like any of them, he will let you know about it, directly or indirectly.

Words to a beloved man in prose

You don't have to be a poetess to say beautifully about your feelings to your loved one. Words just have to be from the heart. The person to whom you will speak them must believe you and understand that this is sincere, and not a prepared staged speech. Words of love to a beloved man in prose can also sound beautiful, it will all depend only on you, on what exactly and how you will say it.

It will not be superfluous to say to a loved one:

  • “You are so courageous and strong - I can’t imagine what I would do without you.”
  • “How great it is to feel weak and tender next to such a courageous man like you!”
  • “Life becomes brighter and more interesting when I understand that you are nearby - courageous, smart, cheerful and such a dear person to me!”.
  • “You and I are like two halves of one whole. You harmoniously complement me and know about all my desires and dreams. When my hand is in your hand, I understand that like this, hand in hand, we can walk all our lives and never regret our choice.
  • “I’m just crazy about your light unshaven and tousled hair, a serious look when you are busy with work and perky sparks in your eyes when you are up to some kind of prank. You just occupy all my thoughts and do not allow me to focus on anything else.

It is unlikely that a man will appreciate the phrase: "I'm drowning in the depths of your eyes, your lips, like a peach on a sunny day, I just want to eat, etc." But, for example, these words: “You are really important to me or - I can’t imagine myself without you; you are my support and my fortress; only with you I feel safe, etc.” will be appreciated, and will make you believe in your sincere emotions.

SMS to your beloved man in your own words

Words about love to a beloved man you can not only speak, but also write them. It is very pleasant to hear tender words of love, and it is even more pleasant to read them. Today everyone has mobile phone, and the "send sms" function is attached to any model, so you can send nice words to your loved one at any time.

No need to look for special rhymes, just write what you feel in this moment. Any guy will be pleased, while at work or on a business trip, to receive an SMS with the text “I miss you very much, I want to see you, hug and kiss you tightly.”

Your confession to a beloved man in your own words will make him once again convinced that you need him and love him. When the words come from pure heart they always bring positive emotions and awaken tender feelings inside.

Any relationship needs development, and even if you have been together for a very long time, words for a loved one should sound constantly. You can create a correspondence in the form of a game and intrigue. For example: “I missed you. Come soon, you'll be in for a surprise." All day long, a person will think about these pleasant words, and intrigue in SMS will make passion flare up with renewed vigor.

In addition, you can write to your loved one:

  • “You are far away and the sun does not shine for me, the birds do not sing, and even bright flowers fade and do not please with their beauty. Come back soon!"
  • “I have long wanted to tell you that you are dear to me. This is so, just in case you have lost faith in my feelings.
  • “Today my heart is jumping out of my chest with the desire to see you. If you feel the same, then hurry up to me - we will calm the heartbeat with a strong and long kiss.
  • “It’s so nice to realize that even though you are far away, you think about me and look forward to meeting - it just gives me goosebumps!”
  • “My beloved, dear little man, never doubt my love for you. Even though we parted for a very short time and soon you will return home, remember that my love is able to warm you even at a distance.

Kind words to a beloved man should be said every day, not just on holidays. This will make the relationship stronger and the bond between you closer. Surprise your soul mate, say nice words, and then your relationship will always bring only joy and positive.

SMS to beloved man maybe just a couple of words: “I love you”, “I missed you”, “I want you”, “Rodnulya, I'm waiting for you at home”, etc. If your husband or loved one is far away from you, then sms Good night beloved man in your own words will please him and once again remind him that somewhere far away his beloved and most caring little man in the world is waiting for him.

A wish for the night can be like this:

  • “Let the light of my love warm you far away, and let the cold nights become warm thanks to the fact that I am waiting for you and thinking about you endlessly.”
  • "Sweet dreams, my kitty! Fall asleep and imagine that I am next to you, gently hugging and kissing, guarding your dream.
  • "Let this night be last night in your life when I'm not around. Sweet dreams."

Words to a beloved man in verse

Do not think that men do not perceive well the poems that their beloved women dedicate to them. Yes, they really don’t like to learn poetry, but to hear pleasant words in poetic form- they like it, you can be sure of it.

You can write a poem yourself, describe in it a loved one and the qualities for which you love and appreciate him. If poetic talent is not observed, then you can learn a ready-made verse written by someone else.

Believe me gentle sweet words to a beloved man, will always touch him to the quick. He may not start jumping for joy and delight, because such behavior is mostly inherent in women, but his sincere smile and tenderness on his face will make it clear that he is very pleased to hear such words.

Pick the most best words beloved man, and then he will always know what you need and that you appreciate him. It is very important that a loved one feel really your soulmate, therefore, in addition to some actions, you must constantly remind him of this with words.

Good morning wishes to your beloved man in your own words

Want good morning, this is a great tradition that should not be broken even if your soulmate is somewhere far away. Talk every morning beloved man about love in a text message, just by phone, wishing him good morning.

Believe me, his morning, even if it started far from good, will become like this if you wish it from the bottom of your heart.

  • "Good morning my sunshine! It’s always reluctant to wake up, but when a delicious breakfast and a beloved woman are waiting for you in the kitchen, the morning becomes really kind.”
  • “Open your eyes and run to me as soon as possible, I already miss you madly and I can’t stand a single minute without my own man.”
  • “Wake up, my dear, a new day has begun for our love with you. Let's fill it with kisses, romantic emotions and fun."

Any wish, sms and prose for a beloved man must come from a pure heart. Speak only what you feel. It is these words that are valued, correctly perceived and remembered for a long time.

Recognition of a beloved man in your own words should not sound pretentious or somehow arrogant, everything should be simple, understandable and pleasant. Do not stop surprising your loved ones with warm, gentle, affectionate and kind words and then you will see and feel reciprocity.

Video: Beautiful words to your beloved man

Any man will be pleased when his beloved, as a sign of her feelings and affection, sends love message, even if these words are written on the phone. Nice words to the guy, spoken in his own words, nice sms message will give him a few pleasant minutes while reading and help strengthen mutual love.

Nice words to your beloved guy in SMS

  • Thanks to you my love, in my soul at any time of the city there is always spring. So I can't think about bad weather or cold wind, because your love will always warm me and give me the first snowdrops.
  • Darling I want go with you and look at bright stars that sparkle not only in the night sky, but also in your eyes.
  • You turned my life V romantic fairy tale in which I became a princess, and you turned out to be a beautiful knight. I want the story to last forever.
  • Expensive, your tender words and kisses touch the strings of my heart and give birth to the beautiful music of our love in it.
  • our love bound us with a golden chain, binding our hearts and lives together. If someone, God forbid, breaks these chains, then my heart will shatter like transparent porcelain or melt in the fire like soft gold.
  • My happiness- to be near you, my dream is to love you, my joy is to look into your loving eyes and hear your voice.

Interesting! The most common romantic nicknames that girls give to their loved ones are words from diminutive animal names: “bunny”, “cat”, “bear cub”, less often more masculine names: “tiger”, “lion”, etc. d.

Pleasant words in your own words to a guy in prose

Every girl dreams of love, happiness and tenderness that her chosen one will give her. Therefore, kind, beautiful and tender words addressed to your beloved will help her to express everything that has accumulated in her heart and soul, to strengthen relationships with him:

It is not so difficult to compose pleasant words for a guy in your own words. A beautiful SMS, congratulations, compliments in prose will definitely please a man when he finds out that his girlfriend wrote them.

  • You are the most beautiful and gentle man all over the world. You are my soul mate, which has finally been found and without which I now cannot breathe, speak and live. I remember your passionate hugs, your joyful laughter and your beautiful eyes - without all this, I simply cannot live now.
  • I'm madly in love with you, I want to be with you always, hug and kiss every night and wake up next to you in the morning, knowing that you are here. I became a dreamy romantic who always smiles with happiness and love for you.
  • Our meeting became ours happy fate , and now I want to confess that I can not live away from you and your hot love. I'm waiting for a meeting, come ...

Nice words to the guy, in your own words. Beautiful congratulations

Birthday greetings:

Congratulations on your new position:

  • I wish your new position became the starting point on the path to all sorts of career heights. To make every working day joyful and inspiring for new projects and their brilliant solution. Good luck, love!
  • Expensive! I wish you to become the Big Boss, I believe in your victory and your aspirations. Let your favorite occupation will bring you success and a high salary.

nice words to your boyfriend for the night

Modern psychologists advise all people and couples in love to tell their partners more about their love. Especially such words are invaluable at night, so that a person falls asleep with good mood, and in the morning he woke up rested, cheerful and elated, with new forces that he will need in work and in creating mood for the whole day.

Here are some examples of such requests:

  • My love, let you dream this night of our love, our hot summer that we spent together. I am always waiting for you, and I will come to you in a dream and in reality when you call me.
  • Good night dear! I wish you sleep, see sweet warm dreams, and wake up tomorrow and meet a new day with faith in success and good luck.
  • Sleep my kitten! I will think of you and forever remember our kisses of love and the joy of being with you. Tomorrow will come a new day that I dream of spending with you and your love.
  • Darling I want today you dream about never parting, even in a dream. Tomorrow will be a new day, and we will see you again. I love you.

Pleasant words in your own words on the topic: "Good morning!"

Pleasant words said to the guy in your own words, beautiful and warm congratulations with the advent of a new day - they will help create a sincere and joyful atmosphere in the house from early morning and strengthen love.

most successful and nice phrases for a loved one at the beginning of a new day:

  • Expensive, may good luck come to you this morning, not depending on the mood of the boss and rainy weather. Let the summer sun shine in your soul and warm our love, which will always be with you.
  • Good morning my fluffy bunny! Let's meet the dawn together and spend this day just the two of us. I want to show you all the fabulous beauty of nature and my warm heart that loves you and wishes us eternal happiness.
  • Darling, this morning I am sending you my bird of luck, which will flap its magic wings and drive away all your problems, protect you from troubles and troubles, bring success and much positive energy. This bird is my love for you!
  • WITH Good morning, Darling! I want to tell in my own words how much I love you. To my love sunlight shone in your sky, brought a beautiful holiday and penetrated into your heart along with the beautiful and pleasant words that I say to you. You are my boyfriend, I look forward to meeting you.
  • My dear! I wish you spring and sunny mood for the whole day, and if it rains, let it fill you with joy drop by drop, and lightning charge you with happiness, let the sky light up with a bright multi-colored rainbow and the sun that will illuminate your day and our meeting today.

Nice words for a guy in the army

Letters from a beloved girl who is waiting for her beloved, who is serving in the army:

  • Your photo is with me everywhere, she goes with me to the institute, writes laboratory tasks, control. She will be by my side all these months that I will be waiting for you from the army. I love you and dream of spending the rest of my life with you.
  • Darling. If it will be hard for you there, remember me, I will always support you in everything. I will wait for you as long as it takes, because our love in separation has become even stronger and hotter. I kiss you, I'm waiting ...
  • Warm greetings to my soul mate! I miss you and hope to meet you close. I hung a calendar on the wall and I cross out all the days spent without you there. Your "demobilization" is getting closer and closer, I dream of how we will walk through the streets at night and meet the dawn together, how we will go to swim in the river and bask in the sun. How you hug and kiss me. Come back soon, love, kiss ... your half.

The most pleasant compliments to a guy in your own words: top best

Any compliment or praise will make a man feel more confident, raise his self-esteem and self-respect, make him strive for high goals or even accomplish small feats.

Expression true feelings admiration and value for your beloved:

  • How beautiful you are, especially when you put on this suit (sweater, jacket, etc.), you look aristocratic, courageous and sexy.
  • I always guessed that you had golden hands. I believe in you and your abilities.
  • I am proud of you, I love you dearly and will always support you in everything. Your creative mind will help you come up with new ideas and solutions.
  • You have a deep and penetrating voice. Your hands are so strong and gentle, they will always protect me from all troubles. Next to you I feel comfortable and calm.
  • You are very sensitive and attentive to me, I appreciate your opinion and ability to find rational solutions to the most difficult questions in any situation.
  • I did not expect such a romantic. Our meetings are a fairy tale filled with love and fun adventures.
  • You have a talent that allows you to turn the most uninteresting activity into an exciting event.
  • I want our children to be like you. You will be the best father.

Pleasant words spoken by a girl in her own words to her beloved boyfriend, compliments and praise, beautiful and tender congratulations happy holiday, a letter to the defender of the fatherland with words and assurances that he is loved and expected - all this is proof of their mutual love and fidelity.

As the poets say: compliments are a balm for love ...

Interesting videos about pleasant congratulations for a guy, man or husband

Pleasant words and compliments to your beloved man, guy:

Beautiful and pleasant words for a guy in your own words:

Another selection beautiful phrases for a guy if you are apart:

SMS to a beloved man, husband, boyfriend in their own words about love are the perfect way to lift his spirits. You will read romantic, funny, beautiful, love sms ki that you can send even if you are at a great distance. Be sure that with their help you can not only convey your feelings, but also make a harsh male heart start from the surging wave of tenderness for you.

We are glad to welcome you to the blog semyadeti.ru! Agree, no matter how much time passes in a relationship, it is always nice to receive a love message from a beloved woman, a girl, with the words I love, miss, wait as a token of affection. Therefore, today we present you the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, best, original sms which you can send any day to your beloved man, boyfriend, husband simply because you love him. Read 85 sms and enjoy!

Beautiful SMS to your beloved man

  • When words are not enough to say how beautiful you are, one thing remains - to wait for your arrival and prove it with your kisses.
  • I like the way you look at me, your eyes are so extraordinary. I like the way you kiss me, because your lips are so sweet. I love how you say "I love you" and touch me, after which I always get goosebumps. I'm so glad you're my man.
  • Love is like a golden chain that binds our hearts together and if that chain is ever broken, my heart will be shattered.
  • Your smile is like sunlight warming my day. Your words create a sweet melody in my head. I can’t do anything with myself, as soon as I fall in love with you more and more.
  • I think constantly only about you - that's all I can do. Everything else gets out of hand. You are the first and last thought in my heart, with this I fall asleep and wake up every day. No matter where I go or what I do, I always think of you.
  • You beat the rhythm in my heart, give birth to music in my laughter and tears in my eyes at our separation.
  • I decided to send this SMS to my beloved man as a reminder to him that he is always in my thoughts and my heart. It is a happiness for me to wait for you after a hard day's work, to feed you a delicious dinner, take care of you when you are sick, and support you in moments of triumph.
  • My soul blossoms when I remember the moment when I kissed ordinary man and he then turned into a handsome prince. You are the king of my heart, I love you.
  • Do you know why I shine every day with happiness? My day starts great - with a cup of coffee and your kisses. And it ends no less amazing - I fall asleep in your arms. I am overwhelmed with pride and desire to say that I am the wife of best husband in the world!
  • When I am with you, I am not afraid of anything in this world, except for one thing - to stop seeing your eyes, hearing your voice and not feeling the warmth of your hands. My life with you is filled with happiness.
  • Honey, do you know which is the most important role for women? It's being a mother and a wife. I was lucky to experience the infinite happiness of being your wife and the mother of our wonderful children. Thank you for this, love you. (You can read how any woman can become the most best wife for your husband?)
  • On a special day some time ago, I met an angel who protects me with his wings and gives me his love. Love you! PS. I can bet that my funny sms beloved man, which I gladly send you are the most pleasant messages that you have ever received.
  • Although I am not a princess, you managed to turn my life into a fairy tale. My love for you is limitless.
  • I have long been waiting for a person with whom I will feel equally comfortable, listening to the music of the surf on the coast or dancing in the rain. This person for me is you, I love you.
  • The sea of ​​our love is raging every day, and I can’t imagine it being calm, because every day you overwhelm me with unsurpassed emotions! You are the most romantic person, and I am glad that you are mine!
  • Do you know why I don't care about the weather and the time of year? Because thanks to you, spring is always in my soul! Love you, dear.
  • Darling, it's so romantic to watch the stars while holding hands. But in our case, this does not make sense, since I see only two bright stars - your eyes, and nothing else, and no one around.
  • Our love story is a beautiful waltz where you lead me and I follow you. Most safe place for me - your hugs.
  • You are like a magnet that draws me more and more. I have no chance to escape from this tender captivity.
  • You gave me wings of warmth, care and affection, I will wither without you. I need you every day, every hour and every minute of my life.

Short SMS to your beloved man to cheer you up

  • Every day will be as beautiful as this morning moment if you are with me.
  • If I could describe you in a few words, I would say you are my life.
  • When I see you, my heart beats faster, when I don't see you, it beats slower. I want to see you soon.
  • They say that love hurts, I'm willing to take risks to be with you. Love you.
  • Words are not enough to say how wonderful it feels when I say I love you.
  • Waiting for you dear at home, come back soon. I already miss you, I can't wait to see you soon.
  • I take my breath away with happiness when I hear your steps and see your face.
  • My life is perfect because you are with me and love for you never ends.
  • When you are with me my inner world feels calm.
  • I want to hug your body. I'm running home soon to be with you again.
  • When we are together, I have everything I need. I cherish every minute spent with you
  • I just left home and already miss it. I am waiting for the time to return home to relieve my boredom.
  • I lack 24 hours, 1440 minutes, 86400 seconds to enjoy your communication, your attention.
  • Loving you is like breathing. So easy and natural and just as important to my life.
  • Believe me, the decision to send this SMS to your beloved guy was spontaneous. I just want to say that I love you and appreciate everything you do for me and my family.
  • I love you and can't wait to see you again as my world doesn't make sense without you.
  • I need you like the heart needs rhythm.
  • I catch moments of happiness, love and being loved by you! This is the only reality in the world for me, everything else I consider stupidity.
  • For me, life without your love is like a tree without flowers or fruits.
  • Loving you taught me what it means to be patient and I am very glad for this.
  • My beloved husband, faster all the oceans, rivers, seas and lakes will dry up than my love for you will disappear. I'm yours forever.
  • I'm afraid to fall asleep every night because I'll spend eight hours without you. I need you more than freedom. You are everything I live for.
  • The world crumbles into a thousand pieces when you hug and kiss me. You are the most romantic, gentle and sensual person, you are my universe.
  • Do you know what I realized today? For me, all people are faceless and empty compared to you.
  • You are my cherry on the cake of life, I miss you dear.
  • I can't handle this great, romantic dinner alone, come and help me.
  • Your words, looks, touches make my heart smile.

SMS to beloved man about love

  • You mean so much to me that you can't be described as if you were an ordinary man in my life. For me you best person, mentor, friend and lover.
  • My love for you has no depth, it only expands all the time. Life with you in marriage is like an endless wonderful story. (You'll love our selection interesting quotes about marriage and family life).
  • The decision to marry you was the wisest decision of my life, and our wedding was the most happy event for me. You are a part of me, my dear and beloved man.
  • Half of our lives, when we did not know each other, we were not happy, but now we are building a common future, in which there will be only happiness, love and laughter of children. I love you my beloved husband.
  • Darling, we have reached the very high level love - friendship, when I do not need anyone but you. You can replace the whole world for me, but no one can replace you.
  • My love for you does not depend on age, season or distance between us. I loved you, I love you and will love you even more, my dear.
  • So many years have passed, but you are still the same sweet person with a generous soul who won my heart. I love you!
  • You are the foundation of my happiness, the reason for my tears of joy, so I’m ready to say once again how much I love you, appreciate and respect you. You are the best.
  • my strong desire today was to send love sms to your beloved man, like a lot of little compliments to you. To love, to care, to be passionate, loving honest - these words are only a small fraction of those words that I want to describe your virtues. My beloved hubby, you are beautiful and I love you madly.
  • What could be better than looking into your eyes every day? Just feel your heartbeat and be the reason for your happiness.
  • I love to feel like a little protected girl in your strong hands making sure you never let anyone hurt me.
  • You are a man with whom I can dance in any rain, because when we are together, all problems disappear for me.
  • You are in my heart, with you I feel in seventh heaven. Love for you flows through my veins.
  • You gave me the most precious gift - our children, our sense of life.
  • Your love has created beautiful world inside my soul, where I run away whenever I feel down.
  • yours romantic nature and some pleasant spontaneity turns every day into a kind of celebration.
  • You make me shiver when you kiss my neck. I think nothing could be more beautiful.
  • Today is our special day, (our wedding anniversary) and I decided to send every hour short sms beloved man about love. My dear, our marriage is a fairy tale for me, where new facets of my dear spouse are revealed to me, with whom I fall in love more and more with every passing day.
  • My dear, the fact that I sometimes get offended does not mean that my love for you has passed. Although my emotions are changeable, but my love for you is constant and glad that I live only for you.
  • The first time I saw you, I was afraid to touch you. Then touching, I was afraid to kiss you. After the first kiss, I was afraid to love you. But now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you!
  • You are more important to me than the sun for flowers and water for fish, you are the meaning of my life. I miss you, love you and dream of our meeting.
  • Dear, I looked in the mirror and decided to send an SMS to my beloved man to tell him that I miss him and love him.
  • Even if we sometimes quarrel over trifles, I would rather spend the rest of my life in such quarrels with you than be happy without you.
  • Every drop of rain is my tear, because my heart is crying from longing for you. I love you madly, come back soon, I miss you!
  • The worst thing in the world for me is thinking about your beautiful eyes and not be able to look at them. Thinking about your tender hands and not being able to feel their warmth, I miss you very much. Come as soon as possible, my love.
  • I wish we were together as often as you visit the kitchen. I am sending you this SMS to cheer you up and as a reminder that I miss you, I really need you.
  • It seemed to me that a man is hardly capable of being sensitive, gentle and affectionate with me, but you manage to surprise me every day. Together with you, my time flies instantly, and no matter how much we spend it together, it will never be enough for me. I love you.
  • Thank you for loving me, for believing in me, which makes me feel special. I will try to be worthy of you.
  • You know, I'm filled with pity for other women looking for ideal husband, but they are unlikely to find him, since he has already married me. I am crazy in love with you.
  • Everything in this world has its end, but our love for each other is endless, I consider you not just my lover, but the only person to whom I can open my heart.
  • Let's not count the years, because the only ending of our love is an eternity together.
  • A love greater than the one I have for you has not yet been created. I love you, I think of you, I feel you, I miss you, I need you and I love you again. I know this may seem like a tautology, but every word I wrote came out of my heart, moving at the speed of light to reach the depths of your soul.
  • This text message about love to a beloved man is one of my ways to let you know that my love for you is stronger than ever. Never let the fire of our passion die out. We are together forever.
  • Love teaches us to be compassionate, understanding, and kind. Your love has become the most for me great gift from God, and every day I thank him for this gift.
  • Today we will have romantic date. I will try to create a fairy tale for you, my love. Love you madly.
  • I prayed every day to God to meet me good guy. But I could not even imagine that I would meet such a person who would exceed all my expectations. You are my dream come true. I will say 1000 times I love you.
  • I decided to send you this sms message, because I can not be a minute without you. Your tenderness, kindness has become the key that opens my heart. You are wonderful.
  • After our meeting, my life changed, I experienced boundless happiness. Thanks for our romantic evenings and lots of heartfelt conversations.

In this article you will find beautiful sms for lovely ladies.

The last word

For many people, love is a feeling that doesn't last forever and that eventually ends. But the reality is that love can be constantly cultivated, grown and kept alive. That is why you need to take care of your partner by warming up love in him.

One of such pleasant opportunities is SMS to your beloved man in your own words about love, tenderness, feelings. Because words are a very powerful tool that can convey the deepest feelings in our hearts. Send your man boyfriend at least one of the SMS from the list above, and you will see how pleased he will be.

Sincerely, Andronic Anna, Elena.

In conclusion, watch a video about beautiful words that you can say to your man.

You are the one with whom the hours fly by like minutes, and with whom you never want to part ... I have never had a person so close to me. I have never loved anyone the way I love you. 94

It seems to me that I can look into your eyes all day long, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you, I need you more life! I love you! 105

I want to enjoy your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you. 114

I am ready to hug and love the whole world, because you are in it, because I love you very much. 23

At the thought of you, something pricks in my chest. I am ready to turn the whole world and my life for you. I love you. 32

I love you madly!
And forever I am yours!
I don't see the point in my life
Without your love!
You are everything to me my dear
'Cause you're my favorite
The most-most super-such! 53

You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I don't need anyone but you, I just love you madly! 23

My beloved, desired,
I want to confess
What is more than anything in the world
I love only you! 32

Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits and wants you every day... Yes, my dear, every day. I love you very much. 17

I want to tell you
About what's on my mind.
My heart is beating so fast
You are missed and sad!
I want to confess to you
Madly I love you! 39

I don’t understand well what’s wrong with me, I only know that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you. 28

telescope, binoculars, glasses,
Magnifiers, microscopes -
What to buy, tell me
Why don't you blink your eyes?
To see the stars, life,
To sigh sadly
So that you can finally
Consider my feelings! 19

You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... Mine, only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are all the most precious and desirable for me. I can't live without you! You are my bright ray of happiness. I live only for you. I love you so much! 29

You're not like that, you're not like everyone else
You deserve special attention
And I want to hear the answer:
Be with me, everything else is past
And all I want in this world -
I just want to be loved by you. 32

I want to confess to you
Only one I love you
And I'll always be by your side
And I will love like never before! 30

When I met you
I understood instantly
That you are now my destiny
My most intimate! 21

I think I'm ready for anything
If only you hugged me
If only to love once and for all,
And I don't need nobody else
You are the best and I love you! 6

Love suddenly came
There is no point in explaining for a long time
I realized that you are my favorite
I do not want to lose you! 44

I feel good with you
Easy, simple, comfortable!
I don't have a soul in you
I love you madly! 10

It's good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my very main man. You are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. It's good to have you around. All my life I want to walk with you on the same road of love. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger. I so want to snuggle up to you, and feel protected from all sorrows and hardships. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you I will be truly happy.

As they say, all ages are submissive to love. So I fell in love with you, when powder is already silvering on the temples. All my tenderness, affection, all my unspent love, I want to give you, my the only man. You so unexpectedly appeared in my life, and immediately gave my heart love. I am so grateful to fate for giving me you. I love you and do not hesitate to confess my feelings, I love and will always be with you. May our love be beautiful and big.

Which wonderful feeling love, it inspires us and, like birds, lifts us high in the sky. When you love, all problems seem so small, and, of course, solvable. I am proud of you, dear, and I love you dearly. May my love drink quench your thirst in the heat and warm you in the cold. May our happiness be serene and long. Only you alone I need, my only, kind and most head man on the ground. Everything that is called happiness in life, all this is connected with you, my dear and just mine.

You are always attentive, kind and caring. The Lord rewarded you with such beauty that there is no one in the world more beautiful than you. If I were a poet, I would sing your noble image. For a long time, the agile Cupid has been fluttering between us, throwing arrows of love into our hearts with you. You and I are two halves of one whole happiness. My gentle, beloved, I confess my love to you, and I want our relationship to be mutual. I will give you all my tenderness, affection and love. I will make you the happiest person in the world.

I am grateful to fate for helping me meet you, my only and unique man. One can only dream of such a thing, I have been very lucky in my life. You are my hope and support, I am behind you, like behind a stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will be the first to confess my feelings, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love flares up every day more and more.

I loved you at first sight. I like everything about you: a pleasant smile, and a gentle voice, and hot kisses. My heart flutters like a bird in a cage when I'm alone with you. I dreamed of such a man all my life. You are my ideal, my dream. You are the prince that I have dreamed of all my life. Only with you I will be happy, only with you I will feel real woman. I love you, my dear, and I want our feelings to flare up from a small spark into a big flame of love.

The world is beautiful when you are near, my beloved, my dear and most gentle man. Our love will overcome all adversity, because love is the most strong feeling. And it's so good that this feeling visited us, my only one. Today I want to be the first to confess my love to you. After all, you still do not dare, you are shy. And in vain. I see how tenderly you look at me, how your voice trembles with excitement when we are alone. I will ease your suffering and say three main words, painfully familiar to the whole world: I love you.

Love is the strongest feeling. She works wonders for us. He makes the evil good, the poor rich. Those who are in love or loved are the happiest people on earth. I also consider myself happy, because I love you, my only and best man on the planet. I want to be with you always near, I want to give you my love, and in return receive yours. You are destined for me. Only you alone live in my heart, only you I call desired and loved. Everything that has to do with happiness in life, everything has to do with you.

It is unlikely that there is such a force in the world that could stop love. Our earth rests not on whales, but on love. All ages are submissive to love, and no matter how old you are, if you are in love, then you are the most happy man in the world. I'm so lucky in my life to have you by my side, my love. For such a gift, I will be grateful to fate for the rest of my life. You are a kind, considerate and most gentle man. I just love you and I'm proud of you. You are always the most beautiful to me. I love your hot kisses so much and gentle hands, from the touch of which, I just melt.

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You just a real man with whom I have been so lucky in my life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, it seems that you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I don’t regret it at all. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison.

You have made me the happiest woman in the world. Only with you next to me is good, only with you next to me, I sing with happiness. You are my hope, my only man. I so want to cling to your shoulder, and forget about everything in the world. You are so kind, considerate and caring. I love being held captive by your love so much and I want to stay there for the rest of my life. I love you very much, and I will make the most happy man in the world. Life next to you is already my favorite, desired and unique holiday.

Each of us is looking for his soul mate in the world, and feels great happiness if he finds it. I also pulled the luckiest winning ticket from fate, I met you, my only man. The most tender and nice words I give you, my good. You are my happiness, my destiny. Only when you are near, the world becomes bright and beautiful. My soul and heart belongs to you alone. I love you and I don't want to hide my feelings anymore. I love it and I want everyone in the world to know about it.

Love for all ages. Everyone on earth somewhere walks that only half, for the sake of which we live, breathe, love. And everyone has their own time to meet. For someone it happens in more early age, and someone already in mature years. But love is always the most tender, most sincere, most mysterious feeling. I didn't even notice how quickly I fell in love with you, my only man. And today I confess that I love you more than life itself. You are my best, most reliable and most desirable man.

The world is full of joy and miracles when you are in it, my most important and beloved person in the world. Literally everything that happens in my life is connected with you. You are always there, you will always help in Hard time. Thank you my dear for having you. I am so grateful to fate for such a gift. I love you and will always be by your side, my one and only. My love will protect you. I want to see you always happy and I will do everything for this, because my love is so strong that all obstacles are beyond her.

I am the happy woman in the world, because I have you - my most beloved and only person. Only with you I feel calm, only your love warms me. I am so lucky in life and for everything I thank that Lucky case when we met you. My dear, thank you for your tenderness, for your affection, for your kind heart, for the fact that next to you I feel like a real woman. I love you and will love you all my life. They say that love works wonders and makes people happy, and she gave us the whole world happiness.

All that I have in life, and that gives me the joy of every day, is all you, my beloved. You're the best in the world. So gentle, kind and gentle. With you, it's so easy and simple for me, with you, with happiness, I fly like a bird. You are near, and everything is fine in the world - both rain and wind. You are near, and all the problems seem so petty. Thank you my love for always being by my side. I love you sincerely and tenderly, be with me all my life, my joy. My love will always keep you and protect you.

My favorite and only man on the planet. Let me confess my love to you today. My feelings can no longer be silent. You are the dream of my life, you are just my ideal. I want to be with you always, so as not to part even for a moment. Next to you, I seem to grow wings behind my back, there is no limit to my happiness. You are attentive, caring and kind, I am proud of you, my dear, and I want our happiness to be endless. You are my guardian angel, and under your wing, I feel calm.

Love is the strongest feeling in the world. Love can perform extraordinary miracles. Love makes us kinder, and our feelings purer. My love for you, my love, has made me the happiest person in the world. I'm just flying with happiness. You are the most gentle, the most beautiful, and the most kind man in the world. I love you, breathe you, and adore you, my only one. You are my soulmate, without whom I simply cannot live. I love to look into your sweet eyes, I love to listen to your sonorous laughter, I love your gentle hugs. I just love you my dear.

I'm so lucky in life with you. You are so gentle and kind that sometimes I even envy myself. I just can't imagine another man in your place. You are the most important person in my destiny. I will always listen to your advice, I always trust you with the most secret. I have a lot of confidence in you. You are the other half of my heart. Only with you I feel comfortable, only with you I feel you the happiest, only with your heart my heart beats in unison. Thank you, my dear, for the fact that you are in the world.

Declarations of love to your beloved guy in your own words to tears at a distance of SMS

I love you so much that the whole world knows about it. Look around - nature draws patterns of love on the veil of life, framing it in exquisite wonders. It's all for you, sunshine.

Your hair smells of happiness.

I fly with you to heaven

I'm walking with you among the stars.

And I like being a part of it.

Your lips are sweet as sugar.

You and I are like two planets

We are warmed by the warmth of the sun.

Without you, my life will collapse.

At night I look at the stars and where normal people see the constellation Ursa Major, I see your face smiling at me with hundreds of planets.

I have many reasons to love you. But the most important one. Sometimes it seems to me that you are woven from the light that gave your mother Happiness and Joy. You bring to this world the warmth of kindness and the sweetness of pleasure, which remain for a long time in the hearts of people who have appeared on your path.

In the pool of your eyes, I forget about everything in the world, and various thoughts arise in my head, which only by their appearance make me happier. Under your touch, I melt like ice that was put on a hot frying pan. I feel so good with you that sometimes I feel like a character in a fairy tale.

And the quiet whisper of the morning light

Will wake you up at dawn suddenly.

I will send you wonderful news

About how I miss you.

About what I remember every moment

And kisses, and your hugs.

Of the emotions that you give me

She wove herself a wreath. For love, a dress.

The first time I met you

Then I did not understand happiness.

And I'm so glad that you waited

Participate in my destiny.

With you I float in ecstasy

Like I'm a magician and a sorcerer.

My love is like a perfect flower: extremely beautiful, very fragrant and always blooming, as soon as you touch me. You can taste it - this flower is incredibly sweet and healthy. And it's made especially for you.

There are only one words that can destroy mountains, change destinies, inspire and amaze. These words - I love you. I give these words to you. Use them very carefully, knowing their colossal power. Yes I love you. More than anything else.

Among the bright rainbow

among orchid clouds,

i swear on the sunshine

be forever yours.

I love you my handsome.

I am empowered with you.

A declaration of love is very beautiful, beloved man, boyfriend and beloved girl.

When the whole world suddenly freezes, I will know that two people have remained in motion, thanks to endlessly working motors - hearts in love. We will search for each other, driven by a love that will never fade.

I will take a dandelion of tenderness and blow on it with my magical breath, which will send you the seeds of the flower with love - my sweet message.

Every moment is like an eternity

And he melts carelessly

If I suddenly myself.

But we'll meet soon

You are like the shore, I am the sea,

And above us the moon.

Love in me burns the brightest wild dream.

I am overjoyed that we are now together.

You are my soul mate, and, as if I were delirious,

Only to you intentionally, inadvertently going.

Around seething emotions and feelings speak.

And in this stormy world we are alone - you and me.

I love you, my fairy is beautiful and unique, like the first kiss. I feel incredibly good with you, because your warmth of soul and beauty of the body is the best thing in my life.

Heart-shaped clouds are flying in my sky.
Our names are written on them with you ...
The word is written there

My love is like a sweet peach - it seems strange on the outside, but on the inside it is magnificent, juicy and tastes incomparable to anything. Love you.

I believe that our happiness is drawn in heaven by the greatest artist, carefully drawing lines with crayons of tenderness, colors of passion and felt-tip pens of joy. I very love you.

I go crazy about you. My love is a mysterious happiness given to me during the years of loneliness and longing. My love is a bird released from a cage, and that is why it is so active and content. My love is a mirror. Our reflection in it is unusual and very beautiful.

Our love is like heaven's dream.

He is eternal and beautiful.

I melt with you like a candle.

With you, like a flame, hot.

I love touching you so much.

We are together so as not to part.

And the poison of the love of the heart poisons us.

But let love rule over us.

My love, like manuscripts, does not burn. She doesn't heat up. And it can only be destroyed with my heart. So buckle up, dear. Now I'm forever your little girl, loving you like you're the only man in the whole world. My Adam...

In the ocean of tenderness, I will drown your fragile heart. But having drowned, it will rise again, and with even greater joy it will beat more often, beating the rhythm like a clock. I am happy that you chose me among an incredible number of men. Happy that your eyes fell on the one who breathed and lived you, not even knowing about your existence. It's destiny, honey. I love you.

These words, like birds, will fly to those who need them. They are for those who deserve to be called them! Tell him these words beautifully ...

Beautiful, affectionate words to a beloved man

  1. Dear, dear, beloved…. You are the most the best man in the world! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Say that we are a beautiful couple? The best and happiest. We can also switch roles: I will make you the happiest, and you will make me the best. I love you so much that it's hard to even say it, because no suitable words. Feel my love with all your very best heart. (Prose).
  2. Today I, again and again, re-read all your messages saved in my mobile phone. I am sure that I will never delete them, because they are dear to me. Every word written in "SMS" opens up inspiration in me "second wind". I know all your "phone letters", practically by heart. Which one do I like best? Each! And each in its own way. They contain pieces of you and rays of your energy. I will be pleased if you write to me again and again. And I will answer them so that you love me more.
  3. Beautiful expressions for a beloved man in prose. Everything is like in a dream... Your eyes, your lips, your features, your hair, your body…. I can't believe that all these treasures are yours. And you gave yourself to me. Thank you very much for such a gift! I will not say that I am not worthy of such a gift, because I am sure that you will dissuade me. I will say this: we deserve each other. And we will always cost each other - always! This I promise you, and I will not stop promising you.

Words about love to a loved one

  1. Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill, with a glance, a niche of emptiness .... I won't get tired of saying "I love you". I will not get tired of repeating "I'm sorry." I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you rarely feel sad ....
  2. I have asked your forgiveness so many times... I ask him, from you, and this time. For what? Because the sun in the sky is warmer than me. But I do not need his warmth: you are my only sun with whom I will never have to feel cold. Thank you for your sunshine, my love!
  3. I love chocolates as much as you love cars. But I'm willing to give up sweets if you ask. I do not ask you to do the same, because, thanks to your car, you come to me faster, without wasting extra time on trolleybuses and buses. Let's sit in your beautiful and comfortable car, and rush to the ends of the world, where only you and I will be together .... I, next to you, have nothing to fear. And, the ends of the world - even more so. Well, let's go, or will we fly there on the wings of crazy love?
  4. You are mine a big secret that is hidden in my heart. But I'm ready to open it to the whole world! I'm ready to scream that you are my favorite. I'm ready to whisper, endlessly, that you are the best and wonderful. But, my whispers and my cries, only you can hear, because you feel me. And you love so much that the clouds seem very low .... Love you!
  5. In your eyes is my reflection. I know we'll be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream .... I wish you were always by my side. I will carry all the feelings for you through the years .... ( beautiful words about life and love in prose).
  6. You like it when I call you a bunny or a sun, beloved or dear. I'll call you whatever you want. Only, I beg you very much: do not disappear like a sincere dawn. I can't bear your disappearance! Stay close, I beg you. You are everything I need in earthly life.
  7. I love, respect, appreciate, adore…. What else do you have to say to be there for every fraction of a second? Ready to say everything! And do whatever you say. I am obsessed with you, I can not live without you even a day…. I miss you, I love you, I promise to love you forever.
  8. Your eyes are the bottomlessness of the turquoise sky. I want to plunge into it, swim, and not emerge. If I drown - do not save: I dreamed, all my life, of drowning in your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing in the world white ....

Prose of beautiful words

  1. Prose. - When I say "I love you", you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I'm waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I really look forward to your "love". This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.
  2. When I see your whole body, I become a very small child who knows only one word: "I want." I want you…. I love…. I think about you at night, and during the day, and in the morning. When more often - I don’t know, but I’m sure that I love, that I miss, and that I won’t give you to anyone.
  3. Beloved person. You are sweet, you are bitter, you are salty, you are sour. You have all the flavors. That is why, I can not eat, being full looking at you. You are my ice cream and my favorite cake. Are you offended by me for calling you that? Thanks for letting me do that too. You are the best man!
  4. Your body is impeccable, your face is amazing, your physique is beautiful, your voice is wonderful .... I just can't live without you and I don't want to be without you. Don't let me be alone, you are my life! I am (without you) absolutely nothing.
  5. You - dearer than mother and dads. You are more precious than all dear people in the world. Do not be surprised: my love is the power of the entire universe. Stronger even! And you will feel it when I give you my billions of kisses.
  6. There are no more. You're the one. And so unique that I even wonder. Didn't know such things existed. You are one of a kind. And you are mine. Thank you very much for this. I'm so glad that it's me with you, and not another ....
  7. I am a wind girl. But you can turn me into a girl - the sun, if you say that you love me. After all, you are more tender than all tenderness, more affectionate than all caresses .... Turn me into the one that you like more and more. I agree to any transformation.

P continuation of the beautiful