What is dangerous low location of the placenta. Childbirth with a low placenta. How does this condition affect pregnancy?

placenta previa, or low placenta tion during pregnancy is one of the most serious complications during gestation. low presentation placenta is considered an anomaly of the course of pregnancy and often develops in the second half of it. Pathology is characterized by the attachment of the placenta in the region of the lower part of the uterus, as a result of which the internal os of the organ is partially or completely closed.
Placenta previa during pregnancy often disappears spontaneously when it moves into the upper uterus (migration of the placenta), but, in general, the risk of fetal death remains very high - 7-25%. The child may die due to underdevelopment as a result premature birth or acute hypoxia against the background of insufficiency placental circulation. The mother can also die due to pathology: bleeding during placenta previa causes death in 1-3% of pregnant women.

What role does the placenta play?

The placenta is a tissue woven from the vessels of the mother and fetus and containing a protective membrane (hemoplacental barrier). It is formed by the 2nd week of pregnancy, attaching to the wall of the uterus. For about 10 weeks, the placenta grows, develops and reaches maturity. The main functions of the placenta (children's place):

  1. saturation of the fetal blood with oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from it;
  2. supplying the fetus with nutrients and removing its waste products;
  3. the production of hormones that support the course and development of pregnancy, as well as prepare the mammary glands for milk production;
  4. immunological protection of the fetus.

If the location of the placenta is normal, it is firmly attached to the posterior or lateral wall of the uterus with a transition to the bottom of the organ and is separated only during childbirth. Low insertion of the placenta (previa) causes various disorders during pregnancy, and this condition requires the patient to be treated urgent Care.

Types of location and placenta previa

As already mentioned, physiologically natural is the location of the placenta on back wall uterus and on its side walls or the bottom of the uterus. The myometrium of these zones is better vascularized, that is, children's place will be optimally supplied with blood. Occasionally, a child's place is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus. The exact place of its fixation can be found out during an ultrasound scan in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy: the location of the placenta is normally 5 or more centimeters from internal os uterus.

The main classification of placenta previa is based on ultrasound data and includes the following types:

  1. Complete placenta previa (final closure of the opening of the cervix). This type of pathology will not allow the child to enter the birth canal and is very dangerous for the mother and fetus.
  2. Incomplete placenta previa (partial closure of the internal os of the uterus). This position of the placenta is also incorrect, but a small hole in the cervix still remains. childbirth naturally in this case are quite rare.
  3. Low presentation of the child's place. The placenta is lower than 5 centimeters from the cervix, but does not cover the internal os. With such a pathology, natural childbirth is possible.

There is another classification, according to which there are four degrees of placenta previa:

  • The first is that the edge of the child's place is 3 cm or more away from the internal os of the uterus.
  • The second - the bottom of the placenta is located at the very entrance to the cervical canal of the cervix (partial placenta previa).
  • Third - Bottom part The child's place closes the entrance to the cervical canal of the cervix, but most of the placenta is located on the back or side wall of the uterus.
  • The fourth - the child's place with its middle part is completely located on the internal os of the uterus. Distinctive feature pathology - finding equal parts of the placenta on the back and front wall of the uterus.

According to the third classification, the type of presentation is differentiated by the location of the placenta during childbirth. It can exist in the following forms:

  • lateral presentation of the placenta;
  • central placenta previa;
  • anterior placenta previa;
  • placenta previa along the posterior wall of the uterus (posterior).

Why there are violations in the location of the placenta

Low placentation during pregnancy can develop under the influence of two groups of factors. The first of them are associated with the characteristics of the woman's condition, the second - with the characteristics of the fetal egg.

The reasons for low placentation, which depend on the state of health of the woman, may be as follows:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and cervix;
  • operations performed on the uterus and the presence of cicatricial changes in the organ;
  • abortions in the past;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids;
  • endometriosis;
  • multiple births in history;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus or cervix;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
It is noted that the incorrect location of the placenta is more often observed in women who give birth again. Among the total number of pathologies in nulliparas, their share is only 20%.

A fertilized egg can also cause inferior presentation. So, various violations of the attachment of the fetal egg and its untimely location on the uterine wall leads to a belated start of the processes of placental formation. Sometimes the fertilized egg sinks too low on the wall, so incorrect placentation occurs.

Signs of placenta previa

Symptoms of low placentation may not be clinically manifested when the placenta is low and does not overlap the internal os of the uterus. Usually complete or incomplete presentation placenta (3 and 4 degree of pathology) are expressed by repeated bleeding of varying intensity. During childbirth, bleeding occurs in 2/3 of women, during gestation - in 1/3.

In most cases, signs of low placentation increase gradually, by the third trimester, but sometimes discharge with blood appears already from the first trimester. Before bleeding, a woman may be disturbed by aching pains in the abdomen and sensations of contraction of the uterus. With partial presentation, bleeding often occurs during childbirth or at the end of pregnancy, with full presentation, they are diagnosed suddenly at any stage of pregnancy.

Allocations have bright color and can flow from the vagina at night or during rest, but more often they are provoked by physical work, prolonged standing, defecation, sexual intercourse. Symptoms of placenta previa due to frequent bleeding can be expressed by anemia, loss of working capacity, high fatigue. This greatly harms the fetus, because he does not receive right amount oxygen and nutrients. As a result, serious complications of pathology can develop, including miscarriage or premature birth. Bleeding with placenta previa can also occur during childbirth, and the greater the degree of pathology, the more intense the blood loss can be. In this case, the woman needs emergency care and operative delivery.

Complications of placenta previa

Incorrect placentation is a serious condition that threatens with many complications. If the placenta is located low, there is a high risk of its detachment due to the inability to stretch behind the wall of the uterus with the growth of the fetus. Due to detachment, the fetus experiences acute hypoxia, since the separated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's place cannot fully fulfill its functions.

Full presentation often entails gestosis, underdevelopment of the fetus due to chronic hypoxia, incorrect location of the fetus in the uterus, spontaneous miscarriage with massive bleeding.

The consequences of low placentation 3 and 4 degrees can be serious for the mother. Recurrent bleeding leads to anemia and hypotension up to the development of shock or death. If the gestational age allows artificial childbirth, sometimes only an emergency can save the life of a mother and a baby C-section.

Diagnostic measures for placenta previa

In most cases, pathology is detected during an ultrasound examination of the uterus with filled bladder. IN without fail perform ultrasound at 12,20,30 weeks, while measuring the thickness of the placenta and the type of its location. If a woman has bleeding, an ultrasound is performed unscheduled.

It is obligatory to clarify the history of pregnancy, including the presence in the past of operations, abortions, complicated childbirth. Diagnosis of placenta previa may also include a careful vaginal examination, while the doctor will suspect the development of pathology by the presence of rough placental tissue in the cervical region. It is forbidden to perform a manual examination when full presentation to avoid abrupt placental abruption. Any diagnostic methods in this case are carried out in a hospital, where emergency care can be provided to the patient urgently.

Treatment of placenta previa

If the pregnancy is less than 35 weeks, and the condition of the woman and the fetus is satisfactory, if possible, drug treatment of placenta previa is carried out. Strict bed rest, as well as dynamic monitoring of the fetus and the intensity of bleeding. Sex and exercise are strictly prohibited.

There are no medications that can lift the baby's place or allow it to attach itself to another area of ​​the uterus. Sometimes low placentation during pregnancy, it eliminates itself, as it migrates due to an increase in the thickness of the myometrium, but intensive care courses often have to be carried out. It may include such drugs (tablets, intramuscularly, intravenously, depending on the condition of the woman):

  • antispasmodics, tocolytics (beta-agonists) to improve the stretching of the lower uterus;
  • special drugs to reduce the tone of the uterine myometrium;
  • iron preparations to eliminate iron deficiency anemia(in pregnant women with recurrent bleeding);
  • drugs to optimize placental circulation;
  • glucose, magnesium (intravenously);
  • vitamins, etc.;
  • glucocorticosteroids (to prevent respiratory disorders in the fetus, are used in the birth period).

If bleeding is not heavy, and placenta previa is partial, then conservative treatment throughout pregnancy can help preserve the fetus. But when, after returning home, the woman again has a discharge of blood, she should urgently call ambulance and go to the hospital. Unfortunately, in the unsatisfactory condition of the mother and the presence of serious bleeding, the pregnancy is terminated for health reasons.

Delivery with placenta previa

If, as a result of conservative measures, it was possible to extend the pregnancy to 36 weeks, forced delivery is performed. But they don’t think about the gestational age and perform an emergency operation if a woman has:

  • high volume of blood loss (more than 200 ml.);
  • severe anemia, pressure drop;
  • complete presentation in combination with open bleeding.

With normal gestation of the fetus, low placentation during pregnancy also determines the choice of the method of delivery according to the indications. Since full presentation leads to the closure of the internal os of the uterus, there is no possibility of penetration of the fetal head into the small pelvis. Full presentation is an absolute indication for caesarean section. Also, operative delivery is performed if there are:

  • placental abruption;
  • incorrect location of the fetus;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the woman's age is over 30;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • scars on the uterus.

With partial presentation, childbirth is possible in a natural way. The prerequisites for this are cephalic presentation fetus, "maturity" of the cervix, active generic activity. If spontaneous bleeding occurs, the fetal bladder is punctured. This is necessary so that the fetal head, when entering the pelvis, presses the presenting part of the child's place against the walls of the uterus, which will help stop bleeding and conduct normal delivery. If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth or if the fetal head is too small, an emergency caesarean section will be required.

In order to prevent low placentation during pregnancy, one should not have abortions, as well as timely identify all diseases and disorders of the reproductive sphere and carry out their full treatment.

The placenta (baby place) is a unique embryonic formation that appears in the uterus during pregnancy. Proper localization of this amazing organ is the key to successful childbearing and easy childbirth. That is why the location of the placenta during pregnancy is of paramount importance for doctors, and for the expectant mother herself. If the placenta is located correctly, there are no problems, but its presentation casts doubt on the very existence and development of the baby. We propose to discuss the features of the location of the placenta during gestation.

Location of the placenta during pregnancy. The value of the placenta for the pregnant woman and the fetus

The formation of placental tissue begins with the appearance of an embryo in the uterus, and the final maturation of the organ occurs by 16 weeks. This formation consists of special villi, "stuffed" with blood vessels. With an increase in the gestational age, the placental skeleton also grows - vascular network, so necessary for the baby.

The importance of the placenta for the formation of a strong union between mother and child cannot be overestimated. Here are just some of the functions of a child's place, thanks to which the baby can comfortably grow and develop in the mother's womb:

  • produces continuous transportation of energy substances to the baby;
  • provides the fetus with hemoglobin, delivering it from the mother's blood;
  • cleanses the internal environment where the baby lives from toxins and other hazardous products metabolic exchange;
  • constantly filters the mother's blood, which provides the baby a high degree protection against various infections and pathogenic organisms.

The baby contacts the placenta through a special cord - the umbilical cord. One of its edges is attached to the umbilical zone on the fetal body, and the other is fused with the tissue of the placenta. The cord contains 2 arteries and 1 vein, through which blood circulates between the baby and the placenta. Blood enriched with oxygen and useful elements moves through the vein to the baby, while the arteries carry away carbon dioxide and final decay products from it.

What is the normal location of the placenta during pregnancy?

The development of the placenta is considered most suitable when it fuses with the posterior wall of the uterus, closer to its bottom. These conditions are optimal for the successful maturation of the embryo. What determines the location of the placenta during pregnancy, scientists still argue.

The most rational for many experts seems to be the assumption that gravitational forces take the main part in the mechanism of placentation: for example, if a woman most often sleeps on her right side, then the egg is attached to the right side of the uterus. But this theory has not yet been sufficiently substantiated. At the same time, doctors are absolutely sure that the embryo will never develop in a dangerous place for this - where the myomatous nodes or damaged areas of the mucous membrane are located due to curettage in the past.

It is quite logical that the baby will develop normally only if the placenta is correctly located during pregnancy. This option of placentation does not infringe on the baby. On the contrary, the continuously growing placenta gradually moves to the lateral areas of the uterus, which fully supply it with blood.

There are other ways of attaching the placenta, making significant adjustments to the overall course of pregnancy. Let's talk about each option separately.

Anterior placenta during pregnancy

The placenta is most often attached to the anterior wall of the uterus in women who have become pregnant not for the first time. The main danger of this arrangement is that as the fetus grows, the muscle fibers of the anterior uterine wall are most stretched. Especially strong stretching is observed in the lower part of the muscular organ. Under such conditions, there is a possibility of placental abruption. However, there is no cause for concern if the doctor diagnosed the high location of the placenta along the anterior wall during pregnancy.

With this option of placentation, the mother will feel the first movements of the crumbs later than with placentation on the back wall of the uterus, and, most likely, they will be rather weak. Additional tests and diagnostic examinations for such placentation are not prescribed.

More close observation patients are exposed in whom the placenta is attached below the norm. Then they talk either about the low location of the placenta, or about its presentation.

Low location of the placenta during pregnancy

This variant of the localization of the child's place is said to be when the maximum distance from the lower edge of the placenta to the internal os of the cervix is ​​only 6 cm. This physiological feature during the next ultrasound procedure. This state of affairs, in an unfortunate set of circumstances, can turn into a number of problems for the expectant mother:

  • damage to the placental membrane if the constantly gaining weight fetus is too active;
  • the development of hypoxia in a child due to insufficient blood supply to the cervix;
  • difficulty moving the baby through the birth canal during childbirth.

However, with such a specific localization of the child's place, they are in no hurry to sound the alarm. The gynecologist will certainly calm the agitated patient and clearly explain to her what the low location of the placenta during pregnancy means: this pathology is found in the second trimester of pregnancy 15 times more often than before childbirth. That is, a violation that appeared in the middle of pregnancy can easily disappear by her late dates. This is explained by the so-called migration of the placenta: strong and easily extensible muscles of the lower part of the uterus, as the gestational age increases, they begin to stretch upward, dragging the placenta with them. When bottom edge the blood organ rises higher, its location becomes normal for the further course of pregnancy.

What to do if the placenta is low during pregnancy

Of course, there is always a certain risk that a low-lying placenta will not move from its place. Therefore, doctors always give the expectant mother useful advice, performing which, you can avoid various complications:

  1. Keep calm. Often the placenta goes up just before the birth, so 90% of cases of the lower location of the placenta during pregnancy end in the safe birth of healthy babies.
  2. Postpone sexual life for the future (when the baby is born).
  3. Completely eliminate any physical activity.
  4. Don't lift weights.
  5. Don't walk for a long time.
  6. If possible, avoid travel to public transport- jolts while driving are especially dangerous.
  7. During rest, always put your feet on the pillow, thus raising them above the level of the body.
  8. If the doctor deems it necessary, immediately lie down for preservation.

Prevention of a low location of the placenta during pregnancy

You can try to exclude the possibility of lower attachment of the placenta even at the stage of pregnancy planning. The main cause of the violation is considered damage to the mucous membrane of the uterus. So, a woman needs to keep her healthy. Here's how to achieve it:

  • approach sexual health issues with all responsibility, prevent infection intimate sphere and promptly treat all inflammatory processes;
  • stop smoking, do not abuse alcohol;
  • maintain immunity at a high level;
  • avoid abortion;
  • be extremely careful about yourself during pregnancy so as not to provoke a miscarriage;
  • give consent to a caesarean section only for absolute medical reasons;
  • All surgical operations related to the treatment of the genital organs, trust only a qualified doctor of a good clinic.

Fortunately, modern medicine does not consider the low location of the placenta as a disease. This is a special situation, nothing more. Therefore, there are no medicines and therapeutic procedures in the program of corrective measures. If future mom will not ignore the advice of a gynecologist and will strictly follow all medical recommendations, pregnancy will pass satisfactorily.

Placenta previa or location during pregnancy

More dangerous in terms of successful delivery and safe birth of the child is the diagnosis of placenta previa. There are several types of pathology, but in each case, the child's place will somehow prevent the baby from passing through the internal pharynx of the cervix.

Location of the placenta during pregnancy. Options for placenta previa

  1. Complete - the child's place is displaced down the uterus and completely blocks the exit from it.
  2. Partial - the internal os is not completely blocked. The violation is divided into lateral and marginal location of the placenta during pregnancy. Lateral fastening is diagnosed when more than half of the internal pharynx is blocked by the fabric of the child's place. With marginal placentation, only 1/3 of the uterine opening is closed.

Location of the placenta during pregnancy. Causes of placenta previa during pregnancy

An explanation of the pathology must be sought on initial stage pregnancy. The main factor provoking abnormal localization of the placenta is considered to be a strongly altered inner wall of the uterus, which excludes the normal introduction of a fertilized egg. We list all the opinions that doctors put forward, speaking about the reasons for the development of this pathology:

  • acute or chronic inflammation in the uterus due to surgical curettage or infectious disease;
  • various congenital and acquired anomalies in the development of the uterus (for example, the presence of a tumor);
  • serious hepatic, renal and cardiac pathologies in a woman, which provoked the development of congestive processes in the pelvic organs;
  • placenta previa is most often found in multiparous women, which is explained by an extensive complex of diseases that they have acquired by the time of repeated births;
  • certain physiological disorders in the fertilized egg, which prevents it from attaching to the upper uterine segment.

Location of the placenta during pregnancy. Symptoms of placenta previa during pregnancy

The main indicator of pathology is bleeding. The moment when it occurs for the first time depends on the type of presentation:

  • with full presentation, the expectant mother will notice very abundant bloody issues early - already in the 2nd trimester;
  • with a lateral and marginal location of the placenta, moderate bleeding, as a rule, appears in the 3rd trimester or during childbirth.

Where does blood come from? The pregnant uterus is constantly increasing in size. Greatest magnification its volume occurs in the region of the lower segment, just where the placenta is located in the presentation. Muscles begin to change especially quickly shortly before childbirth, respectively, and the process of placental migration is accelerated. The placental tissue is not particularly elastic, so it does not keep up with the changing wall of the uterus and exfoliates. Vessels burst at the site of detachment - this is how bleeding appears.

Placenta previa is characterized by external bleeding, when the blood is not collected by a hematoma between the uterine wall and the exfoliated placenta, but exits through the cervix to the outside. Blood always appears unexpectedly and is never accompanied by severe pain. This is the main salient feature pathology. The specific location of the child's place is usually found in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother complains to the doctor about the bleeding that occurs every now and then, which most often begins at night, at a moment of complete relaxation and rest.

Location of the placenta during pregnancy. The danger of placenta previa during pregnancy

In the presence of such a pathology, the risk of developing the following complications increases:

  • the threat of abortion (symptoms - hypertonicity, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region);
  • systematic bouts of hypotension;
  • faintness, headache.

Treatment of placenta previa during pregnancy

A pregnant woman with a specific localization of the placenta is prescribed various clinical examinations, the main purpose of which is the prevention and prevention of hemoglobin deficiency and blood clotting disorders. These patients are prescribed iron supplements and special diet to prevent the development of anemia and massive bleeding.

If there is no bleeding due to placenta previa, the doctor recommends that the pregnant woman adhere to a special sparing regimen:

  • dose physical activity;
  • do not get upset, keep calm;
  • abstain from sex;
  • regularly take leisurely walks;
  • sleep fully.

When the condition of a pregnant woman with presentation for more than 24 weeks is complicated by bleeding, she is recommended to go to the hospital, where doctors at any time of the day can provide needed help in resuscitation. And even if bleeding is episodic, it is safer for a woman to remain under the supervision of specialists until the very birth.

Childbirth with placenta previa

Complete placenta previa does not leave a woman a chance to have a baby on her own, and planned operation caesarean section is performed at 38 weeks gestation. When attempting spontaneous delivery, complete detachment placenta with the immediate development of severe bleeding, and at the same time, the risk of death of both the infant and the mother increases.

Operative delivery with a placenta in presentation can be carried out in a hurry at any time in such situations:

  • the development of heavy bleeding that threatens the life of the fetus;
  • systematic bleeding due to anemia and severe reduced pressure that do not lend themselves drug treatment and associated with fetal developmental disorders.

With partial overlap of the internal pharynx, it is possible to admit the possibility independent childbirth, especially if the mother managed to bring the baby to due date. How exactly the birth will take place, the doctor will finally determine when the cervix opens by 5-6 cm. If the partial presentation is insignificant, and the bleeding is mild, amniotic sac pierce, the baby's head shifts and squeezes the damaged vessels, stopping the bleeding. This scenario is ideal for the continuation of childbirth in a natural way. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, the baby is born promptly.

Postpartum procedures for placenta previa

After the birth of the baby, the danger to the health of the mother still remains, because at any moment the bleeding can resume with new force: the uterus contracts with difficulty, which is complicated by the state of anemia and low blood pressure.

Moreover, in most cases, the placenta previa adheres firmly to the tissues of the uterus, as a result of which its independent birth is complicated. Then the birth canal is examined manually and the surgical separation of the placenta is performed under general anesthesia.

In isolated cases, bleeding cannot be stopped either after operative delivery, nor after an emergency drug therapy. With such a development of events, the only way to prevent the death of the mother is through the removal of the uterus.

Summing up, we note that the option of attaching the placenta is largely predetermined general condition woman's health. Fortunately, modern medicine is up to the mark to successfully bring a pregnancy with any complications to successful birth child. And although placenta previa is undoubtedly a very serious diagnosis, with timely diagnosis and following all the recommendations of the attending physician, it is possible to avoid the serious consequences of this condition in most cases.

A huge number of women face the diagnosis of "low placenta". Very often this makes them panic, looking for the causes of this condition and suitable medicines. But is the low placenta so dangerous and what is it? We need to figure it out.

After conception, the fertilized egg travels through fallopian tubes in the uterus, where it is attached - in this place the placenta is formed. Normally, the egg is attached to the bottom of the uterus, but sometimes it falls below and is fixed on the wall or even near the pharynx itself. If the placenta is located near the cervix, we can talk about a low placenta, but if it covers the pharynx - about presentation.

Differences between a low placenta and a normal one (Video)

The placenta or the so-called child's place is a temporary organ that appears in a woman only during pregnancy. It is necessary to communicate the child's body with the mother's body and provide it with all the necessary substances. It is from the placenta that the child receives nutrients and oxygen, and decay products are excreted through it.

One of the tasks of the placenta is to prevent an immunological conflict between mother and child. At the same time, it secretes hormones necessary for both organisms.

Outwardly, the placenta looks like a disc attached to the wall of the uterus. Its diameter is about 15 centimeters, and its weight is about half a kilogram. From the side of the fetus and from the side of the uterus, the placenta is covered with special plates, between which there are many blood vessels.

Enough great importance placenta is present. Normally, it is attached to the bottom of the uterus or next to it. In this place there are many blood vessels that create favorable conditions for the formation of optimal uteroplacental blood flow and nutrition of the embryo. But sometimes the placenta attaches below the optimal level, perhaps even in the lower segment of the uterus - this phenomenon is called a low placenta. When presenting, it is attached at the very bottom and covers the pharynx.

There are three common types of placenta previa:

  • with partial presentation, the placenta partially covers the cervix of the uterus;
  • with full presentation, the placenta lies across the internal os and completely covers it, separating the uterus and cervical canal;
  • Cervical placentation is a rare situation when the placenta is attached in the isthmus and cervix.

The stronger the placenta overlaps the cervix, the more dangerous the situation for the mother and child.

What is the danger?

Everyone knows that a low placenta is dangerous. But what is the danger? The low placenta is, in fact, under the baby. As the pregnancy progresses, the baby grows, its weight increases, and with it the pressure on the placenta. The movements of the baby become more active, which leads to shocks on the placenta. In addition, the pressure on her is increased too active movements women. And strong pressure on the placenta can lead to bleeding.

In the bottom of the uterus, where the placenta usually attaches, there are many more blood vessels, so there are more opportunities for feeding the fetus. Incorrect attachment can threaten with a lack of oxygen and nutrients.

Very dangerous placenta previa during childbirth. In this position, a caesarean section is usually recommended to prevent premature detachment placenta and heavy bleeding. That is why women with a low location of the placenta in the LCD are watched especially closely. Proper management of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as correct behavior the woman herself reduces all risks to a minimum.

Features of the course of pregnancy

Low attachment of the placenta can complicate the course of pregnancy, as it significantly increases the likelihood of placental abruption. During pregnancy, its lower segment grows and may increase, which is fraught with displacement of the fetus. In this case, the placenta remains in its place. This can lead to the appearance of detachment. This state is undoubtedly dangerous, but in most cases not at all fatal.

It must be understood that any pregnancy requires caution and reduced intensity physical activity. A pregnancy with a low placental attachment requires doubly caution, as the likelihood of detachment and bleeding is high. When attaching the placenta at a distance of several centimeters from the internal os of the uterus, it is necessary to exclude not only strong physical exertion, but also the lifting of any objects heavier than 3-5 kg, as this can stimulate the tension of the abdominal wall. Among the forms physical activity leisurely walks in the fresh air are recommended.

If the placenta blocks the internal os, the restrictions will be even greater. It is necessary to exclude not only physical work, but also sexual contacts, as well as any stress. It is important to monitor your well-being and secretions. If blood appears in them, you should immediately go to the hospital.

But you should not panic. If on a planned ultrasound at 19-20 weeks they say that there is a low attachment of the placenta without overlapping the internal pharynx, then you need to calm down and wait, following all the doctor's recommendations. In most cases, before 30-35 weeks, the placenta rises. This does not mean that she crawls over the uterus - the place of her attachment remains the same, just the uterus is stretched, and this place may be higher than it was.

Features of childbirth with low placentation and presentation

Low insertion of the placenta without occlusion of the internal uterine os is not a problem in childbirth. You can give birth naturally and there are usually no differences from other births. Problems arise if the placenta blocks the pharynx. Why is that?

Normally, during childbirth, the baby continues to feed through the umbilical cord and placenta until it comes out and begins to breathe on its own, but even after that, the connection with the placenta remains. A child comes out of the mother's womb, and the child's place still remains in the uterus. After the baby is born, the placenta comes out of the mother's body. It is no longer needed, so there is a painless and harmless process of its exfoliation.

The location of the placenta after childbirth

If the placenta is between the baby and the pharynx, then during the opening of the cervix, it can exfoliate or come off in advance, which will lead to bleeding. It turns out a situation when the child cannot exit due to the fact that the placenta blocks the exit and does not allow the cervix to open. And the opening of the CMM leads to severe bleeding, which is fraught with the death of the child and mother. Therefore, with placenta previa, a planned caesarean section is performed. With a properly performed operation, the risks for mother and child are minimal.

The most dangerous situation is cervical placentation or cervical pregnancy. Fortunately, this pathology is extremely rare, since the only the right way to save a woman's life in this situation is the removal of the uterus along with pregnancy. Any attempt to remove the fetus from the uterus leads to severe bleeding, which is too strong a threat.

Ways of prevention and treatment

Although low attachment of the placenta is called a pathology, in fact it is rather a feature. To date, doctors do not have an exact answer why the placenta is attached in the wrong place, so there can be no talk of any prevention. If the gynecologist says that the placenta is fixed lower than it should be, then there is no need to be nervous, you just need to accept this as a fact and as a guide to optimizing your lifestyle.

One of possible causes doctors call the presence of scars or other damage in the place of its normal localization incorrect attachment of the placenta, so it is worth treating all diseases on time and trying to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures - for example, abortions.

As for treatment, there is not much to advise here either. The fact is that there are no procedures that raise the placenta, as well as drugs.. You need to understand that it is where it is. Often, pregnant women are advised to lie with their legs up - supposedly this will help the placenta rise. Now let's think about it, is it that we will hang upside down, our ears will drop? No, and the placenta will not move anywhere. The only way to raise it is to wait until the uterus grows and the place where the placenta is attached is higher than it was.

Very often, women with a low placenta are advised to lie down "for preservation." Given that the treatments this disease does not exist, the only purpose of such “preservation” is to control a woman and prevent her from harming herself. If you are sure that you can optimize your lifestyle and get to the hospital immediately when you appear, hospitalization is not necessary.

During pregnancy, the placenta protects the fetus. Thanks to her, he breathes, eats, receives immune protection. The placenta is located at the top of the uterus, bordering the fertilized egg. Over time, the placenta develops, and at this time various deviations from the norm can occur with it. One of them is low placentation during pregnancy.

What does low placentation mean?

This pathology is detected at about 30 weeks and usually concerns thirty-year-old mothers and older. In this case, the placenta is located 6 cm below the internal uterine os. This happens because the egg is implanted down the wall of the uterus. And if the pharynx of the uterus overlaps, then placenta previa occurs - another pathology.

Causes of low placentation

This is why the placenta is in the wrong place:
  • After abortions, caesarean sections, uterine infections, and other inflammatory diseases, damage to the mucous layer of the endometrium occurs.
  • Underdevelopment of the uterus or fibroids. They get rid of it only when it is malignant.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In this case, complications are possible: low placentation, histosis, anemia, toxicosis.
Bleeding and severe pain in the abdomen are the main signs of low placentation during pregnancy. They can appear as a result of excessive physical exertion, as well as coughing, constipation, while taking baths.

Bleeding begins with light discharge and soon becomes profuse. Just at 30 weeks it increases uterine tone This is what causes bleeding. If it becomes constant, it can cause anemia, hypotension.

Why is low placentation dangerous?

Oxygen, trace elements, nutrients are supplied to the fetus in insufficient quantities, because there are not enough vessels at the bottom of the uterus.

The fetus grows, its activity increases. Due to the low location of the placenta, pressure on the uterus increases. This can cause the placenta to detach or cause heavy bleeding.

Due to the fact that the placenta is located close to the pharynx, it can be completely blocked, which is fraught with miscarriage.

Women with low placentation during pregnancy should lie in bed all the time and drugs that normalize tone. If there is a need to prepare the child's lungs for intrauterine existence, the mother is prescribed glucocorticoid hormones.

Treatment of low placentation

effective medications with low placentation does not exist. However, women with this anomaly are advised to:
  • Refusal of increased physical activity - jumping, running, carrying weights, sudden movements, etc.
  • sexual abstinence. Putting pillows under your feet while lying down.
  • Regular visits to the gynecologist.
  • It is advisable to lie down for preservation.

How to give birth with low placentation?

Usually women with this feature give birth naturally, if there are no complications. During childbirth, the patient is strictly monitored.

It should be noted that if before childbirth the placenta was raised up, then in last trimester she returns to her original position. If the distance between the cervix and the placenta is more than 6 cm, this is normal. If lower, doctors pre-open amniotic sac. The placenta does not exfoliate because the baby's head presses it. If by the end of pregnancy the placenta is still within 2 cm of the internal os, then a caesarean section is inevitable. It is also assigned to profuse bleeding or the occurrence of complications.

Despite everything, low placentation during pregnancy does not usually lead to grave consequences, provided that the patient will be provided with full medical supervision, and she will comply with all basic recommendations.

Reading time: 6 minutes

To my interesting position expectant mothers are attentive, but not always their health depends only on them. Special precautions must be taken in case of low placentation during pregnancy - a dangerous omission that occurs at any week and requires special restrictions. Learn what to do when identifying, how to prevent the risk of development.

What is low placentation during pregnancy

After fertilization, the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus - this is where the formation of the placenta begins. Favorable is the attachment of the placenta closer to the bottom of the uterus, on the upper part of the back wall. There are more vessels here, which contributes to better nutrition embryo. low position placenta during pregnancy is a diagnosis in which the distance of attachment to the cervix of the uterus is less than 6 centimeters.

This increases the pressure of the fetus on the base, provokes the risk of bleeding and damage to the membrane. Low attachment of the placenta during pregnancy is dangerous state, which requires special precautions, but not pathology. Not to be confused with placenta previa. Pathology is detected when the base of the membrane is located in the cervix. Low placenta previa has a greater risk of separation due to greater pressure and the threat of termination of pregnancy.


Exact Factors low attachment The doctor cannot determine the placenta, but this condition is common. Pathology occurs in 15% of pregnant patients.
Risk factors that increase the likelihood of omission:

  • undergoing abortions unwanted pregnancy, scrapings threaten internal uterine damage;
  • if the pregnancy is not the first, even normal childbirth may be accompanied by violations of the walls of the uterine lining;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • often placentation occurs if the woman is over 35 years old;
  • anatomical features, underdevelopment or fibroids.

What is dangerous low placentation

During pregnancy, it is important to follow the recommendations of doctors to reduce the risks dangerous complications And Negative consequences especially if it is accompanied by bleeding. Threats associated with prolapse of the placenta:

  1. The risk of miscarriage increases.
  2. When there is a low position child's body, this may lead to high pressure on the walls and detachment of the placenta. Need to keep track of uterine bleeding and see a doctor if you have discharge.
  3. The placenta is responsible for the exchange of nutrients through the blood of the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus, for oxygen saturation and removal of waste products. Its insufficient supply leads to disturbances in the development of the embryo.


When a low placenta is observed, it does not manifest itself with special symptoms, omission does not mean that there will be warning signs well-being of the mother or the body of the baby. Diagnosis is made on planned ultrasound. Do an examination at 12-16, 22-25, 30-35 weeks of pregnancy. The location of the placenta is less than 6 cm to the uterine os and is considered low. Than in more early term the diagnosis is established, the higher the likelihood of a competent response. Even in the last trimester of pregnancy, this is not a sentence. Enlargement of the uterus and movement occurs until 36 weeks, the location of the placenta may still change.

How to raise the placenta during pregnancy

Immediately after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to observe the regime of rest and exercise, try not to worry. The placenta moves along with the increase in the uterus, it is dangerous to attach the embryo to the anterior wall, in which case, under pressure, it can move even more down. When placed on the back wall, the position will rise with each week.


Contributes to the favorable migration of the amniotic membrane wearing a special supporting bandage. The bandage reduces pressure, which reduces the risk of detachment. From it, the walls of the uterus are able to rise. Its use is relevant for movements and loads. It must be worn only as directed by a gynecologist, do not self-medicate.

Medical treatment

Standardly, compliance with the regimen and limiting recommendations is required. The doctor prescribes additional medication:

  • Magne-B6- a drug that is involved in metabolism, which is necessary with a low location of the placenta in layers with less blood supply. The advantages of the drug is that the lack of magnesium is restored. Available both in tablets and in the form of a solution. The disadvantages include the need to stop taking it when you feel well, so as not to lead to an excess of the substance in the body.
  • Curantylremedy, which improves microcirculation and is used for the treatment and prevention placental insufficiency. This drug increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. The advantage of the drug is that it eliminates fetal hypoxia, the minus is in possible side effects. To reduce dyspeptic symptoms, take with milk.
  • Ginipral- a drug that reduces the tension of the uterus, which is necessary to improve the supply of nutrients to the fetus. Pros: reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion and premature birth. Cons: often causes side effects For of cardio-vascular system, therefore, in parallel with it, drugs are prescribed that reduce cardiac activity, potassium preparations.

What not to do with low placentation

To maintain pregnancy, you must adhere to certain rules in order to prevent further omission:

  1. Do not make quick and abrupt movements, minimize exercise and physical activity.
  2. Bathing is prohibited.
  3. Avoid sexual intimacy.
  4. Limit public transport and air travel.
  5. It is necessary to make a roller, which is placed under the legs in a sitting and lying position.

Childbirth with low placentation

You already know how dangerous a low placenta is for a pregnant woman during the gestation period, but the diagnosis affects the birth process. Can a pregnant woman give birth on her own? Yes! In most cases, natural childbirth takes place. If the placenta is close to the pharynx, it is often necessary to pierce it. In such a situation, the presence of an experienced specialist is required.


In some cases, childbirth is possible only with the help of surgical intervention. To avoid complications, specialists perform a caesarean section if the fetus is in the wrong position (legs forward towards the uterus). With a large degree of omission, a possible complete blocking of the entrance is not excluded, then at 38 weeks an operation is performed as prescribed by a doctor.


Low placentation during pregnancy can be prevented. Given that its formation is affected by the integrity of the walls of the uterus, it is important to prevent miscarriages and abortions. Before pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor, preventing infectious diseases of the genital organs. It is worth giving up smoking, which can provoke improper attachment of the placenta.


In 99% of the pregnancy ends safely. At early production diagnosis of low placentation and compliance with the requirements of doctors and a special regimen, the location of the fetal membrane begins to rise. This condition is common and is not an indication for abortion. Often, the process of childbirth occurs without complications and is even possible naturally.