Synopsis of an integrated GCD using health-saving technologies in the second junior group on the topic: “Where does the vitamin live. Abstract of the lesson in the second junior group health-saving technologies used in the educational process

Synopsis of an integrated developmental lesson for children of the younger group "Journey to the Land of Health".

Compiled by: Goncharuk Irina Nikolaevna, educator of MBDOU of a compensating type of kindergarten "Solnyshko", Donetsk, Rostov region, Laptiy Svetlana Mikhailovna, psychologist.

Target: contribute to the formation of elementary knowledge and skills healthy lifestyle life.

Creating an atmosphere that allows children to feel confident and calm;
Contribute to the development of communication skills;
Removal of emotional stress and stiffness;
Development of the ability to express an emotional state;
Development of the need for cleanliness and tidiness, the need for physical exercise;
Development cognitive interest;
Teaching elementary mental operations;
The development of observation, memory, imagination.
Cultivate the desire to be healthy, take care of yourself and others;
Develop a culture of communication and behavior.

preliminary work
* Conducting special organized training, work during all regime moments on the topics: "Winter", "Hygiene items", "Clothes and shoes", "My body".
* Reading fiction"Moydodyr", "Fedorino grief" by K. Chukovsky, "The grimy girl" by A. Barto.
*Viewing the cartoons "Fedorino grief", "Moydodyr", "Queen Toothbrush".
* Examination of pictures with sports, the poster "Mode of the day".

For the game "wonderful bag": personal hygiene items (soap, comb, Toothbrush, washcloth, towel); massage path, didactic game "Good-bad", "Dress the doll".

Lesson progress:
The ritual of the beginning of the circle of friends
The teacher asks the children to stand in a circle and do the following:
Hello right hand,
Hello left hand,
Hello Friend,
Hello Friend.
Let's all stand together in a circle.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

Guys, a lot of guests came to us today. Let's also give them our smiles and say morning magic words: « Good morning!" Now take a seat on the chairs.
Knock on the door.
Guys, it seems to me that someone else is in a hurry to visit us.
Included teacher-psychologist disguised as Sickness.
-Apchi! Apchi!
I look sad
I sneeze and hoarse.

Educator: "What's happened?"
Disease: "It's the flu!"
Educator: “But our children do not get sick!”
Disease: "Do not get sick?"
Educator: “No, they don’t get sick and they will teach you not to get sick. I suggest that we all go on a journey to the country of Health. And we will go along the magic massage path.
To get us faster
Well, let's hear the music!
And the path is not easy.
Wow what a beautiful one. (children walk massage mats)
One, two, three neat people came to the street.

Educator: “Sickness, look at your hands, have you ever washed them?
Disease: “Why wash them if you still have to get dirty?”
Educator: “Guys, why do you need to wash your hands?” (children's answers)

Held game - teaser "Zamarashka"
Messy didn't wash hands
I didn't go to the bath for a month.
How much dirt, how many abrasions!
We will plant a bow on the neck
turnip - on the palms,
Potatoes on the cheeks
Carrots will rise on the nose!
There will be a whole garden.

Educator: “The disease is very ashamed, and he does not know what needs to be done in order to be clean and beautiful. Let's help him.
Held game: "Wonderful bag" (children guess hygiene items by touch).
At this time, the Sick leaves and washes. After that, the disease spends amusement game "Ah, water, water, water ..."

Ah, water, water, water
Let's always be clean.
Spray to the right
splash to the left
Our body has become wet.
fluffy towel
Wipe your hands quickly.

Educator: Guys, to be healthy, you also need to do physical education. I propose to go to another street, which is called "Fizkulturnaya". And in order to get to this street, let's make a magic gate and crawl through it.

Held Magic Gate game (similar to the game "Car Wash")
Children stand in a column one by one, one after another. They put their legs wider, so that between them it was possible to crawl. One gets on all fours and crawls between the legs. At this time, the children massage and scrub his back.

Educator: Well, here we are. Guys, what do we do every morning to be healthy, cheerful and cheerful. (children answer)
- Here you are, Sick, do not be lazy and make friends with exercises.

Come on, let's get in order.
Charging starts!
For us to wake up soon
You need to stretch together.
We raise our hands
We even touch the clouds. (Hands up, standing on toes)
Now wake up head
Turn smart! (head tilts 2 times in each direction)
handles rise
There - here they swing! (wave hands)

Educator: “Does Sick remember everything? Do not worry.

Disease: “Guys, I have already learned a lot. Do you like to walk?
I really want to take a walk
But I don't know what to wear
Outside winter with snow
I don't want to get sick.

The patient goes outside to change clothes.

During this time, the teacher didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk" . Children are offered to choose winter clothes from all types of clothing).

Sickness comes out dressed in summer clothes.

Educator: Guys, is Sickness properly dressed for a walk? What's wrong with his clothes? (children's answers).
And now let's tell Zaboleyka what is good and what is bad?

Held didactic game "What is good and what is bad?"
Children are offered a set of pictures in which the depicted characters perform certain actions. Children tell what is right and what is wrong with the characters.

Disease: Guys, I understood everything, I learned a lot. Now I don't want to be called Sick, I'll be Nestle.
Farewell to children.

Title: Summary of the lesson on health saving in 2 junior group"Journey to the Land of Health"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, health saving, 2 junior group

Position: educator

Position: educational psychologist
Place of work: MBDOU No. 4 of a compensating type
Location: Rostov region, Donetsk city

Synopsis of GCD in the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.
- improve children's motor skills and physical qualities;
- to form in children ideas about the peculiarities of the lifestyle of squirrels in the fall;
- develop fine motor skills of fingers, tactile sensations, speech breathing;
- nurture love and careful attitude to nature, call emotional response from the actions taken.
Ways: art therapy, problematic issues,
health-saving technologies: finger games, self-massage, breathing game, psycho-gymnastics,
Facilities: squirrel toy, artificial Christmas trees, cones in a basket, hazelnuts, buckets depicting squirrels, emotion pictograms, sun model, clothespins, umbrella, metallophone,
non-standard physical education equipment: mushrooms, plank, bumps;
light table, semolina yellow color, plastic bottles.
Vocabulary work: squirrel, cloudy, rainy weather, massage, glockenspiel, gentle, radiant sun.
Lesson progress:
Organizing time:
Is everyone gathered?
Is everyone healthy?
Ready to run and play?
Well then pull up
Don't yawn and don't be lazy.

Guys, what season is it? (autumn)
-What's the weather like outside? (cold, overcast, wind blowing, raining)
- Do you want to go for a walk today? (Yes)
-Guys, let's call the sun to make it warmer and more fun.
Look out the window
Warm up, warm up
Calves, lambs
More little guys.

- Can't hear the sun. Let's call him again. Again, no result.
- Do you want to visit the sun? (Yes)
- It lives behind the forest, behind the swamp. Along the way, we will perform various exercises that will help us improve our health. Do you agree? (Yes)
-Let's go down the path. Look, guys, how many mushrooms! Let's step over them (stepping over mushrooms)
Let's go over the bridge over the river. Step carefully so you don't trip. Hands to the side, keep the back straight (walking along the path)
-And now through the swamp over bumps (jumping from bump to bump)
So we got to the forest. In our autumn forest leaf fall. Leaves fall and spin. Let's help the breeze play with the leaves.
Breathing exercises "Blow on the autumn leaves"
-Look, guys, someone is hiding under the Christmas tree. Do you want to know who it is? (Yes)
- Then let's go and see.
/the guys meet the squirrel/
- Guys, did you find out what kind of animal it is? (squirrel)
-Let's say hello to him and find out why the squirrel is so sad
- What happened, little squirrel? Why are you sad?
little squirrel
- Me and my squirrel brothers are waiting for their mother. Very cold and hungry.
-Guys, what to do, how to help the squirrels? (play with them to warm up, feed them)
-Need to come up with something. Look under the Christmas tree are cones. How to teach a squirrel to warm its paws with the help of cones? (make a massage)
Self-massage using cones
/children take a bump and begin to move it back and forth between their palms, then rotate in a circular motion and lastly, they take a bump with one hand and begin to touch the other palm with rhythmic movements /
- Well, that the hands are warm, and the little squirrel's paws? Touch your cheeks with your palms. What palms? (warm)
-So it's in order.
- Guys, now the squirrels need to be fed. What do they eat? (nuts, mushrooms)
-Let's feed the squirrels with nuts.
Development game fine motor skills hands "Feed the squirrels"
/ on the table are buckets with the image of squirrels, hazelnuts. Children take nuts one at a time and put them in the mouth of the squirrels /

little squirrel
-Thanks guys. Where are you going? (we are looking for the sun)
-What is it for you? (the sun is needed to be warm and light)
-Guys, let's draw the sun for the squirrel.
Drawing with semolina on the light table "Radiant Sun"
-What color is the sun? (yellow)
-What form? (round)
/children rake semolina with the edge of their palms in a pile, giving a round shape

flatten with palms /

- What kind of rays should be? (straight and long)
-Each of you will draw a ray
/ as a tool for drawing rays, plastic bottles with a hole in the cork filled with semolina are used /

-Here, little squirrel, what a radiant sun it turned out.

-Guys, while we were walking through the forest, the sun came out in the sky. It appears to be hiding behind clouds.
/ the teacher shows the children the sun without rays /
- Guys, but something is wrong with the sun? Did you notice an error? (it is without rays)
-How can we fix this? (make rays)
What can we make rays from? (from clothespins)
What color clothespins will we use? (yellow)
/children attach clothespins/

-That's the sun. Let's do gymnastics for the eyes together with the sun. And we will teach the little squirrel.
Gymnastics for the eyes: "Sunshine"
The sun was rising, the sun was counting the clouds.
Looked up, looked down
Right, left, blinked eyes
And closed her eyes, I don’t want the sun to wake up!
But you need to wake up.
The sun woke up, touched the cheeks.
(Children stroke their cheeks).
Rays spent and stroked, and stroked.
(Children pat themselves on the head).

- Do you want to play with the sun? (Yes)
Mobile game "Sun and rain" (2 times)
The sun looks out the window
Shines into our room
/children walk in a circle, holding hands/
We clapped our hands
Very happy with the sun
/clap hands/

/ a child on a metallophone hits the record with a hammer, children hear the sounds of rain, run away under an umbrella /
- Guys, we need to return from a walk. Let's say goodbye to the squirrel (goodbye)
-Did you enjoy walking? (Yes)
-Let's remember who we went to visit today (to the sun)
Who helped along the way? (squirrels)
- How can we help them? (fed and helped to warm up)
What mood did we have when the sun was not in the sky? (sad)
/children raise up the pictogram with the emotion of sadness/
-And when the sun shone in the sky, how did our mood change? (we got merry)
/children show a pictogram of joy/
-What do you remember the most? /children share their impressions/
-Well done boys. During the walk we got a charge of vivacity, good mood and even improved their health.

Target: preservation and strengthening of children's health through the use of health-saving technologies, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities.


1. Raising a culture of health in children, awareness of the need to take care of their health

2. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for the preservation and promotion of health

3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle habit, i.e. desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and be healthy

4. Creating a healthy environment in the group

5. Organization of rational motor mode for the development of motor skills of children and increase the efficiency of the body

6. Increasing the body's defenses and resistance to various diseases through the hardening system

7. Creation optimal conditions for the comprehensive full-fledged psychophysical development of children and strengthening their health

8. Monitoring the health status of children in the group and analyzing its results

Expected results:

Improving indicators of physical development, emotional state;

· Favorable dynamics in the state of health of preschoolers (decrease in the number of cases of diseases during the year);

Optimal functioning of the body;

Formation of the need to take care of one's health, desires and aspirations to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, the necessary knowledge, skills, good habits;

Increasing adaptability to adverse environmental factors

One of the means of solving the identified problems is health technologies, without which the pedagogical process of modern kindergarten. But what are health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process? Let's try to understand the concepts.

Health - the state of physical and social well-being of a person (according to the WHO Charter).

Health-saving technologies in preschool education- technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The purpose of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child - security high level real health for a kindergarten pupil and the upbringing of a valeological culture as a combination of a child’s conscious attitude to a person’s health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and protect it.

Types of health-saving technologies

Health saving and health enrichment of preschool teachers

Valeological education of parents

Health saving educational technologies in preschool

Ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child

Physical culture and health


Health-saving technologies in the 2nd junior group:

Gymnastic exercises for children aged 3-4 improve the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the neuromuscular apparatus, and improve metabolism. Help the functional development of the central nervous system.

1. Morning exercises

Since the day in children begins with morning exercises, it is one of the most important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily Execution exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, develops in children good habit start the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually involve the entire body of the child in an active state, deepen breathing, increase blood circulation, and promote metabolism. Morning exercises, carried out after a night's sleep, bring the child's body out of the state of inhibition of physiological processes, enhancing the activity of all organs and systems.

In the process of morning exercises, it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

I use various forms morning exercises:

traditional form using general developmental exercises;

- plot gymnastics;

With the use of methods for relieving psycho-emotional stress;

- using elements of rhythmic gymnastics, round dances;

- using elements of corrective gymnastics.

Morning exercises are performed daily before breakfast in the gym or in a group.

2. Breathing exercises.

I am of the opinion of many physiologists who say that breathing should be taught correctly! To do this, it is necessary to teach the child to exhale deeply for a good cleaning of the lungs and improve their oxygen supply. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to breathe through the nose. Proper nasal breathing is a condition for the health of the child, a prophylactic against respiratory diseases. Equally important in teaching proper breathing is to teach the child not to blow his nose through both nostrils, but alternately. During walks, it is useful to teach the child to inhale slowly and exhale even more slowly through the nose, as well as when walking fast and running slowly.

Respiratory gymnastics plays a significant role in the process of healing and hardening of preschoolers.

To successfully master this gymnastics, you must follow Basic Rules:

 You need to breathe with pleasure, because positive emotions themselves have significant health effect

 it is necessary to focus on breathing exercise, which increases its positive effect

 You need to breathe slowly, this is necessary to saturate the body with oxygen

 perform each exercise no longer than it gives pleasure

 breathe through the nose

 Perform all exercises naturally, without effort and tension

 bring your body into a state of deep relaxation

 Air should enter and exit the lungs in one continuous stream

3. Gymnastics for the eyes

Studies show that 90% of all information about the world around a person receives through the eyes. Load on the eyes modern child huge, and they rest only during sleep. Gymnastics for the eyes is useful for everyone, and especially for children.

Eye exercises involve moving the eyeball in all directions. Eye exercises are performed to strengthen the muscles of the eyeball, relieve eye strain and to prevent myopia.

Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out by me daily for 3-5 minutes at any free time, depending on the intensity of the load.

4. Finger gymnastics

The development of the child is associated with the development of finger movements. The third part of the entire motor projection in the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand. Therefore, the training of fine finger movements has a great influence on the development of a child's active speech. Influencing the tone of the child's hand, using the complex finger gymnastics, there is a direct effect on the tone of the speech apparatus.

I do finger gymnastics daily individually or with a subgroup, at any convenient time during the day: during morning exercises, physical education, in my free time in the morning and after sleep for 2-3 minutes. It is especially important to carry out gymnastics with children who have speech problems.

Most often I use finger gymnastics of poetic rhythm in my work, which helps to put correct breathing, develop speech hearing. Most of all, children like exercises called "Family", "Cabbage Salad", "We shared an orange", "Finger-finger where were you?" etc. The children also like the fact that they have the opportunity to conduct finger gymnastics, acting as a leader, he feels responsible and cherishes the fact that I entrusted this role to him. This is a kind of motivation for children.

5. Game massage and self-massage.

IN modern conditions there was a need to search for non-traditional ways of organizing the correctional educational process already at an early preschool age. One of these areas is massage and self-massage. How remedy they were known in ancient times. With systematic massage, the reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles and blood vessels are strengthened, muscle tone, stimulation occurs tactile sensations. Massage allows you to activate and synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

With children, we perform massage movements on the palms, hands and forearms of both hands: stroking, rubbing, light pressure, pinching, patting. Various exercises: rolling a single ball, rolling a ribbed pencil, imitation of rolling a bun, sticks, as in modeling, squeezing rubber toys different densities, etc.

I use game massage in my work according to the method A. Umanskaya and K. Deineka. I spend massage and self-massage 2-3 times a day in classes, physical exercises, walks, independent activity children.

After each ex. relaxing strokes or shaking hands should be done. Selected exercises can have a complex effect on the development of speech and intellectual ability children. Since concrete-figurative thinking prevails among preschoolers, poetic texts have been invented for many massages. Their content and rhythm are as close as possible to the nature of the movement itself, so that a specific image arises in the child. You should start with warming movements that make the muscles more supple, and the movements painless.

Articular massage - ear massage is shown to children from the very early age. It helps to develop all body systems, improves intellectual abilities.

Self-massage of the face

F.R. Auglin (Switzerland) developed and put into practice facial self-massage, which is aimed at developing and improving memory, abstract thinking, intelligence, and speech development.

Regular use of this massage helps to increase the intelligence of the child by 75%.

Hardening Breath

This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence lies in the implementation of the complex game exercises with a nose. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Hand massage

Intensive action on the fingertips stimulates the flow of blood to the hands. It promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body.

Massage of the magic points of the ears

This type of hardening is based on the stimulation of biologically active points located on auricle and connected reflexively with almost all organs of the body. Massage of these points is useful, in particular, to improve the functioning of the respiratory system and to protect the body from colds.

Held in game form 2-3 times a day.

A set of exercises is presented in Appendix No. 5.

6. Gymnastics after sleep.

One of the main features of the nervous system of children preschool age is a slow switch from one state to another, which is facilitated by the lack of formation of nervous processes. That is why after daytime sleep I spend with children special exercises allowing them to gradually move to a vigorous state.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep in combination with contrast baths, hardening helps to improve the mood of children, increase muscle tone, and also helps prevent posture and foot disorders.

We perform awakening gymnastics while lying in bed. First, the children stretch out: they bend their backs, stretch their arms up, turn over from side to side. Then they do the exercises. After gymnastics, children walk barefoot along the massage paths, which enhances the healing effect and is the prevention of flat feet.

It is important to remember that the pace of awakening in children is different, and the degree of emotional response is also different. Therefore, I capture the mood of children, I encourage those who have a lowered mood background after sleep. I pronounce the words of the exercise at a calm pace, with joyful intonations.

The importance of awakening gymnastics cannot be underestimated. It develops respiratory muscles, increases mobility chest and diaphragm, improves blood circulation in the lungs, cardio - vascular system, strengthens the muscles of the back, feet, increases concentration.

Dynamic pause

A dynamic pause and a minute of physical culture prevent fatigue and help maintain performance throughout the day. The sets of exercises here are selected depending on the intensity of the load and consist of 2-3 exercises (physical training minute) or 6-8 exercises (dynamic pause). I use the simplest, most accessible exercises, I spend them at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson, as the children get tired.

It must be remembered that the intensity of the exercises should not be high, their main task is to allow the child to change his posture, to relax. A short, but intense load will only lead to the opposite effect. As a prevention of fatigue, I conduct smooth “stretching” movements for children that relieve muscle tension and increase the level of performance, which is why at the beginning of the warm-up I give great attention breathing exercises combined with various body movements. This contributes to overall health and well-being.

In the exercises I include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, depending on the type of exercise.

In practical exercises, I use physical minutes for a poetic text, but I pay attention to following rules when selecting poems for a specific lesson:

 verses should be with a clear rhythm, since it is easier to perform various movements under them

 the educator himself pronounces the text, since when pronouncing the text with children, they may lose their breath.

8. Games, exercises, gymnastics for the prevention of postural disorders and flat feet.

Posture- this is the habitual, relaxed position of the body acquired by a person in the course of growth during rest and in motion. A beautiful straight back is both external attractiveness and internal health.

In preschool children, small back muscles that have great importance to hold right position spinal column, usually poorly developed. Therefore, if you do not teach the child to maintain the correct posture in Everyday life before school, incorrect, forced posture during schoolwork will contribute to the progression of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

As in all other cases, preventing postural defects is easier than treating them.

Prevention of postural disorders must be carried out in two directions:

 Creation of optimal hygiene conditions

 conducting educational work aimed at consciously fixing the correct position of your body.

The games that I spend in my group are aimed at the general recovery of weakened children, strengthening their musculoskeletal system, the muscular corset of the spine, and improving the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory organs. When playing games, it is important to achieve the correct positioning of the head and torso in the standing, sitting and moving positions. Tempering system for children.

Under hardening understand the increase in body resistance mainly low temperatures, because in the occurrence of a number of diseases important role plays cooling of the body (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, nephritis, rheumatism, etc.).

Purpose of hardening - to develop the body's ability to quickly change the work of organs and systems in connection with the constantly changing external environment. The body's ability to adapt to certain conditions the external environment is produced by repeated repetition of the impact of a particular factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in its dosage.

As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible not only to drastic changes temperature and colds but also infectious diseases. Hardened children have good health and appetite, calm, balanced, distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, high efficiency. These results can only be achieved with correct execution hardening procedures

Requirements for hardening

1) Accounting individual characteristics child

2) Positive reactions child for hardening

3) Continuity hardening

4) Observation of medical staff for responses, constant consultations with a pediatrician

5) Parental Consent

Healthy environment.

The subject-development environment helps to provide harmonious development child, as well as create an emotionally positive environment. It not only allows you to conduct games and activities, but also teaches children to independent games.

The healthy environment in our group includes:

1) Corner motor activity children (corner in physio)

This section contains the following resources:

jump ropes,

Massage mats and paths (for the prevention of flat feet and walking with palms and feet at the same time),

Plastic dumbbells and dumbbells made from improvised material,

massage balls,


Ladder for climbing and stepping,

Arc for crawling,

Balance trainer,

Height meters, which also serve to prevent posture disorders,

Target on the wall in the form of a matryoshka for hitting the ball on the target,

ring toss,

Skittles for knocking down the ball,

Simulator for the development of agility and speed (sticks with ropes different colors for twisting)

Benefits for the development of the eye (on the wall).

Also in the group there are benefits:

For the development of fine motor skills of the hands: a variety of "lacing", "beads",

Complexes for morning exercises, breathing exercises, gymnastics for the eyes, gymnastics after sleep, finger gymnastics,

Colored soft modules for jumping, climbing, games (for example, children like the "Caterpillar" module).

In the health corner there are visual consultations for parents on the topic “Health”: “Prevention of influenza”, “Vitamins”, “On the benefits of walking”, “ Proper nutrition», « Physical development preschoolers, etc.

Raising a culture of health in children, equipping them with knowledge, skills and abilities to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle

The need to cultivate a valeological culture is emphasized by studies confirming that human health is only 7-8% dependent on the success of health care and more than 60% - on his lifestyle. In this regard, it is important to educate a culture of health already in preschool childhood. The formation of human culture is primarily due to the process of education, the pedagogical interaction of an adult with a child, a wide range pedagogical means and tricks.

Culture of health preschooler consists of three components:

1. conscious attitude to human health and life;

2. knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it;

3. competence, which allows a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of elementary medical care.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills.

Preservation and promotion of health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures for caring for the skin of the body, hair, oral cavity, clothes and shoes.

Great emphasis in personal hygiene is placed on washing hands before eating, after any work, walks, during morning and evening toilet, because it is through hands in oral cavity the vast majority of pathogens.

After each meal, my children and I rinse our mouths with boiled water at room temperature.

To implement this task, it is planned to continue purposeful work on the education of a culture of health, the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle.

A comprehensive thematic plan for the valeological education of children in the 2nd junior group


1. Topic: "This is Me and my friends."

O.Ts.: Give ideas about a person: about yourself, boys and girls, close relatives. To introduce the parts of the human body (head, torso, arms, legs)

2. Topic: "Mishka Toptyzhka meets the guys."

O.Ts.: To form the ability to call peers by name; act in concert in the game; to promote the rapprochement of children, the establishment of friendly relations, the manifestation of interest in adults, their actions; develop children's interest in each other, the need to communicate with adults, goodwill towards them

3. Game therapy. Acquaintance with each other. Organizing children into groups.


1. Topic: "Vodichka, some water."

O.Ts .: Teach children to wash their hands, face, rinse their mouth after eating, brush their teeth, comb, use a handkerchief

2. Wash the doll Didactic game

O.Ts.: Transfer the acquired washing skills to game actions; maintain a positive feeling about the washing process

3. Topic: “In the morning, when brushing your teeth, remember that the toothbrush is only for you…” Reading fiction


1. Topic: “Visiting Dr. Aibolit” Excursion to the medical office.

O.Ts.: To introduce the professions of a doctor, a nurse; show how the doctor takes care of children; expand the play experience of children; educate respect for the work of adults

2. Game - staging "Olya and Aibolit"

O.Ts .: Identify and name parts of the body, items of clothing of the doll, learn to correlate game actions with the doll with the word

3. Puppet theater "Mishka got sick"

O.Ts.: Consolidate the knowledge gained about the work of medical staff; evoke feelings of compassion for the patient; nurture a caring attitude towards loved ones


1. "Let's dress the doll Tanya for a walk" Didactic game O.Ts.: To introduce seasonal types of clothing and its purpose for the seasons; develop the need to address questions and requests to an adult; play game actions; fix the name of the garments

2. “How Masha and Vanya were going to visit” Puppet theater. O.Ts.: Consolidate previously acquired knowledge (skills of consistently putting on outerwear on the doll) ; bring joy to children

3. "The sun, air and water are ours best friends". Cycle of walks O.Ts.: Tell children about the benefits of walking, about the need to dress properly for a walk. Associate the concept of the season with diversity seasonal clothes of people


1. “Bayu, bayushki, bayu ...” C \ R game.

O.Ts .: Introduce a new game chain of actions (put a mattress on the bed, cover it with a sheet, put a pillow, lay the doll, cover it with a blanket); teach to treat the doll affectionately

2. "Doll Masha woke up" Didactic game

O.Ts.: To teach how to put clothes on a doll - a girl, following the sequence with a little help from adults; fix the names of clothes

3.Theme: " Sleepy Tales» Reading fiction. Reading fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes on the topic "Healthy sleep".

O.Ts.: To teach children to go to bed calmly and quietly, without disturbing other children. Form the rules of a culture of behavior during regime processes


Vitamins 1. "On the benefits of vitamins" Conversation

Examining visual aids.

O.Ts.: To give children the concept of vitamins, as well as products that are good for health.

2. "Where vitamins live" Didactic game

O.Ts.: To consolidate in a playful way the knowledge gained earlier in the classroom and in conversations

3. "Vitamins for Irinka." Complex lesson- game O.C.: To consolidate in a game form the knowledge gained earlier


1. "How Katya cooks dinner" Didactic game. Conversation.

O.Ts .: Learn to name the qualities of the product and the actions performed with it (cut, salt, mix); enrich and activate the dictionary by the names of lunch dishes (soup, pasta, meatballs, compote, etc.); reflect the rules of behavior in speech (before cooking - wash your hands, wash food, etc.)

2. "Fruits or vegetables" Didactic game. Conversation.

O.Ts .: Learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables in appearance and in the place of growth. Strengthen children's knowledge about healthy foods.

3. "Drink, children, milk will be healthy" The story of the educator. O.Ts.:Tell children about the benefits of dairy products

4. "What should I eat to be healthy?" Summarizing conversation. O.Ts .: Summarize children's knowledge about useful products


Sport is our friend. 1. “How to become strong and healthy? » Conversation O.C.: Give Special attention preparing for morning exercises and physical education, tell children about the need to play sports

3. “Why do you need to play sports? » Puppet theater O.C.: Through puppet theater continue to tell children about the benefits sports activities. Cultivate interest in sports

3. "Morning exercises" Conversation.

O.Ts.: Tell children about the benefits of exercise.

1. “One, two, three, four, five - we are going to walk ...” Conversations.

O.C.: Creating interest in walking, using playing tricks, motivation for the activity of children on a walk

2. “What is good, what is bad ...” Puppet theater O.Ts.: Through the puppet theater, tell children about the rules of behavior for a walk (do not stay in the sun for a long time, do not forget to wear a hat, etc.

Olga Alexandrova
Abstract open class on health protection in the second junior group

Aleksandrova Olga Olegovna

"Help Mishka"

(GCD according to health care in the second junior group

Goals:1. Teaching kids to take care of themselves health.

2. To form skills in using personal hygiene items.

3. Encourage children to answer questions, develop thinking, memory.

4. Form ideas about healthy lifestyle.


cognitive activity, breathing and motor exercises, game, research actions.

surprise moment:Bear.


Bear character, items (soap, towel, comb, toothpaste) .

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

teacher: Guys, look how many guests came to us today. let's go with them let's say hello!

Children: Hello!

teacher: Good morning!

Smile soon (smile.)

And today is our day

It'll be more fun.

We will stroke

Nose and cheeks (stroking nose and cheeks.)

We will be beautiful

Like flowers in a garden. (make springs)

Let's rub our palms

Stronger, stronger (rubbing hands.)

Now let's clap

bolder, bolder (clap hands.)

We will now rub our ears (rubbing cheeks.)

AND save your health!

(Sit on chairs)

2. Conversation about personal hygiene items.

teacher: Guys, a guest came to us, and who will you find out when you guess the riddle (mystery about a teddy bear). Who is this?

Bear cub. - Hello guys. Hello Little Bear. The mother bear put some things in my bag and said that they were very necessary. And I don't need them at all, maybe they will be useful to you.

Educator - And we, Mishenka, will now look and tell you.

(In the bag are: soap, towel, comb, toothbrush. We take it out one by one and tell what they are for.)

teacher: Guys, what is it?

Children: Soap. Lida will tell a poem about soap.

Lida: Soap happens



But I don't understand

Why is it always


Is there water?

teacher: Guys, what do you need soap for?

Children: To wash hands, wash.

teacher Q: Why should you wash your hands? (To not get sick) When do we wash our hands?

Children: We wash our hands before eating, when our hands get dirty after painting or sculpting, after petting animals.

teacher: But we went for a walk. They came, undressed and immediately ran to the table. Did we do the right thing?

Children: No! Our hands are dirty!

teacher Q: What should I do to keep my hands clean?

Children: Wash them!

teacher: Let's show the bear cub how to wash hands.

Tap open up wash your nose (Wash nose.)

Wash both eyes at once (wipe their eyes.)

Wash your ears, wash your neck (wash their ears.)

Wash your neck well (Wash neck.)

Wash, wash, bathe,

Wash away the dirt

Wash away the dirt!

teacher: Guys! Why do we need a towel?

Children: To dry off. (Roma tells a poem about a towel.)

Roma: Both terry and smooth happen.

Who washed himself, he did not forgets:

adult, baby

Wipe off the towel.

teacher: Well done. And what do you need a comb for, you know?

Children A: Yes, to comb, be neat and beautiful. Can I give my hairbrush to other children?

teacher:Right (Sonya tells a verse about a comb.)

Sonya: Mom did the styling -

Combed the curls smoothly

Well, I'll take a comb,

I'll do my hair too!

teacher: And what's that?

Children: It's a toothbrush. (Sasha tells a rhyme about a toothbrush.)

Sasha:I have a toothbrush

She cleans her teeth clearly

More fun time after time

My teeth are all whiter!

teacher: What is a toothbrush for? (To brush your teeth) What do you guys think, how many times a day should you brush your teeth?

Children: Twice a day - morning and evening.

teacher Q: Why brush your teeth?

teacher: Here is Mishenka that mom put in your bag. If you will, wash your paws, brush your teeth, you will not get sick and always will healthy. Guys, let's get some rest together with our friend Teddy Bear (the music turns on and the children, together with the Teddy bear, perform movements)

3. Physical education.

The sun peeked into the bed.

One two three four five.

We all do exercises.

We need to sit down and stand up.

Stretch your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We do exercises together.

teacher: Well done! And what do we say after charging?

Children: Thank you charging- health is fine!

4. Didactic game "What is missing?"

bear cub: Thanks guys, I figured out what soap, towel, comb and toothbrush are for.

The teacher is Mishenka, and our children love to play.

bear cub: I also love and want to see how attentive you are. We'll play a game "What is missing".I will lay out soap, a towel, a comb, a toothbrush in front of you. You must determine if all the items are in place or if something is missing. (play multiple times)

bear cub: well done! Thank you guys for letting me know the right things, played with me, and it's time for me to go, goodbye and see you again (leaves, children say goodbye to the bear)

Children: Goodbye!

5. Bottom line classes.

teacher: Guys, who came to visit us today?

Children: Bear cub

teacher: That's right! And what did he bring with him?

Children: Soap, comb, towel and toothbrush.

teacher Q: What are these items for?

(Children remember and tell what is needed and why.)

teacher: Well done!

Our smart head

I thought well today.

Ears heard everything

Eyes looked.

The hands did everything

And the legs sat.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group "Journey to the Winter Forest" Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group “Journey to winter forest» Educator: Kaprusova Angelica Gennadievna. Software.

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson. Topic: "What do we know about health." Program tasks: To form children's knowledge about cultural and hygienic.

Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the second junior group "Visiting Grandma". The purpose of the lesson: the implementation of new forms of interaction.

Abstract of an open lesson on applications in the second junior group "Vitamins for an Elephant" Plan - abstract of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (applications) in the second junior group Topic of the lesson: “Vitamins.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational.

Improving cultural and hygienic skills that improve health.

1.1. Consolidation of knowledge about the functional purpose of personal hygiene items, about existing rules hygiene.

1.2. Practicing children's ability to wash: how to properly wash hands and face, following the sequence (algorithm) of actions.

2. Developing.

Speech development of children.

2.1. Formation of skills to take part in a dialogue: answer questions, listening to a familiar nursery rhyme, pronounce it.

2.2. Formation of the ability to guess the riddle.

2. 3. Activation (enrichment) of children's vocabulary.

3. Educational.

3.1. The education of a directly healthy lifestyle, the desire and desire to monitor one’s own appearance use personal hygiene items.

3.2. Education of independence, accuracy.

3.3. Raising emotional responsiveness in children, prompting a desire to help Tanya doll.

Methods (techniques):

1. Verbal: conversation, teacher's story, reading nursery rhymes, using riddles, poems, questions and answers.

2. Visual: looking at pictures, examples of personal hygiene items.

3. Practical: "Playful" - the use of a variety of elements gaming activity along with any other methods.

Preliminary work with children:

Reading the works of K. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”, A. Barto “Girl-grimy”, nursery rhymes, holding didactic game: "Magic bag", holding game situations V regime moments: “Let's show the doll Tanya how we can wash our hands”, “Let's show the doll Tanya how beautiful we are - neat”, using an artistic word (rhymes, poems, riddles).

Didactic material: personal hygiene items ( toilet soap, washcloth, towel, mirror, comb, toothpaste and brush), pictures “Vodichka - Vodichka”, “Rhymes about washing”, “Moydodyr”, bubble, doll Tanya, basin with water.

Lesson progress:

Educator: - Guys, today we are spending unusual occupation. We have guests.

Let's say together:

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello gentle breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

hello morning,

Hello day!

We are not too lazy to say hello!

Children and the teacher pronounce the poem, perform movements.

Children: - Hello (3 times).

Educator: Oh, guys, look who hid there (Tanya's doll is hidden under the scarf).

Children: Doll Tanya.

Educator: Yes, this is Tanya doll. Why did she hide?

Children: She is dirty, she must be ashamed.

Educator: That's right, the doll is dirty: hands, face. Why?

Children: She did not wash herself and remained dirty!

Doll: Yes, I can't wash my face.

Educator: Guys, what will happen if you don’t wash your face at all: don’t wash your hands, don’t wash your face?

Children: Germs will appear, get into the mouth, the stomach will hurt.

Educator: Right!

(The teacher reads the poem.)

“The mouse didn’t wash its paws well:

Only moistened with water

I did not try to wash with soap,

And the dirt remained on the paws

Black stained towel!

How unpleasant it is!

Germs get into your mouth

May have a stomach ache

So, Tanya, you try

Wash your face with soap often!

Need warm water

Wash your hands before eating!

Educator: Children, what do we need to wash ourselves? We, now, will tell the doll Tanya (showing the picture "Moydodyr").

Children: Moidodyr.

Educator: - Guys, pay attention, there is a bag on the table. This bag is not ordinary, but "magic", in it are Moidodyr's helpers. Want to see what's in it?

The teacher and the children study, look at the objects that are in the bag, in turn. The teacher asks: “What is this?”, “What for?”. Pupils answer questions in verbal form or show. The teacher praises the children, reads a nursery rhyme, a poem about each subject.

Educator: - Right. Well done! This:

At soap fragrant, white, soapy

There is concern.

Soap goes to work.

Washes, washes

Often invited to visit:

accept the invitation

Don't forget the soap!

2. Washcloth.

Here is a washcloth

She doesn't care about her back.

Foams, lathers, launders,

Wants a clean body.

You are friends with a washcloth

Where, what is dirty - tell her.

Dirt on the body?

Removes everything with ease!

3. Towel.

Terry, fragrant

Soft, fluffy.

Likes to get wet.

Where that wet wipe.

4. Handkerchief.

Lie in your pocket and guard

Roaring, crying and dirty.

They will morning streams of tears

Don't forget about the nose.

Smooth and fragrant

Washes very clean!

5. Mirror

The mirror loves clean faces!

The mirror will say:

Gotta wash up!

Mirror ohh:

Where is the hairbrush?

What is she not

Comb the child?

6. Comb

Hair is friends with a comb,

Nice haircut!

7. Toothbrush

I'm a brush - laughter

Your teeth friend.

I love to clean up

Revenge and clean up.

To have teeth

Strong and white

They made us a toothbrush.

with curved back,

With hard bristles.

8. Toothpaste

Hello, friends!

I am a tuber.

And I'm not dangerous at all.

My minty smell is wonderful.

I'm not greedy, I say

I give my pasta to everyone!

Educator: - Well done, guys! Now we know for sure that you need to wash your face every morning and every evening: wash your face, hands, brush your teeth. Everyone should have their own separate toothbrush, their own towel, their own washcloth, their own handkerchief.

Guys, let's wash our dirty (practical part of the lesson)

The teacher and the children get up from their chairs, wash the doll and sing nursery rhymes:

"Here the water drips,


We wash our hands like this

So so so!"

Phys. minute.

“We know how to wash ourselves!

Did you wash your hands? Washed, washed.

Did you wash your ears? Washed, washed.

Did you wash your nose? Washed, washed.

What about cheeks? Washed, washed.

And now we're clean

Like bunnies - fluffy!

(Children show: rub their palms, ears, nose, cheeks, then jump.)


"Wash your hands with soap, white soap,

Microbes are gone forever

Protect the body, body, body

Sun, air, soap and water!”

Doll: Thanks guys. Now you have taught me how to wash. I will now wash my hands with soap, and I will not have germs. And now I invite you to play "soap bubbles".

Educator, the children say: “Goodbye”, saying goodbye to the guests, playing “soap bubbles”.