Why does the stomach pull at the beginning of pregnancy. When to see a doctor. Diseases of the internal organs

It pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy - this complaint is made by both healthy expectant mothers and those who are diagnosed with a "threat of interruption". Causes of uterine hypertonicity, that's what it is called this phenomenon, are different. As well as various consequences can be. Consider why during pregnancy it pulls the lower abdomen at different times.

Doctors consider an unfavorable symptom of pain in the first weeks after conception. After all, it is up to 12 weeks that miscarriages most often occur. Many say that a peculiar sign of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen when the expectant mother. It is important to quickly understand what to do if pain occurs - wait or see a doctor urgently. Gynecologists themselves recommend paying attention to the nature of the pain. If it is not acute, but dull, and weakens or completely disappears during sleep and at rest, you can wait a bit. But if it pulls the lower abdomen, as with menstruation regularly, you need to go for a consultation. It is especially dangerous if bleeding occurs. In such cases, pregnancy is saved only in stationary conditions. A woman needs complete physical and sexual rest. Doctors prescribe mild herbal sedatives, antispasmodics, and progesterone. If it pulls the lower abdomen during early pregnancy, it will be useful to pass ultrasonography to make sure the baby is developing normally.

Often this happens in the second trimester. An unfavorable factor is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, since in the case of regular occurrence, such contractions can provoke premature opening of the cervix. And it is precisely by the state of the neck that doctors judge whether it is this case danger of uterine hypertonicity, whether medical intervention is needed. If the cervix, when examined on ultrasound with a vaginal probe, turns out to be less than 3 cm long, doctors may recommend that the expectant mother wear a special pessary ring that will not allow the cervix to “ripen” further or to be sutured, the sutures are removed before childbirth.

Almost all women pull the lower abdomen during pregnancy later dates. And this does not always signal a possible, premature, beginning labor activity. If there is no pain, uterine contractions are not regular - most likely, these are the so-called preparatory contractions. In order for the uterus to return to normotonus, it is enough to lie down a bit or take a bath. These contractions of the uterus do not interfere with the woman, do not disturb sleep.

When it pulls in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, it makes the expectant mother worry. Of course, such pains can be a sign of any pathology of pregnancy: low placentation, fetal presentation, and others. Or it may be that pain in the lower abdomen is just a symptom of pregnancy. The child grows, changes occur in the mother's body - this can be a sign of minor pain.

In this article, we will consider the causes that can cause pain in a pregnant woman.

Reasons for pulling the lower abdomen during pregnancy

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the period at which the pain in the lower abdomen occurred. In early and late pregnancy, the causes may be different.

Such reasons can be divided into: related to pregnancy and the child, not related (pain and pathology of the stomach, appendicitis ...).

  • Pain during the first months of pregnancy can be normal. The fact is that pulling pain is a sign of pregnancy, which is explained by the appearance of a new organism. The woman's body is being rebuilt, preparing to become a mother, which is the reason for the appearance of pulling pains. But, do not ignore such pain, it is better to consult a doctor (just in case).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen may result from malnutrition, indigestion and increased gas formation.
  • Physical stress and overwork can also cause pain.
  • The appearance of pain can be explained by old problems with the organs of the genitourinary system and ovaries.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen in late pregnancy may be different.

  • Pressure of the uterus on the intestines (due to the growth of the fetus).
  • Sprain of the ligaments that support the uterus. Such pain can occur with sudden movements, sneezing and changing positions.
  • Exacerbation of diseases such as: intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, pancreatitis.
  • Problems related to gynecology.
  • Risk of miscarriage. At the same time, the pains are aching and give to the lower back (by nature they resemble contractions). As a rule, such pain does not stop and may be accompanied by bleeding. But you shouldn't get too upset. In such situations, you will be put on hold.

However, if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor. It is better to play it safe by checking the condition of the baby and how it develops.

What should you watch out for pain during pregnancy:

  • Incessant pain.
  • Intense pain that is permanent. These pains do not allow a normal life, constantly making themselves felt. These symptoms can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Consult a doctor to rule out this diagnosis (diagnosis can be established using ultrasound).
  • Pain accompanied by bleeding.
  • Allocations brown shade may also cause immediate medical attention.
  • If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or fever.

What to do?

When you feel drawing pains in the lower abdomen, characterized by additional symptoms (listed in the chapter above), you should do the following:

  • Lie down, calm down and raise your legs up.
  • Go to an appointment with your therapist (if you can go yourself - the pain does not cause much discomfort).

summon ambulance if the pain is severe (with blood). Such symptoms can be a threat of premature birth.

In addition, you must follow some rules during pregnancy:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat right by including more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat less foods that cause excessive gas production (containing fiber).
  • Move and walk more fresh air.
  • Do not overexert yourself, you do not need to wash floors for hours, hang clothes and curtains (raising your arms high is not what a pregnant woman needs).
  • For any pain, you need to lie down and relax, raising your legs on a pillow.

In general, regardless of the nature of the pain during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor. If the pain is persistent (does not stop) and is accompanied by spotting, call an ambulance.


When pregnancy occurs in the woman's body, global changes begin to occur, which is due to the preparation for the upcoming bearing of the child and labor. At this time, various kinds of signs may appear that a new life. Among the main symptoms are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. And it is this symptom that most often causes anxiety among expectant mothers. So why does the stomach pull on early dates pregnancy?

Often, when the stomach pulls at the beginning of pregnancy, this causes considerable excitement in the pregnant woman, because such a symptom can predict premature termination of pregnancy. And indeed there is a risk, but on condition that the pulling pain is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.

Physiologically, such pains are the norm during fertilization. This is due to the rush of blood to the uterus and increased blood circulation. Also, such pain is associated with swelling and stretching of the uterine ligaments. They, along with the growing uterus, must constantly stretch, which, in fact, can cause a certain kind of discomfort. However, not all women in interesting position”, observe such a symptom.

Normally, pulling pains occur only during physical activity. If, even in a completely relaxed state, the soreness does not go away, then we can already talk about pathology. Therefore, it is very important to notify your consulting doctor in a timely manner of any changes in the body if you are planning a pregnancy.

Physiological causes

As a rule, a week after conception, pulling pains in the abdomen may appear and this is a normal manifestation of the ongoing physiological processes during pregnancy. At this time, the body begins to rebuild to work in a more active, so to speak, mode. And this phenomenon cannot but be reflected in the well-being of the expectant mother:

  1. Pain of a pulling nature in gynecology is referred to as the first symptoms of pregnancy. And in the vast majority of cases, they occur at the time of implantation of the embryo to the uterine wall. This feeling is a bit similar to painful sensations before menstruation. In the same period, changes begin to occur in the mammary glands: they fill up, their sensitivity increases. Other symptoms of conception may also appear. If you are interested, you can read more about them in one of our previous publications.
  2. As mentioned earlier, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are associated with increased blood circulation in the uterus. This is necessary in order for the embryo to receive oxygen and nutrition. But at the same time, excessively increased blood circulation can provoke uterine tone, which, in turn, is very dangerous for the fetus on early stages.
  3. The second reason for this phenomenon is changes in the uterus itself. The ligaments and tissues surrounding the uterus soften, stretch, and shift. Especially, rapid growth is observed in the first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. Also, one of the justifications for pulling pains in the lower abdomen is an increase in the amount of progesterone. In this case, characteristic pains in the upper part of the legs and lower back can be observed.

Dangerous states

As mentioned earlier, pains of a pulling nature may also have a different nature, not associated with physiological changes in the form of pregnancy. Therefore, the appearance of certain conditions should alert the expectant mother and force her to immediately consult a gynecologist.

In the case when the stomach does not just pull, but tends to increase soreness with characteristic cramping attacks, and at the same time spotting appears from time to time, you should immediately call an ambulance. The reasons for this condition may be:

  1. Threat or secession that has already taken place gestational sac from the wall of the uterus. This condition is typical for the first trimester of pregnancy, but timely health care will help preserve the life of the fetus developing inside the womb.
  2. The presence of infectious diseases. It's about not only about various kinds of inflammatory diseases, but also about those that are sexually transmitted. It is these diseases that become aggravated during pregnancy and cause a number of unpleasant consequences including pain in the lower abdomen.
  3. Frozen pregnancy often causes pulling pains in the uterus. It also has similar symptoms. ectopic pregnancy and others pathological processes associated with the incorrect location of the fetal egg.
  4. Cyst corpus luteum. One of the signs of such a pathological deviation can also be pain of a pulling nature in the uterus. But at the same time, it is important to understand that the corpus luteum cyst is in no way capable of harming the future of the child and, in most cases, after 1-2 months it simply resolves.
  5. Cystitis is one of the frequent companions of pregnancy. Drawing pains frequent urges to urination and other similar symptoms characterize the presence of such a disease.

What to do if the stomach pulls?

Any discomfort future mother must notify your consulting physician. Timely diagnosis, for example, to avoid negative consequences, both for the well-being of a woman, and for her unborn child.

But in addition to uncomfortable sensations, there are a number of symptoms in which you should immediately seek medical help:

  • pulling pain in the uterus and appendages, accompanied by sharp, intensifying spasms;
  • cramping pains of varying intensity;
  • severe vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, which is more like intoxication;
  • bloody, profuse discharge;
  • pain in any part of the abdomen, which increases with palpation.

In the event of one of the conditions described above, a pregnant woman should call an ambulance and take a horizontal position. In no case should you get to the doctor on your own, since any shaking and physical activity can only make things worse.


At the end of the publication, I would like to make a small conclusion:

  1. In the vast majority of cases associated with pulling pains in the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy, the child developing inside the womb is out of danger.
  2. In a woman who is not in an "interesting position", such sensations may be caused by taking inappropriate hormonal drugs, active sexual intercourse, stress and even a gynecological examination.
  3. A pregnant woman should inform her gynecologist about any sensations that are uncharacteristic of her position. A timely diagnosed pathology or danger will help to eliminate Negative influence on the health of the expectant mother and her child.

Have you or someone you know experienced this during pregnancy? If so, did the pain really go away after a few days without medical care? Share with us and our readers interesting, and for someone, perhaps even useful information leaving comments at the end of the post.

Many expectant mothers may feel early stages pregnancy pulling sensations lower abdomen. In some ways, they are similar to mild pain before the onset of menstruation. At the bottom, pain may already occur at the very early stages pregnancy. Quite often, women can confuse this feeling with premenstrual syndrome.

Sometimes bleeding may be added to the pain. They are not abundant, may be reddish or Brown. If a girl does not know that she is pregnant, then she may think that she has started her period.

During pregnancy, there are other symptoms that are also similar to PMS symptoms- nausea, soreness of the chest, aversion to odors, irritability, change in appetite. You should know that clear sign pregnancy there is a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen.

If the pulling pains are strong enough, and the gestational age is more than two weeks, then in this case it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor. During pregnancy, any pain should be taken into account. It is better to consult a doctor once again and make sure that nothing threatens the pregnancy than to blame yourself for inaction later.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Is this normal?

For what reasons on initial terms pregnancy in a woman can pull the lower abdomen and how should one respond to such a condition? If the pain is not strong and no spotting, then this condition is considered absolutely normal and in this case you should not worry. In the uterus, blood circulation increases, as the fetus develops in it. This process does not cause severe pain. To get rid of the pain, you need to drink a no-shpy pill and try to relax.

Doctors say that the first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous. During this period, the majority of miscarriages occur. Very often the reason spontaneous abortions cannot be installed. In women, pregnancy proceeds in completely different ways. Some try to take care of themselves, do not do any hard physical work and end up losing children, while others do hard work and as a result give birth to healthy children.

In what case should you consult a doctor?

  • If painful sensations are accompanied by spotting, and it does not matter what color they are. In some cases, they may be pinkish, and some may be pale, brown, and so on. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. So that the pregnancy is not interrupted, then you do not need to close your eyes to such symptoms, but you need to urgently respond. Bloody discharge with severe pain may indicate a violation of the course of pregnancy, for example, placental abruption. With timely access to a medical institution this process can be established, doctors prescribe a pregnant woman an appointment necessary drugs. Also, a frozen pregnancy can manifest itself in a similar way.
  • If the pain is getting worse. For pain, you take an anesthetic (best no-shpu) and lie down to rest, but after a while the pain does not subside and the stomach continues to pull. This alarm signal, as this may indicate . You need to call an ambulance, and while waiting for it, take comfortable position and try to relax.
  • If pain is felt in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen (right or left). To dispel fears and anxieties, it is better to do in this case.
  • If the pain is constant intense. A situation is considered normal when a woman feels a pulling slight pain, and she gives her just a little discomfort. A woman can do her own thing. And if the pain is intense, highly distracting and causes severe discomfort, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist. If a woman suspects her pregnancy, but has not yet been to a gynecologist's appointment, then intense pain can talk about. If you do not turn to the doctor in a timely manner, then this condition can provoke a rupture of the fallopian tube and heavy bleeding. In some cases, the outcome can be fatal.
  • Together with the pulling pain, there is vomiting and. Symptoms may appear with appendicitis. If the doctor confirms such a diagnosis, then the pregnant woman is operated on, and no harm is done to the health of the mother and child. If nausea and vomiting occur due to toxicosis, then the doctor selects a special diet for the woman.

Sometimes the lower abdomen in the later stages of pregnancy can be very tight. harmless reasons- it can be bloating, constipation, flatulence. But there are enough dangerous reasons that cause abdominal pain. You do not need to ignore them, they require an urgent appeal to a specialist.

These reasons include:

  • Sprain. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a number of changes. These changes include stretching of the round ligament. This process is accompanied aching pain in this area. Pain may radiate to right side pelvis. The ligaments tighten due to the fact that the size of the uterus increases. The round ligament can spasm, and this process is accompanied by pain. To decrease discomfort you can lie down and relax. It is important to know that you need to lie on the side that does not hurt.
  • premature birth. ABOUT premature birth we can speak if, for up to thirty-seven weeks, the uterus begins to be active. This process is accompanied by pulling and cramping pains in the lower abdomen. The pain may be localized in the lower back. In some cases, there may be bloody discharge. The cervix begins to open actively, when it opens completely, then childbirth begins. To stop this process, you need to urgently go to the hospital.
  • Appendicitis. Inflammation of appendicitis can occur at any time, including during pregnancy. Don't delay. The later you go to a medical institution, the more difficult it will be for appendicitis.
  • Divergence of the pubic symphasis or dysfunction of the pubic symphysis. This condition is accompanied by pain of varying degrees of intensity in the center of the pelvis.
  • Adhesions, intestinal obstruction, urinary infections. These conditions can also provoke pulling pain in the abdomen in late pregnancy.

What should be done with pulling pains during pregnancy?

If you have a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and at the same time have additional symptoms(which were mentioned above), then you need to do the following:

  • Lie down, relax, calm down and raise your legs up.
  • Book an appointment with your doctor. If the pain is severe and you cannot reach the hospital on your own, then call an ambulance.

Also, during the period of bearing a baby, you should follow some rules:

  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle. You need to eat right, the diet should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to minimize the use of those foods that provoke strong gas formation (such foods contain a lot of fiber).
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors, move more.
  • You don't need to stress too much. Work must be alternated with rest. Also, do not do work that requires a long time to raise your hands (for example, hanging clothes), as this may affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
  • If any pain occurs, then you should lie down, relax and raise your legs on the pillow.

In any case, if pain occurs during the period of bearing a child, you should consult a doctor. That will be better anyway. If the pain doesn't stop a long period time and are also accompanied by spotting, then in this case you need to call an ambulance.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy always causes fear and horror in women in position. Yes, losing a pregnancy, especially a long-awaited one, or getting critical complications that are fraught with developmental disorders of the baby is a gloomy prospect.

And sometimes it is very difficult even for a specialist to figure out what is the cause of such a symptom and how dangerous it is.

Therefore, pregnant women with such manifestations should definitely talk about this complaint to the gynecologist. And the doctor, in turn, must examine the patient and exclude the pathological course of pregnancy.

The doctor deliberately asks future mother about the nature of pain, their intensity, exact localization. It will definitely clarify what the pregnant woman herself associates with the appearance of pain.

For example, pain in the lower abdomen may occur after physical or emotional overstrain, strong feelings. Pain may occur even when coughing, sneezing or taking a deep breath.

Since pulling pains can also occur in the pathology of organs adjacent to the uterus, the specialist will clarify whether there is a connection between these symptoms and the work of the intestines or urinary system.


Above, I have listed an incomplete list of situations in which pregnant women can get sick in the stomach. But these are not reasons, but external manifestations, symptoms of these causes. The reasons themselves will be discussed below.

Among the causes of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, two groups can be distinguished - physiological and pathological.

Physiological can be called the reasons that naturally occur in the body of all, without exception, women who are carrying a child. After all, the body of a woman during this period undergoes a lot of changes.

For example, the very enlargement of the uterus can already cause discomfort in the lower abdomen.

This is a completely natural change. As a rule, it does not entail any negative consequences for the body. future mother and baby. Although discomfort, of course, creates. These pains go away on their own and do not require any treatment.

Pathological causes will include those changes in the body of a woman in position that can lead to a deterioration in the health of the mother or fetus. And here it is important not to miss a dangerous situation and seek help from a specialist in time.

Yes, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, especially in the early stages, may be associated with some physiological processes in the body of a pregnant woman. But it doesn't necessarily have to show up.

Painful sensations at the beginning of pregnancy in a certain physiological situation may or may not be. Every woman begins and ends pregnancy differently. All processes are individual.

Here it is worth mentioning the pain threshold, the level of which is different for each person. That is, each person experiences pain in their own way.

For example, women with a low pain threshold are more susceptible to any pain, discomfort, and stretching of the abdomen. At the same time, women with a high pain threshold do not pay attention to irregular, monotonous, pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

So let's move on to physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, which can provoke pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus changes from pear-shaped to ovoid. The blood supply to this genital organ also increases, which can provoke sipping in the lower abdomen.

On the seventh day after conception, a fertilized egg (zygote), having descended through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, seems to drill a place for itself in the uterine wall in order to fix itself there. At the same time, sensitive women may experience pains similar to menstrual periods.

In some cases, this may be accompanied by scanty bloody or bloody discharge from the vagina, which women may perceive as the start of menstruation ahead of time.

changes during pregnancy hormonal background, which helps to relax muscles and ligaments, especially the muscles of the small pelvis.

Muscle relaxation is promoted by the hormone progesterone. It is also called a hormone that preserves pregnancy, as it prevents excessive tonic contraction (hypertonicity) of the muscles in the body of a pregnant woman. This also applies to the muscles of the main muscular organ - the uterus.

Under the influence of progesterone and another important substance, relaxin, loosening of the ligaments of the joints, cartilage of the joints of the pelvic bones occurs.

The pelvic bones diverge slightly, adjusting to the increasing load of the weighty uterus. The volume of the pelvis increases, which ensures an easier passage of the baby through the birth canal.

But at the same time, not only the muscles of the uterus relax, but also the muscular layer of the intestine. This leads to violations of intestinal motility in pregnant women. As a result, flatulence or unstable stools (either constipation or diarrhea) are frequent companions of pregnancy.

Such phenomena, as a rule, always make themselves felt by symptoms of fullness, heaviness and sipping of the lower abdominal segment.

Therefore, discomfort in the lower abdomen in pregnant women may not always be associated with changes in the pelvic organs.

Physiological changes that cause pain in the later stages

The fact is that this time is characterized by the most intensive growth and high physical activity of the baby. The uterus also grows intensively and strongly overstretches. Additionally, the muscle fibers of the uterus respond by contraction to motor activity fetus.

As a result of the action of all these processes in combination, a rare, non-intense sipping of the lower abdominal segment in the middle of pregnancy and in the later stages takes place.

And it happens quite often in expectant mothers. In late pregnancy, starting from about the 37th week, a short and moderate pulling pain in the lower abdomen is considered quite normal.

So the woman's body is already preparing for childbirth. The uterus begins to contract periodically. There are so-called training fights.

This stage of "training" or, in other words, "warm-up" is very important in the process of preparing for childbirth. After all, childbirth is not a spontaneous process, as it might seem at first glance. The launch of labor activity occurs in stages and not quickly.

If the gestational age is more than 37 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term. Therefore, when at such a time the pulling pain grows and turns into cramping, it's time to get ready for the hospital.

How to distinguish the physiological causes of pulling pain in the lower abdomen?

To do this, you need to carefully listen to the nature of the pain, trace its connection with other signs of dysfunction. internal organs(eg intestines).

Obviously, no two pregnancies are the same. Each stage is different for everyone. But there are several signs that do not require medical intervention pulling pain lower abdomen.

These include:

  • The pain is not constant, not intense, monotonous, not cramping or sharp.
  • The pain disappears after a short rest in a horizontal position.
  • The pain does not increase and does not interfere with the daily activities of a woman (does not sharply disturb her habitual image life).
  • At the same time, there is no bloody or bloody discharge from the vagina.
  • There are no other signs of dysfunction of internal organs. For example, there are no signs of digestive or urinary disorders (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, general malaise, urinary disorders).
  • Taking one tablet of No-shpa or another antispasmodic (if there are no contraindications) steadily relieves pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
  • In addition to pain, there are no other signs of impaired well-being.

That is, there is no reduction blood pressure, heart palpitations, increased sweating or cold, clammy sweat, clouding of consciousness, or lightheadedness. These signs are manifestations dangerous pathologies that require urgent medical intervention (for example, rupture of the fallopian tube during an ectopic pregnancy).

Pathological causes of pulling pain in the lower abdomen

In this block of the article, we will consider the causes of the so-called obstetric pains associated with abortion, ectopic pregnancy, etc. We will also talk about the causes of pulling pain associated with any surgical pathology pregnancy (appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, etc.).

Obstetric pain: how to recognize and how to be examined?

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo is fixed not in the uterine cavity, as usual, but in the fallopian tube itself.

Much less often, but there are cases when a fertilized egg can be implanted even in abdominal cavity.

With an ectopic pregnancy, a woman in such cases is worried about regular severe pain. One-sided localization of pain is characteristic (from the side of the attached embryo in the fallopian tube).

The pain usually increases as the embryo grows. The pain is often aggravated by pressure or exercise. Irradiation of pain in the lower back is also characteristic, anus or legs.

By the fifth to seventh weeks of pregnancy, the embryo occupies a significant part of the fallopian tube. Therefore, at this time there is real threat rupture of the tube and massive bleeding.

Smearing bloody discharge from the vagina appears. At the same time, symptoms of general malaise join: dizziness, headache weakness, decreased blood pressure.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the test is positive, but the content of hCG ( chorionic gonadotropin human) in the blood is reduced. In diagnostics given state ultrasound helps.

At early diagnosis there is an opportunity to save fallopian tube performing the operation in a timely manner. But an ectopic pregnancy in terms of its continuation is always doomed to failure.

Threat of abortion

With the threat of termination of pregnancy, a woman is disturbed by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which do not subside even in a calm state. Any physical activity causes increased pain.

Characterized by the appearance of bloody discharge of varying intensity. The woman feels general weakness, lethargy. Often there is a darkening or "flies" in the eyes, dizziness. In late pregnancy, such symptoms may be accompanied by cramping pain.

Such a state requires emergency care, you need to urgently contact a medical facility.

Hospitalization in case of threatened miscarriage is mandatory. Do not try to avoid it, as both the child and the mother need constant monitoring and complex treatment.

The occurrence of a threatened abortion is often caused by nervous strains, physical activity, stress, infectious diseases, hormonal changes.

Often, the threat of abortion is preceded by uterine hypertonicity. Women, in addition to pulling pain, feel a sharp tension in the uterus. They describe this feeling as if they have a "hardening of the stomach."

It is impossible to treat such a symptom without due attention. After all increased tone uterus can cause miscarriage.

With timely detection and competent therapy, this pathology has a favorable prognosis.

Frozen pregnancy

Another cause of pulling pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is a frozen pregnancy. The reasons why the embryo stops developing may be malfunctions at the gene level, hormonal imbalance, wrong image parents' lives. Also exists high risk"Embryo freezing" during artificial insemination.

Allocate the so-called critical periods during pregnancy, when the embryo is especially vulnerable. There are several of them: first it is 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, then - 8-11 weeks and 16-18 weeks of intrauterine development.

Sometimes women with a missed pregnancy may not have any complaints at all. But more often there is some kind of discomfort or pulling pain in the lower abdomen is periodically felt.

Diagnosis of this condition is to conduct an ultrasound study.

The diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is confirmed if the baby's heartbeat is not detected during an ultrasound scan.

Also, to confirm the diagnosis, hCG level in the venous blood of a pregnant woman. With a frozen pregnancy, there is no increase in the concentration of this hormone in the blood.

Premature placental abruption

Premature placental abruption can occur at any stage of pregnancy. Placental abruption can be caused by trauma, sharp drops blood pressure, transferred infection, physical exercise, emotional overstrain, short umbilical cord of the fetus.

At premature detachment placenta, a woman feels sharp or cramping pains in the lower abdomen. In order to somehow alleviate the condition, a woman often takes a forced position. That is, she tries to find the most comfortable position and stay in that position for a long time.

The uterus is very tense, it becomes painful. Inside the uterus, a vessel ruptures, as a result of which bleeding opens. Bleeding can be of varying degrees of intensity. There is an increase in placental hematoma (bruising).

The main danger of placental abruption is malnutrition of the fetus ( oxygen starvation). With a significant degree of detachment, there is a threat of intrauterine death of the fetus.

Thus, placental abruption is a reason for emergency hospitalization and, if the duration of pregnancy allows, operative delivery by caesarean section.

Quite often, a woman has pulling pains in the lower abdomen that are not associated with the development of the fetus. But the conditions that will be discussed further are no less dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

Often, due to a decrease in immune defense, a pregnant woman develops various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or exacerbates existing chronic diseases.

So, some infections, including those that are sexually transmitted, worsen during pregnancy. They can also cause discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen.

To rule out acute or chronic inflammatory processes pregnant woman upon registration in antenatal clinic a complete examination is required.

In pregnant women, various infections of the kidneys and genitourinary system are often observed. The most common infection during pregnancy that can cause nagging pain in the lower abdomen is acute cystitis(inflammation Bladder).

With cystitis, in addition to pain, a woman is concerned about frequent and / or painful urination, “false” urges or urination in small portions, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Urine becomes cloudy due to impurities of protein, leukocytes, mucus, salts, and sometimes blood.

In this case, you can not do without specific treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor for examination and treatment of this unpleasant disease.

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen can also provoke digestive problems.

I already wrote about the relaxing effect of progesterone on the intestines above. As a result, almost every woman suffers to some extent from violations of work. gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy (constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, nausea).

There are drugs that help normalize intestinal motility and fight against increased gas formation. But only a doctor who knows all the nuances of the ongoing pregnancy has the right to prescribe them.

But any therapy to normalize work digestive system the result will give only partly, temporarily extinguish the symptoms of the disorder. After all, the above problems with digestion cause completely natural changes in the body of a pregnant woman (hormonal levels).

Imagine what will happen if errors in the nutrition of a pregnant woman are added to these regular changes! That's right, problems with painful sensations will become larger, and they will become sharper.

I deliberately focus on this point, because I know from experience that almost none of the pregnant women take seriously the doctor's recommendations about healthy way life.

Many justify themselves with the traditional stereotype that a pregnant woman should not deny herself anything. Like, the child needs, he demands.

Although, in fact, this is the most proper nutrition» during pregnancy is not so difficult. You just need not to overeat, eat often, but in fractional portions, drink enough pure water, exclude fast food and harmful drinks. At the same time, no one encourages a pregnant woman to starve or limit herself in any products.

A little distracted, back to the topic directly.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen can be provoked by various surgical pathologies.

It is not uncommon for women to have an inflamed appendix during pregnancy. At the same time, due to the displacement of the internal organs and intestines by the pregnant uterus, it is not always easy to recognize appendicitis by the localization of pain.

Appendicitis is characterized by aching dull pain, usually in the right iliac region or slightly higher. There is also an increase in temperature in the range of 37-38 ° C, nausea, more often single vomiting.

These signs are, of course, a reason for calling an ambulance and hospitalization in a hospital.

I hasten to reassure that the operation in this pathology will not affect the development of the child. But delay with such symptoms can lead to massive inflammation inside the abdominal cavity - peritonitis.

Rarely enough, but there are cases of intestinal obstruction in pregnant women. Pain in intestinal obstruction is sharp, cramping, diffuse, with clearly recurring attacks every 10-15 minutes (as a peristaltic wave goes through the intestines).

In this case, in addition to pain in the abdomen, there will be a delay in feces and gases. The abdomen is swollen asymmetrically, appetite is reduced, there is a feeling of weakness. Over time, more formidable signs of pathology will appear, in particular, repeated indomitable vomiting, which leads to rapid dehydration of the body.

In case of intestinal obstruction, emergency surgical intervention is indicated.

On a note!

Summing up, I will highlight a few critical symptoms that urgently need to seek medical help.

  • Regular pains in the lower abdomen are sharp and growing.
  • Pain does not go away after resting in a horizontal position.
  • Cramping pains in the lower abdomen, regardless of their intensity.
  • Vaginal discharge (bloody, bloody, spotting).
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, stool changes).
  • Increasing pain with pressure at the site pain regardless of the location of the pain.

Undoubtedly, there are a lot of reasons due to which the lower abdomen is pulled during pregnancy. Probably, I did not manage to describe them all, I missed something. But it's not that important.

It is important that you draw the main conclusion from this article: in any case, you need to be attentive to yourself, listen to new sensations so as not to miss a dangerous situation and seek medical help in time

And even if you once again consult a doctor observing your pregnancy for a frivolous reason, than miss something serious.