Embryo 6 weeks 2 days. How does an embryo develop? Features of the behavior of the crumbs

The month is already coming to an end from the moment the sperm met the egg, and a fertilized egg with a unique set of chromosomes arose. By this time, most women found out about their interesting situation, had already visited the antenatal clinic and were examined by a doctor, having received everything necessary recommendations. Since the 6th week of pregnancy proceeds, what are the features of the woman's well-being and appearance?

Real and obstetric terms

Before considering the processes occurring in the female body, it is worth clarifying that real term does not always coincide with obstetric.

The obstetric term, due to the fact that it is almost impossible to determine the exact date of fertilization, is usually counted from the 1st day of the last menstruation, and therefore it cannot coincide with the real one, when conception actually occurred.

As a rule, the obstetric period is always less than the real one by 7-14 days. That is, the sixth week of pregnancy of the real age of the fetus is approximately 4 obstetric weeks.

6 weeks of pregnancy - the beginning of the embryonic period, which will last up to 10 weeks. It is during the sixth week that the fetus becomes human-like with tiny arms and legs and a disproportionately large head.

At the very beginning of this period, the embryo has only 3 groups of already formed cells that begin to actively grow and divide.

Over the next 7 days, all the organs of the future person are formed:

  • from the outer layer (ectoderm) skin, teeth, hair, organs of vision and brain are laid;
  • from the middle layer (mesoderm), the cells are transformed into the bones of the skeleton (at this time, the bones still have a cartilaginous structure), muscles and the cardiovascular system;
  • from the inner layer (endodermis) is created gastrointestinal tract and respiratory organs.

In addition, it goes active formation placenta from the chorion. Chorion acquires hairs. A blood channel is gradually formed, which will nourish the embryo throughout the entire gestation period.

By the end of the seventh day after the beginning of the formation of organs, the embryo already has:

  • the neural plate, which transforms into the central nervous system;
  • rudiments of the main glands;
  • not yet formed face;
  • cartilage base of the skeleton.

By the end of the 6th week, the fetus has a size of 4-5 mm, but its arms and legs are already visible.

The state of the mother's body

During the period when the fetus in the uterus is actively growing, most often women experience various ailments. This is due to:

  • increasing daily production of hCG (pregnancy hormone);
  • increased production of progesterone, which contributes to the full bearing of the fetus and prevents the uterus from contracting (prevents contractions).

In addition, changes occur in the uterus itself:

  • The increased production of progesterone contributes to the fact that the fetus takes the position in the uterus necessary for enhanced growth, while the uterus slightly increases in size.
  • There is a gradual "sealing" of the uterine cervix with a mucous plug, which will persist until the very birth. The purpose of the cork is to prevent infections from the outside to penetrate to the embryo.

Test results

Despite the fact that hCG is actively produced in the body, its concentration in the urine is not yet very high. Result pharmacy test pregnancy may be:

  • negative;
  • positive;
  • doubtful when the second strip appears very weakly.

Negative and doubtful due to the following reasons:

  • kidney disease, when hCG does not pass through the renal tubules;
  • incorrect testing (only morning urine is suitable for diagnosis - it contains a hormone content sufficient for analysis in this period);
  • faulty drug (if no control strip appears).

To clarify the fact of conception, it is desirable to do a blood test. A blood test for the hCG hormone 100% allows you to determine whether conception has occurred.

Testing will be sharply positive only if twins have been conceived. When analyzing blood hCG level will be above the norm for this period.

Health problems

In the moment active growth cells and the formation of vital systems, a woman may feel unpleasant phenomena associated with well-being. The following signs can be attributed to disorders associated with pregnancy at week 6:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • bowel disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
  • constant drowsiness against the background of a night sleep disorder;

  • headache;
  • intolerance to certain odors;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea and salivation, sometimes vomiting occurs in the morning;
  • loss of appetite;
  • prolonged hyperthermia without a high rise in temperature (slightly above 37 ° C).

In addition, at this time, almost all pregnant women show emotional lability, when women become unable to control their emotions.

The pregnant woman becomes tearful, reacts too emotionally to various life situations, there are abrupt shifts moods when causeless joy is replaced by aggression.

Not everyone has the same symptoms: someone will have it emotional sensations provoked by various situations, and someone will suffer from gastric disorders. The body of each woman is individual, but, as the results of clinical studies have shown, after conception, first of all, there is a violation of the work of those systems or organs that needed treatment even before pregnancy.

Important points to pay attention to

Signs of toxicosis, if they appear moderately, allowing the expectant mother to rest and eat a little, are not dangerous and will gradually disappear when hormonal changes are over. A dangerous symptom will be a sudden improvement in the condition when nausea and irritability disappear - this occurs when the embryo dies and the pregnancy freezes. After the death of a child in utero, the production of hormones stops, and the woman begins to feel better for some time.

With a sharp disappearance of toxic symptoms, you should immediately visit a antenatal clinic: a dead fetal egg does not always leave the body ( spontaneous abortion), it can serve as a source for the development of severe septic infections and needs to be removed (cleaned).

physical changes

In addition to the occurrence of various unpleasant sensations, there are changes in the body at the level of physiology. To notice them, it is enough to carefully examine the chest and abdomen.

Breast changes

Under the influence of progesterone, which prepares female body to childbirth and breastfeeding, mammary gland:

  • swell and slightly increase in size;
  • become hypersensitive, especially in the peripapillary region;
  • the skin around the nipples becomes much darker.

Such sensations from the chest against the background of other physiological disorders often contribute to the development of a stressful state, especially in those who become pregnant for the first time. But, in some pregnant women, due to the increased sensitivity of the nipples, there is a strong sexuality. Special contraindications, except for poor health, for intimacy no, but it is better to avoid sudden movements so as not to provoke a miscarriage. It is better to take calm positions during sex (lying or standing on all fours) and avoid pressure on the stomach.

Abdominal condition

Since the size of the embryo has not yet reached 5 mm, the uterus only slightly increases in size, appearance the abdomen does not change. From unpleasant sensations, mild drawing pains in the lower abdomen, extending to the lower back.

If soreness occurs infrequently (once every 2-3 days) and disappears on its own, then this is considered normal.

If the pulling pains in the lower abdomen are intense and prolonged (they do not go away on their own for several days), then such symptoms should be the reason for a medical examination.

Pain occurs for the following reasons:

  • Individual characteristics of the body during the active growth of the fetus and the laying of the main systems or during the conception of twins (the uterus increases in size faster). These pain are not dangerous and will disappear after the period of organ laying ends (maximum after 21 days). If pain syndrome becomes unbearable, then under the supervision of a doctor, you can take a mild antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu.
  • Twin conception. The uterus at the same time increases faster and puts more pressure on nearby tissues and nerve endings.
  • Probability of ectopic (usually tubal) implantation gestational sac. In this case, the pain will be more intense on the right or left. Their localization depends on the place where the embryo was implanted.
  • Threat of interruption. Frequently occurs at 6 weeks spontaneous interruption pregnancy, and many women lose a baby before they know they were pregnant.

  • Frozen pregnancy. Dangerous state when the death of the embryo occurs, and the fetal egg remains in the uterine cavity. The death of the embryo can occur at any time, but more often it happens at an early stage of development. When the fetus freezes, additional symptoms will be severe hyperthermia and general intoxication.
  • Uterine hypertension. More often it is provoked by insufficient production of progesterone (a hormone that prevents uterine contraction). If the signs of hypertonicity are not stopped in time, then such an increased tension of the uterus will provoke a miscarriage.

Stomach pain is dangerous. If they are prolonged or cause severe discomfort, then you need to be examined by a doctor.

Perhaps they are caused by the fact that twins were conceived and the uterus grows faster, squeezing nearby nerves and tissues, or perhaps this is the beginning of a miscarriage. It is better to visit your obstetrician and make sure that everything is in order than to lose a child due to inattention to your health.

During this period, there are no normal discharges. There may be clear mucous or watery discharge.

If bloody, cheesy or purulent discharge appears, then these symptoms indicate the development of a pathology, and their diagnosis and treatment should be done as soon as possible in order to prevent the infection from penetrating the child.

Even a small admixture of blood in the vaginal discharge is dangerous. Normally, throughout the entire period of gestation, there should be no blood.

The appearance of even small spotting indicates the development of a serious pathology, for example, it is a sign of the onset of placental abruption.

At week 6, an ultrasound is determined:

  • increased blood supply to the endometrium, which is associated with initial stage placenta formation;
  • a slight increase in the size of the uterus;
  • a tiny black dot (the site of implantation of the embryo on the uterine wall).

At this time, ultrasound diagnostics is rarely performed. It is prescribed if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected (an embryo will not be visible on ultrasound in the uterus) or if multiple pregnancy is suspected. But in diagnosing twins, this method is not very accurate - a hardware study cannot always determine two or more implantation sites, because the embryos are still too small.

Six weeks after conception is a crucial period when pregnancy is still very fragile. During this time, the following may occur:

  • intrauterine pathology, when there are violations in the formation of systems and organs;
  • miscarriage;
  • death of the fetal egg.

To prevent this from happening, you must:

Movement and sports

All pregnant women are advised to move more. Special Complex exercises and evening walks not only help to cope with nervous lability and improve sleep, but also help improve blood circulation in internal organs.

You can swim a little or sign up for a water aerobics group for pregnant women - water exercises give positive emotions and help to cope with stress caused by the hormonal preparation of the body for normal childbearing. Expectant mothers should remember that pregnancy, although it has unpleasant symptoms, is not a disease, but a natural state of the body. Despite the poor health, it is not recommended to give up the available pleasures.

To bear and give birth healthy child, care must be taken to ensure that the development of the fetus takes place without disturbance at all stages. The 6-week period is one of the important periods when all systems and organs of the embryo begin to form.

It is absolutely normal for a pregnant woman to worry about the health of the unborn child and listen to the slightest changes in her body. From week to week, the fetus is gaining more weight and growing in length, the formation of new organ systems and the complication of existing ones are constantly taking place. The expectant mother, having learned about the changed situation, must reconsider her lifestyle. In order not to make mistakes, it is important to understand what happens at the 6th week of pregnancy with the fetus and the woman's body.

fetus at 6 weeks pregnant

Week 6 is a particularly important period for a woman. It is at this time that most expectant mothers find out about their pregnancy and get registered in a consultation. At the first appointment, the district gynecologist must explain how the gestational age, that is, the bearing of the child, is calculated. In fact, the sixth obstetric week- this is exactly a month from direct conception. This means that the age of the unborn child is already 4 weeks old.

The difference between the actual and obstetric terms is due to the impossibility to determine, up to a day, the moment when the egg that matured and left the follicle was fertilized by the sperm. Even if a woman had only one sexual intercourse during the month, which could lead to conception, it is impossible to calculate the real term, since the date of ovulation remains unknown.

Spermatozoa can remain viable for up to 48 hours. This fact suggests that the release of the egg and its fertilization do not necessarily take place on the same day. To avoid difficulties in determining the preliminary date of delivery, doctors take the first day of the last menstruation as a starting point. For this reason, the 6th week of pregnancy from conception will in fact be the eighth in the obstetric calendar.

Size and weight

The embryo, which was previously fixed in the endometrium of the uterus, begins to grow gradually. By the sixth week, its length reaches 4-9 mm. This figure may vary depending on individual features. Too small or, conversely, a large length is not considered a deviation. As a rule, by the time of birth, all children reach approximately the same indicators.

The weight of the fetus at the sixth week is tiny and ranges from 4 to 4.5 grams. However, already at this time, the laying of vital organs and tissues occurs.

What develops in the sixth week

Despite its tiny size, the embryo at week 6 is developing rapidly. At this time, many organ systems are being laid, so it is extremely important for a woman to carefully monitor her health. The first changes affect the appearance of the fetus. 6 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when paired tubercles appear on the body of the crumbs - future legs and arms.

If we look in detail at the head end of the embryo, then we can identify facial features that will become clearer over time.

Already in the sixth week visualize:

  • eye sockets;
  • upper jaw;
  • ear shells.

Of course, all of these structures are only the beginnings of future organs, but the beginning of their formation and development falls precisely on the very early stages of pregnancy.

Internal organs are also laid down when the embryo approaches four weeks of age. At this time, cartilage tissue and the intestinal tube begin to form, which serves as the source material for many organ systems - digestive, respiratory, excretory.

Experts note that the baby at the 6th week of pregnancy already has a heart, but it has not yet been divided into chambers. These changes will also start a little later. During this period, the brain is formed, which gives rise to the development of the entire nervous system.


The sixth week is the period when the expectant mother is aware of her situation. In fact, this period occurs 14 days after the delay of the next menstruation. Due to the fact that the embryo is fixed in the uterine cavity, which begins to feed using the tissues of this organ, hormonal changes automatically start in the woman's body. They provoke the emergence of new sensations.

Physiological changes in a woman

The sixth week is the middle of the first trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the embryo receives the nutrients it needs from the endometrium of the uterus - the thick inner layer lining this organ. The embryo does not have any additional devices for fixation in the body of a woman, so pregnancy is maintained at a hormonal level.

All physiological changes that occur in the body of a future mother are associated with a gradual increase in the concentration of the main hormones - progesterone and prolactin. It is the presence of these substances that provokes almost all the sensations at the 6th week of pregnancy.

At this time, women usually complain about:

  • weakness and lack of strength;
  • fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • altered perception of tastes and smells;
  • irritability.

Gynecologists explain that 6 obstetric weeks is extremely important deadline, since it is at this time that the placenta begins to form.

This is a temporary organ related to the female reproductive system, which will fully mature by the 16th week. From this period, she takes on the role of maintaining pregnancy due to the constant production of progesterone. The placenta provides a link between the mother's body and the unborn child, it is through this organ that the necessary substances enter the fetus in the second and third trimesters.

How does the uterus react in the sixth week of pregnancy?

Despite the fact that the average size of the embryo on this period do not reach even a centimeter, the woman's uterus is already undergoing the first changes. If the gynecologist conducts a vaginal examination, he will record a slight increase in size.

Another change in the sixth week is the shortening and smoothing of the cervix. This means that the cervical canal, immediately following the vagina, gradually fills with thick and viscous mucus. This is the so-called cork, which will close the entrance to the uterus almost until the moment of delivery. Mucus reliably protects the embryo from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria or fungi.

Experts warn that after the conception and attachment of a fertilized egg, the intensity of all metabolic processes in the pelvic organs increases. Changes also affect the blood supply to the uterus. This usually results in frequent urination. At the sixth week, this sign of pregnancy still persists.

Breast at 6 weeks pregnant

Hypersensitivity of the mammary glands is one of the main symptoms by which pregnancy can be suspected at the earliest possible date. At the 6th week, the vast majority of women have lungs pain caused by an increase in the concentration of prolactin.

The breast at this stage is actively preparing for the subsequent feeding of the baby, so pregnant women are already noticing a slight increase in size. It is important to choose comfortable bra which will provide reliable support to the mammary glands. It is better if it is made from natural fabrics. Cotton does not cause irritation, which is especially important when sensitivity is increased.

The complete absence of soreness in the mammary glands in the middle of the first trimester is considered a variant of the norm.

Some women complain only of slight discomfort when pressed or pressed, but if the chest suddenly stops hurting at the 6th week of pregnancy, you need to consult a specialist. The disappearance of typical symptoms in some cases signals an interruption in the development of the fetus.

Nausea at 6 weeks pregnant

A distorted perception of habitual tastes and smells is the norm for the early stages of gestation, but many women complain of another unpleasant symptom - nausea. It usually occurs in the morning on an empty stomach, but the aroma of food only increases the urge to vomit.

Nausea at week 6 is considered normal, as is excessive salivation at the sight of food. These symptoms usually reach their maximum by the middle of the first trimester and then gradually disappear when hormonal background the expectant mother is stabilizing.

Discharge at 6 weeks pregnant

The nature of vaginal discharge usually remains stable throughout the first trimester. Until the sixth week, a mucous secretion is produced quite a lot, since metabolic processes proceed intensively.

Normal discharge in the sixth week is considered white or transparent, not having pungent odor. Any deviation from these standards can be regarded as a pathology, so it is better to consult a gynecologist. If the examination reveals the presence of a vaginal infection, the doctor will prescribe drug therapy to keep both mother and child healthy.

Especially dangerous at this time are brown or bloody issues. These signs may indicate a miscarriage that has begun, so you need to immediately seek medical attention. medical care.

Problems in the sixth week of pregnancy

Every woman hopes that the process of bearing a child will not be accompanied by complications, but it is not always possible to completely avoid problems. Experts reassure expectant mothers by telling them that some difficulties are only temporary phenomena that go away on their own. In other cases, adequate medical treatment helps.


The state of the body, in which it suffers from toxic foreign substances, often worries a woman in the first trimester. It means the appearance of not only nausea and vomiting, but also other unpleasant symptoms. In particular, fluctuations are associated with early toxicosis blood pressure, as well as a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

Until the 13th week, toxicosis is considered as a variant of the norm, but the frequency of vomiting should be taken into account. If a woman suffers from nausea in the morning, then no additional measures do not need to be accepted.

The development of an embryo inside the uterus is a serious stress for the body. Toxicosis will disappear when the woman's body adapts to new conditions.

In order to alleviate the condition, doctors recommend that the expectant mother take the time to get out of bed immediately after waking up. It is enough to lie down for 5-10 minutes, and then drink a glass of water or eat mint candy, some raisins, dried apricots or nuts. If profuse vomiting bothers more than 4-5 times throughout the day, then you need to see a doctor. Severe forms of toxicosis at any time should be treated under the supervision of a specialist.

Diarrhea and constipation

Digestive disorders are not uncommon when carrying a baby. In the early stages, women usually suffer from diarrhea associated with the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus under the action of progesterone. The walls of the intestine are formed by the same tissue, so its normal peristalsis deteriorates.

Usually, diarrhea associated with hormonal fluctuations resolves on its own and does not require the use of any medication. However, with diarrhea, minerals are washed out of the body. This leads to the development of general weakness. It is possible to stop this process if you take aqueous solutions electrolytes, for example, Regidron.

Constipation usually develops in the second half of pregnancy when the uterus enlarges and shifts the intestinal loops from their usual place. At week 6, constipation is most likely associated with a violation of the diet due to toxicosis. In this case, it is allowed to take a safe laxative. The best choice for a pregnant woman is Dufalac syrup.


Burning sensation behind the sternum in the stomach area is a common symptom during gestation, but it develops after the 20th week. Heartburn is associated with the pressure of the diaphragm on all organs located above it. The initial cause of unpleasant symptoms is the ever-increasing size of the uterus.

At the 6th obstetric week, the fetus is still small, so it makes no sense to talk about the displacement of the peritoneal organs. Most often, heartburn develops against the background of a violation of the diet. So, a burning sensation worries a woman who abuses spicy dishes with a lot of spices or carbonated drinks.

Ignore heartburn for early stages pregnancy is not possible. In some cases, this symptom indicates the presence of gastritis - an inflammatory pathology, in which the internal walls of the stomach are partially destroyed. This condition should be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor using a variety of medications that stimulate the restoration of mucous membranes, as well as regulate the level of acidity inside the gastrointestinal tract.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

Discomfort in the abdomen is a frequent companion of pregnancy, but if it develops into pain, then caution should be exercised. Severe cramps are not considered normal in the sixth week, but may indicate pathological conditions, such as:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Sometimes mild pulling pains indicate tension in the ligaments of the uterus. This condition does not require emergency intervention, but some measures still need to be taken. First of all, you should avoid physical exertion, which can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant

One of the most dangerous symptoms in the sixth obstetric week, the appearance on underwear drops of blood. In this case, the pregnant woman should take a horizontal position and ensure complete rest. Next, you need to call an ambulance and wait for the doctors.

Bleeding can signal both a miscarriage that has already happened, and a threatened abortion. If in the first case it is not possible to save the embryo, then in the second case there is a chance of continuing gestation. A woman in such a situation is placed in a hospital and begins drug therapy with hormonal drugs.

Ectopic pregnancy

rare but dangerous pathology the fixation of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity is considered. This can occur in the ovary itself, one of the fallopian tubes, or in isolated cases in the abdominal cavity. The embryo will not be able to fully develop outside the endothelium of the uterus, so it grows to certain limits, and then breaks.

The process is usually accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • cutting pains;
  • bleeding;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • fever;
  • general weakness.

Symptoms outside uterine pregnancy appear in the early stages, including the sixth obstetric week. For this reason, with an increase in pain, it is necessary to seek medical help in order to avoid future problems with reproductive function.

Threatened miscarriage at 6 weeks pregnant

Gynecologists name several periods throughout the entire gestation period when the risk of miscarriage is highest. The sixth week is included in this list, so it is extremely important to listen to the signals of your own body.

The threat of abortion is usually signaled by spotting bloody discharge from the vagina, combined with a pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

In this case, the woman should take a horizontal position and call an ambulance.

The threat of interruption at the sixth week may be triggered by an insufficient concentration of progesterone in the woman's blood. Pregnancy in this case will continue to be supported by artificial hormones. The doctor will prescribe drugs in the form of tablets for oral administration. Usually, with the threat of a miscarriage, Duphaston is prescribed. There is also an analogue of this medicine - Utrozhestan.

Frozen pregnancy at 6 weeks

In the early stages, the risk of another pathology remains - the cessation of fetal development. Experts call this condition a frozen pregnancy. 6 obstetric weeks is not the only period at which such a failure can occur. The threat persists throughout the bearing of the child.

Gynecologists say that a frozen pregnancy can be asymptomatic, so this pathology is most often diagnosed when receiving test results. The cessation of embryo development is indicated by a decrease in the concentration of HCG and progesterone in the woman's blood.

It is necessary to take tests if all the previously existing signs of gestation have suddenly disappeared in a pregnant woman, in particular, if toxicosis has completely stopped at the sixth week, and the chest has also stopped hurting.

Termination of pregnancy at 6 weeks

Spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy is not a rare occurrence, usually due to the presence of pathologies in the embryo different nature. At the sixth week, the embryo is protected only by the endometrium of the uterus, and the placenta is in its infancy and does not perform its main functions. It is for this reason that the embryo in the first trimester is especially vulnerable.

Not only internal anomalies, but also external factors can provoke an abortion.

So, the main causes of early miscarriages are:

To avoid spontaneous miscarriage You can if you take responsibility for your health. Any bad habits should be abandoned, and you can play sports only with the permission of a gynecologist.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

The immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened, so the penetration of pathogens into the body is not excluded. Any infections are dangerous for the fetus, as they can provoke developmental abnormalities different systems organs.

Most often, expectant mothers suffer from SARS. If characteristic symptoms appear, such as a runny nose, fever, chills, then it is better to consult a therapist, having previously informed him about your pregnancy. The specialist will only advise safe means that do not harm the developing embryo.

To reduce high temperature paracetamol is used. The same medicine will also come in handy after the birth of a child, if a woman breastfeeds the baby. Other measures to improve the condition with ARVI will be bed rest and plenty of drink.

Influenza is a more serious diagnosis, so you should not take measures on your own. The doctor will select a drug that is harmless to the mother and the unborn baby, for example, Grippferon drops.

It is best to refuse the habit of being treated with antibiotics when carrying a child. These substances freely penetrate into the tissues of the uterus through blood vessels and capable of causing birth defects development. Such drugs will be prescribed only in cases where the disease cannot be cured in other ways.

Food poisoning - what to do?

Medical therapy is required if future mom mistakenly eats low-quality or expired products. In this case, inside the gastrointestinal tract, the processes of decay are triggered, accompanied by the production a large number toxins. This is dangerous for the body, so it is best to take a specialized drug that helps cleanse the intestines of poisons. Traditionally, during pregnancy at any time, Smecta is prescribed.

If food poisoning accompanied by nausea and diarrhea, then the woman suffers from severe dehydration, so you should drink enough fluids. To cope with such symptoms of intoxication as weakness and loss of strength, it is required to restore electrolyte balance. For this purpose, take the drug Regidron.

Analyzes and examinations

Six weeks is the middle of the first trimester. If a woman at this time learns about the conception that has occurred, then she needs to be registered for further observation until childbirth. At the first appointment, the gynecologist will explain which examinations and tests are included in the list of mandatory.

Ultrasound at 6 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound diagnostics is widely used in obstetrics to assess the condition of the fetus during prenatal development.

For the entire pregnancy, a woman must undergo three mandatory ultrasounds at the following times:

  • 12 weeks;
  • 20 weeks;
  • 32 weeks.

In the first trimester for a period of 12 weeks, mandatory screening- a study combining fetal ultrasound and a blood test for the hCG hormone. This procedure allows you to identify the risks of development at an early stage. chromosomal abnormalities at the embryo.

Ultrasound at 6 weeks is not mandatory, but can be performed at the request of the woman. At this time, an embryo is clearly defined in the uterine cavity, in its shape resembling a snail shell. The study allows not only to determine whether the embryo is fixed in the right place, but also to find out exactly how many fruits are developing.

HCG at 6 weeks pregnant

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone whose concentration in a woman's body is steadily increasing from the moment of fertilization until the moment the placenta is formed. According to the content of hCG in the blood, it is judged whether the unborn child develops correctly.

At week 6, the normal concentration of chorionic gonadotropin ranges from 5000 to 20000 mIU / ml. The large amplitude of values ​​is explained by the fact that the body of each woman is individual. You should not worry if the hCG content is slightly below normal. Perhaps ovulation occurred later than expected, therefore, the gestational age is less than the woman calculated. Higher readings may indicate a multiple pregnancy.

Norm of progesterone

Progesterone is the main hormone during childbearing. It is this substance that provokes all the physiological changes in the body of the expectant mother. Its maximum concentration is observed in the middle last trimester pregnancy, these values ​​remain until the moment of delivery. At the sixth week, its level fluctuates in the range of 19 - 54 ng / ml. These values ​​are typical for the first trimester of pregnancy.

Determining the level of progesterone at 6 obstetric weeks is not always required. The doctor will recommend this analysis if there is a threat of interruption, if the woman has pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting has appeared. The analysis is also prescribed for those patients who have a history of miscarriages or missed pregnancies.

Endometrium at 6 weeks pregnant

The inner layer that lines the uterine cavity is called the endometrium. In the early stages of pregnancy, this tissue serves not only as protection for the fetus, but also as a source of nutrition. As soon as the fertilized egg has attached to one of the walls of the uterus, the endothelium will begin to thicken. This is due to the growth of glandular cells and an increase in the network of blood capillaries.

The normal thickness of the inner layer of the uterine walls at the sixth week is slightly more than 20 mm. In this case, before pregnancy, this value should be at least 7 mm. If a woman has too thin endometrium, then there is a high probability of problems with conception. It is possible to assess the condition and thickness of the tissue lining the inside of the uterus during pregnancy using an ultrasound machine.

Despite numerous changes in the body, pregnancy remains natural for a woman. physiological state. You do not need to limit yourself in absolutely all areas of life, you just need to follow the simple recommendations of doctors.

Sex at 6 weeks pregnant

With good health, it makes no sense to completely abandon intimate life. Sex will not harm either the expectant mother or her baby. The size of the fetus in the middle of the first trimester is too small to provoke the growth of the uterus and abdomen. This means that a pregnant woman is practically unlimited in her choice of positions.

Doctors warn it's too intense sex life undesirable, since the embryo is protected only by the endometrium of the uterus. Sexual intercourse can provoke a threatened miscarriage. The danger will pass when all the functions of preserving the fetus will be taken over by the placenta.

If the woman's health worsens, discomfort in the abdomen or spotting bothers, it makes sense to completely abandon sex and consult a doctor.

Sports at 6 weeks pregnant

Women who are actively involved in sports should take into account that regular exhausting workouts increase the tone of the uterus, which is fraught with miscarriage. For this reason, the intensity of training should be reduced. If the activity is associated with lifting weights, running and making sudden movements, then it is completely abandoned.

According to most experts, moderate exercise will not cause harm. At the sixth week, as well as throughout the entire gestation period, water activities are useful. Pregnant women can choose to swim at a calm pace or water aerobics. The body in the water completely relaxes, and the muscles that will continue to support the growing belly are strengthened due to the resistance of the dense environment.

Travel: travel and flights

Many expectant mothers are worried about how traveling will affect their well-being and health of the crumbs. There is no consensus on this matter, however, most gynecologists recommend postponing the planned trip to the second trimester.

Moving or flying in the sixth week is possible, but only if the pregnant woman has no health problems. At the slightest suspicion of a threat of interruption, the trip should be abandoned, since the road is stressful for the body, the consequences of which can be unpredictable.

Diet in the sixth week of pregnancy

Products present on the table of the expectant mother must be completely safe. It is important to understand that some dishes provoke a load on the digestive system, which worsens a woman's well-being.

What can't be eaten

To avoid problems, you should stop eating food that spends too much time in the digestive tract. These products include fatty meat, legumes, smoked meats, sausages.

The list of prohibited products includes varieties of cheeses containing mold. Their frequent use threatens dysbacteriosis. This condition is accompanied not only by intestinal disorders, but also by heaviness, bloating and pain in the abdomen.

Particular attention should be paid to drinks. So, a pregnant woman should reduce the amount of coffee consumed to a minimum so as not to provoke jumps in blood pressure. Strong tea is undesirable for the same reason. Everyone is under an absolute ban. alcoholic drinks regardless of the percentage ethyl alcohol in them.

What can you eat

The menu for a pregnant woman in the sixth week is not difficult to compose. You just need to follow the basic rules. Meals should provide the requirements for vitamins, minerals and organic compounds, as well as be easy to digest.

Doctors advise to base the diet on a food pyramid, according to which complex carbohydrates, namely fiber, make up the bulk of the diet. Next come the proteins that serve as the main building material for the body. At the top of the pyramid, which corresponds to minimum quantity, fats and simple sugars are located.

To make it easier for a pregnant woman to navigate the range of products, experts have compiled sample list dishes that will benefit when carrying a baby.

For breakfast, porridge is the best. An excellent choice would be:

  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • barley.

You can cook them both in water and in milk. It is allowed to add not only sugar, but also pieces of fresh or dried fruit. Porridge satisfies the basic need for complex carbohydrates.

During pregnancy, it is better to eat more often, but in small portions, so the introduction of a second breakfast would be appropriate. Omelettes, cottage cheese casseroles or cheesecakes are eaten at this meal.

Most of the calories the expectant mother receives during lunch, so it must be complete. Light soups made from vegetables and lean meat are suitable as first courses. Lunch can be added steam cutlets with rice or buckwheat.

In the middle of the day, a pregnant woman needs a light snack. For an afternoon snack, you can eat any fresh fruit - an apple, a banana, a pear, and also drink a glass of kefir.

Dinner should not be heavy, so the choice of dishes is approached responsibly. You can steam white fish - cod or hake, and use mashed potatoes or stewed vegetables as a side dish.

Supplements, vitamins

Experts are convinced that with a competent diet, a woman does not need additional complex supplements at the beginning of pregnancy. daily rate the expectant mother will receive vitamins from fresh vegetables and fruits, and minerals from meat and dairy products.

On early stages gestation is especially important to influence the normal formation neural tube fetus. This process will proceed successfully with a sufficient number of folic acid. It can be taken as a separate vitamin, available in tablet form. Stop using this drug only after 12 weeks.

No less important for proper development fetus such trace element as iodine. With its shortage, defects associated with the musculoskeletal system, as well as deviations in mental activity, often develop.

Is alcohol allowed?

Some women mistakenly believe that non-alcoholic beer will not cause harm. This is wrong. Such a drink contains a small percentage of ethyl alcohol, but even this concentration adversely affects the developing embryo.

The sixth week of pregnancy is the middle of the first trimester. Outwardly, it is still difficult to guess that a woman is expecting a child, but internal changes are gaining momentum. It is at this time that the laying of the most important organ systems takes place, so all the requirements of the gynecologist must be strictly observed.

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When the baby approaches the six-week milestone, he must learn a lot, because almost a month and a half of his life could not be wasted. The skills of a child at 6 weeks old can literally be listed on the fingers, since he has not yet fully revealed himself to this world and is just beginning to learn it. So, what should a baby who is 6 weeks old be able to do?

  • Follow objects by visually focusing on them.
  • Turn your head towards the source of the sound, first looking for it with your eyes.
  • Show obvious liveliness when interacting with him.
  • Try to keep your head up while lying on a small tummy.
  • Pronounce sounds with emphasis on vowels.
  • Turn from barrel to back.

At the sixth week, the baby is still adapting to the world around him, and his mother already understands what he wants to say with one or another facial expression and pronounced sounds. IN given period development, the baby seizes a bewitching, attractive and radiant smile, which is an excellent means of communicating with people at this age. The child bestows his smile on almost everyone who is positively inclined towards him, but still the main people are mom and dad, he smiles most often and this smile is noticeably different from everyone else. You can also notice how the baby looks at her parents, his gaze is fixed directly into the eyes of his beloved and dearest people in his life, and this look is very warm, full of affection, tenderness and love.

But the baby does not refuse to cry, because he understands perfectly well that with such a method of influence as crying, he can achieve what he wants. Crying, like a call, notifies parents that the little one wants them to come up, play with him, take him in his arms and show him something interesting.

Try to speak absolutely normally with the child, that is, do not use too many diminutive names, as well as new words that simply do not exist in Russian.

By the sixth week of its existence, your child is able to focus on moving objects, and also examines with interest everything that is located half a meter away from him. Sometimes you may notice a very smart look in his baby, which only indicates that the baby is growing rapidly. Support the child in everything and do not refuse him new toys, although he still cannot ask you to buy this or that little thing. Be attentive and caring, and then a person with a capital letter will grow out of a month and a half crumbs.

To strengthen the muscles and massage the body, you can use developing mats on which you need to lay the baby. They are joined by arcs on which there are colored rattles. The baby can lie on a comfortable rug and look at colorful toys.

5-6 weeks of pregnancy is the period when most expectant mothers only learn about their situation. First emotions, first sensations, first joy. And, of course, this period requires maximum responsibility: it is now that the most important changes are taking place in the baby's body, it is growing rapidly. The foundations of all organs and systems are laid. At this time, an ultrasound examination is often performed for diagnostic purposes: the diameter of the fetal egg is estimated (6 mm is the norm for this period), its location (implantation site).

What's happening

During this period, a woman already notes changes in her well-being, but this is not noticeable to others yet. The tummy has not yet grown, the uterus reaches the size of a plum. The baby is still quite small: now it is a fetal egg 6-7 mm. The nervous system is developing very actively: the foundations of the central nervous system are laid in the emerging cranium. At this time, the heart is already starting to work, and this can be distinguished when ultrasound examination.

At the fifth week, the rudiments of the arms and legs of the baby are formed, and by the end of the sixth week, the rudiments of the fingers will already form. The formation of the face begins: the eye sockets, the place of the mouth, as well as the localization of the ears are already distinguishable. In place of the nose are already visible dark dots. The muscular apparatus, the inner ear, the endocrine system are actively formed. A fetal egg 5-6 mm in diameter already has the rudiments of the bone marrow. The thymus gland is formed. The musculoskeletal system is developing: the skeleton is now represented by cartilage, which subsequently ossifies.

The genital organs have not yet formed, so it is impossible to determine the sex with ultrasound at such an early stage. Internal organs are actively formed. The umbilical cord has already formed.

Mom's Feelings

At this time, the expectant mother already feels all the signs of early pregnancy. Morning sickness is very characteristic: weakness, nausea, vomiting is possible. Very often, women feel sleepy. Due to the increased content of progesterone, which causes relaxation of the internal muscles, problems with the stool may begin. Therefore, a woman must necessarily include in the daily diet products that help improve digestion, as well as observe an adequate drinking regimen.

Changes in the mammary glands are characteristic: enlargement, soreness, darkening of the areolas is already possible, a venous pattern appears. The uterus is somewhat enlarged and presses on bladder, so women note frequent urination.

Pain in the lower abdomen is possible, with the appearance of which it is necessary to consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of abortion.

Most characteristic symptoms are signs early toxicosis. Normally, the symptoms of toxicosis are observed until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, but they can last longer. Their intensity in all women is individual, and quite often expectant mothers do not feel nausea and malaise at all.

A typical feature is also a change taste preferences. A woman may want products that were not previously included in the list of favorite dishes. But nutrition should now be taken very seriously: the baby needs all the valuable nutrients to come in, everything must be excluded from the menu. harmful products with the presence of preservatives, dyes, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol.

Ultrasound at 5-6 weeks pregnant

At this stage of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed to assess normal flow pregnancy. The early embryonic period is characterized by the laying of all organs.

When assessing the results of ultrasound, it should be remembered that embryologists estimate gestational age differently than obstetricians. In obstetrics, it is customary to count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation, since the exact date of fertilization is unknown in the vast majority of cases. Embryologists estimate the actual gestational age, that is, from conception. It is ultrasound that allows you to determine the exact embryonic period by the size of the fetal egg, embryo, fetus. Since the interval from the first day of menstruation to ovulation can vary from 8 to 16 days, the fetal and obstetric gestational age may differ by the same number of days.

The gestation period of 5-6 weeks is called the mid-embryonic period. During this period, the anatomy of the embryo is not available for research, because its size is too small, and the resolution of most ultrasound machines does not allow visualizing such small details.

When conducting transvaginal echography (the most common method of gynecological ultrasound is through the vagina), in the presence of uterine pregnancy, a rounded anechoic formation is determined - a 6-7 mm fetal egg located in the thickness of the endometrium. Inside the fetal egg, two cavities are visualized, which are located one in the other. This is the primary yolk sac, as well as the cavity of the extraembryonic coelom. Visualization of the fetal egg is possible from the gestational age of 4-5 weeks. Previously, due to the small size, such a diagnosis is difficult.

Ultrasound examination in early pregnancy allows you to determine the gestational age of the embryo, for more accurate results this study is combined with the determination of the level of chorionic gonadotropin, the concentration of which at these times changes daily and also makes it possible to judge the duration of pregnancy.

At the fifth week of pregnancy, the embryo, about 5 mm in size, is located near the wall of the yolk sac. The yolk sac is visualized as a cystic formation with anechoic contents. Embryo in yolk sac is located eccentrically, creating a characteristic ultrasound picture of the "double bubble".

Despite the fact that most of the organs of the embryo at this time have already been formed, their visualization by ultrasound is still very difficult. Therefore, an ultrasound scan for a period of 5-6 weeks is not performed to determine whether the baby is developing normally, but to confirm pregnancy.

Finding out about your pregnancy is always exciting for a woman. This is one of the most significant events in the lives of future parents. It is often the 6th week of pregnancy that brings good news. It is at this time that a woman can feel the first changes in her body more strongly, starting with a delay in menstruation and ending with the appearance of toxicosis. Even if it is not there, other first signs of pregnancy can be noted.

The fetus is already visible on ultrasound, so you should register with a gynecologist and undergo a series of examinations. Early diagnosis the course of intrauterine development of the baby will prevent possible negative factors and prevent miscarriage.

Future parents will be interested to know what happens to their baby at the 6th week of pregnancy, and what the expectant mother should expect from her body. You should also find out what tests you need to undergo, which doctors to visit.

How to register?

The 6th week of pregnancy requires the expectant mother to undergo a full medical examination. This will identify possible deviations in the development of the embryo, prevent miscarriage.

Ultrasound will help in this, because at this time the fetus is already visible, as well as the changes that have occurred to it since conception. It should be noted that there are two reference systems that determine the duration of pregnancy.

The first is considered unofficial. It is used by mothers in the early stages of intrauterine development of the baby. This system counts from the moment of conception. Its disadvantage lies in the fact that it is impossible to say exactly when the fertilization and implantation of the egg occurred.

Therefore, officially, doctors use the obstetric counting system. The gestational age is determined from the first day of the last menstruation. There are no inaccuracies here, as in the previous approach. In fact, the 6-7 obstetric week of pregnancy is equal to the fourth week from the moment of conception. A visit to a gynecologist and a number of other specialists at this time is extremely important.


The sixth week of pregnancy is very important for tracking the correct development of the embryo. It is this period that involves the first ultrasound. If there are no periods, but the pregnancy has not yet been officially confirmed, the obstetrician-gynecologist will do this after the examination and tests.

It is important to assess the size of the fetus, its development. To prevent miscarriage in the presence of adverse factors, it is necessary to be examined comprehensively. The gynecologist will give the direction to the expectant mother to go through the following doctors:

  1. The therapist examines the woman for the presence of common diseases, including chronic ones. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.
  2. The ophthalmologist assesses the likelihood of developing a pathology of the woman's vision, gives recommendations.
  3. The dentist reveals the presence of investments in oral cavity. Treatment of teeth and gums. Without this, the development of the fetus may proceed incorrectly.
  4. The otolaryngologist determines if there are hidden or chronic investments in the ears, nose, throat. They can also complicate pregnancy.

A period of 6 weeks requires a responsible attitude of a woman to her health. It depends on how the fetus develops. Therefore, the examination cannot be postponed.


In addition to the above medical professionals the woman undergoes a series of tests. Based on them, the state of the body of the future mother is assessed, as well as the development of the embryo. This allows you to establish in a timely manner negative factors, to prevent miscarriage. Analyzes are prescribed as follows:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Blood type, her Rh factor.
  3. Coagulogram (blood clotting).
  4. Glucose analysis.
  5. Tests for HIV, RW (syphilis), hepatitis C, B.
  6. Analysis of urine.
  7. Vaginal smear.
  8. TORCH complex.

This is standard procedure. If the lower abdomen hurts, pink, bloody discharge from the genital tract appeared, this will be done without delay. Timely diagnosis will prevent miscarriage. Even if the mother's health does not deviate from the norm, it is necessary to pass all the necessary tests.

Examination by a gynecologist

In addition to ultrasound, testing and examination by a number of medical specialists, a period of 6-7 weeks will require an assessment of some parameters of the course of pregnancy by a gynecologist. He conducts the following studies that can provide information about the development of the fetus:

  1. The size of the woman's pelvis.
  2. Weight measurement to track its gain.
  3. Blood pressure is assessed at the beginning of pregnancy for comparison in the future.

All sensations, complaints of a woman, the presence of toxicosis, abdominal pain are noted by a gynecologist. You need to know how mommy normally feels at 6-7 weeks of fetal development.

What happens in a woman's body?

The 6th week of pregnancy most often does not go unnoticed for the expectant mother. The delay in menstruation already reaches 1-2 weeks. The first sensations, manifestations of toxicosis may appear or settle down.

Some of the first signs of pregnancy do not. But the likelihood of their appearance occurs precisely at 5-6 weeks of fetal development. What a woman can feel at this time, what sensations are considered the norm, she should find out more.

How does the woman feel?

Rarely for a period of 6-7 weeks there are no manifestations of hormonal changes in the body. Most often, sensations intensify during this period. There is an increase in the concentration of hormones that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy.

The first manifestation of change is the absence of menstruation. You should expect the appearance of toxicosis. If not, it is not considered a deviation. A woman can become susceptible to different smells.

Mood swings are also a concern. This is quite natural. Sometimes slightly pulls the lower abdomen. Its size has not yet been increased. The first signs of fetal development, in addition to toxicosis, include selectivity or the appearance of special preferences in food.

It happens that this period is remembered by strong manifestations of toxicosis. Eating and even drinking becomes difficult. However, when severe vomiting water loss should be restored. If it is difficult to drink liquid, you can replace it with juicy fruits.

Quite often, this period brings heaviness in the abdomen, constipation. Increased urination. This is normal, but you should adjust your diet. The first signs of pregnancy also include weakness, dizziness. By the end of the first trimester all discomfort will pass.

Physiological changes

At 5-6 weeks, the stomach still does not look big. But the uterus is already growing. Now it is the size of an orange. Under the influence of hormones, the breasts swell, the nipples may darken.

Weight at this time increases by 0.6–1.4 kg. The inexorably rising level of hCG stimulates the growth of the corpus luteum. It can be seen on an ultrasound. It releases more and more progesterone. It's a pregnancy hormone.

Immunity is reduced, which is necessary during this period of embryo development. This process starts from the moment of conception. It protects the fetus from influences immune system mother. Without this mechanism, miscarriage would be almost inevitable. The lower abdomen sometimes pulls, tingling is noted. The uterus grows, the blood rushes to it more strongly. This is normal.


Normally, the discharge at this time is white, transparent. They do not cause discomfort, burning, itching. Light transparent discharge is odorless. If light pink, bloody ointments appear from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Brown discharge in the 6th week of pregnancy may portend a miscarriage. Especially if the lower abdomen hurts. Blood or light bloody discharge at any time is considered a deviation from the norm and requires an ambulance to be called immediately.

Also, if the ointments from the genital tract have changed their character, become opportunities, greenish, foamy, you should urgently contact a gynecologist.

What happens to the embryo?

Ultrasound for a period of 5-6 weeks can tell a lot about the development of the embryo. The fetus during this period has a size of only 4-6 im. Its weight is 1–2 g. The embryo now looks more like a fish embryo. The fetus floats in a small amount of amniotic fluid.

However, his mother is now still unable to feel the movements of her crumbs. If her lower abdomen pulls, it is not due to the movements of the fetus. Its size is still too small for this.

An ultrasound can also now track the heartbeat of the embryo. Normally, it reaches 100-150 beats per minute. This is a serious breakthrough in the development of crumbs. Ultrasound also shows the following changes since conception:

  1. The circulation is adjusted.
  2. Internal organs (spleen, kidneys, lungs) continue to form. The esophagus and intestines are still missing.
  3. The first features of the face are formed.
  4. Arms and legs are formed.
  5. The thymus appears.
  6. The rudiments of the bone marrow, pituitary gland, and muscles appear.
  7. The fetus receives the development of the nervous system.
  8. Sex glands are formed.

This is a complex process. The life and health of the baby largely depends on the behavior of the mother during this period. Therefore, even in the presence of toxicosis, it is necessary to eat right. Sex is possible at this time, if there are no contraindications. In the case when the gynecologist suspected possible miscarriage all recommendations must be followed. Sex, exercise, stress must be excluded.

What to fear?

Having studied what happens to the embryo with the help of ultrasound, having passed examinations and tests, conditions dangerous for pregnancy are sometimes revealed. This period is marked by such threats:

  1. The presence of severe toxicity.
  2. Spontaneous miscarriage.
  3. Threat of interruption, fading of pregnancy.
  4. ectopic implantation.

This pregnancy is dangerous various pathologies. If there are symptoms of its interruption (pricks, cuts in the lower abdomen, reddish, bad-smelling discharges appear), you should consult a doctor. Sex, increased physical, emotional stress are contraindicated in this case.

Even if there is no toxicosis, you should optimize your diet. Otherwise, the fetus will not receive the necessary substances for development. It is dangerous to catch a cold during this period, to transfer some infectious diseases. An increase in body temperature above +38 degrees is dangerous for the baby. Even a miscarriage is possible. You can’t even go to baths, take too hot a shower. If there are contraindications, various threats, sex at this time is unacceptable.

In order for the fetus to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of your supervising doctor. He will pick up vitamin complex taking into account the characteristics of the woman's body.

If nausea and vomiting are severe, it is necessary to eat in small portions (this is also best done if there is no toxicosis). Food should be cold, and it is better to have breakfast without getting out of bed. Vomiting more than 2-3 times a day requires treatment.

If it hurts a lot, it pricks the lower abdomen, you should call an ambulance. You need to sleep more (and during the day too), at least 9-10 hours. In order not to expose the fetus to threats and adverse effects, physical activity should be reduced. Sex is acceptable if there are no contraindications.

When you want to eat or drink something unhealthy (beer, earth, whitewash), you should not succumb to this feeling. Such manifestations indicate a deficiency in the body of some substances. It is necessary to eat properly, fully.

By registering on time, having passed necessary examinations, a woman can prevent negative factors affecting the development of the baby. Adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist, the expectant mother will make the development process of her crumbs harmonious. This is important at all stages of pregnancy, and even more so in the first weeks.