Beautiful congratulations on the wedding from the groom's parents. What to pay attention to when writing a wedding congratulatory speech. Congratulations to parents on their daughter's wedding

We bless you.

Our anxiety cannot be quelled and our joy cannot be measured.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts to trust each other throughout our lives.

So that every hour of work and fun is happy,

We wish each of you to be worthy of trust.

Today is a white dove

He brought congratulations on his wings.

And in that congratulation there is a command.

It's like a parental decree.

Make sure her dress is stored safely and neatly if the bride is changing at the reception location. Return any dresses or clothing hired. Be on hand to help the bride with what needs to be done. The masterpieces are chosen by the groom and are usually chosen from among the brothers or cousins bride or groom. Just as the bride chooses her bridesmaids' dresses, the groom chooses his mentor's clothes. In the case of a Scottish wedding, this might mean that the groom chooses which tartan he wears.

The main duties of the starter are to show people their places and distribute orders of service. Additionally, they must work with the best person to ensure smooth operations, helping with arranging transportation from one place to another if necessary, and generally being on hand and attentive to guests.

We wish you to live in happiness,

Treasure harmony in the home.

We want you not to waste time

And the debt was repaid to us by our grandchildren or granddaughters.

Listen to your parent's commandment,

My dear, dear guys!

Of course, this is no secret to you,

What to adore and appreciate each other necessary!

Express your concern more often

And kiss as sweetly as today!

It is generally a good idea to have at least one person from the family as it helps with introducing people to the wedding party at the reception. The role of the Mother of the Bride has changed significantly, especially since most couples pay for own wedding. However, she must support her daughter, respect her daughter's decisions, and ensure the smooth running of the day wherever possible.

Mother of the bride goes to wedding place with the bridesmaids and meets her at the entrance, who escorts her to her seat. She must be last person to take your place before the bride arrives. Typically for brides, parents and attendants must witness the signing of the registry. As you leave the venue, the mother of the bride goes with the father of the groom to get the best man and the chief bridesmaid.

Always go home after work,

May the hand of the Lord protect your union!

Well, now, I can say: “Bitter!”

Our dears,

We congratulate you!

Happiness and health

We wish you strong results.

Be patient,

Doves, to each other.

May everything go smoothly

Like the edges of a mug.

Wedding is joy

So, from the heart

The father of the bride will accompany the bride to the wedding and will escort her down the aisle. After he has delivered his daughter to the groom's side, he can go to his place, which is usually with other guests. The father of the bride usually gives the first speech of the day and may dress the groom during the couple's first dance.

As the official host of the wedding reception, he is expected to bid farewell to departing guests and is traditionally the last person to leave the reception. Once the news of the engagement has been broken, the groom's parents are expected to contact the bride's parents to congratulate them, greet them future daughter-in-law in your family and arrange a time for both sets of parents to meet to discuss wedding arrangements.

Long days, happy

We hasten to wish!

Our dear children! Today we are the most happy parents, we bless your marriage for a long, strong and happy family life! Good luck to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding, be happy, dear newlyweds!

Congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents

Congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents are the most important words for the newlyweds. First of all, the bride’s parents say words of blessing on the threshold of their house before the newlyweds go to the registry office. Parents wish the young couple a happy family life, full of love and joy, and give them parting words.

Both sets of parents need to discuss and agree very early on who does what and who pays for what. Mothers, since she is always the woman who communicates best, should be in constant contact with each other to keep each other abreast of the development of the organization, discuss any difficulties that arise, avoid any misunderstandings or duplication of work and complain about the selfishness and ingratitude of their offspring.

The main financial expenses for the groom's parent were traditionally gifts for the couple and possibly the rehearsal dinner. However, these days, the rising cost of weddings means that the groom's parents are expected to be involved in many other areas, which are best pre-arranged with the bride's family.

At the end of the registration ceremony at the registry office, already at the place of celebration, the groom's parents congratulate the newlyweds, meeting them at the entrance with bread and salt on a long towel. The mother-in-law should make a welcoming speech and offer the newlyweds a taste of bread and salt. This is a symbol of the groom's parents accepting the bride into their family. In addition, it is believed that after such a ceremony, the bride and groom become crumbs of the same bread. Then the newlyweds are sprinkled with rice, sweets and coins, and the groom’s mother joins the hands of the newlyweds with a towel, wishing that they would walk hand in hand all their lives.

The mother of the groom is usually responsible for informing the mother of the bride of the number of guests arriving from the groom's side. Flower girls and bees are usually nieces, nephews or young siblings and are usually no younger than about 5 or over 9 years old, or children under 5 are unlikely to understand what is going on and may decide to start playing hide and seek just as vows are to be exchanged.

Flower girls walk in front of the bride carrying poses of flowers or thornless bunches that they can pass on to guests as they leave. They may also sprinkle roses or other flower petals in front of the bride as she walks down the aisle. Guards traditionally carry the bride's ride if she is wearing a long dress. They can also be used to carry rings on a couple's pillow.

On wedding banquet Congratulations to newlyweds from parents often come in the form of parting words, toasts and wishes in poetic or prose form. Parents are usually wished by the young family well-being, eternal love, happiness, mutual understanding, children and long life life together. The bride's parents are the first to congratulate the couple, followed by the groom's parents. After making solemn speeches, parents give flowers and gifts to the newlyweds.

The most famous superstitions about wedding dresses are that they should not see the groom until the bride appears in church and that the bride cannot make her dress. As well as a surprising amount wedding traditions, the veil may also have its origin in Ancient Rome and, like the custom of dressing the bride and bridesmaids, was intended to protect the bride from evil spirits by concealing her identity until she was married.

What to look for when writing a wedding speech

Tradition says that either newlywed will make the first purchase that is right in the relationship. This is why brides often give a coin to the chief bridesmaid, who will sell her a pin in return. Confetti, which is the Italian word for “sweets,” has its origins in Italy, where sweets were thrown over newlyweds as they left church. Throwing sweets was intended to promote fertility in the couple, as well as rice used by many poor villages. Other substitutes include raisins, flower petals and nuts.

Parents, as a rule, always try to say what they consider the most important, but since a wedding is a rather exciting event, many begin to get lost. That is why it is better to prepare your speech in advance. At the same time, it is important that young people also support their parents with smiles and jokes, because they will be worried and worried.

Our modern urban society has gradually replaced them with paper confetti. Although bridesmaids today are dressed more simply than brides originally, maids and brides were dressed alike to confuse evil spirits. It is assumed that Honeymoon has its origin in the period of time when the couple hides from the bride's parents before marriage, that is, one month. During this time they will drink Mead or honey wine. Yes, we think his sounds are implausible, too.

Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, Something blue

This most famous of all wedding rhymes is believed to come from Victorian England. The bride should wear one on her face during her wedding to ensure future happiness and prosperity. Something Old was traditionally part of the garment or garter given to the happy bride married woman, which would convey her happiness in marriage through the symbol of an old object.

Congratulations from parents often come in the form of advice that young people should listen to, because parents have quite a lot of experience in family life. Well, in general, what exactly the parents say to the newlyweds on their wedding day is not so important. The important thing is that these words are spoken with love and from a pure heart.

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Congratulating the newlyweds, I want to remember the words of one writer: “A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.” May your life together be a long, tender conversation between your hearts.

Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, in happy hour say parent parting words. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs and happy voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most Magic world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Something new could be something like the bride's choice and is meant to symbolize a new and hopefully prosperous future for the young couple. Something Borrowed was usually a family heirloom or prized possession close friend. If the bride fails to return the item, bad luck will occur.

Something Blue can be any garment, often a garter or underwear. Blue is often considered a symbol of loyalty and fidelity. The wedding cake was originally a Roman symbol of fertility, which, instead of being eaten, was smashed over the bride's head.

For every step, for every breath and look

For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -

From the mother of the bride

So you have grown up, my daughter!

The first door to life is ajar.

Your wedding rejoices merrily,

But you can hear the beating of a restless heart.

This is what worries my heart,

Seeing your happiness with my own eyes!

Don't be angry with me, darling

The idea of ​​a cake developed over the centuries into several cakes sitting on top of each other. When the tower of cakes was tall enough to represent the challenge, the bride and groom would stand on opposite sides of the cake and attempt to kiss, being careful not to cause the tower to fall. One could expect happiness if the kiss was successful.

Carrying the bride over the threshold

This tradition carries over to today a wedding cake today, which often sees cakes in tiers with a kiss on top. The tradition of the groom carrying the bride over the threshold of their new family home, may arise at a time when grooms steal their brides. The carrying of the bride into the house symbolizes this medieval "kidnapping" when they enter into marriage for the first time.

Mom’s heart knows no peace!..

There is a worthy groom next to you,

Now I will love you two!

I am glad that my beloved daughter

She brought me such a son!

Be happy my children!

It will become a holiday family days!

Let from evening to morning dawn

We will be sweet to you, and not at all... bitter!

Parental order

Another explanation is that if the bride first entered the house with her left foot, she would be visited by bad luck. To avoid any disaster caused by his bride's inability to walk normally, the groom simply lifts her into the room. The wording examples provided here are simply suggested, if you have chosen your own wording we will be happy to include it in yours stationery. When choosing appropriate wording for wedding stationery.

Scroll through the suggested wording

Invitation and exit route. Save the date for tropical marriages. Party invitation organized by the bride and the groom. Jonathan Blake with his parents. Jonathan Blake and his families are pleased to invite. Church of the Assumption Tullamore, Co.

Will stay until the very end!

The basis of your young family,

Live, children, in peace and love!

From the groom's mother

Dear son, my dear child!

It seems like I was just born yesterday.

But life moves on and children grow...

Suddenly you have become not a boy, but a husband!

Rejoicing in happiness, wishing good luck,

I'm still crying little by little!

Invitation to the day Invited parents of the Bride. Invitation to the day Invited by both parents. David Blake asks. Joseph's Church, Carrickmacross, Co. Jonathan Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Church, Carrickmacross, Co. Invitation of the day Hosted parents of the Bride.

Wishes to the newlyweds from the groom's parents with metaphors

Daytime invitation Hosted by the Widow or one parent of the Bride. Invitation to the invitation ceremony. Jonathan Blake requests from the company. Aisling O Dowd and Janice Blake ask for the pleasure of company. Frank O Dowd ask for the pleasure of company.

A bird would spread its wings above you

And save you from trouble and sadness!

How to build a high wall

May you avoid quarrels and betrayals?!

How can I pave the path more evenly for you?

So that you don’t want to turn away from it?!

How does fate tighten my girth,

So that you always love each other?!

I can scoop out a heart to the bottom,

James Blake will ask the company. Evening invitation - Verse 1 Bride Hosts parents. Pope Benedict's advice on marriages. The opportunity was unmatched. In front of more than several couples of suitors, Pope Francisco proposed the ingredients to develop a recipe for solid love. And also tips for improving your marriage.

Congratulations from parents

First, guys must be ready to become craftsmen or even jewelers. Marriage is an everyday job, one might say that it is a craft, a piece of jewelry, because the husband has the task of making the woman a woman, and the woman has the task of making the man more masculine. humanity, both man and woman.

May the sun shine on your love!

From the groom's dad

My dear and beloved son!

The time for maturity has come.

From a baby, a foolish son

Already grown up a real man!

I recognize myself in my son:

I immediately found my half,

I immediately fell in love with her

And, without regretting anything, I got married!

I would like that in word and deed

Congratulations and blessings on the wedding from parents

Dad said this is a job “forever,” but there’s no need to be scared. “Love is an achievement, a reality that grows, and we can say, for example, that it is like building a house, and a house is not built alone.” Living together forever requires that the foundations of marriage be set in solid stone.

"You don't want to build it on the sand of feelings that come and go, but on the rock true love, love that comes from God." For a marriage to be happy, “forever” will not be enough for a long time. Quantity is as important as quality. A marriage only fails if it lasts, this is also an important quality.

My mother and I were an example for our son!

If my fate repeats itself,

Your family will be strong!

Let your happiness go around in circles!

Live together for each other's joy!

Let it burn out and light up again

Your love is an eternal star!

Our dear children!

Be the best in the world.

If you got married, don't fight.

Fall in love more deeply every day.

We wish you happiness, children.

And congratulations again.

Let there be your union

An example of family ties.

When you were little and came home dirty for the first time, I told you

Whatever it was for the first and last time.

When you started school and got a bad grade for the first time, I told you again - that this would be the first and last time.

Today is your first wedding and I tell you - let this be the first and last time!

Congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents

To both newlyweds

Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! So, may your union be happy!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They can build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create strong family and will wait for such a happy day when their children will get married and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let's drink to the young people, to new family and let faith, hope, love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear ____ and ____, on this solemn day before God and people we bless you happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental order: live, live, and make good money! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, as we bid you farewell to your new life, we wish you love, happiness, and family well-being. Live in the name of goodness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage and a strong family!

Dear children, ____ and ____! We bless you on strong marriage, on friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children in your family laugh, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

My dear son and you, daughter! I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart that this wedding will not be the last in your life! I wish you more celebration chintz wedding- in a year, paper - in two years, leather - in three years, linen - in four years, wood - in five years, tin - in ten, crystal - in fifteen, porcelain - in twenty, silver - in twenty-five, gold - in fifty, diamond - in seventy-five years. And may your eyes shine with happiness at all these weddings just as they did at the very first one - today! I wish you a long and happy life together.

Our dear ____ and ____, I want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times.

I want to congratulate you on your marriage.

Keep the warmth that you have acquired,

And do your best,

So as not to waste everything you found.

Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,

So that trouble cannot sneak up on you.

May life be fun and beautiful.

Never part, children.

I want to wish you happiness

And congratulations on your responsible step.

So that you don’t see bad weather in your life,

So that you are close to each other.

My heartfelt

I can’t put it into words.

I will hug you, my hearts,

I will wrap my arms around you.

There is no strength to speak,

Yes, and what to express in words.

You are so beautiful today.

You are warmed by the rays of love.

I would like to briefly congratulate you,

And direct you to the true path,

And fasten your hands between you.

I wish you without any doubts,

Preserved until the last days.

You are our golden children!

Please accept congratulations from us,

We don't need gratitude

Just always live in peace.

Combining in a worldly union,

You took the oath of allegiance.

And don't be a burden to each other,

As you promised today.

Our dear birds, you have become a young husband and wife. Now before you lies a long and happy journey family life. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you take! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this. In the meantime, you are the most happy couple on this planet. I only want to wish you happy days so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Dear ___________________________________________________ (name of the bride and groom)! We wish you to live amicably, in harmony. May your interests in life always coincide. Try to live not everyone for himself or for himself, but for each other. You, ______________ (name of the groom), take care of your wife, and you, _________________ (name of the bride), take care of your husband. We lived a long and happy life and gave life to ___________ (bride's name). There were both sorrows and joys, but we always solved all our problems together, and that is why our family has always been so close-knit and friendly. Therefore, we always wish you to solve all your problems not individually, but together. If there is peace and harmony in the family, then you will be happy, and we will be happy for you, and your future children will grow up healthy and happy. Take care of your love. And of course, for our part, we will always help and support you. Congratulations!

To the groom from his parents

How long have you had whooping cough or mumps?

You still look like a boy...

You're getting married today, son!

The beautiful bride stands!

The guests have gathered -

Eat, drink, sing songs until the morning,

And everyone in every toast

Wishes you happiness and goodness!

And we wish you, our son,

Like the stars in the sky, with my dear

have a nice night!!!

To the bride from her parents

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house.

Take patience with you on the road.

It is like a key - a reliable help,

With that key you will open any entrance.

With patience you will pierce the abyss of waters,

You will penetrate into the secrets of day and night,

Let your chosen one strengthen your union,

May he save you from adversity.

May your husband become more dear every year.

And everything he gave you,

Throughout life, only loving,

May it be sunshine and honey for you.

May happiness be your companion

Will remain forever

May it be near you forever

Favorite person!

To the bride from the groom's parents

We would like to wish our daughter-in-law:

May she always be beautiful,

So that you are always happy,

To give birth to many children,

So that she gives birth to only sons.

So that her neck is chiseled,

So that the palm is gilded.

So that she doesn't sit idle,

She knew how to do everything.

So that it’s no worse than tomorrow at first light,

She seemed old to her husband.

So that it happens and is justified

Everything I wanted from my heart today.

To the groom from the bride's parents

Dear, beloved son-in-law!

That's who to take as an example!

May you live and not grieve,

He loved his daughter, he was friends with me,

I drink this glass to the bottom,

Pour wine for everyone!

I drink to the newlyweds

And I won’t spill a drop!

To live you don’t have to worry!

Know happiness and never shed tears!

Congratulations on your wedding - congratulations from parents

Congratulations from the bride's parents upon presentation of the gift

Dear (name of the bride and groom)! We wish you to live amicably, in harmony. May your interests in life always coincide. Try to live not everyone for himself or for himself, but for each other. You (name of the groom) take care of your wife, and you (name of the bride) take care of your husband. We lived a long and happy life and gave life to (bride's name). There were both sorrows and joys, but we always solved our problems together, and that’s why our family has always been so close-knit and friendly. Therefore, we wish you to always solve your problems not alone, but together. If there is peace and harmony in the family, then you will be happy, and we will be happy for you, and your future children will grow up healthy and happy. Take care of your love. And of course, for our part, we will always help and support you. And to make it easier for you to start your life together, we give you...

We wish you (name of the bride) to be an exemplary, kind and caring wife who would always support her husband. Become a good housewife, a good friend to your husband, help him with advice and kind words. Advice and love!!!

Congratulations to the groom's parents upon presentation of the gift.

Our dear son! Thank you for bringing such a sweet and wonderful girl like (name of the bride) to our home. We love her like our daughter, but we are looking forward to a speedy addition to your young family. We wish you all the best: love, happiness, joy. And to make your family life as easy as feathers and smooth as a tablecloth, we give you...

Congratulations to grandparents when presenting a gift

Our dear grandchildren! We wish you to live together until old age and don't lose your love! When we were your age, we told stories about our love. Everything in our family life was sorrow and joy, but there was never treason or betrayal. Therefore, we want to wish you to keep your love and not allow anyone to destroy your family happiness. And we also wish you that when you reach our age, your love will remain as strong and strong, perhaps much stronger and deeper than it is now. Please accept a gift from us with our best wishes...

Dear (name) and (name), on this solemn day before God and people, we bless you for a happy marriage, for a long family life. And we give you our parental order: live - live - make good money! Peace and joy to you!

Dear children, admonishing you in new life, we wish you love, happiness and prosperity. Live in the name of goodness and love. We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family.

Dear children, (name) and (name)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness and for the joy of people! Let the children in your family laugh, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Dear (name) and (name)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will take a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you goodness and warmth, a lot happy days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best one, raise your children so that they will be your pride. Remember: a strong family- the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, at a happy hour, to say a parental parting word. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Dear (name) and (name)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Our dear children, dear newlyweds! Happiness to you on this day, smiles, joy for the rest of your life! May your whole life be a holiday for you, may your honeymoon never end! May happy children's voices always sound in your home, may it be filled with joy, smiles, and laughter. Respect and take care of each other, no matter what happens, no matter what happens, remember: living life together is not a field to cross. Well-being to your family!

Our dear children! On this happy day we wish you a sea of ​​joy, fun and smiles. In family life there are rivers of goodness with jelly banks, may you have for each other an ocean of love and a lake of faith and hope. Swan loyalty to you, dove devotion. Long and have a prosperous life.

Dear newlyweds! At this exciting hour, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. As I guide you into family life, I wish you to always love each other, keep love, strengthen love! Dear young wife, keep your family hearth as the apple of your eye, may there be comfort and order in your home, may the pies smell delicious in your kitchen, be your husband a real friend and life partner! Dear young husband, be a real master in your home, take care of the well-being of your family, be good father to your children, respect and honor your wife! Happiness and love to you, dear children!

Dear newlyweds! Today you are creating a new family, now you are one couple, one team. I would like to wish you:

To walk together in harness,

So that there is no need for a whip,

So that the horse is smooth,

So that there is good in the cart,

So that the team doesn't get carried away!

Have a long road, walk along it together, walk cheerfully and cheerfully. May love never leave you on your life’s journey, may it always be your guide through the years, misfortunes and joys! Love and happiness to you, our dear children.

Certificate of congratulations:

“I, the President of the Russian Federation, on behalf of our entire Russian State and on my own behalf, would like to congratulate you on your wedding. Today you entered into a legal marriage and created another cell in our society. Keep your hearts as warm as ever long years, keep your union in the same pristine form as it is now.

Now you are a young couple, but in a little time you will have new member families. Raise him in the traditions of our great Russian State. Take your marriage as seriously as I took this letter of congratulations. Don’t stop loving each other for a moment, don’t forget your parents. Live happily ever after. Best wishes, your President Russian Federation.

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents.

Congratulations on your wedding day from your parents.

Parents do not create warmth and comfort, they make sure that this day becomes unforgettable and brightest for their children. The parents’ solemn speech should become a kind of farewell to a new life. We invite you to diversify your words with poetry.

Parental blessing for family life - the most important stage in the ceremony, which is the key to a happy marriage.

The parents' first speech at a wedding usually comes after the bride's ransom, immediately before going to registration. The bride's parents, giving their blessing, wish the newlyweds a long, happy life and accompany their words with wishes for family happiness.

The next speech of the parents at the wedding is when the newlyweds meet after registering the marriage and before the start of the banquet.

During the feast, the host gives the floor to the parents. Here, parents can move away from any traditions and say, congratulate, wish the way they want. The speech can be touching, funny, playful, solemn, interesting...

You can also add ABOUT LOVE and PROVERBS AND SAYINGS ABOUT FAMILY, they will make your words brighter and remembered by all guests.

My dear son

Suddenly got a wife.

I can’t see enough of everything,

I'm already envious.

I approve of your choice

And with all my heart I wish,

So that with such a beauty

Lived before the wedding golden.

I won't let you down

If necessary, I will help,

But don’t make a mistake either,

Save the honor of the family name.

I only had a daughter

And now I am with my son.

The husband's daughter had -

I got rich with my son.

Since I am your wife's mother,

You will call me mom.

Mother-in-law is a joke

And you won’t get lost with me.

I don't want to disturb you

Okay, I'll just come in and have some tea.

And you give birth to a baby -

You will come running with a bow.

Live together together

I'll help if you need it.

But remember forever:

Im free person.

I dreamed of giving my daughter away -

Only a good son-in-law would be

And I’ll go for a walk myself,

To catch up with youth.

Congratulations from parents

My dear daughter,

I congratulate you.

You are now with a good husband,

And I need a son-in-law just like him.

I'm happy for you, for myself:

Suddenly the family was replenished,

Friends also appeared -

Cheerful matchmakers.

I absolve myself of responsibility,

I entrust you to my husband.

Although he is young,

But he can handle you.

Be good, my son-in-law,

So that I could be proud of you.

My daughter, don’t let me down,

Show all your skills.

You have to try really hard

So that the husband does not decide to wander around,

So that you can eat your fill at home

And I didn’t look away.

I wish you happiness and love,

So that the family grows big.

We are ready for grandchildren

Don’t delay with this!

I'm proud of my son:

I now have a daughter!

How can you not like it?

Such a beauty!

If you call me mom,

I will replace your mother.

I dreamed of a daughter

To become my friend.

We will not share our son:

We both love him -

He's really not a log,

So let's be together.

Forget that I am a mother-in-law

I won't drink your blood:

I’ll remember my youth again,

How afraid I was of my mother-in-law.

If my advice is useful,

But all the disputes are without me!

I am a mother-in-law, not a judge.

If you are quiet and all is well,

Who wouldn't be happy about that?

I wish you to live lovingly,

May your family grow.

I would like to briefly congratulate you,

Wish you many years without separation.

And direct you to the true path,

And fasten your hands between you.

Let happiness be endless,

I wish you without any doubts,

So that your love and cordiality

Preserved until the last days.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!

May happiness always accompany you!

Parental blessing to you -

On a long journey, for many years!

May every day of your life together

Brings you joy and love and light.

May life always be a full cup for you,

So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!

You are now responsible to each other

For every step, for every breath and look;

For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -

May your days fly in harmony!

Hold on tight to each other, children.

When not apart, when always together,

Then the wind, and the frost, and the blizzard

Both evil and hail will be of no concern to you!

Congratulations on your wedding from your parents

Don't break your marriage vow,

What do two wedding rings remember?

And each for the second beloved

Will stay until the very end!

Everyone knows that sometimes life is hard,

And evil strives to conquer love,

But now you have found each other

This means you can cope with any adversity.

Let there be respect and patience

The basis of your young family,

Parental blessing to you!

Live, children, in peace and love!

Our dear children,

Your finest hour has come,

You are the happiest in the world

The whole world is open to you.

You are the basis of the universe,

You are the connecting thread

You are the bearers of desire,

There is a family - and there will be peace.

Let evil passions not destroy

Your voluntary union,

There will be Peace and Happiness in the house,

The knot of marriage ties is strong.

May God give you so much happiness,

So that you don't know grief...

I suddenly felt sad!

I ask you to support!

Congratulations on your wedding from your parents

We guys admire you today:

No prettier than the couple in the world.

And the eyes fill with tears themselves -

Time passed quickly - our children grew up.

And even though we ourselves were waiting for this moment,

The past is remembered again and again:

Just recently they pushed you around in strollers,

And today you yourself are ready for the kids.

It’s like yesterday from the designer with you

We made houses - doors, windows,

And now you will build your own house,

Well, we’ll help you a little with money.

It’s as if yesterday you were escorted to school,

We remember how you walked proudly from the board to your place.

And today you passed the adult exam.

Our children today are the bride and groom.

May your love be beautiful and eternal,

May the sun always shine tenderly above you.

We will help you in any way we can, of course.

We only ask you - be happy, children!

My dear children,

I want to congratulate you.

You are the happiest in the world;

You are one family!

May your union be very young,

Life is treacherous and complex

But for now there is a hunger in love.

You are not afraid of separation.

You will solve all problems

If you do everything together,

And we will all rejoice

For family and a strong home.

Don't give in to quarrels

You need to live in a family without quarrels,

Better have grandchildren.

We are without grandchildren - a reproach to you!

Children are our joy

The meaning of life lies only in them.

We ask for such a small thing -

Well, at least... five!

We will help you raise them,

If only you have the strength.

You are already adults, but still

Don't hesitate to ask us.

To live like in a fairy tale,

Let's drink all the wine together,

But we drink wine with caution -

It's something bitter.

We raised you, took care of you

They brought up as best they could,

And now the happy day has come -

Mendelssohn's march sounded.

Beautiful wedding crown

Gold rings on your fingers -

And we wish you to love

Each other and live in abundance.

Raise your children now,

feel the support of friends,

Appreciate family warmth

At a wedding, the honor of being one of the first to utter congratulations to the newlyweds belongs, of course, to the groom’s parents. Parents can express their wishes and instructions to their son and new daughter-in-law in poetry or in their own words - whichever is more convenient. Examples wedding congratulations from the groom's parents in prose will help you find a suitable solution.

The groom's parents, of course, congratulate their son and his bride not only at the wedding banquet. There is time for words of congratulations morning training, and in the registry office or at an outdoor ceremony, and in general in any opportune moment. But it is at the banquet that the parent will have to speak, as they say, in front of all the honest people, which means it is very important not to lose face.

The best thing prepare a congratulatory speech in advance so that in a calm atmosphere you can choose words and even rehearse a little. The speech does not have to be pretentious or full of pearls folk wisdom, it’s enough just to wish the children happiness and prosperity from the bottom of your heart.

In his congratulatory speech to the groom's parents You should refrain from moralizing and criticizing young people- any comments to the son and his newly-made wife are best left for a more opportune moment. Also, the groom's parents should be careful with humor in their congratulations: it is good only when it does not offend anyone present.

A special “template” for drawing up a greeting card parental speech does not exist for a wedding. Yes and the more individual the words of congratulations are, the better. Therefore, the following options for wedding congratulations from the groom’s parents in prose are most convenient to use as a hint and outline for composing your own unique speech.

Congratulations from the groom's parents to the newlyweds

Dear newlyweds, beloved son and beautiful daughter-in-law, I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event, your wedding day, the beginning of a long journey together. Now I remember myself: how exciting it was to sit at the head of the table, among hundreds of guests, on the day when my family life. Then I knew that love would cope with any troubles, everything would be fine. You will have difficult moments, there will be happy ones, the main thing is do not abandon each other, do not let despondency and bile appear. You, son, show respect to your wife, and you, daughter, protect your husband.

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, we wish you happiness, smiles and joy throughout your long family life! Let her be like wonderful holiday, and the honeymoon never ends! Let the sonorous voices of children and joyful laughter sound in your home, and let your home be a full cup! Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

Dear newlyweds! Today is a particularly solemn day for the two of you, because it was on this day that you became spouses, stepping into a new life full of bright events. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes! Good luck to you, warmth and joyful days. Keep your hearth so that you can live comfortably and happily. Plant many beautiful trees and raise children to be proud of. May your union be strong and become the key to your success in life. Remember, you are the hope and support for each other. Respect and appreciate each other!

Our beloved children, we congratulate you on this wonderful event - your wedding day. We wish you to live a long, happy and prosperous life together, without knowing failures and insults. May your family be healthy, may your home be filled with love and prosperity, may your hearts never tire of loving each other!

Congratulations from the groom's parents to their son

My beloved son, there is no greater joy for a mother than to see her own child whose eyes are shining. You are all glowing with happiness. I thought I'd be jealous when the time will come let you go adult life, give it to the girl who will take care of you... But on your wedding day, I feel something else: fun, joy, pleasure and gratitude to the beautiful bride who made you smile so widely! I congratulate you, young people, on your wedding, I wish that this radiance emitted now never leaves your eyes!

Our dear son, you have become such an adult, respectable, independent. And today you are starting your family. We are proud of you and want to wish your young family prosperity, happiness and harmony. May your family life resemble a calm sailing, bringing you plenty of pleasant impressions and emotions. Do not reproach each other, always find a compromise, be not only husband and wife, but also best friends, and then your union will be strong and long!

Dear and beloved son, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish you to become a good and faithful spouse, a true protector and head of the family, reliable assistant and a friend for his beloved wife. Be truly happy, children, let understanding, peace and prosperity reign in your home.

Our beloved son, we congratulate you and (name of the bride) on your wedding day! Let with today and forever in your life there will be only love and harmony, warmth and mutual understanding. Bear your family's name with pride! Go towards your goal together, and we will always be your helpers. Happy holiday!

Congratulations from the parents of the groom to the bride

Dear bride, daughter, I am happy that you have become my son’s chosen one. Like any mother, I am proud of my child, I love him, I trust his choice. If he fell in love with you, then there is probably no more beautiful soul in the world than yours. I wish you to live peacefully from today until your wedding day, helping each other, always lending a shoulder of support, together reaching those heights that cannot be achieved individually. And I will try to help as much as I can if needed. Happy wedding to you!

Dear bride! You made our son happy, but can parents want more? We sincerely wish that you live peacefully and happily, that you always take care of each other and love each other! Remember that if you need it, we will always come to the rescue and give good advice!

*** (from mother-in-law)
Dear (name of the bride)! You have not become my daughter-in-law today, but another child - a daughter, whom I love, just like my son. I want to be not your mother-in-law, but a good friend, I want you to know that you can always turn to me for help or advice!

Our son chose the bride.
She will be a good wife.
A wedding is a springboard for life.
Let's drink one to each of them!
Let their life go well,
Children are growing by leaps and bounds...
Let their soul not hurt!
Happiness to you, beloved ones!

Dear children! I would like to remind you of one wisdom: “A giant who has never known the heights of love will never even reach the knees of a man in love. After all, it is love that elevates!” No matter how often it sounds, no matter how boring these words are, love will really help you strengthen your marriage, relationships, feelings. As long as it is there, your happiness is in your palms. Keep it, and let it always be joyful, and a little, just a little intoxicating, like this wedding wine. Bitterly!

Our dear son and daughter! My father and I want to congratulate you with all our hearts on this significant date, on your wedding day! On this unforgettable day your family was born! This makes my soul so happy and sad at the same time. After all, you won’t get your son’s childhood years back, just as you won’t become little again. Therefore, your mother and I wish you to get on your feet and quickly have children. And we, as grandparents, will babysit your grandchildren. Love, respect and mutual understanding to you, our dear children! Prosperity and prosperity. We bless you and ask you to try our loaf. Always be fed and healthy! Happiness and love to you!

Yesterday you went to first grade,
And today at the registry office.
How quickly life goes by,
Overtaking us.
Still, children, you were able to
Find happiness
Let the fire of love warm
You all the way.
Don't rush anywhere
Enjoy the day
And any trouble for you
It won't matter!

There is joy in the heart, a lump in the throat,
And the words are lost
You have become a groom, son,
Your dreams come true.
We are a young couple
Co congratulations on your wedding,
Happiness and love,
Children, we wish you.
To live together,
Friend gave way to a friend,
So that we, parents,
You didn't forget.
We wish our family happiness
We wish you a new one,
May love last your entire life
Your house warms.

A person can live alone, of course. Enjoy the little things every day, be needed, be important. But never again is he as significant as in the family. I want to wish you, children, that you run home from work, because your loved one is waiting for you there. So that you wake up with the thought - I want good things for you, I want to take care of you, I want you to be happy or happy. Take care of each other, protect each other from all adversity, hug, kiss, pat each other on the head every day. When you feel loved, everything else in life will definitely work out. And there will be no sorrows, but perhaps only in good wine By good reason. Bitterly!

Our dear son, you have become such an adult, respectable, independent. And today you are starting your family. We are proud of you and want to wish your young family prosperity, happiness and harmony. Let your family life resemble a calm sailing, bringing you many pleasant impressions and emotions. Do not reproach each other, always find a compromise, be not only husband and wife, but also best friends, and then your union will be strong and long!

Dear (names of spouses)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Hearts united forever
Created a strong family!
Loved your daughter-in-law
We are like our own blood!
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
It is given to you to be happy!
We wish what we dream of -
Soon they will give us grandchildren!

Wedding... How much is in this word
Prospects, hopes, aspirations.
But amidst the sea of ​​congratulations
Don't forget the basics:
For happy life together
It's not enough to just live with each other -
Only love in any blizzard
Will keep your marriage honorable!
So love each other
All measured years
Let the family weather
It will never be winter.
Let each other always be happy
And souls will be open,
Let unity not be broken
No heat, no thunderstorms with hail,
Let it always be with the same rhythm
Two lovers hearts are beating,
And they never part,
Wherever you happen to be!

Happy marriage to you, our beloved children,
You are so young and beautifully dressed,
Let the sparkle that shines in the eyes
Will remain a flame in pure hearts.
You were sent to each other by God, by fate,
Appreciate, care, give peace,
Let there never be trouble or adversity
They will not change the weather in your house.
Love, appreciate, protect each other,
From now on you are called husband and wife.

Let life flow like a full-flowing river
And you will never have to experience troubles.
Now you are legally and decorously spouses,
As you walk through life, hold hands.
We wish you to celebrate your wedding in the future
Silver, and then gold.
And let the children brought by the stork
Misfortunes and troubles in life will pass.
Love and wealth, the house is a full cup,
May life help you in your endeavors.
We wish you warmth, understanding, good luck
And a whole sea of ​​kids to boot.

Dear newlyweds!
Congratulations on your marriage today,
And I wish you a life without separation,
In grief and happiness, in mood and anger,
So that you always hold hands.
Let happiness be endless,
Let tears of joy ring in your eyes,
So that your love and loyalty,
Saved until old age!

My son, it’s not in vain that I’m proud of you,
Now you have a family
The wife is a young beauty.
And today I wish you:
Walk through life with honor
And certainly together,
To drive away grievances with laughter
And never lose heart.
May your family be strong
May your friends never leave you,
Let the sun be above you shines brighter,
May your children be healthy
And let from sunset to dawn
Let it be sweet for you, and not at all... “BITTER”!

Son, you are a real man now,
It seems like I was just born yesterday
But time is running, and the time has come
I'm letting you go, and there's a reason for that.
I let you go with a light heart,
Now, in addition to my son, I have a daughter!
May your family be happy!
Today I rejoice with you.
Live together, give us grandchildren,
Let the love in your hearts not go out!
There was just a mother, but she became a mother-in-law,
Being a mother-in-law is not an easy science!
Forgive each other any insults,
Let family days become a holiday,
Be happy, my children,
Advice and love to you, my dears!

Our dear children! Today you have turned onto your path of life, but this does not mean that our roads have diverged. We will always be by your side, we will always try to illuminate your path and protect it from difficulties. May your path be very long, may it be good for you to walk along it - side by side, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. Good luck to you!

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day, we wish you happiness, smiles and joy throughout your long family life! Let it be like a wonderful holiday, and let the honeymoon never end! Let the sonorous voices of children and joyful laughter sound in your home, and let your home be a full cup! Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

Dear you are ours! Today you are embarking on the path of eternal love, happiness and family harmony! Believe in each other and love each other! Let nothing overshadow your well-being, and we will support you in everything! We are very happy for you and for this step that you are taking now on your life path! Beginning new page, remember your mark on this earth - be fruitful and multiply! Give us grandchildren and granddaughters, and we will nurture, love and pamper them! May God grant that everything goes well in the family, that cash is not transferred in the house, that your hearth always remains warm! And may you only hear “bitter” at a wedding! Advice and love to you! Peace and prosperity! Bitterly!

Congratulations, dear ones!
Your wedding is your finest hour!
You are so young!
You have your whole life ahead of you!
For daughter-in-law and son
We don't feel sorry kind words!
May your journey be long!
And unshakable - love!

In honor of your wedding - congratulations and toasts,
For you - a banquet and beautiful rose petals,
A cortege of cars and dressed up guests,
And traces of happy tears shine in the eyes.
May there be joy and fun in your life,
The worries of everyday life will not overshadow love.
May amazing, bright moments
They give you tenderness and excite your heart again.
Let adversity dissolve in kisses,
The cold goes away from the embrace of warm hands.
We wish you to carry your feelings through the years,
And may you never be apart!

At a wedding, the role of parents is very important and honorable; after all, they also cared about creating warmth and comfort for their children, making this day bright and unforgettable. Solemn speech parents of newlyweds - this is a kind of farewell to a new life. This is very important stage ceremony, and blessing is the key to a happy marriage.

Of course, many parents will prefer to improvise, but if you are at a loss in front of a camera or a large number of people, it is still worth preparing your speech in advance. Sentences should not be too difficult to understand and long, otherwise guests simply will not appreciate or understand your brilliant speech. But no one will forbid you to reinforce it with aphorisms, sayings or funny incidents from life. You can also use wishes in poetic form, the main thing is to learn them in advance, so that at the most crucial moment you don’t have to read from a piece of paper.

Often in wedding script there is no clear sequence of when and who will say congratulations. The presenter most often chooses when to give the floor to the newly minted and, as well as and. After this, the newlyweds are congratulated by close relatives - brothers, sisters, grandparents, uncles and aunts. In principle, it is not so important whether your congratulations are in prose or poetry, the main thing is that it must be sincere. Here are some examples of wedding congratulations from parents.

Wedding congratulations from parents in prose

Our dear children! How time flies, now you are leaving your parents’ nest and entering into a joint, family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, to live not each for yourself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in the same direction. So, we wish you not to know sorrows, live together, respect your soul mate and always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help you in difficult times!

Dear children! We wish you only the best: joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be as light as feathers, as smooth as the rim of a ring that you put on each other’s hands. We wish you (name of the bride) to become a caring wife, a good friend, help your spouse with advice yes kind words. We wish you (name of the groom) to become the head of the family, hope and support, so that your wife is behind you, as if behind a stone wall. Advice and love to you!

Dear children! We wish you to live together until your golden wedding and not lose your love! And let there be joys and sorrows, you can overcome them, because you are together! Don't let anyone ruin your family happiness, keep your love, trust each other, appreciate each other, respect each other. And may your feelings only become stronger and deeper over time, and may your family hearth burn brighter and brighter! We love you! Bitterly!

Darlings (names of the newlyweds). On this solemn day, we want to bless you with long life in love and happiness. We wish your family prosperity, peace and goodness! May your feelings grow stronger every day. Live for your own happiness, and for ours. Let it ring in your house children's laughter and there will never be room for tears!

Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. May your new family nest always be warm and cozy! Let storks visit it more often, and your little family will become big and friendly! Live like swans: with a swan song, swan loyalty and swan love even after decades!

Dear (names of the newlyweds)! Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. Undoubtedly, this is a very important step. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigns in your home, goodness to you, happiness, let your relationships, your children, your home become the source of your pride. Still, the most important thing in the life of every person is not material wealth, but strong and loving family. Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become a support for each other and never be separated!

Our dear and beloved children! On this wonderful day we want to wish you happiness, love and goodness. May hope, love and wisdom be your companions and your life be full pleasant surprises and adventures. Happiness to you on your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from its intended course!

Our dear newlyweds! On this day, we want to wish that your family life will always be a holiday, and your honeymoon will never end. Let your home be filled with joy, smiles, laughter and happy children's voices. Living life is not a field to cross, so take care and support each other in any situations, and we, for our part, promise to help you in all your endeavors!

Our dear children! For every parent, such an event is like cementing your relationship as sacred. marriage ties- this is a great joy. We want to wish you kindness, mutual understanding, may love and prosperity never leave your home, and may all your endeavors end in success. Let only kind and reliable people surround you in life! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on the advent of a new happy family. We wish you to live in love and happiness for many years, may you avoid troubles, quarrels and disagreements. We wish that you take all further steps in your life together only in step together. And if one of you stumbles, the other will certainly support him, because without this a happy life is unthinkable. married life. Good luck to you!

Well, young people, we are no less worried than you. We want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been walking towards this important step for a long time and finally gave us such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. We wish you boundless happiness, good prosperity, and prosperity in your home!

On this wonderful day, our beloved children, you are setting sail together. It’s not for nothing that people say that it’s heaven in a hut with your sweetheart, this means that your love will help you overcome all the adversities and hardships along the way. We would like to wish from the bottom of our hearts that your union will always be based on love, your future will be clear and cloudless, and your life will be joyful. Appreciate every minute and thank life for bringing you together. Live happily ever after! Bitterly!

Dear children! Find true love not given to everyone, because it is like a fire that does not burn, but warms hearts, delicious and intoxicating wine, which becomes sweeter and tastier every year, it is a boundless ocean in which you can drown. I want to raise this glass so that your life will be cloudless and happiness limitless! Love each other and live happily!

Dear children! So you've tasted a piece wedding loaf. And we really want the warmth that this bread retains to always remain in your hearts. Let there always be kind and faithful people for whom there is always a treat and sweet Nothing. Let there be no place for sorrows in your life, yes, there will be trials, but you will pass them with honor, because your love protects you! Live in peace and happiness!

Congratulations from parents on the wedding in verse

Please accept congratulations at this hour,

For happiness, friendship and joy,

Let grief not touch you

And our old age will be kind and happy!

Let flowers bloom in your house,

There will be no place for quarrels and misfortunes,

The family will soon be replenished with children,

And your ship will be spared by bad weather!

May your marriage be successful

And the union is indivisible,

Let love inspire you

Honor and glory to the young!

Let your feelings inspire you,

Children make hearts happy

Knows no pain, no sorrows

Your happiness until the end!

Giving our hearts to each other

Having concluded a legal union,

You live with your family,

Do not let misfortunes into your home.

Let the sun shine brightly in the sky,

And let troubles pass you by,

Let the rings sparkle too,

Love will not change to sadness.

Our dear children,

We now wish you

So that everything in this world

You split it in half!

May there be happiness in your home

And the family will be friendly,

May all bad weather pass you by,

Well, love always reigns!

What you wanted - let it come true,

And the good will only be remembered,

Let the love in your heart shine,

And only good friends will meet.

We wish you happiness and joy

You will live together until old age!

So that your house is filled with children,

A cherished wish fulfilled! Bitterly!

Congratulations, our children,
Always be joyful
May love be under your roof
It will never run out.

Let them reign in the family from now on
Kindness, peace and laughter,
Be happy, dear ones,
And live your best life!

There is joy in the heart, a lump in the throat,
And the words are lost
You have become a groom, son,
Your dreams come true.

We are a young couple
Congratulations on your wedding,
Happiness and love,
Children, we wish you.

To live together,
They gave in to each other
So that we, parents,
You didn't forget.

We wish our family happiness
We wish you a new one,
May love last your entire life
Your house warms.

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We are sincerely glad that fate brought our son together with such a wonderful girl, who has now become our daughter. Our beloved ones, be sincerely happy and loved, we wish you family happiness and warmth, prosperity and joy, respect and understanding, faith in each other and support, prosperity, good luck and obedient children.

Our beloved children!
We really want to wish you
So that in the whole wide world,
You couldn't be happier!

Take care of your feelings,
May trouble pass you by.
The main thing is to live together,
And we will always help you!

Congratulations on your wedding day
AND Great love we wish.
Live together, live happily
And have kids.

We promise a bride
Just call me daughter
Don't quibble over details
And accept it with love.

Congratulations, dear ones,
You are now one family.
May the joys of earth
The days of life are beautiful.

Respect each other
Divide everything in half
Take care, love,
And give us grandchildren.

Today is a wonderful day
Our son entered into a legal marriage,
We wish the young family
Patience, wisdom and strength.

Let your feelings not cool down,
And they will only flare up stronger,
We wish you love, good luck,
Prosperity, money and children!

Newly minted today
Beautiful newlyweds!
The bride is a beautiful maiden,
He looks into our eyes lovingly...

Well, son, our groom,
The spool is too small, but expensive...
Family like a seedling of grain,
Try to grow to the fullest,
And only ripened fruits
They can bring you joy.

You love each other truly,
Take care of the hearth with dignity!
Kindle a spark of comfort,
Know the price of mutual love...

So that we are proud of our son,
Family protector, man!
So that he appreciates his beloved,
And passionately, ardently loved...

We raised our handsome son honestly,
Now he is leaving our dear home.
We love you the way we loved you before.
We are proud of you, our dear son!

We wish you and the bride prosperity,
Live in happiness and love for many fabulous years.
Let everything be in order in the family.
And come to us if you need advice!

You are older today
After all, a family union has been created!
Children, happiness to you, love,
To be together, to go forward!

Bright, joyful moments,
Strong, vivid sensations,
Strength to the children you desire,
Faithful, devoted friends!

Please accept congratulations,
Children are dear.
My beloved son became my husband -
The aspirations are different.

We wish you, son,
A real man
Throw all your strength into
So that there is happiness in the house.

Take good care of your spouse,
Love and be kind to her.
Let it not happen in your family.
Resentments, sorrows, squabbles.

Happy wedding day, our dear son,
Happy marriage, dear daughter-in-law,
May your life be full of happiness for the future!
Joint bright days, without knowing troubles!

Your family hearth is now your destiny,
Keep it light, keep it hot.
Let him, between other household chores,
The flame of passion and love does not go out.

We are glad that you found each other,
You, our son, have a wonderful wife,
You exceeded our expectations
Be faithful and love each other.

Take your parents' advice,
Groom, we’ll tell you together,
What is not needed in joyful everyday life
Forget about this connection with children.

On this day we hasten to read
Our best wish list.
May your wedding day be a happy one.
And you know that this is not flattery.

Your parents want you
Send on an important journey with words,
What people put together themselves
Everything that one is in a hurry to achieve on the way.

We would like to wish our beloved children
Be on the same wavelength,
Let your love shine like the sun for you
And he prepares recipes for happiness for you.
You will find all the ingredients:
Loyalty, affection, tenderness and participation,
And keep them in winter and summer
With me. Prepare your happiness!

Congratulations on your marriage
Dear children - daughter and son.
Do your best,
So that everyone is always loved.
Keep that warmth forever
What brought you together today?
Be as if you were a child, you are careless -
In the future, and tomorrow, and now.
Live together, fairly,
In peace and harmony of warmth.
We want life to always be beautiful
Fate led you along a path.
Everyone bad people beware,
Evil reproaches, envy and evil,
Safely hide from trouble
A blanket of your warmth -
The smell of family, home,
A gentle touch of the hand.
Everything will turn out any way for you -
The main thing is to go forward together.

Congratulations, dear ones!
Your wedding is your finest hour!
You are so young!
You have your whole life ahead of you!
For daughter-in-law and son
We don't mind kind words!
May your journey be long!
And unshakable - love!

Beloved children, dear children,
Fate has married you today.
The rings on the fingers shine gold,
That you are now tied together forever.

Be happy next to each other,
Love deeply, keep the union.
So that never even a terrible illness
It did not break the family's strong bond.

Happiness, health, good luck, prosperity.
“Bitter” now, but only sweet later!

Son, thanks for the gift!
For bringing his wife into the house,
This day is beautiful and bright,
The whole world seemed to blossom!

How our heart beats often
With happiness for you, son!
It will definitely contain
And a corner for the daughter-in-law.

Many different tests
Life prepares for you on the way,
After all, she has so many facets -
Manage to pass them together!

Always stay together, close -
Then all the troubles won’t matter!
And we will help if necessary,
And together we will clear the clouds!

We are the parents of a son, and it’s an honor
Although it took a lot of work;
We tried to make him live easily, carefree,
But at the same time I would always be a man;
And today he proved to everyone: he is a man!
He is a wall! He is ready for anything for his wife!
Congratulations to our son's chosen one
Congratulations on their wonderful wedding! May you live happily ever after!

We wish you joy, happiness,
Let the family be strong!
Today become part of -
My daughter is leaving forever!

God bless you from resentment,
Misfortunes, strife and quarrels!
May your path, entwined with flowers,
It will be fun, easy and controversial!

We wish you more smiles,
The sparkle of enthusiasm in the eyes,
Beautiful and cute children,
And also remember us!

What a beautiful day, son!
A miracle happened to you -
The family fire is lit,
A life-changer.

So let those changes
They bring only joy,
So that in the bustle of family
You have known the sweetness of life.

He brought his daughter-in-law into the family -
We are very happy for her!
You're like an eagle with her,
Soaring in happiness forever.

Our family has now become richer
With such a pearl!
You gave her your heart forever -
She lives for you.

And the arithmetic is simple:
When two people love like that
Then they always become
At least three!

Or better yet, four, then
It doesn't matter how much anymore.
Let the house be huge!
Well, now you are BITTER!

WITH legal marriage Congratulations
And we wish you a lot of happiness!

We are talking seriously now.
Let a million beautiful roses
Lies along the whole big path,
What will be destined to pass.

And let the fire of great love
It burns without going out.
Life is easier to get through with love.
Everyone knows about this.

Achieve agreement on everything.
Live for many years.
Always respect each other.
Love and advice to you!

Hearts united forever
Created a strong family!
Loved your daughter-in-law
We are like our own blood!
Congratulations to the newlyweds!
It is given to you to be happy!
We wish what we dream of -
Soon they will give us grandchildren!

Our dear son!
Our dear daughter!
Without frills and embellishment:
You are now like two flowers!
Take care of love
Take care of this miracle!
Confess again and again
You are in love: winter and summer!
Let everythnig will be alright!
May there be many children!
The house is warm and big for you,
In life - a bright path!

Son, heartfelt congratulations
Happy Wedding Day from us, please accept:
Have a wonderful relationship with your wife!
May God reward you with children!

Today is a special day for you.
So be happy always.
May the road be bright
Let there be a friendly family.

Be sensitive, tender, affectionate,
The thrill of first meetings.
And the rings that you picked up,
Be able to save until the end.

Let never in your life
Days like this won't happen again
You should always love
And only get married once!

Son! On your wedding day we wish
Name you the head of the family,
So that you, fulfilling your duty,
To care for and protect your wife.
Let the gold sparkle
Will unite hearts forever,
May they give peace and prosperity,
And longevity two rings!

You have decided to tie your fate forever
With each other, you have found your love!
And we want you to live in love,
So that together we can go to the end!

We want you to give us grandchildren,
We dream of loving and pampering them!
And so that you and I raise them together,
We hope we don't have to dream for long!

Today all dreams have a reason to come true,
Anxieties will disappear like smoke!
Our beloved son wanted to get married!
We wish our young people happiness!

We congratulate you, dear ones!
Now you have your own family,
Let there be mountains of gold,
Let there be kind words!
We trust you, bride
We are our son, you know,
Now we'll lose him
Sent to your family paradise!
But it's not worth the sadness,
We are glad he is with you now!
We'll let you go without regrets,
Call him “dear” now.
And we hope often
We can see you two together
Two equal parts merged into one,
Forward to the love pond!
Let your mind be able to
Fill with passionate love,
We need to move forward more boldly!
And this should be remembered!

We wish our children
To be the happiest person in the world
May success follow you
There will be laughter in the house.
We wish our son
So that he is the master of the house,
To take care of your wife,
So that babies are born on time.

Our son got a wife today,
And that means we have a daughter!
And there was a reason to congratulate the two -
After all, a wedding makes you family!
Simple human happiness
Mutual understanding in the family,
Do not know sadness, do not know bad weather,
Great luck in fate!

We wish children to live as a couple,
Prosperity in the house, a lot of laughter,
Keep love for each other,
In all your endeavors, success to you.
Son, appreciate your wife's cooking,
Daughter-in-law, wait for your husband with passion.
May the best dreams come
Let the union sparkle with happiness.

What a beautiful day
The sky is clear, the sun is clear!
I want to joke, dance,
Kiss everyone around!

What joy is there in my soul?
We are already getting our son married!
He finally fell in love
And today - down the aisle!

Our glorious dear ones,
Dear “young” ones!
The first month is short,
Let your whole life be “honey”!

The family is expanding -
There's more of a daughter in her,
And let it last as long as possible
You will live jokingly.
May this day be filled with light
And it doesn’t go out, it doesn’t flicker,
Let it illuminate with love
You are, of course, many years old.
We are so happy for you
You love, trust,
Share your interests
Make us happy with your granddaughters.

We wish you to live all your years in harmony,
That they were released by fate.
We wish you to cherish each other,
Maintain prosperity and peace in the family!
Let everything you have in mind come true,
Let any work be a success.
We wish our husband strength of spirit,
So that he loves and protects his wife,
We wish our wife not to grow old,
May she remain beautiful!
Strengthen your family with love,
Be kind and gentle!

Today is your finest hour,
Today you are spouses.
Daughter-in-law, son, we love you,
Keep your hands tight.

May life be like a mountain river
Flows, seethes, strives.
May it be preserved for centuries
Love...and let it last.

Warm and tender, just like now
Look at each other.
We will always support you, children.
And in the heat, and in the rain, and in the blizzard.

When love knocks on the heart,
Then you need to open the doors!
Slam the doors tightly behind her,
And don't let go anywhere!

That's how it is with you, our children,
Love has entered your hearts too!
Don't break these ties
And be together until the end!

Son, we are immensely happy
You chose the best wife!
God probably intended for you
Love, destiny, and life - one!

Two hearts merged together
And two hands merged into one
Let the union be indestructible
For the rest of my life.
What could be more beautiful in life -
Her hand in his hand
The fire of love, may it not go out
In your family hearth.

You are our golden children!
Please accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude
Just always live in peace.
Combining in a worldly union,
You took the oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other,
As you promised today.

Happiness, happiness to the young!
And more love for them,
And family warmth,
And cozy housing!

As parents, we
Congratulations, good luck!
You should go together now,
Build a house, raise children!

Don't let quarrels go,
Son, don’t offend your wife!
In general, live together,
Take care of your marriage, children!

Let's be honest, we were lucky
That you have found each other.
This feeling brought you together
You came together like ships.

About such a daughter-in-law for a long time
We prayed to heaven.
Dressed like a needle,
And everyone can see the beauty.

And a thrifty little girl,
And she is caring
We are glad that we are not simpletons,
Busy and smart.

You, son, appreciate luck,
What is given once in a lifetime.
I'll hide my tears today,
Our son has grown up so...

He will become a husband today
He has a family now.
Let their union be friendly,
Let the earth spoil them.