Report on the work done in the preparatory group. Analytical report on the implementation of the program and the preparation of children for preparatory school for the academic year

general characteristics groups.
There are only 31 people in the preparatory group "Pinocchio", of which 18 are boys and 13 are girls. The age of children is from 5 to 7 years. Atmosphere in children's team friendly, positive. Partnerships and joint activities of children predominate. Conflicts between children, if they arise, are quickly and productively resolved.

All children are diversified, many of them are additionally engaged in various mugs, sections, art studio, dance school. It was very interesting to work with all the children during the year. Throughout the year, children developed according to their age and showed positive dynamics and high results in all areas of development. This academic year, “new” children came (Pashova Angelina, Sadykzhanov Khabib, Troyakova Tanya, Idiyatulin Vlad, Homushku Sayora, Demitrova Alina), who adapted well in kindergarten.

The result of the implementation of the educational program.
During the academic year, educational activities were aimed at ensuring continuous, comprehensive development child. The organization of the educational process was based on sample program"Childhood" authors T.I. Babaeva, G.A. Gogoberidze. It contains the basic content preschool education, which includes a variety of full development child, the formation of creativity.

aim Programs is to create opportunities for every child in kindergarten to develop their abilities, interact widely with the world, actively practice in various activities, creative self-realization and aimed at solving tasks:
Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites learning activities.

Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health children, including their emotional well-being.

Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and creativity each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world.

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

The pedagogical process during the year was focused on the comprehensive formation of the child's personality, taking into account the characteristics of his physical, mental development, individual capabilities and abilities, preparation for schooling.

GCD was systematically carried out with children in accordance with the main general educational program and the approved schedule of directly educational activities.

The set goals were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic.

was drawn up working programm groups. During the year, the daily routine and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool were strictly observed. According to the plan, a medical, psychological (pre-school) and pedagogical examination of the pupils was carried out, which confirmed the positive dynamics of the development of each child and the group as a whole.

Activities carried out with children and parents of pupils.
During the year, the following activities were held in the group with children. The students of the group took Active participation V various competitions:
All-Russian: "Rassudariki", "Art Talent", "Rostok", "Mir" have diplomas of winners and participants.
International: "Talented children" there are diplomas of the winner.

Preschoolers along with their parents participated in drawing competitions, exhibitions of crafts DOW: "Gifts of Autumn", "Cat's House" (according to fire safety), "Santa Claus's Workshop", "Paper Fantasies", "Technique", "Sweet Mommy", " Easter Egg»; competitions: “Sports Uniform”, “Winter Winter”, “Family Coat of Arms” (as part of the work creative team"In the family").

Thematic weeks were held: “Knowledge Day”, “In the world of professions”, “ Maslenitsa week”, “Week of the theater”, “Space”, “May 9 - Victory Day”, etc. Thematic days were also successfully held: "Health Day", "Mother's Day", Day of the Elderly", "Laughing Day", etc. Thematic holidays: "Magic chest of autumn", " New Year”, “March 8”, “Graduation ball”.

Throughout the school year, systematic work with parents is carried out. In accordance with annual plan general and group parent meetings were held.

Systematically throughout the year parent's corner information is updated, various consultations are placed: “Teaching poetry is hard work”, “Behavior in public transport”, “Attention games for preschoolers”, “How to support children's initiative?”, “Child and computer”, “Safe spring”. Healthy lifestyle consultations: “Prevention colds, influenza in children”, “Vitamin calendar” (by seasons).

Analysis of training and dissemination work pedagogical experience.
This academic year showed three open events at the preschool level:
on artistic and aesthetic development "Kitten" (drawing) (December, 2014);
on the artistic and aesthetic development of "Magpie - white-sided" (modeling) (January, 2015);
on social and communicative development "Our city and its transport" using ICT (April, 2015).

Took part in the city review-competition "Parade of morning gymnastics" (a certificate of participation was issued).

I listened to the webinar “Designing in kindergarten. New Approaches” (participant certificate issued).

Published in social network educators nsportal. en outline of the morning exercises "Visiting the hedgehog" for the preparatory group (certificate of publication issued).
Created in the social network of educators nsportal. en your personal website (03.01.15, certificate issued).

In 2015 completed advanced training courses "Implementation educational programs preschool education in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (certificate issued).

During the year, she attended the GMO "Continuity of preschool and primary education" in the kindergarten "Alenka" in the city of Abakan.

For a year she worked in a problematic preschool group"In the family": participation in the competitions "Zimushka winter", "Coat of arms of the family"; Network center "Kindergarten - Primary School» problem group "Pedagogical Council" (as a listener).

Work on the organization of the subject-developing environment.
During the year, the subject-developing environment in the group was updated. In the middle of the year, new furniture was installed: a book corner, a corner for board games, upholstered children's upholstered furniture with leatherette. The entire group space is divided into zones that are accessible to children: toys, didactic material, games.

To replenish the subject-developing environment, didactic and educational games were purchased during the year:
Manual "Safety on the road" (the alphabet of the road).
Didactic demo material"Road safety" (cognitive and speech development of children).
Board educational game-lotto "Attention, road!".
Electric traffic light (batteries operated).
Dominoes: "Berries", "For Girls", "Feathers".
Lotto "Color and shape".
Children's books with fairy tales "We read by syllables."
Ecological games made:
D / and "Habitat",
D / and "Zoo",
D / and "Fruits-vegetables",
Lotto for kids
Puzzles "Cat and Mice",
Puzzles "Birds",
Puzzles "Butterflies".
Game according to traffic rules "Traffic light".
Lotto on life safety "Safety for children".

Pros and cons of the last academic year.
IN last year The following challenges have been identified and progress has been made.
Not all parents listen to the advice of educators and continue to violate the daily routine, bring children to kindergarten late. Pupils skip morning exercises, and sometimes breakfast;
The subject-spatial developing environment is not fully equipped in accordance with modern requirements.

Child attendance preschool age;
The authority and popularity of teachers among the parents of the group has noticeably increased.
Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks are outlined for 2015-2016 academic year:
1. Continue to spend preventive actions in order to increase the attendance of children, improve health, develop the motor and hygienic culture of children.
2. Continue to take an active part in methodological activities cities and kindergarten.
3. To develop the cognitive activity of children through enrichment and understanding of the world around them.
4. Continue to educate children in creativity, emotionality, activity for their further achievements and success.
5. Replenish: didactic and handout for development logical thinking; corner of role-playing games; book corner literature by age.
6. Continue working on the topic of self-education.

Title: Self-analysis of a kindergarten teacher. Report on the work done for the 2014 - 2015 academic year in the preparatory group "Pinocchio"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Certification of teachers of preschool educational institutions, Self-analysis, Kindergarten

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU TsRR - d / s "Bell"
Location: Abakan city, Republic of Khakassia

Report on the work done in the preparatory group

For the first half of the 2015-16 academic year

Educators: Zvereva O.P., Kuptsova E.N.

There are 18 children in the group: 5 boys, 13 girls.

We work according to the exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”.

We build upbringing and educational work in the group on the basis of creating a special subject-developing environment, long-term and scheduling in accordance with the annual tasks of the kindergarten. This is the improvement of work to preserve and strengthen the health of children: morning exercises, physical education, complex medical and recreational activities, physical education sessions during classes, breathing and corrective gymnastics after sleep, walking and outdoor games

When introducing GEF DO into the educational process, the main direction in the group is:

school readiness

The work was carried out to develop communications and sound speech, work to enrich the passive and active vocabulary, the grammatical structure of speech, literacy and development intellectual abilities. Many children are able to compose stories about objects, according to the content of the picture, according to a set of pictures with a consistently developing action. They have ideas about the sentence, they know how to make sentences, divide words into syllables.

We tried to form in children moral and volitional qualities that would be manifested in cognitive activity, discipline in the pursuit of high-quality performance of tasks, independent overcoming of difficulties.

To consolidate the ideas received in the GCD process, we tried to introduce the elements under consideration into regime moments, into independent activities, enrich the developing environment and acquaint parents with the topic under consideration.

For example, parents enthusiastically responded to holding a joint event for Mother's Day, took part in " autumn fair”, New Year's performance.

When forming elementary ecological ideas, didactic games were used to consolidate and develop the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities. Experimental activities were widely used. Conducted experiments with ice, snow, water. Enriched mathematical concepts through observations and phenomena of objects. During this period, the children learned to count up to 20 forward and backward, to compose and solve problems, to use the signs "+", "-", "=", the signs "more", "less" when solving examples. Successfully and actively learned to work in workbooks.

According to the results of the development of educational areas and the development of the integrative qualities of pupils, we have identified:

That pupils have developed such integrative qualities as inquisitive, active and emotionally responsive. In most cases, pupils willingly take part in various types children's activities, take the initiative themselves. They have ideas about themselves, family, society, state, world and nature. However, it is difficult to find constructive ways out of conflict situations taking into account the interests of all participants. There are also difficulties in the educational areas "Artistic and aesthetic development" and " cognitive development”, where pupils do not always distinguish between art forms (painting, graphics, sculpture)


Systematize work in problem areas;

Diversify the development environment:

Update educational games

But all the work carried out within six months allowed the pupils to take an active part in various activities of the kindergarten. This includes participation in a fire safety event with the invitation of firefighters, in various art competitions, in the manufacture of New Year's toys for the area, etc.

Throughout the semester, systematic work was carried out with parents.

Conducted consultations:

- “Health Education of safe behavior skills for preschoolers”, “Features of communication of children in the family”, “Do children need a fairy tale”.

parent meetings: "Is it time for you to go to school?", "The role of the family in organizing reading."

The information in the parent corner was periodically updated and supplemented.

According to the results of work for the period from September 2015 to January 2016. It can be concluded that children have increased self-esteem, desire for vigorous activity. They are emotionally responsive, inquisitive, able to solve problem situations.

Report on the work done in the preparatory group No. 11 MBDOU d / s "Cheburashka" for the 2013-2014 academic year.

The total number of children in the group at the end of the school year was 24 people: 12 girls, 12 boys.

This academic year, MBDOU d / s "Cheburashka" continues to implement a general education program drawn up in accordance with federal state requirements (FGT). Her basic part based on the program "From Birth to School" ed. Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. The priority direction of activity of our kindergarten is environmental education preschoolers. The program provides for the solution of educational tasks:

  • Ø in progress joint activities child with an adult
  • Ø independent activity children both in the course of direct educational activities (GCD), and during regime moments,
  • Ø in the process of interaction with families of preschoolers.

In the current academic year, the teaching staff solved the following annual tasks:

  1. 1. "Improving the professional competence of participants in the educational process in the framework of innovative activities for social partnership with parents (legal representatives) of pupils."
  2. 2. "Provision integrated approach to reduce child morbidity in children as part of the implementation of the Health program.

To solve the first annual task, educational work was planned, which was based on the creation of a special subject-developing environment, long-term and calendar-thematic planning.

During the year, under the guidance of music director Medveditkova E.V. children took part in entertainment and events: “Harvest Festival”, “Golden Autumn has come to visit us”, “Mother's Day”, “ Road alphabet», « Christmas story", "Victory Day". I would also like to note that our students took part in New Year's party in children I junior group №1.

In October, a reading competition was held on the theme "Family". The honor of our group was defended by 3 people: Anya Shmatenko, Maxim Shkepu and Azamat Sabirov.

We took part in the competition for best script educational activities with parents. Our event was called "Culinary duel".

As part of the review-competition of the preschool educational institution "Corner for Parents", a stand "Be healthy", a folder-slider "Soon to school", an information stand "Ask?" - "We answer!".

On thematic week on PPB, we designed a collage "School of Safety", in which, in addition to illustrations and drawings on a given topic, photographs were placed showing game activities - a staging of the poem "Cat's House" and role-playing game"Firefighters".

For the thematic week “Bread is the head of everything”, we made a photo report on the work done, which included photos on the topic: “Making cookies from salt dough”, “Studying the properties of yeast”, “Helping mom at home”.

In February, a week of games was planned according to traffic rules. To this end, we organized the entertainment "Road Alphabet" together with children middle group No. 2. To do this, the children learned poems about road signs, ditties, the song "Road Sign", prepared a sketch about traffic rules.

In March, in our kindergarten passed thematic check By gaming activity. I showed entertainment with children on the topic: "Journey through the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky", in which the children demonstrated good knowledge of the work of a children's writer. The result of this entertainment was the "Wonder Tree" (phenialogical tree), on which the children hung clothes and shoes molded from plasticine.

Also, this check included an examination of the subject-developing environment in the group. We have it built in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity. It has the character of an open, open system, capable of change, adjustment, contributes to the development of the child in all areas, provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults, motor activity. The group has a sufficient number of didactic, board games and manuals in accordance with the age and gender of the children.

per academic year game environment was replenished. We prepared attributes for the s/r game "Internet Cafe", "Library", "School", sewed vests for the s/r game "Drivers". Designed didactic games: “Are you ready for school?”, “Lotto: road signs"," If the baby got hurt, ""How to avoid trouble." We independently made schemes for storytelling on the topics: “Toys”, “Dishes”, “Animals”, “Clothes”. Thanks to our parents, we bought cups for pencils, a set of small cars, visual aids on the topics: "Victory Day", "Our defenders", "Life safety - dangerous objects and phenomena", "Road safety: difficult situations”, “OBZh - safe communication”, teaching aids on the topics: “Conversations about bread” (about traffic rules), “Wild animals”, “Birds”, “Road alphabet in kindergarten”, “Rules of conduct in case of fire” (on the road), “Street, transport, road”, books from the “ABC of Safety” series: “You and the forest”, “You are alone at home”, “You and the fire”, “You and the water”, “You and the animals”, “You are alone on the street”, posters on the seasons, colored adhesive tape.

April 1st was April Fool's Day in a very unusual and funny way. The children were asked to come to the kindergarten in advance funny costumes. I myself met children in a clown's hat and tie. Parents, having forgotten about this holiday, were very surprised to see me in this outfit. We painted faces for all the children, tied bows for the girls, and everyone pulled socks on their feet with great pleasure. different color. All morning we walked around the garden in this form and delighted the rest of the children and employees. And a day later, in the locker room, the parents looked with curiosity at the “April Fool's Day” photo booth with photographs of their children.

Throughout the school year, my children and I went on excursions: to the embankment, to the museum, to the Sports Palace, to the monument to the soldiers-internationalists. The museum guide came to our group twice and held a master class, talking about the animals of the north and oil production in our region with the help of models.

In productive activities, a lot of work has been done to educate emotional responsiveness in the perception of illustrations, works of folk arts and crafts. Children, under the guidance of an instructor in artistic work Stolbova S.N., learned to use various color schemes correct use of pencils, paints, apply non-traditional forms drawing, appliqué and manual labor. The results of this work could be observed at the exhibition of children's drawings "The world through the eyes of children" and handicrafts "We create". The collective compositions "Transport on our street", "Fire station", "Sunflowers for mommy", two compositions within environmental action"Save and Preserve", "Snowman" and "Christmas Tree" (from the palms) to decorate the window for the New Year.

Throughout the year, we actively prepared children for entering school. With the help of parents, prescriptions for the development of children were acquired: “We prepare a hand for writing”, “We develop memory, thinking”, “Composition of a number”.

In April, I showed a lesson for MBOU teachers " high school No. 3 in the educational field "Communication" on the topic "Spring Tale". Our pupils showed a fairly high level of knowledge in this area, which was noted by the teachers.

Pupils of our group (Ovchinnikova Dasha, Shmatenko Anya, Dultseva Polina, Bikeyeva Sofya, Khismatulin Rasim) took part in the qualifying round at the competition "Yuntagor". The girls, who performed in the dance group under the direction of T.A. Kadantseva, took the honorable II place.

This academic year, the "School of a Young Specialist" began to function in our preschool educational institution. I was the mentor of my partner Klimova O.V. Throughout the academic year, I tried to convey to her my experience of professional excellence, to teach the most rational techniques and advanced methods of work.

For young professionals, I demonstrated a master class on the formation of elementary mathematical representations and design on the topic: "The composition of the number 7", as well as didactic game"Seasons". Klimova O.V., as a young specialist, also showed the GCD in the educational field "Cognition" on the topic: "Modes of Transport" and the role-playing game "Hospital". In addition, she took 1st place in the Pedagogical Debut competition held on the basis of our preschool educational institution.

We also attended methodical associations of the city and master classes of teachers of the city.

One of the stages of the upbringing and educational process is the presence of a monitoring system, which is carried out in order to identify the quality of mastering the main general educational program. At stage I, it was revealed that individual components were not developed in 35%, 41% of children correspond to age, and in 24% high level development. Thanks to systematic work, at the second stage, at the end of the academic year, the results were as follows: low level- absent, level 2 - decreased by 29% and is 6%, age compliance - 40%, high level - 54%, which improved performance by 30%.

An analysis of the fulfillment of the requirements for the content and methods of education and training, as well as an analysis of the assimilation of program material by children, show stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development of preschool children.

At the stage of completion of preschool education for my pupils

formed all the prerequisites for learning activities. They have mastered the main cultural methods of activity, have learned to show initiative and independence in the game, communication, cognitive research activities, are able to make their own decisions based on their knowledge and skills, large and fine motor skills are well developed.

Close cooperation in the work of educators, narrow specialists and parents of pupils has a positive effect on this positive process.

For the coordinated work of the kindergarten and parents, we set ourselves the need to solve the following tasks:

  • Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.
  • Work closely with the families of their students.

Work with parents was carried out on the basis of the calendar-thematic planning of educational work. They were constantly informed about Everyday life children in the group, about success in education and training, about the state of health. For this purpose, they used various means visual propaganda: sliding folders, photo newspapers, stands, for parents: “Mom is my sun” with children’s reasoning on the topic: “Why I love mom” - for Mother’s Day, “My dad is the best”, “Our defenders "To the Defender of the Fatherland Day," School of Security "(PPB)," Children are supposed to know "(SDA)," Our city "," I remember, I'm proud! to Victory Day. Oral conversations, consultations, open events were also held.

It is considered a good tradition for us to hold an event for Mother's Day. This year we named it "Mom's Smile Cafe", the highlight of which was the "Costume Defile" (from junk material).

To attract parents to participate in events, competitions, exhibitions, I post an intriguing, bright announcement in advance. They do not remain indifferent: they collect drawings, photographs, cook with their children interesting crafts. In autumn, parents took part in the exhibition of vegetable crafts "Vegetable Fantasy", held on the basis of the preschool educational institution. On the eve of the New Year, we organized a competition in the group for best snowflake made by hand. In January, our parents took an active part in an essay competition on the theme: “Playing as a family on weekends”. The essays were accompanied by photographic materials. For the thematic week “Visiting a fairy tale”, we created an exhibition of crafts based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky.

Parents also helped in the purchase of didactic and educational games, followed the recommendations of teachers on the education and upbringing of children, were involved in the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution, the construction snow town, cleaning the area from snow.

Two parent meetings were held: organizational (October), introducing parents to the contract, rights and obligations, knowledge and skills that children should receive at the end of the school year, and the final “Here we are a year older” (April), at which a lesson was shown that demonstrated the knowledge and skills of children acquired by children in a year.

A lot of work with parents was carried out by us in order to prepare children for school. We have prepared a questionnaire “Are you ready to send your child to school”, consultations “Determining the role of parents in the pre-school and school period of a child’s life”, “Intellectual readiness of children for schooling”, a memo “The component of the “child’s school maturity”, “What you need to know parents of future first graders. As a result, the educational experience of parents was enriched and the effect of family preparation for school increased.

Today we can say that we have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work gave certain results: parents from "spectators" and "observers" became active participants in meetings and assistants to the educator, an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.

To solve the second annual task of the preschool educational institution, physical culture and recreation work was planned in the group, which was also based on long-term and calendar-thematic planning, and the creation of a subject-developing environment.

During the year, under the guidance of instructor Solovieva E.V. a number of holidays and entertainments on this topic took place, in which our children took part: sport competitions with dads for Defender of the Fatherland Day and “Colorful Planets” at Health Week.

Despite great job By physical education, children cannot fully organize independent motor activity in a limited space, as there are a lot of children, furniture and toys in our group. The qualitative improvement of the independent motor activity of children in a group is helped by the organization sports corner. In our corner "Zdorovyachok" rationally selected sport equipment, both factory-made and non-standard, made by hand (by educators and parents). It allows the most widely used it in the independent motor activity of children.

In December, the publication of the educational magazine "Grow Up" for parents took place, which included an article entitled "Education of cultural and hygienic skills in children" (author Postolova G.B.).

As part of the review competition of the preschool educational institution "Corner for Parents", a stand "Be Healthy" was created.

For the planned Health Week, we have done teamwork"Useful - harmful", using a fenialogical tree, on which products were molded from plasticine, useful and unhealthy.

In our work with preschoolers, we actively use health-saving technologies aimed not only at preserving, but also developing physical health, mental, social, providing a high potential for the creative abilities of each child. To this end, systematically carried out: morning work-out, GCD, entertainment and leisure, corrective gymnastics, tempering procedures, breathing exercises, finger and outdoor games, physical education, gargling with decoctions of herbs, taking vitamins, excursions, walks and outdoor games.

Hygiene activities carried out daily in the group (personal hygiene, ventilation, wet cleaning, diet, proper washing hands, teaching children elementary methods of a healthy lifestyle, limiting the level of training load to avoid fatigue) helped to reduce the incidence of children in the group, improve posture, improve performance physical development pupils.

During the year, I continued to work on the School of Politeness program to foster a culture of behavior among preschoolers. I am a participant in the city competition for a grant with this author's program.

I took advanced training courses on the topic "Organization of a holistic integrated educational process in preschool educational institution", GOU VPO Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra "Surgut State Pedagogical University”, Surgut, 2014

I am a participant of the All-Russian competition pedagogical projects on the basis of FSBEI HPE "Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute" (project development) and a competition to identify the best authors (methodological development).

My achievements: I was awarded a diploma of the Department of Education of the Administration of Kogalym, I have a certificate of the curator of the international children's creative competition crafts on the theme: "Victory Day" (pupil Ovchinnikova Dasha.

To improve my scientific and methodological level, I plan to:

  1. The study of the order of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."
  2. Participation in the city review-competition of teaching aids.
  3. Participation in the city competition "I am a teacher".
  4. Create a team site.
  5. Updating didactic material for classes, attributes for role-playing games.
  6. Active participation in the life of the team.

Report on the work done for the academic year preparatory group Teacher Fadeeva L.V.

Activities. Cognitive-speech development. The focus was on the development speech activity and independence in the process of communication, and also sought to satisfy children's curiosity, form some ideas about the world, taught to compare and analyze, contributed to the development of the ability to show initiative, independence in activities, the ability to talk about one's actions, taught to receive cognitive information from different sources, etc.

Activities. Socio-moral development. - communication with people around, familiarization with the objective world, the work of adults. The game is a natural activity of a preschooler; it accompanies the kids during the entire time they are in kindergarten. Emotionally positive, meaningful communication with people is the most important condition for the development of the child. Meeting new people.

Self-education. the priority direction of my activity is speech development in the classroom. developed the program of the circle "Magic Needle"; studied literature on the topic, as well as articles on the Internet, consulted parents about receptions artistic activity, involved parents in the classes of the circle.

One of critical factors increasing the effectiveness of educating the younger generation - the relationship between the institution and the family. To establish contact with parents, you need to know the family well, its educational opportunities. During the year she solved such problems as: -psychological and pedagogical education of parents; - study and generalization of the best experience family education; - prevention of violations in parent-child relationship; - involvement of parents in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work. -collaboration"On the roads of fairy tales"; Parents most of all like to help children in making crafts. -"Gold autumn", " Christmas toy family”, “Memorial Day”. Interaction with society.

Interesting events in the life of the group. The life of our group is very eventful: Excursions, visits to the school museum, the museum of the Tugnuisky mine; Participation in the concert dedicated to the day of the elderly, in the opening of the pool. Contests, Entertainment. Walks, And so every day! In these events, the desire of children to teach others what you can do yourself, to learn new things, was realized, and key competencies were formed.
Parting with the kindergarten, there is no need to grieve at all, After all, no one is to blame, it just became too small. Let you leave, but there will be kids again. Here to grow as you once grew. Raising a child is not an easy job. It is necessary to teach the child all the basics of life. So that the child dresses and understands art, Knows what is bad and what is not, develops his intellect. Kindergarten- his world, the teacher in it is an idol, Helps the baby to realize the beauty in everything. How to make friends with the guys and make friends with nature. To become equal among equals and nowhere to be late. Outlook for the next academic year

MDOAU D / S No. 16 with a priority direction of cognitive and speech development of pupils in the city of Novotroitsk, Orenburg region

Analytical report of educators of the preparatory group at the final pedagogical council.


educators, middle group:

Grunina M.A.

Yaitskaya M.Yu.

Novotroitsk, 2015

Preparatory group MDOAU D / S No. 16. Group members:

Total people: 28. Age of children: from 5.6 to 6.10 years at the beginning of the school year.

15 boys, 13 girls.

During the year, children developed according to their age, studied the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development. All newly arrived children have adapted well in the kindergarten.

The work was carried out on the basis of the main annual tasks and in accordance with the annual plan work of preschool educational institution No. for 2014 - 2015 academic year.

The following tasks were assigned to the teachers of the group:

    Ensure the creation of material-technical, psychological-pedagogical, subject-developing and material conditions implementation of GEF in preschool educational institutions.

    Continue work to preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, intensify work on cognitive - speech development pupils through improving the quality of continuous educational activities.

    To improve the forms and methods of working with children, aimed at improving the professional skills of teachers through the introduction of NCT in the educational process.

During the year, the day regimen and all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the stay of children in preschool were observed. According to the plan, medical and pedagogical examinations of the pupils were carried out, which confirmed the positive dynamics of the development of each child and the group as a whole.

Organized educational activities were systematically carried out with children in accordance with the main general educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution and the approved schedule of directly educational activities. The goals set were achieved in the process of implementing various types of activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive and research, productive, musical and artistic. All types of activities represent the main directions of development of children: cognitive-speech, physical, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal.

In order to integrate different types of children's activities within the framework of the topic and distribute directly educational and joint activities in regime moments, new forms of planning educational and educational work (perspective and calendar plans) were proposed and a working program of the group was drawn up.

The activities of educators included solving educational problems in the joint activities of an adult and children, independent activities of pupils, not only within the framework of educational activities, but also during regime moments.

When conducting organized educational activities, they were used as traditional ones (observation, conversations, comparison, monitoring, individual work etc.), as well as non-traditional methods of work (psychogymnastics, finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, TRIZ elements, etc.). To assess the dynamics of the achievements of pupils, the effectiveness and balance of forms and methods of work, intermediate diagnostics of children allows, which reveals the planned final results of mastering the main general educational program implemented in the preschool educational institution. As well as the diagnosis of students preparing to enter the school.

The game has remained the main form of organization of children's life.

The wider use of speech as a means of communication stimulated the expansion of the horizons of children, their discovery of new facets of the world around them. Now the children are interested not just in any phenomenon in itself, but in the causes and consequences of its occurrence.

Children have grown up and become more resilient physically. This stimulates the development of psychological endurance. Fatigue has decreased (compared to the previous year), the mood background has become more even, more stable, less prone to fluctuations.

Now the guys have become more significant and interesting friend for friend. They seek partnership in games. There are more gender preferences.

The need for new knowledge, impressions, sensations, which manifests itself in the curiosity and curiosity of the children, has noticeably increased. Now, with the help of a verbal description, they can imagine what they have never seen. A big step in development was the ability to build conclusions, which is evidence of a separation of thinking from the immediate situation.

During the year, the group held the following Events with children: holidays were held together with the music director:

New Year's party;

Seeing off the spring "Maslenitsa";

Childhood Day.

Physical education activities were held monthly with a physical education teacher: leisure, holidays and entertainment.

Also, the children, together with their parents, participated in creative exhibitions. DOW competitions dedicated to February 23, March 8, New Year, Health and Mother's Days, traffic rules and fire safety.

The educators worked together with the children in the experimental corner of the group: the joint planting of seeds and their cultivation brought pleasure to the children, as well as positive results: we have grown good seedlings; children have formed even greater interest and observation in the field of environmental education.

Teachers also demonstrated for employees open integrated educational processes. They took part in watching open events educators Yu.S. Sviridova, N.N. Sidelnikova - Jr. gr. cf. gr- O.P. Mochalina, preparatory group. - M.Yu. Yaitskaya, M.A. Grunina. Systematically, the educators of the group took part in pedagogical councils and teaching hours, as well as at matinees and holidays in their own and other groups.

During the year, the group systematically conducted working with parents. Compiled perspective and calendar plans, they list all joint activities, consultations, parent-teacher meetings, visual poster information, with a special emphasis on preparing for school. In turn, the parents willingly made contact and tried to participate in all joint activities of the group and the preschool educational institution. For everyone parent meetings Over 85% of parents were present.

Requirements Fulfillment Analysis to the content and methods of education and training, as well as an analysis of the assimilation of program material by children show stability and positive dynamics in all areas of development.

This process is positively influenced by the close cooperation of educators, specialists, preschool administration and parents, as well as the use of developmental learning techniques and individual approach to every child.

The results of the activities of the preparatory group for the school for the 2014-2015 academic year are carefully analyzed, conclusions are drawn that, in general, the work was carried out purposefully and efficiently. Taking into account the successes and problems that arose in the past academic year, the following tasks for 2015 - 2016 academic year:

The knowledge and skills acquired by children in the course of direct educational activities must be systematically consolidated and continued to be applied in various types of children's activities. Special attention should be given to the use of a variety of traditional and non-traditional methods work that allows developing the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities for appropriate preparation for school of children.

■ continuation of purposeful work with children in all educational areas;

■ deepening work with children in the educational field;

■ improving work on interaction with parents;

■ continued improvement of the subject-developing environment in the group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

■ improving the level of pedagogical skills through self-education, participation in seminars, master classes, methodical associations;

■ dissemination of their own pedagogical experience (posting materials on the website of the preschool educational institution).

We correlated the results of the study of the integrative qualities of the individual with the results of monitoring the levels of children's mastery of the necessary skills and abilities in educational areas, noting the positive dynamics, we can talk about the productivity of our work and the readiness of children for school.