Headaches in teenagers, causes. Causes of frequent and severe headaches in adolescents and pills for them

When your head hurts small child, it scares and forces to address to doctors. But if this symptom is observed in a teenager, the situation changes. An adult recalls that he himself periodically has headaches - and nothing, alive. In addition, many say that headaches in transitional age- a common phenomenon caused by hormonal changes.

Why is headache more frequent in adolescence?

"Transitional" age is a serious test for a teenager. At this age, his hormonal background changes greatly, and while the body tries to rebuild and get used to it, all those problems that he managed to compensate for come out. Therefore, between the ages of 9 and 14, if the child had:

  • chronic diseases;
  • violations of the work of blood vessels - rather, of an innate nature;
  • genetic traits

they all "raise their heads" - and the head starts to hurt more often.

Tension headache

It is the cause of 73% of adolescent headaches. It can be caused by reasons that are not obvious at first glance:

  • prolonged sitting at a table or at a computer - when the neck is in a tense state;
  • uncomfortable position of the head during sleep;
  • frequent stress;
  • conflict situations.

It is with a tension headache that a teenager complains that his head hurts every day: the breaks are so short that they are almost imperceptible. The pain begins right in the morning, feels like pressure, is localized in the forehead, temples, does not increase from physical exertion. During the day, it can change its localization and intensity.

Scoliosis of the cervical spine

This disease also often debuts in adolescence - due to the fact that it began active growth bones of the skeleton, and they have not yet had time to condense. And then the teenager begins to read lying down, go to concerts or other events where you need to stretch and tilt your neck - and the spine in the cervical region bends. Blood circulation in the brain deteriorates, and appears headache.


This is the main cause of headache in a teenage girl. Boys also get migraines, but from adolescence it becomes less frequent.

At the heart of migraine is a hereditary pathology in some part of the vessel in the brain. It can be suspected if at least one parent suffered from this pathology. The disease manifests itself quite frighteningly: it is a very severe headache, which is aggravated by physical exertion, light, loud sounds, the smell of gasoline, drinking coffee, chocolate.

The pain is most often localized in one half of the head; some forms of it may be accompanied by speech disorders, visual impairment, paresis of the limbs, vomiting. All this is very similar to meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Distinguishes migraine only:

  • no rise in temperature;
  • disappearance of focal symptoms against the background of the disappearance of headache;
  • the absence of any changes in the interictal period.

Long period of fasting

If a teenager does not eat on time, he may develop a headache. There may be 2 reasons for this:

  1. non-critical decrease in blood sugar - as a sign of a disease of the pancreas or liver;
  2. migraine.

Chronic diseases of ENT organs

The reasons why a teenager has a headache can be chronic and acute:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • ethmoiditis.

In acute diseases, headache is accompanied by other symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose. In chronic cases, pain may be the only symptom.

Sleep deprivation due to chronotype change

Most children are early risers. But to adolescence many of them begin to rebuild into an "owl", and they constantly do not get enough sleep. Why this happens is unknown.


Hormonal changes in adolescence can lead to vegetative-vascular dystonia, which sometimes causes an increase in blood pressure. As a result of hypertension, headaches appear (most often the back of the head begins to hurt).

Other causes of hypertension are diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the brain. Sometimes high blood pressure can be caused by the use of large amounts of salt, energy drinks, coffee.

Heart rhythm disorder

When the heart is not working properly (irhythmically), the brain does not get enough blood. And in response to hypoxia, a headache appears.

Please note: a teenager will not necessarily feel a violation of the rhythm. Only extrasystoles are felt (like a sinking heart or, conversely, a sharp blow) and an increase in heart rate. More severe arrhythmias may not be felt.

Visual impairment

When visual acuity decreases, the teenager begins to look closely: at the blackboard, at the numbers of public transport, at the faces of acquaintances. In this case, the cause of the headache is an overstrain of the oculomotor muscles.

Change in intracranial pressure

When you feel sick and have a headache, it can be either an increase or a decrease intracranial pressure. In many cases, they occur against the background of intoxication against the background of SARS, taking some drugs, bad habits. But the reasons for this can also be an acute brain disease, for example, meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Therefore, nausea and headache, even without fever, even if it has passed, requires examination by a neurologist.

The emergence of a bad habit

Both smoking and alcohol, and most drugs, when a teenager first tries them, can cause a headache. This happens for the reason that some of them have a direct effect on the vessels of the brain, while others cause intoxication.

Poisoning in everyday life with toxic substances, the use of certain products and additives

The head in the forehead can hurt when inhaling air from pungent odor. As a rule, it is saturated with toxic substances. This is new furniture and Appliances, new Construction Materials and carpet products, qualitative clothes, toys made from toxic materials and dyes, some stationery, plastic products with a strong odor. That is, if a teenager long time is in a poorly ventilated area with materials that emit a strong toxic odor, he may get a headache.

Also, the use of certain foods can cause a headache: foods with food additives (flavor enhancers, flavors), nuts, chocolate, cheese, coffee.

Traumatic situation

Headaches in a teenager can begin due to severe stress: fright, bullying at school, conflict with teachers, surprise from meeting a drunk. Such pains also require attention, because if they are not eliminated, they can “result” into depression, asthenia, and neurotic disorders.

How to treat a headache in a teenager

As you can see, there are many causes of headaches - not even half of them are listed here. Each of them has its own examination and its own treatment. Therefore, only a neurologist can decide what to do.

Before his visit, you need to provide the child healthy lifestyle life:

  • sufficient sleep;
  • obtaining useful proteins, vitamins and microelements with food;
  • walks in the fresh air, and not rest at the computer;
  • support for parents during traumatic situations or when receiving poor grades.

Thus, do not write off a headache in a teenager on hormones. Contact a neurologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, exclude all terrible reasons and do not forget about the love for your grown-up child!

Frequent headaches in a teenager may appear on different reasons. These can be both reactions to external factors, and a symptom indicating a certain disease. To avoid unpleasant consequences, adults should take children's complaints seriously and be sure to take the child to the doctor. An experienced specialist will conduct an examination and help determine the cause of the headache, as well as prescribe treatment.

A constant headache interferes with the usual order of life of a teenager and causes severe discomfort. As a result, irritability, fatigue, apathy appear, the desire to learn disappears, and sleep is disturbed.

You need to know why the child's head hurts. Common reasons for this age include the following:

  1. At school age, a teenager is literally at every step waiting for situations that lead to an emotional reboot. Facing difficult life situations causes in the child, which is accompanied by tense, squeezing sensations in this area and has an aching, pulsating character. Symptoms such as bouts of nausea, vomiting, loss of strength may occur.
  2. Rescue with help medications gives only a temporary effect, as it only drowns out the symptom, and does not cure it. In this case, you need to teach a teenager how to properly cope with stress and overcome unpleasant situations provide the necessary support. If these actions do not desired result you need to see a psychologist. He will help to establish the causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.
  3. Excessive fatigue occurs mainly in children school age. Blame it all modern programs teaching in schools that contain a huge amount of information. To learn the material, many teenagers have to stay up late, spending the time intended for rest and sleep, studying the lessons. As a result of such mental reboots, a headache occurs.
  4. Another cause of excessive fatigue is dependence on computer games. Unfortunately, most teenagers at the age of 14 are addicted to them. Constant sitting at the computer brings a lot harmful effects for a growing organism.
  5. Hormonal restructuring begins somewhere at the age of 14 and is accompanied by a disruption in the functioning of the whole organism. Digestion is disturbed, muscle and bone tissues are being formed, there are changes in the functioning of the urinary system, acne, frequent outbursts of emotions, dizziness and a feeling of frequent headaches. Teenagers who have a good relationship with parents, go in for sports and physical labor, are active and have not lost interest in the world around them, they easily survive this period.
  6. In a teenager, it is because of a sleep disorder. Since at this age it is important to adhere to the correct daily routine for a young developing organism. It is recommended to sleep at least 10 hours. It is this period that will help the child recover after a busy day.
  7. Ignoring breakfast, dieting, and feeling hungry can also provoke pain in the head. All these causes are harmful to the young body and can lead to serious illnesses.
  8. Scientists have shown that teenagers who smoke cigarettes or occasionally drink alcoholic beverages are much more likely to experience bouts of pain in the head. It's all the fault of the blood vessels in the brain, which are greatly narrowed after the next portion of nicotine, resulting in a headache.
  9. The abuse of energy drinks and drinks containing caffeine, taurine in large doses also cause headaches in a teenager.
  10. One of the reasons why a child suffers from a headache is an elementary lack of fluid in the body. In adolescence, children are very mobile, so they need to drink a lot of water in order to restore their water balance.

In some cases, the causes that cause headaches are symptoms of diseases that require immediate treatment.

Migraine is a hereditary disease, which in most cases manifests itself in the female part of the population. Its first signs appear somewhere around the age of 14, when hormonal changes. Migraine manifests itself unpleasant pain, which affects only one area of ​​the head in the part of the temple and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to external factors: bright light, sounds, smell. Headache is like attacks that last for different periods.

Migraine attacks are prone to children with a certain type of psychological characteristics. This is a child who leadership skills, high social activity, good social adaptation, anxiety.

Migraine attacks can be triggered by the following factors:

  • abrupt change of weather;
  • stress;
  • period including menstruation and ovulation;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, excessive sleep;
  • taking certain medications;
  • different types of vestibular stimuli (flying in an airplane, traveling in a car, bus, swimming on marine species transport, swinging);
  • eating chocolate, eggs, cheese, citrus fruits, nuts, smoked meats, tomatoes, canned food, fatty and spicy foods, alcohol;
  • constipation;
  • constant noise, bright light;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor.

It should be noted: if pain attacks the child experiences more than once a month, it is possible that this disease will accompany him throughout his life. This is especially true for girls.

Pain associated with meningitis high temperature, vomiting, rash. When pressed on special points on the skull of the head, the pain will increase. Inpatient treatment will help to cope with this disease.

With frequent pain in the head, a teenager should definitely seek help from a doctor and conduct an examination. This will help set true reason illness and decide what to do next.

In most cases, the cause of frequent headaches in schoolchildren is banal overwork.

Parents are obliged to plan the time of the child so that he has enough time for rest. Try to distribute the load evenly, without exceeding the capabilities of the teenager.

During seizures, you need to pay more attention to the child, helping him to cope with the problem. But here it is important not to overdo it. over-concern on the part of parents, indulging all the whims of the patient can lead to the development of a pathological pain reflex.

Examination of a teenager begins with a thorough examination of a specialist, the study of all complaints and symptoms of the disease. All these actions will help to establish the true picture of the disease, and, if necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

Migraine treatment consists in eliminating irritants and taking special potent drugs. medical preparations which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Medicines belonging to the category of dihydroergotamines are considered excellent means that can alleviate the condition of a teenager. But here you need to take into account the age of the children, because they can be given only after 14 years.

Migraine pain in adolescents, if it occurs infrequently and is mild, can be treated with antidepressants and lifestyle adjustments. Her correct image includes a stable daily routine, good sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air, physical exercise, regular water procedures.

With hormonal changes, you need to help a teenager survive this period. Pain medications, head and neck massage will help to cope with pain. The main condition during this period is care and attention, this will help to achieve a quick retreat of unpleasant sensations.

If a teenager has a headache, then you should not let everything take its course, but you should seek help from a doctor. This will help not only to deal with unpleasant feeling, but also prevent the development of life-threatening diseases such as inflammation and oncology.

Teenagers are no longer surprised.
Frequent stress, information overload, school overload, hormonal surges, daily noise attack that increases blood pressure, hypothermia, illness internal organs- all this can cause spasms and vasoconstriction of the brain and muscle tension of the skull. As a result, an adequate perception of the world around is disturbed in a teenager, he becomes irritated, quickly gets tired, loses healthy sleep and a desire to learn.

In most cases, headaches in children aged 10-13 do not cause concern and are perceived as a common occurrence. However, if your child often has a headache, and you do not take appropriate measures, this can lead to serious chronic diseases, and disastrous consequences. To prevent dangerous consequences and start treatment on time, you should first find out the causes of headaches. According to modern experts, more than 40 diseases can cause headaches in adolescents.
Let's try to consider why modern schoolchildren have a headache.

Causes of head pain that can be eliminated independently, at home

Reason #1

The first cause that can cause headaches in children is increased fatigue. Modern school programs are saturated with information, most of which burdens the younger generation, since the child does not know where to apply it and whether it will be useful to him. However, the desire to please strict parents and bring good mark makes the child do homework until late at night. Moreover, “night lessons” are being replaced by computer games.

As a result of such mental overload, a teenager's normal sleep is disturbed, he becomes lethargic, comes into conflict with others and begins to experience frequent headaches. According to scientists, every adult should sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. For a teenager, 8-10 hours of sleep is considered healthy. In the case of constant lack of sleep, the defenses of the child's body are reduced and, as a result, there is a general malaise and headache.

How to cope

If your son/daughter often complains of headaches, try adjust the student's daily routine(so that the routine is acceptable to all family members). And if you dream of making a child prodigy out of your child, remember that he will learn not thanks to your prodding and reminders, but in spite of. Therefore, let the teenager himself be responsible for his actions, including facing negative consequences their actions (inaction). Be sure to plan your day should be provided free time, which is literally like air necessary for a growing person to personal growth and, of course, the prevention of overwork. pull out current generation because of the computer difficult, but possible: try to come up with a worthy alternative together.
Remember, it's better to see a happy and enthusiastic C student than a sick A student.

Reason #2

The second cause of headaches can be permanent stressful situations . According to the results of European studies, the vast majority of office workers and schoolchildren do not appear in their places due to stress (excessive overexertion). Stress literally "eats" a person from the inside and is the main cause of many diseases.

How to cope

If your child complains of general weakness and severe headaches, try to find out the cause similar condition. Try to do this not with intrusive questions, but with a demonstration of your sincere empathy. Perhaps he has troubles with peers, difficulties in studying school subjects, or misunderstandings with teachers. Show attention to your child, and you will be able to eliminate the cause of the ailment on your own.

If a teenager has a headache because of conflict situations with parents, they should do everything possible to rectify the situation. try form trusting relationship with children, find a common cause that captivates both of you(cooking delicious dish, going to the skating rink, translating foreign songs, reading aloud, knitting, etc.), try to watch good films, positive programs together, visit exhibitions, theaters and share thoughts about what you see. If you can build a constructive dialogue with your maturing-little-creature and set it in a positive way, it simply will not have time for negative thoughts and self-flagellation. With such an approach on its own.

Reason #3

One of the most common causes of head pain is hormonal changes that take place in children's body at the age of 10-14 years. At the same time, there are violations in the work of many systems and organs - ranging from skin and ending with internal disorders. Acne, malfunctions of the genitourinary system, indigestion, intensive formation of the musculoskeletal system, unexpected emotional outbursts, dizziness and frequent headaches - all this is normal for a growing body. But practice shows that growing children with warm relationship with relatives involved in sports and physical work, who have not lost interest in the world around us, no major problems in puberty do not experience.

How to cope

If similar symptoms take place in your son or daughter - there is no reason for concern, but it is worth considering how to help the child survive this difficult period. A teenager needs help if he has acute and frequent headaches. At the same time, parents should show maximum patience and create favorable conditions for life. Only by surrounding your child with care, attention and warmth, you can achieve positive results.

Sometimes, pain syndrome in the head area can be stopped with valerian or the amino acid glycine. This natural remedies, which gently relax blood vessels, relieve headaches and have a slight calming effect.
Application possible paracetamol, citramon or ibuprofen. But the child will be much more pleasant if you make him head and neck massage, pat, and do not get off with "potions".

Reason #4

Do not forget about the possibility of harmful addictions of your child: smoking, taking alcoholic beverages or narcotic intoxicants with a significant probability of causing chronic headaches, general deterioration in well-being and behavioral changes. Be attentive to your offspring, and bad habits will not go unnoticed.
Of course, if you can’t manage on your own, you need to consult a narcologist.

This also includes the propensity of young creatures to diets. Try to explain to your daughter that the path of a growing organism to beautiful figure lies through physical activity, but not fasting. But the restriction in sweet fat content and salinity does not harm anyone.

Reason #5

To the number serious reasons, causing aching pain in the head area increased blood pressure. sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition, which have become the norm for today's youth, lead to violations in the work of all organs. The spine is especially affected. Excess consumption of salt, fatty and fried food leads to a change in the walls of blood vessels, a violation of the regulation of their tone, which makes it difficult for oxygen to flow to the brain cells, and, as a result, provokes pain.

How to cope

Only a change in diet, the presence of sufficient physical activity And positive emotions able to correct the situation and restore the state of the vessels of the brain. At advanced stage arterial hypertension treatment by one's own efforts becomes impossible.

Reason #6

Another cause of headaches is increased noise attack. Modern man so accustomed to constant noise that sometimes he does not notice its destructive effect on the body. The daily rumble of cars, the disturbing sounds of news and thrillers falling from the TV screens, the screams of schoolchildren, conflicts between parents - all this has Negative influence on the psyche of adolescents. Over time, the child gets used to loud sounds and ceases to notice them. However, excessive noise can cause tension in the blood vessels of the brain and lead to acute headache.

How to cope

Try to build around baby calm atmosphere, eliminating sharp and too loud sounds. Even if a teenager receives a noise "hit" within the walls of the school, a cozy, measured home furnishings helps restore emotional balance. WITH early years instill in your child a love for beautiful, classical music. There are cases when the soft speech of the mother literally raised the child to her feet during the illness.
Sometimes it silence and subdued light and fresh air able to eliminate a headache more effectively than the most potent drugs.

Causes of headaches that require immediate medical attention

In case you have done everything necessary measures to eliminate the headache, but the pain syndrome does not stop, accompanied by visual impairment, consciousness, repeated vomiting, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors can cause private headaches in a teenager:


Many schoolchildren are used to following fashion and do not pay due attention to the seasonality factor when choosing clothes. The desire to look stylish often leads to severe hypothermia and serious illness in the future. For example, walking without a hat in winter can lead to inflammation of the middle and inner ear (otitis media), inflammation of the sinuses of the facial bones () with the subsequent transition of the process to the membranes of the brain (meningitis). All these conditions are accompanied by severe headaches.

Moreover, staying in the cold in light clothing can cause infectious and inflammatory diseases in the genitourinary system, which in the future can lead to infertility in both girls and boys.

How to treat

When the first symptoms of a cold occur, you can take “first line” therapeutic measures, which consist of drinking plenty of warm water and taking high doses of vitamin C - ascorbic acid(sold in sachets). Drugs that stimulate the production of interferon (Galavit), which have immunomodulatory and antiviral effects (Amiksin), have proven to be effective and fairly safe.
But remember, only a highly qualified specialist can appoint proper treatment, which will quickly relieve your children of a headache and eliminate its cause.

Chronic diseases of internal organs.

Except viral infections and mental factors can cause chronic diseases. Sometimes parents may not even know why a teenager often has a headache. However, it is the headache that is the alarming signal that indicates the presence of a serious disease in the growing body. For example, a child may have a headache when chronic diseases kidneys, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, bodies urogenital area and propulsion apparatus. As a rule, the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases is accompanied by aching, and then acute pain around the head.

How to treat

If you do not understand the nature of the headache, the only right decision may be to go to a specialist. After examination and testing, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment that will help to quickly relieve pain and cure the disease. Thus, an attentive attitude to your child, confidential communication with him and timely measures taken will help eliminate the headache and restore emotional mood teenager.

Proper nutrition is essential physical activity, a healthy emotional environment in the family, the ability to dress according to the weather, constant access to fresh air and the absence of a strong noise attack is all that will return your children to a normal perception of the world around them and prevent the development of a headache for a long time.

Learn to listen to your children so that they are always healthy, happy and cheerful!

Text: Tatyana Maratova

There are thousands of reasons why teenagers have headaches. Some are related to their lifestyle, others to the changes taking place in their bodies. In addition, teenagers do not always closely monitor their health, which, of course, also contributes to headaches.

Stress and sleep disorders

Most manifestations headaches in teenagers pretty harmless. Such pains pass very quickly and do not cause serious health problems. However, in order to understand whether it is worth attaching serious importance to this or that case of a headache in a teenager, you need to know its causes. One of the most common causes is stress and anxiety. A teenager always has a lot to worry about - school, interpersonal relationships, questions of family, friends and goals for the future. Too much tension often causes a teenager to have a throbbing headache or a feeling of "tightness" around the head.

Sleep disturbances are another common cause of headaches in teenagers. Lack of sleep due to psychological stress on schoolwork, an inconvenient study schedule, or due to the fact that a teenager, trying to socialize, walks up late with friends or spends a lot of time at a computer on the Internet - can provoke frequent headaches in a teenager.

Smoking, dehydration and energy

Parents should be aware that, according to medical statistics, teenagers who smoke experience headaches more often than teenagers who do not have this bad habit. Toxins contained in cigarettes - the same nicotine - cause constriction during smoking blood vessels in the brain, which will almost certainly cause a teenager to develop headaches.

Another cause of frequent migraines in young people is dehydration. Teenagers tend to be very active. To stay hydrated, they need to consume plenty of fluids. The lack of a habit to constantly replenish the lack of water in the body provokes a headache in a teenager.

Finally, overuse of stimulants such as caffeine found in coffee, tea and, most importantly, the all-too-famous energy drinks can lead to headaches in teenagers. If a teenager regularly uses all of the above in large doses, frequent headaches are provided to him.

In adolescence, soreness of the head can be triggered by a variety of various factors: due to external changes characteristic of adolescence or the development of certain diseases.

It is difficult to identify the cause of the headache on your own, and parents should listen to the complaints of their children, if necessary, bring them to a doctor's appointment for examination, and the proposed treatment course.

You should not worry too much if your head hurts for 1 day, then it suddenly disappears and does not bother you anymore or some external reasons have led, because in adolescence it is common:

  • stressful conditions;
  • emotional overstrain at school when communicating with peers, the manifestation of the first romantic feelings;
  • strong overexcitation, excitement, the pain becomes throbbing, every day and simply unbearable. Vomiting, nausea joins. Adult support during this period is essential. It is important to teach children how to deal with their problems correctly and on time or visit a psychologist.

  1. Long-term use of certain medications, pills. They allow you to eliminate the symptom of symptoms for a short time, but this is not a solution to the problem.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. In addition to headaches, pimples, blackheads, and other troubles appear on the face of adolescents. often in girls with the advent of menstruation, for 2-3 days passes.
  3. Bad habits. The desire to taste something new is typical of teenagers. A headache provocateur is smoking due to nicotine entering the body, leading to spasm and vasoconstriction. It is common for teenagers to try alcohol in the company, which also leads to some disorders. of cardio-vascular system, dental problems and headache are the first symptom. Some energy drinks that are popular among teenagers today have a negative effect on a fragile body.
  4. Sleep problems. The body grows, excess or lack of sleep leads to a violation of the general regime and, as a result, to pain in the head. Full rest and sleep time for teenagers should be at least 9-10 hours.
  5. Violation of the diet, intake of products with harmful components can provoke pain, also skipping, for example, breakfast, deliberate refusal to eat while following a strict diet. It should be understood that the body of a teenager is growing. Hunger and deficiency in the body of valuable nutrients can lead not only to pain in the head, but also to serious illnesses, mental disorders, stress, and other troubles.
  6. Dehydration. The head can often hurt from a lack of fluid in the body, with increased sweating due to excessive activity of children. Influenced by heredity (possible transmission of migraine from the mother). Becomes a provocateur low level serotonin in the blood or pain is the result of hypertension, an increase in blood pressure, which is inherited.

If external causes headaches can still be recognized independently and get rid of them by eliminating provoking factors, then there are a number of internal diseases requiring treatment.

  1. Injury. Often after hitting the head, pain occurs after a few days or even weeks. The pain is inexplicable, but may appear due to brain injury on the 3-4th day.
  2. Hypertension, vascular disorders leading to spasms, vasoconstriction, especially during climate change, a drop in atmospheric pressure.
  3. Colds, hypothermia. Along with a runny nose, cough, sneezing, the head hurts with a lesion trigeminal nerve, cervical vertebrae or the development of an infection in the body, it can be short-term or last all day.
  4. Migraine - frequent occurrence in adolescents with changes hormonal background, especially in girls with the onset of menstruation. The pain covers the temporal part, nausea and vomiting are possible.
  5. Meningitis, soreness increases with pressure on some points in the temporal region. Often the disease is accompanied by vomiting, skin rashes, fever. The disease is fraught with complications, which is why it requires urgent examination, inpatient treatment.
  6. Encephalitis develops due to inflammation in the brain. Adolescents not only have a headache, but also muscles, they feel very sick. The disease caused by the development of infection leads to severe throbbing pain in the head. Contacting a doctor should be immediate.
  7. Brain tumor. In addition to severe headaches, convulsions, vomiting, visual disturbances, and coordination of movements are not uncommon. The disease requires the doctor to take emergency measures.
  8. Trigeminal neuralgia. It hurts in a teenager in the back of the head, the symptom intensifies when turning the neck of the head, nodding, palpation of some places in the head area. For treatment, you need to contact a neurologist. Shown physiotherapy, taking anticonvulsants.
  9. Poisoning. The head hurts when intoxicated with certain drugs, in addition, it makes you feel sick, vomits, the temperature rises, a serious disorder occurs in the digestive organs.
  10. Cervical osteochondrosis can manifest itself with excessive activity or overstrain of the cervical vertebrae. It develops as a result of non-compliance with posture, which children need to be taught to follow from the beginning of attending school. In addition to pain in the head, it hurts in the neck and limbs. Recommended massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises.
  11. Disease of the ear, throat, nose, pain occurs with many ENT diseases: laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. It pulsates and radiates to different parts of the head.

Some chronic diseases lead to acute spasms in the head in adolescents and this is already alarm signal, serious problems with health requiring treatment. Headache can be due to malfunctions in almost any organ: kidneys, liver, lungs, stomach, locomotor apparatus. During periods of exacerbation, the pain can be unbearable: sharp, shooting or aching.

Seeing a doctor and even calling an ambulance does not require delay when:

  • severe pain in the head, in conjunction with a steady increase in temperature (antipyretic drugs do not help);
  • occurrence of vomiting;
  • drowsiness;
  • poisoning, when unpleasant symptoms appeared immediately, on the same day;
  • depression of the child;
  • loss of consciousness, loss of vision;
  • violations of the motor function of coordination during movements;
  • inability to raise their heads while lying on their backs.

Teenage parents sometimes wonder why their head hurts so much. The reasons are usually hidden. With the incomprehensible nature of the onset of symptoms and soreness, it is better to seek help from specialists. If the causes of pain are diseases, then it is hardly possible to get rid of misfortunes with home folk methods.

Based on the diagnostic examination, medication treatment will be prescribed in order to relieve the disease. TO safe means For adolescence include: paracetamol, napraxen, phenacetin, ibuprofen, acetylka, citramon (only after 15 years, can lead to liver damage), nurofen, sumatripan (with bundle soreness of the head).

If the symptoms appeared with a cold, then remedies are prescribed: Galavit to stimulate interferon, Amiksin to relieve inflammation and increase immunity. For removal unpleasant symptoms useful head massage, drinking tea from chamomile, mint, also calm long sleep, walks in the fresh air.

Of course, parents want to see their children cheerful, cheerful. Headache, on the other hand, causes a lot of inconvenience, distracts from study, leads to irritability, nervousness, and mental disorders in adolescents. Responsibility of parents: to ensure emotional peace in the family, teach children to eat right, dress for the weather, adequately assess the world without going to extremes, such as overworking yourself at school in order to achieve the most best results and high marks.

Can't be tolerated. They are not so dangerous if the reason is hormonal surges. But if this is a symptom of the development of a serious internal disease that threatens life, for example, meningitis, brain sarcoma, stroke (which can develop even in adolescents with inflammation sciatic nerve or trauma to the skull), problems with the heart or blood vessels, treatment must be timely and complete, otherwise the consequences can be quite unpleasant.