At what speed do nails grow and how to influence it? Bath with salt and iodine. Pepper mask for fast nail growth

Evgenia Valerievna

The condition of the nails is very important indicator normal functioning of the body, it, just like skin and hair, can signal illness or lack of vitamins. Nails begin to peel, break, and often even good master won't be able to help. To find a way out, consider the main causes of fragility and possible options how to avoid problems.

Causes of brittle nails

  1. Constant contact with chemicals - varnishes, products containing acetone, various household chemicals, solutions and acids. It is worth periodically giving your nails a rest, not using varnishes, and wearing gloves when working with chemicals. When choosing a varnish, do not focus on color and drying speed; bright, quick-drying varnishes are the most harmful.
  2. Lack of microelements. Deficiency of potassium, iron, vitamins A, E, D causes brittle nails. Review your diet and consult a specialist who will help you choose the right vitamins.
  3. Heredity, presence of diseases. Several human diseases are determined by the condition of the nails. The most common diagnoses are diseases thyroid gland. Nails become brittle during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because beneficial elements from the mother’s body are partially lost to the child.
  4. Nutrition, depression.
  5. Dry air. Nails suffer from too dry air, especially in winter when the temperature is constantly changing. Make sure there is enough humidity in the house, wear gloves in winter before going outside.
  6. Cuticle problems. The cuticle protects the nail from the external environment, germs, bacteria and transfers useful elements from the body to the nail plate. Any damage, disease, fungus causes brittle nails.
  7. Incorrect care. Few people know that you cannot trim your nails with clippers., you need to file them down with a glass or ceramic file so as not to damage the skin.
We determine the problem based on the condition of the nail

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

There are many simple recipes for strengthening nails without leaving home. Remember that they do not solve problems that already exist in the body, but they can temporarily make nails much stronger and healthier.


Baths with sea salt are an excellent remedy for brittleness and will help quickly strengthen your fingernails so that they do not peel or break.

  1. In a liter of hot water comfortable temperature, dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt. You can add a few drops of essential oil, lemon juice or iodine.
  2. Dip your nails into the solution for 15-20 minutes, wipe dry, and lubricate with your favorite cream. Do salt baths every day for 2-3 weeks, then once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the condition of the nail plate.

Olive oil and lemon juice

Prepare a simple solution:

  1. Not a large number of Heat olive oil in a water bath and add lemon juice.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your nails, leave for 3-4 hours, or preferably overnight.

You can simply rub your nails with a slice of lemon. It strengthens and whitens the nail plate. This procedure should be done 2 times a week

Wax ointment

A good strengthening agent is beeswax ointment.

  1. Melt 5 gr. wax, add hard-boiled yolk and a few drops of peach oil.
  2. Place this ointment in a convenient jar and rub your nails with it.

Another way is possible: melt the wax, dip your fingertips into it, then into cold water to harden. The mask nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate and surrounding skin.

Red pepper

To strengthen and speed up the growth of your nails, you can make a mask of red pepper.

  1. Add a few drops of water to half a teaspoon of pepper to make a paste, add hand cream.
  2. Warm up the resulting product and apply it to your nails with a brush.
  3. Keep it for a maximum of 20 minutes; if it’s too hot, you can do less, but not less than 10. Carry out the procedure no more than once a month!

Milk bath

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of apple and lemon juice to 0.5 liters of heated milk.
  2. The solution is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of table salt.
  3. The bath takes 15 minutes.


Apply a thin, even layer of iodine to your skin every day. nail plates. By the morning, yellow will disappear. This procedure, taking into account regularity, makes nails less brittle.

Green tea bath

  1. Brew a tablespoon of tea with a glass of boiling water without any additives or flavorings.
  2. When the tea has cooled, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice, after which the solution can be used for the procedure
  3. Before the bath, you should stretch your fingertips to increase blood flow to them. The bath should be taken for 10 minutes, after which you should not wet your hands for several hours.

Vinegar and oil

Not the most pleasant smelling, but effective bath of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil.

  1. Mix vinegar and oil in equal proportions, you can heat it up, dip your fingers in the solution for 10 minutes.
  2. A vinegar bath will strengthen your fingernails well if done every day for 2-3 weeks; after 2 months, repeat the course if necessary.


If your nails are brittle, a gelatin bath can help.

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water or milk and reheat after 15 minutes.
  2. Dip your nails into warm gelatin for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Use the mask 2 times a week.

You can also add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the gelatin to make the procedure more pleasant.


One of the easiest ways to strengthen nails is with ordinary berries. Lubricate them with crushed currants, lingonberries, cranberries; this saturates your nails with vitamins and makes the color healthier.

Mask with olive and almond oil

  1. The pulp is extracted from one medium-sized tomato.
  2. Place in a cup and add a spoonful of olive and almond oils.
  3. The mask is applied in a thick layer to each nail.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the composition with a paper napkin.

Herbal decoctions

To prevent nails from peeling and breaking, make strengthening baths from decoctions medicinal herbs- burdock root, chamomile, St. John's wort. The herbs are poured with hot water and infused for an hour, then, if the decoction has cooled, it is heated. Place your fingers or toes in the bath and hold for about 30 minutes.


Regular white wine baths significantly improve the condition of your nails. The recipes are simple: 200 ml. add two tablespoons of white wine sea ​​salt, tsp. honey and a third tsp. butter. Heat the mixture, stir well, dip your fingertips for 25-30 minutes.

Potato decoction

Place your fingers in warm potato broth for 10-15 minutes, rinse your hands, dry and apply your favorite cream. This bath strengthens nails and softens the skin.

Vitamin rub

In addition to the suggested methods, use vitamin E capsules. Open the capsule, rub the contents into the cuticle and nail. Repeat for 2 weeks, take a short break and repeat if necessary.


Massaging the hands and the area around the nail has a positive effect on its condition and growth. Massage using jojoba oil, ylang-ylang, lemon, olive oil.

Nutrition for strengthening nails

Of course, advice won't help if you have the wrong diet. Nails and hair will be beautiful and strong only with proper nutrition, rich in protein foods, fruits and vegetables. To keep your nails strong and healthy longer, you need to consume enough vitamins A, E, C, group B, calcium and iron every day.

  • Vitamin A is found in dairy products, eggs, carrots, tomatoes;
  • Vitamin E - in vegetable oils of various nuts, you can buy it at the pharmacy and rub it into the nail;
  • Vitamin C is rich in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, sea buckthorn, and sauerkraut.
  • There is a lot of iron in liver, eggs, poultry, sesame seeds, apples and nuts.

Make one healthy food addition at home. Egg shells contain calcium; they need to be crushed into powder and a small amount added to food regularly. This will help increase the amount of calcium without pharmaceutical supplements.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

Damaged, peeling and thin nails- this is a cruel reality that should not be tolerated. There are a huge number of remedies that can eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, and most of them are available to absolutely everyone.

Beautiful well-groomed nails - this is an important component of a woman's image. But sometimes it happens that the nails begin to break, become fragile and vulnerable. What to do in this case?

Nail - the industry does not stand still, so today there are many various strengthening agents. They not only do an excellent job of strengthening the nail plate, but also nourish and smooth it. Moreover, such the products are very easy to use. So, you won’t even notice how your nails will become healthy and strong in just a few sessions.

Products for strengthening and growing nails from the pharmacy: use at home

To your the nails were strong and healthy people do not necessarily need to use expensive special products. You can buy a lot at the pharmacy familiar means to everyone, which will cope with this task perfectly, and will cost you much less.

Sea salt

This wonderful drug can be found not only in the pharmacy, but also in any market. You can purchase both pure salt and with various beneficial additives. Clay supplement is considered very useful. She copes well with healing the nail plate. And if you choose salt with lavender, then calming effect Your skin will be provided with.

Surely you have noticed that after sea swimming your nails become healthier and stronger. This is exactly the effect it has sea ​​salt. Plus to this, iodine, contained in salt, also affects the restoration of nails.

To prepare bath with miraculous salt, you will need half a liter of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. Literally 10 minutes, and your hands will be unrecognizable. The nails will receive the necessary useful elements, and the skin of your hands will become smooth and elastic.


Affordable and inexpensive remedy does a great job of strengthening nails. Iodine is vital to the human body, it plays an important role in metabolic processes.

To strengthen your nails just apply a little iodine with a cotton swab on your nails. Within a few hours, this solution will be completely absorbed.

Important: must be applied to nails and hands nutritious cream, since iodine tincture is made on an alcohol basis.

Paraffin or wax

These available funds Great moisturize and nourish the skin. And if your nails do not have enough moisture, and they begin to crumble and break, then this is the surest remedy. Nails, especially long ones, should be elastic.

But under no circumstances do not use candle paraffin or wax. These products must be special, which can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

In addition, in winter, doing procedures using paraffin or wax is a pleasure, since they have a warming effect.

For the bath, you need to carefully melt the paraffin, then add a few drops of any essential oil. Before applying the composition, your hands must be lubricated. any nourishing cream. Then you need to put on your hands polyethylene gloves and dip the brushes in paraffin. Wrap up your hands terry towel and hold it like this for 20 minutes.

Burr oil

Thanks to your moisturizing properties The oil perfectly nourishes and restores the water balance of the skin and nail plate. And in combination with other ingredients Burr oil capable of creating real miracles.

Add to burdock sea ​​buckthorn oil which is rich in vitamins. Also add vitamins C, E and A, capsules of which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mixture Apply regularly to hands and nails.

Almond oil

Three times a week you need to lubricate the cuticle with this oil and carefully push it back. After some time, you may notice that cuticle growth stops. In this way it is possible to carry out unedged manicure .


It contains a huge amount useful microelements. At the same time, it has the property dry out the skin. Therefore, when using it, be sure to use additional fatty and nourishing creams. It is enough to make lotions from clay twice a month.

And don’t forget that along with cosmetics to strengthen nails you need to take any vitamin complexes.

Video: Folk remedy for strengthening and whitening nails

Professional products for strengthening nails

The cosmetics market is literally full of by various means nail care. Such remedies can be divided into preventive and therapeutic. Now almost any problem with nails can be easily solved. Some drugs regenerate tissue, others strengthen nails, and others nourish and moisturize.

If you want to purchase professional treatment product your marigolds, then it’s better to purchase it at the pharmacy. Be sure to carefully read its composition. If available in the product calcium, Your nails will be strong. At peeling nails A product that contains fruit acids.

Smart enamel gel for thickening nails: how to use, reviews

Due to the fact that this enamel contains provitamin B5, high-quality hydration and nutrition will be provided to your nails. The edge of the nail is fixed thanks to this product, and accordingly, the nail stops peeling.

Availability calcium leads to strengthening the nail plate, its alignment, as well as to the production of natural keratin.

It is advisable to apply enamel daily. It absorbs and dries perfectly. Immediately after application, you can feel how the nail plate thickens and gains firmness and elasticity. Besides, regular use smart enamel leads to proper growth nails and maintaining their healthy appearance.

Opi - nail strengthener: how to use

Various environmental factors, constant stress and poor ecology clearly affect the condition of nails. Therefore they can become brittle, soft and flaking. To avoid such consequences and make your nails truly healthy and strong, pay attention to special O.P.I product., which is designed to strengthen the nail plate. Its unique formula cares for nails and protects the nail plate from various damages.

Keratin acids and other beneficial substances cover thin layer marigold and give it strength. You can use this amazing product both in the salon and at home. The full course is about two weeks.

The drug must be applied every other day. You can even alternate it with a manicure. The surface of the nail plate after the first applications aligned, smoothed and strengthened. Good view nails can last for quite a long time.

In addition, O.P.I. protects nails from external influences and mechanical damage . What’s especially good is that the product dries almost instantly.

The maximum time of use is about two weeks. The surface of the nails must be carefully clean and degrease. Then apply the product. After two weeks of use every other day, you can use it as a base coat.

Mavala - a product for strengthening nails: how to use

Mavala Scientific is a specially developed product that perfectly strengthens, nourishes and maintains the nail plate in good condition. Using this product, you can forget about the problem for a long time peeling or brittle nails.

The nutrients and beneficial substances that are part of this unique drug will make your nails strong, beautiful and healthy.

Here's how to use this miracle remedy:

  1. Needs good clean your nails, remove the varnish and wipe with a grease-dissolving agent
  2. Special brush apply Mavala Scientifique on the edge of the nail plate
  3. Fine dry your nails so that the product is fixed

Make sure that the product did not get on the skin or cuticle. It must be used twice a week.

Video: Strengthening nails at home

Evelyn - nail strengthener: how to use

If you have naturally weak nails, or they were damaged as a result of the build-up, then you cannot do without a strengthening remedy from Evelyn. It allows nails accelerate regeneration, nourishes and strengthens them, makes them healthier. As the manufacturers say, their product is a solution to whole eight nail problems:

  • prevents delamination
  • makes the nail harder
  • eliminates fragility
  • makes the nail surface smooth
  • strengthens weakened nails
  • removes dullness
  • makes the nail plate thicker
  • gives nails a matte finish

Evelyn's remedy eliminates 8 main problems that affect the nail plate

Also, Evelyn's remedy makes nails grow faster, which means that you will be guaranteed long and strong nails.

Strengthening agent is applied every day. So that its use gives more effective result, means do not wash for the first three days. Those. There should be three layers of product on your nails. On the third day, you can wash it off and follow the previous scheme again.

Before applying this varnish, you must treat the cuticle either cream or special oil. This way you can protect your skin from drying out. If you use varnish as a base, then do not forget that its dullness can change the color of the base varnish.

Sally Hansen - nail strengthener: how to use

According to the manufacturers, varnish

used to cure brittle, weak and peeling nails. This is the remedy gives the nail plate hardness, strengthens it and prevents delamination. The special composition of Sally Hansen compacts and, as it were, “seals” the edges of the nails. Long-lasting protection and excellent growth You will be provided with.

Before applying the product, nails must be thoroughly remove varnish and grease. The product is applied as regular varnish. Pay special attention attention to the edges of the nail. After applying one coat, let the varnish dry and then repeat the procedure. Used by Sally Hansen or How independent remedy , or as a base coat for any varnish.

IBX - nail strengthener: how to use

The difference between the IBX complex and similar products is that this varnish penetrates deep into the nail structure and heals him from the inside. It nourishes and moisturizes each layer of the nail plate. You can compare the effect of this varnish with professional procedure in the cabin.

Varnish is so eats into the structure of the nail plate that it cannot be removed by any means. It only grows back with the nail.

Usage procedure:

  1. Prepare your nails, give them shape and length, degrease and let them dry well
  2. Apply the drug over the entire surface of the nail and dry with a lamp or hairdryer
  3. Remove sticky layer with a special sponge
  4. Dry in a special lamp
  5. Apply a second coat of IBX to the nail and repeat the drying and peeling procedure.
  6. This procedure must be repeated three times, and then you can apply varnish

Be sure to make sure that the drug did not come into contact with the skin.

Phytocosmetic - a nail strengthener and growth activator: how to use

The beauty of this drug is that it is practically manufactured at natural basis . It consists of various oils. His creamy texture allows easy application to the nail plate and cuticle area. Means absorbs perfectly, activates the growth of the nail plate and softens the cuticle. Thanks to him we get healthy and strong nails.

You need to apply the product massage movements over the entire nail plate and cuticle, hold for a while and remove excess with a napkin. This complex is completely replenishes deficiencies with vitamins and elements, so its use is recommended by many experts.

Nail strengthener Marigold: application

Our mothers and grandmothers still remember this domestic company. But the range of this company is constantly updated. And strengthening nail polish Marigold has already received a lot of positive feedback.

It strengthens perfectly nail plate, protects it from external influences and mechanical damage. You can even say that this product completely replaces varnish, since has several shades, from almost transparent to rich color.

Very easy to apply like regular varnish. Thanks to its correct texture does not smear and dries quickly. Can be used as base coat, or else base varnish. On the websites you can find a lot of reviews about this product.

Many people are surprised by him low price and enough good quality . The vitamins and minerals it contains make nails strong, healthy, and accumulate them. good growth. With this product your marigold will always look well-groomed, and you will spend relatively little effort, time and money.

Strengthening nails with gel polish

If your nails have become brittle and dull, try this procedure. strengthening with gel polish. This drug consists largely of proteins, so it can be called identical to natural nail plates. That's why it doesn't do any harm, but on the contrary, protects nails from damage and strengthens their structure.

Mode of application:

  1. Before the procedure, try for a couple of hours refrain from water treatments and applying cream to hands
  2. We disinfect our hands and gently push back the cuticles with a stick.
  3. Now you need take off glossy surface nail using a special sanding file
  4. All marigolds are degreased special means
  5. Then applying gel polish with a brush on the surface of the nail plate
  6. Drying in progress under ultraviolet lamp

It is very important that in addition to strengthening properties, gel polish has good breathability, which means your nails will be able to “breathe.”

Strengthening nails with vitamins

It is impossible to imagine our life without vitamins. They are playing huge role And in strengthening our nails. So what are they we need vitamins to keep your nails healthy and strong? And what do they contain? essential vitamins?

Vitamin A

This is peculiar barrier against various fungal diseases. It is also the basis for the strength of the nail plate. You can find it in liver, carrots, various vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin C

The well-known ascorbic acid protects nails from aging and prevents the plate from turning yellow. If there is not enough of this vitamin in the body, then the nails may peel and break. IN black currant, onions and citrus fruits You will find this wonderful vitamin.

Vitamin E

Playing important role V growth stimulation our nails and prevents fungal infections from affecting the nail plate. Lean on nuts, legumes and vegetable oils.

B vitamins

Thanks to this group in our body calcium is better absorbed. Vitamin B8 or H is very important for marigolds. It synthesizes in our body collagen and keratin, which in turn give hardness to the nail plate. Consume as much as possible greens, eggs and milk.

As you can see, you can improve and strengthen your nails using both special means and changing your daily diet. It’s up to you to decide which one to choose from, but under no circumstances should you leave your nails in trouble.

Video: Products for strengthening thin nails

Agree, many girls dream of beautiful and flawless hands, with good and healthy nails on their hands, on which any manicure will look incredibly impressive.

We all know that nowadays the nail extension procedure has become quite popular and in demand. And here, lovers of long nails, who cannot grow their nails due to brittleness and peeling, are very glad that such a procedure exists.

If, unfortunately, you are not the happy owner of beautiful, healthy and strong nails, don't despair too much. Know that extensions are by no means the only option for you. Don’t just give up what you want so quickly long manicure. For girls who want to know how to speed up nail growth, there are a sufficient number of ways to accelerate growth and strengthen them.

For getting desired result All you need is a little time, effort and a little Money. It will be enough to carry out certain manipulations with your nails and you will see that after a while they will become a source of pride for you.

It’s no secret to any of us how negatively the use of various chemicals for cleaning the house affects us. And, first of all, our hands and nails suffer, which come from chemicals when cleaning in direct contact.

If you take care of your nails and hands, would like to protect your nails and prevent their weakness and brittleness, you should start taking proper care of them now, without putting important things on the back burner. The most important rule for protection is to use rubber gloves when cleaning around the house or when using any detergents. Rubber gloves do not allow moisture to pass through and chemical substances your hands will also be out of range.

But not all ladies use rubber gloves when cleaning. Especially for you, we will advise, in this case, to use as gentle as possible detergents, which contain glycerin, balm and natural ingredients. They will significantly reduce the risk of damage to the skin and nails on your lovely hands.

Causes of brittle nails

The first reason for brittleness and weakness of your nails may be constant strict diets and poor nutrition. Therefore, your diet should be given close attention. Nutrition simply must be balanced and rich in vitamins.

Eat more foods containing iodine and calcium; it is especially important to eat foods high in vitamin C. Drink more liquids, preferably non-carbonated ones. Since our nails have the ability to absorb moisture and also evaporate it. So water is simply necessary for them; try to drink at least two liters of liquid per day.

There are quite a few ready-made medications, as well as procedures in salons that can also help accelerate nail growth and at the same time make them stronger and more beautiful. The effect will be significantly noticeable after just a few trips to the salon.

Preparations that are used in cosmetic procedures with nails, such as serums, nail polishes that accelerate their growth and many other cosmetics, which include keratin, calcium and other vitamins and proteins necessary for nails, not only lead to the restoration of the nail plate , but also strengthen and stimulate nail growth.

The most popular and useful procedures in salons there is paraffin therapy and baths that stimulate nail growth. During a procedure such as paraffin therapy, the master applies special mask into your hands, and then, nutritional composition based on wax, which also has a warming effect. The mask applied before the procedure simultaneously nourishes, moisturizes and accelerates nail growth.

We would like to enlighten you that it is the blood circulation that is responsible for the supply of vitamins and nutrients to our nails. Therefore, good blood circulation is the key to healthy, strong nails and their rapid growth.

How to speed up nail growth at home

Every day, several times a day, just massage your hands and fingers, simply squeezing and then unclenching your fingers into fists and you will never encounter problems with them poor growth. This will undoubtedly benefit them.

We advise you to take care of your hands and nails yourself at home, then you can speed up nail growth at home. Do all kinds of oil baths, nourishing hand masks, massage treatments and, of course, manicures more often.

You can easily prepare your own solution to strengthen the nail plate by simply mixing a few drops of iodine with warm water. lemon juice. And if iodine is added to salt water, then thanks to the salt, the nails will become stronger, and thanks to the action of iodine, they will stop peeling and begin to grow much faster.

Advice from - attention! All baths must be carried out only in warm water. Since it is in warm water that our cells become more open, which means that all the beneficial substances from our baths are absorbed as far as possible into the nails and skin of the hands.

We have previously told you about the healing and nail-strengthening properties of salt. We would also like to tell you about sea salt. This is perhaps one of the most effective means to strengthen nails and accelerate their growth. To prepare a healing bath, you will only need sea salt and warm water in which to dissolve it. The more salt you dissolve in water, the healthier and more nutritious our nail bath will be. In terms of time, such a procedure lasts from ten minutes to twenty, no more. Use this bath two to three times a week.

How to speed up nail growth with pepper

We can’t help but tell you about the wonderful, nail growth-stimulating properties of red pepper, which has also long been used in cosmetology procedures for hair loss. We will tell you how to prepare a hand mask. You only need to use it as ingredients for a mask. baby cream and ground red pepper, add a little warmed water, then mix thoroughly and apply to the skin around the nails and directly to the plate itself. As soon as you feel a slight burning sensation, it’s time to wash off the mask - the process has already begun.

By applying the most ordinary toothpaste, you can also strengthen your nails a little. The procedure is simple - you need to squeeze out a little toothpaste and spread it on each nail, hold for 15 minutes, and then rinse with slightly warmed mineral water.

Advice from the site - it will give the greatest effect toothpaste containing eucalyptus, it can most easily be found in pharmacies or large supermarkets.

Do the above procedures and you will definitely find beautiful and well-groomed healthy nails and you will no longer wonder what to do if they are weak and brittle and how to speed up the growth of your nails.

Finally, let’s say a couple more tips that will help you achieve beautiful and healthy nails.

  • While applying the cream, massaging movements Rub the nourishing cream onto the cuticle areas.
  • To remove nail polish, use only a liquid that does not contain acetone, which has a detrimental effect on the health of your nails.
  • In winter, before you go outside, put on gloves to protect your hands from the cold winter wind and overdrying.

By following these tips, you will very soon become the happy owner of puffy healthy shine long nails. Become prepared by the most women's site site.

Today, well-groomed, discreet manicure with nails is in fashion. middle length. However, the main thing is that it is natural. Extended nails with thick plates and your own nails visible under them already seem vulgar and old-fashioned. To look natural and well-groomed, you need to apply varnish to your own nails, without resorting to unnatural designs. Besides, modern technologies in the form of shellac (gel polish) allows the coating to last quite a long time, even on natural nails.

However, not everyone is blessed by nature with long and strong nail plates. Some people have nails so hard that to trim them they have to take hot baths to soften them. But someone suffers from thin, peeling and soft nails that do not grow even a few millimeters. Our article will help you strengthen your nails and speed up their growth when you have an important event coming up where you need to look perfect.

Why do nails break and grow slowly?

  1. Nutrition plays a huge role in nail health. It must be balanced and complete. The lack of certain vitamins first affects the condition of the nails.
  2. Nails can break and become brittle due to cosmetic procedures such as nail extensions and gel polish. The fact is that for better adhesion of the varnish (or tips) to your own nail, the nail plate is ground down to create a rough surface layer. Frequent grinding leads to thinning of the nail and its softness.
  3. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to notice overgrown nails because he bites them. An unpleasant habit forces you to grind your nails down to the very base. With such a problem, it will be difficult to grow nails even of medium length. In this case, you must definitely contact a neurologist.
  4. Several factors in a woman's life can influence her hormonal background and, as a result, on nail growth. Growth usually slows down or, conversely, increases during pregnancy, menstrual cycle, during menopause.
  5. Over the years, nail growth decreases - this is a factor that, unfortunately, cannot be changed.
  6. Nails grow more slowly if the amount of adrenaline in the body is often increased. That is, if you are constantly nervous, you will not see long nails.
  7. The condition of the cuticle also affects nail growth. The presence of a cuticle on the nail plate inhibits the growth of the nail itself, since a thin growth of skin blocks the nutrition at the very base.
  8. It has been proven that nail growth slows down in the spring, as fewer vitamins enter the body.

It is very important to know the reason why nails began to grow much more slowly. Especially if it contradicts the normal state of the body. But how to fix the situation?

Normally, a person's nail grows by about 1 mm per day. However, the negative factors we described above can reduce this speed. To increase the rate of nail growth, you can use the following tips.

  1. Pay attention to nutrition. Every day your diet should include lean meat, vegetables, fruits, plenty of dairy products, and porridge. Milk contains calcium and iron, which strengthens the nail plate. Dress your salads with natural oils to ensure your body receives enough fatty acids and lipids. Selenium necessary for growth is found in green onions and spinach. For strong nails, you need vitamins A and B, which are abundant in liver, blueberries, cereals, green and yellow vegetables. If you have an iron deficiency, you need to eat apples, and to replenish your silicon reserves, you need to lean on seafood. To keep your nails strong and grow quickly, you need to eat pumpkin seeds and drink its juice, and eat various nuts. This is the basis of a nutritious diet for healthy nails.
  2. Keep your hands in the water more. Wash dishes, take baths, clean more often kitchen appliances. Moisture helps accelerate the growth of the nail plate.
  3. You can speed up the growth of nails and increase blood circulation in the tissues with the help of massage. Take nourishing cream or cosmetic oil, apply to the nail plates and begin massaging your fingers along the cuticle growth area. This will allow you to improve blood circulation and activate metabolic processes.
  4. To get rid of vitamin deficiency, take multivitamin complexes, especially in the spring.
  5. Avoid extensions. When applying shellac, ask the artist not to grind down the top of the nail plate or to do it minimally. The manicure may last less time, but you will finally be able to grow your healthy and strong nails.
  6. A lot of calcium and fluoride are found in simple toothpaste. Lubricate your fingernails with it and leave it on for a while. This will not make your nails grow faster, but it will significantly strengthen them.
  7. Tap your nails regularly on the surface of the table. This is how the nail plate is trained and strengthened. In nature, animal claws grow as they wear down. By tapping on the table, you influence active points and, as it were, signal the body about the need for a new portion of strong “claws”.

These simple rules will help you normalize your body's metabolism and speed up nail growth. However, there are still many ways to do this quickly and efficiently.

Masks and baths for nail growth

These cosmetic procedures will saturate the area around the nail plate with vitamins and elements that will stimulate nail growth.

  1. Iodine-salt baths. This is one of the most effective means for growing and strengthening nails. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine in a glass of warm water. Keep your hand in the bath for at least half an hour.
  2. Burdock, peach and almond oil. These oils contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is needed for nail growth. The selected oil should be heated and your fingertips should be kept in this mixture. After the procedure, you need to do a light massage to rub in the remaining oil. Then dry your fingers with a napkin and do not wash them until the morning. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  3. Herbal decoctions. You can normalize nutrition in the nail plates with the help of decoctions medicinal herbs. Chamomile, St. John's wort and oak bark are best suited for this. Prepare a strong decoction - a tablespoon of each ingredient per glass of boiling water. Keep your fingers in the warm broth for at least half an hour.
  4. Lemon juice and lavender essential oil. Mix lemon juice and lavender essential oil in equal proportions. Lubricate the nail plate and the skin around it with the prepared product. This will help make your nails strong and hard. After such a mask, a light floral-citrus aroma will remain on your hands, which will not leave you indifferent.
  5. Beeswax. Beauty salons offer a service called paraffin therapy. It is very effective for the skin and nails - the plate is strengthened, the epidermis becomes soft and moisturized. You can carry out this procedure at home, but an ordinary candle will not work for this. We need to find beeswax. Melt it and put your hands in the warm mixture for 10 minutes. This is not only very useful, but also incredibly pleasant.
  6. Mustard. This is an extreme way to naturally “extend” nails. Suitable only in extreme cases, when nails are desperately needed for an important event. Mix mustard with light cream and apply to the skin around the nails. Mustard irritates the skin, causes blood flow, and increased blood circulation leads to the activation of all life processes. You can use red pepper instead of mustard. But remember, the burning composition cannot be applied to the skin after a manicure - microscopic wounds may react strong burning sensation and pain.
  7. Iodine. Once a week, coat your nails with iodine using a cotton swab. Don’t worry - by the morning all the yellowness will disappear from the nails, but the strength will remain. After iodine treatments, nails will stop peeling and will grow much faster.

These are simple but effective and time-tested methods that will help you enhance nail growth and strengthen their structure in a short time.

Famous singer, famous artist and simply beautiful woman Laima Vaikule says that every self-respecting woman should have her own “ living wage"in beauty. In fact, this is the base without which you cannot appear in public. These are decent shoes healthy teeth, clean skin and hair, well-groomed manicure. Indeed, no matter what you are wearing, beautiful nails can highlight your status. But vulgar bright nails, too long or unnaturally short can ruin whole image. Take care of the health and beauty of your nails. And then you will have no equal!

Video: how to grow nails in a week

For healing, treatment, and enhancing nail growth, there are a huge number of recipes for masks that are not difficult to make yourself. The main advantage of using such recipes is their availability. If you regularly devote time to the “beauty salon” at home, you can achieve impressive results.

If you want to achieve a neat manicure, you need to know how to speed up nail growth. This is necessary not only in order to become the owner of long nails, growth also contributes to the renewal of the nail plates, their healthy looking. They are an integral part of the image of a successful modern woman. Besides, perfect manicure and long nails can hide such a defect as short and wide fingers, visually lengthening them. Hands acquire an aesthetic appearance and attract the attention of others.

Factors affecting nail growth

Can speed up nail growth various factors, both external and internal. These include:

  • poor nutrition. If the body lacks retinol, B vitamins, vitamins D and E, as well as calcium, fluorine, iron and iodine, this immediately affects nail growth. Therefore, the diet must necessarily include foods containing these chemical elements and vitamins;
  • it is necessary to additionally perform various procedures to help accelerate growth. These include: nourishing nails with oils, stimulating massage, special baths and masks;
  • To external factors relate primarily weather- in cold times, low temperatures and precipitation negatively affect the structure of the nail, and in summer you need to be careful from direct contact sun rays. All this can prevent you from growing your nails;
  • using different household chemicals (washing powder, cleaning products) without gloves, you can also harm your nails;
  • the older a person gets, the slower growth occurs, and it becomes more and more difficult to accelerate it;
  • women can watch accelerated growth nails during pregnancy or menstruation; It is believed that in general, men's nails grow faster than women's;
  • the health and growth of nails can be affected by various diseases (digestive organs, of cardio-vascular system), fungus is no less dangerous. Measures should be taken to treat these ailments.

Masks for fast nail growth

Lemon mask

This citrus fruit In addition to accelerating nail growth, it can also significantly strengthen the plate. The mask is very simple to make - the fruit is cut into 2 parts, and your fingers are immersed in each of them. There is another method - squeeze the juice out of a lemon and rub it into your nails.

Paraffin mask

In order to accelerate the growth of nails with the help of paraffin, you need to purchase this cosmetic product in a specialized department. A melted candle will not work - various fragrances and other components are often mixed into its composition, which can have a negative effect on the nails. The mask is prepared as follows: you need to melt the paraffin and put your hands in it for half an hour. Before dipping your nails, you need to wait for the paraffin to cool a little, but not harden. This precaution will prevent you from burning your delicate fingertips.

Red pepper mask

This burning component normalizes blood circulation in the tissues, which allows for accelerated nail growth. To avoid burning the skin of your hands and soften the pepper, it should be added to a small amount of hand cream. It is better to use pepper powder for this composition.

Iodine mask

This medical product has a coloring effect, so it is better to apply it before bed; by the morning the pigment will almost disappear. Apply iodine better with a brush- so as not to dye the skin. It is recommended to use it infrequently - once a week. If the nails peel too much, the dye gets clogged at the edges of the separation, this does not look aesthetically pleasing, so it is better to replace the iodine with another component.

Beeswax mask

To speed up nail growth, you can use melted beeswax. This beneficial substance contains about 50 different chemical elements and compounds that have a beneficial effect on nails, providing a healing effect. Since it dissolves well in oils, this property is used in home cosmetology, adding to it vegetable (olive, almond, castor) and essential oils (grapefruit, rosemary, eucalyptus) and increasing the beneficial properties. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the nails.

Baths to speed up nail growth

Do-it-yourself baths, like masks, can significantly improve the structure of nails, nourish them with useful substances and accelerate growth. Their recipes also include natural ingredients.

Gelatin bath

Gelatin is used to speed up the growth process. Its crystals are poured with warm water and stirred until completely dissolved. After this, the substance should be left for a few minutes, and then put your hands into it. They should be kept for up to 10 minutes.

Bath with salt and iodine

In order to speed up the growth of nails, it is better to dissolve sea salt in water - it is much superior to ordinary food salt in terms of the amount of minerals. Add a couple of drops of iodine to salt water and keep your hands in this liquid for a quarter of an hour.

Bath with salt and citric acid

The most common manicure product that helps speed up nail growth is hand bombs. They are sold in specialized cosmetics stores, but you can successfully replace this product at home, because it contains publicly available products. To do this, mix a large spoon of sea salt, a pinch of citric acid and half a small spoon of soda in water. Soak your hands in this remedy for a quarter of an hour. To add aroma to such a bath, you can add a few drops of any essential essence to it.

Bath with oil and lemon

A large spoon of olive oil is diluted with half a spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and diluted with water. To speed up growth, dip your hands into this liquid for a few minutes.

Bath with vitamin A and iodine

This recipe also helps speed up growth. You can prepare it at home quickly and easily - mix a spoonful of sunflower oil, 2 drops of iodine and a capsule of vitamin A concentrate. You get a sufficient amount of liquid substance into which your nails are dipped without adding water.

Cosmetical tools

If you don’t have enough time to buy ingredients and prepare homemade formulations that can speed up nail growth, you can use store-bought cosmetics. It is also possible to alternate many cosmetology products with homemade ones or use them in combination.


Essential and base oils are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic departments. They can be applied with rubbing movements or done with the addition of a bath and mask. The main thing is to know which of them can accelerate growth. TO base oils for nail growth include:

  • linen;
  • peach kernel oil;
  • almond;
  • olives;
  • sunflower.

Essential oils that help speed up growth:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • rosemary;
  • tea tree.


A lack of vitamins in the body affects the condition of the nails. This can be corrected by using their concentrates in capsules. You can buy vitamins in this form at pharmacies. The capsule is opened and the liquid is then rubbed into the nails. In order for this procedure to be effective and to accelerate growth, it is necessary to choose vitamin A, D and B vitamins. They can be combined with each other or used as an independent remedy. Vitamin complex added to baths and masks.

Massage and gymnastics

Massage actions are aimed at regulating blood circulation. It is noteworthy that ordinary everyday activities (such as working with a keyboard, knitting, embroidering) can have positive influence on the condition of nails and accelerate their growth. The main thing is to know that all these actions should be gentle and not have a traumatic effect. Light tapping is especially effective. Rotational movements of the hands and flexion/extension of the fingers also normalize blood circulation well.

The massage should be performed using any oil that can accelerate growth. The movements are soft and massaging. It is necessary to act not so much on the nails, but on the fingertips and the periungual area.

Useful tips

In order for your nails to grow healthy and nourishing, you need to follow the recommendations of experts:

  • regularly use masks and baths based on oils and herbs;
  • use protective cream before going outside, this is especially true in harsh weather conditions;
  • Perform stimulating finger massage more often;
  • Before using nail polish, you need to apply a protective agent;
  • to accelerate growth and maintain the integrity of the nail plate, the entire homework must be performed with gloves.

Mask for nail growth recipes

Masks for fast nail growth


The use of red hot pepper in cosmetology - proven effective way to improve the growth of nail plates.

There are some features of applying masks with chili pepper:

  • wash off the nail mask thoroughly with soap and water;
  • if the mask used fresh hot pepper, then after removing it, at first you do not need to touch the mucous membranes, for example, the eyes, with your hands;
  • masks with pepper should not be applied to damaged skin of the hands, with caution for those who have too delicate skin;
  • It is recommended to carry out the procedure approximately once every 20 days so as not to harm the nails.

Due to its irritating properties, pepper causes blood flow to the area where the mask is applied, due to which the nail begins to actively grow.

Mask No. 1

This recipe includes a preparatory step.

  • Before applying the hand mask, prepare a fifteen-minute salt bath: stir 3 tablespoons of sea salt in warm water and soak your hands for 15 minutes.
  • Then prepare the mask itself: mix 15 grams. ground red pepper, 15 gr. mineral water, any fat cream for hands.
  • The mixture is applied to the nail plates for 15 minutes, then washed off.

Mask No. 2

Wash 2 red peppers, remove seeds, then grind in a meat grinder, blender or mortar. The mixture should be mixed with cream and apply the mask for 10 minutes. Wash everything off.

Mask No. 3

Instead of ground and fresh pepper, to strengthen nails, use a tincture of bitter capsicum, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

In this case, a few drops of tincture should be added to the cream or any oil, for example, castor. Apply the mixture to your nails for about 15 minutes.

With greens


  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • plantain leaves - 3–4 pieces or a tablespoon of dry mixture.

Chop the greens, add to milk and boil. Cool the broth. Apply the warm mixture to your nails.

Unusual mask

Toothpaste, when applied regularly to nails, is an excellent stimulator of their growth.

The paste is applied to the nail plates for half an hour twice a day. For better effect It is recommended to use a paste containing eucalyptus extract.

With beeswax

You will need boiled yolk and 4 g. beeswax. Mix the melted wax with the yolk, add peach juice.

Aloe oils and juice

This nail mask is used for 10 days. It will strengthen nails, soften the skin, and prevent the formation of hangnails.

  1. You need to take several types of oils: calendula, sea buckthorn, burdock.
  2. Mix the oils in equal quantities, add the same amount of aloe juice.
  3. Mix the resulting mixture with a small amount of heavy cream and apply for 15 minutes.

The prepared mask can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

The best masks for nail growth

Gelatin mask

If you use this mask regularly, the condition of your nails will improve within a couple of weeks.

Dilute gelatin without any dyes in a glass of warm boiled water, wait until it dissolves.

Lubricate the nail plates and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Fruit and vegetable

The mask will restore natural beauty nails Useful components lemon strengthens and whitens nail plates, apple and cucumber moisturize.


  • Chop a medium cucumber and 1∕2 apples.
  • And squeeze the juice out of half a lemon.
  • Mix thoroughly.

Place your fingertips in the mixture for 20 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon juice - healthy vitamin for nails. It is used in various masks in combination with other ingredients and used separately.

The most simple mask for 5–7 minutes: apply freshly squeezed juice to your nails. Another option is to cut the lemon and hold your fingers in the pulp.

Lemon and salt

Mix 2 pinches of sea salt and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your nails. Rinse off with water after 10 minutes. In this mask, sea salt can be replaced with regular table salt. In addition to the mask, you can also make a nail bath with sea salt.

Potatoes with milk

The mask will help solve the problem of increased nail fragility.

You will need one potato and a little milk. Peel the potatoes, cut them, boil them in milk. Crush into a puree, cool until warm and apply the mixture to your nails. After 10 minutes, rinse off.

From cranberries

For healthy growth For nails, prepare a cranberry mask. The juice of the berry just needs to be rubbed into the nail plates.


  • You will need half a glass of gooseberries, currants, you can take both black and red.
  • Mix the crushed berries with a spoonful of cream and two tablespoons of flour.
  • Apply the resulting paste to your nails for an hour.
  • After the mask is washed off with water, your hands should be lubricated with cream.

WITH olive oil and iodine

Masks using olive oil and iodine help strengthen the nail plates, prevent them from splitting, and improve their condition.

Masks are made at night for a week. For best result Cotton gloves are put on your hands.

  • Mask No. 1. Mix the juice of half a lemon and 150 grams of olive oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the fingertips.
  • Mask No. 2. Olive oil is heated, rubbed into the nail plates and left overnight.
  • Mask No. 3. Pour a teaspoon of lemon into heated burdock oil (150 grams). Mix oil and lemon with 10 drops of iodine. Apply the composition to cotton pads and secure it to your nails with rubber bands.

Other useful masks

  • A mixture of 2 tablespoons of honey and olive oil is heated in a water bath. Add the beaten egg. The mask is washed off after 10-15 minutes.
  • Mix warmed olive oil (3 tablespoons), 2 drops of iodine, 4 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your nails for 10 minutes.

Effective masks for nail growth

As is known, ethnoscience is a storehouse of knowledge accumulated over centuries. In ancient times, ladies of “blue blood” whitened not only their faces, but also gave them Special attention hand care. Not every young lady could boast of an excellent manicure; a lack of vitamins and microelements affected their growth, so the following traditional medicine recipes were extremely popular.

Recipe No. 1:

Mix black currants with heavy cream. To give the mixture a creamy consistency, add wheat flour. This mask is applied to your hands for 1–2 hours. It is advisable to wear special cotton gloves over the mask. After washing off the mask, apply a rich hand cream.

Recipe No. 2:

Add butter to heavy cream in equal proportions:

  • burdock;
  • calendula (flowers);
  • sea ​​buckthorn (flowers);
  • aloe juice

The resulting lotion is rubbed into the nail plate and the area near it for ten days. Since the health product is based on a natural perishable product, like cream, such a mask for nail growth cannot be stored for more than five days. To complete the 10-day course, the growth mask will need to be prepared twice.

Recipe No. 3:

For the oil composition you need one tablespoon of linden flowers and one tablespoon of field chamomile flowers. The herbs are poured with three tablespoons of well-heated olive oil. Leave for three hours. Before use, the composition must be warmed up.

Masks for nail growth - the effect will surprise you

A master can make an excellent, exquisite, beautiful manicure, on nail plates of different lengths. But you must admit that if it is long, then the drawing or abstraction looks much brighter and more interesting. Therefore, women and girls who love to look elegant, stylish, and impressive simply cannot do without long, healthy nails. Of course, the nail industry today can offer extensions, but Lately Fashionable and stylish people prefer naturalness. Yes, and extended nails are inferior in appearance to natural ones. If you agree, then use the nail growth masks below and your hands will not go unnoticed.

For help from citrus fruits - lemon masks

For these masks, lemon juice is used, so keeping them longer than the specified time is not recommended. There is one procedure for 7 days. The main ingredient is lemon juice, which is an excellent remedy to strengthen and grow nails.

Directions for use:

  1. Lemon juice should be used to wipe the nail plates. A prerequisite is the absence of damage to the skin. Since juice getting on cracks, scratches, or hangnails can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of a rash or itching.
  2. Blend the peeled lemon (pulp) in a blender. Add half (if the lemon is large, then one) teaspoon of honey to the resulting pulp. It is desirable that the honey be natural. Excellent for such purposes: buckwheat, flower or sunflower honey. The resulting mask should be applied to the horn plate and left for no more than 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water without using soap. Lubricate your hands generously with moisturizing cream. Pay special attention to the cuticle area.
  3. Add 0.5 teaspoon of salt to the juice of one lemon. Stir until the salt dissolves. Apply this liquid onto your nails using a sponge or ear cleaner. Keep for twenty minutes and rinse under running water. Such “compresses” can be performed daily.

In addition to strengthening, such masks make the nail plate much lighter. It looks brighter.

Potatoes are the head of everything - masks for nail growth from potatoes

Who would have thought that such a simple product from the garden as potatoes can have positive result for the growth and strengthening of nails.

The most important thing is that you can find it in every home, and preparing a mask is not at all difficult:

  1. You need to take one potato, peel it and grate it on the finest grater. If there is a lot of liquid, drain it. Add one teaspoon of heavy cream to the resulting slurry. Dip the tips of your fingers into the resulting mixture for fifteen minutes.
  2. For this recipe you will need a blender. In it, chop one potato (without peel) and a large cabbage leaf. Add two teaspoons of sour cream there and mix. Immerse the tips of your fingers in the pulp for ten minutes. Afterwards, to consolidate the effect, wash off the mask with a sponge soaked in fresh milk.

Hot peppercorn as a growth stimulant

It's no surprise to anyone that hot peppers, is a growth stimulant, it is very often used in masks for hair growth. Using hot pepper, you can activate the growth elements in the horny plate and increase blood circulation in the tips of your fingers. And preparing such a mask is as easy as shelling pears, only you can apply it once a month.

How to cook:

  1. Pour one teaspoon of red hot pepper into a container. Send the same amount of water and half a teaspoon of olive oil there. Place in a water bath. Stirring, cook until the mixture reaches a uniform, smooth consistency. Apply the resulting mask to your nails for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. For a teaspoon of pepper there are 20 drops of plain water and a tablespoon of rich hand cream. Heat everything up, stirring for ten minutes. Apply the cooled mass to the nail plates and leave for twenty minutes.

Useful masks for nail growth

In first place in the list of factors that spoil nails are mechanical and chemical influences. The nail is keratin, the layers of which contain fat and water. Violations of the ratio of these components leads to their fragility, lamination, thinning, and slower growth are observed.

In second place are destructive factors - violations endocrine system. As you can see, we can not only fight the most important enemy of our marigolds, but also win. We provide a plan of attack.

Have you noticed that after a vacation spent at sea, your nails become very strong, there is no layering, they have a healthy White color. We are sure that many people know that this effect is achieved by the salt and minerals with which sea water is saturated. Therefore, the most reliable and simplest are salt-based nail masks to strengthen and prevent peeling:

  • Soak a little sea salt with water and massage your nails with it, using a piece of suede or other soft fabric that is pleasant to the touch. Then, shaking off the salt, melt a little beeswax, add a few drops of grape seed oil or tea tree and, applying this mixture to the cloth, massage each nail. The mask has a very intense effect, so it only needs to be done once every 15 days.
  • Another recipe for a mask for nail growth, strengthening them and against flaking with pepper: take a drop at a time essential oils myrrh, red pepper and lemon, mix with a tablespoon of sea salt and rub the mixture into your nails for a few minutes. For quick results, do this mask 3 times a week. Masks with pepper stimulate nail growth.
  • Take the pulp of one very ripe tomato. Add a teaspoon each of almond and olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. This mask to strengthen your nails should be kept on for 15 minutes and rinsed off with cool water.

Homemade nail masks from products

You can start with masks made from the simplest products - potatoes and cabbage. You need to take a leaf of fresh white cabbage and a small raw potato (peeled), grind them in a blender, add sour cream or cream (1 tbsp) to the mixture and mix again. You can apply this mask to your nails for 10-15 minutes, or you can simply immerse your fingertips in a cup with the resulting mixture for the same time. Carefully remove the mask from the nails with a cotton swab soaked in milk.

It's done in the same way nail mask with olive oil(3 tbsp), lemon juice (3-4 drops) and iodine (2 drops). The oil is first heated in a water bath, then juice and iodine are added and mixed. Nails are dipped into the mixture while it is still warm, held for about 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Nail mask with cabbage and banana: Grind a leaf of white cabbage and ¼ ripe banana in a blender, add 1 tsp. cream and honey, and stir until you get a homogeneous paste. Use the mask as in the first option, but keep it on for up to 25 minutes. Remove in the same way - with a swab dipped in milk.

Very simple vitamin masks with lemon for nails. You can simply cut a small lemon, stick your nails into its pulp and hold for 5-10 minutes so that they are saturated with lemon juice, then rinse your hands with water and apply nourishing cream to your nails.

The next mask is made with added sea salt. Squeeze all the juice out of a whole lemon and dissolve a handful of salt in it. Dip your fingertips into the mixture and hold for about 20 minutes.

Very effective pepper mask, but it can only be done once a month so as not to dry out the skin and nail plates. Gotta take the red one ground pepper– ½ tsp, boiled water – 10 drops, and rich hand cream – 1 tsp, mix well and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. When the mixture has cooled slightly, apply it to the nails for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs also always help strengthen and nourish nails. St. John's wort and burdock root, chamomile flowers are mixed in equal parts, pour 2 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes, and dip your fingertips into the warm infusion. It is enough to do this once a week.

Healthy and natural color The following ointment restores nails: glycerin (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp), pink water(3 tbsp). Mix everything thoroughly and store in the refrigerator; rub into nails every day.

Video: Mask for nail growth at home