For the new year from paper is simple. Volumetric pointed balls. Step by step work

Traditional gifts and new Year decoration made by the whole family. This activity is not only fun for the younger generation. Older members of the family can also rejoice at the opportunity to return to childhood, again feel causeless happiness. New Year- this is such a holiday when everyone feels like a small child, anxiously waiting for gifts from Santa Claus.

Preparations for the celebration of the New Year begin long before the holiday itself. Previously, many families made home and Christmas decorations, but in our time this tradition has to be revived. Knowledge and practical skills were inherited, usually grandparents were happy to teach their grandchildren the intricacies of craftsmanship. Now they have been replaced by videos and master classes from the Internet.

Christmas tree decorations

Any paper is suitable for work - ordinary sets of colored paper, cigarette and silence, wrinkled and smooth, velvet and silky, for making paper flowers and cardboard. The choice of paper depends entirely on the desire of the craftsmen, as well as on the type of jewelry being prepared. Christmas decorations from colored paper can be very different - flowers, decorative lanterns, various garlands and chains, figurines, and even the main decoration - the top of the Christmas tree in the form of the Star of Bethlehem.

To make decorations you will need:

  • colored paper of different types,
  • scissors,
  • craft knife,
  • Ruler and pencil,
  • glue,
  • Christmas tinsel, sequins, rhinestones, beads, beads,
  • threads and decorative cord.
Note! The easiest way is to make paper Christmas toys on your own using simple tools - small (manicure) scissors and a breadboard knife. Everyone knows these tools and they do not require any training.

If there are small children in the house, it is best to do simple things with them, but spectacular decorations- chains and garlands made of paper. To make chains you will need colorful paper, scissors and glue. Mark narrow rectangles on paper with a ruler and pencil and cut them. This will be the basis for creating future chain. By gluing colored strips into rings, and connecting them together, you can get a decorative multi-colored chain of any length. You can decorate with a paper chain both a Christmas tree and the room itself. Additionally, through the links, you can thread the "threads" of Christmas tinsel, releasing its ends to hang freely. This will give it a more elegant and festive look.

With older children, you can make more complex garlands. From beautiful colored paper, for example, crumpled silky, which is used for flowers, rather large figures and symbols are cut out - stars, snowflakes, Christmas trees, images of people and animals. They are glued together and folded so that bright and elegant garlands are obtained.

Note! The perfect motive for Christmas garlands will be the image of the symbol of the year - the Fire Monkey. This garland can decorate a home, office, school or kindergarten for the New Year.

Volumetric figures

Older children and teenagers, and adults too, will be interested in making a three-dimensional figure with their own hands. For these purposes, you can also use paper, and use empty bottles, boxes, air balloons and even plastic bags.

The most simple base for a paper figurine - a cone. Consider the manufacture of a three-dimensional figure using the example of creating New Year's angel on festive table. For work you will need:

  • thick cardboard.
  • soft colored paper.
  • thin tissue paper or silence - white, pale blue, lilac, pink.
  • feathers for finishing, preferably delicate and white.
  • light ball - plastic or foam.
  • silver Christmas tinsel ("rain").

Despite the apparent complexity of the work, this figure is done very quickly. There are schemes for more complex work, but for this one they are completely unnecessary.

From thick cardboard we fold the cone, glue the edges and, for reliability, fasten them with a stapler. From the same cardboard (better than white bristol, but you can use any - it will be covered with the “clothing” of the angel) the hands of the figure are cut out. They must be half-bent so that the angel can be given a prayer pose. The palms can be depicted schematically, documentary accuracy is not required here. Hands are glued to the cone. It turns out the body of the future figure.

A ball is attached to the top of the cone - this is the head of an angel. The base of the figurine is ready. Further operations are decoration, here the talent and imagination of each performer is manifested. An angel's clothes are made from thin tissue paper or colored silence - a simple "hoodie" with sleeves. If desired, clothes can be made multi-layered and decorated with rhinestones, pearls and beads. Here are some more photos of similar work.

The next step is finishing the head. Christmas tinsel is used for hair, a halo is cut out of paper or made of wire. The face is usually left unmarked - an angel, genderless and faceless, a symbolic being, a reflection of our dreams and hopes.

The wings of the figures are made last. A blank in the form of wings is cut out of thick cardboard. back side paste over with colored or tissue paper, decorate according to your own taste. On front side neatly stick white fluffy feathers, laying them with tiles one on top of the other so that the rough awn is not visible. The excess is cut off. Finished wings are firmly glued to the back of the figure. Angel is ready. This craft can decorate a festive table, it can become the top of a Christmas tree or a decor for a bottle or decanter on the table, if you make it large enough. So that the figure on the table does not fall, it can be filled with crumpled paper, bags or scraps of fabric, other filler, and the base can be sealed with a circle of cardboard.

By the same principle, you can make other paper crafts, for example, a figurine of the hostess of the holiday - the Monkey. All your family and guests will be delighted with your skill and imagination.

Photos and schemes

To create Christmas decorations with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to use complex materials. We invite you to verify this. We have put together a few easy tutorials for you to make. various accessories for the holiday. The basis of each of these crafts is paper. However, at the same time, the New Year's decor turns out to be beautiful, unusual and magical.

Any of these decorations can be used as Christmas decorations or made in a large format and hung from the ceiling.

paper angels

An angel is one of the most beautiful Christmas and New Year decorations. They are often sewn from felt and other soft materials. However paper figurines turn out to be no worse.

What will we need?

  • a small piece of white or colored paper
  • lace doilies (optional)
  • pens or felt-tip pens (preferably with sparkles)
  • double sided tape or glue

How to do?

Cut out three small strips and shape them as shown in the photo.

We take one of the details and bend the edges to the center so that we get a butterfly bow. In the center of the edge can be attached to a small piece of double-sided tape or glue.

From above we make the second layer of the bow. In the center we place a small rectangular jumper.

We make the body of an angel from two small parts. We fasten them with the head (a small circle) with a thread (put a button or a paper circle in the center with a thread glued to it).

Let's make a halo to the angel and decorate our New Year's crafts glitter to make it golden. In conclusion, draw eyelashes and a small blush.

Try using lace doilies as decoration. Try to make angels out of paper with an unusual texture. There are a lot of options, and they are all win-win.

Volumetric paper snowflakes

Many people cut snowflakes according to, however, not single-layer thin figures, but a three-dimensional version are more suitable for decorating a New Year tree.

What will we need?

  • white paper
  • paper of a different color (in our master class - pink)
  • small circle of cardboard
  • glue stick
  • sequins

How to do?

Based on one snowflake. Cut paper into squares. From pink paper fold eight small "bags". To fasten them, we coat the edge of each of them with glue.

Do the same with white paper. Only squares and, accordingly, "bags" in this case will be about half the size.

Glue to a small cardboard circle first pink elements, then white.

Glue sequins on a small circle of white paper. We place it in the center of the snowflake. The edges of the resulting decoration can also be decorated with sequins or rhinestones.

Make several of these snowflakes with your own hands at once. Decorate them with a Christmas tree, a window or combine them into a garland - in in large numbers they look even more impressive.

Volumetric Christmas trees made of paper

Paper Christmas trees can also be cut out. However, to create a postcard, toys for children or decor New Year's table more suitable volumetric decoration from paper.

What will we need?

  • sheet of printer paper
  • stencil
  • glue stick
  • thin scissors or cutter

How to do?

Fold the paper in half and draw a triangle. Coat the outer contour of the triangle with glue and connect the two parts of the paper.

When cutting off excess, give the side edges a wavy shape or leave it straight.

Then, at regular intervals, draw transverse lines with a pencil across the entire width of the triangle.

The figurine needs to be bent in several parts to make cuts. These templates will help you.

Decorate upper part Christmas tree star. If desired, make it from colored paper.

If you have a curly stapler, you can perform unusual decor this Christmas craft.

Christmas toys made of paper

In this case it is better to use beautiful cardboard. However, if you don’t have colored cardboard on hand, unnecessary tea boxes, postcards or something else, you can make paper toys, even the simplest ones. Due to the volume, they will look beautiful.

What will we need?

  • paper or cardboard
  • thick thread or elastic
  • beads for decoration
  • glue stick

How to do?

Cut out stars and circles from cardboard or paper. For one toy, we need four identical parts. The craft will turn out more interesting if they are all different colors.

Fold each piece in half. We connect the sides in pairs. Then we skip the thread in the center and connect the remaining parts.

To secure the thread from below, fix it with beads. Let's also add a few beads on top.

Make a few like this voluminous figurines and decorate them with a New Year's beauty.

Paper snowmen and Santas

Traditional fairy tale characters also come out very beautiful. A little imagination - and you will get a wonderful three-dimensional figure.

What will we need?

  • strips of white paper
  • colored paper
  • a few beads or any other accessories for decoration
  • markers

How to do?

Each of these figures is made according to one type. Earlier we already talked about how to make volumetric.

Make as many volumetric parts as you need. Add matching accessories: cap, beard, broom, etc.

The finished figure is best completed with a crochet bead. So the decoration can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Striped paper snowflake

This is another option for volumetric paper snowflake. Only it is done in a completely different way.

What will we need?

  • sheet of white paper
  • sheet of blue paper

How to do?

Cut paper into strips. The width of each of them is 1 cm. As a result, we should get:

  • strips of white paper 21 cm long - 5 pieces;
  • strips of white paper 15 cm long - 10 pieces;
  • strips of blue paper 18 cm long - 10 pieces.

Dimensions can be scaled up and down proportionally.

We take the most long strip, fold it and glue the ends.

Then on the sides we glue two blue stripes and two white 15-centimeter ones.

Repeat the process for the next element. In the end, we should have five of them.

Cut out two small circles from white paper. We put the rays of the future snowflake together and fasten them with glue using these circles.

You can decorate the resulting accessory with rhinestones, beautiful button in the center or sequins. Hang snowflakes on the "rain" and try to make them in different sizes.

As you can clearly see, paper makes really very beautiful New Year's decorations. Moreover, even children can easily make them. Try to repeat any of the proposed master classes - the result will not disappoint you!

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Hello friends!

A white winter, started suddenly, Came out and sweeps, sweeps, sweeps! And, I will decide for myself what to do tomorrow, And tomorrow - .... Remember this song by Sofia Rotaru, for some reason I sang it when I decided to take one very fascinating topic. The article will be devoted to crafts for the New Year. Do you know why? Yes, because again we were asked to bring something interesting and unusual to the kindergarten and school for a competition. So again, my mother had to sit and “break” her head.

By the way, if you don’t go far and be primitive, then you can make it to the New Year’s exhibition, for example, or maybe? Yeah, in my previous notes, we already conjured on this topic. I think that even Santa Claus will be delighted with such works))). Ah ha ha. How do you think?

Still, there is nothing more wonderful when we all together begin to prepare for winter and decorate absolutely everything with beautiful winter decors premises. Whether it is shops, apartments or children's institutions, etc. Thanks to all this, the mood rises and reigns festive mood which happens once a year. The smell of tangerines, the chimes and all this happens when we are all waiting for this on the night of December 31 to January 1. Do you agree?

Well, let's start creating, take note of the work option you like and get down to business faster. Choose the material at your discretion, it can be absolutely anything, use improvised means or junk, in general, everything that is called

Well, friends, are you ready to go to the world of magic? Then quickly turn on your imagination and ingenuity, let's take unnecessary things and make masterpieces out of them. If you still don’t know how to do this, then just these master classes and a bunch of ideas to help you. Dare!

For the first craft we will need:

  • glue gun
  • tinsel
  • paper
  • wire
  • CD disks — 12 pcs.


1. Cut out a pentagon from a sheet of paper with sides of 6.5 cm. Attach it to the disk, and where the vertices are, put dots on the surface of the disk.

3. Now drill through the marks with a drill to make holes. Take the wire and fix all the blanks so that the ball eventually comes out.

4. This is such a cute little thing that should turn out, it already shines and flickers.

5. It remains now to conjure, glue multi-colored tinsel along the contour of each circle.

Use a heat gun for this, just be careful not to burn your fingers.

6. As a result, a wonderful charm awaits you, which is even a pity to give), and if you hang it on a chandelier or decorate a street Christmas tree like this, it will be generally wonderful.

By secret. Can be taken to school or kindergarten and take first place in the exhibition. Good luck!

The next version of crafts for the New Year, or even winter, so to speak, is fairytale house. Oh, tell me, I already see how your eyes lit up. Do you want the same snow composition create? Then contact me for templates, I send them to everyone absolutely free.

These works are made in the style of vytynanok, but many people really like them. In addition, you can then decorate such products with tinsel or beads, sequins to create a festive atmosphere.

One template will be given to the Christmas tree, but you will need to cut out two blanks from it, and then either smear them with glue or sew them in the center. This is necessary for the effect of volume.

If you don’t want that Christmas tree model, then take this newspaper beauty. In general, you know, I recently had a note on my blog, and there I gave so many amazing ideas on how to make a Christmas tree, that wow, you will obviously be delighted. Therefore, if you want, you can go right now here. Well, if not, then do it like this:

Next cool option and you can even say a souvenir in the form of a deer. Moreover, it is made from an ordinary bottle of champagne or beer. Can you take any fruit drink, depending on who you want to give it to later, or put it on the table on a festive night?

Next, the next moment, you probably know that no winter is complete without snowflakes. So why not take advantage of this and make a whole mountain of them. They can be cut out using a stencil or an accordion technique. This method allows you to make the product voluminous. See instructions right now. But in this note, you will find a lot more

So, the snowflake has been created, now what? The craft is, of course, ready. And you can make such fluffs 7-8 pieces, and moreover different sizes, put on a stick with a stand. Do you understand what I'm getting at? Yep, do another one. New Year's masterpiece. Take a look, how do you like this miracle?

Pretty and beautiful, look next work which is made from satin ribbons(can be replaced with paper strips). You need to roll each strip into a loop and glue it to a paper cone.

For children preschool age I propose a work about the same, but instead of needles there will be ordinary green balls.

If you want to impress everyone with your ingenuity, then make toys from eggshell And you can do it completely safely. In the egg, on both sides, pierce two holes with a diameter of 5 mm and 2 mm, and then start letting in mounting foam into the largest hole.

That's the whole trick, from a small hole, after you see the foam, how it appears, so stop filling the testicle.

Thus, such a “ball” will be strong and stable, and then decorate it with decoupage, as if you don’t know how to do it, you can read it here, or wait for my next note on New Year's toys. In a nutshell, then you have to take a regular napkin with a pattern and separate all layers, after leaving only the last one, dip it in PVA and stick it on the egg, let it dry.

And now attention, another novelty of this year, this is a craft for the new year from salt dough. Wow, you are fluff. The same phrase stuck to me from the cartoon about the Barboskins. Well, glue a figure in the form of a cone from cardboard, the inside of the almost finished product is already shown.

How to make dough, you know? If not, then here is the recipe for you, spelled out in the picture.

With your hands, apply the dough to the cone and smooth out, and the layer should be 1.5 cm.

Then scissor the dough with scissors and it will come out like needles-twigs, the crown of a tree.

Put a star on top, do it with a toothpick.

Well, after voila, in a preheated oven at 180 degrees.

You can decorate with beads or large beads, glue them to the workpiece.

For creative individuals, I propose to make magnets in this topic. To do this, take a piece of cardboard and cut out the symbol of the new year from it.

Then tie with a thick thread in a spiral and fix all ends with glue. Glue a magnet to one side.

Now the most interesting thing remains, this is the design, I propose to do it this way in the form of coffee beans.

Or you can build a toy in the form of a snowflake, take ice cream sticks as a basis, glue them at the base.

And then glue the multi-colored buttons.

Perhaps you will be struck on the spot by another beauty from whom you will not take your eyes off))). Take a look.

By the way, they often make a little penguin in winter, just like from the cartoon Tororo, using plastic bottles.

Well, since in the coming year the symbol will be a pig or a wild boar, I propose to make it. And you know from what? Yes, from ordinary socks. See all the steps in these pictures.

Or take the work of snowmen in approximately the same way.

A great gift, well, a craft will be a ball. which you can color acrylic paints and draw absolutely any picture.

Or do your own decoupage. Remember how it's done? If you are at a loss, in this way we decorated eggs for Easter. In short, you need to take a napkin and separate all the layers, leaving only the last one with the picture. Soak it in glue and attach it to the workpiece, let it dry.

Or go the other way, transparent balls can be filled with anything, for example, rubber bands. Looks nice, huh?

Here are a couple more ideas.

A ball with a photo inside looks magical and beautiful.

You can stick any bows you like.

And look what I found - an asterisk. Which will coolly fit into the forest beauty, or will act as a keychain on a bag.

Even from walnuts crazy hands that's what they built.

From PVA glue, you can create any pattern or snowflake, then let it dry and remove it from parchment. You can add more colors and color the sketch.

I offer another version of a paper fluff, and it will be voluminous and with a fringe. First, learn how to fold the sheet correctly, as such an origami-based craft is made. If you have any questions write or read more

Now another toy, in the form of a pom-pom snowman. The idea itself is quite simple, and the souvenir comes out lovely.

And by the way, speaking, you can apply all the options discussed in the article for Christmas. Here, for example, is another masterpiece of thread and glue, watch the MK in this video and wind it on your mustache.

If you are fond of artistic activity, then you can easily color ordinary light bulbs and put them on knitted hats.

Crafts with the symbol of the year Pig for the New Year 2019

Friends, now we proceed to the most important part of our article. Probably all of you are eager to get a selection of crafts, which will feature pigs made from improvised means. In other words, from what is always at hand. So, I want to immediately remind you that I have a cool article on my blog, if you need diagrams and descriptions, then contact me.

Another article will be released soon, in which you will find a bunch of new and cool ideas on how to make the main symbol of this year. By the way, is it a boar or a pig?

In the meantime, let me introduce such a character from woolen pompoms.

Probably the most simple option, there remains a paper craft in the form of a muzzle.

Or create an app with the kids.

You can also make a postcard, or a congratulatory sheet.

Another souvenir made of cones looks wonderful, what lovely hryundiki came from the author. Bravo!

From polymer clay or modeling dough, you can create just such a pig.

And if you want to find a job easier, look at this photo of a plasticine pig:

And here is another little Peppa drawn).

Well, now my friends want you to watch a couple of videos, maybe you can take something new and interesting from there as a basis. I tried to find a variety of stories for you.

Look what a gorgeous pig in a dress.

And this is a craft for our smallest children, besides, it is also on a stick, you can arrange:

Those who are fond of soft toys made of fabric. Here are a couple of ideas for you.

Take the felt, it turns out to be branded work, see what kind of piggy). Moreover, it is given with a diagram for cutting.

In general, choose the one you like.

Do not forget that for volume, a felt toy needs to be filled with padding polyester or cotton wool.

The next craft is made from an egg pack.

Souvenirs from pine and spruce cones for home

I think that I will begin to acquaint you with the easiest options at first, and only then they will be more difficult. The first composition will be from an ordinary jar, tie the neck with threads, and hang real spruce or pine cones.

Stuff the inside of the jar with pine branches and place a candle.

This work can be slightly complicated and arrange all the materials in an unusual way. Want to know the details? Then see for yourself. glass container you can decorate with ordinary semolina, which will look like a snowball on the product. To do this, paint the cereal in White color with the help of chalk.

Then apply PVA glue to the jar and dip to the semolina. Let dry.

After the grits, decorate the neck and tie a bow.

Now decorate the cone with snow. In semolina + add more sparkles, mix. It will be necessary to dip the cone, and in order for it to stick to it, dip the cone first in PVA glue (a small piece of where the cereal will be glued).

Thus, proceed according to the plan, first dip in PVA, then in semolina, and so on.

Another option, you can also glue gold jewelry, dip the bump into the glue, and then into them.

The product can be planted on the bark of a tree by gluing it with a thermal gun, as well as planting beads and a Christmas tree branch.

Acrylic white paint will also make a nice souvenir.

Add a bow and beads.

In general, a wonderful composition will come out, from which everyone will go crazy.

Also, you can easily cope with such a craft. Glue each cone into a decorative pot, but first paint them with acrylic paints.

Glue a star on the top, as it should be, so that the product reminds everyone of a Christmas tree.

Well, if you want a real beauty, then glue the cones to the base in the form of a cone with a thermal gun and decorate with bows and other trinkets of winter decor.

In addition, you can imagine such work in the form wall decoration. Do not forget only that you need a foam ball.

Well, I couldn’t resist, another super option that I found on the site gifts ru, this is a topiary. How charming and breathtaking it looks.

All work steps are written right on the slides.

Workshops and paper craft ideas for the New Year

To be honest, last year we didn't have much time to bring the work to the exhibition. Therefore, we made such a creation from cardboard and decorated it with plasticine. In the role of the stand was the usual plastic cover from sour cream.

Or here's another option, take a cardboard cone and stick any decorations on it.

And this year, the child was made by Thomas, they took an ordinary sleeve, glued it with paper and stuck sweet souvenirs.

Well, what about Santa Claus, without him anywhere, friends! Let's do it in the origami technique.

In the same way, fold, I mean, use the origami bunny technique.

Enough unusual work in the form of a wreath, but it is attractive in that it is made of paper hands, or legs))).

And here is another idea, the work is done from corrugated paper. This is usually done at Christmas.

On one English-language site, I saw such a work with wishes. You twist the circle, it rotates and the desire falls out. For work, you will need two blanks of different diameters, on one of which a window will be cut.

To make the magic circle spin, make a hole in the center and glue a juice tube or a toothpick to the largest circle. In fact, the idea is good, because you can use it to hold contests and joke.

If you are interested in such a turntable, that is, all the templates and sketches in Word format for printing, please contact me, I send it to e-mail for free.

Also, do not leave work to build voluminous ball from newspaper tubes, cover them with spray paint. And then stick a ball or a symbol of the year on it.

Now I also want to present one work that you may recognize, it is from our childhood. For her, you will need to make templates on office paper in advance, choose whether to eat more and less. Due to this, the ball will have a different volume and size. Make 5 cuts with scissors along the lines of each workpiece.

Well, in conclusion to this chapter I want to show one more ball, it is quite openwork. You need to first cut out the pattern in duplicate using the kirigami technique. And then glue or stitch two blanks.

Here are some layouts for you to cut out.

And here is the finished product.

At leisure already tried in family circle. Do not forget to decorate with rhinestones or sparkles.

DIY felt toys with patterns

Now for those who are fond of needlework, but I want to note right away that I have another note on my blog that contains different ones. And now, as for the New Year's, so I propose to perform such a miracle from pieces of felt.

Cut out the squares from the materials, and then collect them with a needle into one large pile.

Or take this Christmas tree as a basis.

By the way, you can make a huge green beauty and hang it on the wall.

if you love Stuffed Toys, then here are the sketches and patterns for them.

The Christmas tree needs toys, these are balls, bells and crackers.

Also a winter house and reindeer.

Do anyone, but of course you can’t do without Santa Claus or Santa.

Beautiful work for the New Year's competition to school

Well, ready to be surprised. Take, then these ideas and go ahead to take prizes. Look at the first masterpiece, this is a jar, and from it the author created an amazing snowman. Battery operated candle inside.

You can also build a winter composition, take the usual glass jar and decorate it, for example, put a car in it, and an artificial small Christmas tree on top of the car.

Tie a container with a ribbon or other decorative thread, hang beads.

And then add any decor so that it is immediately clear that this is a vase in new year style. Now put spruce branches and enjoy.

Quite an interesting idea to make a Christmas tree out of coffee beans. They stick to paper cone rewound with dark threads. And then add decorations.

You can also create a miracle of candy. Take note of yourself too.

Here's another button beauty, how do you like such a masterpiece?

If you are an avid needlewoman, then you can also embroider a picture with your grandfather.

In addition, a beaded masterpiece also looks great.

I have one more composition in my collection, but I will write a separate note about it and show you a master class. So don't miss it. will come out real masterpiece in the form of a lamp, and imagine how cool it will look on New Year's Eve.

Or make a Christmas tree like this, disguise a plastic bottle, pour gypsum into the pot to fix the stem from the stick.

And if you want to charm the teacher, then present him directly on the blackboard with the following.

And now I propose to build a sweet ball, only it will not be edible. Glue the gummies on the foam blank of a round shape with a glue gun.

Also, do not forget to add a rope or ribbon in the form of an eyelet.

Similarly, arrange the same blank with beads. Or put the beads on an English needle and stick it into the workpiece.

I think I'll show you a couple more ideas, it will be a tangerine topiary.

How to make a garland for a city Christmas tree

Probably the most affordable a budget option, which remains for all time, is a garland of colored paper in the form of rings. I remember how I used to sit and glue such circles as a child.

You can make crafts in the form of hearts, which are fastened together with a stapler, and the figure itself is made of paper or stripes or decorative shiny paper.

You can do the work in a rainbow style from double-sided cardboard.

Well, in the course of paper novelties.

By the way, if you want your butterflies to flutter, then there is more cool idea. Watch this video and see for yourself. A bright and very cool garland came from the author.

Or use regular cotton wool.

You can think of something from scraps of fabric:

Of course, such options are more suitable for apartment premises, but a button garland is perfect for the street.

They also make masterpieces from ice, just add dye or paint to the water and the pieces freeze. By the way, you need to immediately put a thread so that it also grabs.

Such a creation from thread pompoms is suitable for home and street.

There is another option that is within the power of those who are engaged in knitting and can easily master this pattern. Take the triangles from this snowflake as a basis and tie the disk around them, and then connect them into a chain.

Unusual crafts "Winter's Tale" in kindergarten for the exhibition

You must understand that all the same, when a child carries a craft to kindergarten, he does it together with his parents or older children. Therefore, I now propose to consider different variants what can be brought. For example, take this grandfather in the form of a star and decorate any winter composition with it. There is both application and coloring.

Also from cotton buds or disks, you can build something similar to a picture with your child.

Here's another souvenir that might also come in handy.

Such masterpieces are still created from threads and PVA glue.

I like more work from plastic bottles or other utensils, such as spoons.

Now, as regards winter compositions, you can create them from all sorts of things, it can be twigs and even plastic tiles, from which you will make Santa Claus's house. Instead of snow, use cotton wool, and even lay out a Christmas tree from pasta. See for yourself, friends.

Well, my favorite work, which has already been discussed above, who needs blanks, write.

But at night it looks like a night light.

And finally, one more not difficult option New Year's clock with sweets, look step by step instructions in pictures.

Beautiful cards for the New Year 2019 for children (MK and templates inside)

Postcards can be made even from paper, even from cardboard. You can take absolutely any plot as a basis, even coloring, and with reverse side sign the right words or a poem. Choose.

Among other things, this is how you can arrange a postcard in the form of winter characters.

And also make a voluminous congratulations.

Friends, this is not all, soon a new article on this topic will be released on the blog, so visit often and you will see many other creations. Make Christmas crafts and decorate your house and apartment with them. Bye everyone! See you again.

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There is very little time left before the New Year, and it would be time to think about holiday decorations for home. Can buy ready-made options in the store, but it is much better to make original things with your own hands.

We are in website we believe that children should definitely be involved in this case, and we collected great ideas for Christmas crafts.

sock snowman

From unnecessary socks you get such funny snowmen. You will need socks, rice for stuffing, some scraps and buttons. Cut off the toe at the sock, and on the other hand, tie it with a thread. Sprinkle rice, giving round shape, drag the thread again and pour more rice, forming a smaller ball. Sew on the eyes and nose, make a scrap scarf, sew on the buttons. And from the cut off part you get a great hat.

Christmas tree pendants

A cinnamon stick is taken as the basis, several artificial ones are attached to it with glue. spruce twigs and colorful buttons. Such Christmas trees will not only decorate the house, but also fill it with the warming aroma of cinnamon.

Cork deer

bottle caps - great material for crafts. For example, you can make such a cute deer. You will need some corks, glue and various beads to decorate. This is not ashamed to hang on the Christmas tree.

stick crafts

From ordinary ice cream sticks, cute Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes are obtained. You need paint, glitter, buttons and a little imagination. Even the smallest children can cope with such crafts.

Christmas trees made of colored paper

Like these ones wonderful Christmas trees can be done by making a cone out of green paper or cardboard and decorating it with different little things. Buttons, pebbles, beads and various paper figures will do.

potato drawings

Snowflakes from pasta

Clip pasta different shapes with glue and cover with silver paint, fasten the tape - unusual christmas snowflake ready.

Snowmen from covers

Cover the metal bottle caps with white paint (it is better to take acrylic) and glue them together, as shown in the picture. Draw a face for the snowman and decorate with a scarf from a bright ribbon. If you glue a loop on top of it, then the snowman can be hung on a Christmas tree.

Crafts from cones

From the cones you can make different animals and any other characters. You will need paints, shreds, buttons and, of course, imagination and inspiration.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Pick up green buttons of different diameters and a few brown ones for the trunk and secure them with a thick thread. Decorate the crown with an asterisk.

painted balls

Place the pieces wax pencils into transparent christmas ball, heat it with a hair dryer, constantly twisting it. Melting, the pencils will leave beautiful colored stains inside the ball.

Paper crafts for the New Year always have new year themes. They are associated with the manufacture of animals, Christmas trees, garlands, postcards, New Year's decor living rooms. Often, drawings, diagrams and templates are attached to crafts, according to which all step by step actions from paper.

Paper and tools are always available. Make a New Year's craft with your own hands - The best way get ready for the New Year. In many families, schools and kindergartens, every year New Year's creativity. From paper with scissors and glue, you can create fabulous toys and figurines.

Today we will create paper crafts with our own hands, which are easy to manufacture, fit perfectly into any. They will also add romantic notes to the creation of the most interesting ideas for children and adults.

Make a paper lantern according to the proposed theme. As a result, you will see unusually beautiful christmas lanterns.

DIY paper craft instructions:

1. Take a sheet of thick white paper measuring 21 x 11 cm.

2. Using a ruler, divide the narrow part of the sheet in half.

3. Bend the sheet in half lengthwise.

4. Divide the fold line into parts equal to 3 cm. You should get 7 parts.

5. Top edge divide the sheet into 3 cm parts. First, separate 1.5 cm from each edge.

6. Connect the measured points with straight lines. Thus, a zigzag line with sharp corners will be obtained. The cutting pattern is ready.

7. Using a knife, make cuts with a clerical knife.

8. Remove the cut pieces and unfold the paper. The resulting blank template paper lantern. According to this template, several templates can be made using the pencil tracing method. Accordingly, several flashlights.

9. Smear the diamond on one side and glue to the diamond on the other side of the template.

10. Using a needle and thread, connect the sharp corners of the craft on both sides.

11. On one side, spread the corners with glue, tighten carefully with a thread and glue all the ends together. Tie a thread and cut.

12. On the other side of the craft, glue a beautiful ribbon for hanging on a Christmas tree branch. Apply more glue to the corners of the diamonds and pull them together with a thread, tie it and cut it off.

13. On the underside of the flashlight, glue a circle of beautiful paper with segment removed.

14. In the upper part of the flashlight, where the loop is glued, glue the decor from a beautiful ribbon.

15. For decoration, glue a bow next to the loop. From paper blue color cut out the diamonds and glue them to the sides of the flashlight. Or apply blue diamonds with a brush with blue paint.

16. Another finishing option is gluing a silver ribbon.

17. With this finish, the flashlight will look with a different decor.

18. These unusual lanterns can be made from paper with your own hands.

Make New Year's paper lanterns according to the templates and apply the decor at your discretion.

Paper crafts "Butterflies" - beautiful Christmas decorations

Brilliant butterflies on the branches of your Christmas tree will bring airiness to thoughts about your wishes.

Master class on making butterflies:

1. Purchase holographic paper from craft stores. We need two sheets of gold and red.

2. Print out schemes (drawings) of butterflies.

3. Fold together, sheet by sheet: 2 sheets of holographic paper (gold and red) and printed butterfly patterns. Fasten all 3 sheets with a stapler, in places where there is no pattern.

4. Place a rubber mat (or other base) under the sheets and cut out the patterns with a special knife.

5. Outside, cut out the pattern from excess paper with scissors.

6. As a result, you will get such patterns in the amount of 6 pieces.

7. For crafts, white templates are not needed, but they will come in handy on holographic paper.

8. Flip the butterfly templates. On the white side, use a ruler and a sharp metal end such as scissors to make an indented line. It will be needed so that the wings move easily.

9. To make one Christmas tree toy, take two templates different color(you can use the same color).

10. Look carefully at the patterns of butterflies, where on one of them from the side acute angle There is long line. This is a cut - make it on two templates, and you do not need to do it on the other two.

11. Insert the butterfly wing of the other template into the cut on one side.

12. On the other hand, repeat the same. Bend the hearts and you will have a butterfly with different colored wings on one side and another butterfly on the other side.

13. Cut out two strips of colored paper and fasten them inside the paper craft.

14. In order for the two hearts to remain parallel and not diverge, fasten a piece of tape folded in half inside.

15. These are so beautiful Christmas decorations"Butterflies" turned out.

You should have no doubts - the craft will work!

Video on how to make beautiful Christmas tree lanterns out of paper

Watch the video and you will understand that you can make amazing Christmas tree lanterns out of paper with your own hands.

You will need thick red paper and a creative mood.

Get the kids involved in creating amazing snowflakes with the symbol of the Year of the Pig. And teach them how to color her with similar features.

Action plan:

1. Bend a sheet of paper to form a square and cut off the excess strip.

2. The side of the square should be 14.5 cm.

3. Bend the square diagonally and lift the resulting right corner vertically up.

4. Throw the left corner to the right and align all sides.

5. Cut off the uneven parts of the folded paper with scissors. They are no longer needed.

6. Bend the cut part in half again.

7. On a folded piece of paper, draw a silhouette of Pig with a pencil. Drawing is not difficult, try to do the same.

8. Carefully cut out the pattern with scissors along the contour. Finally, just cut the drawn stripes.

9. Expand the snowflake template and fold over the cut small corners to add volume.

10. Paper crafts are finished and it remains to color the work.

11. Use a pink felt-tip pen to draw ears and a nose.

12. Snowflake Pig is ready for the New Year.

Everyone new year mood and interesting crafts.

The idea of ​​​​New Year's decor is a beautiful paper ball

Make out paper circles round colored ball that will decorate your home. Creating folds in a circle and gluing the resulting petals will take you into creative process. As a result beautiful ball of flower petals will look fantastic in your living space.

The sequence of all actions:

1. Cut out 6 circles with a diameter of 6 cm each. From 6 yellow circles we will now make one yellow flower.

2. Take paper of a different color and cut out more: 6 circles - Pink colour, 6 circles - lilac, 6 circles - green. All circles should be 12 cm in diameter.

2. Fold each circle in half. Then fold in half again to make folds at right angles.

3. Bend the sides of the circle inward and make 4 right angles with your fingers.

4. Connect the two bent sides of the circle so that one petal remains on one side.

5. Spread the bent rib on both sides with glue and attach two more ribs.

6. Glue all 3 edges together.

7. Secure the gluing place with a clothespin.

8. Do all the same actions with other 5 circles yellow color. Thus, you will have prepared paper crafts in the amount of 6 petals.

8. Now we will glue 6 petals. To do this, glue half the side outside the petal with glue.

9. Press the second petal to the smeared glue.

10. When all 6 petals are glued together, you will get a large yellow flower.

11. Do the same with circles and petals of other colors. You should have 4 flowers ready.

12. Carefully take the finished flowers and combine them into one ball.

13. When the ball is assembled and turns out to be round, then fix it with clamps for now.

14. Then apply glue to the petals and glue the flowers together.

15. After the glue dries, remove the clips, glue the ribbons for hanging flower ball. Paper crafts are done.

You have learned how to create origami ball decorations.

Christmas tree paper angels - video

Create different crafts paper, this is the most lightweight material for creativity.