Scarlet discharge at 27 weeks pregnant

Long-awaited meeting will happen very soon, because the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy has begun. A child at this time, when born and with timely assistance, can already survive outside the mother's body.

What happens at 27 weeks

The third trimester of pregnancy is an active preparation female body to childbirth and future motherhood. That is why future mom needs this period long rest and sleep. It is important not to overload your body, because any stress and tension can adversely affect health and cause premature birth.

At 27 weeks pregnant, the baby looks like a newborn. All of his body parts are proportional to the head already has hairs, and on the face you can see the eyebrows and even eyelashes. By the beginning of the third trimester, many babies are already in a head position that is anatomically correct. The pelvic position is a pathology that can complicate the process of delivery. Therefore, during pregnancy, when diagnosing such an arrangement of the fetus, the doctor prescribes to the expectant mother special exercises.

The height of the fetus from crown to heels is about 34 cm. In size, the baby is similar to a head of cauliflower. At this stage of pregnancy, all internal organs and systems are being improved, preparing the child's body for the upcoming independent existence.

There is an active increase in the weight of the baby. The weight of the child at 27 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 1 kg.

Changes in a woman's body

In women at the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a jump in the level of cholesterol in the blood. But this is normal physiological phenomenon and should not cause concern. This is due to the fact that healthy cholesterol helps the placenta produce hormones designed to prepare the female body for the upcoming birth and breastfeeding.

The uterus during this period rises to the level of the ribs, the height of its bottom is about 27 cm. Each subsequent week this figure will increase by one centimeter, and for a gynecologist it is the main indicator proper development fetus.

The belly has already grown significantly and this change not only attracts the attention of others, but also causes discomfort to the expectant mother. Women usually look for a long time comfortable posture for sleep, so they often suffer from insomnia.

The mammary glands continue to grow and prepare for feeding. All veins are clearly visible on them. During this period, colostrum may begin to stand out from the nipples, which stains the underwear. In this case, it is recommended to use special breast pads. Squeezing colostrum from the breast is strictly prohibited.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a sharp increase in the weight of the uterus, which is associated with the growth of the child. This can lead to symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and a feeling of weakness.

The main changes this week of pregnancy in the female body include:

  • The appearance of convulsions provoked by the pressure of the uterus on the surrounding organs and nerve endings. To relieve these symptoms, you should rest with your legs up each evening;
  • Swelling of the upper extremities (hands, wrists and fingers). In most cases, swelling does not give rest at night. To prevent complications, it is important to limit fluid intake, include foods containing vitamin B6 in the diet;
  • Leg muscle spasms, which may be due to lack of an important trace element calcium in the female body. Get rid of discomfort will help special diet, massage and wearing compression stockings;
  • Feeling hot and sweating.

And also the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy can manifest itself in shortness of breath. It is caused by the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and muscles located under the lungs. It is not life-threatening for the mother-to-be, but it is important to avoid heavy lifting to improve the condition.

Weight gain

Weight gain at week 27 is approximately 9-10 kg. Of this mass, the weight of the fetus at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy is only 1 kg. Because of such an increase, the back and legs may begin to hurt. Therefore, you should choose comfortable shoes.

But the change in weight is directly dependent on the body mass index before childbirth. If it was very low, then a woman can recover much more than the reference value. But in this case, the increase will be smooth, starting from the first month and ending with the last, and after childbirth everything overweight will leave.

For girls with curvaceous figure and overweight, an increase in body weight by the beginning of the third trimester will be only 5-5.5 kg. To control weight gain, it is important to eat right and monitor the weekly increase, which should not exceed 400 g, as extra pounds complicate the process of childbirth.

Feelings at 27 weeks

A child at 27 weeks of gestation already occupies the entire uterine cavity. Therefore, almost all of his movements are well felt by the expectant mother. The hiccups of the fetus, which is similar to vibration in the abdomen, become especially pronounced. It occurs when the baby swallows amniotic fluid and is caused by contractions of the diaphragm.

The movements of the child are already quite strong and intense, especially with the elbows and heels. He can kick and kick the stomach and internal organs, which makes the woman uncomfortable. To calm the baby, sometimes just stroking the tummy is enough.

Too active or rare movements may indicate the discomfort of the child's stay in the womb.. So if you notice drastic changes in the activity of movements, you should consult your doctor.

The uterus presses hard enough on bladder, so the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. And also this organ compresses the inferior vena cava and iliac vein. This leads to stagnation of blood in the lower body. As a result, the blood does not reach the proper volume to the brain, and the woman becomes dizzy. Therefore, on this period It is not recommended to lie on your back, as well as to sit in a “foot to foot” position.

Due to the rapidly growing abdomen and stretching of the skin, itching may occur. In the event that the itching becomes unbearable, this may indicate a violation of the liver due to a double load. Therefore, a pregnant woman is advised to take a liver test.

Many women, especially nulliparous at this stage, may already feel fear of upcoming birth.

The uterus is preparing for childbirth, so training contractions may occur. They do not threaten pregnancy if they do not cause severe discomfort and pass quickly. In the event that uterine contractions are accompanied by intense cramping and prolonged pain, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

A pregnant woman may be disturbed by pain in the flanks, which are associated with tension in the ligaments that hold the uterus. Especially pain aggravated by sudden movements.

Ultrasound at 27 weeks

The planned ultrasound examination is most likely already over. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a second examination in the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy. Indications for carrying out are usually transferred infectious diseases of the expectant mother, suspicion of pregnancy pathology and fetal developmental delay.

An ultrasound specialist can assess:

  • The location of the fetus;
  • The degree of maturity of the placenta, which should be equal to 0. And also examine its location;
  • The baby's heartbeat, which is approximately 140-150 beats per minute;
  • How does the development and growth of the unborn baby. This is done to detect delays. prenatal development;
  • Condition, thickness and size of the uterus.

And also the doctor can evaluate the quantity and quality amniotic fluid. The normal volume is considered to be about 1-1.5 liters. If the volume is more than 3 liters, then this pathology is called polyhydramnios. A detected volume of less than 500 ml is considered oligohydramnios. In case of detection of such deviations, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment.

If the baby in the past ultrasound examinations did not show his gender, then at 27 weeks of pregnancy the doctor will be able to determine gender future baby.

fetus at 27 weeks

The main development of the baby is almost over, now all organs and systems are beginning to improve and prepare for life outside the tummy.

What happens to the baby during this period?

  • In the development of the cerebral cortex at this time, a decisive stage begins, associated with the activation of neural connections. Improved and the immune system fetus, since it can already react to allergens entering through the placenta. That is why the expectant mother should carefully choose food during this period;
  • The skin of the crumbs is more and more smoothed every day. This is due to the constant increase in subcutaneous fat. The baby's metabolism is already starting to work in the body. That is why the appetite of many women begins to gradually decline;
  • Starts to function endocrine system child. The thyroid and pancreas produce hormones, and every day the baby is less and less dependent on hormonal background your mom. A woman can feel it in the improvement of her well-being.

Fetal development at week 27 continues to occur in the respiratory system. In the lungs is amniotic fluid, which allows them to constantly stretch and increase in size. In the vesicles located at the ends of the bronchioles, the vital substance surfactant continues to be produced. It not only prevents them from sticking together, but also protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

The breath of the child is carried out during intrauterine development through the placenta, but he can already make respiratory movements thanks to reflexes. The fetus already reflexively makes about 40 movements per minute. Oxygen is vital for a child to develop and function properly. internal organs(primarily the heart), and its deficiency can lead to hypoxia. One of the main symptoms of this condition is rapid fetal movements.

Surprisingly, the baby already feels the tastes of the amniotic fluid and can distinguish them depending on the mother's nutrition. Sometimes a child active movements notifies a pregnant woman about which product he did not like. This often happens when eating too spicy food.

By the activity of the unborn child, you can determine its approximate regimen, which often does not coincide with the lifestyle of the expectant mother. The baby already opens and closes its eyes and is able to respond to light. The fetus at the 27th week of pregnancy already hears well, it is especially pleased with the mother's voice. Therefore, this week it is recommended to talk with the baby more often, sing lullabies to him and tell fairy tales.

Discharge from the genital tract

Due to the fact that pregnancy after the twenty-seventh week can end in premature birth, you should carefully monitor your discharge.

Discharge at the beginning of the third trimester should be normally milky, clear or slightly yellowish. At the same time, they should not have an admixture of mucus, pus and clots. These negative symptoms may indicate the presence of infection, diseases and other dangerous conditions.

Also, there should not be abundant watery discharge, which usually indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. The discharge of water can be either instantaneous or gradual. Small parts of the amniotic fluid can depart when the expectant mother is in a horizontal position. This pathology is extremely dangerous, therefore, it requires consultation with a specialist.

No less dangerous are bloody issues, especially accompanied by pulling cramping pains and dizziness. Any change in color, consistency and quantity vaginal discharge it is important to consult a gynecologist.

Possible problems

The main problems at this stage of pregnancy are:

  • The threat of premature birth. Any external and internal factors, and nervous tension, stress, falls, hypertonicity.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a pathology of the cervix, in which it cannot perform its functions. Stitches are placed on it to prevent water leakage and early opening.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency is a violation of the functioning of the placenta, which leads to a violation of the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Preeclampsia is a pathology manifested by edema, increased blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine, which is associated with a deterioration in kidney function.
  • Oligohydramnios, which is characterized by a small abdominal circumference, low location the bottom of the uterus, immobility of the baby.
  • Polyhydramnios - characterized by too large belly, active movements of the fetus. The cause of this pathology is the presence of intrauterine infection.
  • Retardation of intrauterine development of the fetus - due to infections, improper functioning of the placenta, genetic disorders and anomalies.

If a woman is pregnant with twins, there may be a problem at 27 weeks of gestation, such as a feto-fatal transfusion. This pathology is characteristic only for twins, united by a common chorion and is dangerous for the death of both one and two babies at once.

A pregnant woman may be disturbed by constipation, often leading to hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is important to eat right, excluding stool-fixing foods. Fresh food should be removed from the diet. bakery products, sweets, rice, semolina, fatty meat, cabbage, which can cause increased gas formation. It is also recommended to limit the intake of nuts, legumes, etc. In the event that the diet did not give positive results The doctor prescribes laxatives. self-medication in this important period under no circumstances should it be done.

In addition to constipation, some pregnant women experience anemia and blurred vision.

For a warning possible complications the expectant mother should be attentive to her health, undergo routine examinations and tests.

Nutrition at 27 weeks

A pregnant woman needs to eat properly and in a balanced way throughout the entire pregnancy. Fatty, fried and salty foods should not be consumed in excessive amounts. Sweet tooth is advised to give up sweets and chocolate, which are stuffed with harmful substances and promote weight gain. It is better to give preference to vegetables and fruits, and for the proper development of muscle tissue and the skeletal system in the fetus, foods containing potassium and proteins should be included in the diet.

What to look out for

  • To control the condition of the woman and the unborn child, it is important to go to the doctor on time and take all the prescribed tests. The gynecologist leading the pregnancy at each appointment measures the circumference of the abdomen, the height at which the bottom of the uterus is located. In addition, he measures blood pressure, and the weight of the expectant mother. For rent general analysis urine and blood;
  • Avoid overly tight clothing;
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman should be as attentive as possible to her state of health and movement. An enlarged belly and a displaced center of gravity can lead to loss of balance (especially on slippery roads). It is important to exclude any falls, as they can lead to different consequences;
  • Twenty-seventh week - perfect time to attend classes and courses to prepare for childbirth. It usually consists of 4-5 sessions where instructors teach women correct technique breathing during childbirth. Yoga also teaches others important things, which can significantly facilitate the process of delivery;
  • uterine tone, multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios and the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy are the main contraindications to intimacy. In their absence, sex is allowed, but only with the partner that the woman had before conception.

The baby perfectly feels the mood and condition of his mother, so stressful situations should be avoided. Frequent exposure to fresh air is recommended. It is also necessary, if possible, to avoid crowded places in order to reduce the risk of infectious diseases.

How many months at 27 weeks pregnant

Many women are interested in what month is the 27th week? To answer this question, you need to understand how the gestational age is considered. There is an embryonic and obstetric count.

Embryonic begins from the moment the child is conceived, but it is quite difficult to track the exact day. Therefore, it is customary to carry out calculations according to obstetric term, which begins on the first day of the last menstruation. It is believed that in 1 full obstetric month there are 4 weeks or 28 days.

That is why the 27th week of pregnancy is 6 obstetric months and 3 weeks. Very soon there will be a full 7 obstetric months. If we take into account the usual calendar month, then 27 weeks is approximately 6 months and 1 week. The fetal age at this stage is approximately 25 weeks.

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Week 27 signals the beginning last stage pregnancy. This means that an important milestone has come, as almost two trimesters have passed and now the date of birth is getting closer and closer. As the moment approaches, the level of excitement of all family members and friends will be very high all the time. The mother has only a few weeks until she welcomes the child into this world.

This week, the baby weighs nearly 900g (about the size of a head of cauliflower) and is about 35 1/2 cm long, including legs. He sleeps and wakes up at intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more developed tissue, the baby's brain is very active at this time. While his lungs are still immature, if the baby were born today, they would be able to function (with great medical care). Considering any tiny rhythmic movements, then you can feel the cases of baby hiccups, which may become common from now on. Each episode usually only lasts a few moments and it doesn't bother the child at all, so just relax and enjoy the tickling.

Symptoms and sensations

The second trimester is coming to an end, but as the woman's body prepares for the final cycle, she may begin to notice some new symptoms. Along with back pain, for example, the expectant mother may find that her leg muscles cramp. They are holding back excess weight and eventually, the uterus inside the body expands, putting pressure on the veins that return blood from the legs to the heart, as well as on the nerves that lead from the trunk to the legs.

Unfortunately, the cramps can get worse as the pregnancy itself progresses. Leg cramps are more common at night, but can also occur during the day. When they appear, a stretch in the calf area should provide some relief.

Straighten your leg and then gently bend your toes back towards your shin. Walking for a few minutes or massaging the calves sometimes helps too.

During the 27th week of pregnancy, the second trimester quickly comes to an end. The woman has one more week until she enters the third trimester of pregnancy! As she nears the end of this marathon, she may notice some of the old pregnancy symptoms returning, such as fatigue.

The mother-to-be has gone weeks without this tiring symptom, but now that she is 27 weeks pregnant, fatigue and exhaustion are returning with new force. As soon as the third trimester approaches, the extra weight of the baby, as well as other symptoms of pregnancy (for example, frequent urination and insomnia) can also lead to feeling tired.

Frequent urination is becoming more of a problem now and into the third trimester of pregnancy. Since the baby is constantly growing and taking up more space in the uterus, this adds pressure to the bladder, resulting in a feeling of fullness, even if the last urination was ten minutes ago. It's not fun, especially if you have to get up several times a night.

Fatigue is part of the life of a mom-to-be as she continues to gain weight during pregnancy. At week 27, the weight of an average-sized woman increases from 8 to 10 kg.

Although weight gain during pregnancy varies for each woman individually, it is important to gain right amount kg for your body type. This will protect your health and the child. If a woman is not gaining enough weight, then she is in the group increased risk getting a miscarriage. On the other hand, if she puts on too much weight, then not only does her overall fatigue increase, but her chances of having a very large baby increase as well.

Set too heavy weight during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins veins, as well as many other problems.

There is so much pain during pregnancy and strange feelings that together they complicate the diagnosis of what is common and what warrants a call to a doctor or midwife. Further complicating the matter is the presence of some symptoms, which may be more or less relevant, depending on the particular case or the history of the woman's health and what period her pregnancy is in. Here summary signs that indicate problems. If a woman has even a few of these complaints, you should immediately call a doctor or midwife.

Before reaching 27 weeks:

  • There is pressure in the lower abdomen (the fetus pushes down), pain in the lumbar region (especially if this is a new problem for the woman), cramps, as during menstruation or discomfort in the abdomen, more than four contractions per hour (they may not be accompanied by pain);
  • The size of the vagina has increased or the type of discharge has changed - they have become watery, like mucus or blood red (even if only pinkish or reddish).


  • The child moves or pushes with his feet fewer times;
  • Severe or persistent pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • vaginal bleeding, bloody or watery discharge;
  • Unpleasant sensations during urination, the latter is little or not at all;
  • Severe and prolonged vomiting or that accompanied by pain or fever;
  • Chills and fever 37.7 degrees Celsius or higher;
  • Blurred or double vision, seeing spots or "blurring";
  • Severe and persistent headaches that accompany blurred vision, slurred speech, or numbness
  • Swelling of any kind on the face and puffy eyes, milder swelling in the fingers, severe and sudden swelling in the legs and calves, or rapid weight gain (more than 2 kg per week);
  • Severe, continuous pain in the legs and calves that does not go away, or one leg is much more swollen than the other;
  • Injured abdomen;
  • fainting, increased dizziness or rapid heartbeat;
  • heavy breathing, coughing up blood, or chest pain;
  • Severe constipation that accompanies abdominal pain or severe diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours
  • Continued intense itching all over the body;
  • Any health problems that usually occur, even if they are not related to pregnancy (for example, worsening asthma or flu that gets worse).


How much water should you drink?

The expectant mother should try to drink at least eight glasses of liquid every day, which is 1.5 liters. Water should make up the majority of this. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it's also calorie-free.

Water must be drunk so that the blood can carry nutrients for the baby and better get rid of waste.

Drinking plenty of water can help prevent constipation, which is common during pregnancy. If a woman has fluid retention, then the more water she drinks, the less her body will retain.

How can you get plenty of calcium and vitamin D?

Calcium and vitamin D are key nutrients during pregnancy. The first strengthens the bones and teeth of the child, and also helps the development of a healthy nervous system, heart and muscles. The second helps the body absorb calcium. It is produced naturally in our bodies in response to exposure sun rays but we can also get vitamin D from food.

A lot of calcium is found in dairy products, canned fish such as sardines (with soft bones), green leafy vegetables such as spinach and beans, legumes, sesame seeds and almonds.

During pregnancy, doctors recommend supplementing with 10 micrograms of vitamin D daily. If you are already taking a multivitamin during pregnancy, then check if they contain the right amount of vitamin D. It is abundant in fatty fish, eggs and milk.

Dinner: ciabatta with halloumi, basil and sun-dried tomatoes

Halloumi is made from sheep or goat milk, and is good source calcium. Arugula contains a lot folic acid and tomatoes will boost your vitamin C levels.


  • 1 wholemeal ciabatta roll
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2 slices of halloumi cheese;
  • a few fresh basil leaves;
  • 2 Sun-dried tomatoes dried in oil;
  • arugula leaves, washed for serving.


Cooking time: 10 minutes

Cut the ciabatta in half. Take a clove of garlic, break it in half and rub it over the cut edge of the ciabatta. Coarsely chop the sundried tomatoes and then place them on the roll. Bake the cheese on the roll for a few minutes and add some fresh basil leaves. Grind black pepper and sprinkle a little olive oil on top. Serve hot, with arugula leaves on the sides.

afternoon tea: hummus with pita

Try this simple homemade hummus with pita bread. It is high in carbs as well as protein and will help curb hunger.


  • 400 g canned chickpeas;
  • 1 tablespoon tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • wholemeal pita for serving.


Cooking time: 10 minutes

Drain the chickpeas and place in a food processor along with the tahini, lemon juice, and peeled garlic clove. Mix a little in order to chop the chickpeas, add there olive oil and in a little water to make a creamy mixture.

Refrigerate and serve with pita pieces. The mixture can be varied by adding a tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro or pitted olives.

Dinner: mushrooms and baked celery pasta

This dish contains a lot of calcium and is quick and easy to prepare. It is suitable for three to four people and retains its flavor when reheated the next day for dinner.


  • 25 g olive or sunflower oil(minimum 59 percent body fat)
  • 2 celery sticks, chopped
  • 150 g small size mushrooms
  • pinch dried thyme (or 1 sprig fresh, leaves only)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of flour (40 g)
  • 300 ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 100 g mature cheddar, grated
  • 150 penne or other form of pasta


Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 15 to 20 minutes

The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the chopped celery and mushroom mixture. Cook, stirring gently, 5 to 10 minutes, or until celery is softened. Put thyme.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package, and drain the liquid. Pour flour into the mixture of mushrooms and celery, and gradually mix with milk. Bring to a boil, stirring all the time.

When the sauce thickens, add three-quarters of the cheese and drain the pasta. Place in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until cheese is golden brown. Serve with a salad of greens, tomato and pepper.

  • Record the baby's movements: obstetricians recommend doing this once a day. The baby should move at least 10 times an hour. If the number is less than 10, then you need to monitor your movements for the next two hours to make sure that there was no aberration. If the child does not move at least 10 times per hour for two hours, then you should not panic, but it is better to immediately contact a doctor or midwife.
  • Straighten your spine: This is another thing to remember during pregnancy, as standing and sitting with a straight back can help relieve lower back pain. If you are carrying a backpack, remember to wear it on both shoulders. Even if it may look less fashionable, you should still not wear heavy bags on one shoulder. And, if you sit and stand up straight and do regular exercise, but still feel pain in your back, you can always ask your partner to give you an oil massage.
  • Sign up for classes on breastfeeding A: Breastfeeding is new to you if you are a first time mom. That's why, great option will be enrolled in breastfeeding classes. On them you can learn not only about the rules of feeding and the process itself, but also a lot of other things related to caring for a newborn.

  • Start decorating your future baby's room: room decoration - great way something to keep yourself busy during these last few months of pregnancy. When visiting shopping center, go to a children's store and buy as many necessary things for the child as possible. Such shopping will not only make you happy, but also provide you with healthy exercise. After you have completed the task and decorated the baby's room, spend as much time as possible there.
  • Develop a habit of reading books for your child: as his ear has developed, he can listen to you, so reading a book is a great way to introduce your baby to your voice.
  • Develop the habit of listening to music: the baby now becomes more restless in the womb and if you listen to music, you can calm him down.
  • Some time between 26 and 30 weeks, your blood will be tested to see if you are not anemic. If it is still found, then the doctor may prescribe iron tablets. Due to the increase in fluid content in the blood, the hemoglobin level may later decrease, so it is a good idea to address this problem now. Iron tablets can cause digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea, so if this happens to you, ask your doctor if the prescription can be changed. Liquid preparations can be bought at the pharmacy and they have best impact on digestive system than tablets, so ask your doctor if they are right for you. If a previous blood test showed negative Rh factor, then at around 28-34 weeks you will be given injections of Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg). You will receive another injection after the baby is born.

The third trimester has begun. During this period of time, the baby becomes four times larger than it was during the 12th week of pregnancy. If he is born this week, then you will have as much as 90% chance of a healthy fetus.

Video - 27th week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus, convulsions, symptoms of premature birth

When the 27th week of pregnancy comes, the systems and organs of the fetus are already laid down. The kid starts to train them. In the case of premature birth, the baby has about 85% chance of survival. If you take care of him properly, then there will be no problems with development and health.

Week 27 Ongoing active growth beauty
pregnant clothes discomfort
charging phase growth

At the 27th week of pregnancy, mothers are always interested in knowing what is happening with their long-awaited fetus. Several main points can be noted.

  1. The weight of the baby is about 1 kg, and the height is about 35 cm.
  2. Every day the little one is getting prettier. His fat layer thickens, the folds on the body disappear. If an ultrasound is done at week 27, then the photo of the baby will reflect these changes.
  3. The eyes are already ajar, and the reaction to light is sharper. If you direct a bright light on the stomach, the baby will turn.
  4. The baby can puff out his cheeks, clench his fists.
  5. The child feels pain, improves the ability to suck and swallow.
  6. The area of ​​the brain responsible for thinking and consciousness is actively developing.
  7. The baby is quite active. He constantly kicks, rolls over, kicks his mommy, making himself felt. The girl can see what her child kicked. Prints of a tiny leg or pen appear on the tummy.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the growing fetus can change its position. It is not so important how the child is located, because he turns over several times a day. In the morning it is upside down, and in the evening it is vice versa. By the time of birth, the little one will be positioned correctly.

The tummy of a woman at 27 weeks looks like this

Feelings and changes

When pregnancy approaches the 27th week, the woman's condition is usually quite unstable. The mood is constantly changing, there is constant anxiety. The baby continues to grow, so it's getting harder to carry it.

  1. The woman's tummy increases significantly in size. It contains about a liter of amniotic fluid so that the baby can safely move inside the uterus and develop normally. The uterus continues to grow. It puts a lot of pressure on the intestines, stomach, so heartburn may appear.
  2. The breast begins to fill up, a discharge appears from the nipples, which is called colostrum. You do not need to squeeze them out, just wipe them with a napkin in time. Also, a clear venous pattern appears on the chest, which will disappear after childbirth.
  3. The girl's mood is changeable. Doubts and worries begin because of the upcoming birth. Mom often worries, she can cry. This period just needs to be experienced. You don't have to keep all your feelings to yourself. It is better to talk about them with loved ones.
  4. At week 27, the active development of the fetus continues. The baby grows, so the weight of the mother increases. In a month, she will add about 6-7 kg. If the increase is less or much more, you need to consult a doctor.
  5. If you press on the stomach, the baby can respond with a rather tangible push of the leg.
  6. The 27th week of pregnancy is often marked by swelling of the legs, heaviness, muscle cramps.
  7. Girls may be disturbed by dizziness, sometimes meteosensitivity develops.
  8. The skin on the abdomen is stretched because it is growing rapidly. This often causes severe itching. Apply almond milk or regular soft cream. But you need to keep in mind that it is not yet possible to use oils for flavoring. They not only excite nervous system, but also cause allergies.
  9. During this week, mothers often feel an attack of heat. And this happens not only in summer, but also in winter. Sweating increases, so you have to take a shower more often.
  10. Cholesterol levels may rise in the blood, but there is no need to worry. Cholesterol is essential for the placenta. This is important construction material which helps the placenta produce various hormones. For example, progesterone, which is responsible for relieving tension in the uterus, for the development of the mammary glands.

If during pregnancy you were diagnosed hormonal disorders, then 27 weeks can be very dangerous. Hormonal imbalance often causes isthmic-cervical insufficiency and pathology of the cervix. These diagnoses can cause abortion or premature birth.

Usually, a hormonal examination is prescribed from the 17th week, so the doctor will definitely inform you about possible pathology prescribe treatment and necessary drugs. If you are pregnant with twins, then you should wait iron deficiency anemia And late toxicosis. Often seen low level hemoglobin. The rest of the pregnancy proceeds in the same way as when carrying one baby.

The baby continues to grow and develop

At week 27, stretch marks can cover the skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. The photo reflects all the "beauty" of this trouble. Stretch marks are pink or purple streaks. It is best to prevent their appearance immediately after the conception of a child, because there are many lotions and creams for this problem. Vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, does an excellent job.

If you watch a video about what happens to girls when their pregnancy reaches 27 weeks, you can see that the uterus increases dramatically in size. Due to the increase in the uterine muscles, they begin to put pressure on blood vessels or nerve endings. This can lead to weakness or dizziness. It is advisable to spend the night on your side, as sleeping on your stomach is not recommended. The doctor must examine the uterus to exclude a possible tone. The height of the bottom of the uterus is now about 6-7 cm above the level of the navel. The specialist examines the thickness of the bottom, size, location, condition of the myometrium.

During the 27th week of pregnancy, you need to count the amount of movement of the baby. This indicator important to your gynecologist as it allows you to determine the activity of the fetus. His tremors can tell about the development of the baby, his health. When the 27th week of pregnancy comes, the baby may not be particularly active. But low mobility does not always indicate developmental disorders. Probably the reason is the temperament of the crumbs, which can be completely healthy. He just doesn't push too often.

However, if the 27th week of pregnancy has come, and the little one has stopped kicking you as hard and often as before, you must definitely tell the doctor about it. You will be sent for additional tests and examinations to determine the condition of the crumbs. If everything goes according to plan, ultrasound is not done at this time.

What are the discharges

It is necessary to control the discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy. So you can distinguish the signals of the body and assess your condition. The discharge should be white or grayish in color with a slightly sour smell. They should not contain the following impurities:

  • slime;
  • clots;
  • pus;
  • blood.

Beauty of a pregnant woman

If at the 27th week of pregnancy there is bloody or cinnamon discharge, you need to urgently call the doctor. This is very dangerous symptom. You should be wary if, in addition to this, you feel strong pain in a stomach. Similar signs threaten to lose the child.

At 27 weeks pregnant, you need to take care of yourself and your baby. You are responsible for it, so neglect of your health will definitely affect the baby. Eat right, sleep well, and avoid stressful situations.

Follow the rules of nutritionThe principles of nutrition remain the same as before. Should not be abused fatty foods, flour and sweet products. It is necessary to maintain a balance of vitamins, do not get carried away with the same food. Carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee are also prohibited. Do not use seasonings, spices and give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables.
Be careful with sexIf you are pregnant at week 27, you can continue to have sex if it is not contraindicated for you. It is better to postpone intimate relationships with the threat of miscarriage, polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, uterine tone. Talk to your doctor about postures, as not all of them are allowed.
Follow your moodAt 27 weeks pregnant negative emotions affect the fetus. Now you are responsible for more than just yourself. Vessels begin to narrow, so the fetus receives too little oxygen. If you had to face a stressful situation, you need to breathe fresh air, take a walk in the park or forest. Try to hit as little as possible stressful situation. You have nothing to do with it.
Control your drinking regimeDon't drink too much liquid before bed. It is advisable to drink the last portion of water about three hours before bedtime. A large number of liquids consumed during the day, threatens with edema.
Learn to breathe correctlyAt the 27th week of pregnancy, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Especially if you are carrying twins. Technique correct breathing and relaxation will help you during childbirth.

With the beginning of the 27th week, the last, third, trimester of pregnancy begins. miraculous and light second the trimester is over. Now the weight gained big belly limits the activity of expectant mothers. For some, it is already difficult to put on shoes on their own, it is uncomfortable to sleep and sit, long walks respond with shortness of breath, heaviness and fatigue in the legs. IN emotionally Not everything is calm either. Although the fear of the possibility of a miscarriage has remained far in the past, now there is growing anxiety about the approaching birth.

27 obstetric week of pregnancy is the 7th month of pregnancy and the first week of the third trimester. This term corresponds to the 25th embryonic week.

What's going on with mom?

The child gains weight, and with it the uterus and abdominal circumference increase. The uterus at the 27th week of pregnancy already reaches the ribs. It presses on the lungs, stomach, intestines and bladder. Hence all the complaints of expectant mothers about constipation, heartburn, nausea, shortness of breath, frequent urges to urination. These symptoms will accompany a woman until the birth. Breathing exercises, gymnastics for pregnant women and eating in small portions will help to minimize discomfort from them.

Weight gain by week 27 can be 8-9 kg. This is considered the norm of weight at this time. All extra pounds can only negatively affect the health and condition of the mother and the development of the fetus. For pregnant twins, this norm is slightly higher, it is considered permissible to gain up to 10-11 kg.

The gait becomes more and more clumsy. The stomach at week 27 becomes quite large and begins to interfere: it is difficult to put on shoes or pick up a fallen thing from the floor. Don't be afraid to ask others for help.

At 27-28 weeks of pregnancy, another unpleasant symptom- leg cramps. They usually occur during rest or sleep. The most common causes are a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6. In addition, seizures can occur with low hemoglobin levels in the blood, changes in sugar content, and varicose veins. The presence of seizures should be reported to the doctor at a scheduled visit.

When cramps appear, in order to save yourself from discomfort, you need to straighten your leg and pull your toe towards you. Literally in a couple of seconds, relief will come, and within a minute all unpleasant sensations will disappear.

What is happening with the baby?

At 27 weeks pregnant, the baby is very active. The child sends “news” to mom and dad, pushing with legs and arms. Dad can already feel the fetal movements well, putting his hand to his stomach. With very strong and sharp movements, if you carefully look at the stomach, you can see how it moves.

How should the fetus be positioned?

Starting from 27-28 weeks of pregnancy, a breech presentation of the fetus can be diagnosed. Before this period, such a diagnosis is not made, since the child is very small and can roll over quite often. Now the movements of the fetus are constrained, inside the uterus it is no longer as spacious as before. It is believed that by the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus should be head down. However, the diagnosis is still only preliminary. The doctor will carefully monitor the position of the baby until the birth.

As practice shows, some children take correct position only at 9 months of pregnancy. When breech presentation Your doctor may recommend special exercises to encourage your baby to roll over. You should listen carefully and follow all the instructions of your doctor.

Fetal development

The weight of the child at week 27 is 900 grams, and his height is 30-35 cm. The child sleeps almost 20 hours a day, but often wakes up to roll over and say hello to mom.

By this time, the fetus has already formed all the organs and systems. He gradually accumulates fat. He increasingly swallows the fluid surrounding him, thereby forcing the functioning of the lungs and digestive organs. Starting from 7 months of intrauterine development, it is considered that the fetus is fully viable. preterm birth now not as scary as in earlier periods.

At week 27, the baby's immune system begins its active functioning. Now the child himself protects himself from foreign viruses and bacteria. The baby's body also reacts to various allergens. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised to exclude from their diet foods that can cause an allergic reaction.

The fetus at week 27 is actively developing:

  • his skeleton continues to strengthen and his muscles develop;
  • he often stretches and rolls from side to side;
  • hormones are actively accumulated in the pituitary gland;
  • the skin ceases to be transparent, hiding the system of blood vessels underneath;
  • vellus body hair takes on a darker shade;
  • the baby can distinguish some smells, feel tastes;
  • he also experiences pain, like a full-term baby;
  • it reacts to light, sounds, warm and cold water.

What tests should be done at 27 weeks pregnant?

Complete urinalysis and blood counts are the most important tests that you will have to take throughout your pregnancy. A urinalysis gives an idea of ​​the condition of the kidneys, and a blood test will allow you to estimate the amount of hemoglobin. At each examination, the doctor weighs and gives recommendations if the weight limit is exceeded, measures the circumference of the abdomen, listens to the baby's heartbeat, and asks about the presence of complaints. It is important to tell the doctor about all the ailments.

Planned ultrasound at this time is not performed. If you have been prescribed it, then the doctor has reasons for this. Ultrasound may be prescribed to determine the position of the child, assess the condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: How often should a baby move in the third trimester?

A: In the third trimester, women already feel all the movements of the baby, including hiccups. Normally, the child should move at least 10 times within 2 hours. This takes into account not only strong kicks and pushes, but also rolling, turning and barely noticeable movements. To correctly calculate the number of movements, you need to choose the time when the child is most active, take a comfortable position, for example, reclining, and concentrate on your feelings. If within 2 hours, the number of movements is less than 10, you should tell your doctor about your observations.

Q: 27 weeks of pregnancy why does the baby often hiccup is it dangerous?

A: This is a completely natural process. child swallows amniotic fluid and this causes hiccups. Also, some experts believe that this is how the child's body prepares for its first breath after childbirth.

V .: The 27th week of pregnancy has gone, the stomach often began to stony. What could it be: workouts or tone? Is it dangerous?

A: Feeling a hard belly can be a sign of both tone and training contractions. Training contractions are the norm and prepare the muscles of the uterus for the upcoming birth, and the tone can be dangerous. It is better to consult a doctor, describe in detail the symptoms and the frequency for exact definition causes.

What should mom do at 27 weeks?

Most women, even later dates pregnancies continue to be active labor activity. But you need to remember that excessive physical and emotional stress negatively affects the baby. What are trips to public transport at rush hour. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to go on maternity leave early, you should use it. For example, you can take a vacation that you are entitled to by law, and then go on maternity leave.

At week 27, women are often tormented by heartburn and nausea. To avoid these unpleasant sensations, you need to adjust your menu.

Try not to overeat and eat small meals. Avoid salty and fried foods as much as possible. If you went for a walk, then take a biscuit cookie or an apple with you. A small snack will prevent you from succumbing to the temptation to eat junk food.

Pregnancy brings noticeable changes in the figure. But these changes are the most beautiful and suit all women very much. Do not try to put on old things that have become small for you. They will be uncomfortable for both you and the baby. Get loose-fitting clothes that don't restrict your movements.

To strengthen your immunity and reduce the load on the spine, sign up for a pool. Swimming is the best exercise stress for a pregnant woman. Perfect option- Go to class with your spouse.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up a beautiful hairstyle or makeup. You should enjoy your wonderful state, feel desired and loved. During the decree, try to rest more and gain strength before the upcoming birth. The first months after the birth of a child can be very difficult, so take advantage of the moment and relax.

External changes in a woman's body are associated with preparation for future motherhood. During the first months of pregnancy, the breast has managed to increase in size, and now a small amount of colostrum can be released from it. This normal phenomenon if there are no ailments.

Due to changes in the hormonal background, a woman has dark spots, which after the end of pregnancy disappear without a trace.

In addition, changes in mood are possible. If in the first months this was the result of early toxicosis with nausea or vomiting and other ailments, now the mother has worries about the upcoming birth.

Exactly 27 weeks have passed since the first day of the last menstruation, followed by ovulation and fertilization of the egg by the sperm. If in the first weeks there is a high probability of detachment of the embryo (blastocyst) from the wall of the uterus, then over time its position will stabilize. It begins to actively develop and increase in size. By week 27, a strongly grown tummy causes a lot of problems for a pregnant woman. The uterus affects the lower region, which includes the intestines and bladder. You need to be prepared for consequences such as digestive problems and frequent urination.

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To cope with constipation, heartburn, bloating, doctors recommend that mom keep a diet that allows you to establish the process of bowel movement. But with frequent urges to the toilet "in a small way" you need to put up with it: in no case should you endure it, it can harm the genitourinary system. It is especially difficult for a woman at night, sometimes you have to visit the toilet several times.

The impressive size of the uterus presses not only down, but also up, closely adhering to the diaphragm. Hence the problems with breathing - shortness of breath. There is a feeling of stale breathing. If done before deep breath was not difficult, but now with this there are difficulties.

Sleep problems are a common occurrence at 27 weeks. They may be due to experiences, due to running to the toilet or some other factor. Sometimes, it's just that mom and baby don't have the same sleep and wake patterns. A woman feels well the movements of her child in the womb, and if the baby wants to play at night, then the mother has to not sleep with him. During too active stirring, experts recommend calming the child with stroking and a lullaby.

Pain at 27 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that most of the pregnancy is over, the expectant mother may feel pain from time to time. Discomfort is caused by a number of reasons and usually does not lead to miscarriage. It is important to know them so as not to be confused with a real threat of abortion.

  • Pain on the sides of the abdomen and in the lower back is the result of stretching of the muscular ligaments of the uterus.
  • Pain in the legs, cramps and swelling appear due to various circumstances. Deficiency can cause cramps nutrients in the body (for example, calcium), and excessive swelling indicates problems with the kidneys, non-compliance drinking regime or too much exercise.
  • Pain and whirling in the head, sudden onset of drowsiness and weakness. One reason may be occlusion by the uterus of the vena cava, which supplies blood to the heart.
  • Pain in anus cause frequent constipation. In this case, most likely the pregnant woman has hemorrhoids, which should be treated by a specialist.

Temperature and cold

The immunity of a woman during pregnancy weakens its protective functions, so her body is susceptible to infection with various kinds of diseases. First of all, it is about viral infections. In order not to catch a cold, gynecologists recommend that their patients be more thoughtful about their pastimes. It is best to give preference to meeting at home with a narrow group of friends, rather than going to a crowded gathering. In public places, the risk of catching an infection is higher. In addition, in order not to catch a cold, you need to dress according to the weather, keep your feet warm and eat foods rich in phytoncides (garlic and onions) during epidemics.

If the body still could not withstand the pressure of bacteria, and a cold overcame it, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Monitor temperature. If it is kept at the level of 37-37.5 degrees, then it is not necessary to knock it down with medicines. Elevated body temperature is often observed during pregnancy. If the mark on the thermometer approaches 38 degrees, you need to drink paracetamol.
  2. When the first signs of a cold appear, you need to make an appointment with a therapist and gynecologist. Doctors will advise the safest and most effective methods of dealing with a cold during pregnancy. If the temperature rises, you need to call a doctor at home.
  3. To prevent dehydration, you should take a warm drink: teas, fruit drinks, milk.
  4. As safe means can be used folk methods: rinsing and inhalation with infusions of medicinal herbs.
  5. Indicated during illness bed rest in a well ventilated room.

Discharge at the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy

Allocations at the 27th week of pregnancy are profuse. Compared with the first months, now you can watch on your underwear more content from the genital tract. Some moms might be worried about this. But experts reassure: at this time, this is the norm. Most importantly, the color and consistency should not change. If blood has appeared from the vagina, then you must immediately go to the hospital to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Often at 27 weeks pregnant women develop candidiasis or thrush. to the symptoms of this unpleasant disease refer curdled discharge with a sour smell, itching and soreness in the vaginal area.

Thrush needs to be urgently treated and get rid of it before childbirth. Otherwise, it may harm the health of the child.

  • If you haven't signed up for mums-to-be yet, now is the time. These classes are useful in that they deal with issues that are increasingly troubling a woman. These are issues of the health of the child and mother, preparation for childbirth, for breastfeeding. In addition, at such courses, the expectant mother can distract from her experiences, communicate with doctors and other pregnant women. Fathers are also invited to some classes.
  • If your work involves sitting in one position for a long time, then you need to get up and stretch your body as often as possible. Thus, it will be possible to avoid edema, varicose veins.
  • Walk in places rich in oxygen. Of course, it is not easy to find such sites within the city, but try to get out to nearby forest plantations, parks and squares as often as possible. Saturation of the body with oxygen is good for you and for the baby.

  • Talk to your child, tell how your day went, be interested in his affairs. The baby can already respond with pushes. Constant communication with the baby will certainly bear fruit, establishing a relationship with the mother, not only now, but also after childbirth.
  • Despite the fact that she is no longer sick, a woman needs to monitor weight gain. reconsider diet by eliminating high-calorie foods.

It is important to continue to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. The volume of the mother's stomach has decreased due to the growing uterus, so you need to eat in small portions. The diet of a pregnant woman at this time should be based on foods rich in proteins and calcium: milk and sour milk, fish and low-fat beef, nuts. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits, soups, cereals will benefit. Nutritionists recommend eating buckwheat, which, together with liver and spinach, replenish iron stores in a woman's body.

And now about the sad - about the list of products, the use of which needs to be reduced or eliminated altogether. The expectant mother should not drink alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks. Fast food, fast food, as well as dishes that are spicy and fatty will go to the detriment. Foods cooked in oil will be too heavy for a pregnant woman's stomach and may exacerbate digestive problems. Too salty foods provoke the appearance of edema.

The use of buns, pies, pies and other flour products should be reduced to a minimum. They do not bring any benefit to the body, but cause the appearance of candidiasis or lead to rapid weight gain. It is considered normal if a woman from the moment of conception to 27 weeks has gained no more than 7-8 kg.

Vitamins at 27 weeks pregnant

Considering the unfavorable ecological situation and the intense rhythm of life in which we live, it is not suitable for any person to drink vitamins. What can we say about the body of a pregnant woman, who is sorely lacking in nutrients to ensure the normal functioning of both mother and child. This is where multivitamin preparations designed specifically for pregnant women come to the rescue.

According to studies, the expectant mother needs 1.5 times more useful trace elements than before pregnancy. You need to drink vitamin complexes strictly according to the doctor's indications, observing the dosage and regimen.

Physical activity

By week 27, it is quite difficult for some pregnant women to maintain their former physical activity. However, it is necessary through "I don't want" and "I can't" to force myself to move as much as possible. The simplest and affordable way- walks in the park or just down the street. You can do it alone or in a pleasant company. It is important to dress comfortable clothes and shoes that will reduce the load on the legs while walking.

Some mothers enroll in courses for pregnant women, which, in addition to the lecture part, include physical exercise and breathing exercises. These classes are very effective, because they are designed specifically for pregnant women, and will come in handy during childbirth.

Physical activity during pregnancy can help you:

  • with edema and convulsions;
  • with urinary incontinence, possible in the last months of pregnancy;
  • with problems in digestion;
  • with postpartum problems.

For especially advanced mothers who prefer an active lifestyle, pregnancy does not become an obstacle to practicing their favorite sports. They go to water aerobics, and yoga, visit the gym.

Sex at 27 weeks pregnant

At 27 weeks pregnant sex life not contraindicated unless there are serious reasons for doing so. The reason for imposing a ban on intimate life may be various problems that have arisen at this time: the threat of premature birth, pathology of the cervix, disturbances in the work of the placenta, preeclampsia, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios. Also, the doctor may advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse if the pregnant woman has a history of miscarriages or multiple pregnancies.

Required studies and analyzes

For a period of 27 weeks, the expectant mother should visit a gynecologist at least once every two weeks. Thus, closer to childbirth, you will have to visit the doctor more and more often. This will make it possible to monitor the health of the baby, assess the parameters of its development and readiness for generic process. At the appointment, the doctor performs the following procedures:

  • measuring the volume of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus;
  • listening to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope;
  • measurement of weight and blood pressure;
  • interpretation of blood and urine tests.

As usual, the doctor will carefully consider the result of the tests to exclude the presence of common diseases - anemia, cystitis, hypertension or hypotension.


A planned ultrasound is performed at 19-22 weeks along with a triple test, including testing for hCG, alpha-fetoprotein and estriol. If a pregnant woman was sent for an ultrasound at the 27th week of pregnancy, then the doctor has suspicions of the occurrence of a pathology. The ultrasound method allows you to make the correct diagnosis.