Recipes for masks for heels at night. What to make a softening mask for heels? Proven recipes for foot masks at home

massage, body wraps, nourishing masks for feet - all these care products not only provide an aesthetic appearance feet, but also help to maintain the ease and grace of gait. Feet that are prone to the appearance of corns, cracks, calluses, suffering from excessive sweating, swelling need special care. Cosmetic procedures help relieve heaviness in the legs, relax tense muscles, restore blood circulation.

Features of care

Dry, rough skin of the feet should be saturated with vitamins and nutrients, moisturized, and cleaned of layers of dead epidermis. Masks are best suited for these purposes. At home, it is not difficult to prepare such masks; for this, the simplest and most proven means are suitable.

Moisturizing masks

Olive oil wrap

In a water bath, heat 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil, applied to the feet with a cotton swab, wrapped with plastic wrap. Then the legs are wrapped warm cloth. Keep the mixture for 2 hours, then wash off with warm water and soap.

Honey masks

  • Take 2 tablespoons of honey, add 6 tablespoons vegetable oil and one grated apple. Apply the mixture on gauze, apply to the feet. The mask is kept for 30 minutes, then the gauze with the composition is removed and washed off with water. room temperature.
  • You will need 5 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 4 tbsp. l. sour cream, half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey. Mix cereal and sour cream, wait 15 minutes until the cereal swells. Then add juice with honey, mix. Apply the resulting composition to the feet, bandage with clean gauze. Then lie down in bed with your legs elevated. After 25 minutes, the mask is removed, washed off with warm water, then rinsed with cold water, blotted and lie for another 10 minutes.
  • Honey and kefir, taken in the ratio of 1 tbsp. l. to 4 tbsp. l., mix well, add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Apply to the feet, lie down with legs raised, keep the mask for 25 minutes. Then wash off the composition and lie for another 10 minutes.

Zucchini mask

Finely chopped zucchini mixed with vegetable oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin well. To prepare the mask, it is enough to take 2-3 tablespoons of zucchini and 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil. The mixture is applied to the heels and to areas with rough skin, wrapped cling film and leave for 20 minutes. The agent is washed off with cool water.


Shallow cracks on the heels, between the toes, coarsened areas of the sole can be treated with exfoliating masks. Treatment deep cracks more difficult because there is a risk of infection. When self-medicating, contamination can be introduced into an open wound and seriously harm your health. It's not worth the risk, and if a crack in the heel causes sharp pain when walking, you need to see a doctor. Homemade exfoliating masks do an excellent job with small cracks.

Onion and honey

The composition of boiled or baked onions and honey returns beauty to the heels. Before the peeling procedure, the feet must be steamed to soften rough skin.

  • Bake or boil the onion, mash with a fork;
  • add about a spoonful of natural honey;
  • to stir thoroughly;
  • the mixture is applied to roughened areas of the skin, wrapped with cling film;
  • leave the mask for 40 minutes.

Peeling masks are removed with a dry cloth, after which the feet are washed with warm water.

tomato and salt

This scrub can easily be made with a medium-sized ripe tomato and half a teaspoon of salt. The tomato mashed into gruel is sprinkled with salt and applied to the heels. The feet are wrapped with cling film, put on cotton socks. Remove the mask after 20-30 minutes, wash off the residue with warm water.


The mask has an exfoliating and softening effect, copes well with small cracks on the heels.

  • Pour a liter of well-washed potato peels and a handful of flaxseed into water and cook until a thick slurry is obtained;
  • lower your feet into the gruel for 5 minutes;
  • put on cotton socks for another 20 minutes without wiping the mixture;
  • wash off with warm water.

Remedy for sweaty feet

  • Mix 2 parts sea salt with 1 part olive oil;
  • Apply the mixture on the feet and massage for 5 minutes.

After the mask, it is useful to make a pleasant, warm, relaxing foot bath with infusions of sage, rosehip or oak bark. If sweating of the feet is accompanied bad smell, then orange or lemon peels are added to the bath, and to the mask - essential oil lavender.


To exfoliate the dead epidermis on the heels and soles of the feet, any natural abrasive will do. After treating the legs with scrubs, nourishing creams or masks must be applied. In this case, the vitamins and nutritional components of the formulations are much better absorbed after scrubbing the feet. Every kitchen has coffee grounds, Walnut, sugar, salt. With the help of these natural abrasive substances, excellent foot masks are prepared.

  • Mix sugar and vegetable oil in a ratio of 2 to 1;
  • shredded septum five walnuts grind with raw egg yolk;
  • coffee grounds are ground with sour cream until a thick slurry is obtained and applied to the heels.

For sensitive skin

Milk whey and honey

  • 100 g of whey and a spoonful of honey mix well;
  • apply to the skin of the feet;
  • Rinse with cool water after 30 minutes.


A mask made from apple juice, vegetable oil, honey, taken in a proportion of 3 tbsp, tones and nourishes the skin well. l. : 5 tbsp. l. : 2 tbsp. l. The composition is applied for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Useful for the skin of the feet are rejuvenating and toning masks from steamed green tea leaves and lemon peel. Tea leaves are taken immediately after brewing. The mixture should be comfortably warm, it is left on the skin of the feet for 20-25 minutes.

Nourishing masks

Cottage cheese and sour cream

Soothing nourishing masks from dairy products are useful for feet. IN short term curd applications return softness and elasticity to the skin. For the preparation of this effective cosmetic home remedy four tablespoons of cottage cheese and two tablespoons of sour cream are enough. The mass is carefully ground and applied to the feet. Then wrap the feet with cling film and put on socks. Remove the composition after 30-45 minutes.

Egg yolk and lemon juice

Nourishes and restores elasticity to the skin of the feet composition prepared from one yolk, spoon lemon juice and half a spoon potato starch. The composition is applied to cleansed skin, withstand time until the mask dries.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin masks nourish, moisturize the skin, have a warming and relaxing effect on the muscles of the feet. The procedure is easy to perform at home. Pieces cosmetic paraffin put in a special bath. While the pieces of paraffin are melted, the skin of the feet is prepared for the procedure. First, it is cleaned with a scrub, then a good nourishing and moisturizing cream is applied.

After melting the paraffin and reaching comfortable temperature feet are slowly lowered into the bath. After 10 seconds, the legs are slowly removed from the bath and the film is allowed to dry. This is done several times. Then they put a plastic bag on the feet, wrap it with a warm cloth or scarf, leave it for 20-30 minutes. Paraffin film smoothes fine wrinkles of dry skin, tones, rejuvenates skin. The benefits of such a mask are difficult to overestimate. It relieves, fights salt deposits, reduces pain in arthritis. However, the procedure has contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • skin diseases;
  • open wounds.

Roughening of the skin on the feet, the appearance of cracks on the heels and on the nails may indicate possible problems with health. And if all the efforts made do not give a sustainable result, you should probably sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist and therapist to rule out fungal infection or internal diseases.

Every woman tries to pay maximum attention to her body, but it happens that some invisible areas are simply overlooked, most often it is the skin on the heels. Masks for the night for the feet will allow you to restore softness to the feet, prevent the appearance of cracks or heal existing ones, however, to achieve the desired effect, you need to make a little effort.

Night masks for heels have high efficiency, but only in cases where keratinized skin is cosmetic defect, which is caused by external factors. Otherwise, a woman should visit a dermatologist and find out the underlying problem, and then begin appropriate treatment.

Foot masks have a beneficial effect not only on the heels, which are most often subjected to physical impact, but also on the entire foot, improving blood circulation, healing wounds, softening rough skin. Special contraindications to the use of folk cosmetics no, not counting only the individual intolerance of the constituent components.

For people suffering from deep cracks in the heels, traditional doctors recommend trying a foot mask consisting of wax, paraffin and 10% salicylic acid. All ingredients are taken in approximately equal amounts, combined in a dry container and heated in a water bath until smooth. Next, the resulting mixture is slightly cooled, soaked with a cotton swab and lubricated with problem areas, after which it is allowed to dry a little and another 2 layers are applied. When the procedure for applying the mask is completed, cotton socks are put on the legs and left overnight. In the morning, the legs are thoroughly washed in a soda-soap solution, the heels are treated with pumice stone and a softening cream is applied, a similar procedure is done until the problem disappears, as a rule, 3-5 sessions are enough.

The following softening heel mask consists of cinquefoil rhizomes and vegetable or butter. The rhizomes are crushed, put in a saucepan and poured with vegetable oil (1:10), heated in a water bath for about one hour, and then cooled to room temperature. Before applying the product, the feet are washed with warm water and thoroughly wiped, the mask is applied in a thin layer, trying to gently rub into the wounds, at the end of the procedure, the feet are bandaged. In the morning, the bandages are removed, the remnants of the ointment are removed with a cotton pad, the legs are washed in a soda-soap solution and lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Gives a striking effect zucchini mask for legs: at night, gruel from grated zucchini is applied to problem areas, wrapped with polyethylene on top, fixed with a bandage or put on socks. In the morning, the remnants of gruel are washed off with warm water, the heels are treated with pumice stone and applied thin layer nourishing cream. A mask of apricot or peach pulp has the same effect, the procedure is carried out in the same way as the previous one.

Before going to bed, they wash their feet in warm soapy water, gently treating the heels with pumice, and then rinse clean water and wipe dry. Existing cracks are first wiped with alcohol, and then castor oil, at the end of the procedure, the heels are powdered with talcum powder, prepared from dried chamomile flowers, ground into powder.

most popular home mask that makes the skin of the feet "silk" is a mixture of glycerin and vinegar essence. cook medicinal composition quite simply, vinegar is simply added to the bottle with glycerin so that the container is completely filled and shaken vigorously several times. The resulting liquid is impregnated cotton pad and thoroughly lubricate the keratinized skin, put on top of the legs plastic bags and fix with a bandage. In the morning, the feet are washed in warm water and the heels are lightly rubbed with a pumice stone, after which they are rinsed, wiped thoroughly and any greasy cream is applied. Usually, good result noticeable after the first procedure, however, if the heels are running, then you can spend several sessions in a row.

Earlier in the villages, cracks in the heels were treated with steamed elecampane root, the procedure was required at night, for 7-9 days. Excellent effect also gives a foot mask of sour cream, cottage cheese and natural bee honey (1:2:1). To prepare the composition, the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, if the honey is candied, it is heated in a water bath or in a microwave. All prepared components are combined and ground until smooth, after which light in a circular motion rub the mass into the skin of the foot and upper part of the feet, wrap it with polyethylene on top and put on warm socks. You can keep the mask for about an hour, but experienced experts say that the best effect can be obtained if you leave the mixture overnight.

Ordinary petroleum jelly is no less effective, but it should be used only if you need to slightly soften the skin. Immediately before the procedure, the legs are steamed in a soda-soap solution, the heels are treated with a special grater or pumice stone, after which they are thoroughly wiped and a small layer of petroleum jelly is applied instead of a cream.

head onion baked in the oven, when it is ready, it is ground into gruel, cooled and the resulting mass is applied to the keratinized areas all night. In the morning, the remnants of the mask are removed with a cotton pad, and the feet are wiped with pumice stone, after about 4-5 procedures, the skin condition will improve significantly.

One fresh egg mixed with 15 ml of vegetable oil and 10 ml of vinegar, soak a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and apply it to problem areas at night, wash off the mixture in the morning and lubricate the heels with any fat cream.

Thanks to the above night foot masks, every woman will be able to easily and quickly restore her lost beauty to her heels, because all the recipes provided have already been tested by more than one generation, so they have proven their effectiveness and reliability.

A real woman is impeccable in everything, she carefully monitors the condition of her skin. It's no secret that achieving a state of perfection is sometimes not at all easy, especially when it comes to foot skin care.

Causes of rough skin

Feet need regular care, otherwise the skin begins to roughen and cracks appear. But before you take action and see if it helps to get rid of rough skin exfoliating foot mask at home, you need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

The legs need regular care, otherwise the skin begins to coarsen and cracks appear.

To the most common reasons skin roughness include:

  1. Tight and improperly selected shoes, as well as high heels, adversely affect the health of the feet. Due to the inconvenience when wearing, the skin on the heels becomes rough and rough;
  2. In people with overweight the load on the feet increases, so the skin on them quickly coarsens;
  3. Often the cause of coarsening of the skin and the appearance of the stratum corneum are fungal diseases skin. Therefore, before starting exfoliating procedures, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, it may be necessary to prescribe antifungal drugs;
  4. It happens that rough heels can occur as a result of metabolic problems.

Why feet need care

Love to high heels, excessive exercise stress lead to problems.

Love for high heels, excessive physical activity lead to problems.

Dry calluses, "corns" appear, the skin on the heels becomes dry and rough.

Cosmetic procedures help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the legs, relax muscles from tension, restore blood circulation. Help female legs can exfoliating foot mask at home.

The use of such masks allows the skin to renew itself, get rid of dead cells and become more tender.

Before starting the procedure for applying the mask, it is necessary to undergo a preparatory procedure in the form of a foot bath.

Before starting the procedure for applying the mask, it is necessary to undergo a preparatory procedure in the form of a foot bath.

Add to bath water:

The second step is the preparation of an exfoliating foot mask. It is easy to make at home, here are some recipes.

Masks with dairy products

Reading the composition of store cosmetics, you can find a component such as lactic acid. This component gently exfoliates dead cells, acting on the upper layer of the epidermis.

Thanks to this property, dairy products and their derivatives have found their application in cosmetology.

Dairy products and their derivatives have found their application in cosmetology.

Mask with kefir

Need to:

  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • table salt 1 tsp;
  • oat flakes - 90 - 100 g.

Mix kefir with ordinary salt, mix in oatmeal and wait a certain amount of time for the flakes to swell. Then apply the prepared mixture on the sole of the foot(after a thermal bath), wrap with cling film and leave for about one hour.

We apply the prepared mixture on the sole of the foot, wrap it with cling film and leave it for about one hour.

Then wash off the mixture. warm water, we process the skin of the heels with a pumice stone or a cosmetic grater. Apply a softening cream and put on socks.

Mask with sour cream

Suitable for skin prone to dryness. To increase the gommage effect, add ground coffee or corn grits to sour cream. The composition should be applied to the skin of the legs and kept for 30 minutes, then it is thoroughly washed off.

To make an exfoliating foot mask at home, you can take any fermented milk product(yogurt, curdled milk), which will be in your refrigerator.

Sour cream masks suitable for skin prone to dryness.

Herbal masks

Mask with celandine

This grass grows in many gardens, but is considered a weed, but in fact, it has medicinal properties. It contains substances that have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Required fresh grass celandine, grind it in a blender and apply the resulting gruel on the soles of the feet and wrap it with cling film.

So that more sensitive areas of the skin do not get burned, it is necessary to treat them with a greasy cream. After 30 minutes, wash off the product, apply nutritious cream.

You will need fresh celandine grass, grind it in a blender and apply the resulting slurry to the feet and wrap it with cling film.

Plantain mask


  • plantain grass - 20 gr;
  • burdock leaves - 10-20 gr;
  • green onion -10 gr.

We grind all the components of the exfoliating foot mask to a homogeneous mixture, put it on a bandage and wrap the feet, wrap it with cling film and put on socks.

Such a mask, prepared at home, promotes healing of cracked heels.

A homemade plantain-based mask helps heal cracked heels.

Masks with cereals

Oat mask


  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped nuts - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream.

We take flour, mix with chopped nuts (you can use almonds), add sour cream, mix everything to get a homogeneous mixture. Apply to feet and leave for 20 minutes.

An oat mask is also effective tool for legs.

Rinse with running water, treat the feet with a foot file. At the end of the procedure, we apply cream on the legs, you can put on socks.

Oatmeal mask


  • oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • oil (preferably olive) -2 tbsp. l.

To create this tool it is necessary to cook flakes or brew in boiling water, add olive oil (it softens and nourishes the skin well, makes it supple). Apply the mixture on the feet, hold for 1 hour, rinse off, treat the feet.

To create this tool, you need to cook flakes or brew in boiling water.

Other masks

Aspirin mask

Have to take:

  • aspirin - 1 blister;
  • some water (5 ml);
  • lemon juice (10 drops).

Crush the tablets into powder, add water, add lemon juice, mix. Further you should apply the resulting slurry on the feet and wrap with cling film.

Aspirin tablets should be crushed into powder, add water, add lemon juice, mix.

Keep the mask for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The skin of the legs must be treated (remove the softened stratum corneum) with pumice.

Mask with semolina and sea salt


  • scroup semolina - half a glass .;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey -2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Pour semolina, salt into the container, add sour cream, mix until smooth. If there is no allergy to honey, then add it to the mixture as well.

First, pour sea salt into the container.

We apply the product, wrap it with polyethylene or cling film, you can put socks on top. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, treat with pumice stone, then lubricate with cream.

Ground coffee mask


  • coffee - 5 tbsp. l.
  • salt (sea) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
  • olive oil)

This homemade exfoliating foot mask has nice smell and is an excellent scrub, but there is a small drawback - if there are cracks on the heels, they can temporarily stain.

The coffee exfoliating foot mask at home has a pleasant smell and is a great scrub.

We take ground coffee, mix with salt and cinnamon, pour in the oil, mix until smooth. Apply to the skin of the feet with massage movements, hold for 20 minutes.

Rinse off, treat the feet with pumice stone, apply cream. Such the mask perfectly tones the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Masks prepared at home must be used in courses. Only then will the tangible effect of these procedures be seen.

Masks prepared at home must be used in courses. Only then will the tangible effect of these procedures be seen.

The course is 3-4 months, the procedures are carried out 2 times a week.

Instant masks

Now in the cosmetic industry there are masks-socks for legs of instant action.

They include:

Mask-socks dissolves the keratinized layer of skin on the feet and also helps to remove dry calluses. This effect is obtained as a result of exposure to fruit acids that make up the mask.

This mask also improves metabolic processes in tissues and injected into the skin nutrients included in the composition, and also normalizes the work of the sweat glands.

In the cosmetics market, there are several famous brands. Among the famous ones are L'Etoile, SOSU, Avon.

Applying an instant exfoliating foot mask at home is not difficult. Before using the mask, wash your feet thoroughly with soap and dry with a towel.

Applying an instant exfoliating foot mask at home is not difficult. Wash your feet thoroughly before using the mask. feet with soap, wipe with a towel.

After two hours, remove the socks and rinse with warm water. Usually separation of exfoliated skin begins 3-4 days after applying the mask. The appearance of the legs at the same time leaves much to be desired, but everything is leveled by the effect of skin renewal (heels like a baby).

Unpack the product, put on socks, cotton socks can be added on top, so the mask will fit better to the skin.

Important to remember! The exfoliated layer of skin comes off naturally, the use of additional mechanical way(treatment with pumice stone) to remove the skin is prohibited.

In this article we will talk about the stages of caring for our legs. We will especially carefully analyze foot masks at home, their types and the effects that they give us. The skin of our body requires regular care. It's like going to the gym. The effect will be if you practice regularly.

Today we will talk about the skin of the legs. We all want to prepare our feet for the summer, but many of us forget that the skin of the feet requires care both in winter and in autumn. If you always give the legs the right care, then you will not have corns, corns, cracks on the heels or. The skin of the legs will always delight you with its pleasant color, silkiness, elasticity.

1. The first procedure is foot baths. Remember how pleasant it is to put your feet in a bath with sea salt and oil after a working day. The legs then become soft, pleasant, smooth. It has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. The legs are steamed, and this helps us get rid of corns.

Soak your feet for 15 minutes, or until the corns become white color. A foot bath can have a relaxing, cleansing, softening, tonic effect. Everything will depend on the components you choose. For cleansing, for example, you can add soda, for toning it is suitable sea ​​salt, and for a firming effect - needles or chamomile.

If you decide to come to the salon, you can make an exfoliating bath with special fish there.

2. After cleansing, there is a stage of exfoliation or peeling of the legs. It can be alternated with masks. The main property of peeling is the cleansing of the skin from dead cells, it produces the effect of a scrub. The mask has more wide range effect on our skin. But still, if you want to achieve an exfoliating effect, then peeling will not be equal.

It should be noted right away that you can do the procedure for exfoliating the legs in the salon and at home. If you decide to peel at home, then you will need a foot scrub, pumice stone and a pedicure brush. Brushes will have to be purchased, but you can make a scrub yourself.

To prepare a scrub, you need to take granular components. It can be ground coffee, rice, sea salt, ground eggshell and nuts. You can mix granular components with vegetable oil, sour cream.

At home, you can choose the components that suit you best. In addition, you will save money and time that you would spend in the salon. effect from home peeling will be no worse, and sometimes even better.

Especially in Lately there were a lot of interesting things. For example, peeling socks. The effect received from them is enough for six months. This is by no means an alternative to a pedicure. But it is useful to carry out such deep exfoliation at least 2 times a year.

3. The next stage of care is massage and application of cream on the legs and skin of the feet. Massage improves blood flow, relieves fatigue, improves many processes in the body, becomes smooth and elastic. Massage movements will help to relax, and the cream will nourish your skin.

Massage can also be used when applying a scrub, it will cleanse the skin well and remove dead skin particles.

See in the video how to do self-massage of the legs:

4. The beauty of our feet largely depends on the condition of the nails. Therefore, they also need to be given due attention. Toenails should not be cut very short so that they do not grow into the skin. The cuticle must be covered with oil, and then gently pushed back with a wooden stick. The nails themselves must be covered by special means for strengthening, against brittleness. In order to protect against environment nails are recommended to be varnished.

How to do a pedicure at home, see the video:

Types of masks

Currently, there are a huge number of foot masks. Many masks act on our skin from several sides at once. Therefore, first we will talk about the types of masks, and then about folk recipes.

  • Exfoliating masks are scrubs that we have already talked about. We need to renew our skin. Such masks will save you from dead cells, corns.
  • Softening masks. The skin on the legs, and especially on the feet, is exposed to heavy load, so often we are faced with the fact that the skin becomes rough and cracked. In such a situation, softening masks will come in handy. After all, every woman dreams of the owner of soft, pleasant, smooth, charming legs.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing masks. Often cracks and dries out. In this case, moisturizing and nourishing masks will help you out. Many advise to do them only in summer period. But I think you will agree that skin needs care all year round.

homemade recipes

Recently become popular in use paraffin masks. They are used for hands, face, legs, body. They have a fairly wide range of influence. improve blood circulation, stimulate metabolism, moisturize the skin. This procedure creates the effect of a sauna.

For such masks, it is recommended to buy paraffin in a pharmacy, you can use flavored paraffin or add essential oil yourself. The skin before the mask must be cleaned, the paraffin must be melted. Before applying the mask to your feet, you need to check on your wrist that it is not hot. Feet should be immersed in paraffin 3-4 times. After each dive, wait until the paraffin stops dripping. Next, wrap your feet in a film or bags and put on warm socks. Through the socks best effect you need to massage your feet. The mask must be kept for 15-20 minutes, then the paraffin must be removed and discarded.

  1. Aspirin masks are in good demand. You need to take 10 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, grind. To the resulting powder, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. water. The mixture should be applied to the feet, wrap the legs in cellophane and put on warm socks. So walk for 20 minutes, then the mask must be washed off, we remove dead skin with a pumice stone and apply a moisturizer.
  2. Mask for cracked heels. It is necessary to take 1 tbsp. castor oil and medical alcohol, 1 tsp. crushed chamomile flowers, 4 tsp. talc. Next, mix the ingredients and apply on the heels. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.
  3. Nourishing foot mask. The composition of the mask includes 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. sour cream. We mix the components and apply on the skin of the feet for 30 minutes, put on bags and warm socks. The mask perfectly nourishes rough skin and helps you get rid of corns.
  4. Moisturizing mask with oatmeal. For the mask, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal (it should be porridge boiled in water), 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil(or any other vegetable). We apply the mask on the feet, put on bags and warm socks, and walk like this for 2 hours. The mask is suitable for dry skin of the feet, saves from small cracks.
  5. Castor oil for tired legs. After the bath, it is recommended to lubricate the legs with castor oil. After 15 minutes, fatigue will pass.
  6. Mask 3 in 1. You need to take 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon. Mix the ingredients, add olive oil to make a slurry. We apply the mask from the fingers to the knees and wrap it with cling film. We hold the mask for 20 minutes, raising our legs. will help remove swelling and tone the skin, sea salt and coffee exfoliate, and the oil nourishes the skin of the legs.
  7. To overcome sweating of the feet and make the skin of the feet elastic, make clay masks. It is necessary to dilute the clay with water and apply it on your feet for 20 minutes. The mask is recommended to do 2 times a week. Cosmetologists for these purposes offer blue clay, it can be applied all over the body. In addition to the fact that clay saves from sweating, it saves from swelling, improves microcirculation, and you get quick effect skin whitening.
  8. Moisturizing mask with honey. Grate one apple, add 2 tbsp. l. honey and 6 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. The components must be mixed and spread on gauze, and wrap the leg with it. The mask should be kept for 20 minutes and then washed off with water.
  9. Aloe juice moisturizes the heels. Take a couple of aloe leaves, cut and just smear the heels with juice and leave overnight. In addition to the heels, you can apply the juice to other hardened areas on the skin of the feet. In the morning, the skin of the feet will be soft and pleasant.

If you leave the skin of the feet without care, over time, corns, corns, cracks will appear. In some cases, diseases such as a fungus or warts may appear.

Every day your legs are exposed to a huge load. Your task is to provide the legs with proper care, and you will not encounter unpleasant problems. After all, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Women pay less attention to a pedicure than a manicure, but with the advent of warm days, when open shoes are taken out of the closet, well-groomed feet become one of the main goals. In order to facilitate the procedure for putting them in order, cosmetic manufacturers have created special masks and peeling socks. Find out if they are effective.

How exfoliating socks work on the skin

The idea to release such a product belongs to Korean companies. In Asian countries, care cosmetics are produced in a larger volume than decorative ones, because there women strive to improve what nature has given without creating artificial beauty. Here is what the producers achieved:

  • The 2 in 1 mask and sock is presented as an innovative product that allows you to do without salon procedures and even a pedicure exfoliating bath. The product contributes to the removal of dry calluses and corns, activation of regenerative processes in cracks.
  • In addition to the classic skin renewal, socks help the feet: they make healing mask.
  • A special composition, which is impregnated with socks for heels with a mask, will exfoliate the top dead layer of the skin.
  • Some socks with a mask eliminate the unpleasant smell that appears in warm time years due to sweat.

To understand how the Korean or chinese mask in socks you need to know the basic components. This:

  1. fruit acids to remove dead cells from the skin;
  2. plant extracts to soften, nourish and moisturize the feet.

Such an exfoliating mask-socks for legs looks like classic socks covering the ankle, although the working composition is applied only to the foot area - the top of the product is needed for tight fixation. The material of the sock is thick cellophane, but it is disposable. Distinguishes masks low price, thanks to which all more women choose such a fast and convenient way putting the legs in order.

How to use socks to exfoliate your heels

Taking care of the feet with such a mask is very simple, but keep in mind that the procedure is prohibited if there are damaged areas with open wounds. If active exfoliating ingredients get on the mucous membrane, irritation, inflammation and slowing down of the regenerative process due to the acids in the composition are possible. Exfoliating Asian Foot Sock Mask is not recommended for use by girls under 18 years of age.

Application scheme:

  1. Start with a simple hygiene routine - take a shower or hold your feet in warm bath: they need to be steamed and cleaned with a brush. It is not necessary to use pumice, exfoliation will occur due to the chemical mixture. Nail polish will also need to be removed.
  2. Wipe your feet with a towel, put on each sock, wash your hands well, be sure to use soap.
  3. Keep socks with a mask should be 80-90 minutes, no longer. Discard the product, and rinse the feet with warm water.

The Korean exfoliating mask-socks for legs is distinguished by several nuances, without knowing which women often begin to think that the remedy does not work and does not justify high cost. What to consider:

  • The renewal process will start immediately, but you will not see results on the same day - the mask begins to exfoliate the skin only by the end of the week. If you need to speed up the process, use a scrub.
  • Experts do not advise doing peeling with a mask-socks before important event– take a supply of 8-10 days.
  • Calluses and corns are eliminated within a week after the exfoliation procedure with socks.
  • When the old skin comes off, the feet should be treated with oil or good cream to enhance and prolong the effect, keep the heels tender and soft, and prevent them from becoming coarse again.

How to choose cosmetic socks for feet

The idea of ​​​​creating such an exfoliating product belongs to Asian brands, and only they have the secrets of the composition. European counterparts of mask socks have not caught up with either Chinese or Korean versions, although some are sold at a price 2-3 times higher than the "originals". The rating of sock masks presented below is based on feedback from consumers and cosmetologists. What to buy:

  1. Skinlite is one of the very first and famous exfoliating socks with a mask effect to renew and nourish the skin of the feet. The manufacturer is Korean, the product is presented in a single size - 35, which stretches up to 40. The lack of socks - you can buy them in an online store, but you can’t find them offline, but with this price you can buy several packages at once.
  2. Feet Mask 7 in 1 - helps to escape from fungal diseases of the feet thanks to salicylic acid. The exfoliating effect is already visible on next day. Cosmetologists call these mask-socks great way for emergency deep peeling leg skin.
  3. Letual Bon Voyage is a good attempt to make a European analogue of the Asian sock with a mask. Strong moisturizing of the skin of the feet is not worth waiting for, the action is faster than that of Korean socks, among the pluses is a neutral smell. The price is average, the product can be found offline.
  4. SoSu is a Japanese foot mask that is officially exported to Russia. The smell is acidic, there are several different options(mostly flowers). There is a sock size for a large foot (the ruler is from 35 to 41), the material does not stretch. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Price of pedicure socks

The cost of such a product depends on the point of sale: the numbers in the catalog of brands and the store can vary greatly. Exemplary price range looks like this on an exfoliating mask-socks.