“Volunteers are not born, they are made. Project "organization of volunteer movement in kindergarten"

Novelty: It consists in the fact that the organization of the volunteer movement is supposed to take place in a kindergarten.

Relevance of the project topic: The relevance of organizing a children's volunteer movement is undeniable and attracts the attention of more and more teachers and parents. Volunteers indicate by their example the right way prove that the future belongs to physically healthy, spiritual and moral people with an active lifestyle and creativity capable of self-improvement, harmonious interaction with other people, able to come to the aid of the weak and stumbled.

We are raising a new generation Russian citizens. Let's pass the time, and they will begin to manage social and state processes at various levels, open up new horizons in science, technology, and art. But will they be physically and spiritually prepared for such activities? It depends on us adults, on how much we can form in them spiritual and moral principles and a stable interest in a healthy lifestyle.

presenter pedagogical idea in organizing the volunteer movement in the preschool educational institution, it contributes to the positive socialization of the preschooler through vigorous activity, where they act as initiators and organizers of positive changes in their preschool institution and immediate social environment and identify the results on the basis of which children's self-esteem will grow.

Problem: Lack of experience in older children preschool age in the manifestation of social and moral position associated with various parties public life human in all their integrity and diversity .

Objective of the project: Create an organization in kindergarten volunteer movement A big heart» bringing together active, creative teachers, interested parents and preschool children and their participation in voluntary, socially important actions and events.


1. To expand the understanding of the volunteer movement among children aged 5-7 years, teachers, parents of pupils of kindergarten No. 9 "Firefly";

2. To give practical skills of participation in the volunteer movement to all participants educational process;

3. Form an initiative group of teachers and parents participating in this movement;

5. Draw up an action plan and implement it during the 2014-2015 academic year.

Project type: educational, creative.

Duration: long term. 2014-2015

Members: children, educators, music director, parents of pupils.

Educational area: social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Project type:

Creative, group, information and educational, individually developing.

Stages of project implementation

Firstuhtap (preparatory)

Setting goals, tasks, preliminary work with children, parents.

Creation of a developing environment

Selection of methodological literature

Second stage (main)

Search for answers to the questions posed.

Third stage (final)

Generalization of the results of the work.

Expected result: The development of voluntary (volunteer) activities among pupils, their parents and employees of an educational institution aimed at the disinterested provision of socially significant services at the local level, contributing to personal growth and the development of the volunteers who carry out these activities.

Motto of the movement: Always be cheerful, never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong, there will be wind - do not rot!
It will hurt - do not cry, do not hide your eyes in your palm.
If there is a thunderstorm - go. If, tear - erase.
If you're scared, hold on. Remember: life is life!

Activities of the volunteer movement "Big Heart" in MDOU No. 9 "Firefly" for the 2014-2015 academic year.




With kids


View: video "Volunteer Movement"

Educators 5.6 groups

Educators 5.6 groups

Promotion: « Sports Friends » autumn starts together with the 1st grade of school No. 12 and a group preparatory to school.

Instructor for physical education

Thematic folklore holiday:« Siberian Gatherings" with the participation of children from the CRC

Educators 5.6 groups

Musical director

Educators from the CRC

Didactic games:“How can I help ...”, “What would happen if”, “Good-bad”, “Let's get to know each other”, “Dangerous situations”

Gift making for the holiday "Day of the elderly" for the nursing home

Educators 5.6 groups

Reading fiction : V. Oseeva: “What is easier?”, “Just an old woman”, “Sons”, “Visited”, “ Magic word". L. Kon - "Friend", E. Uspensky - "Crocodile Gena and his friends", Fairy tales:“Two greedy bear cubs”, “Sparks of good”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky - “Miserly”, V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower”, V. Mitt - “Ball in the window”, E. Koshevaya - “My son”, C Marshak - "If you are polite"

Educators 5.6 groups


Create an album: "Kladets folk wisdom- proverbs and sayings about kindness, evil and mutual assistance "

Educators of the 5th group

Showing a theatrical fairy tale:"Little Red Riding Hood" for children left without parental care from the CRC and grade 1 of school No. 12

Educators of the 6th group

Listening to songs:"Please!" - author of the text Sanin A., composer Flyarkovsky A.; "The Road of Kindness" - the author of the text Entin Y., composer Minkov M.

Musical director

Military patriotic game: "Zarnitsa" together with a group preparatory to school with children left without parental care from the CRC and the 1st grade of school No. 12 of the teacher Lebedeva Valentina Anisimovna with the participation of the Bersek sports club

Physical education instructor

"Week of Good Deeds"» help kids dress for a walk, put toys away, keep the playground clean, organize joint games on the street.

Educators of the 6th group

Poster making: "We protect health"

Educators of the 5th and 6th groups

Promotion: " We are for it healthy lifestyle life"

Flashmob: "Together with us"

Educators of the 5th and 6th groups

Physical education instructor

Educators of the 5th and 6th groups

With teachers


  • Improvement and arrangement of sites, on the territory of the kindergarten


  • Organization of thematic concerts
  • Mothers Day
  • March 8
  • 9th May

Musical director

Educators of the 5th and 6th groups


Educators 1,2,3,4,5, 6 groups


  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle through the production of leaflets:
  • "Get on the charger!"
  • "No drugs and alcohol"

Educators of the 3rd group

With parents


  • Improvement of the territory of the kindergarten - "Give beauty to children";

Educators 1,2,3,4,5, 6 groups


Participation in promotions

  • « give good»,
  • "Plant a tree"
  • "Children Protection Day".

Educators 3,4,5, 6 groups

Tsirulnik Alena Romanovna

MBDOU D / S No. 181, Ufa


Volunteer Year Plan

Target: Education of the spiritual and moral personality of the child through the acquisition of spiritual experience based on the traditions of charitable and voluntary work.


1.Formation in children positive attitudes for volunteer activities;

2. Introduction to universal, spiritual and moral values;

3. Raising a tolerant attitude towards other people, regardless of the cultural environment and ethnicity;


To expand the understanding of the volunteer movement among children, parents of pupils;

To accustom children and parents of pupils to universal, spiritual and moral values ​​on the basis of the study of religious concepts, traditions of the people;

To form in children the prerequisites for a tolerant attitude towards other people, regardless of the cultural environment and ethnicity;

Involve the parents of pupils in the educational process of the preschool educational institution;

Organize succession with tasks elementary school at the stage of development of preschool and school childhood;

Post online experience work of preschool educational institution in this direction.

List of events

with kids

List of events

with parents


Conversation "Who are volunteers"

"Day of good deeds" - assisting in dressing and undressing babies

Consultation for parents "History of the emergence of the volunteer movement"

Conversation "What is good?"

Good Deeds Week - tidy up the book corner

Making crafts for dads and grandfathers for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Consultation "How to educate a volunteer?"

Making bird feeders with the kids.

Conversation "Is it easy to be kind?"

Consultation on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle "Parents are an example for children"

Campaign "Help the orphanage"

Entertainment Fun starts» - healthy lifestyle promotion

General Parent meeting“We are raising a volunteer, a patriot of the Motherland”

Flash mob "Together with us"

Conversation "Why good triumphs over evil?"

Watching films about WWII

Campaign "Veteran lives nearby"

Campaign for the improvement of the territory of the kindergarten "Plant a tree"

Involving parents in the preparation of the prom

Assistance in organizing games with children of the younger group for a walk

Involving parents in organizing a holiday for Children's Day "For the sun to shine"

Didactic game "How can I help ?!"

Labor landing: "Let's help the garden - we will grow a good harvest!"

Consultation "Teach children to do good!"

Reading fiction: V. Oseeva “What is easier?”, “Just an old woman”, “Sons”, “Visited”, “Magic Word”. L. Kon - “Friend”, E. Uspensky - “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, Tales: “Two greedy bear cubs”, “Sparks of goodness”, V. A. Sukhomlinsky - “Miserly”, V. Kataev “Flower - seven-flower ”, V. Mitt - “The ball in the window”, E. Koshevaya - “My son”.

Consultation "Secrets of raising a polite person"

The modernization of education requires working not only in the mode of operation, but also in the mode of development. To develop means to apply innovative technologies. The novelty lies in the fact that the volunteer movement is organized in a kindergarten.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of combined type No. 21 "Golden Key"

Municipal network project "Cultural and educational practices in preschool education"

on this topic:

"Children's Volunteering as a Means of Forming Initiative and Independence"

Educator: Podlesnykh Tatyana Anatolyevna

Kansk 2018

The modernization of education requires working not only in the mode of operation, but also in the mode of development. To develop means to apply innovative technologies. The novelty lies in the fact that the volunteer movement is organized in a kindergarten.

Federal state educational standard preschool education defines targets at the stage of completion of preschool education:

* The child masters the basic cultural means, methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various activities - play, communication, cognitive - research activities, design, etc.; is able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities.

* The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types work, to other people and to himself, has a sense of his own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

* Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with the failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately express their feelings, including a sense of faith in oneself, tries to resolve conflicts. He knows how to express and defend his position on various issues.

* Able to collaborate and perform both leadership and executive functions in collaborative activities.

At the heart of children's volunteering is the principle of growing up. Communicating and helping younger preschool children, volunteer children feel like adults, they have a desire to solve new, more complex problems of cognition, communication, and activity. Therefore, among educational practices, we were interested in volunteering, which has already shown its viability and effectiveness as an active form of communication in the children's environment, in which the child becomes proactive and independent in choosing ways to express his interests.

Relevance: Preschoolers live and develop in completely new sociocultural conditions. Extreme employment of parents, generational gap, isolation of the child in the family and other trends have a negative impact on socialization modern children, which in preschool period proceeds intensively.

The technology of effective socialization - volunteering compensates for development deficiencies, supports independence and initiative. The relevance of the volunteer movement in a preschool institution, uniting parents, teachers and children whose activities are dictated by goodwill, is that it will lead to:

To more effective formation of mercy, responsibility, independence and initiative among preschoolers;

To the optimization of children's - parental relationship and ability to work in a team;

The purpose of the technology"Children Volunteers":

is the upbringing of a spiritual and moral personality with an active life position and creative potential, capable of self-improvement, harmonious interaction with other people.

Tasks of pedagogical technology"Children - volunteers" are as follows:

Development of communication skills in a team of different ages:

Development of independence and responsibility, especially in younger children:

Creating a situation in which the formation gaming activity and the transfer of gaming experience takes place in a natural environment, and not according to the show and story of the educator.

The organization of the practice of volunteering in our kindergarten was carried out in stages. The first stage can be conditionally designated as preparatory. The purpose of this stage is to study theoretical aspects children's volunteering, designing the organization of cultural practice in preschool educational institutions. To get acquainted with the technology of effective socialization of preschool children "Children - volunteers" teachers preschool listened to the author's webinar by N.P. Grishaeva " Modern technologies socialization of preschool children in the educational complex "was held in preschool seminar on technologies of socialization of preschool children. Two teachers preparatory group expressed their desire to participate in children's volunteering organizations. A project was drawn up to organize cultural practice in kindergarten, discussed the issues of supervising the practice, the time in the daily routine, the most convenient for visiting for older and younger preschoolers, launch organization, content and forms of children's volunteer activities. We made a plan for the activities of the future team, determined the responsibility of each teacher in organizing this cultural practice.

The prerequisite for the emergence of children's volunteering in our group was the holding of the traditional action "Help go to school", when children and parents of the preparatory group helped families in difficult situations to prepare children for school. In November, we held the action "Toys for Toddlers", where the children of the preparatory group handed over the toys and games from which they "grew" to the little ones.

The launch of children's volunteering took place at the organizational stage, the tasks of which were to motivate children to volunteer, organize a team. The educators held conversations "Who are volunteers?", "About the opportunity to become volunteers for kids." Finding out what kids like to do. What can we teach kids? A team was formed from children who expressed a desire to participate in volunteer activities. An important point in the organization of the volunteer movement, I consider the training of volunteers, because a child cannot immediately go and teach others without knowledge and communication skills. A plan was developed with children as volunteers to provide volunteer actions. Together with the educator, the children volunteers developed the rules of the team:

When you come to the group, say hello to adults and kids.

Get the job done.

Treat children calmly and politely.

If you do not want to participate in volunteer activities, you can stay

In Group.

It was also developed rough planning volunteer movement by months:



The study of the theoretical aspects of children's volunteering, design

organization of cultural practices in preschool educational institutions.

socialization of preschool children in the educational complex "

Seminar on socialization technologies for preschoolers


Conversation "Who are volunteers?"

Conversation "Is it possible to become a volunteer?"

Conversation "What can we teach kids?"

- Good Deeds Day. Let us help you put the toys away for your little ones.

Week "Our games and toys" - action "Toys for kids"

December - January.

Help with undressing and dressing babies

Help in washing the children of the nursery group

Gifts for kids (snowflakes).

Holiday poetry reading

A week " Winter fun"- outdoor games with children of younger groups,


February March.

Week "In healthy body healthy spirit" - exercises for children of secondary


Play finger games

Drawing with kids

April May

Week "Your fairy tale guests have come to us" - to tell fairy tales for kids

Week "Cosmos" - tell the children middle group about space

Assistance in organizing games with children of younger groups

The next step is practical. At this stage, concrete deeds of the volunteer team were implemented.

Volunteer actions were held in our educational institution on a regular basis, they are associated with a complex - thematic planning. The first action "Toys for Toddlers", where the children of the preparatory group handed over the toys and games from which they "grew" to the little ones. The second action took place in the week "Winter Fun" and the volunteers of the preparatory group, together with the children of the second younger group, played outdoor games on walks.For the holiday "Kolyada"dressed in traditional costumes for mummers, they went caroling around the younger groups of the kindergarten. In the week "A healthy mind in a healthy body" Milana Zheleznova held exercises for children of the middle group. In the week "A fairy tale came to visit us", children volunteers told Russian in the second junior group folk tale"Kolobok". During the week "Cosmos" Artem Romanenko showed a presentation and talked about space for children of the middle group. Volunteers began to regularly go to the kids, where they helped to undress, dress, play with them, draw.

A prerequisite for this stage is the discussion of volunteer activities in the group after visiting the kids. Of all the children of the preparatory group, in which a team of volunteers is organized, 50% of the children tried their hand at children's volunteer activities.

Benefits of volunteering:

Volunteering helped children master the basic competence, without which a person cannot live - communicative.

Preschoolers have learned to make contact, express their point of view, listen, understand and accept the point of view of the interlocutor, lead a discussion, become ready to decide social tasks to behave appropriately in various life situations including conflict ones. They have more developed communicative and speech skills.

Volunteers are aware of their important mission - they consider themselves senior assistants, ready to help the younger ones in all regime moments during the day. Thus, they received excellent opportunity feel grown up and needed.

Our children already understand that a volunteer must be kind, patient and responsible.

Teachers teach preschoolers to take the initiative, then they form a need for its manifestation in the choice of activities and their number.

Teachers and parents, having united their efforts to educate children in mercy, diligence, kindness, tolerance, have increased their pedagogical competence.

For children early age: children began to talk more, began to make contact with older children more willingly, listen to fairy tales, nursery rhymes, songs with pleasure. They began to use more complex sentences in speech, ask a lot of questions "Why?", "Why?", "Where?".

Leaving the walls of the kindergarten, our children not only learned about such a noble and necessary movement as volunteering, but also took part in it themselves. I hope that in the future this will leave an imprint in the minds of children, as a desire to help other people free of charge.

Analyzing the experience of educational practice - the volunteer movement, we plan to continue to work on enriching and replicating the experience in the future. And it is also important that every year the children from younger preschoolers who come to the volunteer detachment are more sociable, with a good cognitive base and familiar with the essence of the work of a volunteer. We believe that the main resource of volunteering technology is the creation of an optimal social situation for the development of a preschooler, in which there is a transfer of experience (playing, cognitive, social) from older to younger and the development of initiative and independence in the natural environment.

I evaluate the experience of work in this direction as positive, showing the effectiveness, versatility of the forms used and the possibility of their application. Volunteer movement is a guarantee that our children will grow up open, honest, ready at any moment to selflessly help their neighbor.

By the word "volunteering" we mean social activities that are performed voluntarily with good intentions for individual groups and the entire society as a whole. At the same time, the activities of these people do not imply any rewards or calculations. Therefore, most often volunteers are people who just want to help someone, get new experience that will be useful in life, without financial payments.

Types of volunteer activities:

  • Contribution to the development of education, science
  • Security environment
  • Preservation of historical monuments
  • Organization of events
  • Holding exhibitions, lectures
  • Watching the Elements
  • Help for the victims of the war

Recently, December 5 has been declared a holiday in the Russian Federation. It is called Volunteer Day or Volunteer Day. This holiday was described in a presidential decree Russian Federation- Vladimir Putin, namely in the Decree of the Russian Federation No. 572 of November 27, 2017 "On the Day of the Volunteer (Volunteer)".

From the very beginning, the holiday was signed by a resolution by the UN Assembly, which makes this day and the holiday itself International. Therefore, in the Russian Federation, it was not in vain that December 5 was chosen.

IN Lately volunteering and volunteering has become quite popular in our country. Now it has a huge impact on different spheres of human life. This applies to both education and medicine. Volunteers help to search for missing people, provide assistance to people injured during hostilities, and also participate in emergency response. As for the volunteers themselves, most often they are middle-aged people related to such social group like youth.

According to the Ministry of the Russian Federation, for Last year significantly increased the growth of citizens who wish or are already participating in volunteer and volunteer programs. In addition, the growth of such organizations was clearly expressed. Therefore, during the adoption of the decree, Vladimir Putin especially drew the attention of citizens to the fact that any restrictions were removed for the development of this case. At the same time, providing huge comprehensive assistance to organizations aimed at NGOs.

Also, he stressed that volunteerism unites people - people of different professions, fields of activity and age for whom, first of all, the well-being of society and kindness in it are important.

The main goal of 2018, the year of volunteering, is to help volunteers in the development of their activities, in the implementation of many new, high-quality projects that will help raise the country to a more high level development.

The volunteers themselves set themselves tasks in a large number of events, in their organization, which will have to be held in every part of the country. The events are aimed at strengthening the volunteer movement, at attracting a large number people who really want to do good deeds.

The authorities of the Russian Federation are confident that this will show citizens that volunteering and volunteering is quite prestigious and not shameful. So that people stop being afraid and ashamed of this work. We began to participate and perceive this kind of work well from a young age.

Therefore, such programs are widely distributed in preschool educational institutions, in secondary educational organizations, as well as in universities and institutes.

Year of volunteering in kindergarten

When compiling leisure activities, teachers should be guided by the leading idea, which is to properly organize the volunteer movement in preschool educational institution. Which for children will have the form of active communication during their stay in kindergarten. What will contribute to their early socialization on a positive basis, which will be clearly shown through vigorous activity.

During volunteer activities, small children are initiators and organizers in the development of the activities of their preschool institution, which will entail changes in its immediate environment.

The purpose of children's volunteering in kindergarten

The main task of conducting events in a preschool institution is its wide development which will help develop individuals with an active lifestyle and great creative abilities. Volunteering allows preschoolers to interact with people around them, while solving emerging issues without conflicts and quarrels. And also, after organizing such events, kindergarten students can improve themselves.

Children's volunteering in preschool educational institutions, its tasks

The main tasks of organizing volunteering in kindergarten include:

  • Formation of a desire among preschoolers to bring joy to both babies and older people, as well as children of their own age;
  • Explain to children and form in their heads the correct concept of kindness. It is correct to form in children the concept of the word “Care”, to tell why, and how to show it.
  • Formation of desire in committing moral deeds. Explain to children how important and necessary it is to help other people, to help the weaker.
  • Increasing social activity in kindergarten. And also in creating conditions for the independent realization of children as spiritual and moral personalities.
  • Creation and organization of a volunteer group for preschool children who go to the senior group. That will allow them to work harmoniously in an environment with people of their age, that is, peers.

Year of volunteering, volunteering for children: main directions

First of all, the organization of such events bears the character of educating moral habits and actions in preschool children. Of course, in this issue do not forget about the education of traditional spiritual values. Also, one of the areas of volunteering in kindergarten is instilling, explaining and educating preschoolers a sense of respect for their environment and nature. So that the child does not break young trees and branches, does not pluck green leaves.

In this regard, one should not forget about the development physical activity pupils of preschool educational institutions. Children need to instill such a concept as a "healthy lifestyle." Explain how important this need is for every person at any age.

Year of volunteering: activities in kindergarten

Each head of preschool educational educational institution instructs the teacher to organize a plan for activities in kindergarten. To ensure that all activities are exciting for children, and also carry some kind of informative character. So that after the end of the event, the child has mastered something new for himself.

Event dedicated to the year Volunteering should begin with the organization of the "From Heart to Heart" program. It is suitable for both junior and senior groups. Also, it can be used in educational institutions and higher educational institutions.

"From Heart to Heart" - an event where preschool volunteers participate and game form trying to learn new concepts. The purpose of the whole event is to show children how important it is to do good and help others. "Treat people the way you want them to treat you." During the event, each child will participate in it. On simple examples he will learn and understand what the word "help" means, that it should be provided to a person of any age. Here the educator must bring concrete examples and situations: bring a glass of water, help carry a heavy bag. And also, they need to teach little kindergarten students what it is necessary to give and make gifts, which must be made from the bottom of their hearts. Educators should help the child learn that making concessions to someone in anything is not at all shameful and not scary. Explain what is right. You can show by example, starting small. For example, let the child give in to the toy they like or simply not run forward during the concert, pushing the others.

Therefore, parents are happy to support children's volunteering and the preschool volunteer movement in general.

Events in kindergarten in 2018 may also be seasonal. For example, in January, the head caregiver usually organizes a volunteer movement called Feed the Birds in Winter. The event implies that children, under the guidance of educators, will build light home-made feeders. This will help children to express their imagination and develop Creative skills. Since, a kindergarten teacher can offer the children to embellish their products a little, be it with beads or ribbons.

During the process, the educator needs to monitor emotional state every child. As a rule, if something doesn’t work out for a baby, he starts to get nervous, angry, and most often, cry. Therefore, if the teacher sees that the child is not coping, he is obliged to help and support.

For February, the teacher can plan a day of volunteering in kindergarten, which will be called “Volunteering is relevant”. Booklets will be specially printed for the holiday, with understandable pictures for children. And also a performance was played, showing the importance of this movement. So that after watching each child could explain what the word "volunteer" means, and so that he, directly, had a desire to participate in any volunteer movement in the future.

Also, you can organize the project "Help our kids." At this event, children are taken out for a walk, helping employees of a preschool educational institution clear the site of snow. Basically, the older kids help clear the area for the younger kids so they can also play snowballs and go outside. Thus, the teacher shows that the younger ones also need help. However, a POW volunteer day may include showing instructive tale and book binding. Any child can cope with such a task, it is only important to make sure that he does not get hurt with scissors and does not hurt the others. At the same time, it is necessary to explain that it is necessary to treat books and textbooks with care. Perhaps it is worth explaining a short manufacturing process. How paper is made and where it comes from.

As soon as it gets a little warmer outside, they organize a volunteer holiday - the Bird House event. If earlier children made feeders and worried about the birds so that they would not be hungry in winter, now the main task for preschoolers is to create their own house for birds. At this stage, the teacher can ask the parents to buy a wooden constructor, which will eventually become one of the houses. Or use improvised materials when creating, after looking at the options on the Internet.

In a year of civic engagement for children, this will help them understand how important it is to care for and help animals. Such an event will definitely arouse the interest of the guys. Because in addition to making a bird house, decorating it, the child will be happy to watch the process of hanging houses on a tree. Firstly, it will be on fresh air which is pretty helpful. And secondly, he will eagerly ask his parents every day to walk past his house and make sure that someone already lives there.

Volunteer children in the preschool educational institution for the holiday of all veterans, under the guidance of a teacher, can organize a holiday "Veterans' Holiday". Preschoolers will prepare a concert for them. To do this, the teacher needs to come up with a script in advance, coordinate the music with the music director, distribute the words and learn the words of the song with the children. It is also worth discussing this event with your parents, perhaps a veteran lives in their family who will gladly come to the concert of his grandson or great-grandson.

If there were no such people in the group, it is worth holding a lesson with the children on making gifts for the older generation. Depending on the group, tasks may be different. Junior group can create homemade postcard, stick prepared blanks or draw flowers with a ribbon yourself, decorating. The older group can let their imagination run wild and try to create origami flowers out of paper. It can be either colored paper tulips or carnations. Finished goods should be sent to every veteran, or presented at a concert.

The Year of Citizenship obliges educators to teach children about kindness. Conduct poetry competitions, involving parents in the process. Arrange conversations - "Good deeds", where each kindergarten student can listen to examples of other children's good deeds, as well as tell their actions and express their opinion. After all, explaining any concept, it is best remembered by simple examples.

With the involvement of parents, the teacher should organize a holiday "Family Day", where each child will be given the opportunity to express themselves. This event is most often held in the summer, when the weather is quite warm, but not very hot. Various relay races and competitions are organized, where all teams of parents with their children will participate. At home, parents are given the task to first come up with a motto for their team and an emblem. It is important that the child also participates in this process. Thus, he will develop his creative abilities.

Educators arrange a "Week of Good Deeds" for children. The event is to ensure that every child can participate in social life their preschool educational institution. Helped to make his stay in kindergarten more comfortable and safe. For example, children can help educators put the book corner in order, put books in certain order, and torn - glue.

Volunteering in kindergarten: projects

Each teacher can create their own own project. However, here it is worth considering that the project must be well thought out and organized. So that after graduation, little preschoolers learn something new. For example, a certain competition is arranged in which both the youngest and senior group. It is called "Take care of your planet - there is no other like it." During it, the children show their imagination, because the main task activities - draw a picture. After the end of the lesson, you can arrange an exhibition of paintings and invite parents.

Also, after agreeing with the parents in advance, you can arrange the "Gift for a Child" campaign. Most often, caregivers collect old or small clothes, personal care products, and toys. And then they are transferred to orphanages. This will help the child feel like a volunteer. Parents should give him the right to choose, that is, let the child choose toys or things with which he is ready to say goodbye. In addition, he will know that he helped someone else and did a good deed.

Organize subbotniks where the child can get acquainted with the rules of staying in environment. The teacher of a preschool educational institution is obliged to explain to small pupils that it is forbidden to litter in nature, showing with a good example.

Spend environmental action- "Plant a tree." Such a volunteer day in kindergarten will help develop a child's sense of careful attitude to nature. The event is held in the courtyard of the preschool. It is not necessary to plant a whole tree, plant small flowers with your children, such as petunias, or daisies. It is important that every child participate in this process. He helped dig holes, fill them with water and bring flowers for planting.

Educators, together with children, can arrange an event prepared for the holiday - "Mother's Day". The guys create crafts for their mothers on their own, most often it is Greeting Cards that they want to give during the concert. They learn dances and songs, recite poems that are learned with teachers.

The implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education involves the organization of the educational process, taking into account the interests of children.

Modern programs offer various methods and forms of support for children's interests. Thus, the authors of the Mosaic program offer the Club of Interests form. One of the forms of an interest club can be a children's volunteer club that provides inter-age communication children.

Kindergarten No. 130 "Rodnichok" being a member of the federal experimental site " Pedagogical conditions positive socialization of preschool children using the Mosaic PARK software and methodological complex, began to actively use this form of work with children.

The main goal of the Dobrotop volunteer club is to create conditions for the positive socialization of children through cooperation.

Before creating a volunteer club, children and educators prepared for a long time. They got acquainted with the concepts of "volunteer", "volunteer squad". The children were interviewed about who volunteers are, what volunteers do, what qualities they have, what volunteering means. In the conversation “Our good deeds and deeds”, the children were asked to answer the questions: What does it mean? good words», « good wishes”,“ good deeds ”,“ good deeds ”,“ good people"? What kind of help do adults and children need? How can help be given to another person? own will, on request, on offer. What can older children teach younger children? Together with the children, the rules of the volunteer were developed, the attributes of the volunteer movement were developed - a scarf and a badge with the emblem of the Dobrotop volunteer movement. A team was formed from children who expressed a desire to participate in volunteer activities.

The work of the children's volunteer club "Dobrotop" is based on the idea of ​​"Seven Good Deeds". 1-2 times a week, children of older groups come to the kids to do a good deed. Let's talk about these things in more detail:

The results of participation in volunteer activities are summed up in the form of filling out the "Volunteer's Personal Book", in which, after the volunteer's participation in a good deed, a colored badge - a symbol - is pasted. The “Volunteer's Personal Book” allows you to keep a record of volunteer activities, see the preferred areas of work of a child volunteer and his activity.

At the heart of children's volunteering is the principle of growing up. Communicating and helping the younger ones, children-volunteers feel like adults, they have a desire to solve new, more complex tasks, while the guys act as the initiators of the activity. This makes it possible for them to be liberated, to engage in active communication of different ages in a children's environment - peer to peer, older to younger, to receive emotional joy and inner satisfaction from their activities. The mission of a volunteer is to always be ready to help. Volunteer children know that they are the main helpers in kindergarten, and are ready to help the younger ones in all routine moments during the day. Thus, children - volunteers get an excellent opportunity to feel like adults and needed.

The volunteer movement is a guarantee that our children will grow up open, honest, ready at any moment to selflessly help their neighbor.