Facial skin types and their characteristics. How to care for dry skin? Folk remedies for the care of normal skin

Healthy skin is not only the main indicator of a woman’s beauty and well-groomed state, but also the main protective weapon against the influence of negative factors environment. Through the skin, the body gets rid of unnecessary moisture and harmful substances In addition, the skin acts as a kind of regulator of body temperature, preventing overheating or hypothermia of the body. the main task every woman - to protect this natural gift from early aging and fading. IN in this case correct determination of skin type ensures proper care behind her.

Why do you need to know your skin type?
Proper care, daily care and careful hygiene will allow the skin to remain firm and elastic, preserving beauty and youth for a long time. long years. Each skin type needs its own approach to care - this is an immutable rule. Only by correctly determining your skin type will you select the optimal skin care program, thereby ensuring complete care.

The healthier our body is and the more thorough and high-quality skin care we take, the less often changes in its condition occur. Over the years, against the background of changes in reactivity in the body and under the influence of certain factors (lifestyle (lack of sleep, overwork, stress, etc.), quality of care products, nutrition, general health of the body, etc.), the state of even a healthy skin, as well as its type, may vary. After 30-35 years, increasing dehydration and degreasing of the skin is often observed. Hence, skin type tests must be done every two years, which will prevent the use of inappropriate products during this period. In this case, it is important to take into account the seasons and climate, because during cold periods, for example, oily skin often flakes off and becomes irritated, while dry skin in the summer, on the contrary, begins to shine due to increased secretion sebaceous glands. Therefore, the key to the success and beauty of your facial skin largely depends on the correct determination of the skin type, in which your observations will help you.

Facial skin types.

Normal type.
This is a fairly rare type of facial skin in adults (more common in children and adolescents), so women who are lucky enough to have such skin can be called lucky. Such skin has practically no flaws, it is always soft, smooth, even, has a matte appearance, pores are invisible (except for the wings of the nose). This type rarely suffers from acne, peeling, rashes, pimples, has good elasticity and firmness in such skin perfect ratio fat and water. Its color always has a fresh, healthy beige-pinkish tint. Despite the absence of problems, normal skin also needs care, namely protection and nutrition. With this type, it is not recommended to overdry it, as well as the use of too fatty products.

Fat type.
Oily skin is considered one of the most common types. It is easiest to recognize; an hour or two after washing, the skin exhibits its characteristic oily sheen, especially pronounced in the forehead and nose area, which is caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Characteristic features of this skin type, in addition to greasy shine, are a grayish or yellowish complexion, very enlarged pores and a tendency to various kinds of rashes (comedones). Against this background, such skin needs regular and thorough cleansing and tightening of pores. But with all these shortcomings, one cannot help but say about positive aspects, namely, this kind of skin retains its elasticity longer than other types, and, therefore, it shows signs of aging (wrinkles in particular) later than others; it practically does not suffer in cold weather, since the protective film that forms does not allow moisture to evaporate. No matter what, this skin type requires systematic hydration and nutrition, which, unfortunately, many women do not do. In most cases, by the age of 30, this skin type becomes mixed or combination. To the owners of this type skin, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, eliminating the consumption of fatty and flour products. In addition to basic care, you should use cleansing lotions and preparations containing salicylic acid, blue clay, tea tree oil .

Dry type.
In my youth and at a young age the code has virtually no flaws, it is matte, velvety, does not have a tendency to cause acne, and pores are not visible. The only drawback is that after washing with soap, the skin tightens, so for cleansing you need to use products specially designed for this skin type. Since it is very thin and delicate, it needs constant hydration and nutrition, otherwise wrinkles will appear on it even at a young age. With insufficient or complete absence of appropriate care, dry skin loses its elasticity, cracks appear, and it becomes overly irritable. This skin type is often characterized by a pinkish-yellow skin tone. Over the years, the sensitivity of the skin increases; it reacts to cold and wind with peeling and redness, which indicates a lack of moisture. In care, it is recommended to use masks with a moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing effect and containing vitamins and biostimulants. In addition, it is important to use products that contain sunscreen filters (SPF at least 20), ceramides and fatty acids. Remember that disorders in the digestive system, products with a drying effect, and a lack of vitamins systematically lead to even greater dryness of the skin, and as a result, its withering.

Combined or mixed type.
The presented facial skin type is intermediate and occurs in most women. It's easy to define. The main difference is not evenly distributed fatty grease, which is mainly noted in the so-called T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) of the face. The area of ​​the cheeks, eyelids and temples are dry and prone to irritation and peeling. On such skin, wrinkles form in the area around the eyes quite early. If you have combination skin, you should use by different means for different areas of the skin (both dry and oily). As a rule, in adulthood, combination skin type becomes normal.

Nowadays, in the cosmetics industry, entire lines of products designed for a specific skin type and taking into account its characteristics have been developed and are successfully sold. For correct application When using cosmetics, it is important to accurately determine your skin type and its condition. Diagnostics will help with this appearance through observation and feeling. To determine your skin type, it is advisable, if possible, to go to a cosmetologist (since a huge number of factors need to be taken into account), but if there are no visible problems on the skin, this can be done on your own.

Depending on the level of oiliness and degree of sagging, the main types of facial skin are classified:

Skin with normal level fat content and good tone.
Characteristics: matte, slight shine in the middle part of the face, pores are not significantly pronounced, in the middle part of the face they are more noticeable, and are not filled with sebaceous gland secretions. It has good elasticity, no wrinkles, skin folds form easily, good elasticity. It reacts well to the sun, tolerates soap well, and maintains a healthy and youthful appearance for a long time. This type of skin ages gradually. In the period from 30 to 40 years, the skin moves into the next group.

Skin with normal oil content and mild sagging.
Characteristics: facial skin is matte, there is a slight shine in the middle facial part, pores in the middle zone are clearly visible, but are not filled with sebaceous secretions. Meaningful facial expressions are accompanied by facial wrinkles, which gradually become fixed, the skin in the eyelid area somewhat loses its tone, and a network of small wrinkles forms in the corners. The skin fold is very easy to form, but at the same time it remains elastic. Careful care at this point will delay the loss of elasticity and the transition to the next group. This type is observed after the age of 50 and with complete lack of care. With little care, this type is observed in old age.

Skin with normal levels of oiliness and sagging.
Characteristics: matte leather with a slight, low-pronounced shine in the middle front part. The pores are small, more noticeable in the middle part, but not filled with secretion. The skin is distinguished by thinness and sagging, expression of facial and simply fine wrinkles. This type mainly occurs after 50 years with a lack of care and in old age with its absence.

Dry skin with good tone.
Characteristics: smooth and matte skin, no wrinkles, small, unnoticeable pores, good elasticity, skin folds are difficult to form. This skin type is typical for young people. But she has hypersensitivity to any irritation, reacts negatively to soap. Needs targeted and regular care and the use of protective equipment. Lack of care leads to the fact that this type moves to the next group.

Dry skin with mild sagging.
Distinctive features: delicate, silky and matte coating, unnoticeable pores, in some areas of the skin, tightness is replaced by sagging. Expressive facial expressions are accompanied by the appearance of wrinkles, including in the area around the eyes. The skin fold is easily formed while maintaining good elasticity. At about 30 years of age, signs of flabbiness are observed. Regular appropriate care will prevent this skin type from progressing to the next.

Dry flabby skin.
Distinctive features: delicate, soft, matte skin with barely noticeable pores. The skin is too thin, there is sagging, there are constant folds and wrinkles, most of all in the area around the eyes and mouth. Folds are observed in the area of ​​sagging skin. After forty years, targeted care is required; ordinary cosmetic care will not bring any benefit and will not improve the condition.

Fat sensitive skin with good tone.
Features: oily shine, especially in the middle part of the face, rough skin texture, pores are slightly pronounced or pronounced, filled with secretions, and plugs are noted in the middle part of the face. The surface of the skin is smooth, without wrinkles, the skin fold is difficult to form, and is elastic. This type is observed between the ages of 18 and 30. Transition period accompanied by frequent inflammatory processes, acne. Unattractive skin due to clogged pores, irritation, redness and sometimes peeling. Required regular care, and for inflammation and peeling, special means are needed.

Oily sensitive skin with somewhat pronounced sagging.
The features are similar to the previous skin type, while facial wrinkles are gradually fixed, the skin in the eyelid area becomes flabby, and a skin fold is formed while maintaining elasticity. Most often, the skin is very sensitive and prone to inflammation in the middle facial part. Requires special cleaning methods and special care. The aging process occurs slowly, next type skin passes into old age.

Oily, sensitive and sagging skin.
Characteristics: visible oily sheen expressed in the middle part of the face, rough skin texture, pores are insignificant or somewhat pronounced, filled with secretions, and plugs are noted in the middle part of the face. Has pronounced laxity, there are expression wrinkles, skin folds form spontaneously. In such a situation, radical measures (plastic surgery) will help.

Oily skin with good tone.
Features: rough texture, oily, pores are enlarged but not filled. The skin is very stretched and often has a “sponge-like” appearance. The skin fold is formed with effort. This type can be called borderline, between still healthy skin and skin with excessive secretion of the sebaceous gland and corresponding manifestations. Such skin is hypersensitive, redness, peeling and other painful conditions. Often combined with malfunctions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. This type of skin ages very quickly.

Oily skin with some sagging.
The features are the same as with the previous type, only the severity of the structure and general sagging of the skin are added. The process of sebum secretion may decrease while maintaining a tendency to inflammation and excessive irritability. With age, this type moves into the next group.

Oily, sagging skin.
Characteristics: very rough skin, wide, funnel-like, empty pores, normalization of sebum secretion, spontaneous formation skin folds, wrinkles.

Methods for determining skin type.
Determining your skin type is easiest and preferably with the help of a cosmetologist. After an external visual examination, he will make a conclusion and give recommendations for care. You can also try to do it yourself, for which there are special tests.

The easiest test is considered to be with paper napkin. First, you need to cleanse your face, and after a couple of hours, blot your face with a paper napkin:

  • if spots are observed over the entire area of ​​the napkin, then the skin is oily;
  • if there are no greasy spots at all, then it is dry;
  • if there are barely visible imprints of the nose or forehead, this indicates a normal skin type;
  • if spots are observed on the chin, forehead and nose, but there are no spots on the cheek area, it means mixed or combination skin.
And here is another example of a test with which you can determine your type:

Which statements resonate best with you?
1 group

  • Matte skin and no oily shine.
  • There is no tightness after daily washing.
  • There are no acne or inflammation on the skin.
  • After bad weather the skin is not chapped.
2nd group
  • There are no acne on the face.
  • After washing my face my skin feels tight.
  • Red spots on the face are often observed, especially after citrus fruits.
  • The face often peels off due to the influence of wind and sun.
3 group
  • There are comedones on the face and acne occurs periodically.
  • There is a greasy sheen.
  • Enlarged pores are noticeable, but only from a close distance.
  • After washing, the skin becomes shiny.
4 group
  • There is peeling of the skin in the area around the eyes, temples, and cheeks.
  • There are blackheads in the T-zone.
  • There is an oily sheen in the forehead and nose area.
  • Pimples often appear on the forehead and nose.
If you mostly agree with the first group of statements, then your skin type is normal, the second - dry, the third - oily, and the fourth - combination.

There are two more skin characteristics that do not belong to the four main groups - sensitive and aging skin.

Sensitive skin.
A feature of this skin type is considered to be dryness, redness, peeling and visible capillaries. She reacts painfully to any influence of external stimuli. A little experience will help you identify this type of skin: take a pen, run its blunt end across your cheek, if in this case a pink, somewhat swollen mark remains, it means that your skin is sensitive and therefore needs gentle care.

Another test to diagnose sensitive type skin. It is necessary to answer the questions, and if the answers are “yes”, it means that you have sensitive skin.

  • Do mosquito bites leave you with swollen spots?
  • Does allergic reaction to citrus fruits and other allergens?
  • When you're nervous, do capillaries protrude on your face?
  • Does a small scratch leave a puffy pink mark?
Fading skin.
Characterized by a rough texture, the presence of wrinkles, often age spots. The dermis is characterized by excessive lethargy, dryness, and tightness is noted after washing. Therefore it needs special attention and special care.

Finally, I repeat that each skin type has its own characteristics and individual approach in care. No need to choose cosmetical tools by trial and error, relying on luck, incorrectly selected means can cause even greater harm. Therefore, do not be lazy, consult a cosmetologist. Consultation on this matter is not an expensive service, it is available to absolutely everyone. If your skin has no visual problems, you can try to determine your type yourself. Good luck and healthy skin!


Facial skin care 05.05.2014

Dear readers, today I suggest we talk about facial skin types. Why is this being discussed? I think every woman and girl knows that our daily facial care needs to be performed only by knowing some of the subtleties. You should select all products only for your facial skin type.

Incorrectly selected cosmetics and lack of knowledge can only harm our beauty. And who wants this? Of course, it’s always a good idea to consult a cosmetologist when you have procedures, ask and find out all the details about your skin type. But it’s not difficult for us to figure out the main points ourselves.

What types of skin are there? Modern cosmetology There are four types of skin types.

  • Normal facial skin.
  • Dry facial skin.
  • Oily facial skin.
  • Mixed or combination facial skin.

How to determine your facial skin type?

  1. Again, I repeat - the best thing to do is go to a cosmetologist and discuss all the details with him.
  2. How can we determine our skin type at home?

A very simple test can be done. We got out of bed and dabbed our face with a napkin. They looked at her very carefully. We see grease stain on a napkin? This means your skin is oily. If the stain is in the center of just the napkin, our skin is combination. If there are no marks, it means the skin is dry or normal.

Let's talk about each skin type.

Normal facial skin type. Signs.

Clean, matte, elastic skin indicates that it belongs to the normal variety. The skin is smooth, matte, there are no blackheads on the face. They often say about such people: “Blood and milk.” The skin looks very fresh, does not peel, and perfectly tolerates all the vagaries of nature. In the morning you do not have a feeling of skin tightness. You just happy man. And once again everything says that you are healthy.

Caring for such skin is quite simple. This will be discussed below. But with age it can change. Here many factors must be taken into account: nutrition, availability bad habits, ecology, complete relaxation, style and work schedule. Normal skin often tends to become dry with age. Try to look after her properly healthy image life, then you can preserve your beauty for a long time.

Dry facial skin type. Signs of dry skin.

Characteristic features of dry facial skin are thin and soft skin, which is subject to frequent peeling. The skin is matte and has a dull tint. Needs to constant hydration. After 25 years, the first wrinkles often appear, especially in the area around the eyes. The skin becomes chapped easily. In the morning, your face feels tight. The pores are small, the skin itself does not shine.

Very often redness appears on the skin, sometimes itching. The main thing in care is to avoid alcohol lotions, tonics, constantly moisturize it and protect the skin from direct sun rays. Read more about caring for this skin type below.

Oily facial skin type. Signs of oily skin.

If your facial skin is rough, oily and shiny, then you are an oily type. Usually a clear sign This type includes various rashes and acne, as well as enlarged pores. Such skin, after 1-2 hours after washing, begins to become oily and appears unpleasant shine, feeling of “heaviness” of the face. Enlarged facial pores with blackheads are noticeable.

This skin type is most often found in teenagers. But adults can also have this type of facial skin. Especially if they have endocrine diseases, nervous system, diseases gastrointestinal tract those who are fond of spices, fatty, spicy foods, and drink alcohol.

The advantages of this type of skin: it ages more slowly. Of course, it’s not easy to cope with such shiny skin. Especially for young girls, it causes a lot of problems. And pustules and acne add problems. But proper care for her, healthy eating– you should always pay attention to this; special attention can be given to how to cope with such a problem.

Mixed or combination skin type. Signs.

Combination skin involves the presence of separate areas with pronounced dry and oily skin. Oily skin is most often found in the T-zone: the nose, forehead and chin. But in the area of ​​the cheeks and around the eyes it is most often dry or normal facial skin. Of course, it is important to choose your own care for different areas of the skin.

Facial skin type test. How to determine your facial skin type.

I suggest you also take a test and determine your skin type:

For anyone who still has questions about determining their skin type, I suggest watching the video. Determination of facial skin type and selection of care for each skin type.

In each individual case, it is necessary to select the appropriate care that will effectively combat negative manifestations and improve the external appearance of the skin. The most useful and gentle methods are folk remedies developed on the basis of natural, natural ingredients. Everyone has long known that the best cosmetologist than living nature does not exist. Let's talk in more detail about caring for each skin type at home.

Facial skin care at home.

Folk remedies intended for the care of normal facial skin

Even if you are the lucky owner of normal skin, you still need to take good care of it. This approach will keep it elastic, smooth and healthy for a long time. The most important stage any care is to cleanse the skin. In this case, you can wash your face with plain water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice, which will provide a tonic effect. Also, a mixture of milk and plantain infusion can be used as an excellent cleanser. In this case, it is advisable to use various infusions of soothing herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.

Normal skin will be very grateful if you pamper it from time to time with masks and homemade creams that support it healthy condition and saturating it with vitamins.

In this case, the ideal ingredients for masks are: cereals, milk, honey, chopped fruits and vegetables, aloe juice, oatmeal. Any gifts of nature contain useful minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on normal skin.

Folk remedies designed to care for dry skin

Dry skin needs daily cleansing. It is best to wash your face twice a day. In the morning, in this way you awaken and tone your dry skin, and in the evening you remove dust and other impurities from it that have settled during the day. To cleanse dry skin, plain water is not the best option. In this case, it is better to replace it with effective remedies prepared at home.

The basis for them can be a mixture of cream and milk in equal proportions with the addition of inflorescences pharmaceutical chamomile. Milk enriched with honey and almond oil is also an excellent cleanser.

Masks play a special role in caring for dry skin. Various types of masks can serve as the basis for such masks. nourishing oils, flavored with honey, lemon juice, avocado pulp. Masks and creams are effective as moisturizing mixtures for dry skin homemade, the main components of which are aloe juice, the pulp of fresh fruits and vegetables, and glycerin.

Beautiful and the most in a simple way instantly moisturize dry skin olive oil, which is applied in a small amount with light massaging movements to thoroughly cleansed skin until completely absorbed.

Folk remedies designed to care for oily skin

Oily skin needs thorough cleansing more than any other type. Good for washing dairy products, or mixed with warm water cereals. After washing, it is advisable to wipe the skin with infusions made from calendula, black tea, oak bark, chamomile or sage. These plant components contain natural antiseptic substances, thanks to which decoctions of them relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin, and also eliminate excess shine.

If the pores on the skin are too enlarged, it is recommended to regularly make masks containing lemon or cucumber juice. Raw protein is a great base for this mask. chicken egg, and it is best to wash your face with enlarged pores with milk. In summer, masks prepared using chopped fruits and vegetables are available. This mask not only provides oily skin with a long-lasting tonic effect and saturates it with vitamins. Presence in it fruit acids helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and maintain an optimal moisture balance. Oily skin becomes smooth, elastic and looks healthy.

Folk remedies intended for the care of combination skin

Care combined type facial skin is a rather complex process. The presence of several zones on the face, different in properties and characteristics, requires the use special means containing components suitable for different types skin. Or you can use narrow-purpose formulations in each individual area. In this case, decoctions prepared from chamomile, mint, and calendula are suitable for washing. It is advisable to use milk as a skin cleanser.

Masks by folk recipes will complement quality care for combination skin type. Curd and berry mask effectively solves problems high fat content in the area of ​​the nose, chin and forehead, and also perfectly moisturizes dry cheek skin. One more effective means in this case is curd mask with added light vegetable oil, olive, burdock, castor or yeast mask, enriched with honey, cream, milk.

My gift for you ERNESTO CORTAZAR -You are my destiny

I wish you all wisdom and the right choice personal care products.

Dear readers, I propose to talk about beauty today. Do you like to take care of yourself? Hope so. How often do you use everything that gives us...

How to look stunning at any age? That's right: know how to use good cosmetics. But how to choose them among the variety of lotions, creams and serums? To do this, you need to take into account individual characteristics your epidermis. Therefore, every woman who cares for her appearance should know how to determine her facial skin type at home. There are several proven methods.

Method 1. Visual signs

To determine your skin type, you need to observe it for 2-3 days. Each of them has a number of distinctive features, by which it is easily and unmistakably recognized. Carefully examine the epidermis in a magnifying mirror and compare your observations with the descriptions below.

Normal type:

  • smoothness, elasticity;
  • matte complexion;
  • healthy, natural color (pink);
  • cleanliness, freshness;
  • velvety;
  • no greasy shine.

Fat type:

  • greasy shine;
  • wide pores;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • dull gray complexion;
  • an abundance of rashes in the form of pimples, comedones;
  • the presence of post-acne in most cases;
  • does not age for a long time.

Dry type:

  • the epidermis is delicate, thin;
  • matte shade;
  • complexion is pink, but yellowness is present;
  • narrowed pores;
  • after washing there is a feeling of tightness;
  • appear in the cold season;
  • acne doesn't bother me;
  • frequent irritation;
  • acute reaction to the sun and low temperatures;
  • rapid aging.

Combined (mixed) type:

  • zonal oily shine: on the chin, nose, forehead;
  • dry cheeks;
  • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
  • Acne and other rashes appear from time to time.

Based on these visual signs, you can easily determine your facial skin type without resorting to any auxiliary techniques. It must be borne in mind that some classify mature, problematic and sensitive epidermis into special groups. However, these are just additional individual characteristics of the skin. If you are confused about these signs, you can resort to another interesting technique to ensure the reliability of the result.

On a note. Skin types may change over time. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such checks approximately once every six months.

Method 2. Napkin

According to this method, to determine your facial skin type at home, you will need the most common cosmetic wipe. If you use paper, it can distort and give incorrect results. What needs to be done?

  1. Remove any remaining makeup and dirt from your face.
  2. Let your skin rest for at least 3-4 hours. During this period of time you cannot go outside.
  3. Take three separate napkins. Place one on your forehead for a few seconds (5-6). The second - to the cheeks. The third - to the chin.
  4. Carefully examine the greasy marks that your epidermis has left on them.
  5. If at all three napkins will be noticeable, pronounced greasy spots, - you have oily skin type.
  6. If they are present only on those napkins that you applied to your forehead and chin, this is a combined type.
  7. Weakly expressed, but present light spots on all napkins indicate normal epidermis.
  8. If no greasy marks no on napkins, you have a dry type.

This method will allow you to 90% correctly determine your facial skin type on your own. The remaining 10% remain under influence external factors(what you ate that day, what cosmetic products you used, did you experience a hormonal surge a few hours before, etc.). If for some reason this technique does not suit you, you can always use a special test.

Helpful advice. Modern cosmetology has stepped forward, so today in stores you can buy not just cosmetic wipes, but special ones to determine your skin type.

Method 3. Testing

Who doesn't love taking all kinds of online tests? One of them will help you understand what type of facial skin you have in just 5 minutes. To do this, you will only need to answer a few questions and process the results. There are a large number of tests of this kind scattered throughout the network. To be sure, you can go through several at once. We present one of the options to your attention. You need to mark those statements that are true for you.

Block No. 1

  1. The skin of the face is matte, there is no oily sheen.
  2. There is no feeling of tightness after washing.
  3. Acne and inflammation do not bother me.
  4. There is no chapping after the walk.

Block No. 2

  1. No acne.
  2. Often present after washing unpleasant feeling tightness.
  3. After eating citrus fruits, wrinkles appear on the face.
  4. After long stay In the sun or wind, the face begins to peel off.

Block No. 3

  1. Pimples and blackheads constantly appear on the face.
  2. I have to deal with oily shine on my face.
  3. When examined through a magnifying glass, enlarged pores are clearly visible.
  4. After the washing procedure, the skin begins to shine.

Block No. 4

  1. The skin on the cheeks, temples and around the eyes is prone to peeling.
  2. Several blackheads can be seen on the forehead, nose and chin.
  3. In these same areas, an oily sheen is observed.
  4. Pimples often appear on the nose and forehead.

If you honestly answered all the questions, it’s time to process the results obtained in order to finally determine the type of skin on your face and select all products in accordance with them.

  1. If most of the answers are in question block No. 1, you have normal type skin.
  2. If in No. 2 - dry.
  3. No. 3 - bold.
  4. No. 4 - combined.

Testing is one of the easiest ways to determine your skin type at home quite reliably. It has something in common with the first method, since it is based precisely on the visual signs of all these four types of facial skin.

Interesting fact. Are you glad that you have a dry type of epidermis on your face, because you don’t know what pimples and blackheads are? But representatives of oily skin type have another advantage: wrinkles and other signs of aging will appear at a later age.

If it is difficult to determine your facial skin type on your own, it is better to visit a cosmetologist’s office to avoid misunderstandings. Professional using the latest equipment and innovative technologies quickly, and most importantly, he will do it as correctly as possible.

This factor is very important for maintaining the epidermis, if not ideally, then at least in good condition. You cannot actively use cosmetics intended, for example, for oily skin if you have dry skin. Don't let this happen: always be attractive and well-groomed.

Ideally, even with the most simple make-up the foundation should be invisible, as if it were a “second skin,” and the blush should be fresh, like after a walk in the cold. This result is only possible if there are quality products, selected taking into account your skin type. If you neglect this condition, oily shine, peeling, enlarged pores, redness and other imperfections may appear that you would like to hide with makeup. We'll tell you what to do to avoid mistakes when choosing cosmetics.

How to determine facial skin type: main methods

There are four main types in total. It's about about normal, dry, oily and combination skin. Separately, they talk about problematic skin (when rashes, redness and other imperfections are noticeable) and sensitive skin (if it reacts to the slightest external irritants).

Finding out which of these skin types your skin belongs to is not difficult. There are simple tests that can be easily done at home.

By the way, before the test it is advised to clean your face and not apply cosmetics to it.

So, let's look at two main methods.


Take a close look at your skin in the mirror in natural light.

  • If, upon close examination, enlarged pores and oily shine in the T-zone and on the cheeks are noticeable, then your skin is oily.
  • Does the skin shine only on the nose and forehead, but on the cheeks, on the contrary, is it matte? This is a combined type.
  • General dullness is a sign of dry skin; this may also be indicated by some roughness to the touch and flaking.
  • Characteristic for normal skin even tone and a healthy glow, lack of greasy shine and visible pores.

Using a napkin

If it is still difficult to assess the properties of the skin by eye, use another method. An hour and a half after morning or evening cleansing, apply a thin napkin to your face and lightly press it to the skin with your palms. Then take it off and see if there are any marks on it.

  • If not, your skin is dry.
  • If there are noticeable marks from the T-zone and cheeks, the skin is oily.
  • It is combined if only traces of the T-zone are visible.
  • Normal skin will also leave imprints, but they will be weak and barely noticeable.

Can facial skin type change?

Having determined your skin type once, there is no need to repeat the test after some time. Skin type does not change, and no factors can affect it.

  • Of course, the skin becomes a little drier if you do not follow drinking regime and neglect moisturizing care. But this cannot change the genetically determined characteristics of the skin.
  • After 30 years, the activity of the sebaceous glands decreases. This happens even with oily skin, but there is still no need to talk about dramatic changes in its “behavior”.

How to care for normal facial skin?

With a choice of cosmetics and daily care there are no problems here. Normal skin is not picky and has no specific needs. Therefore, most products will suit her. The main thing is to moisturize it regularly. It is useful to make masks from time to time that will provide her with a sufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Cosmetics for normal skin

  • Fresh Tint cushion primer from Shu Uemura. Moisturizes, evens out the skin before applying foundation and generally refreshes.

Primer cushion Fresh Tint, Shu Uemura © shuuemura.ru

  • Lancôme Skin Feels Good foundation. Normal skin rarely needs to disguise imperfections, so to work with the tone, you can use a product with care functions and a light translucent coating.

Skin Feels Good foundation, Lancôme © lancome.ru

  • Maybelline New York Master Blush Palette. There is no urgent need for additional hydration with cream blush, so you can put a powder product in your cosmetic bag.

Master Blush Palette, Maybelline New York© maybelline.com.ru

How to care for dry skin?

Unlike normal skin, dry skin needs thoughtful care. She needs not only hydration, but also nutrition with the help of products with a rich texture and oils in the composition. In this case, it is impossible to overdo it - everything is beneficial for dry skin. To prepare it for makeup, it would be a good idea to first apply a light oil and then additionally moisturize it with a cream. It is important to take care of such skin at least twice a day, morning and evening. Better yet, feed it extra throughout the day.

Cosmetics for dry skin

  • Born To Glow Primer from NYX Professional Makeup. The main reason for dull skin is lack of hydration. To make it shine, use a moisturizing primer with shimmering particles as a base for your makeup.

Primer Born To Glow, NYX Professional Makeup © nyxcosmetics.ru

  • Maestro Fusion Makeup foundation from Giorgio Armani. The content of non-fat oils in this product will be very useful for dry skin.

Foundation Maestro Fusion Makeup by Giorgio Armani © armanibeauty.ru

  • Blush Baby Doll Kiss & Blush Duo Stick from Yves Saint Laurent Beauté. Most often, the skin is especially dry on the cheeks. So blush should be used with a soft creamy texture.

Blush Baby Doll Kiss & Blush Duo Stick, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté © yslbeauty.com.ru

How to care for oily skin?

There are also many features in care. Many people are willing to do anything to give it a matte finish, and often use products that contain alcohol. As a result, the situation only gets worse, sebaceous glands begin to produce even more sebum. Oily skin should not be overdried. Just like other skin types, it needs hydration most of all. At the same time, it is important not to overload it: creams with oils are prohibited (including foundation). They should be replaced with light gel products.

Cosmetics for oily skin

  • Maybelline New York Master Prime Pore Minimizing Primer. The oily type is characterized by enlarged pores. This makeup base will help reduce their visibility and also give the skin a pleasant velvety finish.

Primer Master Prime Pore Minimizing Primer, Maybelline New York © maybelline.com.ru

  • De-Slick powder from Urban Decay. The peculiarity of this is that it “absorbs” sebum - this allows oily skin to retain fresh look during the day.

De-Slick powder, Urban Decay © urbandecay.ru

  • Hydreane BB cream from La Roche-Posay. A lightweight product with mineral micropigments prevents inflammation and moisturizes the skin.

Hydreane BB Cream, La Roche-Posay © laroche-posay.ru

How to care for combination skin?

Concerning combination skin, many rules of care are relevant for her fat type. For example, you should not use products containing oils. But without hydration - nowhere. This is what you should focus on.

Cosmetics for combination skin

  • Primer Shine Killer from NYX Professional Makeup. Before applying foundation, spread it over the T-zone.

Primer Shine Killer, NYX Professional Makeup © nyxcosmetics.ru

  • Petal Skin Fluide Foundation by Shu Uemura. A product with a lightweight formula and plant extracts in its composition will even out the tone and texture of the skin, giving it softness.

Petal Skin Fluide foundation, Shu Uemura © shuuemura.ru

  • Mineral powder Alliance Perfect from L'Oréal Paris. Additionally, so that the T-zone does not shine, on top foundation You can apply a little powder with a fluffy brush. Thanks to mineral composition it will not clog pores and cause inflammation.

Alliance Perfect mineral powder, L’Oréal Paris © loreal-paris.ru

Do you know how to determine your facial skin type yourself? What is your skin type? Write a comment.

Skin type changes with age, but with proper hygiene care it can remain in good condition for a long time. In order to determine your skin type, you first need to thoroughly cleanse it, removing all traces of makeup, without using toners or moisturizer. The skin should rest for several hours without makeup. Then you need to carefully examine it in natural daylight using a simple or magnifying mirror. The basic structure of the skin is, of course, the same in all people. The difference lies in how intensely the sebaceous glands secrete sebum and in which areas of the face they are most active.

Depending on the amount of fatty secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, skin is classified as normal, dry, oily and combination.

This is how skin types are determined.

Normal skin It occurs, unfortunately, rarely and, as a rule, at a young age. Such skin looks smooth, elastic, evenly colored, its pores are barely noticeable and not dirty. It is elastic in appearance and to the touch, looks clean and fresh; is devoid of such shortcomings as peeling, acne, dilated blood vessels, etc. Reacts normally to any temperature changes, tolerates washing with soap and water, various cosmetics, decorative cosmetics. The first wrinkles on such skin appear only after 35 years.

Dry skin It is quite common and literally looks dry, sometimes flaky and often feels tight. There are practically no noticeable pores on it and, unlike oily skin, the growth of vellus hair, as well as the formation of moles and warts, is rarely observed. You can determine that you have dry skin if, after pressing firmly with your fingers on the skin of your face, the mark does not disappear for a long time.

Due to the lack of a protective layer ( sebum) such skin reacts strongly to temperature changes. People with protruding broken blood vessels often have dry skin, since their capillaries are located close to the surface, and this contributes to faster loss of moisture.

Dry skin is less likely to develop acne than oily skin, but it cracks and becomes rougher more easily, especially when exposed to air. Dry skin requires especially skillful and attentive care, as it is very sensitive to adverse effects and ages quickly.

Dry skin occurs from insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and increased evaporation of moisture from the surface. In young women, dry skin has a pleasant appearance, it looks soft, thin, smooth and matte. Subsequently, especially if there is insufficient or improper care, the skin becomes drier, flakes, and loses elasticity. Wrinkles appear on this type of skin earlier than on other types of skin. Dry skin occurs in many women after forty years. The areas around the eyes, mouth, and neck age especially quickly.

Oily skin shines, has a pale (grayish; color and rough structure, in which the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, or pores, are especially noticeable. The shine is caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Sometimes such skin resembles an orange peel in appearance. Sebum secreted in excess, combining with rejected skin flakes and dust, forms plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands - “black dots". If the process continues, sebum accumulates in the excretory ducts and sebaceous plugs appear - comedones, which have a dark brown or black color (the result of mixing dust, dead parts of cells and brown pigment). In the absence of facial care, comedones enlarge, stretch the excretory ducts of the gland. An infection penetrates into them, and they become inflamed, pimples form. Places of increased sebum secretion are the forehead, nose, chin, back of the neck, places between the shoulder blades, sternum area, large folds of skin, armpits, inguinal folds, scalp.

With all its disadvantages, oily skin has one clear advantage - excess sebum protects it from drying out. Those with oily skin develop wrinkles much later than those with dry skin.

Combination skin(mixed type) is the most common and is characterized by a fairly oily central area, including the forehead, nose, chin, and dry skin on the cheeks, around the eyes and on the neck. To determine whether your skin in a given area of ​​your face is oily or dry, test it as suggested above. It should be remembered that mixed skin type requires different ways care in different parts faces.