Analytical reference “On the organization of the developing object-spatial environment of the group. Analytical reference on the subject-developing environment in the dow according to fgos

(In accordance with GEF DO and OOP DO)

Group characteristic

The payroll is 24 pupils. The group is attended by 22 children aged 3-4 years. Of these, 10 boys, 12 girls. Children have formed self-service skills, cultural, hygienic and motor skills, and spoken language is developed.

The developing object-spatial environment of the group room provides

  1. Accounting age features.

The activity and tirelessness of children at this age are manifested in constant readiness for activity. game center allows you to create conditions for creative activity children, the development of fantasy, the formation of gaming skills, the implementation of gaming ideas, the development of friendly relationships between children. There is a carpet on the floor in the play center - a gathering place for all children. The game center is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, dolls, cars, toy wild and domestic animals.

  1. Implementation of the developing subject - spatial environment in accordance with the OOP DO and with the principles of GEF DO

IN this moment My children are 3-4 years old. For children of this age, a large enough space in the group to meet the need for motor activity. A properly organized developmental environment allows each kid to find something to their liking, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental learning.


The presence in the group of various spaces (for play, construction, solitude), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children.

Periodic change of game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children:

Corner for role-playing games;

Corner for theatrical games and musical activities;

Book corner;

Corner of cognitive research activities;

corner constructive activity;

Corner for visual activity (drawing, modeling);

Sports section;

Corner of desktop-printed games.

In the developing subject-spatial environment of the group, the main directions are reflected:

Communicative and personal development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development.

1. Center for Physical Development: Corner "Movement is the strength of the spirit!"

2. Center for speech development: (book corner);

3. Centers for social and communicative development: "Studio", "Post", "Beauty Salon", "Supermarket", "Polyclinic", "Family".

Theatrical corner: "Puppet, finger," Logic "

4. Center for Cognitive Development: "Seasons", "Animals and Plants";

5. Center for artistic and aesthetic development: corner "Palette", corner "Domisolka", corner "Builders".

The space in the group has flexible zoning, which allows children to study freely at the same time, in accordance with their interests and desires, without interfering with each other, different types activities:

  1. Working area (cognitive research activities, productive activities).
  2. Vigorous activity (constructive activity, physical development, the center of musical and theatrical activity, the center of plot-role-playing games).
  3. Quiet zone (center sensory development, mathematical development, book corner, speech development center, privacy corner).

Equipped with training and education facilities (including technical ones), relevant materials, including consumable gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory.

The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and inventory (in the building and on the site) should ensure:

Playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (including sand and water);

Motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;

Emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;

Opportunity for self-expression of children.

Books are displayed in the book corner. Placed are those publications that are already familiar to children, with bright large illustrations. Separate pictures pasted on thick paper. Small albums for viewing on topics close to this age: “Toys”, “Children's games and activities”, “Pets”.

In the musical corner there are roly-poly dolls, imaginative musical “singing” or “dancing” toys (cockerel, cat, hare); rattles, bells, tambourine, drum; instruments (accordion, pipe, balalaika).

The group has a corner of nature that is available to children. Here love for nature is instilled and careful attitude to it, as well as introducing children to the care of plants, the formation of the beginnings ecological culture.

It also combines a corner of experimentation with natural material, bulk materials, demo material by the seasons, indoor plants, watering cans, sprayers.

Transformability provides the possibility of changing the subject-spatial environment depending on educational situation.

The space of our group is organized in the form of demarcated zones "centers" equipped with a large number of educational materials (books, toys, materials for creativity, etc.). Their equipment changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process. The play environment stimulates children's activity and is constantly updated in accordance with the current interests and initiative of children. Play equipment is diverse, easily transformable. Children and parents have the opportunity to participate in the creation and updating of the play environment.

Polyfunctionality materials, makes it possible to use various components subject environment(children's furniture, as well as materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities.

The division of the group space provides an activity approach in the educational process. Children's free access to games, toys, materials, aids provides all the main types of children's activities. Children are provided with more open surfaces: racks, tables - for the deployment of plot-role-playing games, playing puppet mini-shows, making layouts, as well as for productive, cognitive, research activities. To organize the plot - role play a system of containers with selected game material and attributes was created.

Availability environment provides:

For pupils, including children with handicapped health and disabled children, all premises where educational activities are carried out;

Free access for pupils, including children with disabilities attending the group, to games, toys, materials, manuals that provide all the main types of children's activity.

In order to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity, it is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, motor activity of children.

In the group room, all sports aids are available to children, placed in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of physical activity of children.

Sports aids: balls, hoops, throwing bags, skittles.

Security Corner includes a selection of didactic material, models of houses, cars. Children learn to distinguish and name the elements of the road, vehicles, means of regulation traffic. Learn to distinguish, understand and respond correctly to traffic lights. Familiarize yourself with the rules for crossing the carriageway; with the rules of conduct on the street and in transport; with land transport, learn to distinguish between freight and passenger transport. The group has a rack with role-playing games ("Police", "Driver", "Builder"). A selection of didactic games "How to avoid trouble in winter." Didactic cards for getting to know the outside world "Rules of conduct in in public places”, a visual and didactic manual “Rules of a small pedestrian”.

Conclusion: the developing object-spatial environment in the middle group is organized satisfactorily:

RPPS provides:

Protection and promotion of physical and mental health and emotional well-being children and interaction with peers and adults;

Children's free choice of materials, activities, participants joint activities and communication, as with children different ages, and with an adult;

Materials, equipment and inventory guarantee the development of middle-aged children preschool age, protection and promotion of health and correction of developmental deficiencies;

openness preschool education and involvement of parents; equal conditions for implementation educational program taking into account the characteristics (national-cultural, social).


according to the results of thematic control

« Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution»
MBDOU "Nekrasovsky kindergarten"Chamomile"

Deadlines: from 18.04.18. until 04/20/18

Based on the Annual Plan of the MBDOU "Nekrasovsky Kindergarten "Romashka" for 2017-2018 academic year, in order to analyze the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of groups of preschool educational institutions and identify creativity educators, the manifestation of initiative and imagination in the design of the interior of the group from April 18 to April 20, 2018, a thematic control was carried out on topic "Creating a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution".

Purpose of control I: analysis of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool groups, identification of the creative abilities of educators, manifestation of initiative and imagination in the design of the interior of the group.


Check the state of the developing subject-spatial environment (RPPS) in the group premises of a preschool institution and determine its compliance with the principles of building a subject-developing environment and the requirements of the Main Educational Program within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Stimulate professional pedagogical creativity and innovative activities of teachers;

Revealing optimal conditions creation of RPPS for the development of creative abilities, independence and initiative of preschoolers.

Control methods: frontal visit to all age groups, observation, visual inspection, conversations with teachers, pedagogical analysis of plans for educational work in groups.

Subject of control: RPPS DOW groups, documentation of pedagogical workers.


Head of preschool educational institution - full name

Senior preschool teacher- Vederina I.A.
Chairman of the PC - full name
Educators of all age groups of preschool educational institutions.

Control Plan




1. Pedagogical observations of knowledge, skills, assimilation of the program and upbringing of children.

Evaluation of teachers' knowledge about the features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard


2. The level of professional skills of the educator, the creative approach of the teacher (knowledge of the program, GEF DO, use of methods and techniques of organizing RPPS).

The level of organization by the educator in the group of the subject-spatial environment for the implementation of all areas of the child's development in accordance with the OOP DO MBDOU.

Observation, visual inspection, conversations with teachers

19.04 - 20.04. 2018

3. System for planning work with children.

Examination scheduling work with children, taking into account the organization of the RPPS.

Operational monthly control of documentation

19.04 - 20.04. 2018

4. Creation of conditions for the upbringing and education of children:

- in groups

At the kindergarten site.

Using the possibilities of the developing object-spatial environment of the group for the implementation of educational tasks in all five areas (observation of the organization of regime moments, independent activity, role-playing games etc.)

Observation, analysis of the organization of the RPPS, conversations with teachers

19.04 - 20.04. 2018

5. Working with parents.

Checking information for parents at the stands (folders, sliders, information about the regime, the schedule of the GCD, information about events, etc. according to the planning of work in the group for a month)

Observation, visual assessment, conversations with teachers.

19.04 - 20.04. 2018

Organization developing object-spatial environment groups MBDOU "Nekrasovsky kindergarten" Daisy "is formed in accordance with GEF.

When creating a developing space in group rooms, the leading role was taken into account gaming activity in child development. This, in turn, ensures the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-awareness, competence in the field of relations with the world, with people, with himself, inclusion in various forms cooperation, which is the main goal preschool education and upbringing.

The subject-developing environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. The subject-spatial environment corresponds to the age of the pupils, as well as their current and individual characteristics, features of children's perception; the space is equipped with training and education facilities, play, sports, recreational equipment, inventory and materials freely available for children. The principle “from simple to complex” has been fully implemented: the upbringing and education of preschoolers, their activities are based on taking into account opportunities, preventing intellectual, physical and neuro-emotional overloads that adversely affect their physical and mental health. The subject-spatial environment corresponds to a kind of spatial perception: zoning provides a zone of conditional isolation (“I see, but do not interfere”) for those children who need it. Placement of equipment in sectors allows children to unite in subgroups according to common interests (design, drawing, manual labor). The interests of both boys and girls are taken into account both in work and in play. Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games and toys, constructor, etc.

The principle of integration of educational areas contributes to the formation of a single subject-spatial environment. This means that for the comprehensive development of the child, several subject developing "environments" are organized: for speech, mathematical, aesthetic, physical development, which, depending on the situation can be combined into one or more multifunctional environments .

In the changing rooms of the groups there are individual lockers for children. There is also an information corner for parents, where necessary information kindergarten, advice and advice to parents, folders, exhibition children's creativity.

We managed to create conditions corresponding to the spiritual, social, cognitive, aesthetic, communicative, general cultural needs of children.

The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by the maximum provision of conditions for the sensory development of the child and for him to feel comfortable and experience positive emotions.

The presence of educational, play, household areas allows you to use the premises of groups the best way. Each zone is sustained taking into account children's perception.

Creating a developing environment, educators tried to make it informatively rich, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and informational material. All components of the environment are combined with each other in terms of content, artistic solution, provide meaningful communication between adults and children. Namely:

1. The groups have didactic means and equipment for the comprehensive development of children.

1.1. There are albums, fiction and other things to enrich the children with impressions.

1.2. The group has didactic games, various story sets and toys for the development of children in different activities.

1.3. There are games for intellectual development.

1.4. There are toys and equipment for sensory development (younger and middle groups).

1.5. There is a visual and illustrative material (thematic folders).

1.6. Conditions have been created for the joint and individual activity of children (including "solitude corners").

2. In groups, conditions are created for the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

2.1. In the free access group for children, there are necessary for drawing, modeling and application, artistic work (paper of various types, formats and colors, plasticine, paints, brushes, pencils, colored crayons, natural and waste material).

3. Conditions for theatrical activities of children have been created in groups.

3.1. There is a variety of equipment for acting out scenes and performances (sets of puppets, screens for puppet theater - 2 pieces; costumes, masks, theatrical attributes are available in the methodical office and dressing room).

4. Not all groups have created conditions for the development of children in musical activities.

4.1. The middle group is equipped with a music corner, there are musical toys.

4.2. A musical environment has been created in all groups (music accompanies classes, regime moments using laptops).

5. Conditions for the development of constructive activities of children have been created in groups.

5.1. In groups there are small (table) and large (floor) construction material s.

5.2. There are mosaics, tangrams, split pictures, Voskobovich squares, geocont, etc.

5.3. There is waste and natural material for artistic design.

6. Conditions have been created in the groups for the development of the ecological culture of children.

6.1. Available visual aids, illustrative material for the development of ecological culture (albums, sets of paintings, didactic games).

6.2. The group has corners of nature (nature calendars, indoor plants).

7. Not all groups have created conditions for the development of ideas about a person in history and culture.

7.1. In the middle and younger groups there are collections of books, thematic folders, coaster dolls, games and toys that introduce history, culture, work, life different peoples, folk crafts.

7.2. In the middle group there is a corner of local history, illustrations folk costumes, elements of the national Tatar costume.

7.3. IN junior group There are examples of household items.

8. Conditions for the physical development of children have been created in the groups.

8.1. The group has inventory and equipment for physical activity children ( Sports Equipment, massage mats).

9. In groups, conditions are created for the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

9.1. The group has a demonstration and handout for teaching children to count, developing ideas about the size of objects and their shape.

9.2. There are materials and equipment for the formation of children's ideas about the number and quantity.

9.3. There is material for the development of temporary (calendar, clock) representations.

10. In groups, conditions have been created for the development of elementary natural-science ideas in children.

10.1. There are materials and devices for demonstration and children's experimentation (there is a kit in the methodical room).

11. In groups, conditions are created for the development of children's speech.

11.1. There is a library for children.

11.2. There are picture sets and printed board games.

12. Conditions for children's play activities have been created in groups.

12.1. IN group rooms allocated space for the game and there is play equipment.

12.2. The groups have games and toys for various types of games: role-playing, sports, didactic, etc.

12.3. The group has unformed material that can be used as substitute items.

Conclusion: the developing subject-spatial environment in the groups of the MBDOU "Nekrasovsky kindergarten "Romashka" is in the process of development and is formed taking into account the GEF DO, and makes it possible to develop each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity. Despite the variety of toys in groups, there is still a shortage of modern, developing educational games. In all age groups of the preschool institution MBDOU "Nekrasovsky kindergarten" Romashka ", there are various approaches of educators to the organization of RPPS in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the implemented OOP of the preschool educational institution. The teachers held a big creative work on the design of the playing space and providing appropriate conditions for the formation personal qualities preschoolers. Thematic control made it possible to note a number of positive practices in the organization of the construction of the RPPS group premises of the preschool educational institution, as well as highlight a number of problems.

    The activities of teachers in organizing the developing subject-spatial environment of the group premises of the preschool educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO should be recognized as satisfactory.

    Mark Good work on the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment of group rooms for educators of junior and middle group(educators - full name).

    All teachers continue to work on the formation of a developing subject-spatial environment for preschool educational institutions.

    Create corners of a patriotic orientation in groups, corners for cognitive research activities (to diversify natural material), organize musical corners (name).

    Teachers of all age groups should post children's literature according to seasonality and thematic planning weeks.

    Teachers of the senior and preparatory groups should supplement the book corners with encyclopedias, portraits of writers, illustrators of children's books.

Deadlines: May-September 2018

The certificate was compiled by the senior teacher Vederina I.A.

Analytical reference

group "Bees"

municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten№ 44 general developmental species "

Organization developing object-spatial environmentgroup is built in accordance with GEF.

When creating a developing space in group room, the leading role of play activity in the development of children was taken into account. This, in turn, should ensure the emotional well-being of each child, the development of his positive self-perception, competence in the field of relations with the world, people, himself, inclusion in various forms of cooperation, which are the main goals of preschool education and upbringing.

The subject-developing environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to do what they love.Placement of equipment in sectors allows children to unite in subgroups of common interests(construction, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and gaming activities; experimentation). The interests of both boys and girls are taken into account both in work and in play. Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, etc. Materials that encourage children to master literacy are widely used.

The principle of integration of educational areas contributes to the formation of a single subject-spatial environment.This means that for the comprehensive development of the child, several subject developing "environments" are organized: for speech, mathematical, aesthetic, physical development, which, depending on the situationcan be combined into one or more multifunctional environments.

In the changing room of the group there are individual lockers for children. There is also an information corner for parents, where the necessary information on kindergarten, consultations and advice to parents, a board for children's creativity are placed.

We managed to create conditions corresponding to the spiritual, social, cognitive, aesthetic, communicative, general cultural needs of children.

All items of furniture and equipment in the group are harmoniously combined in color, style and materials from which they are made. The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by the maximum provision of conditions for the sensory development of the child and for him to feel comfortable and experience positive emotions.

The presence of educational, play, household areas allows you to use the group's premises in the best possible way. Each zone is sustained taking into account children's perception.

study area located in such a way that the light on the desktops fell from the left side. Tables for classes are located in accordance with the norms of SanPiN. Each table is marked according to the height of the children.

The study area contains:creativity center "Young Artist", a corner of nature, a mini library, a corner of sensorimotor development, a corner musical development, Patriotic Corner, Experimentation Corner, Mathematical Corner "Young Genius".

Center of creativity "Young artist"available wide range fine materials for forming creativity children, the development of interest in art, the formation of aesthetic perception, imagination, artistic and creative abilities, independence, activity.

  • white paper, different sizes
  • colored cardboard,
  • wax crayons,
  • pencils,
  • gouache and brushes of different diameters,
  • self-adhesive paper
  • stencils,
  • drawing samples
  • plasticine, boards, stacks
  • art,
  • waste and natural material for artistic work.

Corner of sensorimotor developmentDesigned to develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Here, children learn how to tie shoelaces, string large beads, fasten buttons, etc.

For mental development createdmath corner: with distributing counting material, geometric figures, entertaining and informative mathematical material, logical and mathematical games, a set of geometric figures.

Corner of nature located right next to the window. Here conditions are created to enrich children's ideas about diversity natural world, education of love for nature and respect for it., as well as introducing children to the care of plants, the formation of the principles of ecological culture. It also combinescorner of experimentationwith natural material, bulk materials, containers of different capacities, a calendar of nature, indoor plants, hourglass, watering cans, sprayers. There are also books and booklets about the seasons (poems, illustrations)

Music Development Cornerpromotes the formation of interest in music, introduces musical instruments. Children learn to play the simplest melodies on various musical instruments. The group has created a music library, which contains records of classical and folk music, sounds of nature (forests, bird voices, the sound of the sea), as well as various musical fairy tales.

Patriotic corneralso located in the study area. It contributes to the formation patriotic feelings, introduces children to the symbols of our country and city. Children are presented with photographs of the sights of the city, as well as color booklets about the city-forming enterprises, puzzles based on the buildings of the city known to children (photos).

Mini library located on a shelf. Books are presented here in accordance with the program - on one shelf there are author's books, on the other - works of oral folk art, puzzles. Portraits of authors (poets and writers) are also presented. All books and illustrations are updated 1-2 times a month.

The group also hascorner of physical development, the purpose of which is the development of motor activity physical qualities children. The subject filling of the corner is used in outdoor games, individual motor activity, in the free activity of children.

A part of the training area has been allocated for Cabinet , which contains materials on the development of speech, didactic games, materials on the development of logic.

Game Zone

Polyfunctionalityenvironment allows you to use its components in a variety of ways, opens up opportunities for each child to find something to their liking, try their hand at different areas, interact with adults and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, create conditions for creative activity, develop fantasy, develop game skills, implement game ideas, foster friendly relationships between children, consolidate knowledge about the surrounding reality and life in society.

The play area is equipped with corners and attributes for role-playing games, selected taking into account the age characteristics of children and gender. In the center of the play area is a carpet with a neutral geometric pattern.

In the center of building and constructive gamesthere are building kits and constructors with different ways fixing parts. Free space on the floor makes it possible to build buildings. There are also figures of animals here, which makes it possible for a greater development of imagination and creative thinking.

"Children's Theater" located next to the mini-library. Children can recreate the plot of a fairy tale based on vivid illustrations, which contributes to the development of theatrical activities, creativity, memory and thinking. Additionally, for this, the group has various types of theaters (bee-ba-bo; wooden figures; masks of heroes), equipment for playing scenes, performances. Combines dressing corner - it has various elements of costumes, jewelry, etc. It contributes to the stimulation of creative design and individual creative emergence.

SDA corner includes a portable street layout, different size and destination car, traffic light, police baton and cap. This substantive content contributes to the assimilation of material about traffic safety through a role-playing game.

Transformabilityhelps to change the environment according to the situation, to bring to the fore this or that function of space, depending on the age and individual characteristics of children, the tasks of the main general educational program of the institution. All toys and game material placed in such a way that children can freely play and clean up. To do this, there are racks, cabinets and drawers. Game material and toys correspond to the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN.

The group environment, in addition to items intended for children of the middle group, includes some games and attributes oriented for older children. The so-called "zone of proximal development".

In the living area is located duty corner- the ability to fulfill the duties of duty officers is formed, instilling a positive attitude to work, independence.

There is a cozy resting place in the group - this is bedroom where there are beds for daytime sleep of children. The entire interior of the bedroom is designed in warm colors. pastel colors which contributes to pleasant rest and restful sleep children.

Creating a developing environment, educators tried to make it informatively rich, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and informational material. All components of the environment are combined with each other in terms of content, artistic solution, provide meaningful communication between adults and children.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 51 of the combined type of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg 2016

Date of analysis: 22. 10. 2015

Group characteristics:

  • group of children of preparatory age for school: 6-7 years;
  • number - 29 people;
  • gender composition: 17 boys, 12 girls;
  • physical development: mostly age-appropriate.

As a result of the analysis of the developing object-spatial environment of the preparatory group, it was revealed that the teacher Kustova Irina Gennadievna, when creating the developing object-spatial environment, took into account:

  • implementation of OP DO (reflection of educational areas);
  • taking into account age characteristics.
  • the principle of distance, in interaction;
  • the principle of activity, independence, creativity;
  • the principle of stability, dynamism;
  • the principle of integration and flexible zoning;
  • the principle of individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult.
  • the principle of combining habitual and original elements V aesthetic organization environment;
  • the principle of openness - closeness;
  • the principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children.

Safety and psychological comfort of children in the group.

Kustova Irina Gennadievna created a safe object-spatial environment in the group: the elements of the environment meet the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use, the equipment and materials used on the site and indoors comply with the rules for protecting the life and health of children, sanitary hygiene requirements, fire safety regulations. (For example: marking bed linen and towels, proper lighting, chairs complete with a table - one group of furniture, sharp corners are fixed with soft corners, do not use glass objects, small toys and objects with a diameter of less than 3 cm, the furniture is stable, the shelves are securely attached to the walls).

The teacher organized a comfortable object-spatial environment: the dimensions and designs of equipment and manuals correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, their age, and individual characteristics. The environment of the group is zoned and promotes the manifestation of children's activity. The room has furniture (sofa, cabinets) reminiscent of home environment. The centers of independent children's activity within the group do not overlap.

Kustova I.G. included design elements in the interior of the group that create pleasant positive associations: a corner of a book and theatrical performances, children's works are used in the group room and the locker room, as well as an exhibition of works made by the hands of parents together with the child at home from natural and waste materials.

Center of nature. Flowering plants and plants with large leaves.

Herbarium, all kinds of natural material, nature calendar, observation diaries, albums with illustrations of animals and birds.

Educational aids in the group Kustova I.G. selected with a gender approach that takes into account the interests and needs of boys and girls: cars and dolls, toys-motors and strollers, for girls - more attractive and bright in form, but in content they are equivalent to manuals for boys.

The style of behavior of the educator contributes to the comfortable stay of children: the predominance of contact forms of communication in working with children (communicative games), as well as the good traditions of the group.

All decor and interior items in the group are harmoniously combined in color, style and materials from which they are made. The selection of toys, furniture and equipment for the premises was determined by the maximum provision of conditions for the sensory development of the child and for him to feel comfortable and experience positive emotions.

Kustova I.G. organized a content-rich developing subject-spatial environment of the group. The educational space of the group is equipped with means of education and upbringing (including music center) gaming, physical education, recreational equipment, the saturation of the environment provides objective activities, communication with adults, games with peers, experimentation with materials and substances, actions with household items, motor activity, the development of large and fine motor skills. The graduate environment is filled with manuals, games to prepare for school.

The space of the group is transformed depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and abilities of children. The equipment is rationally placed in the group and its quantity is determined. The situation can be changed beyond recognition with the help of portable screens, which, in turn, are easily transformed and used for various activities of children.

The educator selected a variety of polyfunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) items (children's furniture, soft modules, screens, etc.). There are also natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activities. (including as substitute items in a children's game).

Benefits for children have such a characteristic as universality, i.e. the ability to use each object to perform various actions with it, for example, the development of fine motor skills.

The play environment of the group is variable: the play material is periodically replaced, new objects and materials appear that stimulate the subject, motor activity of children, the perception of fairy tales and poems, looking at pictures, experimenting with materials and substances, playing with composite and subject toys. The presence of a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment, provides a free choice of children.

Conclusion: the participation of Kustova I.G. in creating a subject-spatial developing environment, it ensures the safety and psychological comfort of children's stay in a preschool educational institution. The subject-developing environment of the group has such mandatory characteristics as: multifunctionality, variability, versatility and transformation.

Implementation of OP DO.

The subject-developing environment of the group was designed by Kustova I.G. in accordance with the OOP DO, conditions were created for the implementation of educational areas. For this, the following centers are organized in the group:

  • cognitive development;
  • entertaining mathematics;
  • security;
  • experimentation;
  • nature;
  • construction;
  • social and communicative development;
  • patriotic education;
  • physical development;
  • game;
  • tetra-musical;
  • books and speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development (activity).

The contents of the corners make it possible to effectively organize educational process in all educational areas, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

1. Socio-communicative development:

  • character toys are different kind dolls, figurines of people and animals. Game material representing role-playing attributes specific to a character (roles), for the development of visual games, girls have objects women's clothing, jewelry, capes, bows, beads, handbags, umbrellas. For boys: details military uniform, uniforms, technical toys, rudders, anchors, binoculars, available materials (laces, ropes, wheels), which are creatively used to solve game problems;
  • attributes for role-playing games ("Family" , "Doctor" etc.);
  • toys - objects of operation - these are toys that imitate real objects - tools, tools, means of human activity, allowing you to recreate the meaning of this action (e.g. toy cup, iron, hammer, steering wheel, etc.).;
  • play space markers are toys (game material) indicating the place of action, the environment in which it occurs (for example, a toy stove, a house-teremok, a transforming car, children's furniture, doll furniture, household items, etc.);
  • "chest" with substitute items;
  • building material, constructors.

2. Cognitive development:

  • Material for the development of children's ideas about the shape, color, size, nature of the surface of objects (pyramids, nesting dolls, boxes different colors, insert toys, set "small and big" , mosaic, abacus with labyrinths).
  • Various didactic games for mastering actions with certain objects, teaching the culture of communication.
  • objects for research in action (insert boards, sets for experiments with water and sand, mosaics, Kuizener sticks, Gyenesch blocks, sets of cubes, etc.)
  • (picture sets)

3. Speech development:

Development of free communication with adults and children; development of all components of speech:

  • card index of word games; file cabinet "speech in motion" ; card file of nursery rhymes and other forms of literary creativity;
  • games for the development of fine motor skills; educational games (lacing, inserts); fun games;
  • audio recordings of literary works;
  • pictures, illustrative material, posters for viewing;
  • figurative and symbolic material ("Couples" , puzzles);
  • various types of theaters; screen for puppet theater; children's theatrical costumes, attributes for costumes and performances;

Perception of fiction and folklore:

  • fiction for reading to children;
  • book corner.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development:

Musical activities:

  • music Center;
  • musical instruments;
  • a selection of audio recordings with musical works;
  • noise instruments;

Visual activity:

  • materials and equipment for productive activity (sculpting, application, drawing);
  • natural, waste material;
  • illustrative material, posters, paintings;
  • fiction with illustrations;
  • handicrafts (matryoshkas);

Construction from different materials:

  • building material, floor constructors, planar constructors.

5. Physical development:

Motor activity:

  • equipment for stimulation of motor function;
  • card indexes of outdoor games, skill games (catch a fish);
  • attributes and masks for outdoor games and relay races;
  • illustrated material on acquaintance with different sports;

Education of cultural and hygienic skills, formation initial submissions O healthy way life:

  • algorithm for memorizing the sequence of cultural and hygienic skills (dressing, washing, etc.);
  • fiction;
  • character toys;
  • Board games;
  • illustrative material.

Conclusion: the participation of the educator Kustova I.G. in creating a subject-spatial developing environment, it ensures the implementation of an adapted basic educational program of preschool education for children with disabilities.

Accounting for age characteristics.

The subject-developing environment is focused on the use of forms adequate to the age of the children of the preparatory group. The group takes into account the principle of stages. The environment reflects those educational tasks that become more difficult with psychological age child, and are guided by the zone "proximal development" : in the presence of objects and materials known to children; objects and materials that children will master with the help of an adult; unfamiliar objects and materials.

A special place in taking into account age characteristics is given to the game. Children of this age can assign roles, determine the rules and plan the organization of the play space. The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is action. They are performed with game items that are close to reality, and substitute items are also widely used.

The environment in the group is simulated. Its features are as follows: the center of the group is free from furniture. The environment is filled with aids for the development of children's movements, large - fine motor skills; there are game situations "reminders" offering samples to children; enrichment of tactile experience.

In a group environment, he identifies the following features: comfort and safety; careful planning of the situation before the arrival of children; the possibility of organizing joint activities of an adult and a child (adult is the main partner of the child in games and activities). All games, toys and manuals intended for children are on open shelves, within easy reach, which ensures the development of the main types of children's activities.

The teacher allocated sufficient space in the group for active movement, physical education benefits. Free space is half of the group.

Conclusion: the participation of Kustova I.G. in creating a subject-spatial developing environment, it ensures that the age characteristics of children are taken into account.

Zone oriented environment "nearest and actual development child" . In the environment, the leading nature of the content of education can be traced, since children learn the material differently: therefore, 10% of the materials reflect the studied topic, 80% of the current, 10% of the future. This allows for further advancement and self-development of children.

Conclusion: the developing object-spatial environment of the group provides the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children and adults is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. It was created taking into account the GEF DO and makes it possible to effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity. Provides start-up readiness for schooling


Date of analysis: March 2016

Group characteristics:

The payroll of the group is 24 people. Of these, 13 girls and 11 boys. Age of children from 1 year 3 months to 1 year 7 months.

The group is completed from September to October. Most of the children at the time of their arrival at the preschool educational institution did not have self-service skills, cultural and hygienic skills, motor skills, speech at the level of understanding.

All children adapted to the month of November (diagnosis results - 76% - with mild degree have been adapted).

In many ways, such results of adaptation were facilitated by the developing subject-spatial environment, skillfully created by the educator. Ivanova Ludmila Vasilievna.

Developing subject-spatial environment designed in accordance with the program implemented by the preschool educational institution, the age characteristics of the pupils of the groups early age, guidelines for teachers and parents of preschool children on the organization of RPPS in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Safety and psychological comfort of children in the group.

The construction of RPPS in a group is based on a personality-oriented model of education. Furniture and equipment are installed in such a way that each child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study in terms of his emotional state: the desire of the child to retire or, conversely, to be near, to feel close contact with an adult. The entire group space is accessible to children: toys, didactic material, equipment.

The group space equipment complies with sanitary and hygienic requirements, it is safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and developing. Furniture corresponds to the height and age of children, toys - provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age.

In the interior of the group color solution walls and “sedentary” furnishings are dominated by light, calm tones.

In the group, the teacher Ivanova L.V. a comfortable object-spatial environment has been created that corresponds to the age, gender, and individual characteristics of children. The developing environment has flexible zoning, which allows a young child, in accordance with his interests and desires, to freely engage in different activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. The spheres of independent children's activity within the group do not intersect, there is enough space for the freedom of movement of children. All games and materials in the group are arranged in such a way that each child has free access to them.

Implementation of OP DO (reflection of educational areas.)

The RPPS of the "Solnyshko" group was designed in accordance with the EP implemented in the preschool educational institution, is rich in content and contributes to the implementation of the educational areas identified by the Federal State Educational Standard various types children's activities.

Communicative and personal development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

"Knowledge Zone"

Didactic table;

Table "Sand - water"

Various flannelgraphs

"Construction Zone"

Educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Physical development", "Social and communicative"

Constructors different size. Soft large modules. Animal figurines to play with. Household toys. Large volumetric and planar geometric figures. Floor constructor Polikarpov, wooden.

All building material is laid out by color and shape so that children can quickly select the necessary parts for buildings. The constructors are placed on low open shelves, in open baskets, which ensures the availability of all the material.

"Zone of social and communicative development"

Upholstered furniture: sofa, armchairs.

Furniture for dolls: beds, table, chairs.

Doll - boy, doll - girl, baby dolls.

Illustrations and toys with a pronounced emotional state(laughter, joy, sadness...)

Photos of children and parents (a manifestation of parental care for children, good relations children and adults...)

Photo albums of the children of the group, reflecting the life of the group, photographs of educators, an assistant educator.

Selection of plot pictures of familiar content: subject, plot.

"Zone of motor activity"

Considering the age characteristics of children from 1 to 2 years old, the teacher Ivanova L.V. Special attention devoted to the design of this zone.

For normal development the child needs to crawl, run, grab, throw, throw, stuff, lick, smear, spill, break, taste, sniff, run headlong, swing, break off, scatter, shift, pull, drop, etc.

Therefore, the group has equipment for walking, running, balance, for ball games, attributes for outdoor games.

Accounting for the age characteristics of young children.

At an early age, there is an accumulation of experience in subject-cognitive and communicative activities. The main activity is subject. The teacher, taking into account these features, constantly updates gaming environment to arouse curiosity, cognitive interest in kids.

For young children, the educational space should provide the necessary and sufficient opportunities for activities with different materials:

Pyramids (plastic, wooden, floor, desktop)

Logic cubes, lacing, sets of three-dimensional geometric shapes, a didactic table with a set of educational aids, nesting dolls, sets for screwing elements different forms, sizes, colors.

Mosaic, domino, tactile set, etc.

Conclusion: the organization of the developing object-spatial environment in the sun group, where the educator Lyudmila Vasilievna Ivanova works, is built in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity